Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 25, 1860, Image 2

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    Fir. Douglas aud Lecomptou.
The responsibility of denying ro tlv p<*ql<-
cf Kansas the right to vote upon the Lecomp
on Constitution,has hitherto been thrown ex- j
Insively upon the President Ikcn.vx.ts. In
Kansas, however, it has been freely charged j
t hat Senator DOUGLAS was a party to the plot,
—and the Democratic Association of Leaven
worth recently addressed a circular letter tc
nil the members of the notorious Lecomptou
Convention, asking them the following qucs
lions on this subject :
1. Did you, or not, before or during the
session of the Leoompton Constitutional Con
vention, or after the adjournment of the same
see a letter addressed to JOHN CALHOUN,Presi
dent of said Convention, or to any one else,by
Mr. DOUGLAS, in which he (Mr. DOUGLA
suggested the plan of submission which wa>
adopted by said Convention, or signify that
such a plan of submission would meet his ap
proval ?
v 2. Did not JOHN CALHOUN, the President of
the Lecomptou inform you that a
letter had bteu received from Mr. DOCGLAS.IU
which was foreshadowed a plan of submission,
and was not tiie plan finally adopted the same
that was understood to be the plan of Mr
Douci vs ?
3. Did, you or not, in conversation with Mr
CALHOCX, or with any one, whose political and
personal relations towards Mr. DOUGLAS and
Mr. CALHOUN* authorize r. belief that such
p rsou snoke authoritatively, learn that a
plan of subm -siou had been indicated by Mr
i>oi : v-,aud was it iot understood that if the
plan thus indicated was adopted, he Mr
DOUGLAS would support and sustain it in
Congress '
To the second ami third of these qu *SU His
Me.-n - T. T id, O C Stewart, 15. T. Fritik
lin.C. R M lev, L J. Listin and (.5. 15
Redman, now opponents of Sir. Dot - LA*,
answer ailirmativelv.aud Mr. JAIL > DON it HAX,
. ne of Li- .-.upporters, deities n'.i knowledge or
it. Mr. Mosoi.i Y -tides that he heard the
letter re t-i. atnl Mr. Wm Maw AS, a pro
miu- nt ci'ii- n of Levvenw slut - that a
son ot Geu. CALHOUN informed him that the
document is DO* in the possession of the 0 m
erai's wid nv, a;. I liiat site has already been
offered fer it, bat bus refused to sur
render it t r special reasous.
We s'totil i bke to see that letter. It ui'dii
clear up a point whieit was ral-.-d by the tes
timony before the Covole Committee, bit*
was 1 t't s mew hat 'u obscurity. Gov. WA: NFI:
as w.ll be rev-oli >-ted, testified that he went
out to l\ansa> ui. let* the strongest a>-uranc<-
from the A Lain - ration, of their de-ire to
have the Constitu: i to be formed by the
Lecomptou C invention submit! d to the p- o
pie for acceptance, lie also testified that a
few days bed re the question, whether the C .-
veutiou would submit the Constitution to the
popular vote, *U- \ ' d upon tin CA S.
who, as he says, 11 had been the dtsting lisbed
and special leader ot the Douglas i\.:ty in
Kansas, and was >pj >-E.i to H.. • IK- EN ap
pointed i>urvejor-Gcaeral upou Judg< DOUG
I vs riet neuua'; n. eauie to him an . " s i'i
milted, sui -"c.ti.dlv, the pr grainme a- t<
the Convention." and a-k d ids e uu iurence in
; ir. i *. •■..*. e |• g.. a...-
the A tut ..- t.r..c an i t. ; .e
W a:.. t 01..1 .a sue it a iM.-.T . -
to be cut. e!y re. le."
Sa i. . .1 •„ '. -. - .J- ' .... .. t tat
I >i at " e to su: - • t ..4" lit.- - ope, iu
which ti. L'L>i:apt<>u Cor.-'.itultOn wt- finally
■ - -
. . . . .
it;., n <.-f U * e W! .* he
• I t.. -part in the p
cecu.t g cf tie 1. • a;*, i C ven'i ,ro 1
■ -
. ■
sched le aft r the sabmfowbp ef the whole Ceo
sti tn* m ha! h-en vou : down.
But Mr MvrcriN te-tifi - that
* I i ' .a tiaa v ..j *- 1 was r- gai-i.-d by'
as t iv rite i ' .*. f .Mr D !e ; .iai I -
s'ated w: :■ >• fit . y -it 'tided t _*•*• ng th-
Slavery clause submitted, l it he had render
cd an important service to Ms friend Dot ta
and he at c: ce wrote to him annouacii g the
rt Ist to th I* st-Oiliceat Leaven* rtfiCny. '
Elsewhere HE says : ** lie t CALHOIN manifest
ed much anxiety that the action of the Con
vention si aid i e sustained by the people, i
cause Le believed that action met the peewfiar
ti -ws ot Mr. D : a- "
Now, u c t tli a -a r- of these m ml ers
cf the Co vet *."on. given al ve. mike j; quite
probable that the source front which CALHOUN
get his t i i as t v the change >t view on tiie
part of the Administration, wa that letter of
Judge TV* - ' W iid it u"t be somewhat
rem ark a ! !• if it should turn out that the plan
of snbmitti...* tafr Slavery se. olule only, for
accepting whkh Mr. BvoUlaV has reee.ved
such objurgation aud obloquy, was after a'
idea which sprat g front lite brsiti of the great
Sgia-.ter Sov ert .gn ass-.f . i at iettcrn: g: t
throw light apou these interesting quesiioi.s
Can it not be it; . gat oat as A com;>anioo
pseva to the .titer of Mr BUCHANAN produced
at la.-t by G "V. W.LXEB before tue Cot ode
Committee ? Taey wouii throw coasidcrab'.e
light tijHAn each otser, aud ut- -a tiie Kansas
policy o: the Dciao.racy.—.V. Y. Tc.-us.
A r L ss.—l* is with gr-. A? regret
that we ieara this district is about to lose one
v i the - g ghts of Dfga-ancr. The Hon.
KD. Chase issurcvi the pvoplsof fTiooMitmif
that he i :*: 15-t. :d d -*rlewu-e its
j . pk became submerged in the tide of Ke
pubiicaoiflß (by adhering to their time honor
ed prtac ;e# and,*, .at if tiel2 h f wed
t... ii„.k Le s.t .1 -t.ike eff tae
dust of his feet against it also. And as the
I.AWU o: brighter era is alreaoy beaming on us.
Te .is oh *.: pavk j U p* „; s A-
D.tEocracy . ..s .-; f. >.: -!J save i t.'y la
tt.e a:d i, - av-.p w-. sL. aid i.-ot be s-ar
prh- dto heac of.. ai amoo, the ebony serfs of
the >ou;L,f r whom Le j '-sses to • rotenz i
aa avefsi-a >'.* .. K/j c.: ;•
W Wicitr L s s:t ir. in g c;*. e*r, u;
in XoflluTi Na \ \ ££-.>w u some
p! tCCv ii i'x ;*C-rp
% nibfortt V\t porter.
Tlinrsday Morning, October 25, 1860.
IGRMS —Ome Dollar per wiuum. inrariubly in advance—
/<•(- weeks precious to the expiration of a subscription,
notice icilt be girrri by a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed. the paper iciil in all cases be slopped.
CI.CEF.INU— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
toicing extremely low rates :
6 copies for {G <Mt jls copies for. .. sl2 00
10 copies for 6 00 | 20 copies for 15 00
A OVEKTTSKMRNTS— For a square of ten lines or less, One
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-Jive cents
for each subsequent insettion.
JOU-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
> r fonul-'t prices- a ith every facility for doing Books
Blanks. Hand-bills. Bali tickets, frc.
1-t KJwar.l C. Knight, 1 ith Ulysses Merettr.
2>t . .11 >!>ert P. King. 15th. .George Hressler,
.;.i ..Henry IBKU, 16th..A. B.Bhirue,
till.. M. K .ut, 1 Tab. fianiel O. Gehr,
sth.. Xathan Hillea, 18th. .Samuel Cahria, J >hu M. 10th Edgar Cowan,
T;.James W. Fuller, Jmh . Win. U.-Keimao, i
s.i lUm IE stout il-t. John M Kirkpatriek,
tl. I'r.iti - IV. CLri-t. 22d .Tames Kerr.
KHh .David Mumma, Jr., 2td lliiharl P. liol*rts,
11 tli David ragjrart. 24th.. Henry s>>uther,
Pith T'.i ■ ins H Hull. 25th . Johu Greer.
13th..Francis B Penai nan
The recent overwhelming triumph in Penn
sylvania seems to have effected our opponents
in a stiig'ilar m inner, j i Iging from the in itio,
uvres which have since takeu place among the
leaders. Tiie Breckinridge Committee, of
whirl) WELSH is Chairman, recently held a ;
meeting, at. i instead of forming a Fusion,
reset tide 1 their form r actios, ami resolved to
stand by the Electoral Ticket formed at i
Heading. This tiek-'t has upon it, u large
preponderance of Breckinridge men.
The straight DOUGLAS committee recently
met at Philadelphia, withdrew the DOUGLAS
elec-oral ticket and also resolved to support
the Heading electoral ticket, although DOUG
LAS has but few friends upou the Gket, and
a portion have declared they would not cast
their votes in the electoral college for him.
under any circumstances ! We are somewhat
u iau- to ?ee what coir-e FORXEV will adopt,
I.'JW tital the DOUGLAS managers have recom
icended a policy so nttwly at. variance with all i
bis profession*. Those papers wbieh hare rais-!
. i the P i;; \s electoral tiik- t under the
banner of " No comprooaise with Traitors," are
in rati!*..' a: awkward position.
The withdrawal [of tlie Pop: LAS electoral j
ticker has been caused by motives of policy :
. the | art ef Li- friends. The I?r.t:eK
it..\ - ■ de lit Heading, in poe->
ig th>' UM'U* S of ti: • orgautA-ition and placi g '
ipon the elect ral ticket, a majority of seenss- |
•• -*> T it *.; -a•* wi- likely t r- ccive the
votes of a large majority cf the Democracy
f tae S*...ic, wht'.e lb-.- Ntra.gia 1> <,l>S ticket
would not receive the rotes of a quarter of the
t.d- ■ f tiie I. :*i • H mJag. is IV-mo
ra y>n Pt-unsy Ivania ! Tiie IV VGLAS man
agers dare not, under thecireomstnecea permit;
] their ticket to remain in the livid—while the i
B .fx .* it manager* ire aatiufied with com '
";.g the f. raer to I ck down from their
. pomtioa, and swnllow a ticket conqmiad :
men, ..i ti.-.- main, who openly declare t!ey
prefer the election of LINCOLN to the success ,
of D 4,LA* !
W-. !cf i •' b !;. ve that t: ' ar.-angemu t has
be n made with any other parpose than io
:c. a! the we-akm ss >f the resjvective parti s.
15 ." * i - effect cf it is • ~t bit tw o electoral
tickets will be voted in Pennsylvania. The
trafficking Bell men will support the Reading
- ticket, notwithstanding the slight which has
been ]nt upon the n. To defeat tiie eooibioa
t >n it will be necessary for the H>publican
v te t'be ; ■ lied. A feeling of security which j
would induce Republicans to stay away from j
' ti.e tit-ct.on. night loan the ssaic. We want '
v gawm, dctermmod action until 7 o'doek of
the sixth of Korenbtr. We mat cot only
. am. :*• far Old A'le.Vut s;h an ore whelm
ing majority as will demonstrate that PenaajT-1
vania is to the core, and carry with it a
ru-ora! force, which shall not be disregarded.
r AXMEW G. CURTIX, our victorous standard- 1
bearer ia the receut State contest and who has
1 been proclaimed the choice of the people of
| this Commonwealth for Governor by a maj aritj
( of upwards of thirty thousand, is still enlisted
i i the war, and intends to keep Lis armor on
t until the final battle bas been fought and won
lie has recovered from Lis hoarseness, and is
ready to take the iitemp for Honest Oid Abe. j
lie .!l speak for Lincoiu at various places in
ti.:- S *. r and New Jersey before the close of
• the Pre >.deuti-l contest.
feif* A Republican Dated States Senator.
. in of Dr FrrcH, is secured by the elec
tion of a strongly Republican Legislature in
Indiana. Another Ilrpuurtcan Senator is
gained it! sacceed Mr. RIGLFR.
. Th so are important changes. The Senate
wili preset.t.'v be rtdevijed.
CraT If the I"a.on caauot suod a change
of administration," says the Providence J<nr
t; "if it exist* only by tue sufferance of the
mi-.-oritj, than .! is already practically
cu. and we live not iu a confederacy, of equal
hla'.cs, but in a govern meet hall of sovereign
States aud half ot subject provinces."
The probable majority in the State for
Cu STIN I* ahcui 32 00®. We shall pal'ish THE
. "cial table as soon a* it is complete.
Republicans ! the buttle may be won, but
the victory is not yet secured. It needs one 1
I uiore gallant charge, and the field is cars !
We enjoin upon every Republican to prepare
for the ouset. It will not do to lay down our
arms, in security, until the Six thof November
has passed, and a Nation's Suffrages has ele
vated LINCOLN to the Presidency. .
Republicans of Bradford ! It remains only
for you to make preparations for getting out
the voter.-. It would be humitiating to have
LINCOLN'S majority in Bradford less than C't'R
TIN'S. To increase our majority we must work !
until election day. We want systematic
work. Each school district should have a
Committee of active working men, with teams
\at their disposal, to bring out every voter. — j
We have the votes to give 5000 majority, if
they can all be polled. Don't lay still, and
feel after election that your towuship could
have done better, but have the consciousness
of having done your best.
happens that one vote decides elections.—
Governors have been elected by one vote, and
iu minor-offices or.e vote has freipien' ly decid
ed it. At the recent election, the Republican '
. :
candidate for Clerk of the Sessions in Schuyl
kill county, John D Heed, was defeated by
one vote. In Sullivan County, the Republi
can candidate for Commissioner is defeated by
one vote.
