Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 20, 1860, Image 1
- OFT 03LLAR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Thursday Morning, September 20,1860. t §clrcteb THE ANNIVERSARY. BY MR*. L. H. SLGOCKSFCY. I (hink of thee, in-cliwdleas years Of vigor, anil of Uoora. Ikfore thy lip of iuU,i!cU The vapor of the tomb ; I Ihiak of aV.flt.y rrinuing ways, Thy siiiifUe. h'fatit t, ilo, -il.o won ori'io of tl'ui'gfit taat ga\e Soo': tlj|: sofiai, T>inkr*en upon thy little rsuw* By uecuic'a -kiil reflnqiL The beauty of thy rouui.oJ aniii, ti nl help IIIY e.uih'.y uncJ i T think of thco. no when we saw Thy lifc-tiife ebb away, .tnd the large, violet-tinted eye Pen!forth its parting ray. A* when we 1 li.t in flowery June Thr youthful head so low. The locks of chertaht rtr.ingTr bright. Around thy hmw of Snow. As when we left thee there alone. And piercTl with sorrow's dart Turriff V. our 'desolate.! home. God help my feeble heart' I feel that in thy spirit form Tiita stiii to me art near. >'ow. in this fa. uile. t ro ;a, Art Uiou uot iiugt'i nig herv . There ia UIJ tmuJ ..ath wound. The pen it Jm d to guide. The ymvilai wt.ece thy rapid Ui-mght Traced out U„auii'ijr"4 tide. I TOE PENCIL iiee OUD bold I At History's prompted theme. The cl. wi. bMoks that fo*. diy w jko Deep meditation .- dream j-- Vet not for the*- tk >* chnf'st agsin. One, through a glassb it darkly seen Confranb. Thee, faoe to faae. 1 will n-'i cry,' My -nonM.„s 0* ii' Nor tender greetina * a . No; with ibis troubled, earth until ioTe, in fuse thine null estsle. 1 know it was but tMrth and dust O'er which we hen rid the sods. The mother's claim 1 dare not pit-ss Tiio i art not mine, but G id's. i\\ i s 1111 ;i oro us. I A Jot'UXEV UttnSK i'sHli A Cil i'l-sjiUll ■ ■ of a subterranean voyage I i_rli one of tin* ndtniral.iv cm ruct ■ ' • of Paris. The boa r wf. -L eohvey ■ . v was reachcti by dt>eeh'!inga 11 _rht ■ ■ i the depth of R'IOT forty live U -t I .t a flit bottomed affair, ">*. i'Jik'kvi ■ amps. Tlte sewer :s an archway, fii ■ el high, and input! breadth, with a ditch ■•i. .iml about ten feet wide, wherein all the I and filth of Paris is carried away. On siiVs are sidewalks, *. together, are I bt fonr feet wide. The whole i- built of I ;te sandstone, and is kept ri tnarkably neat I idean. Xo stench or ba 1 smell was per il ptibie. Tile Ceiiser jfwri<s of the -filth is i.-ried away through iarge draius. beneath the ■ ie* ~k- The sidewalks are excellent and \no s.gK of dampness, while the trails I the archway are kept whitewashed, and are Id aii times as while us the ek iven snow. The -'ru.-ture possesses tiie properties of an itn •nsi .i,caking tube, the *"rkiacn bei'.a' able ' converse at the distance of two miles from ich other. The echo is very lasting and I " The fabric is said 'o be baJt after a L r • h i mbs of ft ine, aided by *.'.><• "...' ---t improvements. On both, sides, v.weat two baud red yards distance from one .... r, are opeaings through which tlic work ... asccud by meuos of permanent iron . •<-"■" a siiudiui ram storm should water to rse ab >ve ihe sidewalks, * however of rate occurrence. tents of the eewer flow into tlte ae, and the curreut issnfli -ieut to car *. t;e JOI 6 used, aioiig with considerable ve- , oir Large r.sonoLmare constructed at iir i "ij. into which the water rran be turned I 'ss' vrt time, in case it eh<*a!o to* necessary are the ennsl dry fur a little while The ' " ■was e np'-ted in two years. Beaide< -if n eanal, there are many mtuor ones "iri't i.l nndT the streets, nil of 1 • -u can I ■ made to communicate with one | laaother. T - i imirable dhder ground works ( I access;!-.; f Q t j ie >UV re, the Tuilirief j I : from the ' .rt . ks, and should the I'aris- ] I 'Ub taKe a uiglua to barricade the street* in I • . part of ;;, K c y jiuperial govtrunieut I rut, at -i.ort '.iu'.ice, aud without any notice, ■ *''■•< it ;. y persoa being aware of it, I -tsport tro ;is, and if there is time to make ' • t e res-rvoirs. so ran cavalry be trans- I jK '® iU tne same way. There is an end to I 00 ' e •" r> from the windows, and ' on wrtl'oonfmly be remembered among I - * Htat.. hvc bvcn, nerer to occur again, i ' these us.dcrgrouud passages a prison m f3-i y tuken from the Louvre to the • >ttfact:njr attention, and thence v ytUwaj, which U uepr at hand.-- ; -ys!efa'"t>t sewerage was one of "■ P" themes of the first Napoleon. .•A* 0 7e '5 responsible for tho ['• sr ! best definition of beauty—that ," tro -%d the brains of the wisc.-t It say? . " Beauty, dear read • ifi woman you love—whatever she ; -b sffffi to others." J®* " J in, how 1 wish it was a 3 much the " .Tu! ' tra v ' as to trade horses !" ;Dick?" - - cheat somebody tuoslshoekiugly bafore K Lcii ■* x r —ll j j I c., " -u Paris tnagnific. 20,000 THE BRADFORD REPORTER. * Biographical Sketch of .! ANDREW G. CURTLN! NEST UDVEKNOR Of FEXNSILVANLV. ANDRKW G. CCRTIX was l:<orn on the 23 J of April. 1817, in TMlefante, in Centre county,iu i 'bis State. Tuc county.of Centra, as its uppro ; ] kale name implies, is in the very h*>art of the State, ft rich and lovely region, abounding in beautiful streams, cultivated farm?, nhd im mense deposits of iron ore. The name of Pol lefonte is French, and , tain. The town has a lovely situation, and ; its appearance is very attractive, soaiewLal quaint, and preserving many of the charaeter j an early sullied coiouy. Its iuhabi ! tants are largely engaged in iron'manufactures , and from this circumstance, it may be suppos i ed, our GubeiiMitoi'al candidate derived much of his practical knowledge of the most inijmr i taut ir.du.-U'iat interests of om* S<ate, as well as his ardent advocacy of the principle of pro j tiction. Bellefonte has fornisried mant first class lawyers aud statesmen. The members of iu-r !>'Jr have always occupied the ve. v highest position. The late Judge Burnside, Judge Lynn, the Ifutiofable James T. llale, and Asmtr.w Gr. CtiiTlN*. 'gre contemporary pra : ctitiouers of the U iiefonte Car. The iuhubi | tants <jf Centre county, are amo.'if the must I lionest, industrious, and intelligent of the citi !ziu- uf Pt imsylvaiiia. The rare facilities of this region attracted | to if, at an-ca+'iy day. the energies and the residence of lloland Curt in, who, forty years, was a leading iwr. illatifacture in C 'tif.rc c .unity who accumulated a competent estate, and w ho left three sotvs, brothers of ANUJ::-;W, engaged in the gre'Ht staple business pf Peuu-jT, .nia.— Axmittw C. C-u:;.v couu-s of first rale Fctui \ sylvai.iii si .'k ll.s father m Dried a daughter i of Andrew Gregg, who was one of tke great ' ineu u| in the early pari of this • century, lie was a representative from the interior of the in the (irst Congix-ss tm t dor the (joifsf intinsi, uud srit in the IF utSe of RepreseutuliVes for eighteen successive years, j Then be- was tr>ni>rred to t|ie-United Slates ■ Senate, and a term of six years.— Andrew Gr gg* wa r - a ' 1y snppib'rter'of the Aduilnistra'. m \\j iai her ib.. Nts, ami , es[)CCinTv !U.r.-rr- I!) and Madi-ou. lit olTct |ed iu bougie.-> the i.i.iioos Vn;tt" Cee uD,oUS W hkl) our iust coidiict With Great • awi o-.i.<h eiiciicb tuc eloqcet<e of lieiiry tay and Jmm liandoiph. After '' liia rviireuiejit from Consre-s, lie sk red S cietary of the ( e.nuionwtaitli during tlie Athniiirtiratiua of Governor J.i-eph Ileister. Lverv I'eiiii.-vivanian of uihhiln age will re menilwr the fierce and d"ei- ve State canvass of when the old Federal party, tin !cr the !■ "• 1 of Andrew Gregg as thvlr can lidate for Govt rnor.maiie a last s" tinl for vie! ry ana i exi-' nee, and were defeated by the t.u~ i'es.u sylvan.a D-mocra.-y, under the lead ot Jolm t Eijere can be )>•> doubt t tie gian b-Mj.), Axnan* G .i •••• A > iiniaril -1 bearer u> he is of the rati Democracy of the State at tiiis day, will fare belter thau his | grandfather. The subject of our sketch wa= cdncatcd at the Academy ot the Kev. J. Kirknatrick, in .M lton, X'orthnmbcrfand county .Mr Kirk j patrick, still living In Allegheny county, was ' one of the old style of instructorf. lie "turn ed out " his boys impreguuled with the classics nud inafhetuiiiicsi It is quite a coincidence, that l vcrn r James I'aliuck, , l'resideut of 'he mtc Siele t m-veiiUuu which | itofiiinated Mr. C' mix, nud Msim. Sainuel i Calvin and David I'aggurt, both candidates , for the u nil nation,wen- educated bv tht? same instructor Thes ( j three gentlemen, in their 1 speech' s t< the t amvention. endorsing its nom ■ iuce, referred, in most touching terms, tc the -if memories of the sunny days when they were boy? toget!in the good el J ML ton A cademv. After getting we!! imbued with as uiflch Lafm, Greek aud mathematics as any of our Ci gt-a 'd the young 1.1 ..i i X w .is p>.iced in the law office and law scri oi of Judge Reed, of I aru.i<e. I ii<s .-ciiou win otid of the iie pnrttueuts of Dtck.u&o'i College,and us long as it- I'; if" -ar livt.i it fl mrished, and sent forth ■ one of live best la wyers and public men of I'cnnsvlvouia.Judjfc Reed was well known for i his " De>in-ylvani.! lilacksfrmc,"' hue of the first attempt- ever made to adapt the immortal , " Commentaries" to our ru 1-cu law. He was a liirtt-rate biwer, and an adept ia teaching ! legal principles. i AM-USW G. Ci'nnx was admitted to the liar i in lfiob, aud began the practice of the law iu 1 his town, lie immediately entered up ]on a large ami varied practice, atid has ever ' since been (•• Distantly and actively employed HI 1 the Ronrts of tire Centre, Clearfield, MiW n and Chntou. IDs great information, his vig orous mind, and his candor, recommehded him to tiie Courts ; his winmng style made him powerful with juries, lie nqjoiy l/ecame one o; tiie best ki. iwu, and most using young tnea in central Pan nayivauia. A man with the gifts nt. 1 temperament of i Anns.* G. CIRTIV conld not fail to be largely interested and concerned in public nfTiirs.— Strikingly amiable, getii*!, and wariu-hearted, liiaiaious, t]Uick. und exfeastve inteihgatice, oi the most engaging audri b v endowed with a (lueut, facetious, and captivating eioqoance, and instinct with old i'awisvlvania trariious of policy nud pßttr-to>iaa)| int irew lim.suf at puffa into those ]>o!tJicaT controversies whie'h a* ll.irke tells us, are i{ic cuiphcjoi the.cultivated njn. -IJrc was au ardayi, ftini i thoroughgoing Wl/g, and itj-,l6i*d bo Waa aa active partui that euthusiM->iieaurpatgn whieb ' l made Geucrai liarrisou Presitienl of toe Uir.t --!i ed States. Iu 1144 he was a fervent ar.ner ent of the iHtturKwis (Wididste of the Whig', and he stumped all central Pennsylvania for : Heury Clay and Prtllecflon'To American In diiktry. Ir tbat strucrcie, Mr. Cit'KtiN first Ac quired liia wide-spread rermtanon for effective i and resistless |opular eloquente. Therein not a county from the Susquehanna fd tiie AN'' ghenies. in whlcifthe name "of Aft'bf# (r. ) C' : ~'x prf?T?2l*s !b attract the very largest ' ;rowd.who eagerly gather to enjoy the feasts PUBLISHED EVERY TIILRSDAY AT TOWANBA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., CY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. r-" n tva® t&< f* A , " RESARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." I of wisdom and wit, of hnmor and pathos, of 1 poetry, statistics, story,argument, and imagery ; which spread.oat iu his glowing aud melodious I period-. I In 1848 he was placed on the TVhig Electoral f | ticket and again traversed many Sections of the I ' State in behalf of Gen. /.-u hnry Taylor. He - i was an original supporter of the nomination of l ; i General Wiufield Scott, and in 1852 lie was j ) 1 ugaiu placed ou the k -led with tils usual zeal to" carry the. State for . 1 the herd of the VaMey of Mexico. Irtrleed.Mr. 1 C-*i#rix was at all times a tliorocgh and inured i i | Peun-yivauia Whig, devott i to all those con-1 L -ervative and huinaue ideas which distinguiah- , - . ed that jiarty which now >ICC]JS in the graves ■ of Clay ond Webster, lie is by training, and ' >; by nature conviction, a believer in the systoma- ( ■ tic and efficient Drflrcdtiom, in liberal internal I improvement!*, HI the pobcy of encouraging w.JL PAID AMI pree American ! Labor. Suefi a N VIA I could uat fail to be a ■ * leader and a counsellor of the pariv,and,accor- ' dingly. Mr. CRMIV was an inilucntiai member : ' 1 of nearly every Whig State T'vuvention which met during LUC.iast years of the Whig party's EXISTENCE. No man was more popular at home. lie is endowed with much of that rare magnetism 1 , which neutralizes social A political differences and makes the man siiouger than his party.— : | And an illu-lration of tins, iu Lhu year loit) i Centre county composed part of the Senatorial ! Uistr ct i:i v, bicli General William F. Packer, Hi.*' Go?tn , nP r , was the Democratic candid ite 1 for the State $' patm Toe \Yh g candidate, withdrew from tlie canvass on Friday before the eiicfion. At the earnest and genera! <oii -1 citation uf the party, Golouel Croftx t k the Tin-re remaiued only three uv.'s to can vass a very lafge-rli-tr: T: Yet, white Centre man y gave a uiajiirily of eleiru iiudreu for - tlic l est of the Democratic ticket, she gave j Genera! 1 acker a majority of only three Luc- : drill. Three days sufficed Crnriv, against a.s i strong a candidate as Packer, to scatter two j thirds ef the Democratic umjoriiy. Iu tjie year I?o4, Colonel C CUTIS was strongly urged by the counties of central Penu- t ' -ylvania fur tine Governoi-hip ; nnrf When Hon. . ( .Jam- s P.iR n it, • f Xorthambcrlan.!, received the nomi etiion, C uriv wa made chairman of i the Sta'e Central Committee. Upon the elec tion ot Governor ap|>oiitted CtJonel C .t;T!N Secretary of the Commonwealths lie i ih- uarg' d 'he valid duties of that office with i ! .siguaJ abd.ty and discretiofi. Governor Pol- ; i K'- Ad.:, ur. ':A'KT:; T.ugui-.ity (.MRE, . !in derate ami CO .