Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 08, 1860, Image 3

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    iirto flgforttfClWttg.
Hardware and Stove Store.
Respectfully informs the citizens of
Sullivan County, and the public generally, that lie
-mmneneed business in DUSHOItE, where be has
!£ &d a very extensive stock of
.-rrstvle and pattern, adapted for burning Coat or
t which will be sold as low as any other place this
j f \| rtinv or New York. The attention of those
S .'" P ?„*' to purchase Stoves is particularly directed to
Jrtment, which is especially adapted to the wants
. j. „ t . rl j on ot the country, and will l>e sold lower
' WII t, c purchased this side of Albany or New York.
,| CV J. [ ( An offer greater inducements than any other j
establishment in the country. Also,
Hardware, Ircn, Steel, Wails, Glass,
House and Carriage Trimmings,
SPRINGS IRON AXI.ES A BOXES, of all sizes. Car !
„nt's and Joiner's Tools. Blacksmith's Tools. Cross- ■
Kt Circular and Mill SAWS. Table and Pocket Cutlery,
p,.' i. ( .ad Pipe. Chain Pumps and Tube. Farmiug j
Tools Tin Ware and Stove Pipe, always on hand, at ;
Wholesale and Retail,
jub Work done on short nonce. I
Bir Grain. Old Iron, Copper. Britannia. Brass, Bees
wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for goods.
Having I).id many years' experience in the business. 1
cniitident I can make it the interest of purchasers to
rive me a call. My goods will be bought at the lowest
r ,!, - and sold at corresponding prices. All manufactur-
I! a'tides will be made from the best materials, aud by
competent workmen,and will be warranted.
Pushore. Oct. 23. 1-00. I
New Fall and Winter Goods
AT j
Wm. A. Rockwell's,
/"10MPRISING the cheapest and handsomest lot of Dry
( j Goods ever offered in this market.
I)RF>S GOODS—Merino Prints, Ginghams, I.epp-,.
Ciieue Mohairs. Canton Cloths. Grerielle de Isiines. Fig
ured Coburgs, Morella Cloth. Plain and Printed Dubois. 1
II ilton. Manchester and Wool de Laincs, Figured No
vcans. de Chevres. Black Plaid Figured Marcehne a
G:o dc Rhine Silks, at
SB WVLS—Brnclte, Bav State, Chenile. Oletiffer and
Gentlemen's Shawls, Ladies Scarfs, Cloaking* and Tas-
FMBROIPERIKS, Laces. Edgings, Dimity, Bands.
Veils Coifures, Ribbons. Velvets. Bonnets and Flowers,
KNIT-GOODS. Ladies' and Children's Hoods, Nubias,
Childrens Sacks, Mantles am', Sicks, at
GENTLEMEN'S GOODS—Cloths, Cassimeres. Satinet "
Jeans, Dinims, Suspenders. Cravats. Collars Shirts,
Shirt Bosoms. Drawers and Under Shirts, llats. Caps,
Gloves and Hosiery, at
Oil Cloths. Furniture Prints. Traking. Paper Hangings,
Window Shades, Bet! and Table Spreads, at
SHEETINGS, Shirtings, Jaqucred and Sencn Linen
p'ai'ir. Damask Tablet loth- and Napkins, at
I YANKEE NOTIONS, Combs, Buttons, Brushes,
' Threads, Stationery, Pins, Needles, Hooka onn Eyes
j.....sing Glasses, Percussion Caps. Heads, Bugles. Plated
and Spoons. Crochet Needles, Knitting I'ifcs.
/ vr Scotland Wm 1 and Scotch Yarns, at
CROCKERY, Hardware. Glass. Sash. Oils, Paints,
Nails. Pntv. Burning Fluid. Camphene, Kerosine. Wood
en ware, Bird Cages, Boots. Sho°- ai.d Leather, at
GROCERIES—The best Crushed and Pulverised I.onf.
Ilrown and Coffee Sugir*. B.'aek and Green Teas. Java
ami Rio Coffee. Chocolate, Syrups. Molasses. Tobacco. ,
>pi es. Indigo. Starch, Soap. Crackers, Salniratus. Cream
T u tar, and evervtliing el-e in the line will be found at
ALSO—Fresh Ground Cavuga Plaster, at
Many thanks for the liberal encouragement hitherto \
-Mended us. and we shall elide IVO.I to eoiitiuue to give
■ali-kictinu to all our custom' r-. old and now.
No. 1, Patton'a Block.
IW.mla. October IS, ISGO.
J'ASM PRICKS ol (iooils just received al
\ MONTANA'RS' Store:
SHEETINGS from G to it.
FRENC H MERINOS, C shillings.
PELAINS from 1 to shillings.
All other Goods in proportion.
V. 8 —Those having accounts due and unpaid will
ve Jsl to arrange them.
I ismla. (let IN. IW.
I FAYING lately returned from the pity
il where we have purchased tor CASH a large as
• rtineul of STOV E'S, oi all varieties and size-, suited to
tais locality, we are prepared to -ell Cheap for Ct-h or
apruved credit. We would call especial attention to the
celebrated Coal Stove
the perfection of arrangement for burning coal. We are
ai" easting anil setting up in our <>wu Foundry, a nun:
-rut kinds ot e\ client COOKING STOVES, ami BOX
Persons who fear to purchase imported. Stoves on ac
"iaat "! !,roken plates. Ac., can get ju>l as good of Home
M.imif.etare. Our a-surtmont taken a whole, is the
. . ami Mo-t Complete ever offered for -ale in this
•. t We also manufacture and keep constantly on
i.i,.(1,,i full assortment of
I. make to order any thing trom a Telescope up—
I ,-e - ige Machine !
I it"' ,11 and examine for yourselves, and von will be
J that there is something iu the world yet. besides
■ ~! i. Aug. .10. lscn.
I ( v Tin Store ia on Main street, south store in
Xo, 3, Pollen's Block.
HWING mad" up his mind to make the Mercantile
ba-ini-ss a perm inent business would most respect-
I ...i sol i hi- old customers and the public generally to
Five hint a , all and examine his almost entire new stock
|l ' ■ ""Is, just ree, ivii.g. and which ! e offers at very re
wed prices, for Cash or most kiuds of Country l'ro
date. He a.-k- particular attention
Lxigo -tr,-V or Domestic Goods. Sheetings, Shirtings,
I , ks. str,|m's. Linen and Cotton Diapers. Dam*
1 and Marseills Bed Spreads, Jeans, Tweeds,
HanncL, Ac.
t. rnt *'Ginghvin's, Cobergs. all Wool and Union Delaines,
•I'i'c, Plaids, Bla. k Biik. Ac.
■ '"k of Clothing, which is the Cheapest in Towanda,
od all warranted.
assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps, at
r , TO HIS
7/ Hair Pins, Needles, Crochet Needles,
i. 'Hi Shetland Yarn, and everything in the notion
,Straw and Chip Hornets, Ruches. Flow
tn A" "'" c '' be sold wholesale or retail 21 per
M'er than at anv other place in town.
r , TO HIS
lii fTi'- ~V(1 Hardware, Boots and Shoes, for
1 -> Misses, Men and Children, at Bargain^.
. . TO HIS
Groceries. Brown. Coffee. White anil Pnl
L-d y W*' Linseed and I .imp Oils, White
4 * nc . J'utty, Sash. Nails. Coffee, Tea Ac.
> r . ."""ff at P cr gallon. Prints from sto 10 cts.
et* r ?- Thread 4 cts. Best Hoc p Skirts 50
lb. St-. i.'-' V . Hank, fine cut. Tobacco 25 cts per
'bea-n, ln ® acco ' ® cts - P er lb., and everything
,y. |lft6o . PHINNEY'S.
for sal- .""j c " e *P e *A article of the kind ever offered
oeef] it in thus* of Jmndred families that have
crc, wort ijf-' . y can recommCT "l H. One
hniU ! . sc tH ;unt for a baaing for a middle sized
Stit 11 T jo t G*t"-cd at
iirto mcriftemti. |
Desires to call
To his Stock of
D R U r O O E T TS,
MATTS. &C. &C.
Of which a Large Stock has
O ,
Also to his Stock of
To which Additions are Constantly being Made.
Also to his Stock of
~~ —
Also to his Stock t
Also to a Full Stock of
Domestic Dry Goods,
All of wliiuh will l/f? m]ll as usual much under
/T B PATCH respectfully informs the ci
' • tizensof Towanda and vicinity, that he ha< reeeiv
, r I anil opened in B. King-berv's store, opposite Moo tan- |
i yes', a large and well selected stock of
Groceries & Provisions,
Which will bo sold Cheap as the Cheapest, for
I The Good arc entirely new and fresh, and comprise the
best selected stock of
Sugars, Teas, Coffees,
Spiers, Fruils, Candies, Tobacco, J l ork, Hums,
Dried lierf. Fish of all kinds, Camphene,
Fluid, Wooden J- Stone Ware, Jr.
! Ever brought into this market. All that is asked Is a
trial of goods and prices.
Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds
Hi"Good BUTTER wanted at good prices.
Towanda, June 11. 1-S6O. i
V (AIM).
[N the Spring of 1850, Mr. J. A. Gasipkr and myself,
sold the following Grape Vines throughout the county
mil elsewhere ; Isabella, Clinton. Catawba, Concord, Di
ana. Rebecca, White Isabella, White Sweet Water and
' Burgundy, all of which were purchased in New York
State, and a written warrantee given of the same by the
men of wliora 1 purchased. The Isabe la, Catawba and j
Clinton are true to name. Having fruited the Diana.
Concord, Rebecca, White Sweet Water, White Isabella |
and Burgundy, I lind tbev are not true to name, they
prove to be Isabella and Catawba. The sequel shows the
gentleman that sold me the new variety of vines, to be
a most deceiving fallen man. unworthy the name of a
man, and has left for parts unknown ; this is all unplea- j
-aut. Mr.J. A.Gsmi'kr will visit every man lie sold vines
! to this fall aud next spring, and repair and make good j
our warrant. The reputable Nurserymen have thrown
! out (do not cultivate) the Whi e Isalieila, White Sweet
I Water and Burgundy, tiiev do not think them so good
| or prolific as the common Isabella, hence all the Isabella
that the purchasers have are worth what was paid tor
1 them and more too, the lenand for the Con cord. Rebecca
and Dianna, maki s them worth more than 1 sold the
! nine varieties for, I am the loser, the purchaser gains by
, it. By mutual consent J.A. Gami er and myself have
' dissolved partnership. AH the vines Mr. Gamper has
sold since the spring of 'oft have been true to name, de
pend upon it Mr. Gasipkr is most reliable, he is now sell
ing valuable acquisition! in the Grape line, and consider
ed so by experienced Nurserymen. The Delaware,
Hartford Prolific. Logan, Diana, Rebecca and Concord
grape Vines stand the highest df all the new varieties.
1 hope my misfortune will not militate against the in
terests of Mr. Damel JJarkins, he is a gentleman aDd
reliable. All the new varieties of proper vines for sale
at my Garden. HARRY MIX.
Tow- 2 d2, October 15, iseo.
! ftesal.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court cf
common pleas of Bradford county, to tue directed, will
be exposed to pilblicsaleon THURSDAY, the 2fuh day of
November, A. I>. 1800, at the court house, in Towanda,
at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following described lot. piece or
parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded north by
lands of Betsey Roberts, on the east by lands of James
Metier, on the south by lands of Judson Dann and Jacob
Roberts, and on the west by the highway leading from
Canton to Troy. Containing forty acres, be the same
more or less, about thirty aeres improved, one framed
house, one framed bam and n few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel C.
Ward, now to the use of Alvaa Stephens, vs. Zina L.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Granville 1
| twp., and bounded north by lands of Jacob Blodget, on '
i the east by the public highway, on the south by lands of j
jC. P. Griffin and west by C. P. Griffin. Containing 30 |
j feet by 2rt feet, more or less, all improved, one shoe shop
j thereon.
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Maxwell,
; Leonard and Brothers, vs. W. L. Pat chin.
! ALSO—The following lot of land situatp in Canton
| tp., bounded as follows : beginning at a post on the west
j bank of Towanda creek, thence north 80° west along
lands of James W Newell 42 per. to a post, thence east
| 80° North 45 and 7-10 per. along lands of James \V New
| ell and Henry S. Newell to a post, thence south so 3 east
j 34 per. to the west bank of the Towanda creek, thence
i up the said creek on the bank of the same with its ways
J and courses to the place of beginning. Containing about
i ten acres, more or less, all improved .framed house, tram
j ed wagon shed and fruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Electa El
! liott and Harriet E. Peck vs. Edwin Newman,
j ALSO —The following lot of laud situate in Tuscnrora
| tp., bounded as follows : beginning at a Butlonwood on
I the west side of Tuscnrora creek in the line of Randolph
| Hope, thence north Go° east 5b per. to a hemlock, thence
north 3b° east 20 per. to a birch, thence north Go° east
i 22 per. to a post,thence north so 3 eu-t 29 per. to a post,
j thence north 20° cast 57 per. to a post and stones in the
, line of Abigail Runev's laud, thence south GS° west along
| .-aid line V> Peter Sturdevant's line at the aforesaid creek,
j thence down the creek along the line of Peter B. Stnrde
i vant's liue to the plate of beginning. Containing about
! 50 acres, nmre or less, it being the easterly part of land
j in the division of Samuel Sturdevant and Abial Kinney,
i about 20 a res improved, a framed barn, one log house
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ulysses
Muvur vs. John D. Miller.
| ALSO—The following lot. of land situate in Ulster tp.,
and bounded north and east by lands of James McCarty,
south by Jasou Smith and west by the public highway.
Containing one half acre, more or less, ail improved, one
framed tavern house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot \V. A.
i Park to the use of Charles Wright vs. P. p. Sweet.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
-1 uute in Snnthtield tp.. and bounded north unknown, east
, by land of William Ransom, south by lands of John O.
Stems, on the west unknown, being lot No. 8, of siibdi
vision of warrant No. 14ss as made byZeplion Flowers,
1 (warrantee name of C. t arroll). Containing 100 acres
more or less, about 60 acres improved, log house. log
barn, small orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. S. Wil
| listen A Co.. vs. David Brown.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Franklin
tp., bounded as follows : beginning at a white oak thence
by lands of Leonard All Kee. north 7b 1-2° east Ml oar.
j to n post, thence by land of Daniel Green south I9.i° east
111 per. to a pine, thence by lauds of Nathan Wilcox 44
1-2° west 22 per. to a pod. thence south I 1-2° west ss
| per. to a post, thence up Towanda creek south G2 1-2°
west 73per. to a post, thence bv lands of Nathan Wilcox
i nortii 2° cast 4S per. to a po.-t, thence north 1 1-2° east
171 per. to a pod. thence In 1-2 3 west 101 per. to the be
ginning. Containing - acres and 44 per., about a< r s
improved, 2 framed or plank houses, 1 framed barn and
. an orchard ol fruit trees thereon.
Seized and tak<-n i.i execution at the suit of Brown &
Rockwell v-. Charles Green.
ALSO The following lot of land situate in Wihnot
tp.. beginning at a small I cecli corner, thence north 2°
i e.istper. to a po.-t. thence south v>° east h per. to a
! stone corner, thence south lb 3 west 2 per. to a stone cor-
I ner, thence south ss° east by land in poss. ssion of Jacob
j Miller Ins per. to a corner, thence south 2' west 57 per.
i to an old hemlock, "down 'orutr.'' thence north Ss s
j west by lands formerly of Geo. Cotter 16G per. t> a
! small beech corner. C attaining 55 acres aud 152 per.,
1 more or less.
J Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A
Rockwell v . Dani 1 B.iuingurtncr.
ALSO—The following lot ol land situate in Overton
tp.. hounded north by the public highvvnv, cod by the
! public highway and lands of Morris Sullivan, -outh by
lands of Christian and Henry Heveilv, and west by lands
of Eli li overly. Containing IGs acres, mor • or less
about 90acres improved, log house. log barn and a lew
f. uit trees thereon.
ALSO)—AII that certain I d. pier- or parcel of land
situate in Overton tp., bounded north by land of Mary
Blak< Carl John Stieve and Cornelius M.i'aniiy, c: th •
east by land of David Jones, n:. the south by the public
highway,on the v.vd by Daniel H verly.Jr. Containing
2 >2 acres, more or 1-—. about 125 acres improved, team
ed h cise, two framed barr.s and aa or hard thercon.
Seized and taken in execution a' the suit ol Le vis
: vs. Jacob Streve and Ju ob Hevcrly.
_\l si—The following lot of land situate in Ulster tp.,
• becoming at the north west corner ot land of Uriah Shaw
! (formerly of C. F. Sweet,) thence running west along
I the line of lot of D. B. Brague 7o feet and St inches, more
! or less, t > a corner of land of James McU.rty, thence
south along said McCarty 205 feet ami 5 inches, more or
i less, to a corner of said lot on tl • Smi'.hticld road, thence
east alon i said road -2 tect and 7 inch"?. more or it--, to
i a corner of the 1-t of U. Shaw, at r' -aid, thence north
along said Shaw's line 200 bet and 5 inches, more wless,
jto the place of beginning. Containing one fourth acre
; of land tie the sain", ir.ore or less, being the same lot
-1 deeded by Jared Hoieoin'i to Wm.Smulley ,all improved,
framed hous and framed barn and trees then- -n.
! Seized am! taken in execution at the -u't of John Els
> bree to use of E. I*. Shaw vs. Joseph ('. Green,
i ALSO —The following lot ol land -it ate in Wyafusing
tp.. bounded on the motliea-h rL'-. by kind- it Sally
j Whitney, on the south east side by land- of John liart
' land, oil the southwesterly side by the public highway
i and on the northwest by lands i ! James Butler. Cou
j taining three fourths of an acre, more or Je— .all improv
! Ed, one frame house, one small frame barn and fruit trees
i S d/.ed and taken in exccul: mat the -"it cf Levi Welles
s. Thorn is Lamb.
ALS< I—Hie billowing described lot. piece or par o I of
t land situate in S nithfuid t; . and bounded a- billow- :
beginning at lot No. 3, of the alio ment of Bingham lands
! in smithiield tn , conve.ed to John C. Aidricli, tie rue
; along the east line of said lot No. nortii l$ 3 e.i-t 112
! 210 per., thence along the line c t lot No. 2, conveyed
Ito Thomas Miaier sooth 54° rant 191 7-19 per., thence
north s'i 7 s " west 1 iS 6 10 per. to the of begin
! ning, known as lot No. J55, on map of Sniithfleld and
Ulst r, li' longin r to the heirs of the Bingham e-t Be, and
! being a part of warrant No. 1051. and the lot lately own
ed bv Isaac Huff. Containing 52 3 In acres, ail improved
' with a framed barn, a log house, a blacksmith shop and
j fruit trees thereon.*
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of X. C. Har-
I ris vs. Chauncey Vincent.
AL.SO-All lot ot land situate in Sheshrqnin & Rome
' tp-.. and bounded north <V east by lands ot Elijah Tovvn
! send, south by lands of Lucius Eastman and west by
John Haven-. Containing 9 acres, more or le -, about
five acres iaiproved, with a framed house anil a aw mill
t :ereon.
| Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George
• Moore vs. James Randolph.
ALSO—The following lot of lan-1 situate in Burlington
i tp .and bounded north by land ot Matthew Belts, east
by land of Nancy Nichols and A. MeKean, smith bv J.
i G. Loveland and west by land of John Bloom and (Mat
thew Betts. Containing three acres, be the same more
] or less, about 2J acres improved, one framed house one
| framed barn and a biark-mitli shop thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James El
liott, executor ot William Gibson, deceased, vs. Nancy
j Ai-tlmr.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Wilmottp.,
] bounded on the north by lands ot John Socks, east by
J bmd ot Kenley south by land of John Deiffenbaeh
er, and west by land of Frederick Saxer. Containing 10G
\ acres, more or less, about 30 acres thereof improved
1 with a plank house, a log barn with a lramed addition,
1 and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. W
-1 Denni-on vs. Enoch P. Moffatt.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
| nat,. in Litchtield tp., bounded north by land of Jacob
Campbell and Sarah Campbell, east by land of John Fit
tier and Chauncey Wheaton, south by laud of Johnson
Rogers and west by land of Wm. Tuttlr. Containing 100
acres, lie the same more or less, about 25 acres improved,
log house, trained house, a framed barn, a shop and saw
mill and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C . H.
Shepard. executor of Isaac Shepard who was executor
ol Job Shepard, deceased vs. A. F. Campbell.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Durell tp..
and bounded on the north by land of Solomon Cole, cast
by the highway and land of Richard Bennett, south by
land belonging to the estate of John Cole, deceased, and
west by land ot Thomas Jennings. Containing about
eight acres, more or less, about six acres improved, one
1 framed house, small framed barn aud small orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
Kingsbery to use of John H. Patrick now to use of -F. H.
Home.t vs. William J. Cole.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Springfield tp., and bounded north by lands of
Hiram Spear, east by land of Lewis Beach and R. B.
! Young south by land of 11. B. Young and H. Spear and
west by lands of Jaines U. Grace, Jr., and Lort-u Grace.
Containing one huadtcd and forty-two acres, more or
less, about one huudred acres improved with a log
house, a framed house, a framed barn and fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram
Spear vs. Asa Wood.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Albany tp., beginning at a corner in the centre
of the public road on the north line of Dyer Ormby's
! lands, thence 61 east 6 pei. to a corner the uortb west
• coruer of the J. Wilcox lot, thence south 29$° we-t 27
' per to a corner in the fence, thence ncrth 51J" wt
SLrjjal. |
about 20 per. to the centre of the road, thence along the j
eentre of the road north 58° east 2 Q per. to the place of j
beginning. Containing about 1 4 acres, nil improved, :
school house and fruit tree 9 thereon.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Albany I
j tp., beginning at a post, thence along the line of David 1
\ Jones north 21 west 112 per. to 2 beech corner, thence
j south 6l£° east along the line of Jacob Heve-ly, Morris
i Sullivan and John Morrison 66 per. to an iron wood cor
j ner, thence north 2.4' cast along the line of Robert Grey
to a post and stone heap, thence north 61J° west along
1 the line of Dyer Orroby's 60 per. to the place of begin
i niag. Containing 46 acres and 22 per., mere or MM, j
! about 36 acres improved, leg house, log barn and fruit
i trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. A. I
Park to the use of James H. Phinney vs. Eii.'ab i'elton.
j ALSO—AiI that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
j Monroe tp., bounded north by lands belonging to tiie
I estate of Geo.E. Arnout. dee'd. aud lands of C.B. Ar
nout, east by lands of John G.Gaie and Daniel Sullivan,
\ south by lands 0! David Mingus, west by 1 incis of Geo.
! E. Arnout and the highway. Containing 76 acres, more
or less, about 40 acres improved and fruit trees thereon.
| Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George
' Smith to the use of Fuller, Dayton A Co., vs. Theodore
j Arnout.
ALSO—The following described lot of land situate in '
j Asylum tp., bounded north by the Susquehanna river
and land of Wm. K. Cole, on "the east by David Itidg
' wav and Thomas Jennings, south by Jonathan Stevens.
■ and west by lands of Wm. F. Cole. Containing 4D acres !
Vie the same more or less, about 20 acres improved, one j
framed house, trained barn and orchard ol fruit trees
| thereon. .
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Amelia A
| Barstow. adra'r of D F Bars tow dee'd. vs. Francis Cole, i
ALSO—AII that described lot of land situate in Litch
i field tp., and bounded as follows : north by land of Al
j fred Hicks, east by land of Joseph Kinney, south by Ed
; ward Ovenshire and west by lands of A'mop Baldwin.—
Containing SO acres, more or less, about 30 acres improv
j ed with a framed barn and a few fruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. E.
I Clymer vs. Stephen Evans.
' Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Nov. 7, 1860. Sheriff.
NOTICE: TO PVKCHASURS. —To prevent misunderstand
; ing, notice is hereby given tli it purchasers at Sheriffs
sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time
the land is sold. It has become Imperatively necessary
: to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, cx
. cept i:i cases,where the purchaser is a lien creditor anu ,
j is entitled to the fund as provided in the 1 t section ol |
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1846. which is
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real e-tate at
1 Orphans' Court or Sheriffs sale, shall appear from the
proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive j
the whole or any portion <>f the proceeds of said sale, it
shall be the duly of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person nuking such sale, to receive the receipt
of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
j he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid.
