Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 27, 1860, Image 3
jirto StttoertfstmcKts. JOSEPH POWELL, Desires to call SPECIAL ATTENTION To his Stock of B It USSELS, THREE PLY & INGRAIN carpetings. OIL CLOTHS, deugge t t s, MATTS, &.C. &C. Ol which u Large Stock has JUST BEEN Also to his Stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS. AND ¥&&&£ #00:00? To which Additions are Constantly being Made. Also to his Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Also to his of CROCKERY m OIiSS WIRE JEST OPENED. ■ Also to a. Full stook of I Domestic Dry Goods, Shats and CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, I All of wliii h will bo sold as usual inucli under PRICES ■COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES—The i .11. C. B. PAT< H. K.TKEL HOOP SKIRTS Cle*p<r than other plane at MKItCUIt'S. | VNYES' STUPE. SEPT. 4, 1860. WERCANTILf NOTICE:, ■ } R friends*, and others, are respectfully Uted to examine our New Stock of iFALL & WINTER GOODS, ""isins ill the Styles now in vogue, which have been st the Lowest ebb, iu the market, and will be ■ jr. Out stock consists of all the varieties ■ " p an,j Saucy ■RY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH mNG MENS' FT:RN ISHING goods, ■ HARD-WARE. IKON, NAILS, ■ ANDSADLERY HARDWARE, I CROCKERY, FAMILY GRO CERIES, ROOTS AND SHOES, &c., &c. ■ , ; c ' > be eoiil at Wholesale or Retail, to suit •' *rs. (jail and exaininv. |~ MOMTAimT ■ N i :\vs OFI'ICK. H . ;"-'gned beg* leave to call the attention of Bit 'em of Towand* and vicinity to the fact, that H hto whole attention to the A'ete* and H " " n®<"ies*. I have the ve.y best facilities for ■ j, l ,i' ij>< r, I/ailu and ll'rekty. Also all tiie on lutnd as soon as issued. I can published in the United States on short Er . M 'J*""''!. Tribune, and News, furnished at ■ toJ£J2* k ; U * D .' , J Wor,J at lo ' Now is the ■< i" r l/ or * daily (taper, in order to get the ■t v ' ' '-action Returns, Ac. A good assort V Fnvet °" al T Wi " '"'"n l ;lt 8,1 time . Ink, I'sper, ■> " u'vTV; ThanK '"lfor the liberal pat ■ • ""ds. I hope by attending promptly to .tefnt T r li Ul " ll ' eir custom, for whicJa I shall ever ,i,i' "c a at ,llc ®ake*y and see. lbbO. A. F. COWLBS. 1 lON.—Tlie co-pnrtnerßhiphere- I ■ bstJllo* between the nobacrfbers under the t 8.1 Tt,"i , yiMS ' '* lt "* day dissolved by mutual - H'ad noU: '' acc, "T l T wd othnr obliga i Hrtif to said firm are now in the I- '• 1 ATTON, for collection. * Au * 30,1H60 ' D-PlVne.' !'r """ conducted as heretofore under the :i4c! , x TT< i N '. a . t ' cl for the liberal share ' ■ , xu *"' l l .l hi us in the past, we respectfully (1 ■ - i... A ' V R ' HBme . p'edging ourselves that Bt.i ~ j'.. *" h P~rfcd to make our Store ane of the H *-t --tregulated in tho State J O FATTOV. ilrto atJDcrturntnus. September 18, 1860. The Largest and Cheapest stock ;®f ©ynrmss Hats, Caps and Gents FURNISHING GOODS! Ever offered in thin country, !S NOW BEING OPENED AT S. BENEDICT'S WiRDItOBE, IN TOWANUA. P. S. Particular atttention is ca!le<l to my stock of WOOLLKX WRAPPERS aud DRAWERS. E. S. HEN EDICT. JULY 10, 1860. WM. A. ROCKWELL IS OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF Summer & Fall Goods. CONSISTING OK LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PRINTS FROM 0 cts. TO ONE SHILLING. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. WHITE CRAPE. STELLA. BROCHI, AND PRINTED SHAWLS. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. BROAD CLOTHS, MEN AND BOYS' PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES. SUMMER PANT AND COAT GOODS, HATS. CAPS, BONNETS. BOOTS, SHOES, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, WOODEN AND STONE WARE, BIRDCAGES AND BIRD SEED, OILS, PAINTS, KEROSENE, FLUID A ALCOHOL, GRINDSTONES AND HINGES, FARMERS TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. All of which will bt? sold at the lowest possible price for Csssh or Produce. WM. A. KOCKWKLL. Carriage Manufactory at Alba. . -FTPS' REYNOLDS, FELLOWS A: CO., re* pi tfuliy iuform the people ol Tw ;■£— Western Bruit, id and the paldie general ly, that their operations have not been in the least dis tnrhed hy the tire, and they are as usual prosecuting tlieir Im-siuess in all it* branches. They are manufacturing to order, and will keep on hand, ('anilines, SI tghs, Buggies, Skeletons, Lum ber and Jlemocrat llugons, t \-<-, HI le "F the very best materials, a id in the 111 >-t s.ibstau 1 ial and w rkntaulike manner. They u.e nothing but t!ie be-.t o| stork. their timber being mostly from tlie East, and everything being selected with reference to its 1 durability. As an evidence of the value of their work they point to the fa t. that they re -eivrd the tirst premium at the i last l!r 1 . .rd County Fair, aud ~t a previous Fair the ,Lst premium for Cutters. BLaCKSMIT'IIING done in all its branches, and par ticular attention paid to Custom Work. I AIU A pri! 4. I -cat. Wool Carding in Myersburg. 1) ERSONS living on tint West side of the- Susquehanna river, having WOOL TO CARD can i have it at the Clothing Sr re of E. S. BENEDICT, in I row audi.and it will be sent to the Factory in Myersburg. Carded and thou returned to the St >re without any extra i charge for cartage. M >erslmi g. M:iv 11. 1 -CO. W. A. BENEDICT. I^STRAY. —Came to tlie enclosure of the -J subs. ril*-; in Standing stone township, about six weeks ago, a Two Year Old RED STEER, with two white stripes in the lelt bind quarter. The owner is re quested to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. " JOHN KENNEDY. Standing Stone, Aug. 20, 1801). A SSIG N EKS' S A LE— A re-sale of the I .*. \ assets of the Farmers I 11 ion Insurance Company i not taked by first purchase, will be made at the office of j the North Branch Canal Company, in the Buough ol : Athens, on Monday, Oct. 1, I*oo, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Sept. 13, ISM, 11. C. RAIKD. Assignee. Two Valuable Farms for Sale. CITUATED in Wysox, Bradford County ! sG I'a., one and a quarter miles from the village of To wanda, containing seventy acres each, under a good -tate of cultivation. The buildings consist of two fram ed dwellings, three good barns, ginnery, apple orchard, plum, pear, peach and cherry trees, Ac., all of which will be -old at a bargain. For lurlher particulars enquire of ■ HESTER FIERCE, living near the place. Wyanx. Aug. fi. ison. V CARD. -J 11. CAREY respectfully informs . the citizens ol Towanda and vicinity, and the pub lic generally that he has commenced the TAILORING business, n this place. Shop over Messrs. Montanye A Co., store wiiere lie will make to order all tlie various kinds of gents garments in all the latest approved fash -1 ions, and warrant tinm to tit. CrTTixo done on short | notice. A share of public patronage respectfully solicit ed. Aug 1, I*6o. I UST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE •J STORE, an elegant assortment ot Embroideries. Em broidered Collars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings, Embroidered Insertings, Marsailles Collars, Mar snilles Setts, Embroidered Flouncing*, Crape Collar*, Crape Setts, Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large as sortment of Black Lace Veils. DR. JOHN M INTOSH, will be found nt his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth naerted on Vulcanised Rubber—the late.-t improvement it: dentistry. Specimen piece to be seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please pay up. JOHN MTNTOSH. Towanda. March 20, 1860. ImiGAN HOTEL,, Near the liridpe, Towanda, Pa. TOIIX LAUGH 1.1 X respectfully informs *) the public that he ha* leased the new and commodi ous Hotel recently erected near the Bridge, and having furnished it thoroughly, is now prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public as may give him a call. He will endeavor by attention tthe wants of his guests and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of publie patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Spritnous and Malt Lsquors. Good Stabling is attached, with care ful attendance. May 23, I*6o. FRUIT! FRUIT !! ORANGES, lemons, Figs. Raisins, Prunes, Citron Zante Currants. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Towand*, June 10. 1860. -PAH H. VCARD —The undersigned begs leave to say to the Electors of the county of Bradford that he will be very happy to receive their votes for the office of Proihonotary at the ensuing General Election. He d'.es not ask your suffrages because he has been so licited to do so by any of his friends-for he baa nut—nor does he ask them on account of his fitness for the office, or for any meritorious service heretofore rendered. He asks them simply because he would like the office, and because it is natural and reasonable to ask for that which we desire and which we may lawfully obtain. Permit him to say further, that he will lee! highly hon ored with the reception of your votes, whether few or many, and if elected, he will take very great delight in honoring the office Terrytown, Ang. 22, 1860. GEO. F. HORTON. OILS, VARNISHES, ADO. —Lamp, Lin seed. Tanners, Neatafoot, Machinery and Coal Oil, Coach Body, Furniture, Dtmar aud Harness Varii'sh and Jaj'an, tor ;&leat JJERCUR'ii. i&fsccUaiirous. N. Y. &. E. RAIL ROAD. CHIANG E of hours, commencing MONDAY, JUNE 18, j 1 *6O. Trains will leave Waverly at about the follow ing hours, viz : GOING WEST. GOING EAST. Dunkirk Express. 