arnnl. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Jiy virtue _ ot au order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, will be exj . u t.i j#uM. .sahi, . at 1 P M.the lollowing property late the estate of s'ey.late of Springfield twp., tkrea ed. to wit: Tbe following lot piece or par f tiicOri hams' Court of lirad ord Coun ts. will 1 1 to put lie -ale. ou th premise#, ou , s'ATUIiDA 1 .'JULY 7. Co b ill 1 oVb.eU, I'. 11., the M- : lowing property, late the ustate of Xehsoa Jolinsou, lati , of Pike two., d' e. -ed, to wit: The following lot, ] itce or parcel oi !auu .-ituHto jti pike tp.. bounded north by lands of Geo: e 11. Little, ea-t by the publ..; 1, idiog through LcUaysvUie, nth by William 1". Stole bins, we-t by lands of Joaiah Itenh mi. t;. utain ingabout one third of an a ;e, all improved, with a small trained dwelling house, shop, barn and a Jew u.-.'.t tree tin rum. Terms i-f Sale The pure!.use in .:i yf he paid t-a till confirmation of tin sale. J. It. FLETCHER, | June 7, 18t>0. Administrator. \ UDITOR S NOTICE. — fit 'l '■ r TV 1h r*Me nf !i>■>,rtf Sit>b ' la thet i;-pl:aas' C'atrt of BradfLrflC tihty. . ta distribute lim monies in the humls of'the Executor, a- per tie tint •'! 1. nil! : ad to the tinti *of hi appuptmgutoffice in the liar- ugh of Totyaiula, on S A JT.'iiD A"i. -he nth day f ACOC- ; 1 i>. h , I'. >L, at which tinie uud pla < a'i, iuleresJapl will , present the':-e':. .m-or be debar r If- in elaimiug any portion of sa'.l fund. C. P. HOXTAXVK, July 15,1- ). Auditor. NOTICE. —Notii-o is here .l Jby iriven, that all p• r ins indei.'id to tii estate of ASH Pi; HCXTI NtiTt >X. late of Vthens Urn- null,de ceased . are her -by rei, nested to made payment without de lav, and all persons having demands ,ii st said estate. I u ,il present them dtilv a th< it ateri uu- settlement, to t CHAKI.KS (). llt'XTiN't; li iX. i Jnne'JU. A', rrv:or. 4 JIMIMSTRATUII 'S NOTICE.—NotSe [ .1 \ is here' - ■ Iven. th t all versons indebted to the , are hereby n nested to make paym- t without , • lay-. at: I sill person# I ivtny claims against the -aid estate will j please pre* a: them duiv uut:. -r settle: , nt. KLEAZKR PI'.MKKOY. Jnly 11.1?60. Adeiinistvator. ! \ UDITOR'B- NOTICE /' ■ If'/men t IV. If. J Mi. tttr i-i. < - -If In the t 'onrt of Corn:;: a l'leaa of ilradt : : County, Xo. Ib-eemher term, 1? "7. The undersigned, an Auditor, a] : 'eft by . -.•! Court t-, distributelis, IbySUerifT - u t a! < .--fate ot | defendant, w:!! attend to t: duties if u ; :; :• -r.T n! his oil; e in the T?,trough of 'j wand a, .m .s.\TUI'!)AV, | the Isth ct \C ''e ['. 1--A, at • e>! . Tc, A. M.. at • to present then via.... - ■ r cUe be ' r frem 1 the said laud. ' 12. C Liibl 'aX, Jr. ■ - DSBCUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice rtirerfr XJ 1 y girt " t all persons in ' • Ito the < tgte of HICTIAIU' lit * f V/y '• J.. • at d all person* bavin - claim- a,;-.' ' - -id ' ite will : JOHN MOJIROV, April I CO. K\i.utor. ADM INICTR ATE IX S NOT! CZ. Notice] J. A." js hercb-giv-n. that- ell pers-ms ind- tedtothees-j ;• ih'- ebyte, ,o make immed ite | ,y:net t. ltduil p i- .1 e-'.ate w .i present j them duly a ithsi.t: ate l f, r - •*' t. C'lJliXl A - MKPAIin. . BOOK BINDERY. rpllil S :l,s hav'ig v. ithdr.iw n from the Argus, A building would re-epecU'tiiiy ini- i.u the public that j lie lias remo*-d his l'iaia iiotl !' y Uitidcry t iiieXortl, 1: ~;a oi the tVa: d H i- for: yoo api.-d by the Post • 15 toks in the in >-t approved and ,,;kmart. Part: a ar a'.te ti'-n given to re-binding ilioks. All I work will bo warranted. Terms, Cnalu ta'Ai i.a la.. -. tinent of Sf ATP'XIIRV of thr 1 -i Quality,at: Lowi -i jtricea. Jaatices and C'u.sfa- j b!e'- 111 tXKS. of an kin 1-. I'ICTIJHK r lIAMt-. rind. square ati 1 oval; and pic tures f rauied to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOliA *X K. HliNHKir. Towanda, Jan. 11, IfCO. 1, d.ii.. loi-and Artist, j CAUTIOK. * " To be, or i.ot to be-- hat is the Qpeftoo 1 Whether'tis n ileviut'a mind to .ilei- The .-ling- arrowu of outcagr uy gpjwu'li'eii. Or 1 V Uni .g Upai n;u. It ea oi ink, j And opp tsiuc. cud tiielii. rjHil-i . i-r of lite Arg is takes o ca-i nin adver , 1 ti.- ,'g iiis Uiioleri to indulge in an up, ailed for fling about a " sort of . concern," wh. ii is hoping "to delude t the publ.c." A- • have opeued i :„!i iery on my oun ac count. the ii n ; • i- t! it if the p USie bring their , binding to me, they arc i: u < liuaer oi di aauded. For two years ] i ive worked for y.xr. PARSON-, and he has taken great pains t satk-fyjh. juMii f ■ is the " I t Kinder in At.- a.< the e i i of tin Argut will ' testify. H;- h ■ been all that jirae deliifi ;g tiie pab lic.?"* If 1 lia\,.- 1 • • nt la :>. fraud. 1 • 1 .- 11 *-n the pmrlpal. llut f refer to my \ iri g that time a-" evidence that i! lias i■en u • -rand pr ,-ti •d. Having served a long apprenticeship at t': • Bindery] lmsluess, I have resume 1 bti.- s. !-•- bet on niy own ae- 1 eonnt.a- | ki> -a- : :i- thing w : .i j m- front fob 1 lowing a legitimate and haw: 1 rafting f.-r my support.— ' I shall enib i*...- by v. : k a.nd aittenti >a t ■ my busi 1 ness to give puMic .-at' '•. March l",. . tii • XX Fi. HllXHlirt, Hinder. A BAM ES.SEX WINE fnfnnfis! -l\~ the public that he may ho found at the old I stand where he ha- worked foe so amy jwarsynnd where j lie is now I :-i r ill Vi. Is ,f 151 VXtS\|('P!llX l ;. in the same workman dke manner wi.i l:l!.e uistingaishru him - for Vt ars pa -t. The oat.] •is reqitc '• Ito gj V e htm trial, aa by re- i newed exerti as t < i-.e a-.d stiu "t attention to busi ness he is del- rmin-.-d to merit a share of public patron- i aye. 1 IOTP-: 1 >HOFIX:I done in tbe b- t mtntifr, and at ■ I';tif)l> : ....f. of .... on ivHI I--, tai. aiu tin} liniment I r wr tk. but ardif potilive'y d. limtd. Call at the old -a ~1 ol All I.M 11w>KX"A IXE, east side of Main street opposite BarUett's Foundry. Towanda, May 10, 1-00. \ir () CL! WOOL \ WOOL !—XNcoiiii.s. | M tVAjJTIiy Sr-Tbe high . M. I. "OLOMIv>. tFf Wash your Wool clean before von bring it to mar- ' k ..on tiie sheep, it po-sibU', or in rah. as one-third will be Urdu t- JI ,r unwashed w d. as i- the cust mi in the wml tra .a; : ..r™.. .a uj it ag . ,-d deal ilisaper, a.- , above menti ,n,-d. OTRATTOXaS YKAiST CO.VIEOI Xl). I UJ X . for having )>br Bi Sd, nor foP b rrowing \ i>t, wuert you r;iu buy u Ur?t ratfe ailiclo, uud caoagh j Jor ouo cciit lot a Urge Bak;u 0 ' ui iyH rox's. [ V.ML to t no enclosure of tins substribpr, i > in Warren tunisH i. Nr., hord l'a.. on the 11th of June, live creatine- .pp ;sotl tol.w one viarold i n-g :: iftecrs an 1 2 heifti- :j : l.d.i '. stem ; l pni,i i Ist .line! .ck. sin pi ;to 'ludir t-clja- ; I'lrtnole ! . t - . ■ i'.'i a v late star if. hi-lorvhe. da i twl hriler, ah--. Ire . u-. er .v ill. uidiv cas., v.' '.u -taite uuuer ladtv, Warren, July 10, Is h AM. f. liUWK.X. ( UirEsß.—A finsnrtirk o! i ' at v. aVa i \J cn k. ad anid fcr iaic wh itad rftal! by C U. rAICH. 1 iHi'stcllanrous. p-fti NEW ATTRACTIONS ! 71p At Geo. SI. Wood's Gallery, TO WAX DA, PA. MA Y' n can procure, at low prices, /|\ra©T ©BMFHS, li \uf aii sizes, up to life size, either plain or rc -1 -* font 1 ed, colored In oil or pastille. , A! n. MFC UXOTYI'RS nnd AMBWOTYPKH, and al most all other kinds ot types. Pictures in good eases lor [ 0(1 cento, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Mi l linotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10. lso'.l. m /NVX V / °/\ %.jO I r riIIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT . -I where von ran find a very tine' assortment of j WATCIIKS AXi) JF.WKI.RY of all description®, al-o a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from HI -hillings . up. and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, j lam als , agi nt I>r the sale of l. Bi I.KNT'S edtMtM I I'.a?.,meters, wbieh every farmer sli on bi always have. Pri ces from ?- to s'Ju. according to finish REPAIRHf® i dine a- usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. * WM. A. CiIAMKr-iCLIX. TEE CLD STAriD STILL 1N OPERATION!, , THI-2 subscriber would announce the public that he has now on r<~r --* s-" ."Jjhund, and will make to order all p " ~ duds ..I CABIXI.T FUliMTl'lHi, ; i )• such as Sofus, Divans .Lounges, Ou t !; Ip".< Si--j4. $ tie.' aril. I'iuing and Break last Ta -*• 51 any, Walnut, Maple and ] I JJ B " "|f ft aerry iiureaus, Isbuids of various kim! .C! airs and Bed-tt adsofevery de- liption, which are. and will he made ol the beet nia t rial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell ! r cash clieau-r than can lie bought in any other Ware ' room in the eountry. lUSA i'Y-.M Ai>K COi-'FIi.S, on hand on the most rea .die t, A good HKAIiSK will tie furnished on ! Funeral occasions. ' JAMES MACKINSUX. j Towanda, January 1.1857. | )i ISSO LU Ti OX*.