; to lie entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall j
not be so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff, ,
administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de
mand and receive at the time of sale a sunt sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to lie paid out of the proceeds
of said sale; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec
tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified statement from
the proper records, under the h oid and ol:i ial --at of the
proper officer, showing that he is a lieu creditor, entitled
to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa
j said." !
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
LJ of Fi. Fa., issued out of the court of common pler.s ,
ol Bradford county, to me directed, will be exposed to ;
public sale at the court house, in Towanda, on SATUR
DAY , the Ist day of December. I*6o, at 1 o'clock p. ui., j
the tallowing described lot ot land situate in Ridgbery
tp., and bounded north by land belonging to the estate
ot Garpenter Meirit, dee'd".east by laiiiisot Mijamin Gris
w ,ld and John Bowers, south by lands of James Collins
ami C melius O. Hrien, west by lauds ot Jacob vt 1 hi
and Charles It. Palmer. Containing .",4 acres, be the
same more or less, about 40 acres improved, framed
dwelling house and store room, wagon house, framed
barn, blacksmith ; Imp, log house and an orchard Ihetcoi;.
Seized aud taken in e\ ■ ,-ution at tin suit ot
Overton t > use of James H. Webb vs. H. G. Cornell and
J. M. Richardson.
Sheriffs Office, T .war.-la. Nov. 8, IMt, Sheriff.
FECIAL COURT. —Notice is hereby giv
en that a Special Court of Common Pleas will be
held in and for the county .if Bradford i.t tlie court house
in Towanda. common ing on MONDAY th" 14th day of
January m xt. 1860. at o'cl ck p. 81.. and to continue ;
one week, at which the II m. Robert G. M lute will pn -
side for the tri 1! of the following causes to wit;
No. 2' S Feb. T, Is.'iC, A 1! Smith vs. Samuel Helium,
et. ill., ejectment.
No. 11". Sent. T. 1 -56, Isr.i 1 Smith vs. Samuel Kel
lur.i, et. a!., trespass.
No. 310 Feb. T. 1-57. Edward Overton vs. A IS Smith i
ct. a!., -'jectment.
No. 170. Sept. T, 15..;, Israel Smith vs. Samuel Kel
luni 2d., et a!—trover.
Ami such other eau-e- as may tc at i- are and for t:: ;1
at that time.
s tbpnenas return-aid- at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Monday
the 14th dav of January, as aforesaid. ;
Prot's Office, Towanda, Nov 6.1860. Prot'y.
A. i.-: hereby given, that .11 p f rv,.ns Imlebted to the es
tate of NATHAN DERBY", late of Albany, deceased,
are hereby request* 1 to make immediate paj ment,
persons having claims against -aid estate will present
them duly authenticated for s ttleinent.
Nov. 8,1869. Adra'r.
4 uniTOR'S NOTICE.— hi the matter vf
the estate of Afreel Algre. dicta?) J. In the Or-"
phans' Court of Bradford County.
The nnder-ign®<!. an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute the monies in the hands < f the Administra- |
tors, as i>i r account tiled, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at Ids office in Towanda Borough, on
THURSDAY, the loth day of NOVEMBER, at which
time and place a'.l pers -is interested will present their
claims or be debarred from claiming anv p -vtion of .-.aid
tun.}. G. D. MONTANYT.
October 18,1869. I editor.
I EDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi the matter of,
1 V thr 1 stair of William (iihson. deceased. In the Or- j
phans' Court of Bradford Comity.
I The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court 1
to distribute funds in the hand- 01 tii ■ Executors will
attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in :
the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY", the tTr j
day of NOVEMBER, next, at 2 o'clock, P. M*. at wkich j
time and place all parsons interested are required to j
present their claims, or else la- forever debarred from 1
j said fund. G. I>. MONTANYE,
' Ocf.jlwr2o, 18d!£. Auditor.
4 UDITOR'S NOTICE. — Estate of Geo.
l\ Hawkins, deceased. In the Orphans' Court ot
| Bradford County.
i The under-igned. an Auditor, appointed by raid Court
. upon exceptions tiled to account of W. 11. Hawkins, Ad- ,
; miuistrator of Geo. Hawkins, late of Armenia, deceased .
! will attend to the duties of his appointment at the ofTiee 1
i of Smith A Peek, in the Borough of Troy, on FRIDAY , !
| NOVEMBER 16,1860, at 1 o'clock, p. tn.. where all per- ;
' sons interested will attend if they think proper.
October 10. 1860. Auditor. |
11?XECTTTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ishere
\J) by given, that all persons indelited to the cs
tate ot HENRY* C. BROWN, late of Springfield twp. de
ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without j
delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, i
will present them duly authenticated for settlement. i
Oct 24, isr.o. Executors.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice isbere-
J J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
] GEORGE BOWMAN, late of Towanda tp. deceased, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and
j those having demands against said estate tvill present
( them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 18, 1860. Executors.
Co. vs. Hiram Spear.—ln the Court of Com
! mon Pleas of Bradford County, No. 21, February term.
| 1857.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute funds raised by Sheriff s sale of real & personl
| estate of deft,will attend the duties of his 1 ppointmcnt at
! his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MONDAY,
j the 26th tf November, 1860, at 1 o'clock, A. M., at
i which time and place ail persons interested are requested
' to present their claims or else be forever debarred from
' the said fund. P. D. MORROW,
| Oct. 18, 1860. Auditor.
il. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
j estate ol ANDREW CUMINS, late of Springfield tp.,
j dee'd., are lercby requested to make payment without
. ' delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate
| will presen. them duly authenticated for settlement.
1 | Oct. 18, 1860. Adni'r.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here
by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
OLIVER ELLSWORTH, late ot Orwell tp., deceased,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
i and all perilous having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated tor settlement.
' r c. a. GRTDLEY.
i 1 Ott. 18,1.880. Execute*.
! 2Lrga!.
EEG ISTER'S NOTICES —Notice is here
-1 by given, that there has bten filed and settled in
: he office of the Register of WIIL, in and for the county
| of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow
' ng estates, viz :
! Final account of David Allen, Adm'r of the estate
Solomon Allen, late of Franklin, dfiaased.
F'pal account ot James Elliott, Guardian of the minor
children of Wiiliam Hovey. late of Ulster, deceased.
Final account of C. W. Churchill and E. Kelly, Adrru-'s
of the estate ot Malvin Wooster, late of Leßoy, dee'd.
