Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 06, 1860, Image 2

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    £'-/*John li. Cough, the celebrated lecturer j
nrrived at 15'-ton oil WTdu ; intl Arabia
Itumediait !v 011 ! . ... eivt . alette:
.Agued by four d; 1 nis i eighty clcrgyiuen |
of different ilea. 11. : .iiviling Lim to a
public rccop: aat Tr t Temple, t u some ,
day to be bert after named.
Mr. Gough bus been leeiuri: ; :u Great
Britain for - •::: • throe years, an i has atta.ued ;
MI England, Scotland and Wales A RR**AT popti- I
larity, th.ll he became ;t*v iv .1 in a libel
suit, which turned to his own u haulage, a he
pained heavy dumag- -. lu in! the career of
this renatrl: .' I.- Mill 1 ] w.! il . ;• —f r
0.; lv by the exercise of real orate : d ility
could he have obtained hi- v .-t ; ;r.!.ir".*y—is
very striking. Born in l ino land, lie came to
this country when a I v.ani becatno a v ictiui
to in tempo ranee. Th kindness of a f . !
saved him from tt r ruin of mini and I >dy,
and he signed the pledge Prom that time he
gradually rose, and L ca:ne the most famous
of our temperance orators, lie was invited to
lecture six weeks before the NV.. mat Temper
ance League > f Great Britian.mi! went th re
but remained two years, lie then revisited
America, anil subsequently returned to Eng
land where he has spent one,year in > 'otlanJ
and Ireland and two in England, louring this
last stay abroad he has delivered three hun
dred and ninety address, s to an aggregate of
at ! ast half a mll!i vn h ar - , i • irly twelve
thousand of whom are said to have -igned the
temperance pledge. A few day-b f.--rebe left
London for this country he d .her d an ad
dress at Fleeter 11 all—hi ninety-fifth in that,
place—after which lie vis pre- i with an
address of thanks and emigrate!'.!" mis sign. J
by over three hut. !red of the prior ml i r.itors
and philanthropists of Kugtand. Neither the
temperance system nor the Maine law are geu
erally popular in England, and a] >ndon paper
truly observes that" the s cr * fMr Gougii's
all but universal success on a sabj ct iu which
a comparatively sr.-ill -\ !'•'■>■ .'.ln
take fecial interest, fsat 1 ast r m trkal
to deserib ■itin a . it - tl.e " r.t of
shedding the radiance of <: n- o--. dim uitiva
over which other temp m: ■ cr have
lately i .iv d was conmiilted in C tgo e
the night of the 2d J it.-t. At r .an baker
Mined Adam Hagr man : who is safejecl
times to demoniac tits of {;i--.e , found that
his assistant, Henry C .stor. had
burned a bat !i of bread. 'I e J'. <s
Til: \c .-ays ; In a fi" ot rag> at this o enr
rcuce, he knocked the man t . rd an with
his f.-t The fallen man gt t:; i r.a. . at of
the shop, 11-gemans i/"d a t u- in n
pie rack, k a;. p ct of v.o Ja! t:. size
ot a fence pi ket, which, fr aj con-' . .t ...
the oven h..a been kAt ! n itil it was alrr vst
as hard as iron, and followed litoß. Wbt-a he
overtook he struck iim an ! beat hi n with
gnat vi-levee, and t. ally k : .;a t:., null
the fence, where the poor ft* low l.v in the
ditch, in.til taken i n by the neigh or<. when
life wa.-> ex'.ir, The murderer, m t ie mean
while, ills t&gfc sot ed,bod .vt.rard to tbe bowse
and co-4y renamed his acoea.oiis. W' i. n in
formed that the mm was dead, h • m .in: -?< il
no foeMiig.hutreplied. **Then 1 set pose 1 here
couic to a [ :.t :.. . you've cot to do tstu put
the rope : r HI. imy neck ' lie th Nr. ;u -t
-cd tdc oftictr tu he could iiui-a a
I .itch .f b; ai !.■•• ..s tiien prep .ring far lite
oven, remark,.. " the d act c.. , take care ot
the:ni ln :we Si ,-t 11 'it, the living, and
they ii :st have i read." llagcma i ha.- been
lodg i;n i-sil. Kx't IO: 1 dairy stories ..v told
of his vi lent temp r at.d great personal
strength. For a long time "he bus been tie
terror of the • : v .th wi.u:,. .. h...-
acvcral t:: -oui, rs.
T::r. Nrwl.v: U - : ..y—Tl.e u-. '.ii -
oital intehig nee from iit rc u itrm- tn laud
ing of I, :r a .Ii iu I'al.. .a, a d uicl.ltOt u
that his iutidiug tit . c.u.-i tea ot ci_ut
thousand met; The inn • naie die at ol tnc
Kti.gof Nap -\as t xpect. d. it u.uimea
that.whc'.!.."" Vc: et;,i be -d irw i, tl.c
KtnjK'for ot Austria wtii cousiOor li.a:iialui >
fh-sretit upon JSaf-l, - to be .m adequate :i. a
and aas it. .i.vUa a-1-u ainin • -:t ,gt-i
1. M... to i tut Cato-r. Tin- kar:u
JKMM t MSftw this i.i dl • foliowng | tr.i
.t.i ii : *• Our t, vcrament .- .1 tuts i...u..n k
;>repar a.*. 0. i. : t -t i xtra >r. nary m**. ar.u
-s to pro ct ti.u country agu i-t lite
p b:r rgt - ..- i . neigbborn Lower
whicii erom s tnora meoti nturever d ir. Tuis
Power has within tlu last ftw days>eu
an u._ ,riant u >te to oif Gorcrutoeut, the
contents of v. tch wiii very soon be uiade
I üblio. ikie setui cfi tai I'.is reinatks tuts
.ctct ration . the Ao-trian I wt. meat is
srop . to t connect -d wi. i o nn tti -r ob
t tined f jt . t mi. derate Get t ate- "
Ik . t. • , ~er l.tuu a Turn, i arual, li.e
Opinion, under date August i.">, strong'y
•s that lb-stria s t any t rcatct 'ng note
II :lie Sar i nian M:t -tcr We t ibt t >o.
whether t ,e OdiftdiiaH Cur—n >:• a fit)H
-•'•tiiort Austria in a. agjrts-:r warm Itaiy.
vi>->v- nit. wdonht w: •itr As.-'r i a
•i'*- :A at; my cr credit t - i..rry iu u.h u
e antes;
Mr.. SCWARP t - to fpMdi a? La using,
Mien .on Thanday, S pte .>.t 6 ibo Ilv
publU-Ms taerc arc rutstug to |ay *x
■ a es for tbc oir.'--. urn cling iixr uvivi .h
the < ate; o: the fijiate. -.. .at ■ siios ..<>* iuey
f ed. >UJ was 3 io- rib; i ar.u p,u. a
tbe tirsi <Uy. li.rce far.atrs i. ;ve uied Ut
•- a;. . i- _.i lii thr. c
iieres ot" potatoes, an nher to ..air-, ~id s
through lite li.-t of eatables am: llepua.tcau
tariu. it is mti-udri to t.scwrl Mr. c *srd
I" -ui t .e rai.ri ,i af 81. Joh s ■. Itiu. - ade
. I _ o h.r-ctr u 1 0 uous y.i.c,
•-, akcr.s for t: -a. " a-- c-e ! .<> ii.sad
-1 _ .. V, ~ie. Gca Nyv, tx Lwut.
t, ... i all'.. s . \oi k A
C-Ss.s Ktauisc \ iiie Nor*.
- its thai ; . i asu- \a >ao<iiag a g'Caf
1., nug tU the 'X)|HJ t-i Wi.-ieru
"V -* ii- They are I. ng rip-, r -co .a r-_
c v< : j- i. t",er.;u <ol mfetu ia
' ' • county * a irci-lV .aa.rg u ... ! u ,
'Pi ' :.V- t 1 eu*a|
- T- - C W ...* 0.. ._• 21" -lav'E;
. ..• tree - 4,-i.ttC. .-aus *ud r
t v- negroes ia lck ).
The great L; . ' ... XrtYofl
Llt k. is .v. by. ou
.: 0. u f . g 1 ; TCftv
" a.- 2,1 P. 1 Ut sld }er
I--- water c: : t T<" -. gave oav
Tig c-. a....sis was cr.a.-.-c-d for*water. Tie
n. i t. i large at* cxper-es £r< hearv
a ed et f!' e I,nr. 1"* ian i Stty
'■ v 1 .J tvideuUy
A J • , , J 4
from all ilattons.
—On the Gtli, John Catltcari was lodg
-led in the diet, c! i coouty Jail, charged with having
hot his wife, ou the Saturday pre\ ioaa. The i>aU en
tered her bronst, utii lodged ia the tachb-iue. She ur*,
vived six hours.
—The fct. Louis Democrat learns that the
I atcatUlCt turn iluiupiiia, eucwutttCfoJ a tiftceu aim- (
... -.V -t ru i,u S-::i lay in >r:i:n_r. tf:e 12th in-t.
—CalebC. Woodbury, Postmaster at White
l'igcuii, who vra- rvcently arrested for robbing the mail,
ftti-J .-ide on the 1 )th iust., preferriug death to
imprisonment. |
A heavy thunder storm visited Philadel
- ' I. on tlie tfhh Hist., and owing to the great quantity '
of water that fell, the sewers were too small to carry it
ot! and iu con-e*iuenee the street- and pavemcut* were
owTtluVi t-u and cellars were tilled, rc .dtiug iu great dam
o|i arty. Ataoreral poiut-culverts fell iu carry- !
..i. .ill thcui the railroad tracks, aud causing great
.. arm t-j tha Ic-Kicut ot houses iu the \i-.iu.ty. J
Llou. II C. Ilickok, was auuouuced as
•neot s number of Speakers at a figpublican meeting, .
.u Franklin, I'a., on tue -Jth iust.
—l)r. M. 15. Garman and Amelia Deener,
harge-.l with Infanticide, were tried last week, at Wil
liam* port, and contrary to all expectations, were acquit
—Efforts are in progress to form a connec
i i:i Let sen the S mbury X Krie Railroad, auJ the
if gh of rot'-viile. by the completion of a road to
il.e SLa:.: '.iv V alley and !*ott-vil!e Railroad.
—Oa Saturday aftcrnoou a week, a bull,
!k . er and , o\v, iu tac tiold of Johu Rohaer, of Strashurg
: U'p. Lancaster, were killed by oue stroke of iight
—TheSauJoso Ilcporter meutions a sjieci
lut-u of ciunaiur from the Eureq .ita quicksilver uiine*.
\i "licit was literally a nugget of pure mineral. Instead
of ttie quicksilver being iu the u.-tul term, it was actual
ly ia state, and would drop front the ore iu small
L i- V.*.. 5. -.i.lA' ."liaiw d.
—A very pretty and elegant present has
. if . ■ arxk-d t> Y ,-s X .litin.ntle. l-y a r tteful officer,
vie, :t-c ••• rid der 1. r kind Treatment whist in the
i i .iuc-a. It. ouai-t- T -tua.i repeating wauh m a riug,
,i , y. .uder of wiii n is ma !e ot aa oricuial ruby, iu
u r - the t.'ty . vih part >.' an inch, it- length the
: 'y scvc..'. u *i— iu --lit the two hnudreth part of a
—Jones ai.,l liown met at the Post-Office.
Jones compUiiM of a bad .-iui-:i n'.-jut the Pwa-Office,
and s- itrowu what it iau be ? Brown Uoe-n't know, j
- it may be t' - large uunilier of rfwrf IttUrs '
—The editor of the Auburn Heuiocrat, iu
i r nig tlit - me- of me of hi- not. paying su r.aer*
;.aa L.s b -J... ca.u tlie u ba.iiii.lci Lave clu.ig to
i.,s cratt.
—A. M. lio--. K-'j , the engineer who sn
• Bended the erection of the \ .-toria Bridge, ruder
>t, phen-m. and ■vt' >se name will oc ass-jciated with it
us 1 ig a- it ei im-eii, uow a the i luatic asylum.
—Thrv have aaotlier barrel mystery iu Chi-
V. w a 1 ,\-!*aa K :'"da Ri- r. wit "tt
f.s-d.'v tor .fin the bottom Of an oM well, bead Jo wn
-- i i l-nrr ' and * cor<l drawn light en" u-h around
i-t ne < 1 cause death. Her husnaad was arrested on
llspi . ti.
Pick in k,?ts are traveling in the wake of
• ' e i Wa' - At the Csthedral in on
v w'-ich the Prince attended, a merchant
aoiM i luiiowt "as ro/ocd oi lint, aud a lady ot Lcr
' .it .Oil i.t • .!•
>hcriff Gregory, ot Caiaraugns, lias a
-cond I,' - •:• i n • 1'!, Lie "> 'it Notice -ut t"
.t i y t e --.rei .ry o! S.,.te ve 1 ari-lof
. '
- '
i : t* ti i States 0 virt
—C-iis: leruble cxcitemeut exists iu Haa
k Co.. reiat. l to the ruawr that the M>r : u_-in
It u" ai d Mi:.. pat Navv . under the U..-J
■ .r. tig. 3- '. -la-- they w r.M u t allow I;K ato c
1;;, naine oaknown, wa killed
•' "* ' by the fan --y ar. d T.- Ie Train
S th uiiy. 11" wasbadiy inb-xieatcd.—
* k - s- '■ id s - h ' M il: .of Prnyer.i n
• "I -i'-af t f whi -h wa- writt- n the fol! ,wicc : " le.
•. - n-,r: .I e otr, • . e my weary yauincy . thisun
caltivatedc .trT."
A ... w Cit hoi' Church wa? consecrated
, > ~t It! .. i '.li. It- *. Bi-h'>f T?-n->n >f Bnffa
. Al .rg n d lergymen from the sorroandin.*
. --ntry , a", the consecration.
T.— l itu> Hya'.f !, .s gone to Kat.-as to
i ~. - tat-, ihe . i of t people in S..atktarn Kan
s. -. where the d: Oik a- bfct aso severe, with a V it* of
a, . t , 0 t the .atry in their tebalf. if they need
HuudreJs of farmers are said to be tem
p ■ n. * - - !r ra r. 'hern Muwoiri iDto lowa, to
:i .►si -a by the droath.
I'viß .-".cai Lc vv- rei oris u.. tidiet ia Sytia.
J. rU j a nut gj.ii 3
—li ts expected that the Mississippi aud
M --- u i ra ." .vd wu. e -pced irita lowa c ity to Vla
lengj by the drs: jt September.
Mr Stediaart, who wrote the poem about
! H-tTcrA vredd z w' h t s -*s j the ireof I "eut.
1' - • ' -• -get;'the treiing edition tf the
New V k II" f
—The fatn Ar siiyo of H Greeley A Co.,
hi" ! vTprared frr-ra the bend of the New York Tribaner
i :i> nsi-i -me*t f iu p Mi atioa by tbe - Tribeae
As- <-~iatk n." t. - ,ie its ; lai.-e.
S uora I>. .. x P !ro, a pretended Por
t -.- C . v- v.,13 arrested -.-a Satorday. charged
.. : ,v. retcr.--. ; swindled hfr. Wm. Origg
of ! IB . v.,; , New v ->rk.
A v-qeg Is !r of Kicbmondi V., met
w" xsh .- "ir 'cnt List week. pbying on
t v pitr' " k •••. c:' i - k--es vtin k violeoce
• j. ; "-.-'at f - Snr r Bear tat first joint.
Two ''tile brothers, in Bovine, Miss
jar; •J*; <i ar. r a .■ * . cce -f peach ple. and soon
t t , when the d r ■' the ' >y- ffaf-ed his
i: ' wth 1 .- J knife, k '. : r; him Instantly.
A tfiiti uau J Puit.wk Hennesy d:ed from
ev -ey y at Jiifi>t<>aa Pa-, --a Saturday. Th* fifh
e; .1 i. V!*a.:_, ia J-oaotown ft-.-m fi..i .13 •: .5 JO -verocxe by the in: ii.fir . t
t ii e:e L- fi.*: h - pare:", h: fell dowa cd txp red.
A ' *. . A.a; qf the Ticv Arena says li. : rs -1 Sara:. j * Scrags if reaaway
can - : .k ~ . i tirs : fa ns"tf !: • she ran away frem
• e '■•"<!*' n* n-w there e-itb her trier is re*ap-er
tag her heal:a.
—St Lute .- Pv3>la delivered an a lire?? at
IVit - -fix Vs.. si. -,'ty ever xg wh: h was I!it
er-. i : ; a large J enth?!ast r -wd gsihered tc,m
jd* th* ry arownd. ieaocaeed the Pres:<!*at or i
tk- Breek.iorrdce Hit:;, and aaerr-ed "Ow dactriae of
- - .lifiuty btetii ocy trwtoat fartke Oeot
i-.rat.c Party. ___ . _ _
—lt is sa d that the ceu.-a3 taker ia New
years > • uuc: ifiju toe., were ia iioo.
--The •* lienicia Boy," Aaron Joaes. *: d
- ' Ue: iz. t, j-. iri to beat tie New
i. ' 'vt . at L._ .
§rabto iltfoiitr.
Thursday Morning) September 6,1860. 1
_ _ . . |
Ti:km< — Out Dollar per annum. inrariabfyin advance. — j
Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, j
notice will t>r given by a printed wrapper, and if not re
neicid,tnepaper will m all casts be stopped.
' Ci.t'Bßi N.J—The Reporter will bt sent to Clubs at the fol |
lowing i xtremely low rates :
6 copies for $6 00 jIS copses for... .$l2 00
10 copies Jor 6 00 j 10 copies f0r.... 1G 00
AuvbjuiskmkntS— For 1 1 square of ten lines or less, One
Dollar for three or If-* insertions, and twenty-fire cents
for each subseepunt insertion.
Joh-Wobk Executed irith accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—m-ith every facility for doing Books
Biaei ks. Handbills, Bali tickets, 4"C.
AND'W G. CURTIN, of Centre Co.
Republican County Ticket.
Hon. G ALUSHA A. GROW, of Susq.
lIENRY W. TRACY, of Standing Stone j
! Dr. C. T. BLISS, of Leßov.
A. H. SPALDING, of Athens Borough.
E. 0. GOODltrcn, of Towanda Boro'.j
WILLIAM H. DECKER, of Towanda.
E. R. DkLONG, of Asylum.
Maj. JERE CI LP, of Towanda Borough.
The R publican County Couveution, held
on Monday night, excited great iutere>t, and
was attended by a tuultitnde of people. Every
ckctiou district was represented, aud the pro
ceeding-; were orderly and Larinonious. We
have only room this week to -peak in general
terms of the candidates, who are worthy of
the support of the Republicans of the Couuty.
Of course, we must be excused from mclud
.ug the candidate for I'rothonotary.) We be
neve the ticket presented, meets the general
approbation of the Republican party. We
shall, next week, speak more in detail of the
candidates presented.
The canvass for County offices has so far
engag d the attention of the Republicans of
'he County, and the ticket being now settled
narriionioudy, we trust our friends will turn
their attention to matters of more importance,
i'ne gr-at iutere-is of Freedom are involved
•a the pending rotate election. The soccess of
Ci tins, is necessary to ensure the triumph of
Linculs and liiuux, and no exertions should
be spared to contribute cur shate to effect
-och agl irtous cousumraatiou. Wc can give
Ocrtix 5000 majority in Bradford. Republi
cans ! suail it be done ? To do it no more
i.uie can be wasted. Every exertion must be
put forth to secure a full vote, and we shall
achieve such a result as will maintain the
pr ud position of Bradford, as the Gibraltcr
of Republicanism.
L-fT A musing Republican meeting was
bei-i in the Wigwam at Athens, on Tuesday
evening last. Hon. G. A. Gkow delivered a
m -st effective speech
Hon. <ir.u. Lavdox will address a meeting
at the Wigwam on Friiay evening, 21st inst.
Bar II on. A 11. SrEPHENs, of Georgia, de
hvered an address at Augusta on Saturday,on
the political topic of the day. Ue took strong
groand in favor of Docclas, contending that
be is the regular nominee of the Democracy,
and condemued Beeckixridce for running in
opposition to him and thus endangering the
Union, the preservation of which he consider
ed of the mist paramount importance.
The Trince of Wales, on Saturday,laid
the corner stooe of the new Parliament Build
ings to be erected at Ottawa. The weather
was fine, —which is somethingnoteworthv.cou
i lerirg that it has rained almost every day
of lies IJ'ghaess' sojourn in Canada, —and the
crow d was vtrj large and enthusiastic. He
subsequently held a grand ferae.
St?* The Democratic County Convention
nll ->n Tawday frtsii;. aad j Laced ta sesuutioo the
following ticket
Rrptesemtalioto —Gf. Stitdj. cf Susdisg Stone.
F r . ot Troy boro.
She-riff— X athas Ejuhmstbr, of Athens twy.
r. atL-r.ctary- Rev.S. TV. Aliws, of Monroe
Rtgister h Rccder -A -EM mam .of North Towandi
C'TmrnesH-mer —SlHCKl. Ci*.of Orwell.
Auditor CtbcsAveat, of VTral-isieir.
Coroner — Zt>v~x*v McGovers. of Orerton
Tbe DsDrra tv Arkansas —Arkansas ex
changes bring the most melancholy aa-i dis account.- of the effect of the drocth
on tne crops in that state The L ttle Rock
Cure lie. ia speaking of the cora crop, which
three or four weeks ago, was the most promis
ing that bad been seen for many years, says :
'■ It is now cat short, without the least hope of
making enough to feed the people. Nothing
bat starvation stares many poor farmer* in
;ae face, of whom many will not raise corn
enocgh :o feed their till Christmas.—
M st farmers are catting their corn down, and
many a field wi'l not produce one ear of corn
Theproapecta in tbL regioa are Etockkg ec
| ou^h.
TION, will hold iU next meeting at the " Rowley School
Houie," i Welle township, on Friday, September 21,
lSCO.comnietKiog at 10 o'clock, a. in* An oddre.-s will
be delivered by Iler. JOEL JEWEL, and an esaay will be
read by Mis* EMMA SMITH, or Mi 11. LILLJCY. Reuolu
tious upon the general interests of education will also be
d'scnssctl. We are informed that the friends in elto
are expecting teacher* and Iriends from all parts of the
county. Wo hope they may not be disappointed.
E. GUTER, President.
B. L. BEARDSLEY, Secretary.
Be it and it is hereby Ordained by the Tuwn
Council tf Tofpanda Borough—
THAT, All persons who have deposited or caused • r al
lowed to be deposit, or who shall hereafter dep<>sit or
caused to be deposited, any wood, lumber ashes, brush,
or any other thing in the streets or upon the side-walks
of the Borough, so as lu any manner to obstruct the free
passage of the same, and such person as shall neglect or
refuse for the space of three days to remove the same af
ter notice bv the Street Commissioners or either of them,
it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioners to re
move the same out of said streets and away from the
side walks—and to render an account of the cost incurred
in sp doing to the Town Council. And as a penalty for
so neglecting *>r relusingto remove the obstacle, the j<er
son so neglecting or refusing shall forfeit and pay the
amount of the cost ot said removal, with twenty per
cent in addition thereto for the use of the Borough, to
be collected as other penalties of like amount are collect
ed by law. 11 M. ELWELL, Burgess.
Attest. G. D. MOXTA.VYE. Clerk
Council Rooms. August 11, D-t0.
The Conferees of the several counties
of Bradford, Susquehanna aud Tioga, composing the 11th
Congressional District, met at the Ward House, in To
wanda, on Monday, the 3d day of September. The fol
lowing gentlemen present:—
Bradford ( ounty —K. W. EDDY, GEO. D. MOST AN YE.
Tioga — CLARA Kise.T. L. BALDWIN.
Susquehanna—S. B. CHASE, C. W. CONKAD.
The Conference was organized by the election of S. B.
CHASE. Esq., President and G. 1). MONTANYE, Secretary.
flu motion, the Conference proceeded to the nomina
tion of a candidate for Congress, whereupon GALUSHA
A. GROW was unanimously nominated.
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted :
lit sole ed, That we cordially approve of the course of
our representative in Congress, Mr. GROW, and especially
do we commend him for resisting all efforts to extend
slavery in the Ttmtories of thi- nation, and for his able \
and faithful support of the Homestead Bill, For ail his i
acts he has reflected with fidelity the views of his eon- ]
rtitnents. the best evidence of which is his unanimous ;
nomination for the sixth term.
Restored. That the proceeding* of this meeting l>e pub
lished in the Republican papers of this District.
S. B. CHASE, President. !
G. D. MONTANYE, Scc'y.
BeaT" Shipments of Coal from Towanda by
the Barclay R. K. A Coal Company. Navigation opened
May 7th, ly>o.
Shipments tor the week ending Sept. 1 . 1258 tons.
Previous Shipments, lTti'JS "
Amount for the semi IsSM "
Amount for same period last year, 17452 '*
Increase —ISU3 "
BaP" As the Agricultural fair occurs on the
week, which was fixed upon for the Institute at Monre, i
and as several who are interested in the fair, would like :
te attend the Institute, it has been deemed advisable to
change the time, so the Institute at Monroe ton will com
mence on the 13th of October and one at Merryail on the
sth Teachers and Directors will please to give notice of
this change of time. C. R. COBRL'X. j
BaP Scholarships in the Susquehanna Colle
giate institute my be rented upon application to B. S.
Rusi-eil, To wan da.
M vsic.— Mr. 11. RUCK desires us to inform
the public that he is prepared to give music !e**>ns at
very reasonable terms. Pianos tuned to satisfaction and
repaired, at short notice.
tespThe .steamship City of Baltimore from
Liverpool on the loth aud Q iecn-towa the 16ih
int, passed Cape Race on Thursday, and her
advices has beeu briefly telegraph from that
poiut The news i days later than that
brought by the Ambit, at Boston, and is of
an interesting character. It is stated now, in
contradiction to previous reports, that the
English intend to land fifteen hundred men in
; but whether this force is to act in con
cert with the French or merely to protect
Britirh subjects, the telegram does not say.—
Naples Lad been declared in a state of siege,
in preparation, no doubt, for GARISALM'S anti"
cipated attack. The daring Italian Chief had
in person entered the Capitol of bis enemy to
hoid council with the revolutionary leaders
There is a report current that Austria will so
far forget the obligations imposed upon her
by the treaty of Villafraoce as actively to op
pose the progress of the Italian Revolution in
Naples ; but can scarcely credit the statement.
She La*, however, demanded explanation from
Piedmont of that part of GARISALDI'S letter to
the King, in which he says that he meaos
ultimately to free Venetia. In consequence
of these warlike rumors there had been a slight
decline in Coo soia.
P our ICAL Co.vrrvno.vB AND NOMINATION*.—
The Massachusetts Republican Slate Conven
tioo assembled at Worcester Wednesday, and
made nominations for State officers and for
Presidential Electors. The Contention was
attended with more interest and excitement
than any similar assemblage which has con
vened in the State for years in consequence of
the w ithdrawai of Got. Banks from the political
world—the main question being as to who ,
shcold be his successor. The coolest lay, as
the pnoceed.ugs show, bet ween John A Andrew
and Henry L. Daws,and the former gentlemen
was saecessfo!—receiving 133 Totes against
327 for his competitor. G. L. Goodrich was
nominated for Lieuteoant-Goveruorand Oliver
Warner for Secretary of State.
The Connecticut Democratic State Conven
tion for the nomination of an electoral ticket,
was held at Hartford on Wedcesday. The
Douglas men had everything their own way,
\ and nominated a straight ticket. A great
deal of bitterness was exhibited between the
representatives of the wings, and it is more
than probably that a Breckenridge ticket will
be nominated in opposition.
A full electoral ticket was nominated by the
Breckenridge Democrats in M.cbigan, on
A Dispatch from New Orleans states that
Gen Houston has declined being a candidate
Ifor the Presidency, and earnestly presses a
union of all conservative U nion sen upon one
Republican Co. Convention.
Pursuant to a call of the Republican Coun
ty Committee, a Convention of Delegates from
the several election districts of Bradford coun
ty, met in the Court House in the Borough ol
Towanda, on Monday eveuiug, September 3,
1860, for the purpose of placing in nomination
a County Ticket.
The Convention was called to order aud on
motion, DAVID GARDNER, was elected
President, and E. W. HALE and GEORGE E.
Fox, Secretaries.
The names of the election districts was call- j
ed over, aud the followiug named persons pre
sestcd tbeir credentials as delegates :
Athens twp.— David Gardner, George C- Paige.
Athens boro Horace WilliU>n, E. H. Perkins.
Albany —C. B. Mosher, G. W B.irdick.
Aeyium — B Laporte. E. R. Delude.
A i menus —Nathan Slteriuaa. Charles H. Webler.
Burlington —Alexander Lane. SI. J. Smith.
Burlington west —Wm. Ballard, E. Loom's.
boro. —E. A. Everett, S. W Miller.
Canton —John Vandyke Jr., J. G. Mason.
Columbus —W. G. Bradford, George Furuan.
Franklin —A. Gay, Ira Varoey.
Granville —Valentine Saxton, John Vroman, 2d.
Herrwk—l. A. Park. J. J. Anderson.
I* Rim J a me* Bayly, H. X. Crarey.
LUihfietd —S. B. Canner, Wm. H. Spencer.
Monroe twp.—C. M. Brown, Clark C'unimina.
" boro S- Travis, D N- Newton.
Onreft—O. J. Chubbuck, U McKee.
(h-erton -G. H. Hotteuatein, James Moiyneax.
Fike — J. 11. Marsh. L. A. Bonworth.
Rome—J. G. Towner, L. L. Moody.
Rulgbery —C. O. French, Anson Webb.
Springfield— Thomas Srnead, T. Wilder.
Smith field —James Fritcher, IraC. Bullock.
South Creek— Ira Crane, George Duuham.
Shethequin —E. P. Shaw. Charles Chaffee.
Standing Stone —G E. Vanness, Wm. Kingsley.
Sylvamu boro -Peleg Peck, Jr., R- M. Ilosa.
Terry- -J W. Denuiaou, J. L- Jonea.
Troy tp.— D. R. Manley. Henry Greeno.
" boro —John 11. Grant, C. F. Bay lea.
Towanda txrp —E. W. Hale. B. Davids.
Towanda Xorth— F. Watts, 8. Haw kins.
Towanda boro —Geo. E. Fox, Guy H. Watkios.
Tusrarora —John Clapper. Levi Wells.
L'l'ter —Wm. McQueen, E. Lockwood
Windham —Hiram Sherry, Loring Pearl.
Warren—Miles Prince. Otis Hamilton.
H'ya/using— L. P. Stalford. J. V. Vanaukea.
It eiU —lorenzo Grinneli, Alvah Yonngs.
H' 9 tox— T. F. Madill. G. P. Reynolds.
H'Umot—J. W. Ingham, Paul t^uick.
Oo motion of B. LAPORTE. REUBEN W. ED
DY and GEORGE D. MONTAXYE, were elected
conferees to meet conferees from Susquehauua
and Tioga Coun'ies, far the purpose of placing
iu nominations Representative in Congress.
On motion the Convention then proceeded
to the nomination of a candidate for Sheriff,
and the names of A. 11. SPALDING, of Athens
boro', J M SMITH, of Troy twp., S D BARE
NESS, of Springfield, and E. C. KELLOGC., of
Monroe, were presented.
The Convention theu proceeded to ballot,
as follows ;
Spalding . 43 vote#.
Smith, 19
Harknes* ." 6 "
Kdiugg, 16
A 11. SPALDING having a majority of
ail the votes given, was declared duly nomi
nated, aud on motion the vote was made unan
The Couveotion, on motion, proceeded to
tbo nomination of a candidate for Prothouo
tary, and the names of E. 0. GOODRICH, of
Towanda boroagh, and THEOPHXS HUMPHREY,
of Orwell, were presented. A ballot was had
with the following result :
Goodrich 53 vntea.
Humphrey 29 ••
E O. GOOD RICH, having a majority of
ail the votes giveu was declared duly nomina
ted, aud on motiou the nomination wag made
On motion, the Convention theu proceeded
to the nomination of candidates for Reprcseu
talives, wheu the names of C. T. Buss, of
Leßov, HEXHY W. TRACT, of Standing Stone,
JAMES C. MCKKAX, of Columbia, and WM. II
SPENCER, of Litchfield, were presented.
On motion, HENRY W.TRACY, was nomina
ted as a candidate for Representative, by ac
The Convention then proceeded to ballot—
the LAME of WM 11. SPEXCER having been
withdrawn—with the following result :
7? T<^trs.
M K(iO IS "
C. T. BLIsS was declared duly nominated
as a candidate for Representative, and on mo
tion the nomination was made unanimous.
The Convention then proceeded to Dominate ■
a candidate for Register and Recorder, when
the names of X. C. ELSBKEE, of Windham, |
CHARLES H. BALLARD, of Colombia, L B
PIERCE, of Pike, L. D TAYLOR, of Granville, 1
JiDiov HOLCOMB, of Towanda boroagh, J. B.
M ILIXM.I. of Monroe, W*. LEWIS, of Wy
sox, C. II ARES, of Sbesbequin, JOHN MATH
ER, of Ulster, were presented.
Balloting* were then had, with the follow
ing result:—
l J 3 4 & 7
Ekbrtw, .19 1# iS 30 36 41 4S
Bailarit I! 13 14 16 16 22 25
Pierce 4 4 withdraws.
Tarlor. 11 1 9 S
Hc'South 7 9 23 10 10 10
Hinoua 14 16 14 14 13 11 13
Lew HI 5 5 4 4 withdraws.
Aon 5 3 3 withdraw*.
Ma: bar, 6 5 3 1 withdraws, j
NATHAN C. ELSBREE, having, on the
,seveoth ballot, a majority of all the votes giv- 1
en, was declared duly nominated for Regular
and Recorder, and on motion, the nomination
was made unanimous.
Oo motion, the Conrentioo proceeded to
the nomination of a candidate for County
Commissioner, and the names of W W. EAIT
ABIOCKS. of North Towanda, S. C. llovET.of
Ulster. JEREMIAH KILMER, of Sheshequin, W.
H DECKER, of Towanda, W B DODGE, of
Towanda boro\ B. WHITXET, of Wysox, F.
BLACKMAX, of Shesheqoin, ROBERT BCLL, of
Monroe, E KEEI.ER, M. MERRILL, of Litch
field, J. B. M KEAX, of West Barling too, O.
GORE, of Siesheqain, were presented to the
Convention :
Ist bat. 2d 34
EssUhrocki, 77 3
HOTJ lo 7 1
Uwr I __
Pecker,. t7 v 46
-IS 17 24
Whitoey, J j
Merrill 4 S _ „ j _ _
Gore j
W H DECKER; fceving a Bajority q(
the votes cast, was declared duly nominate,'
and on motion the nomination was made uia'
In the office of Coauty Auditor the naaie 3
of E. R. DELO.VG, of Asylum, J. C. RIDOW
of Franklin, J B M KcA.v.of West BarlC
ton, and SOLOMON STEVENS, of Derrick,
preseuted, and on the first ballot E. R
LONG, having received 64 votes wag declare}
duly nominated.
Por Coronor, JERE CrLP, of To a ..' t
boro', wag nominated by acclamation
On motion the Chairman wag authorized
appoint a County Committee for the ensui ,
year. The following named gentlemen w er *
appointed said Committee :
The names of the Committee will be a
nonnced in onr next issue.
The Convention then adjourned sine die
Advice* from Pike's Peak to the lp.
of Auguat huve been received. Great excitt
roent existed at Denver and vicinity on accou
of the reported discovery of a very rich
lead about sixty-five miles from that place,nes-
Tarryall. A mining company had beeu orgut,.
ized, aud a great number of claims had be
staked out. The ore is said to yield by
from $lOO to $lBO per ton. Several meeting!
had been held to consider the expediencv o(!
organizing a State Government for the PIE* ,
Peak region, bnt no definite action has bt
determined upon.
OsT- Advices from San Francisco to the
18th of August are received by the Pony Kt
press, which arrived at St. Joseph on Thur.
day uight Business was improving. A br. ; i
demand had sprang up tor various articles &'
merchandise, and the money market continue;
very easy, h was reported that the Tehua
tejec route *i> ooi> to be reopened, and i
line of steamer* established between San Era:
cisco and New-Orleans. The presence
Senator BENJAMIN was supposed tohavegiv
rise to the rejort. One of these pouies on IL
express route had arrived at the Carson Tailed
station without either rider or mail-bags. T:
supposition was that the rider bad been thro* j
and injured, as it was thooght hardly proU',
that the ludiaus would have aiLwed u*|
horse to escape had they been responsible f •
the disappearance of the rider. All the p.
tical parties were actively preparing for tb
State Conventions for the nomination of est
didates of Electors.
®ar By an arriral at New Orleans we r
ceive late intelligence of the movements of the
fillibnster WALKER He is stated to be forti-
Trnxtllo, in anticipation of an attack
from GVAKWQLA on the 15th of August. Tie
inhabitants were greatly alarmed, and werj
leaving in great numbers for Uuatan I; .
asserted that WALKER has raised the old FR;
eral Central American flag, and contemplate
thereuniou of aii the Central A tuerican State
fcJ- The excitement in Texas still continaa
The latest intelligence states that in the o ppe
counties every individual suspected of the lets
taint of Abolitionism was being driven awiy
and many caes of summary hanging are
ported as occurring at various points. Th
town of Mount Vernon is said to have bea
burnt by incendiaries, and a plan to buru
phur Springs is alleged to have been discov
ed. Oother incend:ary plots are reported
have been discovered. It is somewhat sinr
lar and noteworthy thai, notwithstanding
fate which overtake# all the alleged incein
who are arrested, and the general excitec
among the Pro Slavery population,these v&
diary attempts should still continue.
of Knoxville, Tioga Co , Pa., there are sir:
five voters. Sixty-four of them *re Lac t
men, and the lone democrat is a Breckinridp
man. Dougla* is " skunked " ID tliat borJOt't
In the borough of Eikland, same county.ttxo
are eighty-six voters. of tbt uti
her are Lincoln men,and the other five are
between Breckinridge and Dooglas ii is lear
that old Tioga will give almost a unaic ?
vote for " Honest old Abe.' 1 The demoen:
are so scarce the rail splitters Lave to ros
each other to get upon an excitement. — Elm
this morning arrested oo a requisition froo |
Governor of Pennsylvania to the Govern* I
this State, two men named William Piperij
Austin Hofman.who are supposed to have bel
connected with the gang of thieves which f
fested the town of Sonthport, not loog st>*
They were charged with larceny, coma.: *
about a year ago in the county of Tioga
They wereooveyed to the State L'ae.and t:n
given in charge of an officer of that State -
Eimira Gazelle.
OIL PER MIMTE. —The most exiraoniru-'? -
the many extraordinary oil wells discovert- 1
Pennsylvania lately we read of in the L-" 1
Observer. The well was opened at T-r'i-
Erie county, on the 10th instant, by R< T
Hequembonrg. The Observer saji ; "Aj
depth of f75 feet oil wax struck, and i H
since been coming lo the surface in a
tary flow of one barrel per mxnsUe ! TBII* 1
this, ye men who are anxious to get nek '
$l4 per barrel, a low estimate, this we" r"j
its owner $20,160 per day. We are w* 2 *
by parties who have viaited the weii
is no humbug in the statement —that i
Tely yields its barrel per mnnJe "
August 50—23.U00 iu dast were brooj* j
by express from the Peak last ugh: j
There ir DO general news of any
Mining news is rather encouraging
mill in Lake Galch bad takes for ik -
weeks $2,300 per week with a raffi
hammers, and other milb ore doing * f,; : -'j
Gruber A Co , are coining the dast to * .
ermble extent. Their transact 1
some dart exeeed s2v>o,ooo .
Silver has oeen discovered, but to ***'
' teat is aot vetkaowe.