-CT'valive. It WAS noldistin guishud by any startling measures, or any ex ' '-itiug fnuopatioi.-S. The agitations and fluc tnitioris cah-ed by the brenkdig up of the . Wiiig party, the pro-slavery Ddwdcratie out- J, ' RAGEV in Kansas, the liso of the American and 1 the U<Q-Kil>iicair organ::' ition-, and the tremend ous political contest of 1856, withdrew ihe , GET.' rul attention from mere State affairs to those ot national concern. Rat, iu the midst ■ of a.i, the POLLOCK Adiu.uiitratcaii h<*lu its EVEN way, luaintaiuiiig tiie inti re*U and the houor lof INni.-yhania, cuudeming THE barbarities! whi -li OPPRESSED the people of,UUD the faithlt'.-s servilities of IH Pierce and Uucli uiau 1 Administrations—uttering its voice for protec i JINN to the indu-trics ot Pennsylvania, and, ' xhibiting, on every occasion, that dignified '■ modern! . in which i- so peculiar to the Pennsyl vania eh .meter. The Administration steadily won the confidence of tiie people a- itjiroceed- 1 , CD, AMI I'ctired froui power, attended by the j respect ot every citizen in tiie Commonwealth I and above even the suspicion of corruption or • part'alify. Ex Secretary CCKTIV, a- the inti- ' mate friend and eoustitu'ional adviser of the | Governor, is fairly ci.'.tiod to a full share of the credit wl .ch attmhes to the honest, wis ■ and Ix'trigii A luiinistration of Jamas Pollock. During that strumous contest for the Unit- i ed S* .•■ - S' liatorshij), vvhieJi dijtingui-lied the ' 1 'g.-Mtivc - srion of 1855, Colonel CVKIIN t was strongly and persistently urged by a large body of friends, for thr.t high position. Ji is department of THE ADM nitration CPU tioe: d him • ioseiy with our Common School I sy-teui as ii Superintendent HE GIVE laborv T on •> attenthmg to it. and to-k jiarticular picas- ' 1 ure in perfecting its DCTN"-. UND increasing its cflieieney. The Uotrimonwenlth rs greatly FRT '• iDbtcd to LIM forthe Liurislation cotr*erT)tng Xoraial schools, which affords the methods AND means OF aystetoftticftUj trainiog a body of IU te.iigeul and highly competent tea. tn rs, nnd thus most pressing need of oar I ! free 'SCHOOLS. Under the working of that law, ' one State Normal school is inefficient to p°ra j tiort, and oth"rs are springing up in various I parts of the Commonwealth. Secretary CTRTIN was au original and active ADVOCATE oi that g. cat measure of the Pollock ! Adiwlulstratiou— the safe of the Main Liae of the Public Improvements. Tuis measure was 1 vigorbu-ly opposed be Tore' ifs con-nmmatiuii, but it is now agreed < n ail hands that it was ' iimelv and wi-E, and the Commonwealth was . t! ereby relieved of an incubus which annually fdepicted its treasury, aud corrupted its poli • tics. After Lis retirement from the Secretaryship ' of the Commonwealth, Coloue! CCRTIN devoted himself again to, tue practice of the law, aud , to the material and industrial interests of h:s I region of the Commonwealth. Ho has been 1 I very active iu promoting those lines olrailroad which ar? to bring Centre, Clinton, Cieariieid and the adjoining counties into eongcticn with ; the IVNISYIYANIA C''Utral,anJ THE feanbury and ' _ Erie Railroads. He is a gentleman of up , , usual puTjlrc spirit, and his whole soil! is bound ,up hi the devcloptcent of THE irr.RAE:Ie mineral I and agricultural resources of his native State. -1 By uirvu, aud iift lung habit aud 1 - a-soeiatiou, he La Protectionist, and a traditi , I onary behuver ia Free Labor, and iu that | * ! policy which purposely encourages, diversities, j aud perfects all the Acts, iqdu.-tries.and reiiue- . - ments of A free ar.d civilized community. i Since that n-pieior,s no ion of the Opposition I I Gn-wui<-li has r/sujftd'iii tiie for - *fiation and the eoirtlnaeii ascend- uey of the f . People*party, Colonel CCKTIX ha? beea.for at t | least tw o years regarded from many quarters ; of the State, as a particularly worthy and 'f suitable candidate fur Governor. For that high position ue is peculiarly well qualified.