Final account of J. R. Fletcher, Adm'r. of the estate
; of Nelson Johnson, late of Pike, deceased.
Final account of Henry A. and Alcnson Miller, Admr's
of the estate of Abraham J Miller, deceased.
Final account of Elizabeth and Samuel I". Williams,
Admr's of the estate of John Williams, late of Pike, de
Final account of Mason Tingley & Wm. R. Pickering,
adm'rs of Chauucy Tingley, late of Orwell, dee'd.
Partial account of Marliu Holcomb, guardian of Sey
mour M. Wooster, minor child ot Malvin Wo -ter. dee'd.
Final account of Joseph U inch man, adm'r oi Horace
Hincbman, late of Ridgbery deceased.
Fiaal account of Hector Owens, executor of Anna
Green, late of Ridgbery deceased.
| Final account of Sarah Johnson and 11. V,'. Dunham,
, adrn'rs of Charles Johnson, Lite of Windham, dee'd.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court
of Bradford connty, or; MONDAY the 2d dty of Dec.
next, lor eonfirmation aud allowance.
JAMES H. WEBB. Register.
! Register's Office. Nov. 1. 1860.
fl. is hereby given, that all persons indebted tn the
' estate of Jesse Hammond, deceased, lab- of .Springfield
tuwi ship, are requested to make without delay :
and those having claims against the said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 23,1860. Administrator.
A. is hereby given, that nil persons indebted to 'th
e-tate of JAMES B. DEMOffaY*,late of BNM town
, ship, deceased, are hereby requested to make pay
ment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate, will present them duly aiithenticat
! Ed for .settlement.
Oct. 27,1860. Administrator.
T?XECUTOII'S NOTlCE—Notice is here
iJ bv given that all persons indebted to the estate ot
HIRAM C. FOX. dee'd., late of Towanda tvrp., must
make immediate payment, and all persons having demand
against said estate, will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
Oct. 27,1560. Executor.
1 is hereby given that, all pers< na iulebted to the es
tate of ZERAII ROCKWELL, late of Monroe town
ship, dee'd, are hereby reuue.-ted to make immediate
payment, and all pel-sons having claims against -aid
estate will present tuem duly authenticated for settle
11. L. SCOTT.
0 '-. 29, 18G0 Administrator.
NOTICE.—Notice is liere
I J by given, that all persons indebted to the t t. e
of WILLIAM SNYDER, late o! Shesbiquin tup., de -'d.
are hereby requested to make payment with- it ck lay ;
and ail persons having claims against the said e-tate will
please present them duly authenticated Gr settlement.
1 Oct. 27.1869. Executors.
of an order < ftlio Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun
ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the prcmis ,en
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10.i860, at 1 o'clock, I'. M.
the t .Rowing described tract of land sit ;ai- hi s- ; -, r ir. ; -.
: field tp., bring the lot 0:1 which the late MILTON
IKS- re-iJed at the time of his death, excepting aleuil
four acres thereof which Ins been set apart for the widov,
and family o;i her claim of three hundred .h ilars, as it i
pruvided by law; hounded north by land of ' corgi
Ui we'l, en-t by land of William Tracy, s uitti bv land ol
Eunhri tus Tracy, vte-' by land of It' II B Yoaeg c.ri
others. Containing about forty-six acre 3, about lortv
three improved, with a small orchard thereon grow h.g.-
Attendauce will be given and the terms of side made
known by the subscriber. L. S. DICKINSON.
Springfield. Sept. 2s. Isd'). Administrator.
is hereby given, that all person- indebted to tlie
estate ol JAM EST. ELSBBEE. i.ite of Windinr , 6-
are hereby requested to made payili-.-it without de
lay. ami all persons having demands against said estate
v.-!ii pr ;.-vut them dalv aqtia-nticated i-r -ettlcrrcnt.
8 AMUEi. LY'UX. Jr.,
Sep:. ?7 I - ' l . Administrators.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter o)
it the of Richard Lutms, eltctand. In the Oi
phans'Court of Bradford Uouiity.
i The undersigned, an luditor. appointvd b_y-rid Court
' t > distribute th • monies in the hands <■!' the Vim - i-tiv.
t irafrom ale ot ri a! estate, w ill a'tend to the duties of h -
appointment at bl <n>'-e ir. th B >?.•;. Ii ' Towat.da.on
MOND \Y . Hie 2tith day ofNoveml er. 1-. •, ato'clock
A. M., at wci h lime and place all je r-ot.- interested will
present their claim-or be debarred from c , ruing any
j portion of said fund. E. OVERTON, Jr.,
October 1.1860. Auditor.
4 UDITOR'S NOTICE. — E IF. Caldwtll
Mfi. to the use of I l oot/hull A* Co.. re Josiah Francisco.
In the Court of Common Pleas ol Brad lord County. No.
2m>. February term. 185.-.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed l y said Court
to distribute finds raised by Sheriffs sal- of defendants
real estate, among the several erediti rs. wiii att ml to the
duties of his appoiutrm rt. at his office n Toward> hr d
..a - WCRDAY . the 24th d v of November, 1-60. at one
o'clo k. A.M.atwhi -'i time and place all persons in
terested will present their eiainw er be debarred from
claiming au\- hare oi .-ui 1 fund.
, October 2. 1860. Auditor.
a V is h reby given, that r-.'l pet-sons indebted t > the e
estuteof FREDERICK U.BAI DWlN.latcof Herricl .'b d
j must make immediate payment, and all persons having
demands agaiust -aid estate will present them duly au
; thenticated for scttleiuent.
j Sept. 27,1868. Administrator.
1 UDITOR'S NOTICE. -Burt n Kings
;J n turn v. .V. C. J. ll'. Mums, in the Court ol
Common Pleas of Bradford Cotintv, No. 4-9. May term,
f ? -.e undersigned, an Audit r. appointed by said Co-.i-t
to di-triuutc funds raised by Shc-ritTs sale of defendants
real e-tate, will attend to the duties of hi- appointment
1 it Lis of., e, in thr Borough of Towanda.on S-ATCRDAY
the I7tli day ol NOVEMBER, 1860, at 2 o'ei k. )'■ M.. at
1 which time'and place ali persons interested are required
. to present their claims, or else be forever debarred from
said fiml. G. I). MONTANYE,
! Oetolier 19.1-69 Auditor.
