gK>tocrtf?emcnts. WAKEMAN'S COMET BAND, LACEYVII.LE, PA. BEXJ. E. WAKEMAN, Leader, and comprising a num ber of good musicians, announce to the public that ♦hey ?re prepared to furnish music for Parades, Exeur aioM Bails, Ac., on reasonable terms. Address. I^evviile.July 17.18(h). BE.VJ. F„ WAKEMAN. PUBLIC VENDUE. THE subscribers offers will offer at public sale at their stables, in Towanda, Saturday, July 21. iB6O a large number of valuable Road. Carriage and Farm llorsea. together with several setts of Team Har ness. Stage flacks, Hay and Straw Cutters, and other Pr^r— A credit of six, nine and twelVe months will I to given. Good security will be required in all cases. July 12. 1860. POWELL A SMITH. (NAME to the enclosure of the subscriber, J in Warren townshio, Bradford county, Pa., ou the 11th of June, live creatures, supposed to lie one year old, —being3 steers and 2 heifers,—l jet black steer ; 1 pale red steer, lime back, some white underbelly; 1 brinuie steer with a white star lh bis forehead ; 1 red heifer, also 1 red heifer with brindle cast, with white under belly. Warren, July IG, l*i;o. WM. ('. BOWEJf. "I TVER'S MILL at Sugar Creek is doing ITT all the work that is brought to it promptly, having the Steam Power in successful operation, we can assure all who choose to give us their patronage, that they can rclv upon having their work well done, and with dispatch Try us. MYER, FROST & Co. Towanda July 18, 1860. JULY 9, 1860. They Have Arrived ! Those who were unfortunate in not securing a bargain in I our last late arrival of FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP mmm TIM M MIXGS, Childrcns di. Ladies Fiats, Shakers, die. Are again offered an opportunity. .'1 Large Assortment at Loir Prices from tchich to select. TRACY A MOORE. O/M i BARRELS SALT, at ' TRACY A MOORE'S. MACKEREL and Mackinaw Trout, in whole, half and quarter barrels, at TRACY A MOORE'S. | /NAL'TlOX.—Whereas my wife POLLY v/' lush ' my bed and bo ad without any just cause, this is therefore to forhi 1 all per-ons harboring <>i ti list ing lier on my account, as 1 will pay no debts Of her con tracting after this date. , JOSHUA BAYLY, Jr. j Xoitii Towanda. Juiv >, 1 x;o. FISH! FISH!! FISH!!! 'TRIE bct assortment in Pennsylvania. Consisting of 1 Mackerel, Trout. White Fish. Phie Fish. Snlhion, Codfish, Pickled and Smoked Herring. Smoked Halibut, j Ac. Ac., on hunt, and to be sold cheap, by Towanda, June 10, lspo. (J. ft PATCH. rauiT f FSB-iriT ! r ORAXGES, Leniou-. l'igs, R.iiaius. Prunes; Citron Zaute Currants. For sale, wholesale ait* retail. bv Towanda, June to. iB6O. c. B. P lICH. ' (HIKKSE. — A fine nrticln of Glu-oso always J on bund and for sale, wholesale and retail, bv c. H. PATCH. /TOFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES—The \ ) best in Town. • B. PATCH. TTHNE DAIRY SALT.—Large Bod small T sa.hsnf Aspton Salt A new lot ft Pyni-ii-t! Salt. Just arrived and fur sale cheap. c. B. PATt H. THE CAMPAIGN OF 16£0 ! I WW I MrsFT! MUSIC !!! j ft The Towanda I'rass Hand. If v IMPOSED OF TEX TALEXTED A XI) EXPEIti \ V.Nb'.P M) Sl''l ANs. Woo I*l respcettullv announce to t\w ca-of ibis and adjoining counties, that they :or aofr jtn j ired to turni-h the BEST KLX OF MI'SIC t>r an r and ei ery occa-iou jSt reasofiJbl*" rite-. Fur tit- 1 g Addiess J. BILL MEANS. Jh/ M.lift. TinVaiolii. Bradford Co. Pa. | I i\ ANTI ' :I) - —Live hundred mot) ns Agents ' ' * to travel in either of the !■*♦ ites "f New York, I I Ohio, Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, Con neeticut HI • ltliode Uantf. A man oi good character and ordinary business talent, with a cash capital of S2OO, ran And Constant employment, Wi!h pleasure and profit, ■ and the man of energy, perseverance and economy may 1 secure a fortune, tis the agency may continue Ir >m three j months to l'.} years. Agents wi-.hi.ig to travel in the state *>t N'.-w York ean be fmntrriiafely employed. and in Ohio the tirst of June n*xt. For further particulars enquire ot the subscriber, at Towanda, Pa. April 16, iB6O. A. WICK HAM. j YOTICE.—TIio siibsoribors offer to sell the i al copy right to B.GLIDDKNS FORM DOCKET fir | Magistrates. (Aldermen and Justices.) for any of the States of the Union, except Penniylvania and (liio, at prices ranging front SoW to r WOO.according t*i situation, I ri/.e and population, (.rent inducements are offered pur- j eUa.-rrs, as the copy-right docs not expire until A.D.1587 i B. (iLIiiDKN, Friendsville. j April 16.1SCS. A. WICKHAX, Towanda. I ] ill. JOHN MTXTOSII. will be found at j his old office, rat ton's Block, during Spring and | Summer. Teeth inserted on Vulcanised Rubber—tlio Uwst improvement |g dentistry. Specimen piece to be j *tn at the office. Persona indebted to me will please PM; up- JOHN MINTOSH. I lMWtb, March 20, MM. ! The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! C O Id fS jr. It Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S X E AV MEDICINE STORE. I AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— I* 'At matter of I i ,f "f Henry Sibte, defeased. In the Orptuna' Coart oi Bradford Cixxjty. I to , " ( u,i,l '-''- : siied, an Auditor, appointed by said Court I & I*. l ' le ,'ionies j tk" hands of the Executor, I |'im. f r . ' onnt b ' e, b w '" attend to the ditties of his j S\Tr-r>? en * at b ' B Office in the Borough of Towanda, on j pi,.' thl . llt 'i d'y Of AUtIUST.IBO.at 1 o'clock ere inf.i!*.'? * i(ne atl 'i Pljw-P all persons interested will ,* r c 'aims or be debarred from claiming any i ,°- f f 1 " 1 funU - G. D. MONT AN YE, I Jul|Js,lß6o. Auditor. | I S A i! 0p REAL ESTATE—Tfee I in e^: G-tate Known as the Lukens Lands situate I ta'.- • I , n Bradford County Pa., are offered lor coiL&J r au ' l beßt DWder- Thw body of lands I drtG i, ,l , ur tracts, containing tiltecn bun- Vd ant,? °\ fiood farming and grazing land, well watcr thc la .a accesß accesß to (i close market for produce, as Vork ana l— 81 P lal, ;d only about five niiUs from the New ' I wired i,r o ne i ■ ro ? d j Offers of purchase will be re cordiJ i , ,K C w h°fe body, or for the separate parcels ae lule wf!' v. ' fcl j6aivia. ous occupied by the tenants. No 1 Ur- i wof K * a i ' CSR Hian one hundred acres, and 1 can be * . i no h be . sold unless the whole body w soiu tii that way. j <woe,niaUn P n y r i,t A°? C tb f rd ca . sb * and the balance in bond and mnft Ua lnsta '™ ente . with interest secured by ble and f r ,., f r n^? e ,? n . property. Title unqucstiona lur. basing Wl i'] ' a j ' nc . u mt. rance. Persons desirous of bids per a; l s ?. ; V' " in Wril "' iu tbt 'mture I' l, a, - r e. either to my Agent. L Sico) MVtertlsemnts. JULY 10, 1860. WM. A. ROCKWELL IS OPENING A LARGE STOCK OF Summer & Fall Goods, CONSISTING OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PRINTS FROM j cts. TO ONE SHILLING. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. WHITE CRAPE, STELLA, BROCHI, AND PRINTED SHAWLS. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. BROAI) CLOTHS, MEN AND BOYS' PLAIN AND FANCY CASSI.VIEUES, SUMMER PANT AND COAT GOODS, II ATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS, SHOES, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, WOODEN AND STONE WARE, BIRD CAGES AND BIRD SEED, OILS, PAINTS, KEROSENE, FLUID & ALCOHOL, GRINDSTONES AND HINGES, FARMERS TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, All of which will be sold at the lowest possible price for Cash or Produce. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Iff. IT. & E. RAZXi SOAD. (CHANGE of hours, commencing MONDAY. JUNE 18, j iB6O. Trains will leave Wavci iy at about the fuliow i ing huurs, viz : R,OIN<} WEST. GOING EAST. I Dunkirk Express. 1.">7 P. M, X. Y. Express.. 11.08 A. M Night Express 3.37 A.M. Night Lxpress.l'J.H A.M. Mail 8.1 iP. M. Accommodation 6.53 P.M. Way 8.13 A. M Stock Express. 4.55 A.M. Express Freight... 5.35 P.M., Way P.M. Fast Freight B.ls A. M i Fust Freight.. 10.10 A. M. Way Freight 6.40 A. M. 1 Way Freight. ..4.20 P.M. Cincinnati Express does not stop at Waverlv. Night Express, Stock Express, Express Freight, Fast Freight (both ways,) run every day. Accommodation remains over_ night_at Binghamton. Mail remains over night at Elmira. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Eluiir.t. All other trains ran daily, except Sunday. CH ARLES MIXOT, General Sup. NATHANIEL MARSH. Receiver. • , New Iron Works in Towanda! r P HE subscriber bos the pleasure to announce .1. to the public that he has commenced operations in his new Works, and G u\v prepared to exbeute orders for Steam Engines, Grist Mill. Circular, Gang and Mu ley Saw Mill Irons, iron Water Wheels, and inost kinds of Castings and Machinery in common use. He also, manufactures a variety of Stoves; also Thimble Sk* ins ! and Pipe Boxes. Having purch i-ed the entire stock of j Pmtta the late concern of Phillips & Wheeler, A John ! Arnot, of Eiraira. be thinks he is better provided with j patterns for Gearing, A .. than auycoiuern in this region of country. He i< ;t!> *or aided with the choicest Macili ; nery uud the best of urk: an, and has every facility to ( execute work promptly, lie Ihtiefoi'e, solicits a share ; of public patronage. Totvanda. June l:i. 1-6, i. O. p. BARTI.ETT. I > HOW N BIII*.E I'i N(JS, 11 wide, from M.J 6j I s', cents pci yui'd at Je2(J. HUMPHREY'S. I AttGE STOCK of Gents, Ladies am] • J Children's Gaiters. B ■ tees and Shoes. Jut le ccived at June 20. 1 s ;P. HUMPHREY'S. S. N. BRONSON Is now receiving at the lletropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL, PA. A LARGE ADDITION TO HIS STOCK OF Harvest & Haying Tools, : Iron. (!rind- stones, Steves, Patter II orl.ers, Washing Machines, l) g Powers, Sash, Sails, (Itass, lions.- Trimmings, .Mechanics 'Pods, Jr. ' W A N T E I> . WOOL, HIDES, CELTS, COPPER, BRITANNIA, Ac. ALSSSO MARIO, Portrait & Landscape Painter WARD HOUSE. TOWARD A. NEW GROCERY AND PROViS!ON STORE! |/J B PATCH respectfully informs the ci \_y' tizens of Towanda and vi inity, that lie baa receiv i ed and opened in B. Kiugsbery's st<>re, opposite Moatan j yes', a large and weli selected stock of Groceries & Provisions, Which will 1)8 sold Cheap as the Cheapest, for CASK OK. FAK2n2I'S PR.OSZ7C23. ! The Goods air: entirely new ao.I fresh, and comprise the best selected stork of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, ! Spices, Fruits, Candies, Tdmcro, Pork, Hams, J Dried Perf. Fish of all kinds. Camphene, Fluid, Wooden j- Stone. Ware, Jr. Ever brought into this market. All that It asked Is a trial of goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds •9"Good BUTTER wanted at good prices. Towanda. June It, 1860. | READ ! REFLECT! REMEMBER I fTHIAT in addition to onr former a.tsor'metit 1 we are now opening a full and general assortment ot ME I sum GOODS, selected with great care to meet the wants of all. Fann ers. Mechanics (and especially) THE JaYVDIKS, will (if they consult their own interest) give us u= a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deterriniued NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! Our Stock of DllY GOODS, CROCKERY. GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, SASII, GLASS, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Ac. Ac., ' cannot be excelled as to quality, quantity or variety TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, June 14. 1M8. ITIRESH ORANGES AND LEMONS, at r • FOX'S. FRESH FIGS AND PRUNES, at FOX'S. ' CUMMER BlLKß,Cbalßes. Bareges, Thib- O Ijets and Grape Shawls, just received at. je2U. IlL'Ml'illGA S. Ulster Brass & String Band. WM. DZTTRZCK, Leader. ANNOUNCE to the public, in general, that they are prepared to furnish Music for Parades, Excursions, Pie Nics, Cotillion Parties, Ac. For engagements, apply to W. DITTRICII, Towanda, H. J. DAVIDSON. Ulster. inarsnotL. UAV RAKES, AT WHOLESALE AND Retail, at MERC UK'S. ilrto I JUNE 15, 1860. I * HECEIYING BY |J. I). HUMPHREY, ( Jfesf Side of the. Itiblic Square.) DOMESTICS, I Hosiery and Gloves, Sugar, Molasses, Fish, AND OTHER FAMILY GROCERIK. BOOTS, SHOES cD GAITERS, j Suitable for the season. Sole& Ipper Leather, Calfskin. AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF i MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, & c . i WHICH ARE TO BE SCt.b At Reduced Prices, I . FOR CASH! HOTEL KEEPERS,! DRUGGISTS. FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT ETOna (Q:ad IIIAVE just received from the City, a - Large Stock of IMPORTED PI KE LIQUORS, !of every variety. My stork of LIQUORS lias been pnr cha.-cd lor ( A>H, directly from the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish Fanners for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any . kind wh.itevr. at LOWER PRICES than were ever be fore offered iu Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my stork before pur* basing elsewhere. 1 have facilities for purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my liquors.are warranted pure and unadulter ated. 1 have also ou baud the 1-arge.st Stock and Great est Variety of TOBACCO AMD SEGARS Ever brought to Towanda. which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables mi to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the city. 11 • t-;l keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of my entire stock ul Liquors, Cigars j and Tobacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will lie kept constantly on band, at pries LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that 1 am enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, cither at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods j can be purchased this side of the Cl ly, I respectfully so licit the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. 