REPORT OF I'RPMII s awarded at the seventh
Vnuual Fair of the Bradford County Agricultural Socie
ty, IK-. .J at Towandu, October 11 lit a tut I Jill, 1 --.0 :—•
Bull "2 YEARS old ami upward-, tir-t premium to V. L A
•f. E. Pi-diet. 11 i'.l - years • lan 1 ti >t 3. fir.-t premi ;*n
to B. Laourte. tow O- \ear.lii-t premium to V. E. & J.
E. Bioikt.
1 Hull 3 years -bland upwards, first prenfiun* to M. F.
, Ran- at. 2.1 d- ; . to Jo'ua IV:.. It EI 2 yar- old and •.•
ter 3.litst premium too. P. Warner. IVilI 1 reirW,
:ii-st premium to M F. lUn-in. Heiter t year nl4, first
pren.: <LII t • M. F. Run-ORA.
Bull " y-ars nH. ,lr-l premium to Asa Warnsr.
Judges I 'iiaiinri Fr.-bii. J. T. I V Myer, E. Ma the w
Hull 3 years r>M and up* irds. TIR-t |irctrhi/AI to J..lm
HFLLII. 2*l to. to N-. 22. Bull 1 Y>-tr '-I I A: .L N -WANK.,
i first premium to M. Watt-. 2D d 1 t-> Jontkn SI, VEN.
' Bull, yearling, first premium to So. 5. 2D D .. t Frucb
11 -met. T :ye - - old AND U ward*. first PRET ON to
Ki I I <)\, • • . do. I • !•'. M. RUU-un. IF .'er 1 year
J and under 3, LOT yreniita TO VI. P. Itaaaoat, 2d * to
Win. M L at>C.
Judges—L. P. -MLF'STD. THOMAS Mauley, Freeman
H ill . •N- '■ I pwa D- PREM. ■ *•< W. \V.
M IM *.-> A > I'*'- ON-. Bull, jrerling. fir-t prtuillOl to
.1 V. I: ■iua It- 2 year* >-i rir-t premium to N"
n ■ to So. 5. lleiter Calf, 6 tu- I.TH- oiJ. dratpremi uu
; ■ • -I UW- 1! met.
J Jo iget S. Powell. Edward Terry, Wot. A. V.-AU.-,
OXEN •; jean old. first premium to Lewi*. 2d d >
: \ s P.,-- OS I . , y, are •! i -.AN-.-, fir-t pre • I
urn to AARON Brown, 2d d->. to John W. MEAN- SIREN*
I 2 year- aad UPWARD-. first pnai .to Joel MAN A..;
- -
. Pan:-! .d F t> n.trles VA I ler;-~-i
Ju , - I i MA- A. '• il \ 1.. > Sc. . . IVJ K.
Judges —l-OAC M_.TR. A - l'*r-.-;I-. K.
J SUffioa. Voy draft. first premium v> CTUBCIMMIH
2d -i t•N•. 1. NR. I'A- -. ~TA. . A ; L
I Staliion* lor ail U-R. tynnuM.Ant piemiuwrto L King*
ry 2D >V M Iv a Lap. - •. - . YEW- -011
a:.d A;.DII 4. :.r-T J I ... . IT. W F M KEAI.. 2d do, to E.
A 1'; IV .Mr- ' y- -r- • i A ... t .
W :II ES r. . * t- M . * TV.- .
Judges —A M LIRA M l E. U>race iviili; A.
| spin fllljllp :-.-T prt uium to T" VV Brawnio?. 2.1 du
.' to 11 M h mi SI L - JPUWROM MARCS, A.-ST PRE
;n. - AV p.. 2.1 <2 .T ' Wp. .-aiiwis. H>aii IT r draft
Brat premium to W A BODTWUB. 2d T), to K COATBUUCTO
Si GW -a : Hl* 11 I >. . • B Icrry.2d W,
to UI. Leo Saddle H - W BASE, Bratpremiom to 1
ii-: Pratt. 2 t -uu■. - F.
Judge 3 J i .. :.p. E G v crl as C
Mire. 3 T*nr. first p-emi na ;•> Imr QfljMy , 2D do.
' toMuimy WatU. litv. ri:-t pieaium to
IB). t K*. > I Z years OLD. ;r- r prrmniu t" J.A
• SUMMERS, 2d d>'. to Jobn Lilly. YMUHUG. first premium
(t X 2T .21<.. t ■ J F X .'-. FI tnt premium
Jii get. — W .„ liiKc.-,i- IK . KER, GE-ARSE C '.ore.
Jack, fv-t •:R>;U:U to C 3 Perec. 2D do. TO II S Allis. '
J-rnnetf .-! s>RVU IT > 11 S V T*. Pair Mul*>. first
prt B. MI I-> J..,IRA "2d •>-. R MA }.I iune.
Males 2 year- old. first premium to J F Cnau. *ru;A
1 Yeani s- Lf-i preaa oni to 8 S Pierce.
Judges —Jame-* H C.teSy. A •! Suoiaiers, J P B irbaak.
RLOE W B:-T pem.A*u. TAT W Pe-'ser. "id do. I
| F M LUFIS-.BV. Back IWIOO. firs l premiun to lUra >.
- Parnoaa. Id to, FF FIRITHR K-. i'E.I .f LWES.FI. at re
i rwuoi la V - Par>-.ns. M du. \V VV Es-ianri>A'. P..i
Ear lumto. arst ptcaiun to VV VV EAAWU-COOKS, 2d ao.
Ruck, first rremium to - M'Cabe, M GER>*-E
Bennett. Back LAR. >. ar: pita IRO to Lose L> !aa
Pea F Ea— -. tir-t p- J . N to N\>. -. Pea of lam
r-t jrea.. ...< :••• W W F,,u r- •. k-. -. t . E C Par
se as.
i B;OK. first preav-.M T WVV losui-R . K* 2d do. to A
' S I'ARSAS. Buck L.amh. first PREM. na ta A S PARR-.N-.
.2d D.I. T" JRI RHAM. Ewes, first PREMIUM to As s Parsons
2D EL T W VV EO?TAL-rooks. Pea LAMOS. FIRST prea.uin ; ■
Judges. —W. A. Rectc t.O. H P. Kinney. WIN X rtfi.
F-i- r.r.Jer 1 year first prerr.iom to Chester F.erce.
Judges.— A I) FOBS. Ja.-nes W". LXV.AE.
• Smith. 2d DO. S S Brat Ley. Pair, first premium to W*.