—Tbevo-partuer.ship here- ; , I.' t.dori existing between the miljserihers under the ■ rnofCli FA Klfi'lJl", is this day dissolved by mntua! • sent, 'iiit book-, in tes. aero uts. and other obliga- I t .... a.; ! i 1.. !•'- iag to -aid firm, are now in the j ha: (IsofJKKK CHLI' lor settlement. , All aeco- at- mdnotes i.,t rdm tin the Ist day of Fill- i i-i: > next, will be put in com e of collection without ro speet to persons. Until that time (J rain,, sheep Pelts and Hides wili be received in payment. JKRUY CITI.P, , Towanda, August 1, 1-50. J. P. KIIiBV. JURKY CUZiP w::i hereafter carry.. . the 1! VRXKSS A XT> SAHDf.K 1 151 -MXK-s. in all its various bum lies, at tiie old stand i j t ulp A Klrhy. where he stdie-u a coiitiiiuari -a ot the 1 I p itronage hitherto eifoved. A large stock of Ready-Made 1 ; articles and p aterials will lie kept on hand, and every I exertion undo to deserve the favor of the public. McCABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, lit! on- J. Kin "fifty's store, il lain st. tftlHl subscriber wo ;!.l respectfully tender liis sincere .1 t! . 'si t! ] ■ lor t Tie very liberal patronage, , xtended to him. and u lis it- at ontinuance of the' same. He be leave to as.- ... that i.e inP .... ti, keep em hand ; - heretofore, a choice eelcetioii of MEATS ol all kiiitls. , t . : tii- i atry ;.:Ij:.!S, which he intends to si 11 for very small t rofits, cithi r by the side, quarter or pound. , m Atp u.tity o. . r.-t .pial'.i <•: SALT I'UUlx,pat up 'I y uiy- . h ■>, by the . IJr p . uid. Mi at.- wi ■ pr -up .ly uclivereu, at any phi :c within , Hp- eorp i.iiion. T- ■ . \- . st 12. 155 P. .1 Jf. CABE. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda X'.T'r.rb!? ractcry. (Nei'rhj Opposite the Baptist Church.) i __ Tiie suits rlbera haveopeaed tbe XOWAX- tCfwK J' AliULl-l i At'TuRY, where lie will U' : t pit, ared ,o'fund U Jl.muiueut- and 'J >uih I (!?,! jlMoin .. ma. .act ured Irani the lu--t q .aiitic.- j • < 1 lil'Tl. 1 XI) ami ITALIAN MAIIBLE, and j ' i w rougiit into s,ii h styles and designs as will ' i '2l? suit eveiy v irie' vof taste. i ti ... Per- - w - ting to make their seh elreis I —"t ■ in do - i wiu-iie'.ei .a Towanda, by culling at i this Xr-w I'd ihlishiiient. The superior quality of'the stock, the orti-ticfil besutv of the work,and the promptne-s with which orders will ibe filled, will (SB mancemedtsto vi-it this new hop. P. il. It \LDWIX, JIHJ.S RMtKKK, Towanda, Jan. 2. l Q oo. Proprietor. kli I:.; M KS. WIVriTT.V. I TOW AVP A, FA. , lion. Nathan Bristol, I'rof. t'. 15. t'obiirn, '. ILSbcpard. Cashier, llev. Julius Fo-:.-r, I It. (L Cra a®, Me:-Hunt, H.S Mcrcnr. Merchant, | Alpiu A. Double day, do. kfontanves, " i If.-v. n. Crane. T. M. Tvo dr::T, SfterlfT, i " JVni. T' ltnatn, Col. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, •• 1). A. Xlivpard, H -n. H. Wi'not, : F. Tyler. Pres't. liaiit. '• J. C. Adruis. CULMUNd. " Wiu. j-llwt 1!, j W. BUCK, 1 l'-q. H. A. Pal---- P.-. Ed. Arzus. w v-oa. E. O. Good; ;h,Md.ltei>orter. I V. E. PWI-t. 1N,,. I i New Arrival of Hoots & Shoes j L NELSON'S. La lie-' celebrated I. . - A ITERS, at Xl-ir.r-OX'S. j | Litih-s' .-erg- 'iAITEIhS. at NEI.BtX".S. j Ladies' 1 beneh heele 1 SUPPERS, at NELSON'S. Lad: hid and m e occo BOOTis, (his own make and warranted uot to r'.p) at NELSON'S. | Misses' serge Congre— GAhi Lii.S, at NELSON'S. , Mi res' kid Congrt - 1 50, at NEESON'S. Gt t\- calf sewed BOOTS. 75 au ' $" JO. at NELSON'S . Tlu-y are deterniiucd not to he undersold, at NELSON'S Tim have wig? 1 the eerv: -e- of Mr.Wma, I of New York city, a iiighly liui-hed work man. to make fir-t cla-- pegged and sewed BOOTS, at NELSON'S. Izidirs' cajf SHOES and BOOTS for 88 cts., $1 00 and #1 25, at NELSON'S. Eadie*' Kill HOOTS made to order, for fl .)?* and f 1 021, at NELSON'S. Call: ;! leave yonrmeasure, at NELSON'S. All kiad- of repairing, doue at NELSON'S. All kinds'"! Country Produce takeu for Boots and .Shoes, at NELSON'S. Towamla, April 16, 1860. WAVERLY INSURANCE AGENCY.! rXsCRANCE at fair rate.? can l>e obtained of the sub- ! L scriber in the following block Comjiannt: | .ETNA INSURANCE COMPAN Y, Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capital,. $1,500.000 Asaets January 1. 1-- b Z.L'4,100 Liabilities, ( laims not due, 170,057 IIOME INSURANCE COMPANY, -Veu> Vurk Cilif, | Cash Capital... $1.u06,000 j Assets, J.tuuary 1, l-GO, 1,15,:t!hi Liabilities, Claim- not due 45^580 ( HALTER OAK. INSURANCE COMPANY . • f ■ • Hartford, t'osiurtieui. , Cash Caiutal..'.; , $ o'kt.OOft , Assets. Jauuarv 1, fotiO,'. d.1ij.071 I Liabilities, tb >.in-not due, 21,00# 1 eTMIIRICAN EXCHANGE INSCH.VNCi: COMPANY, A'cto Vork City- • i ( .i*h ( ..j ilal, ....$ 200,0 M ' Police.-- i-eni-d upon Farm Hki-hues, Barns, and tluir' -ontcifta, for a term of years t rithnut r,quir.tnga premium note. Applications made to the shbs -rihtr at Ai.i.,.x .% B.iV*Afcatv (iflicc, Unverlv. will iccuire iinmc bate al . t-.-i l i'tii. ii. A. kl.Ms.R_ V.'uw.Lj . X, V. lVb. 22.18#t. Agent. jV'c/L' i auti Mackeiel at 1 HUMriITLY ... JttfsccUaneous. f / : 4- - v *&' J r^%L mm THE FZUEIJ-O or WOMAN. K. Clark's Revolving Loopcr DOUBLE THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACJTIXE The Revolving Liwvjwr is A late improvement on Ray mond's Latest Improved.) Warranted the be.-t in the world for Fumily Use ! I'rice Wilhiu l!ic Rpaiii of Every Family. PRICE 525. i llemraer, Feller, Hinder & Tucking; guagc, combined, si. 'Fllo reputation of 11 • Mm ftiue Is now fully establish- J I ed as the most reliable Mi. bine in the market for ] : family i:*e. and has been attested too by thousands of the most respectable families in the Union. ' This Machine makes the celebrated " Double Lock j I Stitch.'' the only one made by, ma.jßm ty tjjaJ meets all j the requirements of Family Sewiit; . Each stitch is ti< d i twice, so that every one is securely fastened and wholly I independent of all the Other stitches for strength, so that i if the seain is ut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew i in? must hold good whit the fabric will wear. The I machinery which makes tins sti; h is a marvel of sim plicity, requiring no mechanic; 1 skill to manage it, nor J does it roe ore adjustment n. re than the mere change of i i thread and needles to adopt it to the character of the i j work to be sewed—coarse or tine as the case mav be. It j will sew gauze lace.-, and all varieties and kinds of lab l rles between and im-hiding he ,vy beaver cloth, without 1 : changing either needles or thread equally well, and re- ! tarn to either \ iriety of work with perfect satisfaction. , No other Machine over offered to the public will do as I much. A pcrfo. J Powir ■ Ma 'tine, one making r stit h an- I sweriug all the n • .'foments of the faintly, sewing coarse i . and line work equally well, was the great do- dcr.itam of • • tie home circle, previous to the invention of EDWIN Ci \icit's lii.var VINO I.oorF.u. T., tit; b is beautiful. | tiinig, and < las'is and foil I no! rip in or in acci dental breaking a thread. Every Machine i- warranted to give satisfaction or the ) money refunded. We have a large list of references but will give the i | names of only a few : M iNt ' rojf, P.i.,Teh. 27, lUd. Mr. H. F. SHAW Sir : I liavo used for the last three months in my Tiul r-.Sho|i, ~nc of •• Raymond'-Latest Improved ft v, in M u bin. ■*," and Ido ti'iink it the. best in id" lor tailoi ioe purpose-, and would not do without 'it I i Om- Hundred Dollars R 1 count uot get another ot tile kind for less inoirev. ANTHONY MULI.OX. i Mr.-. Win. Elwfll, Tnwnnda, l'a. Mi-s Harriet All way, Ninth Towanda. Mi-.- Minerva \ • ..... (tail iress) Burlington, l'a. Mrs-.Ki 'da ih Sin ih, Vsylcm, l'a, Mi-,.1. W. Alexin ■ i Troy. l'a. . Itev. N. A Dcl'c ... I'enli' Id, N. Y. Calvin ( rpei.tor. E.-q. Elmiia, N. V*. Mr. K. A.Scott. Elmiia. N. Y. Mr. M. Ilii'lordso . I 'mila. X. V. Mrs..l. il. Weld), Towanda, l'a. Mrs. J. H. N-vin-. Towanda. l'a. Mr. tl. 11. H'tiding, (ta.ior) i v ada, Pa. Mi -. tl. W. Vine: t, Shcsliequin, l'a. Mr. A. Million, (tailor} Monroeton, Pa. Mr- Owen Spalding. Waveily, N. \ . I>r. G. 11l Morgan, Wy-nx.l'a. All orders by mail or Express will receive prompt at ' tention. Person- not having the full amount can be ac comßiouated with short credit. A liberal di- mut given to Agents. Address March 5, IsOO. it. !•'. SIiAW, Towanda, l'a. ' CZ r ! l VMMICIK 7.1 /. ( OILEOE, LoC4Ti:r> OV|-;: TRi: r- "r.IIANNA VALLEY BANK. BirjrCHiLIVTTOEr, 2V. Y. I Rooms open for Ins.t: g-tion, fr> : ; 9 A. M. to OA P.M. ' F A r r FT Y , D. W. FOWr.FF, Pcincipal, I'v- -or or the S ience of ' Accounts.* l'rticpcal Accountant. Antle roi LowellVl Treatise pin;:, Diagrams illustrating the | s'lllO . c. JOHN itA NriiN. ''lunnivi'i i d tccoutant. Professor of K lok-KeepioflaiHid Practical .Mathematics. 1. J- M'sWUiNn l i" c- .i'i ot I'racti-'a; ami Ornamental j Penmaush.p, t Cab ulatious and Coriespou- j deuce. i, E c T r u K n s. il >n. D A NUM. S. DICK IN SON, Lecturer on Commercial Isiw and Political Ecoi;q)ity. Hon? RANSOM P.Al.i'OM. lit Airier "U (batm ts, Protn i—my Notes uu IBds Hi E Rev. Dr. K. ANDREWS, I.ccDtriTon Commercial Ethics. La EX A MTXI NO CO MB 1 ITT EE? ■ Hon. Piitr.itAN D. Pit;, Wii.l.lA.m IF OsitCjtN Esq., That It. M'lllliAN, Esq. The object of th's College sto afford to all an oppor tuiiity of ohtat liifg a flidr )iig\i K i-ij>e-- Education. The Books and forms are tirefully arranged by practi cal a- uMintauts i vpressly tor this Institution, and em brace all the rcrrnt impr vemeuls. The eonr-"' of hf'tmetim comprise* even- department T linsju' -s- The learner will be tb'irqughly taught the | science and praeti c of D mble Entry BoOk-Keeping a applied to the foil vine kinds of business, viz General Merchandizing. Maaul'aetui ing, Hanking, Commission, Steamboating. Railroading, Forwarding, I- rcighting, For eign Shippiu •. Ac. Ladies' Department entirely separate from that of the j gentlemen. | Student* can enter College at any time and receive in i dividual instruction. I'v This arrangement every student I is permitted to progress as rapidly as his Ontorprizc and | atdlity will permit, IUIJI wiirii thoiight perfect aud Coih- I ]wtent, will receive a Diploma which w ill enable him to 1 review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, from Six to Twelve Weeks. No vacations. H cird s-and -'J,id per week. Assistance j rendered to Graduates in procuring situations. I E RMS: Fur Bosk-Keeping, full accontaiit a course, including Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations and t Diploma.--(Time unlimited) $35 (in Snme course for Indies, (separate apartment) 20 o<> j Penmanship and Vrithmetic 10 00 : Teacher's cour.-e in Penmanship, practical and or namental 30 00 j Twelve lesson* in tar Od-asi >nlcla-.-es wiii i formed in Photography. For further particular! semi lura circular. Binghamtun, March 15b*w). —lyd 1. Carriage liflCanafactory at Alba. rjrwv, RKVNEBSQXS living utt the West side ©f the I Hnstpiehinm rfver. having WOOI, TO CARD can Carded and then retiihicl to Mips Store witlMuPany '• charee f..r cart-ie. Mjefsburg May 11, 160. W.A.BENEDICT. ' I YEirS )\ ILLS. r pilE nndcrsigned having purchased the above well 1 known mills and attached to it u Meant Engine, and also pi t every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with ell the modern Improvements iii.w in use irlTli-4 class.. Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronape <.f the (ommunity—trusting that the reputation the mill lias heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to d > .ill work en trusted to us promptly and iu the best po. -spile m niter. L'ustoniera from distance tuny rely upon having theit v\ rk d"tn it < n- e. -o a- to mnke hut one trip 11 to mill." Mr. FROST will continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN : also Flottr. Meal and Feed lor sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST & C'o. ISA AC MYER J. O. FltOi-T E. T. YOX. NOKTH TCWAXPA, Oct. 6,1855. ! cn:o. n. ];r.\'rix(;. RESI'ECTFUI.I.Y informs his former customers ai d the public generally, that he has removed his TAILOE'S SE OP , To one door south of Tracy siness he will he able to please ail who may favor him j with tin ir custom. Owing to the low pre*uire in the mo- j itev market, he will make Coats from f'J all to $t 50each j and other work in proportion for READY DAY. Country rroUuce iu payment, will not be refused, il i ffered Towanda, March 20, I*.'>S. i llis Argus Book bindery! Again in Full Operation J \T T E have tlie grit ificath nof announcing to our frfends, \ \ customers, and the public, that we are now pre pared to do BOOIv J>l X I )IXG, . in nil its Bran.-hes in thelate-t aud most approved styles, and <>rt the t'urt-t favorable lernis. II iving se -urea, perm tuetitlv. tin rv i. es of Mr. 11. jO. WHITS:K AH, a liuislud workman from Philadelphia, and having added extensively to the textures ot the con- , I rein--giving greater facility thin I i...erly—we can pre sent to the pabfic the m .st positive assurance of our abil j ity to ph i-■ our p itrons. i:.j~ I. -fomers sb mid l.e particnlar to remember that tl)e " Argus Bindery," Is in the \r qis 1! illding. as form erly, (first l.uildin r north of tlie Ward House) and is don ! nc ied w Hi oiu Jim!, and Maiiom-ry titore and Printing I i )'li. e. where all work should be d< Evert h ('A IT ' IN.-We are cirnpellcd iu j ato onr-elvc*. 1 | and our old c • tome. ,n- well as to prov :;t an iaip isiti ui upon the pub! generally, to caution tin i) against u sort u corn-urn, that ial.-cly holds out i., j,j k . public that it is j the \rgns Bindery. ThLs/rntttf is practiced no .1 >. It, with a hope of deluding tlie Public. AgailM ti..- bold I and deliberate attempt to de. ■ ive, they are ... re y ca.t --j tinned. fIES* Particular attention paid to re-Rindiug. All work I pnarranted. eg- <' .untry I*roduce of all kinds t .ken in payment for work. t.' Having made eopipbjfe am 7. Nts, vve are pre pni-ed to Rule and I'lnd BLANK HfWiKS to any -trie tr pattern, at- ] rices as low as elsewhere. So wan da, March . 1860. E. A. PARSONS. Spring and Summer Clothing. AT SOLOMON'S Clothing'. Emporium, ! -YD. 2, I'atloil's Hl< i I TT AYU jtut returned from ffso Ka=:fcrn and l western markets with the la._ -t stock ofHl'i.'lN'L A j SUMMER CLOTH INi; iv cr brought to T'ov.a . la, ol the j and moat f*-lii..|iable stvles. which I am prepared I j to offer at prices lower thui. any other Clothing .store in | I Northern Pennsylvania. Every out hag 1 cen taken in | -electing tny .-I'-ck. aud the > .leiui p.u i will lind on examining that tin y n mane ami p t up equal to cus i torn g'Mhls. 1 invite tl.c j -.hi; , i,y d -nst :n rs, t.n 1 ; is many mm* ones as wish to lav >r me with a cuii, t . ex 1 amine tny goods b. tore pari hanijig elsewhete. A •*.! i: L wiil be made to i , stock alio .-t monthly during tin spring ami summer reason, go as to k ep iny repiitati' n of hiving the ! c.-t -tm k iu Northern I'eniis v lv .uia. I lespectluliy call v .ur attention to the following list ol Goods: i ( out- Fit • French Black Fro k t As ;Me '.i in .1 > : ' Cotton w.i. > d . : Fancy castiiiierc and '..e-kiu liMkes. i o*. Bla hi ta- ..... .1 do j Dai _r S.itiii.el, Two .1 ant; j I cutu ky J. iii do ; Lioeu tl . ot all qualities and gradus. j I Punt" Dim d • skin Pants ; l ino I. ; . k ca.— i. *y . do : 15; i. k union cass. do ; Cot*, uade do ; ; j ■ in u, Mars;ul.. - Ac., do. I'/ s/ Kae *v Velfe! Vests; Pin-' ,lo ; Sdk mixed tin; i (lassiiiicn .!■ ; Mr. sallies do ; linen do ; Farmer's do ; Hi ck and l'a *y siil: do. j A g .od st ..-k ..! GEN T'S FURNISHING GOODS, and . . HOY S <'L)TI1!X;. of all qualities. Rem. I.her to eal! at M. E. SOLOMON'S. t I a -ut ti.'. -it of SOLD, ind UPPER I.E \Tli- E!.'. Ki|. .-kills, I'l. rli aad irinii stic ( it's., is. M u •• n, I. IL .-kins, Aw. will alvvu ./ be ke; on ! ud aud s at lbe lowest pi I e*-. Cash j.aid lor Grain, Hiiles and Pelts. Tow:, i !a, May 23,1 WE STUDY TO PLEASE. r rilK EX CIT KM I' NT which has horn caus- I JL ed by the Belling of GOODS ao cbcap at the , NEW CLOTHING & FURNISHING STORE OF I K. S. T,ILX El >IGT, -coins to hr jit ill greater this spring. uey refunded. f J. (j. PATToN, \ j Towanda, Feb. 1, 185& _ Dr. E. !. I'AVN'E. --v- I ■ mm , (. s ■ v *y jF M—■' \ k"V". v r^rrhUp t ./- N . -v />• ■ •i> V - J i-i -'4 | 3 ■ ' ' nu- 1 .A AaA i Storrs and Chatfield. OWEGO, N, Y, Are aborts for the sale of Wheeler's Pr.tcnt Railway Chain \1 on B trow kb. | WII EELLR', PAT EXT j Combined Thresher and AY'iniiower. OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating -h parator,) or Oilß horse Power nt:d Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER HELLER, LA WREN (1. SA W-MILLm ( t sawing wood, Ac.) A'! the a" if m hit l -. "p r.i.-.-.ufartiiri-d by Wheeler, Meiitk,l "a, Albany, X. Y., and are warranted to give entire 'i-ct. ot may 'returned ut the expiration S. XZORTOW & Co.'s CELEBRATED LOG POWERS, FCR CHSJRNINQ, StC. Ci i.-!.iii''y . n liai.d. ' I ox7 B, rr.isivp. ' " ' •SI Al. r 1 'END." . i. . ; :tt urn.• n for : V/ t: • i-• n Pianist,< Kingar, i i ter.. Teacher, every Pupil, <-very Amateur, sumilj pro , cure this ftn ly publ. ut. not \'o 1 ami J'utuo-Forte M isie, of : hi •In i -t r nil r.; r.-l . nounm-d by tl ei ntii. Pr -- ■-t t • • i try. t > I-p t " last mut ri" /" ' •■■ ■ . • i .'Tve I all-sized 1-ne. or oilier it from 1 the!. ,i i hi., .i .• uII In. Ip tniisi. enough ] ■ . .if veil ; i:t M i • t • !•:• t. t*. lui,Cornet, Clarionet. I \ '•soiio r-^t-OSioT," Contfiininr t'vplvp p i oily io cents a mint bi-r : Yciii'e. • '."o; 1 *! 2.1. Al! the Iick Ntitnhprs t i-- pnts, and iiocml Volumes f •• Our Mn-Tenl Kiii ■! t lining 17 Xumbcrs, at 2,50 each, c!iia IJauk, 42 • t. he.-Liat Street. uoxnox IIREi'TOPS : Oeovre H. Anderson. Thorns \". Unnythnr. Sir ("has 11. MtA.rtgnr. Unit. Lord I'.i i: - t Bruce. M. P . I Hit,can .lamps Kay, William Western tit. Will mi Miller. M. P., t'hairman. A. P. Fie" -her S.' letery, K-lward Fach, Viec Spciptarv. The Policies of the XORVHERX ASSFR.WIT CO*- : P.VXY. ai' ■ t only . irr: at .ly a Large l ajiital, ait | also by the rrjtfimftpd iiersotjal responsnnßtT °f over I I Our 7hoftwirf tf/irtrrfwldm. I jnr ljs OFREFEftdfCB. Stunrt & Brotiier. McCatch, on ,V Collins, Jos. B. Mit lu 11. Ksij., Pres. Mo--h. Bank Myers. Claglnun ,(• Co., Smith. WilliiiMis ,t Co., .Lis. Ounlap, F>q„ Pres. Union ! Bank, .latoes Graham A Co., (law, M.e-alester & Co., I lion. W. A. Porter, late Jtul, • Supr- Court. XKW YORK UMFLIiEXCLS. Duncan, Fhorta >u A C ... J. A. Jt art A Co., Geo. 11. I Stuart A Co., Abr'm Bell's Sua.-. J. It. Jaffray Jc Sous, Ilobett A Williams. BOSTON RKFEREXOLS: J. E. Thayer A Rrotln r, J.UVPS A' Cornierais. Sweotsi-r, Cookin At Swan. C. F. Hovev A C-i., Wilson. Hamilton A Co.. Oeorge tre-I jrir. Esq., <„-o. Snell, Flsq., Johnson, Se- Wt 11 &. Co., Geo. W. Warren A ( •>. WILLI \M GETTY. \-jent. New Biiildinc. Philadelphia Rank. 11. 11. M- KHAN, Solicitor. Mav 11. 1 -•■>'). Tmvu'iih, Pa. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. i fy r C"--T HAVING jrreatlv increased my former -~kftock of t ithiiii-t Ware and Chaiis, I aiu UT '•3ih-teruiined to dispose ot these accnmlua i tions rapidly, and with that design ofii-r ull articles at ' unprecedeutej low prices, for Cash. tiood Sifus at flu to f'2o, fine Cane Beat Chairs 7j its. each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. 1 have now laoiu than i difii nut patterns of Chairs, Bureaus, Desks for the lunner or men hunt. Looking Glasses, Looking glass Plates.Purl rait and Pieture frames of trill, Bon-wood, Mal-'gany and Walnut corner ; 20 patterns of Stands; < xteii-ion. dining, tea aud work Ta- i hies. Hall Stands, and in fact anything that eau be louud in a city Ware-house. A large a<- -rtineut of roajy-madt- Colßus, with a good HearSe ready, at .11 times. Purchasers w !1 he sure to lind the right place, south side of the public square, one door east of Mojitauves. Towithda. He--. !. 1858. CHESTEB W EI'.LS. CASD? AUD CAJCDir TOT'S. I HAVE on htm i flic !:tro'e--'t nnd grentfst variety of ('ANDY CANDY YOYB to be found in this town',"tils,-lt 1 will self at retail cheaper than any liiiugjtuiu. , . ! C AXDY of al! kinds : >IJ to those Who buy to tell a-'aia at P( -Bar's pi;- i-s. ■ ° I Towauda, Dee. 15,1359. _ , E. T. FOX. r>AKF.U6 COCOA No. 1 f JIOCOLATL, I U ileiiu-eou.. - - eh'tc. Farina. Corn r-l.i:.i u:'-d i Pre- •„-rvi?d unit • 1 i• t • •.' kituls put up in 5 pounth 1 at * FOX'?. 33us(ncss Citms. DU CJIAS. M.TUJ'i YLIS. I'll Ysic JA v fy BL'HHEoS, offers his professional servi-.,. • tlje inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office un i A deuce in the dwelling recently occupied bv H. BOOTI -isq., one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Mai!!' Street. ' ne E. OVKKTCV, JK O. B. JIONTAVV ( \ YKKTON k .MONTAX YE, A TTfjp V f NE VS A T /.. Itr Office in Union Block, for® y occupied ly Jas. M actaklanr. It..LMv:--rt T>. 'V y,' \I AIM LI. A MORROW, ATTGtUXE vs I'l AND COI'JNSBI.LOHS AT I.A IP -Or', over Mercur' Store.Towanda, Pa. T OR. E. H. M Af OX, ni YSICIAN A~Xh SI R(JE&JV, otters nis professional services to -v, people of Towanda ami vicinity. Olliccat his reeblen'! >n Pine street, where he can always be fonr.d wln-r P prole,ssioiiaflV engaged. R. PARSONS, ATTORNEY A 7 i lJ T. ! fl", TROY, Bradford Co?, Pa. Offi.-e ov r y M. AH. F. Lima'setote. Aug 7. i.,, ; I HENRY B. M-KLAN, ATTORNEY .AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to business eutru-ted to him. Culh etion-m. ' e I on reasonable ti-rtns. with prompt remittances. LM.IIA NAN SMITn, l.fiviny retnm.-.i to f -IJ Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mer nr . 1 I Store. Di ■. i. ?,S7. • DR 11. WESTON, ; i T. pennsnently loonti-d in T-ovan-l> >- | v-< —IL w. oterH. W. { | Entrance one door south of Tracy Si Sldores. uc .? 'f. I lyt O. S. PECK, SURGEON AXI > ' 1 ' MI(H CMC AL iUiA'TIST, ToWAXD.V. Pj AtjrOffii e, Xo-1, Brick Bow, ovi-r K. T. pox's store j | —entrance first ibuir •ri Pine st. February 18. 1 -i,). ( M'Y 11. \Y ATKIXS,.I TTORNE VI T I I ' s LAW. TOWANDA. PA. I OfTi opposite I.aporU, Mjsou A Co. J i,„ i.- ..c ti-ngj loa-ie and remitted with promptness \ Towanda, Jonaafy 2, IM',O. DR. . POP TE OLD DRUG STORE, Alrcady admitted to le Th- largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH j Yti established n-putation for keeping the best medicine, fl UXKyUAI.LED in its fai idfies and api-arotii-i for compounding and pre- -q paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Ci-ti'hi' t- -1 bv tl-- r-n gltly competent persons, wlmdeio-'e 3 the careful attention.p.iythi -trietest regard to ueeerary, and n-s; only -•'e- ted arti cle>. and medicines of unques tioned purity .hasbecuim: TilSIBASial EbDaiiTDM E With prices i> -ed to en respond with the market. WHO I. hN. I LE A j tit A;. ... >. A'..-AMi.ii as ajcrucaomn. By recent arrangements with tho MamtfaiAurev, lmpor- jl ten or Fir-til Iders oft; -.Js and t'ash Purcha ses, the prh es will ill ways is; at the low est point for I'liiue Goods. LUV, . .. i-Tol iIIAX E-'EB IX | Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Glass. DRUGS &L DYE-STUFFS. ; /'(*■ j ''.lag iii this 11Lmire stork will be svni ( he p for I 'ash ! pricks r.Kiircitn, viz: Of£ofljJs. I'erfunerv, ]>su>!ics, Combs, Tcckct drives and Hazors, Lumps uni Materials for IJyht. TRTSSLS A SIT PORTERS, j WiNES AND LiQUOSS. ONLY FOR MEDICINE TO3ACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent MeJicines. a Tooth, Skin &. Hair Preparationn, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Hr/rctir, Hot 1 vie and Jlumoopothie Mtuirie 1 S}iicc. Bird Sird. Lamp Shades and Harden Strdt FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION. Ae. Constituting the most complete n*)rttnent. cmhru-:; | the great wants of the lVlple.. reduced iu Price, and revised for the Cash System. IMI. FORTHii'S CAMPTIEXE! DIL POUT UK'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING. FLUID 1 Aic Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivailed by any ia tie I DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS I'or Family Use, Known h* Safe and Ri liable Remedies, are warrauted fo: ; 1 what th.-y are intended to give salLfactioa. vie : Dr. Porter's Peetoitil Syrup price 37{ cena Dr..Porter's Family Embrocation •• 25 " Dr. Poller'-. Tmiio Klixer '• 50 " Dr Porter's Worm Syrep " 25 " Dr. INvrtvr's Conip. Syr. Hypophosphites.. " HtO " $ } ' Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic -* 150 " I Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam -- 25 " I Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops •• 25 " I Dr. Poller's Cephalic Snuff " 25 " H Dr. Pinter's T-'olh Powder •' 25 " • Dr. Porter aTricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile. •• 25 " 1 Dr. Pflt'terV Efeumpoo • 25 " M j Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle lotion " ,374 " •** Dr. lXwier'a H-rae and Cattle Powder " 26* " j Dr. I'orti r's Red Rug 1',,i...n " 2"> " - J Dr. Porter's ( Tout:sing Fluid •• " I Dr. Porter - Rat and Mice Poison " 2a" " l)r. Porter's Citrate Maguesia " 2.5 " Medical Advice trivia at i!ieolsi J Chttrgfng only for Medioin'e. WThankfhl for past tiheral patronage would reepc"'' 1 fnllv announce to liis friends and the public thatuo pain* shall tic s; i-i red to satisfy and merit the coulinuati r a ■ their confidence and patronage, at the (NASI [DItVG STOItK Corner of Main and Pine streets. June 30,1853. 11. C. PORTER. M. ft aH CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. 11 HE.IN IN THE CAM I.' 1 'vllA MKX WANTED t-> buy Stove* at she M.tM I | •TV It I M(TH FOUNDRY , one door cvust f : •*] | Stire. UebiiAcjtvvi received the rnrie-'t STC YES ever brought to this market, both I - Wood Cod* big - Parlor Coal tod Wood Parlor, Dininf ■■ room Six-phite and Cylindi-ied Stoves. S-mn- of : celebrated Empress Coo'k Stoves, the best Coal Sti-ce eft-' manufactnrcd, all of which will he sold cheaper that - a any other establishment in this country. A large qi antity of Tin Ware, St we Pipe, L' 1 " 1 ' Coal Hod*. Coal Sliuvcls ami Coal s.fters hand, and Tor >ale nt Wliolesaic or Retail. All kiniY ■■ castings and mnchlite work don? t.> crder cn short no' ' Partienlar attention paid to Roofing. Ih e Troi'rt'-' dtivtors, Gutters an I all ciliui of Jobbing do:, a; '• lanti d to give satlsliiction. . AU kinds of Sceond Hand Cooking Stores es which will be sold verv cheap. Please give u- a Towanda Nov. 1.145K . -"is 1 '? / 'IAUTON Wiiorcns, MARTIN VV MY J V..' GILL, Indentured to me, has left me. wit!- good n-ainn, is to forbid al! p us • " trusting buu or. inv account. >• 3 Towanda;*** V v BOSVMA- B