A GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR EXPECTED. — The New Yolk CYumcr says that their private advices from Europe are more belligerent than the general reader would infer from the tone of the public press ; and it should excite uo surprise if at an early day a general European war should become inevitable. A private letter says: The geueral quiet may remniu undisturbed for months ; it is cer tainly within the chapter of probabilities that there may be no war. But 1 tell you fraukiy, all the probabilities are against any such sup position ; aud you must be prepared for an ex plosion at any moment. In my judgment a general war is inevitable. A letter from l'ans says, that bankers, ec clesiastics, diplomatists, merchants, soldiers aud civilians alike seem to hold but oue lan guage—that the year 1860 cannot close with out a war with England. The bad temper that is exhibited between France and England — the warlike feeling of Switzerland and Austria towards France — the hostile attitude of the Pope towards Prance and Sardiuia — together with other visible symptoms of discontent and animosity, indi cate that the apprehensions above expressed that a general war may at any moment break out, are not without good reason. NEW TERRITORIES.—A telegraphic dispatch from Washington says that the five new Ter ritories which the House Committee on Terri tories propose to organize, contain respective ly the following number of inhabitants : Cbippea, from eight to ten thousand ; Nevada, about the same number ; Dakota, eight thou sand ; Idaho (Pike's Peak), fifteen to twenty thousand, and Arizona, six to eight thousand. Each of these bills contains the following pro viso : Provided, that, nevertheless slavery has n'o legal existence in said Territory, and noth ing herein contained shall be construed to au thorize or permit its existence therein. SEQUEL TO A TRAGEDY. —Our readers will generally remember the Mercer and Heberton tragedy ihat occurred iu Philadelphia many years since. A man of soinc wealth and so cial position, named Heberton, had seduced Miss Mercer, a young woman of seventeec, and refused to repair the matter by marriage. A brother took vengeance into his own hands, waylaid the seducer in a ferry boat, and shot him dead. For this he was tried for murder, and acquitted. Since that period he led a wild career, and finally, about two years since, was shot in a restaurant in Philadelphia. The sister was married a few years subsequent to the death of Ilebdrtcin, lived Unhappily with her husband, was divorced, and we find her death recorded in an exchange. The whole family have now passed away. Captain Farnnm, of the Wanderer,who has been confiiifed in jail during the last six mouths, was released Thursday, at Savannah, by some fiiends; and an attempt by the Unit omis. Troy tp—Zima Case. Canton—Nelson Reynolds. Ulster—T C Wheeler. K LiUey, L Wheat, V M Wvsox—J M Wattles, V E Wilson! Piolett. U. ran ville--John Annable. Wyalusing—Wash Taylor. Orwell—Hiram Allis. Wells— F P Bowman, Jessi Pike—Rial Blister. Shepard. Ridgbury—J Sirowbridge. Warren Robert S Corbin. UIIAWLS.—The only place to buy Shawh P cheap it at r MERCUR'S. iirtn SHtocrtDrmnus. ; WW. A. ROCKWELL j Is just receiving a splendid assortment of 1 AT No. 1, PATTON'S BLOCK, Corner of Main and Bridge sts. | WE invite the attention of onr old casto ' ' niers and the public generally to our present as sortment. Our line of : ® j Is as usual unrivalled. We have a great variety of PRINTS, DELAINE PRINTS, JACONET PRINTS, UNION PRINTS, ( CHALLI PRINTS, And all the Latest Styles LAWNS, BERAGES, GINGHAMS, BRILLIANTS, ! DELAINES, SILKS, CHALLIES, WHITE GOODS. I SHAWLS, MLLINEHY GOODS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, 1 | RUSHES, BRIDAL WREATHS, | LADIES' GOODS. HOOP SKIRTS, MISSES SKIRTS. REEDS, HOSIERY, , ! EMBROIDERIES. LACES, GLOVES. BUSTLE CORSETS, HOOP CORSETS. E.\l - BROIDERIES, LADIES' SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS. DRILLINGS, BATS & WICKS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, CURTAIN DRAPERIES. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS A CASSLMERES, HATS AND CAPS, COW HIDE, I BOOTS AND SHOES, l SOLE LEATHER, KIP AND CALF SKINS, HARNESS LEATHER, | GROCERIES, FISII, OILS, PAINTS, DRUGS, GLASS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GLASS & SASH, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE .VXD CAGES, WOODEN WARE, KEROSINE OIL, LAMPS, AND FIXTURES. We don't profess to sell below cost ; for wc find too , much encouragement to think of leaving the business. : but we do profess to sell as low, if not lower, than any ; other establishment in town. Come and see. 1 WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, April 27, 1860. ;SPIiING_GOODS! H. S. MERCim II AS just received a fine stock of SPRING l I GOODS, in which will be found a great variety of MIOWIBIE DBESS GOODS, 1 The Largest, Lest and Cheapest Assortment of French, English and American PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, IN TOWN. . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SUMMER STUFFS, • I Of every description. I Carpets and Matting*, OIL CTOTHS, DRUGGET, WALL & WINDOW FAFEIt, SHADES, LACE VEILS, EMBROIDERED COLLARS, • ! BLEACHED & BROWN SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS, IRISH LINENS, | CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, SHIRT COLLARS BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. I An unusually full assortment of Common and Saddlery HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, WAILS, CORDAGE, WINDOW GLASS, SASIf, GROCERIES, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, : All of irhieh arc offered at the Loirest Prices. Towanda. April 28, I*oo. PLANTS FOR SALE AT THE GARIIEX OF Hmix. LIST OF PRICES: ' Early York Cabbage 6 cents doz. J Early Dutch' Cauliflower, 6 • Asiatic Cauliflower, 6 " Large Late Cauliflower 6 " l>aige Sweet Pepper, .'-10 " Lirge Red Tomato 6 " Large Round Egg-Plant 10 " _ Long Egg Plant, 10 " Bell-sliaped Pepper, 10 A few thousand Sweet Potato Plants, will in condition j to set from 10th of May to the 10th of June, at 50 cents per hundred. All Late Cabbage Plants, out door culture, at 25 cents per hundred. Celery at 25 cents per hundred ; thousands in fine con . dition to set from the middle of May to the first of Au- gust. Being so deficient last season, 1 am now prepared to supply all demands. Much pains will be taken to make all the Plants as strong and stocky as possible, by transplanting. Ac. Plants may lie carried any distance, as they will be pack ed exceedingly well in moss, c GRAPE VINES, f All the Vines I have sold, I warrant true to name. The j purchasers will please keep the names distinct, and when they fruit should there be a mistake, a new Vine will be 1 given. A few varieties of Grape Vines for sale, at the garden. u Towanda. April 2*. 1860. HARRY MIX. pw iaraap S®l§B. THIE undersigned have opened an office in the building 1 owned by Burton Kingsbury, for the transaction of I a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ■„ They will receive money on deposit, and allow Interest on the same, according to the length of time it remains lt in their hands. e They will also receive money on deposit, payable on the „ depositor's check, on demand. They will furnish drafts on the East, in sums to suit purchasers, at the current rates of Exchange. They will collect notes and drafts payable at any place in the Union accessible to a Bank or Banker. Persons desiring to remit money to their friends in the n Old Country can be furnished with drafts to any amount from £1 sterling, upwards. , . . From their long experience, and the facilities which they possess, they hope to receive a share of the business appertaining to such an Office, n They refer by permission to the following : The American Exchange Bank, JVetc 1 ork ; Messrs. E. W. Clark & C 0, .) pMadelp/iia. " C. Emory & Co., J ' John Arnot, Elmira. I G. M. Holienback, Es.y, ) ICUketßarre. Hon. J.N. Conyngham, ( Messrs. J. M'Comtek, ) " R. J. Ross, > Harrisburg. " William Buehlcr, ) E B. S. RUSSELL A CO. Towanda, April 17,1860. _________ ;e T ADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES! JLi —The largest best and cheapest assortment in town _ at MERCUR'S. s CTEEL HOOP SKlßTS—Cheaper than ' O any other glass at MERCUR'S. flcto B&tocrtfsements. , New Arrival of Glothing! CALL BEFORE YOU BUY ! J. XVI. COLLINS IS now receiving the largest stock of Spring and Summer CLOTHING, everoffered in this market, which he is selling at astonishing low prices. Every oue knows that COLLINS' is the place to buy good Goods and cheap Goods. His stock is larger this spring than ■ ever and bound to sell at some price. In addition ne has a large stock of Cloths aud X'assimeres which he is ready, at any time, to make up on short notice, and all work done in this line is done in his own establishment, I and warranted in every way or no sale. He has one of the best workmen in the country to oversee the Tailoring business, and warrants a good tit, every time, or no sale. His stock consists of MEN'S BLACK DRESS COATS, MEN'S FANCY CASSIMERE COATS, MEN'S SILK MIXED COATS, MEN'S BLACK CASSIMERE PANTS, MEN'S FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS, MEN'S BLACK & FANCY SILK VESTS, MEN'S LINEN RAGLANS, ALL KINDS, MEN'S SPANISH LINEN COATS, MEN'S LINEN PANTS, ALL KINDS, MEM'S LINEN A MARSAILLES VESTS, BOY'S CLOTHING OF EVERY SORT CHEAP, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRT COLLARS, CRAVATS 274 and ?I 624, at NELSON'S. ) Call aud leave your measure, at NELSON'S. All kinds of Repairing, done at NELSON'S. All kiiuls'of Country Produce taken for Boots i and Shoes, at NELSON'S, i Towanda, April 16,1860. _ DRESS MAKING f THE undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS MAKING in the > latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the County. ? Vw"Rooms one door below Beidleman's block, at the ' residence of A .J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBLE, April 16, IS6O. MISS J. H. HALE. s WAVERLY INSURANCE AGENCY. e TNSURANCE at fair rates can be obtained of the sub -1 scriber in the following Slock Companies : 1 .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, e Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capital, $1,500,000 e Assets January 1,1860, 2,194,100 t Liabilities, Claims not due, 179,957 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, h New York City. ■8 Cash Capital, • 1 Assets, January 1, 1860 1,458,396 Liabilities, Claims not due 45,580 CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capital,. $ 300,000 Assets, Jauuary 1, !Bn many cases the children or grand children of Rev- j olutionary Soldiers are entitled to land and back-pay, un der existing laws, and that exertions are being made for ' the present Congress to pass an act for the further bene- i fit of said heirs. 1 have a list of all the names of Revo- j lutionary Soldiers who have resided in Bradford County, with Blank Forms, sent rae from Wyshington. The pp- > plication ol one or children or grand children, with Pow- : er of Attorney, will enable me to Lave a search made of the Records at Washington. No costs to applicants, ex- ! cent 50 cents to pay for executing bonds, Postage, Ac. Inquire for me at the office of N. N. BKTTS, Esq., To- j wanda Borough. J. I) GOODENOUUH. February 2, 1860. Agr-nt for Bradford County. YI7"ANTED.—Hides and Skins, for whicl f i the highest market price will be paid, either ic ; goeds or cash, i Ictobor 1. 1859. HUMPHREY A WICK HAM. T\R. JOHN M'INTOSH, will be found at 1 JLJ his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and j Summer. Teeth nserted on Vulcanised Rubber—the ! latest improvement ia dentistry. Specimen piece to be seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please pay up. JOHN M'INTOSH. Towanda, March 20,15C0. The Campaign of 1860 Fairly Opened AT MONTANYES STORE! In the shape of a FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT OF | GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., And all the elegances and etceteras necessary to gratify the tastes anu wants of this fast age. March 21. I fRESH ORANGES AND LEMONS, at FOX'S. If RES II FIGS AND PRUNES, at 1 FOX'S. SMOKED HAMS AND SHOULDERS, at FOXfe. DRIED PEACHES, at FOX'S. DRIED BERRIES, at FOX'S. DRIED APPLES, at FOX'S. DRIED SWEET CORN, at _ FOX^S._ EXTRA GROUND JAY A COFFEE, at FOX'S. A CHEAF FARM g&J&k IN FARM INGTON, TIOGA Co, P;i(ft acres, 50 improved. Raised last t ear I."> 0 bushels wheat, 200 do oats, besides peas, buckwheat, potatoes, Ac. Soil well adapted to grazing. Will be sold for SIOOO. A Iso good unimproved Farming Lands witliiu 3 to t miles of a Rail rbad . for from $5 to $3 per acfe. J. W. TURBS. Lawrenceville, Tioga Ponnty, Pa., Feb. 2.1800. sls REWARD. STOLEN from the subscriber on the 27th of August last, a Sole leather Belt, 42 feet long, 10 inches wide one new Axe, one pair Head-Stalls, and one Garden Rake Whoever will give such information as will lead to the recovery of the property, or the detection ol the thief will receive the above reward. Ulster, March 6,1860. A. B. SMITH. The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! CORNER Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S N E W MEDICINE STORE. a, ss. Asinra wjxxi, WITH BALDWIN, HILL & CO., MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS And Wholesale Dealers in HARDWARE, No. 220, Pearl street, between Maiden Lane and John st. NEW YORK. COD FISH aud Mackerel at nUMFHUEYts ILfflal. SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—The valaa ble Real Estate Known as the Lukena Lands situate in Warren Township, Bradford County Pa., are offered for sale to the highest and best bidder. This body of lands consists of four contiguous tracts, containing fifteen hun dred acres of good fanning and grazing land, well water ed, and of easy access to a close market f6r produce, as the lands are situated only about five mi'6s from the New York and Erie Railroad. "Offers of purchase win be re ceived for the whole body, or for the separate parens ac cording to the subdivisions occupied by the tenants. No sale will be made of less than one hundred acres, and pare. Is will not be sold separately unless the whole body can be sold in that way. Terms of payment, one third cash, and the balance in tvro equal annual instalments, with interest secured by bond and mortgage on the property. Title unquestiona ble and free from all incumbrance. Persons desirous of purchasing will send their offers in writing in the nature of bids per acre, either to ray Agent, WM. ELwELL, Esq.,Towanda, Pa. or to fnysc-if, SARAH L. KEENE, administratrix, with the will annexed of John Ltikeus, deceased, 10th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. April 2, 1860. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here- J by given, that all peraonS indebted to the estate ot RICHARD McPHERSON, late of Wyslusing tp., dee'd., are hereby reqdested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN MORUOW, April 8,1860. Executor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Allen Tircncn, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed upon Excep tions filed to the aceonnt of XI. M. Fairchild, administra tor of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint* ment, at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MON DAY, APRIL 16, iB6O, at 9o'clock, A.M., of which all persons interested, are requested to take notice. E.OVERTON Jr., March 15,1860._ Auditor. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here- J by{ given, that nil persons indebted to the es | tate of HANNAH EVITTS, late of [Pike twp. deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, ] aud all persons having claims against said estate, will * present them duly authenticated for settlement. ABEL MORE, j March 42, 1860. Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Notice . is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the J estate of SALLY KILBORX, deceased, late of Leßov twp., are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having claims against the said estate will please present them dult authenticated for settlement. NATHAN KILBORX, February 20, 1860. Administrator. ADMINI STR A TOR'S N< )T ICE.--Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the | estate of GARDNER BURLIXGAME, late of Smithfield twp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment I without delay, and all persons havingdemands against said ! estate, will "present them duly authenticated for settle ment. J. M. BI'RLINCAME, j Feb. 16, 1860. Administrator ; with will annexed. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- -Notice -l\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es ' state of JOHN Til ALL, late of Towanda boro', deceased, . must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au -1 thentieated for settlement. STEPHEN CORWIN, February 16,1850. Administrator. ADMINI STRA'1'MIX'SN()TIC 13.I3. -Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the cs | tate of JOB SHEPARD, late of Athens Borough, deceased ! are hereby requested to make immediate payment,and all i persons having claims against said estate will present tliem duly authenticated for settlement. CORNELIA SHEPARD, Administratrix dc bonis non. with will annexed. February 20, 1860. A DMINISTfeATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice XJL is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the es i tate of GEORGE AVERY, late of Rome township, dee'd. are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present ' them duly authenticated for settlement—to John Pass , more, at Rome. JOHN PASSMORE, HAMPTON CIIAMPLENV March 1,1860. Administrators. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is bere- J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of ; THOXI AS McF.VIF.XNA. dee'd.,late of Asylum tp. must ! make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate,"will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PATRICK McEX IEXXA, March 6,1860. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the | estate of ROBERT I'.SHORTELL, late of Pike, deceased ' are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. I L. B. PIERCE. ! March 6,1860. Administrator. I EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. —Notice is here A by given, that all persons indebted to the estato j of TRUMAN XI. BEACH, late of Smithfield twp., dec d ! must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au ! thentieaied lor settlement. RUTH BEACH, I January 4, UGO, Executrix. J EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ishere- A by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of NATHANIEL RUSSELL, late of Orwell township, de ceased, are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to Stephen Russell, at the late residence of the deceased. AARON CHUBBI'CK, April 18, MM. ' Executor. N. Y. f the States of New York, Ohio, Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, Con necticut and Rhode Island. A man of good character and ordinary business talent, with a cash capital ol S2OO, can find constant employment, with pleasure and profit, and the man of energy, perseverance and economy may secure a fortune, as the agency tuay continue from three months to 25 years. Agents wishing to travel in the state of New Y'ork can be immediately cmploved, and in Ohio the first of June next. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber, at Totvauda, Pa. April 16,1860. A. WICKHAM. VTOTICE.—The subscribers offer to sell tbo -L i copy-right to B.GLIDDEN'S FORM DOCKET for Magistrates, (Aldermen aud Justices,) for any of the States of the Uuion, e.ycept Penniylvania and Ohio, at. prices ranging from SSOO to s4ooo.according to situation, size aud population. Great inducements are offered pur chasers, as the copy-right does not expire until A.D.1887. B. GLIDDEN, Friendsvillc. April 16,1860. A. WICKHAM, Towanda. O. P. TRACY, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, and Grad uate of the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia having returned to the village of Mourocton, where ho intends to'permanently locate,would respectfully ofler his' services to the citizens of the place and vicinity. Having received a thorough extra course ou the diseases' of Females and Child en, lie is prepared to give special attention to that sub>. -t. Office at the store of Tracy A Edsall. References—Dr. MASON, Towanda,Dr. NEWTON Monroeton. Nov. 14. 1859. DISSOLUTION.— The partnership hereto fore existing between the subscribers, in the Mer cantile business, is this day dissolved by mutual concent. The business will be continued, at the old stand, by J. HUXIPHREY, who will be happy to receive a snare of the public patronage. % All persons having unsettled accounts, are earnestly requested to call and make settlemant, either by note or payment, and all having notes over due are desired to make payment without delay. _ J. D. HUMPHREY, i Towanda, March 20,1660. A. WICKHAiV