Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 21, 1860, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, June 21, 1860.
Stltrftfc Poetrn.
Beneath the dark November sky.
With the old rain falling drearily.
And the bleak wind moaniug and .shrieking by,
The seed o'er the laud is cast;
And in the grave-like furrows the grain doth lie,
Til! the weary months are past.
la curling mist and frosty air.
And weeping skies, it lieth there ;
Or buried in the snow, or bare
To every wind that blows ;
And Night's deep darkness, like despair.
Hangs o'er it while it grows.
It grows in spite ol cloud and blast.
And sullen raiu descending fast.
And snow-wreaths thickly o'er it cast,
Aad thuuderous, darkening skies ;
The very tempests roaring past,
strengthen it a* it ires.
Anon a kindlier season shines.
And warmth and light, the spring's soft signs,
With many a beauteous blossom twines
The breast of icy Earth—
A-id the grain, in delicate emerald lines,
Springs up. in a fairy birth.
The sunny months, in swift career,
firing up the lusty, ripened ear ;
And the golden harvest-time draws near.
And the reaper whets his scythe :
Tel. on .1 Jay, the rich sheaves rear
Their shapes on the landscape blythe.
S>w 1 11 the cold, dark, desolate days ;
Reaped in the sunshine's mellow blaze ;
Thus in the dim and wou lruus ways.
Of Fate are the deeds of men ;
Sorrow and trial, defeats and delays,
f.ike storms that soften the grain.
M ,-t test the heart's aspiring claim ;
But every just and noble aim
Shall pass the ordeal clear of blame.
And in the appointed hour
firing forth its fruit of wealth or fame,
Ot knowledge, wisdom, power.
s ,w. th vigh in d tys of gl > mi, the seeds
1 >f manful toil an I generous dee !-,
Of stern self sacr ti-e. that heeds
Kittle the world's behe-t ;
Cast it the lying thought that pleads
Eu • r.'h. now take thy rest.*'
in the winds of S-orn. the storm' of Hate.
1 the darkness of hope deferred full late.
TV • i-'h days when the world shows desolate,
M ist -1.-ep the good deeds thou hast done ;
V •.'.t illy labor, patently wait,
IV work shaii sec- the sun.
s was ; >wn in the wintry air
v ul. r .. ,1 blo<*om when -kies are fair,
T :!> Vi ae should be rainy an anxious care
E~< Tin ; i.-v -t is gathered in—
.t t> t I au-l steady to bear—
? • that i- true shall win.
[From the Baltimore Exchange-.]
The Cattle Disease.
There are few occurrences which are more
:akulated to excite ghiVe alarm among the
agriculturists and stock-breeders of the United
States than the introduction into this eountry
• f an epidemical disease by which a millioti
f eatt!e*are reported to die annually in Eu-
In the fat pastures of Holland and the
lash-green meadows of England and Ireland,
Pit rv-putuMouia, or the '* lung epidemic "
us it is there commonly cili-ed—has of late
year- prevailed to fearful extent, atid has al
ms: invariably prot ed fatal. This terrible
o-sease was first brought into public notice in
• ; ar.d a little more than a century ago, and
• rapid was its progress that in two counties
•over seventy thousand ae*d of cattle
v.; within the course of six months. The
• measures which were taieu by the
'''Urumeiit to prevent the spread of the dis
fy ordering the immediate slaughter of
a ■' iu!c that were supposed to be iofect
>promised, quelled it for a season, but
• entirely eradicate it. From that pe
- - toe present it has made its appear
3:> - .ntervols of a few years, sometimes iu
aiand, bat more frequently iu its most malig
• iat form 1- ormerly, experienced verterin iry
-p'itoas doubted whether it was coutagioas.
doubt has long siaee been dispelled, and
■ - now conceded uot ouly that it is cents-1
f'-ii- 1 jt that no remedial agent has been dis
■ r t .oi which is of any service whatever in
la Iloilaod this terrible distemper
„ a " ! or ® 4ri ; f -ars been moreTreqnent thaniu
r.ngland. The cattle epidemic, which, in 184"
off ninety £ve out of everj Lundr-?cl !
°h 3 r l which were pastured ta the >
'* v " e aud thirty-five per cent.
. ? ' a tae eoouties to which its rav- i
were restricted, was traced to import a- 1
• >a Holland. It broke put with such
in the latter country in 18511, that '<
' >'• r ''- a ? c * alone, the number of'
_ f died ' or wcrc killed in consequence,'
trT^\ nt !c ° * ourtetn thousand. In this coun- j
f ■ f° r tt "hose suppression iegisla
" " :1 b invoked in the Eastern States,
*""*if J tinkaowH, except bv name, until ,
'V . u * when Mr. Cheuery, i
Brookfield, Massachusetts,
•-latWa :,lUr from Floliaud of a breed
.Ti ," 41 Ux, ° tDe oeebrated for its milking !
•ck ef l^ e T °. Ta ? e out these cows fell |
> -4 two ot them oa their arrival at Bos
'tntn eSO :ee^e 45 10 oblige the owner to
\,.T; a conveyance for the purpose of tak-'
•1; f: ®® the wharf to Belmont. Before
lte c : CDth oae of the cows died
r & fterwards a second one died
4 thirJ d * d - itavia 3
-e ;• M ' 1 iTC " la
1 J * e, vr. other cattle belonging to the
b;i Mr
W|M: uo * al arsl supposed to
ZZSTr* ih,re(ore
T -uiity expeneaced bo very
serious uneasiness uutil the distemper began to
extend beyond the limits of the Behuout es
tate, and to affect large numbers of cattle in
North Brookfield. Then it was that the na
ture of the disease became more clearly appar
ent, and every means which could be devispd
to meet the emergency was promptly sought.
Veterinary surgeons were at once sent for.—
Those herds in which the epidemic had shown
itself were at once secluded from contact with
all others. Cattle known to be infected were
killed without delay. Legislative assistance
was a.-ked, which was immediately granted, to
the amount of ten thousaud dollars. Twenty
thousand dollars more were added by private
subscription. Commissioners were appointed,
who were charged with the duty of investigat
ing the nature of the disease, and who were
clothed, at the same time, with full power to
take whatever steps might seem necessary for
the purpose of putting uu effectual check up
on its ravages. Under their directions eight
hundred and forty-two cattle have been killed,
aud the amount already expended to remuner
ate the owners for the loss they have sustain
ed, exceeds twenty thousand dollars. It is
believed that, in Massachusetts alone, at least
one thousand additional head of cattle will
hare to be sacrificed in a similar manner, and
that it will require an appropriation of at
least one hundred thousaud dollars to meet
the charges of the Commission. In view of
the urgency of the matter, an extra session of
the Massachusetts Legislature has been called
by Governor Banks, which has now under
consideration the best mode of exterminating
the disease. On the western line from Brook -
field to Ware the energetic measures adopted
by the Commissioners have proven very suc
cessful, bat in other directions the disease is
steadily extending itself. Of the sixty cattle
owned by Mr. Cbeuery, thirty had died* or had
freen summarily slaughtered,and it was thought
advisable that the remaining thirty should be
killed. To kill ail the cattle withiu certain
limits, or to isolate them entirely from contact
with all others, appear to be tile only availa
ble remedies proposed Under more favora
ble conditions Dr. f-oring, one of the Com
missioners, was convinced that twenty p'.r ant.
of all the cases would prove fatal, and that
under existing conditions, not more thau ten
cattle in every hundred head could be saved.
Unfortunately, the disease is 00 longer con
fined to Massachusetts. Li New Hampshire
five cattle have a.ready died of it, and as hun
dreds have already died of it, and as hundreds
of others have been exposed to the contagion,
the excitement among the farmers of that
region is very great, in New J , rsey also it
bus broken out, on a farm near Newark, and
011 another near Chatham, eight miles from
Morristown. But in both of the latter in
stances, although some tweuty or tweutv-five
head of cattle have died, the symptoms, as
described, are rather such as are common to
rases of acute pneumonia, and therefore, dif
fer very materially from that typhoid form of
the disease which Las proven so fatal in Mas
For the information of tho-se who feel an
interest in a subject which is engrossing raueh
attention at the Eastward, it may be proper
to state what pleurt) pneumonia really is. I)i
vested of all technical phraseology, it may be
described as an inflammation of the membrane
which envelopes the lungs and lines thecavifv
of the chest. On the walls of eneh cavity of
the chest, the piecra costata—as it is there
called—is formed by a sheet of fine and elastic
cellular tissue, loosely attached to the ribs,the
intercostal muscle,and to other subjacent parts
On the exterior of the lung the plearo-pulmo
tiarii is composed of a thin superficial larer of
tine cellular tissue, and a deep r layer ot coar
ser fibrous tissue, which being very elastic,
affords important aseistawte in the act of re
spiration. Between the tvro surfaces of the
{ileura which are continuous with each ot'ier
—is a space that is called the sac of the pleura
into which a small (puncity of serous fluid is
courtantly secreted, that moistens the. opjiosite
surfaces of the lung and the wall of the chest,
and permits their free motion Upon each ether.
The difficulty of detecting pleuro pneumonia in
its tarlier stages is one of the reasons why re
medies which might prove serviceable hare not
been of any avail. At the first the animal
droops a little and is feverish, but as it f:e
queutly regain* temporarily its liveliness and
its appetite, and shows outwardly all those
signs which farmers are accustomed to regard
as indicating recovery, suspicion as to the true
nature of the disea-e is in many instances com
pletely lulled. After the lapse, however, of a
short period a cough sets in | the appetite fails
the breathing becomes painfully oppressed ;
the eyes grow bright and watery ; the mouth
dry, and the breath botaud feud. Of course,
the disease in this form is inevitably fatal. A
p st mcrtt-i examination of cattle thus affected
discloses the fact that the lungs have become
" one mass o f frothy, cheesy corruption." It
is this, the worst and most dangerous type of
the disease, that now enlists the attention of
the Legislature of Massachusetts, assembled in
extra session. Governor Banks very propelly
suggests that, in addition to authorizing the
adoption of such prompt measures as shall get
rid of every vestige of the disease within the
limits of the State, a due regard for the safety
of other States demands that all exports of
cattle from Massachusetts, shall be, for the
present, prohibited So far, the advices is
good : but, in ieoendeßtly of any action which
may be taken by Massachusetts, it is in eutubent
upon every State, which has heretofore been
accustomed to draw supplies of cattle from
Massachusetts, to peremptorily forbid any
further import of them until such time as all
fear of the disease is at an end. VVe believe
it has been determined by some the Eastern
States that no cattle-shows shall be held dur
ing the prevalence of the disease in that sec
tion of the Union ; but if such should take
place, it will become the imperative duty of
our stock breeders and owners of fine herds,
who have beea accustomed to forward choice
ipecimeus of improved breeds of cattle to dis
tant points on exhibition, to peremptorily re
.fuse to move tbem beyond the limits of the
' State. It aoaM be well, indeed, If some sort
of quarantine regulations were established
among the border States ; and although we in
May and are comparatively remote from the
present seat of the disease, yet if it should
prove true that the cattle in Xew Jersey have
taken the contagion, it can scarcely fail to
spread into the adjacent State of Pennsylvania
aud wheft once there the health of our own
herds might speedily be compromised. No
judicious precautions which may be taken at
this time can, therefore, be called wholly vain
or useless, for a very slight cause rnav give rise
to a serious disaster. It was the importation
tuto England oftwoealves from Holland which
caused, in 1744, the loss of upwards of fiftv
thousand head of cattle, and the introduction
of a disease which the efforts of wealthy graz
iers and agriculturalists, backed by the whole
power of the Government have never yet suc
ceeded in entirely expelling from the Island.
The experience of those who have suffered from
this cause should be a warning and a lesson to
those to whom so terrible a malady is at pre
seut unknown.
us to be able to see objects clearly aud dis
tinctly, it is necessary that the eye should be
kept moist and clean. For this purpose it is
furnished with a little gland, from which Cows
a watery fluid (tears) which is spread over
the eye bv the liJ, and is afterwards swept off
by it, and runs through a hole in the bone to
the inner surface of the nose, where the warm
air p*assiug over it while breathing, evaporate
it. It is remarkable that no such gland can
be found in the eyes offish, as the clement in
which they live answers the same purpose. If
the eye had uot been furnished with a liquid
to wash it, aud a iij to sweep it off, things
would appear as they do when we look through
a dusty Along the edges of the eyelid
there are a great number of little tubes or
glands from which flows an oilv substance,
which spreads over tlie Mirface of the skin aud
thus prevents the edges from becoming sore or
irritated, and it also helps to keep the tears
within the lid.
There are also six little muscles attached to
the eye, which enables us to move it in every
direction ; aud when we consider the different
motions they are capable of giving to the eyes
we caiiuol but admire the goodness of Him
tiiat formed them, and has thus saved ns the
trouble of turning otr heads every time we
wish to view an object. Although the eyes of
some animals are incapable of motion, as the
fly, the beetle, and several other insects, yet
the Creator has shown His wisdom and good
ue-s in furnishing their eyes with thousands of
little globes, aud by placing their eyes iu front
of their heads. A gentleman who has examin
ed the eyes of a fly, says that the two eyes of
a common one are composed of 8000 little
•rlob-.s, through every one of which it is capa
ble o[ forming an object ! Having prepared
the eye of the fly for the purpose, and placed
it before his microscope and looked through
both, in tha maimer of the telescope, at a
steeple which was "200 feet high, and 7f>o feet
di-tuut, and he says he could plainly see
throQgh every little hemisphere, the whole
steeple inverted or turned up side down.
Onrctv of the Japanese.—Many have sup
posed that the Japanese are descended from
the Chinese ; but it is no* 'O. The evidences
are that they are an original nation The
language of the two people are entirely diff.-r
--ent, both in construction and pronunciation.—
So the religion of the two nations differed.—
The original religion of Japan was the Siutoo,
the gods and idols of which were Hit, aud
Buddhism, which now prevails, was net in
trodn< ed into the Empire until s'> years after
the birth of Christ. Chinese settled in Japan
in the seventh year of the Bth monarch of the
Empire, Kokem. and there was considerable
trade between the two Empires prior to 1 'S3T,
after which it was restricted. They introduced
and communicated by these sparse set tie meats
froui time to time, the arts and sciences to
Japan, which ha 1 long before flourished in
Choia. Km afer, bes des these reasousfor de
nying that the Chinese and Japanese are the
same people, inhabiting different countries, in
clines to the opinion that the Japanese are de
fendants of the first inhabitants of Babylon,
and their language of those which God, as a
punishment for the confusion of its vaiu an 1
conceited builders, infused into the minds of
those who commenced the tower of Babel.—
lie thinks that the eoufusion of tongues bro't
the people, who then dwelt in the plains of
Shinar. to separate and be di*per*ed over the
wo:k. This is an ingenious theory: but the
general opinion is that the Japanese belonged
originally to the great Tartar race. Informa
tion is too limited, however, to solve the ques
tion satisfactorily.
Th> Empire of Japan has two Emperors,
one ecclesiastical and the other secular. The
first is called the Mikado, and resides in >ii
kao. He is the first in rank, and is regarded
with excessive veneration, but has no political
power whatever. The second is called Zio
•, who resides at Yeddo. He commands
the army, has the rerennes at bis disposal, is
Emperor ? fade, and visits the Mikado once
io seven years with great promp and pageac
trv. A council of State consists of thirteen,
of" which five are taken from the hereditary
nobility below the r&ok of princes.
This" council of State governs ia the name
of the Emperor — Zicgoon. Among these
councillors there is one called the "Governor
of the Empire," to whom the others are sub
ordinate. There are nnmerous other inferior
officials, bat the Empire is ruled by those al
ready named ; aud while the laws are sangui
nary—death being the penalty in most cases
of offence—the whole system is a goTerment
of spies, and as absolute as any, not the
most absolute in the world.
fry An Irishman who was engaged at a
drain, and bad bis pickaxe raised in the air
just as the clock struck twelve, determined to
work no more until after dinner. Jet go the
1 p .kaxe and left it han-Eg there
Soience Aiding Justice.
The facts embodied iu the following narra
tion, in connection with a recent murder trial
show the value of scientific acquirements, and
are of exceeding interest to a large class of
our readers :
A traveler was found dead in his bed, one
morning, at a country tavern. His throat was
cut at the side, the instrument having pierced
the carotid artery. The victim had been for
some time wasting away by disease. The
landlord was one of the most influential and
highly esteemed persons iu the neighborhood,
was extensively, aud well connected, and had
a large and interesting family. Having been
seen very late at night passing through the
hall into which the traveler's door opened, the
suspicions of certain persons were aroused ;
and upon being taken into custody, apeu knife
was found in his pocket, with apparent blood
staius on the large blade, and something simi
lar on the ivory handle. The knife was placed
iu the hands of an expert physiological chem
ist, for examination. The stain was found to
be of blood, and not of iron rust or paiut, as it
contained albumen aud animal fibre. The
blood on the ivory handle contained a large
amount of iron,that on the blade comparatively
little. As human blood contains teu times as
much iron as that of animals it seemed certaiu
that the kcife in question could not have en
tered a human body ; still there was a doubt,
because in slow diseases there is a great deficit
of iron iu the blood, which deficit is a not un
froquent cause of death.
But as the blood on the ivory handle had the
full amount of iron for a man in vigorous health
it seemed to show that there were two different .
kinds of blood—one human certainly.the other
possibly so. Hence another mode of inquiry
was proposed. The blood of animals and ot
men crvstalizes, but in different forms—th 4 of
man is represented by a perfect square length- )
euedcube, called prismatic: that of animals, by
the cube, tetrahedal or several sided hexagonal.
This analysis entirely removed the doubts con- ;
neeted with the proceeding, for it demonstra
ted that the blood on the blade was that of a
low animal, and that cn the handle was cer
tainly human.
A third line of inves'igation pursued
All the inner surfaces of the human body are
covered with a glairy-looking fluid,called "mu
cus," which is differently constituted, accord
ing to the part of the body from which it is
takeu. As observed through a microscope,
that which is found about the upper part of
the throat presents the appearauce cf a pave
ment of bricks or square pieces, hence it is
called " tesselated." The inucus from some
other part is couical, looking iike a pavement
made of round pieces flattened. A third kiud
coming from the intestine?, seems hairy, cilliat
ed, waving as ti.e tops of ioug grass under the
influence of the wind. Examining the blood
on the handle, which was now known to be
that of a human being, it was found not to
present the pavement-like appearance, bat it
did clearly show the wavy lines ; it conld not,
therefore, have come from the throat; and as
the traveler had uo wound except that on the
throat: and as the blood on the blade was
clearly animal blood aud not human, no part
of the biood on the knife cooid have been that
of the unfortunate traveler, anJ therefore the
landlord was discharged, when he gave the
following statement :
Some days before, while out hunting, he
killed several squirrels, and ftooned to cut a
switch with a knob at the root, on which to
■ string his game ; the knife slipped as he cut
I upwards, and it penetrated his al)donien. In
his haste he wiped the knife clean with some
I leaves, closed the blade; and iu attempting to
! put it iuto his pocket, it fell on the grouud ;
: he picked it up and directed his steps home
ward. In a few minutes one of the squirrels
slipped off: he pierced it through with knife,
strung it on the switch, aud had not used the
kuite since. I his was plausible, and he show
ed the wound, not yet entirely healed ; but this
could easily have been made to answer an
object. The physiologist therefore proposed
as a mere matter of curious interest to ex
amine the Wood on the blade and also that
on the handle. 1 bat on the handle was wavv
eilliary, with the largest amount of iron, shew
ing that it must have been from a man of ro
bust health, and the mucus from the abdomen
is always eilliary and never tesselated. Again,
the blood adhering to a knife penetrating a
living body coagulates—that entering a body
already dead never does. The bloud on the
blade, already shown to be that of a mere an
imal, was now found to be incoagulable
Hence, that on the blade was shown to be the
blood of a mere animal already dead ; that on
the handle was the blood of a mau in vigorous
health, and could not have come from the
throat, and almost certainly came from the
abdomen. When the knife fell on the ground
the handle touched some of the leaves which
it had just been wiped. Thus the chaiu of evi
dence for the landlord's innocence was unbrok
en and perfect. The real culprit was subsequ
ently found, tried and executed, confessing Lis
It is certain that, in the proerre*?ive march
of science andart.the unchangable laws of na
ture will be better understood—correcting the
errors and fallacies of human judgment ; and
the testimony of Science will thus aid Justice
in forming her opinions and enabling her to
give her decisions iciik ker eyes open
ISP* Reader, did yon ever notice immediate
ly after the " marriage head,'' that the " obi
tuary," notice followed. Typical of the wed
ding of happiness and grief in this life. The
chants and songs and glee of merry oues to
day, will be broken by wails to-morrow, for
the sod wi'l be piled on the breasts of some we
thoaght not so near the grave. We read who
are married and with them joy ; a line below
is the record of death, and we say, mournfully,
peace to their ashes. Sorrow treads on the
heels of joy; songs are hushed by the foot
falls of death ; laughs are broken redely ;
voxes, no matter how musical, are stißed in a
moment —never again to be kecrd by living
oner below.
which fleets across the sky, not a clod of earth
which crumbles under the frost, not a blade
of grass which breaks through the snow in
spring, not a dead leaf which falls to the earth
in aumtun, but is doing God's work, and show.-
iug forth God's glory. Not a tiny insect, too
small to be seen by the human eye without
the aid of the microscope, but it is as fearful
ly and wonderfully made as you and I, and it
has its proper food, habitation, work, appoint
ed for it, and not in vain. Nothing is idle,
nothing is wasted, nothing goes wrong, in this
wondrous world of God. The very scum upon
the standpool, which seetfls mere dirt and dust,
is all alive aud peopled by millions of crea
tures, each full of beauty, full of use, obeying
laws of God too deep for us to do aught but
dimly guess at them } and as men see deeper
and deeper into the wouders of God's creation,
they find in the commonest things about them
wonder and glory, such as eye hath not seen,
uor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the
heart of man to conceive ; and can only say
with the Psalmist, " Oh ! Lord, thy ways are
infinite, thy thoughts are very deep aud
confess that the grass beneath their feet, aud
the clouds above their heads—ay, every worm
beQeath the sod and bird upon the bough—do
in very deed and truth bless the Lord who
made them, praise him, and magnify him forev
ever, not in words, but with works : and say
to him all day long, " Go" thou aud do like
It being one of the delights of (he
Hon. Daniel Webster to annually visit the
Grauite hills of his native State to rusticate
a few days, he usually favored Conway with
his presence, where resided the famous Billy
Abbot, both small of stature and old of his
age. For his humorous wit and wonderful
knowledge of every little incident that made
this or that place particularly charming aud
iuterestir.g to the historian and" the antiquarian
which he was very fond of imparting, he so
ingrafted himself into the good favor of the
great expounder of the constitution, that he
always gave him a seat in his carriage when
he rode out to view the beauties of nature.—
Billy's associates, feeling enviouscn accouut of
the honor ccufeired upon Lim by this dirtin
gui-hed man, one day after Webster's depar
ture sarcastically Billy, in the crowded
bar room, what be and his friend Webster
found to couverse about as they rode arouud
the country ? Billy replied : "We usually
talk about horticulture and agriculture, and
the different breeds of cattle and horses, aid
upon these subjects I derive from him a great
deal of useful information : and npon such
topics I find him a little more thau my match
—bet the moment"—Cnthus'asticaliy with a
gesture, and a tone of voice becoming the ora
tor himself—" but the mcmeut he alludes to
the constitution, t can floor him in a minute;"'
which was received with applause, aud the
Banquo of fenvy never again affronted Daniel's
rustic lavcrite.— Ossipu lirlister.
How ro TAKE LlKE. —Take life like a man.
Take it just as though it was. as it is, an
earnest, vital essential affair. Take it just as
tlioagli you personally were born to the task
of perfbrtsing a merry part in it, as though the
world had waited for your coming. Take it
as though it was a grand opportunity to do and
to achieve, to carry for ward great and good
schemes ; to help and cheer a suffering, it may
be a brokeu hearted brother. The fact is, life
is undervalued by a great majority of oiaukind
It is not made half as much of as should be
the case. Where is the man or woman who
accomplishes one tithe of what eight be done?
Who cannot look lack upoa opportunities lost
pIaGS unachieved, thoughts crushed, aspira
tions unfulfilled and all caused from the lack
of the nece-sary and possible effort ? If we
knew better how to take and make the most
of life, it would be far greater than it is. Now
and then a man stands aside from the crowd,
labors earnestly, steadfastly, confidently, aud
straightway becomes famous for wisdom, in
tellect, skill greatness of some sort. The world
wonders, admires, idolizes ; and yet it on!*-
illustrates what each may do if he takes hold
of life with a purpose. If a man but say he
rciU follow it up. there is uothing in reason he
may njt e.tpect to accomplish. There is no
magic, no miracle,no secret to him who is brave
in heart and determined in spirit.
The American rowdy is a terrible uuis
auce. Hear how the poor Dutch landlord
described his sufferings at the bauds of one of
these amiatile beings : " Ter rowdy combed
in and axed me to sell him sum peer I tells
im I bad more as would do him good. He
call me von ole Tutch liar, and begun tc broke
two tumplers. My rife she call for de vatch
ouse. Fore de vatch ousegot dare, de rowdy
he kick Hans Scruggle pebint his pack, kissed
my daughter Petsy before her face, proke ail
ter templers, 'cept ter old stone pitcher, and
spilt my vife and todder peer parrels towru in
ter de cellar."
Saf The finest idea of a thunder storm was
when Wiggins came home tight. He came
imo the room where his wife and daughters
were, and just theu he tumbled over the cradle
and fell whop on the floor. After a short time
he rose and said : " " Wife, are hurt J" "Xo. r
" Girls, are you hurt V "No," "Terribleclap
wasn't it T'
tag 3 * A railroad conductor, who wore a long
roomy white liceu coat, had a dispute with a
female passenger. The lady woo the nctory
gloriously by the following brilliant and des
tructive charge: " You are a purtv fellow,
ain t you ? You are the first conductor I ever
seed agwin about among a passe! of decent
wimmen folks in his JJSB* fat/."
•67* One good deed cannot compensate for
a life of crime, a single ounce of gam is not
j enough to enbalo a whole catacomb o? renm
' mies.
VOL. XXI.—NO. 3.
no attribute of our candidate will, after all,
endear him so much to the popular heart as
the conviction that he is emphatically "one of
the people." His manhood has not been com
pressed into the artificial track of society ;
but his great heart and vigorous intellect hare
been allowed a generous development amid his
solitary struggles in the forest and the prairie.
With vision unobscured by the mists of sophis
try, he distinguishes at the first glance be
tween what is true and what is false, and with
will and courage fortified by his life of hard
ship, he is not the man to shirk any responsi
bility, or to shrink from any opposition. More
over, he is peculiarly one to win our confidence
and affection. To know '* honest Abe" is to
love him ; and bis ueighbors in the West, al
though voting for him to a man, will mourn
the victory which is to deprive them of his
presence. The following incideut will exhibit
Lincoln in one of those inobtrusive act 9of
goodness which adorn his life. The circum
stance was related by a teacher from the Five
Points' House of Industry in this city. "Our
Sunday School in the" Five Points was as
sembled, one Sabbath morning, a few months
since, when I noticed a tall and remarkable
looking man enter the room and take a seat
among us. He listened with fixed attention
to our exercises, and his countenance manifest
ed such genuine interest, that I approached
him and suggested that he might be willing to
say something to the children. He accepted
the invitation with evident pleasure, and com
ing forward began a simple address, which at
once fascinated every little hearer, and hush
ed the room into silence. His language was
strikingly beautiful, and his tones musical with
intensest feeling. The little faces around
would droop into sad conviction as he uttered
sentences of warning, and would brighten into
sunshine as he spoke cheerful words of prom
ise. Ouee or twice he attempted to close his
remarks, but the imperative shout of " Go on 1"
" Oh, do go on !" would compel him to resume.
As I looked upon the gaunt and sinewy frame
of the stranger, and marked his powerful head
and determined features, now touched into
softness by the impressions of the moment, I
felt an irrepressible curiosity to learn some
thing more about him, and when he was quieO
ly leaving the room, 1 begged to know his
name. He courteously replied, "It is Abra'm
Lincoln from Illinois !' "
TF?E FLIRT.— This brilliant insect of the
butterfly {>ecips is common to all iatitodes,
bat flourishes best in a warm climate. It re
vels iu the atmosphere of the ball room, the
matinee, the artistic re-nnion ; and while it
loves publicity, it does not loth to lurk in sha
ded alcoves or to nestle among cushions in
quiet corners. The plumage of the female
Flirt is very dazzling. It is clad in the racst
radiant smiles and compliments of the softest
and most delicate shades, white its eyes have
a strange, detp and penetrating lustre. It
diffuses a faint yet thrilling perfume, caught
from crushed flowers, scent bags and billet
dfcux. Its music is a low, persuasive hum
It can be true to no tune, but sing 3 snatches,
and at the piano rnns over the keys with a
light and tremulous touch. The volatility of
this insect has long perplexed naturalists. It
baffles pursuit. Strange to say, it dissolves to
the touch, aud when caught, is a handful of
ashes, cold and colorless. The sting of the
Flirt is very severe. Some say it is poisonous
Instances have been known where it has prov
ed fatal to happiness aud hope. It is infected
w itb perfect impartiality, but seems to strike
deepest into fresh and honest hearts. Tne
Fiirt languishes at the first chill breath of
sorrow. When storm is in the air it is pitiful
to see it seeking shelter, its gay plumage so
beaten and soiled, and the color and the per
fume gone, and the low inviting ransic changed
to a despairing plaint, 'the flame that it flut
ters around generally barns it last, as is the
case with many a poor moth.— J ~anity Fair.
A BARREL FIT' .—A Deacon residing in
Ashtabula coontr, (3 , who was acting in the
capacity of colporteur, called in a shop in
Windsor, where tfeey had dry goods, hardware
notions and sometimes a little whiskey to sell.
The man who owned the store was absent.and
his wife officiated as clerk. The deacon pass
ed the time of day, talking about religion, and
finally asked if they had the one thing needful
meaning the Bible.) The lady's answer was:
" !?o we are just out but my.LusbanJ is going
to Cleveland nest week and will get a barrel."
!£p"A h'ghwayman undertook to rob Jones.
He aiet J out; in a wood over in Jersey. He
asked Jones for his pocket-book. Jones refas
ed to yield. Highwayman took Jones by the
neck, and undertook to choke him. Jones
made fight, and kept it np for an boar. At
the expiration of that time Jones caved, and
the highwayman commenced rifling his pock
ets. The contents amounted to eighteen cents.
"Is that all you've got ? ' " Etery cert."—
" What made you fight so long V Didn't
want to be exposed. Bad enough to have
only eighteen cents ; a great deal worse to
have the whole world know it."
flWhy cannot a deaf man be legally
convicted ? Because it is not iawfnl to con
demn a man without a hearing.
JST* A worthy yonng editor, has gone into
business in the west boasts that his paper " at
prtxnt augurs vctUP We hope and believe be
don't mean that be is a great bcrt.
46?-" What church do ;rou attend, Mrs.
Partington ?" " O, any para4ox cbarch,where
the gospel is dispensed wish.''
Bar Why are ladles' eyes like friends sep
arated by distant climes ? Because they cor
respond, bat never meet.
Mif Presume you won't charge anything
for rn-serrhrriig me, said a one legged Bailor
to a rorklcg manufacturer