Dtgariiimii. Calendar of Operations lor march, 1860. FARM. —March is hew, with its rude vvib.D, like a busy bluiurer clw.ii. , the way for the advancing season. Uiipk'u.-.aut c-5 the sweep ing blasts arc, tl.-.-y j rl arm ii i port awl rapidly freeing li e surf. :e of the earth from moisture aud enabling the ivnoiog vegeta tion to push it? way up to light. Already at the South the fields are gat-u uud tim gurcLiis planted. Cultivators iu t.'iis latitude often wish for the advantages of t ich an early . son. Though we can uot control its sunwui. , we amy do much to make it n. .• cffectivo.-- A properly sheltered and thoroughly drained farm may be worked many days earlier than one where the winds are unchecked, and the boil saturated with moisture, with no way of escape but by surface evaporation. Much, too, may be gained Ly system and full prepar ation. Let the season'n work Lo fully 4 ianucd, nil necessary imp!c< nts prepar d and seed procured now, that there bono hindrance when the time arrives for active operations. Buildings need careful inspection to retire weak timbers, locse boards, and op u j-.-ints from the driving winds of March. Cattle—This is perhaj s the worst month ol the season for animals. Keep np their eppe tite by change of food, alternating cut coarse fodder with grain and roots. Look well to breeding cows ; give them separate roomy stalls at night. Woiking cattle should be Gradually introduced to heavy work after tlieii long inactivity. Keep them well carded ami in good trim. Cellars—Open for thorough ventilation a; early as possible. Remove all refuse and de caying vegetables. Sort potatoes, apples, etc Preserve beets, carrots, cabbages, etc., foi seed. Whitewash the walls and posts at ai early day. Clover—Sow, upon light snow, or when the ground is well opened by a morning frost.— Use plenty of seed. Draining—Lay the drain as early as frost w ill allow. If these can not be procured, sub soil wet lands intended for grain. Clear out open ditches,-adding the muck to the manure heap. Fences- -Put in repair, or as soon as frost is cut of the ground. Sec particularly to lint fences. Plant hedges, in localities not toe cold. Prepare posts, rails and gates in stormy weather. Forests— Devote waste rocky spots to lo oust, black walnut, maple or other quick grow ing trees. Grain—Examine bins to exclude vermin.— Keep from molding. Shell and market corn. Select cr procure seed if neglected until now. Hedge rows near fences, and scrubby bashes in meadows and pastures, or by the road side should be rooted out. Tidiness adds to the market value of the farm, and - improves the taste and pleasure of tire occupants. Ilogs—Breeding sows need attention. Give a little animal food and charcoal or cinders occasionally. Give liquor enough to intoxicate to those inc'ined to destroy their young. Lit ter the pens freely to make manure. Keep ail dry. Horses—Commence working gradually and increase feed with the labor. Give carrots with oats. Avoid exposure to winds when heated. Ice-llouse—Complete filling if not done, and keep properly secured. Examine drainage and ventilation. Manures—Work over compost heaps. Cart that already prepared to the Gelds, and cover the heaps with muck or soil and plaster if ac cessible. Remove contents of privies before warm weather makes it more offensive. Cleanse hog pens, hen roosts, kitchen drains, etc., to increase the stock of fertilizers. Meadows—Remove rocks, roots, brush, etc., as the weather permits. Keep drains open. Allow no stock to'graze upou or trample them up —or down. Plowing done too early is a d trimcat. Wait until the ground will not pack. Deepen the soil gradually, one to two inches a v nr. Cross plow lightly, lauds deeply turned last Fall.— Subsoil when practicable. Potatoes—Secure e trly, for home u-c at least. Secure seed cf best varieties. Try new kinds sparingly. Poultry—Givechopped meat and green food with grain. Supply with water, grave! and n.-hes, or chip dirt. Remove accumulations of droppings. Save eggs for setting. For earli est chickens set. Allow one male to teu or twelve hens. Seed-Secure full supply from reliable sources Change occasionally for that raised in a dist ant locality. Test small parcels of corn and other grain before u-;ng largely. Sheep—Keep breeding ewes by themselves, where they may be comfortable an 1 quiet.- Ajlow them roots and grain. Watch for ear ly lambs. Sugar Maples—Tap. Use shallow evapor ators. Keep all sufficiently clean to prevent the necessity for clarifying. Sorghum—lt may be well to plan for trying a small plot this year for soiling, for fodder, or if practicable for making syrup. Secure seed early. Tools--Provide all necessary, repair and re paint those needing it. Kef urn borrowed tools; your neighbor may be looking his up, and not know whefe they are. Wood—Have enough for the year cut and piled to season now—under cover if practica ble. ORCHARD AND NURSERY.— In the Orchard ranch may be done to promote thrift, protect from insects, and replace decayed trees. Prop er attention year by year will make this de partment more remunerative than the grain field. The nurseryman will find plenty of business in attending to orders for Spring planting, and in providing for increase of stock. The earli est favorable time for planting should be im proved, both to forward the work and benefit of the trees. Apple Trees- -Scrape the trunks and larger limbs clean. Remove small suckers—pruning is better done la Aug ; : R. pla e poor fruit with select varieties by grafting, Plant stand ards in favorable locations by the roadside, along lanes, etc. Cherries, Peaches and Plums—Set a full supply for house use near the house. Plant Cherries as early as frost permits. Straighten trees bent down by prevailing winds. Lions may be cut, if not done before. Li bel each sort distinctly. Keep those already provided where they will preserve their natur al moisture. L. v.rgreen r I ! -es—Do v>t remove unless ab solutely necessary. May is much more favor able. If is, t;a 1 ..inc., t ' e en ,>|.>nty of earth with them and kern the roots from exposure to snnshme or wind . ifttecrlUntgous. J FRUIT TREES, ELrubs axd Vines. I P I IE undersigned will be prepared the com ' JL i: g Fall, t • supply the public wit a a well -p : 'ted • unci choice variety ot trees, shrubs aM vines._ AI! tS tent I.r gi\ca 1 v.itl attend to l.iiiegand tit;.verb •1 y ' if, and ;e to ma' s- ■ "aviary. 'Ai- Uhnt slu-1 th I leaf houlJ be transplanted i the IU!. evergreens late in . the s ring. A - .. ..<• [h-• !s think ii.. t nursery men j, J should replace all trees that do not live. I would say. to Uaose buying of me, that i do not agree to do so, 1 .. -; i ; w.ui it my tut -to!e iu p lord .-v. .1 . tied. I will warrant all (• live, l.v.t in such a - done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. WJI. A. CI) AM BERLIN. THE OLD SVAIVD STILL IN OPERATION! .JKtfWWJ-IW--THE subscriber would announce * to the public that he lias now on t p"-"j" 1 " • band, and will make to order all ~ KT"'; rl I'AidNi.l LI K.\"! ITRi!. It ArL 1 -] - j such as Sofas.Divans.Lountrcs.fen 1.11 trP , Card, Dinini: and Breakfast Ta e j. j- jl 1 de. Makop-any, Walnut, Maple and !gf ii "" U f Cherry Bureaus, Stands of various l_Jl 1 kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every it description, which are, and will c made of the be -t n: ■ ; for L-h cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware -0 | ro on in the country. V 1 READY-MADE < OFFTXS, on hand o-i the most rea " sonable terms. A good HEARSE will lie furnished on . Funeral occaakms. J AM LS .MAC KIN SON. )• j Towai.da, January 1.15.57. DISSOLUTION. —Tbe CO-partnership here toforc existing i ctween the su!>st-ril)cr.j i;r..!i-r the - ! firm of (Tl.l A KIKBV, is this day dissolved by mutual ' consent. The books, notes, accounts, and other obliga * i tions and papers belonging to said fin*, ate now in tot r . i hands of J ERE CL'LF for settlement. 1 All accounts and notes overdue ou the Ist day of Feb ruary next, will IK- put 1:1 course of collection without re 'l ' spect to persons. Until that time Grain,. Sheep I'elta and 0 Ilides will be received in payment. JERRY GULP, Towanda, August 1, IsjJ. J. P. Klltlii'. . JEB.HV CULT? Will hrreafter carry on the HARNESS AND SADDLE 'S B1 - IX!—in ail its various brr.u lies, at tlte old st.o 1 c of Culp & Kirhy, where lie solicits a continuance of the patron,i. - id iherto enjoyed. A large stock of Ready-Made L " uticies and matcriah will be kept on hand, and every !1 I exertion made to deserve tlie favor of the public. McCABE'B S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, II Below J. Eingsbenj's store, Alain st. I rpiiE subscriber wonld respectlbfiy tender bis sincere ', I thanks to the public for the very liberal patron-gc extended t>> him, and solicits a continnance of the same. 1 lie begs leave to a-.-urc that be intcnils t . keep on hand as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS ol ail kinds, t the best the country a'Pirds, which he intend to w-il for very small profits, 1 itber by tbe side, omrttr or 1 ih L I t: 1 A rpiantity of first ipmlit. of s ALT PORK, put up by myself, cheap, by the barn-l 5r pound. _ Me ats will be promptly delivered, at any place within the corporation. C Towanda, August 12, 1 '5"). J. JfeCABE. ° BLACKWOOD'S aSASAEiSijB, BRITISH* REVIEWS. II f SCOTT A CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish -l-J the following leading Britkh IVriodicals, viz.- 1. t THE LONDON QU MITFRLY (Conservative). ° THE I-.DINDLT.GiI LEVIEW (AVljig). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Five Chuivl,). ( THE WESTMINSTER fli-iVIEW (Liberal). (V BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory), 'liicse periodicals ablv repn, cut the three gn Apoliti cal part; of Great Britain- - Whi". Tory, and Ra 1. al (] but politics forms only one feature of their chur; t r.- 1 As organs ol the i st pr- found writers on Science, I.it l eratare, Morality, and Religion, they aland, a they ever I iiave stood, unrivalled iu the w rid of letters, be!con* _ sidercd indispensable to the scholar and the professi ;..! I m 111. while to the intelligi nt reader of every class tlq-y p fnrui ha mere correct and satisfactory record of the cur j rest literature 1 i the day, throu;:'iout the world than can ; be possibly obtained from sny other source. s The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British ;- publishers gives additi aal value to these Reprints, ria -1 ... '1 a> t!.-y can now be ] Icd in the hands of subscri hers about as soon as the original editions. 5? 33R8& 3 : •i j Fbr sny of the four Reviews $3 00 _ | For any two of the four Reviews 500 For any three of tiiree four Reviews, 7 lift For ail lour of the Reviews H 00 Pi i Blackwood's Magazine, :i 00 For l>ki( kwood and one Review, 5 00 For Bhckwoed and two Reviews 7 c-o t For Blackwood and three Reviews, 0 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00 T Money current in the State where issued wiil be received - at par. Ci.I'BBINO. —A discount of twenty-five per cent, from e the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works Thus : Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for JO ; four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for {3O ; and so on. > POSTAGE. —In all the- principal Citie3 and Towns these t works will be delivered FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Ru-tage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-Four Cents a year for " Blackwood," J and but Fourteen Cents a year for each of the Reviews. N. B—The price in Great Britain of the live Periodi cals above named is {3l per annum. Remittances lor any of the above publications should . always be addressed. j> st-paid, to the Publishers, 1 LEONARD BCOTT & CO. t _ No. 54 Gold street. New York. I TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda F£arble Factory. (Nearly Opposite (he Baptist Church.) S iT-v The subscribers hnveonened the TOWAN -1 1 sCf'FVfV 1)A G ARBLE FA< TORY, where he will 1 e r< "- prepared toj furnish Monuments and Tomb - ! Stones, manufactured from the be t qualities . i-i 'of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and t / 1 Jx wrought into such styles and designs as will 1 j - suit every variety of taste. \ Persons wishing to m ike their selections ! -' " -i do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at 1 ; this New 1-1 tablish'nicut. r I The superior quality of the stock, the artistical beauty p."f V - V !:. in 1 i'K pr ' "--a With whicli onl< rw wiil | be filled, will oiler iudu< t-n. Nts to visit this new shop. F. 11. BALDWIN, \ MILLS BARKER, j Towanda, Jan. 2, IsfiO. Proprietor.. KEFKKEKCES. WAVXKT.Y. TOW AVP A, TA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Unburn, C. H. Shepard, Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, I IR. G. Crans, Menhant, 11. s Marcnr,Merehaat, Aliiin A D-u.blfluy,do. MdlltnWt, " Rev. (). Crane, T. M. Wo -draflT, Sheriff, " Win. Putnam, Col. A. M'Kean, ITut'y, " D. A. She| r!, Hon. 1). Wilmot, F. Tyler. I'res't. Bank. " J. C. \u-in -. CUrlMt-NU. " Win. Klwcil. G. \\. Buck R -'p E. V. F r-' us, Ed. Argus. - „ _. "• -ox. E.O. Guodr!i,Ed.Reporter. V. E. PKDTET, BK|. i YV AX'tKD. Uiiio:; and Skins, for which 1 ' ' '•<■ :• ' x : wi 1 i M > paid, eith'-r in ••■•o -a. !i. rcto'-T MIMBMPEY \vd?k?MM. | jClteceUancous. t * 3 .MACEmss. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED ' DOUBLE Til BEADED SE WIN G MA CHINE Flttc 1 iiLiu liiti Kitor l.\cr> FuiLiiy. I flood Power, ISO ; /'• i-.„. c.-A cloth fabric—even Leather. The 1 .wing roast >:• are selected from the many, wJ.y B '■ YMONDV is the lie.-l in to • Maiket: If. :-o it is tlieeh.-u; . . 2ltis by far the simplest. 2 The least liable to ; I < :.t of cider. Tlic easiest mat ' d and ur.d :ti. d. 5 it make: the celebrated ILvuUc L > kSt it h, which is t! e tin t elastic ever made by m.!< hinery. 0 it i t I tint tip if a stitch . ts ; :>ke_ or ev. ry fourth c :t. 7 It makes the neatc t and hand imest liteh. 8 The seams are the strongest. :i It uses two tine; 's fr it! the ordinal} "is r.s bought Irom the stel •, without re-winding. 10 They finish tln-ir work without fastening the thrtnd at either end oi the ream with tiie hand needle as is required l y the Shuttle Stitch Machines. 11 It has the least machinery. 12 Its mechan ism is the most perfect. 12 It is the most popular among the masses. 11 It is the easiest running, and almost : noiseless in its operation. 15 It is an ornament for any f parlor. 1G It combines the advantages of both Hand j and Foot Powers. 17 The price is within the reach of s every family, 18 any person of ordinary intelligence .. can learn to uc it successfully in one hour's time.— j 19 They can do all kinds of work that any high priced i- Machine can, and just as well. 20 Every Machine is ; warranted to give satisfaction or the money refuxded. We, the undersigned, are each one of us using one of Raymond's Latest Improved Double-Thread Family Sew ing Machines, and we take plea-:'• in this manner of confidently recommending it to all perrons who want a i good Sewing Machine; for we find it easily managed, • very durable anil strong, not liable to get out of order, and ca-ily adjust d for all kinds of work, simply c cliangiug the needles and spools of thread, and believe " the work much stronger,better and more perfect in every [' respect than that made by hand. '• Mrs. Win. Elwcll, Tovvanda, Pa. Mi • Harriet Alloway, North To wan da. l " Miss Minerva Vn-burg, Burlington, Pa. ( ' Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Asylum, Pa, ■ H Mrs. J. W. Alexander, Troy, l'a. 5 Mrs. F. P. Shaw, She Lc./iin, Pa. j: lk v. N. A. Del ew, Peurai N. V. ™ Calvin Carpenter, Esq. Kimira, X. V. Mr. E. A.Scutt, Kliiiiru, N. V. Mr. M. Richardson, Elmirs, N. Y. r bales Rim over Tray & Moore's store. Stitching " done to order h>rcents per yard. All ordi is by Mail or Expia with the ca>h, will re ceive proiiift attention. A libers! discount given to lo cal and traveling agents. Address, B. P. SHAW. Dec. 6,1 39. Towamli, Pa. sßsqat|auna Colltjhle Institute, TOWANDA, HRADFORD CO., PA. 1 r.vcrr.TT: OLIVER S. DEAN. A .15. Pimc'. a I Probes- .r of Ancient Languages,sod Mental ~a i M S sieaces. WX. H. DEAN, A. is.. A.- ociate Principal, Professor of Mathematics and Nat iral Science. Prof. CHARLES E- COBURN, Couuty Superintendent, i . mre I Director of Normal Department. I Mrs. ANN (1. KELLOGG. Pre eptreas. . Miss ANNA M. DEAN, Assistant Preceptress. Mi-sMARV 15. ALLEN, Tea rof Vocal and Instru mental Music. Mr. C'ANFIEI.D DAVTON, Stewarl. The Winter Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER 31, and will continue 11 weeks. TUITION, PEU TEIIJI : , [Psyal 1c 11variably In a?v ince, or one-half on entering the sell' 1, and one-ii 11 at the middle of tlie term—fuel and coutin [-ueies included.] > Primary, per term ?5 00 Preparatory G On Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 I Higher, Ist and 2o year, per term S'tO i I ■ val. Ist year, p< r term 700 ■ t'la-sieal, 2d and nil year, per term s 00 . Collegiate, per term 10 ik) i X. 15. Pupils will be classed bj the most advanced bra"."li tliey respecti\:' p::r.-ue. i Pupils using h lar.-liips are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingent . KXTIfA K-.1-ENS US : French t 5 00 German.. t (Ml Drawing 3 00 B urd in the Institute, p. r week, including fuel a 1 light 2 00 M ashing, per dozen .IS 1 The Colli iate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks i '. The A. : i.. ij c.\> i ' s will In: la '! at l! closf of tliO b'.'i . . r.-n. No '.-I E v.'i'l 1•• in ido for abso'i e, ex- tincu e of protracted iilnoss of over two weeks. Inatrnmi > tal Masic will not. as hen t if ire, be taught in ti.e 111-! itutio.l. but bv s-ic ial ; u-;- ai on! - a cl-i s w'.d A: la. -'lit in ah . :: ... e t; . a.'.sol ti: 'ln -lit.-l-, I Thb arrati.e meat 1m leu. 1 .jited for the past term, and experience b:< proved it t < In: •. mi:..-ntly ■ >ri,• to • th- plan pi: . 1 i.i former years. Sp i.l p .o: ill ' - " taken to secure t*. ■at< t"p= -ire • i those wishing to . Tuition on Piano Porte, iter term 91® 00 Pupils boarding in the Ilall will furnish their own tow els. ,v<\, and the table silver .<■ th. ir opt; >n. It i■ d. Ira - ble t'ut they also furni h tli- ir own bed and • * Iding when it is convoth t, !r.;t when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommen led that students from abroad i should board in the In-tit itiou, as better oj)|>ortuiiities Normal INparlrr.rr.t - Special exercises are arranged without extra charge fur those prepsr'-'g themselves as T achei of r. ram in . ' tok Prof. R. Ol)BUltN, th • able and well known Superintendent of Ccaanion s. h : , fif the county, has kindly consent* Ito or nize theTlca cher's i las ; . and direct the coarse to h■]nr md. He will also be present to condiu t it- e\rr< i-esai oP.f a as practicable, and will deliver fr. ueut lectures < n the Theory and Pr.i tieci f Teaching, a.-> also on other i-uhjt ts con::; • ! d with Normal trait inc. Those persons, then fore, intending to ng.i. e in teach ing for the winter, will flml it greatly to their advantage to lie present during the Fall term. " I'rof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repulatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and. in rendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support WILLIAM H. DEAN, 1 p . . . Aug. 0,1859. OLIVER S. DEAN, | Principals. Arrival of the Great Eastern ! LATEST INTELLIGENCE! IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWANDA AND VICINITY! ME. SOLOMON has jnst returned from • the E.tM with the LARGEST, BEST A CHEAP EST stock of Fall & Winter Clothing, ■ ever brought to this market. I can assure ray custo > raers that I have studied their intci tst as well as my own t by buying tlie bnt made, and mod durable -tock of Fa-h- I Enable Clothbig to be found. .My stock consi-tsof Peiia -1 ier, Raglan. Back, etc. Overcoats; Black and Fancy Gossimere Frock and Hack Coats of all style s and qualr i tics; Black Doeskin, Fancy Casaimcre and Satinctte Pants: Fan y Silk and Cotton Velvet, Ct-imere, Satti nct and Huh Nests, in fa< t, a great many styles too num • irons to mention, also including a large stock of 1 i TV ENISHIHG €1007)3. V on wiil find it to your adv nt.igo t > cail and examine my ■--tock before purcli i.-ing d tivhere. C :<* one ! Come a!! 1 to the ' h thing Store • i M. E. S(>LO.UON, Towanda Nov. 1, E59. No. 2. Patton's Block. N. B—Jt ST Rf.CEIV ,:n—A lirge Stock of Sloe Leather Upper Leather, liip-ki. ,(' If i Lining .Skins, Ac., which will he sold cheaper tlnn 1 twlii re in this market. The highest market price in ca-h, wiil be paid for ail kidtiw Graln. Wool, Hides and Sheep Pelts. Reatemb t the place, No. 2, Patton's Block, M. K.... DR. PRATT HAS removed to the corner of Second and Poplar sts., immediately back of the Ward House, gw All ar •M ; with him over one years standing, must be im mo'liafeiy si tiled. Towanda, Kept. 21, Iflj'J. i )liAßf I'.lL—loo torn Plaster for sale for i Ca.-!i, Gr.iin at, Decern' t r I' F.OPKNNTI.L'S, .fttCscdlcTurotis. MFER'SJTTLLS. THE üßdcrsigtietl laving purchased the above well known mills and cttachiu to it a Steam Eng: , oad also put ever -• li' 1 , '.cdTv. ithit in perfeet n: r, with all ti mo. it improvem. .A nw in t..cti r . ricr.s f: •• .v.l; a 'y rj- . hiivlng t. it Work d ne at: ui.oe, alas to make but one trip to mill." t;:.ii.::,' 1 wiil i .tinue toivehinown personal at t.l J .h i ... i.c t t the mill. C \ Hi ii.l i • all ' of GRAIN; also Flour. Meal a.,d Fvcd for ..t the 1 west nt .rket p Mi ER, FROST & CO. IS t, AC JIVFtt .1. 0. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCWAM A, Oct. 6, E.V.. ClbO. IT. TH'NTirsO. RESPECTFULLY informs hit fonowr customers and tiie- public p ncrally.tl.at he ban removed his Tik£ Zi O Xl' S SH 07, To one d orFouth of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite I>. C. Half's Stove an-1 Tin Store Main st. He flutter- himself that from his long experience in bu edne-s lie will be ab! to please all who may favor him with their cti-'om. Ow ing to the low prexut ein the mo ney marki t, he will make Coats fror 1 $2 s(i to #4 50each a:, i jtl 1 r v. ,rk in proportion for READY I'AV. Country Produce in payment, will not is? refused, it fl'ered. Towanda, March 20, ls.is. XmCVi Store! ZJCXY Prices! 11. W. NOBLE, jYo. 5, Brick Raw, Towanda, \y HOLES ALE & RETAIL LIQUOR f f DEALER, now offers to the public a well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Havana and Domestic Cigars. Consisting in part of the following: BRAXDlES.—Hennessey, Otard, Cognac, and Dupuy. GINS.— Holland, Rose, and Scheidam Schnapps. IH'.M.-s.- Santa Cruz. Jamaica, .and New England. WHISKEYS.—Bourbon, Scotch, Monongehc.la, Old Crow, and Old Rye. WlNES.—Champaign?, Claret, Sherry, Madeira, Bur gundy, Port, Muscat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor dials of all brands. CIGARS.- I.a Vi'toria, Washington. Light Guards, Rio Hondo, Henry Clay, La La Isabella, La Flor i'Cnlitoti Principe, Yara, Principe. TOBACCO. A good a -ortment of Cut, Chewing, Smo king and M innl'actured Tobacco of various brands, all o! which will be sold at the lowest prices for Cash, or to prompt payers. All kinds ol produce taken in exchange i'or Goods. X. !!. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohns, and bottles of all sizes for ale. Townnda, Feb. 92, 1-50. Eliascn, Greener Co. Piano Foi'te Mamifact urei's, AND MUSIC PUBLISHERS, No. 51, Water-si., Elmira. 1 .V ADDITION TO V LARGE ASSORT 1. meut of our own itunufatcurcd Piano Fortes, whicli 1> vc • w been in use I>r years, and have been pronounc ed by M S I'RACKOS'i H and .tlier eminent Arti-ts, un irp 1 < d *1 t . h, ton. Audi! :.ability, we have a large stock of the world-wide celebrated ' CLiokering'c-i Ccns," Sostcn: ani fxqur.rc Piauo Fortes, whohavcreceived tliii t ;ur medt.ls in Europe and Amor s'a lor the In t Piano Fortes. We have a! -o j.i.-.vcD, Bacon & Co.'s. Pi to V'wl: li are - :, i ab'. Jly prcfer.Vde to ntt* other makers in New York. Itvii.gr m.inuiai tarcrs i rselves, we get the aigive T, t stnimcnts on the i;io-t lavi ra! Ie terms, en biingn to t n tin in to dealers and .* cni:.i.'.ricsatthf irregular whole sale pric. s. Carhart, ••.. iti-r of tiie a • ve 1 11- •-tnir.e iits, and tin-. aine having all the valuable improve incuts, it i- only jti t t > say tli-y arc not to be excelled. A large assortment-of SH El^IT MUSIC. One of our linn having had long experience in this bruin h, parties t a distai. e not able t< vi it our Ware rooms, may rely on his sidei tUns. The l.cs; ol I tali in Strings, V iolins, Guitars, etc. Par iticclar attertion is paid to the selection of BRASS IX | rRI MENTB for Bands. All Piano Ft tea ijought of ns arc WARRANTED fr.r tl: ' • years. 1 iai.os a:.d Mclodotts TO RENT, and sent all over the country t i .\trci ;e!y low prices. i'at ties wishing to purchase Piano Fortes, or any other Mi: ' tl Mi rciiimdi; e, nfti! .-ave from ten to fifteen per cent., will plea, e call, or add i ss Eld ASUX. GREENER A CO. May 16,1853. 51 Wat. r Street, ghaira, N. Y. NY M. DiTTtin ir, is agent for the fit 111 at Towanda. BUY YOU,-I DOO f3 AND SHOES L. C. PJjHLSOFJ. fpilE sii'iscriljcr would rospocifully tnpler I his th:.' k.to iiN patron, md the ; ildic g- for 1 v-ry i. '.'tal and unex ccted amount of trade iveu him i .IP . t!.w • ;• urn.' niont:: .an i as hk- la conic acquainted w itii the • its of the 1■ ■ ■;• i-.a id t.ie style w ■ :: in tit: • part of the country, i.rlo't aim ■■!! that lie is now prep -ed t > furni h Boots and Slioes of nil kind ■ _! in 1 hi . ■ ih a i..i', - ■ has will I. -.lei' pa-a.sc P ,11 . hi- whole !:,.. and. lt'o uti'ii to this one great i'.r: i import nut lirs.:; !i ol the Mc h'tli .1 Arts. And a- t!"re arc F ie cd h's customers prejudiced against Ftit-'hitig Ma i en- • J hand help, wliens all of his work will Lc made and warranted lir.-t i est. Those g tit n.i n tlwt ore in the habit of wearing'nice Fr- h(' s. dor pi •d. will do well to cull Ond leave their measure. He h,.s employed one of the !. t w :!:.• n si town. Indies Kid, M >rr>. :o and Calf M in and li :i' is an be i.ivnished at short notice, and td tl:*- •-t n:.t. ;i..ii. He also bus in his employ faith '■> 1 and ex; G nr ed W".rknien engaged in making Gents Thi k .md Kip Booto end Shoes of all kinds to measure, down to Boys , Yo&ths and ChildreiNs. As he has been 1 ;';:ccd i >r r-.'tuc years in the Eastern B- ot and Shoe ?' •:•-!'.> turc. 1 o has then'iy become acquainted with many of the Custom Boot a r t Shoe Manufacturers, can buy goods al'uo. t at c t. wl en Uy bis department of i ti-rn wot'. w til be < tiered at prices that wiil defy com petition. At. : :' hi :wh le ' n-'nes: life bIS bcetl dov ♦ d to the tw I'f.tn i - -. Oust '.7 i and Sah: Boot and Sh ie Manufi.c tare, til!" pogttdand conversant with all the rules sad prim t I s which eiit-r into the preparation of the shock. The corieet ineasurmcut of the foot, also a knowledge t. ith tlie anatomy of the toot, a familiar acquaintance with the angles, lir.es and curves, which arc involved in the perfect adjustment of part to part, and their relative positions, which is necessary in order to be successful 111 the profession. Call and examine Ills winter goods before buving else where, he lias a large assortment of tlie best Thick and Kip Boots, extra long legs and custom made. He wants every man unci boy to buy a pair for his as well as their own interest. tA' Propositions cheerfully heard. Repairing of Boots and Shoes of all kinds, will be faith ful! v done ami at the time promised. Towanda. fiept. 2s, is,-,9. L. C. KELSON. FALL A3MD WINTER © £;..U fill JM. COLLINS, is notv receiving at his • old stand on Main Street, next door to Hall's, one of the largest, best selected and cheapest stocks of REABIT MADE CLOTIIIWG, ever brought into this market, to which he invites the at tention of purchasers. Having had some years'experi ence in the business, he is able to offer inducements at to the QUALITY, STYLE ANI) PRICK OF GOODS, not to be met with at any other e-tablishment. His stuck em l n>"ts the is.mil as ortment of OVERCOATS, COATS; \ ES I'S \\|) PANTALOONS, of every style and price, t 1 suit the taste and the pockets of customers. To tlm-e who pref ■ r ordering garments, he would say that he keeps < rwtantlyon hand 1 large assortment of CLOTHS, CAS SIM'.EF.rx A N'D 4 ESTTN!> S, which will be ntaile np on short notice, by experienced workmen, odd warranted to tioa in every way. Parthtular attention will .a- iveti -o t!:is cl.'-s of cr.-.tom, a:t 1 every exertion mad* to please customers. Cfcntlemcn's Furnishing- CSoods, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES SUSPENDERS, 4c. Ac. A large assortment of hatj and caps, of all styles and prKf \ *- 1 1 •'' uno to order, a:.J v,arrautetl if propcrlv it--",'. .1. Towanda, October 10,1?59. j jjp Q HAY SCALES I T!IK SUCSCEIItELt IS NOW i'P.E . I'-JRHB) to constmet Hay Stales upon an improved priueiple, wlicre simplicity, a ecu racy, nffl ilnrabilltv are ; ' - ■ "') '. .!iu at lc t iplieitj' :.:.d m >- "I "'•• ' 'vr t*t '. A' pan-in:. -I'M " 1 " ' ' done on TriwonabW terms httd with dis patch. A.hire-s , - ■ fe 1 : > 'FL J % R -.-- • :: 'X STORES & OTIATFIELI) OWEGO, N, Y, Are agents for the sale of i Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain IL o 11 SY; - 1 >c>AV Y: 1 1. WHEELER'S PATENT | Combined Thresher mid Winnower. OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) Single or One horse P-.nver anil Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER HULLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MILLS, (for sawing wood, Ac.) All the above machine, arc manufaetured ! y Wl.eeler, Meli. k. .V Co., Albany, H. V., and are warranted to give entire mtisfartion. or may be returned at the expiration I , of a reasonable time for trial. S. HGRTGre Co.'s CELEBRATED DOG POWERS, FOR CHURNING, SiC. Constantly on hand. . i a:rFarmers and others wishing to procure nnv of the j above articles, will do well to call upon usliefore pnrehas . I ing. June "2s. 1859. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IRON AND STOVE STOLE. I . Ff p. C. IIALL Wh de-.de and Retail Dealer ware and Stoves, Iron M aft! p . W.J-aand Nails, Sash, Ola-s, Paints LkL.' 'j ii.d nils, ii use 'IT! nniisi'.'s y'"r'~ —>->-.■ .... .'4 all kmdsotCarriiige trimmings. " J v ' at ' lot lis aid lanes, Carriage - ■■■■■-- f-J Snll.ey and Seat Springs. Car pP ■':■■■■ ' r.'.fl .! ■!:r.' Planes. ; . . > W,. I TS, FH -els and all I _ • ... v-i "t! > • T• I • ro-- Cut, Mill ( >f ' ; •! a-'. ~ Blacksmith V T.-i-'I . R..li,ws, Anvils, Vices. 11 ui,nnors and Screw Plates, Axes.Drond Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable, Log. Tr.i-.rc and flaltr, t haius, C:< w'.ar.s, Picks, She', Is and Spades. POCK KT ANT) TABLE CUTLERY Shears and Sch kore, Edg Tools of ail kin Is. Li s . ami Enameled Nettles. MopsTul Was! ; ~rc , and all t ti kinds of house-keep ing implements. In the 1. 11.DWARF ib>e. lira . Brit' mia. Jappaned and i'l .ill Fin 'c ure, i: •or i • ■ -. 1! r. I .and. Scroll and Stoop Iron, Steel of all kinds, Nail B da,Ao. Pumps. Load Pipe and all thenect try flxt res f r water works. Patent, Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, and 10,w)0 other articles too numei .us to mention, that we are now re -eiving direct from the hands of manufac turers andimporters. including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STO V E 3 Sieves 25 per cent, less than usual for Cash, or (drain ot the highest market prices. Conl and W" nl C. 1 inc. Coal and Wo •IPa! T. Dining- Poom, Six Plate ■ .1 Cylinder.ever Br- tight into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New V ■ vk ; ail of which we are now prepared to -b at wlr V ale or retail, at as 1 uv rates, and on as good TEM as < an be f nod this side .♦ New-York, from the fact that all our goods were hot rht •>! lirst hands and in full p. ckuges and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller puivlui.-ors and Dry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us t > sell from 5 to 15 per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Stove Pipe and Elbows always on hand, wholesale and retail. AH kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Tracy A Moore's, and Powell's new block on Main street, in the new Wood Building, lettered alt over. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania and Copper, Dried 1 ruit ol'ail kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price n CASH will be paid. *5" No credit given over four months, and all hav ing accounts or notes over due h id better call and pay immediately, if they wish to save cost. Towanda, October 13,1858. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FURNITURE AND Cf " ' ' HAVING great]v increased ntv farmer • \ < : A... 1 r: I "* *"* -'•'•■!• . mined t • ~. thc-c a-', umlu.i tions rapidly, and with that design offer all articles at unprecedented low price v. for Cash. Good Sofas at $lO to S2O, tine Cane Scat Chairs 75 ets. each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. I have now more tlnn 00 different patterns ot Chairs, Bureaus, Desks for the farmer or merchant. Looking Glasses, I/jokinggla - Plates, Portrait and Picture frames of gilt, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner ; 20 patterns -i Stands ; .■ \t< " i< n, dining, tea and work Ta bu s, II ill Stands, and in fact anything that can he found in a city Ware house. A large a < irtment of ready-made Coffins, with a pond Hearse ready, at, all times. . Purchasers w il be sure to find the right place, south side of the public square, one ih.or en-t of Mont inyes Towanda, Dec. 1.1*30. CHESTER WELLS. CA3MDIC AND CANi)"£ TOYS. [II AN E oit hand too Ir.i'q-p'f find grout est variety ol CANDY AND CANDY TOYS to be Fund in ♦his town, which I will sell at retail cht ai cr than any living man. CANDY of all kinds sold to those who buy tosel! again at Pedlar's pi b-es. Towa la.l . 15/1.859. Et T. FOX. LA S3 AXD SASH.—IOO l-.ovcs U!a.sß,l 'J IhOO li rhr.; -'a !i tur -it ' Oct H. > > W. A. ROCKWFj I.M 1 ijuslntss Cirrus. DR (HAS. M.TL'RN ER, I'IIYSK 7J A" RURGFON, offers his proff-sional servi*.. the inhabitants of Towai.da and vLiniti. OCi c ;.u idence in the dwelling recently occupied 1 v 11. ~ofce door north of the Epis >pa! Church, ou Mah Etreet. t e 0' VEIITOX' K MOXTAXVE! 'TTTO'D NjIYS s'.'l /..I ll r ~() i;, Uni'.li Li ;. fo:. y oecupit iby J . liaci AHLA.SE. H.J.madiu " j. •., ■ \! -\ I JILL A MORROW, A TTOITM-YS 1. AND COUNSET.LORR AT LAW-AY cv< :Mi rw:n* sSiwe.T' Nvauila,l'u. Towanda, April 2. is. n -43-tf TY:. E. H. MA SOX, /'// YSICIA X A\D j IT SURGEON, offer- his pr> rial services to tl.e pec'ple 1 1 Tovvandu ard vicimtr. Olliceath-n..ice. e jon Pin- stn .t, wl ere, he can always be found when ,t professh sally ng iged. P R. PARSOXS, ATTORNEY AT I.AIR, TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V M. .V H. F. Losg'e store. Aug- 7, 15. HENRY B. M KEAX, ATTORNEY - A7' LA IV, TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to business entrusted to him. Collections made on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. ostly LM.HAXAX SMITH, Enving returned to iJ Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mercur's Store. Dec. 1.1857. F.V I I- 11. WESTON, DEN AF A, 77*. P. permanently located in Towanda. I T_. I~> OFFICE one door south of Bailcy&Ncvcii.-'. Towanda, Fob. 19,1853. O. 12. WOODRUFF-DENTIST. T3EIIMAXEXTLY located in Towanda.— X Office No. 5, Brick Row, over 11. VV. NOIILKS' Store. Entrance one door south of Tracy A Moores. dec.l.tf. DIL.S, G. S.iI'ECK AND O. CITURCJL ILL, SURGEONS AND MECHANIC At. DENTISTS, TOWANDA, Pa. *-<>ffire, No. ], Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's store—entrance first door en Pine st. February 16, 1860. / I UY 11. WATKINS, ATTORNE VAT VJ LAW, TOWANDA. PA. Office opp i. ite Ijßporte. Mason A Co. i 'Colh. ctions made and remitted with promptness. Towanda, January 2, lst;o. DR. PORTERS OLD BIIUG STORE, Already admitted to be Tim largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! w iTn An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MCDICJNE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted hy thoroughly competent persons, wi.o.i'", te the meet careful attentlon,p*y the strictest regard to accuracy, and u only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has bee one HSIE SA3II XSIIDB SY With prices revised to cori -qxuid with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL AKTICLfcS WARKAXTUD AS RErRESESTKU. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always he at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, (ilas,s, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. i Everything in this extensive sleek trill be sold CHEAP for Cash ! TRICES REDUCED, VIZ: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brashes, Combs, jpoclict SLuives and Siazcrs, IAT mps mid MI tcrii >. Is for L HJLT T. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, Wi'NES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE, TODACCO a SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicine? , Tooth, Skin & Eair Preparations, Fanny Articles of all Descriptions, Eoltclic, IHTA /tie and Homoeopathic MEDI, ims Spices, Ri:d Seed, Lump M ides end Garden .Sc...'. PISH TACKLE, A If MUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete n utnient, cmbr.i 'ag the great wants of the I'eople. reduced in I'i ice, and revised for tiie Cash System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE ! DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! PR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in Uw Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Fcr Family Use, Known n Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted foi what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 27 J oentf Dr. IVrter's Family Embrocation •' 25 Dr. P.rrtei"., Tonic Klixer *• 50 " Dr. Porter's WofJt Syrup " 25 •' Dr. Porter's Coinp. llypophosphitea.. " 100 Dr. Porters Uterine Tonic./ " ' >0 Dr. Porter's Blackberry Bal/am.. " " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff. 25 " Dr. Porter's Tm>th Powder •' 25 " Dr. Porter's Trieogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37J " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Bkick Ink " **2s '* Dr. Porter'sCfeswejag Fluid " :m •' Dr. Porter's I!at and Mice Poison " 25 " I>r. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " Hedical ldvice given gralnitoiDly at the offkc Charging only for Medicine. Thankful for pa