iictu flflfoerttfcwentg. WM. A. ROCKWELL Is just receiving a splendid assortment of AT No. 1, PATTON'S BLOCK, Corner of Main and Bridge sts. "IV"E invito the attention of onr old cnstc ? T mors aud the public generally to our present as sortment. Our line of ■D Hi 1? ii D -D d Is as usual unrivalled. We have a great variety of PRINTS, DEI.ATXE PRINTS, JACONET PRINTS, UNION PRINTS, CIIALLI PRINTS, . And ail the Latest Styles I.AWNS, BF.RAOES, GINGHAMS, BRILLIANTS, DELAINES, - SILKS, CIIALLIES, WHITE GOODS. SHAWLS, MLLINERY GOODS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, BRIDAL WREATHS, LADIES' GOODS. HOOP SKIRTS, MISSES SKIRTS. REEDS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, GLOVES. BUSTLE CORSETS, HOOP CORSETS, EM BROIDER IKS, LADIES' SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS. DRILLINGS, BATS A WICKS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, CURTAIN DRAPERIES. * HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CLOTHS A CASSLMEIIES, HATS AND CAPS, COW HIDE, BOOTS AND SHOES, SOLE LEATHER, KIP ANI) CALF SKINS, HARNESS LEATHER, GROCERIES, FISH, OILS, PAINTS,DRUGS, GLASS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GLASS A SASFI, BIRD SEEDS, CUTTLE BONE AND CAGES, WOODEN WARE, KEIIOSINE OIL, LAMPS, AND FIXTURES. We don't profess to -( !1 below cost : for we find too much encouragement to think of leaving the business, hut wc do protc-s to sell aslow.it not lower, than any other establishment in town. Come aud see. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda. April -7. I*6o. SPRING GOODS! H. S. MERCUR HAS just received a liae stork of SPUING GOODS, in which will be found a great variety of ! FKSHiONiBLE DRESS GOODS, The Largest, Be-t and Cheajie-t Assortment of French. English and American PRINTS AM) CINGIIAMS, IN TOWN. CLOTHS, CASSiMERES AND SUMMER STUFFS, Of every description. Carpets and Matting', OIL CTOTHS, DRUGGET, WALL & WINDOW PAPER, SHADES, LACE VEILS. EMBROIDERED COLLARS, BLEACHED A BROWN SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS, IRISH LINENS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, STOCKS, SHIRT COLLARS BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. An unusual!} - full assortment of Common and Saddlerv HARDWARE, I ILO INT, STEEL, NA2LS, COHEAGE, WINDOW CLASS, SASH, GROCERIES, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, All of ichith arc offered at the Znnccst prices. To wanda, April 2H, IsfiO. PLANTS FOR SALE AT THE GARDES' OK MIX. LIST OF PRICES : Early Vork Cabbage 6 cents doz. J Early Dutch' Cauliflower 6 " Asiatic Caulillower, i> " Large Late Cauliflower, 6 " latrge Sweet Pepper, 10 " J.arge Red Tomato fi " Large Hound Egg Plant, 10 " Long Eggplant It) " Belt shaped Pepper,. 10 " A few thousand Sweet Potato Plants, will in condition to set from 10th of May to the loth of Juue, at at) cents |o. New Arrival of Boots & Shoes NELSO N ' S . Ladies' celebrated serge Long GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Ladies' serge bottomed GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Ladies' French kid heeled SLIPPERS, at NELSON'S. Ladies' klifeind morocco BOOTS, (his own make and warranted not to rip) at NELSON'S. Mis-es' serge Congress GAITERS, at NELSt>.VS. Misses' kid Congress GAITERS, at NELSON'S. Misses' French kid heeled SLIPPERS,at NELSON'S. Child's coppcr-toed SHOES, at NELSON'S. Infant's SHOES,at NELSON'S. All kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, at NELSON'S. Gent's Oxford TIES, at SI 63 and $1 75, at NELSON'S. Gent's thick and kip BOOTS, $2 75 A SO, at NELSON'S. Gent's calf pegbl BOOTS, S3 50 to S4 50, at NELSON'S. Gent's calf sewed BOOTS, $5 and $5 50, at NELSON'S They are determined not to be undersold, at NELSON'S They have engaged the services of MI .WKUH, of New York city, a highly finished work man, to make lirst class pegged and se wed BOOTS, at NELSON'S. Ladirs' calf SHOES and BOOTS for SS cts., il 00 and $1 25, at NELSON'S. Ladies' Kid BOOTS made to order, for fl 37A and il G2£.at NELSON'S. Call and leave your measure, at NELSON'S. All kinds ol Repairing, done at NELSON'S. | All kinds of Country Produce taken for Boots a id Sloes, at " NELSON'S. Towamia. April 16,1 868. Carriage XVlanufactory at Alba. I REYNOLDS, FELLOWS A CD., respectfully inform the people of ■iw Li— Western Bradford and the p-hlie general i Iv, that their operations have not been in the least dis t irl*d by the lire. and they are as usual prosecuting their j busincss'in all its bnuo lies. They are manufacturing to order, and will keep on hand, I Carriages, Sleighs, Buggies, Shtlelans, Lum ber aud Democrat II ago us, iVr., made of the very best materials, and in the most substan tial and workmanlike manner. They ue nothing but ilie best of stock, their timber being mostly from the East, and everything lieiit" selected with reference to its durability. As an evidence of tbe value of their work they point to the fact, that they received the first premium at the last Bradford County .Fair, and at a previous Fair the first premium for Cutters. BLACKSMITHtXG done in all its branches, and par ticular attention paid to Custom Work. Alba, April 4. 1888. DRESS MAKING! i fTHIE nnriersijjiied would respectfully inform J. the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of Dlt ESS MAKING in the latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the County. * j'Usiini- one door below Beidleman's block, at the rcsi lenee of A I. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOIJI.E, April 1, UMO. MiSS J. H. II VI.E. WAVERLY INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCE at fair rates can be obtained of the-üb . seribcr in the billowing Stork Cumpanirt: .KTX A IXSURAXCE COM PANY, Hertford, Connecticut. Cash Capital $1 .500.000 Assets January 1.1860 2,194,108 Liabilities, Claims not due 179,957 j HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. .Veir Vork City. Cash <'apital, ?1 .(mO.OOO Assets, January I, ISKO 1,458,396 Liabilities, ( liiims not due, 45,5*0 CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPANY, liar'ford, Connecticut. Cash Capital $ 3119.000 Assets. Jauuary I, DOO 33r,,071 Liabilities, Claims not due, 21,968 AMERICAN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, A'lio Voi k City. Cash Capital 6 200,000 | Polices issued upon Farm Dwelings, Barns, and their contents, for a term of years without requiring a premium note. Applications made to the subscriber at At.r.K> & BANKS Law Office, Wavcrlv, will receive immediate at tention. ' R.A.ELMER. Wav.-rly. X. Y. Feb. 22. IS6O. A cent. G. P. TRACY, M. D. T>HYSICIAN & SURGEON, and Grad- I 1- uate "1 the Jefferson Medical College at I'liiladelpliia having returned to village of Monroeton. where he intends to permanently locate,would respectfully oiler his services to the citizens of the place and vicinity. Having received a thorough extra course on the. diseases of Females and Child en, he is prepared to give special attention to that sub)*, t. office at the store of Tracy A Ed.sail. References—Dr. MASON, Towanda, Dr. NEWTON Monroeton. Nov. 14,1x69. nr. Y. 6c E. RAIL ROAD. f 111A NG Eof hours, commencing MOXDA Y, A PRTL 9, V I-00. Trains will leave Waver!)'at about the follow ing hours, viz : OOISO WEST. OOINO EAST. Dunkirk Express. .4.57 P. M.:X. Y. Express. .11.11 A.> 1 Night Express... .3.54 A. M. Night Express. Mail 10.30 P. M.I Accommodation 7.49 P.M. Way 12.20 P. M (Stock Express. 5.30 A. M Express Freight.. 5.35 I*. M.Cincinnati Ex.. 4.41 A. M' Way Freight 6.42A.M.|Way Freight. ..5.00 P. M° The Night Express, and Express Freight, run every day. The Cincinnati Express runs Sundays but does no't run on Mondays. The accommodation train remains over night at Elmira. The Night Express ot Sunday A. M., runs only to Elmira. CHARLES MINOT, General Sup. NATHANIEL MARSH. Receiver. OIIIDUE LETTING—SeaIed proposals JD will he received at the house of L. T ROYSE, in Burlington borough, on THURSDAY, MAY 3, Isno, until 12 o'cloi k M., tor the building and completing a BRIDGE across Sugar Creek, near that place. Specifications for the same may he seen at the said Itoyse's, and at the Commissioner's Office, for ten Uavs previous to said lett ing. 'I). DECKER, P. H. BUCK. W. A. THOMAS, Commissioner's Office, April 16,1*00. Com'rs. | \\T ANTED.— Five hundred men as Ajrents TV to travel in cither of the States of New York, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, Con necticut and Rhode Island. A mau of good character and ordinary business talent, with a cash capital of f'2oo, can find constant employment, with pleasure and profit, and the man of energy, perseverance and economy may secure a fortune, as the agency may continue from' three months to 25 years. Agents wishing to travel in the state of New York can be immediately employed, and in Ohio the first of June next. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber, at Towanda, Pa. April 16, I*6o. A. WICK HAM. N OTICE. —The subscribers oflVr to sell the copy right to B.GLIDDE.X'S FORM DOCKET tor Magistrates, (Aldermen and Justices,) for any of the States of the I'uion, except I'enniylvania and Ohio, at prices ranging fionr *SOO to f 4000.according to situation, size and population. Great inducements are offered pur chasers, as the copy-right does not. expire until A.D.1557. B. GBIDDEN, Friendsvillc. April 16,1363. A. WICK HAM, Towanda. HAWLS.—The ouly place to buy Shawls k? cheap is at MERCUR'S. iicto SfthcrHscnunts. FOTt THE SPRING JUST OPENED AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! A STOCK OF Which embraces everything new in the line of SHAWLS! Will IE GOODS, CLOTHS dr CASSIMERES, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HATS 8c CAPS, BOOTS ((• SHOES, er,and pronounced by the entire Press of the country,-to to the " best and cheapest work of the kind in the world. ' Twelve lull-sized pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Music, for 10 cents.— Yearly, 65; Half yearly, 62,50 ; Quarterly, 61,25. Subscribe to " Our Musical Friend." or order it from I the nearest News-dealer, and you will have music enougli ■ for your entire family, and at an insignificant cost: and if you want Music forthe Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, etc., subscribe to the "SOLO MELODIST," Containing twelve pages, costing only 10 cents a num ber ; Yearly, $2,50 ; Half-yearly, 81,25. All the back Numbers at 10 cents, and bound Volumes f " Our Musical Friend," containing 17 Numbers, at 2,50 each, constantly on hand. C. B. SEYMOUR 4 Co., 107 Nassau Street, New-York. \ FINE ASSORTMENT of Sopars, Teas, A Coffee, Molasses, Syrup, and most family Groceries at reduced prices by J. D- HUMPHREY. SHOES & BOOTS, cheaper than ever at April 5,1860. HUMPHREY'S, .JHcrchantiße, &c. Cowlcs' Bakery & News Room Best Quality of Crackers Best Quality of Crackers Best Quality of Crackers AT THE BAKERY. AT THE BAKERY. AT THE BAKERY. Barbank's Old Stand. Burbank's Old Stand. Burbank's Old Stand. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand. Fresh Oysters constantly on haud. Toys and Fancy Goods, Toys and Fancy Goods, Toys and Fancy Goods, A Large assortment of Candies. A Large assortment of Candies. A Large assortuieut of Candies. Tobacco and Cigars of the very best qnality. Tobacco and Cigars of tho very best quality. Tobacco and Cigars of the very best quality. Oysters and Hot Coffee at all hours. Oysters and Hot Coffee at all hours, Oysters and Hot Coffee at all hours. Henry Ward Beecher's Sermons, llenry Ward Beecher's Sermons. Henry Ward Beecher's Sermons. In the New York Independent. In the New York Independent. In the New York Independent. r Papers and Magazines of all kinds. Papers and Magazines of all kinds. Papers and Magaziues of all kinds. Ledger, Mercury A Weekly, only 4 cents. Ledger, Mercury A Weekly, only 4 cents. Ledger, Mercury A Weekly, only 4 cents. REVOLUTIONARY CLAIMS. IT has been ascertained, beyflud a doubt, that . 'ii mauy ca-es the children or grand children of Rev olutionary Soldiers are entitled to land and back pay, un der existing laws, and that exertions are being made for the present Congress to pass an act for the further bene- , fit of said heirs. 1 have a list of all the names of Revo lutionary Soldiers who have resided in Bradford County, with Blank forms, sent me from Washington. The pp- | plication of one or children or grand children, with l'ow- ; er of Attorney, will enable me to have a search made of the Records at Washington. No costs to applicants, ex cept 30 cents to pay for executing bonds. Postage. Ac. Inquire tor me at the oQice of N. X*. BKTTS. Esq., To- , wanda Borough. J. D GOODKXOI'GIL February 2. 18G0. Agent for Bradford County. YI7" ANTED.—Hides and Skir.s, for which t T the highest market price will be paid, either ir. goeds or cash. October 1,1859. HUMPHREY St WICK HAM. nil. JOHN M'INTOSH, will be found at his old ofli.p, Pat ton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nserteJ on Vuh-auised Bubltcr—the latest improvement i.: dentistry. Specimen piece to be steu at the office. Persons indebted to me will please pay up. JOHN M'INTOSH. j l'owanda. March 20, IQCO.-1 Q CO.- The Campaign cf 1860 Fairly Opened AT MONTANYES STORE! In the shape of a FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT OK GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS AND CAPS, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., An T all the elegances and et ccteras necessary to gratify the tastes ami wants of this fa.-t age. March 21. IjUIKSII ORANGES AND LEMONS, at I FOX'S. ITMIESII FIGS AND I'll ONES, at r FOX'S. UMOKKD HAMS AM) SIIOULBEHS, k3 at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, at FOX'S. nRIED BERRIES, at FOX'S. DRIED APPLES, at FOX'S. DRIED SWEET CORN-, at FOX'S. IpXTRA GROUND JAVA COFFEE, at Fj fox S. A CHEAP FARM IN FARMING TON, TIOGA Co, Pa., C>4 acres, 50 improved. Raised la-t year 150 bushels wheat. 200 do oats, liesides peas, buckwheat, potatoes, Ac. Soil well adapted to grazing. Will Tie sold for f 1000. A Iso good unimproved Farming lannis within 2 to t miles ot a llail road. for from 15 to $S per acre. J. TV. TI'BBS. Lawrcneevillc, Tioga County, Pa.. Feb. 2, lfiifl. sls REWARD. STOT.F.X' from the subscriber on the 27th of August last, a Sole Feather Belt. 42 feet long, 10 inches wide one new Axe, one pair Head-Stalls, and one Harden Bake Whoever will give such information as will lead to the recovery of the property, or the detection ot the thief will receive the above reward. Ulster, March li, ISOO. A. B. SMITH. The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! C O It, N E I T Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S N E W MEDICINE STORE. s. £.s3>as9'S!/A!f,a. WITH BALDWIN, lIILL CO., MANUFACTURERS AGENTS .And Wholesale Dealers in H jA_ IT E> XV A K E , No. 220, Pearl street, between Maiden Lane and John at. NEW YORK. noD FISH and Mackerel at \J HjUMTHREYS. Hcgal. * j CIIKRIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a rrit i of Vend. Expo, issued out ol the Court ol Common j Plcasof Bradford County, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sal" at the Court House in the Eorough of Towanda.on THURSDAY,MAY 5, 1860, at 1 o'clock P. M., all the defendants interest in the following lot ot land situate in Dureli. bounded north by laud of John Johnson, east by lapd of Samuel Van Derpool and the Benjamin Ackla iarm originally, now yecupied by S. S. Bradley, south by land ot William R. Storfs. West by • the William Morrison tract, now owned by Duvid Cash. Containing about four hundred and thirty acres., more or less, aboui fitly acres improved, lour plank and frainc j houses uud a framed barn thereon. ALSO—AII the interct of A. B Smith in ell that cer tain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Durcll tp., bounded north by iand of Enma Jane Hewitt, east by the Susquehanna river, south by land of O. A. Holdeu and on the west by the Sarah Morrison tract. Contain ing about 160 acres, more or less, about 70 acres improved seven dwelling houses, one doubla sa.v mill, one grist mill, three framed barns, two blacksmith shops and two orchards of trait trees thereon. ALSO—AII the interest of Alansou B. Snjith in a clus ter of Islands lying in the Susquehanna River, P.radf rd county, known as the Got don and 'V kki islands, being opposite the mills formerly occupied bv Israel Smith in Dureli township. Containing about forty acres, more or less, partly improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Silas Pierce vs. Alauson B. Smith impleaded with Israel Smith. ALSO- The following*lot piece, or parcel of land situ ate in Pinter tp.. bounded north and east by land of James McC&rty, south by Jason Smith, and west by the public highway. Containing one half acre, more or less, all im proved," one framed tavern house, framed barn and truit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James Van Dyke to the use of Chauurcy Rockwell vs. p. p. Sweet. Also, at the suit of Alexander Elsbree to the use of James McCarty vs. P. P. Sweet. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land s'tu ate in Asylum tp., bounded north by land belonging to the estate of William Braund, rfoccustd, fast by the pub lie highway, south by land of Wi/liam Braund. west by land belonging to the estate of William Braund, deceased. Containing ten acres, be the same more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles Hornet vs. I.uthcr Butt. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in liidgbnry tp., boundea north by laud of Peter J. Dean and James Hunter, east by land of Giles M. Man derville and the highway, south by land of Bartley Clark and Hiram Mason, west by land ot Bartley Clark, John Dean & Peter J. Dean. Containing one hundred & fifty acres, about eighty acres improved two framed bouses, one log house, a framed bam, a work shop and two orch ards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William I Sample to the Use ol Samuel P. Sample vs. Peter Miller, I Joel Clinton, Ward Manderville and Peter Dean, tone tenants. ALSO— I The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Springfield tp., bounded north, east and south by land of William T. Williams, we.-t by the public highway. Containing one acre, more or less, all improved, with a framed tavern house, a framed haru, a work shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Frederick Ontan and A dolphins 1). Spalding vs. Alexander Dowe. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ulster tp., bounded north by land of Geo. West and j Isaac lluff, east by land of John V. Muff and Samuel j limit, south by laud of Henry Kitchen, west by luinl ot I F.A.Williams. Containing 7 and a ball acre .more | or less, about fifty acres improved with a log hou.se a j framed barn, a shoe-shop and a few fruit trees thereon. I Seized and taken in exe utiou at the suit of Charles J. I Munn to the use of K. P. Shaw vs, Samuel Galusha. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ late in Granville tp., bounded north and east by land of S. P. ( Lesley, west by land of Levi Gardner, south by ; laud of the Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Company. ! Containing one half aa acre, more or less, all improved j with a framc-d dwelling house thereon, j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. Watru.s Co., vs. 11. Malry. ALSO— I The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ i ate in Columbia tp., north by laud of Jesse Ed-all. Austin Edsall. David Fries and George Sliives. cast by John R. Cole, George Fairbanks Thomas Gastin, south by 1 land of Joseph Beetnan and David Cory, we-t by lands of ira Webber and John Derby. Containing four hundred and twenty acres more or less about two hundred and fifty ncres'improved, two framed hoit.-es, one framed barn and shed and wagon hoilse and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George 27. ! Goewey vs. W. 11. DeWitt. I AI.SO--Tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in SmithtielJ tp.. bounded north by land of Allen Ca litf, east by land of Shcltnn Baker, south by land of Wa- I ternran Brown, and west by land of James 11. Webb.— ■ Containing 53 acres, more or less, about 45 acres improved ' a framed house, a framed baru, an apple orchard and oth er fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, pieco or parcel of land sit uate in Smltlifleld tp., bounded north by land of Allen j Calitf, oast by land of Amos Killev, south by land which lately belonged to the estate of William Gibson deceased west by laud of Riley Hemmcnway and William Courtney. ' Containing 50 acres, more or less, aliout ten acres im proved, witlfti steam saw-mill, a plank house, two hoard shanties and a log barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Abiram Pierce vs. Richard M. Killey. Also John Ward vs. S. B. Killey and r. M. Killey. AI.S I—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ j ate in Armenia tp.. bounded north by land of A. K. Ax. tel. east by lands of K: Rockwell, south by land of A. K- I Axtell, west by the public highway. Containing sixty j acres, more or less, about four acres improved one board 1 shanty thereon. Keized and taken in execution at the suit of J. B. Ru ! per to the u-e of J. K. Goodrich vs. William Maum. j ALSO—-The following lot. piece or parcel of laud situ ate in Sheshecjuiu tp., bounded north by land of Chauncey Ransom, cast by land of George Morton, south by the j highway, west by land of Joseph Van Sice and N. A J. ! Baxter. Containing about one hundred acres, more or i less, about forty improved, one framed house, one framed ' burn. and a small or. hard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. I). Toni i kins to the use of 0.1. Bartlett vs. Ira Murphy and Geo. Murphy, terrc tenants. ALSO—'Tho following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate iu South Creek tp.. bounded north bv land of Samuel Smith and Martin I.iddy, ea-t by the Williamsport and Klmrra Bail ltoad, south by land of John Smith and David Tuttle, west by land of Samuel Smith. Contain ing one hundred and thirty acres, more or less, about 65 acres improved, with a framed house,a log house,a framed barn, and the frame of a horse barn, and a young orchard tin rcon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. N. Al len to the use of S. W. & D. F. Poineivy A Co., vs Cor nelius Haight. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- I ate in Athens tp., bounded north by land of Michael Rcn- I shaw, east by laud of fames Olmctead, south by Georgh Ay res and Dildine A Caleb. West by the highway. Con taining one and a half acres, more or less, nil improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William ! Kitfrs. Isaac Tuff and Luey Tuff. ALSO—The following pieee.or parcel of land situate in Terry twp., and bounded north by land of C. F. Welles, Jr., east by Samuel Ilagerty and Patrick MeGuire, south by land of defendant, J. W. Dennison. and west by land of Nelson Vanderpool. Containing 100 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved, 1 boatd home, llog house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Tcrrv twp. and bounded north and cast by the public highway, south by land of William Terry and west by land of John M. Morton. Containing one half acre, more or less, all im proved, 1 framed store house and 1 framed dwelling house thereon. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Terry twp. and bounded on the north by land of 9. Hdilvmse and llirant Stone and Jolm Warring, east by J. L. Jones, south and west by land of Hiram Stone. Containing 50 acres, be the same more or less, about 25 acres improved. 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, 2 shops und an orchard of fruit trees thereon AI.S ■—Defendants interest in the following lot of land situate in Terry twp., and liounded north by ian-J of Sam uel Hillhouse, east by Hiram and J. P. Morton, south by J. L. Jones and west by Hiram Stone and lands in pos session of David Dibble. Containing 100 acres, more or less, about 2 acres improved, 1 small framed hi.use and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot of land situate in Terry twp.and bounded north by land of defendant. J. W. Dennison, cast by land of Albert Strong and Daniel Welles south by lamls of Samuel Hillhouse, and west by other lands of J. W. Dennison. Containing 100 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved, 1' log house, i' framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon. , 1 ALSO—A piece of land situate in Terry twp., and bounded north by the public highway, east by land of J. P. Morton, south by laud of Chester Butlers heirs, and west by land of Samuel Hillhouse. Containing 85 acres, more or less, about 35 acres improved, 2 framed houses, 1 framed barn, 1 saw mill, a new shop, and fruit trees thereon. . ALSO—A lot of land situate in Terry twp. aud bound ed north by land of Nelson Vanderpool and Lewi.- John son and Samuel Vanderpool. east by lands of J. W. Den uison, south by John Warring and Seth Phillips, aud i west by laud of John Warring. Containing 100 acres I more or less. * ALSO—A certain lot of land situate in Terry township and bounded north by laud of C. L. Ward, east by place, south by Morgan Morgans, and west by Henry Smith. Containing 100 acres more or less. Seized end taken in execution at the suit of Alexander and Knowles vs. John W. Deuniaon. ' ALSO—The following lot, piece ar parcel of land situ ate in Wvalusing tp., beginning at a post and stones on : the old S'piingfield tp-. line (certified) adjoining laud of I Johnson Palmer, running thonce north 86 degrees west to a corner of land certified to Humphrey and Daniel Browns heirs Ac., thence by and with said certified land south twenty-four degrees east two hundred and fifty ' perches to a corner on the southerly line of a lot in the warrantee name of Thomas Shoeman. Patented to Henry. Toland. dece isfd. tbenve with siid line south 88 d grees east on the line of certified Springfield A throve j with tho aame north 13 degrees wo.t two hundred and Hflial. [ thirty-two porches to the place of beginning. Contain - j ing one Hundred end f>rtyonc ncrts and ninety-tour per. moro or less, w.tk about Eve aero; unprovc-J, with a a£iau ; ty thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wary To r land, Margarctta Toland. Elizabeth roland and Juiiana Toland vs. .loLu'GartlunJ. j ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Wilinot tp., beginning at the north-east corner of ' the John Allen tract'at the beech corner between the John Allen and Samuel Mapsh tracts, thence on the line ' between the two tracts south one degree, west 150 per., j thence uorth 89 tirgreei, west let) perches, thence north one degree, eet lib perches, thence south Sit degrees, , east ICO perches to the place of beginning. Containing 100 acres, more or less, being part of the tract surveyed ' in the name of John Alien, about CO acres improved, two i log houses, a logbarn and fruit trews thereon. . &;,J taken in execution at the suit of M. H. , >\ tiles to the use of Charles F. Welles vs. Charles Hinder. THOM AS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, April 12, 1860. NOTICE TO i't ucuasuits—To prevent misunderstand ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffs I - ales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time r the land is -add. It has become imjxtrafively necessary • to adopt this rule, an.l it will be -tri.tly adb'eied to, ex cept in cases, where the purchaser A a lien creditor r.nd j is entitled to the land a- provided in the Ist section of , ' the act of Assembly, approved April 20, 1846, which is !as follows : " Whenever the purchasers.of real estate at Orphans' Court or Sheriffs sale, shall appear from the • i proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive " the whole of any portion of fhe proceeds of said sale, it 1 shall be the dufy of fhe slieriff. administrator, e.ticutor i or other per>u making such sale, to receive the receipt -if such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which : he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid. ; jto be entitled to receive: Provided that this section shall • ' not be so construed as to prevent the l ight of said Sheriff, | administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to 4®- ' mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to ! cover all legal costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds : of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur i chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec tion, ho or they shall produce to the Shei iff', or other per son so making said .-ale. a duly certified statement from the proper records, under the hand and official seal of tLo proper officer, showing that he is a lieu creditor,entitled . 1 to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa j said." CALK OF REAL ESTATE.—The vulua -1 O hie Real Estate Known as the J.ukeus Lands situate • in Warren Township, Bradford County Pa., are offered for i sale to the highest and best bidder. .This body of lands ! consists of four contiguous tracts, containing fifteen hun dred acres of good (arming and grazing land, well water ed, and of easy access to a close market for produce, as the lands are situated only about live miles from the New York and Erie Railroad. Offers of purchase will be re ! ceived for the whole body, or for the separate parcels ac cording to the subdivisions occupied by the tenants. No sale will be made of less than one hundred acres, and ; pare Is will not be sold separately unless the whole body ; can be sold in that way. Terms of payment, one third cash, and the balance iu | two equal annual instalments, with interest secured by : bond and mortgage on the property. Title unquestiona ble and free from alt incumbrance. Persons desirous *f purchasing w ill send their offers in writing iu the nature ! ot Lids per acre, either to mv Agent. W.M. ELWELL, E-q., Towanda, Pa. i or to myself, SARAH L. KERNE, administratrix, with' the will annexed of John I.ukens, deceased, loth atid Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, i April 2, iB6O. \ I I>l TOR'S NOTICE.— In tie matter of J.\ the estate of Allen IS, own, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditoi appointed upon Excep tions tiled to the account ot M. M. Fairchihl. administra tor of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment.at his office iu the Borough of Towanda,on MON IA A . APHII,I6. HCO, at So'clot k, A. M., of which all' pel sons interested a.c requested to take notice. K. OVERTON Jr . March 1.1. 1-00. Auditor. isroTioEi" IT HE Stockholders cf the Ttswanda Bridge _ Company are hereby notified that an election will be held at the office of said Company, in Towanda, on the (list Monday of May. next, at 10 o'clock. A M., for the election of one Pre-ident, -... Managers, aud a Treas urer, to serve for the ensuing year, in accordance with the act of incorporation. B. S. RUSSELL, i Towanda, March /7, 1860. Secretary. LWECI'TOII'S NOTlCE.—Notice isliere j JLli byt given, that all persons indebted to the tate ot HANNAH EYI ITS, late of {Pike twp. deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, ; and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. ABEL MORE, March 22, 1860. Executor. A DMiNISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice J"V is hereby given, that al! persons indebted to the estate of SALLY KILBORN, deceased, late of I.eßov twp., are requested to make payment witliout delay ; and those hav ing claims against the -aid estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN KILBORN, February 21. bsCO. Administrator. i 4 DMINI STR ATOi VS NOTlCE.—Notice J-\. is hereliy given, that all persons indebted to the' ' estate of ti A R ONEII Bi ll!.INC AME. late of Smithfield | twp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons liavingdenaamls against said i estate, will present them duly autnantiestsd for settle ! ment. 'J. M. BURLIXGAME, Fe!i. 16, l-sijo. Administrator, with will annexed. | DMINISTRATOR'S N<>Ti (3E.—Notice 1 \ is- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es ! state ot JOHN THAI.L, late of Towanda boro', deceased, - must m.ite immediate payment. and all persons having demands against -aid estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. STEPHEN COP,WIN, February 16, D-.'i. Administrator. I A NOTICE.- Notice j fx. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOB Si I El' A LP, Lite of Athens Borough, deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment,and all persons having claims against said estate will presentr them duly authenticated for settlement. CORNELIA SHF.PARD, Administratrix d: bonis non. with will annexed. February 29, I-GO. A DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice N.A. is hereliy given that, all persons indebted to the es tate of ll EOIUiE A VERY, late of Rome township, dee'd. are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against -aid estate will present them didv authenticated lor settlement—to John Pass more, at Rome. JOHN PASSMORE, HAMPTON CHAMPLINV March 1, 1860. Administrators. lAXECI'TOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice is fiore- Hi by given that all persons indebted to the estate of THOM \S McEYIENNA. dee'd..late of Asyhim tp, must make immediate payment, and ail pier toas having demands against said estate,"will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PATRICK McE\ lENNA, March 6, IsiMl. Executors. A D.MIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- -Notice J. JL is hereliy given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ROBERT P. SHOKTKLL, late ot Pike,deceased are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against the said estate wiH I please present them duly authenticated for settlement. L. B. PIERCE, i March 1860. Administrator. I?XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. —Notice w hero J A by given, that all persons indebted to the efftato of TRU.M VN M. BEACH, late of Smithffehl twp.. dee'd must make immediate payment, arid all persons having demands against said estate will present tliem duly au thenticated for settlement. RUTH BEACH. January f, 1860. Executrix. NOTICE.—Notice kktrt- I j by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of GEO ROE SPAITDIXO, late of Tuscaroratownship.dec'd. are hereby requested to make payment without delay ;• - and all persons having claims against said estate will 1 present them duly authenticated for settlement. ■ C. J. LACEY. ' Novemiier 8. 1-V. Executor. it tpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here j j2 by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of • ! NATHANIEL ItUSSELL, late of Orwell township, dc • ceased, are hereby requested to made payment wittiout dc ] Itv, aud all persona having demands against said estate, will present thc.m duly authenticated tor settlement, to I Stephen Russell.at the late residence of the deceased. AARON CBUBBUCK, ' ' April IS, 1860. £ secular. rpo THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF 1 1 BRADFORD COUNTY—Gentlemen, in pursuance ' ! of the 13d section ot the Aet of the Bth May, 1854. you ' are hereby notified to meet in convention, at the Court | House, in Towanda, on the first Monday in May. A. D. r 1860, being the seventh day of the month, at I o'ciock, P. M., and select, r'ta t>occ, by a majority of the whole number of the Directors present., one person ot literary i and scientific acquirement* skill and exjierience in the f j art of teaching, a.- County Superintendent, for the three t | succeeding years, determine th* amount of compensation 1 for the same, and certify the result to the State Superin 1 dent at Harrisburg, as required by the 3i)th and 10th • sections of said act. i Towanda, April 12, lr6o. GHA'S R. COBURN. f Co Supd'at. itTARIFD BEEF—A qiinniitv, of superior li U quality, at * ?OX'B-