11. W. NOBLE. Towanda. June 14. 1.860. 50 Cent Tea. (MIOICK IMPERIAL TEA nt JO cents . V u pound : a better article than we have ever sold at that price, and probably as good as others sell at 7) cents ! Tiiis no humbug—all we ask is to have it tried. We ' warrant every pound of Tea we sell to give satisfaction tr the money returned in all cases at FOX'S. : TAVA. RIO AND LAGUIKA COFFEE ! ffJ in the Kcmci and Grain at FOX'S. 1 FRUlT.—Oranges,Lemons, Ilais . ins. Figs, Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. ( lUEK-SE, CRACKERS AND HERRING j at Y '.VS. I > ASKETS, CLOTHES DINS, SCRUB A-h and blacking brushes. Window Brushes with long ! and short bandies, Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Slate lies, j Wooden Faucets and a variety of Wood ware ut FOX'S J) A KERS COCOA No. 1 CHOCOLATE, D Homeopathic Chocolate, Farina, Corn Starch and I Preserved Fruits of difercnt kinds put up in 5 pounds I jars at FOX'S. M AIZKNA—A NEW ARTICLE MADE from Corn, said to be superior to Corn Starch for I Puddings at FOX'S VTUTS, SARDINES AND CIGARS | _L l Wholesale and retail at FOX'S. A MES' DETERSIVE SOAD—THE ii. best Chemical soap in the United States at FOX'S. MACARONI AND YERMECILLA . very tine and freh at FOX S. IFIR/EID IMIIEIRaOTTIRa, ( lIYIL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND ' vJ DRAUGHTSMAN, respectfully announces to the cit ! izens of Bradford county, that he is prepared to do any ! work that may be entrusted to him, with accuracy and j despatch. j Towanda, May 24th, 1860. Y\r<)OL ! WOOL ! WOOL !—25,000 lbs. Vt WANTED!—The highest market price will be paid rt May 23,1860. M.E.SOLOMON'S, i JO- Wash your Wool clean before you bring it to mar i ket on the slieep, it possible, or in tub, as one-tliird will ■ be deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom in the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as | aliove mentioned. WZZiSOCT, BARNES & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington st.,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM IL WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful ler, Dayton .V, Co., and Wilson, Jackson & Merrill. J). V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. ('. KBENEY, of Wyoming county, Pa. i SAMUEL N. DELANO, of New York. IGmyCui itlfscrllanrous. JUNE i, 1860. JUST OPENED, AT THE KEYSTONE STORE ! A NEW STOCK OF MiiH ®lS®l t X calling ftltentibn to oar present stock of NEW GOODS, we do not hesitate to say, that in no village in Northern Pennsylvania or Sourthern New York, will a stock of goods be found possessing more at t ti-actidns in Variety, styles, quality of goods and prices, than we are now prepared to exhibit. Having facilities for buying goods superior to others, we are able at all times to select the newest styles and most desirable goods as they appear in market; and conducting our business strictly open tUb CASH SYSTEM! : we uan keep always on hand a large stock and better as | sortmcnt and can afford to sell goods at lower prices tiian they can be found elsewhere. We are now receiving a large assortment of SUMMER SILKS! Plain and Figured Bareges, Crape Moretz. Elegant j Barege HOBES. at half their value. Organdie Robes, 1 Printed Organdies, Plain and Figured Lawns, Jaeonett j Robes. Printed Jacouetta. Pine Apple Cloths. " Barege Anglais," the most faSbidbable and durable cotton and j worthed dress goods now worn. Besides a great variety ' of other styles of Dress Goods. Also the best assort ment of MOURNING GOODS, That can be found this side of New York. HOOP SKIRTS! 250 STEEL SFP.INC KOOF SKIRTS At a (I'rrat Reduction in Price. JUST RECEIVED AT The Keystone State. A KRESII SUPPLY OF j Three-Pi u and In a rain (nrneis j Plain White and Cheek Mattings. Floor Oil Cloths, from 3-4 to 2 yards wide, Druggets, Matts, Ac., Ac. These goods we are prepared to sell 20 per cent less than the same can be bought elsewhere. I j IST RECEIVED nt the KEYSTONE •I STORR, a large lot of SEX UMBRELLAS and PA i RASOLS.at a gieet reduction from what we have hereto fore scld them. I UST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE * " STORK.SteIIa Shawls.all prices. Plain Thibet Shawls all colors. Silk Shawls. Broche Shawls, Printed Wool i Shawls, l.aee Shawls, Silk and Lawn Mantillas, " Zeno ; bias," Ac. Ac. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE •' STORE, Elegant Counterpanes, different sizes. Wool j and Damask Table Covers, Damasks. Bleached and I'n ■ Reached Linen Table Damasks, Napkins, Linen Table Spreads, Curtain Draperies, Sheetings and Pillow-case Muslins, from .jtbs to 2j yards wide. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE •I STORK, an elegant assortment of Embroideries. Era ; broidered Collars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings, Embroidered liisertlngs, Marsailles Collars. Mar sailles Setts, Embroidered Flouncing*, Crape Collars, Crape Setts, Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A largeas , sortfni-nt of Black laice Veils. 1 UST RECEIVED nt the KEYSTONE STORE, Transparent Window Shades, all sizes, and Trimmings. Green and Buff Hollands, different widths. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE •I STORE, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps ami Straw | Goods, Crockery, Oils and Paiuts, Glass and Sash, Choice I-'amtv Croecries. Bajous Kid GlcYes • VLL sizes, in colors, Black and White, of - these celebrated gloves will alwavs be found at the J KEYSTONE STORE. Nails ! Uails ! ! | "0 |j \ K EGS NAILS of a Superior Quality, ' ./V/VJ For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Keystone stork. NORTHERN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, i\o. I, Moor pate Street, lAmdSn. ESTABLISHED 1830. CAPITAL $(1,298,000. ANNUAL REVENUE, 1.000,000. Cffice.Xew Building, Philadelphia Bank, 425 Chestnut Street. LONDON DIRECTORS': George G. Anderson, Thomas N. Farqnhar, Sir Cha.s. R. McGrigor, Bart, Lord Ernest Bruce, M. P., Duncan James Kay, William Westgarth, William Miller. M. I'., Chairman, A. P. Fletcher,Secretery, Edward Fuch, Vice Secretary. The Policies of the NORTHERN ASSURANCE COM PANY. are not only gurrantecd by a Large Capital, but also by the unlimited personal responsibility of over One Thousand Shareholderx. fliT Losses p?Bpcrly adjusted and paid, without refer ence to London. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. Stuart A Brother, McCutcficon A Collins, Jos. R. Mitchell. Esq., Pres. Meeh. Bank,Myers, Claghorn A Co.. Smith. Williams A Co., Jas. Dunlap, Esq.. "Pres. Union Bank, James Graham A Co., Gaw, Macalester A Co., Hon. W. A. Porter, late Judge Supreme Court. NEW YORK REFERENCES. Duncan, Sherman A Co., J. f- Jtuart A Co., Geo. 11. Stuart A Co.. Abr'm Bell's Sons. J. R. Jaffray A Sons, Robert A Williams. BOSTON REFERENCES: J. E. Thayer A Brother, JarvesA Cormerais. Sweetser, Cookin A Swan, C. F. Hovey A Co.. Wilson, Hamilton A Co., George Greigg, Esq., Geo. Sncll, Esq., Johnson, Sc wcll A Co., Geo. \V. Warren A Co. WILLIAM GETTY, Agent. New Building, Philadelphia Bank. 11. B. McKEAN, Solicitor. May 31, 18(10 Towanda. Pa. AMERICAN HOTEL, ATcar the Bridge, Toicanda, Pa. TOIIX LAUGIILIN respectfully informs ej the public that he has leased the new and commodi ous Hotel rocently erected near the Bridge, and having furnished it thoroughly, is now prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public as may give him a call. He will endeavor by attention t > the wants of his guests and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of public patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Sprituous and Malt Lsquors. Good Stabling is attached, with care ful attendance. May 23, 1860. fIU LTI VATOIt TEETH at \J MEHCUBS MACKINAW TROUT—Fine New Fish jubt received at FpX'3. Ittcrlihautißc, 6c. Cowlcs' Bakery & News liooiii TFyou want fiue ORANGES A LEMONS I GO TO THF. BAKERY. If you want CANDIES, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want BREAD, CAKES, PIES or CR ACKERS. GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want good TOBACCO AND CIGARS. GO TO THE BAKERY. If ycu wsut an citra GLASS OF LEMONADE, GO TO THE BAKEP.Y. If yod want a Very extra DISH OF ICE CREAM, GO TO THE 2.V KE'IY. If you want the LATEST NEWSPAPERS. GO TO THE BAKI RY. Ir you want any of the POPULAR MAGAZINES, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want to ORDER ANY BOOK, GO TO THE BAKERY. Or a PIECE OF SHEET MUSIC, CO TO THE BAKERY. Go to the Bakery, and see what is there ! SPRING GOODS! H. S. MEECUK UAS just received a fine stock of SPRING GOODS, in which will be found a great variety of FiSUISHELE DRESS GOODS, i j The largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of French, English and American PRINTS ANI) GINGHAMS, IN TOWN. . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SUMMER STUFFS, Of every description. Carpets and Matting, Oil. CTOTH3, I;HUG-GET, WALL k WINDOW PAPER, SHADES, LACE VEILS, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, BLEACHED A BROWN SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS, tniT.II Llt?E>*S, j CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, SHIRT COLLARS BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS. Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CA n S. , An unusually futl assortment of C'ofninon a:..l Saddlery HARDWARE. X£.Oft, STEEL, WAILS, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, SASH, GR©€EHI23S, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY k GLASSWARE, 1 ; All of which are offered at the .Lowest Prices. ' Towanda. April 28. l*c,o. The Campaign cf 1860 Fairly Opened AT MONTANA BS STORE! In the shape of a FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT : I o !!©¥ rnQQ'SUI GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CE.OC2I2HY, EATS AKD CAP?, Ac., Ac., Ac.. Ac., AnJ all the elegances and ft eeterns necessary tr> gratify j the ta>tes and wants of this fast age. March 21. DIiX33S IKAKZIfa ! r PHE undersifrned would respectfully inform -I. the Ladies of Towanda and vicinttv. flint they are ' j now prepared to do all hinds of DRESS MAKING in the latest and most fashionable styi.-. and cheaper than at any other estabPshinSnt N: he Comity. aarßoorfs one door below Hehilemnn'x block, at the residence of A.J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBLE, April 16. 1860. MISS J. 11. II YLK. Wool Carding- in Myersburg. 1 PERSONS living on tlie West side of (he Susquehanna river, having WOOL TO CARD can leave it at tie Clothing Store of S. HKXEII< in Towandt.and it will In- sent to the Factory in Myersburg. Carded and then returned to the Store without any extra charge for cartage. Myersburg. May 11. lsf.o. W. A . BENKDU T. "VTOTICE TO COLLECTORS—You are il heieby authorized to deduct 1;v.- per cent, from the State tax of every individual who slfa't pay his or her State and County Taxes hi full, on or L< tore the 23 day ; of J-ne next, and the same shall lie allowed yotT in your : settlement with the Treasurer, provided the same is ba you paid into tlm County Treasury on or belure the 26 i and 27 days of ./uue, next. By order of the Commis sioners, K. B. COOLBAUGH, Clerk, j Corrrnissioner's Office. May A. 1860. OUR MUSICAL FZUETCF. j "Al'U MUSK'AL FRIEND," a rare companion for V/ the Winter months. Every Pianist, every Singer, every Teacher, every Pupil, every Amateur •hnnldpro- | cure this weekly publication of Vocal and Piano- Forte Music, costing but 10 cents a nuiftber, arrd pionoutn-ed by the entire Press of the country,-to be the " be*l and cheapest workof the kind in tin world." Twelve lull-sized pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Music for 19 ccuts Yearly, $5 : Half yearly, $2,50 ; Quarterly, $1,23. Subscribe to " Our Musical Friend." or order it fn m the nearest News dealer, and you will have music e lough for your entire family, and at an insignilirant co-t ; srd ! if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, j Accordion, etc., subscribe to tee "SOLO ItSELOLIST," Containing twelve pages, costing only lu cents a num ber: Yearly, $2.50 ; Half-yearly, 51,25. All the back Numbers at 10 cents, and bound Volumes j f " Our Musical Friend," containing 17 Numbers, at i 2,50 each, constantly on hand. C. 15. SEYMOUR A Co., jO7 Nassau Street, New-York. PLANTS FOR SALE AT Tim PARPEN OF ZHLAJRIR/Z" MIX. LIST OF PRICES: Early York Cabbage 6ecntsdoz. Early Dutch' Cauliflower 't- " Asiatic Cauliflower 6 " lairge Cauliflower, 6 " latrge Sweet Pepper 10 " lairge Red Tomato, 6 " Large Round Egg-Plant 10 " Long Egg Plant 10 " Bell-shaped Pepper, 10 " A few thonsar.d Sweet Potato Plants, will in condition ' to set from loth of May to the 10th of June, at 50 cents per hundred. All Late Cabbage Plants, out door culture, at 25 cents per hundred. Celery at 25 cents per hundred : thousands in fine con dition to set from the middle of May to the tlr.