4,17 P. M,IN. Y. Express.. 11.08 A.M Night Express... .3.37 A. M.j.Vight Express.l2.lß A.M. Mail 8.14 P. M. I Accommodation 6.53 P.M. Way 8.13 A. M 'Stock Express. 4.55 A.M. Express Freight...s.3.") P.M. Way 2.55 P.M. Fast Freight s.l* A. M 1 Fast Freight .10.10 A.M. Way Freight 6.40 A. M. 1 Way Freight. ..4.20 P. M. Cincinnati Express (Joe* not stop at Waverly. Night Express, Stock Express, Express Freight, Fast Freight (both ways.) run every day. Accommodation remain* over night at Birigfiniutnii. Mail remains over night at Elmu s. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Elmira. All other trains run daily, except Sunday. OH ARLES MINOT, General Sup. NATHANIEL MARSH, Receiver. New Iron Works in Towanda! TPIIE subscriber has the pleasure to announce 1 to the public that he has commenced operations in his new Works, and is now prepared to execute orders for Steam Engines, Grist Mill, Circular, Gang and Mu ley Saw Mill Irons, Iron Water Wheels, and most kinds of Castings and Machinery in common use. He also, manufactures a variety of Stoves : also Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes. Having purchased the entire stock ot Ptitterng of the late concern of Phillips & Wheeler, A John Arnot, of Elmira, he thinks he is better provided with patterns for Gearing, Ac., than any con, ern in this region of country. He is also provided with the choicest Machi nery anil the best of Workmen, and Ims every facility to execute work promptly. He therefore, solicits a share of public patronage. Towanda. June In, I*oo. O. D. BARTI.ETT. I > DOWN -4 wide, from JL) 6.} to 8J cents per yard at jc2o. HUMPHREY'S. IAIIGE STOCK of Gents, Ladies and J Children's Gaiters, Bootees aud Shoes. Just re ceived at June 20. 1860- HUMPHREY'S. S. N. BRONSON Is now receiving at the Metropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL, PA. A LARGE ADDITION To HIS STOCK OF Harvest & Haying Tools, Iron. Grindstones, Stores, Butter I Yorkers, J! ashing Machines, Dug Powers, Sash, j\aits. Glass, House Trimmings, Mechanic's Tools, \c. W A N T E I) . WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, COPPER, BRITANNIA, Ac. NEW GROCERY PRO VISION STORE! / 4 ]j PATCH respectfully informs the ci v.-' tineas of Towanda and vicinity, that be- baa raoeiv ed and opened ill B. Kingsberv's store, opposite Mo..tun yes", a large and well selected stock of Groceries & Provisions, Which will ha sold ( heap as the Cheapest, for CASII OR FARMER'S PRODUCE. The Goods are entirely n \v and fresh, aud comprise the hest selected stuck of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Sj>im, Prut!;, Candies, Tub■ ceo, Pork, Hams, Dried Beef, Pish of all kinds,, Cao.phene, fluid, U ('(■ dm A Stone Ware, iV<-. Ever brought into this market. All that is a*ked is a trial ot goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE Will Is- paid at all times for Fanner'* Produce of all kinds ftjrGood BUTTER wanted at good prices. Towanda. June 11 l*<iu. BEAD ! EEPLECT! REMEMBER! r PIIAT in addition to our former n.~sormmt JL wc are now opening a full and general assortment ol SPRING & SUM GOODS, selected with great care to meet the want* of ail. Farm ers. Mechanics (and especially) THE LADIES, will (if they consult tlieir own interest) give us u* a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! Our Stock of DRY COOPS, CROCKERY, 3 ROC K RIES, BO oTS A SIIO ES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, SASH, (JLASS, HOUSE TRIM MINOS, Ac. Ac., cannot be excelled as to quality, quantity or variety TRACY Si MOORE. Towanda. June 14. 1860. T7IRESH ORANGES AND LLMONS, at 1 FOX'S. CUIESH PIGS AND PRUNES, at I- FOX'S. OU.MMKR SILKS, Challit s. Bareges, Thib- V J bets and Crape Shawls, just received at JEM HUMPHREY'S. Ulster Brass & String Band. WM. DZTTRICH, Deader. \NNOUNCE to the public, in general, that they are prepared to furnish Music for Parades, Excursion*. I'ic Nics, Cotillion Parties, Ac. For engagement*, apply to W. DITTRIOH, Towanda, H. J. DAVIDSON. Ulster. muraOOtf. UAY RAKES, AT WHOLESALE AND Retail, at MERCUR'S. CTRATION'S " YEAST CAKES " is the k_) best and cheapest article of the kind ever off.'rrd for sale ; ask any of the hundred families that have used it in this town, if they can recommend it. One