X'OTI CE.—Notice is hereby given to it 1 !
persons indebted to the State, on l icense 3 , return
| ed by the Mercantile Appraiser to this . ffj -e.b r the ye.-.r
1860, that if the Licenses are not settled on or before the
first Monday in December, that the same will le left I n
collection aud sncd forthwith.
Also, collectors who have duplicates for collection ol
; taxes for years prior to 1860, mr.-t settle the --me Lcfor>
i or during December court or Collections will be enforced
j Oct. 18, 1869. Treasurer.
of an order of the o**phans'Court of Bradford Coun
tv, will be exposed to public sale,.on the premises, o
] the last described lot on SATURDAY*, the 24th day o
; NOVEMBER, 1860, at one o'clock, p. m., the to]
1 following described piece or parcel of land situate in Le
| Kaysville in said tp. bounded and described as follows :
On* the north by lands of Nelson Ross, ea-t and south b_\
i lands of Palmer Moore and west by the public highway,
j being about forty-live feet wide and sixty feet deep with
a large frame building thereon erected, called the " Hal
of the Sons of Temperance."
• Also, the owner of the un<livide<l one fourth purt oi
; another lot, piece or parcel of land situate in said twp.
: with no improvement thereon, bounded and described as
. i follows: north by lands of D. Daily, east by the public
highway loading from Leßaysviile to C. It. Brown's mill
| south by lands of said Brown and west by lauds of C. R
Brown. Containing three acres.
Also, the undidivided one-fonrth of another lot, sit
unte in Leßaysviile, in said twp., bounded and describee
as follows : north by lands of D. Baily, east by the pub
1 lie highway, south by Nelson Ross, and west by lands o
Josiah Bonham ; being about eighty feet wide on thi
street and filtv two feet deep, with a two story frame
dwelling house,and a small wood house, theieon erected
; Terms made known on the dav of sale.
Guardian of Carrie and Mary Bailey,
Oct. 25. 1860.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter e)
the estate of Tryphena Smith. —ln the Orphan 1
j Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Com'
to distribute funds in the hands ot'the Administrator's
raised by the sale of said decedent's real estate wil
' attend to the dnties ot his appointment at his office
in Borough of Towanda. on TUESDAY, November 27
I 1860, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place a!
' persons interested are rcanestcd to uic.-ont Ueu- cluiun
| or else be forever debarred from said fund.
Oct. 18, 1890. Auditcr.
.Lx Assessors for 16G1 w ii! make their returns in the
following order, viz :
For At:-- its Borough, Athens Township, Albany. Ar
menia, A ylum, Burlington Township, Burlington E -ro,
and Bcrliligton West, upon Monday. November la. 1850.
Canton, Columbia, Franklin, Granville, Herrick,
Litchfield, Leßoy and Monroe Township, upon Tuesday,
November 20.
Monroe Borough. Orwell, OveMon, Rome, Ritlgbury,
c 0( Creek, Standing Stone and imithfitid, upon Wed
nesday, November 21.
Springrield, Slie.-beqoin. Sylvania Borough, Towr.nda
Township, Towanda Borough. Towanda North, Troy
Borough 'nd Tuscarora, npon Thursday, November 7'i.
i Troy Township, Terry, Ulster, Pike, Wysox. Wyal using
| Warren and Wells, upon l-'riday, November 23.
Windham and Wiimot. upon Saturday, November 24.
Assessors are requested to be pnnetnal in making their
I returns upon the day designated ia their warrants. They
are also required to "extend the amount of each person's
1 valuation into tl.e right hand colnmn of their assessment.
I By order of the Coiuml-sioners.
E. B. COOT.B VUGII, Clcik.
Commissioner's Office, Oct. lft. 1860.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—I)y virtue ol sundry
0 vrit- of Vend. Expo., issued cut ox the court of
| common picas of Bradford county, to rr.e directed, will
!to expos- dt > public sale on WEDNESDAY,the 28th day
| o: November.A.D. lv>. at the court house, in 'i'owan.k,
1 at 1 o'clock, p. m., ali those thirty-one tracts or pieces of
land situate in Franklin. Monroe *& Overton townships,in
tiicjeounty of Bradford, formerly the County of Luzerne
and State of Pennsylvania, surveyed in the name of Paul
- Moore, Pimm Hardy. James Hardy. Nathan Hardy.
Joseph Siddons, James Siiidotis,Jonathan North. Steplien
i Hollingswoctb, Joseph Csststor, Herman Uastatur,
Frederick 8 Uotts, George Schotts. fleHel Auderson,
j Joseph Anderson, Oeeepe Mooia, Joseph Bitz, John Betz,
James lietz. Henry Seely. Samuel Fritz. Henry Brysou,
1 Samuel Cooley, Joseph Soeley, Robert Ifampton, Peter
1 s.hootts, Samuel North, Samuel Haga. Samuel Hardy.
James Hardy, Samnel Siddons and Peter Siddona, all of
which tracts of land contain ac- ording to the original
: surveys, four hundred acres each, with the usual allowan
ces of six per cent., except tee following to wit: The
I tracts surveyed to Joseph Betz. James Betz. John Beta
i and Samuel Fritz, which contain each three hundred
land forty three acres and twenty-seven perches, and
the trai' George Moore. Samuel Cooley, and Juice*
H.-rJv, which contain ejcl: three hundred and seventy
! five acres and attowanoea of six per cent., for roads,
Ac. ALSO—AII that certain triangular tract of land
situate in Franklin township, in tiie county of Brad
' ford aforesaid, composed of the south-easterly parts of
; three traets of land surveyed ia the the names of Samuel
Edge, Paul Hardy and Andrew Hardy, beginning at a
I hemlock in the line ol the Bar-lav Kail Road end Coal
i Company's lands ar.,". a corner of the Samuel Edge and
Simon Hardy tracts of laud, thence along the lice of
tracts surveyed in the name of Simon Hardy, James Har
dy, and Nit nan Hardy, four hundred and eighty perches
i more or li-vs, to a sissafiaa, corner to the Nathan Hardy,
i JanresSiddons.Andrew Hardy and Samuel Siddons tracts,
thence along lue line of the said James Siddons tracts
! south thirty degrees, west four hundred and forty-one
1 perc es. more or less, to a stone by a tnariJe. another
i corner of said Jame- Siddons and Andrew Hardy tracts,
1 ,-nd thence by lauds sold to Thomas T. Wierman, on a
- line running north sixteen degrees, west six hundred r.nd
seventy-two perches to the place of beginning. Contain
itig six hundred an-1 sixty-one acros and one half of an.
acre. A1 —A triangular piece of land situate in Frank
lin town-hip aforesaid, on tiiee sterly corner of the tracts
survi yed .u tue name oi Geo. Temple, beginning at the
said r,t ne by a maple, corner to said Andrew Hardv and
James Siddons tracts, thence along the line of said James
Siddons tract south sixty degrees, east one hundred
and twelve perches tor. corner cf George Temple and
Paul Mo re tr-.o ts of land, thence along said Paul Moore
tracts south thirty degress, west one hundred and twelve
* perches to a post, theaee tftgosailjr north sixteen degraaa
west one hundred and sixty-eight perches to the plnee cf
' beginning. Containing thirty-nine acres and thirty-two
perches, more or less. ALSO—AII and singular the va
rious remnants ami unsold parts or portions of nine sev
eral tracts of land situate in Overton and Mouroc town
ships in the county ol Bradford, aiorc.-aid. which tracts
were surveyed in the name of "I-'sesßush of which there
i remains ninety-three acres: Elizabeth Ilush, of which
there remains one ban tred and twenty two acres ; Fred
erick Ca-d-uor, of which Iberv remains seventy-eight
' ' acres; John Moore, ot which there remains three hun
dred ard nil ety-threea ro< ; Hannah Woodruff, of which
there remains two hundred and eighty acres ; Mary cr
Mercy Ell is, of which there remains two hundred and
seventy-two acres; Mary Wallis, of which there remains
two hundred and eighty acres. John Barrow, Jr.,of which
ther- rem ibis one hundred and seven acres ; Ann Harris
■ of hi h there remains tLn e handled and ninety acres ;
(being the same premises wlrch John A Brown, Franeis
X. Bin lc and J.vtncs R. Patron, trustee- of the North
Bicn .h !rnu and Coal Company conveyed to the said
Thomas T. Wie-naa, together with tho hereditaments
and appurtenances-
Seined and taken la execution at theenit cf Uriah But,
Fr -i- !!• ■ kin an l ...u II Winder, TrmttM. JMu>
vs. Tic rtas T. V. iermaa and VF. H. H. Brown, James L.
Rockv ■!!. J. B. Fi 'ith. A. L. ( ranniT. Charles Welles,
H trace Wilier, Aroazilbt Martin, Wm. Willianis, Qwqp
Beardsl v and Charles S< mton, terre tenants.
Sheriff"* Office, Towanda. Oct. 3,18W, Sheriff.
NEV; rißiiz.
H AVE purchased the large and veil known establish
ment of P. ('. Hill, and are now receiving from New
York, tiie largest and most complete assortment ol
ever off -red for s. 2e in this market, which will be sold
, CHEAP for Cash or apposed Credit.
Wo h -,. al.'.r cand well selected stock of Wood and
Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and
j style of l -..r. Dining-Room. Six-Plate, w.d Cylinder
Stoves, whi h we can, and will sell as cheap as can bo
purchased nth- or any adjoining county. Also a lull
and complete assortment 11
Nails and < .la Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, Car
riap-: Ti i turnings. Spring Iron Axels and Boxes, of
a i sizes, i \irpentcrs and Joiners Tools, Block,
smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill
Saws, Table and Pocket
of every description,
rumps, Lead-Pipe. Chain Pumps and Tubes.
j the latest and most approved patters. A ir.rge quantity
of TIN-WARE ANI> STOVE PIPE, aiw.avs on hand-
Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and
' j'Ainnxo tools.
JOB WORK ■' •nc on short notice and wa-rauted.
• GRAIN, Old Iron. "pper. Brittinula. Brass, Bees
wcv and Feathers, takm in exchange tor Goods.
We invite " the whole world and the rest of mankind, 7 *
to rail and examine our goods before p-irchnsing.
: Our mot: o will be use every man well and submit to noth*
i ina wrong.
t fTi' One doer south e>f Tracy and Moore and Powell's
I Block, Main street, CODDING A BL'.SSELL.
j c. s. r;cssn,L. " Towanda. Sept. 21,1850.
' !
HAVING purchased the entire siock of
. Books and Stationary. Taper Hangings. Ac.. 4c.,
01 (>. P. Barti'-lt. t > which lias been ii(h d a large assort
ment of everything in the line of BOOKS A STATION
ARY, making as large and complete an assortment a*
can tie found iy the county. 1 invite my friends and the
! public to call and examine bur thcmrelves.
I My stock cons'sts of SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAX
' j RELIGIOUS WORKS. A large assortment of BLANK
BOOKS, of all shape and size, and as low as can tie had
at a;iv other establishment. Also,a tine lot of BIBLES,
; large" and small, Commentaries, Prayer and Hymn
j Books. I would call particular my stock of
Of which 1 have a great variety of patterns and of tho
latent styles.
I still continue the NEWS-ROOM, and hnve constantly
on hand all the Daily and Weekly papers, standard
i Monthly Magazines, Thompson's Bank Note Reporter,
\ Monthly and Semi-Monthly. Also. Greely's Political
Text Book. Subscriptions received for the Weekly Tri
bune, Genesee Farmer, A-'.. Ac, It shall be my aim to
sell everything at the lowest rates. All 1 ask is that ray
friends and citizens throughout the county will give mo
a call liefore buying elsewhere, and I think 1 can please
| them both as to price and quality. I shail be continually
! adding to my stock and intend to keep on hand the lar
gest assortment that can he found in t! e county.
I ' Remember the place, at 0.1). Bartlett's old stand.
I Tow i: la. i let. 15, IMOI A- F. COWLES.
, | And Extensive Dealers in Tea.
j 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington St.,)
Xl 2 W YORK,
j WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful
j ler, Dayton A Co., and Wilson, Jackson A Merrill.
' D. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county,
i A. C. KEENEY. of Wyoming county. Pa.
, SAMUEL N. DELANO, of New York. lfimyffm
FRESH 6nrplvof PLASTER just received
at teft il " W. A. It\SCJfTEIL"B.