SINGULAR ACCIDENT ON THE INDIANAPOLLS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD.—AN accident of u very singular character, which, although it did not result seriously, is goue the less interesting occurred Wednesday morning, on the line of the ludianapolls and Cincinnati railroad. The down express train, iu charge of Conductor HARRY HALL, took on board at Oreensburg a party of pieknickers, about 150 in number, for St. Paul, a village teu miles further west.— When the train reached that point,the pleasure party alighted and stood around on the small platform, covering it completely, waiting to see the cars move before leaving for the woods.— Just as the train started, the skeleton skirt o r one of the young ladies, who happened to be standing close to the train, caught ou a nut on the side of one of tho cars, throwing her from her feet. Very fortunately the train was mov ing quite slowly at the time, or the consequen ces might have been more serious As it was, the young lady was pretty roughly used. A stout man in the party, seeing her condition at once raised her in bis arms, and pulled with all his strength, endeavoring to tear her loose but the skirt was both strong and firmly fast ened, and not until the girl's under clothes was gulled from her body, and her dress torn to Hhreds, did he succeed. All this transpired while the train was moving a distance of tweuty or thirty feet, when the conductor saw the danger and instantly checked its motion. In deed, thg girl was not entirely released until the train had stopped. After the excitement of tho moment had passed, it was discovered that the soles of both the girl's shoes, by the resistance she had offered the train, had been completely stripped away, leaving the uppers on her feet. Strange to say, she escaped any serious injury. She was immediately encircled by a number of her female friends, who con veyed her to the village,where her wants were properly attended to. DISUNION.— The Washington Star, a Breck inridge paper, says : " Not a tithe of the disposition to break up the Union now exists in the slaveholding states that was rife there at the time of John Brown's raid ; nor does any other public man of the South, except Mr. Keitt, openly coun sel the destruction of the government if Lin coln triumphs. The position they occupy on that subject, with remarkable unanimity in deed, is that, if elected, and his government shall initiate unconstitutional and aggressive measures against the South, it will be her duty to resist them at all hazards and any cost. Or, in other words, that the South should not submit to a virtual revolution of the government of the United State-, by vn fitrnction. We have no doubt whatever that the election of Liucoln would unite the South in her own defeuce, as she has never before been united, and further, that, a? she will then be united, she can and will compel a settle ment of the slavery question upon terms con sonant with her rights and honor, in the Union. We see in the letters of Messrs. Keitt and Yancey simply a prospective settle ment of the slavery questions iu issue." 5-3?' On Tuesday night, at Portsmouth, N. H , Miss Ann Maria Martin, daughter ot Mr. Thomas Martin, died from the e (Tec's of a sin gular wound received on Saturday, when a salute was bred from the yacht Zinga. Ex-, pecting a display of fireworks from the Z nga as she was coming in, a large number of peo- j ylc had gathered ou the wharf. A salute from a 2-pound cannon was fired onboard the yacht. The wad was of waste cotton, and of course was very dense ; and although the muzzle of the gun was judged to be depressed far below the wharf, yet,being pointed toward the people, the wad struck Miss Martin,broke several steel hoops in her skirt, and one of them cut a fear ful gash across the lower portion of her body allowing the intestines to protrude. She was taken home as soon as possible, though the by standers had no idea of the nature of the ter rible injury she had received. To some who crowded her and annoyed her with questions, where she wa3 hurt, and how much,she replied in great agony : " You dont know how much Jam hurt. Take me home, that I may die with my mother.'' Bsjy- Particulars of a'riot in St. Louis on Wednesday night last have reached us in the papers of that city. Between twenty and thirty houses of ill-fame were entirely cleared out,and the furniture was burned in the streets The police were entirely taken bv surprise,and the formidable numbers of the rioters prevent ed any effective demonstration for the preven tion of the work of demolition until it had pro ceeded for upwards of an hour Some dispo sition was shown to treat with indignity the women thus driven into the streets, but it was checked. The destruction of property in furni ture aud clothing must have been immense. Stay A political excitement has for a short time past existed at a village in Virginia call* ed Occoquan,growing out of the erection thpre of a liberty-pole, on which was displayed a flag bearing the names of LINCOLN* and lIAMF.IN as candidates for President and Vice-Presi dent. The chivalrous Virginians of the sur rounding country, where political proclivities are of that intenso Pro Slavery school which forbids the allowance of an exhibition of pat riotism which does not fully accord with its own peculiar iieas regarding the " peculiar in stitution," determined that the pole should come down. On Friday last accordingly, a party of forty men entered-the village and de molished the offending article iu the presence, aud probably with the connivance, of a com pany of cavalry sent by Gov. LETCHF.R to pre vent it. The Virginians, it seems, have not yet cutirely come to their senses. ARTESIAN OIL SPRING. —We learn from the Crawford Democrat that Messrs. Williams & Co., in boriug for oil near TitHsvi-Ue, in that county, struck an oil vein at the depth of 144 feet on the 30th ult., since which it bus run spontaneously, without puinp or any other aid than the escaping gas, from twelve to fourteen barrels every twenty-tour hours. The oil comes from the well pure aud unmixed with any other substance, and is ran directly into the barrels, fit for market. JOHN HICKMAN. —This eloquent and indomi table representative of the Chester district,has announced himself in favor of Lincoln. He ad dressed an enthusiastic assemblage at West Chester in company with Col. Curtin and other on the 20b inst., and will make a Western tour during the campaign, having agreed with Frank Blair to make a visit to Saint Louis. The FenhsyLsanic-a., which ha 3 been in quandary where to go, has NJU op the BRCK i >fc.ot and lii .t tiag grabforiileporkr. K. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOAVANDA : Thursday Morning, August 2, 1860. TERMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice icill be given by a printed tvrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. CLCBBING— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol loioing extremely tow rates : 6 copies for $5 00 j 15 copies for. . . $l2 00 10 copies Jor 800j 20 copies f0r. ... 15 00 ADVERTISEMENTS — For a square of ten lines or less. One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-IYORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with even/ facility for doing Rooks Blanks, Hand-bills, Bait tickets, Src. • FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, of Illinois. FOR VICE FRBIDENT, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, of Maine. | FOR GOVERNOR, AND'W G. CURTIN, of Centre Co. j THE OBJECT OF THE DISUNIONI3TS. The Southern Secessionists are conductins the contest for the purpose of securing the election of Lane. They know that Rreckiu ndge has no chance, but use his name to give their cause a more respectable appearance.— Lane is the man they want. In their hands lie would be a supple as w ell as an unscrupu- I lons tool, and they know it. This desire on their part bhould be a powerful inducement to. to every conservative and patriotic citizen in the country to give his hearty support to the ; nominees of the Chicago Convention—Lincoln and Ilamlin—who are the only candidates that have a chance for au election by the people.— A month's contest in Congress would endanger our institutions more than years of opposition from the disunknists of the South, and if that contest should terminate iu the elevation of Lane to the head of the government, no lan guage can describe the dangers which will menace the country. Lane is a demagogue, and does not possess a single qualification for so responsible a position. He is an illiterate demagogue, too, without any proper standard of morality, and is emphatically a representa tive of bar-room politicians and political trick sters. Under his administration the country would not only lose the respect and confidence of our own citizens, bat it would become a by word and a reproach among ail civilized nations. His policy would be destructive of our Lest in terests—it would open our ports to slave-trad ers, who would pursue their business in defiance of public sentiment and the enactments of Con cress—it would plunge the country intoaggves sive wars with neighboring States—and it would inaugurate an era of corruption and ven aiity hitherto unknown in o~r political history. Under the rule of this political profligate, the union of the States, now justly regarded as sacred by every patriotic heart, would soon become the source of oppression and wrong as hard to endure as the veriest despotism on the taee of the earth. With such a possible calamity threatening the future of the country it would be criminal to throw away votes in favor of insignificant organizations, which possess no other power than that of doing mischief. The conflict which wc are now entering is a contest for the Union in its original integrity against traitors who whould undermine and destroy it. If Lincoln is not elected to the Presidency bv the people, Lane will be virtually placed iu that office by the disunion majority in the United States Senate. This is the direct issue, and before it the petty contentions of candidates and factions sink into insignificance. If Bell, Douglas or Breckinridge should carry every State their partizans claim for them, it is morally certain that neither of them can be elected to the Pre sidency. Lincolu is the only candidate in the field who has a chance for election by the peo ple, and fortunately for the country his stan dard of political action is as elevated as his rule of personal action. lie has never entered into the demoralizing schemes of corrupt politicians but has ever stood before his country a giant in political honor and a pattern in moral recti tude. If we siuccrcly desire peace for the country in the future—if wo really are in earnest in our deprecation of sectional agitation and excitement—our only course is to so direct our efforts as to eud the contest in November and thus prevent its transference to the halls of Congress. ANISM AT WASHIXGTON —The spe cial correspondent of the N. Y. Times writing from Washington, savs : " A large number of Southern people travelling northward are now this city, and thev express universal as tonishment at the strength of Republican sen timent in the Capital, and its toleration in a Southern city. They are fraakly informed i that there is some doubt abont its being a Southern city any longer ; that Republicans claim their intention to simply convert it into a free national city. There is no doubt that a rapid revolution is taking place in the sen timents of the population of Washington, as it becomes better acquainted with Republi canism." GOOD FOR DOUGLAS. —The Scranton Repub lican says :—We learn that our well known townsman, Col. SANDERSON, had an interview with Judge DOUGLAS, in New York, in the course of which the "Little Giant" said, "Tell my friends in Lnzerne that it is my wish that they shall make no onion with the "seces sionists." To the same purport was a letter to a friend of his in Fbcenixvillo, as we learn from the PhocnirvMle Gm r diax THE SYRIAN* SLAUGHTER. —The whole civiliz ed world will rejoice to learn that Frauce and England,deeming the claims of humanity grea ter than the obligations of a traditional policy have resolved to interfere for the protection of the Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire. It is hoped* that this interference will be no mere pretence, and that the atrocities so re cently committed in Asiatic Turkey will not only be checked, but that some substantial guarantee against future outbreaks will be se cured. Very little seems to be known, says the N. Y. Times, of the Druses, the perpetrators of these dreadful outrages, except that they are the most numerous and powerful of the an cient race that inhabit the niountuiuous re gions of Syria, where the feeble sway of the Sultan is scarcely felt or recognized. For some cause that is not clearly ascertained, the Druses have for a long time entertained the most bitter hostility towards Christians of all denominations ; and it is but too clearly prov en that their fanaticism and natural ferocity of disposition have been used by the Turkish au thorities to bring about the extermination of Christianity in the Turkish Empire. All ac counts agree in stating that the Turkish author ities have openly openly aided and abetted these massacres. At Sidon, Eheir-el Kamar and at Rusheiya, the Turkish commander had sufficient troops in readiness to defeat the Druses had he so wished ; and at Hasbeiya, when he saw that the Christians might gain the day,he treacherously induced them to give up their arms, and then assented to the ap palling massacre that eusued. This is a specimen of the government of that Empire which, several years ago, France and England interfered, at an immense sacrifice of men and money, to save from annihilation.— The wholesale slaughter of Christians in Asi atic Turkey is a bitterly instructive moral to the Crimean war. One of the settled objects of that war was to secure Syria to the Sul tan ; We hope the parties to it are satisfied with the result. Tie simple fact is, the Turkish Empire is an unmitigated nuisance,and ought to be suppres sed. It is as thoroughly barbarous and savage in its policy and its instincts, as the most de praved band of heathen in the remotest islands of the sea. It has no business in the heart of Christian Europe ; and if Russia shall ever again undertake the needful ta-k of sweeping the whole dynasty, and bringing the territory it defiles under more civilized authority, we trust she will be aided by the Western Powers which have resisted her attempts hitherto. In deed, we should be very glad to see them un dertake the job on their own account. NEW JERSEY Pontics.—The first important movement of this campaign, involving tho se lection of an electoral ticket was made on Wednesday at Trenton, where the anti-Repub licans of every name gathered in separate or joint Conventions. It was a very carnival of fusion and confusion. Three electoral tickets were nominated. One Convention called by the Democratic State Committee, consisted of 420 supporters of Breckinridge and 120 sup porters of Douglas. This body nominated a fusion ticket, consisting of three Breckinridge men, three Bell men, and one so-called Doug las man ;if the vote of the State will elect any one of the three candidates than all these electors are to go for him ; if not, they are to vote as tlicy please, provided that in no event arc they to vote for Liucolu. Next the Bell and Everett Convention, which nominated a full ticket, including the three Bell men on the fusion ticket, and giving the State Committee power to fill vacancies. Finally, there was a Straight Douglas Convention, called by the New Jersey members of the Democratic Na tional Committee. Here a full Douglas ticket was nominated, not including the so-called Douglas man on the fusion ticket. DOUGLAS STATE CONVENTION'.— In pursuance of a call signed by a portion of the State Committee, tv Democratic mass convention as sembled at Harrisburg, on the 26th ult.— Bradford County was represented by C. L. WARD and J. F. MEANS, Esqr's. The Convention was presided over by 11. B. WRIGHT, and its proceedings were character ized by a determined opposition to anything like fusion with the "secessionists." An ad dress to the people of Pennsylvania was rend, and resolutions passed repudiating the action of the State Central Committee in recommend ing a Union Electoral ticket, declaring DOUG LAS and JOHNSON the regular nominees of the party, and providing for an electorul ticket pledged to them. UNORGANIZED TERRITORIES. —The South bus entered iuto a regular crusade against any tuorc free States or Territories. The Senate, under the control of the South, refused to ad mit Kansus because it is a free State. But besides Kansas, we have four Territories,which the South has persistently refused to have or ganized as such These four are : "Dakotah ; Idaho, or Pike's Peak ; Arizona ; Washoe, or Carson Yalley. The refusal to organize these Territories, in which the inhabitants are griev ously suffering from want of a legal govern ment is because they are likely to come in as free States, and thus the balance of the power which the South now holds in the nation be destroyed. There is nothing that so fully de monstrates the existence of the irrepressible conflict between freedom and slavery than this refusal of the South to concede common justice to the North. The South knows that when this justice is conceded, her political power iD the confederacy is lost, and that freedom will then be the rnle and slavery the exception in these United States. LOCAL AND GENERAL. #ST REPUBLICAN COUNTY" CON VENTION 'The Republican County Committee having met at Towamla, oil the 2Sth ult., it was resolved to call a Republican County Convention, to l>e composed of two delegate!" from each election district. to be held in the Court House, at Towamla boro" on MONDAY' evening. September 3, 18G0. And it was further Resolved, That the delegates from the districts afore said, assemble at Mercur's Hall, in said Borough, at 3 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of perfecting an organiza tion of said Convention, and a list of the delegates, then to adjourn to the Court House in the evening, to put in nomination a ticket. They have also appointed a Vigilance Committee in each election district, wh'we duty it shall he to call pri mary meetings of the Republican electors in each election district for the purpose of electing delegates to said County Convention. The Committees of Vigilance are requested to confer together and call the primary meet ings on SATURDAY the Ist day of September next be tween the hours of 4 and 7. p. m., at the usual place of holdiug such elections, or at some other convenieut place to be designated by them. JAMES H. WEBB, URIAH TERRY. C. F. NICHOLS, EDWARD CRANDALL, LORENZO ORINNELL, A. (i. BROWN. U.S. SALS BURY, J. B. INGHAM. July 28,1860. JOHN GRIFFIN, Armenia—James Mason, Nathan Sherman, Choral Wehler. Allien* tvp —George Birchard, G. N. Walker, John F. Ovenshirc. Athens brn-o. -J. N, Evans, 11. A. Phelps, D. F. Park. Albany— J. P. Lewis. J. Van loon, Daniel Kellogg. Asylum— Charles Kellum, Richard E. Giihe.t, Daniel liollon. Burlington— Harrison Dodd, Roswell Luther, Reuben C. Haight. Burlington west—P. B- Pratt, Win. A'dvray, E. Loom is. boro. —F. Whitehead, A. Morley, M. Long. Canton —Lewis Wheat, J. A. Rogers. C. G. Mauley. Columbia —Justus Watkins, P. P. Peckkam. Alden Keyes. Franklin— George Beardsiey, Nelson Gill>ert, Jehial Greeu. Granville —Sylvester Taylor, Wm. Bnnyon, A. Barnes. tterrick —A. R. Brown, C. A. Squires, J. J. Anderson. Leßoy R. I{. Palmer. J. J. Vaulieet, Bradford McKee. I.ilchjntld--David McKinney, Cyrus Bloodgood, Milo Merrill. Monroe twp J. W. Irvine, Charles Wells,Sara'l Cole. " boro —-Lyman Blackman, Joseph Hornet, George P. Tracy. Ottctll —lsaac Lyon, Zebulon Frisbie, Robert McKee. Ovrrlon —Orlando Heverly, Daniel Heverly, jr., James Molyneux. Pike —J. H. Marsh, D. M. Bailey, M. H. Codding. Rome —Preceptor Forbes, J. A. Moody. Orson Rickey. Rnlgbery —William Steveus, Isaac Baldwin, James Hammond. Springfield—Joel Adams, Theodore Wilder, Chester Ilarkness. Smithfield— John W. Phelps, Israel Phillips, T. A. Se ward. South Creek—A II Thompson, Joseph Dunham, Philo Fassett, jr. Sheshequin— John Randall, George Smith, William J. I,ent. Standing Stone— E L Gregg, George A. Stevens, Geo. Vanuess, jr. Sylvan a boro.— E.G. Tracy, L. E. Shattock, Orrin Furman. Terry- Jonathan Buttles, Shnbel Bowman. J F Dodge. Trou tp.—\. T Lnomis. L P Williams, U C Potter. " boro —William Barto, Henry S. Leonard, William Morgan. Totranrla hrp. —J. M. Swartwood, G. F. Mason, B. F. Bowman, TowanJa North—J. O. Frost, William A. Shiyter, F. Watts. 7 'owanda 6oro.—E. Overton, jr., Charles Passage, S. W. Alvord. Tusrarora— Hiram Taylor, A. J. Silvara, Henry 11. Aekley. Ulster —George W N-chols, Guv Tracy, Amos Pettis. ll'mdham— Benjamin Kuykendall, Hiram Sherry, C Washburn. ll'arren- Nathan Young. jr.. Miles Prince,P Davies. H'yalusing —Almon Fuller, John V Biles, George W Jackson. If ells— Horace Dunning. .1 Shepard, f. W Knapf- Il'ysor —l) P Wood burn. U C Snores. Elliott YVliitncy. H'i'mot I) II Corbin, M M Moody, .1 W Ingham. The Republican Clubs of North To wandw ar.l Burlington Md a meeting at the Mount Pleasant School House, in Burlington. Saturday even ing,.lnly 21, which was addressed by Col. H SMITH, (i. I). MOXTANTE, K- GCVKR and HARRISON Bonn. The at tendance TO large, the speakers unusually eloquent, and much enthusiasm was manifested. MR. ItEronrTEß :—The Herald tells us that the meteor, observed a few nights ago, rnoted in a " par allel line ''—parallel with what? is respectfully asked. We are told also that it '• kept a direct route as if moved by au inexnaustible motive power.'' Stiunge fel low, this, to move in a parallel line with nothing, and by a motire power too ! When he comes again,' may Ibe there to tec He's a phenomenon, indeed. WAVRRLY. THE GREAT METEOR ON FRIDAY NIGHT The meteor of Friday night was seen everywhere through - out this State and throughout N'ew England. New Jer sey and New York. It is in fact chronicled in nearly every exchange paper that has reached us eitice. It was certainly visible over a track a thousand miles in length ar.d five hundred in width, and perhaps over a still larger one. Its size and distance cannot be computed with' any accuracy until we know the most distant points at which it was visible. As it was in full view at Boston and Newport, it must have also been seen from the Ocean. We shall have to await the arrival of vessels from sea be fore knowing how far East it was visible. How far West, South and N >rth it could be seen, we shall soon learn from the mails. All sorts of wild statements arc put forth, one authority asserting that it was two hun dred feet high, another thirty or forty miles, another several thousand miles. When the extreme points at which it was observed are known, its height and size can be computed. The exact height of the meteor may not, at fir-:t thought, seera important, yet in reality it involves the whole theory as to the nature of these phe nomena. The commonly received scientific opinion is that they are solid bodies moving in space, which take fire on coming in contact with the Earth's atmosphere, and are either consumed or else extinguished by pass ing out of it. But this theory requires that all meteors shall be within fifty miles of the earth, since the atmos phere extends no higher. If meteors are proved lobe more than fifty miles high, some other theory must be devised to account for thera. The present case, there fore, affords an excellent opportunity to test this ques tion. All the descriptions concnr as to the appearance of the meteor, which seems to have presented precisely the same aspect wherever seen. There is a discrepan cy, however, as to its final disappearance, some avow ing it to have been silent, others that it was accom panied by an explosion. This point is worthy of care ful examination. The precise time of its observation at its different points, if compared, may throw some light on its distance and speed. Scientific men will do well to make the most of this Meteor, as one of such magni tude and affording such facilities for investigation, hard ly occurs twice in a lifetime. flgy The Owego Times gives some further account of the destruction caused by the hail storm of the 16th ult., in the towns of Candor and Newark. That paper says : "On Monday of this week we were shown at our of fice by Orrin Truman, Esq., of Owego, who visited the neighborhood, a few branches from Apple and Hickory trees, gathered from the farm of Isaac Van Scoy, of Fairfield in the town of Candor. The bark is almost en tirely stripped off the branches. Not a leaf left, and the bark on the body of the tree so ponnded that tire ap ple trees are already all dead. Even the Hickory branches arc utterly bruised and stripped. The Hay crop of Mr. Van Scoy is totally destroyed. Of 100 tons which he expected to cut, he cannot gather five, and when the hay has suffered to snch an extent what can be expected of wheat, oats, rye, etc. The crops of Volney Vorhis, Alfred Dennis, Abr&m Newman, Ebenezer Lake, and many others whose names we have not learned arc, almost, if not entirely, quite as completely destroyed. One hail stone was fonnd embedded among other hail, which lay for a time, about 8 or 10 inches deep, which weighed one pound and a qnarter. This mars of ice was weighed in the presence of James Newman the day after the storm. The gashes cut by the masßcs ef ice in the fcac'td of the cattle, are five inches long from which the blood flowed profusely. The cattle rushed through the fences, and the horses fled in terror over every impediment— and some of them were found in distant lots, with backs all bloody and bruised from the effects of the lumps of ice. The cows, from the injuries they received from the hail, and from the lack of feed, have almost ceased to give milk. It is remarkable bow completely the hail has killed every green thing it fell or lay upon. The scenery round the neighborhood above mentioned is desolate and dreary. The loss to the farmers far exceeds their tirst estimates." BUT* Shipments of Cuul from Towanda by the Barclay It. R. & Coal Company. Navigation opened May 7th, IS6O. Shipments tor the week ending July 21,.. 1190 tons. Previous Shipments 13232 " Amount for the season 14423 " Amount for same period last year 12616 " Increase fioir- We are requested to state that a meet ing of the citizens of Towanda and vicinity will be held at the Court House on Saturday evening next, to con aider the propriety of improving and extending the Cemetery. It is hoped that a measure of so much im portance will excite the interest of our citizens gener ally. S®* On the morning of the 24th ult., be tween the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, a barn belonging to Hon. SAMCBI. MISIER. of Big Flatts, was consumed by fire. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary Loss about Jl,OOO. No insurance. A man by the name of JOSEPH C. ISKEWKK was arrested and bound over to Court on suspicion of being the iuccndiary. PROF. M. P. G ADDIS, of Cincinnati, will lecture before the S>ns of Temperance at the Court House, iu this borough, on Friday and Saturday even ings next. ANOTHER IMPORTED POSTMASTER.—U. E. FERGUSON has been appointed Posttnister at Towanda rice G. A. Cu VSE. The Ulster Brass Band, under the leadership of \V. DITTKICH, visited this place on Satur day afternoon, and treated our citizens to some of their best tunes. STRUCK Y LIGHTNING —During the storm on Thursday last, the house of 1). it. BAILEY, iu Le- Raysville, was struck by lightning, the electric fluid having been attracted by the lightning rod, the point of which vu melted, a portion being carried by the rod into the ground, while it seemed as if the rod was not sufficient to carry off the electricity, the house being considerably damaged, the floors torn up, plastering knocked off, and in the cellar timbers, etc., knocked loose. Fortunately, no person was seriously injured. Dunn** the same storm the barn of Maj. S. BRADLEY, in llusli township, was struck by lightning and complete ly destroyed, with its contents of newly harvested grain, etc. STATE KI.KCTIOXS. —The following States hold elections in August : Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Texas, on the Ist Mon day, less than two weeks hence. Tennessee, oti the Ist Thursday, and North Carolina on the 2d Thursday, The ball will soon open, and we can then fonn some opinion as to the strength t'l Douglas, South. THE MISSOURI EI.ECTIOX. —The result cf the coming contest in Missouri, to take place on on the 6th of August, veil! show—first the re lative Southern Strength of Douglas and Breckinridge, and next, the strength of Lin coln in the Southern and border States. In M issonri there are four candidates for Gover nor, and it is not impossible that the Douglas man may eotflc in ftrst and the Republican second—the St. Louis Republican advocating Douglas & the St. Louis Democrat supporting Lincoln ticket. The result in Missouri must larg< ly influence the future Southern elections as between Douglas and Lheckinridge. Bigf The exhibition of the Great Easltrn'w New York came to a close on Saturday.— During tlie time she has been there the number of her visitors could not be less, and has pos sibly exceeded, 200,000. Friday, in the view of several thousands, she hauled into the stream, as easily and gracefully as a swan floats upon the water. Monday she left for Cape May, and after her return, on Thursday she will start, at quite a moderate rare of fare, for Old Point Comfort, Annapolis Roads and Baltimore. She will return to New York on the 6th August, but what will be done with her until she takes her departure for Europe on the 16th is not yet fully decided. It is thought she may take au Eastern trip to Boston and Portland. THF. CASE OF ELMS l> SCHNABEI. —On Fri day of last week in Washington city, the Ad ministration endeavored to force the trial of Mr. Schnabei for beatinp Gen. Bowman, but did not succeed. The defendant obtained a postponement of the trial until December nest, owinp to the absence of important witnesses The unquestioned object of the administration was to get Mr. Schnabei into jail, by an immediate trial, in order too keep him out of the Presidential canvass. Mr. Bradley the counsel of Mr. Schnabei so stated, substantial ly, in court. &&*• An iratncuse and enthasiastic mass convintion of Republicans was held at West Chester, on Friday, and was addressed by Messrs. CURTIS, HICKMAN and CAMPBELL. 111 the evening there was a brilliant torchlight procession with fire works by the Wide Awakes of West Chester, Philadelphia, and neighbor ing towns. Speeches were made by Messrs. CASEY, MCVEIGH, RITCHIE, COFFEY, and CHEESEMAN, of California. It was the best demonstration ever witnessed in that county. ILLINOIS POLITICS.—FRANCIS A. HOFFMAN, who was nominated by the last Republican State Convention for Lieut. Governor, and who published his intention tp withdraw, has, it is understood, in accordance with the reso lutions passed at two Congressional Conven tions, concluded to withdraw his resignation, and consented to rim as the candidate for that office Bvr By the arrirtl of the Pony Express,. St. Josephs, we have advices from Califon/ to the Ith inst. On the day previous to the leaving of the Express, Judge TERRY HA been acquitted of killing Senator BRODERI, in a duel, by a jury in Marion County, Qadt . circumstances which left no doubt of colJusio' Financial affairs in San Francisco had beg to wear a better look, the partial panic res U ' t ! ing from the late failures having pretty worn off. There is considerable miscellaueo-i intelligence of iuterest by this arrival. Advices from New Mexico to the 9th Q ] t have been received. In the vicinity of San: 4 Fe there had been copious rains, which had vastly improved the prospects of the harvest., hut this side of Fort Union the drouth sii, continued, and the water courses were verv low. The fires in the mountains surrouudinj. Santa Fe had done an immense amount of damage, and caused the loss of several |iv tj Provisions of all kinds were scarce. No further Indian troubles are reported. The news frr JQ the Arizona gold mines is not encouraging the scarcity of water being a great draw ban to their being successfully worked. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE.— By th arrival of the steamship City of Washington off Cape Race, Friday morning, we are pu; in possession of advices from Europe four daw later than those previously received. The new< is unimportant. The British Govern ment was reported to have received informs ! tion that a fearful massacre of Christians had taken place at Damascus, in which fire hun dred of thrm had been killed, including | the Dutch Consul. Tue American Consul was also reported to have been wounded. Full particulars hail not come to hand. From NY pies, we learn that notwithstanding the late steps towards concession taken bv the King, 1 the people refused to be sntisfied. The citr was in a highly excited state. Patrols were | constantly traversing the streets, nhd evm otic was full of apprehension. A dispatch via Turin, dated the 17th, asserts that a con flict had taken place between' the troops and the people, in which several persons were kill ed. The King had dismissed bis Ministry, and formed a new Cabinet. We have nothing further relative to the movements of Garibal di. i®-The Bangor (Me.) Whig states that ; the company engaged in taking out goods from the wrecked steamer Hungarian obtain from £.",00 to $OOO worth'per day. The wreck is full of bodies, some of which'can be seen at low water, and the sight is represented as ex tremely distressing. At the re-ider.-c of the bride'.-, father, near Burlington, Kansas, ori'tbe evening ot the 4th ult.. l,v Ker. IVtrr Kernel -Judge HL'RTU( KY . formerly of Towanda, to Miwt LUCY YlXCfc, of Burlington. July ?•">. by Charles Holland. Esq., GEORGE \V. \p, ; NIHIT to Miss I! A'RRIKT WOOD, all of Asylum. IV DIED. At the residence or My. H'. M. Mrrr, in Blnshaniton, nr. Snud.iy morning. July Miss GEORGIAN A M I'A'lTioßsON, ot New ('beans, iu the Ibth year of her age. St'd -m amid all the raribfis trials and afflictions of life is there occasion to record one more painful than is an nounced in the above few lines, —painful to thoe afflicted ones whbie intimate iuterc .urs-e of a hippy family circle is broken up, the companion-hip of a dear member lost forever *>n earth,—pailful to the large circle of acquain tances and'friends who were won so highly t > appre ' ciatc the many fine qualities of mind'and heart whi h characterized her who thus eatly is called', addihg an other link to the chain which draws our affections from this World, hoping for a more perfect anion where the . bitter feeling or separation shall be known no more for ever. She ha-, gone before in the morning of life, wh all was hopeful—yet neither fearing of dreading death, ! her only sorrow or anxiety being for those left behind, I lest they might mour.i her t>t> deeply. Calmly. pea fully and trustingly she driftel oat upon that unknown sea that rolls around all the world. For her we imura not—too fair for earth she was"called to heaven. Although in a strange land -lie nai not among strati j crers. Seldom if ever has more sincere sorrow or deep i felt sympathy pervaded our village. Her merSOry will : ever be preserved among us, and may we not hope, her character imitated. BRIDGE LETTING—SeaIed proposal* will be received nc;ic generally that he has commenced the TAILORING b lsme-s, n this place. Shop over Messrs. Montanye A 1 Co., store where he will make to order all the various kinds of gents garments in all the latest approved fash ions, and warrant them to St. CLTTINU done on shot* notice. A share of public patronage respectfully solicit ed. Aug 1, 1860. EXECUTOR'S N OTlCE—Notice is here in bv given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ofJABEZ TOMKIXS, late ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will"present them duly authenticated for settlement. r BENJAMIN FORBES. NATHAN BAXTER. ; July 30, 1860. Executors. WAKEMAN S CORNET BAND, I.ACEYVII.LE, PA. BENJ. E. WAKEMAN, Leader, and comprising a nam ber of good musicians, announce to the public that they ere prepared to furnish music for Parades, Excur sions. Balls, Ac., on reasonable terms. Address. Laceyyille,July 17,18C0. BENJ. E. WAKEMAN'^ STRATTON'S YEAST COM POUND - No excuse for having poor Bread, nor for borrowing A'east, when you can buy a first rate article, and enough for one cent for a large baking at jy26 FOX'S. HAMBURG CHEESE.—TBE INERT AMI most desirable Cheese in market, for sale at . FOX'S. /^AUTlON. —Whereas my wife POLIA vJ has left my bed and board without any just cansr this is therefore to forbid all per-ons harboring or trust ing her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her cot trading after this date. JOSHUA BAYLY, Jr- North Towanda. July 5. 1860. Yf YER'S MILL at Cieek is doing JLTI all the work that is brought to it promptly. hu |[ b the Steam Power in successful operation, we can ass# all who choose to give us their patronage, that they r rely upon having their work well done, and with disp* Try us MYEK. FROST A Co. XowaatU July 19, ISfiO