Trial List for February To m, 2.SCO. SKCOKD WEF.K. NO. TKKM. YEAR. PI. AINTIFFB. DEFENDANTS. NAT. 690 Sept. 1855 G Hewitt's use vs. JHA. H 8 Phinney. 193 Sept. 1848 O P Ballard vs Treat Shoemaker et al. 355 Dec. 1855 1 Smith vs. Sam. Kellum et al, l'res. 170 Feb. 1856 E S Ballard et al. vs H Hayden. Case. 4C9 Dec. " J B Buck vs. Isaac Palmer, Appeal. 470 •' • " same vs. same 293 May 1857 H Owen vs. I). Ilapeman, et al. Tress. {•OS •' " S C Means use vs II Willey et al. Apl. 248 Feb. 1858 Jesse Spalding vs. O Rickey, Debt. 251 Feb. 1858 same vs John Arthur. Case. 458 '• •' 01! Vandyke vs. P. P. Sweet et. al. 373 May 1858 B P Taylor et. al. w.M Wilcox, Tress. 404 " " Wn Woodville Ac. vs. M Bobbins, Ej't. 574 •' F U Manley vs. state Ml A tire ins Co. 60" " " Ransom Ada vs. J W Sweet, Appeal. 680 Sept. " . H F Shoalts vs. B Osterhoot, Appeal. 537 " " A Buter>ou Ac. vs. A K Axtell. Case. SSS " " II Owens vs D Hopewix, et al. Eject. 748 " " HM M oore ACo vs..) W'lcott, S. F. 872 " " W A G-stin vs. W S Dubbins, Appeal. B*4 " " D M Moore vs. Thos. Brink 2nd, " 86 " " A Alger vs. Jos. Seeley et. al. Eject. 940 " " J L (lorsline et al vs J Granger et al. 1003 " •' J L Gnr-line vs A J Gorsline et al. 148 Dec. " Barclay It BACCovs Sl. Fowler. 150 " " John Burt's use vs A I, Smith, Debt. 303 " " Z Annable Ac vs C N Shipman Su i 5-53 " " ( lias Chaffee vs Lewis Hnrton. Trcsa. 386 " " S F Riuley vs Hiram Spear, Debt. 4014 " " SA J "finstaJi vs M Meylert et al. Debt. 490 " " H M Moore et al. vs A B Smith, Debt. 498 " " M Mcintosh vs B L Kniglita, Appeal. 605 " " Jas Simmons vs Wm y given, flint nil ppy-mis indebted to the estate ol I GEORGE SCALDING, iate ofTnsearora township. Icc'd. i arc hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against said estate will j present them duly authenticated tor y. moment. C. J. LACEY. I Novcmfier 8.18.59. * Executor. I EXECUTOR S NOTlCE —Notice is iiore liy given, that al! ; ersons indebted to the e-tate of THOMAS BALDWIN late of Columbia township, dc ceaaed. are hereby requested to made p ivmcnt without de lay, and all person- having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. ('. M'KEAN. LUCY BALDWIN, September 15,18.59. Kj-erutws. SHERIFF S SALES.—ByTirtnc of a writ LA of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and delivered, j will be exposed to public silt' at the Court House m the j Borough of Tow.iuda. on FRIDAY, February Id, 1-60. at j 1 o'clock P. M-, the following lot of land situate in Bur lington twp. and bounded on the north by land of Mathew j Belts. ea-t by land of Nancy Nichols and A. M'Keau j south by land of J. G. Loveland, west by land of John j Bloom and Mathew Belt-. Containing tlueeacres, more or less, about two and a half :u res improved, one framed • house, one framed barn and a blacksmith shop thereon, j Seized and taken in exe uition at the suit of James i Eiliott, executor of the e-tate of William Gibson, dee'd. ! vs. Nancy Arthur. A LS'l—The following lot, piece or parrel of land situ- ' ate in Tnscarora twp., "bounded north by land of John j and Patrick Mahoney. cast by land of William Bu.-h, ' south by laud of Andrew Neiley, west by land of John • Brown. Containing one hundred and sixty acres, more \ or less, a'mut eighty acres improved, one trained house, | two framed barns and an orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas E. ' Brown vs. Samuel G. Shoemaker. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parrel of land sitn nte in Tnscarora twp.. bounded north by the public high way. east by the lino dividing Susquehanna and Bradford Counties, south by tha public highway and land of S. I*. Maxiieid. west by land of Reuben Mattison, Isaac Dexter, and Harris Hogeboon and Sylvester Sturdevant. Con taining one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, about forty acre-improved.two framed houses,one framed ■ burn, saw-mill and an orchard thereon. Seized and taken in exet ..liuu at the suit of Benjamin Edwards vs. Henry R. Hail. Al2so—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Canton twp., bounded north MO east by had of C. fc. dullard, south by land occupied by ii. 1!. Benson, west by the highway leading from Canton Village to Sullivan ' County. Containing about two hundred square feet, : more or leas, all improved, with a two story dwelling house, outbuildings and fi nil trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. W. Colwell to the use of Woodhull & Co., vs. Josiah Fran ci.-co. THOM AS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. January 17.1*60. A D.M I MSTK A TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice XA. is hereby given, that al! persons indebted to the estate of STEPHEN BEEM \N, late of Tnscarora, dee'd arc hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. A. J. SILVARA. January 26, 1859. Administrator. C'XECU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- JLi by given, that al! per-ons indebted to the es tate ut ORANGE BOSWOISTR, late of Pike twp. dee'd. are hereby requested to nuke payment without delay, and ail persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM B. STEVENS. I ~ Jan. 26, 1860 BETSEY BJSWORTH f Lxecutor "- \ D MINI ST RA TO R'S NOTlCE—Notice JY is hereby given th '.t. all ,>ersons indebted to the es tate of SAMUEL C ROWSK, late of Asylum twp., dee'd are hereby rcque-tcd to make immediate payment, and nil persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlenient- LDWARD BOWSE. Jannary 19. I*6o. Administrator. \ D.M I NiSTRATOR'S NO TlCE. —Notice al is hereliv given, that all persons indebted to the es- FtiSe ot J AMES WILCOX, late of Albany twp. deceased, must nuke immediate payment, and ail persons having demands against said e-tate will present tliein duly au thenticated for settlement. CHESTER SCHOOXOVER, AURILIA WILCOX, Jannary 4. 1860. Administrators. A DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e-tate of WM. H- MOI'ELL, dee'd . late of Elmira.N. Y., twp., are requested to make payment without deiay ; and those having claims again-t tue said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. Claims to be presented at theOiliee ol' JohuC. Adams. Tnwaada. . . , ii. C. CHAMPLIX, JANUARY 4, 1960 ADMINISTRATOR, iiitsccllancous. FRUIT TEEES, Shrubs and Vines. THE undersigned will he prepared the com ing Fall, to supply the public with a well selected and choice variety of trees,shrubs and vines. All orders sent or given I will attend to filling and delivering my self, and hope to make satisfactory. Trees that shed the leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late in the spring. As sonic people think that nursery men should replace all trees that do not live, I would say. to those buying of me, that I do not agree to do so, but I will warrant my trees to lie in good order when deliv ered. I will warrant ail to live, but in such a case I will have an. extra price, and attend to setting out myself. X. b The following Insurance Companies have ap pointed mc their Agent, to take ri-ks of all classes where local agents are not found : The Farmer's Union Jnsur ance Co., and Great Western, united, now of Philadelphia, the Kensington of Philadelphia, the Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Company, of Muncy Pa., Anything iu this line promptly attended. DANIEL HARKIXS. Towanda, July 25, 1859. THUS IS TIIE ESTABLISHMENT I * where you can find a very fine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of ail descriptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up. and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, j l am also agent for the sale of I). E. LENT'S celebrated j Barometers, which every fanner should always have. Pri ces from $8 to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. WM. A. CIIAMBERLIN. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! .-THE subscriber would announce i j 0 t ] ie that lie has now on '•. "r l and, and will make to order all j i inds ol CABINET FURNITURE, i j.? J such as Sofas,Divans,Lounges,Cen tre, Card, Dining and Breakfast Ta- I bio- Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and I J" t I ( lierry Bureaus, Stands of various Si—" kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every i d 'seription, which are, and will he made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, aud which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought ill any ot'her Ware ro >m in the country. READY-MADL COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEAIISE will lie furnished on 1 \ Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. " Towanda, January 1. 1857. DISSOLUTION. —The co-part nership here tofore rxi-ting lietwcen the subscriliers under the firm of GULP A KIRBY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, notes, accounts, and other obliga tions and papers belonging to said firm, are now in the hands of JERE CULP for settlement. All accounts and uotes overdue on the Ist day of Feb ruary next, will be put in course ot collection without re spect to persons. Until that time Grain, Sheep l'elu and Hides will be received iu payment. JERRY CULP, Towanda, August 1,1859. J. I'. KIRBY". JEHR3T~ CULP Wil'hereafter carry on the HARNESS AND SADDLE BUSINESS, in ail its various branches, at the old stand of Gulp A Kirby. where he solicits a continuance of the patronage hitherto enjoyed A large stock of Ready Made articles aud materials will he kept on hand, and every I exertion made to deserve the favor of the public. McCABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, Jidoic J. Kingsbfiy's sforr, 3lain st. , ITMJE subscriber woni l respectfully tender his sincere X than!:- the public tor the very liberal patronage j ! extended to hint, and solicits a continuance of the same, j lie begs leave to a-sure that lie intends to keep on hand i as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS ot all kinds, 1 | the if-t the country affords, iiicli he intends to sell for ] I veri -mall profits, either by the side, quarter or pound., A quantity of first qualit of SALT PORK, put up by myself, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place within ! j the corporation. Towanda, August 12, 1559. J McCABE. | BLACKWOOD'S Z&AGAZ£N£, Ell ITISII RE VIE WS. I SCOTT A CO., NEW Y'ORK. continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz : 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). These periodicals ably represent the three great politi- I ral parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical— j but politics forms only one feature of their character t As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Lit j eratnre. Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have -tend, unrivalled in the world of letters, being con -1 -idered indispensable to the scholar and the professional in in. while to the Intelligent reader of every class they ftirni-h a more correct and satislactory record of the cur rent literature of the day, throughout the world than can i be possibly obtained from any other source. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British j publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inas j much as they can now be placed in the hands ot subscri bers about as soon as the original editions. TEHIYIS: For any of the four Reviews, $3 00 : For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 ' For any three of three four Reviews, 7 00 1 For ail tour of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 300 ; For Blackwood and one Review, 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, 7 00 ' For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 ' .Money current in tlte Stute where issued tci.7 be received ' at par. CU BBING —A discount of twenty-five per cent, from ' tHe above prices will he allowed to Clubs ordering four or 1 : more copies of any one or more of the above works Thus : Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, wilt t>e sent to one nddre-s for $9 ; four copies of the four lie- ' views and Blackwood for S3O ; and so on. ' POSTAGE—In all the principal Cities and Towns these works will be delivered FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail. the Postage to any part of the United Stales ■ will be but Twenty-Four Cents n year for " Blackwood," and but Fourteen Cents a year for each of the Reviews. X. B The price in Great Britain of the ffve Periodi cals above named is annum. Remittances for any or the above publications should always be addressed, p st-paid. to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT A CO. . 1 No. 54 Gold street, New York. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda Marble Factory. (Nearly Opposite the Baptist Church.) The subscribers have opened the TOWAN tfVVCA DA MARBLE FACTORY, wiiere he will be . I L ,Pe P ared to furnish Monuments and Tomb ; "VVm' !| I Stmic?, manufactured from the best qualities 1 i*fc|L of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and wrought into such styles and designs as will i suit every variety of taste. i Persons w/shing to make their selections 5 can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling at this New Establishment. i The superior quality of the stock, the nrtistical beauty i of the work, and the promptness with which orders will be filled, will offer inducements to visit this new shop. F. H. BALDWIN, MILLS BARKER, i Towanda, Jan. 2,1860. Proprietor. i KEFERENCES. WAVXRLT. TOWANDA, PA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, 1 C. H. Shepard. Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster, , It. G. Crans, Merchant, H. S Mercur, Merchant, A'pin A Montanyes, " 1 Rev. O. Crane. T. M. Woodruff, Sheriff, " Wm. Putnam, Col. A. M'Keau, Prot'y, *• D. A. Sliepard, Hon. D. Wilmot, F. Tyler. Pres't. Bank. " J. C. Adms. CHEMUNG. " Wm. El well, I G. W. Buck, Esq. E. A. Parsons. Ed. Argus. wvsox. E. 0. Goodrich,Ed.llcporter. <■ V. F,. Piollet, Esq. r W AXTED.— Hides and Skins, for which ; ' ' the Lighest market price will be paid, either in goods cr casn. October , 1869, HUMPHREY * WICKHAM- ittfscrllnneous, S3O SEWING MACHINES. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED DOUBLE THREADED SE WIN G MA CHINES! Price Within the Reach 6f Every Family. Hand Power, S3O ; Fool Poirer, with half doz. Needles, fyc., $33 ; Cabinet Case, S3O ; Hemmtrs, $3. THESE unrivalled Machines need no pnffinfr, and only want to bo seen to insure the approbation of every individual; and although a new applicant for public patronage in this locality, it has attained a popu larity heretofore unsurpassed by any Machine. Alter one year of constant use in the Western States, they have been pronounced the best Machine in the world for family use, and are preferred to the higher priced Ma chines. Those who want further proof have only to pur chase one and give it a fair trial, and if they And they cannot use it. they can return it and have their money refunded. They are warranted as durable as any of the higher priced Machines, and are divested of very thing like complicated machinery. They will Stitch, Hem, Tuck, Fell, Gather and Em broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of goods from the finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest and coarsest cloth fabric—even Leather. The following reasons are selected from the many, why RAYMOND'S is the best in the Market: 1 Because it is the cheapest. 2 11 is by far the simplest. 2 The lea.-t liable to get out of order. 4 The easiest managed and understood. 5 It makes the celebrated Double Lock Stitch, which is the most elastic ever made by machinery. 6 It will not rip if a stitch gets broke or every fourth cut. 7 It makes the neatest and hand somest stitch. 8 The seams are the strongest. '.I It uses two threads from the ordinary spools as bought from the store, without re-winding. 10 They finish their work without fastening the thread at either end oi the seam with the band needle as is required by the Shuttle Stitch Machines. 11 It has the least machinery. 12 Its mechan ism is the most perfect. 13 It is the most popular among the masses. 14 It is the easiest running, anil almost noiseless in its operation. 15 It is an ornament for any parlor. 10 It combines the advantages of both Hand and Foot Powers. 17 The price is within the reach of t every family. 18 any person of ordinary intelligence" ! can learn to use it successfully iu one hour's time.— : I 10 Tliey can do ail kinds of work that any high priced Machine can, and just as well. 211 Every Machine is warranted to give satisfaction or the money refuxded. We, the undersigned, are each one of us using one of Raymond's Latest Improved Double-Thread Family Sew ing" Machines, and we take pleasure in this manner of confidently recommending it to all persons who want a good Sewing Machine ; tor we find it easily managed, very durable and strong, not liable to get out of order, and easily adjusted lor all kinds of work, by simply changing the needles and spools > f thread, and believe | the work much stronger, better and more perfect in every j respect than that made by hand. Mrs. Wm. Flu ell, Towanda, Pa. j Miss Harriet Alio way, North Towanda. Miss Minerva Voslmrg, Burlington, I'a. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Asylum, I'a, Mrs. J. W. Alexander, Troy. I'a. Mrs. K. I'. Shaw, Sheshequin, I'a. Rev. N. A. Defew. Pcniield, N. Y. Calvin Carpenter, E*q. Flmira, N. Y. Mr. E. A.Scott. Elmira, N. Y. Mr. M. Richardson. Elmira, N. Y. Sales Room over Tracy A Moore's store. Stitching j done to order (or 2 cents per yard. All orders by Mail or Express, with the cash, will re ! ceive prompt attention. A lilieral discount given to lo j cal and traveling agents. Address, B. F.SHAW. Dec. 5. 1859. Towanda, Pa. Shisqucljnumt €oilc§i;iic Institute, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY : OLIVER S. DEAN. A.B. Principal. Professor of Ancient Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences, j WM. H. DEAN, A. 8.. Associate Principal, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. I Prot. CHARLES 11. COBURN, County Superintendent. (leneral Director of Normal Department. | Mrs. ANN C. KELLOGG. Preceptress. 1 Miss ANNA M. DEAN. Assistant Preceptress. I Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instru mental Music. I Mr. CANFJELD DAYTON, StewurJ. j The Wintei Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER 31, and wiil continue 14 weeks. TUITION, PER TERM : : [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one half at the middle of the term—fuel ! and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $ 5 00 ! Preparatory 0 00 | Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 Higher. Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 Classical, I>t year, per term. 7 00 Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term .8 00 Collegiate, per term 10 00 N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES ; French $ 5 00 I German. 8 00 | Drawing 3 00 Board in tiie Institute, per week, including fuel and light 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 Tiie Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The A universal y exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will lie made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not,as heretofore, be taught in the Institution, but by special arrangement—a class will be taught in a hall adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience lias proved it to be eminently superior to tlie plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken-to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 0(1 Use of instrument for practice 3 00 Pupils boarding in the Hall wiil furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table silver a. their option. It is desira ble that they also furnish their own bed anil bedding when it is convenient, hut when otherwise, these will he furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities tor advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Department —Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. It COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, anil direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will lie spared, on the part of the Faculty anil Trustees in sustaining the high repulutation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and iu tendering it more wor thy of future patronage and support WILLIAM H. DEAN,', „ . . , Aug. 9,1859. OLIVER S. DEAN, ( Principals. Arrival of the Great Eastern ! LATEST INTELLIGENCE! IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWANDA AND VKINITY! ME. SOLOMON lias jnst rptnrned from • the East with the LARGEST, BEST A CHEAP EST stock of Fall & Winter Clothing, ever brought to this market. I can assure my ctlMo mers that 1 have studied their interest as well as my own by buying the best made, and most durable stock of"Fash ionable Clothing to be found. My stock consists of Pelis sier, Raglan, Sack, etc , Overcoats ; Black and Fancy Cassimerc Frock and Sack Coats of all styles and qnali ties; Black Doeskin, Fancy Cassiraere and Satinette Pants ; Fancy Silk and Cotton Velvet, Cassimere, Satti net and Plush Vests, in fact, a great many styles too num erous to mention, also iacluding a large stock of GENTS rUB.NISHING GOODS. You will find it to your advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Come one 1 Come all! to the Clothing Store of M. E. SOLOMON. Towanda Nov. 1, 1859. No. 2. Patton's Block. N. B— JUST RECEIVED—A large Stock of Sloe Leather Upper Leather, Kipskins, Calf Skins, Lining Skins, Ac., which wiil be sold cheaper than elsewhere in this market. Tiie highest market price in cash, will be paid for all kinks of Grain, Wool. Hides and Sheep Pelts. Remember the place, No. 2, Patton's Block, M. E. S. DR. PRATT HAS removed to the corner of Second and Poplar sts., immediately back of the Ward House. asr All ac counts with him over one years standing, must be im mediately settled. Towanda. Sept. 21,1859. PLANTER —IOO tous Plaster for sale for Cash, Grain, Ac., at December 14. ROCIWELL'B. M YER'SJf ILLS. THE undersigned having purchased the above well known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every thing connected witli it In perfect repair, with all the modern improvements now in u*e in first class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of tiie community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore Imrtie may not suffer in the hands of the new firm. It shall l>e our aim to do all worl: en trusted to us promptly and In the beat possible m ruier. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill.'' Mr. FROST will continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at llie mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flosr. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYER J. O. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCWANDA. Oct. 6. 1858. GEO. 11. BUNTING, RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers and the public generally, that he has removed his TAILOR'S SHOP, To one door south of Tracy A Moore's store and imme diately opposite I). C. Half's Stove and Tin Store Mainst. He Hatters himself that from his long experience in bu siness he will be able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the low pressure in the mo ney market, he will make Coats from $2 50 to $4 60each and cither work in proportion for . "ADY PAY. Country Produce iu payment, will not he refused, il ffered- Towanda. Man h 20. IMA. New Store! New Prices! 11. TV r . NOBLE, No. 5, Brick Row, Towanda, WHOLESALE & RETAIL LIQUOR V T DEALER, now offers to the public a well selected stock of Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Havana and Domestic Cigars. Consisting in part of the following: BR ANDlES.—Hennessey, Otard. Cognac, and Dupuy. GlNS.—Holland, Rose, and Scheidam Schnapps. RUMS.—Santa Cruz, Jamaica, and New England. WHISKEYS.—Bourbon, Scutch, Mouongchalu, Old Crew, and Old Rye. WlNES.—Champaigne, Claret, Sherry, Madeira, Bur . gundy, l'ort, Muscat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor dials of all brands. CIGARS.—La Victoria, "Washington, Light Guards, Rio Knndo, Henry Clay, La Fontica, La Isabella, La Flor ' d'Cubana. Principe, Vara, Principe. TOBACCO—A good assortment of Cut.Chewing, Smo ; king and Manufactured Tobacco of various brands, al ol which will be sold at tiie lowest prices for Cash, or to I prompt payers. All kinds ol produce taken in exchange for Goods. N. B. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohns, and bottles of all sizes for sale. Towanda, Feb. 22,1859. Eiiascn, Greener & Co. Piano Forte Manufacturers, AND MUSIC PUBLISHERS, No. 51, Wr.ter-st., Elmir I N' ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSOBT -L ment of our own mniiuf.ttcured Piano Fortes, which - b.ive now been in uorilier would respectfully tender X. his thanks to his patrons and the public generally tor the very liberal and unrx ccted amount of trade given him tor his first few opening months, and as he has tie come acquainted with the wintsof the people, and the styles worn in this part of the country, flatters himself that he is now prepared to furnish Boot's and Shoes of all kinds generally called for, such as will l>ctter please than heretofore: and us his object is to please, he will give his whole time and attention to this one great and import ant branch of the Mechanical Arts. And as there are some of his customers prejudiced against Stitching Ma chine work, he has procured the best and most experi- 1 cured hand help, where all of his work will be made and j warranted first licst. Those gentlemen that arc in flic habit of wearing nice French Calf Boots, sewed or pegged, will do well to rail and leave their measure. He has employed one of the host workmen in town. Ladies Kid, Morocco and Calf i Shoes and Gaiters can be furnished at short notice, and j of the best materials. He also has in his employ faith ful and experienced workmen engaged in making Gents j Thick and Kin Boots and Shoes ol all kinds to measure, j down to Boys , Youths and Children*. As he lias been ' engaged for some years in the Eastern Boot and Shoe | Manufacture, he has thereby become acquainted with ! many of the Custom Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, can ' buy goods almost at cost, whereby his department of Eastern work will be offered at prices that will defy com petition. And as his whole business life has been devoted to-the j two branches, Custom and Sale Boot and Shoe Manufac- i tore, feels p"stcd and conversant with all the rules and | principles which enter into the preparation of the stock. I The correct mea*nrmcnt of the foot, also a knowledge I with the anatomy of the loot, a familiar acquaintance I with the angles, lines and curves, which are involved in j the perfect adjustment of part to part, and their relative | positions, which is necessary iu order to be successful in j the profession. Call and examine his win'er goods before buying else- | where, he has a large assortment of the best Thick and j Kip Boots, extra long legs and custom made, lie wants every man and boy to buy a pair for his as well as their j own interest. Propositions cheerfully heard. Repairing of Boots and Slnies of all kinds, will be faith- ! fully done and at the time promised. Towanda. Sept. 2s, I*s',). L. C". NELSON. FALL AND WINTER f CLOTHS, <\\S 81MEKES AND VESTINGS. which will lie made up on short notice, by experienced workmen, and warranted to give satisfaction in every way. Particular attention will be given to this class of custom, and every exertion made to please customers. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES. HOSIERY, GLOVES SUSPENDERS. Ac. Ac. A large assortment of hats and caps, of all styles and price*. CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properly manufactured- Towanda, October 19,1859. J M. C HiYY SCALES ! THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW PRE PARED to construct Hay Scales upon an improved principle, where simplicity, accuracy, and durability are 1 so combined as to excel in at least simplicity and dura- | bilitv any ol the scales now in use. Also repairing of old ' platform scales done on reasonable term* and withdis- | j patch. Address G. W. JACKSON, Jnae6.1859. Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Pa.' fHlrrllnnrous. PATMIPAYNK, No, 4, Patton's Elocb, Ttwanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of drubs i mmm t CHEMICALS, FAMILY GROCERIES. They have constantly on hand rUHB WXWES AND LZQVOS.S, FOlt MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, At the lowest rate-, and BURNING FLUID, of superior quality, manufactured expressly for the gat-jet Eiutd Lamps. They also keep ail the Popular PA TEAT MEDICINES, of the day. Kvery article going from this store is war ranted as represented, and if any pr *ve different, they | will he cheerfully taken hack, and tie- money refunded, i J. tJ. PATTON. Towanda, Feb. I. 1859. Dr. E. D. PAYNE. j fcJK ' • L T ,-Z/pt ■r'tfs i . :* T - i i mim STORKS & CIIATFIELI) OWEGO, N, Y, Are ageuts for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Hailu-ny Chain in o rse-POWERJ WHEELER'S PATENT . I Combined TIHT'SIMT nnd Winnower, OVERSHOT THRESH ZR, (With Vibrating Separator,) Single or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELERS CLOVER lII'LLER, LAM RKNCE SAW-MILLS, (for sawing wood, Ac.) All the above machines arc manufactured by Wheeler, < j llclick A Co . Albany, N. V., and are warranted to give ! entire satisfaction, or may be returned at the expiration 1 ! ola reasonable time for tri il. s. nor.Tor: & co.'s CELEBRATED LO3 FOR CHURNING, &C. Constantly on hand. #"Farmers and other- wishing to procure any of the 1 above artii K-, v i'l do well to call upon us before purdias- ! ig. Juue 28.1859. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IKON AM) S'iOVli STOP.L S3 I). O. IT A r.r. Wholesale and Retail Dealer R i-- ILir.ii' are and S' >ves Iron I Jri"> ft w: fT'"' 1 - v ' !as, Pair.t fT'. .'■■ ■ — — ~ 'pf- I d! kittdsi iCarriage trimmings. ' l!.?-: ;-C S at • 'lotiis am! L.ires, Carriage i j v"'r s t Scikt y and Si al S rings. Car- \ * ' -'pentcis' and Joiners" Plane-.' i feeif s ' w ' Augers. Chisels and all other Tools—Cross Cat. Mill I —"=?■ -- ;jf ;.':d ( ina l,r Saws, I V Toola, Bell ■*•-. tnv Is. Vi es. Hammers and Screw" Plates. ; Axes. Broad Narrow, Hatband Hand H it.diets—Cable. Log. Trace and Hultr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels i and Spades. POCKKTAND TABLE CUTLERY—Shears and Scis- I sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Bra-s and Enameled Kettles. | Shovel and Tongues, Spoons and Ladles, Tul>sand Pails. ; Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds ol house-keep ing implements. In the H ARDWARE line, Brass. Brittani.a. Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or inl(dical .\(!iicff fiven gralnilously at (lie office Charging only for Medicine. . fS" Thankful fur pa-t libera] patronage wmild resperf fully announce to his friends and the puiilic that no pains shall be spared to satisfy r ,d merit the continuance A their couudence and patronage, at the CASH DRUG STOKE South End of the Ward House. June 30. Ks;i. H. c. PORTER. M. I>. CLOSING UP CF NAVIGATION. BREAK IN THE CANAL! d(1() tn . bu y Stoves at the MAM t-fl'l " MOTH FOl NDIIY. one door east of Mercur's ® have just received the largest assortment of S I i \ ES ever brought to this market, both fur Coal and Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining room Six-plate and Cvlinffered Stoves. Some of the celebrated Empress Cook Stoves, the best Coal Stove ever manufactured ail of which will be sold cheaper than at any other establishment in this country. A large quantity of Tin Ware, Stove Pipe. Elbows, Coal Hods. C >al Shovels and Coal Sifters, always on hand, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. All kinds ot castings and ma lime work done to order on short notice Particular at mat ion paid to Roofing, Eve Troughs. Con ductors, G itters and al! kinds of Jobbing doue and war rant si 10 give satisfaction. All kinds of second Hand Cooking Stoves on hand,- w ni ( h w ill be sold very cluap. Plea>o cive us a call. Towanda Nov. 1.1850. JOHN CAHMANI A LL WANTING FARMS IX A Plv -.- 7-liglitfulclimate, rich soil, and secure from frosts.— bee advertisement ol Haasnionton Lauds in auotltw eolutan.