T. Mead. PA.r Turk ES. firm J RN.SA to A.'red Cam
a.<_ OOMM pita;:apiirliuiaeas
Judges— H. MAS-N. A. H. Kingsburjf, Wot- 21'CAOC.
RIELS eras.
J The ;a this department WILL report at the Aa
• R. I. Vleetiae in IVEEMFER. 1 VR- OS oavinj madeeatries. :
r .filet bo : r rrt-dcatos .a a, r _ AT. e with the raie- of j
• tbe rvoetj. with the Secretary a: auj time before THE :
; first of IE>RESBER next.
T:-r. -thy soo i. first premium to J. H. Scott. 2d do-, to
Georje Fix. Barley, corn mended preas -xu to W". H.
5-i-er. er. hi >t. -. xat-r.ced pretai to E M.->re.
Judges J. B. Weiles H. M. tVoob. MO-es ELuuberger.
Gitrci Turtttif.
W ; -ter SP-.AH Srsl t-reer ra to W. W. EAST *{*■■>:-
Mr. tVlbugli. OoK-as. first yremiuatoWm.
v . .RAAIRB- Caaiiß er. first prens urn to J. !>. Ri :<wty.
' Tomatoee. fire* prvmiam to Sv. J. fid do. to l. O- H i'., a.
CAFT*CE. first t REM AM to J. H. VANTHTST. fid do. ev f e.
Beets, first premium to C- I-. Coetlusgb, 24 do, to D. U '
H 3- Celery, first petc.ia to B. ? ilas.T:i. Eg;
P'*ni. first pre'lß am to S TS. Lima Beus-. first PRE
m :m t: B K kaobi. 2d do. W.
Corn, first to B. s. KAS-EL. fiad D>. to W. C-.-M
--! tasgh. Parsnips, first premiam to W. CEEFCMRT. Car
r L- . mmror-i 1 D prt- .a to Jaatoo MVarty. -.IDS-AES.
caußmesded pramium to K Water MeL -e. rra-
SEADKD premiam TO L. P. BWM. SWEET Turaipa,
t OREOVITTII to J,AW r. tba.
Judges—J KS Morrow . JOHN PAacre.
rmctr Mritr*7.
Anale*. LARGEST as< BEST rtrietT. (. RR thirty P-{ IS
the M) first ptemtam to G C Hub 2d da. to J K W elle*. ,
rirttv 1 .Y REN fa fine i-t of eirht rar #-..> t.*T
pre TA.NM to JUSBOA KUAER. .4 do. TO J Btrrrii.
THE-' WA— RERY lirr? v. I HAE exhibit. R-A of Apple*,
■ao piated THE "OMX.ttrebelifre AT AAY JRERI -T Fa r
Tte .<? I \.:' .U were -J XAAY. SIKI Si ■. _ TXAUIM.
taattke Cemmtttee WERE rreat'y E&HARRASSCD J *xr-I
j in.e the premiums ; and very probcble. mire rompatent
Judges might have made a different award. The general
I character of the fruit was so fine, that we were com; ell
| ed to regard very much indeed, the number of varieties
:in the different lots. We would reecommend exhibitors
hereafter to give the name of every variety exhibited, as
it would greatly aid the Judges in deciding ujiou the ex
cellence of the lots on Exhibition.
The Judges would name as especially deserving of no
tice, lots No. Cii (Miller Fox) consisting of twelve varie
ties ; N'o. 9. (S s Bradley) consisting of twenty-six va
rieties, and No. 25. (Miss Lizzie Means) consisting of
eleven varieties, all of which were lieauliful and perfect
j Iruit. Mr. H L Scott had on exhibition some ba.-kcts ol
fruit of unsurpassed -ize and excellence, but not entered
for premiums.
Pears. —The largest and best variety were exhibited
by Mr. Bogart, but, as the Committee understood, not en
tered lor a premium. They were a very tine lot of live
or -ix varieties grown upon the Dwarf Tree.
Single specimen, 1 dozen, first premium to O H Drake,
2d do. to B S Russell.
I'earhfs. —lsirge-t and liest variety .first premium to M
II I.ariing, fid do. Mr*. John Dougherty. Single specimen
1 dozen, tir-t premium to K DeLung, fid do, to I. A Pratt.
Ui aprs I-urp'-t and best Variety, (con-i-ting of Clin
ton. Isabella and Catawba, all line clusters and well
ripened,) first premium t > B S Russell, fid d , to N'o. 21.
Single specimen. 1 J zen bum he- Isabella, first premium
j to E Welle*. 2d do. to J Kilmer.
Mr. Harry Mix had on exhibition, superb cluster* of j
several varieties of tender Grape*, grown under g!a-s |
The Committee did not feel At ntu-rty to cn- der the-e
|in awarding the premi un-, but as u slight tv-tni 1 riy ,-f
| oar appreciation of hi- success in the cultivation of the
finest varieties of tender grapes, we would reecommend j
that there be awarded to Sir. Mix a complimentary pre
mi u m.
Mr. FA Camper also had on exhibition the Diana.
• Harford Prolific, and Delaware grajies. all ripened and of |
delicious Haver. All these varieties are said to be hardy
and that tiiev ripen trom two to three weeks earlier than
the Isabella": if so. they are invaluable varieties to cul
Urate by oarGardw re a iff Farmers.
Gaaaeea—Specimen 1 d -zcu. List premium to Mrs. |
Thomas Elliott.
Itrird fb-uil, —Largest and !>est variety, tir-t premium
to Mr-. K lie Long, 2d do. Mr-. II- nry Stevens.
! Lhied Arpits. Albs . lir-t premium to Mi-s Franci
■ Bowman, fid do. Mrs. R I elng.
lined Peaches. :> first premium to Mis. R Delxmg,
2d do Mr-. Ezra Spalding.
leried Htnies. Largest and be-t siiec-m'n. fir-t pre
mium to Mrs. K/.ra Sjialding, fid ilo. Mr- vt B-„-fitil.
Judges. D. Wilraot, D. Hatkins, Mary MacfarFane.
Largest and 1-e-t variety of fiowers. fir-t premium to ;
Mi- Miller Fox. 2d do. to Mrs. J B M Hiiim.m. Hand
ikMp.ei. l:r-t premium to M -s Anu i Fox. "Jd d->. Mr-. J
F Mean*. IVr-kct B-paet.fir-t premium Ilia* JcßMfe
M-utLanyc. Fh.ral Design, fir-t premium to Mia* Jeu
aette Moutanye. fid do, Lilly and Hannah fflMOfi
Tobßutt-r. first premium to Mrs. .1 W Irvin, fid do,
Mrs. Jacob Kenrkb. 801 l Butter, Srst preaMuoi Mr*. J
\V Irvin. fiff do. Mr*. Wm Bn .in.-. Chee.w. first pre
i mium to John IF, k. 2d do. to Mi- M DSir k'.and.
Judges.— F' P Patch. T Humphrey. George Steven*.
T!:- J.i-lging (' inuiittec : ■ nd it d.ili .it to detenu no
between many - ;,e 'metis ~t Butter -,n exb ">it --ti
so nearly t'ltial were thy in •) laity. Tiiry desire the
E\- its* ;• I I.itn.ttee t> ~ t. ' wit i ligil -mm " la!.- n
tbaapeefmeas of Mrs. John Dougherty. Mrs. ( barb-
Horaet. Mr-. En* Sp*l4 ng. Mi-. R I>< - ng. Mr-. J H
S* itt, Mrs. L r Vdb, ..;.d a very fine package by Mrs. 1
E Guye-r.
1! INEY AX'fi r(JAK.
Honey, first ;: aiasi to Kebcj Mi b la, 2d dl,brChC
Judge* Jauie - Sherwo <I, L C - a 1.
Barrel Wheat F1 mr first premi-im F> M; rr Fr -t A
Co., d 2 1 i.. 11 Bail, "ye F. mt first preunam to
Myer Frost A Co.
Judges —Charl- s Wei's. D. J. IVardsley I. .V. I'ark-.
Thrasher A < fi-ar-.**. hr-: i -••minm t • I.'. -.A T 11.
T- irs. Horse Power. 1 d ■ to ii. S>& T- 11. Tear-. Strav/
I r. rir-t premium to 11. S. A T. H.Tens, -- M *
,F'. v, J Far-si- Ibol—- Hay Ford.. t"--t pr*n turn t,
El' Sl**w. lSe'.lriig ltor-eßake, lir-t premium t> Wm
fv A Co. OxY"k". fir-t . ■ .is ■ Georg-C. H'i
Jtnepb Borabol. **idtr MHk ;i--t pitivui* to B-S A T
II Tu.*-. i -* j, -v - - N'o 2. M
In- f i I - "l> •a - --11 !. i Ma I ■ci I
1,--' .g their <| 'tvan ! rr .to merit-, a 1 i•!' v
that t-t 'liv.- IF r 1 they nouliF coaouie .1 itlh to LA
a. ra .- ' t - -
V -MMCVI. liv: riCTIW.
-d in u- fin;-.: aid w •rkiuairsbip. . pr .poiUou t-. tb-,r
At:.- .- - V A< -y ' •
if- :■ A* i'a-.-.ige. IV--* II t C- I s . IT,;.
- .
in m very superior ountr by Xesvs c '-I ling A RamM.
('. a.el It's re. —t hi - n ■ >v A i"-Kr,- of
, TowarAa. V-i pre. t iiesler Vc*i.s A.-.- • xui.:l*c
ex. client _:i i ti-'efai
SVc jwlrr'i It "oil. - Gaitors", Boots. A Shoe* fit pre
tcA. I. Humphrey.
toother i *.; -Lbs lit ir* Mr. u- (uy a Bra*
C it -ii. - 1 P-z t) ( err AH ; j.-y w- ->? on
exhibit! v.
Tio J' "ore. lst premium to Coddiog & Boetll.
Pr> was r -'• r.. and -' *>nr-e i -!<• ,
:r. I'l-e : it ;-->asju > in u,i . an* wors-id , ii.—tx
that a new r> • c l -1 be nude at ii ane, si. . -.g the
and ex' v * <? l,y M. J.' r- . Ta- ar ra.
Wolbri -t a Waaiter—rx.oi Bed by li. Kiar" U-T.
j protni-es to !>e a rery vaiuao.t assistant in otte of tue ' ai.d -' J "f. .it - -.! >•-*"' I c
f:err ••ft';re- r tie- nu,-:i e ni. h fc *r h-fVer:
iwca a de-sderatoui in t'se irsar.. etorv- * .ch have i- ;
i made t- anirii rato the Lib of t..-.- t -u-e-fi't. ~rH
T beirt "y - rx- to. " - -• re-! :h- -. * ra) f
the commitiee.—l'jtented by ut-j. Walker, formerly of •
- , . . Ma: . _ i
tV. M .r; y .• ,i be ,tr> -re: • . *:-> to g-ve -a"
iOMIi si to Btauy *ho exam iced it. T - say he
i s*id of a Washing ma, h;t,e exhibited by R. ,V J. 11. G '
tte, Trey, county, patented by E. B. C'.e
icei.t. 1-A-
Tw - a I* rare* rewi> *f rent rei ■' r lowing ri- j
ter from WcSf I one by Mr. kWj, and aU -ihcT whi;h j
i- I'Afc :r• .u? E PuS- -. ia •> r— *-1.-- we t-r.--.-r
--. Ml. A-o-rt - I Will.,- --".Jr.--. t-,r . i.. t.y
that Mr, 1" fferCX - I ' aser.ry -- i r *■-
' et wh -rh hnxg in the well."' in M limes.— H. P. Brown, j
of Tswanda. is agent for the Faffr iropr-.v*aer.t. Mr.
Avery'- Address, and the date ra i ctj tf the patent, i:
! gives to tbe committee, hare ;<eeo nkslaid.
hjK-c:irm of dry iu Irjc and stoei.
Diploma t-> John L. Hx-".. g-.
Specimen of w-'-knau-Lip ia Irta. Ac.. : -*ty's Di
ps, m to t hatie* Cask.
Ail of wh ia is respectf-dlr -nb-aittoi.
Judges. —C L. Ward, i>e->. C. 1! \ Was. K n--'y.
B RsE lVltdS ! Tlx,;.
shw ! nr H?r*. Cret preaiiua t-3 W BDo-Jg. i-i > •
Judges —J xithaa feteveas, G t C Irf'.t..
Beef, first p-en ia M'Cabe. Mutton, ffrst
premium to James M'Cabe. Uaa,aokd. first pre a* am
io E W Decker.
Judges— J C ak. a, Ti. -mas 5
i -fE-tti fivtTi -; jur*.
Woolen CArpet. first preml to Mrs. Waiter S- :* 21
do. t Mr-. E "A',.i Rag •"arpet. first re:.-. . M--.
E BCa.-e, 2d *-. to Mr-. Harry - ..... T- L..
first premium to Mrs. Harry Be vB, 2-J d>. Mr-. Joel
Johns n. i nea Ci 4h pla'tn firs: ,Cm : M*-. M
C.e..A i. l".A*r*l. first ;re:r..::K. t-■ Mre. J 2* M -r.
2d d; Mrs. i' bur. a . . Clank*!*, first premi
uia to Mis. W W F > a T. I5eJ fi--t i en sm to
Mrs. B F Bowman. 2d do. to Mrs. ft E Gilbert. Bed
Spread made by a blind giri. first premiam to Miss Mary
s Ares, r:. -. F"ur. fi-st prem rat STre. •" M M
• e.sasd. Woolen Yar S-st premmsa to Mrs. BK B w
■ua. 2d do, to Mr*. Mm Morreur. Worsted Yarn, first
L rem)am to Mm. J B L-Ritr. 2i do. to Mrs. VI -.. , .
inen Tbrtai. first prtrr. am to Mrs. M • Viu-j. Worst
ed Stockings, fitvt premie a V- Mrs. McCkllaod. 2d do.
