iicto atJbcrUfemtnts. SULLIVAN COUNTY Hardware and Stove Store. D. C.HSALL, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITIZENS OF ; Sullivan County, and the public generally, that lie has commenced business in DUSHORE, where he has jost received a very extensive stock of f every style and pattern, adapted for burning Coal or Mood which will I* sold as low as any other place this side of Albany or New York. The attention of those desiring to purchase Stoves is particularly directed to ° assortment, which is especially adapted to the wants Tf this section ot the country, and will be sold lower shan can be purchased this side of Albany or New York. I believe I can offer greater inducements than any other establishment in the country. Also, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, PAINTS AND OILS, House and Carriage Trimmings, SPRINGS, IRON AXI.ES k BOXES, of all sizes. Car neuter's and Joiner's Tools, Blacksmith's Tools, Cross- Cut, Circular and Mill SAWS, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Pumps, lead Pipe. Chain Pumps and Tube. Forming Tools Tin Ware and Stove Pipe, always on hand, at Wholesale and Retail. Job Work done on short notice. Grain. Old Iron, Copper, Britannia, Brass, Bees wax and Feathers, taken In exchange for goods. Having had many years' experience in the business, I am confident I can make it the interest of purchasers to give me a call. Mv goods will be bought at the lowest rates, and sold at corresponding prices. All manufactur ed articles will be made from the best materials, aud by comneteut workmen, and will be warranted. 1 D. C. IIALL. Pushore. Oct. 25. 1860. _ New Fall and Winter Goods AT Wm. A. Rockwell's, C COMPRISING the cheapest and handsomest lot of Dry j Goods ever offered in this market. DRESS GOODS—Merino Prints, Ginghams, Repps, f bene Mohairs. Canton Cloths. Greiie'ile dc Lainbs. Fig ured Coburg*, Morclia Cloth. Plain and Printed fhihets, Hamilton. Manchester and Wool de Laines, Figured No- Veans, I'oil do Chevres. Black Plaid Figured Marceliue a Gro de Rhine Silks, at ROCKWELL'S. SHAWLS Bfoche, flay State, Chenilc.. GlenlTbr and Gentlemen's Shawls, I-adits Scarfs, Cloaking* and Tas fc*ls'at ROCKWELL'S. EMBROIDERIES, Laces. Edgings, Dimity. Bands, Veil's Coifures, Ribbon*. Velvets, Bonnets and Flowers, at ROCKWELL'S. KNIT-GOODS, Ladies' and Children's Hoods, Nubias, Childreus Sacks, Mantle- and Socks, at ROCKWELL S. GENTLEMEN'S GOODS—Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinet Jeans. Denims. Suspenders, Cravats, Collars, Shirt*. Shirt Bosom*. Drawers and Under-Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves and Hosiery, at HOCK WELL S. nOCSE FURNISHING OrtrtlW. Curtain Draperies. Oil Cloths. Furniture Prints, ffrtftlttg. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Bed an..' Table Spreads, at ROCKWELL'S. SHEETINGS. Shirtings, Jaipicred anil "enen Linen Diaper, Damask Tablecloth* and Napkins, at ROCKWELLS! YANKEE NOTIONS, Combs. Buttons, Brushes. Threads, Statienery, Pins, Needles. Hooks aim Eye*. Booking Glasses, Percussion Caps, Reads, Bugle*, Plated Forks and Spoons. Crochet- Needles, Knitting Pius, Zephyrs, Scotland Wool and Scotch Yarns, t ROCK WELL'S. CROCKERY, Hardware. Glass, Sa*h, Oils, Faints, Nails, Pnty. Burning Fluid. Cainphene. Kerosine. Wood tmware, Bi'rd Cages, Boot*. Shoe* ar.d Leather, at ROCKWELL'S. GROCERIES—The best Crushed and Pulverised Loaf, Brown and Coffee Sugir*. Black ami Green Tf-a*.Java and Ui ' Coffee, Chocolate. Syiuji*. Molasses. Tobacco, Spi.-es. Indigo. Star. 1' Soap.t i < 'Si■) -, SalWratu*. Cream TartaK and everything cl*e in thf Ittle trill be found at ROCKWELL'S. ALSO—Fresh Ground Cayuga Piaster, at RO( KWELL P. Many thanks for the liberal gtiedufagMtifnt hitherto extended us. and we shall endeavoj to continue to give satisfaction to all our custom. rs, old and new. WILLIAM A. ROCKWELL, No. 1, Fallon's Block. Towanda, October IS. 1880. /MS II PRICES of Quods jost received at 'J MUNTAXYKS' Store: MERRIMACK PRINTS 10 Cents SHEETINGS from C to it. FRENCH MERINOS, C shillings. DELAIS'S trmn 1 to shillings. AH other Goods In proportion. I .V. 7; Those having accounts due tint! unpaid wiil tare cost to arrange them. MONtAXYES*. I Towtm&k, Oct. 15, 18f,o. STOVES! STOVES! rfUST KI2CSIV2}I>! U AVINO lately rciiirnrd from the city . where tre hive purchased lor C ASH a large as setinent of STOVES, "t all varieties ana size* suited to this I->cality. w£ are prepared to sell Cheap for Cash or approved credit. We would cali especial attention to the celebrated Coal Stove the perfection of arrangement for burning coal. We are also casting ami setting up in our own Foundry, a num ber ot kinds of excellent COOKING STOVES, and BOX STOVES for SCHOOIeHUUSKS and SHOPS. i'er-on- who tear to purchase imported Stoves on ac cmmtol broken plate*. Ac. can get )u=t tfs gortd oi Home Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whole, is tlie largest and Most Complete ever offered for sale in this market. We also manufacture and keep constantly oil hind, a full assortment of TIM-WARE, nd will make to order any thing trom a Telesc-p® up— to a sausage Machine ! W Call and examine for yourselves, and yon will he Mti-lied that there is something in the world yet, besides Gai. JOHN CARMAN. Tiwanda, Aug. 3d. 13(50. N'. B Our Tin Store is on Main street, south store in Heir's Block. CHEAP GOODS AT J.H. PHINWEY'S, JR. JY, 3, Patton's Block. HAVING made up hi* mind to make the Mercantile biisiitcs* a permanent business would most resjreet fn.iy solicit hi* old customers and the public generally to (toe him a call and examine his almost entire new stock ot Goods, just reci iving, and which 1 e offer* at very re duced prices, for Cash or most kinds of Country Pro oaee. He ask- particular attention TO 1113 Large •tivJt of Domestic Goods, Sheetings. Shirtings, I'cmins.Tick*. Stripes, Linen and Cotton Diaper*, Dam ask Table and Mafscills Bed Spreads, Jeans, Tweeds, runnels, Ac. TO IIIS ] '' mt A Gingham's, Cobergs, all Wool and Union Delaines, "Ts, Plaids, Black Silks, Ac. TO HIS N ' ( 'k of Clothing, which is the Cheapest in Towanda, aa ail warranted. , TO HIS Large assortment of Men's aud Boy's Hats and Caps, at Drat bargains „ . TO HIS -Ombs, Brushes, Hair Pins, Needle*. Crochet Needles, Shetland Varn, and everything in the notion , TO HIS arte aojk of Straw and Chip Bonnets, Ruches, Flow • "hich will he sold wholesale or retail 25 per cheaper than at any other place in town. c . TO HIS ] Glass aad Hardware, Boot* and Shoes, for ' ' ™ lsses . Men and Children, at Bargains. . TO HIS of Groceries, Brown, Coffee, White and Pul- Leji/i -/■ fresh Lin*eed and Lamp Oils, White nc, Putty, Sash. Nails, Coffee, Tea Ac. 77, u , TO HIS tsf'r vi, i at ?9 Per gallon. Prints from sto 10 cts. cti r,."., j L l , . at .'i Thread 4 cts. Best Hoop Skirts 50 lb c V) ow '' ,al| k, fine cut, Tobacco 25 cts per clean *t tobacco, 8 cts. per lb., and everything '• jjjU,Gct26,lß6o. FIIINNEY'S. CTK VTTON'S " YEAST CAKES" is the for NA'P - a . n '4. c^lea P es J article of the kind ever offered osedit in t- a . ' l '"' hundred families that have ceTu Vorti ! H Wil, lf . thoy '' a " recornrDCn PATCH rpspeclfnlly inforßis the ci ' .J • tizens of Towanda and vicinity, that hf ha* receiv ed and opened in B. Kingshery's -tore, opposite Moutan i yes', a large and jveil selected stork of Groceries & Provisions, Which will be scld Cheap as the Cheapest, for CASH OR FAftMSR'S PRODITCE, j Tlic Goods are entirely netv and fresh, atld comprise the . best selected stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, 1 Spierx, Fruils, Covrlir.s, Tobacco, Pork, Hams, Dried Href, Fish of all kinds. Cmrphrnt, Fluid, Wooden tj- Stone Ware, Spc. Ever btought into this market. All that is asked !s a trial of goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds r Good BUTTER wanted at good prices. , Towanda, June 11. 18G0. .A. CARD. IN the Spring of 1859, Mr. J. A. CAMPER and myself, sold the following Grape Vines throughout the county and elsewhere ; Isabella, Clinton. Catawba, Concord, Di ; ana. Rebecca. White Isabella, White Sweet Water and Burgundy, all of which were purchased in New York State, and a written warrautec given of the same by the men of whom 1 purchased. The Isabe la, Catawba and Clinton are true to name. Having fruited the Diana. Concord, Reliecra, White Sweet Water, White Isabella and Burgundy, I lind thev are not true to name, they prove to be Isabella and Catawba. The sequel shows the gentleman that sold me the uw variety of vines, to be a most deceiving (alien man. unworthy the name of a man. and has left for part* unknown ; this is all unplea sant. Mr. J. A.GAMPKK will visit every man lie sold vines • to, this fail and next spring, and repair and make good our warrant. The reputable Nursery .-.-in have thrown out (do not cultivate) the Wbi e Isabella, White Sweet Water and Burgundy, they do not think them s > good or prolific as the common Isabella, hence all the Isabella that the purchasers have are Worth what was paid for them and more too, the de mand for the Concord, Rebecca and Diaana, makes them worth more than 1 sold the . nine varieties for, lam the loser, the purchaser gams by i it. By mutual consent J. A. Gampbb arid mysell have dissolved partnership. All the vines Mr. HAMPER i'.as ; sold since the spring of '59 have been true to name, de pend upon it Mr. GAMPKP. is most reliable, he is now sell ing valuable acquisitions in the Grape line, and consider ed so by experienced Nurserymen. The Delaware, s Hartford Prolific. Logan. Diana. Rebecca and Concord grape Vines stand the highest df all the new varieties. I hope my misfortune will not militate against the in | terests of Mr. DANIEL HAKKINS, he is a gentleman and I reliable. All the new varieties of proper vines for sale at my Garden. HARRY MIX. Towasda, October 15,1860. itUsccUniiroKS. H. S. MERCUB Requests particular attention to hie large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, TWEADS, &C. Al*o to ah extensive assortment of Plain and Printed Merinoe.*. Plain and Printed Cobnrgs, Plain and Printed Woo! ami Common De ain-, Wool and Union Plaids, Paris Reps, Mohairs, and other DRESS GOODS. Likewise to the Largest and be*t selection of English and AMERICAN PRINTS, And Ginghams, to be found in tire County. BRUSSELS, VENITIAN, SUPERFINE, k INGRAIN C Dy 11 D E TINGS, WOOL AND COTTON DIUIAASTS AND OIL CTOTKS, MENS, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Ot" Every Description. HATS AND CAPS. HARDWARE, IROrr, STEEL, KAILS, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, SASH, GROCERIES, | OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY k GLASSWARE, i All of which are offered at the Lowest Prices. Towanda, Octuber 1,1-00. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WELL MADE AND GOOD FITTING MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING. I I IS AT SOLOMON'S CLGIHii ESTMUHIENT! HAVING just received one of the Largest Stocks of Fall and Winter Clothing that lias eror been offered J in this market before, which wiil be sold at greatly re . | duced prices. ' GREAT BARGAINS IN Black 1). B. k S. 15. Broadcloth Frock Coats. 1 GREAT BARGAINS IN Fern y Beaer i>oe*kin and Silk mixed Ca—imere ''oats ! GREAT BARGAINS IN : Cas*imere, Union and Sattiuc t Business Coats. ; GRK VT BARGAINS IN i Tweed and Kentucky Jean and Cottonade Coats. ! GREAT BARGAINS IN j Ilia Doeskin. Cawimete, Utlldlttd Sattinet Pants. | GREAT BARGAINS IN ' Harrison's Cu.isimerp. Silk mixed and Plain Pants, i GREAT BARGAINS IN 1 Fancy Union Satinet and others, Coats, j GREAT BARGAINS IN Plain ami Fancy Silk Velvet Vests. : GREAT BARGAINS IN ; Matilai* Plain uud Fancy Silk Vests. : GREAT BARGAINS IN Harrison"* Cas*imere. S.lk Mixed and Black Vests; : GREAT 15 VRG A INS IN V ncia. Cotton Vclwt and Plush Vests. ! GREAT BARGAINS IN i Fancy. Union, Sattiuct and Farmer's Satin Vests. One of the largest stocks of OVERCOATS, con*'*ting ; of Beaver, Pilot, Sealskin. Petersh im, Lionskiii. Black | of all qualities, and a large assortment of New Style* - - : Also one of the Largest Stock* of Gent* Furnishing | Goods, which wiii be sold per cent, cheaper than tlse i where. Call before you buy and examine my stock, as yon can be suited better and at 1 n*er figure*. , ' Iteinembyr the place, M. E.SOLOMON'S Clothing Establishment. September 27,15C0. Towanda, Pa. KET FIRM, CODDING &" RISSKLL, H AVE purchased the large and well known establish ment of D. C. II ill, ami are now receiving from New York, the large*t aud most complete assortment of HARD-WARE, i ever offered for sale i:i tlii* market, which will be sold CHEAP for Cash orappoved Cre lit. We have a large and well selected stock of Wood and , j Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and ! style of parlor, Room. Six I'late, and • ylinder ; Stove*, '.vhi ii we can. anil will sell as cheap a* can be I purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full iind complete assortment of ' IRON AND STEEL, j Nail* and ilia*-. Paint* ami Oils, llou-e Trimmings, Car- I riage Trimmings. Springs, Iron Axels an 1 Boxes, of all size*, Carpenter- and Joiners Tools, Black, smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill Saws, Table and Pocket of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes. ItRHTtVVn IAD PLtTEI) AV4RE, I the late-t and rno-t appr >vt il patters. A iargc quantity 1 of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, nlway* on hand— | Patent Stretched i.-eatlu-r BELTING . Every name ami , form of ID\ILMiX(r TOOLS. i JOB WORK dme on short notict ami warranted. ( GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper, BrittannLa, Brass, Bees wax and Feather*, t ik -n in t\ch tnge for Goods. We invite " the whole world ami the rest of mankind,*' to call ami examine our our good* before purchasing.— Our motto will be use every man well and submit to noth ina wrong. Kir One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's Block, Main street, CODDING A RUSSELL, jniix e. cciwuxy, I c. .