Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 28, 1860, Image 2
ilrtos from all iiatlons. —ln the case of Jared D. Matteson against he N. Y. Central Railroad Company, tried on Friday at Utica before Judge Mullin, the Jury returned a verdict Or plaintiff of $7,160. Mr. Matteson"s wife was injured t the time of the accident at Oneida Depot last year. —The first lot of leather—eight tons manufactured at the mammoth Tannery, at Laporte, Sullivan county, was shipped by Railroad from the Muncy Depot, on Saturday last. —A noble army of martyrs to their preju dices, who reside in 'he town of Mathews, in the State of Virginia, last week assembled on the village green, and burned a small edition of Spurgeon's Sermons. Then they went home, and still the world moved on. ■ —The Western papers .state that no per sons taking refuge from the tornadoes in the cellars, were killed. The first account of the horrors of those scenes, it is proved were not exaggerated. The pain and loss are immense and almost beyond conjecture. —The Mauch Chunk Gazette says the '• Tenth Legion," which gate Buchanan C.illO majority, will not give over 2,000 against Lincoln. —The adopted citizens of Wayne county have called a meeting to consider their political standing —alleging that while they give the Democrats half their votes they never get an office worth over $lO per year. —Washington County, Virginia, was visit ud by a violent tornado on tbe Oth. Tobacco houses were ucrccfed, stables were thrown down, horses killed, and E cne farm, at least, not a panel of fence was left stand —Judge Longstreet, of Georgia, has been appointed to represent the American Government in the Commercial and Statistical Convention which is to meet E London on the Kith of July. Governor Rccder has taken up a perma nent residence in Kansas. Some of his ardent admirers already hint at the possibility of his being made Senator when the Territory shall become a State. —Saturday night, Adam Reese, a respect ed German citizen of Lancaster, I'a., was wantonly shot and almost immediately killed by a rowdy named Kben Keudriek. The murdered man was about oi years old. The murderer was arrested. —The Ridge way Advocate —the only paper in Klk Co., I'a., goes lor Curt in for Governor, and for Douglas if he gets the nomination. —On Tuesday of lust week, John Dean, employed at Parker's Mill, above Wi Ilium sport, was kill cd by falling from the upper part of the building down to the floor -a distance of 2-5 feet. The deceased former ly resided in Tompkins Co., X. Y. He was married,and at the time of his death was about 45 years of age. —The body of the son of Edward Gomez who was dnvned Sunday week was found !4th inst., in 1 lie pool of the Money Dam, having drilled sotne IS miles below tbe point where the boat containing the hat of kr. Gomez was found. —The pony express has been discontinued in consequence of Indian disturbances, which constitute the only topic ot interest. At San Francisco the news ol the rejection ot the Sautillan claim caused great re joicing. —The court of pardons has rejected the ap plication for (he pardon of Rev. Jacob Harden, sentenced to be hung for poisoning his wife, The question of are prirve remains with the Governor, and has not yet been considered. —Letters received at New York, from ex po tin aster Fowler, dated Havana. 1 Tt lf. disprove the I'ikc'.- Peak story of his having la-en seen there. Congress has changed the title of purser to that of paymaster in the Navy. The British navy adopted this title sonic years ago. A dispatch from Cape Island, New Jer- Mi . states that the Pnited States revenue steamer Walk er was run into yesterday morning at three o'clock, by an unknown schooner off Absecom. The steamer sunk in thirty minutes. The captain, officers, and about forty men, took b> the boats. About twenty are missing. The New Orleans papers announce that < "i>!ocl John A. Wilcox, ot Texas, has started on a tour through the country to canvass for General Houston for the Presidency. He made his first speech in New Or k aits. Col. .J. V. A. Lansing of Watervlict, N. Y., celebrated his 01>t birthday on the I.sth of this month. 112 ot his descendants dined together with him, and took part in various social and religious enjoyments. Five generations were tepresented. —The Lurch divorce case is to be tried in ' November, at Napcrville, Du Page County, Illinois, the Court having granted a change of venue. —Frederick Douglass has returned to the United States. He came unannounced, and bad been home several weeks before the fact had been known to the public. -—Douglas, on the stump, in 1848, uttered the following language ia regard to Lincoln and the Mex ican war supplies : —" 1 never ehargad him with voting against the supplies in my life, because 1 knew lie was not in Congress when they were voted!" The New York Independent runs up the Lincoln and Hamlin flag, as the " Nominations for Free dom.'' This, we think, is the first instance in which a distinctively religious paper has taken such a step. Rev. Mr. Harden has made a confession of having poisoned his wire, showing in the whole trans action a degree of guiltseldom equalled. —Gov. Olden has respited the execution of Jacob S. Harden for one week and a day, bringing it to Friday,.the 6th day of July. - -The Roman Catholic German Church Holy Trinity," corner Sixth and Spruce streets, Phila delphia, was destroyed by tire Saturday afternoon, and completely gutted. The valuable altar painting of the Crucifixion alone was saved. Loss at>out $26,000 ; in i-nrancc SIO,OOO. The fire was caused by a " chaser "or '• double-header." —Joseph and Robert Button, editors of the Virginian, Lynchburg, Va., were shot in the street Sat urday , by the brothers Hardwicke, editors and proprie of the Republican, One of the Buttons is said to be mortally and the other seriously injured. Beth the Hard wichcs have been placed in jail. —Dr. David B. Brown, convicted at Bos ton, of causing the death of a young woman by procurin" abortion, was Saturday sentenced to the State Prison for fourteen years. —lt is stated that twenty thousand Bwcdc and Norwegians are preparing to embark for the United States, and it is believed that not less than that number will reach the United States before the close of the pres ent year. A fellow living on the Indiana shore of the Ohio river, near Yevay, Indiana, having a few days ago lust his wife, went over to the Kentucky side of the nver, visited a grave yard there, and stole a tombstone, which he placed over the remuins of his lamented better half. —lt is said that since January, 1859, fif teen hundred Chinese laborers have been carried ofT by tigers, in Jehorc, the end of the Malucca peninsula. The tigers feed regularly on celestial flesh, aud it is said that good digestion waits on appetite. —Mr. L. O Colvin, of Cincinuatus, X. Y., has invented a machine for milking cows. He says the i owi stand quieter, and like to be milked by the machine better than by hand. —Diptheria or sore throat is at present pre vailing in Conewaga township, Adams county, Pa., and very fatal. Battle of the Factions. The political doings of the Democratic " statesmen" assembled in Convention at Bal timore of course receive due attention from the public ; but we think their martial exploits,also should not be lost sight of. We therefore beg to present a short summary of the encounters of the past week in chronological order. The Convention met on Monday, and on Tuesday, before the Committee ou Credentials, Mr. HOOFER called Mr. IIINDMAN "that man," and designated his statements as " unqualifiedly false." IIINDMAN thereupon got home heavily on HOOPER'S knowledge-box, and drew a pistol. IIOOIEK, having uo pistol withdrew from the ring. On Wednesday, Mr. WHITELEY, of Delaware, waited upon Mr. TOWNSEND, of the same State, at his hotel, and delivered him a vigorous right-hander on the frontispiece,which led to Mr. TOWNSEND'S seizing him by the shirt-front and cravat, and shaking him. After a bold rally both men went to grass, WHITEI.EY underneath searching for his pistol. The police interfered before the commencement of the secoud round. On the same day Mr. FISHER, of Virginia, had a mill with the poflee at the door, and had the claret drawn freely from his probosois and was otherwise severely punished. He threatened that Virginia would secede. On Thursday, Mr. MONTGOMERY, of Pennsyl vnnia, was informed by Mr RANDALL, the same State, that what he said was " false—a base falsehood" MONTGOMERY retorted by calling RANDALL that old man, and "a lying scoun drel." Mr. RANDALL, Junior, thereupon sent a friend to inquire if that epithet was applied to his father, to which Mr. MONTGOMERY res ponded, with military brevity, that Mr. RAN DALL, Junior, "might go to "an unpleasant place. Mr. RANDALL'S friend then informed Mr. MONTG >MERY that he (Mr. MONTGOMERY) was " a low, vulgar fellow, and a blackguard" —a proposition which that gentleman did not attempt to dispute. Alter the adjournment Mr RANDALL, Jr., meeting Mr, MONTGOMERY in the street, hit him cleverly between the eyes, drawing claret copiously. Mr. MONTGOMERY, in reply, got home heavily on Mr. RANDALL'S listener, send ing him to grass, and was about to kick him while down, but the bystanders cried "foul," and took him off. An offer of a pistol Jiy the obliging Mr. BRYAN, of Texas, was declined by Mr. RANDALL, and both parlies then left the ground. On the same day the platform occupied by the Convention broke down, send ing all the delegates to grass. CORRECTING ITS OWN LIES. —The Constitu tion of the 19th says ; " We can honestly say that we arc glad the friends of Mr. Lincoln have taken the pains to cause that gentleman's stationery account, as member of Congress, to be examined, with a view to ascertain whether the scandal con cerning his having had several pairs of boots charged that account, and of course paid for out of the public funds, was or was not well founded. We published the allegation to that effect from the Louisville Courier, with simul taneous expression of a hope that some one would investigate it ; since, trifling as the cir cumstance might seem to many, we thought that if true, it indicated such a disgracefully low estimate on the part of Mr. Lincoln of the ditties and responsibilities of a representative, and of the principles of honor and honesty, that it ought to be known to the people who arc now asked to elevate him to the highest office in the nation ; and if uutrue, we, know ing that such weapons damage their authors more than against whom they are aimed,desir ed to sec the charge fall into disuse. We frank ly say that the officer of the of Repre sentatives having in charge the stationary ac counts has certified through the newspapers that the records of his office furnish no evidence of any transaction like that laid to Mr. Lin coln's charge." A CATTLE EMBARGO. —The Cattle Commiss ioners of Connecticut have caused notices to be posted in every Connecticut town on tlie Massachusetts line east of the Connecticut river forbidding the driving or bringing into the State, from Massachusetts, any cattle, sick or well, ou penalty of SSOO fine and six months imprisonment. Petitions arc in circulation in Colebrook, Norfolk, and other towns on the line, west of the river, for a similar prohibi tion. Indeed, there is more excitemeut there than in the eastern part of the State, as Litch field county is exclusively a grazing and stock raising county. To show the feeling there, a single fact will suffice. Mr. Abial Pease, of Warehouse Point drove a pair of cattle (healthy, but one of the animals having a cough) over the river to find pasturage ; and before suiting his wishes lie kept on west till he reached Colebrook ; there the people seized the cattle and compelled their immediate re turn to East Windsor. (£7=* An Albany early on the morning of the 20th the police discovered a woman named Brid get Carey, wandering around the streets per fectly naked, and her derson streaming with blood. After a desperate struggle tliev cap tured her and took her to the Station-house, when they learned that she had been insane for some time, and that in one of her parox ysms she had jumped throngli the closed win dow of the room where she was confined, car rying the sash with her. On examination they found that her mouth was filled with broken glass, which she was chewing with evident re lish. It was only after a severe struggle that they succeeded in clothing her properly in order to carry her to the Asylum. B6T" JOHN BINNS, Esq., an old Editor and and publisher, died in Philadelphia on the Kith, in his 88th year. BINNS was born in Dublin in 1772. Ifc took an active part iu political agitations of the time, and as a consequence became iuvolved in difficulty with the English Government. He was tried for high traason and uttering seditions lauguage, but was ac quitted, and came to this country. lie enter ed into the newspaper Northumber land, Pa., then in Philadelphia. He ranked among the fiercest assailants of Gen. JACKSON. After his paper,the Democratic Press, had lost its hold on popular favor, he relinquished it, and was elected Alderman. In this position he gained a high reputation for honesty and energy. Mr. HAMLIN like Mr. Lincoln, was an con sistent supporter of the Principles of the Re publican party, before the party itself was organized. Though one was a Whig and the other a Democrat, both were firm opponents of Slavery extension, and on that issue both preseut a clear record. Both were among the earliest and most effective advocates of the new organization. lirabfor&.iieportfr. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA: Thursday Morning, June 28, 1860. Terms — One Dollar per annum, invariably in alliance.— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a .subset iplion. notice will be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be slopped. Clfbbiko — The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely luxr rates : 6 copies for $5 00 Jls copies for .sl2 00 10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r... . 15 00 A DVERTIRKMKNTS — For a square of ten lines or less, One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-Jive cents for each subsequent insertion. Job-Work — Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Rooks lUanks, Hand-bills, Rail tickets, FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, of Illinois. FOR VICE PRSIDENT, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, of Maine. FOR GOVERNOR, AND'W G. CURTIN, of Centre Co. ©say-No paper will be issued from this office next week. The next issue will be dated July 12. JBSsy The Baltimore Convention having 011 Friday adopted the majority report of the committee on credentials,by which the Donglas delegates were admitted in place of the seced ers from the Southern States, a withdrawal of a portion of the Southern delegates followed. On Saturday, the regular Convention—or at least what was left of it—met, and alter a good deal of speechifying, finally nominated Stephen A. for President by a vote of H3 out of 189 1-2. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, was subsequently nominated for Vice President. The nominations arc not re ceived with much enthusiasm, from thfe circum stances under which they were made—the Con vention which made them being less than two thirds of the original Convention. The Seeeders, also organized and nominated JOHN C. Bueckenmdgk for President, and Gen. Joseph Lank, of Oregon, for Vice Presi dent. The ticket is a strong one, and will be considerably in the road of the Douglas ticket. \\ licthcr the itlcTiuiond Convention will now be held, \rc do not know. There are now four tickets in Die field for President and Vice President—the Republi can, the Union and Constitution, the regular Democratic, and the Seeeders. LETTER I ROM Jt OOF. BATES. — The Missouri Democrat, of the 20th contains a letter from Judge BATES in support of the Chicago nom inee. Wc have not room for the letter thi.> week but the sentiment* it contains do credit to the author. After disclaiming that he foils the least pique or dissatisfaction at not being nominated himself, he says that it is plain that the approaching contest must be between the Democratic and Republican parties, and he prefers the latter. The Democratic Party, he says, has merged its existence in the one idea of Negro Slavery, and is wholly sectional. It has in various instances endangered the cquali ty of coordinate branches of the Government and attempted to degrade the Judiciary by striving to make a passive register of party decrees. In most, if not all things, lie considers the Republican Party the opposite of the Dem ocratic and therefore entitled to his support, and this would be a sufficient reason for It is supporting any man whom the Republican Party might put forward, if he had not other good reasons for supporting .Mr. LINCOLN. The Union Party he considers too weak to elect any candidate or establish any principle. He says lie has known Mr. LINCOLN for more than twenty years, and he has earned a high repu tation for truth, candor, courage, morals and amiability ; that lie has talents, and will use them to the best advantage. He is the peer of the first men of the nation, and well able to sustain himself, and advance the cause against any adversary, and in any field where mind and knowledge are the weapons ttscd ; that in brief he considers him a sound, safe, national man, who could not be sectional if he tried, for al! his feelings anil interests are identified with the great valley of the Mississippi, and that for the good of the whole county, he hopes he may be elected. JEte£r The President on Saturday sent a Message to the Senate, vetoing the Home stead bill. He says, after reviewing the gen eral provisions of this bill, that the clause of the Constitution giving power to Congress to dispose of the public lands, cannot be intend ed to convey the power to give them away ; and lie considers the small sum asked for the land nudcrthe bill—tweuty-livc cents per acre, with a credit for five years—would be eqnival cnt to donating them. lie contends, as a gen eral principle, that Congress does not possess the power to douatc mouey to States or indi viduals, and that this would be the ease in so disposing ot the means of public revenue.— The bill was also unjust to the holders of mili tary bouuty lands, as it reduced their value, and made an nnjost discrimination between Americans and foreigners by prohibiting the former, if single, from availing of its benefits, where the latter, tbongh not the head of a family, is given the privilege. After consider able debate on the President's objections, a vote was taken on the questiou of the passage of the bill notwithstanding the veto, and it failed for want of a two-thirds vote. OMINOUS. —It is stated that Foster, the dem ocratic candidate for Governor,went to Wash ington, to urge his Democratic friends not to oppose the Republican Tarriff bill. It is now bis only salvation, he tbiuks, in this State. - WHAT A DIFFERENCE! We should think that every respectable and selfrespecting democrat would be driven from his party by the following short, plain, truth ful chain of facts : A convention of Oppositionists lately met in Baltimore,and another assembled in Chicago. The former was far less thronged and enthu siastic than the latter, although it had,through causes generated by democratic violence and | outrage, somewhat more of a national repre sentation. But we are prepared at all times to show, by evidence drawn from the leading conservative journals and statesmen of the south and north, that the views held, and the candidates adopted at those two conventions, were very nearly identical. Yet, whether our opinion on this point be right or wrong, these two conventions, em brae ing all the Opposition, and, in both eases,com posed of conflicting branches of the Opposition met, organized, consulted, debated, resolved, nominated and parted in peace and order. In neither was there a single instance of threat, insult or defiance. Much less was there a case of violence by blows or of the drawing of knives and pistols. They met, talked, acted and sep arated like gentlemen, as well as freemen. In contrast with ail this, we will not detail the general quarreling, confusion and rowdyism which strongly marked the democratic conven tion held in Charleston, and which brand that since fighting in Baltimore with a burning stigma. This natii na' disgrace will be beard of soon enough over the whole civilized world, without our aiding to proclaim it. Our readers too, have doubtless seen the whole of it. All we ask of them is to mark (ftr difference and judge for themselves what party is decent, con servative, reliable. JOHN SCHWARTZ. —We regret to learn that the Hon. John Schwaitz, member of Congress from Berks county, died in Washington, on Wednesday evening 2!>th iust. .Mr. Schwailz had been ill with jaundice for some time past, yet such was his devotion to the pußlic busi ncs, that lie had only absented himself from the House within the few days 'preceding his death. Jt was only when the grasp of death was upon him thai he gave Hp and took to his bed. We could not possibly have a strong proof of the sterling worth of the man than this single fact affords ns. He has been in his seat wliti a rrgulailty that Im.i of remark,and upon every test question lie was sure to lie found all right with the main body of the Opposition, so that although a new member, he came to be regarded with great respect. Mr. Schwartz was horn in the county which lie so faithfully represented, and has resided there all his life. At his diniise his age was about, sixty five. He is popularly supposed, outside of IJerks,to have been atanti Lecomp lon democrat, and to have, owed his election to that ; but such was no! the fact. He was an ardent friend of Harrison and Clay, and a thoroughgoing protectionist. In truth he was an old fashioned Clay Whig. In the War of 1812 he was appointed by Governor Snyder, and served as a major in the Pennsylvania volunteers called out at the time the Dritish army invaded Maryland. Subsequently lie amassed a fortune in the iron manufacture.— Pennsylvania loses u good man in John Schwartz. FOREIGN NEWS. —The steamship Melita, which took the place of the Canadian, passed Father Point, Saturday, on her way to (Que bec. She brings dates of the 14th iust, be ing four days later than our 'orrncr advices.— The Great Eastern was to sail for New York on the lfith inst. The capitulation of Paler mo was signed on the 6th inst." The Neapoli tan troops were allowed to embark with their arms and baggage. The Neapolitan Govern ment had decided upon concentrating all the military'forccs at Syracuse and Messina. The damage done to Palermo by the bombnrdment was immense. The Neapolitans committed great atrocities—bnrniug houses and killing women and children. Garibaldi had called all Sicilians between the ages of 11 and 50 to arms. It is said that France has accepted the mediation proposed by Naples. The con ditions are a liberal Constitution for Naples, a separate Government for Sicily under the House of Bourbon, subject to the condition that the Sicilians give their consent. It is re ported that Mnzzini had embarked for Sicily The Sardinian Government had ordered his arrest, if possible. Garibaldi had authorized Signor Bertiui to effect a loan, stating that he lias at Sicily immense means to satisfy all his claims. The evacuation of Italy by the French troops had been completed. Bread stuffs steady, and with an upward tendency. A NEW JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT AND ELEC TION.—The death of Judge Galbraith, of the Sixth District, composed of the counties of Krie, Crawford and Warren, will give Gov. Packer an appointment for a few months, and devolve upon the voters the election of a President Judge of that district. The Sixth District has an Associate Law Judge—David Derickson, of Meadville, on the Bench. We presume either Samuel P. Johnson, of Warren or some other of the older members of the Erie Bar, will be the nominee. The District is st rongiy Republican, though by a split in in our ranks Judge Galbraith, a Democrat, was elected in 1857. Japanese Embassy is at New York, receiving the attention of the people of that town. With all the appetite for " sen sations" we should suppose that by this time the Japanese excitement was about " played out." LOCAL AND GENERAL. CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. —The Re publican Clubs or organizations in the several townships and boroughs of Bradford county, are requested to com municate to me immediately the names of the officers of such Associations, in order that an effectual organization may he perfected throughout the county. And snch townships as have not yet organized Clubs are requested jtodoso at once. By order of the Committee. JAMES H.WEBB, Sec'y. tgg""Thc Time-Table on the N. Y. k E. R. R. has changed, and appears corrected in another column. i This change was made necessary by the action of the i Tate Railroad Convention at Columbus, in altering the lime of departure of the Cincinnati Express. KagrTheßt. Uev. Bishop BOWMAN is cx l pected to administer the rite of confirmation at the Epis j copal church, in this borough, on Sunday morning next. jfcaf* We are pleased to learn that the ladies ■ • of tire Methodist church realized a handsome stun from i their Strawberry Festival on Tuesday evening, the pub ! lie having responded very liberally to their invitation, i in view of the laudable purposes ol the undertaking. * Shipments of Coal from Towanda by fhe Barclay It. It. A Coal Company. Navigation opened May 7th, 1860. Shipments lor the week ending June 23,.. .1 fit tons. I'retious Shipments, 74C3 " Amount for the season 8347 " Amount for same period last year, 7-705 " • " Increase, .1412 " J TROUT FISHING AT RALSTON. — EDITOR KK roKTKB- Dear Sir: 1-ast week we had the pleasure of visiting, with a party, for a short time, the celebrated lidiing ground at ftalston, noted for years past as the favorite resort of nil lovers of this facinating sport. We made our head-quarters at the Rock Run Hotel, kept by the gentlemanly and obliging landlord CI.AKK E. CONLKY Esq. There were gentlemen and ladies there, both mar ricd and single, old and young, from all parts of the j country. Parties from Philadelphia, New York, Baiti -1 more. Danville, Kltnira, WilMamsport,Shamokin, Towan ! (la and many other places—all happy, full of life and ; enjoyment. Trout fishing, of course, was the grand and ; all absorbing topic of conversation, and the principal ! business during the day , but when " night came on, all was merry as a marriage bell," various were the amuse ; menfs of the etenfng, sm-h as dancing, vocal and instru mental music, whist.and euchre parties, backgammon, i chess, checkers, dominoes, Ac. ' The proprietor C. E. CO-SJ.KY. Esq., and his family mike every exertion to render the stay of their guests pleasant j and agreeable. His table was furnished with everything I in the culinary department which lite mo t fastidious i could not help but appreciate. Mr. has contemplation the erection of a ecm modious bath-house, where invalids w!k> ik-siro wa'rr treatment cau iie accommodated, rendering it in all re spects a Water Cure of sufficient size to accommodate all. He also his in contemplation the erect sin of a Bowl- J i.. 5 Kuiiwm on the beautiful Fawn in the "car of bis Hotel for the express accommodation and amusement of his | guests. This pfeasatit r.-freat among the mountain= at Kalstnn. is fast gaining favor and popularity With the lovers of ' pleasure who have a few weeks to spend lit summer from ! business, to recruit their wasted energies, and we re-- >m mend to ail if they would like to bring home a load <>! trout, live on trout white there, have a delightful time and return home to their business letter fitted tor its du ties, to visit 1! iVton one season and satisfy themselves, and we assure them they will never regret it. Mr. Cu\ 1.1 y'B charges arc \e:y reasonable, charging only ;1 per i day. j 4@fThe Republican C'lub of North To ! wands met at the " Myers School House," on the evening |ol June 23. The meeting was called to order bv the ! President. On motion, (he proceedings of the pieced i ing meetings were read. (i. D. MONTANVE,of Towanda I was called rnt and an-wertil to the call by a very able ad | dress. He was followed in a very eloquent manner by ! Col. E. SMITH. Much enthusiasm and good feeling pre vailed, and hearty cheers were giien for LINCOLN. HAM I.IN and CUKTIN. The b. Do wing resofuttoft was adopted : HnnlrrH, That WE tender our thanks tor C'tt. E. SMITH ( and 'i. D. MONTANVI:. >d Towanda, for tlie very able and i eloquent manner in which they have entertained us this j evening on the political questions of the day. , The meeting then aifjotrfrrfd to meet at the Mount Pleasant School House in Ruffington. The | Club of Burlington arc requested to meet with us. Col. E. SMITH, (J. D. MONTANYK and others are expected to | address the meeting. A general invitation is extended i to everybody. PROWNEP.—We learn that on Sunday last, a young man eighteen or twerty rears o'rt, by the nume of Orlando Williams, son of John Williams, of OrerfieM township, this county, sorac eight or ten miles below this place, (says the Tunkhannock Democrat) while attempt ing to swim across the Suspiehanna liiver on a slab, when near the shore, frat where the water was deep, from some cause let go of his slab, and being unable to grim, was drowned before assistance could be rendered. The body was recovered soon after. STABBING AFF:;AV.—A man by the name of ('lirk Cornel), something over eighty years old, living just over the line between this and Luzerne county, hav ing got into some difficulty on Sunday last, with one James Brink, of Falls township, this county, drew his knife and stabbed the latter in the arm and abdoman, cutting him in a horrthle manner, from the effects of which, we learn, he has since died We understand that the perpetrator of tbfs Woody deed, has hren arrested, and is now confined in the Wilkes-Barre Jail to await his trial. The particulars of this case we have not heard. - A'oW/i JSranrh Democrat. BtaT" The Corner Stone of the new Presby terian Church in Montrose, was laid with appropriate exercises on Wednesday afternoon of last week. It is to be a Gothic edifice, of brick, from designs furnished by Samuel Sloan, Esq., architect, Phil's. The building, finished complete and upholstered, with the gas and warming fixtures, will cost about $14,000. fihiT Ou Tuesday of last week, a severe gale of wind and rain passed over the eastern towns of this county, accompanied in some portions of Warren, Wind ham, Orwell and Rome, by hail. It is believed that no extensive damage was done to the crops, still the wheat and rye were injured to some extent. In someplace we were told, the hail fell in stub quantities that the ground was covered so as to resemble its appearance af ter a snow storm, even an hour after the gale had passed over, and liandfulls of hail stones of considerable size, could be scraped up on ihe grass three hoars after the storm. W&* There is to be a celebration at Camp town on the coming 4th, consisting of a procession, speeches, dinner, &e., &e. Speeches will be delivered by Prof. O. S. PEAN and Hon. PAVID WILMOT, of this place. We understand that a general Pic Nic Pinner is to be spread. Good times are anticipated. The examination of the several classes oonnected with the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute are in progress this week, and will close Friday night. The literary exercises connected with the Female Popartment will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Monday evening, July 2d, on which occasion, Hon. DAVID WIL MOT will deliver a short address. College commence ment proper will be held on Tuosday morning following, consisting of original speeches by the young men. Au address will also be delivered by Dr. MCRDOCK, of Elmira. A special meeting of >'aiad Engine Company No. 2, in uniform, for parade and exerciw, will be held at the Engine House on Friday, June 23, at (1 o'- clock, P. M. A full attendance desired. C.H. ALLEN, Foreman. The Promenade Concert and Straw berry Festival given to Lin ta Hose Company on Wed nesday evening of last week, was well attended, and the proceeds made a very handsome addition to the exche quer of the Company. TIIE ATLANTIC FOR JULY. —The Atlantic Monthly is promptly on hand for July. Its literary char acter seems never to (lag, and the last number always appears to us to >e the best yet issued. The following are the contents of the July number : Heterology , Treasure Trove ; A Legend of Maryland; Hunting a Pass ; The " Cattle to the Poet"; More about Shelley ; Clarian's Picture ; Spring; Itufus C'hoate ; The Regicide Colonels in New England ; To the Cat-Bird; The Pro fessor's Story; On the formation of Oallcries of Art; Darwin on the Origin of Species ; Vanity ; Reviews and Literary Notices ; Recent American Publications. Pah lishcd by TICKNOK A FIKI.II, Boston ; $3 per annum. The Wide-A wakes made their first turn out ou Saturday evening last. Their uniform consi.-ts of a glazed cap and cape, with torch, upon the handle of which is a small flag. They were accompanied by the Towanda f'ornet Band, and made a fine display. They will undoubtedly prove an organization of great efficiency aud usefulness during the present campaign. ftaT Hon. F. P. BLAIR, of Missouri, who has just unseated Mr. BARRETT, publishes a address to his constituents in the Missouri Democrat, of tint 18th. lie states that he titi deitook the contest which has just terminated in his favor, not to expel Mr. BARRETT from the House, but to refer the question of right again to to these immediately interested,—that is. to his constituents. The attitude which he submitted to take has been one of humiliation, of anxiety, of expense and of labor. He would not have assumed it merely to change places with his opponent. It was his eouvicliou " that the Kurutive power installed at Wash ington by fraud and corruption had re w olved - to perpetuate itself by the systematic applica tion of such means which induced him to resist them overwhelming as they were in his own case. Mr. BI;\YJ then cites some of the revelations of the Covode Committee. These frauds he was convinced were attempted to be perpetu ated in his case. He considered Mr. BARRETT merely " as the instrument in the hands of tlie antagonists of free principles and the pnrity of elections in the St. Louis restrict." His con stituent.-, ho soya, owe the restoration of their rights to a few Northern Democratic ilepre- ] scntatives ami a few members of the American I Parly in the House frorn the South, who hate boldly encountered twcju lices in unity with the Republican Representatives to vindicate (he right of suffrage against the attempts cf Kx ccwtivc corruption. Mr. BI.AIR couclndcs by offering his thanks to the American, Demo cratic and lit public.*!n Representatives iu Con gress who aided i" the lesloratitMf of the rigliU of his constituent!!. Crif* A sad accident occurred on the Hud son River Railroad, Wednesday afternoon, near Peekskill. Three men, in a state ui in toxication, were walking on the track, when j two of them grew quarrelsome and commenc ed to fight. During the contest the 11 A. M. Express train came along. The third man seeing his comrades' danger, rushed in to sep arate them, when the cars passed over the three, killing two iiistautaueously.aud so injur ing the third 'bat lie died very shortly after. (>;ie of the party, an Englishman, had recent ly received a letter from his mother, and had .1 gone out to buy paper aud envelopes to reply J to her, when he met the others, and treated E i.beta at several drinking places. And that E was the cause of the catastrophe. Another |j accident is also reported on the same railroad H The body of a man was found lying on the I track near Tarry town. His neck was broken, a The supposition in that he had jumped off a J train. NEW JERSEY AM, RIGHT. —The nomination of LINCOLN and HAMLIN has been received with great culhusiasm by the Opposition in New Jersey. Meetings arc being held in every part of the State to ratify the choice of Chicago Convention. At Newark a demons stration was made at which twenty thousand people were present. Relegations were in at tendance from all the neighboring towns.— Speeches were made by several of the leading men of the State, and ol New York. Reso lutions endorsing the nominations were adopt ed by acclamation, cannons were lircd and fireworks exhibited. New Jersey will, with out doubt, give her electoral vote for the Ke publican candidates, LINCOLN and IIAMLIS. FRIGHTITL SITCIPE. —A most shocking case of suicide occurred a few days since in l ergu son township, Clearfield county, Pa. A roao named Samuel St roup, first took an axe and nearly severed his hand from his arm. Fear fug that the wound might not result in death, the misguided man swallowed a large doseo: corrosive sublimate, which soon terminated bis life. Shortly before his death he was discov ered by some of his neighbors, who, not know ing that he had taken poison, endeavored to save him by binding up the wound on bis wrist. He told them, however, that it was no use, and in a few minutes expired. B&- Advices from Washington represent that Messrs. RKEKINRIDGK und LANE will c ' cept the nomination. Ptr contra, other letter writers are fpiite as certain that they will de cline. It is universally conceded that wi.- both in thejficld the election is a uicrc {orswh £ .v --to register the votes for LINCOLN. In this County, as far as we have heard tb expression, the Democracy are divided, majority perhaps incliniug to DOLGLAS.