JVYsrrlKmron?. Spring and Summer Clothing, AT SOLOMON'S Clothing lOmDorium, ..3- iVo. 2, Pal ton's Block. T TT ATE just returned from the Eastern nd J. wi-tuin laaiktt Willi the .nge i -toi '* oi SPRING ft •!.! CLOTHING &■ • " r " ight i • auda, >t the nti-i and m u! I- -iik-oa' ie stjie.-. ■■ ui> ii I aw prei r.red to > urat pru-M lowc. than any othti t iot'uiug Store in ;] .-;i i in .G ir..,i. Every care lus btt-u taken in sc -v ug my stuck, ii.l the an nl iiurcti.'.set will And on > lh.it '1 y ale uia>ie and g. t up equal to cu-- tuui g !=>. I hit ite the public, my ull euat oners, and „s in uy new <>ne.; as i. h to lav or me w !th a rail, try ex ilic :ny '■ ' , re paic!ia-iui!-*u-lu ie. Addition" •i i be w iue to my stuck almuot noutiiiy during tile i ' iiid -mil eg - on. so as to keep iu\ reputatioii 0. iiaviug the bet stock in Northern IVIHI-I lvauia. T: > | -tfu'lb A! yu.ii attcutiou Li the Ruin* iiig iist of i , ■ . - , ; Co:tio—Fine rr, ili Black Uro Coats : Medium flo ; ' tt n warp I I Fau.-v <a-liuierc and doeskin SWltlll uo : Ufil k Camimera d : Fancy Sattinet, Tweed and ei ky.Jer.il d • : Linen do. or nil qualities and erradae. }' : -Fine li' -It d i.-iltin PauU ; V.ut i> lo; :■ /ca -■'! > ; IH.IC .luio.i en i. lo : <of made d> ; nail, -. i..e5..v.e.. Uo. Vests —i mev V. Ivet Vests ; Plush iio : t Ik in xed do: • .. - X.u redo : lies da ; l.iiuu do ; Fkimi'-r ssiltiu do ; Black and i . icy t ,1k do. V < \ tc ef CENT'S FITVI.-MING COOPS, and Cf.O't H!VC .t' e.ll r aliti. . R . Mr to call lit M. !■:. S d "M" 'P. •• dr ■ ant T - r '' E ;ii 1 t'FPIIE I.LATH V Ftp sVtns,French and don-e.-Ti •<.*.!,' kins, .Morocco. 1.' 1 r" -kin--, Ar ill rk,v.-y- he k- on baud and sold r d n-i ; d I; vn. TT.'es ami PeR-c 'livamla, May 23, l*ti(>. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. rsillK EXdTf'MKNT which has been caus- J- id by the .soiling >f HOODS h<eip at the ncvv a FURNISHING STORE: OF k\ s. r r, ■ INii. ol every-:>•!< red art uie ver • in t|. ! < mar ket : tojretlu ' v.,;!] i line >i ik < t II \IS i A1 -s. : M . N ! -PIN'G ({(At Ac. ' • .. • . . I ' ' ■ ' -'• • • ' - ii-ort.icnt ol MEN'S nr. \ck PRE-- co VTS. Ml \'G i'LACiv r;;: > K COATS, . "KN'kS LA .id - l S'l VLB Ul' IIAG L.\ Nd, ■ MI L'S sir Is" ' KD <"< > \TS, VI —PS VXD PAXTS, . TIILVMIXGS ; H.I) AT WHOf.TA ' LF. OR RBTAH,. . . . •: - ' ( . . . • , A . . . ' . T . ,ai \ *7.1 ; . He./ £a rival Clothing! CALL BIrOaE VCLi BUY ! r. i>::. c >LiLix:z JL. . vda i i i • i '• : int. ;. <■: . know - that t '■ -Li NS i t'r-pla- • t>> luvffe • lAhml . i:■ ■ - ' ■ i a : • "fte sfr.k ort'M.s and if- • ■ !.•! 1 - i . me la -| e ..I, i ... : i try t • over letlti > tliorln.j liii.s|)ie.-s. and w i.. it.- • a .cod lit, every tin: \ ■ rno sale. lli at' ■- k ' Olisi. Mo. SIFN'S DT.At .; DTILI.S COATS, .MF.N -J FA.;CV ( . - !M \ i . Jin.X'S SILK MIXKf) I ■ (ATS, ' HiiXki l AXCi C A iiii.i : PAX IS, y .X's ~ . A. SILK VFSTS, M;.., '.IX.-A i A' ■.. I NX, .v LL KXi -, V .X S LIN V PAN'i -. ALL KINDS, ■ LOTS OL'iTIIIXC lil CHFAP, HATS AXI) C VPS, rup.xisnrxa coo' Smilt COLI..VUS, CSAVATS 4- SfSPLXDKRS, MUX'S TAVI. .I S CLOTH A AI.PA.. A ; V. CL' Fi'SIS, CAS-TMK'M s. VISTIXOS I HIMMIXOS, ■ April 17, 1 -•*.'). J- M. < Oi.l.lXS. ML li LriijjyMM iiial. ■ ! 1 v .1 Li tas'.i.rv, fur the tra .-act.ou oi ■ They wid ten lie ... ou dept. ,t. and allow I. '- re-t : ' 1 ti. 1 of time it reman. They vn! r. receive nr. ey -a r.t, payalle 0:1 tlie drpusiror' IK k. on if m.tad• . ■ - parehu era. at the- rasm iit rates of Hxchangn. 1 i iwid i 11 11 ■• . I 1 - ;n.. a. at any place in tiie'i ti-'ti neei •. ile "> a B.mk r ii inker. I'et 11- 1. -ii ur to remit tn ay to their t. ends in the 11 It cry ■an be furninlied .. -to any amount ti-.m £1 steiliaL*. npwardt. From th . • lon r ' '' fari!if -s which they pos.-i -s. tl. y li .1 A to o eeiie a .-hare ot the bit-inc?n app. tUßlliir si aan ldi.l e. . The"An r,- -.-i a.- Bank. .Yn? 1 ; •• C. Fmory ft Co., ) .Toltil Artiot. /' 0r.7. . Hon. .1. N. < onyii.L'h n. t y --; . .1. M'f irini -<, f •• R. J. Knot, Hxrrisburg. " V. ~t L .eliler, I Tow otd t * t-r ' 17. Oarriage Blannfactcry at A!ba. rJfTW-V- REYNOLDS, FELT.OWS k ,-Tv*- 1 ')•• r ' ■ ,v,: v i'i' nn tin' (' '<■ oi -xml —l*l \\h 'ru Brad .-id a'd the p n- s.-i eral lv. Unit tlu-ir op< rut'.oii" have not m - 1 in th" least dis tArlteil tiy the tire, and tin • a • utiial p>roiw atintf their li laer-in a:it - . itieht-a. I.ey ai luar.ala luring to order, and v. ili k- :■ mi ii nil, L <lll Si <rlts, Hu~ . • V ■ Lum ber end lhmocrat Wagons, A-.-., ta iuC of the very h- -t mati la!.', • •: itiein . • suVtan tin! mid v.- irkm .nlike manner Tipy use nothing but i.ebt- 1 of • , tie i' tifiiii. rIK i...' oi" Hy from the Ka-t, ami every thing being -. X-t- 1 wAh rtiucnce to it.- dur.Uiihtjr. A" an evi len -c ef L•' value their work t.iev point to ti,. !i t, that they received I ■ r-1 pr.-niiuia at the last Bra il 1 i . ,;y Fair, ami at at ret Imi Fair the til" l premium t- r Cult; i'J. 81. \ v.-s.Mi 111 .HI done in all its bmnches, and par t. dar am iiion |,h Ito Cu-tom Work. A Ho, April i. i no. BLACKSXVUJHING. A \M ESSK.WVINE ro-|xei-tfii!!y informs m \ ihe puiilu: that h - may ntdl bo found at the old - .u.l where iio has worked for- imi v.-.r- md where ■ i; now d ling all kind* m 81. in the w loi , - . -t .an- in I him . II- Vl l: - pn-t. 11M- public is request i In Ave him a trial, aa by re ••w. d e.v. rtioiiß to plea, e and tr. I ; toMi-m Ui busi i- - oe .s d iu 1 - 1 Blent a share ot panic patron i li 'JISH-^iiOillXv dohe m Uic beat inauhur, ar.d at lowa J pr i'lk'HL' Kof all lin l- 1! he iiVm in'the payment 'T wrok, but r, nht pn-hi .-ifly <i ( --iiried. fill 1,1 the old • 'of Al>'\M 1.--F VW'IVK, cast sidi M i.a .-tre- t*oiipo-it-' Iti tl. it's Fonn-Jrv. row iw.ti. M iv in. i A\V i - —i ho <>tily place to httr Hhawls iO sis at ' Mkih.Ult'S. JWrsccllaneous. r NEW ATTRACTIONS ! fjf** At C'-jo, H. Wood's Gallery, k. ro WANDA, PA. rl\ Yon can procure, at low prices, ft \of ail sizes, up to life size, either plain or re "bj ——A touched, colored iu oil or p&slilie. Also. MET.AINOTYPKS and AMBROTYPBS. and al m t all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cm cs tor I oh > ents, and other sjc.-s' and qualities in proportion. M.-Isi lotypes rnsde in nil kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. Atott I'). 1*59. A p an • / y\ < if • PTE Hi "!v ' ' J - ••• •••!** r riilS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT ! ■- where you can find a very fine assortment ol ; VVAicum \M> .!FWFLRY of all dcscripti ms, also a good st ick of t'LOfKi. prices ranji; r from in sliilllngs 1 '. iiiid warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, i I jus also agent fbr theraie of D, K. I.EXT'S celebrated I'd uetei-. wh -h .-very farmer should always have. Lri !<• s from ?s to SO, according t" finish ItKI'.V llll.VC. i done is iiM.ai j n a neat and workmanlike manner and war -1 ramted. W' Nf. \. CHAMBBCT.IN. T.TTS CI-I> STPZfJJ STILL LN OPERATION! i TITE subserß-er vt-oni.l announce ,£ yi ti..- pnbiic tlmt he has Hff on Pj" OTU "-" hail.l. and will make to order all f' "* " ; idsi ; ( ARIXK'I FCRXITHRK, ! ; is ' j KU.-U tm F-tfas,Divans.Lounges.('en- Jit i: t ■ A i e, ( aid. Dinirtr and Bn-ukfast Ta - i '■ i-. Mi.iiogany, Walnut, Maple and f T i'-fiicrrv Bureaus. Stands of various ' h- C - ~W. V kind*, Cliairsand Redsteadsofeverv d. s i-iption, whieh arc, and will be made of the best nm t.-ii.il and ivorku inli te manner, aud which they will sell for i I".. Apr ilu.ii c.n be bought in any other Ware room in the eountrv. li' ADA .'•! .V! > 1-. i iiFi'lvs. on hand on the most rea | so&able tern a. A . i BKARSB will tie furnished on Funeral occas ns. JAMES MACKINSON. , T wanda. January 1.157.7. i \ISSOI UTlON.— The co-pirtnersbip ficr.*- • / t.iiv.-e cri-ti: g Iween the subscribers under the tirui f( ( i ft K lifRY. is ibis day dis-olred by mutual :e. it. 'I in-1, .k . rmtes, aecoutiis, and other obliga- V. - ■to saW firm, arc now in the hands f.' k ! 'K TIiP for settlement. Hi iici ci ,t i ! notes "Yi rrh •• n the 1 t day >f Feh | rum next, -'ll lie put in course of collection without re . siiee't to persons. I'uti! that time Grain,yhoep I'cltsand Hide.-, will be received in payment. JERRY OtTLP, ' ■. CiJtr Will here iter cany ■ th • 1! '. HN'I.SS VXD B A DDT. I' lil SI.N'KSS .II :i 1 1 its •nr '.s In in ins. at the old st.i;, ! o; .'nip v K : >y, v, !..-re In - . r-a ...ntinu mce of the p liiih.-rto ev : • • •!. A la- -n-ock ..f Be.nly-Mads exert ntn ..Ie t > deserve the f.-v ir of the pnblie. McCABE'S CENT HAL MEAT MARKET, /' J. Kings!>oy's stare, Dlti i st. r Iserii er w id i •] Ifuily te> der l.f sincere I. i .e. t .he puoiic ,r the very liuwal patronage . He beg? 1.-ave t > assure that be intend.-to keep on hand .-1.--' 1 •. . entry di ... hi ii 1■ h. t-- -ill ■ :i" i v. , .titvo lir ! .alii oi SALT l'itKK. put Up ;by my.-• :. >: heap, by th- L IT. i 5r pound. >!••-'- wilt ' t-r.uu,:!i d-lhctcd, at any p!.i-:c within • the • ->!■;• nation. j Ton e. !a Vu-ru tl7 .1 Mcf'AßE. j TCMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. -cwanda ltfi.trblo I'actcry. (A" rUj Opposite the Church.) I JKTV The subscribers hare opened the TOW.vx fh-y';\iv\ M.VitBI.E FACTORY, where lie w llbe ' ' .*1 V.l ' I l ' l •d to fur- ; h M mntf and T tub . Pry 'i' Ft' ■ - - rr uufactui ed from the 1 • t qualities ■ ■ 'ol Ri-TLVNDand ITALIAN MARBLE, mid ; x wt<. ~,bt ii.to-i ,-h .-tyles and designs as will . • 1 . ■ vcr ia Too. ..aia, by - .liimg at this New K 11* h-h " ;t. i'lie .- j. i r ili'y of the stock, the arti-t! ail beauty of the work. ami the promptness with which or.b r will . F. 11. BALDWIN, MILLS 1! VRKER, Towauda, Jan. 2.IWW. Proprietor, urn itnrrNCEP. TlVElft.T. TOWAXDA, TA. I Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof.C.lt.Coburn, ■c. 11. Shiyar.l, Ca-hi< r, Rt v.J h IX. ter, ' R.O. Craus, Merchant, H. s Mercur, Merchant, I Alufn A l)otrtilday,do. Montanrcs, " h v. O.Crai e. T. M. Woodruff, Sheriff, " )\"m. Putnam, I. A. M'K. an, Ihot'y, '• D. A. Slu yard, !I< i. I). Wi.m ', F. Tvicr. Pres-t. li nk. •• J.C. V-i-ms. ■ •iti. Mt. ! " Win. F.lwell, (I. W. Ru k. L :. IE. A. Pa'- ,s. Ed. Vrgua. w \.