-t of Au gust. Being so deficient last season, 1 am now prepared to supply all demands. Mncn pains will be taken to make all the Plants as strong and stocky as possible, by transplanting. Ac. Plants may be carried any distance, as they will be pack ed exceedingly well in moss. GRAPE VINES, Ail the Vines I have sold, I warranttruc to name. The purchasers will please keep the names distinct, and when they fruit should there be a mistake, a new Vine will be given. A few varieties of Grape Vines for sale, at the garden. . Towanda, April 28,15GQ. HARRY MIX. ftcaal. fkRPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, will l<e exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, I*6o, at I o'clock, I'. M„ the following described property, late the e.tate of Orange BoSWorth, lnte Jof Pike twp., deceased, to wit: North by lands of Wm. Brink's estate, east by lands lelonging ! to the heirs of said Win. Brink's estate, and lands of Most ly Ellsworth, south by lands of George 1) Johnson 1 and Jonathan Nichols, west by lands cf .Stephen Brink, i HM. Tupper and 11. B. Easta'brooks. Contain ng about acres, about fifty acres improved, with a trained dwelling house, framed barn, small horse .bam, two or chards thereon. I Terms made known on the dav of sale. WM. 15. STEVENS, . _ BETSEY BOSWORTIT, I ne '■ AdmiaMnton. riftPHANS* COt RT SALE.— I'y virtac A / of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun i ty., will be exposed to public sale, on tlie premises, on .-'ATI 11DAY , At f-1 Si 4, I*6o, at 1 I*. M.the following i property late the estate of P.M.HosleyJate of Springfield j twp.. deceased, to wt: The following lot piece or par* eel of land situate, in Springfield tp., hounded ea.-t by N. S. Mos*ey, south by lan .- of V. P. Bennett, west by lands ot Charles Elliott, et. al.. north by lands of J. Mo- I hovd. and B. Gulp. C'onta'ning Slty-two acres, or therc . abouts. f Terms .-f Sale One fourth npon confirmation of sale | and the balance its one year with interest. LEMUEL C. G LEA SON, j June T, 18SC 1 . Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Hy virtu® of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun tv, will be exposed to public sale, mi the premises, ou SATURDAY, JULY 7. I*oo', at i o'clock, 1\ J*.. the fol lowing property, late tlm e-itate 01. Nelson Johnson, late of Pike ft p., ueceas d, to wit r The following lot, piece or parcel of Utid in l'ike bounded north by lands of t'lorp; il LiUX Ist by the public highway leading through J,eHays\ ille, south by William F. Rob bins. west by lands of Josiah Benham. Containing about one third of an acre, all improved, with a small framed dwelling house, shj, barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Terms ot Si.h- The hurcliase mone'* to be paid ou the conlirmatiou cf the sale. J. R. FLBtCHEIf. June 7,1*60. Administrator. \ DM'I NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice : ii. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e -1 state of ('!! AKLKS PERKINS, late of Smit Wield, deee'd, must make immediat- pltym*nt. and all pcSons having demands Against said estate will present them uuly au thenticated for settlement. • • JOSEPH PERKINS, Ma '.iy 24, IK 0. Administrate.. 1 DMIXISTPATOP/S NOTlCE.—Notice J. 1 is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the . estate ot PHILANDER M. HOSLKY. late of Spring tieM twp., deceased, are hereby to make pay ment without delay, and all persona having demands againsi said i .tate, will present thciu duly authef.t'eat i ed for settlement. I.EMf*EL C. CLFASON. | May 17. HKO. Administrator, dr bonis nun. j \ DMIXISTKATOirSXOTICE.—Notice -c * i* : hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate -I ASA I'RATT, deoea&ed, late of Gen tun town ship. rc'tii ,-t ! to make payment without delay ; ar. i those ha. ti.trcLllms against tin- said estate wiil pleasd [.resent thoui duly authenticated for aettlenient. CIIAIIL ES STOCK WELL, ASA I'RATT. May 17, I*6o. Administrators. IJ by given. t! it nil .-ens iii'V. te lto the estate of ASIIKR lit"Nf IN<r'lON, lata ol' Athens liorotigli.de : ceased, are hereby requested to made payment without de lay and all persons having demands against said estate, will pit -nit tin at dtilv authenticated I r settlement, to CHARLES O. HUNTINGTON, June 26, 1860. Eirculor. A DM INISTKATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice il is l.crebv given, that all nersons indebted to the e tale of WILLI AM FAKXSWORTH. late qf Tr7lec'd. are v.. ; j n .• 1t > tn.aKe payment wi'.uout delay ; and all persons hating claim-sagaiust the said estate will please pre-en" t.i:n duly authenticated for settlement. • i ELEAZEU POMBRoY. July 11,1*60. Administrator. AUDITORS NOTICE— John Holmes to IVl{ J. llud'dl'i use rs . ("haslrs Mead —ln the Court ofUoniiu ri Pleas* of Bradford County, No. 600, December term. 1857. - . The uiidtisigued,an Auditor, appointed by saiu Cour', . to distribute lands r.tix i I>\ Sltcriu s sale of real estate of oefei nt. will attti Ito the duties of his ** lii.< office ii! the Em.nigh of Tuwanda. on SATURDAY, the I-til cf At til ST. 1 v>o, at it o'clock, A. M., at which time anil place till persons interested arc requested to pn -cut their claims or ei-e he forever debarred front the -aid fund. E. UVERTON, Jr. July 11. 1-nO. Auditor. L'XECUTOR'S NOTlCE— Notice is liere- A Jl by given, tli.A ail persons indebted to the estate ot RICHARD McPIIERSON, uttecf Wji lusingtp., deed., arc hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having i laitus against said c-tate will present thciu duly authenticated lor settlement. JOHN MORROW. April *. 1-60. Executor. LN\ K< TTOK'S NOTICE. —Notice is here IJ by J given, that all persons indebted to the e-- tate < : HANNAH EViI'TS. lateof Ji'ike twp. detea.-cd, arc .hereby requested to uu.Le payment without delay, and all p -r- ois having claims aeain-t said estate, will ! present them duly authenticated for settlement. ABEL MORE. March 22. 1-60. Executor. t A DM INISTRATKI X'S X ()TH"K. Notice -L. A' i-hereby given, that al pi" oil's indebted to the es tate of JOB SHlil'Alll), lateei Atl.en , B trough, decease are hereby requested to make immediate payment.and at j persons isu*itg cUkrtogainst .-aid estate will present ! tliewdiilj aul.iwnticated for settlemciit. CORNELIA SHEPARD. Administi .ttrix dc lunis non. with will annexed. February 29, I*6o. i A.DMINI STI! ATX IK'S X ()TlCE—Notice -TJL is "t reby given that, all persons indebted to the es tate of GEO.IG K A VFRY, late of Rome township, dee'd, are hereby ret|ue.st< d to make inimediate payment, an . all pi •- ois having claims ..gain t .-aid c-tate \>ill present i them duly aufliet linSe'. f. - settlement Co John Pass wore, at Rome. JOHN I'ASS.MORE. HAMPTON <ll \MI'LIN,' March 1. 1-60. Admiuistrat' rs. L\\ECl roirs XOTlCK.—X'otice is Jierc- I hi lit given that all persons indebted to the estate of THtIMAS MCEVIUNNA, •-< hi..late of Asylum tp. must make immediate payment, an t ail person- having demands against -a.d estate, u id pr -sent them duly authenticated for settlement. PATRICK McEVIKNNA, March tj, l*ud. Executors. ! d * RAND JURY, drawn for September T. : vT A. D. IsCO. j Armenia —Robert Maooa, Jr. Shesbequin Etfahs Newell, i Canton -John I.illev, Abijalt Mead. Franklin Nd-on Gilbert. Smithtield—Wm. Kntcker- Henick Solomon Stevens boeker, F. A. French. Solomou B. Cinfteld. To>y Ipi "Wliio B. Luther, ! Litchfield- Wm. K. Walker. ll?mck[M'Kean. i Leßoy J. P. Van Fleet. Tuscarora—-Henry Mont- Monroe tp—Wm. White, L. gomery. A.l'ratt. o arren -Daniel 11. Abell. Orwell—o. >. C. Hattiy. W.valusing -Elisha Lewis, J l'ike—llarnian W.ti, t r. Kceler. .Stan'gSt ite T. 11. Schoon- Wysox—Stephen C'lasou. over. 7K.vt Jsr. JI-RV— SECOND writs. } Athens tp Ransom Par-U- Rome Xtlsott Aliis, Snas all, Jacob A Weller. SeelCy, P. Kc^bes. ; Burlington Morris Wilcox. Ridghevy ."or7 Peterson. A Hezekiah Whitehead, M <>stra-Jiet, P. W. Burus i Smith. ham. j Canton -Kelinn Packard. Sprirtjtlield—O A Vincent, J l Franklin—J M Taylor. .loi.'n N Cooley. j Granvi le—V. Sax ton, Lu- Standing Stone—C Roof, j man Putnam. II Ross*. Smithtield—W H Pierce. ' Hnrick—;Jeremiah Barnes, Terry—James H Turrell. . Litehileltr—Henry Keyser, Ulster—S. C'. llovey, Wni. I l.eßoy—Joseph Smiley. Howie. ' Monroe tp—Jos S Ingham. Warren— Wra Manning, 11 Clark Camming-. A Jocelyn. ' Montoe boro—E Huuley. Windham -II Knykendall. j Orwell—H S Wilson. Wells—Shubel Rowley. Pike—M II Codding. t SECOND WEEE. Albany—James Lee. Joshua Smithtield—lt Wood, J EU- Athcns tp—JamesMcArd'e. bree, II Nichols.,) Bird, boro—Wut Hancock, Springfield—A B Fanning. Wm Fritcber. -ttuidin.g Stone—S Stevens. Burlington -C R Scontou. Skesheqain—John Waggett. t Burlington west—Stephen Troy boro—Dtlos llerrick B H. Stiles, M DeWitt. Bowcu, Canton—Leonard Lewis, C Troy tp—Allen Taylor, Wright. Towanda tp-—Daniel Swart- Columbia—N E Coffin. out. Pike—Amos C l'ratt, C W Tuscarora—Henry Styer. Reynolds. Wilmot—A J Stone. I Ridgbury— Isaac Baldwin,S Wells—J W Pellet. J Brink. B Brown. Wyalusing—Benj Brown, S : South Creek—A H Thomp- Black. | son, Peter J Dean. Windham—P Warner. DRIED PEACHES, at' F^x^- DRIED APPLES, at FOX'S. CTEEL HOOP SKlßTS—Clipper than uny other place at MitJRCUR'S. U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers