Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 21, 1860, Image 2

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    ilrtos front all ilatlons.
—Sherman M. Booth, who has been for a
lohg time imprisoned at Milwaukee for resistance to the
Fugitive Slave Law, the other day locked his keeper up in
his cell, went out into the street, refreshed with a leis
urely walk and a cooling drink, then returned to his jai!
and exchanged positions with the jailor, resuming his
old place.
—The Berwick Gazette states that the
Wheat Fly is very destructive in that vicinity.
—On Monday last, a man, who gave his
name as Robert Clark, was arrested near Tamaqua, bro't
to Bloomsburg and lodged iu Jail, for stealing a horse,
belonging to Rudolph Shuman of Mainville, Columbia
—ln Williamsport, last Sunday, E. Gomnz,
a Spaniard by birth, whilst Taking a ride with his little
son iu a boat on the river, was accidentally drowned—
The boy, whilst reaching lor something in the water, fell
overboard ; the father, unable to reach him, jumped in
after him, but was unable to make the shore, lie leaves
a wife and two children.
—One day last week there was shipped over
the Wiitiamsport road via Elmira to New York City, five
tons of butter, in firkins and tubs.
—A German Reformed church edifice is to
be erected at Bloomsburg, at a cost of about $">000.
—A daughter of James Louden, Esq., loek
tender at Jersey Shore, was drowned In the cana 1 on
\ Tuesday evening. She was ten years old. Her funeral
took place on Thursday, which was attended by the scho
lars of the Methodist Sabbath School.
\—Bogus gold dollars of the date of 18f)4,
hambeen put in circulation, recently, at Muncy and vi
cinimk They are well executed, and it is difficult to dis
tinguish tbem from the genuine, except by weighing
themfc Look out for them.
' /—►Sterling Edricks, aged sixty years, a res
ident of Bolivar, Westmoreland county, Pa., was killed
<ast week on the Pennsylvania Central Railr-ad, whilst
chasing his cows off the track.
A vast Aquarium is being made in Phil
adelphia for the Continental Hotel. Its area is twenty
feet square, and its depth ten feet. It is to be divided
into two compartments, and its object is to afford a re
ceptacle iu which turtles, lobsters, terrapins, Ac., can be
fattened for the table.
—A. A. Church, late Treasurer of the Lu
zerne County Agricultural Society, has a red Devon cow
which yielded twenty-five pounds anff fifteen ounces of
milk at one regular milking.
—R. P. Flennikeu, of Pittsburg, formerly
of Fayette county, has been appointed a Judge of the
United States Court for the territory of Utah.
—On Tuesday morning in consequence of
the displacement of a switch, a passenger train on the
Belleville (Missouri) railroad ran off the track. About
thirty persons were injured ; many seriously.
—The second trial of speed between the
renowned trotting horses George M. Patchen and Flora
Temple came off over the Union course on Long Island,
on Tuesday, and resulted in the triumph of Patchen.—
Two successive two-mile heats were won by Patchen, in
1 minutes, 53j seconds, and 1 minutes, 57.} seconds.
—The Japanese embassy visited the Phila
delphia Mint on Wednesday last, and inspected the vari
ous processes of refining and coining, with which they
were much pleased, and especially with the machinery
for coining-
—The mvstery concerning the bark freight- j
ed with arms, which had been tying off Queenstown for
the last sis months, is esplained. She contained arms !
for Garibaldi, from the New York committee, and has ;
now sailed.
—Resolutions approving Senator StHßß'*'
course in the United States Senate have passed the Ma
HvdHisettn Legislature bv a vote of 86 against 1(.
The Republicans of the second district of
Michigan have nominated Fernando C. Bearaen for Con
g re ess.
—The laborers on the Sunbary and Erie
Railroad near Warren have been discharged, and work
suspended. It is said work on the Middle Division will
continued with a diminished force during the Summer, j
—The Rochester Democrat states that .Mr.
Hall, the owner of the celebrated trotting horse " George
M. Patchin." has recently refused an offer of 125.000 for
him, estimating his value $10,900 above that high figure- j
—We advise our Republican frieuds to file j
all their Democratic exchanges during the present cam- ■
paign. Their present laudations of Seward will he very j
useful four years hence. Out of their own mouths wc will !
judge them then
—The St. Lonis Pioneer says Minnesota !
has already had this year an immigration nf 10,000 actual j
(.ettlers, and farming interests were never more promis
—A " Southern Boy" offers to fight the
Benicia Boy" for the trifling Bum of ten thousand dol
tars! We wouldn't fight the b'g lubber for less than
twenty thousand dollars.
—A letter from the Secretary of the Great !
Has tern Steamship Company to the Mayor of New York,
states that the monster would leave for this country en
or about the first of June.
—A few days ago a negro, after gnzing in
tently at the Japanese, now in Washington, exclaimed;
" If de white folks is as dark as dat out dare, 1 wonder
what's de color ob de niggahs ?'*
The N. 1". Chronicle says that a young
girl, 13 years of age, was struck blind on the 31st nit. in
the City of Baltimore, under singular aud awe-inspiring
circumstances. She bad been accused by her aunt of
falsehood, which she positively denied, calling upon God
to strike her blind If she was not telling the truth. In a
moment after, a film began to gather over her eyes, des
troying the sight, and leading her to confess her guilt.
—The New York Independent gives at the
head of its editorial columns autographs of Lincoln and
Hamlin. The Independent is a religious newspaper, and
understands that it is performing a religious duty in urg
ing the election of the Republican ticket.
—A young woman named Hannah Fisher,
residing in Madison, Wisconsin,was insulted in the depot
by a young man named Williams. Hannah concluded
that she could defend herself, first broke a pitcher over
the fellow's head, and then procured a raw hide, belabor
ed him until he went down on his knees aud asked for
pardon. Of course the crowd backed the Amazon.
—On the 30th ult., Air. John J. Martin,of
Guelpb, C. W., was married. On the Saturday following
his property was burned ; and- on the succeeding Thurs.
day he committed suicide by taking poison.
—David Skinner, horse thief, set fire to the
jail at Van Wirt, Ohio, with a view to making his escaps.
But the flames were not discovered as soon as he suppos
ed they would be, and when his cell floor was opened,
Skinner was a pile of cinder.
—By the newly revised statutes of Massaehvt
sctts, Bank officers are required to stamp all counterfeit
and spurious bills which may be received in the course of
business, under a penalty of paying- the full amount of
the bill or bills allowed to pass without being so stamp
--The Postmaster at Brooklyn, N. York
has directed all his letter-carriers to shave the upper lip.
—Putrid Sore Throat prevails to some ex
tent in York county, and several persons have died from
, —Theodore Parker, who died at Florence,
on the 16th ult., bequeathed his private library contain
ing over 39,000 volumes, to the public library of the city
o' B>*ton. " r
formed that the Sunbury and Erie Railroad
Compauy will run their own road from Sun
bury to Whetam, a distance of eighty-three
miles on and after the first day of July next
The intention of the company is not to furn
ish the rolling stock, but merely to supply the
motive power wherewith to haul the cars of
the Northern Central Railroad Company. At
Lock Haven commodious machine shops and
depots have been erected. A sufficient nuui
ber of Locomotives are now building to accom
modate the traffic. The portion of the Suu
bury and Erie Railroad between Lcck Haven
and Sunbury is in excellent order. The west
ern division, under the snperintendance of
Samuel A. Black, Esq., has been in efficient
operation since the first of the year, and is
doing a heavy freight business from the oil
region of Pennsylvania. On the first of July
next, the Sunbury and Erie Company will
have one hundred and forty-nine miles of their
own. road in use, and with upwards of ten
miles additional almost in working order.
WEST, according to the calculation of the
Chicago Tribune, swept over the space of four
hundred and fifty miles, without diminution of
force, smiting towns, farms, forests, and every
thing on the surface of the earth with appall
ing violence and destruction. Towns were laid
low, and whole forests crushed in an instant,
and large streams of water literally scooped out
by the mighty tempest. The course of the
tornado is now traced from Fort Dodge,
Webster county, lowa, more than two hun
dred miles west of the Mississippi river, to the
northeastern corner of Ottowa county, Michigan.
Nor is it at all probable that the entire range
of devastation is yet known, though its direc
tion at both extremities leads us to hope that
however far it may have traveled, it did not
involve much more destruction of human life
than is already known The time occupied
by the tempest in making the entire distance
cannot yet be curreutly estimated. We kuow
merely that it swept over Webster couuty,
lowa,on Sunday afteiuoon.aud Ottowa couuty
Michigan, ou Sunday night.
tei?" On the tcport of Mr. MASON, Chair
man of the Special Committee on the
Harper's Ferry Insurrection, THADDEUS IIYATT
was Thursday released from the custody in
which, for some time past, he has been held
for refusing testify before the Committee. In
connection with this proceeding, Air. SUMNER
spoke at some length, vindicating liberty of
conscience, and justifying Mr. HYATT'S course.
The Majority and Minority Committees on the
Johnßrown Insurrection made their report. The
Tariff bill was then taken up,uud was strongly
opposed by Mr. HUNTER, who argued that no
change in the present tariff was necessary, as
it afforded sufficient revenue for the economical
support of the Government, and the extinguish
ment of the public debt. Mr. SEWARD spoke
at length on the subject, and strongly advocat
ed the bill and its immediate consideration.—
To postpone it to the next session, he said,
would be to postpone it indefinitely. The argu
ments for postponing it were so weak as to
show a manifest disposition to avoid the whole
subject. By a vote of 25 against 23, further
consideration of the bill was postponed. The
Army Appropriation bill was taken up, und
some of the House ameudineuts agreed to.—
Tiie Overland Telegraph bill, already passed
by the House, was concurred in by the Senate.
In the House the proceedings were not of
much importance. The request of the Senate
for another Committee of Conference ou the
Homestead bill was acceded to.
fiSrThc people in Kansas are thirsty, and
with a good reason. That blessed boon of
Heaven, " the rain,the plashiog rain." of which
we sometimes get too ranch here, has not been
vouchsafed to our kinsfolk in that Territory
for day after day, and week after week, as
our correspondent informs us, while the
thermometer ranges from 90 degree to 93 de
grees ; nor has any dew fallen upon the tender
herb. For fifteen years, the Indians say,noth
ing like it was ever known before. And the
drought, bad as it is in itself bespeaks a fear
ful famine. Corn, potatoes, all the roois and
fruits of the earth, are in the worst possible
condition. Crops of all kinds are in serious
risk of utter failure.
Ray A telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis
annouuccs that Judge EEBIER, in the Court of
Common Pleas, has overruled the motion for a
new tria',of the ease of CARSTANG against SHAW.
This is the great breach of promise case, in
which the lady, on the first trial, received a
verdict of SIOO,OOO damages. A second trial,
which was applied for and obtained by the de
fendant, resulted in a reversal of the former
verdict ; and now, the motion for a new trial,
made by the plaintiff, has been denied.
said in regard to the expenses of the Covode
Committee. They have been in session three
months, and have examined about one hun
dred witnesses. Their whole cost, with mile
age, does not exceed $2,500. As an offset to
this, the Committee has done an immense deal
of good iu exposing the frauds and rascalities
of the Locofoco politicians, which in no other
way could hare been brought before the public
and the value of which cannot be measured
in dollars arid cents. The developements it
has made will contribute largely to tbc defeat
of the corrupt party in power, and that rs a
result worth many thousand times the paltry
sum named as the cost of this investigation.
&3T The House of Representatives has
done the handsome thin? in ejecting Mr. Bar
rett and admitting Mr. Blair as the member
from the St. Louis district. Mr. Blair was un
doubtedly fairly elected by the people, but was
defrauded of the return by a resort to the
tricks so well known and so often practiced by
the administration democracy. Justice has at
last been done by admitting him to his sea',
and Mr. Barrett has leave to keep company,
ont in the cold, with Cooper, who was lately
ousted from a seat for the Detroit disrict ob
tained by similar frauds.
the Ithaca Jomnal that the towns of Groton,
Dryden and Lansing were visited by a hail
storm on Friday of last week. A dark ragged
cloud was observed rapidly approachiog from
the north west.accorapanied wkhfrequent flashes
of lightning and loud thunderl The storm
lasted about five minutes, discharging quanti
ties of fine hail stones which lay in heaps along
the fences. We have not yet heard that any
material damage was done. In Ovid, Seneca
CO , on the same day, the hail fell to the depth
of five or six inches
Thursday Morning, Jnne 21, 1860.
TERMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
J'oar weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription,
notice will be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
CLUBBING— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fo!
lowing extremely low rates :
6 copies for $5 00 [ls copses for sl2 00
10 copies for 800| 20 copies for 15 00
ADVERTISEMENTS — For a square of ten lines or less, One
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—uilh every facility for doing Books
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, 4"C.
AND'W G. CURTIN, of Centre Co.
The Baltimore Convention which meet on
Monday, spent the first day of its session in a
bitter wrangle npon a proposition to admit to
fellowship again those delegates who seceded
at Charleston. Mr. Sanford E. Church of the
New-York delegation made a proposition re
quiring all who were admitted to scats in the
Convention to abide by the nomination made.
This "test oath," as it was called, excited a
fresh outburst of rancor.
A special despatch to the New York papers,
Tuesday, at 1 o'clock, says that " Mr. DOUG
LAS is undoubtedly beaten, and the chances
now appear to favor a union upon HORATIO
SEYMOUR, of New York."
The feeling is iutense and bitter, and the
breech seems wider than at the adjournment
at Charleston. New York seems to have con
trol of the Convention, and votes steadily with
the South, though it is claimed her vote would
be cast for DOUGLAS' nomination.
CsS-Thc charge of fraud in tbc election of
Hon. George W.Scranton, of the Luzerne dis
trict, has been effectually disposed of Mr.
Wiußlow, o? North Carolina, who insisted on
an investigation before the Covode Committee
after the examination of several witnesses, be
came disgusted with the whole proceedings,and
refused to take more testimony, acknowledg
ing that he bad been imposed upon. Among
the witnesses examined were the Hon. George
Sanderson, Democrat, of Seranton, who testifi
ed that he knew of no money having been
used to further Mr. Scranton's election, but
that the great change in that district was
caused by the disaffection which prevailed
among the Democracy towards the present
Administration, and by the high character and
popularity of Mr. Seranton among all classes;
J. 11. Puleston, who testified that he accom
panied Mr. Seranton thro' the greater part of
the canvass of 1858, and that no money was
improperly used to his knowledge, nor any
improper means, to advance his election ; Dr.
Davis, editor of the Seranton Herald, a Dem
ocratic paper, who testified that he supported
Mr. Seranton in opposition to the regular Dem
ocratic nominee, because of his fitness and de
votion to the best interests of the People of
his District, and that he received no pecuniary
consideration for these services. Others, in
cluding Mr. Brisbin, formerly Democratic
Member of Congress, were present anxious to
testify in Mr. Scranton's behalf, but further
testimony was declared unecessary.
I). S. Koon, lawyer, residing at Pittston,
who preferred the charges, knew nothing be
yond vague statements, and upon the examina
tion of Dr. Puleston in reply, was unceremon
iously dismissed as unworthy of notice. The
Committee, of which Mr. Winslow is a memb
er, unanimously ordered that Mr. Koon should
not receive either mileage or fees ; but Mr.
Seranton very generously directed his return
ing expenses paid, notwithstanding his base
This experiment has cost about SIOOO. —
When the investigation was proposed, Mr.
Covode protested against calling witnesses
without specific information, but Mr. Winslow
appealed to the House aud obtained the order.
HON. JOHN GALBRAITII, formerly a Repre
sentative in Congress from the Erie District,
and for several years President Judge of the
Courts of Erie, Crawford and Warren counties,
died very suddenly yesterday at his residence
in Erie, lie served in Congress from 1838 to
1831, and again from 1839 to 184-1, and occu
pied a high position as an intelligent and sag
acious representative. As a learned, upright
aud impartial jurist, few men ever enjoyed a
larger share of public confidence. For the
last couple of years Judge GALBRAITII had
giveu up almost his entire time to the establish
ment of an Industrial Reform School for the
instruction and reformation of the destitute
and criminal, and with a liberal act of incor
poration proeaped in 1859, mainlv through bis
efforts, the institution was in a fair way of suc
cessful inauguration, a farm of several hun
dred acre 3 in Western Pennsylvania having
already been purchased for its location.
CORRUPTION REBUKED. —The resolutions ad
opted in the Ilonse by a large majorities sev
erely censuring the conduct of the Secretary of
the Navy, and reflecting, though in less tren
chant terms, upon the President, will, we
trust, have a salutary effect even beyond the
individuals more immediately referred to. It
will be understood henceforth that no public
station can screen political corruption from ex
posure and censure.
B&- Shipments of Coal from Towanda by
the Barclay It. R. &. Coal Company. Navigation opyied
May 7th, 1860.
Shipments for the week ending June 16,. .1126 tons.
Previous Shipments 6337
Amount for the season 7463 "
Amount for same period last year 6401 "
Increase 1061 "
We are requested to sny that, in con
sequence of sickness in his family, the County Superin
tendent will not be able to visit all the schools, in some
of the towns not visited last winter.
on our table, and as usual, is filled to overflowing with
choice matter and handsome illustrations. Tbe Publish
er announces important changes in tbe July number.—
The form will be changed to a royal octavo of 32 pages ;
and the editorial charge of the Horticultural Department
will be assumed by WILLIAM SAUNDERS, the distinguish
ed writer. In addition to this, a large niynber of the
ablest writers on Agriculture in the country, have con
sented to contribute to the pages of the " Farmer and
Gardener.' 1 With these great attractions it will be one
of the best, as it is now one f the handsomest and cheap
est, publications in the country. Persons desirous of
examining the work, can procure a copy without charge,
by addressing tbe Publisher, A. M. SFANGLEK, Philadel
GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. —This splendid pub
lication is the first on our table for July. Its contents
are attractive as usual—its illustrations unusually at
tractive. No lady can afford to do without this best of
monthlies. Published by L. A. OODEV, Philadelphia—
s3 a year.
ing anniversary of our national Indepeddencc will be
celebrated at this place by a PicNic of the Sabbath
Schools, of this place. Invitations have been extended
to all the schools In the County, to participate, and it is
expected that a large number of the teachers and chil
dren will be present. The Ulster Band has been engaged,
and Franklin Fire Co. of this place has decided to join
the celebration.
At Canton, extensive preparations are being made for
a celebration, at which S. B. TOMLIXSOTV, of Kmini, will
deliver the address.
At Troy, G. L. SMITH, of Elmira, is announced as the
the Orator of the day. An Elmira Fire Company will be
At Waverly, Lucius ROBINSON, of Chemung County,
is the Orator. The Southern Tier Itiffcs, the Owcgo Fire
Department, Liuta Hose Company, of this place, and an
Elmira Fire Company, will be prusent.
The announcement of tbe Rope walk
ing drew one of the largest crowds to this plare, on Sat
urday last, ever assembled here. Mr. GILLKTT walked
upon a rope stretched from the Ward House to the Court
House, and returned, to tbe gratification of the crowd.—
The wheelbarrow part of the performance was a failure,
as tlic Professor bad evidently undertaken more than be
thought entirely safe, and relinquished it, after one or
two efforts. We regret to say, thai the oceasion was not
calculated to give a favorable opinion of (he sobriety and
of tho s e present. An unusual amount' of drunkeunass
prevailed, accompanied wHh puffSistic displays, and
black eyes aird bloody noses were the order of tbe (Jay.
JJif* The extensive Machine shop of Sraos
SPRINGSTEEN, near the Depot, at Owego, was destroyed
by fire on Wednesday evening last. Not an article was |
saved. The loss s estimated at f 40, OOP.
ST I.I.IVAN* COUNTY. —The Democrat contains ;
the following items, of local interest:—
Gov. PACKER has been in town for the past j
few days. The Governor looks robust and hearty.
©ARWC 'EARN that MOSES ROGER*, an old j
and highly respectable citizen of Forks township, had j
his leg broken, one day last week. Mr. R. was riding on 1
horseback, and riding up beside another horse which j
kicked hitting him on the leg, breaking both bones off, |
just below the knee.
ry township, informs us, that on Wednesday of last week. '
as his brother aud a small boy were searching in the
woods for some lost cattle, that about one hundred rods
from the main road, on a by road, leading into a large
swamp, they ramo upon the remains or skeleton, of a
horse. Near these remains were fonnl a saddle, bridle
and martingales, very much decayed. The saddle was
secreted under a fallen tree. Near the skeleton was found
a club, some two or three feet in length, and many who j
examined it say that traces of blood are distinctly visible j
upon it. No bones of the skeleton were fractured, how- :
ever. Three of the horses' hoofs were found, two of i
which still retained their shoes. The manner in which
the horse was shod, is pronounced by those that are fa
iniiiar with such things, and have examined these, to in
dicate that the horse came from a distance, as no such
mode of shoeing is practiced anywhere in this vicinity.
The hoofs were also considerably worn, showing that
the horse had traveled considerably. The saddle, bridle,
martingales, and hoofs bearing the shoes, are now in the
possession of WALTER K. GREEN, who resides within a
quarter of a mile of where the remains were found.
There is a mystery in this matter that may never be
fathomed. The horse could never have strayed there
and died, as the disposition of the saddle shows. There
may have been a murder perpetrated there and the vic
tim sunk in the marsh near by, in which the weight of n
man's body would sink from twenty-five to thirty feet,
never to be recovered. It is a mysterious affair, at least
citizens of Albany met on the 18th inst. and organized a
Republican Association, to be known by the name of the
Rail Splitters Friend. Its object shall be to perfect a
thorough organization of the Republican principles and
to serurs coustaut and ellective co-operatiou of Republi
can mesures. The following officers were chosen •
Recording Secretary— AMOS QTLMBY.
Corresponding Secretary— J. P. ORMSBV.
Treasurer —WM. LEE.
Executive Committe— M. A. LADD, C. H. COBBIN, MY
The following resolutions were adopted :
Resolved, That we are opposed to the present adminis
tration in attempting to spread Slavery into Free Terri
tory and that our votes shall be cast in favor of free
speech, free soil and free territory.
Resotved, That we approve of the course of our pres
ent representative in Congress, Hon. G. A. GROW, and
that we find in him an able and fearl'ess representotive
of the laboring class of our country.
Resolved, That we recognize in the platform adopted
at the Chicago Convention, by the Republican par y, true
respect tb the principles of Republicanism, and meets
our hearty approval and endorsement.
Resolved, That we endorse the nominations of ABRA
of Maine for President and Vice-President of the United
States, and A. G. CCRTIN, of Centre county, for Gover
nor, of Pennsylvania, and that we will use all fair and
honorable means to secure their election.
The meeting then adjourned to meet at Brown's School
honsc, on Saturday 30th inst. at 0 P. M.
Albany, Jnnc 19,18C0. Recording Secretary.
—ln pursuance of previous notice, the Republicans of
Bradford county assembled at the Conrt House, in this
borough, on Saturday last at 4 o'clock, P. M., to organize
and adopt a constitution,etc.for a county Campaign Ass
ociation, and to put the machinery in motion wherewith
to ensure a certain victory of the Republican party in the
' approaching State and Presidential canvass.
The meeting MI organized by calling W. C. BOOABT,
Esq., to the chair, and appointed E. A. PARSONS Sec'y.
Ou motion, a committee was appointed to report per
manent officers for the Association, who made the follow
ing report:
Pretidtnl—B. F. POWEI.L.
Vict-Preiidentt— E. H. PERKINS, Col. IRAP WILSON.
Recording Secretary— E. OVERTON, JR.
Corresponding Secretary —G. H. WATK I.VS.
Executive Committee— E. GCYKR, P. I). MORROW, J. P
KIKBV, JAMES H. WEBB, W. C. BOOAKT ; after which <it
was moved and carried, that the following additional
names be added to the Executive Committe : D. WILMOT,
The Committee asked and obtained leave to report a
constitution and by-laws for the government of the As
sociation at an adjourned meeting.
On motion, there was a committee of five appointed to
draft resolutions expressive of the sense cf the Associa
tion, viz E. GI YEB, G- H. W ATXINS, Maj. U. TERRY,
Col. G. F. MASON, E. P. SHAW.
The Committee through their Chairman, after a short
absence presented the following Resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted :
In view of the approaching Presidential election elec
tion, the Republican electors of Bradford county deem it
advisable to orgauizc a County Campaign Republican
Association, the sole purpose of which shall be to co
operate with siroilarorganizationsinthc respective town
ships of the county, stimulate the formation of republi
can clubs in the election districts where this has not yet
been done, and do whatever else is essen'ial to secure
the triumph of the republican cause ; and that this may
not be misunderstood we de<lare,
First, That it is our solemn conviction that free labor
alone can preserve this government, and that to uphold
and advance it, is alike our privilege aud our duty, to
the past, the present and the future.
Second, That as the institution of Slavery as sustained
in the Southern States of this Union, denies to the col
ored race the rewards due to both mental and physical
labor, it degrades the industrial pursuits of the" Free
States, and abnegates the inalienable rights of man, thus
practically refuting fhe whole theory of our democratic
institutions as understood by the lathers of the republic.
'l\ird, That as the propagandists of this institution
are endeavoring to extend its territorial area, and social
and civil influence, it behooves us, as consistent freemen,
to oppose this extension at all points, and by allconstitn
tionai means, wishing it to be distinctly understood that
we claim no right to interfere with it in the states where
it now exists.
Fourth, 'J hat as tbe doctrine of Protection to Home
Industry, as recognized in the earlier impost laws, tends
to ennoble toil, elevate and strengthen the laboringman,
in all his relations of life, we declare an unfaltering ad
hesion to it.
Fifth, That as strict economy in administering the
fiscal affairs of the nation, is due to the people .and neces
sary to keep down peculation, we avow our utter adhor
rence of the wastefulness of the public funds, and the
fraudulent purposes on which they have been appliedjiy
Mr. Buchanan and bis administration.
Sixth , That as a party, We are opposed to rebellion
against the constituted authorities, and long established
u.->ages of the goveruuient, no matter from what quarter
they spring.
Seventh, That we hold no persona! animosity towards
any portion of the people of this confederacy, |and that
in opposing political dogmas, and institutions obtaining
in any division of the country, we are only exercising our
rights as freemen, aud do rt from convictions of duty to
the country.
Eighth, That 1 in order to can -f out' fully the positive
and inferdrvtSl principles hefdin set forth, we pledge to
them our present and future support.
HAMLIN, and ANDREW G. CURTIN. we recognize able
and couaistant Republicans, true men. aud good citizens,
whose public and private lives give evidence of fidelity
to tlie gtn'enttndnt. and tlie noblest interests of our race,
and who t*er?fore ddserve, as they shall have, our usffbJ
On motion thS Association adjourned to meet on Wed
nesday evening, June 21, at Mereur'a Hall, for the pur
pose of adopting a constitution and bv laws, and to tran
sact'sucnotbdr business as may be necessary.
report that Cattle have died in '
this vicinity, or County, with any disease resembling that !
creating such excitement in Bfassat-hhseffe, ts wholly i
without focwdafioiT.
" Pr.TEßso.v's MAGAZINE,'' for July, is receiv
ed. This magazine is deservedly a favorite with the la
dies, bcrvg filled every month, f'rotr-cover to com, with
matters of great interest and importance to the females.
CBAKI.ES J. I'KTLKSON, Philadelphia. Publisher.
teT' The ladies of Wysox will trivd a dinner,
on the Church grounds, oti the Fourth of July, for the
benefit of the otd Presbyterian chtrrch, of that place.—
Such a laudable purpose needs no recetatoeciation.
Ticket# 50 cents ; children half price.
The Ladies of tho Chflrch,
of this place, will hr>H a Strawberry Festival, at the
Court llonse, on Tuesday evening next, for the purpose
of raising funds to be applied towards liquidating the in
debtedness of the church. Tbe cccwsioa Witt be made a
very pleasant one, and the object to be attained will com
mend itself to every one. We hope to see this Festival
generally and generously attended.
Stir By the arrival Sunday evening of the
Bohemian at Farther Point, from Liverpool
on the 6th inst., and Londonderry on the 7th,
we have three days later intelligence from
Europe. It is of considerable importance.—
The reports concerning GARIBALDI and the
bombardmeut of Palermo are as usual,conflict
ing. According to some advices, the bombard
meut still continued, while others describe
GARIBALDI as having stormed the citadel, after
the capture of a portion of the Neapolitan
artillery. Subsequent accounts state that on
a proposition of General LANZA, commander
of the r yal troops, an armistice had been con
cluded, GARIBALDI demanding that the Nea
politan army should evacuate Palermo. This
would seem to be true, as still later advices
from Naples represent the King as refusing
the couditions, the recommencement of hostil
ities being close at hand. Later dispatches
still state that the bombardment had commenc
cd, while a telegram from Palermo, of the 3d,
announces that the urmistice still continued ;
that GARIRALPI was master of the town, but
that the Neapolitan troops held the forts
Letters from the French sqnadroD say that
GARIBALDI was compelled to grant through a
failure of ammunition. Officers from the Sar
dinian army were abont to join them. From
England we learn that the Post office authori
ties had notified the Company of the Gal way
Line that services on the mail contract were
to commence on the 26th inst., for New-York,
and on the 10th of July for Boston. The Com
pany were to hold an extraordinary meeting,
to borrow money. In the House of Commons
Mr. GLADSTONE stated that £500,000 more
would be wanted for the expenses of the China
war. Lord JOHN RUSSELL denied that it was
the iutention of the Government to postpone
the Reform bill until next session. ID com
mercial maters there was a slight decline in
cottoo, with an advance in flonr and wheat,
owing to the unfavorable state of the weather.
Provisions were at nominal prices.
Troy Budget understands that John Morrissey
is to go immediately into training at the
" Abbey," with a view of fighting Heeuao io
August. Ho has left New York, and expres
ses his determination to vanquish the cham
pion of the world, notwithstanding he (Mor
rissey) is threatened with consumption
iST By the California Overland Express
arrived at Springfield, Mo., on the night of
the 14th inst., we have news from California,
which is not of special iuterest, to the 25th
ult. The news from Japan is to April 2, and
that in relation to the attack opon Prince
GOTAIKO is of interest. The statement is that
about a week prior to the date of the news,
Prince GOTAIRO, while ON his way from his resi
dence to the palace in Jeddo, with his usual
guard of sixteen, was attacked by a party of
eighteeu, aud six of the guard aod four of the
assailants were killed. Seueral others were
wounded, among them the Prince, but his
recovery was confidently anticipated. It ia
feared by many that a revolution is impending
which, if succeasfol, will result in the expulsion
aod death of all foreigners.
telligence of another massacre of missionaries
in Patagonia. It took place upon one of" the
islands near the coast, to which the Patagonia
Missionary Societj had sent agents, in hope
of civilizing and Christianizing the people.
Not long siuce, the Captain of the mission
ship, with the Catechist and six of the crew,
while on shore, were set upon by the natives
some two hundred in number, and were beaten
to death with clubs.
THE HOMESTEAD BlLL.— After several nxet
ings of the Committee of Conference cm fhe
disagreeing votes of the Senate and House on
the Hqraestead Bill, and a great deal of dis
cussion on the various propositions, the Com
mittee reported that they were utterly unable
to agree, and asked for their discharge Thus
ends the matter for the present. The friends of
the Homestead bill know upoD whom the blame
rests. The Republicans of the Senate aud
House lmve done best to secure the passage
of this beneficent measure, aud the democracy
has effectually prevented them. The triumph
of LINCOLN* alone can scenre the success of a
measure to which the people of the free North
are so much attached.
HON. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, Attorney-Gene?*!
of the United States, is spoken of in connec
tion with the vacancy upon the Supreme Branch
caused by the death of Judge DANIEL,
Of Ptarlef Fevef, at' Macedonia. Pa., on tbe 24th of May,
in the loth year of his age, WALTER, elheat son of
WM. F. and ANN E. COLE.
The writer of this notice has seldom' been called npolr
to discharge a mom w*?fn! ffbiy than he experienced in
performing the funtfhl obsequies of the deceased.
WALTS* was an unusually sprightly aud winning lad,
intelligent'cfuite beyond his years. He possessed many
exceilfentqualities of both head and heart; was obliging to'
his friends, always courteous tb strangers, dutiful to his
parents, respected to his teachers, and kind to his little
brothers and sister. His early death is greatly lamented ;
but we console ourselves with this pleasing reflection
that what is '• odd loss is lils unspeakable gain." R w
Thy first born son is ca led away,
Dear mother, to be free.
To dwell with Jesus ; hear him say—
" Let children come to me."
His tender mind was yet impressed
With truths divinely given,
That be must preach, and sd be bleat,
Befori hi went to heaven.
Rut God, to show his work of grace.
Released this little one,
That he might see his Father's face,
And glorify his Son;
Thus WALTER died. God chose his time,
And broke tbe earthly tie,
To plant him in a fairer clime.
Above the starry sky.
Fctfl parents, db not tubura your loss.
For him there's no mote pain,
Devoutly cling unto the cross,
And thus ye'U meet agaiu. P. W.
In Herrick Pa. June U.SARAH, wife of Rev. GEORGE
LA?cON, of Lang disease, aged 42 years, 2 months and
1" days.
The subject of this brief memoir sotrght arc 4 sccnfed
the pearl of great price in her youth, and identified her
self with the M. E. Church,—and- during the remaining
term of her mortal? Sfe, rtbrthiiiy shared the confidence
and warm auction of her christian associates. She was
joined in marriage with the Rev. GEORGE LANDON on tbe
31st of October, 18412. and vrftb him shared in tbe toils
and trials incident to the chrietiKi rfclbistry.
Sister LANDON was uniformly cheerful, htid a tender
sympathetic heart,free from osteirtalflon and deceit,—one
that was always herself, a? home a*# abroad. She was a
warm and trusty friend, a doting wether, and an affec
tionate wife, fully consecrated to the interest and happi
ness of her family. In her social exercises of worship,
her expressions were earnest and confident, yet ever
chastened with christian modesty and self-abasement
Death came when the love of life was probably strongest
surrounded as she was with worldly comforts and beloved
companion, and five interesting children, (one having
preceded her to Heaven,) but grace triumphed,—she eu
joyed peace with God, and calmly resigned herself to his
How blest the righteous when he dies ;
When sinks a weary soul to rest;
How mildly beam the closing eyes '
How gently heaves the expiring breast.
The high respect and esteem in which the deceaied
was held by the community where she lived and died, * as
clearly evinced by the unusual number that were in at
tendance, on the occasion of ber funeral, notwithstand
ing the day was somewhat unpropitious and forbidding.
Farewell! We meet no more
On this side Heaven ;
The parting scene is o'er.
The last sad look is given.
Rome, June IS, 1960. R- V. V.
At his lesideDce in Warren, Ta. June 6, EBENEZER CO
BURN. rt
He was bora HI Oxford, Worcester county, Mass., Sep.
tember 4. 17#fe, and had consequently obtained the aje
of eighty two years, nine months and two days. He came
to the region of country in which he lived, and died about
the year 1600, when it was a wilderness. Hither be was
soon followed by his father and the remainder of hisfsm
ily. He lived to see the wilderness, once echoing with
the howl and shriek of the wild tieast, inhabited by indus
trious men, crossed by numerous and good roads, and
trees formed into fruitful fields.
He became a member of the church of Warren and
Orwell (then Congregational) in 1818. When this church
was divided his lot was cast with the Warren (now Pres
byterian) church, hi which he remained nntihhis deata.
He was 'quiet, inoffensive, intelligent christian man,
and emphatically a man of peace. For forty two years
he was permitted to follow in the footsteps of Christ—
He adorned the religion he professed by a consistent
walk, by his constant attendance npon the sanctuary
when able, libsral contributions to the support ot
the gospel.
During his last and long sickness, he delighted to speak
of the sufferings of it, and to profess him before men.—
He was greatly interested in all the revivals of religion
and especially desired one in the church to whioh he be
longed, as all know who heard bis frequent prayersin
exhortations-. As he appYoached the hour of dissolution
his hope seemed bright and his faith strong. He com
milted himself to the Lord, who, he was persuade >
woaWjiake eere of him,and fell asleep. He lived a peace
ful life and died almost without a struggle, and as"
holicvo, enjoying a good hope o! a glorious resurrcc.ion