cents worth is sufficient fcr a baking for a middle sized family. A large quantity just received at Sept - 12, 1860. FOX'S. ASH paid for Lard, —also, for 20 barrels ) first rate Cider Vinegar, at Sept. 12. FOX'S. DISSOLUTIOX. —The co-partnership here tofore existing under the firm of J. \V. Woodburn fi Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons having unsettled accounts with the firm, are inform ed that the same must be settled without delay. J. W. WOODBURN, Rome Sept. 11, 180.0. L. L. MOODY. TIIF.Y would also say that they have a large and gen eral assortment of Goods on hand, which they will close out exclusively for Ready Pay, at prices that will defy competition. FASHIONABLE DRESSING SALOON. fTHIE subscriber respectfully returns thanks -L to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, f r their liberal patronage bestowed, and hopes to merit a cot tin nance of public lavnrs, by a strict attention to business. Having an experienced workman, late of Philadelphia, he leels confident that all manner of work usually done by Barbers, can Ire done at his Baloon. Shaving lor ease and comfort will not he excelled. Hair Catting in the latest styles : Shampooing—the only place in Towanda wbere it can be done in the latest style. Are you trou bled with dandruff or scurf, call at the Saloon'and take a cool and invigorating shampoo. Coloring the Hair and and Whiskers, from a red or gray to a beautiful brown orhlaek, and make it appear in a life like manner— Honeing and setting raaorsin a satisfactory way. Cloth Coats, Pants and Vests renovated. Call and give me a trial, in the basement of the Ward Honse. August 9,1&50. SOLOMON COOPER. MACKINAW TROUT—FIB* NW FISH ;nr: retired FOX'S i-ttlcrllanrous. AUG. 28, 1860. RECEIVING nr J. D. HUMPHREY, ( lVe*i Sitle of thr. I üblit Square.) LADIES mmm® iu BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, PRINTS, MUSLINS, DELAINES, TRIMMINGS, BATTING, TWINE, kc., kc. The most complete assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, In Northern Pennsylvania. MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, Btc. THREAD, SHOE PEO3 BV THE SACK OR YT'ANTITY. Sole and Upper Leather, &c. Sugar, Molasses, Fish, AN'D OTHER FAMILY GROCERIES. To which the attention of buyers is respectfully invit ed. as they have been selected with care, and are offered at prices which tvill make it an inducement to give me a call before buying Newhere. Towanda, Aug. 2s, ISGO. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT I HAVE just received from the City, a Stock of IMPORTED PIKE LIQI OHS. of every variety. My .stock of LIQUORS has been per ch i-ed for CASH, directly Iron) the Importers, whereby I am enabled to turnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOW EI! I'KICEb ihau were ever tie fore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my stock la-fore purchasing elsewhere. I have facilities lot purchasing, which enables iuc to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liqnorr are warranted pure and unadulter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of TO3ACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to Towanda. which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists t the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of iuy entire stock ol Liquors, Cigars andTo'acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that 1 am enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so licit the public to au examination at No.Brick Row. 11. W. NOBLE. Towanda, June It. 1860. 50 Cent Tea. (CHOICE IMPERIAL TEA at 50 cents a pound ; a better article than we have ever sold at that price, and probably as good as others sell at 75c?nts This no humbug—all we ask is to have it tried. We warrant every pound of Tea we sell to give satisfaction ir the money returned in ail oases at FOX'S. TAVA, RIO AND LAGCIRA COFFEE *J in the Kerne' and Grain at FOX'S. FpRUIT 1 FRUIT.— Ornnijes.Lemons, Rais ins. Figs. I'runes and Dried Reaches at FOX'S. / Ml ELSE, CRACKERS AM) HERRING \J at F .VS. BASKETS, CLOTHES PINS, SCRUB and blacking brushes. Window Brushes with long and short handles. Mop Sticks. Shaker Mops. Matches. Wooden Faucets aud a variety of Wood ware at FOXS AI A I ZEN A— A NEW ARTICLE MADE I*l from Corn, aaid to be superior to Corn Starch for Paddings at POX'S "VTUTS, SARDINES AND CIGARB -L X Wholesale and retail at FOX'S. AMES' DETERSIVE SOAP—THE best Chemical soap in the United States at Macaroni and vermecilla very line and fresh at FOX'S. WILSON, BAKNE3 <&. CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington st.,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful ler, Dayton Ad Co., and Wilson, Jackson Ac Merrill. D. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEENEY, of Wyoming county. Fa. SAMUEL N. DELANO, of New York. lfimyfim Graded, or High Common School, AT TBE&7TOWN, PA. D. CRAFT A.M.. ) _ . „ JULIA HORTON,) Ttacktr '- THE next Term will commence on MON DAY, September 3,1860, & continue twelve weeks. The School is under the general supervision and direc tion of the Board of Directors of Terry School District, and the branches usually taught in Academies and High Schools will be taught in this school. Ton toy, per term, (settled in advance.) as follows s Common English branches $3 00 Higher branches 4 00 Classical coarse including Natural Science 6 00 Special exercises will be arranged for those preparing to teach, without extra expense. BOARD can be obtained in the neighborhood at (I 60 to S2 00 per week- ___ pTTLTITATOR TEETH at yj MERCUJt'3 ittfectllaitcous. THE FRIEND OF WOMAN. E. Clark's Revolving Looper! DOUBLE THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE The Revolving Lzwrper in a late improvement ou liny moud'a Latest Improved.) Warranted the best iu the world lot Family U.-e 1 i Trice Within the Beach uf Every Family. price #3.-. Hemmcr, Feller, Hinder A Tucking guage, combined, s."<• 1 rpHE reputation of this Machine is now fhlly c-tahfi-h --1 ed as the moat reliable Machine in the market for family use. arid has been attested too by thousands of the most respectable families iu the ('sion. This Machine mah- -, the v lebrated " Double Look fititch,'' the only one made hy machinery that meets all toe requirements ol Family Sewing. Each stitch is tied twice, so "hat every one is securely fastened and wholly independent of til the other stitches for strength, so that if the seam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew ing mast hold good while the fabric will wear. The machinery which makes this stitch is a marvel 'if sim plicity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it, nor does it require adjustment more than the mere change of thread and needles to adopt it to the character of the work to he sewed—coarse or fine as the case may be. It will sew gauze laces, and all varieties and kinds of iab rics between and including heavy heaver cloth, without changing either needles or thread equally well, an.l re turn to either variety of work with perfect satisfs tion. No other Machine ever offered to the public will do a much. A perfect Sewing Machine, one making a stitch an swering all tlie requirements of the family. sewing coarse and tine work equally well, was the great desideratum of the home circle, previous to the invention of Enwiv CLARK'S RK VOL VINO LOOI-KK. The stitch is beautiful. trong, and elastic, and trill not rip in wtai or iu acci dental breaking a thread. Every Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the 1 money refunded. We"have a large list of references but will give the names of only a few : MONROETON, Fa.. Feb. 27. lsbO. Mr. p. F. fin \w fiir : 1 have used for the last three months in my Tailor-Shop, one of " Raymond's Latest Improved Sew ing Machines," and I do think it the best in use for tailoring purposes, and would not do without it for One Hundred Dollars if i could not get another of the kind for less moi.oj . ANTHONY MULLON. Mrs. Wm. El well, Towanda, I'a. Miss Harriet Alloway, North Towanda. Miss Minerva Vosburg, (tailoress) llurliugtoii. I'A. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. Asylum, Pa, Mrs. J. W. Alexander, Troy. i'a. Mis. E. P. Shaw, Slieshequin. Pa. Rev. X. A DePew, Pcnlitld. X. Y. Calvin Carpenter, Esq. Eluiira, X. Y. Mr. K. A. Scott, Eluiira, N. Y. Mr. M. Richardson, Eluiira. X. Y. Mrs. J. H. Webb, Towanda. Pa. Mrs. j. |f. Xevins, Towanda, Pa. Mr. <i. H. Hunting, (tailor) Towanda. Pa. Mrs. (j. W. Vincent. Slieshequin, Pa. Mr. A. Million, (tailor) Mouroeton. Pa. Mr. Percival Powell, (tailor) Sheshequiu, Pa. Mrs. Owen Spalding. Waver ly, X. Y. Dr. O. H. Morgan, Wysox. Pa. All orders by mail or Express will receive prompt at tention. Persons not having the full amount can be ac eommodated with short credit. A liberal discount given to Agents. Address March o, IsGO. B. F. SHAW, Towanda, Pa. WINPUOR. Vt.Sept. 1, lsijo. Mr. B. F. SUAW -SIR : In consequence OL the low price which we have furnished heretofore CLARK'S RE YOLVLXG LOOPER SEWING MACHINE, we find our profits quite small. and shall after the first of November, make the following advance in retail : Plain Machine. Walnut Table, tools. Ac., Sf . > to 140; Plain Machine, Kelsey feed. Walnut fable, tools, Ac., S4O to i4.J ; Extra Ornamented Machine. Mahogany Table, tools. Ac., ifo ti $4 j ; Extra Ornamented Machine, Kelsey feed. Mahoga ny Table, tools. Ai.. $4", t" i. I ; Needles, each 10 cent-. In adopting this plan, welrel coulident the incr.l- of our Machines over all others, for family a.e, w .rrants the change. Our Agents are required not to sell less tlm: the above prices. Verv Itespeetfiillv. EDWIN CI VRK. In consequence id the above order, it w ill U seen, that I spall be 'impelled to advance the price of the Ma. nines fir which lam Agent, from {'!