Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 14, 1860, Image 3
antocrtCrcmcuts. JUNE 15, 1860. RECEIVING BY j. l). HUMPHREY, (West Side of the F üblic Square.) DOMESTICS, Hosiery and Gloves, Saga r, Molasses, Fish AND OTHER FAMILY GROCERIES BOOTS, .WOES' .f; GAITERS, .Suitable for the season. Sole & Upper Leather, Calf skill, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OK MOROCCO, SHOE FINDINGS, LININGS, &c. WHICH ARE TO BE SPI.D' At Reduced Prices, FOR CASH! HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS. • FARMERS, WHO WANT PUStai (HAVE just received froK- the City, a . l.arge Stock of IMPORTED FERE LIQUORS, \ ot every variety. My stock of LIQUORS lias been pur- t cia-ed tor CASH, directly trom the Importers, whereby lam enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching j Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kiuil whatever, at LOWE!' PRICES 'ban were ever be- j fore uffered in Towauda. HOTEL KEEPERS 0 ill Had ii greatly to their advar.tag* to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 hare facilities for purchasing, which enables uie to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE FRIGES! B"ides my Liquors are warranted pure and unadulter ated. I have also on baud the Largest Stock and Crest t-t Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully-indued ! tu an examination of my entire stuck of Liduors, Cigars j and TiAacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will he kept constantly on Itami, ai-j I'rves LOWER than elsewhere in this town. _ Confident that I am enabled to sell rrfy entirf stock of Hoods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods su !„• purchased this side of the City. I respectfully so - it the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. • . 11. W. NOBLE. Twanfla, June 11, 18f>0. 50 Cent Tea (' HO ICE IMPERIAL TEA at SO cents ponud ; a better article than vie have ever so{d at pr; e. and probably as good as others sc'l at To cents -1.5 no humbug—all we ask is to have it tried. We 'arrant every pound of Tea we sell to give satisfaction cr memoMY returned in all cases at FOX'S. 7-1 El, RIO AND LAGUIRA COFFEE i tiit Kernel and Grain at FOX'S. 1 pRUIT! FRUlT.— Orange*, Lemons, Rais- J as ' Figs, Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. ('IIKKSK, CRACKEIiS ANI) HERRING y u fjx'S.^ Baskets, CLOTHES I'INS, SCRUB -1 u n(l . '' ulc ßing brushes. Window Brushes with long MI snort handles, Mop Sticks, Shaker Mops, Matches, nouen Faucets and a variety of Wood ware at FOX'S RAKERS COCOA NO. I CHOCOLATE, hrtsu-rvlTe' 1 *!' 1 ' 0 . Lh°c®hite, Farina, Corn Starch and ursat ruiU °f liferent kinds put up in 5 pounds - FOX'S. UAIZF.Va—A N EW ARTICLE M ADE I'uddb.T " rn > laid to be superior to Corn Starch for - FOX'S NwP,' .SARDINES AND CIGARS — aolesale and retail at FOX'S. AS DETERSIVE SOAP—THE m tb m>eal soap in the United States at FOX'S. MiStf o*l 0 * 1 AND VEIIMECILLA _ . fine and freah at FOX'S. /m?"®- 0 MEECTJE, L' DRAUSM NEER ' SURVEYOR AND -ens of Bia'sfrL ' reB P° c tfnl'y announces to the cit '* j rk that that he is prepared to do any '•lyatch. entrusted to hini, with accuracy and ' 'Wanda, tfay ; 4th Jg6() W L ! WOOL !—25,000 lbb Paid rt * M highest market price will be -Wash vo2 w' ? 6 ?' M ' E SOLOMON'S, '"•on the sfieen ;t c !f? n before y° u bring it to mar "deducted for ' r °^"! jle ' or in lub - as one-third will trad- and oIZTI W ?° ' M iH lh# custom in the Ca " d ° ,l a good deal cheaper, as UllSK"' BAP.NE3 6c CO. GROCERS, 'wL^ I" Tea. • (three doors below Washington st. ) W york ' ' "avton A Co., AN^ S< WNL F ° N^ ERI 7 of the Crm OF FUL . v - BARVKV ,V "."ON. Jackson & Merrill. • • KEENLY OTWA 01 Bradford county. N ULL V coooty. Pa. 3 DELANO, ot Ntw Yolk. lGinyfm 1 Sirto abtoertfscments. JUNE 1, 1860. JUST OPENED, AT THE KEYSTONE STORE ! A NEW STOCK OF illi ©lll T N calling attention to our present stock of 1 NEW GOODS, we do not hesitate to say, that in no village in Northern Pennsylvania or Sourthern New York will a stock of goods be found possessing more at tractions in variety, styles, quality of goods and prices, than we arc now prepared to exhibit. Having facilities for buying goods superior to ethers, we ure able at all times to select the newest styles and most desirable goods as they appear in market; and conducting our business strictly upon the CASH SYSTEM!. j we uan keep always on hand a large stock and better as sortment and can afford to sell goods at lower prices.than they can be found elsewhere. We are now receiving a large assortment of SUMMER SILKS! 1 Plain and Figured Bareges, Crape Morctz. Elegant Barege ROBES, at half their value. Organdie Robes, Printed Organdies, Plain and Figured Lawns, Jaconett Robes, Printed Jaconetts, Piue Apple Cloths. '• Barege Anglais," the most fashionable and durable cotton and ; worted dress goods now worn. Besides a great variety of other styles of Dress Goods. Also the best assort ment of MOURNING GOODS,, That can be found this side of New York. HOOP SKIRTS! 250 ! STEEL SPRING HOOP SKIRTS I ... I At a Great Reduction in.. £ rice. JI'ST RECEIVED AT The Keystone Store. A FRESH SUPPLY OF | Throe-Ply and btgmin Carpets, I Plaiu White and Check Mattings, Fioor Oil Cloths, from : 3-4 to 2 yards wide, l)tuggAs, Matts, Ac., Ac. j These goods we are prepared to st!l SO per cent less than , the same can be bought elsewhere. I EST RECEIVED nt the KEYSTONE ' ' STORIL a large lot of SUN UMBRELLAS and PA RASOLS, at a greut reduction from what we have hereto ; fore sold them. ; T EST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE | 9J STORE.SteIIa Shaw ls, all prices. Plain Thibet Shawls \ j all colors. Silk Snawls. Brocne Shawls, Printed Wool j Shawls. Lace Shawls, Silk and Lawn Mantillas, " Zeno- I bias," Ac. A'. TUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE STORK, Elegant Counterpanes, different.'sizes. Wool • and Damask Table Covers, Damasks, Bleached and Un j bleached Lineu Table Damasks, Napkins. LinSn Table j Spreads, Curtail* Draperies Sheetings and Pillow-case Muslins, from 4ths to 1!' yards wide. I UST RECEIVED nt the KEYSTONE j ; 't STORE, p elegant assortment of Embroideries. Era- I ! broidered ' y ollars, Embroidered Setts, Embroidered Edg- | ! tugs. Embroidered Inserting?. Marsailles Collars, Mar- : | sailles Setts, Embroidered Flouncing?, Crape Collars, ' Crape Setts. Crape Veils. Black Love Veils. A large a.-.- | ■ aortmcut "I Black Lace Veils. | TUST RECEIVED ot the KEYSTONE *' STORE, Transparent Window Shades, all sizes, and j Trimmings. Green and Buff Hollands, different widths. , rUST RECEIVED at the KEYSTONE • * STORE. Boots and Shoes, lLits, Caps and Straw Goods, Crockery, Oils and I'aints, Glass and Sash, Choice Family Groceries. Bajous Kid Cloves ! ALL sizes, in colors, Black and VThite, of theso celebrated gloves will always bc.founffat the KEYSTONE STORE. ZVails ! Wails i f KEGS NAILS of a Superior Quality, /V"7 For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, fit the KEYSTONE STORE. NORTHERN LIFE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, .\o. 1, Moor ante Street, /.ondon. ESTABLISHED isao. CAPITAL,.-... $6,208,000. ANNUAL IJFYENUE, 1,000,000. Office, New Building, Philadelphia Bank, 425 Chestnut Street. LONDON DIRECT OILS • George G. Auderson, Thomas N. Farquhar. Slf.Chas. R. McGrigor, Bart, Lord Ernest Bruce, M. P., Duncan James Kay, William Westgarth, William Miller. M. P., Chairman, A. P. Flfetchcr, Secretery, Edward Fuch, Vice Secretary. .... The Policies of the NORTHERN ASSURANCE COM PANY, are not only gurranteed by a Large Capital, but also by the unlimited personal responsibility of over One Thoutand Sliareliolaeri. Bfm- Leases properly adjusted and paid, without refer ence to Loddon.- PHILADELPHIA BOAP.DOF REFERENCE. Stuart A Brother. McCntcheon A Collins, Jog. B. Mitchell. Esq., Pres. Mech. Bank.Myers, Clagtlorn A Co., Smith, Williams A Co., Jas. Dunlap, Esq., Pres. Union Bank, James Graham A Co., Gaw, Macalester A Co., Hon. W. A. Porter, late Judge Supreme Court. NEW YORK REFERENCES. Duncan, Sherman A Co., J. A. Jiuart A Qa., Geo. H. Stuart A Co., Abr'm Bell's Sons, J. R. Jaffray A Sons, Robert A Williams. BOSTON REFERENCES: 1 J. E. Thayer A Brother, Jarves A Cormerais, Sweitser, Cookiu A Swan, C. F. Hovey A Co., Wilson, Hamilton A Co., George Greigg, Esq., Geo. Snell, Esq., Johnson, Sc well A Co., Geo. W. Warren A Co. WILLIAM GETTY, Agent, New Building, Philadelphia Bauk. H. B. SfcKEAN, Solicitor, May .11, 1860. Towanda, Pa. BLACKSXVEITHIKTQ. ADAM ESSBNWINE respectfully informs the public that be may still be found at the old stand where he has worked for so many years,and where he is now doing all kinds of BLACKSMITHING, in the I same workman like manner which has distinguished him for years past. The public is requested to give him a trial, aa by re newed exertions to please and strict attention to busi ness ho is determined to merit a share of public patron age. HORSE-SHOErNG done in the best manner, and at the lowest prices. PRODUCE of all kinds will be taken in the payment for wrok, but ciedit positively declined. • Call at the old shop of ADAM ESSENWINE, of Main street opposite Bartlett's Foundry. Towanda, May 16,1860. SHAWLS. —Tbc onjy nlacc to buy Shawls cligaf is af JIERCUn S. Cowles' Bakery & News Room TF you want fine ORANGES & LEMONS -L GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want QANDIES, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want BREAD, CAKES, TIES or CRACKERS, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want good TOBACCO AND CIGARS. GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want an extra GLASS OF LEMONADE, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want a very extra DISH OF ICE CREAM, GO TO THE BA KERY. If you want the LATEST NEWSPAPERS. GO TO THE BAKERY. Ir you want any of the POPULAR MAGAZINES, GO TO THE BAKERY. If you want to ORDER ANY BOOK, GO TO THE BAKERY. Or a PIECE OF SHEET MUSIC, GO TO THE BAKERY. Go to the Bakery, and tee what is there ! SPKINILGCIODS ! h. s. MERCUR nAS just received a fine stock of SPRING GOOLS, in which will be found a great variety of mm DRESS GOODS, Tha largest. Be.-1 and Cheapest Assortment of French, English and American PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, IN TOWN. QIOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SUMMER STUFFS, Of every description. Carpets and Matting*, OIL CTOTHS, DRUGGET, WALL WINDOW PAPER, SHADES, LACE VEILS, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, BLEACHED A BROWN SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS, IRISH LINENS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, SHIRT COLLARS BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. 'Au unu.agally full assortment of Common and Saddlery HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, PAR AILS, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, SASH, GROCERIES, OILS, PAINTS AND YARNISIIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, | All of which are offered at the Lowest Prices. Towanda. April l*6o. DR. JOHN MTNTOSH, will be found at his old office, Patton'.s Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nserted on Vulcanised Rubber—the I latest improvement ia dviitistfy. Specimen piece to be i seen at the office. Pvrgoaa indebted to me will please pay up. JOHN MTNTOSH. Towanda, March 20, 1860. I . DRESS MAKING! rrilß undersigned would respectfully inform j J- the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that they are j now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS MAKING in the | latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper thau at uuy other establishment in the County. aa"Rooms one door below Beidleman'a block, at the residence of A J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBLE, April 16, iB6O. MISS J. H. HALE. | Wool Carding in Myersburg. I PERSONS living on the West side of the Susquehanna river, having WOOL TO CARD can I leave it at the Clothing Store of F. S. BENEDICT, iu I Towandi.and it will be sent to the Factory in Myersburg, i Carded and then returned to the Store withouCany extra charge for cartage. I _ Myersburg. May 11. W,n. W. A. BESBPiCT, "VT OTIGE TO COLLECTORS —Y-op are X-1 hereby authorized to deduct five per cent, from the State tax of every individual whe shall pay his or her State and County Taxes in full, on or before the 23 day of June next, and the same shall be allowed you in your settlement with the Treasurer, provided the same is by you paid into the