JKfsceHawcottS. The Argiis Book bindery Again in Full Operation ! UfK have the gratiUcutienoi'announcing to our frfends, customers, and the public, that wo are now pre pared to do liOOK I >I.JS r I )I!NTO , in all its Branches in the latest and most approved styles, find on the most favorable terms. Having secured, permanently, the services of Mr. 11. C. Wiurt.KAK, a finished workman from Philadelphia, and h.iviug added extensively to the fixtures of the cou . ern giving greater facility "than formerly—we can prc nt to the public tho most positive assurance of our abil ity to please our patrons. Customers should be particular to remember that the " Argus Bindery," is in the Argus Building, as ioriu erly, (first building north of the Ward House) and is con nccted with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing (itltce. where all work should be delivered. CAUTION Wc are compelled injustice to ourselves, and our old customers, as well as to prevent an imposition upon tiio public generally, to caution them against a sort a. concern, that falsely holds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery. This fraud is practiced no doubt. With a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, tlicy are hereby cau -1 ioncd. Mr Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work g'Hnrranted. tor Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment lor work. A a* !la\ ing made complete arrangements, we are pre- Isired to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattern, at prices xs low as elsewhere. * S-iwaioki. March f. INK K. A. PARSON'S. BOOK BINDERY. tJAHE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus L building would re.-qiectfully iuliirra the publie that lie lias removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Waul House, formerly occupied by the Post Ofilcp, where he is now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the most approved and workmanlike manner.— Having to share my profits with no second person 1 Hat ter niyseli that iny prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in nte and the pub lic appreciation of my work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in the future to merit the contiuuaiiec of public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work will he warranted. Terms, Cash. JC Also,a large assortment of STATIONERY of the best quality, at the lowest prices. Justices' and Consta ble's BL vNKS, of all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOH \XX F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11, 18f,0. Bookbinder and Artist. CAUTION. " To lie. or not to be— hat is the question ! Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous opi>osition, Or by taking up arms against a sea of printing ink, And opposing, end them." rpHE proprietor of the Argus takes occasion in adver- I Using his Bindery to indulge in an uncalled for fling about a " sort of a concern," w hicli is hoping " to delude the public." As I have opened a Bindery on my own ac count. the inference is that ir the public bring their binding to me, they arc in no danger of being defrauded. For two years I have worked for Mr. PARSONS, and lie has taken great pains t s itisl'y the public I was the " best Hinder in America," as the columns of the Argun will testify. Has he been all that time " deluding the pub lic!'" If I have been engaged in a I rami, he has been the principal. But T refer to my work daring that time as evidence that there has been no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery laisiucss, I have resumed business here on my own ac count, as I know of nothing which prevents me from fol lowing a legitimate and bawful calling for my support.— I shall endeavor by good work and utieution to my busi ness to give public satisfaction. Marehjj. JOIIA NX F. BENDER, Binder. jlusquejntuiut (Eollrgiaie Institute, TOH'AXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACYLTY: OLIVER P. DEAN. A.B. Principal, Professor of Ancient Languages, aBJ Mental and Moral Sciences. WM. 11. DEAN, A. 8.. Assoi iate Principal, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof. CH ARLES It. COBURN, County Superintendent. General Director of Normal Department. Mrs. ANN ('. KELLOGG. Preceptress. Miss ANNA M. DEAN, Assistant Preceptress. Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instru mental Music. Mr. CANFIELD DAYTON, StcwarJ. The Winter Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER 31, and will continue 14 weeks. TL'ITLON, TEII TEIIM : (Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering tlie school, and one half at the middle of the term—fuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 5 00 Preparatory C 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, Ist year, per term 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 Collegiate, per ter. i 10 On N. B. Pupils ail! be cla.--ed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged 51 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES : French $ 5 00 German 8 00 Drawing 3 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The Anuiversaiy exercises will bo held at the close of fhe Spring term. No deduction will lie made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not,as'hcretofore, be taught in the Institution, but by special arrangement—a class will be taught in a liall adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher of Vocal Music. This armngcmcnl has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per terra $lO 00 Use of instrument for practice 3 00 Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow c-D. Ac., and the table diver a. their option. It is desira blc that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad f hould board iu the Institution, a3 better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. Xormal Dipurtmtnt —Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. R. CuBURX, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher s class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises m often a= practicable, aud will deliver frequent lectures on tin- Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburn's connection with the Institution Is not sin h as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will he spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high rcpulatation the institu tion lias hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support WILLI VM 11. DEAN, j . , , Aug. 9,1859. OLIVER 8. DEAN, { nnclpals. Arrival of tlie Great Eastern ! LATEST INTELLIGENCE! IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWANDA asd vtcixrm ME. SOLOMON lias just returned from • the East with the LARGEST, BEST A, CHEAP ES T stock of Fall & Winter Clothing. cvci brought to this market. I can assure mv custo mers that 1 have studied llnie interest as well as niy own by haying the luxt made, and most durable stock of Fash ionable Clothing to be found. My stock consists of IVlis- 1 pier, iUglan, Sack, etc, Overcoats; Black and Fancy ( assmiere 1- rock and S.n k Coats of all styles and quali tics; Black Doc-kin, Fancy Cassinicre and Satinctte . ants ; I aucy Si.k and Cotton \ elvet, Cassimcrc, Satti nct and Plush \ est-, i.i fact, a great many styles too num erous toniention, also including a large stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. \ou will find it to V"iir advantage to call aud examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Come one 1 Come all! to the Ch thing Store of M. E. S< tLOMOX 1 owanda Nov. 1 , IKVJ. NO. 2. Patton's Block. N. B- Jm RBCEIVKD—A largo Stock of Sloe Leather ! ppor ix>ather, Kipakins,Call'Skins, Lining Skins, Ac., i •• ■> n wtU be hI ! chanpar than H nrhei* la tLin market, kinks A IT"'' "'• ■" '** I' 'id to. all ! the Bl!^ bWP | MAUDWAIit; A NLW liol H s ., , AXreecivtdat MERCUR'S- ' iXfecrllawtptts. fh£W ATTRACTIONS ! At Geo. '££■ Wood's Gallery, TOWANDA, PA. You can procure, ut low prices, IFH©f©(EMfE-§ s ! Of all size*, lip to life size, either plain or re - touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. M KLAIXOTV PES anil AMBROTYPES, anil al most all utiler kinds of types. Pictures in good cases tor >0 cents, and other sizes and i|iialltica in proportion. Meluinutype's made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10. 1859. /P^V f \ f rpn i.s IS THE ESTABLISHMENT 1 where ton can find a very fine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of (1 LOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. 1 am also agent for the sale of I). E. LKN L K celebrated 1 {urometers, which every farmer should always have. Pu ces from fs to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike mannerund war ranted. W M. AJCHAMBKMiM' THIS STAND STILL 1N OPERATION! •—THE subscriber would announce the public that he has now on Ey-A-At l „- ■*" hand, and will make to order all i —Y'"""''"' 'I CA I '.l NET PC UNITE UK, If3-4ivc : . -i'sueh as Solas.Divans,Lounges,Cen |i'f; }r - tie, Card, Dining and Breakfast Ta- J,-rLjL hie. Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and jf~ W™"" 111 >j|. ('berry Lnrcaus, Stands of various L J kinds, Chnirsand Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for ca.-h cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-M ADK COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good liEAItSE will lie furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES SIACKINSON. Towanda, January 1.1857. DI SS( )LUTION.—The co-partnership here tofore existing between the subscribers tinder the firm of CPI.P A KIRBY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, notes* accounts, and other obliga tions and papers belonging to said linn, are uow in the hands of J EI!E CCLP for settlement. All accounts and notes overdue on the Ist day of Feb ruary next, will lie put in course of collection wit In u f . re spect to persons. Cutil that time Grain,. Sheep Pelts and Hides will be received in payment. JERKY GULP, Towanda, August 1,1859. J. P. KIRBY. JERF3T~ CTTIiP Will hereafter carry cm the II AI!\ESS AND SADDLE i BUSINESS. in all its various branches, at Hie old stand j of Culp A Kirhy, where he solicits a continuance of the ! patronage hitherto enjoyed. A large stock of Ready Made | articles and materials w ill be kept on hand, arm every ! exertion made to deserve the favor of the public. McCABE'S | CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Below J. Kingsben/s store, Main st. . npilE suhsrrilier would respectfully tender his sincere A thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage extended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. He begs leave to assure that lie intends to keep on hand as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, the liest the country affords, which he intends to sell for very small profits, cither by the side, quarter or pound. J8O" A quantity of first qualit of SALT PUltK.put up by myself, cheap, by the barrel or pound. Meats will lie promptly delivered, at any place within the corporation. Towanda, August 12,1859. J McCADE. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda IVEarblc Factory. (Nearly Opposite the. Baptist Churrh.) The subscribers have opened the TOW'AN- MARBLE FACTORY, where he will be P re P arf 'l to) furnish Monuments and Tomb VfoWoiM Stones, manufactured from the best qualities I*ll ft of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MAI.BLE, and WT wrought into sueli styles and designs as will ■ Q-s •>. suit every variety of taste. A (A Persons w/shing to make their selections Ae can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling ut this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, tlie artistical beauty uf the work,and the promptness with which orders will be tilled, will offer inducements to visit this new shop. F. 11. BALDWIN, MILLS BARKER, Towanda, Jan. 2,18C0. Proprietor. REFERENCES. WAVEKI.Y. TOWANDA, TA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, G. 11. Shrpard. Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, I!. G. Grans, Merchant, 11. S Mercur, Merchant, Alpin A Donblcday,do. Montanves, " Rev. O. Crane, T. M. Woodruff, RherifT, " Wm. Putnam, Col. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, " D. A. Shepard, Hon. D. Wilmot, F. Tyler.Pres'L Bank. " J. C. Ad'tns. ciiEMrxo. " Wm. Elwell, G. W. Buck, Esq. E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus. WYSOX. E. O. Goodrich,Ed.Reporter V. E. Piollet. Esq. CASH FOR PELTS, AT THE Metropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL, PA. STOVES, Elevated Oven. STOV2S, Farlor. STOVES, Diving- Flue. STOVES, Wood or Coal. IN LAIICE STOCK AND VARIETY. IRON, BY THE BAR OR TON. Fanning Mitts, Com Shelters, Grindstfints, Boring and Drilling Machines, Axles and Springs, Mill i)- X Cut Saws, Sleet, Zinc, Qopper, Sheet Iron, Tin and Henry Goods, at October 12, IS.-,X p. X. BP.OXSOX'S. b' It If J T TREES, Shrubs and Vines. VP the season is approaching for beautifying and adorn ing our grounds with the useful and ornamental. 1 \ would -ay to my friends and the public, in this and the neighboring counties, that I will be prepared as soon as I the Spring opens to supply them with all things in the Nursery line. I have commenced the cultivation of a Nursery at this [dace, and have all articles ueeded in our county. Persons --ending me orders can depend on get ting what they order in good condition, and of the best quality. My stock is warranted to lie in good order when delivered, but I want it understood that I do not replace the trees that do not live, the loss is the buyers. The following varieties can be found at my garden the present Ppriug: Apple trees, Dwarf and Standard; Pears, Dwarf and Standard ; Cherry. Dwarf and Standard ; Plums ; Ever greens ; Lawton Blackberry ; Peaches ; Mountain Ash ; Strawberries of all kinds ; Apricots ; Horse Chesnut; Raspberries of all kinds ; Currants ; Gooseberries; Rosea; Dab la is ; Delaware, Diana, Concord, ami Rebecca Crape Vines ; as well as Clinton, Catawba and Isabella, all well rooted, all in this line on hand. Towanda, April (i, 18C0. DANIEL IIARKINP. l)Ti. PRATT HAS removed to the corner of Second and Poplar sts., immediately back of the Ward House, tie' All ac count.-, with I lira over one years standing, must be im mediately settled. Towanda, Sept. 21,1859. I BLASTER. —IOO tous Plaster for sale for X. Cash, Grain, Ac., at PW ' 1 1!- ROCKWELL'S. CAUTION. A P ( ' r on; are einlinui d against piirclia.-ang a uote 1 V iVut horljr Holliirri, giveu l>y iae t> Juhn liow \i \s, or ocanr, iLif*il Twju4a February, ;U I have pari the aid note in lull DANIEL COLE. 11 •March 22, Isqp. JHfeteliSneous. THE FRIEND OF WOMAN. F. Clark's .Revolving Looper DOUBLE THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE The Revolving Lnoper is a late improvement on Ray mond's I.a test Improved.) Warranted the best in the world for Family Use ! Price Hitliiu the Reach of Every Family. PtllCfe $35. Ilemmcr, Feller, Binder & Tucking guage, combined, $5. r rMIE reputation of this Machine is now fully establish- A cd as the most reliable Machine in the market for family use, and has been attested too by thousands of the most respectable families in the Union. This Machine makes the celebrated " Double Lock stitch," the only one made by machinery that meets all the requirements of Family Sewing. Each stitch is tied twice r so that every one is"securely fastened and wlmlly independent of all the other stitches for strength, so that if the scam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sow ing must hold good while the fabric will wear. The machinery which makes this stitch is a marvel of sim plicity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it, nor does it require adjustment more than the mere change of thread and needles to adopt it to the character of the work to he sewed—coarse or fine as the case may be. It will sew gauze laces, and all varieties and kinds of fab lies between aud including heavy beaver cloth, without changing either needles or thread equally well, and re turn to either variety of work with perfect satisfaction. No other Machine'cvcr oifercd to the public will do as much. A perfect Sewing Machine, one making a stitch an swering rill the requirements of the family, sewing coarse and line work equally well,'was the great desideratum of the home circle, previous to the invention of EUWJ.N CR. AUK'S RKVOLVI.NU LOOCKK. Tito stitch is beautiful, tioug, aud elastic, and will nut rip in tvciu- or in acci dental breaking a thread. Every Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. We have a large list of references but will give tho names of only u few : MONROCTOX, Pa., Fob. 27, lsi',o. Mr. B. F.SIIAW—Sir: I have used for the last three months in my Tailor-Shop, oue of " Raymond's Latest Improved Sewing Machines," and I do think it the best in use for tailoring purposes, and would not do without it for One Hundred Dollars if 1 could not get another of the kind for less money. ANTHONY MUI.LON. Mrs. Wm. ELvell, Towanda. Pa. Miss Harriet Alloway, North Towanda. Miss Minerva Vosbttrg, (tailoress) Burlington, Pa. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Asylum, Pa, Mrs. J. W. Alexander, Troy, Pa. Mrs. E. P. Shaw, Sheshequin, l'a. Rev. N. A. Del'ew. Penheld, N. Y. Calvin Carpenter, Esq.. Elmira, X. Y. Mr. E. A.Scott, Elmira, N. Y. Mr. M. Richardson, Elmira, N. Y. Mrs, J. H. Webb, Towanda, Pa. Mrs. J. H. Ncvins, Towanda, Pa. Mr. (1. H. Bunting, (tailor) Towanda, Pa. Mrs. G. W. Vincent, Sheshequin, Pa. Mr. A. Million, (tailor) Mouroeton, Pa. Mr. l'crcival Powell, (tailor) Sheshequin, Pa. Mrs. Owen Spalding, Wavcrly, N. Y. Dr. G. 11. Morgan, Wysox. Pa. All orders by mail or Express will receive prompt at tention. Persons not having the lull amount can be ac commodated with short credit. A liberal discount given to Agents. Address March 5, 1860. B. F. SiI.VW. Towanda, Pa. Osf?rnSrO COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, LOCATED OVER TIIE SCSQCBIIANNA VALLEY BANK. BINOHAMTON, N. Y- Rooms open for Instruction, from 9 A.M. to 9$ P.M. FACULTY, I). W. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of- the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treatise upon Book-Keeping, Diagrams illustrating the same, Ac. JOHN RANKIN. Commercial Aecoiitant, Professor of Kook-Keeping and Practical Mathemuth s. A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical ai d Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Correspon dence. LECT U 11 E R S . Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, lecturer on Commercial Law aud Political Economy. Hon. HANSOM BAI.COM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom issory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EX A MIXIX G CO M MITTEE. Hon. SHERMAN D. PHELPS, WILLIAM It. OSBI RN Esq., TRACY K. MORGAN, Esq. The object of this College is to afford to all an oppor tunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. The Books and forms are carefully arranged by practi cal accountants expressly fir this Institution, and em brace all the recent improvements. The course ol Instruction comprises every department if busiuesß. I'bc learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz General Merchandizing, Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, Steam bo..ling, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, For eign Shipping, Ac. Indies' Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. Students can enter College at any time and receive in dividual instruction. By this arrangement every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his entcrprizc and ability will permit, and when thought perfect and com petent, will receive a Diploma which w ill enable him to review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, from Six to Twelve Weeks. No vacations. Board $2 and $2,50 per week. Assistance rendered to Graduates in procuring situations. T E II .11 S : For Book-Keeping, full accoutant's course, including P, t tic.il Penmanship, Commercial Computations and Diploma.—(Time unlimited) $35 00 Same course for Ladies, (separate apartment) 20 ()() I'cninauship and Arithmetic 10 00 Toucher's course in Penmanship, practical and or namental 30 00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship 2 00 k~ Occasional classes will be formed in Phonography. For further partlcularr send for a circular, Binghaniton, March 15,1800—l j 11. SELECT SCHOOIj For Young Ladies. VTISSES CIIUBISUCK respectfully in i*L form the public that the Spring term of their school will commence on Monday, the 20th day of March in the room formerly occupied by them. Thankful for the liberal )iatronngc extended to them during the past year, Misses C. assure their patrons that no pains will be spared to merit a continuance of the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. | MISS FANNY 1,. OHIJBBUCK will have entire charge I of Music ; and a limited number of scholars only will be taken. TERMS, PER QUARTER OF IT WF.EKS. First Class—To include the eleinentry English Branches $| 00 Second Class —To include the more advanced English branches,with Mathematics and Latin $6 00 Third Class—To include Mathematics, Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., with Latin $7 oo Music —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw ing $3, extra. Each pupil will be expected to provide herself with a desk aud chair. JUu'Any information in reference to this School may be obtained by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox. Towanda. December 1,1859. NEW MA RULE FACTORY. CAORDEX N. TAYLOR, having opened a New Marble T Factory in Towanda, opposite the Ward House, where lie will be prepared to furnish Monuments and Tombstones, manufactured from the best of Rutland and Italian Marble, and wrought in such styles and designs as will suit every variety of taste. Mantle-Pieces and Table Tops, Ac., made to order. Persons desiring to mako se lections, I would l>c happy to have them call at my shop a-j I am confident I can suit them in style and quality, having experienced workmen from Owego, who under stand polishing, hewing and lettering in the very latest style. All work neatly and well done. Orders solicited and promptly filled. Towanda,March 1, 1860. Ulster Brass & String Band. WM. DITTRICH, Leader. \NN'DUN('E to the public, in general, that they nr<* . prepared to furnish Music for Parades, fcixcurskms, Pio Nice, Cotillion Parties, Ac. For engagements, apply to W. DiTfRiCH, ToWanda, H. J. DAY 'U'SVN, ULKF. WAIVIVTF. ! jßteceUaneous. M YER'SJf ILLS. THE undersigned having purchased the above well known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all the modem improvements now in use in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands Of the new firm. It shall l>c our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m nner. Customers from a distance may rely npon having their work done at once, so as to make hut one trip " to mill." Mr. FROST will coutinue to give his own personal at tcntion to the business at the null. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN; also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYEU J. O. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCW \NDA, 0ct.6,1858. GE4 IT. BUNTING, RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers aud the public generally, that be has removed his TAILOR'S SHOP, To one door soqth of Tracy A Moore's*store and imme diately opposite D. C. Bali's Stove and Tin Store Mainst. lie Hatters himself that from his long experience in bu siness he will be able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the low pressure in the mo ney market, he will make Coals from 12 50 fc> $1 60each and other work in proportion for READY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not lc refused, if He red Towanda, March 20, ls.'.s. New Store I New Prices! 11. AV. isTOITTuE, No. 5, Jirick Row, Towanda, WHOLESALE k RETAIL LIQUOR DEALER, now offers to the public a well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Havana and Domestic Cigars. Consisting in part of the toll iwing : BRANDlES.—Hennessey, ("Hard. Cognac, and Dupuy. GlN'S.—Holland, Rose, and Hchcidaui Schnapps. RUMS.—Santa Cruz, Jamaica, and New England. WHISKEYS.—Bourbon, Scotch, Mouongehala, Old Crow, and Old Hyo. WlNES—Champuignc. Claret. Sherry, Madeira. Bur gundy, Port, Muscat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor dials of all brands. CIGARS.—La Victoria, Washington, Light Guards, Rio Hondo, Henry Clay, La Fontica, La Isabella, La Flor d'Cubana, Principe, Yara, Principe. TOBACCO. -A good assortment of Cut, Chewing, Smo king and Manufactured Tobacco of various brands, all ol which will he sold at tile lowest prices for Cash, or to prompt payers. All kinds of produce taken in exchango for Goods. N. 11. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohns, aud bottles of all sizes for sale. Towanda, Feb. 22,1859. Eliason, Greener &. Co. Piano Forte Manufacturers, AND MUSIC rUBLISHERS, No. 51, Water-at., Elmira. I N' ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSORT- L meiit of ouT own manufatcured Piano Fortes, which have now been in use for years, and have been pronounc ed by Mo ns. STRACKOfiCH and other eminent Artists, unsurpassed in touch, tone and durability, we have a large stock of the world wide celebrated ' Chicherin? 6l Sons," Boston: Grand and Square Fiano Fortes, who have received thirty-four medals in Europe and Amer ica for the l>cst Piano Fortes. We have also Raven, Bacon & Co.'s. Piano Fortes, whi. h are undoubtedly preferable to any other makers in New York. Being manufacturers ourselves, we get the above In struments on the most favorable terms, enabling us to sell them to dealers and Seminaries at their regular whole sale prices. Carhart, Necdham &. Co.'s, XhZelodcons. Mr. Carhart tx-ing the original inventor ot the above In struments. and the same having all t he valuable improve menls, it is only jut to say they are not to be excelled. A large assortment of SHEET MUSIC. One of our firm having had long experience in this branch, parties at a distance not able to visit our Ware rooms, may rely on his selections. The best of Italian Strings, Violins, Guitars, etc. Par ticular attcrtion is paid to the selection of BRASS IN STRUMENTS for Bands. All Piano Fortes bought of us ore WARRANTED for three years. Pianos ami Melodeons TO RENT, and scut all over the country t extremely low prices. Parties wishing to purchase Piano Fortes, or any other Musical Merchandize, and save from ten to fifteen per cent., will please call, or address ELIASON, GREENER A CO. May 16,1859. 51 Water Street, Elmira, N. Y. WM. DiTTKint. is agent for the firm at Towanda. BUY YOUR. BOOTS AND SHOES OP L. C. NELSON. r|MIE subscriber would respectfully tender JL his thanks to his patrons and the public generally for the very liiieral and uncx eeted amount of trade given him for his first few opening months, and as he has be come acquainted with the wants of tlie people, and the styles worn in this part of the country, (Litters himself that he is now prepared to furnish Boots and Shoes ol all kinds generally called for. such as will better please than heretofore; and as his object is to p!ea-e, he will give his whole time and attention to this one gfr> at and import ant branch of the Mechanical Arts. And as there are some of his customers prejudiced against Stitching MiV chine work, he has procured the best and most cxpftri cnced hand help, where all of his work will IK? made and warranted first l>cst. Those gentlemen that are in the habit of wearing njre French Call Boots, sewed or pegged, will do well to call and leave their measure. He has employed one of the best workmen in town. Ladies Kid, Morocco and C'alf Shoes and Gaiters can he furnished at short notice, and of the I test materials. He also has in his employ faith ful and experienced workmen engaged in making Gents Thick and Kip Boots and Shoes ot all kinds to measure, down to Boys', Youths and Children*. As he has been engaged for some years in the Eastern Boot and Shoe Manufacture, he has thereby become acquainted with many of the Custom Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, can liny goods almost at co-t. whereby his department of Eastern work will be offered at prices that will defy com petition. And as his whole business life has le cn devoted to the two branches, Custom anil Sale Boot and Shoe Manufac ture, feels posted and conversant with all the rules upd principles which enter into the preparation of the stock. The correct meaftnrmont of the foot, also a knowledge with the anatomy of the toot, a familiar acquaintance with the angles, lines and curves, which are involved in the perfect adjustment of part to part, and their relative ~251t102.;, lYhu h L necessary iu order t--> be successful in the profession. Call and examine his winter goods Vsjfore buying else where, he has a large assortment of the best Thick and Kip Boots, extra long legs aud custom made. He wants every man and boy to buy a pair for his as well as their own interest. K6~ Propositions cheerfully heard. Repairing of Boots and Shoes of all kinds, will be faith fully done and at the time promised. iWanda, Sept. 2s, 1858. E. n NELSON. FALL AND WXXIFTSR JM. COLLINS, is now receiving at bis • old stand on Main Street, next door to Hall's, one of the largest, best selected and cheapest stocks of READY LEADS CLOTHING, ever brought into this market, to which he invites the at tention of purchasers. Haying had some years' experi ence in the business, he is aide to oiler inducements as to the DUALITY, STYLE AN D PRICE OF GOODS, not to be met with at any other establishment. His stock em braces the usual assortment of OVERCOATS, COATS VESTS AND PANTALOONS, of every style and price,' to suit the taste and the pockets of customers. To those who prefer ordering garments, he would say that he keeps constantly on hand a largea-sdi tmmtof CLOTHS, UAS -BTMEUES AND TESTINGS. wM< h wtll be made up on short notice, by experienced workmen, and warranted to give satisfaction in every way. Particular attention will he given to this class of custom, aud every exertion made to please customers. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES. HOSIERY, GLOVES SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ac. A lar£e assortment of hats and caps, of all styles and prices. CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properly manufactured. * Towanda, October 19, 1659. J. M. C HAY SCALES ! TUN sense mirk n is NOW PRE PARED to construct Hay Scales npon an Improved principle, where simplicity, accuracy, and durability are so combined as to excel in at least simplicity and dura bility any of the scales now iu use. APo repairing of old platform .scales douc on reasonable terms and with dis patch. Address G. W. JACKSON, June C, lsjt'. Wyaluaug, BradfordCV, Pa. _ PATTON& PAYNE, Jf ■ _ / .msr No. 4, Fatton's Block, Towanda, Fa., Have recently added largely to tlieir stock of DRUGS 'ft MINIS, CHEMIOA.LB, FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand RUNS WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At the lowest rates, and BURNING FLUID, of superior quality, man niacin red expressly for tho gas-jet Fluid Lumps. They also keep all the Popular PATENT MEDIC IN EN 7 I of the day. Every article going from this store is war i ranted as represented, and if any prove dittercnt, they will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. J . PATTON, Towanda, Feb. 1,1859. Dr. E. D. PAYNE. STORRS & CHATFIELD OWEGO, N. Y., Are agents for the Kile of Wheeler's Fatcnt Railway Chain If OItHE- IJO"VVE1 J O"VVE It. WHEELER'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower, OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) Siiigle or One horse Power and. Separator, WHEELER'S <'LOVEIt HELLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MILES, (for sawing wood, Ac.) AH. the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler, Meliek, ,V Co.. Albany. N. Y., and are warranted to give ! entire satisfaction or may IK; returned at MR- EVIRATION j ola reasonable time for trial. S. HORTON <& Co.'s CELEBRATED DOG POWERS, FOR CHURNING, &C. Constantly on hand, ftu" Farmers and others wishing to procure any of the ilxtvc articles, will do well to call upon us before purchas h>g- June 'ft', 1*59. TOWANDA HARDWARE. CUTLERY, lit OX AND STOVE STItF. Wholesale and Retail Dealer ri* Jtj al "' S'oves. Iron • ll? T"7Tfi; '''''' '■ * and Cireul.tr Saws. Blacksmith Hammer* and Srew Plate's, ! Axes. Broad "Narrow. T.afh and Hand Hatchets- Cable, i Log, Trice and llaltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels | and Spades. | POCKET AND TABLE CUTUutY .Miesrs ami Scis | sore. Edge Tools of all kinds, Brass and Enameled Kettles, j Shovel and Tongues. Spoons and Ladles. Tubs and Pails, Mops and Washboards, and aff other kinds of house-keep ing implements. in tin H ARDWARE line. Bp*". BftUartu. JappaeU a till Plain Tin Ware, single or Insert*. Bar. Baud, Stroll and TToop Troll. !*te(9 of aM kinds. Nail Rod*. AiLL A MOR ROW, A TTORNE YS A SI) COUNSELLORS AT LA IV Offiru over Mercnr'a Store. Toiwanda, Pa. ' Towanda, April 2, IS. n-13-tf DR. E. H. M A SON. PH YSIC 7AN AND BVRGRON, offers hi* professional service* to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence * on I'ine street, where he can always be fonnd when not professionally engaged. I? 11. PARSONS, ATTORNEY A 7 J-7o J.AI V, TROY, Bradford Co., I'a. Office over T M. .V H. F. bond's store. Aug- 7,1*>,. TTENRY B. M'KF.AN, ATTORNEY J I A 7 LAI I , TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to business eutruetcd to him. Collections made on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. octl! SMITH, harinpj returned to J Towanda, has ojtened a Law Office over Mercnr'a Btore. Dec. 1. 1n37. ' DR. H. WBBTON, l>/:\ TIST. permanently located in Towanda- OFFICE one door eouthof BafleyANevetis'. Towauda, Feb. 19, lßfiO. O. H. WOODRUrF DENTIST. I>ERMANENTLY located in Towumk.— JT Office N"<>. 5, Brick Itow, over H. \V. Nobi.es' Store. Entrance one door south of Tracy A Monies. dec.l.tf. DIPS O. S.iPKCK AND O. ('lll'Ren 11. A.. SURG LOSS AND MECHANICAL DENTISTS, TOWANDA, Pa. -Olflce, No. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. fox's store—entrance first door en Pine st. February IG. lsr,o. II WATKINS, A TTORNE YAT J LAW, TOWANDA. PA. Office opposite Laporte, Mason A Co. a made and remitted with promptness. Towauda, January 2, ISGO. DR. PORTE OLD DRUG STORE, A1 ready admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An e-tahlislicd reputation for topping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for companding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persona, whodevoto the most careful attention.pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected aiti clcs. and medicines of mopies- , tinned purity, has become 7112 SaSil USUI; 37©52 With prices revised to correspond with the market. ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AI.L ARTICLES W ATI RANTED AS REFRESKNTEP. By recent arrangements with tlie Manufacturers. Impor ters or First Holders of Rood* and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always lie at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURE THAN EVEP. I.V Paints, Oils, A arnishes, Glass r DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. Everything in lira trlensire stork ictli be sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICES RKD CC ED, VIZ: Of £oaps, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Pocket Knives and Kazors, I f/tmps and Materials far Li'jht. TRUSSES k SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. : All the Popular Patent Mcdicuics T Tooth, Skin & Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eel relic, Rotamr, and Hmalhic Medicines Spiers, Bird Srrd, I Aim p Shidrn nnd (1 iirden Srtdt. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing i the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, ! • and revised for the Cash System. ML PORTERS CAMPHHNE! MS. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! PP. POfTTERS BURNING FLUID f Are Fresh, daily prepared. nrl wsrivuiled by any in tfcc Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Synip price 27$ cents Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •' Z~> " I'r. Porter's Tonic Elixcr " SO " I Dr. Porter's Worm Syren " 25 " Dr. Porter's Comu. Syr. Ilypophosphites.. " 100 " Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic " ISO '• Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " | Dr. Pitil"r's Tooth Ache Drops " IS " Dr. Cephalic Snuff " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tov.l!' Dowdor 25 Dr. Porter'sTricogcnP.,.;* *.♦•• ••• • • ' ~ Dr. Porter's Trnophiio. Dr. Porter's Shanijioo " is Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37J " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 35 " Dr. Porter's Bed Rug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 2,> • Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 37| '• Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 35 '< Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 •* Medical Advice given sraluitonsly at the office Charging only for Medicine. Js"Thankfnl fov past lil>enl patronage would respect fully announce to his friends and the public thntno |iainu shall IK- spared to satisfy and merit the continuance it their confidence and patronage, at the CLYSII Dltua STOKE Corner of Main and l'inc streets. June 30.150. H. C. PORTER. M. D. CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. ltllEJtK IN THE CANAL! k| |A MEN WANTED to liny Stoves at the MAM MOTH FOUNDRY, one door cast of Mervafa Store. We lrnve just received tlie largest assortment of STt'VKS ever brought to this market. l>oth for Coal and Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal anil Wood Parlor, Dining room Six-plate and Cylindered Stoves. Some of Rie celebrated Empress Cook Stoves, the best Coal Stove ever manufactured, all of which williie sold cheaper than at any other establishment in litis country. A large quantity of Tin Ware, Stove Pi|K>, Elbows, Coal Hods, Coal Shovels ami Coal Sifters, always on hand, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. All kiuds o| castings and machine work done to order on short notice.' Particular attention paid to Rooting, Eve Troughs. Con ductors, Gutters and all kinds of Jobbing done and wan ranted to give satisfaction. • 1 1 Ail kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stoves 011 hand, which will lie sold very cheap. Please give 11s a call. Towauda Nov. 1. ls.">:i. JOHN CARMAN. \ EL WANTING FARMS IN A DK- U x lightliil climate, rich soil, and secure from See advertisement oi HainuicuVon J-unih in auotbui coluuia.