gepttmcnt. Seme Hints on Spring Work. March, tlic " surliest month of all the year, lias come again, and though in many localities iev winter still continues to reign, the tocsiu of preparation sounded 011 every side by nature begins to be heard. Now is the time for the farmer to exercise all his vigilance and forethought, and to see that every momeut of time is turned to account. See that a sufficient stock of fuel is laid in at the house for summer wants, and that the rails are drawn and laid where they are likely to be handy for repairing fences. Put the fences and gates into repair, as soon as the gronndis thawed enough to fix the stakes. Have you a stock of roots 0:1 hand ? Every good farmer ought to have. Now is the time to feed them" out to the animals on the farm, especially milch cows and breeding ewes to enable them to give a full supply of milk for their young. See that the yeaning ewes are separated from the rest of the flock, given a little extra food, and all tags and dirt removed from them At lambing time, keep tlicm comfortably hous ed, with plenty of good, clean straw to lie on end do not.forget to let them have access to clear, puse water at all times. They require constant care at this time, if it is desired to raise the lambs. The ewes may be let out into the yard every afternoon, but the lambs urg better to remain in the house till they are at least a week old, strong and healthy. All changes and exposure, especially to the sun or rain, is injurious to them, as also is lying on the cold, damp earth. The lambs will soon learn to eat, if a little Cue chopped ha v or oat meal is placed in a shallow box or 'trough in their house, while the owes are out, and if it is desired to bring them forward early for the | butcher, this extra feeding will help them great- j ly. Feed the*cows well, and do not let them! fall ofT iu their milk while waiting for the grass to come. Give the working animals enough of such food as will produce muscle, —not fat —and give them a moderate amount of daily exercise. Keep the yard well littered with straw, and the cattle confined to it. There is nothing gained by letting them wander over the farm making tracks in the soft ground wherever they go. Stock should never go to grass til! the ground becomes settled firmly enough to bear them without showing footprints halt' aa inch deep. Pile up the manure in the yard as fast , as it is made, mixing into Hie heap all the scrapings of the house, fowl and sheep yards, hog pens, etc. Pick over the potatoes, and select tho lar gest ond-souudest for seed. If they ere ciD, 1 roll them in plaster of Paris, and sprinkle | plaster over them while lying in the cellar. It it said to act in some degree, us a preventive <>f'flic rot. We know of some farmers who sow a tablcspoonfnl of plaster in each hill, or over each set, at the time of planting, and who as cribe the freedom of their potato crop from disease to the use of plaster. From the known tendency of the salt to destroy fungoid life iu its early stages, we think sowing it on the potato plant might be the menus of mitigating the rot. We, however, only throw this out as a suggestion to those who may bo willing to try the experiment. Bow a bushel of plaster per acre on cbver us soon as the ground is dry. Clover and grass seeds may be sown ibis month, —on the snow if you like—tliough they will do as well, if not better, when sown just after the warm spring rains. Harrowing is j generally unnecessary, but a light brush har row is used sometimes with advantage. Where it is desired to ameliorate the soil, or obtain good pasturage, aud plow it again in a year or txvo,We should sow nothing but the pure clover at the rate of 10 to lo lbs. per acre. But where permanent mowing meadows are desir ed, it is well to sow a mixture of equal parts of clover and timothy, with the addition, per haps, of some other grasses, cf such sorts as can be grown in the locality with advantage ; ray 3 lbs. of Italian rye grass, or 2 lbs. of meadow fcscae, or 1 11). of red top, or 2 lbs. of meadow fox-tail, or 3 lbs. of Kentucky blue grass, or i lbs. of orchard grass. Clover or grass seeds do better when sown on barley 01 spring wheat than on any other spring crop. Roll the meadows and winter wheat as soon as the frost is out and the land tolerably dry. Old meadows wil' be the better for a good harrowing in tho spring before rolling. Do not be iu too gr.ut a hurry to set the plow to work. Let the land become dry en ough to turn over mellow. The surface then soon becomes warmed; and you cau sow im mediately. I'cas can be sown earlier than any other crop, and no farmer should be without a small field of them. The white varieties are most suitable for light soils,!the gray kinds for strong clays. Tho best sorts of white pea we know of, are the Golden Drop,and Racehorse. Peas do well on an old sod plowed rather flat, but not shallow, and the land may be rolled, after harrowing in the seed, with advantage. If the land has been plowed the previous fall they may be sown at once and lightly plowed or cultivated iu. Three bushels per acre is the usnal allowance for seed in Canada,where peas are very successful) - and extensively grown.— After the young plants arc well forward, a topdressing of a mixture of ashes and plaster will he of great benefit. Spring wheat comes next the soil for which out to be in good heart, and free from weeds and moisture. The laud for this crop is better to be plowed ridgy, so as to harrow down well over the seed ; nnlcss a seed drill is to be used. It is more liable to smut than winter wheat, siud as a preventive of tLis disease, use a so lution of three 0;:. of biue vitriol dissolved in a quart of hot water to each bushel. L.tit coo! and then sprinkle the solution over the wheat on the barn floor, turning it over with a shovel sit the same time, until every grain is dampen ed. It will be ready ft>r sowing iu twoor three hours after. Among the best sorts are the Fife, Canada club, Tea and Italian. It is of great advantage to sow spring wheat as early as jtossible, provided the ground is dry and mellow ; though it is thought by some, that if sown late it will more readily escape the rava-1 ges of the midge. Two bushels per acre is the ! usual allowance for seeding. After this, barley may he sown, the label for which should be warm, -rich and mellow, and if plowed the previous fall, may be suffi ciently prepared by going over it twice with a two or three cultivator, and harrowing pittlweca. The common two-rowed variety of bftrley is perhaps the most reliable or general mltmvtion, though other sorts succeed best in particular localities. Barley does jest on laud J| ■ -* touched, colored iu oil or pastille. Also, MELAINOTYPES and AMBROTYTIES, and a! mist all other kinds of typeS. Pictures iu good cases for 50 cents, and other sizes aiid qualities j n -nxtportiOß. Melainotypes made iuall kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10. 1553. V: ■Mi'/XMi r riIIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT J- where von can find a very line assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of CLOI KS, prices ranging from 10 shillings, up, and warranted to give good satisfaction Or no sale., I am also agent for the sale of D. K. LENT'S celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Pri ces from $s to $2O, according to finish REPAIRING d >nc as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. WM. A. GUAM BERLIN 1 . THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! —THE subscriber would announce r - to the public that he has now on I- ami, and will make to order ali 1 inda of CABINET FURNITURE, i t2;such as Sofas, Divans. Lounges,Cen liSliOi-882T • re > Lard, Dining and Breakfast Ta ! ble. Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and I Clu rry Bureaus, Stands of various 2.—9 - U- - V kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will be made of the bc-t ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which tliev will sell for cash cheaper than cau be bought iu auy other Ware room in the country. RE VDY-M \DE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. a good HEARSE will tie furnished on Funeral occasions. . JAMES MACKIN'SON. Towanda, January 1.1857. DISSOLUTION. —The co partnership here tofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of CUI.P & KIRBY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, notes, accounts, and other obliga tions and papers belonging to said firm, are now in the hands of JERK C'ULP for settlement. All accounts and notes overdue on the 1-t day of Feb ruary next, will be put in course of collection without re- I speet to persons. Until that time Grain ..Sheep l'elts aud Hides will be received iu payment. JERRY CUI.P, Towanda, August 1, l-bih. J. P. LILLY. ffHRR-Sr" GULP 1 Will hereafter carry on the HARNESS AND SADDLE ' BUSINESS, in all its various branches, at the old stand I of Culp A Kirby, where he solicits a continuance of the patronage hitherto enjoyed. A large stock of Heady-Made articles and materials will be kept on hand, and every exertion made to de < rv ■ the favor of the public. McCABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Below J. Kingsbetys store, Main st. rpilL subscriber would respectfully tender his sincere JL thanks to the public for the'very liberal patronage extended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. He begs leave to assure that he intends to keep oh hand as heretofore, a choice -flection-of MEATS o! nil kinds, the best the country affords, which he intend- to sell tbr very small profits, either by the aide, an.irtrr or poimd. ! ir"-A quantity of first qnalit of SALT I'ORK, put up 1 by myself, cheap, by tiie barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place within the corporation. Towahda, August 12, 1-50. J McCARE. CASH FOR PELTS, AT TIIE Metropolitan Hardware Store. ORWELL, PA. STOVD3, Elevated Oven. STOVES, Parlor. STOVES, Diving Flue. STOVES, Wood or Goal. LY LARGE STOCK AXD VARIETY. IRON, BY THE BAR OR TON. Fanning A litis, Corn Shelters, Grindstones, Boring and Drifting Machines, Aries and Springs, MM X Cut Saws, Steel, Zinc, Copper, Sheet Iron, Tin and ' lleiry Goods, at October 12. 1*53, S- N. BKOXSOX'S. , TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. I Towanda Marble Factory. (Nearly Opposite (he Bap! Ist Church.) ( The subscribers liave opened the TO WAN- ' MARBLE WGTORY, where he will be prepare d to'furnish Monuments and Tomb Nyrnj'l,ll Htones. manufactured from the best qualities 'LHg ''dot RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and jt j T wrought into such styles and designs as will yf suit every variety of taste. & Ftp Persons wishing to make their selections * can do so whenever iu Towanda, by calling at this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stork, the artietioal beauty of the work.aim the promptness with which orders will be filled, wiil oiler inducements to visit this new shop. F. H. BALDWIN, MILLS BARKER, Towanda, Jan. !, 16C0. Proprietor. IIEKEUrKCES. wArrri.v. TOWANDA, ra. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, C. H. Sliepard, Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, R. G. Craus, Merchant, H.S Mercur, Merchant, Alpin 2fc-Doubleday, do. Montanyes, " Rev. O. Crane, " T. M. A\ oodruff, Sheriff, " Wlll. Putnam, Col. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, " D. A. Sliepard, Hon. D. Wil mot,. F. Tyler. Pres t. Bonk. " J. O. Ad-ms. qnan. " Wm. Elweil, G. W. Ruck, Esq. L. A. Parsons, L the citizen* of the place and vicinity. i Having received a thoront'a extra course on the disc a set-' of Females and Child en, he is prepared to give special attention to that auliN't OfHce at the store of Tracy A t Ldsali. References—Dr. MASON, Towanda, Dr. NKWION ; Monroeton. Nov. 14, I*so. REVOLUTIONAiIV CLAIMS. IT has beeu ascertained, hpyoud a doubt, that : n many cases the children or grand children of Rev olutionary 'Soldiers arc entitled to land and back-pay, un der existing laws, and that exertions are being maile for the present Congress to pass an act for the further bone fit of said heir*. 1 have a list of all the names of Revo lutionary Soldiers who have resided in Rradford County, with Blank Forms, sent me from Wyshington. The ap plication of one or children or grand children, with Pofiv er of Attorney, will enable me to have a search made of the Record* at Washington. No costs to applicants, ex cept 50 cents to pay for executing bonds, Postage, Ac. Inquire lor me at the ollice of N. N. BUTTS, Esq., To wanda Borough. J. I) GOODKXOUGH. February 2, 1860. Agent for Bradford County. s* m JiswavwjxLZu WITH BALDWIN, HILL <£• CO. MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS And Wholesale Dealers iu IT ARDWiARE, No. 220. Tear! street, between Maiden Lane and John st. ii NEW YORK. I " . 'I - . THE NEW YORK TRIBUTE. Prepare for tin Great Political Campaign of I^oo/ INDUCEMENTS to CLUBS. MOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. rpHE TRTBUNE—now more tlian eighteen yearsoid. I and'having 1 over a efuarter ol ;i million subscribers. r constant purehnecrs, diffused through every State and Territory of our Union—Will continue in essence what it has been—the ettnektchampion of Liberty, Progress. and ot whatever w ill conduce to our national growth to Vir tue, Industry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. THE NEW YORK. DAILY TRIBUNE is printed on a large imperial hl.cet. and pulji-hed every morning and evening (.Sundays excepted). It contains Editorials ou the topics of the times, employing a large corps of the best newspapers writers of the day; Domes tic and Foreign Correspondence: Proceeding!) ol Con gress ; Reports of Lectures ; City News ; Cattle, Horse, and Produee'Marketa; Reviews of Books Literary ln telligeQce ; Papers oi-Mechanics and the Arts, Cookery, Ac., Ac. Wo strive tt make THE iRIBUNUu new-pa per to meet the wants of the pnblic—its Telegraphic news aiune costing over 41 >,ooo i>er annum. Ttrtms THE DALLY TRIBUNE is mailed to sulecii- Ijers at sti per annum, in advance ; s'2 for. six months. THE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is published every Tuesday and Friday, and contains al the Editorials of the Dai y, with the Cattle, Horse, and General Markets, n lia'oly reported expressly for the Tribune; Notices of New Inventions, I ..reign and Do mestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookery ; and during tlie sessions of Congress it contains a summary of Con gressi.uml doing.-, with the more important spoeche-. We shall, as heretofore, make THE feKMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE a Literary, as we!! as a political' ncwipaper, aiul we are determined that it shall remain in the fiout rank of family papers, J-' TwiMs One Copy, one year $3: Two C pies, one year ii; Five Copies, one year $11,25 ; Ton'"Copies, t one address C-20. Any person cowling its a club of twenty, or over, will ! be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of forty, we will send the Daily Tribune one year. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large eight page paper for the country, is published every Saturday/and contain Editorials on the important topics of the times, the news o! the-week, interesting correspondence from allparfebof the world, the New York Cattle, Horse, and Produce Markets. Interesting and reliable Political. Mechanical, and Agricultural articles, Papers on Cookery, toe., Ac. We shall', during this year, as hitherto, constantly la bor to Lmpmveffhc .(Utility of the instructive entertain ment all irded by THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, which, we intend, shall eontsnne to be the lu st Family Weekly Newspaper published in the Woild. We consitler the Cattle M.liket Reports alone richly worth to cattle rais ers a year's subscription price. TgRVS: -D ,:e copy, one year $2 : Three copies, or.e [ year $5 ; Five copies, one yenr SS ; Ten copies, one yenr 512 • Twenty copies, t(> one address $2O ; Twenty copies to address of each -uhscrihcv 24. Auy person sending us a club of Twenty, or more, will be entftleirto an extra copy. For a-club of Forty, we will send THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE-, and for a club of One hundred THE DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent gratis. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms al ways easij in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY A CO., Tribune Buildings. it Nas.-.aft street. New York. SusqutDmtit Colkgiale Institute,' TOIVANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. ft ac MM i; I I OLIVER S. DEAN, A.B. 1 "riiici; al. Professor of A'Jclcnt ' Languages, and Mental and Mogal Sciences. WM. IE DEAN, A. Ifc. Associate Principal, Professor ! of Mathematics and Natural Science. I Pro!. CHARLES B. COBURN, CoftMy flMßiUßMlent, I General Director of Nornrit Department. Mrs. ANN C. KELLOGG. Pre -11 -ess. Miss ANNA M. DEAN, A-si -taut Preceptress. Miss M ARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instru ment tl Mu-ic. Mr. CANFIELD DAYTON, fetewar 1. The Wiatei Term .commences WEDNESDAY, NO-' VEM BEE 21, and will continue 14 wcc-lce. tuition, it t: term : [Payable invariably in ad.ayiee, < roue ln.lf on entering rn<- school, and onejuilf A tlie middle of the term—fuel and contingencies included.] i Primary, per term ~ - $ 5 00 Piep.irat try 1-..... . '! 00 Highqr, Ist year, j r term 7 00 i Higher, Ist and 2-t yea-, per tena 8 00 j Classical. L-l year,"per term 7) <• cias, 2d in 1 :iii year, per term % Ou Colliit.-; 1 er t. " 10 00 N. B. Pupils v. iil lie el;.- -1 By the most advanced branc# they respectively port-nr. Pupils using schnlarsliipfi are charged sl"per term for fuel aad contingent.-. n.TR A KXTKN'SES V French...." i % a 00 German ou Drawing 3 00 Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 M ashing, per dozen. "9 The CaHegiate ye;tr is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The Annivcnsftiy exercises will-be hcM at ' the close Of tie Sjil ing term. No deiLWtn- i will be made for absence, except la case I of protracted ißie-sof over.two weeks. In-ti i inent. A .Music will not,as heretofore, be taught in i the Institution. bat by special arrangement—a class will be taught iti a nail adjoining the ; rounds of the Institute, by the Teacher of Vocal Musie. Ti.'w arrangement ha- been adopted for the past term, ami (xperience b is proved it to be eminently tiuperi-';- to tlie'plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken-to .secure the greatest juogress ot those wishing to take k sons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument for practice 3 80 Pupils boarding in tie- Hull will furnish their own t--w -els, Ac., and the table silver an their option. It is th-sira b!e that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these wiil be furnished at a aligtit.-charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abrued should board in tlie Institution, as Letter opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. A ormal Department —Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for these preparing themselves as • Teachers of ro. intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to i-s present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not sucli n- to in any wiy interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, "n tlir ]iart of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the liigli repqlatatton tlie hi.-titu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support WILLIAM 11. DBAN.Ip , , . Aug. 9. is:,9. OLIVEIt S. I)KAN. | lnn alß ' Arrival of tlie Great Eastern ! LATEST INTELLIGENCE! . IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWANDA AND VICINITY! j \r E. SOLOMON has just retnrned from j *1 • (he Ka-t with the LARGEST., BEST & CHEAP ! Fall & Winter Clothing, ever brought to this market. I can assure my ou-tu rners 1 liave studied their interest as well as my own by buying the best made, and most durable stock of Fash ionable Clothing to be found. My stock consists of I'elis sicr, Raglan, Sack, et-- . Overcoats; Black and Fancy (Jassiinure Frock and Sa- k Coats of all styles and.quali ties ; Black Doeskin, Fancy Cassimere and Sattuctte Pants ; Fancy Silk and Cotton Velvet, Cassimere, Satti nct and Plush Vests, in fact, a great many styles too num erous to mention , also including a large stock of GENTS rrHNISHING GOOZ>3. You will find it to yonr advantage to call and examine my stoukLeiore purciia-iug elsewhere. Come one I C--iae ali! to the Clothing ?tore of M. Tl-. SifLOtfD.V, Totvanda Nov. 1, 1850. No, 2. Piitton's Block. X. B—Jt ?T RKCKIVRD--A large Stock of Sloe Leather Upper Leather, Kipskins, Calf Skins, Lining Skins, Ac., which will be sold cheaper than elsewhere in this market. The highest market price in cash, will be paid for al! kinks of Grain, Wool, Hides and Sheep Pelts. Remember the place, No. 2, l'atton's Block, M. E. S. DK. PRATT HAS removed to the corner of Second and Popfcir cf., immediately back of the Ward House, snr All ac counts with him over one years standing, must be im mediately settled. ,1- . Towanda, Sept/21,1859. I>L ASTER. —IOO tous Plaster for sale for .1- Cash, OYain, Lc., at December it. ROCKWELL'S. • X\ TANTED. —llidcs and Skins, lor which T t "the highest market prick will be paid, either in goeds or cash. Octobor 1 IR3D. HUMPHREY & WICKUAM. —R : ittuiccllanfou.'i. M VEIUS U I LRS. TUG undersigned having purchased the above wel' known iuilis and attached to it a Steam Engine, and al-o (nit every tiling connected with it in perfect repair, with all tlie'modern improvements now in use in first class Plmtring Mills—would respectfflly snlkif the pa tronage of' the cnmmonitv—trusting that the reputation tin- mill has heretofore borne mRv not sutler in the hand.- of the new firm. It. shall 1-c oitr"aim to do all woiken trusted to us promjitly and in the best possible in nner. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip *' to mi!!." Mr. FROST will continue to give his own personal at tention to tlie business at the mill. CASH (laid for ali kinds of GRAIN ; also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FRUST A CO. ISA.AC MYPR .......J. O. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCWAXDA, Oct. 6.1858. c:T-:O. i r. BUNTING, PJESfECTFULI.Y inforidWhis former customers and L the public generally, that he lias removed his TAILOR'S SHOP, To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite I>. C. Half's Stove and Tin Store Main st. He flatters himself that frojn fcis longex(ieriewce in bu hines- he will be able to please all who may favor him with Ih-'ir custom. Owing to the low pressure in the mo ney market, lie will make Coats from $2 .10 to $4 10each and other work in proportion for READY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not be refn-ed, i fferedt " Towanda, March 20, IN.*S. New Store! Sffew Pritcs! 11. W. NOBLE, : JYo. 5, JJric/c Hmr, Towanda, TTTftOLESALE k RETAIL LIQUOR T f DE \ LKR, now offers to the public a well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Havana and Domestic Cigars. Consisting in part of the following : BRANDlES.—Hennessey. Otard, Cognac, and Dnpuy. GlNS.—Holland, Rose, and Scheidain Schnapps. RUMS.—Santa Cn.z. Jamaloa, and New England. WHISKEYS.—Bmirboi), Scotch, Jlouongehala, Old Cmw. and Old Rye. WIRES.-—Cliampaigne, Claret. Sherry, Madeira. Bur gundy, Port, Mu cat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor dials of all brands. >- > CIGARS.—Iai Victoria, Washington, Liirlit Guards, Rio Kondo, Henry Clay, La Fotrtica, La Isabella, La Flor d'Cnltana. l'riueipe, Yara, Principe. TOBACCO. -A go >d assortment of Cut, Chewing, Smo king and Manufactured Tpbacco of various l-rand-, al! ol which w ill La sold ;-f tiie lowest prices for Cash, or to prompt payers. All kinds oi produce tahen in bxchange for Goods. N. B. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohns, and bottles of all sizes for sale. Towanda, Feb. 22, Siiason, Greener di Co. Piano Forte Manufacturers, AND MUSIC PUBLISHERS, No. 51, Water-st., Eltnira. I X ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSOBT L 11lent of our own nianufatcurcd Piano Fortes, which I have now been in i-e f--r years, and have been pronounc ed by Mori-. STRACKOSCIf and other eminent Artists, I unsurpas -d in t -i h. tone-hnd durability, wc have a large stock of the world-wide celebrated 'Chickerin? Sent?," Boston: Grand and Square Piano Fortes, i who have received thirty-four medals in Europe and Ajner ! ica fur the b- -t Piano Fortes. Wo have al - > Siavcn, Bacon &, Co.'s. j Piano Fortes, wl h nr.- uudaubt -dly preferable to any ; otliti Biakc-r.s in New York.' B< iog maunlacturess ourselves, we get the above In ! ttrumects on tiie iun-t lar-ruhle terms, enabling us to i sell f bein to dealers and Seminaries at their regular whole | sale prices. Carhart, ITccdhr.m tk Co.'s, Hffelcdccnt. Mr. Carhart being the original inventor of the above In struments, and tiie same having all tlie valuable improve mcils, it is only jut to say they are not to be excelled. A large assortment oft-MIKEI" MUBf". One of our linn having had long experience in this branch, parties at n 'Kstance not able to ri-!t our Wai. • looms, ~i.-y rely <>n liis selections. "The;* ■ iof Italian string-. Violin--, Ouiktn, *tc. Par ti.uli-. tt--tion is 'i to the selection hi BRASS IN ETIICM EN 1- for Bands. Alt l'iano ! orte.s ug .t of us arc WARRANTED foi three years. Pianos and MeToiTrons TO RENT, and sent all over the country t extremely 1 ov prices. I'artie- wishing to'|>urfeha.e l'iano Forbes, or any otlici Mm ictl Merchandize, and save froru ten to fifteen pet ecu'--, vi ill (dra. c call, or aiMress Kl>A*">V, GBKHTfKR CD. May IC, ls.ifr. .",1 Water Street. Lurriha, X. T. V ji, PiTTKicit, is agent t'qr the fl:in at Towa.ida. BUY YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES OK L. C- NELSON. : npifE sul)scril >or would resiaprtfully tondcr i hie tlianks to Lis patrons and the publh generally for thie very literal and unex cctcd amount r. such as will better pit a-e tb-.m hercl uorc ; and as his object is to please, he w ill give his whole time- andatteuffon to this one great and import ant branch ol the Mechanical Arts. And as tlie re are sonic of his customers prejudiced against Stitching Ma chine work, lie has procuri d the best and most experi enced hand help, where ali of his work will be made and warranted first best. Those gentlemen that arc in the habit of wearing nice French Calf Boots, sewed or pegged, w ill do well t-> call and leave their measwrc. He has employed one of the best workmen in t >wn. Ladies Kid, ilorufM and Call Sin es and Gaiters can be furnished at short ii"tie, and of the best materials. He also has in his employ faith ful and cxp'-ricm cd workmen engaged in making Gents Thick and Kip Boots and bhoes o| aii kinds to measure, dawn to B'>ys-, Youths and f hililrens. As liohaslHen engaged for some years in the Eastern Boot and Shoe Manufacture, he lias thereby become acquainted with many of tlie Cust un Root and Shoe Manufacturers, can buy ■goods aim . at tost, wheretiy his department ol Has tern work will be offered at prices Unit wUbdcfy com petition. And as his wli-de business hfe lias been devoted to the . two branches. Custom and Sale Boot and Shoe Manufac ture, feels posted and conversant with all tlie rules ar*-i principles which enter into tlie preparation of the stock. The Correct measurment of the font, also a knowledge with shc anatomy of the foot, a familiar acquaintance with the angles, lines and curves, which are involved in the perfect adjustment of part to part, and their relative i position-, which is necessary in order to be successful in 1 the profession. CalT ami examine his winter goods before buying c!>e where, lie has a large assortment of the best Thick and Kip Boots, extra Jong legs and custom made. He want.- every man and boy to buy a pair for his as well as the if own interest. i-.i* - Propositions cheerfully heard. Repairing of Boots and felines of ail kinds,wiJl be faith folly done and at the time promised. Towanda, Sept. 2s. DID. La C. NELSON. tALL AND WINTER (p a® @ sjs i m tG. JM. COLLINS, is now receiving nt hit • old stand i-n Main Street, next door to Hall's, oni of the largest, best selected and cheapest stobks of REAEIT ZVZADB CLOTHING, ever brought into this market, to which he invites the at tention of purchasers. Having had some years' ex[>eri ence in the business, lie is able to offer inducements, as t< tin QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE OP GOt HIS. notti be met with at any other establishment. His stock em braees the usual assortment of OVERCOATS, COATS VESTS \.\'l> PANTALOONS, of every style and price to suit the ta-te and the pockets of customers. To tho-i who prefer ordering garments, he would say that lie keep: constantly on hand a large assortment of CLQTHS, CAS Sf.NfERES AND \ ESTINGS, which will be made up ot short notice, by experienced workmen, and warranted tc give satisfaction in every way. Particular attention wii be given to this ilass ol custom, and every exertion luadi to please customers. , Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ac. A large assortment of hats and caps, of all styles ant prices. CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properh manufactured. Towanda, October 19,1M9. J. M. C MAY SCAi.KS ! Tun snisctiniEii is now pre PARED to construct Hay Scales upon an improved principle, where simplicity j accuracy, nbd durability are so combined as to excel in at least simplicity and dura bility any of the scales now in use. Also repairing of old phitfonn scales done on reasonable terms and with dis patch. Address G. W. JACKSON, Junetl, 1819. Wyalusing. Bradford Co., Pa. I-ttlcrUanrou?. PAT'fnX S PAYNE. Wo. 4, Fatton's Block, Towanda, Fa., Have recently added largely to their stock of Bins & MlBiim (!TFT-:7VrTO.\T,H, FAMILY GROCERIES.! They also have conUintiy on band ; FURE WINES A7VD LIQUORS, FUR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. .FRESH CAMPHENE.iI At the lowest rates, and BURNING FLUID, of superior duality, manul' expu-s-LV B,r the gas-jit Fluid j •' Lamp's. They also keep all TF.e Popular PA TENT MEDICINES; of fkeyl.iy. Every article going from this store is war MUTED as represented, aud il any prove dilk-rent, tliey ; r will be cheerfully taken back, and the M mey refunded. | J. G. PATTUN, I. Towanda, Feb. 1,1859. Dr. E. L>. PAYNE, IF 7 0 ;I IZI T AFF - --'Y'ZL. - f'i 1 STORRS & ( H ATFIELD OWEGO, N, Y, E 91 Are agents f>r the t*ale-of I Wheeler's Fatent Railway Chain horse-pqwebJ 4VHEELER'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower. GVEGSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating S- p.nutor,) Single cr One horse Power and Separator, WLFHET.F.R S CLOVER DULLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MIL! (for sawing wood, Ac.) All the above machines arc manufactured by Wheeler, : Melick, A Co.. Albany, N. Y., and are warranted to give ' EJVIRE satisfaction, or MA) be returned at the expiration j I. ot U rouaunable time tor trial. S. IIOE.TOOT &. Co.'s CELEBRATED COT POWERS, FOR CHURNING, &C. Constantly on hand. R JSWFARRAERB and others wnbing to procure any of the ! above articles, will do well to call upon us before purchase | G ing. June 2S. 1859* | •- TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY. IKON AM) STOVE - JL D - IT ALL 5 JS ~s, Wholesale and Retail Dealer f C TNTdNI "anbvai c aud Stoves, Iron ( ft 4' .-i. aud NaiU. Sash, Glass, Paints .a .-YOU'- '-D Git- . IB -,SE Trimmings— B I MI H'l"l'-"I'T L " , ■ Carriage ' *KOTA, Bellows, \nvil-, V! cs, f J Hammers and Screw Plates, II Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand 11 itcbets — Cable, n Log, Trace and llaltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels i E F and Spades. t- ! POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY-- SHEARS grrd Seis e I sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Brtr- AISL Eitameled Kettles. ] T- j Shovel and Tongues. Spoon- and, Tubs AND Pails, i Mops and \\ a-hboards, and N£! other kinds of house-kqep- , d ing IN^DEMEN'S. In the llAiiitWAllEline, Brass, Brit tan lA. .lappaned ; e and Plain Tin Ware, single-or'iiisrtf*. Bar. Band, Scroll I II and Il"0]J iron. Steel of ail kinds-. Nail Rods. Ac. Pumps, E IS-ad Pine and all the necessary fixtures for water works. IF Patent.Stretched Leather Belting and String Leaiher, d I and 10,000 other articles TOO numerous to mention, that I- ! we are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac s I tun rs andimporters, including the largest assortment | and greatest variety of STOVES 0 11 I Stores 25 per rent. Jess than usual for Cash, J} ! or drain at the highest market prices. I- Ooal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining ;■ Room. Six Plate and Cylinder, everbroughtiatn Northern ; Pennsylvania or Saatimn New York: all of which we -• are now prepared to sell at WHOVSA'V or retail, at as low •i | rates, aud on as good Tutors as can lie found this side ol New-York, from the fact that all ou# GIRO ITS were bought ;E of lliwt hxnda and in iiifl pack-ages and FORGE qinvntities, e that gives us an advantage over so-rafter purchasers and I U i'ry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to' e 15"per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we n shall olfcr to any who will favor us with a call bt fore pur chasing elsewhere, C- A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows d always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job ts Work done to order, on short notice and warranted, ir Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE-cheap—one door South of Tracy A- Moore's, and Powell's new block on Main street, in the new Wood II- Building, lettered all over. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass. Brittania and Copper, IHD-ED Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees — wax wanted for goods. 10,000 SHOE]I Pelts wanted, for which the highest price n CASH will be paid. J#" No credit giv-n over four M-ontlm, and alfbav- i ing ACCOUNTS or notes over due had better call MD pay ' immediately, if tliey wish to save cost. J G Towanda, October 13, 1858. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF ♦- FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. i- , . T" ?^ R=l H AYING greatly increased my former • o S JGJSJIQ --took of Cabinet Ware and Chairs, lam A- " .U-tcrininei! to dispose of these accumlua 8, fions rapidly, and with tlrat design offer ail articles at e, unprecedented low prices, for Cash. -c Good Sofas at #l6 to ?2(>, fine Cane Seat Chairs 75 cts. is each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. 8- 1 have now more than 00 different patterns of Chairs, in Bureaus, Desks for the farmer or merchant, Looking N Glasses, Looking glass Plates, Portrait and Picture frames 11 of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner ; 20 le patterns of Stands ; extension, dining, tea and work-Ta bles, Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be found iu a city Ware-house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a good j Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers will be sure to find the right place, south id side of the public square, one door east of Montanj-es. | Towanda. Dee, 1, ls.V). CHESTER WELLS. CANDY AND CANDY TOYS. I HAVE on linnd the lfircroft and greatest I variety of CANDY AND CANDY TOYS to be found in this town, which I will tell at retail cheaper than auy living man. CANDY of al! kinds sold to those who buy to sell again "J at Pedlar's prices. I- Dec. 15,1859. F.. T. FOX. T- HJLASS AND SASII.—IOO boxes Glass, V7T 1000 lights Sash tor sale at 1. 1 Oct. 18,1859. OCK WELL'S. 1 0 Wtsintss <£aius. DR (HAS. M. TURNER, PIIYSICLJ^ FY SUHUEON, offers bin professional servic* p, the inhabitant* of Towanda arid vicinity. Office ami in,, ideuce in thoru* Ssq., out door uorih at the Episcopal Church, on Main. Srret. K. OVKKTON, A 0. I>. HONTASY* OVERTON A MONTANYE, A TTOH. A 'E YS AT I. AIV -Office iu Union Block, former y occupied by J AS. M WAKCANK. H. J. P. D. MORROW \ I AHI LL A MORROW, A TTORNE YS 1U AND COUNSELLORS. AT LA over Merc or".- Store, ToWanda, I'a, Towanda, April 2, 18. n-13-tf DR. E, 11. MASON, PIIYSICIA N A NT) SI KOE ON, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can ahvays lee found when not professionally engaged. 1? R. PARSONS, ATTORNEY A'L L-2 LA IU, THOY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over Y M. .it 11. P. Long's store. Aug- 7, lie. HENRY P>. MKEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tol\ AXDA, PA. 5 will par prompt attention to busines%entnisted to hint. Crfftoetlons mailt on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. octltr I/HAT A NAN S&ITH, harinf return*? to IJ To wanda, has opened a Law Office over Mereur's Store. ■ Dec. 1.1857. . IU IE WESTON, />/•;. V TIST. permanently located in Towanda - one door south of Bailcy&Nevciij Towand.i. Feb. IP, Is.V.r. O. H. WOODRUFT-DEHTTIST. ] PERMANENTLY located in Towanda.— Office No. 5, Brick Row, over 11. LV. -NOBI.ES' Store Entrance one door south ot Tracy A MoorfeS. DUN. O, S. PECK AND 0. CHURCJI //./.. SURGEONS AND MECHANICAL DENTISTS, TOWANDA, Pa. M" Office, No. J, Brick Row, < vcr K. T. Fox's store entrance lirst door , n l'i te -t. February 16. ISOO. /U'Y II W ATKINS, ATTORNEY AT \_T LAW, TOWANDA. I'A. Office opposite laiporte. Mason A Co. OS-Collections made and remitted with promptness. Towanda, January 2,1800. ' ' hi:. MI:TE OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG BOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH ' An established reputation for keeping the best niC'kciuc, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MiOCJNE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted hy thoroughly competent persons, who devote | the mo-t careful the strictest regard to r. • uracy. and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity,has become TJJS ©MIU MAIL BTDM With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL ALU AHTICI.ES WAKKANTEO AS KKI'EESESTKD. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Pure ha res, the prices will always be*at the low est point for Prime floods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. EVERY/KHZ in THIS cßen si re slock will be suhl Cheap for Cash RKICKS Bturctii, viz: Of £oaps, Perfumery, BVn>lies. Combs, Pocket Knives ana Razors, Lumps and Materials for Lipid. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, WiNES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE. TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin St Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclttlir, Btdavic and Medicines '. Spires, RI ii SEED. /.mp Shades and Harden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great want* of the People, reduced in l'rico, and revised for the Cash System, DR. PORTER'S CAMPHTSNE! DIL POUTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID I ! Arc FresX. daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in the Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, | Known n Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction. 1 I>r. Porter's Perioral Syrup. price 27$ cents [ l)r. Porter's Farttily Emirrocatiom •' 25" '* Dr. Porter's Tonic Eliker. " 50 " [>r Porter's Worm-5yren................ " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cmrvp Pvt. . " 100 •' Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic " 150 " Or. Patter's Blackberry lkilsr3 " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25' " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff' " 2i " Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder..... 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37J " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle l'owdcr " 25 " l>r. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 2* " Dr. Porter's Black luk " 25 " 1 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 271 '* J Dr. l"v>rt*r's Sat anA Mice I'oisea,. _ "• 215* ** Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia "■ 26 "• Medkal lilvice afiten at Uieofflto t'lorpiwg only for Medicine. ffJ-Thattkful for past liberal patronage would re*pect fully announce to liis friends and the public tbuUio pains, .-liail be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of their contideuce and patronage, at the CASH DRUG STORK Corner of Maia and Pine streets. June 20.155!). 11. C. PORTER, M. D. CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. BREAK IN THE CANAL I ffAA MEN WANTED to boy Stoves at the MAM eJUU MOTH FOUNDRY, one door east of Mermr's I Store. We have just received the largest assortment of j STCVE3 ever brought to this miirket, both for C"al ami Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining -1 room Six-pfafe and CWindcred Stoves. Some of the celebrated Empress Cook Stores, the best Coal Stove ever manufactured, all of which will be sold cheaper than af any other establishment in this country. A large quantity of Tin Ware, Stove I'ipe, Elbows. Coal Hods. Coal Shovels and Coal Sifters, always on hand, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. All kinda orj castings and machine work done to order on short, holier • j Particular attention paid to liouiing, Eve Troughs, O" doctors. Gutters and all k:nds of Jobbing done and wi j ranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stoves on hand. | which will be sold very cheap. Please give us a cali. Tdwanda Hoy. 1.1859. JOHN CARMAN'. j ALL YANIINU FARMS IN A DB* 1 Ul.lightly 1 climate, nth soil, and .-c ure from frosts—- I See advertisement of ILtmmonton Lands :n ao'dhtr 1 eoluuuu