Mia*FMmct J> w.-uar.. ",v> -.
Miss Francis Bowman. 2d do. Mrs. McdeHaad. Lira*
Stockings, first premium w Ms. M. Ciei.nd. Mitten*,
fire: premira to Mr-. Jbn Morrow, .i to M-w. Abt
ftl Ackiey. Piece of K >ej, first prcm m : N". .
Judge* Mrs. J *seph HornVt. 55.-. Frank Watts. Mrs.
RecWc Lie Long. Mrs. Jesse A Jen.
fxcrxs CLASS.
-h ; rt. fi-st prm .sa to M- NP Mwvow, Ml
r.-d Mt-ci-. : -. '.V :k 't. u - :-r.-f -.--*.
pre-a :m to In farts Pre-* first : rem m
to Mrs. Stave-is. Krec-fe W -k fear first to-_ :
Mr*. Her ry Sis-. . -etwf L * Jctorttta, |nt jnHUaa
to Mrs. B::t Suvea*.
Judges— Mr*. Jerry Colp. M A J Hart
C.-uUhel ; Ea.;n-ody. fin* pre* ,a i M - D W_ :
i-.. sfik Eabbr:.,ery '-■".y-x .a!: Mr JEM !!i
! man. 2d do. Mrs IF Moody, Largest Variety Crotchet i
; Work, first premium to .Mrs R P Bowman. Tidy, first
premium to Min E Mycr. Lamp Mat lir-t premium to
i Mrs E Corkwood. Fancy Knitting, first premium to
! Miss D Whitney. Tetting Collar audTidy,first premium
| Judges— Miss Lizzie Means.
Leather Frame, first premium to Mary Bail, 2d do. to
R VanvalkeiiUirg. Wax Basket, first premiuin til Matil
da Moody. Bead Work Basket, 4c.. by a blind girl, first
premium to Miss Mary A Swires, Parlor Basket, -one
work, first premium to I; \ uui.iik'iiburg. l'icture, Cone
and Shells, first premium to No. f.
i Judges — Caroline Keilum, Miss tliia Overton.
Bread, wheat, first premium to Mr- John Dongheriy,
2d do, Mrs J H Bowman, ltjre Bread, first premium to
Mrs J H Bowttlan. Sponge Cake, first premium to Mis*
! E M Brake. Fruit Cake, first premium to Mrs. John
Dougherty. Variety Preserved Fruits, first premium t >
Mrs A Cramer,2d do. Mrs Charles Hornet. Variety Jel
lies, first premium to Mrs John Dougherty. 2d do, to
Mrs. Jacob Bowman. Variety Spiced Ft iit. fir-t premi
um to Mrs Charles H >met. I'kkels. first premium to B
T Drake, 2d do. to Mrs W W Fowler. >ap, first pre
u.iuin to No. -il. 2d do, to No. 23. Current tt iiifi. tir,l
: premium to Mrs J C Kidgway. id do, to Henry Stev.-ns.
Crape Wine, firs' premium to E H Ma-oii, 2d do, to J it
Welles. Catsup, fir-t premium to II T Drake.
The Judges would commend to the fatorablc hnti-e of
the So* ictv a very fine display of cakes aud other articles
from the Bakery of Mr Henry Dirbauk.
Judges- Mis .1 l> M Hinuiau.Mra V E Piollet.
Painting, View of the Iludson, prenlinnl to .f. F. Ifc-n
--der. Diploma. Ixirgt-st and te st collection of Paintiugs,
J. F. Bender. Specimen ol Book binding to J. 1 • Ben
der. Spe imen of Photographs to C. H. Wood.
Variety of specimens of Penmanship—Bingharaton
i Commercial College. Diploma.
A beuutiiul collection of Drawings by Dr. J. Mcintosh,
i Dij loma.
Judges—C. Ihurst m. E. If. Cranmer.
Pair Crotchet slippers, pre. to Mrs. \t in. Costrilale.—
Pair (Iciitlemaus emuroio ltd slippers, pre. to Miss Jes
-e Phinuey. (,lass Card Basket-pre to No. 0. I-adies
' Toilet Pin Cushion, pre
the Juges would commend t" the special notice of the
Executive Committee a beautiful set of Furs, made and
exhibited by Jlrs. Miles Carter ; awarded the Society's
i'lpl in i.
Judges- Miss D. D. Watts, Mrs. Win. Mix.
Wagon Jack, I v X. I' Brown . Society's commenda
tion. Sewing machine, E. 1 laik s patent by li 1-■ tnaw ,
. t . - Diploma, 2d do. I .aid. Webetef 2d award
: Draining pipe, by James Madeline. Society'a COMMS
! dstioa. Fire Brick, by s.nue.Sot iety' commendation.—
Bee Hive by D. Cbaflee, .- . ietv s commendation. Me
\ .. ing Stoat and Until * ait, D. chuCee, ctmamM 1
tion. >• .-Acting Wag -n brake by Tboiwu- tto-Icut,
mmend ition. I'orta-de Fete •• by W. T.ti"®yy. d. '"in
mendatienof Bodety. faotimMif Bnktb, pmm ....
t .Job.l BristoL lilim Washer, by II- King- any. -o .e
--ty's D: lon A. A coif oil ise or Sliver add tuer wa:-
arrl a • is,- oi hue *'nt>ry by Codding 4 lCas-el!.--A ward
the S-e iety's coinmeu iatiou.
Judges—S. P. drown, Albert la-nt._
A Frge nutrr! sroi Aotsie,is aW'I ailicies "ntetvil in tie
•i lli unit fcyufmait and 11 wave beat jkigb )
memWl in the rep its •! the Judging Committees, a fu
notice • f which will be given in the ire;.etui rep."\ th-
K>•. ,u~e i.:r.;mtte. The CounnsWee l.avc d,s ave-1
MWil errors. CMMed hy person- jdu-itta Vucir lumbered
ticket- upon the wroug animal or article, and !-y intcr
iv. g*\ c; ,1 !!- wrong C'la-s. > v':l Cf'TV Wt ; sof
re> ltd as tai a- p—sole.
The preite -- \ ■ pAd !• T a e;.->"|ed to re
ctive them upm applicatii a TO <l. li. WATKIS-. Treasur
er. Cnpai't* prenHtitno'trt la-t yar will ab- Ise paid as
aboe. By order of tne Exa-' Committee.
WM. C. 808 ART, Secy.
i vn." mr t od. —Tit*- heavy rii*i of
SM-.'Swy la-t iiav-- . a se-> gre-t kiru'age i,y tin
e ...-id rive.- over - waug Us ft tit-, a. 1 y
in* od carrying away the crops. Tbe Susgatlam a rose
s.'si 11>.,i v .- s-t -re •• a ..irr h gtr
: .. . ,r- - • -... As -. i-f, -re
l"p- fbe i•• - a- . s - slo -in-tag,- -et-ins to have
- ■ -g • -*. - _- ir <r. 'it- : fI- = .:- s.h !-r
■ nc' year-. B; ige—. mill Jams and rup> have sgflertd
ten J ly.
We are in' r med tya ritizen of ft dgbury that np-'.n
• Uey t'res-k aota lnidß.ii ** ,y. all ktfiag baca swept
away by the li -od.
1 J w.,- : .;i Creek the d riage w- a.wre. A
r-.w -ige.; i-t er<- i.a •• > Frank.i.i wa- -w,.plaway.
A p • , B> Js m at. aa- iri -1 sway.
A •w.. d v.. ,le -ir :.. .. Aby A. R Pj.ustss
•r . . ;. r : -. - .i 1•- C i.. ,a- s--: iry
m t. fbe water br k-- a ad
11. J Red. On- sj-aa-f the'.riiig" has fißea, l-nt re
• : - • •~r ' t - ■ . -♦*. J - a- al
ts *- ik- in tlf ' "tr* • r.ii'r v7;f '-T-r
--f -< k* ■ Mr. • - - ' 1 wa- u.—j irrled way.
Tbe h—e are e-' nit- 1 as : 1! : to Mr I'.ik- -'
m i." - ; t th- iy Jb,.l Bead f- l i". " .nd
r i"- la- ail- "a. .*ge- : lia.l
R- J 'W- re; ."rc-d at once JD-1 S. .1 pr ■ a" iy ue attt
! •- i • ; r-.-f.- M the li li. - - 1.
;t Aifit v. -1 the > - - •-• fy th -
fr-.'.et. v,e y- }g<- w f.'l . • the ( o-;:,t
mum' fa- - i- eeri s - J,t. ; a 1 I s ..- - ; ,f An.
• ,r..J ! . wheat. - ■--;• : aw ay orntfcrly
• "
t tt. 1 for t- sw- Bwr.- *-. w si, tbe .-•Uie;, ixarv -t, w .-.b
-.a-i • si . .v- " • :: a:sf a •■ er w -.
, Sack -udvi-.a and - vere fre.-he.- are apt to damage the
toe- canals, and we icarn that a serious break occured
near 11.-ian, w'., la will ukt tae days it, u-{.air. The
-.. it Creek Ac^atduCk wi- {naciMlcai j—itmn. tbe
- hs- ■ z been torn -at aai: the sr . t ire in z: -at
darger 1 ' fairing.
I":-- An;, v; i Cr. i" .as al.spw-'oiAy s-aT r-u. tbo-agh
w* have no porf .cula:-.
ftaTWe h-T* j is- r. e v- ■ 'h<- j r • (•]!?:
. of the mce' ing of the Teach.-- Asssxiati-m, held at R. w
tea nchoal hoasw, on tW ... . mi: .. k Sq teia rr We
[ - it tbe nee; ng was owe .-* nro 1. i
b.t as i". is s 1 g since the meeting, tbe proceedings at
ate day w. bae :!:.• 1 u-rc-f :. . ,r read- rs.
W- hope th- tei her* *iR bear Jn si ad shad tbe second
f: lay of N ver.,.< r t- the ::r.e fc: the an Rial H- v . |.
lectures.- 2 -r the a ■ - of T -waada Di - n. N>.
; 1 si. Ssns of 7easprsuace, will be given by Dr. D. S Friday evening. O-rt. at 7 o's -rk. at
ith-ME' .. :ch,i.eputJ . vc-.-y carat-t ■ inv.te-i tc-
n'OTBIB BANNER. —Tae Central Re
. .] CI .j of Hi - If rd Cooafy a;. • Iwr beautWwl
iJar.:.--- to tV t wL-"aip c-r bom* in tae Cuiy which
- g .- .argenl 9 tncrea-v;. at tbe com-
J ing Presidential election, in fu Repuhiicna note over
that >: it tbe Pre-' i at:-I tle.-t --a :a 1*". Tbe c a
mittee re-erve the r gat t. take into eas: !ratiis the
•Ling . •*. ' ■wra-ai; xad : r> lines, ia award th
B. F.FOWEU., Pres't
P. S.—The Banner awarded at the last election v-
M r.r -e boro'. it is in S"ure of preparv. n and w,il
be df.nered t = tbe BepcU.- as* of tswt a- soon
as completed.
XF°" A R tnao namta Wakrtn
was fcaad dead in the village of Fean Van
one erenii-j? last week. Trere was a cut in
the back of h-< Lead sofße ent to proio-ge death
but is there was no storic near where he Jaj,
it Eeems hardly probable that he could have
received the irjaries by fai. ng. The ju-y ren
dered a thai he died from a fractcre
in the head, received whiie in a state of in
rs the an>e of -- a frac'ere beicg un
known to the jury.
tuff' The Telegraph on Wednesday jrave
cc*i *e that an eart.'itjnake was ff-.t i n Saco
Mi ar i t" ♦•-•ag out Canada. I*. row tor* -
on: that the shock was di-vnct'v f-h ia A baßv
bj several j-arties, and tbe Troy Times aii
| conttces tfcnt it also felt there
ION — We are gratified lo learn, as wed o fro.-,,
our Washington correspondent, MVS the X- I
York Timet that President BUCHANAN ha- • I
apprehensions that the Union will be DISSOLVE.! I
in consequence of .Mr. LINCOI.N'S election ][,. I
appreciates, with a deal of justice A- ,J
accniacy, 'he true character of the MENAEES I
that are uttered at the South, and has nohesiia- I
tion in saying that, "though there may A
lit'.LFE DSiSe find agitatiol:, nothing will come OF I
Tills frank avowal is FCMLBNUY Pfefiitahie TO I
to Mr. BCCHANAN, thontrh we fear it ••) |
: oppoiut some of his Southern friends who HAO. I
been counting confidently upon his forbearan - I
in case they ,-hould attempt secession durin® I
his term of office. The Charleston MERCUN, I
some weeks since, made quite an argument - , I
show that it would not do to wait until \|. 1
LINCOLN'S inauguration,— for then the pow-> i
of the Government would be iu his hands -1 I
But that sagacious journal thought there I
good reason to believe that President lii IUXA.V 1
would never permit the army to he us-d R J
eoercinw a fcjtate into remaining in the UNION 1
against her wili. \Ve apprehend our SOUTH
ern friends will find all Presidents v<;ry M> - [
alike in this r-.-spect. They all take an O*
to support the Cou-tiialion, and we DOUBT ' I
we have ever yet had one who was WILLING - , I
have his name go down to posterity AS T> |
aider and abettor of treason.
W -mn. EODT 4 C'U.'S
Charles Sikk-U 4 (JO.'S I V,rrw|Xn Jenee OFFI-T..
KUII! t., near Market, Wilmington, Dthwarr >
I DEAK SIK :— As prejudi-E exists In the minl ,' A , SI I
I>F-r-,11- against Litterie- WE are ileU.-roinel t > RE-,- V. I
it. -A tar at !EAt. as c<M' r,is the popular AIWL far !,-R>,| I
laiterie- ~f ME-s. W,, .<I. E-WV 4Co . whi h are _ UHIRZ I
NY the- State of UeUsart-, AMI TO SB-<iv JMI that . J
AR. in earnest . we pre-wnt t- you liie (ILK,WING T
J fiirary proposition. VS STFTCMYW I entilatt of - I
| full MKAPI "I Sl.wtewnfhx of tidcets in the <?r-x-y} l/for' I
Class J62 to be DRAW I <M the Jlth of Noremlwr ~ I
-■•heme VL"SCIL> and if it doe-N-it draw V, O B
I will MM J-J'l ari'/ii-r I, I . I.'- KX'.RI L • I
TE fur nothing We —r.t A prize of sl/, , , j., .' .li
way on the 'AH of October, to A O- ,ant M O-wer I
County . N 1 ork. AND havii GA- LA ". MET W lit r , ■ 9
i name we OFFER the same T" yon. You will of A-,"arse U
Htnii ntouroMnttisMakiantM* Ser IS FCREV I
tend 'OR ' -11,ES-. arid, UNLESS y• -hw th- MXIEV. *R I
let it be know A th tt W- SENT ym the f'r /E. W- !U 1
■Wive no LO- '-fit from this arrangement. PVSSE K>- I
-LI -TAER-RN MY |l<lvat#.- wb.'V we SEND yo„ tae M-.OE 1
H-E t.E enclosed ENT.S -ana-< 1 |in A, Y,. rlsMeri 1
;■ iy the MAUA.-'r- for tl ■ erfiiicate, wii-n we f„rrar l : W
•y I-torn BKS,L. and —TAI Y.U tl>E m >ney A- ,A- \T- \
drawing i- over. After y.,A RECEIVE the NTFVY -h -W .■; J
TI r tri-ND-. and M-jt- as much excitement ay - . J
,r favor. PLEASE wend at on -- AND don't ahiw t
letter to any one.
Very T.-U.'v Yours
FT J- IS R 17h 1-00.
-YO, 3, I'ntton't Bind;.
nVVLNO made UP his mind to mike TH® ME-'IA: H
B'JS'IIES. A P-rm (M-INES w-, ,! L -N >•: . I
--. v.- him a > >LI and examine hi- a' •-t ERE - :,<* -I 9
I * >d-. jn-t R. II a A', and Whi H e ofi. r- S! - W
I 1..,-d PRE ••-. I,r Ca.-h or ElN>t KINDS OF CO LIST-' J'- 1
da E. HE - ptrfiwltr TENTHIII
LARGE STIW-LC R,F DMWII E< - FT _-w • •. .9
■ *1 N- STA UMMM-MMD ( I
T-. T T!ID 31.11 - ..U B"ii RTWU, JTR-IUA !>•—.. 1
-TP ail rfllln 9
iC|r ( PUITIV, ii: I
S: O-k of - whi H ti.T <HO _<AT in TOWN® LI M
_-:-at irg A. .-
Ist \~-' - I
To nr.-<
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ent CDEJU-R TPU a! a: v • THER |>'A *• : . FCS,
I R , (. -.4 i -4. [>, -. -\Jr- '-9
i.a . -ZS, M.-SE.-, Me., a:, I • H Mven. A, 3
I. -F •!'- K IF TL* I-,-,;.. R- wn. ('• "E* W- * - J-- :
L-, . ZIO, L'..;tv. .-a- , N a - I J'-.IVAI .
<V• >R :I— .VSP P-I.IT
JAR URD. C a?-' Be-: H' ?• >W.
par AM. -W Hi CB
I :
Hardware aad Stove SK-B
' ■■
• S.V-A a V -EY . xtei.-IVE -T<S k -F HB
' every -tile ROD PIUE-N. XD in TED F r BARA R
- ' A ■ • r -New Y k. TIE ■ -- fij
> I-IS 'II-® STORES i< particularly 01.R —LE-C
FI- -ERT aOR the coanfr/. , *! W..', - - •I ■ Y
arJ -D T -,-j <>{ A A-; ■ V-
1 1•- VE i can NFF INDUCE men ta tfann OTR I
A IS..
Hard urate, Iron. Steel. Wails, GIAEIJ
House arul Carriage TrimmincJl
:R IN* W:.T> VR-• \V -I.- 1
peate: - iri'L . I- - .-. t-.-v.iia- f -J- -"9
P- rr-'-f. V>- ' . 1 ... P ' - and Tabe. VS-I T
- V 'I, .. m
WH DESA-E at... Beta-i.
J •VV rk DI E -a SHORT notire.
IR'I- > J . v COPPER. Britannia, L> - Y 19
WAX - -. TAARO in exchange foe GEO*. J
HA- J - xj-r TH. |
. I-, C at. ?-A 1 AN make it v.— istrre-t '•* r.-_-
zis- SO- c !. >TY GPMB wiii *B ■ .zh: A. P - * faß
r. ' - . - lAt -i-F.—P RA.IT PRICES. A
.-- WIN be MADE from M
C'A.;*:EBT wvrkmea.aad w..1 be warraat I
D. t H-ii- M
; Dash.VRE. Oct 11. I- 'B.
W s
m I
kof I>RY I-HLS. mad IA IMTTN ore - B
in*, fr -A Sew Y-RK iaZ- •• -• ■*:' I • *J|
THE SEA--N. err. .-- ISTG A.I FBE R- "•'
TVHVCH THEY r-A - *-r f R -A!, at the -' -• '- "
:api-i I<J TI.. H.-RY A WICKHAM, { WEST : a- : '*
V.FT). TS-YW c>: . }
I and examine their exlen-RVE assortment, I- * , :
| lermmed U> ofler their ROOD*, for cash, at m 3 T
can NO", laii UI -. i trie
X. BT.— Pnleft can be by IW wft3 VR? |
AND C ■' a--. SEWING S.Jts asd'tji D:*- I ---■ * -
NAANOTA-X.-ES price.
'j Tewnsdb. D-t I. ft. D . *l' K3 TT ■ J
*j * JH
*AD R.-Vrt ntaa ACT are. AND at TBR . •••*...
- -at - kick .W able • rk -AA TE ~ 4. J^^H
TnaakJial tor |ast MTMARR H> - " R
xttesti S CF tfce TSJ W WRIT B I • <F
IV-- and >H'E- is TO the LA?SD •" ""
1 AMEKI AN CAI.R - N- V '/
- !N;< -H 'F. THREAD A -PARAR*
IV.U A ILX.CJ; R. .FTS A -E> a IA-;- -I *
' II
Naits. HTD-Heryaad T E&C.JW Hardwa-' i
j vfce*N ;-.-r TWIL - J^^B
J J. P. T DI