— j He unites an even temper and a solid judgment j to great knowledge, not only of books but ot ( men and affairs. No man in the Commonwealth is more familiar with its history, or with its • avriom local interests ; with its diversified ca i paeilies aud requirements ; with its legislation, I its policy, aud its public opinion ; no one has such an extensive acquaintance all over the ! State. In all his private relations, and in the ' discharge of his official duties, he has achieved a high character for probity aud honor. In I head aud heart, iu temperament aud action,h ;is an ingrained Pennsylvaniau. Within our broad limits there is none who cau aud will make a better Governor. f Colonel OTRTIX is not only above all re-, proa oh, but is beloved by his immediate neagh i ' bors ami his personal acquaintanees. A uian ' of dignified presence, of gracious aud gentle I demeanor, kind hearted, geuiul, and sutiy tcin , pefed, remarkably instructive & fascinating in ' conversation, he is beyond uF question, the 1 most popular man of his age in Pennsylvania. 1 Iu his uative county, and all through the- val- j i leys of central Pennsylvania every man, woman j i and child cherishes a feeling of personal at tachment for " ANDY Crr.nv." lie is notcri out at Louie for his open handed liberality and for his continual charities. Although he is not rich, and left office without a cent more than when he entered it, no man iu Centre county lias given away as much money to relieve the wants of the p6br, and aid the struggles of the i embarrassed. It remarked to the Conven tion, which nominated him so promptly and by -uch a decided vote, that no man in the State hod such a body of devoted, enthusiastic per sonal friends. There never was a nomination more joyfully hailed. It gave equal satLfae- I tiou among the farmers and iron men of Centre i i and the merchant- and manufacturers of Phil , auelphia. The commecial metropolis of the State answered it with a wonderfully - general j applause. The solid business men of the City and the ritate were delighted with it. From Lake Erie to the Delaware this nooiiiiatioa , j was regarded us the beginning of a Drdliant , campaign, and the harbinger of decisive State ; and National victory. The People's party | could uot have placed at tiie head of their | army a more gallaut, admirable, aud loruiiua ble champion. A word as to the religious opinions of Col. I CURTIS*. It has been asserted by his political i foeuriurthe is a member of the Roman Cat bxHie persuasion or at least that he favors that sect • and attends Romanist churches. It ought to be unnecessary to notice this falsehood concern ing a man so well end ro widely known as ANDREW* G. Crnji.v, but there may be some (•who would like to see the slander autboritavely denied. We state, on behalf of Ct'KTiW, that he is not, and never lias been, a member ot the. j i Roman .Catholic denomination, nor does he sympathize with the peculiar views of that sect, lie i- thorough* Protestant in all hh religious : convictions,and though liberal-minded to a de- : gree, has no sympathy with religions tyranny 1 over the bodies and souls of men. ANDREW G. CURTIS, is a member and a trustee of the Presbyterian Church, in Bellefonte, under the pastorship of the Rev. Jarnes Lynn,who bap lized Mr. CCKTIN in his childhood. This plain : tale is, of course, sufficient to refute the taium rnnies that have been circulated iu regard to C ii. CURTIN'S religion. The ma iff y voice of our gallant Standard bearer has been heard among us during this contest, aud we knew from his own lips pre- i cisely where to find him among parties on pi in- j ' ciples that now agitate the public mind He ' has already traversed a large portion of the State, battling for the principles dear to us.— He will continue in that course until the most , of tiie people of Pennsylvania will have had an 1 opportunity cf hearing him, and of becoming fjily acquainted with hri prineipfra. He has ; no eonceiloients.AS the |xop!e who have heard liiu*, and those who are to hear him, will test ify. lie tells the people that he supports Lincoln and Hamliu fcr the Presidency pud Vice Presidency of the United States. He | locs not seek to conceal his views on this point j that he osay gain the votes of any faction which ! might be lost to hhn by a frank and honest i avowal of his convictions. It is net in Lis. I nature to make such undignified Concealments, even i r tirere was occasion for it. lie tells the 1 iwople that he iearnestly in favor of protec- I tiou to the interests of Pennsylvania, and he ! ]oints with pride to the record and the plat- j form of his party in proof that there is no de ception in in At avowal. He is in favor of free homesteads for free men, nnd he can point the people to the record in Congre-s, of the party with which he acts,as well as to uational • S plaiform adopted at Chicago. The people know ANDREW G. CCRTIN. They know his past record, and they know his pre j sent position, for he has told it to them per sonally. Ttiat record aud those principles are j emiaeutly satifactory to Peuusylvauia, and no man is worthier thau he to occupy the olIDe in the gift of the people of our Commonwealth. From all the indications which reach us, we : have the most confident assirranee that the ■ pewpie appreciate the outspoken honesty and j devotion to their interests of Gol. ANDREW G. J CURTIS, and that they have already hailed him as the next Governor of Pennsylvania. Ps?* At a party, a lady treated her compa ny with stewed pears. A gentleman at the table put one, as he supposed, into his mouth, and attempted to pull out the stem ; after for some,time, he was obliged to giv# it up, and oa putting it ou his plate he found I thflt had been tugging away at a mouse, wkiob Fad probably fallen into the lady's pre j serfß *r. WiLu the utmost coulness he in : quired of the lady if she had a cat ia the house, " Yes sir—why ?" " Well, I would 1 likt to barfe tier take this mouse away—that's I all?"" ■ iniwiftl OfeO ,C tJ t -.i WGy A CtißfvWffiirt writes Lome, that he was hftrd U{~: in NiftyL-Wt, tfaat he had ooti Li* , cottou umhreiia fo. jjreeiti. —for a kaacklc of 1 ham he had to use "aa old boot. THE ONLY MEDICINE. —" The are times when the pulse ' lies low ' in the bosom, and beats slowly in the veins ; when the spirit sleeps the sleep, apparently, that knows no waking, in its house of clay, and the window-shutters are closed, and the door is hung with the invisible crape of melancholy ; wheu we wish the gold en sunshine pithy darkness, and ever willing to " fancy clouds where no clouds be." ThL i is a state of sickness when physic may lie 1 thrown to the dogs, for we will have none of j it. What shall raise* The sleeping Lazarus ? / ! What shall make the heart beat music again, I and the pulse dance to it through ail the royr , iad thronged halls in our house of life ? What shall make the sun kiss the eastern hills again j : for us with all his old awakening gladness, j i and the night overflow with " moonlight, mu j sic, love, and dowers ?" Love itself is the j < great stimulant—the most intoxicating of a!! j —aud performs all these miracles ; but it is a ' miracle itself, and is not at the drug store, | whatever they say. The counterfeit is in the ! ! market, but the winged God is lot a money- : i changer, we assure vou. Men have tried many I j things—but still they ask for stimulants. Tiie j stimulants we use, but require the use of more, j Mea try to drown the floating dead of their ; own sonls in the wine cup, but the corpses will 1 rise. We see their faces in the bubbles. The j intoxication of drink set the world whirling j again, and the pulses playing tfieir wildest mu-, sic, aud the thoughts gaiiopiiig—bat tW fast •' clock runs down sooner, uwd t the unnatural i stimulation oqly .leaves the -house it fiils with | ; wildest revelry, more silent, more sad deserted, ] more dead. There is only one stimulant tuat . never faiD, and yet never intoxicates—duty.— j Duty puts a blue sky over every man—up in ' his heart it may be —into which the skylaik Huppiuess always goes singing." j CS.EAUNESS. —Compare the dirtiness of ihe water in which you have washed when it is j cold without soap, hot with soap, cold with ; soap. You will find the first has hardly re- ' I moved any dirt at ail, the second a little more, I and the third a great deal more. But hold your hand over a cup of hot water for a min ute or two, and then, by merely rubbing with the finger, you will bring off flakes of dirty skin. After a vapor-bath yon may peel your whole self clean iu this way. What I mean is, that by simply washing or sponging with water you do uot really cieau your akin. Take , a rough towel, dip one corner iu very hot wa- j ter — if a little spirit be added to it, it will be more effectual — and then rub as if your were I rubbing the towel into your skin With your , fingers. The black flakes which will come off will convince you that your were uot clean be- I lore, however much soap aud water you may ; have used. These flakes arc what require re- ' moving. And you can really kec-p yourself } I cleaner w ith a tumbler fuli of hot water and I a rough towel aud rubbing, thau with A uiaiie . apparatus of bath and -oap aud sponge, with- , out rubbing. It is quite nonsense to say that 1 anybody need be dirty. Patients have Iree'a 4 kept as cles.n by these means on a long vey- I aye, wheu a basinfel of water cooid not be j afforded, and wheu they could uot be moved out of their berths, as if a!! the appurtenances , of Loire had been at liend. Washing, how ever, with a large quantity of water has quite other effects than those of mere elanliness. — The akin absorbs the water, and becomes soft er and more perspirable. To wash with soap and soft water IS, therefore, desirable from other points of view than that of cleanliness. , ; —yightiagalet NXes c h \ursing. LEARN THE AI.UB OK MONEY. —A silver dollar represents a day's work of the laborer. If it IS given to a hoy HE has no idea what it j cost, and what it is worth. HO would be as likely to cive a doHar as A dima for a top, or any other toy. But if a boy has learned *o earn his dime and dollars bv the sweat of his face, HE KNOWS the difference, ilaud work is , to hiui a measure of value that can never be nibbed out of his mind. Let him learn to e.x --! (H-RII'IICE that a hundred dollars represent a I hundred weary day's labor, ana it seems a I great sum of money. A thousand dollars is a ' Fortune, and ten thousand is aiuio.-.t inconceiv- for it is far more then he ever expects to t possess. Wheu he Las earned a dollar, he I thinks twice before he spends it. He wants , to invest it so as to get the full value of a day's work for it. It is a great wrong to so- J ciety and to a bov, to bring him Bp to A man's estate without this knowledge. A fortune at . twenty-one, without it, is almost inevitably thrown away. IVF'.h it and a lit I • cipi'ai to s'ait on, he will make his own fortune better than any one can make it for hiui. IMPORTANT CAUTION. —If a limb or any other ; part of the body is Beverly cat, aud the biood comes out by spirits or jerks, per saltim, as the , i doctors say, be in a hurry, or the mau will be ! dead n five mir.ntes ; there is no time to talk jor send for a physician • say nothing,out with your handkerchief, throw it around the limb, j | tie two corners together, put a stick through them and twist it around tighter,tiii the biood ! ceases to flow. But stop, it does no grood : j Why ? Because only a severed artery throws biood in jets, end the-ftrteries get their biood from the heart ; hence to stop the flow, the re medy must be applied between the heart and wound —in other A\ords, abort the wonnd. If a vein has been severed, the blood would have flowed iu a regular stream, aud slowly, and.ou the other baud, the tie would applied below ; the wound or on the other side of the wound , 1 from the heart, because the blood in the veins I flows toward the hsart, and there is no need of i sucu a hurry. ESa?" Prentice says, " the Sentinel tells us that Fiucolo aud Hamlia have no other uiea- . suretnent than their length. It is evidently , proud of the shape of its favorite candidate, the " Little Giant," who has a greater mea-' i suretnent than bis length, being about five feet * ;J long and eight feet, six inches and two barley 1 cures roaad—to say oothiqg of the measure-, meut of coru aud barley iu.ide. ] VOL. XXI. —IsTO. 10. gtprimcnt. RtSF The Teachers' Institutes for Bradford County, for the fall of 1800, will be holden at the following times and places, viz : j For the towns of South Creek, Wells, Col ' innbia, Troy, Armenia, Canton, Leßoy, and Granville, Monday, October 1, ut Alba. I For the towns of Franklin, Overton, Al bany, Asylum, Monroe, the two Towandas, j Wysox, and Sheshequin, ou Monday, October 15, at Monroe ton Borough. For the towns ot Wyalusing, Bike, Her ri' k, Standing Stone, Tusearora, Terry, and Wilmot, on Monday, October 8, at Merryall. j Each Institute will commence at 2 o'clock, p, m , and close on Saturday, at 12, noon. I It is expected that the teachers of the coun ! ty, will attend at least one of these gather i ings. All interested in our schools, are invited ] to meet with us as frequently as possible ] Teachers will bring witli them Readers, Spell ! ers, Intellectual and Written Arithmetics, j Music Books, and paper and pencils. C. It. COBURX. Towanda, Aug. 14, 1&C0. The Bradford County Tcacbers'Associa tiou,will hold its next meeting at the" Bowley ''School House," in Wells township, on Friday, September 21, 18GO,commencing at 10 o'olock 'a.m. An address will be delivered by Rev. JOEL JEWEL, and an essay will be read by Miss T EMMA SMITH, or Miss LI. LILLF.Y. Resolutions ' upon the geueral interests of education w ill also 1 be discussed. We are informed that the frieuds | in Wells are expeeting teachers and friends I from all parts of the couuty. We hope they I may not be disappointed. E.GCYER, President. B. L. BEARDSLEY, Secretary. . * Letters to a Young Teacher. XVM2ER TWO. MY DEAR FRIEND : Since the date of my last ktter, you have probably entered upon your duties as a teacher. I will presume, how ev<r, that a few more suggestions upou the subject of Order wouid not prove unaccepta ble to you, particularly at this time. Au orderly school precludes the idea of a noisy one ; yet I do not consider it very high praise when it is said of a school, " it is so still you may hear a pin drop." Such stillness is generally purchased at two great a price.— But noise and confusion, such as all children will make unless restrained by some wholesome regulation, are ruinous to any school. Accus tom your pupils to shutting the door softly > and walking lightly across the floor. Give i fault marks to those who are forgetful of this; j or your ingenuity may suggest some other plan. Some rough and uncultivated boys appear to have an idea that there is something rather manly and independent ia blustering into the ' room, pualiiug the doors after them with a i crash, and taking heavy steps to their seats. Wheu nothing else w ill answer, a little ridicule will generally shame such rudeness. The rattling of slates, particularly in a large school, is often a very great annoyance. As a remedy for this evil, or as a partial one at i least, some have adopted the plan ot covering the frames with soft leather or thick cloth, so as to deaden the sound produced from their striking upon the desks or against each other. Other teachers are so skillful iu traiuiug their t scholars, that iu a short time tbeir little math j ematk-iaus are taught to handle their slates al most without noise, and of course such cau very well dispense with this arrangement. You will avoid much unnecessary noise by calling out your classes in some regular order, and dsmissing them to their seats in the same way. Have system even iu little things.— Whenever you find there is unnecessary noise about you, a very good plau is to atop short iu vour exercises, and refuse to go ou until or- I dor is restored Do not make too much noise yourself in talk i re - . Some teachers arc forever scolding, fret ting, and finding fault. They pitch their voices on a high key iu Hie morning, and keep up a tempest all day. Xow there is no need of.this; indeed it is worse than useless, for scholars get so accustomed to hearing this per petual dine*d( ng, that they pay but little or no attention to it. I know that words of re proof and correction are sometimes necessary; bat a few words are better than many, and whenever you have occasion to use them, speak with earnestness and decision, define your po sition distinctly upon the matter under consid. oration, and theu act afterwards precisely a i you talked. Aside from oral instruction and explanation : in connection with recitations, yod should sav as little as possible. Study brevity. Ono single word is all that is necessary in calling out a class ; ai>d even this may be dispensed ' with, and a signal of some kind—a tap of the i bell perhaps—substituted. The eye aod the j baud can speak, often more effectually than the voice ; and you will notice that, where schools, are particularly excellent in respect to system and order, much of this kind of lan guage is employed by the teachers iu moving the nice and complicated machiuery. In dismissing your school et the close or for Tecess, you will Scd it expedient to adopt some plan of doing it, so as to avoid the hubbub and confusion that wouid follow upon pro nouncing the words, " School's dismissed " Boys may go out,'' or siciiiar common signals of sudden emancipation. A pretty good plau i for a small sehooi, is to require the scholars to ; leave the room singly, by cailiug off their names or numbers from the general roll ; or a more rapid way, and some prefer it, is to dis ! miss by sections or divisions. For large schools, ' composed chiefly of young pupils, a better plan is to have them pass out in a siogle file, i falling into line from the several rows of dei-kx , with military precision, and preserving the line unbroken till the outer door is reached. At ] some future time 1 may describe this latter * method more minutely. At present, I have ! no time to do so, neither cau 1 afford space j for it. Thine, trulv, 1 ' Cleveland, May, 1852. ' A. F