Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 28, 1860, Image 3
Ton\- MITCHELL ON* POLITICS.— John Mitch -11 the " Uish ra triot ." and for several vcars past, during his brief residence in this - n trv, a warm defender of thh Democratic ' r tv" recently expressed himself as follows Jpon the subject of politics generally *> For three years I have been laboring in mv sphere of journalism to break np the Dem ocratic party. It is impossible any longer to belong to a party, which is dead and gone, the FOUI having gone out of it, and the very body tern limb from limb. If I had any credit with my fellow-countrymen, I should exhort tliern to peek new combinations—to isolate themselves no longer as the Irish vole—to merge in the several organizations of their fel low-citizens, and be guided in all public affairs l>y their own views of right and the political interests of the community in which they live. For example, I should wish to see the Irish citizens of Northern States acting with the party which desires a protective tariff for home indnstrv, and also the largest possible extent of territory for the field of free labor. If the South felt aggrieved—as she well may, she has her remedy." DIED, In this place, June 20. Mrs. SARAH LAWRENCE, aged 95 years. 3Murtftrmrnis. N. Y. & 2. RAIL ROAD. (lIIAXGE of hours, commencing: MONDAY, JUNE IS, / 1960. Trains will LEAVE WU\irly .U about the follow ing hours, viz •: noixt: WKST. NNINFI FAT. Dunkirk Express. .4.57 P.M. V. Y. Express. .11 OS A.M Night Express 3-37 A. M. Night Express. 12.1S A.M. AL.ij S.L T P. M.I Accommodation 6.53 L'.M. WAY ~.8.13 A.M Stock Express. 4.55 A.M. Express Freight... s.3s P. M.jW iv 2.55 P.M. East Freight S.LS A.M ; L-'a-t Freight. . .10.10 A.M. Way Freight 6.40 A. M.'Way Freight. ..4.20 P.M. I'ineinnati Express does not stop at Waverly. Night Express, Stock Express, Express Freight. Fast Freight (both ways.) run every day. Accommodation remains over night at B'uighaintuti. Mail remains over night at Klmira. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to Klmira. All other trains run daily, except Sunday. UIiAHI.ES MI.VOT, General Sup. NATHANIEL MARSH. Receiver. New Iron Works in Towanda! R PLL F subscriber has the pleasure to announce I t" the public that he has commenced operations in his NEW Works, and is now prepared to execute orders for ME.UO Engines, Grist Mill, Circular, Gang and Ma in; Saw Mill Irons. Iron Water Wheels, and most kinds of T'a-tings and Machinery in common use. He al-o, Ul.imit:! T .O-S a variety of Stoves ; AH>> Thimble Skeins .mil Pipe II v-■ Having purchased the entire stock of I'.itu rrs"! the late concern of Phillips A Wheeler, A John A mot. of Klmira, he thinks he is better provided with patterns for Gearing, Ac., than any 1911 T ru in this region <•' •• .11, try. He is also provided with the choicest Machi nery and the best of Workmen, and has every facility to execute work promptly, lie therefore, solicit* A nave • A public patronage. Towanda. June ID, isr.o. O. T>. 15ARTLETT. 1 NDKFKNDKNC'K HALL, at the hou-'e !>. MVERS, in Milan, I'a.. f>n /1 r edttf*da>f JCvmijig, July 4*Ji. H*IO. Mi if Kthiopian HuikJ. Hill VI.OO. |>llO\VX SHKETINGS, 14 wide, from I ) 61 to s.', . t nts per yard at JE2O. HUMPHREY'S. I A ltd F. STOCK, of Cents, Ladies and I 1 Children's Gaiter-, Bootees a:, iSU . Just re vcived at June 20. 1 660. HUMPHREY S. S. N. BEONSON Is now receiving at the Metropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL, PA. \ LARGE AUDITION TO HIS STOCK OF ilctlVS st & Haying Tools, Jr n. 11 -' I-s/oties, Slows, Butler II oncers, H'TTSAII/G Machines, Ite? Powers, Sash, Nils. (i/ass. IhiiiKC T/-tintilings, Mechanic's 7< ids, A-*. Il'.l NT HI). WOOL, IUDKS, PELTS, COPPER, BRITANNIA, Ac. ALESSO MARIO, J > ortrait& Landscape Painter WARD liorsi:, TOH'A.XDA. NEW GROCERY AN*l> PROVISION STORE! / i I', PATCH respectfully informs the ci " • T •. I OI Towanda and vicinity, that he HAS receiv •', N id opened in HI Kirigsbery's store, opposite MO.itan yes' , a large and well selected ETD k of Groceries & Provisions, Which will he sold Cheap as 'hp Cheapest, for [ CASH OR FARMER S PRODUCE. Tin GODS are entirely new and fresh, and comprise the , selected .stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, • v j . I'mils, Candies, Tobairo, Pork, Hums, \ I ' Href, l-'isk of nil kinds, Camphene, i i,l, I! oodrn A Stone II tire, i\~c. ' W ,-IGHT into this market. \II that is a.-ked is A | trial ot goods and prices. CASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE I at ail times for Farmer's Produce ol all kinds • Si GFHI i BUTTER wanted at good prices. TOWANDA. June 11 LS6O. READ ! REFLECT! REM EM REIt r PHA i' in addition to our former assortment -* ire now opeuiii-: a full and general assortment or SPOIIG I SUMMER GOODS, f nao gTiMt rare to meet the wants of alf. Farm ers Mechanics (and especially) THE LADIES, f ' liey ron,nit their own interest) give n us a call ■' re pun ha-'ng elsewhere, as we are deterrtnined SOT To HE UNDERSOLD ! ti,,,. „ Our Stock of ! M GOODS, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOOTS k SHOES, HARDWARE, paints, oils, glass, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, &c. &C„ l "" J texcelled as to quality, quantity or variety. T , 'TRACT A MOORE. _ [uwanda, June 14, ISf.O. pRESJI ORANGES ANI) LEMONS, at FOXS. pRESII FIGS AND PRUNES, at FOXS. js', MMER SlLKS,Challies, Bareges, Thib and Crape Shawls, just received at U*"- HUMPHREY'S. lister Brass & String Band. WM. DITTRICH, Leader. l ? the Public, in general, that they are • 4irctva,ir fur s lsh Music Or Parades, Excursions, go n Parties, Ac. U i t>?s?f eme ln' a PP'y t <> w - Pti'Tßttu,'Towanda, "■. Da\ iuson, Ulster. marbbou. aHeto afttommenfuts. JUNE 15, 1860. RIFCCEIVIJSRG BY J. D. HUMPHREY, (l>Vest Side of the. Tublic Square.) DOMESTICS, Hosiery and Gloves, Sugar, Molasses, Fish, AND OTHER FAMILY UNGUES. BOOTS, SHOES <(: GAITERS, Suitable for the scaSob. Sole & U ]ipcr Lea t hcr,Calf sk i 11. AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LiNINGS, &c. WHICH AUK TO r>V. STLD At Reduced Prices, FOR CASH! HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT 111 AVE just receive! from the City, n - Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, j of every variety. My Mock of LTQUORS has been pur chased tor CASH, directly from the luijorters. whereby ; ! am enabled to turni-h Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Cure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be fore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS ! Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my -tock la-fore pun basing elsewhere. I have facilities for i purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE inv goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquors are warranted pure and unadulter ated. I have al-o on hand the 1-irgest Stock and Great ! est Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to Towanda. which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturer* and Importers, enables I me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists or the city. Hot >1 keepers and others are respectfully invited I to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigars j and To'acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will lie kept constantly on hand, at pfices LOWE!! than elsidvhere in litis toWn. ! Confident that lam enabled to sell my entire stock of ! Goods, cither at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can be purchased this side of the City, I rcspccttnlly so ■ licit the public to au examination at No. 5, Brick Row. 11. W. XOIILE. Towanda. June 14, lson. 50 Cent Tea. /!HOICK IMPERIAL TEA at 50 cents VJ a pound : a better article than we have ever sold at that price, and probably as good as others sell at 75 cents This no hnmliug—ail We ask is to have it tried. We warrant every pound of Tea we sell to give satisfaction it the money returned in ail eases at FOX'S. JAVA, RIO AND LAGUIRA COFFEE *) in the Kerne' and Grain at FOX'S. IT'RUIT I FRUIT. — Oranges, Lemons, Rais ins. Figs, Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. (UIKE.SK, CRACKERS AND HERRING I J at F X'S^ DASKETS, CLOTHES PINS, SCRUB J3 and biaeking brushes. Window Brushes with long and short handles, Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Matches. Wooden Faucets and a vaiietv ot Wood ware at FOX'S DAKEBS COCOA No. 1 CHOCOLATE. IT Homeopathic Chocolate, Farina, Corn Starch and Preserved Fruits of diferent kinds put up in 5 pounds at FOX'S. M AIZENA—A NEW ARTICLE MADE from Corn, said to be superior to Corn Starch for Puddings at FOX'S VTUTS, SARDINES AND CIGARS II Wholesale and retail st FOX'S. AMES? D KTErsIVE SOAI >—THE best Chemical soap in the United States at FOX'S._ MACARONI AND YERMECILLA I' 1 very fine and fresh at FOX'S. IFIR/IEID MERCTTIR,, /T1 VIL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, respectfully announces to the cit izens of Bradford county, that he is prepared to do any work that may be entrusted to hitn, with accuracy aud despatch. Towanda, May 24th, 1860. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL !—25,000 lbs. WANTED!—The highest market price will be paid rt May 23,1860. M.E.SOLOMON'S. 49-Wash your Wool clean before you bring it to mar ket, on the sheep, if possible, or in tub, as one-third will be deducted for unwashed wool, as is the custom 111 the wool trade, and farmers can do it a good deal cheaper, as above mentioned. WILSON, BARNES 6l CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Extensive Dealers in Tea. 115 Warren street, (three doors below Washington st.,) NEW YORK. WILLIAM H. WILSON, formerly of the firm of Ful ler, Dayton & Co., and Wilson, Jackson & Merrill. D. V. BARNES, formerly of Bradford county. A. C. KEENEY, of Wyoming county, Fa. SAiIUEL N. DELANO, of New York. 16myGiB ITCTO AtUirrKscmcnts. JUNE 1, 1860. JUST OPENED, AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! A NEW STOCK Of iiiiS IMS! TN calling attention to our present stock of NEW GOODS, we do not hesitate to say, tliat in no village in Northern Pennsyliania of SouftliSrn New Aork will a stock of goods be found possessing more at tractions in variety, styles, quality of goods and prices, than we art; now prepared to exhibit. Having facilities for buying goods superior lo others, we are able at a!! titties to select the newts* styles attd most desirable goods as they appear in market; and conducting our business strictly upon the CASH SYSTEM I we uan keep always 011 hand a large stock and better as sortment and can afford to sell goods at lower prices titan they can be foun l elsewhere. We are now receiving a large assortment of SUMMER SILKS! Plain and Figured Bareges, Crape Moretz. Elegant Barege ROBES, at half their value. Organdie Robes, Printed Organdies, Plain and Figured Lawns, Jaconctt Robes, Printed Jaconetts. Pine Apple Cloths. " Barege Anglais," the most fashionable and durable cotton and worted dress goods now worn. Besides a great variety of other Styles of Dress Uoods. Also the best assort ment of MOURNING GOODS. That can lie found this side of New York. HOOP SKIRTS! 250 STEEL SPRING HOOP SKIRTS At a Great Reduction jn Price. JI'ST RECEIVED AT # The Keystone Store. KRESII SUPPLY OF Three-Plii and Ingrain Carpets^ Plain Yt bite snd Check Mattings, Floor Oil Cloths, from 3-4 io 2 yards wide. Druggets, Matts, Ac., Ac. These goods we are prepared to sell 20 per cent less than the same can be bought elsewhere. fUST RECEIVED t the KEYSTONE "I STORR, a large lot Of tfU.V UMBRELLAS and PA RASOLS, at a great reduction from what we have hereto fore said them. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE •I SToßK.Stella Shawl-,nil prices. Plain Thibet Shawls ail colors, f 'ik Shawls, Broclie Shawls, Printed Wool Shawls, Laep Shawls, Silk and Lawn Mantillas, " Zetid bias," Ac. Ac. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE *t STORE, Elegant Counterpanes, different sizes. Wool and D.unask Table Covers, Damasks, Bleached anil Un bleached Linen Table Damasks, Napkins, Linen Table Spreads, Curtain Draperies, Sheetings aud Pillow-case Muslins, from 4UIS to "J4 yard*wide. FUST RECEIVED it the KKYSTONK ** STORK, an elegant assortment of Hmbroideril-s. Em broidered Collars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg ings, Embroidered Insertings, Marseilles Collars, Mar -niiles Setts, Embroidered Financings, Crape Collars, Crape Setts, Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large as sortment of Black Lace Veils. fUST RECEIVED at. the KEYSTONE •* STORE, Transparent Window Shades, all sizes, and Trimmings. Green and Bud' Hollands, different widths. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE • I STORE, Boots and Shoes, llats, Caps and Straw Goods, Crockery, Oils and Paints, Glass and Sash, Choice Family Groceries. Bajous Itid Gloves ! VLTJ sizes, in colors, Black and White, of these celebrated gloves will alwavs la- found at the K KYSTONE STORE. Hails ! Hails ! t \A KEGS NAILS of a Superior Quality, 'V / For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at tbc KEYSTONE STORE. NORTHERN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, An. 1, Nloorgute Street, I jmtl on. ESTABLISHED 1830. CAPITAL $6,298 ,mw. ANNUAL REVENUE 1,000,000. Office, New Building, Philadelphia Bank, 425 Chestnut Street. LONDON DIRECTORS : George It. Anderson, Thomas N. Farquhar. Sir Chas. R. McGrigor. Bart, Lord Ernest Brticp, M. P., Duncan Jame- Kay, William Westgarlh, William Miller, M. P., Chairman, A. P. Fletcher,Secreiery, Edward Fuch, Vice Secretary. The Policies of the NORTHERN ASSURANCE COM PANY, are not only gurrantred by a Large Capital, but also bv the unlimited personal responsibility of over One Tnouxr/mf Shareholders. Losses properly adjusted and paid, without refer ence to London. * PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF REFERENCE. Stuart A Brother, McCutChfton A. Collins, Jos. B. Mitchell. Esq., Pres. Mech. Bank.Myers, Claghorn A Co.. Smith, Williams A Co., Jas. Dnnlap, Esq., Pres. Union Bank, James Graham A Co., Gaw, Macalestcr A Co., Hon. W. A. Porter, late Judge Supreme Court. NEW YORK REFERENCES. Duncan, Sherman A Co., J. A. Jtuart A Co., Geo. It. Stuart A Co., Abr'm Bell's Sons, J. R. Jafl'ruy A Sons, Robert A Williams. BOSTON REFERENCES : J. E. Thayer A Brother, Jarves A Cormcrais, Sweetsef, Cookin A Swan, C. F. Hovey A Co., Wilson, Hamilton A Co., George Greigg, Esq., Geo. Sncll, Esq., Johnson, Se well A Co., Geo. W. Warren A Co. WILLIAM GETTY. Agent, New Building, Philadelphia Bank. 11. B. McKEAN, Solicitor, May 31, 1860. Towanda. Pa. AMERICAN, HQTEI, Near the Bridge, Towanda, Pa. JOHN LAUGHLIN respectfully informs the public that he has leased the new and eommodi ous Hotel rocently erected near the Bridge, and having furnished it thoroughly, is now prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public as may give him a call. He will endeavor by attention to the wants of his guests and by the reasonableness of bis charges, to merit a por tion of public patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Spritnous and Malt Lsquors. Good Stabling is attached, with care ful attendance. . May 23, 1860- /CULTIVATOR TEETH at \J MERCUR'S MACKINAW TROUT—Fine New Fish just received at FOX'S. XHrrtrhaufcGe, arc. Cowles' Bakery & News Room' TFyou want fine ORANGES A LEMONS JL GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want CANDIES, GO TO TRE BAKERY. If yon want BREAD, CAKES, PIES or CRACKERS, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want good tOBACCO AND CIGARS* GO TO THE BAKERY. If yon want an extra GLASS OF LEMONADE, GO TO THE BAKERY. If yon want a very extra DISH OF ICE CREAM, GO TO THE DA KF.RY. If ycfo Want the LATEST NEWSPAPERS, GO TO THE BAKERY. Ir you want any of the POPULAR MAG AZINES. GO TO THE BAKERY, tfJ-oU Want to ORDER ANY BOOK, GO TO THE BAKEnY. or A PIECE OF "HF.ET MUSIC. GO TO THE BAKERY. Go lo the Bakery, and see. what is there t SPRING GOODS! H. S. MERCUR, UAS just received a fine stock of SPUING GOODS, in which will be found a great variety of FISHiOKiiLI DRESS GOODS, The Largest, Bent and Cheapest Assortment of French, English aud American PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, IN TOWN. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SUMMER STUFFS, Of every description. Carpets and Matting, OIL CTOTHS, DRUGGET, WALL A WINDOW PAPER, SHADES, LACE VEILS, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, BLEACHED A BROWN SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS, IRISH LINENS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, SHIRT COLLARS BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. An unusually full assortment of Common "' couiery HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CORDAGE. WINDOW GLASS, SASII, GROCERIES. OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCK Ell V A GLASSWARE, AH of which are offered at the Lowest Prices. Towanda. April 28. iB6O. WM. A. ROCKWELL Is just receiving a splendid assortment of iipman© AT No. 1, PATTON'S SLOCK, Corner of Main and Bridge sts. "IX7"E invite the attention of our old casto* T t nicrs and the public generally to our present as \ sortincnt. Our line of fit Is a- usual unrivalled. We have a great variety of I Ml [NTK DELAINE PRINTS, JACONET PRINTS, CXtON PRINTS. CM A 1,1,1 PRINTS, And all the Latest Styles LAWNS. BERAGES, GINGHAMS, BRILLIANTS, DKLALVKS, SILKS, CHALLIES, WHITE GOODSI SHAWLS, MLLTNERV GOODS, BONNETS; FLOWERS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, BRIDAL WREATHS, LADIES' GOODS. HOOP SKIRTS, MISSES SKIRTS. REEDS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES. LACKS, OLOVES, BtTSTI.E CORSETS, HOOP CORSETS, EM BROIDERIES, LADIES' SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS. DrttLl.tKOS, BATS A- WICKS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, CURfAIN DRAPERIES. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS A CASSIMERES, HATS AND CAPS, COW HIDE, BOOTS AND SHOES, SOLE LEATHER, KIP AND CALF SKINS, HARNESS LEATHER, GROCERIES, FISH, OILS, PAINTS, DRUGS, GLASS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GLASS A SASH, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE AND CAGES, WOODEN WARE, KEROSENE OIL, LAMPS, AND FIXTURES. Wc don't profess to sell below cost; for we find too much encouragement to think of leaving the business, but we do profess to sell as low, if not lower, than any other establishment in town. Come and see. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 27, 1860. The Campaign of 1860 Fairly Opened AT MONTANYES STORE! In the shape of a FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT OF i GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CB.OCKXJRY, HATS AND CAPS, &c., &c., &c., fcc., And all the elegances and et ccteras necessary to gratify the tastes and wauts of this fast age. March 21. DRESS MAKING I THE undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Towanda and Vicinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS MAKING in the latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper thaa at any other establishment in the County. jgSrßooms one door below Beidleman'e block, at the residence of A.J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBLE, April 16, 1860. MISS J. H. HALE. ffieflcU AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSI FICATION of the different persons engaged in the sales of goods, wares and merchandize, in the County of Bradford, for the year 1860, with the amount of license thereunto attached: Class. License. ATHENS BOBO— A O Snell 14 t 700 J Parsons 14 7 00 E Avcrill 14 7 00 P W Meeker 14 7 00 C Park A Som 12 12 50 G A Parkins 14 7 00 W H Fritchor 14 7 00 Page A Bristol 11 15 00 C Comstock 14 7 00 ATHENS TWT—L A Gardner 14 7 00 A Biedleman 14 7 00 ASYI.rM Twr*—Ulysses Moody 14 7 00 ALBANY TWP- 11 AA W 1-an caster 14 700 BCBLINGTON BOKO— Miller A Michols 14 7 00 J M Long A Sons 14 7 00 Merry A Wilhara 14 7 00 BC ISLINGTON WEST —J B Foster 14 7 00 CANTOS —Lock wood A Bennett 14 7 00 Wm S Baker 14 7 00 Mix A Hooper 14 7 00 J Vandyke Jr 14 7 00 ANA W W Spalding 14 7 00 j S Baker 14 7 00 J M Fostef 14 7 00 D Wilcox 14 7 00 E W Col well 14 1 00 E Newman 14 7 00 coLtUfeiA rr—A B Austin 14 7 00 E C MeCormich 14 7 oo GRANVILLE— E Meloz 14 700 L I? Taylor 14 7 00 W Pbelps 14 7 00 nKRRit x -Geo Nichols 14 7 00 FRANKLIN— BascIay R B A Coal Co 14 7 00 I.EROY —D D Parkhurst 14 7 00 MONROE —Tracy A Edsall 14 7 00 Smith Granmer A Co 14 7 00 A B M Hiiiman 14 7 (Mi L Blackmail 14 7 00 1) N Newton 14 7 00 Brown A Rockwell 14 7 00 S S Hinman 14 7 00 OVERTON— Charles Heillietner 14 7 oo ORWELL—Lyon A Taylor 14 7 on It Gihbs A Soil 14 7 00 SNBronson 14 7 oo Bronson A Vannutten 12 12 ,"0 CO Gridley 14 7 00 Baldwin A Bey-roof 14 7 00 Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 1) Bailey A Sou 14 7 00 L L Bosworth 14 7 00 G II Little 14 7 (Mi 1 RICGBCRY —L Woodruff 14 7 On A H Voorllia " )4 7 oo H F Buck 14 7 on Ah" Tanner 14 7 00 ROME— J S Wliilakef 14 7 on J W Woodbtirtl 13 10 on Geo Nichols 11 7 00 ! SHESHEQCTS—Kinney A Gore 14 7 on K Brigham 14 7 00 J R Harding 14 7 00 | SMITH FiELh—C B Biggs 14 7 oo I)nifty A Fritclier 13 10 00 M Bullock A Co 1:1 loon E S Tracy i 14 7 00 ; SI'RINGFIF.LD - Herman A Voorhii 14 7 00 Daly A White 14 TOO I SOETH CREEK -.! M Young 14 7 on ' TESCAROKA —T Taylor 14 7 on I STANDING STONE —H W Tracy 14 700 George Stevens 13 10 (Mi John Espy 14 7 00 : TROY BORO—S W Payne 14 7 00 Maxwell Leonard A Itro 12 7 00 Guernsey A Mitchell 14 7 on F J Calkins A Co 14 7 00 1) W C Herrick 14 7 00 n icliols A Lohg 12 12 50 S W A D F Pomerov 11 15 (Mi Peck 12 12 50 EII Dewey ' 14 7 (Ml FL Ballard 14 7 00 O P Ballard 14 7 00 EAST T ROY -11 A L Stiles 14 7 00 To WANDA BOKO—A J Record 14 7 00 J M Collins 14 7 00 D C Hall 13 10 00 11 W Noble 14 TOO Tracy A Moore 13 10 00 R S Benedict 14 7 00 Joseph Powell 10 20 00 E T Fox 14 7 00 G 11 Bartlett 14 Too d I) Humphrey 12 12 60 Wm A Chamberlln It 7 00 ll Bunk 14 T (Mi J F Bender 14 7 00 E A Parsons 11 7 (Ml Chester Wells 14 7 00 Montanyes 13 10 00 J Kingsbury 14 T 00 II S Mct-cur 12 12 (Ml J Slilam 14 7 (Mi J Car,nan 14 7 (Ml A M Waruet 14 7 00 Pattou A Payne 14 '7 00 .1 H Phinney 14 7 00 M E Solomon 14 7 00 Wm A Rockwell 14 7 (Ml •T Biedleman It 7 00 L C Nelson 14 7 00 [ TERRY— J llorton 14 7 00 A B Dcnisoti 14 7 (Ml Terry A Jones 14 7 00 I ULSTER—TIL Mingle 14 7 (MI XctVell A Brines 14 7 oo \VARIIEN— R Cooper 14 700 Talmadge A- Bowen 14 7 00 WINDHAM— Wm 11 Russell 14 7 00 WYALESINU —J M Bixby 1:5 lo oo A Lewis 14 7 00 W fayior 14 7 00 Avorz A Camp 14 7 00 IVvsox -V E A J K Piollet. 13 1(1 on Allen A Myers 14 7 00 j Wll, MOT —II Or ton A Strong 14 7 oo A LIST AND CLASSTFCATION OK Beer Houses, Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the year 1860, under the Acts of Assembly : A i.ii ENS —H Carner " *lO 00 BFIH.INGTON—C I) Ross 10 (M) CANTON—Metier A Co 10 oo H Tut tie 10 00 E Potter 10 oo GRANVILLE— P S Bailey 10 00 MONROE— E C Gascal 10 00 R R Rockwell 1(1 00 ORWELL—R A Chaffee 10 00 TROY— O 1' Adams lo oo Wm Morgan It) (Ml F Cowles 10 (Ml TOWANDA—E Kromer 10 IMI J C Wilson 10 00 J H Nevins 10 (Ml F B Ford 10 00 A F CowftS 10 00 M Carter 10 oo J Conley 10 00 ULSTER— J S Smith " 10 oo W Shaw 10 oo C Rockwell 1(1 00 Plowman A Clair 10 00 WYALCSING— J M Solomon 10 oo WYSOX —E R Bishop 10 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF persons engaged in the sale of Nostrums, Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the year iB6O, under the Act of Assembly of April 10, 18401 Class. License. ATHENS— (', A Perkins 4 15 00 LKROY —D I),PICK hurst 4 5 00 TROY —F L Ballard 4 5 00 Guernsey A Mitchell 4 5 oo TOWANDA— Patton A Payne 4 5 (Ml H C Porter 4 5 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF the different Breweries and Distilleries in the Coun ty of Bradford, for the year 1860, under the Acta of As sembly of 184'J, 1830 and 1858 : SMITHFIKLD—NichoIs A Ololstead $55 00 SPRINGFIELD—A Brail 25 Oo TROY— G F Readington 25 00 P N A G F Vicle 25 00 TOWANDA— A Lodcr 25 oo A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF the different Billiard fables and Ten Pill Alleys in the County of Rradl'ord, for the year 1860 ; TOWANDA— F B Ford Two Tables $lO 00 Cliase A Liughlin " Alleys 40 00 A LIST AND ALASSIFICATION OF of the different Bankers in the County of Bradford for the year i860: TOWANDA —Laporte, Mason .t Co $1(10 000 SSO 00 B S Russell A Co 100 000 30 00 NOTICE is hereby given, that an Appeal will he held at the Commissioners Office, in the Borough of Towanda. on the ICth day of next JUNE, at 1 o'clock, P.M., at which time aud pi ce any person who feels aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement and classification can attend if they think proper. A. D. ROSS, LeKoy, May 15, 1860. Mercantile Appraiser. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860 I MUSIC! MUSICT! MUSIC!!! The Towanda Brass Band, COMPOSED OF TEN TALENTED AND EXPERI ENCED MUSICIANS, would respectfully announce to the citizens of this and adjoining counties, that thev are now prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF MUSIC for any aud every occasion, at reasonable rates. For en gogementa, Address J. BILL MEANS. May 10,1860. Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. XT AY KAKES, AT WHOLESALE AND XI Retail, at MERCUR'b. ficsal. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue ot an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1860, at 1 o'clock, P M., the following described property, late the estate of Orange Bos worth, late |of Pike twp., deceased, to wit : North by lands of \Ym. Brink's estate, east by lands belonging to tire heirs of said Wm. Brink's estate, and lands of Mostly Ellsworth, south by lands of George 1). Johnson and Jonathan Nichols, west by lands of Stephen Brink, HM. Tupper and It. B. Eastabrook*. Containing about sixty acres, about fifty acres improved, with a framed dwelling house, framed barn, email horse barn, two or chards thereon. Terms made known on the day of sale. VVM. B. STEVENS, BETSEY BOSWORTH, Jnnc 7, IS6O. Administrators. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATI Itl) X\ , AUIIUST 4, ImIO. at 1 P. M.the following property late tlip estate of P.M .Hosley,lat of Springfield twp., deceased, to wit: The following lot piece or par cel of land situate in Springfield tp., hounded east by X. S. Mosley, south by lands of F. F. Bennett, west by lands of Charles Elliott, et. ah. north by lands of J. Mo hovd, and K. C'ulp. Containing filly-two acres, or there abouts. Terms of Sale—One fourth upon confirmation of sale and the balance in one year with interest. LEMUEL C. GLEASOJf, June 7. ISfifl. Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SAI.E—Bj virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, oft SATURDAY, JULY 7. iB6O, at I o'clock, I'. M.. the fol lowing property, late the estate of Nelson Johnson, late of Pike twp . deceased, to wit: The following lot, piece or pafcel of land situate la Pike tp.. bounded north by lands of Oeorgc 11. Little, east by the public highway leading through Leßuysville, south by William F. Rob bins. west by landsof Josiah Iter,hum. Containing about one third of an ai re, all improved, with a small framed dwelling house, shop, barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Terms of Sale The purchase money to be paid on the confirmation ol the sale. J. H. FLETCHER, June 7, 1860. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice iA is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ex state ot i ll A RLt-.S l'K!tl\INS, late of Smithfield, dece'd, must make immediate paytnent. and all persons having demands against said e-tate will plcseut them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOSEPH PERKINS, Mayay 24, Administrator. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice JA Is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of PHILANDER M. HOSLEY, late of Spring field twp.. deceased, are hereby requested to make pay tnent without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate, 'will present them duly authenticat ed fbr settlement. LEMUEL C. GLEASON, May 17. T s C,O. Administrator, dr bonis mm. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice -e~V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ASA I'ILVTT, deceased, late of Canton town ship.. are requested to make payment without delay t and those having claims against the said c-tate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. riIARI.ES STOCK WELL, ASA I'll ATT, May IT, two. Administrators. CUXECI TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- JJ by gi*en. that all persons indebted to the estate of ASIIER HUNTINGTON, late of Athena Borough, de ceased, are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, ami all prrsons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to Stephen Russell.ut the late residence of the deceased. CHARLES O. lU'NTIXGTON. | Jane 26, 1866. Exrevtor. DRIED SWEET CORN, T FOX'S. ! EVXTKA GROUND JAVA COFFEE, at I J FOX'S. I \III EI) APPLES, at J ' FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, at J _ FOX'S. A FULL assort wont of FAMILY GRO JA CERILS just received au.l for -ale cheap at Fox's. ' CTEKL HOOP SKlßTS—Cheaper than I lO any other place at MHRCI'H'S. The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! CORNE 11 Main and Pine street* FIND DR. PORTER'S N U W MEDICINE STORE. DR. JOHN MTNTOSH, will be found at liis old oflicp, I'atton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nseried on Vulcanised Rubber—the latest improvement in denti-try. Specimen piece to bo seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please pav up. JOHN M'INTOSH. I'owanda, March 20.1800. Wool Carding in Myersburg. I)EllSONS living on the West side of the . Susquehanna river, having WOOL TO CARD edit leave it at the Clothing Su>re of E. S. BENEDICT, in Towandi.and it will !>♦• sent to the Factory in Myersburg, Carded and then retained to the Store without Any extra charge for cartage. Myersburg, May 11. 1860. W. A. BENEDICT. "V~OTICE TO COLLECTORS —You aro -L x hereby authorised to deduct five per cent, from th# State tax of every individual who sliall pay his or her State and Count} Taxes in lull, on or before the 23 day of Juno next, and the same shall be allowed you in your settlement with the Treasurer, providrd the same is by you paid into the County Treasury on or bClore the 26 and 27 dat's of June. hext. By order of the Commis sioners, * K. B. COOLBAUGH, Clerk, Commissioner's Office, May 5, 1860. O RIDGE LETTING.— SeaIed Proposals D will lie received near the house of Thomas Manley, n Canton, on SATURDAY, June 30, 1860, until I o'clock F. M., for tin- building and completing a Rridge across Towunda Crock near that place. Specifications for the same may be seen at the house of C S. Sellanl and T. M. Watts and at the Commissioner's Office, for ten days pre vious to said letting 1). DECKER, P. H. BUCK. W. A. THOMAS. Commissioner's Office, June U, iB6O. Com'rs. PLANTS FOR SALE AT THE UARDEK OF MIX. LIST OF PRICES s Fairly York Cabbage, 6 cents don Early Dutch" Cauliflower 8 " Asiatic Cauliflower, 6 " Large Taite Cauliflower 8 " I>arge Sweet Pepper 10 " lairge Red Tomato, G " Large Round Egg Plant, 10 " Long Egg Plant 10 " Bell-shaped Pepper, 10 " A few thousand Sweet Potato Plants, will in to set from 10th of May to the 10th of June, at 50 cents per hundred. All Late Cabbage Plants, out door culture, at 25 cents per hundred. Celery at 25 cents per hundred ; thousands in fine con dition to set from the middle of May to the first of Au gust. Being so deficient last season, 1 am now prepared to supply all demands. Much paius will be taken to make all the Plants aa strong aud stocky as possible, by transplanting, Ac, Plants may be carried any dibtance, as they will be pack ed exceedingly well iu moss. GRAPE VINES. All the Vines-! have sold, I warrant true to name. Tba purchasers will vse keep the names distinct, and when they fruit aiionld the.e be a mistake, a new Vine will be given. A few varieties of Grape Vines for sale, at the garden. Towanda. April 28. 1860, HARRY MLS