E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOAV-A-TsTDA.: Thursday Morning, Blarch 1, 1860. TERMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice will 0c giver, by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. CLUBBING — The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely iota rales : 6 copies for $5 00 115 copies for. 112 00 10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r.. .. 15 0.0 ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten tines or less, One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five tents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WORE— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—vith every facility for doing Rooks Rlanks, Hand bills, Rail tickets, r ollock was made permanent chair-J man, and upon taking his scat, delivered a j speech of great power, llad the Gov. taken the bold decided staud when in the executive chair,that he has taken here, bis administration would not have been stigmatized as weak and inefficient. Dnt wc Grew in politics as iu other things. The State of Pennsylvania is rapidly growing into the sound doctrines o! Republicanism. The result of the two labor of the Convention, were the recommendation of Gen. Cameron for President, by a vote of 80 to JO —the nomination of Andrew G. Curtin, of Center county, on second ballot, by 71 votes to 60 for all others. Delegates to the Na tional Convention from 13 Congressional dis tricts, were selected by their respective dele gatious here and instructed for Cameron. — Delegates from 12 districts refused to present the names of delegates, but reserved that to the people of their districts. Each Congres sional district is to send four delegates. Eight delegates at large were elected, with David Wilmot at their head. Many excellent speech es were made. All that did not properly "Wig Wag" seems to be suppressed by the Pennsylvania Telegraph. An address full of adulation of Gen. Camerfln, was passed and a most excellent platform laid down. It ia fear less and incquivocol. Nothing of importance has been done by the Legislature. Yours, TRUI.Y. LOCAL AND SENTENCE OF PIIII.O I>. DAILEY.— From the Elmira Daily Press of the 23J ult., we have the following report of the proceedings in this celebrated case : The Court of Sessions met at a quarter past eight yest erday morning. The Court Hosse was compactly filled by an anxious crowd of citizens, who had come with the expectation that PHILO B. DAI LET would be arraigned for trial upon the indictment for subornation of perjury. After a long consultation between the Court, District- Attorney MURDOCH and P. PHELPS for the people, and G. E. SMITH and Judge STRONG, counsel for the prisoner, it was arranged that the trial should proceed. The priso ner was brought into Court, and the names of three jurors called, when he requested permission to take his counsel aside, which was granted. In a few minutes they return ed,when the District Attorney announced that Mr. D AILEY wished to withdraw his plea of" not guilty " to the in dictment found against hint at the May Sessions, fur an assault and,battery with intent to commit a raj e upon the person of Miss FRANCES 1-- SAW Eit,aud to p.cad guilty to the same, lie moved that the prisoner have that pri vilege. There being no opposition to this motion, the request was granted, and Mr. DAII.KV plead " guilty t > both charges in the indictment on which he was tried last May. District Attorney asked the Court to pass sentence upon the prisoner at owe. The Court signified its willing ness, and the prisoner was requested to rise. The scene which followed was a painful one, and a death-like' still ness pervaded every part of the Court Room. Every eye was turned upon the prisoner, who looked pale and care w rn, but yet appeared cool and collected. Upon being asked by the Court if he had anything to say why sentence should not then be passed upon him, he spoke in substance as follows: May it phase, the Court )—l have a few remarks to make, though it may be useless, for I know this privilege is a mere formality. 1 desire the Court to take into con- sideratiou the ditVerenee between wli.it 1 have been, and what I am now. In a brief space ot time, I have 1 .-.-t everything. An honorable and lucrative office, friends, money, honor, good name, liberty and health, all are gone." And y< f 1 do not tear prison or punishment, and for myself la*k nothing. I urge nothing byway of miti gation. 1 have lost so much, and suffered so much, that it matters little to me what now U-< omes of me. It i-> a sort ol'gratification to me, to be made aware that I am to have an abiding place anywhere, and I can only say for myself, that 1 am determined to do the very iicst possible that I can under ail the trying circumstances which may nnhappy fate may present. Hut I have to urge, and earnestly solicit, the Court to consider the facts I now state in connection with the length of time for which 1 may be imprisoned. I have aged parents who are and have been lor years, entirely dependent upon me for a portion of their support, and lor that protection and care which devolves opon an only son, 1 nave ever tried to perform my duty to tliem.and a member of this Honora ble 15.tr now present, will bear me witness that 1 expend od ven to my last penny in pert lining that duty. I . . a more, I mortgaged the last pieces of property* down to small trinkets of little value save to me, to obtain money for their wants. Would to God 1 eoald have done more and better lor them 1 In view of their necessities and my duty to them, I ask and respectfully urge the Court to use that leniency indicting sentence, which these circum stances dem nd. For myself, 1 repeat, 1 have nothing to say. I shall be perfectly sat;died with thes utence which the Court deems proper to iuliict, and 1 will endeavor to perform it faithfully. Judge PARKER remarked, that in view of the prisoner's former and present position, and that other indictments had been found against him for graver offences than those upon which he was about to be sentenced, be would have to give him the full penalty of the law in this instance.— He accordingly sentenced the prisoner to Auburn Prison for the term of four years and eight months. The prisoner was then remanded to jail, and will start for Auburn in charge of Jailor Its WITT, on Friday morning. —The prisoner is still a young man, being not quite twenty-nine years of age.—His confinement in Jail for tiie past live months has visibly worn upon his constitu tion, which was never very rugged. We had a short in view with him in Jail yesterday afternoon,and found him busy writing some letter* to friends. He scented resign ed to his fate, and declared his intention to do all in his power, while in Prison at Aubvrn, by conducting himself properly, to assure all that lie intended to lead a different life in the future, should he live to serve out his term at Auburn. jfeaT' We are requested by the Recorder to state, that the commissions for the newly elected Justi ces have been received, and may be had by applying at his office. Justices will also do well to bear in mind that they can find at the Reporter Office all the blanks they require, printed in good style on superior paper. We are iu receipt of the Edinburg Review, the If'estminxtrr Review and Bluekicoods Maga zine, three of L. SCOTT & Go's republications. These valuable works, costing so largely iu England, arc placed within the reach of every one in this country. They con tain articles from the ablest men of England—of an abili ty and character which is beyond anything produced out side of their pages. ££7° A correspondent of the Oiccgo Times gives the following account of Religious interest in Le tqnffll : Many of your readers will be interested in learning that a deep spiritual awakening has manifested itself in the village of Leltaysville; and the pleasure which the announcement may give them will not be diminished by the information that the good work was developed in connection with the earnest preaching of one of Owego'a young men, Mr S. Washington Gladden. The Congregational Church was organized there far back at the commencement of the present sentury, and for many years it was a strong, efficient body. But of late it had become very small and weak ; and when its present Pastor the Rev. I. G.Sabin, entered upon, his duties, it was ready to perish beneath its burden < f debt. But the new Pastor was undaunted. A mid may difficulties and embarrassments, he set upon the task of clearing away this oppr< ;sivc load, as the first step to the promotion of religion in the place. And he succeeded, to the astonish ment and gratitude of ail the people. Under his devoted ministration, the little band of Christians were then led on to pray for, and to expect, an awakening of men's at tention to the chiefcst of human concerns. And by their iuvit it ion, the youthful preacher, but just approbated to the work, at the recent meeting of the Congregational Association, went among them to labor. In co-operation with the- Pastor, his labors have been excessive ; but they both arc permitted to see glorious result. It is impossi ble to say how many have set out upon the new liie. IJut so much is certain ; the work has been a silent, healthy, calm and profound one and its effects will long be felt in Leßaysville. DEATH'S DOINGS.—WILLARD JACKSON*, an old and respected citizen, died at Robert's Hotel, in thi Village, yesterday, at abouto'clock P. M., in the 57th year of his age. The funeral rites will be administered at the Presbyterian church to-morrow (Thursday) at 10 o'clock A. M. V.'e understand he is to he interred in the family burying ground, on the old homestead where his boyhood years were passed.— Tankhunnock Democrat, ll'edncsday, 23. PROLIFIC.— W e are'informed that an Irish woman, wife of PATRICK LEAKY, residing at Johnny Cake Dam, in this County, gave birth, about two weeks since, to three children at one time, fchc has been married hut three years, but during that time she has presented her liusbaud with no less than seven little responsibilities ! the first year one, the second year three, and the last year also three. This a remarkable ease of fecundity, and we doubt if it can be beat in the State.— Elvnira Press. MR. EDITOR : —I would like to know if any movement is being made to organize a Republican Club for this County? I notice that iu many portions of the country,"Clubs are being organized, ready for action in the great campaign near at hand. 1 know the Republi cans are strong in Old Bradford, but can we not add ma terially to onr strength, by organizing clubs throughout the County ere long ? I sec that iu several counties the plan has been adopted of organizing a Central Club at the County Seat, to co-operate with clubs in the several Townships or Districts of the County—in receiving and circulating documents and transacting such other busi ness as would advance the cause of Freedom. Would not a similar plan be a good one for this County? Let us hear from some of our Republican friends upon the subject soon. The contest is of too much importance to wxsle time, means or effort. FORMAN. We are requested by BENDER to an nounce that he has 011 hand a full assortment ot Station ery, of the best quality, which he w ill sell at the lowest prices. Also, that he will keep on hand a supply of Con stables' and Justices' Blanks, notes, deeds, Ac. THE SIXTH ANNUAL MIMICAL CONVENTION OF TIN; BKADFOKD COUNTY MUSICAL ASSOCIATION- Will be held at the Borongli of Troy, commencing Tuesday, March G, IsGO, to continue thiee days, and close with a Concert, the whole to be under the direction of Prof. T. E. PKUKINS, of the Normal Academy of Music, Cenesco, N. Y. The (' mmittee of Arrangements say that the high rep utation and ability of Prof. PERKINS, as a Musical Iliicc t .r, and Instructor, warrants in promising a large attend ance at this Convention. Every effort will be made to render its sessions plea-sent and in-tnn tivc. Arrange ments will he made to provide members from a distance with comfortable accommodations at re- enable rates. Former Conventions at Troy, have been eminently suc cessful, and we have no doubt, from the musical talent and character for hospitality ot the citizens of Troy that this will he equally so. NORTH BRANCH CANAL COMPANY.— At a meeting of the North Branch Canal Company,held 011 the 24th ult., the follow ing gentlemen were elected officers: C..F. WEI.LS Jr., President; W. (i. STERLING, Treasurer; G. M. IIOLLENBACK, CHARLES PARKIMI, M. C. MURCUI, HENRY M. FT LLEK, and JOHN AKNOT, Managers. THE ATLANTIC M >NTHLY, for March, is al ready out. and a.-* ial is well filled with original articles from the Lest writers In the country. The new publish ers, Messrs. TICKNOR & FIELDS, 13j Washington -trcet, Boston, are exerting themselves to render their magazine equal, in point of literary merit, to any other published. Us circulation is increasing rapidly, and each number publi. bed seems to excel its predecessor in iutere-t and the ability of it - articles. The I.dl w ing arc the contents of the March number : The French Character ; the Pur suit ol Knowledge Under Piflh ulties ; " Implora Pace the Progress of the Electric Telegraph ; Lcvc and Self- Love ; To the Muse ; Sexon-Propulsion ; White Mice ; For Christie's Sake; the Nursery Blarney-Stone; The Professor's Story ; fs the Religions Want of the Age Met? Reviews and Literary Notice 1 ; Recent American Publi cations. ■ ■ eg?- The local editor of tbc Argus " lias been, and gone, andjdone it,'' as appears l.y a notice under the hymeuial head. We tender him our congratulations 0:1 the happy event—trusting that he wil' realize all those roseate anticipations, which arc the usual prelude to such occurrences. figy There will be a public examination of the Classes of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute on the 12th and 13th of March. The patrons of the School and the public generally are invited to attend. A lecture on the theory and practice of teaching, will be delivered before the " Normal department" on the evening of the 13th. JC-ifTlie lecture before the Y. M.C. A., de livered last night, in the M. K. Church, by Dr. C. M. TURNER, was decided socccss. T! is subject, " 'Hie Influ ence o{ religious sentiment upon communities i. States,"' was handled in a masterly manner. He spoke for more than an hour keeping the audience enchained upon the sub ject. lie showed how much the nature of every institu tion whether of justice or benevolence of every nation in all ages, depended upon religious sentiment of the mass es of the people, and Jthat the institutions of our own country, in all their power and influence for good are the developments and embodiments of the great doctrine of him who " spake as never man spake." STEAMER HUNGARIAN WRECKED.—A large steamer went ashore off Cape Sable, one night last week. She has been ascertained to be the Hungarian of the Liverpool and I'crt •land line. The passengers and crew arc sup posed to be all lost, as no survivor has been found, nor nothing to tell how many souls were on board. J®*The Executive Committee cf the strik ing Lynn Shoemakers have taken measures to prevent any outbreak of violence, by organiz ing a strong police of their own number, who, together with the military and the civic author ities, it is thought will prove amply sufficient to overawe such turbulent spirits as may feel disposed to perpetrate outrages and endanger the object sought to be attained by their move ment. Gov. Medary, of Kansas, has vetoed the bill abolishing Slavery in the Territory, and the Legislature has taken the bill up again. It is probable that it will be repassed over the veto, George P. Buruham, the Massachu setts Liquor Agent, who has been confined in in the Boston Jail several weeks, was yester day discharged on his own recognizance to ap pear when the indictment against him may be called up People's State Convention. UARBISBURG. Feb. 22, —The People's State Convention met in the Hall of the House at 12 o'clock to day, and was called to order by Levi Kline, Esq., chairman of the State Cen tral Committee. The crowd was very great and much confusion prevailed. The Conven tion was temporarily organized by selecting Francis Jordan, of Bedford, as temporary chairman. A lengthy discussion ensued as to the mode of selecting committees on creden tials and permanent officers. It was finally agreed that the Committee on Credentials should consist of nine, to be appointed by the chair, and that the Committee 011 Permanent Organization should consist of one from each Senatorial district to be named by the dele gates from said district. During the discus sion spirited speeches were made by J. R. Flanigan, William B. Mann, and Philip S. White, of Philadelphia. Mr. Hampton, of Allegheny, was named as temporary chairman, but the friends of Mr. Jordan, of Bedford, succeeded in appointing him by calling the yeas and nays. The following are among the Committee 011 Permanent Organization: Philadelphia —Jus. M. Gibson, Edwin Booth, William if. Mann, Henry C. Pratt. Lancaster —Day Wood, E. Billingsfelt. Allegheny—R. B.Carnahan, J. L. Graham. Committee on Credentials —Messrs. Henry" Souther, S. Newton Pettis, H. R. Coggshall, Geo. Reid, Hon. 11. W. Ketchufn, G. W. Schofield, Col. A. McClure, Gen. W. H. Kuntz, Thos.JMarshall. After the committees were announced, the Convention, at 2 o'clock, adjourned till 4. AFTERNOON 6E3510.N. The Convention again assembled at 4 o'clock. The House was densely crowded, and numbers of delegates were unable to obtain seats. The speaker requested gentlemen not delegates to surrender their seats. Much pleasantry en sued as to the best mode to seat the delegates. William B. Mann, chairman of the Commit tee on Organization, made a report of the of ficers of the Convention, as follows : President —lion. JAMES POI.LOCK. 1 Yce Presidents. —Charles Frailey, James S. Xaglce, Daniel Beitler, Henry Bumtn, Ed ward Gratz, Franklin Taylor, Edward Bailey, Ag. Cadwalader, Henry Green, Win. Yocum, A. 11. Lcisenring, P. M. Ostcrhoot, Davis Alton, E. L. Baldwin, Abraham Updegraff, Anderson Dennis, Win. B. Irwin, George F. Meilly, Joseph Fisher, Samuel J. Henderson, lid ward Smyscr, A. K. McClure, Francis Jor uan, Jacob M. Campbell, Joseph R. Smith, Dr. Wm. B. Coulter, George K. Weyly, .John M. Kirkpfetr'ck. W. Irwin, of Reaver, Thomas J. Brown of Mercer, S. X.wtou Pettis, A. B. Ilercbold. Sorclarics. —S. B. Row, R. T. Ncvin, J. Gunnison, Lloyd Jones, John 11. Oliver, Wil liam A. Hammer, Wm. M. Loyd, John A. Brown and A* W. Crawford. Hon. Charles Frailey and Gen. James S. Naglee arc des ignated a-> first and second Vice Presidents, and were requested to take their scats oa the right and left hand of the President. The report was unanimously edopted. Mr. Mann also offered the following resolu tion, which was agreed to : llesolccd, That the sergeant-at-arms and doorkeepers of the House be employed as of ficers of the Convention. Ex-Governor Pollock, 011 being conducted to his scat, made a patriotic, Cuiou loving speech. Mr. Souther, chairman of the committee se lected to determine upon credentials and con tested seats, having heard the parties claiming seats in the seveiul districts, reported. The question was taken on the adoption of the report of the Committee ou Credentials, ami it was agreed to. Mr. M. 15. Lowrey, of Erie, offered the fol lowing lesolntion : licsoltL■?, That General Simon Cameron is hereby declared the candidate of the People's party before the Chicago Convention. Mr. P. S. White would have the delegates go to the Chicago Convention free and un trammelled ; not that they would object to Pennsylvania having another President, lie would like to see William M. Meredith, John M. Head, or Simon Cameron CIIOSEII ; [Ap plause ;} but Pennsylvania had had her Pres ident —such a one. [ Laughter.] Westward empire takes her way ; and ho preferred Mr. Hates, of Missouri, ( r W. L. Dayton, of New Jersey, lie was not prepared to endorse the resolution, and hoped it would be laid over. Mr. Nevin, of Allegheny, moved to lay the resolution over. [Cries of "No!" "No!"] He said that the Convention of Allegheny ad journed without expressing any opinion as to the Presidency. They came here to nominate a Governor, and not to recommend a .candi date for the Presidency. The reason lie moved for a postponement was, that the nomination for Governor should be first made, and then it might come up and bo disposed of as the Con vention saw proper. Mr. David Murama, of Danpliin, said that the friends ot General Cameron merely de sired an expression of the feeling of the peo ple, and had no disposition to stifle the doings of the Convention. If Genera! Cameron was not the choice of the Convention, he was of a large majority of the people of Pennsylvania. Mr. Marshall, of Allegheny, denounced the attempt to thrust Gen. Cameron upon the Convention. He said lie represented a con stituency of two hundred thousand, and thev must let this question alone. So had other districts. Let us nominate a Governor with out this side issue. He said that there ought to be a majority in favor of the resolution, but not such a majority as would crush out the voice of the minority. We have plenty of candidates for the Presidency. He asked the gentlemau who offered the resolution to with draw it until morning. Mr. Mnmma would not be drawn into a violent discussion. Ho said that there was nothing that could be tortured into a combi nation on the part of the friends of General Cameron : that lie was the choice of a large majority of the people of this Commonwealth for the Presidency. Mr Mumrna was frequent ly interrupted by applause. Mr. Lowrie would not withdraw the resolu tion if it was considered a firebrand. All lie had to say was that he was belter in a fight than any thing olso. Mr. Darlington, of Chester, would vote in favor of postponement. Mr. Ilenry D. Maxwell, of Northampton, opposed sending delegates to Chicago who would record nothing but the edict of this Convention. Dr. Lawrence, of Lawrence, enrac here by instructions from the largest Convention ever held in his county, aud those instructions were that this Convention had no right to inter fere on this question. Ueueral Cameron had many warm friends in his county, but he should oppose the resolution. At quarter past six the Convention ad journed until eight o'clock. EVENING SESSION. The Convention assembled at eight o'clock. The sergcant-at arms and doorkeeper of the House having received instructions to admit none but delegates, members of the Legisla ture, and reporters, a tremendous uproar pre vailed in the rotunda. The crowd finally be learoe so dense that they forced open the doors ' and in five minutes the House was completely jammed, Mr. itush Petriken was substituted in place of Mr. Breslin, from Clinton county. G. B. Overton was substituted in place of Mr. Buskirk, of Potter county. The pending question being on the resolu tion recommending General Cameron to the Chicago Convention, (ien John X. Purviancc, of Puller, suggested taking up the business of a national character before the celection of a candidate for Governor, lie said that the gentleman from Allegheny had said that this was done for the purpose of holding a rod over the Gubernational question. The contrary was the fact. It was to clear the track for Pennsylvania, so that we could proceed to the nomination of Governor unfet tered and untrammelled. General Xeg ley, of Pittsburg, said he would hfive to vote against the resolution. He at the same time paid a high compliment to Gen. Cameron, and said Allegheny county had good reason to lie proud of him. Judge Hale, of Center, would not enter in to the merits or demerits of General Cameron. It was proper that this Convention should give some expression of its sentiments on this question. He hoped the resolution would be adopted. The president put the question, whether the resolution should be postponed, and it was not agreed to —yeas 51, uays 81. The question then recurred on the adoption of the original resolution, which was read : Retired, That General Simon Cameron is hereby declared the candidate of the People's party of Pennsylvania for President of the United "States. The yeas and nays were ordered, and the resolution pascd —-yeas 80, nays 30. The Chester and Delaware county delega tions refused to vote, on the grouud of inex pediency. Mr. Lowric then offered a resolution, call ing for a committee of one from each Con gressional district, to report the names of eight delegates at large, and four from each Congressional district, to the Chicago Con vention, to be "submitted to this Convention for approval, and th delegates thus selected be, and they are hereby, instructed to vote as a unit in the Xational Convention for the nomination of Simon Cameron, an 1 to adhere to him unitedly a3 long as his name is before that body. Mr. MeClure offered the following resolu tion as a substitute : Resolved, That this Convention will now proceed to the selection ot eight delegates at large to the Chicago Convention ; that the several Congressional districts of this State slmll at such times as they may respectively determine upon, select four delegates in each district to the said Convention, and that it is hereby recommended to the delegates to be chosen by the several Congressional districts, as the sense of this Convention, that they • npport the nomination of the Hon. Simon I Cameron for the Presidency* Pending the question, the Convention, at half-past 11 o'clock, adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning TIK"It?I!AY MORN*IN*O. The Convention reassembled at 9 o'clock.— The rush was not so great this morning as yesterday, owing probably to the late hours kept by the outside delegations, who were pressing their favorite candidates, and testing the merits of Harrisburg whisk vat the same time. The President announced that smok ing the hall was absolutely prohibited. The President stated that the House of Representatives would meet at 10 o'clock and adjourn, and it would therefore lie necessary for the Convention to adjourn before that hour and meet again shortly after. Judge Hale offered a resolution as a com promise, allowing gentlemen from the different Congressional districts to select their own de legates to the Chicago Convention, which was acccptecPby Mr. Lowry, tire mover of the ori ginal resolution, as a substitute for Iris own.. The reading of the resolution as modified was called for and it was read, as follows : Resolved, That a committee of seven lie ap pointed by the Chair to appcare an address and resolutions, and al-o to report the names of eight Senatorial delegates to the National Convention, to be held in Chicago, in June next, and the names of two persons for Sena torial electors ; and that the delegates from the different Congressional districts report to the Convention the names of four persons from each Congressional district, who shall be the Representative delegates to the National Con vention, and one from each d strict as electors. The delegates from the State to the National Convention are hereby instructed to cast the vote of the State as a unit, and to rote for General Camerou while bis name remains be fore that body. Mr. Darlington, of Chester, said his people did not entrust him with the resjwnsibility of naming delegates to the Chicago Convention, and he denied the right theu of this Conven tion to the dare to name delegates to that Convention. Mr. McClure of Franklin, said he had vot ed against the resolutions endorsing Simon Cameron, and would do so again, on principle. He would accept the proposition just made.— He yielded to the will of the majority against his own preference, for the sake of harmony. Mr. McClure moved an amendment to the resolution as follows : Provided, That in the districts where the delegates are already elected, such delegates be accepted by this Convention. Mr. Martin, of Delaware, moved further to amend by adding the following : Provided farther, That when the Congres sional districts represented in this Convention decline to present the name of any delegate to Chicago in those districts, the election of dele gates to the National Convention as Chicago shall be referred to the people. Mr. Soother, of Elk, conhl see no reason why the proposition should not be satisfactory. A large majority of the delegates came here instructed tor General Cameron, and they would not divide the loaf with him. Mr. Penniraan, of Wayne, had voted with the opposition, and would have continued to have voted so, if the present proposition had not been submitted. It met with his cordial approbation. Mr., Martiu replied to Mr. Souther, and said he would decline to make any concessions. He wanted the matter to go back to the peo ple of his district, where it rightfully belou". ed. Mr. Palmer, of Schuylkill, hailed with joy the olive branch held out by Mr. Murtiu, of Delaware. Mr. J. It. Flan'gan, of Philadelphia, came to this Convention, not as the friend of Mr. Cameron, as it had always been known that he had been his opponent ;but was now happy to say, after what has happened, a little bright cloud had appeared, dispelling the dark one which had been threatening us. lie would ac cept the proposition in the spirit of barmonr. Mr. Darlington moved further to amend by inserting, after the delegates from the State to the Xational Convention,the words, " appoint ed by this Conucntion arc hereby," Ac. The amendment having been accepted, the/juestion was taken, and the resolution as amended was carried, amidst the wildest enthuiasm. The yeas and nays were demanded. During the call, several genthtuen arose to give their rea sons fur voting, by which much time was con sumed, in perfect good humor. The vote was announced as 128 yeas to 4 nays. The nays were Me.-srs. William B. Maun, Xevill,Camp bell and Huberts. Mr. Lowry moved to nominate candidate fur Governor. Mr. MeClure moved that when the Conucn tion adjourn, it be until two o'clock this after noon. Agreed to. Mr. Marshall moved to proceed to nomina tion for Governor. Voices.—Yes, several delegates are going home at four o'clock. The Convention refus ed to adjourn, and went into nomination fur Governor. The Convention than proceeded to nominate candidates for Governor. Mr. Davis nominated Thomas M. llowc Mr. T. J. Coffey nominated John Cuvodc. Mr. Feller nominated Samnel Calvin. Mr. Booth nominated David Tairgart. Mr. Palmer nominated Henry K Strong. Mr. Haines nominated Lemuel Todd^. Mr. Mann nominated A. G. Curtin. Mr. Fisher nominated Levi Kline. Mr. Fletcher nominated Geo. W. Scranton. Mr Darlington nominated J. Haines. Mr. Irwin read a letter from Mr Todd with drawing his name. The list of delegates was theu called, and the ballot resulted as follows : Curtin 55ICovodc 22 Taggart Is Howe 13 Kline 1- ( -< tauton.,-. 4 H lines s'Oolrin .5 Necessary to a choriee, C7| Mr. Seranton's name was then withdrawn, and a second ballot bud, which resulted as fo.- lows : Curtin ~.."4|Covodc 27 Taggait llmowe In Kline 7filaii.es 1 Calvin 11 When the ballot had been concluded, arul before the result had been announced, it was ascertained that Mr. Curtin lacked but a single vote of the nomination, whereupon Messrs. Frailey, Mmnma, Owin, Swopc, and several other gentlemen, changed their votes to hiuu 1 Mr. Curtin was thereupon declared nominat ed, and on motion the nomination was made unanimous. On motion, a eoramittce of three was ajh pointed to wait upon Mr. Curtin and iuion* him of his nomination, and iuvite htm to ap pear before the Convention. A committee of three was also appointed to wait upon Gen. Cauieron and inform him that lie bad been designated at the choice of this Convention for the Presidency, and further to invite him to take a seat in the Convention. Several motions were made, and a refla tion adopted inviting the Hon David Taggari to address the Convention. Mr. Taggart appeared and made a very happy speech giving in his firm adherence to the nominee of the Convention. He came here a very decided Taggart man, and would baeklo on the armor to light in his behalf. Just as Mr. Taggart had concluded, Mr. Curtin appeared in the half of the House, and was vociferously cheered. A resolution was passed inviting all the can didates for Governor to address the Conven tion at two o'clock this afternoon. Loud cries were then heard for Marshall, of Allegheny, wl?o took the stand, and expressed his preference for Mr Howe, but said no rnair would shoulder more of the responsibility, or do more work, than lie would to support the standard bearer who ban been chosen by the Convention. Mr. Marshall kep? the Convention in a roar during his remarks. cries were heard for W. B. Mann, who next addressed the Convention, lie said : Philadelphia wilt give Mr. Curtin a reception that will do his heart good, and roll up a majority of thousands for him. The peculiar element alluded to in this Convention still exists there. The sannr sun that warned us in 1854 is shining now in an open sky, and it will cheer us with its beams. This nomination w ill be responded to by the great heart of Philadelphia, and the com ing struggle will be no strife between tho American and Republican wings of the Peo ple's party, except as to which shall carry this banner the deepest in the ranks the enemy.— Mr. Mann concluded amidst loud cheers, and the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock. AFTERNOON* SESSION*. —The Convention reas sembled at two o'clock P. M. Several substi tutes were appointed for delegates who had necessarily returned homo. The President announced that the first busi ness would be the report from the Committee on R-esolutions. Mr. Lowrey informed the President that tbo committee was not yet prepared to report.— The next business in order was reports from the several delegations on an electoral ticket, when the followiug names were pteseuted by the delegatiuns to compose the electoral tick et, viz : DUT'S. • DIST'S. 1. Kit ward C. Knight. 14.—Vlysses Moreur. I.—Robert P. King. li Gwrg> BrMwi a.—Henry Bnmm. ir„—a. It. Sharpe. 4.—Robert M. Foust. 17.—Dai ni l O. t.ahr. s—Nathan Hills. is Sara net Calvin. o.—John >l.Broi mall. la.—Kdgar Cowan. 7—James W*. Fuller. 20. —Win. McKcsmon. 5.-Lcvi B. Smith. 21.—John M. Kirkpatrick. o.—Francis \V, Christ. 22.—.James Kerr. 10. . DMTM Milium. l jr. ft lTtnhwi P. ltoU-rts. 11.—David Taggart. 24.—Henry Souther. 12.—Thomas It. Hall. 23 John Grier. 13 Francis B. l'eimiman. The committee appointed for that pnrposo reported that James Pollock and Thomas M. llowe had been selected as the electoral at large. Delegates at hrge. —David Wilmot. Henry D. Moore, Samuel A Purvianco, Andrew IL Reeder, Thaddeus Stevens, Titian J. Coffey, Johu 11. Ewiug, Morrow 13. Lowrey. Ddtgales to tki CkL.tgc Convention. —The