iicto safctocrtCscmntts. JULY 10, 1860. WWI. A. ROCKWELL IS OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF Summer & Fall Goods, CONSISTING OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PRINTS FROM 5 eta. TO ONE SHILLING. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. WHITE CRAPE, STELLA, BROCHI, AND PRINTED SHAWLS. SUN* UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. BROAD CLOTHS, MEN AND BOYS' PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES, SUMMER PANT AND COAT GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BON'XETS, BOOTS, SHOES, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, WOODEN AND STONE WARE, BIRD CAGES AND BIRD SEED, OILS, PAINTS, KEROSENE, FLUID A ALCOHOL, GRINDSTONES AND HINGES, FARMERS TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, All of which will be sold at the lowest possible price for Cash or Produce. WM. A. ROCKWELL. N. V. & E. RAIL ROAD. CHANGE of hours, commencing MONDAY, JUNE 18, li'iO. Trains will leave Waverly at about the follow ing hours, viz : GOING WEST. GOING EAST. Dunkirk Express. .4.57 P. M.IN*. Y. Express.. 11.08 A. M Night Express 3.37 A.M. N'iglit Ex press. 12.18 A.M. y[„il b.14 P. M. Accommodation 6.53 P.M. \Vav s -13 A. M [Stock Express. 4-55 A. M. Express Freight.. .5.35 P.M.. day 2.55 P.M. Fast Freight B.l* A. M [Fast Freight. ..10.10 A.M. Way Freight 6.40 A.M. 1 Way Freight. ..4.20 P. M. Cincinnati Express does not stop at Waverly. Njght Express. Stock Express, Express Freight, Fast Freight (both wavs.) run every day. Accommodation remains over night at Kinghamton. "Mail remains over night at Elmira Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Elmira. Ail other trains run d lily, except Sunday. CH ARLES MIXOT, General Sup. XtTHAXIEL MARSH. Receiver. New Iron A\"orks in Towanda! THE subscriber has the pleasu-e to announce to the public that he has commenced operations in his new U'orks.aml is now prepared to execute orders for Steam Engines, Grist Mill, Circular, Gang and Mu h'v .Mil Mill Irons. Iron Water Wheels, and most kinds of"Castings and Machinery Su common use. He also, manufactures a variety of Stoves ; also Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes. Having purchased the entire stock of J' itUrm of the late concern of Phillips A Wheeler. A John Arnot, of Elmira. be thinks be is better provided with patterns for Gearing. Ac., than any eou. era in this region of country. He is also provided with the choicest Machi nery and the test of Workmen, and has every facility to execute work promptly. He therefore, solicits a share of public patronage. Towanda. June , l*r,o. O. D. BARTLETT. DROWN SHEETINGS, 4-4 wide, from 1) ui to si cents per yard at j#2o. HUMPHREY'S. lAUGE STOCK of Gents, Ladies and J Children's Gaiters, Bootees and Shoes. Just re ceived at June 20. 1800. HUMPHREY'S. S. N. BRONSON Is now receiving at the Metropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL PA. \ LARGE ADDITION TO HIS STOCK OF Harvest & Haying Tools, Inn. Grind-slows, Stoves, Putter JI driers, Washing Machines, Dtg Powers, Sas/t, ; Sails, Glass, House Trimmings, Mechanic s Tools, t !j-r. TT.I XTED. WOOL. HIDES, PELTS, COPI'EU, BRITANNIA, &c. ALESSO MARIO, Portrait & Landscape Painter WARD HOUSE, TOIUAXDA. NEW GROCERY PROVISION STORE ! A I> PATCH respectfully informs the ci- j * • likens of Towanda ami vicinity, that he has reoeiv- ; d! and opened in B. Kingsbery's store, opposite Moutan- j ves'. a large and well selected stock of Groceries & Provisions, Which will be sold Cheap as the Cheapest, for j CASH OR rARX&ZR'S PRODUCE. The Goods are entirely new and fresh, and comprise the best selected stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, • s ; Fruits, Candies, Tobacco, Pork. Hams, Lhifl Bref. Fish of all kinds, Camphene, F aid, Wooden Y Stone. Ware, iS c. Etc,-brought into this market. All that is asked is a j trial of goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE '■> lie paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of a!' kinds j W innd BUTTER wanted at good prices, f'Wanda. June 11 Im6o. READ! REFLECT! REMEMBER! J A A i in addition to our former a.~sorment * ' ari ? now owning a full and general assortment ot SPUING G SUMMER GOODS, ... -""fit care to meet the wants of all. Farm er*. Mechanics (and especially) i THE LAIDIES, I j", , ,'".' n ~u!t their own interest) give u us a call purchasing elsewhere, as we are deterrmined -VOr TO BE UNDERSOLD ! I Our Stock of I fs >nrn- CROCKERY, I lin.ru,' ;iKS ' BOOTS A SHOES, A RE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, onaotTRIMMINGS, Ac. Ac.. exce.led as to quality, quantity or variety. , , " TRACY ii MOORE. J inua. June 14, 1860. ORANGES AND LEMONS, at -p. - FOX'S. r KESH AND PRUNES, at FOX'S. S ? 8ILK8,( bailies. Bareges, Thib "i*?o pe Shawls ' just received at iZf2l _ HUMPHREY'S. Lister Brass & String Band. Wm * UITTRICH, Leader. £ enerai ' that they are " P-adee, Egcur^ H A v EES,AT WHOLESALE AND Jicto SUnbrrerantfjats. JUNE 15, 1860. EECEIYING BY J. D. HUMPHREY, ( West Side of the Tublic Square.) DOMESTICS, Hosiery and Gloves, Sugar, Molasses, Fish, AND OTHER FAMILY GRQGERIEt BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Suitable for the season. Sole & Upper Leather, Calf skiu, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, &c. WHICH ARE TO BE SCI.D At Reduced Prices, FOR CASH! HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS. FARMERS,AM) ALL WHO WANT TOES &2QV ASKETS, CLOTHES FINS, SCRUB XJ and blacking brushes. Window Brushes witli long and short handles. Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Matches. Wooden Faucets aud a vaiiety of Wood ware at FOX'S MA I/.ENA -AN E W A RTIC LE M AI) E from Corn, said to be superior to Corn Starch for Puddings at FOX'S VTUTS, SARDINES AND CIGARS i.l Wholesale and retail at FUN'S. AMES' DETERSIVE SOAP—THE best Chemical soap in the United States at rora. \ J ACARONI AND VERMECILLA i-TJ_ very fine and fresh at FOX'S. piVIL ENGINEER. SURVEYOR AND \J DRAUGHTSMAN, respectfnlly announces to the cit izens of Bradford county, that he is prepared to do any work that may be entrusted to him, with accuracy and despatch. Towanda, Way 2ith, 1860. TirOOL! WOOL! WOOL !—25,000 lbs. TT WANTED!—The highest market price will be paid rt May 23, 1860. M. E. SOLOMON'S. d-Wash your Wool clean before you bring it to mar ket, on the sheep, il possible, or in tub, as one-third will be deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom in the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as above mentioned. WILSON, BARNES tft CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington at.,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful ler, Dayton A Co., and Wilson, Jackson A Merrill. D. V. BAKN'ES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEENEY, of Wyoming county, Pa. SAMUEL N. DELANO, of New York. 16mv6m FRUIT! FRUIT!! ORANGES, Lemons. Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Citron Zkiite Cnrraata. For sale, wntitralo and retail, by lo vaicia, J-it .0, 1850. S ?ATCK- Jtltscellancous. ! JUNE 1, 1860. JUST OPENED, AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! A NEW STOCK OF mum rami TN calling attention to our present stock of NEW GOODS, we do not hesitate to say, that in no village la Northern Pennsylvania or Sonrthern New York will a stock of goods be found possessing more at tractions in variety, styles, quality of goods and prices, than we are now prepared to exhibit. Having facilities for buying goods superior to others, we are able at all times to select the newest styles and most desirable goods as they appear in market ; and conducting our business strictly upon the CASH SYSTEM! we uan keep always on hand a large stock and better as sortment and can afford to sell goods at lower prices than they can be found elsewhere. We arc now receiving a large assortment of SUMMER SILKS! Plain and Figured Bareges. Crape Moretz. Elegant Barege ROBES, at half their value. Organdie Robes, Printed Organdies, Plain and Figured Lawns, Jai onett Robes, Printed Jaconeits. Pine Apple Cloths. '• Barege Anglais," the most fashionable and durable cotton and worted dress goods now worn. Besides a great variety of other styles of Dress Goods. Also the best assort ment of MOURNING GOODS, That can be found this side of New York. HOOP SKIRTS! 250 STEEL SPRING HOOP SKIRTS At a Great Reduction in Price. JL'ST RECEIVED AT The Keystone Store. A FRE6H SUPPLY OF Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Plain ft bite and Cheek Mattings, Floor Oil Cloths, from 3-4 to 2 yards wide. Druggets, M itts, Ac., Ac. These goods we are prepared to sell 20 per cent less than the same ,- an be bought elsewhere. I UST RECEIVED nt the KEYSTONE *) STORK, a lurge lot of Sl'N I MHitKLLAS and PA RASOLS, at a greet reduction from what we have hereto fore schl them. I I'ST RECEIVED nt the KEYSTONE STORE,SteIIa Shawls.all prices. Plain Tliil#t Shawls all colors, Silk Shawls. Broche Shawls, Printed Wool Shawls, Lace Shawls, Silk and Lawn Mantillas, " Zeuo biaa," Ac. Ac. 1 UST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE *J STORE. Elegant Counterpanes, different sizes. Wool and Damask Table Covers, Damasks. Bleached and Cn tUeached Linen Table Damasks, Napkins. Linen Table Spreads, Curtain Draperies. Sheetings and Pillow-case Mu.-lins, from iths to 2£ yards wide. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE STORE, Transparent Window Shades, all sizes, and Trimmings. Green and Buff Hollands, different widths. I UST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE *' STORE, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Straw- Goods, Crockery, Oils and Paints, Glass and Sash, Choice Family Groceries. Sajcus Rid Gloves ! \ I.L pizos, in colors, Black and White, of -T\- these celebrated gloves will always lie found at the KEYSTONE STORK. Nails ! Nails ! ! TAA KEGS NAILS of nSuperior Quality, e\JsJ For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the KEYSTONE STORE. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE '* ST(IRE, an elegant assortment of Embroideries. Em broidered Collars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings, Embroidered Insertings. Marsailles Collars. Mar sailles Setts, Embroidered Flouncings, Crape Collars, Crape Setts, Crape Veils, Black Love Veils. A large as sortment of Black Lace Veils. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860 ! MUSIC! MUSIcT! MUSIC!!! The Towanda Brass Band, COMPOSED OF TEX TALENTED AND EXPERI ENCED MUSICIANS, would respectfully announce to the citizens of this and adjoining counties, that they are now prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF MUSIC for any and every occasion, at reasonable rates. For en gagements, Address J. BILL MEANS. May 10, 1860. Towanda. Bradford Co. Pa. DR. JOHN MTNTOSH, will be found at his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nserted on Vulcanised Rubber—the latest improvement in dentistry. Specimen piece to he seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please pay up. JOHN MTNTOSH. Towanda. March 20, 1860. AMERICAN HOTEL, Near the Bridge, Towanda, Pa. JOHN LAUGH LIN respectfully informs the public that he has leased the new and commodi ous Hotel rocently erected near the Bridge, and having furnished it thoroughly, is now prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public as may give him a call. He will endeavor by attention t*> the wants of his guests and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of public patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Kprituous anil Malt Lsquors. Good Stabling is attached, with care ful attendance. May 23, HBO. DRESS MAKING! THE undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS MAKING in the latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the County. 49* Rooms one door below Beidleman's block, at the residence of A.J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBLE, April 16, 1860. MISS J. H. HALE. Wool Carding in Myersburg. PERSONS living on the West side of the Susquehanna river, having WOOL TO CARD can leave it at the Clothing Store of E. 8. BENEDICT, in Towanda. and it will be sent to the Factory in Myersburg, Carded and then returned to the Store without Any extra charge for cartage. Myershorg, May 11, IS6O. W. A . BENEDICT. /CULTIVATOR TEETH at \J MEBCUB'S ACZINAW TROUT—I ice Ne-v Fisb jns* rrtt.vtb i: i OX'S. acsnl. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, the 30th day ot August, A. D. 1860, at the coart house, in Tuwauda. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Ulster township,and bounded as follows : north by land of M. Ross, east by land for merly of H S Davidson, A Co. south by land of Geo I,cnox. John Ioughcrty, south by land of Jas. Finerty and land in possession of William Manger. John Dougherty and J. Young, and west by land of S. W. Randall. Chester Bennett and William Mc- Morrau. Containing 207 acres, more or less, about 120 acres improved with three framed houses, 2 framed barns. 2 boar J shanties, 3 apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 0. D. Bartlett vs. Horace Granger. THOS. M. WOODRUFF. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 8,1860, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE.—Iy virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo , issued out of the court of j common pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will f.e exposed to public sale. at the court boose, in Towan da, on FRIDAY the 7th day f September, A. D. 1860, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Suiithlield tp., Imuuded north by land of Henry (juick, east by land of John Chamber lin, south by the highway leading from Athens to Smith tield Centre, nml west by lands of T. (1. Kellogg. Con taining 23 acres, more or less, about 15 acres improved with a fqiuied house a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smitlilield tp., bounded north by the h'ghway. east by land of Robinson, south by land of Wallace Scott, and west by laLds of T. C. Kellogg. Containing I 42 acres, mare or less, about 20 acres thereof improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of linos L'a liff vs. Wallace Scott. ALSO—The following lot, piece or paicel of land sit uate in West Burlington tp., bounded north and east by land of Plynn Phelps, south by Sand of Jacob W. Myer and West by land of Abraham Steel. Containing "fifty acres, more or less, about 25 acres thereof improved. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in West Burlington tp., bounded north, east and west by lands of Plynn Phelps, and south by the public highway. Containing half an acre, more or less, all im proved with a small framed or plauk house and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. F. Lmg A Sous vs. A.J. Phelps. THOMAS M. WOWDRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 12, 1860. NOTICE TO PCRCHASERS.—To prevent misunderstand ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffs sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time the land is sold. It has become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and it will I** strictly adhered to, ex cept in cases, where the purcliaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section ol the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1846. which is as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at Orphans' Court or SlierifTs sale, shall appear froin the proper record to lie entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it shall lie the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall not he so construed as topreventthe right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive the Ixmefit of this sec tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so making said sale, a duly certified statement from the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor, entitled to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa said." ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE.—NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es state of CHARLES PERKINS, late of Smltbfield. dece'd, most make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au ted !:r cettKmeui. JOSE ?E ?I?K:N?, Ifayay 2, IfflD. Jlimmnrs;or. ' 3Ugal. REGISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is here by given, that there has been filed and settled in the oflice ot the Register of Wills, in and for the county of Bradfoid, account* of Administration upon the follow ing estates, vie: Final account of Fanny Chaffee, executrix of John Chaffee, late of Warren, deceased. Final account of James W. Brink, adminietrator of Charlotte Shepard, late of Wells, deceased. Final account of Urania Wiisoo, administratrix of Dan* iel Wilson, late of As\lum. deceased, Ihirtial account of Joseph Hornet and Salsbury Cole, executors of Frederick Fisher, late of Towanda town ship, deceased. Final account of 0.0. Besley. administrator of Isaao Beslev, late of Columbia, deceased. Flnai account of Mariaber Hill (formerly Marinher Shores) and Albert Lent, administrators of Richard Shores, late of Wysox, deceased, Final account of James \. Biles, surviving Adm'r of A. P. Biles, (ate of Wyalusing. dee'd. Final account of Levi Noble, adm'r of Geo. G. Adams, late of Ulster, deceased. And the same will be presented to ihe Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on MONDAY the Ist day of Sept. next, for confirmation and allowance. J A M KS H. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, July 2C, 18GQ. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, wiii he exposed to public sale,