-ox. ■ E.O. Goodrich,Ed Ift-porter. " New Arrival ui' Boots A: Shoes NELSON'S. Ladies' c.debiated serge Long G.VIREUS, at X'LI.SitN'S. serge bottomed G vITKRs. at NKI.S<)\"S. I-idlus' Fr.-neh k ! heeli I SLIPPERS, at NELSON'S. Ladies' kid arid lorocco BOOTS, (his own make and warianied not to rip) at NELSON'S. Misse ' serge Cougre-s GAITERS, at NEI SON'S. MI I 1.1 C'.gi- - GAITERS, at. NELSON'S, i Misses' Freuch kid heeled SLIPPERS, at X I.LsoN'.S. ( ' ..idVo'i pi i-ti ed -HUE.-,at NELSON'S. Infant's SHOES,at NELSON'S. All ki .Is s lb ui r S .n .'I SHOES, at. NELSON'S. G -o ford TIES,at *1 63and :l 7.. at NELSON'S. ■ ent'stlii I- and kip BOOTS, ?•_' 7"- ft A;, at NELSON'S. i.cnt a . all peg d BOOTS. 50 to hi 50, at NELSON'S, j Gent's call sewed BOOTS, 55 and s"> 50, at NELSON'S 1 h<-y ,i>- determined not to be undersold, at NEIJ-ON'S Thev inire emr i't 'd the services of Mr.Wmtn, I ot N. w York city, a highly finished w. rk man, to make lir.-t i la - pegged and sawed BOOTS, at NELSON'S. Ladit■-* calf STTOFS and BOOTS for s cts., ii Oil and f I 25, at NELSON'S. 1,;..!.. -' Kid BOoTS made to order, for 51 117.1 and :1 62>.,at NEI.SON'S. ("all and leave your measure, at NELSON'S. All kinds oi Repairing, dime at NELSON'S. All kin.ls'of Country Produce taken for Boots and Shoes, at. " NELSON'S. Towand.i. April lfi, IT.O. WAVERLY INSURANCE j ]Xsl I; vN i E at fair rates can be obt iined of the sub . s liber i:t lie ioiioiViUg Ist >cJi Comptutiet : ETN A INSURANCE COMPANY, II a/ford, Connecticut. f ash Capital $1,500,000 As-. ts January 1, l(sf,o 2,104,100 Liabilities, Claims not due 17;ij)57 IIOME INSURANCE COMPANY, •Vrut York City. Cash Capital $1.000,000 As-ets. January 1, 1860 1,458,3'Jti Liabilities, Claims not due 45,5^0 CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPANY", Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capital, j 300,000 . AK-cts. Jaunary 1,1X60 330,071 Lialillities, Claims not due 21 jsjß AMERICAN EXCHANGE I.NSURANC E COMPANY, .Y'ftu York City. Cash Capital 5 200,000 Polices issued upon Farm Dwclings, Barag, aud their contents, for a term uf>eur.s icittwut reyuatnga /unruiim note. Applications made to tiie suhscril.-r at AI.J.KN & B INKS Law office, Waverlv, will receive immediate at tention. " R. A. ELMER. Whverly, N. Y. Feb. 22,1860. Agent. / T'fSII and Mackerel at yi'MI'HREY'S, JHJscrUancous. TKI3 FHISWD OF V/OESAPT. K. Clark's Revolving Looper DOUBLETHREADED 1 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE [ The Revolving Looper is a late improvement on Ray mond's Latest Improved.) | Warnuled the best in the world for Family Use ! Price H'ithiu l!ir Peach if Every Family. PRICE $35. Hentmcr, Filler. Binder A Tacking gunge, combined, $5. rTMIE reputation <>f thi> Machine if now frilly estahlish _L ed as the most reliable Machine in the market for family use, and has been attested too by thousands of the nioi-t respectable families in the Union. This Machine makes the celebrated " Double Lock Stitch,'* the only oue made by machinery that meets all the requirements of Family Sewing. Each stitch is tied twice, so that every one is securely fastened and wholly independent of all the other stitches for strength, so that i if the seam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew- I ing uiuet hold oood ffkm the l.iliric will wear. The i machinery which makes this stitch is a marvel of sim i plicity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it. nor does it rcipiire adjustment more than Mie mere change ot : thread and needles to adopt it to the character of the , work to be sewed-—course or line as the case may lie. It ; i will sew gaii/.e laces, and all varieties and kinds of fab ' j rics between and including heavy licaver cloth, without changing > itlier needles or thread equally well, and re j turn to either variety of work with perfect satisfaction. ' No other Machine ever offered to tile public will do as ' | much. A perfect Sewing M : nine, on? making a stitch an-, swering nil the reqttii ■•tm ids of the family, sewing com- ■> ' and fine Work cqunity well, was lite gi< at liosidcruttin ol 1 tin home circle, previous to the invention ol EDWIN c'i.A: s's Rkvoi.vxn'; LOOCIIK. The stit Ii is beautiful, I rung, and el i-tio. and will not rip in wear or in acei d utul breaking a thread. > Uvory Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the I money refunded. We h:\ a large list of references but wdl give the i names of only a few : M(isaoETov, l'a.. Feb. 27, IsfiO. ' Mr. B.F.SHAW Sir: 1 have used fur the last three months in my Tailor-Shop, one ot '• Hayniond's Latest Improvd S -.vjiig M:uk n ■-v' aM ,j { ,h> think it lire best in use lor !id nig p trp s. and would not do without it ho i >ne lliu died D ulur.s if I could not gut another ol the kind fur h money. ANT HON V MULf.ON. Mrs. Wat. 1 lv.cil, Towanda. l'a. M' - - II it.; l All .a v. Niii ih To.-, adv. )iI.-.S Mi •! .'a Vo. ■ i*g. 'tail re- -j Bur ogt >ti, Da. Mrs. Klizaiieiii Smith, Asyiuni, Da, Mrs. J. W. A •x. •!. r. Troy. l'a. Mis. il. D. .siiuw.iShuslii .piin. Da. 11 -v. N. A If i oi . Deuli Id. N. V. ( a)\ in i arpeutu:. Esq. L.in.ia, X. V. Mr. K. A. sc..tt, Liuiii a, X. A . Mr. M. Hi. h. at. 1 ihnira, X". Y. Mrs,.J. ii. Webb. I wanda. Da. Air-. J. H. N". v in-, low i ida, Da. Mr. il. 11. 1. .nting, (l.i lor)*!• wanda, Fa. - Mr. A. Malum, (' lor) Mnuroeton. Da. Mr. Derek. . Powell, (tailor) :-hcshnuio. Da. M -s. Owen Spa! 'dig. n ..verly, X*. V. Ilr. il. ii. Morgan. Wysox. Da. All nr.]- i \ mail or Expr.-s will receive pfnir.pt at tention. Persons n.l having the fall amount can no ac commodated with short credit. A 1n..-: d i.- • 'iut gireu to A cub. Address M m Ii •>. 1860. it. F. SIIAW. Tuwnmlii, Pa. _ /) r 2is c\ -> j COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, LOCATED ()\ THE . .! \ N • k \ ILLKV B *NK. ESSrC-irAJMTTOItf, IV. Y- Rooms open for In.-tr tion, from 'a A. M. to 5)1 P. M. F A C i* I. T Y , ; D. W. LOW F.I. L. Peine ipal, Proftwaor of the Science of Account-. Dr.; ii il V. Author ot Lowell's Treati.-e upon ttook-Keeping, Diagram* illustrating the same. Ac. JOHN RANKIN, Commer "ml A. • • int. ProCeaoorof Knok-Keeping and I'raci a I Mathem.it >. A. J. \V AUN Lit. Droit-- !' ol i'raci nut and < >ri. a mental IV.. nanship, C .:ii: vial Calculati ,ns and Correspon dence. I. K C T U tf K II S . Hon. DANIEL S. f>Tt KIN'SON", I.c c Direr .-n ronitner. ial Hon. R tKSOM R \I.COM, Leetnrer on Contrai ts, Prom .issory Not. s and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. K. ANDREWS, Lectun r on Commercial Ethics. EX AM IN IN' I '. COMAfIXT MR. Hon. Sherman D. I'h; i.i's, WILI.IAM R. OsDiirx Esq., Tit AC V R. MORI. A.N', lv q. The object of this College is to affor.l to all an oppor | tunity , ; obtaining a thorough It-, incss E location. The Bonk- and forms re eaiefully iinang'nl by pra. ti cal •>. cf-i: tants expn..-sly lor this lustitutiuu, and cm- I bra e all the recent improvements. The course id Instruction compri-es every department ; of 1.U.-.ir s. Tin.-learner will be thoroughly taught the j scici. -c i::d practi'-c ■ ' I' nhle Entry Book-Keeping as : ..p] tied to tlu- ii llowiag kiittls of biisiiie-s, viz : (lenen.l I Merchandizing, Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, Steaiids>at;;.g. Railroading, Forwarding, Freightiag, For eign Shipping, Ac. Ladies' Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. S! id.- it - can enter College at any time and receive in dividual instruction. By this art aimeincnt every student i is permitted to pn gfc-s as rapidly as his entcrprize and , ability will permit , and when thought perfect and cum pi tent, will n cive a Diploma which will enable him to j review at pleasure. l ime to ■ oiuplete the course, from Bix to Twelve Weeks. N . vacations. IPcird-?2and $2/>rt per wetk. Assistance I rendered to Graduates in procuring situations. T K li M S : | F r Book-Keeping, full accontant's course, including Practical Penmanship. Commercial Computations and Diploma.—(Time unlimited) $35 on i Same coarse for Ladies, (separate apartment) .... $0 0# ; Penmanship and Arithmetic 10 00 i Teacher's course iu Penmanship, practical and or namental 20 00 | Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship. 2 00 *}' Dec i-ional classes will be formed iu Phonography. For further particular!' send lora circular. Binghumli.n, Mar li l.'i, l-i.O.- lytl. j SLHoKCT SCHOOL For Young- Ladies. MISSES niFBBFCK repeetfnlly in . form the public that the Spring term of their school will commence on Monday, the '.'6 th day of March in ihe r i m iurmurlv occupied by them. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to tliem ■ during the past year, Mis.es C. assure their patrons tlut ino pains u ill be spared to merit a continuum eof the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. MISS FANNY L. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge of Music; and a limited number of scholars only will be taken. TFHMS. TEH QCARTEH OK H WEEKS. First Class To include the elementry English Branches $1 00 Seronil Class To include the more advanced English branches,with Mat hematics and Latin $5 00 Third Class To include Mathematics, Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botaey, Ac., with Latin 17 00 JMutic. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw ing 13, extra. Each pnpil will be expected to provide herself with a desk and chair. flij' Any information in reference to this School may be obtnim d by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox. Towauda. December 1,1859. /AILS, VARNISHES, Ac.—Lamp, Lia * ' eed, Tanners, Ncatafoot, Macliinery and Coal Oils, Coach Body. Furniture, Demur and Harness Varnish and Japan, for sale at MERCVR'S. ! M YEIFSJI ILLS. rpilE undersigned having purchased the above well I known mills .and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every tiling connected with it in perfect repair with all the modern improvements now in use in lirst class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community -trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suiter in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m nner. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill.'' Mr. FROf-i' wiil continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; nl-n Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. M YEIi, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYER J. O. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCWANDA, Oct. 6, 1858. CM:O. 11. lurxTixc. r) ESPECTDULI.Y informs his former customers and L the public generally, that he has removed his TAX LOU'S £ll GP , To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite I). C. Hall's Stove and Tin Store Mainst. He Ratters himsrifthat l'mm h's long experience in bu siness he will be able to please all wbo may favor him with tlp-ir custom. Owing to the low pressure in theuio- j ney market, lie will make Coats from ?2 50 to J4 50each j anil other work in proportion for READY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, if fiend Towanda, lltrflb 20. ls.'.s. The Argus Book bindery Again in Full Operation I \\ T F lmvcthegratifirath nof announcing toourfrfends, I \ \ customers, and the public, that we are now pre pared to do hook: ju ts i)i x c in all its Branches in tie* latest and most approved styles, and on the most favorable terms. Having sc.aired, permanently, the services of Mr. 11. C. WHITER AR. a finished workman from Philadelphia, ami having added extensively to the fixtures of the con cern giving gicati r facility than formerly—we can pre sent to the public the most positive assurance of our abil , ity to please our patrons. I ■ Cii-tomers should lie parlicular to remember that ; the " Argus Bindery," is in the Argus Building, as form erly, (first building north of fite Ward House) and is con nected with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing i Office, wlieie all work should he delivered, .j C AIJTIOX.--We are compelled injustice to onrselves, i and our old Custom; s, as well as to prevent an imposition upon the publie yi m ra'ly. to caution tin ni a • lirist u sort a con. ei a. that lalseiy ledds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery. This fraud is practiced no doubt, 1 with a hoj I' deluding the Public. Ag.tia-t this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau i tinned. In a* Particular attention paid to re-Binding, AH Wprb gnai ranted. ■. Country Produce of all kind taken in payment, ' for " ork. e ■- Having made coniidetc arrangement , we are pre p..i I t-. Rnlt ud Bind BLANK BOOKS t- a'.y or patti in it pi -a - low as elsew !ci . foWatiila. March 5. 1 soil. E. A. D.ARSON'S. BOOK BIMOERY. ryllE - ibo r'' <.r having withdrawn front the Argus | j L building Would respectfully inform the public that , In has r - 0 lv;ii ; I*l -,io and Fan v Bindery to the North 1 ilf un of the AV.t:d House, R.N-, rTy oceupi-l by the P< -t (!:* .i ie he is |> w jirepareif to hind ail kinds ol i B k - .II the most ap| roved ami workuianiik'- manner Hav :..g i> - bore mj ,i• li t wit:, i > si- I p.- I fiat- i t>-r iu h tlut icy pri '• wdl in-i t the sail- tcl: )a ol the i public. Thankful for t'm corfldrne* ropo T rt me and the pnh- ! l ; c ap.oecia'i u u my worf, : - ilie last two vcai-, 1 •.-ha' •[ lea,-or ill tli* tatit re to merit the continuance ol 1 public support. ' work will he wartooti d. T r;ns, t'-li. I IT.lkn.a bilge as orfliu ol -TTATIONERY of till ■ best qualitv. at li ! .--i pri- ■''. Just it is* an 1 Con.sta i bl.-'s Bl . N K-s, ol km Is. DK'TCRI FRAMRs, no.:, j. .ji|o- and o7 1: and pic tores framed to order, cheaper ;hm ever known here. JOHANN F. BENDER. ' Tow.n.d.t. Jan. 11. 1 ; II • kbiudei ai.d \.t -t. CATTTIon. "To be, or not to be hit;- the question 1 VM.ethor 'tis nobler in the miiul to -uifcr , To- -bugs and arrows ~| outrageous o/ position, (■ by take -up arm - against a a ' printing ink, j And opposiii■ nit:;, in.'' r IMH-; pi >pr,i tor ot the H- gw* takes iw-.trion in adver I tising bis Bindery to in-i-.lg hi n uncalled tor tling the j uli a." A-I h ivc ope; id a BiiiJury on my own ac const, the inference is that if tl ■ |> ;di briny the it For t--\ •y< ars I have -v -i-, ,[ j,. r jfr. 1 AR.-ONS. and he ; ha- taken great | a in- t sit isfy tlie public I was the" bet Bind r in Vinci ica." as the columns of the Argus wiil | testily. lla-he li en all that, time " deluding the pnl lie If I in- !'en ■ nguged in a fraud, lie lias been the i prim ipal. But 1 reici to iny work •'•j'iug that time a etiilc* that F'-re hits i- n no fraud practiced. I! com -critd a 1 ilg appi utb --hip at the Bindery J br.sin -. I have ii on 1 bu.-o.i .ss here OH ntv owrrnc rour.t.as i kn ay of to thing whh h prevent* mc from foi- Ilov mg a legitimate and hawfuf calling I' - iny support.— 1 shall endeavor by good work and atlenti a to my htt.-i --m-s to give public s.itisiaclion. March 15. JOH ANN F. BENDER, Binder. >ns(]uc!):ii!n:t (Lollrghlc Institute, roil\l.Xl)A, FRADFORD CO., FA. FA ri.rv : \ OLIVER >. DEAN. A.15. l'riio ipal. Drofes-. r of Ancienl Ismguagi's, and Mental and Moral Sciences. W'Jf. 11. DEAN, A. 8.. Associate Drincipal, Drofessor ot Mathematics s d Natural !■>• 'ct.ee. Diof.Cll ARLI -i If ('ORDRV, Doitnty Superintendent. ii uoral Dire t wof Normal Department. Mrs. \\"N ('. K ELLObIU. Dreceptre -. Miss ANN A M. DEAN*. Assistant Drei-rptress. Mi.-sM.ARY D>. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and In?tni ini iital Music. Mr. R.WFIELD DAYTON. Stcwar !. The W'intei Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER 31, and will continue 14 weeks. 'i FIT ION, FTTR TERM T (Payable invariably in adyam e, or one-half on entering the - ho. 1. HI ,t ,ic halt at the middle of the term -fuel and contingencies included.) Primary, per term $ 5 no Preparatory ti on Higlu r, Ist year, per tern 7 on Higher. Ist and 2d year, per term 8 no Classical, Ist year, per term 7 on (.'la sical, 2d and 3d year, per term S po Collegiate, per term in no X. B. I'iipils will lie classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. I'upiis using scholarships are etiarged }1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXFENSESI French f 5 00 German.. 8 no Drawing 3 on Board in the Institute, (wr week, including fuel anil light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of it weeks each. The Anniversaiy exercises will bo held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will Is- made for absence, except iu case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not. as heretofore, be taught, in the in-titutiou. but bv special arrangement—a class will be taught in a hull adjoining tin-grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO on Use of instrument for practice 3 00 Pupils boarding in th" Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table -ilver a, their option. It is desira ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommemled that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities ! for advancement in study are thereby secured. Xormal Department Special exercises are arranged I without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. R. CO BURN, the \ able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools j in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea- j Cher's class, and direct the course to lie pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often 1 as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the | Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects I connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to thek advantage to tie present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburu's connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will he spared, on the part ofthe Facultyanil Trustees in sustaining the high repukitation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in tendering it more wor thy of fntnre patronage and support WILLIAM 11. DBAN.ip_= „ c{ . Aug. 9,1859. OLIVER S. DEAN, f * rincipais. UAKDWARE— A NEW LOT JUST received.it MERC UK'S itticrllaurous. PATTON & PAYNE. No. 4, ration's Block, Totvanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of DRUGS, 'ft MEDICiNESj CHEiI It'-\ I.S, FAMILY GROCERIES.' They also have constantly 011 hand PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At tlu- low-st rates, and BI'RSIN'O FI MID, of superior j quality, manulacluied erpres-dy tor the gus-jtl Fluid /.amps. They also keep all the Popular PA TEXT ME of the day. Every article going from this store la war ranted as represented, and it any prove different, they will he cheerfully taken buck, and the in >ney refunded. J. C. PATTON, Towanda, Feb. I, ?85. Dr. E. D. I'AVNE. , . -• U?-- ~ - - •:* - - • . {. sj 5 - V,. \,V • v . , -."ww V ' P -■ 1 g,t , ; C i • -L ; >- y-m£L ■ ? * U -; Cj ••'*l j --• '** >tr- Vf 4. . STORKS & CITATFIELDj OWEGO, N. Y, Are agents for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Bailway Chain I I O I I S J : - I* O \V LE I 1 ., WHEEL! il'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower. \ OVERSHOT THRESHER, ! (Willi Vibrating St paramr,)' sine!* 4 or Out* liorse Power and Separator, 1 WHPf LEi.'o CLOVER ift'LLER, LAWREM E SAWMILLS, (for sowing wood,, Ye.) \!I the above muchii:"- are inaii ifactun d by Wheeler, Melh k, V 1 than". IT. V.. an ' ate warranted t > give I'li' "- ■ iti~: •>.olin ;>• i • 1-. at fhe expiration ' ut a reasonable time for 11.■> 1. ' S. KORT ON Jb Co.'.? CELEBRATED SOS POWERS, FOR CHURNING, &C Constantly on hau l. eyFarnier- •••nl r.n to p:<. are any of the ' ah've atlieliwiil do weh t. ill upon us before pure has- I ing- June 2s. 1*59. 1 OUH riusicaiu FRIEUD, ••/"Y'l Ml'Sli" AI, Kill, ..VI >." a rare . i;>; .11 t; far V / the Winter months. Every P.anist., v. rv Sing*r, every Teacher, every Pupi l .-very Amateur. should pro cu*e this weekly piiblimtion ol V -a? and Piano Forte Music, .-oc'hig but !0 cents a nian' Jr. and pr in uineed by the entire Tiiof tl * country,-to he the •• be A end cheaps irarl; of the k.d hi the world P Tw. he tnii -izeh j'.-vc i.f V- da i I ■ Face Ma- ■ r l't cents. Vcarly. i , li it ve.. rlv. ? ,(l ; (Quarterly, ?1 .25. i Suii>. !.••< to •• ui.r M ' , aii Friend." or order it from the oca. -; *s •' i'.fr rod you will have ntusic enough | ii r youi 1 i.t imily. at .1 at in iiisignilii ant cost • and I it you want Musi rtl e Flu!- \i I n.Comft, ClWionet, AeeorcHon, ete .-c scribe t e '• SOLO ML.LCBIST," Containing twelve piur-s. costing only 111 cents a nnm- j ber ; Yearly. 63,50 ; Half-yearly, 01,25. ■ All the hack Numbers ai 10 ceuts. and hound Volumes ! ' f "OUT Ifuskal Friend." containing *7 Numbers, at j 2,50 each, r. ustatitlv on In nd. C. IN SEYMOUR A Co.. 1 ' Na- in Street, New-York. NORTHERN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, ,Vo. 1 , Afoorgale Sheet. C nai a KSTABMSHHD IS3O. i CAPITAL fi'i.ias.ono. i I ANM.tr. HE VENUE 1.000.000. j (PUcc.Nevr Building, Philadel|ihia Hank, •I'-V) Chestnut Street. LONDON DIRECTORS : George CL Anderson, Thomas . *"aN(iihar. Sir Chaa. R. McGrigor. Hart. I,ord Ernest Hruee, M. I' . Duncan James liay. William Westu'artli. William Miller. M. P., Chairman, V. I'. Fletcher,Secretory, Edward Fueh, Vice Secretary. The Policies of the NORTH IsflN ASSUR \NCE COM PANY, are not only gnrranbeed by a Large Capital, hut also hy the unlimited personal responsibility of over ! Owe 'Fhouxetnd Sh ie.,'iohfers. Lss<-s properly adjusted and paid, without refer ence to London. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. Stuart A Brother. M•■Cut. lieon ,t Collins. Jos. R. Mitchell. Esq., Pres. Mech. Bank.Myers, Ciaghoru A Co.. Smith, Williams h. Co., Jaa. Dunlap, Boa., Pre*. Union ' Bank. James Graham A Co., Gaw. Maealester A Co., Uou. \V. A . Porter, late Judge Supreme Court. NEW YORK REFERENCES. Dnnean. Sherman A Co., J. A. Jtuart A Co., Geo. If. | Stuart A Co.. Ahr'm Ueii's Sons, J. R. J affray A Sons, 1 Robert & Williams. BOSTON REFERENCES: J. F. Thaver A Brother, Jarves A Cormerala. Sweetser. j Cook in A Sw.iu, C. F. Hovey A Co.. Wilson, Hamilton A \ Co.. George Greigg. U-'p. Geo. Mieli, Esq., Johnson, Se- \ well A Co., Geo. W. Warren A Co. WILLIAM GETTY, Agent, New Rnilding, Philadelphia Bank. 11. B. McKITAN. Solicitor, 1 Mg M, IBM. Tawanda. Pa. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF Fl RNI'l UIIE AM) CHAIRS. H AVING greatly increased my former SIJI.■ kof Cabinet Ware and Chairs. lam j determined to dispose of these aeeumlua ' j tions rapidly, and with that design oiler all articles at; unprecedented low pri<>>s. for Cash. Good Sofas at sin to s'2o. tine Cane Seat Chairs 75 cts. I , each, n nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. I have now more than GO different patterns of Chairs, j j Bureaus, Desks for the farmer or merchant, T.ooking i Glasses, Looking glass Plates, Portrait and Picture frames j I of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner ; 20 1 patterns of Stands ; extension, dining, tea and work Ta -1 hies, Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be ioiind I in a city Ware house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a good j Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers w. 11 be sure to find the right place, south ■ side of the public square, one door ea.-t of Montanyes. Towanda. Dee. 1, lfls9. CHESTER WELLS. CAXtfDir AND CANDY TOYS. 11l AVE on hand the Inrffct nnd greatest - variety of CANDY AND CANDY TOY'S to be found , in this town, which 1 will sell at retail cheaper than any living man. CANDY ol all kinds sold to those who buy to sell again at Pedlar's prices. Towanda, Dee. 15,1559. K. T. FOX. T) A REUS COCOA No. 1 CHOCOLATE, [ MJ Hotueopathie Chocolate, Farina, Corn Starch and [ Preserved l-'ruits of diferent kinds put up in "> pounds jar. at FOXN. ilusfnrss Cim. I) 4- S7 HGF B. OntMß, JR Z ~~~ ( )VEKT°X A MOXTANYE Tj'jrlp H.J.MAnn.L ~- \J ADILL& MORROW^V A TTORTTA- c IYL A sit c O UNSI: I. /.ORS AT IT^ over Merenr' Store. Towanda P a LA ,~Om e Towanda, April 2. 1 ~ n-43-tf I I) suMio!£&,' " rsn '<■ l v a v/. pcj.le ri d, a-.i1.'i,'.;,",' l! ,"l'. ' -the on Pine street, where he can *W ,V I Y h '" resident, professionally engaged. vtaysbe found when not ■ R }'•; CArscxs ATTORNEY AT M. k H/F. LorTg'!?store!^ (1 '* ,r< * C °" Pa ' ° m r V T* ug" i, 156. Henry B. m'KEAN, ATTORXFV -AT LAXV. TOWANDA T 4 •. attention to business e .tri.M. d t'ohim.' TSl^tLisT 1 ,' 1 on reasonable terms, with pnmq.t remittances ' t 'u K SMITI E having returned to ""tl U J^: 1 a ™ " Mereur's lIK ,f WESTON. J>/:\. UmffTy/ located in Towanda | Towanda. I---b.'l'i. Hv" O. H. WOODHXrrr—DEWTIST. I I >1 ?