OHE MIU M ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOAVANDA: Thursday Morning, June 14, 1860. Shltticb ipaetrn. THE SUNSET LAND. bn 1 dimly through the mist* of years. That nil their dreary waves between, The gorgeous Sunset Land appears, Arrayed in lines of fadeless green. And from that far-off sunny clime, Old half-forgotten songs arise, And stealing o'er the waves of Time, The sweetly lingering music dies. As some bright island of the sea. Forever blooming, ever fair ; Though cold dark billows around it be, Eternal sunshine hovers there. Thus o'er the silent sea of years, Dur eager, longing looks are cast. Where robed in fadeless spring appears. The sunlit Eden of the past. There Memory weaves her garlands green Beside the lone, hope haunted shore ; And musing 'mid the Arcadian scene, Twines flowers that bloom for ns no more. Oh' hallowed clime ! blest land of love ! Sweet Paradise of early dreams ! Still through thy vale may fancy rove, Still bisk beneath thy evening beams. And rhen they dwell—those cherished ones, With sn.>w-white brow* and waving hair ; I see them now—l hear their tones ' Of sweetness fly along the air. Hark how their silvery voices ring In cadence with the wind's low sigh ? Not sweeter is the wind-harp's string That wakes at eve its melody. They call to us ; they wave their hands— As by the mirage lifted high. That clime in all its beauty stands Against the forehead of the sky. With wreathed brows—with laugh and song. With tender looks—bauds cla.-jwd in hand, The* move along, that love-linked throng— Within the liannted ?unset I-ar.d iiHisfflla norus. [From the tlermant'.wn Telegraph.] The Battle of Germantown. The disposition of the British forces. jsre wtratory to the battle, will require some min uteness of description, in order to properly comprehend the plan of attack ; Mount-Airy, bulled about half way between tke then village of G crura n town and Chestnut-Hill, was occupied by a corps of British infantry ; a house near at hand containing their outlying pickets, furnished with two six pounders.— i>oae difiar.ee below this position, ami direct or oypMite the building known as Chew's house, the 40th regiment of infantry, under C 'lonel Musgrave, was statioued ; stili farther in the rear, its respective wings encamped ou < iher side of the main or Skippaek road, was he body of the British army, with Gen Howe's -ad-quarters a short distance farther down. To understand the system of attack decided II by Washington, it will be necessary to r. ution that three roads, the Limekiln, Ridge and Old York, the second on the right, the two others on the sides of the Skippack aud rauniiig in a nearly parallel direction,) all en tered the main road ; the first becoming united with it near the market house of the village rself, and the remaining two joining a short distance below the town Gen. Sullivan, whose detachment was under Washington's direct super vision,) commanding the right wing of the American army aud assisted by Lord > bin® and Gen. Wayne, was to advance di rectly along the main road and open his fire I;>JO the enemy's left wing ; in conjunction v.?, Gen. Armstrong, who, marching down the Ridge road, was to attack him on the ftv The left wing of the Americans was coaptued of two divisions, sustained by a briw the whole commanded by Gen Greene: it wo Washington's inteutiou to dispatch this pr: 3 down the Limekiln road, so that their i'-'sck might be made immediately upon Howe's fgh'. wing, at the junction of this road with the Skippack ; two other companies proceed ed along the old York road, intending to sur prise the enemy at a similar point, and cut ha off ia the rear. It will thus be observed that a majority of the American troops were r aeentrated upon the right wing, in the hope toat bv a sudden attack, the enemy might be driven toward the river and thus obliged to capitulate. At break of day was the time agreed upoa for the attack, ou all sides, to commence. At the Lime these plans were concerted, the American army, consisting of 6,000 Contineu .roops and 3.000 mi.itia, were encamped ... i banks of the C-kippack creek, some IT - its i via Lie scene of action. The atumnal somewhat shrouded by hoveriug clcuds, wo scarce.y set behind the distant hills, and * Etacchoiy parting halo gilded the sad • u . wheu the main body began e nia.cA toward Germantown From tbe P**- roughness of the road and the manv *ca r.t'es necessary to ascend, they were de iatended time of arrival; ' r u ~Y' ere they reached Chest " an 1 day was already in the sky. A .* c" 4n \ hesitating sunbeams atttmpted for ?r tnrou ? b l^e deuse and brooding the *^ opaque folds over plain, but they failed to .a ! .„e gloomy expanse, and with minds Sr/ scmewhat affected by the mists and t ~ A sarr ooodtng, the troops moved on apparent abatement of their Lgor. |JL e > fe * fow mentioned that " Allen's orl*ri*° a ° at * a * picketed by an tbe British; these were d""* UIWU ' UQder CoTer of fog. bv a *£! 1 "f miaaa ded bv Captain McLane p ° tUos ,bcul6 '? ht i ™- 1 - C 0"? tuelight -and ',L ?r° f wblch were a portion w * lo,e conpany formed themselves, THE BRADFORD REPORTER. awaiting an attack. The sua again essayed to disperse the iutensc humidity, and for an instant shone out, as the Americans, led by Gen. Wayne, advauced upon the infantry, but the luminary soon disappeared and all was again dim with thickening vapor. Wayne's men dashed forward with resistless violence and scattered the enemy with great slaughter ; thirsting to be revenged for the horrible massacre at Paoli. on the September preceding, they refused quarter to the flying enemies. " Remember Paoli," burst in wild and fearful accents upouthe murky air, as sol dier after soldier fell beneath their swinging strokes ; eries for mercy, pitying pleas, suppli catory prayers, were addressed alike to deaf or listless ears ; vengeance was now the ap peal, and what men under the power of such mighty influences could withstand its force.— The officers endeavored to stay this indiscrimi nate slaughter, but their efforts were useless, and so great was the confusion, that many of our own troops were struck down by the hands of their companions. Colonel Musgrave, ob serving the general route of the advance, hasteued to Chew's house, where, enscousiug himself with six companies, he awaited an at tack from the approaching Americans ; and here we observe one of those occurrences, ap parently trivial, but which in the present in stance completely turned the tide of victory. Mn-grave, from the windows of the house, opened a heavy fire upon the advancing troops which induced their officers to order a tempor ary halt, many insisted upon moving on, n hopes that the panic, caused by the defeat of Mount-Airy, would have been communicated to the tuaiu body ot the British, aud thus render their combined attack more readily ex ecuted. To this suggestion, however, (ten. Knox strenuously demurred, positively refus ing to violate an important code of military law, which insists that no " garrisoned castle " should be left in the rear Generals Sullivan and Wayne, marched for- I ward with their corps, attacked the enemy's centre, some distance below Chew's mansion, I and after a fierce engagement, iu which many fell on both sides, finally drove them towards School-Honse 1 me, where their line was re formed. Victory had already settled upon our banners, the enemy were driven in at every point, and expected reinforcemeuts would shortly arrive, their amintafw thus communi cating the fortune of the day. Iu the mean time, however, the attack upoa Ciiew's house was being continued, under the immediate command of Washington himself. A gallant officer, Lieut Smith, of Virginia, in charge of a (lag cf truce, edvanced directly in front of the enemy's fire, iu order to summou tbe gar rison to surrender ; a volley of bullets was the sole response, and the brave soldier fell Many from the ranks now rushed forward in a vain attempt to beat down the door or fire the house ; but the former being strongly barri caded, resisted their efforts, while deadly shots from the windows above, effectually prcveuted the success of the latter. The builoing itself, constructed of solid masonry, presented an un wavering front again.>t the artillery which was now brought to bear ; the six-pounders in use proved entirely inadequate to the task, aud our troops had the mortification of observing only a lamentable consumption of powder, without those effects which should follow its use. The most heroic bravery signalized the attack upou this obstinate fortre-s ; officers and men dashed " poll meilinto the contest with utter disregard for their lives, in the fruit less attempt to effect a breach of their un yielding walls ; apparently animated—not de pressed—by the fail of their comrades, ethers filled np the vast vacated places and maintain ed a scattering but uucertaiu fire upon the garrisou within. The fog, at this time, had so increased in density that objects could uot be discerned within the distance of a few feet. The troops of Sullivan and Wayne, having forced tire enemy upon their "cantonments," suddenly heard for the first time, a.sharp firing in the rear, the cause of which they were unable to divine, being entirely unaware at that time of the attack npon Chew's House; halting iu confusion, still maintaining a desultory fire into the thick mist ahead, what was their consterns tiou on observing a regimeut, advancing upon their left flank ; no means whereby uuiform, colors, or other uppearauces by which could be ascertained the approach of friend or foe, presented themselves, and the troops, suppos ing that the encmj, by a circuitous route had surrounded and would finally annihilate them, became iufected with the most fearful panic, aud turning, fled in ntter confusiou. Colonel Matthews, a Virginian,had advanc ed considerably beyond the main body, with a portion of Gen. Green's division, and at this time, unconscious of the enemy's so close vici nity, was approaching the market house, when becoming completely surrounded by the foe,he was obliged to surrender, alter contesting eve ry inch of gronnd with the greatest bravery. — Meanwhile, Wane's troops fled and communi cating, strangely enough, their fright to the division of Greene (whose advance, concealed by the fog, had occa-ioned their own terror) the whole body retreated, formiug themselves, under the lattcr's commands, into some degree of regularity, and thus keeping up a running fire in order to cover their flight. The fortune of war was now entirely adverse to the Americans, and hotly pursued by Gen erals Grey and Cornwallis, the rout was con tinned until nightfall, when the defeated army halted at Perkiomea creek, a distance cf about 19 miles from the inorniug battle-field. Many anecdotes are narrated of the hospitality dis played by farmers to the unfortunate, defeated soldiery ; one iu particular illustrates forcibly the spirit infused even iuto the woman of that glorioas, yet trying period. An elderly lady had just fiuisbed the superintendence of ex tensive baking operations, and wos about con signing the fresh loaves to the shelves of a spring-hoase, where innumerable pans of milk and cream arranged with consummate care. " glistened in a row," sid€ by side with tempt ing pastry and cakes redolent of ginger and shortening. Casting admiring glances upon l he housewifely display, what was the old PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOW AND A, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. ■ * -. ■ " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." lady's surprise, on hearing a confused noise, as of men tramping over the ground above; basteuiug from the building, to her astonish ment, whole fields four miles in extent, appear ed covered with soldiers, all running north ward at the highest speed. Regardless of the lady's presence, many rushed into the spring house, returning either with pies and loaves of bread, or else draining, while inside, the con tents of the good dame's milk pans ; still the rout continued and consfantforays were made upon the fast declining resources. At leugth all were passed by and the meadows returned to their pristine quiet, an examination into the spring-house disclosed the presence of a few scattered morsels, sole remnant of the grand larder it had that morning contained ; with out a word of complaint, merely ejaculating, " poor fellows, uo wonder they were hungry,'' the excellent creature began instant prepara tions for a further " baking,"' and soou replen ished her empty shelves. Such, kind reader, was the praiseworthy and patriot conduct of this most estimable Q ua^er . an undoubted member of the " meeting militant." Thus ended the battle of Germantown,which numbers among its incidents, some of the most stirring and self-sacrificing, which Revolution ary annals have handed down to the present age ; deeds of valor were performed "by men entirely ignorant as well of the minutiae as of the merest superficial conueeted with those tactics pertaining to Hie art of war. Among the slain, might have been observed the uni formed aijd decorated British officer side by side with the plowman, on whose clothing one still could have traced the dust of his meadows. Death respects no more the aiguillotted gercr al than the poor and wearied private ; recliu iug together upon a common bier, their eyes closed to the autward world, the relative posi tions of wealth and station are alike disregard ed ; unheeding the past, their attention no longer dwells upon the present. Golden scab bards and rusty firelocks are folded in one em brace ; tinselled epaulettes aud tattered vest ments are iucongrously intermingled. The sun,.though imperceptibly, had gained Jts meridian ere the final shot resounded over the field of Germantown ; and now began that la.-t melancholy ceremonial, the burial of those of our owu army who had so bravely fallen Gathered promise uously together, the bodies were consigned to hastily formed graves, iuto which all were indiscriminately heaped ; though no escutcheoued stone marks their last resting place, or mural tablets along some dim and closistered aisles sets forth in classic diction their virtues-and their services ; though no " storied nrn or animated bast "' carved from pnre but chilling marble, designates their final abode, yet. " Their names, their peat , spelt bp th unlettered muse The place of fame and elegy nipple, " their merits are enshrined deep in the heart of a nation that loves to honor their posterity aud add fresher garlands to the many that already drop over the solitude of their tombs. The bodies of the dead enemy, it will be remember ed, were deposited in that portion of Philadel phia, known as Washington Square. The traveler who roams over these plains, I made memorable bj so great aehievments, is | impressed with a feeling of solemn pleasure as he mentally cons the changes which a few years have occasioned. Stauding ou the ad jacent Chestnut-Hill, he looks abroad over a landscape smiling with beanty ; evidences of wealth and cultivation are everywhere discer uabte; uo longer does the roar of artillery usher in the morning, or the roll of drums her ald the approach of night ; a landscape teem ing with fertility, waving fields of grain, and meadows wh o=e luxuriant verdure overtops their flowers ; the peal of musketry has given place to the scythe's" long swinging stroke,"'the rat tling of the artillery wagons,to the wain laden with its crdorons abundance ; for the call to arms and the horse cry of "charge," is now heard the low of distant kino or tbe mellow tickle of a sheepfold's beli : and iu place of the strains of martial music, we have now " the cock's shrill clarion and the echoing horn." The old mansion is still there, its wall : perforated with bullets, their traces even yet observable upon the window frames ; surround ed by shade, in summer completely embower ed from view by the densely clustering foilage itself the eau-e of our defeat—appears wishing to retreat behiud so friendly a concealment.— But these reflections must be drawu to a close. ; Ia conclusion the writer desires to add that the result of this sanguinary field (iu which • over a thousand fell killed and wounded ou either side) was suareely to be considered as a defeat ; rather, in fact, a victory in which tbe enemy simply remained npon the field. Its salutary effects where everywhere dtscernable in the renewed hope by which our troops were actuated, seeing, as many undoubtedly did,the ultimate triumph of the Revolution, shadowed forth in those valorous deeds which will ever render so justly celebrated the Battle of Ger mantown. HiSTORIA. Pay Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, thus speaks of a gentleman with whom he is not on very good terms : "Heis a most no torious coward ; he talks as if his diet were lion steaks seasoned with gunpowder and broiled on barniug lava, whereas his actual diet is probably rabits, liver, sheeps plucks | and pigeon's gizzards." " Yon mast not play with that little girl, tnv dear," said a judicious parent. "But, ma, I like her ; she is a good little girl, and I am sure she dresses as prettily as ever I do, and she has lots of toys. " I cannot help that, my dear." responded the foolish anti-American, "her father is a shoemaker." SHERIDAN said, beautifully : "Women gov ern as ; let us render them perfect. The more they are enlightened, so mneh the more shall we be. On the cultivation of the mind of women depends the wisdom of men. It is by women tbat Nature writes on the hearts of men." A Thrilling Story. The following story was taken from that in teresting book, " Parley's Thousand aud One Stories." It is founded upon an occurrence which actually took place in Vermont/some forty years ago. The facts are almost literal ly related as follows : My brother lleman liked the business of carrying the mail better thau I did, and so I went to work iu a new clearing Thad com menced, about a mile and a half from home, and not quite so far from the house of a broth er-in law. I used to stay as often at one place as the other. It was a bad arrangement, as in ease of accident neither family would be alarmed, or go to look for me if I should not come home. I felt the force of this in the course of the winter, as you will see directly. There had fallen one of our old-fashioned Northern New York snows, crusted over hard enough to bear a mau. I was getting on fa mously with my clearing, getting ready to build a house in the spring. I was ambitious, aud worked early aud late, going without my din ner some days, wheu the piece of bread and meat I hail brought in my pocket was frozen so hard that I could not ufasticate it without taking up too much of my time. One day it was inteusely cold, with the prospect of a storm, that might hinder my work the next day, and so I worked on as long as I could see, aud after twilight I felled a tree, which in its descent lodged against anothf r, I could not bear the idea of leaving the job half fin ished, and mounted the almost prostrate body to cut awav a iimb to let it down. The bole of the tree forked about forty feet up into two equal parts, with large projecting limbs from both. It was one of these I had to cut away to bring it to the ground. In my haste perhaps 1 was not so careful as 1 should have been ; at auy rate, the first blows eased the lodgment so that the tree began to settle, and I was just going to jump off, when the fork split, and as it did so, one foot drop ped into the space so that I could not extricate it for the moment, but I felt no alarm, for I knew that I could cut away the treeiu a min ute, or perhaps draw my foot out cf the boot, as the pressure was not severe. At the first blow of the ax?, the tree took another start, rolled over, and the split closed with all the force of its giant strength, crashing my foot till the very bones were flattened, aud there I hung suspended, ju-,t able to touch the tips of my fingers in the snow, with nothing to rest upou for a moment—the air at zero aud grow ing colder—no prospect of any one coming that way that night—the nearest house a mile away—no friends to feel alarmed at my ab sence, for _pne would suppose me safe with the other. My axe in its fall rested upon the snow crust, about teu feet off. If I could only get that I might yet save myself. I did not think how I was to cut myself loose from the body of that great tree, suspended as I was, head down, and suffering with the rushing current of disordered blood, but I thought in that keen Wade my ouly hope of life was fixed.— Just forward of me grew a slim bush, which I thought if I could obtain, I could form into a hook by twisting the limbs together, and draw the axe within mv reach. Although the bush was out of my reach, I at length succeeded in getting hold of it by means of a loop by tying my suspenders to gether. I drew it towards me and cut it off with mj pocket knife—one of that sort so long known as the " Barlow knives," having a single blade about two and a half inches long and three-eighths of an inch wide, with equal width all its length, set iu a handle of peculiar form, half its length iron and half horn or bone. I I succeeded admirably in fashioning my book, and almost felt the handle of the exe within my grasp, so certain was lof success. From the tree that imprisoned me the ground des cended very rapidly for a dozen yards or more to a little creek. My axe lay upon the brow of the hill. The first movement I made to wards twisting the loop of my stick around tbe handle, so as to draw it within ay reach, loosened it from its icy rest, and away it went down the hill, crushing through the little frost brittle brushes, down npon the ice of the creek down to a litt'.e fall a few rods below, and over that iuto the unfrozen pool, with a =urg iug sound, as it fell into the water that seemed to send its icy chill through every vein and ar tery in my whole body. I still had my knife. True, it was a rough surgical instrument, bat hope and the love of life gave me strength to climb up by my fast eutd leg and cat away the boot and stocking, and then with that knife 1 unjoiated tuy ankle and fell to the ground—cy left leg a footless, bleeding stamp ! The intensity of the cold saved me from bleeding to death. I tore off a par t of my coat, and *with my handkerchief aud suspenders managed to bind up my leg with a handful of snow, and started to crawi Lome. I succeeded in reaching within sight of the house, and then my strength utterly failed. I tried my voice in vain, bat I could make no one hear. I exerted myself once more, and crawled toward the road that I knew Heman must come. It was a painful task, for, besides my exhaustion, I was perishing with cold Just then I heard the sound of my brother's stage horn, aud the jingle of the bells comiug down the hill. I strained my voice to the ut most pitch, but he did not, could not hear ; but there was another friend—man's faithful friend—who did hear. Old Hunter, the no ble old dog. had insisted upon accompanying this trip, and brother said, " Let him go : "who knows what good may come of it?" Good did come of it, for his ear was quicker than Heman's and he roused up at the first cry, and as the second cry reached his ear, he leaped out, and in a minute was at tbe spot where I lay upon the snow. He smelt all around, and I held up my footless leg. Just then the sleigh had got up the hill ; Hanter sprang back into the path, barked londly, and as the horses came np, he jumped up. seized the reins, an.l would no: let go till Heman called a halt. Hunter kt go his hold oa the horses, jarnp ed back to the sleigh, caught hold of Heman'i hand, pulling off the mitten, and awio he ran back where I was, aud commenced barking furiously ; but I heard nothing. T. effect upon me when I knew that I was dis vered by that faithful old dog, and that he would never desert me, nor cease his efforts until he obtained help, had caused me to faint. My brother knew that Hunter was not at play— that something curious was the matter—and he jumped out of the sleigh and ran after him. In a little while I was safe at home ; the doctor was sent for, and ray wound properly dressed. I eventually recovered, but was, however, a cripple for life. ANCIENT RUINS IN THE UNITED STATES.—A new stimulus is likely to be giveu to American archaeology by a discovery recently made some 90 miles north-east of Fort Stanton, a long account of which has just appeared iu the Fort Smith (Arkansas) Times: The plain upon which lie the massive relics of gorgeous temples and maguificent halls, slopes gradually eastward towards the river Pecos, and is very fertile, crossed by a gurgl ing stream of the purest water that not only sustains a rich vegetation, but jterhaps furnish ed with this necessary element the thousands who ODce inhabited this present wilderness.— The city was probably built by a warlike race as it is quadrancular, and arranged with skill to afford the highest protection against an ex terior foe, many of the buildings on the outer line being pierced with loop holes, as though calculated for the use of weapons. Several of the buildings are of vast size,and built of massive blocks of dark granite rock, which could only hare been wrought to their present condition by a vast amoant of labor.— There are the rjiins of two noble edifices, each presenting a front of 300 feet, made of pond erous blocks of stone ; aud dilapidated walls are even now 35 feet high. There are no par titions in the apex of the middle (supposed) temple, so that the room must have been vast; and there are also carvings in bas-relief and fresco work. Appearances justify the con clusion that these silent ruins could once boast of halls as gorgeously decorated by the artists' hand as those of Thebes and Palmvra. The buildings all have loop-holes on each side, much resembling those found in the old feudal castles of Europe designed for the use of archers. The blocks of which these edifices are composed are cemented together by a species of mortar of a bituminous character, which has such tenacity, that vast masses of wall have failed down without the blocks being detached by the shock. We hope ere long to be favored with fall and descriptive particulars, as it is probable that visits and examinations will be made amoDg such interesting relics of the unknown past, by some of tbe United States officers attached to the nearest fort. ARKANSAS LEGISLATION. —The recent brawls in the House at Washington remind tbe Cleve land riaindcaler of a story heard in Arkansas several years since, which has never been in print. It is no disrespect to the present en lightened and genial State of Arkansas to say that in its incipient or Territorial days it was rather " rough." It was a very common thiug for a man to leave the bosom of his family in sound health in the morning, and return dead at night. Cuttings, slashings, and shootings were of daily occurrence. It was dangerous to be safe. The Legislature was chiefly com posed of bullies and blacklegs, aud the scenes enacted by them were ofteu very ecceutric. A fight arose about something in " the house." The Hon. Mr. Banger, of Napoleon, called the Hon. Mr. Slanger, of Helena, a liar. The Hon Slanger retorted with a bullet, which took off the Hon. Banger's left ear. Both then sprang into the middle cf the hall with drawn bowie knives. The Speaker said, "By G—d, we must have fair play in this business !" and rushed out on tbe floor with a cocked pistol in one hand and a tremendous " tooth-pick " in the other, and in tones of thunder commani ded the representatives to form a ring. A ring was formed, and in the classics cf the times, the combatants " went in." They cut each other frightfully, and for quite a spell it was difficult to decide who was the better can.— Bat finally, Banger, by an adroit thrust, cut off Sianger's head, and instant death was the result. Mr. Slanger's remains being removed, and order restored, 31 r. Banger rose and said : " It is my painful duty to announce to this Honse the death of the Hon. William Slanger of Helena. He was good at draw poker and faro, and handled the toothpick beautiful. lie wasn't of no account ,at legislatio.' He was middlin' on bosses. He put on too many scollops. He had|ao family 'cepting his brother Bill, the best poker player on the Red River. I move resolutions of respect be parsed and forwarded to his brother Bill." They were passed. ALMOST HOME. —This is one of the cost joyous expressions in the English language.— The heart of the long absent husband, father or sou, not only homeward bound, but almost arrived, thrills with rapturous joy as he is on the point of receiving the embraces and greet ing of the dear ones at home. So it is with the aged Christian, as. in the far advance of his pilgrimage, he feels that he approaches the boundary line, and will soon cross OTer the land of promise. Many of bis best friends have crossed over before him, and they have long been beckoning him upward and onward. They await his arrival with the joyful welcome of holy ones. And as tokens multiply on eith er hand the land of Beulah is near, he feels that he is alarst heme. The ripe frnit of a long Christian life is about to be gathered into a heavenly garner. Few sights on earth are more pleasing than aged, faithful Christians stroDgin tbe Lord, almost home. We have some such amoug us, revered and beloved, whose faces we love to see ia tbe sanctuary, and whose prayers bring down blessings upon our beads. They speak of many friends, most of whom have preceded them, but the reunion will SOOQ come. Blessings be npon the fathers and mothers in Ziou ; and may their mantles fall on us. VOX,. XXI. —NO. 2. GEN. JACKSON AT Mas. LIVINGSTON'S DIS XER PARTY. —In the just published life of Andrew Jackson, by Mr. Partou, we find the following interesting anecdote : The new aid-de-camp, Mr. Livingston, as ho rode from the parade gronud by the General's side, invited him home to dinner. The Gene ral promptly accepted the invitation. It chanc ed that the beautiful and gay Mrs. Livingston the leader of society then at New Orleans, both creole and American, had a little dinner party that day, composed only of ladies, most of whom were young and lively creole belles. Mr. Livingston had sent home word that Gen Jackson had arrived, and that he should ask him home to dinner ; a piece of news that threw the hospitable lady into consternation. "What shall we do with this wild general from Ten nessee ?" whispered the girls to one another ; for they had all conceeired that Gen. Jackson however becoming he might comport himself in an Indian fight, would be most distressingly oat of place at a fashionable dinner party in the first drawing room of the most polite city in America. He was announced. The young ladies were seated about the room. Mrs. Liv ingston sat upon a sofa at the bead of the apartment, anxiously awaiting the inroad of the wild fighter into the regions sacred hitherto to elegance aud grace. lie eutered. Erect, composed, bronzed with long exposure to the snn his hair just beginning to turn gray,clad in his uniform of coarse blue cloth and yellow buckskin, his high boots flapping loosely about his sleuder legs, he looked, as he stood near the deer of the drawing room, the very picture of a war-worn, noble warrior and commander. He bowed to the ladies magnificently, who all rose at his entrance, es much from amaze ment as politeness. Mrs. Livingston advanc ed toward him. With a dignity of grace sel dom -equalled, never surpassed,he went forward to meet her, conducted her back to her sofa, and sat by her s : dp. The fair Creoles were dumb with astonishment. In a few minutes dinner was served, and the General continued, daring the progress of the meal, to converse in an easy, agreeable manner, in the tone of society, of the sole topic of the time, the com ing invasion. He assured the ladies that he felt perfectly confident of defending the city, and begged that they would give themselves no uneasiness with regard to that matter. lie rose soon from the table and left the house with Mr. Livingston. In one chorus the young ladies exclaimed to their hostess. "Is this your backwoodsman ? Why, madam, hejs a prince !" ISAILR.4L OVSTER BZDS. —Along the Jersey shore, where the rivers empty into salt water, there exist large natural oyster beds, whence are procured the seed oyster which supply the planted beds. In the Spring,'the oyster in the natural bed deposits its spawn—a white gelatinous substance, which adheres to what ever it touches—and in this way spreads a large growth of small oy=ters, some not larger tban the head of a pin. From these seed-beds the oysters are taken and laid in the shoal salt-water, to he easily taken up when wanted, and they remain for several years till they get sufficient size for market. Thousands of bush els of the small seed oysters are in this way distributed along the shore oa the planting groands, or sold to be carried away for plant ing in other States. The practice is to take these seed oysters away in the Spring and Fall. If allowed to remain in their beds over Fall, they will sep arate and spread, but if removed at that pe riod of the year the young oysters die by thousands. If they do net get bedded early in the run J, the tides, blown out by the winds, leave them exposed, or adhering to the ice in the Winter, they are lifted out of their beds and either carried away or crashed. Unless something is done for the protection of these natural oyster-beds, it is believed that they will all be destroyed, and even those engaged in the business, it is said, acknowledge the destractiveness of the present mode of opera tion, and desire that the period of takiog the oyster for plantiug shall be confined to the Spring of the year. Forty days from the Ist of April, it is believed, would be sufficient for all planting purposes. JAPANESE MlCE. —While on board the Pow hatan. says the Honolulu Advertiser, one of the sailors, who did not go to Japan for noth ing, exhibited to us a sample of Japanese Mice, which were of various colors, some pare white, others spotted. They are perfectly do cile, aud may be handled without being the least alarmed. It appears that in Japan, mice are quite a domestic creature and perfectly tame ; they are entirely of a different nature from our mice and are much smaller. In fact, these little creatures may be considered quite a cariosity, as they can be kept in open boxes without any fear of their running away. This sailor had about a dozen of them in a shal low box, with a partition in the centre, and three or four small holes in it, large enough to let them pass through, which they did con tinually, now and then catching held of each other's tails, forming a complete circle, tni running with such speed that it was impossible to distinguish, their heads from th.ir tails. In another corner was a small box, •. inside of the larger one'* the lid of which had two holes in it. They woald enter this at one hole and pass out the other as quick as thought, all for their own amusement. We were also inform ed that whenever the baud played, these little mice would dance and run round, keeping ex act time with the music, and would Stop when ever the music stopped. Strange, bat never theless true. tSF I can tell yon how to save that horse," said a boy to a man who was looking at the skeleton of a horse attached to a vehicle. " How " Why, jist slip him away while the crows are at roost. IssT* When a man makes his wife a hand some present, it is a sign that tbey have been ' quarreling recently