•"> to J t".. after the ,-si o November so that those who wish to avail themselves of the present low price, w ill have to send in their orders previous to the time above atmotiui ed. The reputation of Ci.AUK'S Machines are now fully C-S tahlished, as the most reli b!>- machine iu the market, which will be attested to by upwards of one hundred families in this county : and tliey only need a ehoii trial to convince the mo-t skeptical i f the truthfulness ~f the above assertions. A trial of ten days will be granted to each machine by those w ho wish to test their merits pre vious to November Ist. 14. F. SIIAW. Townnda, Septeniiier 15, 1-60. To Merchants and Dealers in Freiirht. r PIIE Roat 13, U. S. Express Freight, will .1. run from the " Tozer Bridge,'' to Towanda and Standing Stone, throe days in each week. Alt Freight frotn Waverly and other places, will be promptly deliver ed, and at tile Captain, risk except stores, syrup and mo lasses will be at the risk of the owners. But all care will be used by the Captain and proprietors. Freight will be taken at the lowest prices until the river freezes up.— Captain STONE will use his lest endeavors to find a safe channel in Old Susquehanna, whose banks trill not tilde out. All orders directed to JAHK/. STONE, at \thens, will be promptly attended to at all times. The Boot 13. U. S. Express Freight, will start on Tuesday. August 21, lbtiO. 1!. F. SToXE. Proprietor. J ABEZ STOXE. Ag't and Capt. Direct orders to J ABEZ STOXE, Athens. Bradford Co.. Pa. J ABEZ STOX'E, Agent. Athens. Aug. 22. 1860. WHO ARE INTERESTED? rpilE subscriber is in the collection and pav _L ment of his debts, having sold out his entire stock of Hardware, now finds it very necessary to collect all his accounts, notes and judgments, as fast as the law will permit, in order to meet his own engagements, which he intends to do without respect to persons, consequently ill! having accounts, notes and judgments with him must settle and pay immediately, if they expect to do so with out paving eost in addition to their present indebtedness. I ean lie found during business hours at the Ward House. Townnda. Aug 27. Don. D. C. HALL The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! C C) ft NEK Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S X E W MEDICINE STORE. Administrator s notice —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAMfes 8. ELSBREB, lateof Windham, dee'd., are hereby requested to made payment without de lay and all persons having demands against said estate, wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement. CAROLINE EI,SB REE, SAMUEL LYON. Jr., Sept. 27, 1860. Administrators. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860 ! MUSIC! MUSTCT! MUSIC!!! The Towanda Brass Band, C1 OMPOSED OF TEN TALENTED AND EXPERI ' ENCED MUSICIANS, wnnld respectfully announce to the citizens of this and adjoining counties, that they are now prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF MUSIC for any and every occasion, at reasonable rates. For en gogements. Address J. BILL MEANS, May 10.1860. Towanda. Bradford Co. Fa. DRESS MAKING! THE undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladles of Towanda and vicinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS MAKING in the latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment In the Connty. /"Rooms one door below Beidleraan's block, at the residence of A J. Noble. MRS. A. J NOBLE, April 16, 1860. MISS J. H. HALE. MA.CKER.EIi and Mackinaw Trout, in whole, half and quarter barrels, st Xo..ACi' A MOOSE'S. Kigal. SHERIFF'S SALE.—Iy virtue of sundry kJz writs of Vend. Fspo., issued out of the court of common pleas of Bradfoid county, to me directed, will he exposed to [public .-a!o on HIIPAY,. the 1 '2th day ot October, A. P. 1800, at the court house, tn Towanda. at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following described kit, piece or parcel of land situuate in Wyalusiug township, bound ed uortli and east bv lands of L P. Stalford, south by the North Branch Canal, west by the public highway. Con taining one fonrtbof an acre, more or less, all improved k one framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of L. P. Stal ford vs. J. M . Salmon. ALSO The following lot, pieee or parcel of land itu ate in Albany tp., bounded north by land of Henry ITib liard and Joseph l.ce, east by land of Thomas Lara bee, south by land of ltots :t Kdy, wet by land of Klicnezer Rogers and Simeon Chapman. ('• r.taining 40 acres, more or less, about lour acres improved, and an old log house thereon. AI .SO Ail that certain lot, pie> eor parcel of land sit uate in Albany tp., iugiuuiug at a point in the centre of the Bet wii k 'Turnpike, thence along 'he line of land of Wells Wilcox, south ho° west 13 perches and two links, thence by same laud south h a east '2.1 perches and two. links, thence by land of Sylvester Chapman north s(i° wick Turnpike north s° vve-t 23 perches and two links to the place of beginning. Containing one acre and one hundn d and fifty-one perches and sixty-fonr links, 1-e the same inure or less, all improved, with a framed house a framedluirn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken m execution at the suit of Henry ilibliard vs. Samuel Quiinby. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ - ate in Troy borough, (sjundod north by land of John F. Means, we-l by Canton Street, south by laud of John F. Means, east by landjof G. F. Rediiigton. Containing 100 feet (rout and about 4OH feet deep, all improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John F. Means vs. William Russell. A Ls; i —The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Terry tp.. bounded north by land-* of James Strong (a-t by land ot Orvitle Horton, south by laud of Sam uel lluggerty. west by land of J. W. Denison. Contain ing one hundred and sixteen acres, more or less, about fifty acres tbi eof improved, with a framed house a tram eu barn and shop, a small apple orchard and other fruit tiees thereon. Sei/i d ami taken in execution at the suit of U. Moody vs. John Mills. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Suiithfield tp . bounded north by land un known, east by laud of William Ransom, south by lands of John o. Sfcins, on the west by lands unknown, being lot No ■>. of subilli ision of warrant No. 14hs. as made by Zepimu Flowers, (warrantee name of C. Caaroll.) Con taining one handled acres, more or less, about sixty acres improved, log house, log barn, and small orchard tbcreon. I.eizi-d and taken in execution at the suit of J. S. Wil liston X Co. vs. I'anicl Brown. AL-8 Thi- following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uale in l'liiiikliu t|>.. bounded uurtli by the Towandtt Creek. east by land- uf Ira Varney and the public high way, smith by lat ds of the Barclay IhiilroaU Co., ard f'l by lands o; Bi njamin Baldwin. Containing one hundred and e'glit acres, more or less, about, eighty-fivo acre* tin re<>| Improve !, one framed lines*, framed barn and shed atou bed and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and tal.t n in ( u cation at the suit of K. D. Mon - t.inve'- use Willi.>iu Williams and Horace Willty. AL.SU—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit n.Ue in franklin tp. bounded north bv the Towanda Creek, on the i ~st by lands ..f Ira Varney and the public, highway, on the south by the Barclay Railroad and Coal Co'rt. lands M'e-t 1 y land of Benjamin Baldwin. Con taining one hoodie 1 and eight a us. nn re or less, about eighty Bve acres improved, one framed botwe, one ftw eil barn and shed altacLed, and an or .hard of fruit trees Union. Seized .u.d I..ken in execution r.t 11 e suit of John F. i h.imlierlin. aduii. of Samuel VT. Biles, deceased, Vs. William Williams. ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in \\ yliitising and Tusearura tpa., and bounded north by lauds of Charles Camp, east by land of l'hileman stone an ! (i. B. Such, south by hind of l.utber Shumway. Windsor Shurnway Johnson f'aimer and Jack&on Cady, and west by land of Charier Camp. C. W. Camp and Kdwin l.tMo. Coat uuiug aliout eight hundred acres, more i r less, about two hundred amis improved, one wo. ilea I,u tin ;,. one crist mill, one saw mill six framed ..wi lling liou-. s, one i iai k.-uiiihshop, four framed barns, two iargo orchards and other frail trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lsther Rei i e;.l. Ji ,i ... . ,id ■ ~i. •\ . Harvey B. I [i|j uUiif. TliO.-. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff's Office. Towaii. 1.13, SherifT. f\ RPIf ivs' HT SALE.- -Bj virtuo V t of an .oil. r -f the < >r;' Court of Bradford Coun ty. will be exp '-e<! to public sale, on the premises, on Tl ESDAY. Nov. jo. 1 5..0, at I o'clock. P. M.. the fol lowing property, late the estate hi Jahez T"in pki ns. late of Suesheipiiu tp. < • t.-i to wit : The following lot, piece or p ireel ot land -ill ate in Sheshequiu tp. bounded north hy lands of Charles l bailee, on the east by Jack son Morton on the west by David Newell and south by .Inn B Smith and .1 lvi mer. Containing about 40 acres, about 2 i thereof impn veil, with a tramed house and bam and a log house, and an apple orchard and other Iruit trees thereon. rerni of Sale Tim purchase money to be paid on the confirmation ot the -ale. NATHAN* BAXTER, BENJAMIN FORBS, Sept. 18, 180,1. Administrator. A I>.M I NISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice aT. is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the estate of EI.ISH A 1' HIINsON, deceased, late of West Burlington.arc requested to make payment withoutdelay; and those haviugclaims ..gaiu.-t the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. t HARLKS TAYLOR, JOHN BALLARD, Aug. lklfl. Admhtlafratorg, with will annexed. \ DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -a 1. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to'tli estate ot WILLIAM M. SLADE, late of Springfield twp., d<*.-eased, au- hereby requested to make pay ment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present (hem duly authenticat ed for settlement. B. F.'KXAPP, P. C. SLADE, August 27 1- I. Administrator*. TpXECI TOR'S NOTICE.—NoIIe# is here- Jl J bygiveuthat all persons indebted to the estate of A KNEST KfißUKts. dee'd., late ol Rome township, must make immediate payment.audall persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN U. TOWNER, Augn-1 SI. l#n. Executor. NOTICE.—Notice Uhcrc- IJ by given, that -ill persons indebted to the es tate uIJABL/t TONKINS, late of SUcshequin twp. lie ceased, arc hereby lcq-ii-sti j to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN FORBES, NATHAN BAXTER. July 3ft, 18(10. Executor". ORT HANS' COTIIT SALE —By virtae of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, will b' exposed to puidic sale, ou the pieraires. on MONDAY, OCT BER 1 o'clock, p.m.. the following described jiieci- or parcel of lan.l situate in Al bany twp., being a portion m laud willed by Ifollin Wil cox, deceased, to J mo - Wilcox, recorded in Will Book Bradford County. No. 1, page '2sJ, bounded and described as follows : On the Birth and c.i-l by lauds in the posses si n of Lewis Jones, south by lands of I'. 11. Wilcox, west by unseated lands. Containing some 275 acres, more or less, about I fH) acres improved, two old framed houses, two sbeds and one iiarn and a saw mill thereon. Terms made known on the dav ol sale. CHESTER NOHOOXOVER, ARDtLLA WILCOX. September ♦. MM. Administrators. A DMINIBTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -£\- is hereby given that, all persons indebted to thee*- tate of CORNELIUS COOLBAUGH.Iatc of Wysox town ship. dee'd, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, ami all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settle ment. CHESTER PIERCE. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Notio* A. is herehy given, that all persons indebted to the estate of IIKRMAN COGSWELL, 'ate of Pike, dee'd. are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persona having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. ORLANDO O. COGSWELL, Sept. 18. 1860. Administrator. AI) MINI STRA TO R.V NOT IC Iv-Not ice is herehy given. that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOHN B. IRWJNE.Iateof Towanda boro' deceased, are herehy requested to make immediate payment,and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES W. IRVIXE. Sept. 18,1860. Adm'r. ADM IXI STRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es calate of FREDERICK C.lULDWlNUateofHerrick.dec d must make immediate paymeut, and all persons haviug demands against said e.-tate will present them duly an* thei.Uca,tod for sattiesieat. LYDIA ANN BNLDWIN, PEMBROKE S. SQtNRES. Sept. 27, 1860. Admuuitratcr> FOUND. —About flic middle of Jo' . an amount of money, about wM h luf .c 'J 'BSC be bad by walling on the subacriber. In iRf 1 . "['• '"■ < n county, which the real owner caa lie"",, . ' "'adfonj property and paying Improving 4,183). ' *• v 'J -r- "~Si.Lh'3,