A SOUTHERN BULLY COWED ! Pryor don't Like Bowie Knives! In tlie Honsc the day after the LOVEJOY'S terrible phillipic against Slavery and the consequent scene of excitement, PRYOR, of Virginia, rose to a personal explanation in which he said that POTTER, of Wisconsin, had altered the report of the proceedings by inter polating t xpressions not U3ED. POTTER, how ever, claimed that he said the words published, and declared his readiness to stand by thera, when PRYOR closed the colloquy by an intima tion that POTTER'S courage would probably be tested. The sequel is narrated in the follow ing account, the correctness of which has been verified by the publication of the correspond ence : Special Di.-iMt.il to the New York Time?. WASHINGTON, Friday, April 13. "Regarding the all-exciting diffeulty between Messrs. PRYOR atul POTTER, I have received details which may be relied on as entirely correct. Mr. Pryor's first note was handed to Mr. Potter by Mr. Hinc'man, in the pres ence of' Mr. Case, of Indiana. Mr. Potter folded the note, and after the vote on the question pending, left the Hall. Meeting his wife, he requested her to return home, as he would dine out. She remarked that she nn derstood him, and entering her carriage drove off. lie took another and proceeded to the room of the lion. Mr. \\ ashburn. This was about 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. He did not see his wife again until this afternoon, but diil not leave the District. Mr. Iliudmau having to leave for Arkansas on account of sickness in his family, Messrs. Keitt and Miles were called in as Mr. Pryor's advisers.— .Messrs. Crow, C. C. Washburn, Israel Wash born, and Hickman, and Senators Chandler and Wade were Mr. Potter's advisers. Col. F. W. Lander was agreed on as Mr. Potter's friend; Mr. Chisman as Mr. Pryor's. Potter reduced his advisers to Senator Wade and Hon. C. C. Washburn, and then referred Mt. Chisman to Cel. Lander. The litter informed Mr. Chisman that he had ver bal instructions to say in reply to Mr. Pryor's note that Mr. Potter declined leaving the Dis trict, as the Constitution of Wisconsin visited I him with the penalties of the anti-duelling ; law wherever he might go, and it was but fair Mr. Pryor should encounter the same, accord ing to the law of this District. Mr. Chisman inquired if Mr. Potter woold accept a chal lenge in the District, which was promptly an swered in the affirmative, and the challenge was promptly delivered, demanding the sat : sfac- 1 tion nsnal among gentlemen. Mr. 15 F. Beale being chosen by Mr. Lander as his associate in the matter, visited Mr. Potter to learn his wishes and receive instructions. Mr. Potter replied in writing to Col. Lander, throngh Mr. Beale, that he did not acknowledge the | code, and considered it barbarous and inliu- 1 man, but inasmuch us his life was sought and a the liberty of speech was involved, he was willing to risk his person in order to prevent a bloody affray upon the floor of the House, which otherwise seemed inevitable. Hischoice <;f weapons would be bowie-knives, leaving other matters to his friends. Mr. Chisman returning for a reply to Mr. Pryor's note, re ceived a note from Col. Laifder, stating that they would meet them with bowie-knives of equal size and weight and length of blade, cither ia a room cr in the open air, all parties to be excluded except two seconds on each side : the seconds to be armed each with one navy revolver ; the distance between princi pals four feet, and th" word to be given by the second winning it on top of a piece of money, and the light to take place at some time witluu twelve hours. The challenge was received at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the reply was delivered to Chismau at 8 o'clock last night. After advising with Sen ator llunter and other friends of Mr. Prvor, the latter having in the meantime taken post j • in Alexandria, rcpl'ed that the terms proposed : were inaumissable and unusual, and he ac-1 knowledged no such mode of settling ditlicul t:es between gentlemen, as they were vulgar, barbarous and inhuman, and suggested that j Mr. Lauder's principal should offer other; terms. Mr. Lauder rejoined that.the.instruc-1 tions from Mr. l'otter had been followed, but that Mr. Chisman's letter conveyed reflections upon his principal, who had distinctly announ ced that he did not recognize the code, but who had not placed himself behind the last resort of the HOII duellist, viz : A simple de f. n • if attacked on the streets, and reiterat ed che terms of the meeting. Mr. Chisman again replied, that inasmuch as he liod acknowledged that Mr. Potter would uot defend himself upon the street, and their terms were sncli as could not be rccepted, they thanked him and Mr. Beale for their courtesy iu the affair, and dropped the cor respondence. Mr. Lander, however, answer ed that his statement had been misconstrued, and that Mr. Potter would defend himself everywhere ; ami further, that inasmuch as the terms proposed had been stigmatized as barbarous, vulgar, and inhuman, thereby re llecling upon himself and his principal, with out consulting and without the knowledge of .Mr. l'otter, lie placed himself iu Mr. Potter's position, and having 110 scruples in regard to the code, would meet them on their own term.-. Tii is was about 3 o'clock this morning, At 7, a reply was sent to Col. Lander that Mr. Pry or had no quarrel with him, and that they intended no reflection by the terms of their note, and therefore declined the offer of Col. Lander. It uiost be borne iu mind that this correspondence was carried on without any direct knowledge on the part of the prin cipals. Copies of the letters have since been placed iu their hands, and soine apprehensions arc s.ill felt as to the course they may pursue. The whole affair has thus far been con ducted with the greatest prudence and secre cy, and the above is as reliable as any infor mation can be outside of a publication of the correspondence itself. Mr. Potter is warmly congratulated by his fricuds, while Mr. Pryor, who has just return ed to the city, is still in consultation with his. Later accounts state that Mr. POTTER had been arrested and placed under SSOOO bonds to keep the peace, kc., aud that PRYOR was also under arrest, and will be required to give bail. Doth parties had appeared in the House, and the matter may be regarded as settled.— The friends of POTTER are showing that by the coik, and numerous precedents that the bo wie-kuife is a recognized weapon of duellists, and that Mr. PRYOR and his friends, have ihovvu the white feather. §rabfarirJUporta. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA: Thursday Morning, April 19, 1860. TERMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Four ireeks precious to tlie expiration of a subscription, notice will be given try a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. CLUBBING — The Repot ter will be sent to Clubs at the fol towing extremely low rates : C copies for $5 00 jls copses for... .112 00 10 copies for 8 00 1 20 copies for 16 00 ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines or less, One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books Blanks, Hand bills, Bali tickets, 4*c. The office of the REPORTER lias been removed to the wooden building two doors west of the former location. KANSAS THROUGH THE HOUSE.' The bill for the immediate admission of Kansas as a State, passed the House on Wed nesday, by the very decisive vote of 134 ayes to 73 nays, after the rejection of Mr. May nard's motion to re-eommit to the Committee on Territories. The bill declares that the State of Kansas shall be admitted into the i Uuion under the Wyandotte Constitution, ou an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever. The boundaries of Mis souri where the 37th parallel of north lati tude crosses the same ; thence west o said parallel to the 25th meridian of longitude west of Washington ; thence north on that meridian to the 40th parallel of latitude ; thencfe east ori said parallel to the western boundary of Missouri ; thence south with the western boundary of that State, to the place of beginning. Provided nothing contained ip this Constitution of Kansas shall be construed to impair the rights of persons or property now pertaining to the Indians in the territory according to existing treaties ; nor shall their territory be included within that State, uutil said tribe shall signify their as sent thereto. Until the next general appor tionment Kansas shall be entitled to one mem ber in the House of Representatives. The re mainder of the bill contains the usnal land provisions and conditions. The bill will undoubtedly meet with consid erable opposition in the Senate, but we have confidence that it will pass that body snbstan tially as it came from the House. The presidential election of next November offers uo consideration that can load the De mocracy to oppose a new State out of Kansas. The single vote she will possess is immaterial to either side, so far as success is concerned, i There is no division of the other States, at all possible, that can make the issue dependent upon the one vote of Kansas. The creation of that new vote, therefore, for the Republi can party, though an unpalatable service, is hardly one that the Democracy will refuse to perform, in the face of all the opposite consid erations that urge it. To furnish their oppo nents in the campaign of this year, a ground for oue of the most powerful and effective ap peals to the people against them, that could be brought into the canvass, by again reject ing the claim of Kansas to a place iu the na tion, would be an act of folly that wc cannot anticipate from them. The vote in the House on Wednesday indi cates the view prevalent amoug the Democratic members of Congress. The bill was carried by a majority of sixty-one, and only three northern Democrats are recorded agaiust it.—- These were ENGLISH, SCOTT and SICKLES. It seems to us most probable that the opinion of policy is much the same among the Democrat ic Senators as among the Representatives, and wc shall louk for the passage of the bill thro' that body. THE LEMON CASE. —The Court of Appeals of New York has adjourned. Among'its most important decisions,wasjone affirming the judg ment of the Supreme Court in the Lemon case. Thus is settled .the principle, in the highest Court, that Slaves con Dot, under our laws, if brought to that State by their masters to be held in servitude. The decision is one of principle merely, uo individual rights or in terests being involved inasmuch as Mr. LF.MON was settled with years ago, being more than amply repaid the value of his lost chatties by a subscription taken up iu New York. The State of Virginia, however, insisted on contin uing the litigation, in order to establish that her citizens may take and hold their Slaves where they please. Thus far she has been un successful, three adverse decisions having been given in succession. She now threatens to carry it to the Supreme Court of the United States. THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION meets at Charleston on Monday next. The iutlux of Delegates into Washington is per ceptible by the increased confidence felt by Douglas' friends. The result at Charleston, is a subject of much speculation, just now. The Tribune is confident of Douglas' nomination, which can only be accomplished by the consent of the South. That the Southern leaders of the Democratic party have made np their minds to take him, we do not yet believe. igy Congress will not vote a recess for the Charleston Convention, but pairing off will so thin out both Houses that temporary adjourn ments must become necessary, as quorums can barely be maintained, and uo business will be transacted. LOCAL AND GENERAL REPUBLICAN CLUB XO. 2. —The Republicans of Columbia, met at Austioville, on Friday evening, the 14th inst., and organized a Republican Club, #Hh the following list of officers and committees : President D. LILLET. Vice Presidents— C'lutrles 11. Ballard, John Morgan, Ksq. Secretary —S. B. Blood. Treasurer— E. Haven. Corresponding Committee Juhu H. Calkin, William J Young, Franklin W. Keye's. Executive Committee— James C. M'Kcan, Esq., Alvali M. Cornell, Ceo. Furnian, Selim Haven, N. E. Calkin, Nathaniel Morgan. The Republicans of Burlington Township seem to have the honor of forming the first Club iu the county ; hut our had luck alone entitles tliem to it. A number of our Republicans met two weeks earlier for the purpose of ef fecting an organization, but in consequence of some fail ure in the notice, the final organization was postponed to the 14th inst. We know that the Republicans of Burling ton are hard to beat, but we do not intend to conic out second best on election days. Of this wc give them tair warning. >llow me to add, Mr. Editor, that 1 hope every town ship in the county will immediately follow the example of Rurlington and Colum 1 ia. Rofore the nomination of a candidate for President at Chicago, a Republican Club should be found in every election district, and immedi ately u|H>n the announcement of that nomination, every Club should meet for the purpose ot ratifying it, and re solve to work for the cause and the candidates, lroni that day to the poll closing iu November. So thinks Yours truly, D. LILLEY. Columbia, April 15, I^6o. REMARKS —And so think we. A Republican Club in every township should be orgauized and ready to go to work immediately after the nomination at Chicago. The experience of 1856, was. that the townships relying most upon their own exertions, affected the most for the Re publican cause.* We again earnestly call the attention of our friends to the subject. And we shall be glad to re* ceive and publish the proceedings of such meetings. The members of Franklin Fire Compa ny, No. 1. will meet at the Engine House next Saturday, (April 21) at 4 o'clock, P. M., for parade and exercise, with the Engine. A full atteudance is desired. J. W. MIX, Secretary. ©2fTlic Ilradford County Medical Society will meet at the Odd Fellows Ilall, in the Borough of Towanda, on Wednesday, May oth, ISGO, at 104 o'clock, A. M. Subject for discussion," The Pathology and Treat ment of Rheumatism." E. H. MASON, Secretary. G®- CHAKI.ES M. MAXVILLE lectured by in vitation of the Sons of Temperance, at the Baptist Church on Friday evening last. I-ong a worker in the vineyard of Temperance reform, a wide experience and large ob servation, qualitied liiin to aim some powerful blows at the terrible evil now casting its dark shadows over the land. An appreciative audience testified their satisfac tion in the liveliest manner, and seemed to go away de lighted. fiiay A supplement to the act for the assess ment auk recover}' of damages on tlic line of the North Branch Canal passed the Legislature last winter, which extends the time for filing claims to the first of June next and also extends the time (or the Commissioners to cum ple their work for an additional period of six months. NOTICE —The Ministerial and Layman's As sociation of Troy District, will meet at the M. E. Church in this place, on Tuesday the 24th inst., at 2 o'clock. P. M. Rev. I). E. CLAIW, of Troy, will preach in the even ing at "i o'clock. The public generally are cordially in vited to attend at the meeting of ihe Association. Towauda, April IG, lt>Go. S. NICHOLS. "S," is informed that we respectfully decline publishing the poetry sent us. It contains some faults which the author could not tail to seeoua careful perusal. —♦ - CHILD FOUND. — On Thursday morning, April 5, Mr. CHARLES M. HOWARD, of Franklin, Su-wjuehanna county, found iu his barn a bundle, which on examina tion disclosed an infant about a week or two old. Fresh tracks were discovered leading to the barn, atxl as it had recently rained, there was no difficulty in tracing them. The tracks appeared rather small for a man and large for a woman. It was found that the person had come from towards Montrose, and after turning half a mile out of the way to leave the child, had passed on down Snake Creek, towards New York State. Mr. Howard gave no tice of the iraif to the township authorities, and efforts were made to discover the depositor, but so far as we have heard without success. THE FARMER AND GARDENER, published by A. M. SFAXGLER, Esq,, No. 19 North Sixth street, Phila delphia, has reached its eighth number, and like wine, improves with age. We have no hesitation in pronounc ing it the neatest Agricultural periodical in the country. We can assure onr readers of this much, that Mr. Span gler knows all about such matters and by following his lead they will not go astray. This publication is so cheap that if our farmers were acquainted with its character, there is none so poor, but what would have a copy of it, One dollar per annum, published monthly. fag" The editor of the Tunkhanuock Re publican has been shown, while at Mr. BROWN'S in Tunk hannock, last week, a pair of Steel-yards said to have been brought over in the May Flower. They were large and would weigh correctly any weight from one to three hundred, and were similar to those of modern make, varying in their ancient appearance and genuine material. SUDDEN DEATH.—ARNER C. HINMAN, an aged and respected citizen of Wysox, died suddenly, on Friday afternoon last. He was at the house of a neighbor, and apparently in the enjoyment of good health, when he was stricken down by disease of the heart. Mr. H. was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and noted for his zealous advocacy of anti-Slavery principles and temper ance reform. BtaU The ludian Doctor advertises that be wdlbeatthe Ward Honse, next week, with N tine's remedies for disease, when an opportunity will be afford ed of consulting him. The N. Y. Tablet says that no one •' merits higher praise or more grateful remembrance from every sou of toil than the Hon. Mr. Grow of Penn sylvania. He has been the unflinching and untiring ad vocate of the poor man against the land monopolist. He has ever been ready with an amendment or a bill to effect his object." &ST" B. S. RUSSELL k Co., it will be seen by a card iu to-day's paper, hive opened a new Banking Honse in this place. jfcafTbe barn of J. P. HORTON, in Wilraot township, was destroyed by fire on Friday night last, to gether with six head of fat cattle, a span of horses, Ac Loss, about SI,OOO. The fire was the work of an incen diary. J©- A private letter from Cassius M. Clay, dated the 10th of April, says : " Our trou bles with the November Committee are, I trust, ended forever. We are left to the eu joymcnt of our constitutional rights, and to press on that divine revolution which will for ever make them unnecessary." rratiClfnfl .JWcmorairtiums. LAWRENCE, K. T. Mutch 25,1860. History occosionally gives us some funny specimens of the legislative talent of our great men. It is said that the law-making power of Pennsylvania, in 1874, passed the following resolution, " That no member of the legisla ture will be allowed to come into the house barefooted or eat his bread and cheese on the steps." Who ever reads the history of Kan sas, twenty years from now, will undoubtedly laugh at some of the strange freaks of our Territorial Fathers. Last winter a bill pass cd both branches of the legislature to the ef fect, that, owing to the want of suitable ac commodations for the members at Lecompton, that body remove its session to this place (Lawrence), This act called forth a veto from our Very Democratic Governor, SAMCEI. MEDA RY, who returned the bill with the idea, no doubt, of having witnessed its annihilation.— Some member, however, called it up again and it was passed over the veto by a two third vote. The Governor and his party pre tended to question the constitutionality of the act, whereupon the majority of the two houses removed to this place leaving the minority in session at Lecompton. Lecompton is the capitol of the Territory where the legislature will meet, except when they adjourn to Lawrence, until Kansas be comes a state ; that body will then hold its sessions at Topeka, the city designated as the State Capitol. The very atmosphere of Lecompton is taint ed with the rufliian democracy. It was, durintr the Kansas troubles, the general rendezvous of banditti hordes. It is located upon the Kansas river, eight miles above this place, and contains only a few rough looking dwellings— several liquor shops and a pro-slavery newspa per. These being the sole accommodations for members of the legislature, it is no wonder that they wanted to " pack up " and leave. There seems to be trouble iu the democrat ic family,—one portion of it cannot sympa thise with the sentiments of the other ; for in stance Hon. S. A. DOUGLAS holds that Terri torial Legislatures can, constitutionally, pass laws excluding slavery, whereas the President and his admirers say that neither Congress nor the Legislature of the Territories have the power to do it. The following is a report of what Senator DOUGLAS said in Congress, not long since : " When the question came up he would show that the very night the Kansas and Nebraska bill passed, he said the sole ob stacle to the repeal of the Missouri restriction was that the people of the Territory might ex clude slavery there. No man who heard him then could have the excuse for not knowing that he held the Territorial Legislature could do it.'' The Buchanan faction are or pretend to be hostile to these sentiments. A demo cratic convention, of the Buchanan stamp, held at Fraukport, Kentucky, after passing a minority report amended by additional and more ultra demands for a slave code, openly and unanimously denounced Douglas and his political friends. The Illinois Democratic State Convention, held at Springfield, passed resolutions stating the true doctrine of the democratic party to be that neither Congress nor the Territorial legislature has the power to exclude slavery from any Territory of the United Stotes, but that the people thereof, when they fonn a State government have the right to permit or exclude slavery, as they choose, —declaring that the principles of squat ter sovereignty is calculated to promote dis cord, disunion, treason and murder, us is prac tically illustrated iu the Harper's Ferry affair, and expressing full confidence in the national administration, including its policy upon the slavery question." Douglas is thus discarded by his democratic brethren in Illinois, the state he now represents in the Senate. The following extract, however, from a late paper, if true, exhibits a meanness of char acter on the part of James Buchanan, rare ly if ever before witnessed in a President, of the Uuited States. A Washington corn s pondent of the -Vctr York Express says " that to gratify his personal malignity agaiust Sena tor Douglas, the Fresideut of the Uuited States, has descended so far as to go to the ladies of members of his Cabinet and ask of them to cat Mrs. Douglas, avid put her under their social ban.'' Can these domestic broils be sufficiently quelled to euab'e the par'y, as a unit, to support a candidate for the Presi dency ? Wc shall see. It is amusing to read the " ravings'' of the Southern press now-a-days, especially those emenating from Richmond. The Enquirer of that city, Richmond, says : " The election of a Black Republican advocate of the " irrepres sible couflict" will be the withdrawal of the states supporting such election, from the Union. Such an act would be a dissolution of the Union as formed .by our fore fathers." The most sensible political article we have seen from Southern pens, is taken from the Confederacy, a paper published at Atlanta, Ga. The writer among other things says that Hon. W. 11. SEWARD possesses honesty of pur pose and the highest order of talent. He closes his communication with the following appeal to both North and South. " Let the North stand up to her great representatire. Meet in sectional convention at Chicago and nominate Wra. H. Seward for the Presidency. Let your great statesman be brought forth.— Let the South meet in convention and nomi nate her candidate for the Presidency. Let him be to the " manor-born," a statesman, true and tried. Let hira be every inch a southern man. Let the trumpet sound the charge.— Let the Constitution be our watchword. Let us meet our enemies at Phillippi. Let us con quer or die." Amen to that sentiment. We at the North are ready to meet the issue. (J. W. Brown of this place has discontinued the publication of the Herald of Freedom.— The Herald, we believe, was the first paper published in Kansa3 Territory. The first number of it was printed at Coneautville,Craw ford County, Pa. It bailed from Lawrence, and was circulated soon after the date of the first settlement of this place. Upon the arri val of Brown's press a canvass tent was erect ed for its accommodation which was used as an office until a more aristocratic building could be procured. For several years the Herald was regarded as a Free State Journal, and being well conducted its circulation in creased to nearly eight thousand ; it then found its way into every Free State, and its weekly visits were hailed with ecstacy by its nnmerous and attentive readers. At the sack of Lawrence the press was partially destroyed by the enraged Missourians who openly de nounced the principles it then advocated. G. W. Brown began cautiously to depart from the Republican faith. Ilis Republican friends then forsook him and he worked into the open urms of the National Democracy, who now regard him as their property. Good night. KISHMF.W.tH, THE LATE FRESHETS. —Our exchanges from the West are filled with accounts of damages done by the late flood, which appears to have exceeded any experienced in the Ohio Valley for several years. The Monongahela reached, on Wednesday, a stage nearly as high as at the greut freshet in 1852. After the rise had stopped for some time, it again commenced, and at latest accounts the river was swelling at the rate of four or five inches an hour, while the rain stiii continued. A Pittsburg paper estimates the destruction of property, in the single article of boats, at $16,000. The people of the lower part of the Alleghany valley suffered still more scvererely. Most of the city of that name was under water. Fami lies were driven from their dwellings in hot haste, or compelled to take refuge in the upper stories. Whole streets were flooded, to the depth of several feet in some instances, and that part of the city bordering on the river completely deluged. The destruction of prop erty in lumber, household goods, Ac., was im mense, and can only be ascertained after the flood subsides. On the tributary creeks num erous buildings, feures, hay-stacks, and the like were swept off, and grain fields destroyed. The railroads also suffered severely from land slides and washing away of their tracks, caus : ing a stoppage of the trains iu several in stances. IN* CONGRESS.— It is now pretty well ascer tained that the Homestead Hill will be vigor ously opposed in the Senate, by leading Dem ocrats thereof. Messrs. MASON, IIIXTF.R, and others, declare that the bill proposes the in crease of Free States, and that the Slave ' States will not have a ghost of a chance un ' der its operation. Those gentlemen are part ly right. Slavery can only flourish where the wealthy few have a monopoly of the soil.— ! The Homestead Hill proposes to limit dona | tions to IfiO acres to each person entitled to pre empt. Slave labor cannot thrive on small farms, and therefore it is not at all strange that the Democracy desire the defeat of the Homestead Bill. Will the people bear these facts in mind ? 65f*Thc fast line, known as the Pony Ex press, connecting the further extremities of the telegraphic wires of the Atlantic and Pacific systems, has brought news from California in the unprecedented time of eleven days. But fur a failure of the line in Missouri, the feat would have been accomplished in ten. We thus have information of the arrival of the United States steam frigate Powhatan at San Erancbco, bringing the Japanese embassy, consisting of four persons, two of the higher order of Japanese nobility, with companions of an infirior grade. The party stopped at Honolulu by the way, where they were re ceived with proper respect and attention. At San Francisco every token of honor was paid to the Legation A public reception, at which the dignitaries of the State, officers naval and military, the foreign Consuls, and prominent citizens assisted, was given 011 the 2d inst., and all efforts were made to gratify the curi ous strangers. The Powhatan was to leave in a few days for the Isthmus, where the Em bassy was to be transferred to the Roanoke, now awaiting it at Aspinwall. The time the party is to spend on the Atlantic side is limit ed to one month. The San Francisco news is otherwise uuimportant. The determination appears to be to retain the State capitol at Sacramento, as a large appropriation had just been made to erect buildings. The Bulkhead bill was under discussion iu the Legislature, with great exeitemeut attending the contest. The Legislature is to adjourn ou the 24th iust. From tlie Carson Valley region the mining account* lose none of their splendor. The Spanish Claims, as the leads first opened are styled, are yielding $20,000 a day ; •while numberless other discoveries promise yet great er richness. ESCAPE OF TWO PRISONERS.— Monday morn ing, two prisoners in the Bucks County jail es caped. They dug through a wall eighteen inches, and a stone wall two feet thick, when they knocked down the jailer, siole his keys and escaped. One was a burglar, under ten years imprisonment, and the other a horse thief. A heavy reward is offered for their arrest. sa&ißaaasa v By Rev. R. Van Valkenbcrg, in West Franklin, t the house of the bride. Mr. BYRON K. BENEDICT, of Wysox, to Miss IIATTIE A, SMILEY", all of Bradford County, l'a. May suns to come, as round they wheel, Their golden moments bless, With all a tender heart can feel, Or lively fancy guess. DIED, In Towanda township, April 4th, EDWARD THOMAS, son of llirain C.aud Elizabeth Fox, aged one year, six months aud seven days. " And Jesus said, Suffer little children to come nnlo me, and turbid them not, lor of such is the kingdom of God.'' * WM. A. ROCKWELL Is jnst receiving a splendid assortment of A* No. 1, PATTOW g BLOCS Corner of Main and Bridge utg. For farther particulars, see Reporter next week Towanda. April 16. IS6O. mm Msilpiliassi, THE undersigned have opened an office in the hnildlnr owned hy Burton Kingsburv. for the transaction ,5 a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Tbey will receive money on deposit, and allow Intern* on,the same, according to the length of time it remain, in their hands. They will also receive money on deposit, payable on th* depositor's check. on demand. They will furnish drafts on the East, in sums to suit purchasers, at the current rates of Exchange. They wUI collect notes and drafts payable at any placa in the Union accessible to a Bank or Banker. Persons desiring to remit money to their friends in the Old Country can be furnished with drafts to any amount from XI sterling, upwards. From their long experience, and.the facilities which they possess, they hope to receive a share ol the busiue,, appertaining to such an Office. They refer by permission to the following : The American Exchange Bank, AVtt York ; Messrs. E. W. Clark & C 0,.) , , ~ " C. Emory A Co., f / John A root , Etmira. O. M. Hollenlstck, Esu., ) „ Hon. J. N. Oonyngham, f " dku Barrt. Messrs. J. M'Cormtck, ) " R. J. Ross, - Hirritburs. . " William Bneliler, ) B. S. RUSSELL A CO. Towanda, April 17.1*60. DRESS BZASZXVO! IT IIK undersigned would respectfully inform . the Indies of Towanda and vicinity, that they are now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS MA KINO in the latest and most fashionable style, and cheaper than at any other establishment in the f'ounty. **■ Rooms one door I*low Beidleman's block, at the residence of A .J. Noble. MRS. A. J. NOBI.E April 16, 1 HOI). MISS J. H. HALE. New Arrival of Boots & Shoes N E L N ' s . f /olios" celebrated serge 1/mg GAITERS, at NELSON'S. I .adit-.' serge bottomed GAITERS, at NELSON'S.' Indies' French kid heeled SLIPPERS, at NELSON'S. Ladie-' kid and morocco BOOTS, (his own make and warranted not to rip) at NELSON'S. Misses' serge Congress G A ITERS, at NEICON'S. Misses' ki call and examine ami ynlge for yourselves. You will find a grod assortment of MEN'S BLACK DRESS COATS, MF.N'rt BLACK FROCK COATS. MEN'S FANCY CASS I MERE COATS. MEN'S LATEST STYLE OF RAGLANS, MEN'S LIGHT CLOTHS FOR SUMMER WEAR. MEN S SH.K MIXED COATS, VESTS AND I'ANTS, CLOTHING MADE To ORDER. TRIMMINGS SOLD AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. KREBE'S BEST BLACK SIi.K HAT. HATS AND CAPS OF THE LATEST STYLE LINEN SHIRTS COLLARS. GLOVES, HOSIERY, CRAVATS, STOCKS, Ac. Ar. jyTh'W wanting CLOTHING, please glre us a call, ami we will endeavor to please you. TOW.HHU, April 17, IMk WANTED. —Five hundred men as Agents to travel in either of the States of New York, Ohio, Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, Con necticut and Rhode 1-dand. A man of good character and ordinary business talent, with a cash capital of s?ort, can find constant employment, with plensure and profit, aud the man of enersy, perseverance and economy may secure a fortune, as the agency may continue from three months to 2.1 years. Agents wishing to trare! in the state of New York can lie immediately employed, and in Ohio the first of June nest. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber, at Towanda, l'a. April 10, I*6o. A. WICKHAM. V"OTICE.—The subscribers offer to sell the copy right to B GLIHDEN'S FORM DOCKET for Magistrates, ( Aldermen and Justices,) for any of the States of'the Uuion, except l'enniylvania and Ohio, at prices ranging from SIOO to slooo.according to situation, size and population. Great inducements are offered pur chasers, as the copy right does not expire until A.D.lB*". B. ULIDDEN. Friendsville. April DC Dsn. A. WICKHAM. Towanda. SALES. —By virtue of writs LA of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and delivered, will lie exposed to public sale nt the Court House in the Borough of Towanda. on FRIDAY, MAY 11,1869, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following lot of land situate in Rome tp., bounded north by land of Joseph Bennett, and Rockefellow. east by land of E. C. Boardman aud James Giltert, south by lands of Daniel Russell and Nathan I), llill. west by lands churned by wife of defendant, Thomas E. Hill. Containing seventy-five acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres improved, one framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. AI .SO -The defendant, Thomas F. Hill's interest in all that certain tract, lot, piece or parcel of land si'nate in Rome tp., bounded north by land of Joseph Seely, east by land of Thomas F. Hill, the defendant, south by land of Nathan D. Ilill, west by land of John Passmore. Con taining fifty-six acres, more or less, about thirty acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn, anil a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. H. P. Kinney and Ralph Gore vs. Thomas F. Hill. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in North Towanda tp., bounded north hy land of Stephen A. Mifls and William ETwell, east by Sugar Crock south by land of David Rutty, west by land of Silas Mills. Containing one hundred ami fifty acres. more or less, about ninety acres improved, with one framed dwel ling house, a framed barn, a citler mill, a work shop, a blacksmith shop, a corn house, and an apple orchard thereon. Seined and taken in execution at the suit of O. P. Bart lett vs. Ezra liuttv. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff Sheriff"s Office, Towanda, April 16, iB6O. OHPUANS' COURT BALE—By virtue of an order of the' Orphans' Court of Bradford Co., wiU be exposed to pubfic sale at the TROY HOUSE, in Tmy Boroneh. at 3 o'clock, P. M., of FRIDAY, MAY 11. I UWO, a tract of laud in Troy township, the estate of Hub bard J. Williams, a minor child of Johnson Wffliams Id. late of said township, deceased, bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake ra line of lands of S. W. Payne, and corner of lands of John Smith ; thence north alms' the line of S. W. Payne eleven rods or thereabouts to * stake Rnd stones ; thence south by other lands of Hub bard J. Williams one hundred and eight jierches to a stake and stones standing in the north fine of the Hubbard lot; thence east hy the same eleven perches to the west line Of J. M. Smith ; thence by the same north one hundred and eight perches to the place of beginning. Containing about six acres, be the same more or less, .ill improved- Terms made known ou the da y of salb. J. F. HOPKINS. A pnl 13,1300. GtuudiaiN