jttfsccllaneous. Spring and Summer Clothing, AT SOLOMON'S Clothing 1 Emporium, No. 2, Patluris Block. I HAVE just returned from the Eastern and western markets with the largest stork of SPRING A SUMMER CLOTHING ever brought to Towanda, of the latest and most fashionable styles, which I am prepared to offer at prices lower than any other Clothing Store in Northern Pennsylvania. Every care has becu taken in selecting my stock, and the carelul purchaser will lindou examining that they are made and got up equal to cus tom goods. I invite the public, my old customers, and as many new ones as wish to faVor nte with a cail, to ex amine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Additions will be made to nry stock almost monthly during the spring and summer season, so as to keep my reputation of having the best stock in Northern Pennsylvania. I respectfully call your attention to the following list of Goods : Coats —Fine French Black Frock Coats ; Medium do ; Cotton warp do ; Fancy eastimere itud doeskin Business do ; Black Cassimcre do ; Fancy Sattinet, Tweed and Kentucky Jean do ; Linen do. of all qualities aud gradaa. Punts —Fine black doeskin Pants ; Fine black cass.do; Fancy case, do ; Black uuion caa*. do ; Cotfouade do ; Linen, Mai-sallies, Ac., do. Vests —Fancy Velvet Vests ; Plush do ; Silk mixed do; Cassimerc do ;* Marsallies do ; Liuen do ; Farmer's satin do ; Black and Fancy Silk do. A good stock of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, and BOY'S CLOTHING, of all qualities. Remember to call at M. E. SOLOMON'S. ha' A good assortment of SOLE and UPPER LEATH ER, Kip skius, French and domestic Calf skftis, Morocco, Lining skins, ic., will always be kept on hand and sold at the lowest prices. Cash paid for Grain, Hides aud Pelts. Towanda, May 23, HW, WE STUDY TO PLEASE. rTHE EXCITEMENT which has beencans- JL ed by the selling of GOODS so cheap at the NEW CLOTHING & FURNISHING STORE OF !E. S. BENEDICT, wem* fc be stiil greater this spring, on the arrival of the Largest and Cheapest stock n! MEN'S A BOY ING, of every style and grade- ever ofii-red In this mar ket ; together with a line >t"ck of fT ATS. CAPS, UM BRELLAS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS, Ac. Feeling under many obligations for your patronage for the last few mouths, I beg leave to eallyour attention this spring to my stock of Goods.and only ark you to call and examine and judge lor yourselves. You w ill tind a good assortment of MEN'S BLACK COAfS, MEN'S BLACK FROCK COATS, MEN'S FANCY" CASSI.MERE COATS, MEN'S LATEST STYLE OF RAGLANS, MEN'S LIGHT CLOTHS FOR SUMMER WEAR. MEN'S SILK MIXED COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, CLOTHING MADE 70 ORDER. TRIMMINGS SOLI) AT WHOLESALE Ok RETAIL. HKEBK'S BEST BLACK SILK HAT. HATS AND CAPS OF THE LATEST STYLE. LINEN SHIRTS, COLLARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, CRAVATS, STOCKS, Ac. Ac. WTliosc wanting ' LOWING, pica&e give us a call, and we will endeavor to please you. Towanda, April 17, 1889. New Arrival of Clothing! CALL BEFORE YOU BUY ! s. 3s. coi,Liars IS now receiving the lurge.st stock of Spring and Summer CLOTHING,ever offered in (Irismarket, which he is .-.riling at astonishing low prices. Every one knows that COLLINS' is the place to buy good Goods and cheap Goods. His stock is larger this spring than ever and bound to set! at 30tne price. In addition be has a large stock of Cloths and "Cassiraerrs which be is ready, at any time, to make np on short notice, and all work done in th;, line is done in his own establishment, and warranted in every way or no sale.. Tic has one of the best workmen in tie country to oversee the laboring business, and warrants a good fit, ever} time, or no vale . Hh tterck consists ri MEN'S BLACK DRESS COATS, MEN'S FANCY CASSIMERE COATS, MEN'S SILK MIXED ''OA?*. MEN'S BLACK CASSIMERE PANTS, MEN'S FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, MEN'S BLACK A FANCY SILK VESTS, MEN'S LINEN RAGLANS, ALL KINDS. MEN'S SPANISH LINEN COATS. JfEX'S LINEN PANTS. ALL KINDS. MEM'S LINEN A MARSAII.LES VESTS. SOY'S CLOTHING OF EVERY' SORT CHE \P, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, MfIRT COLLARS, CRAVATS A SUSPENDERS, MEN'S TWEEDS CLOTH A ALPACA DUSTERS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, NESTINGS A TRIMMINGS, A3* Cerriso done, usual, and warrrauted. April 27, 1860. J. M. COLLINS. mm ©Zim® r T"HIE under.-igned have opened an office in the building I. owned bv Burton Kingsbury, tor the transaction ot it GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. They will receive money on deposit, and allow Interest on the same, according to" the length of time i! remains in their hands. They will also receive money on deposit, payable on the depositor'*chc-k, on demand. They will fnrnisb drafts on the Fart, in sums fo suit purchaser*, at the current rates of Exchange. They will collect notes and drafts payable at any place in fhe Union accessible to a Bank or Banker. Persons desiriug to remit money to their friends in the Hid Country can be furnished with drafts to any amount from £1 sterling, upwards. From their long experience, and the facilities which h-y possess, they hope to receive a share of the business appertaining to such art Office. They refer by permission to the following : The American Exchange Bank, Arte Fori- ; Messrs. E. W. Clark A Co,. > . ~ •• C. Emory & Co., j John Arnot, Plmira. G. M. Hollenback, Esq., ),, ~ „ Hon. J. N. Conyngham, f " ,!k " narrf - Messrs. J. M'Connick, ) •' 11. .1. Ross, . Karritburg, " AVilliam Buehler, J B. S. RUSSELL A CO. Towanda. April 17. 1860. Carriage Manufactory at Alba. .JiqgW, REYNOLDS, FELLOWS & oftSw* CO., respectfully inform the people of Aiii ig — Western Bradfoid and tlie p-blic general ly, that their operations have not been in the least dis turbed by the tire, aud they are a usual prosecutiug their business in all its branches. Tiicy ate manufacturing to order, and will keep on hand, Carriages, Sleighs, Buggies, Skeletons, Lum ber and Democrat Wagons, & c., made of the very best materials, and in the most substan tial and workmanlike manner. They use nothing but the best of stock, their timber being mostly from the Fast, and everything being selected with reference to its durability. As an evidence of the value of their work they point to the fact, that they received the first premium at the last Bradford County Fair, and at a previous Fair the first premium for Cutters. BLACKSMITHING done in all Its branches, and par ticular attention paid to Custom Work. Alba. April f, 1860. BLACKSMITHING. A DAM ESSEX WINE respectfully informs P\. the public that he may still be found at the old stand where he ha* worked tor so nianv years,and where he is now doing all kinds of BLACKSMITHING, in the same workman like manner which has distinguished him for years past. The public is requested to give him a trial as by re newed exertious to please and strict attention to busi ness ite is determined to merit a share of public patron age. HORSE-SIIOEING done in the best manner, and at the lowest prices. PRODUCE of ali kinds will be taken in the payment for wrok, but a edit positively declined. Call at the old shop of ADAM ESSEN WINE, east side of Main street opposite BurHett's Fouudrv. Towanda, May 16, iB6O. VJ H AWLS —IV only place to buy Shawls KD •■heap is at * MERCUR'S. ittfsccllaiuous. fNEW ATTRACTIONS ! At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery, TOWANDA, PA. Y'ou can procure, at low prices, PH3I©fO!BMPH§, Of all sizes, up to life size, either plain or re touched, colored iu oil or pastille. 1 Also. MEL AIN OT Y'PES and AM B ROT Y'PES. and a! i most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases for i 50 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. t Melainotypes made iu all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10. ls;<;. ' i /s / 4 jrpnis IS TUB A where you can find a very fine assortment of ; WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings np, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. lam also agent lor the sale of D. E. I.EN 1 S celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. 1 ri ces from $s to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war j ranted. WM. A. CH A M BEKt.IN. THE OLE STAND : STILL IN OPERATION! —THE subscriber would announce a to the public that he has now on I BBBWHSWyc 1 and w ill make to order all 'PW ;v~|l *"<' <• CABINET FURNITURE, IsS? f'Xjgi N-l i isuch as Sofas.Divans.Lounges.Ccn i Iffy tie, Card. Dining and Breakfast Ta -1 L bie. Mali gany, Walnut, Maple and I W"'" jCherry F.urciuis, Stands of various u B kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every ' description, which are, and will be made of tire be.-t nra j terial and workmanlike manner, aud which they will sell i for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware- I room in the country. READY-MADE f'OFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEAIhSK will tie furnished on . Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. i Towanda, January 1.1857. DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership here tofore existing between the subscribers under the j firm of CCLP A KIL'BY, is this day dissolved bv mutual ; consent. The books, notes, accounts, and other obliga ! tious aud papers belonging to said firm, arc now iu the ' hands of JERE GULP lor settlement. All account- and notes overdue on t'ne rtt day of Feb : ruary next, will be pot in course of collection without re | spec't to persons. Luti! that time Graiu,Sheep Pelts aud i Hides will be received in payment. JERRY CCLP, Towanda, August I, 1853. J. I*. KIRBY. TBEBLT CTFLP : Will hereafter carry OH the HARNESS A NT) SADDLE I BUSINESS, in all its various braliyhes. at the old stand I of Gulp Si Kirhy, where be solicits a continuance of the patronage hithertt) enjoyed. A large stock of Ready-Made articles and materials will fie kept on hand, una every • exertion made to deserve the favor of the public. McC ABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Below J. Kingsbtnf j store, Main st. , r p?n: subscriber would respectfully tender his sincere > j i. thanks to the public tor the very lileral patronage . j extended to him, aud solicits a continuance of tne game. ; He begs leave to assure that he intends to keep on band i | as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, i the best the country affords, which he iutends to tell tor | ; very Binall profits, either by the side, quarter or pound. tnr\ ip notify of first qiialitv of SALT PORK, put up i , b> myself, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound, : Meat.-, wi'i Ik- promptly delivered, at any place within the corporation. Towund.i. Auci-t !2.1-.io. J McC A BE. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda Tactory. (Nearly Opposite the Baptist Church.) The sub- Tiber* have opened the TOWAN | DA MARBLE FACTORY, where he will be 1 KWHffc i l' rr P a r< d to' fnrni-li Monuments and Tomb 1 wfjPl'itM Stones, manufactured from the Le-t qualities i £isaL 'of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and "T A* wrought into such styles and designs as will suit every variety of taste. { tfi- fy Persons wishing to make their selections can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at i this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, the artistical beauty of the work, and the promptness with which orders will 1r filled, will offer induccmcuto lo visit this u"v shop. F. H. BALDWIN. MILLS BARKER, Towanda, Jan. 1, 1860. Proprietor. IIKI EBESCtS. WAVEBt.V. I TOWANDA, fa. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Cobum, , C. 11. Shepard, Cashier, liter Julius Foster. R. G. Cratis, Merchant, jll. S Mercur, Merchant, Alpin & Doubleduy,do. iMontanvcs, Rev. O.Crane. * IT. M. Wood raff. Sheriff, j •• Wm. Fntnam, Col. A. M'Kean, I'rot'y, '• D. A. Shepard, Hon. D. Wilraet, i F. Tyler. Prcs't. Bank. ) " J. C. Adtms. chemuno. I " Wm. Elwell, I G. W*. Buck, Esq. |E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus, f wvsox. ,E. O. Goodrich,Ed.Reporter. V. E. Piollet. Esq. I t - ' New Arrival of Boots & Shoes AT ' NELSON'S. Ladles' celebrated serge Iyng GAITERS, at NELSON'S. > Ladies'serge bottomed GAITERS, at NELSON'S, t Ladies* French kid heeled SLIPPERS, at NELSON'S. Ladies' kid and morocco BOOTS, (his own 1 make and warranted not to rip) at NELSON'S. Misses' eerge Congress OAITERB, at NELSON'S. Misses' kid Congress GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Misses' French kid heeled SLIPPERS,at NELSON'S. Child's copper-tocd SHOES, at NELSON'S. Infant's SHOES, at NELSON'S. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, at. NELSON'S. Gent's Oxford TIES, at $1 03 and $1 75, at NELSON'S. Gent's thick and kip BOOTS, $2 75 A s:i, at NELSON'S. Gent's calf peg'd BOOTS, $3 50 to f 1 50, at NELSON'S. Gent's calf tewed BOOTS, $5 and $5 50, at NELSON'S They are determined not to be undersold, at NELSON'S They have engaged the services of Mr.YY'EBB, of New York city, a highly finished work man. fo make first class pegged and sewed ' f BOOTS, at NELSON'S. . Lndirs' calf SHOES and BOOTS for 88 cts., $1 00 and $1 25, at NELSON'S, r Ladies' Kid BOOTS made to order, for $1 > | 37£aud 1 G2j,at NELSON'S. Call aud leave your measure, at NELSON'S. * AH kinds of Repairing, done at NELSON'S. All kinds'of Country Produce takcu for Boots and Shoe*, at NELSON'S. t Towauda, April 16, 1860. ; WAVERLY INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCE at fair rates can be obtained of the tsub t-eriber in the following Stock Comjianic * : e .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capital, $ 1,500.000 Assets January 1, 1860, 2,194,100 Liabilities, Claims uot due 179,957 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Arte York City. Cash Capital $ 1.000,000 s Asset*, Jauuary 1, 1860 1,458.396 d Liabilities, Claims not due, 45,580 e CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capital, $ 300,000 Assets, Jauuary 1, 1860 336,071 Liabilities, Claims not due, 21,968 [! AMERICAN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, yew York City. t Cash Capital $ 200,000 Polices issued upon Farm Dweliugs, Barns, and their t contents, for a term of years wiinout requiring it premium note. Applications made to the subscriber at A i.lkn A e Banks Law Office, Waverly, will receive immediate at tention. It. A. ELMER, Waverlv, N. Y r . Feb. 22,1860. Agent. s POD FISII and Mackerel at V HUMPHREY'S, THE FRIEIvD OE WO3MCAPI. E. Clark's Revolving Looper DOUBLE THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE J The Revolving Looper in a !ats improvement on Ray mond's Latest Improved.) Warranted the best in the world for Family Use ! Price Witbiu the Reach bf Every Family. PRICE S3;. IJcmroer, Feller, Hinder &. Tucking guagc, combined, 15. THE reputation of Machine is now fully establish ed as the mo.it reliable Machine in the market for family use, and lias been attested too by thousands of the most respectable families in the Union! This Machine makes th- celebrated " Double Lock Stitch,'' tht only one made by machinery that meets all the requirements ol Family Sewing. Each stitch is tied twice, so that every one is securely fasteued and wholly independent of all the other stitches for strength, so that If the seam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew ing roust hold good while the fabric will wear. The machinery which makes this stitch Is a marvel of sim plicity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it, nor j does it require adjustment more than the mere change of | thread and noodles to adopt it to the character of the winkto be sewed—Cbarse or fine as the case may be. It will sew gauze laces, and all varieties and kinds of fab rics between and including heavy beaver cloth, without changing either needles or thread equally well, and re turn to either variety of work with perfect satisfaction, j No other Machine ever offered to the public will do as much. ■ | A perfect Sewing Machine, one making a stitch an- I Mveriug all the requirements of He family.sewing coarse i and line work equally well, was the great desideratum of 1 the home circle, previous to the invention of EDWIN | CLACK'S REVOLVING I.OOPKK. The stitch is beautiful, ; trong, and elastic, and trill nut rip in wear or ill acci ! dental breaking a thread. Every Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the j IE ley rciunded. Y.'ehavea largo list of references but will give the ; names of only a few : MONKOETON. Pa., Feb. "7, IHIJO. Mr. P. K. Sinr. Sir : I have used for the last three mouths in my Tailor-Shop, one < f " Raymond's I .atest Improved S, wing Machines,"' and I do think it the best in use lor tailoring purno.-t... and would ii'-r do without it for One Hundred Hollars ir I could not get another of 1 the kind tor less money. ANTHONY MELLON. Mrs. Win. El welt, Towanda. Pa. Mi-s Harriet Ailoway, North Towanda. Miss Minerva Vo-lmrg, (tailores.-) Burlington, Pa. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Asylum, l'a, Mrs..]. \V. Alexander. Troy, l'a. Mrs. E. P. Shaw, Sheshequ'in, Pa. Rev. X. A. DcPcw, Pciitield, N. V. Calvin Carpenter, Esq.. Elmira, .V. Y. Mr. K. A.Scott, Elmira. N. Y. Mr. M. Hichnrdson. Elmira, N. Y. Mrs, J. !i. Webb, Towanda, Pa. Mrs. .1. 11. X'evins, Towanda, l'a. Mr. (i. 11. Bunting, (tailor) Towanda, Ta. Mrs. U. W. Vincent. Sln-shequiii. l'a. Mr. A. Million, (tailor) Monroe ton, Pa. Mr. Pcrcival Powell, (tailor) SliPsliequin, Pa. : Mrs. Owen Spalding, Waveily, N. Y. I'r. G. H. Morgan, Wysox. Pa. Ail orders by mail or Express will receive prompt at tention. Fi-r.-otis not having the full amount can ha ac commodated with short credit. A liberal discount given t. • Agents. Address M arch MM. B, F. sit AW. Towaad*. Pa. /■) ~-s. // ' COMMERf FA I, COLLEGE, LOCATED OV K TIJL St'HQLKU ANN A VALLEY BANK. eiN(sk:amton, sr. zr. Rooms open for Instrv. tiou, from 3 A.M.lo9sr. M. F \ C U I, T Y , P. W. LOWELL. Peincipal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author ot Lowell's! Treatise upon B ck-Kecping, Pi", rams illustrating the ! s line, A c. JOHN RANKIN, " amor Xcc.vutant, Professor of Hook-Keeping anil Practical M.itiiematirs. A. ,L WARN Kit, Professor of Practical and Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Con capon deuce. LECTURERS. Hon. DANIEL H. DICKINSON, Lecturer on Commercial Law and Political Economy. Hon. R ANSOM B M/'OM. urer on Contracts, Prom issory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer ou Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. Hon. SHERMAN P. PHELPS, WILLIAM It. OSBEKS Esq., Tuvcv lb Moms AN, Esq. The object of this Coilege is to afford to all an oppor tunity ot obtaining a thorough B i incss. Education. The Books and forms arc carefully arranged by practi cal accountants expressly for this Institution, and em brace all the recent improvements. The course oi Instruction comprises every department of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as j applied to the follow ing kinds of business, viz :—General j Merchandizing, Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, I Steam boating, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, For- I eign Shipping, Ac, Ladies' Department eutirely separate from that of the S gentlemen. Students can enter College at any time and receive in dividual instruction. By this arrangement every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprize. and ability will permit, and when thought perfect and cotn ! petcnt, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to ! review at pleasure. j Time to complete the course, from Six to Twelve Weeks, jNo vacations. Board $2 and £2.50 per week. Assistance t rendered to Graduates in procuring situations. TERMS: For Bnok-Keeping, full accoutant'fi course, including Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations and Diploma.—(Time unlimited) $35 00 Same course for Ladies, (separate apartment) 20 00 j Penmanship and Arithmetic 10 00 1 Teacher's course in Penmanship, practical and or namental 50 00 Twelve lessons iu Practical Penmanship 2 00 Bft~ Occasional classes will be formed in Phonography. For further particularr send for a circular. Binghamtou, March 15, lfsOO.—lyll. SELECT SCHOOL For TToung Ladies. ! \FISSES CIIUBBUCK respectfully in- J.T 1. form the public that the Spring term of their school will commence on Monday, the 20th day of March in the room formerly occupied by them. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them during the past year, Misses C. assure their patrons that no pains will be spared to merit a continuance of the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. MISS FANNY 1,. UHUBBL'OK will have entire charge of Music ; and a limited number of scholars only will be taken. TERMS, PER QUARTER OP 14 WEEKS. First Class —To include the cleuientry English Branches $1 00 Second Class —To include the more advanced English branches,with Mathematics and Latin $6 00 Third Class —To include Mathematics, Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., with Latin $7 00 Music.—lnstruction ou the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw ing $3, extra. Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a ' desk and chair. Sir\ny information in reference to this School may be obtained by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox. Towanda. December 1,1850. OILS, VARNISHES, <fcc.—Lamp, Liu seed. Tanners. Neatefoot, Machinery and Coal Oils, Coach Body, Furniture, Demur end Harness Varnish and Japan, for sale at MKROVR'S. ! ittfscrUnncous. M YElt'S M ILLS. rrMIE undersigned having purchased the above wel' I known mills and uttm tied to it a Steam iwigine, and also put every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all the modern improvements now in use in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community -trusting that the rcputatiou the null has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and iu the best possible m nner. Customers front a distance may rely upon having their work done at onee, so as to make but one trip " to mill.'' Mr. FROST will continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the miR. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYER ,T. O. ER.OST E. T. EOX. NORTH Tew ANI>A, Oct. <>, i(-58. GEO. 1 r. BUNTING, r) EFPECTFUI.LY informs It's former customers and V. the public generally , that lie has removed his SAZICIi'S SHOP, To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite P. C. Ilnli's Stove and Tin Store Main st. He flatters himself that from his long experience in bu siness he will be abb-to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the low pre* .-u re in the mo ney market, lie will make Coats front $2 50 toft 50 each and other work in proportion for READY (LAY. Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, if ffered Towanda. .March 2i>. 1 s ,s. The Argus Book bindery Again in Fa!! Operation ! VY T E have the gratificath nof announcing to our frfeinLt, V customers, and the public, that we arc now pre | pared to do look: iu x i>i xo, j iu all its Branches in the latest and most approved styles, I and on the most favorable terms. Having secured, permanently, the services of Mr. H. | C. WUITKKAR. a finished workman from I'hiladeiphla, I and having added extensively to the fixtures of the con • cern—giving greater facility than formerly—we can pre i sent to the public the most positive assurance of our abil ■ ity to please our patrons. I • Customers should be particular to remember that the " Argus Bindery,'' is in tin- Argus Building, as form erly, (rir-t building north of the Ward House) and is con-. I nccted witli our Book and Stationery Store and Printing Office, wheip all work --hould be delivered. C ACTION.—Wc are compelled injustice to ourselves, and our old c tstomers. as well as to prevent an imposition upon the public generally, to caution tin in against a sort a concern, t hat falsely holds out to tin. public that it i.-i I the Argus Bindery, this fraud is practiced no doubt, I with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold j and d> liberate attempt to deceive, lliey arc hereby cau • tioncd. JCCS* Particular attention paid to re-Binding. Ail work ! guarrauted. j tH" Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment | for work. ] nit' Having inadc complete arrangements, we are | rc j pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS* to any .style or i pattern at prices as low as elsewhere, j - So wan lia,March 5. !E. PARSONS. BOOK BINDERY. ] r IMi K subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus | A building would respectfully inform the public that j he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery l . the North ! Room of the Wa:d House, formerly occupied by tile I'o-t j OBi 'e, where he is now prepared to bind aid kinds o! •i:•> ks the in '-t approve J and workmanlike manner. i Having to share my profits with no second person 1 fiat l ter myscb thai my price - will meet the satisfaction of the ! public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and (he pub lie appreciation ot my work, for the last two years, 1 aha!! endeavor in the future tu inc'.it the Continuance o! public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work w ill be warranted. Terms, Cs-h. #F"Also,a large as-ortment of STATIONERY of tin best q ditv. at tLlowest prices. Justices' aud (Jousla ble's BLANKS, of all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known lu re. JOIIAXN F. BENDER, Towanda. Jan. 11, 1 8<;o. Bookbinder and Artist. CAT7TZOIV". '• To be. or not to be— lint i. the question '. M betb<T 'tis nobler in the niiml to suffer The .-lings aud arrows of outrageous opposition. Or by taking tip anus agaiust a oca ol printing ink, And opposing, end them." ' I Gil-i proprietor of the .-Icgm lakes occasion iu adver I ti-ing hi- li udery to indulge iu an uncalled for fling I about a " sort of a concern," whi hi-hoping " t" delude the public."' A- 1 bavi opened Bindery on tny own ac- i j count, the inference is that if the public bring their i j binding to uie. they are iu no danger of being defrauded. For two years I have worked for Mr. PARSONS, and he j has takengrc.il pain- t sitisfy tin: public I was the " best Binder in America," as the columns of the .lrgas will testify. Has he been nil that time *• deluding the pub lic If I have been t ngaged in n rr.iud. he has been the principal. But I refer to my work during that time as evidence that there has been no fraud practio d. ll.i\ing -ei vej a Ion." apprentice-hip at the Bindery bu.-iuc , I have resuiu- i bu-inc-r here on my own ac count, a- 1 know of nothing which prevents mc from lol i lowing a legitimate and hawful calling tor my support.— I I shall endeavor by good work and attention to u.y busi ! lies* to give public satisfaction. I March !5. JOHANN F. BENDER. Binder. ! Snsqurbauirc (Collegiate |itslilutr, TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACI I TY : OLIVER S.PEAN. A.B. Principal. Professor of Aucicut Languages, aud Mental and Moral Sciences. \VM. 11. DEAN. A. IE. Associate Principal, Professor 1 of M ithematies and Natural Science. I-'rot. CHARLES R. C'OIIURX, County Superintendent. General Director of Korntl Department. Mrs. ANN iKELLOGG. Preceptress. Miss ANNA M. DEAN. Assistant Preceptress. Mi-s MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher f Vocal and Instrn inental Music. Mr. CANFIELD DAYTON, Stewarl. The Wintei Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER 31, aud will continue 11 weeks. TUITION , l-r.n TERM : [Payable Invariably in advance, or one-half on entering flic school, and one-hall at the middle of the term -fuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 5 00 Preparatory t> 00 j Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 ! Higher, Ist "and 2d year, per term ft fio j Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 1 Classical, 2d and 3d y ear, per term ft 00 ! Collegiate, per term. 10 00 ! N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged fl per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES : French ( 5 00 , German 8 00 I Drawing 3 00 ' Board in the Institute, per week, including tucl and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 3- The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The Anniversaty exercises w ill be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will lie made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not.as heretofore, be taught in the In-titution, but by special arrangement —a clas- will he taught in a iiall adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience lias proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued iu former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Fiano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument for practice 3 00 Pupils boarding in the Hall will furni-h their own tow els, Ac., and the table silver a- their option. It is desira ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in study arc thereby secured. Normal Department -Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. ('. It. COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, aud direct the course to lie pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Cobum'a connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere w ith the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repulatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor : thy of future patronage and support. WILLIAM k DEAN, i Prlncinal9 Aug. 9,1859. • OLIVER g. DEAN, } 1 rtnu P 9l3 - HARDWARE.— A HEW LOT JUST received at MERGER'S. ittfccllaneous. PATTON & PAYNE,; Wo. Patton's Block, Woxpanda, Pa., Have reccn ly id J Jlarg :h t > their to- kof j CI IEM K'A l.s. 1 i FAMILY GROCERIES. Tin y a!oO have constantly on hand WIIffES AffiO LIQUCHS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At (he lowest rates, and BURNING FLI'ID, of superior quality, manufactured expressly lor the gs-jet Fluid | Lamps. They also keep all the i'opular P A TEN T M EDI CINEE. of the day. Every article going from this store is war ranted ii represented, and if any prove difbrent, they will he cheerfully takeu hack, and the utoncv refunded. j. I'ATTON. i Tomtt, F<b. 1,1855. Dr. K. I). 1' \YNE. , v": '\. i " •/>*'• • h .?' - -v-W. G ~L . Stfrr g ;^.V " f STORRS & CIIATFiEI J) CWEGO, N. Y, Are agents for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain I I O II S 1 : - io \Y K H. WHKELER'S FA TEXT Combined Thresher and Winnower. CVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) Single or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER UULLF.H, LAWRENCE SAW-MILLS, (for sawing wood, Ac.) ' All the above machines are ntannfacttircd by Wheeler, I Melkk.i Albany. N. V., ai;d are warranted to give ! entire satis'u-tj. n. or may be returned at the expiration o! a reasonable time for trial. S. HOSLTOI? 6c Co.'* CELEBRATED DOG POWERS, FOR CHURNING, &C. i CoajUaily on ban*]. Wi*Farmer; and "thcr- wishing to procure any of the above articles, v. ill do well to call upon us 1 efore jwir baa inc. .bine 2*. lfM. ; j TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY ' IRON AM) STOVE SIIIE D. C. IIALL v. holes;: if and Ret:.'! Dealer fc; i i lE' • • e and Stove?. Iron ! T-- - TW'l Nails, Sash, Glass, Paints /*. t—R .'* '1 ' IIC-UMJ Trimmings— fcT- i ll- 1 Carriage trimmings, j i' ,i ' it (.'loth- end Luces. Carriage . rd Spring,. Gat ing,:- J ■" Joiners Plane \ •••• rs. Chi?el? and all &g;A.r Tnb-rrw Cut. Mil! i ' •' ;r Saws. Jihrh-n.iin • j Anvils, Vices, —* " J 11 .'Tinr r-i and Screw Plates Axe*. Tlroad Narrow. I 'band Ha'id Hatchets—Cable. Log. 1 race and Ha'.tr, ( u Ens, Crowbars, I'icks, Shovel- i and Spade*. POCKET AND T \r.LE CUTLERY—Shear* and Scis sor.-. Edge Tools of al! V ?. Bra-sand Kiianteled Kettles, , : Shovel and Tongues, Bpo< n an i Ladles, Tubs and Pails, I i Mops and Washboard:-, and all other kinds of house-keep- I ; ing implement*. 1 In the H A RDWARE line, lb-..-?. Rnttn.iiia, .Tappaned i i and Plain Tin Ware, sin: ' or in-el'-. Ha.. Band, Scroll j ! and Hoon Iron, Steel of u'.S kind-. Nail Rods, Ac. I'umpc, I ! Lead Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water wonts, j ! Patent, Strctehrl Leather Belting and String Leather. I ! and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that : we are now receiving direct from the hands of nianufac- ; ! tnrcrs andimporters, iu< lading the largest assortment j and greatest \ ariety of STOVES ! Stoves 25 per cent, less thin us no I for Cash, j or drain at the highest market prices. ! Coal and Wood Cooking, Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining- I I Room. Six Plate and Cylinder.everbrought into Northern ' I Pennsylvania or Southern New York; all of which we ! j arc now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low j I rates, and on as good TEIIMS as an be found litis side o! ' , New-York, from the fact that ~1l our goods were bought ! ! of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and Dry (loods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to lb per cent, less than any of thora, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor UB with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows ; always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job ! Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Pm'l niistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD- j MARK cheap—one door South of Tracy A Moore's, and Powell s new block on Main street, in the new Wood ; Building, lettered at!over. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Brittania I and Copper, Dried bruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees- ; wax wanted for goods. . 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price ' n CASH will be paid. eer No credit given over four month*, and ail hav ing accounts or notes over due had better tail and pay ! immediately, iftfcey wish to save etfi. Towanda, October lb!, ISSB. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF I FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. II WING greath increased my former stock of Cabinet Ware and Chairs, I am I | "■ determined to dispose of these aeeumlua- j ! tion* rapidly, and with that design offer all articles at j ; unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Solas at tlfi <> S2O. fine Cane Seat Chairs 75 cts. ! each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. | 1 have now more than GO different patterns of Chair*, ! Bureaus. Desks for the farmer or merchant. Looking , Glasses, Looking glass Plates.Portrait and Picture frames . i of gilt, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner; 20 I patterns of Stands ; extension, (lining, tea and work Ta- \ | hies, Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be found in a city Ware-house. A large assortment of ready-made Comns, with a good ! Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers will be sure to find the right place, Konth ' side of the public square, one door east of Montunyes. ; Towanda. Dec. 1, 1 CMBTER WBLLg. CASSTDx* AND CANDY TOYS. I HAVE on lmnd the lar<re?t and greatest variety of CANDY AND CANDY TOYS to be found ! in this town, which I will sell at retail cheaper thau any i | Jiving man. CAN DY ot all kinds sold to those who buy to sell again I at Pedlar's prices. I Towanda, Dec. 15, 1850. E. T. FOX. IjMEASSANI) SASll.—loo boxes Glass, I VI moo lights Sa .b fur sale at i Oct. 18,1*53. OCK WELL'S. I jttusintss (Tnrus. I ) J J w I . AS ', M :.TURNER, PHYSIC TAN .tY f* ' ' '''kAoA.ofh'rs his professional servi.-as to the inhabitants ot lowanda and vicinity. Office and res idence in the dwelling recently occupied by 11. Boon Etreet"''' door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine AVKKTIN £ MHVI'A Nyß' HVT^. yocenpted t ""'" H. J.lfrtittt i> i, _ \r A m 1.1. i Moitltdw,' A TTOKXE YS Towanda. April 2, 18. n-43-tf ! I ) K . K ; H . , A y Sic IA N AND I * SL/fG ADA, offers hi* professional services to the ITm t l °r i t> u; .' J w :uit , v - Office at hi., residence ou l ine street, where he can always be found when not profeBiaftfi)!y onpn^'d. IL 1 15. PARSONS, ATTORNEY A'L | ' I'ROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V M. .t H. F. Uag iatore. Atig- 7. LM. I IJENIIY 15. M'KEAX, ATTORNEY T-EL 11 , row AN DA, PA.; will pay prompt | attention to business entrusted to him. Collections made on reasonable terms, with prompt remittance*. oetl r RLHANAN .SMITH, liavititr returtied to 1 M.J Towanda, has o |>ened a Law Uffice over Mcr- ur's I Stow. Bee, l. isbv. PR H. WESTON*. DEN (gv.,'y' TIST. permanently located iu Towanda. j . .J. ,J—i OF! It E one dooi aouthof BailevANevcus'. Towanda, Feb. l!), 1859. O. XX. WOODavrr-DZSIfTIST. I )EKMA NEN TI A* located in Towanda. I. Office No. 5. iirii.. Row. ovr IE W. Nobles' Store. , Entrance one door south of Tracy A Mnores. dee.l.tfl HK O. S. PECK, SURGEON AND 1 ' MI:CHANLCAL. DENTIST, TOWANDA. Pa. A-<)3iee, No. 1. Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's store entrance lir-t tlof r u.n Pine *t. Fcbroary lu, I^6o. /MY 11 w ATK INS. A TTORNE YA T * t I.A ft', TOWANDA. P.v. Office opposite I.aporte. Mason A Co. its Collection- made and remitted with promptness. Towanda, January 2, ISCO. p ,v a " \ 1 ' ; l ' 1)1!. PORTE CLD DEUG STORE, Already admitted to be Tim largest, safest and inort approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! V ITU I Au established reputation fw keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and aj j statu- for compounding and pre paring Ms-DJCINE and PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by t!;"; r uchly competent per* >ns, who devote the most careful attention.pay the -trietest regard to accc.ra' y. and use only selected arti cle-, am! mid; it"- ig unques tioned purity, has liecomc , ifSIS TAaii ©!E®3 §f®Sß itU prices rcvifted to Tvith the mukft. WHOLESALE A.M. AIITICLKi WAUXAXTEW AS RE I'll EKES TED. By r- -ut irra! gcii'.cuts w id; the Manufacturers, Inipor* tirs or 1 i -til idefs of (La .la and C;o>h Varcha i si-, the pt • - will alway- be at the low - est p< ::tt for Prime Gooda. LOW' R i IGUP.FS 111 \N EVER IN Paints. Oils. Varnishes. Glass, DRUGS DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this I. it nisi re <T,rk icill be sell L heap for Cash ! rntcts rr.pvckn, viz: Of Fonps, Perfumery, Brubhes, Combs, I-'cckct Kr.ivcs and r.azcrs, Lamp* and Materials for L'uj/it. TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO a, SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin Sa Hntr Preparation*, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic, Botanic and Homoeopathic MidicincS tspices. Bint S.TD, Lump Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. ! Con-tituting the nio-t complete assort men t, einbracln| the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised for the Cash System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE! DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! j Arc Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by anv in tb Market. T)R. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Per Tamilj' U"sc, . Known a* Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they arc intended to give satisfaction, viz : ! Dr. Tortcr's Pectoral Sy-ntp price f. A cents Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation " 5 Dr. Porter'.; Tonic Eiixer '* 50 " I)i Porter'- V'orm Syrcp " -5 " Dr. Porter's ('"nip. Syr. Hypophospbite*.. " BH> Dr. Porter's Uterine "Tonic 150 " Dr. i'nrtor's Blackberry Bal-ant " '-5 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff " 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tr'u ogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 j Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 i Dr. Porter's lL't-sc and Cattle Lotion " 571 1 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " l)r. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 Dr. I'orter's Black Ink " 2> : Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid : " J7l j I)r. Porter's Rat arid Mice Poison " 25 I Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 Wedical Advice siven gratiiilously at the oiliLC Charging only for Medicine. a"Thankful for past lilK-ral patronage would re"perl full v announce to his friends and the public that no pain sliall be apsifcd to satisfy and merit the cuutiuuancc ol their confidence and patronage, at the OAS! 113K UJG STORE I Corner of Main and Pine streets. | June 30, 1859. 11. C. PORTER, M. P CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. BREAK IN THE CANAL' I ,Xt Ui MEN" WANTED to buy Stoves at the MtM 1 t/V/U MOTH FOUNDRY, one door east of Mercnr* I Store. We have Just received the largc-t a<surtmen' °f I STCVES ever brought to this market, both tor Coal an* ■ Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal and Wood Parlor, DiainC 9 room Six-plate atul Cylindcred Stoves. Some of tl " ■ celebrated Empress Cook Stoves, Jhe best Coal Store cvf' ■ manufactured, all of which will be sold cheaper than ! ■ any other establishment In this country.- A large quantity of Tin Ware, Stove Pipe, Elbe" m Coal Hods, Coal Shovels and Coal Sifters. al'a. rt ®!■ band, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. Ail kinds c-■ ca-tings and machine work done to order on short uct'W- ■ Particular attention paid to Rooting, Eve Troughs. C*' ■ dnetor*, Gutters and ail kinds of Jobbing done and *"• ■ ranted to give satisfaction. A I All kind* of Second Hand Cooking Stoves nn h* l * ■ which will be sold very cheap. I'lca-c give ns a <"•- I T"W;t ' • \ v. .It tH V CAR***, ■ pAUTON -Whereas, MARTIN W M \I \J GILL, indentured to me has left me. witk good rca-oji, this is to forbid all persons harbofu-o H trusting Hmtin mv accouut. „ „. H l Towanda, May H. !v W. W. BO" v * ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers