t. t wanda, March 11th, at The house of P. P. Maynard i,v elder J. Nobi.es, Mr. ADAM GROFFT. of Duetaofe, to Miss I'HILEN A SWEET, of Towanda. ln gmithfiehl. March loth, by Rev. H. LAMKTN.Mr CHARGES TAYLOR, of West Burlington, to Mrs. \SN E. GRIXNELL, of Burlington Borough. 3lr>y gHfterttstwrati. ST. Y. 6c E. RAIL ROAD. (GRANGE of hoars, commencing Sunday, January 1, 1 ;o. Trains will leave Waverly at about the foliow i:ig hours, viz : UIUNG WEST. GOINO EAST. Punkirk Express. .5A9 P.M. X.Y.Express..ll.4s A. M \ight Expre55....3.46 A.M. Night Express. 1-38 " Accommodation. . .8.32 P.M. Accommodation 7.16 '• Way 10.28 A. M Stock Express. 4.38 P.M. K\press Freight- 6.12 P.M. Fast Freight. ..10.40 A.M. list Freight 12 53 P. M Way Freight.. 5.65 P.M. Way Freight P. 30 A.M.j The Night Express train both ways, Stock, Express Freight, and Fast Freight trains run every day. The ac , enmodation trains remain over night nt Elinira. The Way traiu runs only to llornellsvillc. t'H HRi.KS MINOT, General Sup. NATHANIEL M A Its A. Receiver. DR. JOIIN M'INTOSU, will he found at his old office, Patton's Block, during Spring and summer. Teeth inserted on Vulcanised Rubber—the latest improvement ic dentistry. Spdiimen piece to be seen at the office. Persons indebted to me will please pay up. Jt)HN M INTOSH. Towanda. March 20, 1860. UISSOLUTION. —The partnership hereto fore existing between the subscribers, in the Mer .uitile business, is this day dissolved by mutual concent. The business will be continued, at the old stand, by J. I). HUMPHREY, who will be happy to receive a share of the.public (Mttrouage. \ll persons having unsettled accounts, are earnestly requested to call and make settlemant, either by note or pavnient, and all having notes over due are desired to make paviaent wirhieut delay. J. D. HUMPHREV, Towanda, March 80. IMO. A. WICKHAM. Patronize Your Own Town ! And lot the Bast take Core of Itself! f] GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS &LA FSSfIOES tnade to order, of the best ma tcrial and in the most workmanlike and satis-: factory manner, by _ WILLIAM T. ROSS. t-jr Rooms over Pbinney's Store. Towanda. March 22,1060. vol2o-42. j The Campaign of 1860 Fairly Opened' | AT MONTANYES STORE! £v Tu the shape of a FRESH AND LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS AMD CAPS, Ac., Ac., Ac, Ac., An J all the elegances and et cetera* necessary to gratify the tastes and wants of this fast age. March 21. ,^ x // | Cuv • '// y,c / u,) < OMMER< T.IL CD LI EG hi LOCATED OVER TIIE 81'BQt'KII ANN A VAI.LEY BA>'K. BXXffGHATVETON, N". Y Rooms open for Instruction, from 9 A. M. to 9j P. M. FACULTY, I>. W.LOWELL, Principal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author ot Lowell's Treatise dpou Book Keepiug, Diagram* illustrating the •sine. Ac. JOHN RANKIN, Commercial Acoutant, Professor of Kook-Keeping and Practical Mathematics. A.J. WARNER. Professor of Practical and Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Calculations aud Correspon dence. I. E C T L It KRS. Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, Lecturer on Commercial Law and Political Economy. Hon. RANSOM JJALCOM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom issory Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. L. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. EX AMINI NO COMMITTEE. Hon. Sukkman I>. PHELPS, WILLIAM R. Osßt'RN Esq., TRACY R. MORGAN, ESQ. The object of this College is to afford to all an oppor tunity of obtaining a thorough Business Education. The Books and forms are carefully arranged by practi cal accountants expressly gfor this institution, aud em brace ali the recent improvements. The course of Instruction comprises every department of business. The learner will be thoroughly taught the science and practice of Double Entry Book Keeping as applied to the following kinds of business, viz General Merchandizing, Manufacturing, Banking, Coin mission, Steam boating. Railroading, Forwarding, Freighting, For eign Shipping, Ac. Ladies' Department entirely separate from that of the gentlemen. Students can enter College at any time and receive in dividual instruction. By this arrangement every student is permitted to progress as rapidly as his enterprize and ability will permit, and when thought perfect and com petent, will receive a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. Time to complete the course, from Six to Twelve Weeks. No vacations. Board #2 and £2,50 per week. Assistance rendered to Graduates iu procuring situations. T E R MS: For Book-Keeping, full aecoutant's course, including Practical Penmanship, Commercial Computations ami Diploma.—(Time unlimited) $35 60 Same course tor Lauies, (separate apartment) 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic 16 00 Teacher's course in Penmanship, practical and or namental 30 00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship 2 oo Occasional classes will be formed in Phonography. For further particularr send for a circular. Binghamton, March 15, 1860—1y41. SMOKED lIAMS AND SUOULBEKS, O at FOX'S. Dill ED PEACHES, at FOX'S. DRIED BERRIES, AT FOX'S. DRIED APPLES, at FOX'S. DRIED SWEET CORN, AU . FOX'S. El XT R A GROVND JAVA COEFEE, at J. • FOX'S. NEW MARBLE FACTORY. CIORDEX X. TAYLOR, having opened a New Marble T Factory in Towanda, opposite tiie Ward House, where he will be prepared to furnish Monuments and Tombstones, manufactured from the beat of Rutland and Italian Marble, and wrought in such styles and designs as will suit every varietv of taste. Mantle Pieces and Table Tops, Ac., made to order. Persons desiring to make se lections, 1 would l>e hapDy to have them call at my shop as I am confident I can suit them in style and quality, having experienced workn.eu trom Owego, who under stand polishing, hewing and lettering in the very latest style. Ail work neatly and well done. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. Towanda,March 1,1*60. 115 REWARD. STOI.EX from the subscriber on the 27th of August last, a Sole Leather Belt, 42 feet long, 10 Inches wide * me new Axe, one pair Head-Stalls, and one Garden Rake Whoever will give such information as will lead to the recovery of the property, or the detection of the thief will receive the above reward. Ulster, March G, 1800. A. B. SMITH. Ulster Brass & String Band. Witt. DXTTRXCH, Leader. ANNOUNCE to the public, in general, that they are . prepared to furnish Music for Parades, Excursions, Pic Nics, Cotillion Pities, Ac. Por engagements, apply to W. DITTKICH, Towanda, H • 4. DAYXWOW , Ulster. taxr&SOtf. Jtlfseenanrotte/ J The Argus Book bindery Again in Full Operation ! WE have the gratifieatic n of announcing to our frfends, customers, and the public, that we are now pre pared to do HOOK BINDING, in all its Branches in the latest and most approved styles, and 0:1 the tiio£t favorable terfus. Having secured, permanently, the eeffices of Mr. H. C. Wihtkkak, 5 Baron John Jr., 23 97 100 Bivnton Peter 9 14 134 Riddle Clement 11 36 427 Boyd John 35 95 179 Beck Henry 15 12 117 Biddle Jamet 9 85 200 Baker William 16-80 156 Chaphamson Samuel 13 21 100 Dundass Thomas 16 80 387 Douglass Andrew 32 48 381 Graydon Andrew 32 10 340 Gratz Michael 29 41 221 Grats Hyman 18 55 114 Graff John 9 59 §4O Gentleworth George 28 5G 395 Grata Barnard 33 22 880 Grats Simeon 32 04 408 Henry Joseph 34 27 4*5 Hail Charles 40 71 388 Hanan Josiah * 32 59 414 Lloyd Peter 33 89 3324 Morgan John 8T 96 40~| Morgan Jacob 34 27 457 Pennington Benjamin 36 73 335 Patton John 23 17 222 Reed Colliuson 18 66 435 Shoemaker James 36 63 363 Simmons Joseph 32 06 129 Singer John 10 87 425 Wilson William 35 77 437 Wistar William 36 73 181 Witzell John 15 19 HONROR. 400 Anderson Samuel 32 70 390 Anderson Joseph 25 29 437 Biggins Robert, years 1556-7-8-9, C 3 43 322 Castator Frederick 26 32 172 Ellis Man y 14 05 97 Gray William 8 91 400 Hampton Robert 32 70 150 Hopkins Robert 12 27 200 North Samuel 16 35 400 Shotts Peter 32 70 400 Shotts Frederick 32 10 400 Shotts G.orge 32 TO 2*o Wallace Mary 23 04 100 Woodruff Hannah 8 18 OVBRTON, 174 Barnes James 13 35 121 Baker John 9 28 343 Beta Henry 26 29 343 Botz John 26 29 343 Bete Joseph 26 29 343 Bet-z James 26 29 400 Byson Henry 80 60 400 Barnes Patrick 30 60 375 Cooley Samuel .28 66 400 Castator Harmon 30 60 400 Cooley Joshua 30 60 400 Castator Joseph 30 60 450 Ecliart George 84 38 2-11 Krwin George 18 46 343 Edge Peter 26 29 100 Kills Marcy 7 65 172 Edge George 13 16 343 Fritz John 26 29 343 Fritz Samuel 26 29 50 Gentleworth George S 85 400 Haga Peter *0 60 400 Haga Nathan 80 60 400 Haga Samuel 80 CO 200 Haga George 15 30 467 Hiltzimer Robert 85 70 400 Hardy Samuel 80 60 375 Hardy James 28 66 225 Hardy Henry 16 73 390 Harris Ann 29 86 400 HttlingsWorth Stephsn 80 60 100 Ladley Andrew 7 65 375 Moore George 98 66 400 Moore Paul 80 60 393 Moore John 80 09 200 North Samuel 15 30 400 North Jonathan 30 60 200 Palmer Thomas 15 30 3t5 Seeley Jonathan 28 73 400 Seeley Peter 30 60 400 Seeley Henry 30 60 400 Seeley Joseph 30 60 400 SiddeLS Andrew 30 60 400 Siddens George 30 60 225 Siddens Peter 17 30 75 Siddeus Jamea 5 78 198 Tyvout Andrew 15 16 400 Temple George 30 60 400 Temple Samuel 30 60 400 Temple Petef 80 60 400 White James 80 60 180 Woodruff Hannah 13 77 RONE. 28 Bentley Samuel 00 60 HIDGBt-Kr, 1516 60 Carroll Charles 1 08 1607 63 Carroll Charles 1 15 1160 83 Welling Charles 1 49 SXITHFIKLO. 189 116 King John 209 STRING FIELD. 947 121 Miera & Fisher 2 19 SOITH CRKEX. 1380 94 Blackwell Robert 1 70 TCSCARORA 250 Keeler John A Co., owners, 4 41 150 Shumway A Barrowcliff, owners, 271 66 Field Henry 1 01 50 Hughs Martha 0 91 35 Porter James 0 62 TERRY. 272 Bajdwin James 17 56 237 Cortright Cornelias 15 30 353 Cortright John 24 74 301 Davenport Cornelias 19 39 231 Davenport Daniel 15 23 116 Kidd John . 7 48 WILMOT. 124 Avery Christopher 6 61 ► 190 Alien Jobs 0 54 _ %*%*{. 57 Fiafi 3* be* 5 52 104 Hollcnback M. 4 72 104 Hollenback Sally 4 72 266 Marsh Samuel 12 00 85 Sterling Samuel Jr., 3 62 taX Fish Thomas 15 33 216 Barrett Joel 9 72 89 Hebarff Hannah 4 02 397 Carver John 17 88 173 Sharp Delany 7 90 151 Done! son John 6 82 ALSO—In pnrauaftce of the provisions of the Act of the General. Assembly, passed the 29th day of April, 1844 Section 41st, at the same time and place will be eAposed at public sale, the tracts or parcels of lands or real estate designated in the following list, unless the taxes due upon the same are paid before that time. * fc? al? E ? ¥ I*. „s " |s I s *" ST 5"3 B = Si h M? i A KM KM A. 1857—Coe Edward,' 40 40 40 28 .Mallory Lawrence, 40 40 40 28 1858—Field Abiron, 60 50 96 Maum William, 50 50 248 Meeker Aaron, Jr. 50 50 101 ASYLUM. 1857—Howard C. L., 84 4 80 170 1858—Barber Henry 25 25 31 ALBANY, 1857 Doyington 0.0. 100 100 319 Murphy Stephen, Jf. 100 100 561 Nichols Edward, 100 100 484 Shipman A Harris, house A lot 23 00 1858—Boyington O. O. 100 • 100 662 Brimmer John D. 150 150 11 43 Corson tchobod, 119 119 529 Donohue Mrs. J. 50 50 842 Hancock. W. 01 I 54 381 Murphey Stephens, Jr. 150 150 10 24 Miller Jacob, est. • 100 I 92 478 Miller Daniel, 2d house A lot 1 63 Martin J. W. 200200 020 Watson JarfiS) 50 50 252 Wilcox Mary, 200200 660 ATHENS TW'P. 1857—Kiff William. 11 10 10 S6O ATUUN3 Bono'. 1858—Wilson James H. house A lot 2 43 Steam Mill Co. mill A lot 24 00 BURLINGTON Tr. ! 1857—Decker W. H. 100 100 30 TO 335 Morton Lester, 60 59 50 9 340 1858—Beech Freeman 25 98 Decker W. H. 100 30 70 331 Harvey Samuel 87 30 37 233 Kingsley Chester 12 12 36 Roswell \Vm. 23 IS 25 75 Hice W.'A. 80 04f 7J 57 182 BURLINGTON WMST, , 1857—Dibble Melvin 100 100 10 90 343 Morley Henry 50 60 50 137 i 1859—Morley Henry, 50 60 89 COLUMBIA. 1855—Hibbard Sidney, 20 75 80 55 S7B 1857 do 20 20 20 144 CANTON, 1957—Bice Joel, 113 111 111 4 4,8 DURKLL, 1857—McAffe Susan, 134 134 112 j 1858— do 134 134 96 FKANKLIN, 1955—Doud Thomas house Jt lot 20 LKROY, 1857—Park William 1J house A lot 2 31 Smith Erastus 50 50 5 45 47 Browning G. W. j house A lot 2 10 MONKOK Tw'r. 1857—Corhit It. H. 300 300 900 696 Murphy Patrick 84 84 84 252 Itay John 27 27 15 12 IIC Towanda Iron Co. 1100 1100 1100 37 95 Walker Elery, 50 50 5 45 128 1858—Corhit It. H. 300 300 300 525 Towanda Iron Co. 1100 1100 1100 28 89 NVA Pa Coal Co. 400 400 700 Campbell R. J. J house A lot 3 50 Bay John 27 15 12 190 MONROE Bono 1 1857—Menardi Joseph house A lot 70 OVERTON, 1857—Hinman A Park 400 400 T6O Camp It. T. 50 51 1 50 105 Frederick Philip 100 100 100 190 Mead Peter, 50 60 60 35 Woodburn Hiram 50 60 60 95 Gleason Patrick 50 60 60 Waltman A Heverly 25 22 48 1858—Campbell G. W. 50 52 52 117 Frederic Phillip, 100 100 100 220 i Frederick Christian, 100 100 100 120 Gleason Patrick, 60 - 50 31 I Hinman A Park 400 400 880 1 Madden Patrick 230 230 139 Mullan Martin, 100 100 220 Campbell James, 50 60 60 i ORWELL, > 1857—Buttles H. J 15 13 115 I 1858 do 15 15 99 Camp Henry 16 16 21 I Cash David, 143 65 h. A lot 65 115 ROME, i 1857—Packard A. O. 89 89 89 163 I j 1858— do 19 89 69 255 ; RINCTIMIY, i 1857-wßpear James, i house A lot 63 1858—Murphy Charles house A lot 1 49 I SOUTH CREEK, I 1857—Dunham George 800 900 30 870 64 75 Ferris Alvin, 50 50 50 365 Kenton Amos 550 550 650 34 65 Fuller Alanson 50 60 50 315 , Hathaway A Griffin, 440 440 440 27 72 Gordon Julia, 30 80 5 25 430 Kcrrick Fred, id, 20 45 15 30 180 ' 1 McKay John, 75 82 5 77 472 Wolf James, 200200 5 195 13 65 ! 1858—Dunham GaorgO * 900 30 870 48 46 Ferris Alvin 60 60 239 Fuller Alanson 50 50 499 Hathaway A Griffin 440 440 21 12 Haight Cornelius 110 10 100 819 KeTrick Fred. 2d, 45 15 30 121 Kerrick Frederick, 3 3 8 46 Relyea Urial 70 10 <0 755 Sullivan Martion 100 100 480 j Wolf James, 200 5 195 ID 01 i Wilson Martin B. 50 8 42 319 , Whetler Naomi 44 8 36 391 > Ferris Peter, 15 • 11 84 > STANDING STONE, 1857—O'Connell Patrick, 40 40 8 83 84 ) WashbafnS.F, 150 152 17 135 355 ) SMltllFißLt), 5 1857—Arnold Austin, house A lot 60 3 Phelps Jared Jf., house A lot 77 j Tracy Guy, 80 80 5 35 180 ) 1858—Allen Jonathan, 50 50 91 j Gorton Joseph, 86 3 33 110 Murphy Thomas, 20 5 15 51 > Muncy William 122 14 108 193 1 Bobbins Moses, 100 10 90 252 j YValker ft. A i house A lot 48 ) SHESUF.QUIN, ) 1856—Campbell Ralph, 50 60 50 77 5 1857—Conway Augustus, 10 10 3 8 69 ) TOWANDA NORTH, J 1857—Gore Alfred, 2} 1J 44 j fowAKbA Bono' ) 1857—Dickey Marv, | two lots 1 58 ) 1858—Gilbert Carl, house A lot 180 ) Bowman fl. Mi 1 one lot 60 5 TUSCAUORA, J 1858—King Stutley, 80 80 112 * U LATER , IRs6—Bennet Lorain 60 60 10 60 177 5 1858— McAffee Joel P., 77 60 60 112 5 WYSOX. ) 1857—Whitney Alanson, 85 83 5 80 91 t WtsniiAM, j 1858—Loveland Stephen, 20 16 16 37 l WAUREN, i 1857—Stockwell Phinney 6 5 5 30 Pierce Warren 100 100 100 184 5 do 100 100 100 168 ) Rogers AlvahD., 60 50 5 45 83 ) WELLS, 1 185?—Fenton Amos, 60 150 150 289 Hathaway A Griffin, 1000 1000 1000 lD 25 rv 1858— do do 1000 1000 56 28 H Seeley Alexander, 70 70 283 s WILMOT, I 1857—Crans R. G., 62 63 3 60 236 f. Place James, 46 50 4 46 79 Parker John 119 113 113 158 Whipple David 113 113 113 299 , 1858—Crans R.Q., 62 2 GO 79 Whipple DaviJ, 113 113 103 N. B Notice is hereby given, that an amoilnt suffici* cnt to pay taxes and cost will be required in every case where the land is sold, at the time of sale, and unless 8 terms are complied with the lands will be again exposed s to sale. _ I WILLIAM GRIFFIB, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office. March 15,1860. 9 ~ OOIL MUSIC All FRIEIMI>~ "O un MUSICAL FRIEND," a rare companion for 9 \J the Winter months. Every Pianist, every Singer, every Teacher, every Pupil, every Amateur, should pro -0 cure this weekly publication of Vocal and Piano Forte Music, costing but 10 cents a number, and pronounced by the entire Press of the country, -to be the " best and 1 cheapest tvorkof the kind in the icorld." Twelve full-nlsed 1 pages of Vocal and Piano-Forte Music for 10 cents—- 1 Yearly, $5 ; Half yearly, $2,50 t Quarterly, $1.25. 1 Subscribe to " Our Musical Friend, or order it from 2 the nearest News-dealer, and yon will have music enough for your entire family, and at an insignificant cost; and if yon want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, r> Accordion, etc., subscribe to the ° "SOLO MELODIST," J Containing twelve pages, costing only 10 cento a nam -3 ber ; Yearly, $3,50 j Half-yearly, 1,25. s All the back Numbers at 10 cents, and bound Volumes of " Our Musical Friend," containing 17 Number*, at f 2 AO each, constantly on hand. ? C. B SEYMOUR A €., % JOT Xa.*u Street, New-York. fcegal. (SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ L_7 or Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, tc me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda.on FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, 1860, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wilmot township, bounded north by land in possession of Benjamin C. Barnes, east by land of Edward Lathrop, south by land of Josiah Stowell, west by land of John VosC- Containing fifty-five acres more or less, about thirty-five acres thereof improved, a framed house ' a framed barn and shed, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereoti. TMOMAS M. WOODRUFF. SherifT. Sheriff"s Office, March 21, 1860. A UDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the matter of A the estate of John Frost, deceased. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff"s sale of defendants real and personal estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointmeut, at his office in Towanda boro'on MONDAY, the 30th day of APRIL, 1860, at one o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons Interested will present their claims or be debarred ' from claiming any share of said fund. ELHANAN SMITH, March 22, iB6O. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the matter of the estate of John Arthur. In the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendants real estate, among the several creditors, to the duties of his appointment, at his office in Towanda boro' on MONDAY, the 30th day of APRIL, 1860, at ten o'- clock, A. M., at which time and place all inter ested will present their claims or be debarred from claim ing any share of said fund. EI.HANAN SMITH, March 22,1860. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of HANNAH EVITTS, late of Pike twp. deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ABEL MORE, March 22, 1890. Executor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— L. P. Stalford vs. John Bates. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 235, December term, 1857. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute funds raised bv Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to tfie duties of his appointment, at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MONDAY, the 26th day of MARCH next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time aud place all persons interested are required to present their claims, or else be fbrever debarred from said fund. P. D. MORROW, February 20,1860. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— John Ueullcmau note to John Holmes ' ur r . Adam Kssentcine. In the Court of Common l'leas of Bradford County, No. 128 February term, 1858. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distriuute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendants real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the Borough of Towanda.on SATURDAY" the 24th day of MARCH, iB6O, at 2 o'clock. P.M., at which time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims, or else bo forever debarred from | said fund. P. D. MORROW. | February 20, 1860- Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Cat (la nd Pal - j mer and Fredrick P. H'altace vs. Harriett Means. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. j 488. December term, 1858. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court i to distribute funds raised by Sheriff"s sale of real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his rppointmcnt at his office in the Borough of Towanda.on FRIDAY, the 23rd cf MARCH. 1860, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place ail persons interested arc requested to present their claims or else be forever debarred from the said fund. P. D. MORROW, February 20. iB6O. Auditor. AI) MINISTR ATO R'S N OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of SALLY' KILBORX, deceased, late of Leßoy j twp., are requested to make payment without delay ; j and those having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN KILBORN, Febrnnry 20, 1860. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE - Bigelow Hoatf landvs.J.H. lie It'itt, et. at. In the Court o Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 476, February term, 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court 1 to distribute funds raised by SherifTs sale of real estate of j defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment \ at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, I the 25th day of APRIL 1860, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., at j which time and place all persons interested are requested ' { to presCpt their claims or else be forever debarred from the said fund. G. H. WATKINS, . February 20, 1860. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE C F. Wilson vs. G. ft". Quick. In the Court of Common Picas of Bradford County, No. 179, December term, 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Conrt to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendants ' real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office n Towanda boro' on THURSDAY, the 22d day of MARCH 1860, atone o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons in terested will present their claims or be debarred from claiming any share of said fund. G.H. WATKINS, February 22, 1860. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the mailer of the estate of Robert Spalding, deceased, late of It'i/- ln the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, No. 4, December term, 1869. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute the monies in the hands of the Executors, as per account filed, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his office iu Sbesbequin, on THURSDAY" the 22d day of MARCH, lM>O, between the hours of 10 A.M., and 4 P. M., at which time and place all per sons interested will present their claims or be debarred from claiming any portion of said fund. Jl. F. KINNEY, February 16,1860, Auditor. ADM INI STR ATO R'S X OTI C E—Not ice is hercbv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of GARDNER BURLING AME, late of Smithfield twp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons havingdemauds against said estate, will present them duly authenticated lor settle ment. J- M. BURLINGAME, Feb. 16, 1860. Administrator, with will annexed. D MINI ST II ATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es state of JOHN THALL, late of Towanda boro', deceased, must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. STEPHEN CORWIN, February 16,1859. Administrator. 4 D MINI STR ATR I X'S NOTICE.-Notice XJL 5 is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOBSHEPARD, late of Athens Borough, deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment.and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CORNELIA RHEPARD, . 1 Administratrix de bonis nan. with will aunexed. I February 29, iB6O. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that, all persons indebted to thees ' tate of GEORGE AVERY, late of Rome township, dee'd. are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fdr settlement—to John .Pass more, at Romei JOHN PASSMORE, HAMPTON CHAMPLIN/ March 1, 1860. Administrators. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given that all persons indebted to the estate of it THOMAS McEVIENNA. dee'd.,late of Asylum tp, must make immediate payment.and all persons having demands * ngaiust said estate, will present them duly authenticated S for settlement. PATRICK McEVIENNA, March 6,1860. Executors. 4 D MINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice - IA. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ROBERT P.SHORTELL, late of Pike, deceased , r are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; r and all persons having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. c r L. P. PIERCE, y March 6,1860. Administrator. t pVARCLAY R. R it COAI COMPANY - J_J Office in Patton's block, corner of Main and Bridge streets, Towanda, second tloor. n Retail prices of Coal: 5 LUMP COAL. BMITH COAL. j By the single ton $2,25. $2,00. ' Orders sold at the Office, and at O. D. Bartleit's store. COAL will be delivered in town, at 25 cents per load. JAMES MACFARLANE, x ~ ToiWnda, Jnly 18,1858. Gen'l Superintendent. It XAA CORDS OF BARK WANTED ! r K/U Cash Will be paid for OAK AND HEMLOCK fiIRH. and HIDES AND SKINS, at the highest market rat*, ty iug BUMPHSJEY & WTCKHAM _ Hfflal. SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of s writ ! k? of Vend. Kxpo. fssetd oht of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and delivered/ will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda. on FRIDAY, MARCH 23, IPSO, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following lot of land situate In Monroe boro' bounded on the .north-east by the Berwick Turnpike, south by land of J. L. Rockwell, south west by the Presbyterian Church lot, north-west by Church street/ Containing about half an acre, more or less, all improved with one framed house, framed barn and truit trees there* on ; said lot of land being parts of lots No. 28 and 2V taken out of lands of A. C. Rockwell, deceased, as will appear upon a plot tiled th division of said estate in the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown St Rockwell vs. Sanford A. Plumer. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ* ate in Warren tp., bounded on the northerly side by land belonging to the estate of Joseph Prince, deceased, easl by land ot Hugh Buiiock, south by land of Sarah L. Keen west by land of Patrick Maloney and Thomas Kgau.— Containing fifty acres, more or less, about forty acres lux* proved, one 1 rained bouse, one framed barn and an orch ard thereon. , Seized and taken In execution at the suit ofMansoo F.lsbree to the use of Otis Hamilton vs. Nathan 11. Baf fiugton. Al.SO—The following Jot, piece or parcel of land alto> ate in Warren tp., bounded north by land of Jasper An. tisdell, cast by the public highway,south by land lorruur ly in possession of Geo. 11. Brant, west by land of (J. iL Brant. Containing one fourth of an acre, more or leas, all improved, one trained building occupied as a black smith shop thereon. ALSO— 'AII that certain lot, piece of parcel of land sib ilate in Warren tp., bounded north by land formerly in possession of G. 11. Brant, east by the public highway, south by land of Geo. Rogers, west by land formerly tn possession of Geo. H. Brant. Containing three fourtha of an acre more or less, all improved, with one framed building occupied as a wagon-shop thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Warren tp., bounded north by lands belonging to the estate of William Rogers, deceased, east by land of John Dickinson, Jasner Antisdell and land formerly lit possession of Geo. H. llrnnt, lands of Geo. Rogers and Martin Klsbree, south-west by land of William Antisdell. Containing nine acres, more or less, about five acres im proved, one framed house, one framed barn and fruit tree* thereon. Seized rtnd taken in execution at t£e suit of James Moore to the use ot Miles Prince vs. Luke S. Brant and Geo, H. Braiit. Also at the suit of Miles Prince vs. Geo. H. Brant. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate In Albany tp., bounded north by land of Wm. Etwell. S. Wilcox, David Hakes and J. yuick, east by land of Joseph Lee, south by'land of Polly Chapman and S. Wil cox, west by land ol Sheffield WilcoX. Containing on* hundred and seventy acres, more or less, about 120 acraa improved, with a lo'g house, a plank house.a framed corn house, a horse shed and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William.il H. Brown Und James L. Rockwell vs. Joseph Menardl. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, February 29, 18G0, SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ [ C 3 of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Common ' l'leasof Bradford County, to me directed and delivered/ I will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY, APRIL 6, iB6O, at I i o'clock P. M., the following lot ot land situate In Ridg -1 bury twp., bounded north by land ol D. H. Burnham, : east by land of L. Eanies, south by land of William Easton, west by land of Charles Potter. Containing on* : hundred and five acres, more pr less, 70 acres thereof im proved, with a framed house, a framed barn, a corn house I and an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized arid taken in execution at the suit of Aholiab Buck vs, Daniel Dewey. ! A I,SO- By virtue ola writ of Fieri Facias, the follow- I ing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster tp.. bounded north by land of Ralph Russell, east by land or | James R. Park, south by land of Andrew Huff', Philander ! Loomis and Ira Patridge, west by land of Ira Patridge 1 Containing one hundred acres, more or less, about fifty five acres ituproved, one log house and a young orchard j thereon. i Seized and taken In execution at the suK of N. C. Har- I ris vs. M. G. Van Sickle. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. ! Sheriff's Office, March Bth, 1860. COURT.—Notice is hereby giv* 1 O en that a Special Court of Common Pleas will b held at the Court House, in Towanda. for the County of j Bradford, commeueing on MONDAY, the 21st day of MAY next, at 2 o'clock P. M , at which the Hon. Robum) G. WIIITK will preside,for the tri.l of the following cauae* to wit! Lyman Matson vs Ira and Richard Jennings, Eject. - Israel Smith Vs. Samuel Kelium and Michael'Thoinp son, Ejectment. A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kellnm, et. al. Ejectment. Edward Overton vs. A. B. Smith, et. al. lyectraeut. Subpoenas made returnable at 2 o'clock, in the aftor : noon of Monday as aforesaid. ALLEN M'KEAN, Pro'ts. Office, March 5. 1860. Prothonotary. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Allen llrmen, decerned. In the Or ' phans' Court of Bradford County. I Tbeundersigued.au Auditor" appointed upon Execp ; tions tiled to llic account of M. M. Fairchild, administra tor of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint j ment, at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on MON j DAY, APRIL 16, iB6O, at Oo'elock. A. M., of which all persons interested, are reuuested to take notice. E.OVERTON Jr., | March 15, 1860. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mailer of the estate of tf'm. It. Chaffee, deceased. In tbd ! Orphans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court i to distribute the monies in the hands of the Administra tors, as per account tiled, will Mtcnd to the duties of his I appointment at Ills office in the Borough of ToWanda, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of APRIL, 1860, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be debarred front claiming any portion of said fund. U. D. MONTANYE, March 15, 1860. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Wm. IV. Chan* pia vs. Hit ant IV. Root. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 480, May term, 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to tlistribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendants real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in Towanda boro' on FRIDAY, the 6Ut day of APRIL 1860, at I o'- clock. P. M., at which time aucl place all persons interes ted will present their claims or be deliarred from claiming any share of said fund. G. D. MONTANYE, March 15, 1860 Auditor. FEUIT THKES, Shrubs and Vines. AS the season is approaching for beautifying and adorn ing our grounds with the useful and ornamental. 1 would say to my friends and the public, in this and th neighboring counties, that I will be prepared as soon oa the Spring opens to supply them with ail things in the Nursery line. 1 have commenced the cultivation of a Nursery at this piacc, and have all articles needed in our county. Persons sending me orders ran depend on get ting what they order in good condition, anil of the best quality. My stock is warranted to be in good order when delivered, but I waut it understood that I do not replace the trees that do not live, the loss is the buyers. The following varieties can be found at my garden the present Spriug : Apple trees, Dwatf and Standard ; Pears, Dwarf and Standard ; Cherry. Dwarf and Standard ; Plutes ; Ever greeus ; Lawton Blackberry ; Peaehes } Monntain Ash ; Strawberries of all kinds ; Apricots • Horse Chesnut; Raspberries ot all kinds ; Currants ; Gooseberries; Roses; Dahlais ; Delaware, Diana, Concord and Reliecca Grape Vines ; as well as Clinton, Catawba aud Isabella, all well rooted, all in this line on hand. Towanda, April 6, 1860. DANIEL HARKIXS. Tj O 8 T. ON the night of the 24th in the Borough of Towanda/ a I'ort-Monit, containing Money, Notes, Receipts. Ac. One Note of $205 00 dated March 5, 1859, due March 5, 1860, payable to F. B. Ford. Thefinder will be liberally rewarded by rctnrning to the undersigned, and no questions asked. Towanda. Feb. '29, 1860. F. B. FORD. The Old Gash Drug House REMOVEDI c o it Tsr e rt Main and Fine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S NEW MEDICINE STORE. BOOTS AND SHOES Constantly on hand" and manufactured to order, of reliable woik and. material, and repairing done on rhnrt nittire. Oct. 1, r HUMPHREY A WHNCHAM-