Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 22, 1860, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, March 2fc, 1860.
Sclttfcb |3oetrj.
[From the Evening Post,]
BY M. 11. COBB.
East eve tlie'Snnset winds upheaved
* A mouutain in the west,
All seamed with "gloomy gulfs, from base
Up to its goldeh crest:
X'ioiiil piled tin cloiW that mountain rose—
X storm whoAe WWth was spent
lis roiitctl legicr.s gathcrd up,
; Iti common rtiT btcht ;
A'au all about its dark base rolled
A sea of gorgeous dyes,
And on its summit blazed
Too bright for 'mortal' eyes;
And grandly down its southern if'ope
A purpling river flowed
Into the sea of gorgeous flye'a
Which at its foot abode.
And we, who maiked the scene sublime,
beheld a shining band
Press upward to the mountain top,
As to a Promised Land ;
Their faces kinul ng with the light
That played about its crest—
And two, more giorious, led the way,
In spotless garments dressed ;
Some wearied on the way, and these
The stronger lilted up,
And held unto their parching lips
Love's overflowing cup—
And thus refreshed, they buoyantly
Pressed forward in the van ,
And leaped and danced for gladness, where
The purpling river ran.
Thus, joyously, the hand pressed on
Until the least had won
And stood transfigured on the mount—
The children of the sun ;
but soon their brightness vraxed too great
For mortal eyas to bear,
And >*ight, in mercy, dropped ln r veil
To hide the vision fair ;
Rut we. who saw that sight sublime,
Hallowing yestereven,
Joyed in the thought that we had sped
A little nearer Heaven.
Presentation at the French Court.
A Paris correspondent oF one of the New
York journals, in giving a description of a
presentation at the French Court, says: Any
respectable American, however, who nray be
in Paris, by leaving his name at the Ameri
can legation will be pretty sure of obtaining
an invitation to " pass the evening at the
Tuileries," issued in the name of the Emperor,
by the 'Grand Chamberlain. After obtaining
this., no great amount of preparation is re
quired. The recipient must, ii lie have any
scruples about putting on a court urcss, sacri
fice them, as lie will not be permitted to enter
the palace without being attired in rmo, or in
a uniform of some description. The dress
worn by Americans is very simple, consisting
of a blue dress coat, with a single or double
row of buttons, straight embroidered collar,
with embroidery, upon the cuffs and on the
back 5 white or blue pantloons, with a gold
band at the side, ft white vest and cravat,
patent leathtr boots, sword, and a cocked hat?
or, if one happens to have a good calf, and is
desirous of exhibiting it, he iflay wear tights
and silk stockings and pomps, which is the
strict court dress,
The presentations are now, although they
were hot formerly, all made on the reception
evenings j so that after beiug presented per
sons may enter the bail-room and participate
in the festivities of the evening. The en
trance to the palace, however, for those who
hare been and those who have not been pre
sented, are different, the former passing under
I'avilion Des Horlege, and proceeding up the
grand staircase and cuteriog directly into the
ball-room, while the former enter by the Pa
vilion de Flor, at the end of the Palace, to
ward the Seine. By half-past eight o'clock,
which was the hour prescribed, I found myself
in the Salon d'Apollon, the room in which the
presentations are made, and which was already
brilliant with light, and showy dresses and
bright eVes, among Which none shone more
than those of our fair countrywomen.
lii this room were gathered
English, French, Russians, Sardinians, Aus
trian, Turks, Greeks, a few Persians, and, in
deed representatives of aiuiost every nation
and eiime under heaven, waiting to be pre
sented, the ministers of the different nations
being present in their diplomatic customs.
Mr. Calhoun, American charge d'affaires,
and Mr. Wilbur, secretary of legation, were
both present, looking very neat in their full
court costume ; and Mr. Wilbur's calves show
ed to particular advantage encased in hisflesh
colored silk stockings.
We were ranged around the sides of the
roohi, and there we had the pleasure of re
maining until a quarter past ten, when, from a
door at the end of the room, towards the pri
vate apartments of the imperial family, we
heard the announcement " L'Empereur," and
from a side 6ide door entered a long string of
ladies of the Court, preceded by chamberlains.
After these came the great chamberlain and
the Emperor and the Empress, and following
them the prince Napoleon and the Princes'
Clytilde, and her sister-in-law, the Emperors
fousin, the Princess Mathilda. The " presen
tation'' ceremony was exceedingly simple. The
citizens of each nation were placed together,
and the ambassador of each nation, approach
ing the Emperor and Empress, and bowing,
failed over rapidly and indistinctly the name
of each person before whom their Majesties
passed on their way around the room.
Of course, the parties introduced bowed,
and the Emperor and Empress kept up u con-
* vin ■■ , * rt ii\ {4.(■ < i "\ii ~\i A i r i t ~ r • & . . .
tinual bowing, and both wearing a very gra
cious Smile, which seemed to " we are
very glad to see you." In this manner thej
passed completely around the room, not arm
in arm, but the Empress a little distauce to
the left of the Empercr.
The Prince Imperial wds nst of the party,
the little follow hating probably received his
supper and been duly sent to bed. The other
members of the ..imperial family'stood in a
group near the end of the room, where they
entered while the presentation Was in progress.
It is.sometimes thfe Case that their Majesties
address a fevt words to some among the pre
seated party, but on this occasion neither of
them spoke, and in five minutes they had gone
entirely round, and then, preceded by the
chamberlaittSj they again passed by us; and
going through an ante-room, went into the
magnificent " Salle des Marecliaux." where
the ball was to be Opened, we immediately
followed the cortege, and although the rooms
w.ere crowded to such an extent that there
seitmed scarcely a standing place, by dint of
following closely upon the heels of the irupc-.
rial party, and a little pushing and consider
able perseverance, I managed to effect what I
desired —got a place where 1 could see the ball
open by the Emperor and Empress.
In the centre of the "Salle des Mare
cliaux" was a little vacant space, about twen
ty feet square, surrounded by seats, which on
three sides were tilled with ladies in magnifi
cent costumes, and sparkling with jewels anu
redolent of perfume, aud red with excitement
or, perhaps, with rouge. On the side of this
space opposite the entrance, was a raised plat
form, With seats upon it for the imperial fam
ily, and the space in front was appropriated to
the dancerb Seating themselves for a mo
ment, the pafty rose and idol; their places for
the imperial 'quadrille, the Emperor dancing
with the Princess Olotilde, with the Prince
Napoleon and the Empress for theif vis-a-vis.
The Princess Matbilde danced with a Russian
nobleman ; and afte'r the quadrille—during
which, of course, all eyes were fixed Upon the
imperial party —they seated themselves On the
platform before inentioucd. The quadrille
was uot "dawdled" through with, as setfus to
be the fashion in these days, but danced with
a good deal of energy, the Empress entering
apparently into the spirit of it very heartily,
and dancing very gracefully, while the Em
peror was neither so gay nor so graceful,
How a man with such a weight as he has oa
his shoulders cau can dance at all, I must con
fess I cannot uuderstaud.
In seating themselves, the imperial family
were arranged in the following order : On
the extreme right was the Prince Napoleon,
(in the absence of the Prince Imperial anil
Prince Jerome, the "most immediate to the
throne,') on his left the Emperor ; next to
him the Empress ; then the Princess Clotilde,
"the Princess Matbilde, the cousin of the Em
peror and sister of the Prince Napoleon, on
the extreme left. Behind iheui sat the ladies
of. the Court and the dames d'honneur of the
Empress and the two Princesses. The Km
press was drtis d very neatly and simj ly, with
a piuk robe of a light thin tissue, trimmed
with red roses, which she also wore ia the
wreath upon her brow. She had on a mag
nificent necklace of diamonds, aud the usual
quantity, of crinoline. Although I had often
seen her before, I never had so good an op
portunity of examining her fair face aud bril
liant eyes as now. She is really very beau i
f'.il —beautiful now, even tiiough she look*
somewhat care-worn and more thoughtful than
she should to show her fine frater. i>- the
best advantage. She appeared very arr'abK
during the entire eVening, sometin -o chatting
with the Emperor, apparently npou ,o:ue
trivial matters suggested by the occasion, and
turning occasionally to some one of h-r ladie.-
of honor or the Princess Clotilde, end drop
ping a word or two and laughing. She did
not leave her place after the first quadrille
until the imperial party wept to supper.
The Emperor was dressed in the costume of
a General of Division of the French Army,
with the exception of the boots, wearing silk
stockings and pumps instead. One gets an
entirely different idea of his appearance by
seeing him on foot from the cue obtained of
him vvhile driving at mounted. lie has along
body, but short aud " stumpy" legs, so that in
walking he has an awkward air, while ui ri
ding he is very graceful. lie Walks, too. with
his body bent slightly forward, and his head
inclined a little over his right shoulder, which
combination of defects makes him look par
ticularly ungraceful. His face wears the same
sphynx-like, unreadable expression, for which
he lias always been noted ; his eyes, apparent
ly half closed, are nevertheless actively em
ployed in looking about him, and his forehead
exhibits an immense developemeut of what
the phrenologists call " the perceptive faculty."
[u conversing, however, with those about him,
be wore a stuile that was really amiable ; and
take him altogether, I must confess the near
view of him put me more than ever into the
condition which an Irishman would describe
as " bothered entirely." I stood and watched
him for more than an hour as be moved slow
ly and awkwardly between the dancers aboat
the square iu which the imperial party were
fenced off from the crowd, trying to convince
myself that the little, dumpy, half-asleep look
ing man was the one who, after years of wan
dering and care, placed himself at the head of
this great nation—the man who had quieted
discontent and made himself the most popular
sovereign France ever had j the man who had
recently returned from the bloody battle-field
of Solferino ; the man who had just given to
the people over whom he rules a new and lib
eral commercial policy ; who had, iu defense
of Italian freedom, flung his gauntlet down
before the visible head of Christendom ; the
man who, to day, rules Europe, and whom op
pressed nationalities, with uplifted hands uud
tearful eyes, but with hope-lighted faces, im
plore and look to for help that was ho, that
little, dumpy man, moving awkwardly about
there; but no one could have guessed from
his lace how much he had to think of and at
tend to. During tlie evening bo passed once
into the large dancing room, the " Salle de la
Paix,'' going completely around it, stopping oc
casionally to say a few words to some one
whom he recognized.
the r rincess Clotilde, who sat next to the
Empress, tfas dressed in blue, and wore a p6arl
necklace. She has a fair girlish face. She
chatted and laughed a good deal with the Em
press, danced four or live times, aud amused
herself principally during the dance, when she
was not ou the lloor, by keeping time to the
music with her head in a very child like, gifl
ish manner.- The report that she is in an " in
teresting situation " is devoid of truth, and it
is even hiuted that there is no probability she
efcr Will be While She confines her affections
to her liege lord the Prince Napoleon.
this is doubtless scandal. It is said there is
net rnnch love lost between the portly Prince
and the l'etite Princess ; tint their apart
ments in the Palais Royal are quite distant
from each other, and that they indulge in but
veiy little family retirement. She is said to
he a pettish, spoiled child, who considers her
self sacrificed to a political alliance ; while the
Prince is proud and haughty; amj thinks she
ought 10 consider herself sufficiently honored
in being "annexed" to him, a member of the
great Napoleonic house, with a prospect, per
haps, of being Emperor of France Put, then,
a girl of seventeen and a man of forty do not
always see things in the same light.
The Prince Napoleon was dressed like the
Emperor, and, with the exception of when
dancing the first quadrille, retained his place
during the whole evening. He is ft portly,
fine-looking man, and looked quite giant like,
by the side if his imperial cousin. He has a
face very much resembling his uncle, the first
Napoleon; but for all this lie is not popular
with the French people, who regard him as a
proud, haughty man, and call him " Plon-
Plon," which signifies " lead," and is said to
refer to a fear on his part of that dangerous
The Princess Matliildc is rather a coarse,
though intelligent looking woman, about forty
years of age. She is said to be rather " fast,"
withal ; and it is hinted that it is well the
wails of hot- mansion iu the Iluc L)e Courcei
les ate hot gifted with the power of speech.
Scftndal, probably—a!! scandal.
.At ruidniyht the imperial party and the di
plomatic corps partook of supper, after which
the magnificent supper room was opened to
those who could got in, where an elegant sup
per, with plenty of champagne, wa3 served.
After supper the imperial patty did not re
turn to the ball-room ; but the ball.was con
tinued until a late, or rather an early hour iu
the morning. There must have been more
than two thousand . persons present, and the
Whole Scene surpassed in brilliancy anything
of the kind I have ever witnessed. The splen
did rooms, the fair women decked with jewels,
the " brave men " covered some with glory
and all with gold lace, the presence of Majes
ty, the brilliant light, and the fine music,
formed a ■fov.'l cftsemblc which haunts my mem
ory yet.
A Chinese Home.
During Minister Ward's late visit to l\kin,
a private house was allowed him fot the use of
himself and suite. The China correspondent
of the Boston Traveler, who accompanied Mr.
Ward, thus describes the place :
Let us lo k about the premises we are to
occupy. The (•••mer '.* as a private gentleman
of weii"h r#B sUkHMgy Moke family had for
the time faceted them, not a woman or a child
appearing while we tarried, though ve often
saw the owner, who wa- quite courteous and
dt.o.riu-r. \ \ the request of the Government
he had consented to give us the nse of his
:i or houses, (for there were two,) both
o! brick, and running parallel, aud being about
one hundred and fifty feet long, with a court
between about thirty feet wide, aud paved with
i own stone. Like almost alf Chinese houses,
they were of only one story, tind with roofs
covered with tiles. Two or three arches were
thrown across the court, seeming to divide the
long space into rooms, and doers opened into
each building as they were needed. The
rooms, however, were few, and dark from the
use of semi-transparent paper instead of glass
windows, They tfere neat, and the walls and
ceiling covered with handsome paper. The
Chiifese use but little "furniture, and the most
of what had ever belonged to this had beeu
remoVed as unsuitable to our tastes and cus-
A gate, closed at night, opened into a
narrow street, which led into the center of the
Village, stud, with a few rods' lra7el, out of it.
Altogether, the buildings were commodious,
neat and iu good taste. Nor bad the Govern
ment and owner been content with furnishing
the best bouse in the place, and supplying ns
with the substantial aud delicacies of the
couutry. It was the hot season of the year,
and, to relieve their foreign guests from its op
pression, posts had been erected along the shie
of each house, some thirty feet high, while
poles of equal height were planted in the cen
ter, on which bamboo rafters were laid, over
which new white matting was spread, which
reached from roof to roof, and quite shut out
the sun, while, as the sun changed its position,
or set, or other circumstances required, large
windows could be made in the roof by pulling
certain cords, through which the air was free
ly admitted.
In the evening it added to the beauty of the
scene to. have large lamps suspended in various
places through the court, hexagonal in form,
two feet long, aud one in diameter, the frame
being of wood, and some of them having strips
of red cloth in their hexagonal sides, and oth
ers stained glass. On the top an ornamental
story was added, a foot high, of carved work,
which projected some half a foot beyond the
lantern proper. They discovered a good deal
of art and taste, and are for ornament more
than for use. Long strips of red eloth were
hung up, on the walls in various places, as ex
pressive of good wishes.
Gut the most singular, and yet touching and
beautiful usage, is the fastening of long strips
of red paper upon the door-posts, covered from
top to bottom with large gilt Chinese charac
ters. Of course they are unmeaning without
an interpreter, and, as we had three with us,
one of them, at my request, translated them
for me, and here I give them to your Readers.
Opposite the main entrance Was written in
large character, "Great joy !" Over a door i
" Receive all Heavenly happiness 1" On the
sides of the door : " Felicitous be the snn,
and auspicious the clouds !" and " Harmonious
may be the breezes, and sweet the raius !"
Over another door: " Happiness comes from
Heaven !" On the sides of another door
"Imagination, like a great dragon, soars a
hnndred feet I" and " Literature, like a good
horse, is vigorous a thousand autumns I"
Another pair of sentences was perfectly Chi
nese : " The virtue of sages is like sweet wine;
Heaven's grace enriches !" and "The words of
a King are like silken sounds : the favors of
the kingdom are many !"
The posting of soch sentences over the doors
of houses and on each side is a common prac
tice, generally expressing a welcome and good
wishes to the guests and strangers who visit
the house, or else containing sentences from
the Chinese classics, which are held iu venera
tion among the people.
Altcient Ruins in the United States.
Dim and mysterious is the early history of
man on this continent. It is enveloped in
thick darkness, never, it may be presumed, to
be penetrated by human research ; and yet the
ruins of ancient cities are frequently discover
ed that tell of a race that has long siuce pass
ed away—-probably exterminated by the an
cestors of our present Indians,who arc also fast
departing from the human family—fairly dying
ortt before tile eVef advancing influence of the
paleface. Rut these monumental cities indicate
great populations, and prove the existence of
mighty ineu of old. A new stimulus is likely
to be given to American archaeology, by a dis
covery recently made some uinety miles north
east of Fort Stanton, a long account of which
has just appeared iu the Fort Smith! Arkansas)
Times. We condense. The plain upon which
lie the massive*relics of gorgeous temples aud
magnificent halls slopes gradually eastward
toward the river Pecds, and is very fertile,
crossed by a gurgling stream of the purest
water that not only sustains a rich vegetation,
but perhaps furnished with this necessary ele
ment the thousands who once inhabited this
present Wilderness.
The city was probably built by a warlike
race as it is quadrangular and arranged with
skill to afford the highest protection against
an exterior fooj many of the buildings on the
outer line being pierced with loopholes, as
though calculated for the use of weapons.—
Several of the buildings are of vast size, and
built of massive blocks of a dark granite rock,
which could only lnve been wrought to their
present condition by a vast amount o! labor.—
There are the ruius of three noble edifices,each
presenting a front of three hundred feet, made
of ponderous blocks of stone,aiul the dilapidat
ed walls are even now thirty-five feet high.—
There are no partitions in the area of the
midule (supposed) temple, so that the room
must have been vast ; and there are ulso car
vings iu bas-relief and fresco work. Appear
ances justify the conclusion that these silent
ruins could once boast of halls as gorgeously
decorated by the artist's hand as thpse of
Thebes and Palmyra. The buildings are all
ioophoied in each side, much resembling that
found in the old feudal castles of Europe de
signed for the use of archers. The blocks of
which these edifices are composed are cement
ed together by a species of mortar of a bitu
minous character, which has such tenacity
that vast masses being detached by the shock.
Wc hope, ere long, to be favored with full and
descriptive particulars, as it is probable that
visits and examinations will be made amongst
such intercstimr relics of the unkuown past by
some of the United States officers attached to
the nearest fort.
Secular TKAniTipx.—Amdng the Stem!nolo
Indians there is a singular tradition regarding
the white man's origin and superiority. They
say that vrhen the Great Spirit made the earth
he also made three men, all of whom were of
fair complexion ■ and that after making them,
he led thertl to the margin of u small lake and
bade them leap therein. One immediately
obeyed and came from the water purer than
before he bathed ) the second did not leap in
until the water had become slightly muddy
and when lie bathed he came up cqpper color
ed j the third did uot leap until the water be
came black with mud, and come out with its
own color.
Then the great Spirit laid before them three
packages of bark and bade fhern choose, aud
out of pity for his misfortnue in color he gave
the black man his lil'st choice. He took hold
of each of the packages aud having felt the
weight, chose the heaviest ; the copper colored
one then chose the second heaviest leaving the
white man the lightest. When the packages
were opened the first was found to contain
spades, hoes, aud all the implements of labor ;
the secoud enwrapped hunting, fishing and
warlike apparatus, the third gave the white
man pens, ink and paper—the engine of the
mind—the mutual mental improvement—the
social link of humanity, the foundation of the
white man's superiority.
WF.rmF.n LIFE. —He cannot be an unhappy
man who has the love and smile of woman to
accompany him in every department of life.—
The world may look dark and cheerless with
out —enemies may gather id his path—but
when he returns to the fireside and feels the
tender love of women, he forgets bis cares and
troubles, and in comparatively, a happy man.
He is but half prepared for the journey of life,
who takes not with ldm for a companion one
who will forsake him fh no emergency, who
will divide his sorrows, increase his joys, lift
the vi il from his heart, uad throw sunshine
amid the dankest scenes. >"o, that man can
not be miserable who has such a companion,
be be evef so poor, despised, aßd trodden upon
by the Wjrld.
Prison Tortures—A Chinese Court.
From a letter received by Mr. J. M. An
druss, of this city, frcm hi fcepbew in Hong
Kong, China, we are permitted to make the
following interesting extracts. The letter
bears date of November 13, 1808 j
I hare receutly returned from a trip to Can
ton, where 1 gathered many itetns of intelli
gence which will be interesting. IYe were so
fortunate, shortly after our arrival, as to se
cure the services of Rev. Mr. Gray, stationed
there as chaplain, who being well versed in
China affairs, played the ciaronc greatly to
our advantage. We commeuced our explora
tions by visiting the prisons, happening to hit,
most fortunately, on a criminal court day.—
We were the first persons ever taken by our
guide into a Chinese court. The magistrate,
"a very high Mandarin," knew Mr. Gray, and
upon our entering, stopped the court. We
were introduced and invited to take seats,
which, after a great deal of bowing and sala
ining, we did.
The Mandarin and ourselves were the only
persous seated in the court—the magistrate's
assistants always standing during hours. There
were several interpreters present to question
the prisoners on trial, and to answer the Man
darin. That functionary never demeans him
self by speaking auy other dialect than the
strictly " Mandarin dialect." There was quite
a number of prisoners, all with manacles upon
their limbs and necks, awaiting their turn for
triaL One of them was fastened upon an
instrument of torture, called the " rack," used
to extort confessions, true or false, from their
victims. This rack resembles a earpeuttr's
saw bench. The victim is made to kneel, the
rack is then placed upon its cud. against his
back. His eve (or tail) is passed through a
hole in the end of the rack, and tied fast to
the upper leet, which straius the cords of the
neck horriblv.
A bandage is then placed across Ills forehead
and fastened to the end of the rack. A slip
noose is put upon each thumb, by which bis
arms are thrown behind him and upwards, and
also made fast, to the upper feet. A slip-noose
is also put upon each big toe, which is drawn
upwards and made fact at the same point, and
are drawn so that the victim's knees are about
one inch clear of the floor, thus leaving the
whole weight of the hody suspended by the
thumbs and toes. The victim was kept upon
the rack about half an hour, and when cast
loose, fell upon the floor, having for the time
being lost all control of his limbs. He was
left lying as he fell-until his blood resumed its
circulation, when a chain was put about liis
neck aud he was led away to the dungeou.—
He was, no doubt, convicted of the crime with
which he was charged, as he was desirous of
kneeling before the Mandarin and pleading for
mercy, but was not permitted so to dd.
We followed the prisoner, and saw him
thrust into a room with some thirty others, all
of whom were coudemned to death. The cell
was very small, excessively warm, and the
stench from it was, to ns, unendurable. The
cell had not a single article of furniture in it,
and all the occnpants were entirely nude.—
They greeted us with "Chin Chin, Tainan,"
and " Cunshaw Taipan," which was, " How
do you do?" " Give us a present."
Wc saw, also, on our visit, sereral convict
ed felons undergoing the punishment of the
" cauque," which consists of a square board,
with a hole in the center, aud which goes to
gether on hinges. It is put upon the victim's
shoulders, with his head through the hole.—-
The " canques" are of different sizes aud
weights, according to the age aud the decree
of crime. Offenders are frequeatiy compelled
to wear it from four to six months, during
which time it is impossible for them to lie
down, and they are compelled to sit and sleep
upon their haunches. Several of them had
eaten and slept so long in oue position that
their skin was chafed through, and they were
almost covered with raw sores.
Among Other* whom we 3aw confined, was
the mother of Tai Ting Wang, the great rebel
chief, of whom the Mandarins, or Imperialists,
stand in great fear. They have never been
able to defeat him, and have offered large re
wards for his capture, without success. The
Imperialists have arrested his mother and all
his relatives, as far us they have been able to
trace thcrn. His mother is a woman of small
stature, and nearly seventy years of age, with
hair as white as snow. She had heavy chains
upon her ankles, and a chain also around her
neck, with a stone fastened to the end, which
trailed upon the ground. The other relatives
of the rebel chief were also in chains. Tiie
females Were embroidering, and the males were
knitting undershirts, using small linen twine.
We likewise saw many rebels in chains, with
their ears cut off, and others who had been
hamstrung, who were unable to rise ftpon their
feet, but dragged themselves along with their
hands.— JScicwrk Mercury.
: vast majority are made at Grunhainscher, iu
Saxony. The glass comes from Bohemia.
The bottles and enps are so fragile that the
poor workman has to labor in a confined and
vitiated atmosphere, which cuts him off afr
thirty fire years of age. All articles that con
tain metal are the produce of Anremburg and
j the surrounding districts. This old city has
always been one ot the chief centres of Ger
man metal work. The workers in gold and
silver of tho piaeo have long been famous, and
their iron-work uuique. This speciality has
| now descended to toys. Here are toy-priut
ing presses, with their types, are manufactured
magic lanterns, magnetic toys, such as ducks
and fish, that are attracted by the magnet;
j mechanical toys, such as running mice,, and
conjuring trick.s also coruc from Xuremburg.
The old city is pre-eminent in all kinds of toy
1 diablerie. Here science puts on the conjuring
jacket, and we have a manifestation of the
Geruianesque spirit of which their Albert
Durer was the embodiment. The more solid
branches which attract bojhood, such as boxes
of bricks, buildings, Ac , of plain wood, come
from Grunhaiuschcr, in Saxony
VOL. XX. —NO. 42.
The Eyes.
An eye con threaten like the loaded gon, ofr
can insult like hissing of kicking ; or in its
altered mood by beams of kindness can make
the heart dance with joy. The eye obeys ex
actly the action of the mind. When a thought
strikes up, the vision is fixed, and remains
looking at c distance ; in enumerating names
of persons or conntries—as France, Spain,
Britain, or Germany—the eyes wink at each
new name. There is an honesty in the eye
which the month docs not participate in. "The
artist," as Michael Augefo said, " must have
his measure in his eye." Eyes are bold as
lions—bold, running, leaping. They speak all
iangnage ; they need no encyclopedia to aid In
to interpretation of their language ; they re
spect neither rank nor fort due, virtue nor sex
but they go through and thtongh you in a
moment of tune. You can- read in the eyes of
your companion, while you talk with him,
whether your argument hits, though his tongue
will not confess it. There is a look by which
a man tells yon he is a going to say a good
thing, and a look which says wbe he has said
Tain and forgotten are all the fine offers of
hospitality, if there is no holiday iu the eye.—
How many inclination are.avowed by the eye
though the lips dissemble ! How often does
one come from a company in which ft rfiay
easily happen he has said nothing ; that no
important remark has been addressed to him,
and yet, in his sympathy with the company
he seems not to hate a sense of this fact, for
a stream of light has been flowing into him
through his eyes. As soon as men are off
their centres the eyes show it. There are eyes
to be sure, that give no more admission into
the man than bide berries. There are liquid
und deep wells than a man might fall into }
there arc asking eves, and asserting eyes and
prowling eyes, and eyes full of faith, and some
of good and some of sinister omen. The power
of eyes to charm down insanity or beasts is a
power behind the eyes, that must be a victory
achieved in the will before it can be suggested
to the organ ; but the man at peace or unity
with himself would move through men and
nature, commanding all things by the eyo
alone. The reason men do not obey as is,that
they see the mad at the bottom of our eyes.—
Whoever looked on the hero would consent
to his will being served ; he would be obeyed.
—ll. Tf r . Emerson.
nose is to be regarded as the beginning of tho
1 nng apparatus, just as the mouth is the be
ginning of the digestive apparatus. The nose
is one organ of respiration, for animals breathe
not though the mcuth, hut though the nostrils.
The nose, too, has its cough ; sneezing is the
name affixed to this action. The nose thus
viewed is a part of the breathing apparatus,
and hence the reason appears why, if there is
such a state of the lung tissue as is associated
with blood discharge, it is not unlikely that
this tendency existing also iu the blood tissue
of the nose, the discharge of the blood from
the rose becomes premonitory, and indicative
of the diseased changes in the lungs. What
an admirable contrivance is it that the dis
charge of blood should thus be exhibited in
connection with the nose,,since here the blood
escapes exteriorly ; whereas, if taking place in
the tissue of the lungs,a asphyx
ia of the lungs would be Caused.
BAI.L-SOOM AXD CtfUßCtt-coixo.—llow many
walk from the hall room, and delay in the cold
stone hall, and then walk to and from the car*
riage ; or, perhaps, if in the country, run a
few hundred paces home. The system has been
weakened by the fatigues and the excitement
of the danciuir and of the warm ball-room ; a
rush of blood 011 the interior organs is caused
by the cold feet ; the power of creating a reac
tion has been diminished by that exhaustion,
caused as stated ; active disease is developed,
and, at the next annual gathering, the star of
the party is not met with—she is in her grave.
It must not be inferred that these results ard
to be gained only in connection with the ball
room ; they are to be met with rts frequently
in connection with the crowded church for
chapel. Persons going out in the cold streets,
after being excited and made hot withhi the
walls of a building deemed by many to bo
specially under the Divine protection, have
oftentimes the foundation laid of phthisis, thus
demonstrating that the Divine Parent, while
He has appointed a law for worshipers " not
forsaking the assembling of themselves to
gether," has appointed also certain natural
laws which regulate the physical condition,nn
der which alone stieh assembling can physical
ly be safe.
£23" Some years ago, a lady noticing a
neighbor who was not in her seat in church
one Sabbath, called on her return home to in
quire what should detain so punctual an at
tendant. On entering the house she found the*
family busy at work. She was surprised when
her friend addressed her :
" Why' la ! where have you been to-day#
dressed up in your Srtnday clothes ?"
" To meeting."'
" Why what day is it V
" Sabbath day."
" Sal, stop washing in a minute ! Sabbath
day ! Well, I did uot know, for my husband
has got so plagued stingy that he won't take
the paper, and we know nothing. Well who
preached 1"
" Mr. ."
" What did he preach about ?"
"It was on the death of our Savior."
" Why, is he dead ? Well, all Boston
might be dead and we know nothing about it?
It won't do, we must have the newspaper
again, for everybody goes wrong without the
paper ? Bill has almost forgot bis readings ;
Polly has got quite mopish again, because 6he
has no poetry and stories to read. Well, if
-we have to take a cart load of ouiooe and po
tatoes to market, I'm resolved tohava a news*