Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 26, 1860, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, April 26, 1860.
Sklcttcl) Ijoctrjt.
[From the Lady's Book.]
A fn*R AXGR, strange child was my blue-eyed girl,
Quiet, and tircamy, aitd still—
Ringtrtg her low-voiced songs, so liko
The sound of A rippling ritt;
Counting tire stArs AS one by one
They glimmered Along the sky.
Smiling and clasping her baby hands
As though there were angels nigh.
1 thought that the fair haired child was mine,
Always to cherish and love.
Always to lie on my breast as lies
The innoeent, helpless dove ;
So closer I drew the silken bands
She had thrown around my heart,
Never once dreaming that aught could tear
Myself aud my halte apart.
I did not think of the C!od who gave
Such a precious gift to rue ;
.Naught was there else in heaven or earth
For my selfish eyes to see ;
1 knew that Death, with his icy touch,
llad whitened many a cheek,
But I laid iny lip ou hers and said,
•' Its beauty he will not seek."
F.ven then a great, deep shadow came
Like a pall across my way,
Falling and shivering all my hopes,
And glooming my thoughtless day ;
Her lips grew white, and her eyes were closed,
Ad she spoke no more to me ;
But a pale sweet face amid the stars.
Through mv streaming tears I see—
Leading me farther and farther away.
Binding my lieart to the skies ;
I hear the voice of my spirit-child.
With the veil rent from iny eyes ;
tlone to the world of lu-r dreamy jovs,
White-winged, happy, and free—
Drawing nearer and nearer the tliroqp,
And tenderly wooing me.
ill ist cll aitfo us.
The Powder Miue.
In my native village lived an old man
named Benuehamp. lie was a Frenchman
by birth, but had come to America when a
child. When the Mexican war commenced,
lie enlisted under our banner, and during the
whole of that brief but sanguinary struggle
fought with the nrdor and bravery which
characterizes his race. 111 the long winter
evenings, I was in the habit of repairing to
his humble cot, for the purpose of hearing him 1
narrate the principal events of his stormy
career. On one occasion he related the fol
lowing incident:
" Von must know," said he, " that after the \
capture of Chepultepec, General Scott deter
mined to follow up the advantage thus obtain
ed by marching at once upon the Mexican cap j
ital. It was necessary, however, that a por
tion of the troops should remain and keep pos
session of the captured fortress. The company
to which 1 belonged wus among those selected
for this purpose. This duty, however, we
considered a very unpleasant one, inasmuch as
we were allowed to remain inactive, while our
companions were winning laurels beneath the
walls of the fated city.
" We had taken a great many Mexican pri
soners. So numerous were they that we had
scarcely room for them in the garrison. The
enemy had placed a mine of powder beucatb
the fort, for the purpose of destroying it should
it fall into our possession. When, therefore,
they saw that wc were going to carry the
place, they attempted to ignite the mine, but
were prevented by the prompt arrival of Bil
low's column. The mine was placed beneath
a room in the western wing of the fort. This
apartment was guarded by a sentinel, for the
purpose of preventing any one from entering
it. No prisoners were confined there, for fear
they might succeed in igniting the mine.
" That afternoon, about an hour after the
departure of the others, I heard a strange
noise, which scented to proceed from the direc
tion of the mine. Having raeutioncd the cir
cumstancc to three of my companions, wc all;
proceeded to the spot to ascertain the cause, i
On our arrival, a spectacle met our gaze that
was truly appalling. Lying at the entrance,
we saw the sentinel, his bosom covered with
wounds. While we were still gazing with hor.
for on the mutilated corpse, we heard a noise
in the room. Bursting ope 11 the door, wc were
about to .spring forward, but the spectacle wo
witnessed rooted us to the spot. 'Hie trap
door above the mine was open, ani standing
pver it, with a burning torch in his hand, was
u Mexican. A moment's inspection served to
prove the fearful fact that lie was insane. Ilis
eyes dilated and gleamed with a demoniac light
his face was pale, and a ghastly smile played
erauud his mouth. At his feet lay a small
poniard, covered with our comrade's blood.—
After a moment's hesitation, two of us started
forward to seize him, while a third started to
alarm the garrison. But before either of tho-;o
objects could be accomplished, the maniac cried
out,' Hold!' We involuntarily paused. Hav
ing gazed upon us for a moment, the Mexican
stooped down aud placed the burning torch
within one foot of the powder. You may iinag
iue what my feelings were when I witnessed
this action. A simultaneous exclamation of
hrrror burst from us. As the Mexican wit
nessed our terror, he laughed wildly, and still
holding the torch in the same position, said :
" You Americans, I atn going to revenge uiy-
Oelf cn you ; if any of you move or speak, 1
will drop this fire ou the powder."
" After this, his speech,became wild and dis
connected. Wc had heard enough, however,
to convince us that we were in a critical situ
ation. Itetrcat v.e dare not, for it was evident
that the Mexican would light the rniuc should
wc make the attempt. It would be equally '
dangerous for us to remain inactive, for the
maniac held the torch so near the powder,that
had the least spark dropped, we would have
been destroyed.
" This apartment was entirely isolated from
the others, and was never visited save by the
sentinels. Our only hope, then was cither to
interest.the Mexican until the arrival of the
other sentinel, or extinguish the torch. I sug
gested the latter to my companions. But how
wus this to be accomplished ? We had pistols,
but dare not lire, for fear he might drop the
torch into the mine. Our only resort, then,
was to strategy. There was a young Ameri
can among us named Ilalselcy. He informed
us that lie thought he could succeed in extin
guishing the torch. Having requested us not
to moue from the spot, he prepared to execute
his plan. Our conversation had been main
tained in English, so that the Mexican was
unable to understand us During the time oc- j
cupied by our deliberation, he had stood mo- '
twnless, looking upon us in a semi-triumphant
manner. Ilalselcy had a small flask of brandy
suspended from his belt. This he drew forth,
and, having taken a draught, asked the Mexi
can to join lum. The latter wistfully glanced
and it, and hesitated. We now thought we
discovered our comrade's plan, aud awaited
with intense anxiety the result. At length
the maniac modded an affirmative. Ilalselcy
walked slowly up to the spot iu a confident
and friendly manner.
" When we had approached Within a yard
of him, he paused for a moment, as though un- i
willing to advance further without his perm is- !
sion ; the Mexican did not seem to suspect
him, but when Ilalselcy again stepped forward
he apparently began to doubt, and glanced j
fiercely upon him ; but he assumed a look so ;
innocent as to quiet his incipient fears. The j
maniac extended his hand for the flask. Ilal
selcy handed it to him, at the same time firm
ly fixing the cork in the bottle. The Mexican
could opened it, however, by using both hands,
but lie was too wary to relinquish the torch,
and finding he could not otherwise withdraw
it, he handed it to Ilalselcy, saying, ' Open !'
During all tj'is time, lie still held the torch
in the same position. As soon as Ilalselcy
had received the, aud when he had nearly
withdrawn the stopper, lie suddenly exclaimed
in Spanish, ' Look qui k at your torch !' The
nittiiiac turned, but no sooucr was his head
averted, thun Ilalselcy opened the fla>k like j
lightning, and emptied its entire contents on j
the torch. The maniac saw the flame flicker,
Hut with a demoniacal laugh he dropped the
t >rch. It fell upon the powder, extinguished.
We could coutain ourselves no longer, but
bnrst out into a loud and prolonged ' hurrah!'
Meanwhile, the baffled madman stood gnashing
his teetli ; he -aw the failure of* his attempt,,
aud stood as though rooted as the spot. I
a moment wc all sprang upon him, but such
was his superhuman strength the would have
shaken us all off", had not a number of soldiers
at that moment arrived. With their assistance
wc bound and conveyed hiin away. We after
wards learned that he had escaped from the
prisoners during the temporary absence of the
sentinel, and had made his way to the powder
magaziuc with the intention of destroying the
garrison. When I think how nearly lie effect
ed his object, and of our dangerous situation, I
involuntarily thank the God who so providen
tially saved us."
LIKF. CONSTANTLY N.AiyiowiNr,.— lf the vota
ries of pleasure, 011 whom time hangs heavily,
and who are devising expedients to relieve its
tedium, could only comprehend the importance
of life, and the vast issues involved in it, they
would be started effectually from their dreams.
There is a depth of meaning in the following
paragraph from the National Preacher :
"The narrow limit of the longest life is every
day becoming narrower still. The story is
told of an Italian State prisoner, who, after
some weeks' confinement, became suddenly
aware that his apartment was becoming small
er. He watched, and saw with horror, that a
movable iron wall was gradually encroaching
on the space, aud that as the movemeut canie
on it must him to death, and lie
could calculate it to a day ! Put you have
not that advantage. John Foster yet more
appropriately resembles our time to a sealed
tcservoir, from which issues daily a certain
small quantity of water, and when the reser
voir is exhausted wc must perish of thirst; but
wc have no means of sounding it to ascertain
how much it originally contained, nor whether
there be enough remaining even for to-mor-1
FRANKLIN'S PnoYEßtts.—lf pride leads the
van, beggary brings up the rear.
Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee.
God heals, ami the doctor takes the fees.
He that can travel well afoot keeps a good
The worst wheel of the cart makes the most
He that falls in love with himself will have
no rivals.
Tart words make no friends.
A spoonful of honey will catch more flics
than a gallon of vinegar.
Drive thy business, or it will drive thee.
Beware of little expenses ; a small leak will
sink a great ship. _
A GOPI.ESS UNIVERSE.—A man may, for
twenty years, believe in the immortality of the
-oul ; in the one and twentieth, iu some great
rnomeut, he for the first time discovers with
amazement the rich meaning of this belief.—
>io one in creation is so alone as tho deucir
of God ; he mourns with an orphaued heart
that has lost its Great Father, by the corpse
of nature, which no world spirit moves and
holds together, aud which grows in its grave ;
and he mourns by that corpse till he himself
crumbles off from it. The whole world lies
before him like the Egyptian sphynx of stone,
half buried in the saud, aud the all is the cold
irou-wash of a formless eternity.— JEAN PAUL.
tkj" ItU*,'acss aud iutemperauee are disciples
of waster, aud their mission is ruin.
Persian Legend.
The Persians say that Alexander, coming
to understand that in the monutain of lvaf
there was a great cave, very black and dark,
wherein ran the water of immortality, would
needs take a journey thither. Put being
afraid of losing bis way in the cave, aud con
sidering With himself that he had committed a
great oversight iu leaving the more aged iu
the cities and fortified places, and keeping
about bis person only young people, such as
were unable to advise him, he ordered to be
brought to him some old man, whose counsel
he might follow iu the adveuture he was then
upon. There were in the whole army two
brothers, named Chidder and Elias, who had
brought their father along with them, and this
good old inau bade his sons go and tell Alex
ander that to go through with the design ho
had undertaken, his only mode was to take a
mare that had a colt'at her heels, and ride up
on her into the cave, and leave the colt the at
entrance of it, and the mare would infallibly!
bring him back again to the same place with
out any trouble. Alexander thought the ad
vice so good that lie whould not take any ,
other person with him iu that journey but
these two brothers, leaving the rest of his re
tinue at the entrance of the cave. He advanc
ed so far that he came to a gate, so well pol
ished that, notwithstanding the great dark
ness, it gave light enough to let him sec there
was a bird fastened thereto. The bird asked
Alexander What he would have ? He made
auswer that he looked for the water of irunior
tality. The bird asked hiin what was done in
the world ? " Mischief enough," replies Alex
ander, "since there is no vice or siu but rcigus
Whereupon, the bird getting loose and fly
mg away, the gate opened, and Alexander saw
un angel sitting, with a trumpet in his hand,
holding it as if he was about to blow it. Alex
ander atked him his name. The angel said he
was called Raphael, and that he only awaited
the command of God to sound the trumpet
and call the word to judgment. Having said
this, lie asked Alexander his name. Alexan
der told his name and errand ; when the augle
gave hint a stone, and said to him : "Go thv
way ; find another stone of the same weight
with this, and thou shalt find immortality."—
Alexander than asked him how long lie had
to live ; when the angel said to him, till such
time as ihe heaven and the earth which en
compass thee be turned to iron I Alexander
having come out of the cave, sought a long
time, and not meeting with any stone of just
the same weight with the other, he put one in
to the balance which he thought came very
near it, and finding but very little difference",
he added thereto a little earth, which made
the scales even—it being God's intention to
show Alexander thereby that he was not to
expect immortality till he was mingled with
the earth At last, Alexander haviug fallen
from his horse on the barren ground of Gliar,
they laid him upon the coat he wore over his ;
armor, and covered him with his buckler to \
keep off the heat of the sun. Then lie began !
to comprehend the prophecy of the angel, and I
was satisfied that the hour of his immortality
was at hand.
They add to this fable that tbc two broth
ers, Chidder and Elias, drank of the water of
immortality, and that they arc still living, '
but Invi-ible—Elias upon the earth, and Chid
der iu the water, wherein the latter hath so
great power, that those who are in danger of |
being destroyed by water, if they earnestly
prey, vowing an offering to him, and firmly be- 1
lieviiig that he can relieve thorn, shall escape
the danger.— Embassador s Travels.
SILENCE IN NATURE. —It is a remarkable and
very instructive fact that many of the most
important operations of nature are carried on
iu unbroken silence. There is no rushing sound
when the broad tide of sunlight breaks 011 a
dark world and Hoods in with glory, as one
bright wave after.another falls from the foun
tain, millions of miles away. There is no creak
ing of heavy axles or groaning of cumbrous
machinery as the solid earth wheels on its way
aud every planet and system performs its re
volutions. The great trees bring forth their
boughs and shadow the earth beneath them—
the plants cover themselves with buds and burst
into flowers ; but the whole transaction is un
heard. The change from snow aud winter
winds to the blossoms and fruits and sunshine
of summer, is seen in its slow development,but
there is scarcely a sound to tell of tlie mighty
transformation. The solemn chant of the ocean,
as it raises its unchanged and unceasing voice,
the roar of the hurricane, and the soft notes
of the breeze, the rushing of the mountain
river, and the thunder of the black-browed
storm ; all this is the music of nature—a great
and swelling anthem of praise, breaking in 011
the universal calm. There is a lesson for us
here. The mightiest worker iu the universe
is the most uuobstrusivc.
PKKTTV FANCY. —When the day begins to
go up to lleaveu at night, it does not spread
a pair of wings and fly aloft like a bird but it
just climbs softly up on a ladder. It sets its
red sandal on the shrub you have watered
these three days, lest it should perish with
thirst; thence it steps to the tree we sit under
aud thence to the ridges of the roof. From
the ridge to the chimney, ami from the chim
ney to the tall elm ; from the elm to the tall
church spire, and then to the cloud, and then
to the threshold of Heaven ; and thus, from
round to crimson round, you can see it go as
though it waked up red roses.
How TO Do IT.— One of the writer's school
mates was always behind with his lessons ; aud
upon one occasion his teacher, in an academy
| in which he had managed to obtaiu auentrance
j >vas endeavoring to explain a question iu ari
thmetic to him. He was asked, " Suppose you
had one hundred dollars and were to give
away eighty dollars—how would you ascertain
how much you had remaining?" His reply
set teachers aud scholars in a roar ; for, with
uis own peculiar drawling tone, he exclaimed .
" Why, I'd count it !"
Closing the Debate on the Admissinn of Kansas.
Mr. GROW. Mr. Speaker, it is not my
intention to trespass long npou the attention
of the House at this time. I propose merely
to make a brief statement in reference to tlie
points which have been discussed, and shall
not trespass upon the patieuce of the House
for more than ten minutes.
Mr. Speaker, three questions have been
raised in this discussion, aud they are the same
that would naturally arise In any applications
of Territories for admissiou into tlie Union as
States, to wit : as to its boundaries, its terri
torial arear, and its population.
Mr, Speaker, as to the boundaries of this
proposed State, they are the same as those
proposed in what is known as the Toombs bill
—which passed the Senate in 1850, receiving
the vote of every Democrat—with the excep
tion of the western boundary, which was the
one hundred and third meridian of longitude
instead of the one hundred and second, as pro
posed in this bill. I wish the House to bear
iu mind that there has never been, iu all the
bills and projects which have been submitted
to Congress, any variation proposed iu the
boundary of Kansas, except iu reference to its
western limits ; I shall, therefore, confine my
remarks on the boundaries to that alone.
The bill which passed the Senate, and to
which I have referred, made the one hundred
and tiiird meridian the western boundary. The
State constitution presented to-day makes the
one hundred and second meridian the western
boundary. 111 the last Congress, Mr. Stephens
of Georgia, reported a bill for the organiza
tion of a Territory out of the western part of
the Territory of Kansas, to be called Jeffer
son ; making the western boundary of Kansas
the one hundred and first meridian of longi
tude. So far, therefore, as boundaries are
concerned, we have the action of both Houses
of Congress approving the boundary substan
tially as fixed in this bill.
As to territorial area, Kansas contains,
within the prescribed limits, over eighty five '
thousand square utiles ; an area greater than 1
that of any State in the Union, except that
of Texas, Oregon, or Minnesota
Mr. SMITH, of Virginia. Docs not that
include litis very Indian territory ?
Mr. GROW. If the gentleman will wait
a little I will answer his question. I have
kept my seat while he and others, who think
with him, have becu arguing their points, in-!
tending to answer them when Isiuld have the
As to boundaries and territorial area, then,
there cau be no objection to the admission of !
the State. 1 come now to population. On
this point there is the actiou of both Houses I
of Congress, on two separate and distinct oc j
casions, declaring, by a majority vote, that
there was sufficient population iu Kansas for
a State at the time the vote was cast, the 1
last one of which was two years ago. As to
a voting population, Kansas, by the official
record under the proclamation of her G over- j
nor, shows over seventeen thousand voters, un
der a registry requiring six months' residence, j
There are one hundred and fifty-two congres
sional districts in the Union which, at the last j
congressional election, did not poll seventeen
thousand votes. This fact, I take it, disposes
of the whole question as to whether it is prop
er to admit a State into the Union with less
populatiou than is requisite for congressional
representation. The number of voters disposes \
of the question of political power. The pre- ;
eise number of population in this case, it seems
to tne, can be of no material consequence.
There was a law passed the Territorial Leg
islature of Kansas, in 1859, requiring the as
sessors of their respective counties to take an
assessment of the property in the Territory,
and at the same time to make a registry of
voters. Under that law, the assessors took a
registry of voters; and, iu doing it, iu some
cases they took the population a'so, and in
others they did not; therefore the census, to
which gentlemen have referred, is incomplete,
because there wus no law requiring the popu
lation to be taken } but tlie voters only wore
to be registered. The assessors had power to
swear witnesses, and make a registry of the
voters of the Territory. That was done, and
that registered list shows, as gentlemen have
stated, over twenty thousand voters. The re
turns were made to the officers of each county,
aud not to any territorial officer. Therefore,
there was no way to get an official copy of all
these rcturus without a great deal of trouble,
because there was 110 officer of the Territory to
whom they were all to be sent.
So much in regard to that point. And now
iu relation the point of Indian treaties and
rights, which seems to be the only one relied
on to defeat the admission of Kansas at this
time. After four years of conflict in Congress
over Kansas ; after two heated political strug
gles for her admission into the Union as a
State, it is just discovered that her admission
would be iu violation of the solemn treaties of
the nation, and would be trampling in the dust
a feeble and inoffensive people, fast passing
from tlie face of the earth. There was 110
such expression of sympathy by gentlemen on
the other side of the House two years or four
years ago, in their fierce struggles to obtain a
victory over the people of Kansas.. Yet now,
when the people of Kausas, in a legal and
peaceable maimer, have formed a government
for themselves, aud ask us to permit them to
exercise the Tight of self-government, you pro
pose to deny it to them ou the pica that it
would be a violation of treaties with certain
ludiau tribes. And pathetic appeals are made
iu behalf of the Indian by men who turned a
deaf ear to the. wots of the pioneers of the
Territory, and Congress-is implored not to
grant to its people their right of self govern
The rights of the Indian tribes should be
most jealously guarded, not only to preserve
the faith of the Government, but as au act of
justice to a race of meu who are fast passing
away, h will be but a few years at best be
fore the last of the race will have uo heme
u'e on the hunting grounds of the Great
Spirit. The time is not far distant when the
civilization of western Europe and the regen
erated civilization of eastern Asia, making the
circuit of the globe, shall commingle ou the
crest of the Rocky Mountaius and blot out
forever the last representative of the ludian
tribes from the generations of liviug men.—
Destiny has stamped such a fate upon the an
nals of his race, and time is fast fulfilling the
decree. The march of empire, of science, and
of civilization, cannot be stayed by the rude
barriers of savage life. Yet, sir, I would not
needlessly hasten the day when the last red
man shall behold in himself the inevitable
doom of his race.
But, sir, how are the Indians' rights invaded
—bow infringed by this bill ? It is true the
Government medea treaty with them, by
which they were never to be placed within the
territorial limits of any State. Granted.—
When Kansas and Nebraska were organized
as Territories, there was a provision in the bill
that they should ncter be included within the
limits of the Territory or State. Congress
excluded them from the civil jurisdiction of
the Territory or State. That was done in the
organization of these Territories. When it
was proposed to admit Kansas as a State un
der the Lecomptou constitution, the same
clause was inserted ; and in this bill there is
to be some provision, providing that the ter
ritory occupied by these Indians shall be ex
cepted out of the boundaries, and shall form
no part of the State of Kansas, until the tribes
shall signify their assent to be placed within
the limits of the State. It is provided ex
pressly that nothing in the boundaries specif!
Ed in this bill, that nothing in the boundaries
as fixed in their constitution, shall be so con
strued as to include the lands belonging to
these Indians, until they shall have relinquish
ed their rights over them.
Gentlemen have referred to Georgia as a
parallel case to this. Sir, Georgia was one of
the originai colonies which formed this Govern
ment by delegating to it a part of their sov
ereignty. Yet now, when it is proposed to '
erect a State out of territory over which this
Government has exclusive jurisdiction, cannot
yon reserve what portion you please from the
jurisdiction of the people to whom you dele- j
gate those powers of government ? And when .
you delegate to them jurisdiction, you delegate ,
only what you have. If there is a treaty in
existence imposing upon you certain obliga-1
tions, you cannot delegate any power that shall
contravene those obligations.
Mr. QUAIILES. I ask the gentleman
from Bennsvlvariia, if by the treaty of 1835
it is not expressly provided that the Govern-1
incut of the United States shall never include
any portion of that Indian country within the j
limits of any Territory or State ?
Mr. GROW. Exactly} and wc provide in
this bill expressly, that that country shall not
be included ; and I take it for granted, when
the same language is used iu the bill that is j
used in the treaty, the language means the
same in both instances.
Mr. QUAIILES. Do not the boundaries
spsciGcd in this bill surronud a portiou of this
Indian reservation ?
Mr. GROW. Well, sir, I will answer the
gentleman in the Yankee mode, by asking him
a question ; and being a Yankee myself, I am
entitled to use that mode of argument. When 1
you execute a deed for a piece o r land, includ
ing in your boundaries two acres which yon re
serve, do you trausfer any title to the two
Mr. QUAIILES. I think it would be bet
ter to specify expressly, if 1 did not intend to
include thorn within the boundaries.
Mr. GLOW. That is what is douc in this
bill. It expressly excepts this Indian country
from forming any part of the territory of the
State of Kansas ; and I do not know how
language can make it stronger or plainer. And
now, sir, one other point, and I will relieve the
patience of gentlemen. I promised the House
not to occupy more than ten minotes, and I
will endeavor not to exceed that time.
Mr. CLARK, of Missouri. Will the gen
tleman allow me to ask him a question ?
Mr. GROW. 1 have no objection, if the
House will indulge it.
Mr. CLARK, of Missouri. The question
which 1 propose to ask the chairman of the
Committee 011 Territories is this : if the State
of Kansas, when she is admitted, should pass
a law to apprehend criminals within this Indi
an country, or to punish them for offenses com
mitted within that country, would the gentle
man hold that such laws were not valid?
Mr. G ROW. My answer to the gentleman
is this: the State of Kansas would have uo
jurisdiction over that Indian country so long
as the treaties continue as they arc ; and it
tlicj pass such a law, and it comes iuto the
courts, they would be bound, in my judgment,
to declare it a nullity, lor the reason that it
was in violation of a treaty, and in violation
of the act of Congress which was accepted by
the Stati of Kansas when she came into the
Mr. CLARK, of Missouri. Now I desire
to ask the gentleman one more question.
Several Members objected.
Mr. G ROW. I would yield with great
pleasure if there wus not an evident impatience
upon the part of the House.
The only other point to which I wish to al
lude is tho objection to the admission of the
State, that the constitution of Kansas allows
foreign born residents, who have declared their
intention to become citizens, to vote. Mr.
Speaker, when these pioneers go forth into the
wilderness from the old States, where they arc
permitted to vote, as they are in many of and
I nearly all the northern Stales if they shall
have declared their intention to become citi
zens, although they have not been naturalized,
tlicy leave their homes and all the associations
of their early life ; all the surroundings of a
higher condition of civilization, aud go out to
build up now empires. The go to endure all
the hardships and privations of frontier life
in expelling the savage aud the wild beast.—
It is scarcely six years since the whole of Kan
sas was au unoccupied waste, its solitude brok
en only by the war-whoop of the savage. Yet
to day the bum of busy iudm.try goes up from
"V OL. XX. XO. 47'.
a population of oue hundred thousand free-*
men, who bring this great empire of industry
and advancing civilization and Jay it at the al
tar of our country. What justice would there
be in denying to these men a voice in the for
mation of the institutions under which they
are to live ? Is it just to say that the men
who have endured all the hardships of the
wilderness to build up new empires shall live
under institutions formed by those who have
endured no greater privatious, or perhaps uoue
at all.
Mr. Speaker, it is time that this* record of
Kansas wrougs should be closed. The black
est page of American history has been writ
ten in the last four years in the b'ood of her
pioneers. It is a chapter of history that will
be read by our children with a shame of their
ancestry, it is lime to open a new volume in
the history of Kansas. Let this strife be end
ed, and stanch the wounds of Kansas, inflict
ed with the acquiescence of the Government
of the Republic. Give to this greatly wrong
ed people a government of their own, and to
the freemen of the nation the assurance of re
turning justice in the councils of the Republic,
by adding this star to the constellation of t!io
Mr. GROW demanded the previous ques
tion 011 the passage of the bill.
The question was taken ; and it was decid
ed in the affirmative—yeas 134, nays 73.
TMF. TRIM.F.-novE PSAI.M —I)r. Macduff, in
his charming little work, " The Ilart and the
Water Rrooks," has the following in regard
to the composition of the forty-second Psalm;
"It was a spirit crushed and broken with
other but not less poignant sorrows which dic
tated this Psalm of his exile. May we uot
imagine that, in addition to the tension of feel
ing produced by his altered fortunes, there
was in the very scene of his banishment, where
the plaintive chant was composed, much to
inspire poetic sentiment ? The alternate calui
and discord of outer nature found their roposo
in his own chequered experiences. Nature's
.K iliau harp—its invisible strings composed of
rustling leaves arid foaming brooks, or the
harsher tones of tempest and thunder, flood
and waterfall—awoke the latcut harmonies of
his soul. They furnished him with a key note
to discourse h'glicr melodies, and embody
struggling thoughts in inspired numbers. In
reading this Psalm we atonce feel that we aro
with the Minstrel King, not in the Tabernacle
of Zion, but in some glorious " house not made
with hands —some cathedral whose aisles are
rocky cliffs and tangled brunches, and its roof
the canopy of heaven !
" Let us picture him seated in one of these
deep glens listening to the murmur of the riv
ulet and the wail of the forest. Suddenly tho
sky is overcast. Dark clouds roll their masses
along the purple peaks. The lightning flashes}
and the old oaks and terebinth of Bashan bend
under the tumult of the storm. The higher
rivulets have swelled the channel of Jordau
—•" deep calls to deep " —the waves chafe aud
riot along the narrow gorges. Suddenly a
struggling ray of sunshine steals amid the
strife, and a stray note from some bird answers
joyously to its gleam. It is, however, but a
gleam. The sky again threatens ; fresh bolts
awake the mountain echoes. The river rolls
on in augmented volume, and the wind wrestles
fiercely us ever with the denizens of the forest.
At last the contest is at an end. The sky is
calm ; the air refreshed ; the woods arc vocal
with so.ig ; ten thousand dripping boughs
sparkle in the sunlight ; the meadows wear a
lovelier emerald : and rock, and branch, and
floweret, arc reflected in the bosom of tho
"As the royal spectator, with a poet and
paiutci \s % cye, is gazing o:i this shifting diorama,
and when Nature is laughing and joyous again
auiid her own teardrops, another simple iuci
dicnt arrests his attention. A hart or deer,
hit by the archers, or pursued by some wild
beast on these " mountains of the leopards,"
with hot eye-bails and panting sides, comes
bounding down ihe forest glade to quench tho
rage of thir.-f. The sight suggests nobler as
pirations. With trembling hand and tearful
eye the exiled spectator awakes his heart
strings, and bequeaths to us one of tho most
pathetic musings iu the whole psalter. The
tweuty-lhird lias happily been called "the
nightingale of the Psalms this may appro
priately be termed "the turtle dove." Wo
hear the lonely bird as if seated on a solitary
branch warbling its " reproachful music," or
rather struggling on the ground with brokcu
wing, uttering a doleful lament. These strains
I form an epitome of the Christian life—a diary
of religious experience, which, after three tliou
j sand years, find an echo in every heart. Who
can wonder that they have smoothed the death
pillow of dying saints, and taken a thorn from
tho crown of tuc noble army of martyrs J"
BizT Why is a woman's tongue like a planet?
Recausc nothing short of the power that creat
ed it can stop its regular course. The man
who perpetrated the above conundrum has
left for California. He was pursued by forty
women, and forty broomsticks were picked up
in the halbor after the vessel left.
B*2>" lie is base—anil that is the one base 1
thing in the universe, to receive favors anil
rentier none. In the order of nature we can
not render benefits to those from whom wc re
ceive them, or only seldom ; but the benefits
must be rendered again, fine for line, deed for
deed, to somebody.
fie#" A man who don't believe the world is
growing better says that the time may como
when the lion and lamb shall lie down togeth
er, but if it does the lamb will be inside tho
Willis describes a lady, whom he saw
in an omnibus, as "excessively pretty, and
the dimples at the corners of her mouth wero
o deep und so turned iu, like inverted com—as
i that her lips looked like a quotation.''