*. ntranctL. I Towanda, Sept. 21, 1860. LAUD, WEBSTER, CO.. IMPKOVEI) TKOIT STITCH Sewing 1 Machines ! I > RICKS reduced to SSO and upwards, for I. Fum lies anil Manufacturing establishments. Let ! Manufacturers. Planters, Farmers, Housekeepers, or any ! other persons in search of an instrument to execute any l kind of kind of Si teiug now done by machinery, make i sure they secure the best, by examining ours before pur ; chasing. ' A I'w of mady reasons why the SEWING MACHINES jof I.ADD, WKIiSTER CO., are prefcred above all ! other* M 1. Thej- are so remarkably simple in thc-'r construction. j A child ran operate them ami understand the mechanism ' | 2. They arc the strongest Sewing Machine made, it is | alno.-t impossible to break or get them out ot order. 3. They are sure in their operation ; finishing the work in a uniformly perfect rhanner. i 4. They make a tight lock stitch, alike on both sides of the work, which cannot be unraveled. 5. They stitch, hem, bind, fell, run and gather, with , out basting. (J. They sew equally well the lightest and the heaviest ' fabric*. 7. Tliey sew over the heaviest seams without changing the tension or breaking the finest thread. 8. They u.-c any No. ot Cotton, Thread or Silk directly from the spool. 9. They use a straight needle ; curved ones are liable 1 to break. ' 10. The needle has a pei-prndicular motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. ' 11. They have a wheel feed; none others are in constan 1 contact with the work. ! j 12. They run easily and almost noiseless -1 ! 13. They are not liable to oil the dress of the operator. • i 14. They do not require a screw-driver to set the needle. ■ , 15. They do not have to be taken apart to oil or clean. IG. They are capable of doing a greater range of work ! and in a moro perfet manner than any other Sewing Ma chine ; as is proved by the result of our challenge tor a 1 trial, which has never beeu accepted. B. F. SHAW. 1 Towanda,Oct. 10,1860. MYER'S MILL fit SiJff.tr CVek is (loins ail the work that is brought to it promptly, having 1 i the Steam Power in successful operation, we can assure i ail who choose to give us their patronage, that they can ■ rely upon having their work well done, and with dispatch Try us. MYER, FROST & Co. ! Towanda July 18, 1860. FRESH supply of I'LASTEP. jn- r received at B ept.2-: W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CTRATTON'S YEAST COMPOUND No exense for having poor Bread, nor for borrowing Yeas* when you ran buy a first rate article, and enough for one cent for a large Baking at jy2(s FOX F. HAMBURG CHEESE.— The Guest HDJ most desirable Cheese in market, for sale iilfsaUaiTcous. | MOTEL KEEPERS,! DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL V.'HO WANT I IIAVR just received from the City, a Large Stock of IMPORTED PI'RE LIQUORS. of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS lias been pur chased for CASH, directly from the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching : Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be fore offered iu Towahda. HOTEL KEEPERS i Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my ' stock before purchasing elsewhere. I hate facilities fot purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! ! Besides my Liquors are warranted pure nnd uDadulter ! a ted. 1 have also on hand the largest Stock and Great j est Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS I Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables rnc to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the ■ city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of iny entire stock of Liquors, Cigars i and To 1 acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, ' Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at I prices LOWER than elsewhere iu this town. Confident that 1 a'n enabled to sell my entire stock of j Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods I can be purchased this side cf the City, 1 respectfully so- I licit the public to an examination at No. o. Brick Row. H.W.NOBLE. Towanda, June 14. 1-00. ' -xmA SK ETS, CLOTIIES I'INS, SCRUB X X and blu king bnukts, Window BfeabM with long and short handle-., M p Sticks. Shaker Mops. Matches, 1 Wooden Faucets and a taiiety of Wood ware at FOX'S MAIZEN A— A NEW ARTICLE MADE from Corn, said to be superior to Corn Starch tor j Puddings at FOX'S \TUTS, SARIMNKSJ ANI) CIGARS _Lx Wholesale and retail 11 FOX'S. \ MES' DETERSIVE SOAP—THE i IV best Chemical soap in the United States at ioX's._ MACARONI AND VERMECILLA . very line nnd fresh at FOX'S. , WILSON, BARKEa A. CO, WHOLESALE GROCERY, And Extensive Dealers in Tea. - j 113 Warren street, (three doors below Washington at.,) NK W Yoft K . 1 WILLIAM IT. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful \ lcr, ltavton A* Co., and Wilson, Jackson A Merrill. I). V. BAKNF-S, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KFUNKY, of Wyoming county. I'a. KAMIJKL N. DELANO, of New York. lGmy6m BOOKS AND STATIONARY. (SUCCESSOR TO O. D. BARTLETT,) AT THE OLD STAND ! ! i; I 1 AVING pnrchased the entire stock of r j 11 Books and Stationary. Paper Hangings, Ac., Ac.. / 1 of O. D. Bartlett. to which has been adced a large nssnrt ! ment of everything in the line of UOOKS A STATION ARY, making as large and complete an assortment as can be found in the county. I invite my friends and the ! public to call and examine for themselves. ' Afy stock consists of SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAN EOUS LITERATURE, lIISTORYS A BIOGRAPHY'S. RELIGIOUS WORKS. A large assortment of BLANK 1 BOOKS, of all shape and size, and as low as can he had 5 nt any other establishment. Also, a fine lot of BIBLUS, large and small, Commentaries, Prayer and Hymn Books. I would call particular attention to my stock of r PAPER HANGINGS. Of which I have a great variety of patterns and of the latest styles. I still continue the NEWS ROOM, and have constantly on band all the Daily and Weekly papers, standard Monthly Magazines, Thompson's Bank Note Reporter. : Monthly and Semi-Monthly. Also, Greely's Political Text Book. Subscriptions received for (be Weekly Tri bune , Genesee Farmer, Ac.. Ac, It shall be my aim to sell everything at the lowest rates. All I ask is that my friends and citizens throughout the county will give mo , a call before buying elsewhere, and 1 think I can plea -e them both as to price and quality. I shall be continually adding to my stock and intend to keep on hand tbc lar gest assortment that can be found in the county. Remember the place, at O. D. Bartlctt's old stand. Towanda, Oct. 15,1860. A. F. COWLEB. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. XTET all these seem only to increase the JL business and prosperity of the Old Foundry and MACHINE SHOP, (South side of Pine st., one door East ol H: 8. Mer eur's Store.) The undersigned would call the. attention of all con cerned to the tact, that he is prepared to do, and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch, and in the most workman like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantia! manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for doing work, anil employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who lavor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 15, 1860. ftcoal. REG ISTER'S NOTICES —Notice is here by given, that there has been filed and settled in ' he office or the Register of Wills, hi and for the county of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the followi ng estates, viz: Final account of David Allen, Adm'r of the estate Solomon Allen, late of Franklin, deodased. Final account of James Elliott, Guardian of the minor children of William Hovey, late of Ulster, deceased- Final account of Ck W. Churchill and E. Kelly, Adrar's of the estate of Malvin Wooster, late of Lcßoy, ilec'd. Final account of J. R. Fletcher, Adm'r. of the estate of Nelson Johnson, late of Pike, deceased. Final account of Henry A. and Alanson Miller, Adinr's of the estate of Abraham J Miller, deceased. Final account of Blizaheth and Samuel F.Williams, Admr's of the estate of John Williams, late of Pike, de ceased. _ . And the same will be presented fo the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on MONDAY the 3d day of Dec. next, for confirmation and allowance. JAMES 11. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, Nov. 1, 160. _____ ADM INISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice fs hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Jesse Hammond, deceased, late of Springfield township, are requested to make payment without delay : and those having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for sett hull en t. JAMES D. HAMMOND. Oct. 23, 1860. Administrator. DMINISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to fth estate of JAMES B. DEMONEY, late of Rome town ship, deceased, arc hereby requested to make pay ment without delay, and ai! persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticat ed for settlement. CHARLES CIIAFFEE. Oct. 27, iB6O. Admtslstrftior. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice it hew- A by givc-n that all persons indebted to the estate ol HIRAM C. FOX, dee d., late of Towanda twp., must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present tliem duly authenticated fur settlement. MILLER FOX, Oct. 27,1860. • Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, all persons indebted tothees tat of /.ERAII ROCKWELL, late of Monroe town ship, dee'd, are hereby requested to make immediate 1 payment,- and all persons having claims against said estutii will present them duly authenticated for settle i ment. H. L. SCOTT. Oct. 29, iB6O Administrator. ECU TOIL'S NOTICE. -Notice is hew i J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM SNYDER, late of Shesheqnin tv.-p.. doe'd. arc hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against the said e-tate v.-ill ' please present them duly authenticated for settlement. HANNAH SNYDER, WILLIAM SNYDER, JABEZ FISH. Oct. 27. 1860. I . : rs. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —By virtu of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Conn i ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10.1*00. at 1 o'clock, 1. M ! the following described tract of land situate in Spring field tp., being the lot on which the late MILTON i ROSS resided at the time of his death, excepting about four acres thereof which has been set apart for the widow antl family on her claim of three hundred dollats, as it is j provided by law ; bounded north by land of George Crowell, ea-t by land of William Tracy, south by laud of Euphretus Tracy, west by land of Russell B Yoneg and | others. Containing about forty-six acres, about forty thfeo improved, with a small orchard thereon growing.— Attendance will be given and the terms of sale made j known by the subscriber. L. S. DICKINSON. Springfield. Sept. 'is |MO. Administrator. A DMI N ISTRATOR'S N<)TICE N-1 J.\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot JAMES T. ELSBRKE, late of Windham, deck!., are hereby requested to made payment without do l.iy. and all persons having demands against said estate wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement.* CAROLINE ELSBRKE, SAMUEL LYON..Jr., ' Sept. 27, 18C0. Administrators. i AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/* the nailer of 1 V the estate of Richard Lyons, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court 1 to distribute tno monies iu the batids ot th- Administra tor JFom sale of real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda. on MONDAY, the '-'6 th day of November, 1860. at !> o'clock A. M., at which time and place all persons interested will 1 present their claims or be debarred from claiming any portion of said fund. E. OVERTON, Jr., ' October 1,186 ft. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— E W. Caldwell ' i'l. to t!.t use of IVcodhull 4* Co.. vs. Josiah Frmtciero. ' In the Court of Common Fleas of Bradford County, No. • .tsfi. February term. 1858. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendants , real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the ' duties of his appointment, at his office n Towanda boro' r on SATURDAY, the 24th day of November, 1860, atone o'clock, A. M, at which time and place all persons in terested wilt present their claims or be debarred from > clainfing any share of said fund. G.tt. WATKIXS, j j October 2, 1860. Auditor. | A I)M IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice ill is hereby given, that all persons indebted t • the e estate ot FREDERICK C.BALDWIN.iute of Herri, k.de.'d must make immediate payment, aud all persons having 1 demands against said estate will present them duly au i thenticuted for settlement. LYDIA ANN BNLDWIN. PEMBROKE 8- SQUIRES, Sept. 27, iB6O. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — Burton Kings ,1 bury s. S. C. N JOHNSON, GuaMian of Carrie and Mary Bailey, Oct. 25,1860. I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ishcrc- Aby given, that all persons indebted to the es- I tate of HENRY C. BROWN, late of Springfield twp. de- I ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, wilTpfesent thea duly authenticated for settlement. CHARITY ANN BROWN, ORION SCOTT, Oct 24, 18C0. Executors. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/# the mailer of the estate of Tryphena Smith. —ln the Orphan's .Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds in the hands ot the AdminDtiator's, raised by the sale of said decedent's real estate wil 1 attend to the duties ot his appointment at his office, in Borough of Towanda, on TUESDAY, November 27, 1860, at 1 o'clock p.m., at which time and place al! persons interested are requested to present tneir claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. Y D. MORROW, I Oct. 18,1860. Auditor. iiji V OTTCE TO ASSESSORS —The several X. x Assessors for 1661 will make their returns in the following order, viz : For Athens Borough, Athens Township, Albany, Ar menia, Asylum, Burlington Township, Burlington Boro, and Burlington West, upon Monday. November 19,1660. Canton, Columbia. Franklin. Granville, Herrick, Litchfield, Leltoy and Monroe Township, upon Tuesday, November 20. Montoe Borough. Orwell. Overton. Rome, Ridgbury, South Creek, Standing Stone and Smithfield, upon Wed nesday, November 21. Springfield, Shesbeanin, Sylvnirla Borongh, Towandu 1 Township. Towanda Borongh. Towauda North. Troy Borough and Tuscarora, upon Thursday. November 22. Troy Township .Terry, I Ister, Pike, Wjwi Wyulusing Warren and Wells, upon Friday, November 23. Windham and Wiimot. upon Saturday, November 24. Assessors are requested to be punctual In making their ■ I returns upon the day designated in their warrants. They • are !-<> required to extend the amount of each person's : valuation into the right hand column of their assessment. I By order of the Commissioners. E. B. COOLBAUGII, Clerk, I j Commissioner's Office. Oct. 10. ls<;n. i A UDITOR'S NOTICE ('. /, I)aVidson jt\. A' Co. rs. Hiram Spear.— in the Court of Com - mon l'leu.s of Bradford County, No. 21, February term, 18.17. Tl'.e undersigned,an Auditor, appointed by said Coui f to distribute iunds raised by Sheriffs sale of real A person 1 e-tate of deft,will attend the duties of his rppointment at his office in ttie Borough of Towanda, on MONDAY, the 26th cf November. 1860, at 1 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons interested are requested " to present their claims or else be forever debarred from ' the esid fund. I'. I>. MORROW, ' | Oct. 18, 1860. Auditor. \ DMINIBTARTOR*BNOTICE —Notice 1 2x is hereby triven. that all persons iudebted to the estate ot ANDREW CUMINS, late of Springfield tp., | dee'd., are hereby requested to niake payment without ' delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate ' i will present them duly authenticated for settlement. < I ANDREW CUMINS, I Oct. 18, 1860. Adm'r. I "CIXECUTOR'S NOTICE - Notice is tot .lll by giv< n. fh it all persons Indebted to the estate of i OLIVER ELLSWORTH, late of Orwell tp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment witnout delay: and all persons having claims against said estate will i i present them Jul.- authenticated fr settlement. - ' O.G.G RIDLEY. 1 Oct. 18,1 M& Executor. i LUXECUTDK'S NOTICE.— Notice isliere- J J l.v given, that all persons indebted to the estate of GEORGE BOW M AN. I.itc of Towanda tp. deceased, are j hereby mantcd to make payment without delay: and those'having demands against -aid estate will present ■ : them duly authenticated for settlement. ORICK BOWMAN, LORENZO D. BOWMAN, 1 i LEROY M. BOWMAN, Oct. 18, I CO. Executors. I A DM INISTR A TORS' NOTIC E.—Notice irV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOHN B. IRWINK,Iate ot Towanda boro" deceased, i ale hereby reqne.-ted to make immediate payment .and all f I persons having claims against said estate will present - 1 them duly authenticated lor settlement. , i JAMES W. IRVINE, j Sept. 18, 1860. Adm'r. 1 EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of t /"\ the estate of Alfred .1/grr. defeased. In the Or f : phans' Court of Bradford County. ' The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed I y said Court '• | to distribute the monies in the hands of the Administra ' tors, us per account filed, will attend to the duties of his '' appointment at his office in Towanda Borough, on j THURSDAY, the loth day ot NOVEMBER, at which - time and place all persons interested will present their ® i claims or be debarred from claiming anv portion of said fund. G. 1). MONTANYE, I October I®, 1869. Auditor. e \ UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of IViHiam (iibson, deceased. In the Or i nhans' Court of Bradford County. 'J " The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court, ' to distribute funds in the hands of the Executors will I attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in | the Borough of Towanda. on SATURDAY, flic 24th i day of NOVEMBER, next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which _ time and place all persons interested are required to t pn sent their claim.-, or el.-e be forever debarred from Mid fund. G. I). MONTANYE. I Octotx r 20, 18€£. Auditor. 1 A I DITOR'S NOTlCE.— Estate of Ceo. I i V Hairkint, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of ! Bi-.idftmi County. .' The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court , n] on exceptions filed to account of W. It. Hawkins, Ad ininistrator of Geo. Hawkins, late of" Armenia, deceased - will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office j of Smith A Peck, in the Borough of Troy, on FRIDAY, j NOVEMBER 16. 1860, at 1 o'clock, p. in., where all per- II . sous interested will attend if they think proper. ' Wil. KENDALL, '• j October 10, 186®. * Auditor, t SALE.—By virtue ot sundry s | k3 writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of e lommon pleas of Bradford county, to rue directed, will be exposed to public sale on WEDNESDAY .the 2*th day P oi November,A.D. 1800. at the court house, in Towanda. j. jat 1 o'clock, p. m.. all those thirty-one tracts or pieces of „ land situate in Franklin, Monroe A Overton townships,in ' thejeountyof Bradford, formerly the County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, surveyed in the name of Paul Moure, Simon Hardy. James Hardy, Nathan Hardy, - Joseph Siddons, James Siddons,Jonathan North, Stephen L . I HoUingsworth, Joseph Cuhttr, Herman Cartater, . I Frederi.k Schotts. George Schott-, Samuel Anderson, , Joseph Anderson, George Moore..Joseph Betz. John Betz, Samuel C'xdey. Joseph Seeley, Robert Hampton, Peter ' j Svhootts, Samuel North. Samuel Haga, Samuel Hardy, James Hardy. Samuel Siddor.s and Peter Siddons, all of which tracts of land contain according to the original surveys, four hundred acres each, with the usual allowau - ces of six per cent., except tne foil -wing to wit : The tracts surveyed o Joseph Betz, James Betz, John Betz , and Samuel Fritz, whicn contain each three hundred j and forty three acres and twenty seven perches, and ' the tracts George Moore. Samuel Cooley, and James j Hardy, which contain each three hundred and seventy j five acres and allowances of six per cent., for roads, J i Ac. ALSO—AII that Certain triangular tract of land '- ; situate in Franklin township, in the county of Brad , ford aforesaid, composed of the south easterly parts of j 1 three tracts et f land surveyed in the the names of Samuel • Edge, Paul Hardy and Andrew Hardy, beginning at a n ! hemlock in the line of the Barclay Rail Road and Coal | Company's lands and a corner of the Samuel Edge and _ ; Simou Hardy tracts of land, thence along the line of t , tracts surveyed in the name of Simon Hardy, James Har -1 j dy, and Nathan Hardy, four hundred and eighty perches more or less, to a sas.-afras, corner to the Nathah Hardy, r | James Siddons. Andrew Hardy and Samuel Siddons tracts, L ' | thence along the line of the said James Siddons tracts r j south thirty degrees, west four hundred and forty one j perc.tes, more or less, to a stone bye maple, another f j corner of said James Siddons and Andrew Hardy tracts, f * and thefu e by lands sold to Thomas T. Wierman. on a '• line running north sixteen degrees, west six hundred and sev'uty twu perches u> the place of beginning. Contain mg six hundred and sixty-one acres and one half of an acre. ALSO—A triangular piece of land situate in Frank -0 lin township aforesaid, on thee stefly corner of the tracts - surveyed in thv name of Geo. Temple, beginning at the f said stone by ain ople, corner to said Andrew Hardy and f | Jatnes Siddons tracts, thence along the line of said James - SidJons tract south sixty degrees, east one hundred and twelve perches to a corner of George Temple and - Paul Moore tracts of land, thence along said Paul Moore y : tracts south thirty degress, west one hundred and twelve . I perches to a post, thence digonally north sixteen degrees 1 west one hundred and sixty-eight perches to the place of 1 | beginning. Containing thirty-nine acres and thirty-two I perches, more or less. ALSO— All and singular the va f j rious remnant* and unsold parts or portions of nine sev , j oral tracts of land situate in Overton and Monroe town i ships in the county of Bradford, aforesaid, which tracts : were surveyed in the name of Moses Rush of which there , j remains uinety-three acres : Elizabeth Rush, of which . : there remains one hundred and twenty two acres ; Fred erick Castator, of which there remains seventy-eight acres ; John Moore, of which there remains three him -1 dred and ninety-three acres ; Hannah Woodrnff, of which - there remains two hundred and eighty acres ; Mary or f Mercy Ellis, of which there remains two hundred'and ? seventy-two acres ; Mary Wallis, of which there remains 1 two hundred and eighty acres, John Barrow. Jr.,of which . there remains oue hundred and seven a res : Ann Harris of which there remains three hundred and ninety acres ; (being tbe same premises which John A Brown. Francis N. Buck and James R. Patton, trustees of the North Branch Iron and Coal Company conveyed to the said Thomas T. Wierman, together with the hereditaments . and appurtenances. Seized and taken in exeeut ion at the suit of Uriah Hunt. Francis Hoskins and William H Winder, Trustees, &e., . vs. Thomas T. Wierman aad W. 11. H. Brown. James L.- Rockwell. J. B. Smith. A. L. Cranmcr, Charles Welles, ' Horace Willev, Amnzilla Martin, Wm. Williams, George Beardsley and Charles Scouton, tr-rre tenants. JIIOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriffs Office, Towanda. Oct. 3, 1860, Sheriff. A CARD.— J. 11. CAREY respectfully inform* ,tfce citizens oi Towanda and vicinity, and the pub lic generally that he has commenced the TAILORING t business, in this place. Shop over Messrs. MontarycA Co., store where lie will make to order all the various j j kinds of gents garments in all the latest approved fash ions, and warrant them to tit. CCTTIVO done on short , notice. A share of public patronage respectfully solicit I ed. Aug 1, 1860. MACKEREL and Mackinaw Trout, in whole, half and quarter barrels, at TRACY it MOORE'S.