County Treasury on or before the 26 and 27 days of Juue, next. By order of the Commis sioners, K. B. CQOLBAUGH, Clerk, Commissioner's Office, May 5,1860. New Arrival of Boots & Shoes NIL so N ' s . Ladies' celebrated serge Long GAITER?, at NELSON'S. Ladies' serge bottomed GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Indies' French kid heeled SLIPPERS, at NELSON'S. Ladies' kid and mofocco BOOTS, (his own make and WartdntM not to rip) at NELSQN'S. Misses' serge Congress GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Misses' kid Congress GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Misses' French kid heeled SLIPPERS, at NELSON'S. Child's copper-toed SHOES,at NELSON'S. Infant's SHOES, at NELSON'S. All kinds of BOOTS anl SHOES, at NELSON'S. Gent's Oxford TIES, at $1 63 and 41 75, at NELSON'S. Gent's thick and kip BOOTS, $2 75 A S3, at NELSON'S. Gent's calf peg'd BOOTS, $3 50 to $4 50, at NELSON'S. Gent's calf sewed BOOTS, $5 and $5 50, at NELSON'S They are determined not to be undersold, at NELSON'S They have engaged the services of MrAVr.BK, of New York city, a highly finished work man, to make first class pegged and svwed 1 BOOTS, at NELSON'S. Ladirs' calf SHOES apd BOOTS for 88 cts., $1 00 and $1 25, at NELSON'S. Ladies'Eid BOOfS male to order, for II 37} and $1 02$, at " NELSON'S. Call and leave your measure, at NELSON'S. All kinds of Repairing, done £t NELSON'S. AH kjnds'of Countfy Pfoduce taken for Boots ana Shoes, at ' NELSON'S. Towanda, April 16, 1860. The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! CORNER Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S NEW MEDICINE STORE. FRESH ORANGES AND LEMONS, AT FOX'S. JPRESU FIGS A> V D PRUNES, at .JHtscdlancous; WW. A. ROCKWELL Is jast receiving a splendid assortment of sspsgmo AT JWo. X, PATTON'S BLOCK, Corner of Main and Bridge sts. WE invite the attention of our old c-^sto- V V mers and the public generally to our present as sortment. Our line of mm*"® Is as usual unrivalled. We have a great variety of PKIISTTS, DELAINE PRINTS, JACONET PRINTS, UNION PRINTS 1 , CHALLI PRINTS, And all the Latest Styles LAWNS, BERAGES, GINGHAMS, BRILLIANTS, DELAINES, SILKS, CHALLIES, WHITE GOODS. SHAWLS, MLLINERY COODS. BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, BRIDAL WREATHS, LADIES - GOODS. nOOP SKIRTS, MISSES SKIRTS. ITEEDS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, GLOVES, BUSTLE CORSETS, HOOP CORSETS, EM BROIDERIES, LADIES' SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GQODS. DRILLINQS, BATS A WICKS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, CURTAIN DRAPERIES. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS A CASSIMERES, HATS AND CAPS, COW HIDE, HOOTS AND SHOES, SOLE LEATHER, KIP AND CALF SKINS, HARNESS LEATHER, GROCERIES. FISH, OILS, PAINTS, DRUGS, GLASS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GLASS A SASH, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE AND CAGES, WOODEN WARE, KF.RQSINE OIL, LAMPS, AND FIXTURES. We don't profess to sell below cost; for we find too much encouragement to think of leaving the busiuess, but we do profess to sell as low, if not lower, than any. other establishment in town. Conic aud see. WM; A. ROCKWELL. Towaada, April 27, 1860. New Arrival of Clothing! GALL BEFORE YOU BUY ! J. 2VI. COLLINS IS now receiving: tlio largest stock of Spring and Summer CLOTHING, ever offered in this market, which he is selling at astonishing low prices. Every one knows that COLLINS' is the place to buy good floods and cheap Goods. His stock is larger this spring than ever and bound to sell at some price. In addition In- has a large stock of Cloths and Cassimcres which he is ready, at any time, to make up on short notice, aud all work done in this iine is done in his own establishment , and warranted in every way or no sale. He has one of the best workmen in toe country to oversee the Tailoring business, aud warrants a good lit, every time, or no sale. His stock consists of' MENS BLACK DRESS COATS, MEN'S FANCY CASSIMERE COATS, MEN'S SILK MIXED COATS, MEN'S BLACK CASSIMERE PANTS, MEN'S FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, MEN'S BLACK A FANCY SILK VESTS, MEN'S LINEN RAGLANS, ALL KINDS, MEN'S SPANISH LINEN COATS, MEN'S LINEN PANTS, ALL KINDS, MEM'S LINEN A MARSAII.LES VESTS, BOY'S CLOTHING OF EYERY SO'Rt CHEAP, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS. SHIRT COLLARS, CRAVATS 4: SUSPENDERS, MEN'S TWEEDS CLOTH A ALPACA DUSTERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMCRES, WESTINGS A TRIMMINGS, CUTTING done, a; usual, and warrranted. April 27, 1860. J. M. COLLINS. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. THE EXCITEMENT vthich has been caus ed by the selling of GOODS so cheap at the NEW CLOTHING & FURNISHING STORE OK E. S. BENEDICT, seems to be stiii greater this spring, on the arrival of the Largest and Cheapest stock of MEN'S A BOY'S CLOTH ING, of every style and grade ever offered in this mar ket ; together with a tine stock of HATS. GAPS, UM BRELLAS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS, Ac. Feeling under many obligations for your patronage for the last few months, f beg leave to call your attoj:pou this spring to my stock of Goods,and only aslc you to call and examine and judge for yourselves. You will find a good assortment ot MEN'S BLACK DRESS COATS, MEN'S BLACK FROCK COATS, MEN'S FANCY CASSJMERE COATS, MEN'S LATEST STYLE OF RAGLANS, MEN'S LIGHT CLOTHS FOR SUMMER WEAR. MEN'S SILK MIXED COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. TRIMMINGS SOLI) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. EEEBE'S BEST BLACK SILK HAT. lIATS AND CAPS OF THE LATEST STYLE, LINEN SHIRTS, COLLARS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, CRAVATS, STQCKB, Ac. Ac. WThose wanting CLOTHING, please give us a call', and we will endeavor to please you. Towanda, April 17, ls6o. SMOKED ItAMS AND SIIOULBEitS, at FOX'S. The Campaign of 1860 Fairly Opened AT MONTANYES STORE! In the shape of a PftESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT OF mmw GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS AND CATS, Ac., &c., Ac.j &c., And all the elegances and et ccteras necessary to gratify the tastes ana wants of this fast age. March 21. AMERICAN HITEI* Near the Bridge, Toioanrla, Pa. JOHN LAUGHLIN respectfully informs the pnblic that he has leased the new and corhmodi ons Hotel recently erected near the Bridge, and having famished it thoroughly, Is now prepared to accommodate such of the travelling public as may give him a call. He will endeavor by attention to the wants of his guests and by the reasonableness of his charges, to merit a por tion of pnblic patronage. The Bar will be kept stocked with the best Sprituous . and Mult Lsquors. Good Stabling is attached, with care- f Xul attendance. JJajr23, IS6O. I - am ai. AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSI FICATION of the different persons engaged in the sales of goods, wares and merchandize, in the County of Bradford, for the year 1800, with the amount of license thereunto attached: Clam. License. Athens BOEO —A 0 Snell 14 $ 7 00 • J Parsons 14 700 E Averill . 14 7 00 P W Meeker 14 7 00 C Park A Son 12 12 50 (r A Parkins 14 7 00 W II Fritcher 14 7 00 Page & Bristol II 15 00 C Comstock ii 7 00 ATHENS TWP—L A Gai'dner 14 7 00 A Biedleman 14 7 00 ASYLUM TWP— Ulysses Moody 14 7 00 ALBANY TWP- H A & W Lancaster 14 7 00 BURLINGTON BORO—Miller A Nichols 14 7 00 J M Long A Sons 14 7 00 Merry & Wilham 14 7 00 BURLINGTON WEST—J B Foster 14 7 00 CANTON —Loekwood A Bennett .14 7 00 Wm S Baker 14 7 00 Mix A Hooper 14 7 0O J Vandyke Jr ft 7 00 A N A \V W Spalding 14 7 00 J 8 Baker 14 7 00 J M Foster 14 7 00 D Wilcox 14 7 00 * EW Col well 14 7 00 E Newman 14 7 00 COLUMBIA TP—A B Austin 14 7 00 E C McCorinick 14 7 00 GBANVILLB— E Meloz 14 700 LI) Taylor 14 7 00 W Phelps 14 7 00 HERRICK —Geo Nichols 14 7 00 FRANKLIN—BascIay R R A Coal Co 14 7 00 LEROY —D D Parkhurst 14 7 00 MONROE—Tracy A Edsall 14 7 00 Smith C'ranmer A Co 14 7 00 J B M Hiuman ' 14 7 00 E Black man 14 7 00 D N Newton . 14 7 00 Brown A Rockwell 14 7 00 S S Hiuman 14 7 00 OVEBTON —Charles Heilliemcr 14 7 00 ORWELL —Lyon A Taylor 14 7 00 H Gibbs A Son D 7 00 S N Bronson 14 7 00 Bronson A Vannutten 12 12 50 C G Gridley 14 7 00 Baldwin A Seyraor 14 7 00 Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 I) Bailey A Sou 14 7 00 L L Bosworth 14 7 00 ! G H Little 14 7 00 F.ipoBUKY—L Woodruff 1 i 7 00 A II Voorhi3 14 7 00 B F Buck 11 7 00 A IC Tanner 14 7 00 ROME—J S Whiiaker 14 7 oO J W Wooubum 13 10 00 Geo Nichols 14 7 00 SHESHEQUIN—Kinney A Gore 14 7 00 E Brigliam 14 7 00 J II Harding 11 7 00 SMITHFIELD—C B Itiggs 14 7 00 Dnrfey A Fritcher 13 10 00 M Bullock A Co 13 10 00 ES Tracy 11 7'Off SPRINGFIELD —Herman A Voorhia 14 7 00 IWYAWHJTS 14 7UO SOUTH GREEK—.T_M Young 14 7 00 , TUSCAKOKA -J Taylor 14 7 00 STANDING STONE —HW Tracy, 14 7 00 George Steveii3 13 10 00 i John Espy. I*. 7 00 TROY Bono— S W Payne 14,. 7.00 Maxwell Leonard A Bro 12 VOO Guernsey A Mitchell 14 7 00 F J Calkins A Co 14 7 00 I)WC Herrick 14 7 00 • Nichols A Long 12 12 50 S W A D F Pomeroy II 1 > 00 Goodrich,NowberryA Peck 12 12 50 E H Dewey 14. 7 00 I L Ballard U 7 00 O P Ballard 14 7 00 ; EAST TROY—IIA L Stiles 14 7 00 , TOWANDA Bono-- A.) Record 14 7 00 ■ 1 J M Collins 14 7 00 I DC Hall 13 10 00 H W Noble 14 7 00 Tracy A Moore 13 10 00 E'S' Benedict 14 7 00 1 ' Joseph Poweii 10 20 00 E T Fox 14 7 00 F! O 1) Bartlett L'l 7 00 r .1 D Humphrey 12 12*50 WM A Chamberliu 14 7 00 II Runk 14 7 00 J F Bender 14 7 00 B A Parsons 14 7 00 Chester Well j 11 7 00 Montanyes 13 lo 00 J Kingsbury 14 7 00 H S Mercur 12 12 00 J Shlam 14 7 00 3 Carman 14 7 (W A 51 Warner 14 7 00 Patton A Payne 14 7 00 J HPhinncy 14- 7 00 *IE Solomon 14 700 Wm A Rockwell 14 7 00 J Biedleman 14 7 00 L C Nelson 14 7 00 TERRY-J Ilorton 14 7 00 A B Denison 14 T 00 Terry A Jones 14 7 00 ULSTER —IIL Mingle 11 7 00 NeWell A Brines 14 7 00 WARREN— R Cooper 14 700 Talmadge A Bowen 14 7 00 WINDHAM— Wm H Russell 14 7 OO WV A LOSING—J M Bixby 13 10 00 A Lewis 14 7 00 W Tayldr 14 7 00 Avorz A Camp 14 7 00 | W\sox—V EA J E Piollet 13 1000 Allen A Myers 14 7 00 i W ILMOT— Horton A Strong 14 7 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFCATIOX OK 1 -A IL. BEER Houses, Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the year 1860, under the Acts of Assembly : ALHENQ—H Cnrner ' 510 00 BURIJNGTUX— C D ROSS 10 00 CANTON— Metier A Co 10 00 H Tattle 10 00 E Port< r 10 00 GRANVILLE—P S Bailey lo 00 MONROE—£ C Gascal 10 00 R R Rockwell IT) 00 ORWELL— S A Chaffee 10 00 TROY—O P Adams 10 00 Wm Morgan 10 00 F Cowles 10 00 TOWANDA—E Kromer 10 00 J C Wilson 10 00 J H Nevins 10 00 F 8 lord 10 00 A F Cowles ]0 00 M Carter 10 00 J. COPLEY IO 00 ULSTER— J S Emith 10 00 W Shaw 5 10 00 C Rockwell 10 00 Plowman A Clair 10 00 WYALCSIXG— J M Solomon 10 00 WYSOX— E R Bishop 10 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OP persons engaged in the sale of Nostrums, Ac., in the Connty of Bradford, for the year lSSff, under the Act of Assembly of April 10, 1849 : " Class. License. ATHRNS— G A Perkins 4 $5 00 LEROY—D N.,jarkhursi 4 6 00 TROY—F E Ballard 4 5 00 Guernsey A Mitchell 4 5 00 TOWANDA—Patton A Payne 4 5 00 H C Porter 4 5 00 A LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF the different Breweries and Distilleries in the Coun ty of Bradford, for the year 1860, under the Acfs of As sembly of 1849, 1856 and iB5B : SMITHFIELD— NichoIs A Olmstead $2.5 00 SPRINGFIELD —A Brail 35 00 TROY—C F Readington - > 25 00 P N A G F Viele 25 00 TOWANDA—A Loder 25 00 A LIST AND' CLASSIFICATION OF the different Billiard tables and Ten Pin Alleys in the County of Rradford, for the year 1860 : TOWANDA—F B Ford Two Tables 140 00 Chase A I<aiighliii " Alleys 40 00 A LIST AND A.LASSIFICATIOX OF of the different Bankers in the County of Bradford for the year 1860 : TOWANDA—Laoorte, Mason A Co $lOO 000 $.lO 00 B S Russell A Co 100 000 30 00 NOTICE is hereby given, that an Appeal will be held at the Commissioners Office, in the Borough of Towanda. en the 16th day of next JUNE, at 1 o clock, P. M., at which time and pi ce any person who feels aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement and classification can attend if they think proper. A.D.ROSS, ließoy, May 15, 1860. Mercantile Appraiser. " THE CAMPAIGN OF 1860 ! MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC!!! The Towanda Brass Band, COMPOSED OF TEN TALENTED AND EXPERI ENCED MUSICIANS, would respectfully announce to the citizens of this and adjoining connties, that thev are now prepared to furnish the BEST KIND OF .MUSIC for any aid every occasion, at reasonable rates. For cn gogements, Address J. BILL MEANS. May 10. 1860. Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. J XT AY RAKES, AT WHOLESALE AND I X-L BE tail, at MLRCL'RS. fceijai. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue Of airorder of the Orphans' Coort of Bradford Coon tr will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1800, at 1 o'clock, P. 8., the following di.. a cribod property, late the estate of Orange Bos worth, late |of Pike twj/.. deceased, to wit: North by lands of Wm. Brings estate, east by lands belonging to the heirs of said Wm. Brink's estate, and lands of Mosely Ellsworth, south by lands of George I). Johnson and Jonathan Nichols, west bv lands of Stephen Brink, HM. Tnpper and R B. Eastabrooks. Containing about sixtv acres, about fiftv acres improved, with attained dwelling house, framed lorn, small horse barn, two or chards thereon. Terms made known on the day of sale. WM. B. STEVENS, BETSEY Boswoirrir, June 7,1800. _ Administrators. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Coun tv, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1860. at 1 P M.the following property late the estate of PJf .Hosleyjate of Springfield twp„ defeased, to wit : The following lot piece or par cel of land situate iu Springfield to., bounded east by N. S. Mosley, south by lands of F. F. Bennett, west by lands of Charles Elliott, et. al. north by lands of J. Mo liovd, and R. Cnlp. Containing fllty-two acres, or there abouts. Terms of Sale—One fjjrth upon confirmation of salo and the balance in one year with interest. LEMUEL C. GI.EASON, June 7,18G0. Administrator. ORPHANvS' COURT SALE —By virtue of an on'.ej - of the CJrphau.s' ','ourt of Bradford Coun ty, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, JULY 7. 1860, at 1 o'clock, P. M„ the fol lowing pfbpcrtv, late the estate of Nelson Johnson, late of Pike twp., deceased, to wit: The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Pike tp., bounded north by lands of George H. Little, east by the public highway leadmg through l-eltavsville, south by William F. Rob bins. west by lands of Joaiah Benhara. Containing about one third ef'an acre, all improved, with a small framed dwelling house, shop, barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Teryis of Sale- The purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the date. 3-. P.. FLETCHER, June 7,1800. Administrator. fTLNKCI TOH'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of NATIIA.vJEL 11USSELL, late of Orwell township, de ceased, are hereby requested to made payment without de lav. and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to Stephen the late residence of the deceased. AARON CKI'BBCCK, April 18, l-i,'V E^ecuior.^ ADM IN ISTUATOII'S NOTlCB.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the es state of CHARLES PERKINS, late of Smithfleld, dece'd, must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOSEPH PERKINS. Mayay 21, 1860. Administrator. ADM INISTRATOiI'S NOTloE.—Notice is here! or given, that all persons indebted to tho estate of PHILANDER M. HOSLEY, late of Spring field twp.. deceased, arc liereby requested to make pay ment without delay, and ali persons having demands against said estate, V. ill present them duly authenticate I cd for settlement. LEMUEL C. GI.EASON. J May 17. ISM Administrator, de bonis nan. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that al! persons indebted to the | estate of ABA PRATT, deceased, late of Canton town -1 shin., are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having claim- against the -aid estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES STOC'KWELL, ASA I'RATT, May 17. 1960. Administrators. QHE RIFF'S SALE. —By virtue of a writ | k_J of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and delivered, will be expo-ed to public sale, at the Court House in the ' Borough of Tpwanda.on FRIDAY, JUNE 15th, iB6o,at 1 ' o'clock P. M., all tb defendants interest in the following lot ol land situate in Wel.U hounded north by land of Daniel Strong, east by land of Henry French and Catha r.ue Ayres, south by land of Stephen I). Parmeter, aud ; west by land of James Campbell. Containing sixty I acres, more or leas, about thirty acres thereof improved | with a framed house, framed barn, work shop and a few i fruit trees thereon. i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James H. Brink, to the use of Jere Adams, vs. Robert Adams. ALSO—The following lot, niece or parcel of laud sit uate In West Burlington, ami bounded as follows : on the north by lands of (Jfrin Westgale. on the east an<f ! south by the pub'ii highway, and on the west by lands of Bama Vroiium. Containing forty acres, be the same I more or less, all'lmproved two framed houses, framed barn nr.d an orchard of fruit tree>*. Seized atul taken in execution at the suit of Charles C. | Paine vs. 11. 11. A .Ta'-oh Grace. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. I Sheriff's Office. May 24,1M8. DRIED SWEET CORN, AT f FOX'S; EXTRA GROUND JAYA CDFFEE, at FOX'S. DRtED APPLES, at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, at _ FOX ' S - Spring and Summer Clothing,- AT SOLOMON'S Clothing 1 Emporium, jYo. 2, Patfon's Block. I lIAUE just returned from the eastern aud western markets with the largest stock of SPRING A ; SUMMER CLOTHING, ever brought tp Towauda,of the | latest arid most fashionable styles. wh'Flt I am prepared i to offer at prices lower than any other Clothing Store in Northern Pennsylvania. Every care has beeu taken iu selecting my stock, and the careful ptftchnser will find on examining that they are made an! got up equal to cus tom goods. 1 invitq.the public, tny old customers, and as njany new ones a wish to rav'or me with a call, to ex amine my gdods before put basing elsewhere. Additions will be made to my stock almost monthly during the spring and summer season, so as to keep ray reputation of having the best stock in Northern Pennsylvania. I respectfully call your attention to the following list of Goods: Chefs—Fine French Black Frock Coats ; Mediurj.^q,, Cotlon Warp do : Fancy castimere and doeskin Business do ; Black Cassimere do ; Fancy Sattinet, Tweed ana Kentucky Jean do ; Linen do. of all qualitiesandgrad^a. Pants —Hue black doeskin Pants ; Fine Uack; Fancy cass. do ; Black union cass. do ; Cotto'nade do ; Linen. Marsallies, Ac., do. I ~sts —Fancy Velvet Vests ; Plush D: Si<* mixed do; Cassimere do ; Marsallies do ; Linen Jo , satin do ; Black and Fancy Silk do. A good stock of GENT'S GQODR, and BOY'S CLOTHING, of all qualities, to call atM, E. SOLOMON'S. S"A good assortment of SOLE an2-UPPER LEATH ER, Kip skins. French and domestii f..'f skins, Morocco, Lining -kins, Ac., will always be kepi o'a band and sold at the lowest prices. Cash paid for Grain, Rides aud Pelts. Towanda, May 23,166(1 - THE undersigned have opened an office in the building owned by Burton Kings Miry, for the transaction of a GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS. They will receive money on, deposit, and allow Interest on the same, according to fhe length of time it remains iu their hands. They will also receive money on deposit, payable on the depositor's check, on demand. They will fnrnish drafts on the East, in sums to suit purchasers, at the current rates of Exchange. They will collect notes and drafts payable at any place in the Union accessible to a Bank or Banker. Pei-sons desiring to remit money to their friends in the Old Country can be furnished with drafts to any amount from £1 sterling, upwards. From their long experience, and the facilities which they possess, they hope to receive a share of the business appertaining to such an Office. They refer by permission to the following : The American Exchange Bank, New York , Messrs. E. W. Clark A C 0,.'1 •' C. Emory A Co.,' f WoA/phia. John Arnot, Klmtra. O. M. Hollenback, Esq., 1 „ Hon. J. N. Conyngham, \ Messrs. J. M'Cormick, 1 Iv. J. KoHh, r~ I Harris burr " William Buehler, i • • B. S. RUSSELL A CO Towanda, April 17. A FULL assortmeut of FAMILY GRO CERIES just received and for sale cheap at FOX'S. STEEL HOOP SKlRTS—Cheaper thaa any other place at MERCUR'S. FISH and Mackerel at V HCMrnßtrs.