iWsrrnancous. SHE FRIEND OF WOMAM. E. Clark's Revolving Looper DOUBLE THREADED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE The Revolving Looper" is a late improvement on Ray mond's Latest Improved.) Warranted'the best in the world for Family Use ! Price Within the Reach of Every Family. PRICE $35.i Hemmer, Feller, Binder & Tucking guagc, combined.. $5. THE reputation of this Machine is now fully establish ed as the most reliable Machine in the market for family use, and has been attested too by thousands of the most respectable families in the Union. This Machine makes the celebrated " Double I/fk Stitch,'' the only one made by machinery that meets all the requirements of Family Sewing. Each stitch is tied twice, so that every one is securely fastened and wholly independent of all the other stitches for strength, so that if the seam is cut or every fourth stitch broken, the sew ing must hold good while the fabric will wear. The machinery which makes this stitch is a marvel of sim plicity, requiring no mechanical skill to manage it, nor does it require adjustment more than the mere change of thread and needles to adopt it. to the character of the work to be sewed—coarse or fine as the case may be. It will sew gauze laces, and all varieties and kinds of fab rics between and including heavy beaver cloth, without changing either needles or thread equally well, and re turn to either variety of work with perfect satisfaction. No other Machine ever offered to the public will do as much. A perfect Sewing Machine, one making a stitch an swering all the requirements of the family, sewing coarse and fine work equally well, was the great desideratum of the home circle, previous to the invention of EDWIN CLARK'S REVOLVING LOOPER. The stitch is beautiful, trong, and elastic, and will not rip in wear or in acci dental breaking a thread. Every Machine Is warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. We have a large list of references bpt will give the names of only a few : MONROETON, Pa., Feb. 27, 15G0. Mr. B. F. SHAW—Sir : I have used for the last three months in my Tailor-Shop, one of " Raymond's Latest Improved Sewing Machines," and I do think it the best in nsc for tailoring purposes, and would not do without it for One Hundred Dollars if I could not get another of the kind for less money. ANTHONY MCLLON- Mrs. Wm. El well, Towanda, Pa. Miss Harriet Alloway, North Towanda. Miss Minerva Vosburg, (tailoress) Burlington. Pa. Mrs. Blizabeth Smith, Asylum, Pa, Mrs. J. W. Alexander. Troy, Pa. Mrs. E. P. Shaw, Shesiiequin, Pa. Rev. N. A. DePew, Penfield, X. Y. Calvin Carpenter, Esq.,Elmira, N. Y. Mr. E. A. Scott, Klmira, N. Y. Mr. M. Richardson, Elmira, N". Y. Mrs, J. H. Webb, Towauda, Pa. Sirs. J. H. Nevins, Towauda, Pa. Mr. G. H. Bunting, (tailor) Towanda, Pa. Mrs. G. W. Vincent. Sheshequin, Pa. Air. A. Mullsn, (tailor) Monroeton, Pa. Mr. Percival Powell, (tailor) Shesheqain, Pa. Mrs. Owen Spalding, Waverly, N. Y. Dr. G. 11. Morgan, Wysox, Pa. All orders by mail or Express will receive prompt at tention. Persons not having the full amount can be ac commodated with short credit. A liberal discount given to Agents. Address March 5,4.-v6O. B. F. SH AW. Towanda, Pa. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, LOCATED OVER THE SI SQCEHANNA VALLEY BANK. SXXGHAMTON, N. Y Rooms open for luslrqction, Trcm 9 A. M. to 9$ P. 31. FACULtr, D. W. LOWELL. P.-incipal. Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treati e upon Book-Keepiug, Diagrams illustrating the same, Ac. JOHN RANKIN, Commercial Accoutant, Professor of Kook-Ki-ening and Practical Mathematics. A. J. WARNEK. Professor of Practical and Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Correspon dence. LECTURERS. Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, Lecturer on Commercial F.aw and Political Economy. Hon. RANSOM BALCOM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom issory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. Hon. SHERMAN D. PHELPS, WILLIAM R. OSBI RN Esq., TRACY K. MORGAN, Esq. The object of this College is to afford to all an oppor tunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. The Books and forms are carefully arranged by practi cal accountants expressly for this Institution, and em brace all the recent improvements. The course of Instruction comprises every department of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science aud practice of Double Entry Book-Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz :—General Merchandizing. Manufacturing, Banking, Commission, Steamboat ing, Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, For eign Shipping, Ac. Ladies' Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. Students can enter College at any time and receive in dividual instruction. By tb's arrangement every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprize and ability will permit, and when thought perfect and com petent, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to rev ow at pleasure. Time i . mplete the coarse, from Six to Twelve Weeks. No vacations. Board $2 and $2,50 per week. Assistance rendered to Graduates in procuring situations. TEUMS: For Book-Keeping, full aecoutant's course, including Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations ana Diploma.—(Time unlimited) 93$ 00 Same course for Ladies, (separate apartment) 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic 10 00 Teacher's course in Penmanship, practical and or namental 30 00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship 2 00 OtT" Occasional classes will be formed in Phonography. For further particularr send for a circular. Binghamton. March 15, 18C0 ly4l. SELECT SCHOOL For Young Ladies. MISSES CHUBBUCK respectfully in form the public that the Spring term of their school •will commence on Monday, the 2uth day of March in the room formerly occupied by them. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them during the past yehr, Misses C. assure their patrons that no pains will be spared to merit a continnaiiceof thecon tidence of those wno may coidide pupils to their care. MISS FAX NY \j. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge of Music ; and a limited number of scholars only will be taken. TERMS. TER QT-AKTER OF 14 WEEXS. First C7as—To include the elementry English Branches f 4 00 Second Class —To include the more advanced English branches,with Mathematics and Latin J(1 00 Third Class—To include Mathematics, Moral and Mental Philosophy, lihetoric, Botany, 4c., with Latin $7 pp Music. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw ing $5, extra. Ea -b pupil will be expected to provide herself with a desk and chair. Ai'Any information in reference to this School may be obtaiueil by applying to 11. S. Mercur or E. T. Fox. December 1, 1859. NEW MARBLE FACTORY. GORDEN* S. TAYLOR, having opened a New Marble Factory in Towanda, opposite the Ward House, where he rull be prepared to furnish Monuments and Tombstone'F manufactured from the best of Rutland and Italian Marble, and wrought in such styles and designs as will suit every variety of taste. Mantle-Pieces and Table tops, Ac., made to order. Persons desiring to make se xctions, I would he happy to have them call at my shop rw 1 am confident I can suit them in style and quality, nig experienced workmen from Owego, who uii(U?r stand polishing, hewing and lettering in the very latest style. AH work neatly and well done. Orders solicited and promptly filled. __ Towanda. March 1, 1860. Ulster Brass & String Band. WM. DXTZ2LZCB, Leader. t0 Republic, in general, tint they are W * ■> Rwanda, • marWvtf. Ursal TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN BRADFORD COUNTY—In pursuance of Act of Assembly, passed the 13th day of March, 1815, and othef Acts of Assembly, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Commissioner's Office, in Towanda Borough, on the 2d MONDAY in JUNK, 1880, the tracts of un seated land described in the following list,unless the taxes npon the same are paid before that time. iarr t | Acres. Warrantee Names. ATHENS TOW.NSHIR. 1100 269 Carroll Charles, 8 4 81 ALBANY. 91 Anderson Joseph 987 107 Baron John Jr., 11 52 78 Castator Frederick 8 43 60 Morris Samuel 5 41 84 Peare Abel 907 93 Rush Moses 10 08 250$ Wagner Adam or Haines Retibcnjr.26 64 50 Bowen Timothy owner 5 41 CANTON. 75 Attis Frederick 427 75 Morgan John 4 27 408 Shanner Casper t'J 95 75 Skaffner Casper Jr., 4 27 75 Warner Washington 4 27 60 Brady William 4 27 FRANKLIN. 407J Adlum John 12C 42 407j Biddle Mark Jr. 126 42 25 Biddle Wm. M. 7 76 136 Baron John Jr.. 42 10 300 Biddle James 93 00 3134 Baron John Jr., 97 09 377 Biddle William 116 93 199 Barker William 61 70 113 Cunningham D. H. 35 04 397 Collins James 123 OS 37 Cooley Henry 10 61 335 Cox Jacob 110 16 362$ Currey Joanna 67 40 233 Dundas Thomas 72 24 400 Edge Samuel 124 00 171 Edge George 53 02 131 Fullerton Richard 24 37 214$ Grata William 66 59 275 Graff John 79 06 363 Gray den Andrew 112 54 404 Govitt William 125 24 200 Haga George 62 00 291 Hall William 90 22 400 Hardy James 124 00 385 Hiltzimer Robert 119 36 255 Hiltzimer Jacob 79 06 454 Hiltzimer Jacob 141 34 155 Hiltzimer Tliomas 48 06 400 Hardy Andrew 124 00 400 Hardy Simon 124 00 400 Hardy Nathan 124 00 400 Hardy Paul 124 00 400 Hardy James 124 00 150 Irwin George 46 50 405$ Levy Aarun 75 34 300 Ladley Andrew 74 40 400 Ladley Peter 99 20 400 Ladley Joseph 99 20 80 Norton William 9 88 160 Reed Collin son 49 60 275 Shoemaker James 85 26 404 Stuart Walter 100 19 400 Siddens Samuel 124 00 400 Siddens Joseph 124 00 325 Siddens James 100 76 175 Siddens Peter 54 26 250 Tyvout Andrew 77 50 40 Temple George 9 88 79 Wilson William 24 50 200 Wallace Samuel 62 00 240 Levy Aaron, 44 64 BEKRICK. 35 Rhincheart Georgo 00 CI LEROV. 129 Attis Frederick 10 88 4074 Antis Henry 34 27 132 Barker John 11 09 414 Biildle Wm.M. 34 79 285 Baron John Jr., 23 97 109 Baynton Peter 9 14 134 Riddle Clement 11 3C 427 Boyd John 35 95 179 Beck Henry 15 12 117 Biddle James 9 85 200 Baker William 1G 80 156 Chaphamson Samnel 13 21 200 Dundass Thomas 16 80 387 Dim glass Andrew 32 48 381 Graydon Andrew 32 10 34 ) Gratz Michael 29 41 221 Gratz Hyraan 18 55 111 Graff John 9 59 310 Geutleworth George 23 56 395 Gratz Barnard " ' 33 22 3so Gratz Simeon 32 04 40s Henry Joseph 34 27 453 Hall Charles 40 71 333 Hnnan Josiah 32 59 414 Lloyd Peter 33 89 3324 Morgan John 27 96 4074 Morgan Jacob 34 27 437 Pennington Benjamin 36 73 335 PattonJohn 23 17 222 Reed Collinson 18 66 435 Shoemaker James 36 63 363 Simmons Joseph 32 06 129 Singer John 10 87 425 Wilson William 35 77 437 Wistar William 36 73 181 Witzell John 15 19 MONROE. 400 Anderson Samnel 32 70 890 Anderson Joseph 25 29 43; Biggins Robert, years 1856-7-8-9, 63 43 322 Castator Frederick 26 32 172 Ellis Marry 14 05 97 Gray William 8 91 400 Hampton Robert 32 70 150 Hopkins Robert 12 27 200 North Samnel 16 35 400 Shotts Peter 32 70 4io Shotts Frederick 32 70 400 Shotts Gvorge 32 70 2 fc o Wallace Mary 23 04 lUO Woodruff llaunah 8 18 OVERTON. 174 Barnes James 13 3.5 121 Baker John 92s 343 Betz Henry 26 29 343 Betz John 26 29 343 Bet;: Joseph 26 29 341 Betz James 26 29 400 Bvson Henry 30 60 400 Barnes Patrick 30 60 375 Cooley Samuel 29 66 400 Castator Harmon 30 GO 400 Cooley Joshua 30 60 400 Castator Joseph 30 CO 430 Echart George 34 39 241 Erwin George * 18 46 343 Edge Peter 26 29 100 Ellis Marcy 7 65 172 Edge George 13 16 343 Fritz John 26 29 343 Fritz Samuel 26 29 50 Gentieworth George 3 85 400 Haga Peter 30 CO 400 Haga Nathan 30 60 400 Haga Samuel 30 60 20ft Haga Geor~e 15 30 467 Hiltzimer Robert 3.5 70 400 Hardy Samuel 30 60 37.5 Hardy James 29 66 225 Hardy Henry 16 73 .TM) Harris Ann 29 86 400 Hiliingsworth Stephen 30 GO 100 I.adley Andrew 7 65 375 Moore George 28 66 400 Moore Paul 30 CO 393 .Moore John 30 09 200 North Samuel 15 30 400 North Jonathan 30 60 2uo Palmer Thomfis 15 30 37.5 Seeley Jonathan 28 73 400 Seeley Peter 30 CO 400 Seeley Henry 30 60 400 Seeley Joseph 30 60 400 Siddens Andrew 30 60 400 Siddens George 30 CO 225 Siddens Peter 17 30 75 Siddens James 5 78 199 Tyvout Andrew 15 16 400 Temple George 30 60 400 Temple Samuel • 30 60 400 Temple Peter 30 60 400 White James 30 60 180 Woodruff Hannah 13 77 ROME. 28 Bentley Samuel 00 50 RIDCBIRV. 1.516 CO Carroll Charles 1 08 1507 63 Carroll Charles 1 15 1160 83 Welling Charles 1 49 SMITUFIELD. 189 116 King John 2 09 STRINOFIELD. 947 121 Miers A Fisher 2 19 SOVTH CREEK. 1380 94 Blackwell Robert 1 70 TUSCARORA 250 Heeler John A Co., owners, 4 41 150 Sbumway A Barrowcliff, owners, 271 56 Field Henry 1 01 50 Hngha Martha 0 91 35 Porter James 062 TERRT. 272 Baldwin James 17 56 237 Cortright Cornelias 15 SO 383 Cortright John 24 74 301 Davenport Cornelias 19 39 231 Davenport Daniel 15 23 110 Kidd John 7 *g xr num. " vl ** ltt Avery Christopher 67 Allen John S * arflal. 57 Fish Jabez 252 104 Hoilcnback M. 4 72 104 Holleuback Sally 4 72 266 Marsh Samuel 12 00 85 Sterling Samuel Jr., 3 82 387 Fish Thomas 15 33 210 Barrett Joel • 0 72 89 Hebard Hannah 4 02 397 Carver John 17 88 173 Sharp Delany 7 90 151 Donelson John 6 82 ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly, passed the 29th day of April, 1844 Section 41st, at the same time and place will be exposed at public sale, the tracts or parcels of lands or real estate designated iu the following list, unless the taxes due upon the same are paid before that time. s so |? a &§ H | p si ?.I'> %> £ ET3 5 = Ig" g3 § p-= rs O. g r>v J r-g =•?•? o ARMENIA. • 1857—Coe Edward, 40 40 40 28 —Mai lory Lawrence, 40 40 40 28 1858—Field Ahiron, 50 50 90 Manm William, 50 50 248 Meeker Aaron, Jr., 50 50 101 ASYLUM. 1857—Howard C. L., S4 4 80 170 1858—Barber Henry 25 25 31 ALBANY, 1857—Boyington O. O. 100 100 319 Murphy Stephen, Jr. 100 100 561 Nichols Edward, 100 100 484 Shipman & Harris, house & lot 23 00 1858—Boyington O.. 100 100 682 Briinmer John D. 150 150 11 43 Corson Ichobod, 119 119 629 Donohue Mrs. J. 50 50 342 Hancock G. W. 61 5 56 381 Murphey Stephens, Jr. 160 150 10 24 Miller Jacob, est. 100 8 92 478 Miller Daniel, 2d house & lot 1 63 Martin J. W. 200200 620 Watson Jarvis, 50 50 252 WileoxMary, 200200 660 ATHENS TW*P 1857—Kiff William, ' 12 10 10 360 ATHENS BORO'. 1858-Wilson James H. house A lot 2 43 Steam Mill Co. mill & lot 24 00 BURLINGTON Tr. 1857—Decker W. H. 100 100 30 70 335 Morton Lester, 60 69 50 9 340 1858—Beech Freeman 25 * 98 Decker W. H. 100 30 70 331 Harvey Samuel 67 30 37 233 Kingsley Chester 12 12 36 Roswell Wni. 25 25 25 75 Rice W. A. CO 64} 7} 57 182 BURLINGTON WEST, 1857—Dibble Melvin 100 100 10 90 345 Morley Henry 50 50 50 137 1858—Morley Henry, 50 50 89 COLUMBIA. 1855—Hibbard Sidney, 20 75 20 55 378 1 1857 do 20 20 20 144 CANTON, 1857—Rice Joel, 113 113 113 448 PL'KELL, 1857-McAffe Susan, 134 134 112 1858— do 134 134 96 FRANKLIN, 1855—Doud Thomas house A lot 20 LEROY, 185"—Park William 1} house A lot 2 31 Smith Erastus 50 50 5 45 47 Browuing (4. W. } house A lot 2 10 MONROE TW'F. ISs7—Corbit It. H. 300 300 300 C 99 Murphy Patrick 84 84 84 252 Ray John 27 27 15 12 116 Towanda Iron Co. 1100 1100 1100 37 95 W.ilkcr Elery, 50 50 5 45 128 1858—Corbit R. H. 300 300 300 525 Towanda Iron Co. 1100 1100 1100 28 s9 NYA Pa Coal Co. 400 400 700 Campbell R. J. 4houseA!ot 3 50 Ray John 27 15 12 190 MONROE BOKO' 1857—Menardi Joseph house A lot 70 OVERTON, 1857—Hiurnau A Park 400 410 760 Camp U. T. 50 51 1 50 105 Frederick Philip 100 100 100 190 Mead Peter. 50 50 50 35 Woodburn Hiram 50 50 50 95 Gleason Patrick 50 50 60 Waltman A Hoverlv 25 22 48 1858—Campbell G. W. 50 52 52 117 Frederic Phillip, 100 100 100 220 Frederick Christian, 100 100 100 220 (Reason Patrick, 50 50 31 Hiunmu A I'ari: 4"0 400 880 Madden Patrick 230 230 13D Mullan Martin, 100 100 220 Campbell James, 50 60 80 ORWELL, 1857—Buttles H. J. 15 15 1 15 1858 do 15 15 99 Camp Henry 16 16 21 Cash David, 143 65 h. A lot 65 115 ROMB, 1857—Packard A. O. 89 9 89 163 1858— do 89 89 89 255 RIDGBERY, 18.57—Spear James, 4 house A lot 53 1858—Murphy Charles house A lot 1 49 SOUTH CKKF.K, 1857—Dunham George 600 900 30 870 54 75 Ferris Alvin, 50 50 50 365 Fenton Amos 550 550 650 34 65 Fuller Alanson 50 50 50 315 Hathaway A Griffin, 440 440 440 27 72 Gordou Julia, 30 30 5 25 430 Kerrick Fred. 2d, 20 45 15 30 180 McKay John, 75 82 5 77 472 Wolf James, 200200 5 195 13 65 1858—Dunham Gaorge 900 30 870 48 46 Ferris Alvin 50 50 239 Fuller Alanson 50 50 499 Hathaway A Griffin 440 440 21 12 Haiglit Cornelius 110 10 100 819 Kerrick Fred. 2d, 45 15 30 121 Kerrick Frederick, 3 3 2" 46 Relyea Urial 70 10 CO 755 Sullivan Martion 100 100 4so Wolf James, 2(10 5 195 10 01 Wilson Martin E. 50 8 42 319 Wheeler Naomi 44 8 36 291 Ferris Peter, 16 3 12 84 STANDING STONE, 1857—O'Connell Patrick, 40 40 8 32 84 Washburn S. F. 150 152 17 135 255 SMITUKIKLD, 1857—Arnold Austin, house A lot 60 Phelps Jared Jr., house A lot 77 Tracy Guy, 80 80 5 75 180 1858—Allen Jonathan, 50 50 91 Gorton Joseph, 26 3 23 110 Murphy Thomas, 20 5 15 51 Muncy William 122 14 108 293 Bobbins Moses, 100 10 90 252 Walker S. A. house A lot 48 SHESIIEQUIM, 1856—Campbell Ralph, 50 50 50 77 1857—Conway Augustus, 10 10 2 8 59 TOWANDA NORTH, 1837—Gore Alfred, 2} 2} 44 TOWANDA BORO' 18,57—Dickey Mary, } two lots 1 *SB 1858—Gilbert Carl, ' house A lot 1 80 Bowman G. M. I one lot CO TUSCARORA, 1858—King Stutley, 80 80 112 ULSTER, 1856—Rennet Lorain 60 60 10 50 177 1858—MoAffee Joel P., 77 50 50 112 Wvsox. 1857—Whitney Alanson, 35 35 5 30 91 WIN nil AM, 1858—Loveland Stephen, 20 16 10 27 WARREN, 1857—Stockwell Phinney 5 5 5 30 Pierce Warren 100 100 100 184 do 100 100 100 158 Rogers Alvah D., 50 50 5 45 82 WELLS, 1857—Fenton Amos, 50 150 150 289 Hathaway A Griffin, 1000 1000 1000 19 25 1858— do do 1000 1000 56 28 Seeley Alexander, 70 70 283 WILMOT, 1857—Crans R. G., 02 02 2 60 236 Place James, 40 50 4 40 70 Parker John 110 113 113 158 Whipple David 113 113 113 209 1858—Crans It G., 62 2 60 79 Whipple DaviJ, 113 113 103 N. B.—Notice is hereby given, that an amount suffici ent to pay taxes and cost will be required in every case where the land is sold, at the time of sale, and unless terms are complied with the lands will be again exposed to sale. WILLIAM GRIFFIS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. March 15, iB6O. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. MUSICAL FRIEND," a rare companion for vy the Winter months. Every Pianist, every Singer, every Teacher, every Pupil, every Amateur, should pro cure this weekly publication of Vocal and Piano Forte Music, costing but lb cents a number, and pronounced by the entire Press of the country, *to be tne " best and cheapest work of the kind in the world." Twelve lull-sized pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Music for 10 cents Yearly, $5 ; Half yearly, $2,50 ; Quarterly, $1,25. Subscribe to " Our Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest News-dealer, and you will have music enough for your entire tamily. and at an insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, etc., subscribe to the "SOLO MELODIST," Containing twelve pagea, costing- only 10 cents a nnm ber; Yearly, s'2io ; Half-yearly, 51, 25. All the back Nutuuera at 10 cents, and bound Volumes of " Our Musicnl Friend,' - containing 17 Numbers, at 9l:,joeAch,co£ftr.ntly on hand TTR. srrunrntFo? ( . 107 Nassau Street. New-York ifcfscdlaneous. MY Kirs MILLS. THE undersigned having purchased the well known mills and attached to it a Steam.Engine, and also pot every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all tl e "modem improvements now in use in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfhlly solicit the pa tronagc of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not suffer in the hands of the new firm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the best possible m nner Customers from a distance may rely upon having then work done at once, so as to make hut one trip " to mill." Mr. FIIOST will continue to give his own persunal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flour. Mea! and Feed for sale at the lowest mnrket prices. MVER, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYER J. O. FROST K. T. FOX NORTH TCW AND* , Oct. 6.1858. GEO. H. BTJjSTTIISrG, RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers and the public general!/, that he has removed his TAILOR'S SB OP, To one door south of Tracy & Moore's store and imme diately opposite D. C. Hail's Stove and Tin Store Main st. He Hatters himselfthat from his long experience in bu siness he will be able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the lore pressure in the mo ney market, he will make Coats from *2 50 to $4 50each and other work in proportion for READY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not he refused, if ffered * Towanda, March 20, 1858. New Store! New Prices! 11. W. SToi3BE, JVb. 5, Brick Row, Towanda, WHOLESALE A RETAIL LIQUOR DEALER, now offers to the public a well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Havana and Domestic Cigars. Consisting in part of the following: BRANDlES.—Hennessey. Otard, Cognac, and Dnpuy. GlNS.—Holland. Rose, and Scheidam Schnapps. RUMS.—Santa Cruz, Jamaica, and New England. WHISKEYS.—Bourbon, Scotch, Monongehala, Old Crow, and Old Ityc. • WlNES.—Champaigne, Claret, Sherry, Madeira, Bur gundy, Port, Muscat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor dials of all brands. CIGARS—La Victoria, Washington, Light Guards, Rio Kondo, Henry Clay, I>a Fontica, La Isabella, La Flor d'Cubana, Prineipe, Y'ara, Principe. TOBACCO—A good assortment of Cut, Chewing, Smo king and Manufactured Tobacco of various brands, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for Cash, or to prompt payers. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods. N. B. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohns, and bottles of all sizes for sale. Towanda, Feb. 22,1859. Eiiason, Greener & Co. Piano Forte Manufacturers, AND MUSIC PUBLISHERS, No. 51, Water-st., Elmira. TN ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSOBT- X ment of our own manufatcurcd Piano Fortes, which have now been in use for years, and have been pronounc ed by Mons. STRACKOSCH and other eminent Artists, unsurpassed in touch, tone and durability, we have a large stock of the world-wide celebrated ' Chickering & Sons," Boston: Grand and Square Piano Fortes, who have received thirty-four medal- in Europe and Amer ica for the best Piano Fortes. We have also Raven, Bacon ove In struments on the most favorable terms, enabling us to sell them to dealers and Seminaries at their regular whole sale prices. Carhart. Nccdham 6t Co.'s, Mclodeons. Mr. Carhart being the original inventor of the above In struments, and the same having all the valuable improve ments, it is only jut to say tltvv are not to be excelled. A large assortment or SHEET MUSIC. One of our firm having bad long experience in this branch, parties at a distance not able to visit our Ware rooms, may rely on bis selections. The best of Italian Strings, Violins, Guitars, etc. Par ticular attention is paid to the selection of BRASS IN STRUMENTS for Bands. All T'iano Fortes bought of ns are WARRANTED for three years. Pianos and Melodeons TO RENT, and sent ail over the country t extremely low prices. Parties wishing to purchase Piano Fortes, or any other Musical Merchandize, and save from ten to fifteen per cent., will please call, or address ELIASON, GREENER A CO. May 16, 1959. 51, Water Street, Elmira, N. Y". WM. PiTTKirn. is agent for the firm at Towanda. BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES L. C. NELSON. TIIE subscriber would respectfully tender his thanks to his patrons and the public generally for the very liberal and unexaected amount of trade given him tor his first few opening months, and as he has be come acquainted with the wants of the people, and the styles worn in this part of the country, Hatters himself that he is now prepared to furnish Boots and Shoes of all kinds generally called for, such as will better please than heretofore; and as his object is to please, he will give his whole time and attention to this one great and import ant branch of the Mechanical Arts. And as there are some of his customers prejudiced against Stitching Ma chine work, he has procured the best and most experi enced hand help, where all of his work will be made and warranted first best. Those gentlemen that are in the habit of wearing nice French Calf Boots, sewed or pegged, will do well to call and leave their measure. He has employed one of the best workmen in town. Ladies Kid, Morocco and Calf Shoes and Gaiters can be furnished at short notice, and of the best materials. He also has in his employ faith ful and experienced workmen engaged in making Gents Thick and Kin Boots and Shoes of all kinds to measure, down to Boys', Youths and Childrens. As he has been engaged for some years in the Eastern Boot and Shoe Manufacture, he lias thereby become acquainted with many of the Custom Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, can buy goods almost at cost, whereby his department of Eastern work will be offered at prices that will defy com petition. And as his whole business life has been devoted to the two branches, Custom and Sale Boot and Shoe Manufac ture, feels posted and conversant with all the rules and principles which enter into the preparation of the stock. The correct ineasiirment of the foot, also a knowledge with the anatomy of the foot, a familiar acquaintance with the angles, lines and curves, which are involved in the perfect adjustment of part to part, and their relative positions, which is necessary in order to be successful in the profession. Call and examine his wilder goods before buying else where, he has a large assortment of the best Thick and Kip Boots, extra long legs and custom made. He wants every man aiid boy to buy a pair for his as well as their own interest. 6Propositions cheerfully heard. Repairing of Boots and Shoes of all kinds, will he faith fully done and at the time promised. Towanda. Sept. 28, 1859. 1,, c. NELSON. FALL AND WINTER © @ a m m* JM. COLLINS, is now receiving nt his • old staud on Main Street, next door to Hall's, one of the largest, best selected and cheapest stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, ever brought into this market, to which he invites the at tention of purchasers. Having had some years' experi ence in the business, he is able to offer inducements, as to the QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE OF GOODS, not to be met with at any other establishment. His stock em braces the nual assortment of OVERCOATS, COATS V ESTS AND PANTALOONS, of every style and price, to suit the taste and the pockets of customers. To those who prefer ordering garments, he would say that he keeps constantly on hand 11 large assortment of CLOTHS, CAS SIMKRES AND VESTIXGS, which will be made up on short notice, hy experienced workmen, and warranted to give satisfaction in every way. Particular attention will be given to this class of custom, and every exertion made to please customers. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHIRTS, COLLARS. TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ac. A large assortment of hats and caps, of all styles and prices. CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properly manufactured. Towanda, October 19,1859. J M. 0 HAY SCALES ! THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW I>RE PARED to construct Hay Scales ttpon an improved principle, where simplicity, accuracy, and durability are ao combined a to excel in at least simplicity arid diira nihtv any of the scales now fh rise. Also repairing of old platform scaler done on reasonable terms arid witi dft pa". Adiirc-f TT W. TACKsOV, June 6.1859, Wy,-dosing, Rradfordfo., Va. JWccliancous. PATTON & PAYNE, No. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Fa., Have recently added largely to"tlieir stock of mm a wmmm, CHEMICAtiS, FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand FURS WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At the lowest rates, aiid BLTINIXG FLUID.of superior quality, manufactured expressly for the gas-jet Fluid lMmps. They also keep all the Popular PA TENT MEDICINES, of the day. Every artiele going from this store is war ranted as represented, and if any prove dillerent, they will lie cheerfully taken hack, and'the money refunded." J. (1. PATTON, Towanda, Feb. 1,1859. Dr. E. I). PAYNE. STORRS & CHATFIELD OWEGO, N. Y, Are agents for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain II O XI SE-POAVEB. WHEELER'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower. OVERSHOT THRESHER. (With Vibrating Separator.) Single or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER HELLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MILLS, (lor sawing wood, Ar.) All the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler, Meli' k, A Co.. Albany, X. Y., and are warranted to give entire satisfaction, or may be returned at the expiration ot a reasonable time for trial. S. XIORTON <&. Co.'s CELEBRATED DOS POWERS, FOR CHURNING, M. Constantly on hand. iTFarmers and olhers wishing to procure any of the above articles, will do well to call upon ui Ijefore purchas | >!>£• J line 28, 18.19. ! TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY 111 ON AND STOVE STP.E! Wholesale and Retail Dealer fefi" 4^l^".d'"! 11 !! ; " Hardware and Stoves. Iron j JS O if; f\ 'll^' v '''- '-la'", Paints | "'")■ •'' ' House Trimmings— 1' u'.ol Scat Springs. Car ■ 'As <■{ I 1 s ° anf l Joiners' Planes. Saw-, Angers. Chisels and all other Tools- Cross Cut. Mill and Circular Saws, Blacksmith \. Tools, Bellows, Anvils. Vices, =a == "* Hammers and Screw Plates. Axesj-Broad Narrow, I.atli and Hand Hatchets —Cable, Log, Trace and Haltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Spades. POCKFTAND TABLE CETLERY-Shears and Scis sors. Edge Tools of all kinds, Brnssand Enameled Kettles, Shovel and Tongues, Spoons and Ladles. Tubs and Pails, Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing implements. in the HARDWARE line, Brass, Brittania. Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band, Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds. Nail Rods, Ac. Pumps, Lead Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water works. Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, and ln.ono other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac turers andimporters, including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVES Stores 25 per cent, less than usual for Cash, or Grain at (fie highest market prices. Coal and Wood Cooking, Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining- Room, Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good TKKMS as can be found this side ot New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought af lirst hands and in full packages and large quantities, lliat gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and Dry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to 15 per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows always ou hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Tracy .A Moore's, and Powell's new block on Main street, in the new Wood Building, Irtlered alt over. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania and Copper, Dried Fruit of ail kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price n CASH will be paid. ft*" No credit given over four months, and all hav ing accounts or notes over due had better call and pay immediately, if they wish to save cost. To wan da, October 15, li>sS. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BI'YEBS OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HAVING great!v increased my former BaHSBB-yufeSjstoek of Cabinet Ware and Chairs, I am determined to dispose of these accumlua tions rapidly, and with that design offer all articles at unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at ilii to 2U, line Cane Scat Chairs 75 cts. each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. I have now more than 60 different patterns of Chairs, Bureaus, Desks for the farmer or merchant. Looking Glasses, Looking glass Plates, Portrait and Picture frames of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany aud Walnut corner ; 20 patterns of Stands ; extension, dining, tea and work Ta bles, Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be found in a city Ware house. A large assoptuient of ready-made Coffins, with a good Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers will be sure to find the right place, south side of the public square, one door east of Moutanves. Towanda. Dec. l, 1839. CHESTER WELLS. CANDY AND CANDY TOYS. ITI AVE on hand the larcrert nnd greatest variety of CANDY AND CANDY TOYS to be found in this town, which i wtll sell at retail cheaper than any living man. CANDY of all kinds sold to those who buy to sell again at Pedlar's prices. Towanda, Dec. 15* 1859. E. T. FOX. ansr .isdav i — r * T..„ ■* 4£l> SASH.—IOO boxes Oct. l, 1X59. 0< K WELL'S. ilusfiuss Cam. DRCHAS. M.TL'UNER PJIYSICIA r * SURGEON, often his professional £i-'" the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office idence in the dwelling recently occupied Lv H Ssq., one door north of the Episcopal Chu& ou Etreet. u E. OVEKTOV, JR ~ ~ TTTL ~ ()VKRTOX A MOVl'AXvk, Tr¥" f VI NEVS AT I.A IF—Office i„ Cnion Block fori Y oceujwed by J A*. Malpablajis. ' t: H. . p n u^j MADILL A MORROW, A'TTORXTY, AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW over Mercur's Store. Towanda, Pa. ' 4 ! To wan da, April 2,18. ®4i4f DR. E. H. M A So x TPHYXICTA N Zvi SURGEON, offers his professional services to people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residerA on I ine street, where he can always he found when r,! professionally engaged. 1 £H. PARSONsT ATTORNEY A7 • LAW, TROY. Bradford Co., Pa. Office M. & 11. F. Long's store. Aug- 7, ijj HENRY B. M'JAEAN, ATTORN AT LA IV, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay promw attention to business entrusted to him. Collections on rdhsonable terms, with prompt remittances. ottij E LIT AN AN SMITH, having: ret u medio Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mercon Store. Dec. 1,1857. DR. }L~ WESTON, DEN ffISSgSSk 'I'IS'J'. permanently located in Towanda v *A-l T,TJ_IJo FFICE one door south of BuileyANevtcs Towanda, Feb. 19,1859. O. H. WOODRUFF—DENTIST. PER MANENTIjY located in Towr.nda Office No. 5, Brick Row. over H. W. Nobles' Stor Entrance one door south of Tracy A Moore*. dec.l.tf, DR,S. G. S. PECK AND o. CHURCH ILL, SURGEONS AND M ECU AXIOM DENTISTS, TOWANDA, Pa. Office, No.: Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's store—eritranre first door on Pine st. February 16. lsoo. UY II W ATKINS, ATTORNEY AT I LAW, TOWANDA. PA. Office opposite I.aporte, Mason & Co. necCollcctious made and remitted with promptnen. Towanda, January 2, 18C0. DP. PORTERS OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to he The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoionghly competent persons, who devote the most'eercfni attention pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, ha become 733 M 33 33113 37331 With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AI.L ARTICLES WARRANTED as KEPBESEKTKD. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers. Impor ters or Firmp. Syr. Hypophosphites.. " 100 " Pr. Porter's Uterine Tonie " 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Pr0p5....... " 25 M I>r. Porter's Cephalic Snuff. " 25 M ! Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder " 25 '•* 1 Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 '* Dr. Porter's Tricophue... " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 n Dr. Porter's and Cattle Lotion " 37J Pr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 Dr. Porter's Bod Bug Poison " 25 " ! Dr. Porter's Blatk Ink •' 25 " t Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 37j ' Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " I I>r. Porter's Citrate Magnesia 25 " Medical Advice given gratuitously at the office Charging only for Medicine. eg-Thankful for past liberal patronage would respect fully announce to his friends and the public that no puicv shall le spared to satisfy and merit the continuance #4 their confidence and patronage, at the CASHDRTJG STORE Corner of Main and Pine streets. June 30,1559. H. C. PORTER. M. CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. —- BREAK IN THE CANAL! rnrt MEN WANTED to bay Stoves at the MAM JUU MOTH FOUNDRY, one door east of Merrur * Store. We have just received the largest aasortme:.t of ; STCVES ever bronght to this market. lx>th for Coal and Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal and Wood Parlor, Di"i"C room Six-plate and Cv'llndered Stoves. Some of the celebrated Empress C<>o\ Stoves, the l>estConJ Stove ever manufactured, all of which will be sold cheaper than at any other establishment in this country. A large quantity of Tin Ware, Stove Pipe. Elbows. Coal Hods. Coal Shovels ami Coal Sifter*, always ou hand, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. All kiotl" l '' castings and machine work done to order on short notice Particular attention paid to Roofing, five Troughs. Cor. ductOTß, Gnttcrs nnd all kinds of Jobbing done aud wai i.iulod U give satisfaction. , i All kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stove* on ham! which will be sold very cheap. Please give ns a call. ' Totvanda Nov. 1. 1359. j< >nN C VKM t_\ A IX WANTING FARMS IN A PH XXllglitftil Mimnte. rich soil, and ecure from frcstS'- j See advertisement of Hmeroontott .Lbildl* in aao.r" 7 1 tcltiru