£ MANKN ' located in Towanda J. Office No. 5. Brick Row. over H. W. NOBLES* Store j Entrance one door south of Tracy A Moores. drc.l.tf i I)B (R. 8. I'ECK, SURGEON AM) I I ' MECHANIC A!. It F.ST IS T. TOWANDA I'/ . No. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's stor —enti.Tico fffßt door t n PUe at. February H, lsfio ( U V H. WATKINS, ATTORNE Y AT VJ LA If. TOWANDA. PA. Office opposite Luporte, Mason t Co. made and remitted with uromptne-'s Towanda, Jannary 2,1500. DR. PORTERS OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DR'JG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WTTir ' e tr.liLsh, I repntalion fcr the best medi ine, UNEQUALLED In its faciilti'- and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, ! Conducted by thor. ikghly competent pentpa, who devote I the most eaieful attentiou.pa v tic--tee test regard i tb aoeoracy, ani we only selected arti> cV-s.and medi ii.-s I,f unques f'r ic-i pinitr, iuis li, come "j 1 JJ:E i uJills; SWlih With prices rev i-ed to cuiTesjcntl ith the market. W/IOf.ESAIFAM) i IA. AHTfiLLS \VA::::ANTED AS RtrKLSk.NTKn. By recent arrangements n ith the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First il hhr of ds and Cash Pure ha s-"s, the prices s ill alw ays he at the low est poits' for PrinXfe Goods. LOWER FIGi REV THAN F.YER LT Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. Errryl/tiiig IN t!N<; A/ensirt SD>RFC irifl be sold CHE HP for Cash ! TRICKS RKNcc r. n , Ri r : Of £onps, Pi'rfiiracry, Briblies, Combs, Poclict 3tnivos and Razors, FN; HIPS and Materials for Light. TRUSSES A- SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LiQJORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines , Tooth, Skin & Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Ericcti !>' '-IN'C AN:! ITomttfipathic Mtdinnr Spice*, HIRD Seed, L.amp SReidfs unit Garden Seeds. ! FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION. Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing | the great wkntx of the Peojde. reduced in Price, and revised for the Ca.-li System. DR. PORTERS C VMPHFVR ! DR. PORTERS ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID • Are Fresh, daily prepare.!, and unrivalled by any in tht I Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, Known .Ts Yif- ant Reliati?" Reme<Hes. are warranted for what they ;. Vo intended to give satiidactiou. viz : Pr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup nrioe 37 J centa Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation " 25 " Dr. Porter'.-Tonic Elixvr '■ 50 " j Dr Porter's Worm Syren ... " 25 " I Dr. Porter's Ci'Mp. Syr. Hypo phosphides . " 1(H) " I Dr. i'orter's Uterine Tonic " 150 " I Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " I Dr. Porter's Tooth \che Drops " 2"> " I Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff. " 2"> " I Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " Dr. Porter's Trieogeue " 25 " I Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " | Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " - s . Dr. i'ojUr's H r-s-and Cattle laition " 37i " f Dr. Porter's Hor~e and t'attle Powder " 25 " j j Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison "* 25 " ! Dr. Porter's Biack Ink " 25 a Dr. Porter's l leansiug Fluid " 571 ' j Dr. Porter's Rat and Mlee Poison " 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 ' Rt dical Vrlvico riven rralniloiDly at Hie offiß ] | Charging only for Medicine. WS-TTrankful for past liberal patronage would re-p?' ; ■ fully announce to his friends and the public that no paio- fl shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance ■' 9 their conndeuce and patronage, at the CA SI I DIU (A STOIM -1 Comer of Main and Pine streets. June 30, 1R59. H. C. PORTER, M. P I CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION, j BREAK IS THE 1 ,"7i W Y MEN* WANTED to bnv Stoves at the MA j 'IUU MOTH FOUNDRY, one do-r east of M- '! I Store. We have just received the largest assortment ,3 STCVES ever brought to this market, both for 3 Wood Cooking. Parlor t'oal and Wood Ptirter. Hi" j ' M room Six-plate and Cvlindcred Stoves. Some ot '' a celebrated Empress Cook Stoves, the best Coal Stovej inanufai'tnred. all of which will be sold cheaper tbaaa j any other establishment in this country. A large quantity of Tin Ware, Store Pipe. 1 Coal Hods, Coal Shovels and Coal Sifters. ■< r ' v " hand, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. All k'S| castings and machine work done to order on -hort m" Particular attention paid to Rooting, Eve Troughs. I M dnctors, Gutters and all kinds of Jobbing done ißu * ranted to give satisfaction. . ,3 All kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stoves on " m which will be sold very cheap. Please give n a I Towanda N v. 1 JOHN' I'ARM / v\r fON -Wht reus, MARTIN W > |A f j vU GILL, indentured to nte, has left me, withont M good reason, this is to forbid all persons harb-'ri e trusting him on my account. nnxMlS- 1 Towanda, May 15,ilSlid. 55. IS. Be 9 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers