Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 05, 1860, Image 3
iirtu aiitirrtfscmnUs. j-OR THE SPRING JUST OPENED AT THE KEYSTONE STORE ! A STOCK OF mmgs Which embraces everything new iff the line of SHAWLS! WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS & CASSIMERBS, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, HATS &. CAPS, BOOTS <C- SHOES, d-c., dej Jwu'ia IUJi/y au6'uiuimmes are uiieap, And plenty enough to be had, Down to the sepulchres dreary and deep, Out with the slumbering dead ! Never ye mind, though they once were a nation, Pile them along by the railway station. Pile up your ancestors ! sell by the cord. Thoroughly cured for use ; Heat up the engine, with prophet acd bard, Nor linger to talk of abuse, Who cares for dead people, all turned to leather ? Pitch them all into the furnace together. The good old rule must never be broke, Lo " ashes to ashes, and dust to dust," Spicy the odors that float in their smoke Though the savor of virtue is lost. Back to the dust ! long enough you've delayed it, The rule must be kept, tho' you sought to evade it. Foolish Egyptians ; you did not discern That the longer you've dried the better yon bur Now halt at the stopping-place, just to take on A cord or so of the dead- Old human rigging of mustle and bone— Nothing like that for speed. Hark ! how the dry bones rattle and grate, Swung by the spirits at dead of night. Breaking the stillness with sounds of fright. Oncc-it may cliance-theee were fair furmsand Now bereft of their beauty atld graces J features so rigid and callous, Moved long ago in the air of a palace ; Lived, and were worshipped, and went to the t To sleep their last sleep in a cassia bed. Dried forever is the fountain of tears From the eyes that wept in the long gone ytai The cheeks dried away, cling fast to the bone The lips'clasp the teeth, and their color is goni lie-thinks the wandering soul would disdain To dwell in its old habitation again. No longer lie useless, go in with the rest And soon a nfcw ardor will fire your breast. No iuattr what trade you were wont to pursui We'll now make an engine-driver of you ! And if you're a king, and the station is liumbli Why then you must grumble, mumble, and jun And rumble and tumble, with the speed of the Over the land of the Nile we sail! Shades of the ancients and ghosts of the dead Gather for veugeanee around 1 Bend the huge blocks from your pyramid's ilea Hurling them down to the ground, Crush yonder black fiery Ghoul, that in thunde Rushes away o'er the plain with his plunder. Seize on the fierce, howling demon of spoil, And drag him away to his doom ; Quench his fiery breath in the Nile, Ere he desolates even the tomb, That never the sonnd of a foul robbers tread, May echo agaiu in the hails of the dead. C. It- . W— —' '■ T Report from tlis Committee on Vice Immorality, Mr. LANDON, chairman of the Comtr on Vice nod Immorality, made a report 01 subject of the Sunday laws, which was on to be printed in the Legislatice liecord, ai lows: The Committee on Vice and Immoralit which were referred certain petitionsaskiti "such a modification of the Sunday laws a allow passenger railway cars und other veyonces to run on Sunday," beg leave t port: That they have given to this subject careful attention due to its recognised it tance. The first consideration suggest® the papers iu the bauds of the Committe that they propose a radical change in tbi form and settled policy of this Commonwe From a period long auterior to the Declar of Independence nntil now.our " Sunday L have received the sanction, express or imj of the legislative authorities of the State, peated attempts to abrogate or seriousl modify them, have met with a stern repnl the bar of successive Legislatures. Nnrni decisions of our Supreme and local Court affirming the constitutionality of these sta have incidentally but cordially comme their wisdom. And the people of our f monweulth have, as a body, acquiesced it policy thus established, without com pit they have, in fact, left us DO room to & ■ r fore'exlsfmg ffitirarfrnehtortvw4 . mntilr business, is this day dissolved by mutual concent. The business will be continued, at the old stand, by J. J>. HUMPHREY, who will be happy to receive a share of the public patronage. All persons having unsettled accounts, arc earnestly requested to cal' and make settlemant, either l>y note or payment, aud all liaving notes over due are desired to make payment without delay. J. D. HUMPHREY, Towanda. March 20, 1860. A. WICKHAM. Vatronize Your Own Town ! And let the Bast tafce Care of Itself! k GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS A LA DI ESS SHOES made to order, of the best ma terial aud in the most workmanlike and satis- WILLIAM T. ROSS. ff-~ Rooms over Phinney's Store. Towanda. March 32, 1060. vol2o-42. CAUTION. A LI, persons are cautioned against purchasing a note for about Forty Dollars, given by me to JOHN Bow liv, or bearer, dated Towanda February, I*sB, as I have paid the said note in full. DANIEL COLE. March 22, Jtcto SHtoertfsements. N. Y. A B. RAIL ROAD. CHANGE of hours, commencing Sunday, January 1 1860. Trains Will leave Waverly at about the follow ing hours, viz : _ . ®® ,K ® WEST. GOING EAST. I Dunkirk Express. .5.39 P. M, N. Y. Express. .11.45 A. M Night Expre55....3.46 A. M. Night Express. 138 " Accommodation.. .8.32 P. M. Accommodation 7.16 '• VV ay ....... ..10.28 A. M. Stock Express. 4.38 P. M. Express Freight.. tU2 P. M. Fast Freight. ..16.40 A. M. Fast freight 12 53 P.M. Way Freight.. 5.65 P.M. VV ay Freight 9.30 A.M. . The Night Express train both ways, Stock, Express r rcight, and Fast Freight trains run every day. The ac commodation trains remain over night at Elmira. The VV ay train runs only to Horncllsville. >-. CHHRLES MINOT, General Sup. N A THAN I EL MAIS A, Receiver. TAR. JOHN MTNTOSH, will be found at his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and Summer. Teeth nserted on VulcAhised Rubber—the latest improvement in dentistry. Specimen piece to be seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please Pvup. JOHN M'INTUSH. lowanda, March 20,1860. The Campaign of 1860 Fairly Opened AT MONTANYES STORE! In the shape of a FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT OF mmw GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY-, HATS AND CATS, &.C., Ac., &c, &e., And all the elegances and et cetera* necessary to gratify the tastes and wants of this fast age. March 21. FRESII ORANGES AND LEMONS, AT FOX'S. FRESH FIGS AND PRUNES, at FOX'S. HAMS AM) SUOULBERS, 0 at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, at FOX'S. DRIED BEIUUES, AT FOX'S. DlliED APPLES, at FOJUS. DRIED SWEET CORN, at FOX'S. EXTRA GROUND JAVA COFFEE, AT FOX'S. IT AFLDWARB.—A NEW LOT JUST 1 1 received at MERCUR'S. The Argus Book bindery - Again in Full Operation I \T7"K hntre tile gratiflcatb n of announcing tooiir frfends, VV customers, aud the public, that We are now pre r pared to do BOOK: liiTsTDiisro, in all its Branches in the latest and moat approved styles, and o:i the most favorable terms. Having secured, permanently, the services of Mr. H. C. VVuitehak, a finished workman from Philadelphia, and having udiled extensively to the fixtures of the con cern—giving greater facility than formerly—e can pre sent to the public the most positive assurance of our abil | ity to please our patrons. Customers should be particular to remember that the " Argus Bindery," is in the Argus Ruilding, as form erly, (first building'north of the Waul House) and is con nected with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing • Office, where all work should be delivered. CAUTION.—We are compelled in justice to ourselves, and our old customers, as well as to prevent an imposition upon the public generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, that falsely holds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery. This fraud is practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and dtli'/erate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. Hi- Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work guarrantcd. W Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment for work. air Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattern, at prices as low as elsewhere. 80wanda, March 5. 1860. K. A. PARSON'S. BOOK BINDERY. THE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus building would respectfully inform the public that be has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Wa:d House, formerly occupied by the Post Oflire, where he is now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the most approved and workmanlike manner— Having to -hare my profits with no second person 1 flat ter myseli that my prices Will meet the satisfaction c>t the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed ip me and the pub lic appreciation of my work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor iu the future to merit the continuance ot public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work will !e warranted. Terms, Cash. hf£~Also,a large assortment (If STATIONERY of the liest quality, at Hie lowest price#. Justices' and Consta ble's BLsNKS, of all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOHAXN F. BENDER, Towanda. Jan. It. 1860. Bookbinder and Artist. CAUTION. " To be, or not to be— hat is the question ! Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous irppo*ititm, Or by taking up arms against a sea of printing ink, And opposing, end them." rrMIE proprietor of the .-frgi/n takes o-rasion in adver _L tising his Bindery to indulge in an uncalled for fling about a •' sort of a concern," which is hoping " to delude the public." As 1 have opened a Bindery on my own ac count, the inference is that tf the pnblic bring their binding to me, they are in no danger of being defrauded. For two years 1 hat worked for Mr. PARSONS, and lie has taken great ndib# t s itisfy tire public I was the " best Binder in America," as Ibe columns of the Argtu will testify. Has lie been all that time " deluding the pub lic ?" If 1 have been engaged in a fraud/ he has been the principal. But I refer to my work during that time as evidence that there lias lieen no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery business, I have resumed business here on my own ac 1 know of nothing which prevents me from fol lowing a legitimate and bawftil calling for my support.— I shall endeavor by good work and attention to my busi ness to give public satisfaction. March 15. JOHANN F. BENDER. Binder/ A CBSAf FARM J&ggfclN EARMINGTON, TIOGA Co, pa., 64 acres, 50 improved. Raised last Mary year 150 bushels wheat. 200 do oats, besides JLj- peas, buckwheat, potatoes, Ac. Soil well adapted to grazing. Will tic sold for $lOOO. A Iso good unimproved Farming lainds within 3 to 4 miles of a Rail road. for from $5 to $8 per acre. } w TUBBS Lawrenceville, Tioga County, Pa. . Feb. 2. I*6". $l5 REWARD. STOLEN from Oie subscriber on the 27fh of Atipust last, a Sole leather Belt, 42 feet long, 10 inches wide one new Axe, one pair Head-Stalls, and one Garden Rake Whoever will give such information as will lead to the recovery of the property, or the detection ot the thief will receive the above reward. Ulster, March 6,1860. A. B. SMITH. FRUIT TREES, Shrubs and Vines. AS the season is approaching for beautifying and adorn ing our grounds with the useful and ornamental, 1 would say to my friends and the public, in this and the neighboring counties, that I will lie prepared as soon as the Spring opens to supply them with all things in the Nursery line. I have commenced the cultivation of a Nursery at this place, and have all articles needed in our county. Persons sending me orders can depend on get ting what they order in good condition, and of the best quality. My stock is warranted to be in good order when delivered, but I want it understood that I do not replace the trees that do not live, the loss is the buyers. The , following varieties can be found at my garden the present 1 S[ Appte trees, Dwarf and Standard ; Pears, Dwarf and Standard; Cherry, lhvarf and Standard ; Plums ; Ever greens ; Lavvton Blackl>erry ; Peaches ; Mountain Aali ; 'Strawberries of all kinds;- Apricots; Horse Cbesnut; Raspberries of all kinds ; Currants ; Gooseberries; Rosas; Dahlais ; Delaware, Diana, Concord and Rebecca Grape Vines ; a# well as Clinton, Catawba aud Isabella, all well rooted, all in this line on band. lowanda, April 6, 1!(U. DANIEL HABJLINS. JLfflal. ■ TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN BRADFORD COUNTY.—In pursuance of Act of Assembly* passed the 13th day of March, 115, and other Afcts of AfiseiAbly, wilf be exposed to* Public Sale, at the CommiMsioner'* Office, iu Towanda Borough, on the 2d MONDAY in JUNE, 1860, the tracts of sn seated laud described in the following liJit r uuless the taxes upon the same are paid before that tiiue. warr't ] Acres. Grantee Names. Anmuut ATHENS TOWNSffir. 1400 259 Carroll Charted,- $ 484 ALBANY. 91 Anderson Jose pit 9 87 107 Baron John Jr., 11 52 78 C'astator FieiTefick 8 43 50 Morris Samuel 5 41 84 Peare Abel 9 07 93 Rush Moses 10 08 2504 Wagner Adam or Haines ReubCn jr. 26 64 50" Bowen Timothy offucf 5 41 CANTOS; 75 Attis Frederick 427 75 Morgan John 4 27 408 ShatTner Casper 22 95 75 Sh.iff'ner Casper Jr., 4 27 75 Warner Washington 4 27 60 Brady William 4 27 FRANKI.IN. 407$ Adlum John (So 42 407$ Biddle Mark Jr. 126 42 25 Biddle Wm. M. 7 76 136 Baron John Jr.. 42 16 300 Biddle James 93 00 313$ Baron John Jr., 97 09 377 Biddle William 116 93 199 Barker William 01 70 113 Cunningham I>. 11. 35 Ot 397 Collins James i 23 08 37 Cooler Henry 10 61 355 Cox Jacob JlO 16 302£ Currey Joanna 67 40 233 Hondas Thomas 72 24 400 Edge Samuel 124 00 171 Edge George 53 02 131 Fullerton Richard 24 37 214.J Gratz William 66 59 275 Graff John 79 00 363 Grayden Andrew * 112 54 404 Govitt William 125 24 200 Haga George 02 00 291 Hall William 90 22 400 Haidy James 124 00 355 Hiltzimer Robert 119 36 255 Hiltzimer Jacob 79 06 454 Hiltzimer Jacob 141 34 155 Hiltzimer TbomaS 48 06 400 Hardy Andrew 124 00 400 Hardy Simon 124 00 400 Hardy Nathan 124 00 400 Hardy Paul 124 00 400 Hardy James 124 00 150 Irwin Georgd 46 50 405$ lx>vy Aaron 75 34 300 Lad ley Andrew 74 40 400 Ladley I'cter 93 20 400 Ladley Joseph 99 20 SO Norton Wilfiani 9 88 160 Heed Collin son 49 60 275 Shoemaker Jamdi *5 26 494 Stuart Walter 100 19 400 Siddens Samuel 124 00 400 Siddens Joseph 124 00 325 Siddeua James 100 76 173 Siddens Peter 54 26 250 Tyvout Andrew 77 50 40 Temple George 988 73 Wilson William 24 50 200 Wallace Samuel 62 00 240 Levy Aaron, 44 64 HKKRICK. 35 Rhineheart Georgfl 00 C 4 LKKOYI 129 Attis Frederick 10 88 407$ Autis Henry 34 27 132 Barker John 11 09 414 Biddle Wm.M. 34 79 255 ' Baron John Jrq 23 97 100 Biynton Peter 9 14 131 Riddle Clement 11 36 427 Boyd John 35 95 179 Beck Henry 15 12 117 liiddic James 985 200 Baker William 16 SO 150 Chaphamsun Saniuel 13 21 200 Dundase Thomas 16 80 387 Douglass Andrew 32 48 381 Graydon Andrew 32 10 34J Gratz Michael 29 41 221 Gratz Hyman 18 55 114 Graff John 9 59 310 Gcntleworth George 28 56 395 - Gratz Barnard 33 22 380 Gratz Simeon 32 04 408 Henry Joseph 34 27 485 Hall Charles 40 71 388 Hatian Josiah 32 59 414 Lloyd Peter 33 89 332$ Morgan John 27 96 407$ Morgan Jacob 34 27 437 Pennington Benjamin 36 73 335 Patton.lohn 28 17 222 llecd C'ollinson 18 66 435 Shoemaker James 36 63 363 Simmons Joseph 32 06 129 Singer John 10 87 42.5 Wilson William 35 77 437 Wistar William 50 73 lsl Witzell John 15 19 MONROE. 400 Anderson Samuel 32 70 390 Anderson Joseph 2-5 29 437 Biggins Robert, years IS/iO-t-8-9, 63 43 322 Casta tor Frederick 26 32 172 Ellis Marcy 14 05 97 Gray William 8 91 4 00 Hampton Robert T>2 70 150 Hopkins Roliert 12 27 200 North Samuel 16 35 4'Mi Shotts Peter 32 70 400 Shotts Frederick 32 70 400 Shotts G-.-orge 32 70 2*o Wallace Mary 23 04 iuO Woodruff Hannall 8 18 OVERTONi 174 Barnes James 13 35 121 Baker John 9 28 343 Iletz Henry 26 29 343 Iletz John 26 29 343 Bet/. Joseph 26 29 343 Betz James 26 29 400 Byson Henry 30 60 400 Barnes Patrick 30 60 375 Cooley Samuel 2* 66 400 Crtstatof Harinori 30 60 400 Cooloy Joshua .'lO 60 400 C'astator Joseph 30 60 450 Echart George 34 38 241 Erwin George " 18 46 343 Edge Peter 26 29 100 Ellis Marcy 7 65 172 Edge George * 13 16 343 Fritz John 26 29 843 EritJ Samuel 26 29 50 Gentleworth Gcorgk 3 85 400 Haga Peter 30 60 400 Haga Nathan 36 60 400 Hag* Safflucl 30 60 200 llaga Ceorge 15 30 46? Hiltzimer Rnl>ert 35 70 4rto Hardy Samuel 30 60 375 Hdrdy Jgflitti 28 66 225 Hardy Henry 16 73 390 Harris Anfl 29 86 410 Hillingsworth StCphetl 30 CO 100 Ladley Andrew 7 65 375 Moore George 28 66 400 Moore Paul 30 60 393 Moore John 30 09 2H Xorth Samuel 19 30 400 North .lorfathrttt 30 00 200 Palmer Thomas 15 30 375 Seelcy Jonatliart 28 73 400 Seeley Peter 30 60 400 Seeley Henry 30 60 400 Seeley Joseph 30 60 400 rtiidens Andretf 30 60 400 Siddens George 30 60 225 Siddens Peter 17 30 75 Siddens James 5 78 198 Tyvout Andrew 15 16 400 Temple George 30 60 400 Temple Sumnel 80 60 400 Temple Peter 30 60 400 White James SO 60 ISO Woodruff Hannah 13 77 ROMBz 28 Bentley Samuel 00 50 RIDUBt'RY. 1516 60 Carroll Charles 1 08 1507 63 Carroll Charles 1 15 1160 83 Welling Charles 1 49 SMITH FIELD. 189 116 King John 209 BPRINOFIELD. 947 121 Miers A Fisher -2 19 SOFTII CREEK. 1380 94 Black well Robert 1 70 TCBCARORA 250 Keeler John A Co., owners, 4 41 150 Shumway A Barrowcliff, owners, 271 56 Field Henry 1 01 50 Hughs Martha 0 91 35 Porter James 0 62 FERRY. 272 Bardwin James 17 56 237 Cortright Cornelias 15 30 383 Cortright John 24 74 301 Davenport Cornelius 19 39 231 Davenport Daniel 15 23 116 KiddJohn I 43 WII.MOT. 126 Avery Christopher 5 87 ; 190 Allen John 8 58 ttrgal. 67 Fish Jabcz 2 52 1(14 Hollerbacfc M. 4 72 104 Hollenback Sally 4 72 2(16 Sfarsh Samuel t'2 00 ,86 Sterling Samuel Jr./ 2 82 $B7 Fish Thomas 15 33 216 Barrett Joel 9 72 89 Hebftrd Hannah 4 02 397 Carver John 17 88 173 Sharp Delany 7 90 151 Donelson John 682 AI.SO—In pursuance of'the pfotmions of tb'e Act of the General Aascmb)y,j>as3ed the 29th day of April, 1844 Section 4lst, at the same lime and place will be exposed at public sale, the tracts or parcels of lands or real estate designated in the following list, unless the taxes due upon the same are paid before that time. 2 §==? s? ? h 3 I=" S" a 2 t 2 a D l 3 • 3 AKMKNIA. 1857—Coe Edward. 40 40 40 28 —Mallory Lawrence, 40 40 40 28 1858—Field Abron, 50 50 96 Manm William. 50 00 248 Meeker Aaron, Jr., 50 50 101 Asylit*. 1857—Howard C. L., 84 4 80 170 1858—Barber itenry 2a 26 81 ALBANY, 1857—-Boyington O. (J. 100 100 319 Murphy Stephen, Jr. 100 100 SCI Nichols Hdward, lflO 100 484 Shipman & Harris, house A lot 23 00 1858—Boyington O. G. 100 100 CB2 Brimmer John D. 150 150 11 43 Corson tchobod, 119 119 529 Douohue Mrs. J. 50 50 342 Hancock G. W. CI a 5G 381 Murphey Stephens, Jr. 150 laO 10 24 Miller Jacob, est. 100 8 92 478 Miller Daniel, 2d house A lot 1 63 Martin J. W. 200200 C 20 Watson Jarvis, 50 50 252 Wilcox Mary. 200200 CGO • ATHENS TwY. 1857—Kiff William. 12 10 10 3CO ATHENS lIOKO'. 1858—Wilson James H. house A lot 2 43 Steam Mill Co; mill A lot 24 00 BUUI.INOTON TR. : 1857—Decker W. H. 100 100 30 70 3. 35 Morton Lester, 60 • 59 50 9 340 1858—Beech Freeman 25 • 98 Decker W. H. 100 30 70 331 Harvey Samuel 67 30 37 233 Kingsley Chester 12 12 36 Hoswell Wm. 25 25 25 75 Bice W. A. 60 64$ 7$ 57 182 Ik-m. mo TON WEST, 1857—Dibble Melvin 100 100 10 90 345 Morley Henry 60 50 50 i 37 1858—Morley llenry, 50 50 89 COLL'MRIA. 1855—Hibbard Sidney, 20 75 20 55 378 1857 do 20 20 20 1 44 CANTON, 1857—Rice Joel, 113 113 113 44S Dpuli, 1857—McAffe Susan, 134 134 112 1858— do 134 134 96 FKANKLIN, 1855 Doml Thomas house A lot 20 Lis ROY, 1857 —Park William 5$ house A lot 2 31 Smith Krastus 50 50 5 45 47 Browning (J. W. $ house A lot 2 10 MONROE 'IVY. i 1857—Corbit R. H. 300 300 300 696 Murphy Patrick 84 84 84 252 Ray John 27 27 15 12 116 Towanda Iron Co. 11(H) lioo !100 37 95 Walker Elcry, 60 50 5 45 1 2-8 1858—Corbit R. H. 300 300 300 525 Towanda Iron Co. 1100 lino 1100 "s 89 XYA Pa Coal Co. 400 400 700 Campbell R. J. $ house A lot 3 .70 Ray John 27 15 12 190 j MONROE BOKO' ISs7—Menardi Joseph house A lot 70 | OVERTON, 1 1857—Hinman A Park 400 400 760 ' Camp R. T. 50 51 1 50 105 : Frederick Philip 100 100 100 190 I Mead Peter. 50 50 50 35 j Woodhut'n Hiram 50 50 50 95 j Gleason Patrick 50 80 60 Waltman A Heverly 25 . 22 is 1858—Campbell G. W. 50 52 52 117 j Frederic Phillip. 100 100 1110 220 Frederick Christian, 100 100 100 2 '2O Gleason Patrick, 50 50 31 Hinman A P..rk 4"0 400 880 Madden Patrick 230 230 t39 Mullan Martin, 100 100 220 Campbell James, 50 50 80 ORWELL, 1857—Buttles H. J. 15 15 1* 15 | 1858 do 15 15 99 Canip llcnr'y ■ 16 16 21 Cash David, 143 65h.A10tC5 11.5 ROME, 1857—Packard A. O. 89 89 89 163 1858— do 89 89 89 255 RllY.llEitV, ; 1857—Spear James, $ house A hit 53 ; lBsti—Murphy Chailba house A lot 1 49 SOITII CREEK, ISS7 —Dunham George SOO 900 30 870 54 75 Ferris Akin, 50 50 50 3 6.5 Fenton Amos 550 550 550 34 6.5 Fuller Alanson 50 60 50 315 Hathaway A Griffin, 440 440 440 27 72 Gordon Julia, 30 311 5 25 4 3tj Kcrrick Fred. 2d, 20 45 1.5 30 ISO McKay John, 75 s'2 5 77 472 Wolf James, 200200 3 195 13 65 IR3B —Dunham G.rorgC 900 So 870 4s 46 Ferris Alviu 50 ,50 239 Fuller Alanson 50 50 499 Hathaway A Griffin 440 440 21 12 Haight Cornelius 110 # l<l 100 819 Kerrick Fred. 2d, 45 1,5 o0 121 Kerrick Frederick, 3 3 2 46 Pel yea Urial 70 10 CO 755 Sullivan Martion 109 100 480 Wolf James, 200 5 195 10 01 Wilson Martin E. 50 8 42 319 Wheeler Xaoini 41 8 36 291 ferris Peter, 15 3 12 84 STANDING STONE, 18.57—O'Cqnnell Patrick, 40 40 8 32 81 Washburn S. F. 1.50 152 17 135 255 SMITHFIKLD, 1857—Arnold Austin, house A lot 60 Phelps Jared Jr., house A lot 77 Tracy (Iny, 80 80 5 7.1 180 IS3B- Alltn Jonathatl; 50 50 9l Gorton Joseph, 26 3 23 110 Murphy Thomas, 20 5 15 51 Muncy William 122 14 108 293 Rohbins Moses, 100 10 90 252 Walker S. A. Hcnise A lot 48 SFLESHIXFRFT), 18.56—Campbell Ralph, 50 50 50 77 IBsf—Conway Augustus, 10 10 2 8 59 Toft' TS-PA NORTH, 1857—Gore Alfred, 2$ 2$ 44 TOWANDA Bono' ISot—Dickey Mary, $ two lots 1 51? 1858—Gilbert Carl, house A lot 1 80 Bowman G. M j one ldt 60 TUSCAHOKA, 1858—King Stutley, 80 80 112 ULSTER, 1856—Rennet Lotdiri Qtt f>o 10 50 177 1858—McAffec Joel P., 77 50 50 112 WYSOX. 1857—Whitney Alanson, 35 35 3 3(1 91 WTNPIIAM, 1858—Lovrland Stephen, 20 16 16 27 WARREA, 1857—Stochwell Phinney 5 5 5 30 Pierce Wafrert 1(10 100 100 184 do 100 100 100 1 58 Rogers Alvah t)., 50 50 5 45 82 WEI.LS, 1857—Fenton Afnos, 60 160 1.50 289 Hathaway A Griffin, 1000 1000 1000 19 25 1858— do do 1000 1000 56 28 Seeley AleiandCf, 70 70 283,t, 1857—Crans R. (}., 62 62 2 60 236 Place James, 46 50 4 46 79 Parker John 119 113 111 158 Whipple David 113 113 113 299 1858—Craus R. G., 62 2 60 79 Whipple DaviJ, 113 113 103 N. fl.- Notice is hereby given, that an amount suffici ent to pay taxes and cost will be required in every case where the land is sold, at the time of sale, and unless terms are complied with the lands will be again exposed to sale. WILLIAM GRIFFIS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. March 16, 1860. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. <</"AUR MUSICAL FRIEND," a rare companion for V/ the Winter months. Every Pianist, every Ringer, every Teacher, every Pupil, every Amateur, should pro enre tbis weekly publication of Vocal and Piano Forte Music, costing but 10 cents a number, and pronounced by the entire Press of the country, -to be the " beat and cheapest work of the kind in the world." Twelve tull-sized pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Music for 10 cents— Yearly, $5 ; Half yearly, $2,50 : Quarterly, $1,25. Subscribe to " uur Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest News-dealer, and you will have musie enough for yonr entire family, and at an insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Comet, Clarionet, Accordion, etc., subscribe to tic " SOLO MELODIST," Containing twelve pages, costing only 10 cents a num ber ; Yearly, $2.50 ; Half-yearly, 51,25. All the back Numbers at 10 cents, and bound Volumes of " Gur Musical Friend," containing 17 Numbers, at 8250 each, constantly on band. C. B. SEYMOUR A Co., 107 Nassau btseet, New Yorly ftcgsl. SHERIFF 'S SALE.—By rirtue of a writ of Fieri Facias. Issued out of'the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to at the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda,ou FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, 1860, at I o'clock, P. M., the following lot, piece or parrel of luDd situate in Wilioot township, bounded north by laud in possession of Benjamin C. Barnes, east by land of Edward Lathrop, south by laud of Jostah Stowell, west by land of John Vose. Containing flfty-fiwe acres more or its-, about thirty-five acres thereof improved, a framed house a framed baru and shed, an apple orchard aud other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. P. Mil ler vs. John Wcndal. TMOMAS M. WOODRUFF. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, March 21, iB6O. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— Ia the matter of VX the estate of John Frost, deceased. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute lunds raised by Sheriff s sale of delendants real and persoual estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in Towanda boro* on MONDAY, the 30th day of APRIL, iB6O, at one o'clock, A. M.. at which time and place all persons interested Will present their chiiins or be debarred from claiming any share of said fend. ELH AN AN SMITH, March 22, iB6O. Auditor. AUDITORS NOTICE —in the matter of the estate of John Arthur. Iu the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Conrt to distribute funds raised by Sheriff"s sale of defendants real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of his appoiutinent, at his office in ToW.ulda boro' on MONDAY, tnc 30th day of APRIL, iB6O, at ten o'- clock, A. M., at which time and place all persras inter ested will present their claims or be debarred from claim ing any share of said fund. ELH AX AN SMITH, March 22,18W); Auditor. ECU TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here -LJ by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of HANNAH EVI fTfj, late of Pike twp. deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, aud all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. ABEL MORE, March 22, 1860. , Executof. ADM I NISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of SALLY KILBORX', deceased, late of Leßoy twp., are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having claims against the said estate will please present thCin duly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN KILBORX, February 30. 1860. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Bigrlottt &■ Hoag• land ri. J. H. DelVitt, et. id. In the Court of ' Common Fleas of Bradford County, No. 170, Fc'bruarv ; term, 1859. The undersigned, ah Auditor, appointed by said Court j to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of real estateof defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment i at his office iu the Borough of ToWahdu, on SATURDAY. 1 the 25th day of A Pit! I. iB6O, at 1 o'clock. I'. M., al which time and place all persons interested are requested to presept their claims or else be forever debarred (roih ! the said fund. G. 11. WATKINS, February 20, Auditor, i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given? 1 hat all persons indebted to the estate of GARDNER BURLING AMK. late of Smithfield twp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay,and all persons bavitigdemands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. J. 11. BURLINGAMB, Feb. 16, iB6O. Administrator, with will annexed. \ ADMI N I ST RA'l'i IK'S NOTICE.- Notice •is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es state of JOHN TH ALL, late of Towanda boro', deceased, must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au- | llienticuted for settlement. STEPHEN COR WIN, 1 February 16, 1859. Administrator. \ DMINISTRATRIX'SNOTICE. Notice fl is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tliees- j tate >f JOBSHEPARD, lateot Athens Borough,deceased are hereby requested to make immediate paymctit.andall , persons having claims against said estate will present r them duly authenticated for settlement. CORNELIA SHEPARD. ! Administratrix dc bonis nan. with will annexed. February 29, 1860. ADMINISTRATOR s NOTlCE.— Notice . is hereby given that, all persons indebted totliees tate of GEORGE AVERY, late of Roffie township, dee'd. are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and , all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement- to John Pass more, at Rome. JOHN PASSMORE, HAMPTON CHAMPLIX, March 1, 1860. Administrators. ' LW ECU TOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is bere- Xli by given that all persons indebted to the estate ot THOM \S McKVIEXXA, dee'd..late of Asylnin tp, must make immediate payment, and ajl persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. PATRICK McEVIEXXA, March 1;. lsoO. Amntom. ! A DMINIST I!ATORNNOTICE.—-Notict II is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ROBERT P. SIIORTELL. late of Pike,deceased ! are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against the said estate will , please present them duly authenticated for settlement. L. B. PHft 'E, March 6, 1860. Administrator. BARCLAY R. R. A COAL COMPANY. Office iu Patten's block, corner of Main aud Bridge j streets, TowandA, second Hour. Retail prices of Coal : 1.1 MP COAt . SHLTH COAT..- By the single lira $2,25. s2,fH>. Orders sold at the Office, and at O. I). Bartlett's store. COAL will be delivered in town, at 25 cents per load. JAMES MACFARLAXE, Towanda, July 19,1858. Gen'l Superintendent. CAA CORDS OF BARK WANTED ! fll t\ J Cash will be paid for OAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, and HIDES AXI) SKINS, at the highest market rate, by ang9 HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. } EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of TRUMAN M. BEACH, late of Smithfield twp., dee d must make Ifhnicniate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au theuticated for settiemeut. RUTH BEACH. January 4,1860. Executrix. IpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice tfhere- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol GEORGE SPALDING, late of Tuscarora township,dee'd. are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will present tlieiu duly authenticated for settlement. C. J. LACEY, November 8,1858. Executor. ECU TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice U here- JL j by givwn, that, all persons indebted to the estate of THOM AS BALDWIN late of Columbia township, de ceased. are hereby requested to made payment wiUiout de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present thcin duly authenticated for settlement. J. C. M'KEA.V, LUCY BALDWIN, September 15,1859. ErenUors. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of /I'm. It. Chaffee, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute the monies in the hands of the Administra tors, as per account filed, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office In the Borongh of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of APRIL, 1860, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be debarred from claiming any portion of said fnnd. G. D. MONTANYE, March 15,1860. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Wm. W. Cham pia vs.Jliram G*. Root. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 480, May term, 1859. The uudersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff"s sale of defendants real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in Towanda boro' on FRIDAY, the 6th day of APRIL iB6O, at 1 o'- clock. P. M„ at which time and place all persons interes ted will present their claims or le debarred from claiming any share of said fund. G. D. MOXTANYE, March 15, 1860 , Auditor. SPECIAL COURT.— Notice is herebypiv- O en lhat a Special Cofirt of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House, in Towanda. for the County of Bradford, commencing on MONDAY", the 21st day of MAY next, at 2 o'clock P. M-, at which the Hon. ROBERT G. WHITE will preside,for the tri il of the following causes to wit: Lyman Matson vs Ira and Richard Jennings, Eject. Israel Smith vs. Samuel Kellum. and Michael Thomp son, Ejectment. A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kellura, et. al. Ejectment. Edward Overton vs. A. B. Smith, et. al. Ejectment. Subpoenas made returnable at 2 o'clock, in the aftee aoup of Merujay as aforesaid. ALLEN M'KEAN, Pro'ls. Ofime". March 5, 1560. Prothonotary. - - JL. Mi Z 2UfiaL LIST OF GRAND JURORS, drawn for May Sessions, iB6O. Athens tp.—Ezekle! Currey Springfield—C II Campbell, j Btirlingluu— C. F. Nichols, Rodney Cooiey. David S Lather. She&heqnin—John Crotile/, Burling'ri ivst—L D Swaiue Standing Stone—Alexander Herrick—Edwin S Tyrrell. Ennis. Leßoy—Lindfey Stone. Troy boro'—Nelacm Adams. Pike—Jainea H Johnson, W Troy tp—Nelson Wood. Pitcher. n-rry—Charles Thompson. Ridgfcery— Geo Cooper. Wvalusing—Sterling Ack- Smithfield—Sumu'l Harwell. ley, Henry Vesbryck. S H Faroes worth, Allen Warren—Chatmcey Arnold. Hale. Wilmot—Daniel Crandall. TK A TERSE JURORS—FIRST WEI *. Athens tp—Harris Murray. Standing Stone—F. S. tVhft- Athens boro—G A Perkins, man. Asylum—lsaac Westbrook. Springfield—lra Word worth ( Burlington boro'—S W Mil- I Burgess, E.F Parkhoret. ler, Ab'm Morley. Sooth Creek—D ¥ Hildreth; Canton—Solomon Lindley. Tuscarora—Searle P Max- Franklin—Thomas Smiley. field, John Ford. Derrick -John Angle. Terry—lchabod Corson. Leßoy—Robert McKee. '.Ulster-—Henry Davidson, Li Monroe tp—Samuel Lyon. J W Russell, C RocklTell. Orwell— Cyrus Cook, BenjjWysox—M Strickland. Lyon. jWyalusing—John Irvine. Overton—Amasa Heverly. 1 Wilmot—Jos Gamble, B 0 Pike—Bradford Beecher. i Barnes. Sheshequln—O D Snyder > Wells—Newell Leonard, W Manson Elsbre 2d, "C Ml R Wilson. Scgar. 'Wair a—Lyman Hine. Smithfield—o J Buriingaraei SECd.VD WEEK. Athens tp—E Ovenshiie. Smithfield—lra Adams, W Armenia—lsrael Moore, S Brown, Lester Arnold. Williams. Sheshequin—Abrutn Gore. Columbia—William Wilson Towanda Tp D. Bowman Nelson Woll'. I'ovoanfla north—W N Foster Cantoo- Oliver T Dunbar. Towanda boro—J Jl'Cabe. James Barnes. Troy tp—A Maynard. Granville—John Vroman,S Ulster—Albert Newel, L Herrick—H W Camp. Wyalusing—L P Stal ord, P Litchfield—John Rogers Jr. Stone, George Acroyd, N Lei toy—Roswcll Rovers. Nelson R At wood. Monroe boro—J lioiuet. Wilmot—Wm A St-ddard. Orwell— O J Ross, Charles Wells—J J Osgood, Dauidt Elswerth, Joel Barnes. P Strong. Rome—William McUabe. Wysox— E A Coolbaugh. South Creek—Miles lb be ts SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a asit of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Common I'let.sbf Bradford Coimty, to ine directed and delivered, will t>e exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY, APRIL 0, 1800. at 1 o'clock I'. M., the following lot ot land situate in Kidg bury two., bounded north by land of D. 11. Burnhaui, east by land of 1.. Eames, south by land of William Hustoni west by land ot Charles Potter. Containing ote hundred and five ceres, more pf less, 70 acres thereof im - proved, with a framed house, a framed barn, a corn houso and an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ahollab Buck vs, Daniel Dewey. ALSO- By virtue ot a writ of Fieri Facias, the follow ing lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster tp., bounded north by land of Ralph Russell, east by laud of James R. Park, south by land of Andrew Huff, rhilandor Looruis arid Ira Patridge, west by land of Ira Patridge.— Containing one hundred acres, more or less, about fifty live acres improved, one log house and a young orchard thereoni Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofX. C. Har ris vs. M. (J. Van Sickle. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF; Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. March-Bth, 1800. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In tht nalttr of 11. the estate of Allen Brmcn, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed upon Excep tions tiled to the accouut of M. M. Fnirehild, administra tor of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MON DAY, APRIL 16; IsOO. 11 9o'clock. A. M., of which all persons in erosled, are requested to take notice. E. OVERTON Jr., March It, I|6o. Auditor. BRIDGE LETTING —Scaled proposals will be received at the house of Samuel < assadanear said place in Wells town.-hip. on THURSDAY, April 12, iB6O, until 12 o'clock M.. for the building and complet ing a BRIDGE across Sceley Creek, iu said township > f Wells. Specifications tor the same may- be seen at tho said Cassada's, and at the Commissioner's Office, for ten day s previous to said letting. D. DECKER, P. H. BUCK, W. A. THOMAS, Commissioner's Office, March Corn'rs: nsroTiCE." THE Stockholders of the Towanda Bridge Company arc hereby not fled that an election will be held at tlib office of raid Company, in Towanda, on the first Monday of May, next, at 10 o'clock. A M., for the election of one President, six Managers, and a Treas urer, to serve for the ensuing year, in accordance w'th the act of incorporation. B. S. RUSSELL, Towanda. March 27. 1860. Secretary. GREJiT EXCITEMENT" Af THE NEW CLOTHING STORE OF E, S. [BE^TKDICT \7"Ol'R attention is respectfully invited to a LARGE! 1 AND WELL *KLH< TED STOCK OF CLOTHING, which 1 hate just opened in X&O. 3, BRICK ROW, One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store. MY STOCK OF GOODS i> from the best manufactur ing establishments in the City of New York, and of tin latest approved styles.- Having purchased with cash, 1 uiii enabled to sell mr goods at prices almost increduous !\- low. Mvstock consists ill evOrv variety of READY'- MADE CLOTHING, HATS A CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES, Ac. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. Having secured the services Ctf one of the most .skillful Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania, 1 am prepared to man ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing. 1 will warrant all garments cut at mv shop to give perfect satisfaction. E. S. BENEDICT. Towanda, Septeml ar 14,1859. The Old Cash Drug House REMOVED! i C O It N" Ii It Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S N E W MEDICINE STORE; WAVERLY INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCE at fair rates can be obtained of the sub-, scriber in the following Stock Companies : .ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford. Connecticut. Cash Capital i. .11 AOO.OQO Assets January 1,1860, 2,194,UNi Liabilities, Claims not due, 179,967 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Neus York City: . Cash Capita!,. t! Asset®. January 1, 18fi0 1,458,396 Liabilities, Claims not due,, 45,580 GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., i'luladelphia. Pa. Cash Capital,.., $ 255,000 Assets, January 1, 1860, 385,163 CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. Cash Capi Lai * 300,080 Assets, January 1, 1860 ?Sw. 336,071 Liabilities, Claims not due . ... 21,968- AilEltlCAN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York City. Cash Capital, $ 200,900" Polices issued upon Farm Dwelings, Bams, and theie contents, for a term of years without requiring a premium note. Applications made to the subscriber at Ai,lex & BANKS Law Office, Waverly, will receive immediate at tention. " R. A. ELMER; Waverly, N. Y. Feb. 22,1860. Aggnt. CAUTION— Whereas, my wife MARY, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, this is to forbid any person from trusting or narboriog her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date, unless compelled ha law. BtnUey's Creek, Nov. 9,1859 TBOS.SULIvAN..