Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 13, 1860, Image 3
legal. /GENERAL ELECTION PKOCLAMA IT xiOX. Whereas, by en act of Assembly of the . omm oti wealth .entitled " an act relating to the elections f this common wealth," it is enjoined upon me to give nublic notice of such election to be held, and also the P munition j n such notice what officers are to be elected, I THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, High Sheriff of the Coun ty of Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice to •he electors of said county that a general election will >, held in said county, on TUESDAY, the !>th day of OCTOBER, in the several districts in said county, to wit: In Albany, at ihe sub-district school house uear Camp hell's mills. To Asylum, at the school house near Simon Decker's. Ja Athens boro', at the house of E. S. Mathewoou. la Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt, in Atheus Borough. In Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker. In Burlington boro". at the hall of Henry Yosburg. In Burlington twp., at the house of Hpewell Luther. In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton, at the house ol S. C. Myers, la Columbia, at the house of James Morgan. In Franklin, at the house of J. M. Martin. In Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Tavlor. In Herrick. at the school ho„se near Daniel Durand's In Litchfield, at the house of Cyrus Bloodgood. In Leßoy, at the school house in I^eßoy. In Monroe, at the house of R R Rockwell. In Monroe boro', at the house of M M Coolbaugh. In Orwell. at the Orwell Hill public school house, la Overton, at the house of David Waltmaa. In Pike, at the house of Dennis Juhnson. In Rome, at the Academy. In Ridgbury, at the house of Bcnj. Herman, in the Valley House. In Smithtieid, at the house uow occupied by John Scon ton. In Springfield, at the house of 11. W. Root, now occu pied by Jesse Hammond, in Syivania boro', at the house of Curtis Merritt. It South Creek, at the school house near A. Giltett's. In Standing Stone, at the house of Simon Stevens. In Terry, at the house of Edward J. Shepard. in Towanda boro', at the Grand Jury room, in the Court House, in said boro'. In Towanda twp., at the school house, near H. L. Scott'*. In Towanda North, at the house of 8. A. Mills. In Troy boro', at the Eagle Tavern. In Troy twp., at the house ot V M Long, in the boro' i of Troy. In Tuscarora. at the school house near James Black's, j In Ulster, at the house of S B llolcomb. In Warren, at the house of R Cooper. In Weils, at the honse of L. Seeley. in Windham, at the house of Beuj Kuykendall. In Wyalusing, at the house of S H Black, in Wilmot, at the bouse of A J Stone. In Wysox. at the house of James M Reed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will j elect by ballot One person for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent the ICth Congressional District j (composed of the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna and '1 logs,) in the House of Representatives of the United States. . i Two persons to represent the County of Bradford in the Hoo.e of Representative* of the Commonwealth of Penn syivania. " One person for High Shertffof the County of Bradford. One person for Prothonotarh, Clerk of the Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer of the Courts of Brad- I lord. One person for Recorder of Deeds, Resistor of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans' Court of the Couuty of Brad ford. One person for Commissioner for the County of Brad lord One person for Auditor for the County of Bradford. One person for Coronor for the Couuty of Bradford. And in and by said act, I am further directed to give - •tice that every person excepting justices ot the peace I -uo sh.ill hold any office of profit or trust under lire g<>- .ffniucnt f the United States or this State, or ot any incorporated district, and also that every nit-tuber of con ,:cnnd oi the stutc legislature and the select and com :a • totinril of any city, or commissioners of any incor porated district, is by law incapable of holding or exer >iag at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Cum uiwealth. and that no Inspector or other officer of any such election, sliall be theu eligible to any oflhe to be voted for. By the 4th section of an act passed the day of April, I*4o. it is provided " that the 13th section of an . t passed July 2d. IsSO. entiled " An act relating to the flections of this Commonwealth." shall not IK- cunstrucl i as to prevent any military officer for serving as Judge. Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of tins ('"turn ui wealth. In the nlst section of the act fl rs t above mentioned, it , enacted that every general and special election shall ?"|ieried between * A 10 in the forenoon, and continue (hull interruption or adjournment until 7 o\ lock in .. - tvrning. when the polls .ball be closed. itv the 1-th section of the act February 3d, IsltJ, it '—due lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gen rlection which shall lie hereafter held in the Armenia .i: n district of Bradford County to close the polls ot Vrcti"ii district at live o'clock p. in. 3; the 11th section of the act of 1 s.lll. it is provided •i ll' of the election district of Tuscarura twp., tt.selat 5 o'clock, p.m. I:'V-r directed, that the meeting of the Judges " House in T"W.iiidu, to make nut the general n, -.a, be on the 3d day alter the election, which "I'II the 12th day of October. 'farther directed that the meeting of return Judges • (lie Congressional distric*, shall be held at the Court •k\ ax the borough of Towanda. m the 7th day alter f.action, which will he on the ICth. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, SheritT. (randa. Sept. 13, I SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry l - writs of \ end. Expo., issued out of the court of i ivn pleas of Bradford couutc. to me directed, will \, -ed to public sale on FRIDAY, the 12th day er. A. [>. lvio. at tbe court house, in Towanda, 1 o'clock. P.M.. tbe following deserilied lot. piece po 1 f 1 nd -itnuate in Wyalusing township, bound . r'h and east bv land- of L P. Stafford, south by tbe rth Branch Canal, west by tbe public highway. Con ' ; one fourtbot an acre, more or less, all improved, at ;ramcd house thereon. "en d aud taken in execution at the suit of L. P. Stal- : r i *-i. J. M. Salmon. \LS(l—The following lot. piece or parcel of land aitu , eiii Albany tp.. bounded north by land of Ileury llib c' Hoi -Joseph Lee. east by laud of Thomas I.a r a lace, • - tli by land of Uoiert Edy, west by land of Ebenczcr | i • r and simc m Chapman. C ntaining 40 acres, more , •o. ahout four acres improved, aud an old log house \IAU_AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit a'a m Albany tp., beginning at a point in the centre of " r "' l 'k Turnpike, thence along 'he line of land of Ii l Vilci>x, south 80® west 13 perches and two links, tby same land south 8° east 23 perches and two -i shy land of Sylvester Chapman north 80° "* perches and twelve links, thence along the Ber ' '"rapike north 8° west 23 perches and two links xrof beginning. Containing one acre and one • i**l lifty-one perches and sixty-fonr links, be the ft or le--. all improved, with a framed house a siid siid a few fruit trees thereon. -'•and taken in execution at tbe suit of Henry v * Samuel Quimhy. * he following lot, piece or parcel of land situ l#*n, . ' l '" r ""k'h. b<iunded n irth by land of John F J, y Canton Street, south by land of John F'. .(•aitby landSof G. F. Ridington. Containing 1(K) - an 4 ' ,ou * 4'JO feet deep, all improved. - a and taken in execution at tbe suit of John F. ' •J- illiam Russell. r'.T f "'' ow ' n K piece or parcel of land situ- I-: ' rr * T i north by lands of James Strong - V;, . o! ~r C. Horton, south by land of Bam i ° r J- W. Denison. Contain I acr. Til f ni ' s 'A'een acres, more or less, about ' mi improved, with a framed house a fram !•► thereon PP' eorc '** n i an<l ot^cr i j 'j)\ m "-'sccution at the suit of C. Moody Sheriff* i,m„ T THOS. M. WOODRUFF. Towanda. Sept. 13,1860, Sheriff. \ NOTlCE—Notice 1 of' I IHVST'M-O 11 " 13t ' a " persons indebted to the es : \ U ' S COOLBAUGH, late of Wysox town '.■iseat , r .j' < n ''e r eby requested to make immediate rats will ii. "" P frsol is having claims against said r it. ' p esent ""n duly authenticated for settle- „ FT CHESTER PIERCE. Administrator. "thi, a, .'"r Un , der thc firm of J - w Woodbnrn aving iir*.2♦ V b y ffi'Rua! consent. AH per the VAm* J .^ Drount!< are • must be settled without delay. Sept. ii Nflft J-W. WOODBURN, j tf, iB6O. L. L. MOODY. ' 1 OR*R!?H THST HAY E * 'rge and gen 'Musivelw "d * n<l, which they will close , liUnn fot liead y Cay* at prices that will defy | T EAST CAK£ S" w the , ' i! °ask anv'Tff o°l th ® kind ever offered •"id this t„wn dted faluilie4 that have Tort! i W sufficilat if?? I?!?, it. One -v l -, FOX^S S"(£^E:SE. —The finest and' ncsirable Cheese in market, fqr sale at ■^ E S' a ANrTsPICES-Tbe C B PATCH. iieto SUftertftrmntts. v PENNSYLVANIA STATE ;'AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY jj 10th ANNUAL EXHIBITION to I ON TTFE J}j" WYOMING BATTLE GROUND." t; I NEAR THE E> " j WYOMING MONUMENT, and in the vicinity of lt Wilkes-Barre, Pittston & Scranton IN LUZERNE COJXTY. THE EXHIBITION WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY . aud will coutiiiue four days, riz : September 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th. i The Grounds, which are most beautifully situated, are j not only large, but remarkably well adapted to the pur ' poses of the Exhibition. THEY CONTAIN SEVENTY-TWO ACRES, A FINE TRACK FOR HORSES, as well as every other con veuieiice necessary to the comfort and sal sty of exhibitors and the animals and articles they wish to exhibit, are provided. Arrangements have been made with the different Rail road Companies for the transportation of articles intend ed for exhibition. • FREE OF CHARGE BOTH WATS. Visitors to the Exhibition will find most ample accom modations, at moderate prices. The different Railroad Companies will issue EXCURSION TICKETS. Lists of Premiums, Judges, and Regulations, 4c., can i. be had at all the principal Agricultural Warehouses, from Ucn. E. W. Sturdevans, at Wilkes-Barre, and on applica i tion until September Ist. to the Secretary. at HarrUburg. e After that time the Secretary's office will be at West | Pittston, Luzerne county. COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL. A. 0. HIESTER, Secretary. >': MONTANYES' STORE, SEPT. 4,1860. MERCANTILE MIT II. friend", and others, are respectfully I Vy invited to examine our New Stock of < FALL & WINTER GOODS, t ) Comprising ail the Styles now in vogue, which have been 1 purchased at the Lowest ebb, in the market, and will be 1 sold accordingly. Our stock consists of all the varieties I of Staple and Fancv E DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, MENS* FURNISHING GOODS, r HARD-WARE, IRON, NAILS, | AND SADLERY HARDWARE, CROCKERY. FAMILY GRO CERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., kc. All of which will be sold at Wholesale or Retail, to suit * purchasers. Cail aud examine. J MONTANYES' T \ISSOLUTION The co partnership here- ; r ' tofnre exiting between the subscribers under the I - firm of Patton X )';yne. is Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, uoles, accounts, and other oldie* - tions and papers belonging to said firm are now iu the • hands of J. G. PATTOX, FOR collection. J. G. PATTON, -i Towanda Aug. UO, I.AGO. E. D. PAYNE. THE business will be conducted as heretofore under the ' I name of J. G. PATTOX. and thankful for the liberal share ' of patronage extended to u- in the past, we respectfully sole it a continuance of the same, pledging uur-elves that no cfiorts shall be spared to make our Store one of the j cheapest aud best regulated iu tbe State. - J. 6. PATToX. ! (ORPHANS' COURT SALE- By virtu. \J of an order of the o-pbana'Court of Brtdford Conn- ■ ty. will be ex[>o-ed t . public sale, uu the premises, on j MoNDAk . OCT lfLlf i lsOO,at 1 o'clock, p. in., the ' following described piece or parcel of land situate in A1 ! bany twp., being a portion o hind willed by Rolliu Wil- j cox. deeea.ed. to James Wilcox, recorded in Will Book j Bradford County. No. 1. page 2>C,bounded and descrilicd 1 ■ as follows : On the north and east bv lauds in the posses- ' si n of Lewis Jones, south by 1 m'ds of P. 11. Wilcox, ! west by unseated binds. Containing some 27.5 acres, . • more or leas, about 100 acres improved, two old framed ! houses, two sheds ULG one l aru and a raw mill thereon. ' ' Terms made kuown on the day of sale. CHESTER SC'HOOXOVER, A lilt ILLA WILCOX, 1 September 1. 1 SCO. Administrators, j IpOUND. About tlie middle of July lupt ! an amount of money, about which information can I j be bad by oa tbe subscriber: in Herrick, Bradford , county, .cbich itie real owner can have upon proving property and paying charges. Sept. 4. IsbO. W. H. H. JENKINS. f A CARD —The undersigned be;rs leave to i : bz. say to the Electors of the county of Bradford that he n ill Ire very happy to receive their votes for the office I , of Prothonotary ntthe en-ning General Election. ' "e d es not a., k your suffrages because he lias leen so i licitcd to do so by any ol his friends --for he has not—nor ! does lie a*k them on account of bis fitrie.-s for the office, ' or for any meritorious service heretofore rendered. He a-ks tin in simply because lie would like the office, and j because it is natural and reasonable to ask for that which wc desire and which we may lawlully obtain. Permit him to say further, that lie will feel highly hon ored with the rec ption of your votes, whether few or many, and it elected, lie will take very great delight in j ; honoring the office Terrvtown, Aug. 22, IsGO. GEO. F. IIORTON. WHO ARE INTERESTED ? |HP IIK subscriber is in the collection and par ' A ment of his debts, having s<dd out his entire stock ; of Hardware, now finds it very necessary to collect all his accounts, notes and judgments, as fast as the law will permit, in order to meet his own engagements, which he j intends to do without respect to persons, consequently all j having accounts, notes and judgments with him must j settle and pay immediately, if they expect to do so with ! out paying cost in addition to their present indebtedness. I can be found during business hours at the Ward House. I Towanda, Aug 27, iB6O. D. C HALL. i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Nottoe is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e statg of CH ARLES PKRKINB. late of Smithtieid. dece'd, : must make immediate payment, and all persons having ( demands against said estate will present them duly au- , theuticated for settlement. JOSEPH PERKINS, j i Mayay 24, 1860. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice I is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the j estate of ELISHA P HENhON, deceased, late of West I I Burlington.are requested to make payment without delay; I | and those having claims against the -aid estate will please i present them duly authenticated for settlement. ' CHARLEb TAYLOR. ' JOHN BALLARD, < | Aug. 27, 1860. Administrators, with will annexed. AI) MI NISTRATOII'S N OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted tofth ' 'estate of WILLIAM M. BLADE, late of Springfield twp., deceased, are hereby requested to make pay- ' ment without delay, and all persons having demands 1 against said estate, will present them duly authenticat | eil for settlement. B. F. KNAI'P, P. 0. KLADE. Angnst 27.1860. Administrators. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860 ! j MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC !!! f The Towanda Brass Band, COMPOSED OF TEN TALENTED AND EXPERI ENCED MUSICIANS, would respectfully announce to the citizens of this and adjoining counties, that they are now prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF MUSIC for any and every occasion, at reasonable rates. For en gogements, Address J. BILL MEANS, May 10. 1860. Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. "WAEEMAX'S CORNET BAND, . LACEYVILLE, TA. BEXJ. E. WAKEMAN. Leader, and comprising anngi ber of g >od musicians, announce to the public that they rre prepared to furnish music for Parades, Excur sions. Balls. Ac., on reasonable terms. Address. Laceyville, July 17,1860. BENJ. E. WAKEMAN. CAUTION. —Whereas my wife FOLLY has left my bed and board without any just canee, this is therefore to forbid all persons barboriug or trast ing her on my account, as I will pay no debts of hereon trading after this date. T „ , JOFmn BAYLY, Jr. ] Towanda. JatyS. IS6O ilfto aiitocrtfsniunts. To Merchants and Dealers in Freight, THE Boat 13, L T . S. Express Freight, will run from the " Tozer Bridge," to Towanda and Standing Stone, three days iu each week. AU Freight from Wavcrly and other places, will he promptly deliver ed, and at the Captaiu, risk except stoves, syrup and mo lasses will be at the risk of the owners. But all care will be used by the Captain and proprietors. Freight will he taken at the lowest prices until the river freezes up. Captain STOKE will use bis test endeavors tu find a sale channel in Old Susquehanna, whose banks will not slult out. All orders directed to J XBKZ STONE, at Athens. will be promptly attended to at all times. The Boat 13. U. . 8. Express Freight, will start on Tuesday, August 21 1 1800. B. F. STONE. Proprietor. ® ' JABKZ STONE, Ag't and Capt. ; Direct orders to JABEZ STONE, Athens. Bradford Co., '' a : JABEZ STONE, Agent. Athens, Aug. 22.15G0. II XLU L I OR 8 SALE.—Public Vendue of J personal property belonging to the estate of Arnest Follies, late of Rome township, deceased, on the farm lately occupied by tbe said deceased, on MGNDA Y, SEP TUM BER 10,1860, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Said property . consisting of horses, cows, young cattle, hogs, sheep, wagons, carriages, sleighs, hay, plows, drags, and ali , kind* of farming utensils harnesses, bed and bedding, stoves and other kind of household furniture. Ac., Ac. TERMS All sums under $5 cash ; over $5 and under . 120 three mouths credit ; over S2O and under sso six months credit; SSO and upwards, nine months credit with interest with approved security. Bids to lie secured bv J.G.TOWNER, Route, August 27, 1860. Executor. ASTRAY.—Camo to the enclosure of the J-J subscriber in Standing Stone township, about six i weeks ago, a Two Year Old RED STEER, with two t white stripes in Hie left hind quarter. The owner is re . quested to prove property, pay charges, and take him aw >- JOHN KENNEDY, t Standing Stone. Aug. 2ft, 1860. C^AUTION. —Whereas my wife CYNTHIA ) has leit by bed and board without sufficient cause, this is therefore, to forbid all persons harboring or trust ing her, on mv account, after this date. Towanda, Aug. 10, iB6O. MYRON W. KILMER. Two Valuable Farms for Sale. OITUATED in Wysox, Bradford Connty k_J l'a., one'and a quarter miles from the village of To wanda. containing seventy acres each, under a good state or cultivation. The buildings consist of two fram ed dwellings, three good barns, granery, apple orchard, plum, pear, (reach and cherry trees, Ac., all of which will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars enquire 1 of i HESTER PIERCE, liviug near the place. ! Wysox, Aug. G, 1860. BRIDGE LETTING.—SEIKD PFSPONII will Ire received near the house of Thomas Mauler I in Carton on TUESDAY. Aug. 14, iB6O, until 1 o'clock 1 p. in., for the building and completing a Bridge across I Towanda Creek, near that place. Specifications lor the I same may be seen at the house of C. S. Sellard, and T. ! M. Watts and at tbe Commissioner s Office, for ten days previous to said letting. D. DECKER, P. 11. BUCK, W. A. THOM AS, Commissioner's Office, July 30, iB6O. Com'rs. ' ACARD.-J. H. CARF.yrespectfully informs the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, and the pub lic generally that he has commenced the TAILORING 1 business, ii this place. Shop over Messrs. Moutanve A Co., store where he will make to order ail the various I : kids of gents garments in all roe latest approved fash i ions, ami warrant them to tit. <'i TTIXU dune on short , notiee. A share ot public patronage respectfully solicit ed. Aug 1, 186(1. IUYKCr TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice Is here- J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of AltX'ESi FoItBEM. dee'd., late of Rome township, must i make immediate payment,and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them dulv authenticated j for sotllement. JOHN G. TOWNER, 2i. 1 s t ,o. Executor. | EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here I AA by given, that nil persons indebted to the e9 ' i tate ot JABKZ TuMKIN'B. late of Shesheqtiin twp. de ' ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without ! i delay, and all persons having claims against said estate,! 1 will present them duly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN FORBES, NATHAN BAXTER, I Juiy3o, IS6U. Flxecutors. ] : TUST RECEIVED at tbe KEYSTONE ' *J STORK, an elegant nssortm"nt of End r -idi riis. Eiu | broidered Collars. Embroidered setts. Embroidered Edg- , i lugs, Embroidered loser tings. Marsallles Collars, Mar j sailles Setts. Embroidered Fliuncings, Crape Collars,! i ( rape Setts. Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large as- ' ! sortmcnt of Black Lace Veils. DR. JOHN M'INTOSH, will he foand at I his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and | | Summer. Teeth nserted on Vulcanised Rnliber-tlie | latest improvement la dentistry. Specimen piece to he ' ] seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please I I pay up. JOHN" M'INTOSH. ! Towanda. March 20,1860. AMERIGAN HOTEL, JYIV/r the. I)fltl f Tuvcan'ht, Pa. | TO UN LAI OH LIN respectfully informs the public that lie lias leased tbe new and commndi- i nus Hotel recently erected near the Bridge, and having j j furnished it thoroughly, i*now prepared to accommodate | I such of the travelling public as may give him a call. He wil! endeavor by attention ta the wants of his guest and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of public patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Sprituous j and Malt Lsquors. Good Stabling is attached, with care tii! attendance. Mav 23. 1 srto DRESS IWTARINra! undersigned would respectfully inform . the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that they arc 1 now prepared to do all kinds of DRESSMAKING inthe 1 lat'-st and mot fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the County. Bir Rooms one door below Bc-idleman's block, at tbe residence of A.J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBLE April 16. 18fi(l. MISS J. H. HALE. QALE OF REAL ESTATE.—The valun- O Me Real Estate' Known as the Lukens I-ands situate in Warren Township, Bradford County Ph.. are offered I'nr sale to the highest and best bidder. This body of lands consists of tonr contiguous tracts, containing fifteen hun dred acre- of good farming and grazing land, well water ed. and of easy access to a close market for produce, as the lands are situated only about five miles from the New York and Erie Railroad. Offers of purchase will be re ceived for the whole body, or for the separate parcels ac cording to the subdivisions occupied by the tenants. No sale will be made of less tlmn one hundred acres, and parcels will not lie sold separately unless the whole body can be sold in that way. Terms or payment, one third cash, and the balance in ' two equal annual instalments, with interest secured by bond and mortgage on the property. Title nnqnestiona- " lile and free from all incumbrance. Persona desirous of t purchasing will send their offers in writing in the nature fo bids per acre, either to my Agent. . WM. ELWELL, Esq., Towanda, Pa. or to myself. SARAH L. KEENE, administratrix, with the will annexed of John Lukens, deceased, 10th and < Chsetnut streets, Philadelphia.- I April 2, 18G0. ( FISH!" FISH!! FISH!!! t THE best assortment in P nnsylvania. Consisting cf Mackerel. Trout. White Fish, Blue Fis-h, Salmon ® C idfish, Pickied and Sin oktd Herring. Smoked Halibut Ac. Ac., on hand, and to be sold cheap, by Towanda, Jnne 10. €. B. PATCH. MACKINAW TROUT—Fine New Fish ' just received at FOX'S. j STEEL HOOP SKlßTS—Cheftprr than \ any other place at MERGER'S. 1 The Old Gash Drug House REMOVED! : c i CORNER Main and Pine street, i r FIND t DR. PORTER'S] NEW '• MEDICINE STORE. 5 itKsrcllancous. • Stosqutjjmnta Ctollegiait Institute, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO.. PA. FACULTY : OLIVER S. DEAN', A.B. Principal, Profewor of Ancient Language*. and Mental and Moral Sciences. 1 WM. H. DEAN*. A. 8.. Associate Principal, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof. CHARLES K. COBURN, County Superintendent. Genera! Director of Normal Department. Mrs. OLIVER S. DEAN, Preceptress. ' Miss ANNA M. DEAN, Assistant Preceptress. Miss HELEN E. DEAN, Second Assistant Teacher. ' Miss M AIUETTA G. DICKINSON, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. WM. H. DRAN. Librarian. Mr. D. CAVFIELD DAYTON, Stewar 1. Mrs. D. C. DA A'TON, Matron. The Pall Term continences WEDNESDAY, Al"- . GLST 22, aud will continue 14 weeks. TTITJOJf, FEU TEIIJI : [Payable Invariably in advance, or one-ha if on entering the school, and one-hall at the middle of the term—fuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 5 00 Preparatory 0 tKi Higher, Ist year, per term t 00 Higher. Ist "and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year,"per term 7 no Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term S 00 N. B. Pupils will he classed by the most advanced | branch they respectively pursue. I Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. KXTRA EXPENSES! French $ 3 00 German .3 00 Drawing 5 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 • Washing, per dozen 3>t The Collegiate year is divided into three terras of 14 weeks each. The Anniversary exercises will lie held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will he made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks, instrumental Music will heretofore, betanght In ! the Institution, but by special arrangement—a class will 1 be taught in a hail adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher ol Vocal Music. This arrangemeut has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to bo eminently superior to the plan pursued iu former years. Special pains will lie taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons iu this branch. Tonus will lie as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons 50 do for practice 2 00 Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table silver <u their option. It is desira ble that they also furnish their own lied and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will lie furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. -Vurmai Department —Special exercises are arranged j without extra charge for those preparing themselves as I Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. It- CO BURN, ttie j able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools j in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher s class, aud direct the course to be pursued. I He will also be preseut to conduct its exercises as niton | as practicable, and will deliver frequent lecture* on the ! Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects ' connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage j to be present during the Fall term. Prof. C'oburn's connection with the institution is not I such as to in any way interfere with the discbarge of the 1 regular duties of his office. No pains will be "pared, on the part of the Faculty and ! Trustees in sustaining the high repulatution the in-titn j tion has hitherto enjoyed, and iu rendering it more wor | thy of future patronage and support WILLIAM H. DEAN,! „ . . , Aug. 9,1860. OLIVER 8. DEAN, f rrtoelpaja. SELECT SCHOOL For "SToungr Ladies. | AIISSES CHUBBUCK nasjiectfiilly in l ITL form the publi that the Fail term of their school I will commence on Monday, the 27th i irt August, I iu the room formerly occupied by Hito." Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them . during the past year. Missis ('. assure tiieir patrons that no pains will be spared to merit a cuntiuiian eof the coii tidenee of those who may ronfide pupils to their care. M iss KAN NY L. CHuBBUCK will have entire urge of Music ; and a limited number of scholars only will b taken. r 1: qi'artvr or 11 weeks. First Chit. To include the elemeuiry English Branches ... $! 00 j Second Ctas*-—ln include tic innr" advanced English branches, with Mat hematic sand Latin $0 00 I Third Class— To include Mathematics, Moral I und Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., with Latin ~ $7 00 Music —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per terra, $3, and Draw j ing extra. Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a desk and chair. us Any information in reference to this --,' he l may be obu.aed by applying to Ji. S. Mercur or E. X. Fox. . j Towanda. August 20, 1HS(. mi ilsalp® i®sss. TpilE undersigned liave opened ail olHoe in tlie building J_ owned by Burton Kingsbury, for the transaction o] a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. They will receive money on deposit, and allow Interest on the same, according to the length of time it remains in their hands. They w ill a!-o receive money on deposit, payable on the depositor's check, on demand." They will furnish dratts on the East, in sums to suit purchasers, at the current rates of Exchange. lhey will collect aotos anu drafts payable nt any place in the L iiion accessible to a Rank or Ranker. Persons desiring to remit money to their friends in the : Old Country can be furnished with dralts to any amount ! from £1 sterling, upwards. From their long experience, and the facilities which they possess, they hope to receive a share of the business appertaining to such an Office. They reier by permission to the following : The American Exchange Bank, iVne York ; Messrs. E. W. Clark ft Co,. I OL , , , , . " U.Emory ft Co., [ Rhdadftph.a. John Arnot. Flmira. G. M. Hollenbaek. Esq., I „ Hon. J. X. Conyngham, f ll Uk "' Burr '■ Messrs. J. M'Cormick, ) R. J. Ross, Harrishurg. " William Bnehler, j B. S. RUSSELL A CO. Towanda, April 17, 1860. Graded, or Hisli Common School, AT TSARITTOWIir, FA. D. CRAFT A.M.. ) - . JULIA HORTON.J Ttacher *- \ ■ THE next Term will commence on MON- i 1 DAY, September 3, 1860, ft continue twelve weeks. I The School is under the general supervision and direc tion of the Board of Directors of Terry School District, and the branches usually taught iu Academies and High ' Schools will be taught in this school. Tuition, per term, (settled in advance,) as follows ; Common Eugiish branches $3 00 Higher bran, lies 4 00 | Classical course including Natural Science.. ".. . 500 Special exercises will be arranged for those preparing to teach, without extra expense. 1 BoAitn can be obtained iu the neighborhood at $1 50 to $2 00 per week. FASHIONABLE SHAVING j&HAIR DRESSING SALOON, i THE subscriber respectfully returns thanks to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, f r their liberal patronage bestowed, and hope* to merit a contin uance of public lavors, by a strict attention to business. Having an experienced workman, late of Philadelphia, he feels confident that all manner of work usually done by Barbers, can be done at his Saloon. Shaving for ease and comfort will not be excelled. Hair Cutting in the latest styles : Shampooing—the only place in Towanda where it can lie done in the latest stvle. Are yon Jrou bled with dandruff or scurf, call at the Saloon and take ( a cool and invigorating shampoo. Coloring the Hair and and Whiskers, from a red or gray to a beautiful brown or black, and make it appear in a life-like manner. Honeing and setting razors in a satisfactory way. Cloth Coats, Pants and Vesta renovated. Call aud give ine a trial, in the basement of the Ward House. August 3,1860. SOLOMON COOPER. F.R'S MILL at Sujrar Creek is doing ( ail the work that is brought to it promptly, having ' the Steam Power in successful operation, we can assure all who choose to give us their patronage, that they can rely upon having their work well done, and with dispatch Try us. MYER, FROST A Co. Towanda July 18, 1860. FINE DAIRY SALT.—Larpe and small saks of Asbton Salt. A new lot of Syracuse Salt. I Just arrived and for sain cheap. C. B. PATCH, j j OILS, VARNISHES, &e.—Lamp, Lin i seed. Tanners, Neatefoot, Machinery and C-oal Oils, " Coach Body, Furniture, Demer and Jlimrss Varnisb and Japan, for tale at MERCUR'?. I jnisccllancous. JULY 10, 1860. WM. A. ROCKWELL IS OI'CXIXG A LARGE STOCK OF i Summer & Fall Goods. CONSISTING OF I LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, , i PRINTS FROM 5 cts. TO ONE SHILLING. MANTILL AS AND DUSTERS. WHITE CRAPE, STELLA, BROCHI, * AND PRINTED SHAWLS. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. BROAD CLOTHS, MEN AND BOYS' PLAIN AND r FANCY CAKSIMERfIs, SUMMER PANT 1 AND COAT GOODS, , H ATS. CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS, SHOES, j SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. ' I WOODEN AND STONE WARE, r ' BIRD CAGES AND RIUD SEED. j OILS, PAINTS, KEROSENE, FLUID ft ALCOHOL, ) ( GRINDSTONES AND HINGES, FARMERS TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, \ All of which will be nold at the lowest possible price for 1 ! Cash or Produce. WM. A. ROCKWELL. 2ff. V. & 23. RAIL ROAD. CTHANGE of hours, commencing MONDAY,.JUNE IS, j HiiO. Trains will leave Wavi-rly at about the follow ; ing huura, viz : goinu west. going eavt. Dunkirk Express. .4.57 P. M.'N. Y. Express.. 11.08 A. M Night Express 3.37 A. M..Night A. M. ; Mail 8.14 P. M.' Accommodation 6.53 I*. M. i Way 8.13 A. M jStock Express. 4->." A. M. ; Express Freight. ..5.35 P. M..Way 2-75 P.M. : ' Fast Freight A-M 'Fast Freight.. .10.10 A.M. | Way Freight 6.10 A.M. Way Freight. ..4-20 P.M. | Cincinnati Express does not stop at Waverly. Night Express. Stock Express, Express Freight, Fast Freight j (both ways.) run every day. Accommodation remains over night at Hinghamton. Maii remains over night st j Kimira. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Eluura ! All other trains run daily, except Sunday. CHARLES MINOf, General Sup. N ATHANIEL MABBH.Receiver. New Iron Works in Towanda! THE subscriber hits the ploasu-e to announce _L to the public that he lias commenced operations in his new Work.-.and is now prepared to execute orders for Engines, Grist Mill, Circular, Gang and Mu i lev Saw Mill Irons. Iron Water Wheels, and most kinds ; of Castings and Mac hinery in common use. He also, ' ' manufactures a variety of Stoves ; al" Thimble Skeius and Pipe Ho.vs. Having our- hu-< 1 the entire stock of Patterns of Ho late concern of Phillips ft Wfieelf r, ft John Arnot, of Elmira, he thinks he is better provided with patterns for Gearing, ftc.. than any eon. rrn in this region of country. He i also provided with the choicest Machi nery and the best of Workmm, and lias every facility to execute work promptly. He therefore, solicits a share of public patronage. Towanda. June 10, 1660. O. P. BARTLKTT. [>ROWN SHEETINGS, -14 wide, from J-> 0] to 64 cents ner yard at JeW. HUMPHREY'S. J j AROE STOCK of Gents, Ladies nnd I-i Children's Gaiters, Bootees and Shoe- Ju-t re ceived at June 20. l->';n. nUMPHREYTA S. N. BRONSON Is now rccciving at the Metropolitan Uanlware Store, ORWELL, PA. A LARGE ADDITION TO HN STOCK OF Harvest & Haying Tools, lorn, (7rinds!onrs % SUn fa, Jin tier Workers, M'ashiiig MnJiiutf. I lug" Poicers, Sas/i, | i Vails, Glass, House T/liiiiuings, Dlec/ianic's 7W-i, Jr. W A X T E I> . WOOL, II IDES, PELTS, COPPER, BRITANNIA, AE. ALESSO MARIO, Portrait Cc Landscape iVtinter j WARD MOUSE, TOWANDA. NEW GROCERY PROVISIOIi STORE! / II PATCH respectfnllv informs tl;o ci- Y tixenaof Towaoda and viciaity, that 1- lias iwtb-1 ril and opened in B. KingsberyV stoic, opposite Mootau y< s', a large and well wfe tod stock of Groceries & Provisions, Which will tic sold Cheap as the Cheapest, for | CASH OR FARMER S PRODUCE, j The Goods are entirely new and fresh, and comprise the ; . best Selected stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, ; Spires, Fruits, Candies, Tabu ten, Pork, Hams, j llritd Bee f. Fish of oil kinds,, 1 Fluid, Wooden J* Stone I Yare, J-r. Ever brought into this market. Ail that is asked Is a! trial ot goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE * Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds AST Good BUTTER wanted at good prices. Towanda. June II 1860. READ ! REFLECT!' REMEMBER! rpilAT in addition to onr former ndsoriment I 1 A we are now opening a full and general assortment ot SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, selected with great care to meet the wants of all. Farm ers, Mechanics (aud especially) THE LADIES, will (if they consult their own interest) give us us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we arc deterrminod EOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! I Our Stock of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, * GROCERIES, ROOTS A SHOES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, i NAILS, SASH, GLASS, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Ac. Ac., r cannot be excelled as to quality, quantity or variety TRACY ft MOORE. k Towanda, Jane 14. iB6O. b IjIRESH ORANGES AND LEMONS, at FOX'S. ! FRESH FIGS AND TRUNKS^AT 1 SI MMER SlLKS.Challies, Bareges, Thib bcta and Crape Shaw Is, jnst received at j , Je2f>. HUMPHREY'S. ' l ister Brass & String Band. i WES. DXTTRXCH, Leader. ANNOUNCE to the public, in general, that they are i prepared to fnrni-h Mimic for Paradca, Excursions, i Pic Mcß, Cotillion Parties, Ac. ! r For engagements, apply to W. Drrraicn, 'Townnda, i \ H. J. lUvrnaoK, Cb*4er marß6otf. I HAY RAKES,AT WHOLESALE AND / Retal' at MEBCUR'S. i ' j JWfcrilanrous. AUG. 28, 1860. KECEIVING BT J. i). HUMPHREY, ( II est bide of the J übiic Square.) LADIES i ! BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERF.S, PRINTS, MUSLINS, DELAINES, TRIMMINGS, BATTING, TWINE, Ac., \c. The most complete assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, In Northern Pennsylvania. MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, Btc. ; THREAD, SHOE PEGS BY THE SACK OB YCASTIIY, Solo and Upper Leather, &c, Stiyar, Molasses, Fish, ANI) OTHER FAMILY GJQjtfliS. To which the attention of lmyers is respectfully invit ed, as they have lieen selected with care, and are ottered at prices which will make it an inducement to give me a call before buying tisewhere. To wands, Aug. 28, ltsOO. HOTEL KEEPERS, . DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL, wno WIST irsmi i. 11l A\ 1. just reccivad from the City, n Large Stock of 111 PORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. My -dock of LIQUORS has been pnr ch'iHcd for (' vsii, directly from the Importers, whereby i am enabled to furnl-h Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pare article of Liqnor, of any kind what< er. at l.oW'EIt PKIUKS than were ever be fore offered in To wan da. HOTEL KEEPERS ; Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. I have facilities for pnr-hasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! ih V icy I i-,ii' r -i warranted purr and unadulter a:< 1 on !...• : tin l.arg"t Stock and Great : est Variety of TOBACCO SECARS Ever brought to Towacda, which having l>een purchased directly from tin Munulaoturer* and Importers, enables me to 11 mpete with '.he Wholesale Tobacconists ot the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully Invited to ari examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars and To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, I V.ry d • i : , t ion. will be kept constantly on hand, at price- LOWER tlian elsewhere in this town. _' ontidei;t that lam enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so li it the public to na examination at No. 5. Brick Bow. 11. W. NOBLE. Towanda, June 11. IStlO. 50 Cent Tea. (CHOICE IMPERIAL TEA at 50 cent* N- ' a pound ; a better article than wc have ever sold at that price, and probably as good as others sell at 75 cents This no humbug—aii we ask is t> have it tried. We warrant every pound of Tea we sell to give satisfaction tr the money returned in all cases at FOX'B. 1 AYA. RIO AND LAGUIItA COFFEE *} in the Kerne' and Grain at FOX'S. LUil IT! FRUIT. —Oranges,Lemons,Bab A ins. Figs. Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. / HI ELSE, CRACKERS AND HERRING BASKETS, CLOTHES FINS, SCRUB and blacking brushes. Window Brushes with long and short handles, Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Matches, \\ ooden Faucets and a variety of Wood ware at FOX*S_ MAIZENA-A NEW ARTICLE MADE from Corn, said to be snperior to Corn Starch for Puddings at FOX'S "VTUTS, SARDINES AND CIGARS D W! •.'.•sill,- and retail at FOX'S. AMES' DETERSIVE SOAP—THE best Chemical soap in the United States at FOX'fL \T ACARONI AND YERMECILLA i.'l very fine and fresh at FOX'S. FRED IMZIEIR/OTTEi, - PIYIL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND " DRAUGHTSMAN, respectfully announces to the cit izens of Bradford county, that he is prepared to do any work that may be entrusted to him, with accuracy and despatch. Towanda, May 24th. 1860. \\rOOI. MVOOL ! WOOL !—25,000 lbs. T T WANTED ! —The highest market price will be paid rt May 2:1, 1860. M. E. SOLOMON'S. Wash your Wool clean before you bring it to mar ket, on the sheep, it possible, or in tub, as one-third will be deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom in the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as above mentioned. WILSON, BARNES dc CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington at.,) NEW YORK, WILLIAM 11. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful ler. Davton A Co.. and Wilson, Jackson & Merrill. D- V. BARNFS, formerly of Bradford county. A- C. KLEXEY, of Wyoming county, Pa. SAMUEL N. DELANO, of New York. ltirayfim TRUIT! PRUITTi OF-ANGES, Lemons, Figs. Ralsina, Prnnea, Citron Zante Currants. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Towanda, June 10. 180. .PATCH. CULTIVATOR TEETH ut 1 MEF'UIVn