Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 11, 1860, Image 3
El A DOUBLE HOMICIDE.-A double murder , was committed in New York on'the_lst inst., near Third.Avenne. Mr. John Waltun, r a wealthy disc tier living on 25th streetwas Shot in cold blood by some unknown hand. He has since died. The flying mnrderer, was followed by several persons, when he turned and fired . OD his pursuers. Mr. John W. Matthews, a. railroad contractor, .was shot dead by one of the discharges, and the assassin is yet un known, though suspicion points strongly to Charles and Edwin Jefords, the sons pf Mrs Walton by a former husband. Mr. W.'marri• ed his wife, then the widow Russel, some time ago, but was not long' in discovering her true character—loose, unprincipled, violent temper ed and a bigamist. He sued for a divorce -- lie was wealthy, and neither she nor her sons were willing to lose their claim on his wealth, and have resorted to all kinds of intimidation —repeatedly threatening his-life. This nefar ious deed is attributed to their malice. VISIT oi•• VIE PRINCE OF WALES.—the Stela& er Persia brings intelligence that the Prince of Wales would leave England on the 11th inst., for Canada, in the St. George screw ship, twenty guns, attended by the Earl of Sr. EnmAixs, the Lord Steward of the Queen's household and a large retinue. It. is now an deistdbd that he will extend his 'travels far West, and employ perhaps two months in mak jeg the propcsed tour. In this case," he can not well avoid American territory, but as yet the United States Government has received no official intimation of an intended visit. THE GREAT EASTF.EN.—The monster steam ship Great Eastern is proving a failure as a "show." The charge•of one dollar per head for admission is justly regarded as an extor tion, and the nnmher of visitors is limited to from 500 to 1,200 daily. The charge for ad mission in England was half-a•crown, or about 60 cents. It is probable that the ship will be exhibited along the coast for some months: or until huge proportions cease to be a novelty. at..122da9 • Wv , ex. June 23. 19CO, by William Lewis, Esq., Mr A I:EX A N DElt 111tOWN. of Towanda, to Mks J.l XI. LAWLESS, or Sheshcquin. Jl.' , ' 14.1. y 11ev. C. ELLIS BROWN. o ,oain'alikl,Sullivan Co., to Mt : 4 n sIioLKAKEI SAI:q, Bradford Cp. July 4, Ly the. seine. Mr. EI'TIRAINI M. CT.ARI. of drain - ilk, to Miss HANNAH :•^lloE3l.ll.iilt, of Le 1:oy. In Pike, July 1, If4o, by the Rev. E F Roberta. Mr PHI I.ON J FOSTER, ulCarbundale City, to Mim LUCY A. SHEI.DEN, a Pike. • - fsi , eame. at the M. E. rsnne es. in Leltaysville July 5. Mr. J. 1511,2.4 II LYMAN. to Mi,a 5f .1 twtil col Sarinurville. Susquehanna o.unty l'a. lieto 31:Ibtrtqemrnts JULY 9, 1860. They Have Arrived ! Those who 11 ere unfortunnti• i n not :-ecuring a bargain in our last late al rival of FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP ', - 043.tWa U-Dt)'i,D' 0? TIHMATINGS, Child: ens & Ladies i'lats, Shakers, &c .trt: ag:, if ulTefed all opportunit} .Is,ort mod at T. , u• j'fices from which ME to sikri BARRELS SALT, nt op ft Al• YonnE . S. . _ . . . ACR EREL nod Mackinaw Trout, in hole, hall and quarter barrels, at Tlt.t( 1100111.75. CAUTiON.—Wherens my wife POLLS N-1 ha.s left my bed and hoard without any jmit rai this is therefore to lorhid all per to harl,ornr; or ti hie: her on my-meount. as 1 will pay ad debts - or her trJeting after thia date Notth Towanda. July 5, 1 FISH ! ! ! FISEC r! THE best as in P c nioi - xlcania. Consisting of Trout. bile Blue Fish, Salmon, odn-ii, Pickled and Smoked 'Herring. Smoked Halibut, on ham', and to be sold cheap, hi Towanda, June ID, (. B. P_ATCH. PRTTIT ! FRUIT !! INIIES, Lemons, Figs, Eakins, Prunes, Citron k/ Z. Currants. Foniale, wholesale and retail. by T , -w.,k4a_ June In. 1.-do._ C. 11. PATCH. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860 ! !, . I Towanda Brass Band CIMPOSED OF-TEN TALENTED AND EXPERI EXCEL) MUSICIANS, would respectfully announce to the citizens of this and adjoining counties, that they air now, prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF MUSIC lq 'any and every occa.ion, at reasonable rate.. For en- Ptqluent,., Address . J. BILL M IF: ANS . May 111,1 sun. Towanda. Bradford_ Co. Pa. bu t ndre s dm es te o l f as slew Ag• lo e , n rk ts 1 to tract! in either of he tat p: (thio. Miritigan. Indiana, Witamnsin, lowa, Con , neetirat and I:itode Island. A man of good character' and ordinary buAtte,is talent. with a cash capital of .:200: van find constant employment; with pleasure and profit., and the man of energy, perseverance and economy - may secure a fortune, as the agency may continue from three months hr 25 year.. Agents wishing to travel in the state ..f New York (.an be immediately employed, and in Ohio the tirst of June next. For further particulars enquire the Kthseriber. at Towanda, Pa. April 11',. NA! i OTICE.—The subscribers offer to sell the "Tv-right to R.1;1,11)11E:VS FORM DOCKET for Ma(;i:trate•, t tl,l, rmen and Justiets,) for any of the States of the ruion. eXeept Pedniylvania and Ohio, at priers rani:int! :rota t5OO to s4ooo.aecording to situation, blie and population. Ghat inducements are offered pur chasers, as the coppright does not expire until A.D.1887 B. GLIDDEN, Friendaville. A. WICKHAM, Towanda. April In, I f 0 DV. JOHN WIN TOSH, will be found at lib old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nuertcd on N'tdeanised Itubber—tbe Latest Improvement is dentistry. Specimen piece to be Rea at the office. Persons indebted to me will please, Pa}' up. JOHN MINTOSH. _Towanda. March 20, 11.860. The Old Cash Drug• House REMOVED ! CORNER Plain and Pine•street, m) DR. PORTER'S NEW MEDICINE STORE• iJiglY 3.0-13,69::,,;,, WM. A. ROCKWELL IS OPENING A LARGE STOCK OP Summer Fall GoOds, CONSISTING OP I'LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OP ALL DB3CIIIPTiONS, BROAD CLOTHS, IIEN AYp BOYS' PLAIN ANI) _FANCY CASSIHERES, SEM= 'PANT AND COAT GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS, SHOES, . SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER.;. YANKEE NOTIONS OF ALL KLNDS. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, WOODEN. AND STONE WARE, MOMS, KEROSENE, FLUID Zo ALCOHOL, . GRINDSTONES AND BINGOS, FARMERS TOOLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, All or which will be sold at the lowest possible price for Cash or Tractive. • WM. A. ROCKWELL Clll ANGE of hours, commencing MONDAY, JUNE 18 kJ 800. Trains will leave Waverly at about the follow ire hours, viz : GOING WEST- GollcG E.A.Pq. Dunkirk Express. .A.. 57 P. 31,1 N. Y. Express-11.0S A. 31 Night Expre55....3.37 A. M. light Express.l2.lB A. M. Mail • 814 P. M. l Accommodation 653 P. M. Way ...8.13 A. M I• i Stock Express. 4.55 A. M. Express Freight...s.:ls P. Nl.' Way 2.5.5 P. M. Fast Freight 814 A. M.I East Freight...lo.lo A.M. Way Freight 6.40 A.M. Way Freight...4.2o I'. M. Cincinnati Express dues. not stop at Waverly. Night Eltpress. Stock Express, Express "Freight, Fast Freight (both ways.) run every day. Aecommudation remains over night at Itingltainton. Mail remains over night at Elmira. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Elmira. All other trains run daily. except Sunday. (71IATILES NiINOT, General Sup. NAT4ANIF.T. NI ARSH. Reeeiver. New -Iron Works in Towanda liE subscriber has the pleasure to announce to the public that lie has commenced operations in his new Works, and is now prepares' to execute orders for Steam Engines, Grist Mill, Circular, .Gang and Ma ley Saw Mill Irons, Iron Water Wheels, and most kinds of Castings and Machinery in common use. Be also, manufactures a variety Of Stoves ; also Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes. Having Purchased the entire stock of Pattern* of the late concern of A: Wheeler. .k John Aritat. of Elmira, he think 4 be is better provided with patterns for Gearing, etc.. than any con..ern in this region of country. lle is also provided.nith the choicest Machi nery and the I,est ot Worktneti t , and has every facility to execute work promptly. Ilevakrecure, solicits a share patronage. Tuevambi..l.iiie 19. 190;9 11110WN SHEETINGS, 4-4 wide, from 61 to si cents per ydril at j,: 11 IA 11G E STOCK. of Gents, Ladies and J Gaiter., ISuuteed and Shuns. Just re ceived ut .11111 V . 20. 1 'GO uow re, Es% tag at the Metropolitan Hardware Store OR trELL, PA. A L.\ nt; E ADDITION TO CIS STOCK OF' E arvest & Haying Tools, Iran, Grind-stoves, Stares, Buller Workers Washing Alochinrs, 1.),:g Powers, Sash, 1 - ads, Glass, Ilonse• Trimmings, 3lechanic's Tads, L IT. W A ED. WOOL. HADES, PELTS COI'I'ER, BRITANNIA, &c. TBACY & 1440011 E 1, ALESSO MARIO, Portrait & Landscape, Painter JOSHUA BAYLY, Jr PROVIM STORE! /1 I; PATCH respectfully informs the ci tizens of Towanda and vicinity, that he ha+ reeeiv ed and opened - in U. Kingshery's store, uppozdte Montan yes', a large and well selected btatk of Groceries & Provisions Which will be sold Cheap• as the Cheapest, for CAM OR PARP/XE.WS PRODUCE. The Goods are entirely new and fresh, and comprise the best selected etock'of• Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Fruits, Candies, Ti,bacto, Park, Ha MS, Dried Beef . l'ish of all kinds, Gamphene, Fluid, Wooden 4- Slane JVare, 4.e. Ever brought into this market. All that is asked is a trial of goods and prices. . CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds ffirGood BUTTER wanted at gaud Prices. anda. June 11. READ ! REFLECT ! REMEMBER ! • THAT in nddition to our former nssorment .1_ we arc now opening a full and general assortment of SPRING & SIMMER GOODS , selected with great care to meet the wants of all. Farm ers, Mechanics (aud especially) THE LADIES , will (if they consult their own interest) give us us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we arc detemnined NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! Our Stock of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOUTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS,. . NAILS, SASH, GLASS, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, &c. &c., cannot be excelled as to quality, quantity or variety. - TRACY it MOORE. Towanda. June 14,1860. A. WICK AM ifith3 gibiwtsentents. PRLNTS FROM 5 ces. TO ONE SHILLING /LINTILLAS AND DUSTERS. - WHITE CRAPE, STELLA, BROOM, AND PRINTED. SHAWLS. SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. BIRD CAGES AND BIRD SEED, N. V. & E. RAIL ROAD. S. N. BRONSON WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA NEW GROCERY IMM 02 FR H ORANGES AND LEMONS, at FOX'S. FRESH FIGS AN•D PRUNES, at FOX'S. SUMMER SILKS , eta Hies, Bareges, Thirty bets and Crape Shawls, just received at 'S. je2o. HUMPHREY 111ster . Brass & String Band vnis, 3mm:on, Leador. A NNOUNCE to the ptfhlic. in general. that they are prepared to furnish halo for Pantiles, fteurelona. Pic Nice, Cotillion Parties. /ke. For engagements, apply to W. Prrrsuca,'Towinds , 11. J. DAVIIISON. Miter. , =NOM RAKES,AT-WHOLESALE . AND: _Acta; 0_ iirscun. .TE(NE i - :_:-:15; lB6O. ..•, J. D. HUMPHREY, (West Side of the iublic Square.) WAVVIM eigQl44l% DOMESTICS, Hosiery and Gloves, FAMILY COMM BOOM SHOES & GAITERS, Sole & Upper Leather,Calf skin, MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, &c. WHICH ARE TO BE S'LD. At Reduced Prices, FOR CASH I HOTEL KEEPERS, eL B. BARTLETT lIPIPHTZEY'4 WHO W ANT TV4IMI 5,3(0020 HUMPHREY'S HAVE just received from the City, a Large Stotk of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS ham been pur• chased for CASH, directly from the Importers, whereby I am enabled to tarnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor. of any kind whatever. at I.olllEtt PRICES than were ever be lure offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to eicanthwi my stock before pun hasing elsewhere. I have facilities for purclodniz, which enables me to WHOLF- 61 ALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES ! Besides my Liquore are warranted pure and unadulter ated. I have also ou hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchased directly from the Manulacturers and Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists of the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of tay entire stuck ut Liquors, Cigars and To , slow. Also, Groceries & Provisions Of every description, Will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWEIt than elsewhere In this town. Confident that I am enabled to sell my entice stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, kss than like goads ran be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so licit the public to an es.suniw.atioa at n. 5, Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. Towanda, June 14, ISGO. ( I IJOICE IMPERIAL TEA at 50 cents kJ a paned; a. better article than we have ever sold at that price, and probably as good as ethers sell at 75 cents This no humbug—all we ask is to have it tried. We warrant every pound or Tea we sell to give sallidaetion cr the money returned in all cases at FOX'S. JAVA, ILIO AND LAGITIRA. COFFEE in the Kernel and Grain at I' X'S. VIt1: I T ! I It U IT.— ora n ges, Le mo ns, Ita is inft. Figs, Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. CHEESE, CRACKERS AND HERRING at F BA SI( ETs, CLOTH ES P INS, SCRUB and blacking brit:lies, Window Brushes 'with long and short handles, Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Matches, Wooden Faucets and a variety of Wood ware at FOX'S - - BAKERS COCOA No. 1 CHOCOLATE, Homeopathic Chocolate, Farina, Corn Starch and Preserved,Fruits of diferent kinds put up in 5 pounds ars at FOX'S. MAIZENA-A NEM ARTICLE MADE from Corn, said to be superior to Corn Starch for Puddings at PDX'S AMES' DETERSIVE SOAP-THE best Chemical soap in the United States at FOX'S. MACARONI AND VERMECILLA very tine and fresh at PDX'S. FRalrn Izoirßocroaz7 CIVIL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, respectfully announces to the en lams of Bradford county, that he to prepared to do any work that may he entrusted to hiin, with aecurocy and despatch. Towanda, May 24th, IR6O. • VprOOL T E DOL 1 WOOL 1-25,000 lb& T WAN—The higbest market price will be Paid May 23,1860. U. E. SOLOMON'S. JIMPWash your Wool clean before you bring it to mar• ket, on the sheep, if possible; or in tab, as one-third will he deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom in the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as above mentioned. WHOLES N ACE GRUERS And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington st., NEW YORK. WILLIAM R. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Fut ler,Da‘ton & Co., and Wilson. Jackson t Merrill. D. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. . KEENE D. of Wyoming ronnty.l'a. ti&XIJEL paiNG, of New YOrk. 260014 -a, Stin rMI RECEIVING Sugar, Molasses, Fish, AND OTHER Suitable for the season. AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRUGGIST S, FARMERS, AND ALL 50 Cent Tea. "(ITS, SARDINES AND CIGARS Whole:We and retail at FOX'S. NM JUNE 1, _lB6O. EMEI J1T5T,1,...9:1!**,,E - D, KEYSTONE' .I - - -‘.. STOKE ! SIA NEE gOBDS IN calling attention to our present stock of NEW GOODS, we do not hesitate to say, that in no village in Northern Pennsylvania or. Sourthern New York will a stock of goods be found possessing more at tractions in mriety, styles, quality of goods sndpric", than we are now prepared to exhibit. Having facilities for buying geods superior to othersore are able at all times to select the newest styles and most desirable goods as they appear in market ; and conducting our business strictly upon the - CASH SYSTEM ! we eau keep; always on hand a large stock and better as sortment and can afford to sell goods at lower prices than they can be found elsewhere. We are now receiving a large assortment of SUMMER - Plain and Figured Rareges, Crape Moretz. Elegant Barege ROPES, of half their value. Organdie Robes, Printed Organdies, Plain and Figured Lawns, Janonett Robes, Printed Jaconetts. l'ine Apple Cloths. Barege Angfais," the most fashionable and durable cotton and worted dress goods now worn. Besides a great variety of other styles of Dress Goods. Also the best assort ment of ..._ MOURNING GOODS, That can be found this side of New York. HOOP SKIRTS! 250 STEEL • SPRING HOOP SKIRTS At a, Great Reduction in Price JUST RECEIVED AT the Keystone Store. Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Plain White and Check MaMugs, Floor Oil Cloths, from 3-4 to 2 yards wide, Druggets, Mutts, These goods we are prepared to sell 20 per cent less than the same can be bought elsewhere. T UST RECEIVED at the KEVSTONE STORR, a large lot of sex tiIBIIELLAS and PA• HASOLS, at a greet reduction from what we hare hereto fore seld them. TI:ST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE itft sTonEstdia Shawls all prices, Plain Thibet Shawls all colors, Silk Shawls, [troche Shawl., Printed Wool Shawls, Lace Shawls, Silk :Ind Lawn Mantillas, " Zeno bias," Sc. ace. UST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE J •sTORE, Elegant Counterpanes, different slam Wool and Damask Table Cover+, Damasks, Bleached and Un• bleached Linen Table Damasks, Napkiint, Linen Table Spreads, Curtain Draperies, Sheetings and Pilluw-trase Mastitis, from iths to 2a yards wide. JUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE STORE, an elegant assortment of Embroideries. Em broidered Collars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings, Embroidered Insertings. Marsaille.4 Collars, Mar sallies Setts, Embroidered Flouncing., Crape Collars, Crape Setts, Crape Veils. Mack Lore Veils. A large as sortment of Black Lace Veils. TITST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE .STORE, Transparent Window Shades, aft sizes, and Trimmings. Green and Buff Hollands, different widths. JUST RECEIVED ftt the I;EYSI'ONE STORE. Roots and Shoes, liat '4,4 and Straw Goods, Crockery, Oils and Paints, Glass and Sash, Choke Family Groceries. Bajons Hid Gloves ALL sizes, in colors, Black and White, of these celebrated gloves tell! always he round at the KEYSTONh' STORE. Nails Nails ; n il 'KEGS NAILS of a Superior Quality, _A.R./ For Sale, 'Wholesale and Retail, at the KEYSTONE STORE. NORTHERN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, A.. 1, .3foorgate Street, London. ESTABLISHED 1836. C APIS A T., $0291 , 1,0110. ANNUAL REVENUE, .. 1,009,000. OlTice o New Building, Philadelphia, Bunk, 425 Chestnut Street. LONDON DIRECTORS : George G. Anderson, Thomas N. Farquhar, Sir Chas. R. tleGrigor. Bart, Lord Ernest Bruce, M. P., Delman James Kay, William Westgarth, William Miller. M. P., Chairman, A.P. Fletcher, Secretery, Edward Fuch, Vice Secretary. The Policies of the NORTHERN ASSUTLINCE COM PANY, are not only gurranteed by a Large Capital, but also by the unlimited' personal responsibility of over One Thousand Shcirehohlers. ia — Losses properly adjusted and paid, without refer ence to London. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. Stuart A Brother. McCutcheon A Collins, Jos. B. Mitchell. Esq., Pres. Mech. Bank. Myers, Claghorn A Co.. Smith, Williont.s A Co., Jas. Dunlap, Esq., Pros. Union Bank, James Graham A Co., Gaw, klacalester A Co., Hon. W. A. Porter, late Judge Supreme Court.. NEW YORK REFERENCES. Duncan, Sherman & Co., J. A. Jtuart A Co., Geo. H. Stuart A Co., Abr'm Bell's Sous, J. R. Jaffrey A Sous, Robert & %Williams. BOSTON REFERENCES : J. E. Thayer A, Brother. Jarvea A Cormerais, Sweetser, Cookin A Swan, C. F. Hovey & Co., Wilson, Hamilton A Co., George Greigg, Esq .. Geo. Snell, Esq., Johnson, Sc. well A Co., Geo. W. Warren A Co. wiLTA4ii GETTY, Agent, New Building, n 1 14 1 10 14113 Bank. H. B. McKEAN, Solicitor, Ma • 31,11100, Towanda. Pa. AMERICAN . . HOTE'L, - Near the Bridge, Towanda, Pa. TORN LAUGHLIN respectfully informs the path° that be has leased the new and cmpinedi. ous Hotel recently erected near the Bridge, and having tarnished it thoroughly, ignovr prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public , as may give him a call. lie will endeavor by attention 83 the wants of his guests and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of nubile patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best SpritnOns and Malt Lagoons. Good Stabling is attached, with care= fOl attendance. Bay 13, 1860: CULTIVATOR TEETH at 11/AOICINAW • TROUT-.-Fine New Eilitt peVreceived et WO: AT TEM 4.-4sicor Rocs or A FRESH SUPPLY Or Cowlee:Bakery4Sz News lipom 34121/Hill i iiii;tatNag ' GO TO THE HAMMY. It yon-wszit CMID I I 33, To ' 44E . BAl4iftY If yon =at BREAD, CAEIM, PIES O or CUACEIMS.— GO T TUE BAKERY If you want good TOBACCO AND GO MAIM TO TIIE DASEBY If you want an extra GLASS OP LEMONADE, GO TO THE BAKERY If you Wald a very eztr'4 , pw . ,IgETVEinf It you want the LATEST NEWSPAPEBS, GO TO THE BSEXIIT Ir you want any of the POPULAR MAGAZINES, GO TO TOE BAKERIL. If you want to ORDER ANY BOOK. GO TO TUE BAKERY Ora PIECE OP SHEET 11IISIC, CO TO TEE BAKERY Go to the tahry, and see what is there ! SPRING GOODS! H. S. MERCUR HAS just received a fine stock of SPICING GOODS, in which will be found a great variety of FASHIONBLE DRESS GOODS, The Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment of. French, English and American PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, 11.0THS, CASSIERES AND SUMMER STUFFS, Carpets and Matting, OIL CTOTECO, DRUGOTIT, WALL WINDOW PAPER, SHADES, LACE VEILS, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, BLEACHED & BROWN SHEETINGS S SHIRTINGS, IRISH LINENS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, SHIRT COLLARS BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. An unusually full assortment of Common and Saddlery • HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, SASH, GROCERIES OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY LC: GLASSWARE, All of which are offered at the Lowest Prices Towanda, April 28, 1860. The Campaign of 1860 Fairly Opened MONTANYES STORE! FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT Li Ll7f CITc)(03)091 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCIEERY, ruts% AlirD CAM Anal all the elegance and et ceteras necessary to gratify the tastes and wants of this fast age. March 21. I) I ›fzi-z. "A isaa-11 TILE undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity. that they are now preparol to do all kinds of DRF.SS -MAKING loth° latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the County. ißrltooms one door below Beidlemaxes block, at the residence of A.J. Noble. MI:S. A. J. NOBLE, April 16, 11160. MISS .1. H. HALE. Wool Carding in Myersburg. ERSONS living on the West side of the P Susquehanna river, having ICOOII TO CARD can leave it at the Clothing Store of F. S. BENEDICT, in Towand L. and it will be sent to the Factory in 51yersburg. Carded and then returned to the Store without:any extra charge for cartage. Idyersburg, May 11, 18G4. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS.—You are hereby authorized to deduct five per cent, from the State tax of every individual who shall pay his or her State and County Tabs In full, on or before the 23 day of June next, and the same shall be allowed you in your settlement with the Treasurer, p c cvided the same is by you paid into the County Treasury on or before the 26 and 2.7 days of June, next. By order of the Commis sioners, lg. B. COULII-talli, Commissioner's Office. May 5, IS6O. Otra ECEVEMOILL .111.1211=. riIIR MUSICAL FRIEND," a rare companion for the Winter months. Every Pianist, every Singer, every Teacher. every Pupil, every Amateur. should pro cure this weekly publication of Vocal and Piano Forte Music, costing but 10 cents a number, and pronounced by the entire Press of the country, lo be the " best and cheapest work of the kind in the world." Twelve lull-sized pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Music for 10 cents.—. Yearly, $5 ; Half yearly, $2,50 ; Quarterly, $1.25. Subscribe to" Our Musical Friend," or order It from the nearest News-dealer, and you wilt have music e lough for your entire family, and at an insignificant cost ; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin,Cornet, CLarionet, Accordion, etc., subscribe to tlie " SOLO 2033L0D15T," Containing twelve pages. costing only 10 cents a num ber ; Yearly, $2.50; Half-yearly, 81,25. All the back Numbers at 10 cents, and bound Yoltimes f •' Our Musical Friend," containing IT Numbers, at 2,50 each, constantly on hand. C. R. SEYMOUR L Co.. 107 Nassau Street, New-York. PLANTS FOR SALE 114._MR.;Y" MJK. LIST OF PRICES Early York Cabbage, Early Dutch Cauliflower, Asiatic Cauliflower, Large Late Cauliflower, Large Sweet Pepper, .10 " Large Red Tomato, 0 !Argo Roend Egg-Plant, .10 " Long Egg Plant, 10 " Bell-shaped Pepper • • 10 " A few thousand Sweet Potato Plants, will in condition to set from loth of May to the 10th of June, at .50 cents per hundred. I - AlrLate Cabbage Plants, ontaloor culture, at 2.5 cents per hundred. Celeryat 2,5 cents per hundred thousands in fine con dition to set from the middle of hay to the first of Au gust. Being so deficient last season, I am now prepared to supply all dementia. Much pains will be taken to make all the Plants as strong and stocky as poesible, by transplanting. &c. Plants ma be carried any distance, as they will be pack ed gljyrell In most. ' GRAPE VTNES, All the Villa have Bold, I warranttrue to name. The purchaser . * Wllltileasis keep the names diethict,andwhen they fruit ihouXthere be a mistake, a new Vine, will he &et.' L few varieties of - Grape Y4tes lor.kale, at the f, • Tiawanilf April pi 1860: VaIUIY-111X. UERCUWS IN TOWN Of every description In the shalie of a W. A. BENEDICT AT THE CARMEN OF .....6 " O"HANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order °film &p lane CoOrt of Bradford Cam ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 4,1860, at 1. o'clock, P. M..,the follolollg described property, late the estate of Orange Boaworthaate .PW,a twp., deceased,. to Wit North by Ws of Wm. Brink's eilate, east by lends belonging to the heirs of said Win. Brink's estate, and hinds of Monty Ellsworth, ,aonth by lands of George D. Johnson and Jonathan Nichols, west by lands of Stephen , tak. H M. Tupper and H. B. Eosin - brooks. Containing Shalt sixty acres, about fifty urea improved, with s trained dwelling house, framed barn, email horse bent, tars or chards therwn. • Terms made known on the day of sale. WPC B. STEVENS, BETSEY Boswong, • Administrator. _ 4ane 7,1860, + URPHANS' COURT SALE.—AT ! haus of an order of the Orphans' Court of BradfordConw ty, will be exposed to s iubllc sale, on they:emir:es, on dATUIIDAY, AUOU 4, IMO. at IP. ',Ube followia_g property late the estate of P.M.Hosley,late of Springfield twp., deceased. to wit : The following lot piece or par cel of land situate in Springfield tp., bounded 'ad hy Ni. S. Mosley, Routh by Lands of P. P. Bennett, west, by lauds of Charles Elliott, et. al., north by Lindner J. Mw howl, and R. Gulp. Containing fiTty•two acts, or thete about& Terms of Sale—One .fourth upon confirmation pf sale and the balance in one year with Interest. LEMUEL C. GMEASON, Administrator. June 7, 18G0 nIIPII A NS' COURT SALE.74VOrtno N.../ of an order of the Orptiaas* Court of BradfordCooti ty, will be exposed to public role. on the premises, op SATURDAY, JULY 7.1860, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fel: lowing property. late the estate of Nelson Johnson, late of Pike twp., deceased, to wit The following W. - piece or parcel of land situate in Pike tp., bounded north by lands of George H. Little. oast by the public hlghwil leading through Lellaysville, south by William F. Rob bins, west by landsof Josiah Benham. Containing about one third of an acre, all improved, with a small framed dwelling bone, shop, barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Terms or Sale—The purchase money, to be pant on the continuation of the sale. J. E. FLETCHER. Administrator, June 7, IMO ADM INI STRA.TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es• state of (MAW.F.?. PERKINS, late of Smithfield, doce'd, must make immediate payment. and all persons having demands against said estate will present Skein Ilnly &a -t hen t icate d for settlement.. JOSEPII PERKINS, Administrator. 24, IMO ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE .— Notice is hereby given, that all persona Indebted .to the estate of PHILANDER. 11...110SLEY, late of Fipring• field twp., deceased, are hereby requested to make pay ment without delay . and all persona having demands against said estate, will present them duly authettticat. ed for settlement. 'LEMUEL C. GLEASO.II. Administrator, tie boais non. as 17. ltzGO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— otim is Iterelly given, that all persons Indebted to the estate of ASA PHATT, deceased, late of Canton town ship. are requested to make payment without delay • and those having claims against the said estate will plesai present them duly authenticattA for S settlement. CHARLE STOCKWELL, ASA I'ItATT, May IT, 13Gn. - Administrators. EECUTOR'S NOTloE.—Notice Is here by given, that all persona indebted to the estate of ASIIEII 11 1 NTINGTON, late of Athens Borough, de. ceased. are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against paid estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to CLIAILLES O.IIUNTINGTON, b.:refuter. June 26. ISIIO A DMINISTRATOR'SICOTICE.-Notice A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM FARNSWORTH, late of Troy dee'd. are hereby reone-ted to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against the said estate will please pre,eu: them duly authenticated for settlement. ELE.SZER PO3IEIIOY. Administrator. I L Ic•CO AtiDITOR'S' NOTICE.—John Mots to• If. J. Madilrs use rs. Charles Mead.—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. GOG, December term,ls:iT. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by !Aid Court to distribute funds raised by Sheritrs sale of real estate of defendant, will attend to the dates of bis sppolntstsert at hi: office in the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY. the 18th cf ArorsT. 1860, at 9 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons interested are requested to present their claim.; ur else be forever debarred from the said fund. E. OVERTON, Jr. July 11, 1860. Auditor. - -- pxECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here -1:..1 by nit en, that all persons indebted to the estate of itl( •ii A III) M.:PHEI SON. late of WyMusing tp., dec'd.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay. and nil persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. JOHN MORROW April 5, MO. Executor. ECUTOIt'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by( given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of HANNAH EVI ITS, lute of gPike twp deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay. and all persons hating claims against said estate, will pres:ent them duly autheuticated fur suttlement. _ABEL WAIL - Executor. March 22. Ic6o ADMINISTRATRIX'SNOTICE.—Notice is hereby given, that all person); indebted to (bees- Late of JOBS II El' A Ill), late of Athens Borough, deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment.and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CORN ELI A SHEPARD. A dministratrix dr Lena non, with will annexed. February 29, ist). SALE OF 11F:AL ESTATE.—The valua- Lle Real Estate Known as the Lukens Lands situate in Warren Township, Bradford County Pa., are offered for sale to the highest and best bidder. This body of lands consists of four contiguous tracts, containing lilleen hun dred acres of good farming and grazing land, well water. ed, and of easy access to a close market for produce. as the lands arc situated only about tire miles from the New York and Erie Railroad. Offers of purchase will be re ceived for the whole body, or for the separate parcels ac cording to the subdivisions occupied by the tenants No sale will be made of less than one hundred 'acres, and. pare. Is will not be soldl separately artless the whole body can be sold in that way. Terms of payment, one third cash, and thelalanre h two equal annual instalments, with interest secured by bond and mortgage on the property. Title unquestiona• ble and free from all incumbnuice. Persons desirous of purchasing will send their offers In writing in the nature of bids per acre, either to my Agent. WNI. ELW ELL, Esq., Towanda, Pa. or to myself, SARAH L. KEENE, administratrix, with the will annexed f John Lukens, deceased, lUth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. April 2, ISGO. ADMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.—Notice Is hereby given that, all persons indebted to thees tate of GF.ORGE AVERY, late of Rome township, dec'd. are hereby rtsmested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement—to John Pass more, at Rome. JOHN PASSMORE, ii.aurros Administrators. March 1. lsGO VXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- L 4 by given that all persons indebted to the estate of THOMA g McEVIENNA. dee'd., late of Asylum tp, meat make immediate payment. an d all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticited for settlement. PATRICK MeV; 'ENNA, March 0. ISan. Executors ---- - I - 1111ED SWEET CORN, at -UP" EXTRA GROUND JAVA COFFEE, ,t 8 cents doz A FULL assortment of FAMILY CIRO CERIESS just received and for sale amp et • , FOX'S. TEEL HOOP SKIRTS--Cheaper than au other place at _ ItraICCVS, a. P. TACT, se.,; PHYSICIAN & 'SIT RGEON;Ied Grid - nate of the Jefferson Medical College at Philidelpbta having returned to the village of Monreeton. where he intends to permanently locate,would respectfrilly ofihr b 1 services to the citizens orthe ph ce and vicinity. Having received a thorough extra course on the disease" of Females and Chili' - en, be is prepared to give special attention to that sub). zt iglice at the, store of Tracy 44 Fslsall. References—Dr: MASON, Towanda. Dr. Nl:mew Monroston. N0v.14. ISM //451S AND SELOITLAZAtb:, FOVA