A DESPERATE CONVICT. —In tbe Penitentiary at Philadelphia there is a decorate and trouble some convict, a man from Perry county, Pennsylvania. A few days since he provided himself vritti a singularly complete defensive armor. One of the jailors unlocked the con vict's cell early one morning, and found him girdled by a belt stuck full of sharp uails.— liis arms were eooased in the same accoutre ment to the elbows, and he wore a tiara of tbe same strange contrivance around his head. At the end of a pole used to sustain the sky light, he had fixed his knife in the manner of a lance, and when tba officer unlocked the cell door the convict made a lunge at him which very uearly put a quietus upon any future uctiou of the deputy warden. This ferocious man was captured after a desperate struggle, when a bloody plot for his escape, and that of his fellow prisoners, was revealed. In his ceil was (baud a rope for clambering over the wall made of nits of blanket and bed quilt. Knives nud other weapons were concealed beneath his pallet, and he had removed several heavy atones from the solid niasourv. The intention of tbe convict was to mount the lower wall encompassing the yard of the cell, and w hen the deputy entered the yard through the reur gate, in the eveuing, to lock the cell door, to strike bitn dead with one of the heavy stones be had secured. The keys were then to be secured, and au attempt made to pass through the main entrance. In case this should be frustrated, the rope and hook were to aid him iu sealiug the high wall. At last accounts, however, the convict was repenting his fool hardly behavior iu one of the dark cclls.asaist ed in his retrospection by a diet of bread and water. Storm, and Loss or Saw Logs.—Oii Fridny afleruoon the northern counties of the central part of this State were visited with a most terrible storm of rain. Pine creek was higher that it has been known for many years, and the'Chemung, Tioga, Siti nemahoning, Kettle Creek and other streams in this section of the Stale were raised to a very unusual freshet. Pine creek raised about nine feet in three hours and committed great destruction to roads, bridges, farms and lum bering establishments. The Booms near the "mouth of the Creek were broken and a vast quantity of logs escaj>cd. The Williamsport Boom was undergoing repairs, and was closed until after daylight. Some of the logs that were rafted out lor some of the mills below broke loose about two o'clock in the morning and they continued to breuk tln-ir fastening' until after six o clock, when the Booms and other fastenings were secured. About three - millions of feet escaped from the Jay-burg, biliiamsport and Lovalsuck mills. The fas teuings of the Lock Haven Boom gave way, where they had been ratting out, nearly the entire stock escaped, amounting in all to about 15,000,000 feet. About 0,000,000 feet esc ap ed fmtn the Pine creek Booms Many of these, logs were caught ir. the Boom at Wiham sport, how ma! y, we are enable at this time to determine. The Jogs comment".d to piss Wiliiam-pirt about two o'clock in the morning,and at tines in large quantities until the Boom sik; ■ ded in stopping them. The river at U'Uiliam&port at, its highest point was twelve feet low water. — William I sport Bulletin. (A Mt rdfkkr Ex kolteo.—Samuel I? rust *> executed at St. Louis, Aug. 411, for the mvler of Schmidt, la-t March, lie spoke whk2o minutes from the scaffold, freely eon .V-whis guilt, saying that lie rejoiced that /WW at last reached tire cud of hia earthly career. I Wistar's 3alsam of Wild Cherry. This remedy Tin been cherished by fie numnuiii I '/ for its remarkable efficacy in relic. irg, heating and I ruring the m*t obstinate. painful and long standing I iul Cough, Cold. Indue k/.i. Sore Threat, Rrnni-h.t - Whooping t'onirh, C-roup, A-thma. !• 1! immati or of the linnet; while wen I n-iiiii(itin itself lias yielded to iiti magic intluence when all other iwvjti h.u'i tailed. It, whole history proven th.-.t fit- isvst hj.~ pi...ln id :i . remedy oj #.|ual value, as a cure fur the iiuin.-ron-i and dangerous pulmonary afl.xti.jiia nJuch pie;ail all over the land. UK AD THF FOJ.LOWiyr, LETTER EBOM \ llPill. LY ItESFECTABLE GENTLEM \N : Limestone. Montour Co. Pa , Oct. 22, lv",S. This i 4o certify that I wa.- pronounced By several phy, •i -hinw as roiisiimjitive, and had aH tiie symptoms ol tie .1 -e*Ae in its worst form, such as couching, severe pains m the chest, shortness oif lire- th. nieht sweats, and ex treme weakness and lassitude in ruy wiiul.- trstim. Mv | family nearly ail ha*intr died of the Aiaease. 1 had civ n I up all hope of recovery, as nothing cave me relief; l.ut throiijrli the persuasion of airieud I was induced to try ; I'r. WIST A It's HAL>\M til WILD <'HUBBY. The I trethnUlc relieved meconsideiably. and the third Is.itle I "rtd me entirely. I now feet as wv las ever I did in mv ■ and am ahlc to follow my occupation as farmer a- I fn ll*o had a sifter in a more advanced state of the .lis r been eoiiliiud to hri l ed for out a vearand Is vond hope hv our be-t phy* - • | •• 'i- entirely cured bv the Wild Cherry, l.ut it r u' r,x or nyht bodies, and she -till take- it ..ccasion- J I, " i'tur's Baltam </ fl'iid Cherry, a- 1 aril satis 'tat but for your own valuable remedy my -ist. r and laywl, would not now be living. J will cheerfully au "*r any <>n who may address me on the subject and 3 stt< our rase* more fully. r " JACOB MILLER. ■ . ■f"'"'" lo Pvrchaiert. -The only genu tie Wistar'sßa! I I,? the wriltm siy-nattm' of*" I. Hctt- " and the I !' rR, ,i one " f the Hroprietors on the outer wrapper; I I ''ther is viie -and worthless. I JTT' 1 b >' 6KTH W. KOWf.K t CO., Boston, and I ,s . .hu'' ,TTr,N * ''itnk and Ir. H C I'ortir, To- I -v. r- , ' >ru f •"tt'te. rJrnithHeld ; John Math kk. I*l - ton • n v ' KKKIV ' i . Athens ; J K lvo \ Sons, Burling i. ' ' - Newton. Monroeton ; 1) I) I'akkhi kst, I.e- I ri i Benedict, Alba ; Gcernset ,V Mitcu ■ lm nd j, 5 WOOMOHSI A Co.; Koine : 8"S B.i' s I dei er , erVrywhi* 0 M Ux ' LKV ' heUavsvaw, and by I HIED, '"lVrcu "" ' ile 21,,U Mr. CORNELIUS COOL JU. in the Cstli year f his age. I et'ih ri ' in 1732.and experienced many I " is *itudcs incident to the privation* of a new I of" 1 ' ,Ul haviD * co <nniitted himself lo the cliargc Bi jTiUcnce. bore all with the Intidid-- |h fc i. r t ' lC CfoBs ' lived to see the valley, in e .* borue and reared, become one of the liiu-at ■ of nu*! districts. I oar , lalit he was patient aud submissive ; rec- I nic ' wi 'l n f Hoi], and passed through the dark I S*tim , tiW #IUdOW <eath> in tbc embrace ot his blessid, to die the death of the righteouc ■ „ . <•} rehtrivs aud Irie.nds to I ilrU) StijUriHscmcnts. I Tih X KNVS OFFICE I 1 the * VC 1,1 the -'tttentinn of I h * " i- r-n - his wT'!' Vi '-iaity to the fact, that I *w,.,. v the AY..., and I lba **the ve.y beat fiunlitie* t. I Also all the I *oy Bisjk uuhßshedTin ft aa . B ? on issued. 1 can I • t 'i< - t. 1 ~ the united State* on short I renu wer'k'^the' "?a NcWa ' rniwtied at I ' m * toin,rr, Daily World at If). Now i* the I p °ht,nri Vw, L-u r , a ttai . l 7 I*!*', '•> order to get the A k-oodasiort' I . Envelope- { c 'r\ vi f e b'k. i-ap. r, I y-'f" Of my fruaJ. | I. {nr the literal , at hutineas' to r ,.., '., ' >e b .V attending promptly to ' !r*tcfal.' f al | .. th'eu'if* ,I<>r whlch lohad ever Tmnda 4" P* - 9t)o. A. F. COU'LLS. Zlc Uj atibcriDrmcnts. PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 10th ANNUAL EXHIBITION OS THE |" WYOMING BATTLE GROUND." NEAIt THE WYOMING MONUMENT, and in the vicinity of Wilkes-Barre, Pittston & Scranton IN LUZERNE COUNTY. rjMIE EXHIBITION WILL OPEN ON -JL TUESDAY, and will continue four days, viz : September 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, i The Grounds, which are most beautifully situated, are nut only large, hut remarkably well adapted lu the pur poses of the Exhibition. THEY CONTAIN SEVENTY-TWO ACRES, | A Fine Tit ack vor Houses, as w ell as every other con venience nece.--.ary to the comfort and salety of exliitdtors and the auiuiais aud articles they wish io exhibit, arc j provided. Arrangements have been made with the different Rail road Companies tor the transportation of articles intend ed for exhibition. FREE OF CHARGE BOTH WAYS. Visitor- to the Exhibition will find most ample accom modations, at moderate prices. The different Railroad Companies will issue EXCURSION TICKETS. Lists of Premiums. Judges, and Regulations, Ac., can Is- had at all the principal Agricultural Warehouses, from Gen. K W . Sturfcvsns, at Wilkes-Barre, and on applica tion until Septtinla-r Ist, to the Secretary, at lium-burg. A Iter that time the Secretary's office "will be at West i i'lttston, Luzerne county. COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL. A. O. HIE.-T LB. Secretary. M< i.NTAN VKS' STORE, SEPT. 4,1860. MIRCANTp NOTICE. OUR friends, and others, are respectfully invited to examine our New Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Comprising all tbe Styles now in vogue, which have Is-eii purchased at the Lowest ebb. iu the market, and will be -old cordiugly. Our stoak consists of all the varieties i : Staple aud Fancy DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING. MENS' FURNISHING GOODS, HARD-WARE, IRON, NAILS, AND SADLERY HARDWARE, CROCKERY, FAMILY GRO CERIES, ROOTS AND SHOES, Ac., Ac. Ail of which will ho - >ld nt Wholesale or Retail, to gait purchasers. Call ami examine. IIONT AWES' J\ISS()Lt TIOX The eo partnership here 1 ' to,oie c\.-ling between the subscribers uicfcr the tu in ol Rat Lou .V l'ayiie, is this day dissulvcd by mutual consent. The bonk*. notes, accounts and other oldiga- | lion* and paper- t;|ouging to said lirni are now in the lainds of J. G. I'arroN. tor collection. J. G. PATToX, Towanda Aug.so, 1860. E. D.PAYNE. TIJE business will be conducted a- heretofore under the name of J. G. Patton. and tb uikfiil for the liVral s!iare ' of patronage extended to us in the pa-t, ae respectfully ! sol, ii a continuance of the same, pledging ourselves that | no t,- foils shall he spared to make o-ar Store one of the I cheapest aud iest regulated iu the State. J.Q. PATTQM. / \RPIJANS' COURT SALE By virtue x 7 >• .tu order ol th*i Court ol Uitdfonl ('oun- | tv, will b<- t*.\; t- public sale, oil 11* premises. on I MONDAY.GUT BEB 1.1-60, at 1 o'clock, p.m.,the following desceib d piece or parcel of bind situate in Ab | '•any twp.. Uiug a portion oi land willed by Jtullin Wil • •nx. deceased, to J mes Wilcox, recorded in Will ltoiik Bradford County. No. 1. pa >2B3,lxHimle,!and described as tollous; O.c tin north a: J east by lands iu the posses- ' -i n of L. wis Join s, south by lands ot P. 11. Wilcox, ! I we-t by unseated l.iuiis. Containing some 275 a res, j moieor less, about I n acres improved, two old framed ! ~ ta • - shiils and one barn and a saw uidl (beteaui. j Teroaa made know u on the dav of sale. i 'HESTER SCHOONUVKR, ABRILLA WILCOX, S-* ideliibcr I, 1 -50. Administrators. NIL— A 1 ioiit the tnii'rlle of July hist :tn ain unt t niouuy, aly\;t which infurmatinn enn W.- Uad bye ilpiig on Hit- subecriiier, in llerriek, Bradford eounty. whieh the real ow-tier can kave upon proving : propi rtv ai d pavmg charge*. Sept. 4. isoh." J W. fl. H. JENKINS. il CARD—The X*. say to the Electors of the cminty of Bradford that he will he very happy to receive their votes for the office ■>f Prurhonotary at the ensuing Gi ueral Election. lie d( es not a'.-k your suffrages la-.-au.-e he h is been so li, ited to do so by any ol his friends— for he has not nor does he a.k tin in on account ol his lituess for the office, or fur any liu-r i irious service ln-ivtolore leudeicd. Jle asks them siiqply because he w.odd like the office, aud because it is nniural aud reasonable to a.k lor tliat which we desire and wli; b we may lawlnlly iibtuin. Permit him to -ay lunihT, that he will I eel highly hon ored with the reception ot your voles, whether tew or m my. ami if . b-. ted, he wiil take very great delight iu honoring tie- office Terry tow n, Aug. 22, Isuth UEO.V. HOB TON. WHO ARE IWT33.ESTED? r siibst'rilicr i. in the collection not] pay- L nient of his debts, having sold out his entire stock oi Hardware, now finds it very necessary to collect all hi- ac.rsurrts, wok - and judgna nfs, as fast as the la* w ill permit, in order t" niet-t his own engagements, which he intends to do wit hunt respect to jw-rsoris, consequently all having accounts, not. - and judgments with liiin mnst j settle and pay immediately, it th.-v expect to do so wtin ! out paying cost >u addition to their present indekbduess. 1 .-.a lie found dun eg iiusiie-s- luc.tr- at the Ward House. Towanda, Aug 27, Im,i>. ]>. C. HALL. A DM IX ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i"IL is hereby given, that all pro sons indebted to lin es state ol ( lIARI.ES PERKINS, late of Smithlield, dece'd, must make immediate payment, and ail persons having demands against said estate will present then; duly au thenticated for settlement. JOSEPH PERKINS, Mayay 21, 1860. Administrator. 4 I).MIX ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—No*fcf X'U. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the r-late of KLISHAP HEN'SUN, deceased, late of West Burlington.are requested to make payi.ieat withoutdelay; and llios. having, laims against the -aid estate will please present tlieni dul v authenticated for settlement. THAIiIJE TAYM>B, JOHN BALLARD, Aug. 27, IftfiO. Administrators, with will annexed. \ DMIMSTiIA TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ■jtx. in hereby given, that all persons indebted tofth c-ute of Wli,LI \.\l M. SLADE, late of Springfield twp., deceased, are hereby rogues ted t<> make pay ment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present tin ni duly authenticat ed for settlement. H. F. KNAPP, P. C.6L.ADK, Antnst 27. fORO. Administrators. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860! MUSIC! MUSTCT ! MUSIC !! ! The Towanda Brass Band, COMPOSED OF TEN" TALENTED AND EXPERI ENCED MUSICIANS, would respectfully announce to the i iti/.c is of this a id adjoining counties, that they arc now prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF MUSIC for any and every occa-ioD, at reasonable rates. Fur eu gogeruexils, Address J. BILL MEANS. M y " 'i 1 - 'O. Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. lAKfcMM'S COMET BMP, LACEYVILLE, PA. BL'NJ. E. WASBMAJf. leader. and comprising a num ber of good musician*, announce to tlie public that they ere prepared to furnish music for Paraoes. Excur sions, Balls, Ac., on reasonable terms. Address. Laccyville, July 17,lf0. BENJ. K. WAKEMAN. / CAUTlON.—Whereas my wife POLLY \J has lgft my bed and board without any just cause, this is therefore to forbid all persons harboring or tilist ing her on ray a count, as 1 will pay no debU of her coo trading afUr this date. JOSHUA BAYLY, Jr. North Towanda, JulyS, 1860. a&tjcrusrmrnts. To Merchants and Dealers in Freight. THE Boat 13, U. S. Express Freight, will run from the " Tozer Bridge," to Towanda and Standing Stone, three days in each week. Ail Freight from Waverly and other places, will be promptly deliver ed, and at the Captain, risk except stoves, syrup and mo 1 lasses will lie at the risk of the owners. But all care will j he used by the Captain and proprietors. Freight will he i taken at the lowest prices until the river freezes up. i Captain Stone will use his lest endeavors to find a sate I channel in Old Susquehanna, whose hanks will not tlide ] out. All orders directed to Jabkz Stone.at Athens, will I he promptly attended to at all times. The Boat 13. U. J S. Express Freight, will start on Tuesday. August 21, J 1800. B. F. STONE, Proprietor. JABEZ STONE. Ag't and Capt. Direct orders to JABEZ Sl'ON E, Athens. Bradford Co., | Fa. J ABEZ STONE, Agent. Athens, Aug. 22. iB6O. I I^XEC I 1 Oll'S SALE.— Public Vendue of I J-J personal property belonging to the estate of Arnest i Korl.es, late of Rome township. dwaitd. <>n the farm I lately occupied by the said deceased, on MONDAY, SKP i rEMBf.lt 10. 1 Hob. at 10 o clock, a. m. Said property ! consisting of horses, cows, yopng cattle, hogs, sheep. I wagons, carriages, sleighs, hay, plows, drags, and all kinds of fanning utensils.—harnesses, bed and bedding, .-loves and other kind of household furniture, Ac.. Ac. TERMS: —AII sums under $5 cash ; over s•"> and under $2O three months credit ; over #2O and under #5O six months credit: #5O and upwards, nine months credit with interest with approved security. Bids to he secured by notes. J.O.TOWNER, Rome, August 27. 1869. Executor. STRAY.—Came to the enclosure of the J subscriber in Standing Stone township, about six weeks ago, a Two Year Old BED STEER, with two while stripes in the left hind quarter. The owner is re quested to J.rove property, pay charges, and take him away. JOHN KENNEDY. Standing Stone, Aug. 20,1860. (M-VUTIOX. — Whereas my wife Cynthia J has left by l*d and board without sufficient cause, this is therefore, to forbid all persons harboring or trust ing her. on mv account, after this date. Towanda, Aug. 10, iB6O. MYRON W. KILMER. Two Valuable Farms for Sale. SJITUATKD in Wysox, Bradford County Pa., one and a quarter miles from the village of To wanda, maintaining seventy acres each, under a good state of cultivation. The buildings consist of two fram ed dwellings, tiiree good barns, granery. apple orchard, plum, pear, peach and cherry trees, Ac., ail of which will hi at a bargain. For lurtber particulars enquire of HESTER PIERCE, living near the place. Wysox, Aug. 6, 18t>0. D&IDOG LETTING.—SeaIed proposal* I.J will la- received near the house of Thomas Manlev. in Carton on TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 1 Sto. until 1 o'clock p. re., tor the building and completing a Bridge across 1 owaml i ( reck, near that place. Speciticatioua for the same may tie wen at the house of C. S Kellard, and T. M. Watts and at tin- Commissioner s Office, lor ten days previous to said letting. I>. DECKER, P. H. R fK. W. A. THOM AS, Commissioner's Office. July 30, 1 -CO. C'otn'rs. \CAKD. ,1. If. CAREY respectfully informs - the ' ituens ot Towanda and vicinity, and the pub lie gem rally that he has commenced tin- TAILORING business, n tins place. Shop over Messrs. Montan.ve A Co.. store where lie will make to order all the v arious kinds of gent* garments in ail the latest approved fash ions, and warrant there to tit. Cittino d ine on short notice. A share of public patronage n-sjKM-tfully solicit ed. Aug 1, 1 px ECU TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is feere- LJ tv given that all persons indebted to the estate of AUXIiST FORBES, dec'd., late of Uoiue township, must luak. immediate payment, and all persons having G> uiaod* against said estate, will present tin m duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN (J. TOWNER, Augu-t 23. 1860. Kxecutor. ECU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here I J by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol J ABEZ TOMKINS, late ot Shcahequin twp. de ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and ail person- having claims against said estate, will present Iheui duly authenticated lor settlement. BENJAMIN h ORB La, | NATHAN BAXTER, July 30, 1860. Executors. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE *f >Ti 'RE. an eh-gaut assortment of Embroideries. Km hroidered Collars. Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings. Embroidered In-ertii gs, Marsailles Collars, Mar -.lilies Setts, Embroidered Flouuciugs, Crape Collars. Crape Sett-. Crape \'-i!s. Black Love Veils. A large as sortment of Black l.ace Veils. I All. JOHN .M INTOSII, will lie fouwl nt A-' liis old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nserted on Vulcanised Rubber the latent improvement identistry. Specimen piece to he -cen at the office. Persons indebted to ine will please pavup. JOHN iI'INTOSH. Towanda. March 20. Hon. AMERICAN; 111117 Near the Tovanda, I'a. JOHN LAUOIIEIN respectfully informs •I the public that he lias Leased tU new and commodi ous Hotel rocentljr erected near the Bridge, and having furnished it thoroughly, ts now prepaned to accommodate such of the travelliug public as may give him a call. He will endeavor by attention t ■ tb>- wants... hit gtk-st and bv"the reasonableness o! kin charges, merit a por- I lion of puhlic patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the lie-t Sprituous I and Mag liquors. Good .Stalking is aUaclttui, with care ful xtttudance. May 23. iB6O. DRESS m A KING ! r P Hl.' undersigned would ref|wy:tUiHy infonn 1 the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that they are ! now | ire pa red to do ali "kinds of DRESS M AKING in the ! latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the County. Sir Rooms one door below lbuijiemaw block, at the ! residence of A.J. Sutile. MRS. A. J. NOBLE, I April 16, 1861). MISS J. H. H VLE. sJAEK OF REAL ESTATE.—'The vulua ''it' Rett. Est.Re Kiio* nn* vfe fkikt'Uri [.amis situate in Warren Township, Bradford County I'a.. are otiered lor -ale t<> the highest and best bidder. This body of land* consists of fur contiguous tracts, continuing fifteen bun dled aire- of good farming and grazing land, well water ed. and of easy access to a close market for produce, as the lands *re situated only about live miles from the New York and la ic (tailroad. Offers ol purchase will be re eeived for the whole body, or for the separate parcels ac cording to the subdivisions occupied by the tenants. No sale will be made of less than one hundred acres, and par i Is will not be sold separately uuless the whole body can l>e sold in that way. Terms of payment, one third cash, and the balance in two equal annual instalments, with interest secured by bond and mortgage ou the property. Title unquestiona ble and free from all incumbrance. Persons desirous of purchasing wilt send their offers in writing in the nature fo bids per acre, either to niv Agent. WM. KI.WKIJ,, Esq., Towanda, Pa. or to myself, SARAH I- KEKNK, administratrix, with the will annexed Of .John f.nkens, deceased, loth and Chsetnut streets, Philadelphia. April 2, ISfifJ. riSH! FISH I! FISH! ! ! THE best assortment in P nnsyl.vuuia. Consisting cf Mackerel, Trout. White Fisfc, Blue Us h, Salmon Codfish, Piekled and 3m oked Herring. Smoked Halibut &e. Ac., on hand, and to be sold cheap, by Towanda. Jnne 10, 1860. <\ n. PATCH. MACKINAW TROUT—Fine New Fish just received at FOX'S. U TEEL HOOF SKlRTS—Cheaper than kA any other place at MEKCUR'S. The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! CORNER Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S N E W MEDICINE STORE. miscellaneous. ISusqutjmuita (Collegiate institute, TOH'ANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. vactlty : OLIVER S, DEAN. A.ll. Principal, Professor of Ancient Languages, anil Mental and Moral Sciences. \VM. 11. DEAN, A- 8.. Associate Principal, Professor of Mathematics inid Natural Science. Prof. CHARLES It. COBUIIN, County Superintendent. General Director of Normal Department. Mrs. OLIVER S. DEAN, Preceptress. Miss ANNA "M. DEAN, Assistant Preceptress. Miss HELEN E. DEAN. Second Assistant Teacher. Miss MARIETTA G. DICKINSON, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. WM. 11. DEAN. Librarian. Mr. D. CANE [ELD DAYTON, StowarJ. Mrs. D. C. DAYTON, Matron. The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AU GUST 22, and will continue 11 weeks. TCITtON, PKK TKKM : [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one-halt at the middle of the term—fuel anil contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 5 00 Preparatory 6 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 uo Higher, Ist "and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. B. Pupils will he classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarship* are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES t French $ 3 00 German 3 00 Drawing 5 00 Board in the Institute, per week, lnctudiug tuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 3 The Collegiate year is iii\ ided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The t unlversaiy exercises will ho held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except In case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not,aaheretofore, be tanght in the Institution, but by special arrangement--* class will be taught in a hail adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement lias U-en adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains wili be taken to se ure the greatest progress of those wMiincr to take lessons In this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term 810 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons 30 do for practice 2 00 Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table -ilver a. their opti->n. It i~ desira ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when other* ise, these will be furnished at a sligtit charge. It is strongly re ommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, aa better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. JVormal Department Special exercises are arranged without extra charge tor those preparing themselves a- Teachers of Common Schools, prof. ('. It. GOBI"UN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, ha- kiudly consented to organize the Tea cher's ciass. and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Ten< hing, as aiau on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it gr- ttly to their advantage t. be present during the Fall term. Prof. GotiunTs connection with the inst'tution is not such as to In any way interfere with the discharge ot the regular duties of hi- office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty anil Trustees in sustaining the high repnlatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, aiul iu rendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support WILL!AM 11. DE '.N. [ n . , . Aug. 9. ISCO. OLIVER K. DEAN, j 1 on' lpaU. SELECT SCI lOOL For Young: Ladies. MISSES OHUBBUOK respectfully in - form the public that the Fall term of their school will commence ou Monday, the 27th day of August, iu the room formerly occupied by them. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to Hu m during tin- past year, Misxc* C. assure their patrons that no pains w ill be spared to merit a continuance of the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. MiSS FANNY 1.. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge of Music ; and a limited number ot scholars only will be taken. TKIIMS. PFK QCXBTER OF 1| WKFK®. Fir.it C'lanH — To include the English Branches ... $4 0b Second Clan* —To include the more advanced English branches,* ith Mat hematics and Latin SO 00 Third Chug— To include Mathematics. Moral and Mental Philosophy. Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., with laitin.... i 87 00 Music —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter. $lO ; French, per term, 13, aud Draw ing 83. extra. Each pupil will be expected to preside herself with a desk and chair. Sir Any information in reference to this School mat he obtained by applying to 11. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox. Towauda, August 20. I*6o. mw iiuijdjs, r |MIE undersigned have opened an office in tlie building ± owned !>y Burton king-bury. tor the transaction ot a GENERAL BANKING BUSINKSH. They will receive money mi deposit , and allow Interest on the same, according to the length of time it remains in their bands. The . will also receive money on deposit, payable on the depositor's cheek, on demand. They wtti furnish drafts on the Kast. in Mums to suit purchasers, at the current rales of Exchange. J hey ill collect notes and Oralis payable at any place in the Union accessible to a Bank or Banker. Persons desiring to remit money to their triends in the i ld Country can |*> furnished with Uratt. to any amount Irom il sterling, upwards. From their long experience, and the fiu-ilities which they possess, they hope to receive a share ot the bminess appertaining to such an Ufih e. They reler by permission to the following : The American Kxchanjje Bank. Ntw York ; Messrs. E. W. Clark 1 C 0,.1 ... •' C. Einorv .V Co., J John Arnot.Klmuu. <!. M. iioiieDl>nck, Esq , ) .. IJon. J. X. Conyngkaiu, f uku-Barr*. Mestrs. J. MCoimjck, j " It. J. Ross, JJurrtiburg, " William Buehler, ) B. S. RUSSELL 1 CO. Towanda, April 17, lt>Co. Graded, or Ifiuh Common School, AT TERRYTOWN, PA. P. CRAFT A. M., ) ~ . JULIA HORTONJ THE next Term will etommenee on MON PAY. September 3, Iniii), ,V continue twelve weeks. The School is under the general super vision and direc tion of the Board of Directors of Terrv School District, and tho branches usually taught in Academies and High Schools will he taught iu this school. TUITION, per term, (settled in advance,) as follows : Common English branches...., $:• oo Higher branches 4 M Classical course including Natural Science J oo Special exer. i-*s win be arranged for those preparing to teach, without extra expense. BOAHM can be obtained in the neighborhood at il aOto i'.! oo per week. FASHIONABLE SHAVING_&_HA!R DRESSING SALOON. TIIE subscriber respectfully returns thanks to tiie citizens of Towanda and vicinity, f r their liberal patronage bestowed, and lmpes to merit a eortin uance of pnbli.e tnvnvs, by a strict attention to business. Having an experienced workman, late of Philadelphia, he feeis confident that all manner of wojk usual!v done by barbers, can 1* done at his >aloon. Shaving tor ease and comfort wii! not be excelled. Hair Cutting in the latest styles : Shampooing—the only place ;n Towanda where it can be done in the latest style. Are yoa trou bled with dandruff or scurf, call at the Saloon and take a cool and invigorating shampoo. Coloring the Hair and and hiskers, from a red or gray to a beautiful brown or black, and make it appear in a life like manner.— Honeintf and setting razomn a satisfactory way. Cloth Coat-*, Cant* and Vest* renovated. Call and give me a trial, in the basement of the Ward House. August 9,18C0. ROLOMON COOPER. IIfYERS MILL at Sugar Creek is doing 1 ATX all the work that is brought to it promptly, having the Steam Power in successful operation, we can assure all who choose to give us their patronage, that they can rely upon having their work well done, and with dispatch Try us. MY Ell, FROST A Co. Towanda July 18, 1860. FINE DAIRY' SALT. —Large and small Basks of Ashton Rait. A new lot of Syracuse Salt. Just arrived and for sale cheap. C. B. PATCH. OILS, VARNISHES, ~&c.--Lmp, LbT seed, Tanners, Neatsfoot, Machinery and Coal Oils, Coach Body, Furniture, Demar and Harness Yarni-Ji and -Japan, for sain at iILRCUfi'S .ftttsccllaiuous. JULY 10, 1860. WM. A. ROCKWELL IS OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF Summer & Fall Goods, CONSISTING OF ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PRINTS FROM 5 cts. TO ONE SHILLING. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. WHITE CRAPE. STELLA, BROCHI, AND I'rflNl'ED SH AWLS. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. BROAD CLOTHS, MEN AND BOYS' PLAIN AND FANCY CAS6IMERFS, SUMMER PANT AND COAT GOODS, I! ATS. CAPS. BONNETS, BOOTS, SHOES, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, WOODEN AND STONE WARE, BIRDCAGES AND BIRD SEED,- OILS, PAINTS, KEROSENE, FLUID A ALCOHOL, GRINDSTONES AND HINGES, FARMERS TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, : All of which will be .sold at the lowest possible prico for ! Cdu-U or Produce. WM. A. ROCKWELL. W. Y. 6L E. RAIL ROAD. CIHANGF of hour", commencing MONDAY, JUNE 19. / lSiiO. 'i'raiQg will leave Wavuriy at about the follow ing hour*, viz : GOING WK.ST. GOING KACT. Dunkirk Express. .4.57 P. M,jN. V. Express.. 11.08 A.M Night Express... .3.37 A. M..Night Express.! 2.1 s A.M. Mail 8.14 P.M. Aci-omnunlation 6J>3 P.M. Way 8.13 A.M Slock Express. 4.55 A.M. Express Freight.. .5.35 P. Ma Way 2.55 P.M. East Freight B.ls A. M-jl-'ast Freight ..10.10 A. M. Way Freight C.40 A. M.'Way Freight. ..4.20 P. M. Cincinnati Express does not stop at Waverly. Night Express. Stock Expre.su, Express Freight, Fast Freight (Imth ways.) run every day. Accommodation remains over night at Binghamtou. Mail remains oyer night at Elmira. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Eimira. All other traius run daily, except. Sunday. CHARLES MINUT, General Sup. NATH ANIEL MABBH. . r. New Iron N\ orks in Towaiida! THE subscriber lias the plpasure to announce to the public that lie has commenced operations in his new Works, ami i- now pivpari d to execute orders for Steam Engines, Grist Mill. Circular, Gang and Mu ley Saw Mill Irons. Iron Water Wheels, anil m->-t kinds of Castings and Machinery in common me. He also, manufactures a variety of Stm es ; also Thimble Skcin-s and Pipe Boxes. Having purchased tin- entire stork of Pattern* of the late concern of Phillips A Wheeler, A- John Arnot, of Elmira. he thinks he is better provided with patterns for lb aring, 4c.. than any con eru in th:.- region of country. He is a bio provided will; the choicest Machi nery and the best of Workmen, and lias every facility to execute work promptly. He there re, solicits a share of public patronage. Towanda. June 19. 19G0. O. D. BAP.TLETT. OIIOWN SHEET I NHS, 4i wide, from AA 0] to si cents per ya'J at Jem. HUMPHREY'S. T A R(S E STOCK, nf Ocots, Lildies ud I J Children's Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. Just re ceived at June 2u 1860. _ HUMPHREY S. S. N. BRONSON Is now receiving at the Metropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL, PA. A LARGE ADDITION TO HIS STOCK OF Harvest & Haying Tools, Iron, Grinds/ones, Stores, Butter Workers, Washing JlocJunes, l)og Porters, Sash, Nails, Glass, House. Trimmings, Mechanic's Tvtls, L)-C. XV A N T E I) . WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, COPPER, BRITANNIA, Ac. ALESSO MARIO, Portrait & Landscape Painter H ARD HOUSE. TOIVA NDA. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE ! / P PATCH respectfully informs the ei * • tizeu.s of Towanda and vicinity, that he has receiv ed and o|Muu-d in B. Kjngsbety's -tore, opposite Montau yes', a large ami vveh ek ted st. kid Groceries & Provisions, Which will be sold Cheap as the Cheapest, for CASH OR FARMER'S PRODUCE. The Goods are entirely new and fresh, and comprise the best selected stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spires, Prints, Canities, Tobacco, Pork, Hams, Dried Beef, Pish of all kinds, Cawpheve, Pluul, Wooden q* Si one. Ware, Ever brought into this market. All that is a-ki d is a trial ot goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds AaTGood BUTTER wanted at go-id prices. Towanda, June 11 J hoo. READ! REFLECT! REMEMBER ! THAT in addition to our former assortment we are now opening u full and general assortment ol SPBWG S Sin GOODS, selected with great care to meet the wants of all. Farm ers. Mechanics (and especially) TIIE LADIES, will (if they consult their own interest) give us us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined NOT TO HE U! Our Stock of DRY' HOODS, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOUTS A SHOES. HARDWARE. PAIXTS, OILS, NAILS, SASH, GLASS, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Ac Ac., cannot be excelled as to quality, quantity or variety TRACY A MOORE. Towanda. June 14,1860. IpRESH ORANGES AXD LEMON sTat _ FOX'S. THRESH FIGS AND PRUNES, at A- FOX'S. MMKR SILKS,ChaHies, Bareges, Thib- O bets and Crape Shawls, just received at je-'O. HUMPHREY'S. Ulster Brass & String Band. WOK. DITTRICH, Leader. ANNOUNCE to the public, in general, that they are prepared to furnUb Music for Parades, Excursions, Pic Nics, Cotillion Parties, Ac. For engagements, apply to W. Prrrsirn, Towanda, 11. J. DAVIDSON, Ulster raatWiOtf. Ha y rakes, at w ho les ALEAXD fteuil.at MERCI'R'S. jKfcclUrerfttuf. AUG. 28, 1860. BEOEIVING BY J. I). HUMPHREY, ( HVi/ Side of the lublic Square.) LADIES BROAI) CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, PRINTS, MUSLINS, DELAINES, TRIMMINGS, BATTING, TWINE, &c., Ac. The most complete assortment of BOOTS,SHOES <£- GA HERS, In Northern Pennsylvania. MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, &c. THREAD, SHOE I'EOS BY THE SACK OR QCAMITY. Sole and U])per Leather, &c. Suyar, Molasses, Fish, AND OTHF.R FAMILY GROCERIES. - To which tLf uttentiuu of Layers is respectfully invit i d, as tlii'V have been selected with care, and are ottered at prices which will make it an inducement to give rue a call before buying elsewhere. Tow Alula, Aug. Jh, I6U, HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT IPWBE 2illvC| r J®3S I HAVE just received from the City, a Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, •of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS has been pur- I chased for CASH, directly from the Importers, whereby 1 am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior ami Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be | fore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will gu.l it greatly to their advantage to examine my stock be toe purr basing elsewhere. I have facilities for purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods ut New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquor? are warranted pure and unadulter ated. i have also on baud the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of TOBACCO AND 6ECARS Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables me tn ccmpete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of uiy entire stock of Liquors, Cigars and To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that t am enabled to sell my eutire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can la.- purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so licit tlw public to an examination at No. 5. Brick Row. il. W. NOBLE. TowanJa. June 14, IS6O. 50 Cent Tea. /MIOICE IMPERIAL TEA at 50 cents V.,' a poumi; a letter article than we have ever sold at that price, and probably as good as others sell at 75 cents This no humbug ail we ask is to have it tried. We warrant every pound of Tea we sell to give satisfaction i r the money returned in all oases at FOX'S. TAVA, RIO AND L4GUIRA COFFEE *' in the Kerne' and Grain at FOX'S. FRUIT t FRUIT.—QrMnw,Lww, ltais ins. Figs, Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. /YHE £8 E. CRACK ERS A N D HERRING at FoX'S DASKETS, CLOTHES PINS, SCRUB Jj and blacking brushes. Window Brushes with long and short handles, Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Matches, Wooden Faucets and a variety of Wood ware at FOX \1 AIZENA—A NEW ARTICLE MADE lv-L from Corn, said to be superior to Corn Starch for Puddiugs at FOX'S VM'TS. SARDINES AND CIGARS JL v Wholesale and retail *t FOX'S. V MPS' DETERSIVE SOAP—THE J\- best Chemical soap in the United States at FOX'S. \f AC A RON I AND VERMECILLA ill vei v tien- and fre.-h at FOX'S. FRED iMIIEjaCTTIR,, ( U VII, ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND \J DR AL'GHTSMAN, respectfully announces to the cit izens of Bradford county, that he is prepared to do any work that maybe entrusted to him, with accuracy and despatch. Towanda, May 21th. lsfiO. \\ r OOL ! WOOL! WOOL !—25,000 lbs. T T WANTED!—The highest market price will ba paid rt May 23,1(160. M.E.SOLOMON'S. 49* Wash your Wool clean before you bring it to mar ket. on the sheep, it possible, or In tub, as one-third will be deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom it. the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as above mentioned. WIL3 Crr, 3J!RT7T!3 til 0. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Extensive Dealers in Tea, 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington st-,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Fu{ ler, Dayton A Co.. and Wilson, Jackson & Merrill. P. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C- KEEN'EY, of Wyoming countv, Pa. SAMUEL N DELANO, of New Yo'rk. 16my6ra FRUIT! FRUIT II ORANGES, Lemons. Pigs. Raisins, Prunes, Citron Zunte Currants. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Towanda, June 10. 18.60. -I'A fCIL CTuTrfVATOR T£eth at MERCCR'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers