II [fr'rom the Franklin (Dtalawre Co., N T . Y ) Visitor,] | rive Children Burned to Death. I perhaps one of the most awful and hcnrt- Iriding casualties taat erer happened in our ponnty occurred near Davenport Center last pritUy evening. Mr. Robert a farmer, resiJi'ig near the village, together with his wife weu t ia the afternoon to visit some friends liv ,rrat a distance of three or four miles, leaving g t home six children. Two of the boys had l, ee! i making shingles, in one apartment of the house that afternoon, and it is supposed when they retired for the night that they left shav es around the stove, from which originated the tire. The house being situated at -some from any other dwelling, the.fire was n ot discovered until it was about consumed.— five of the children, three boys and two girls, were literalty burnt to ashes. One of the boys sleeping up stairs, jumped out of a window and escaped unhurt. It is said that so com pletely did the flames do their work of destruc tion that a half bushel would contain the frag ments of bones gathered from the whole dead. The oldest of the children, was a young lady of about eighteen years of age ; the rest were fom fourteen to eight. They undoubtedly did i,ot awake to a sense of their terrible situation until perchance their couches were enveloped in the II lines, and then were suffocated in a few moments by the smoke. This must lie a crushing blow to these parents, bereft of their dearest earthly comforts- Who can paint their anguish and sorrow ; O, when shall we learn to be more cautions and careful about fire 1 A SICKLES AFFAIR IS WARRED, PA. —On Monday evening this town was the scene of one of those criminal affairs which tend to ex- : cite men's minds to the highest pitch. As the whole affair is to bs investigated in Court and there appears to be no attempt to conceal the names of the actors in it, we will give a brief account of what took place. Mr. Win. Whit ney, a man quite extensively known as a lum berman, residing in Kenzua township in this county, had for come time past reason to sus pect the constancy of his wife. The supposed paramour was a man in the employ of Mr. W. named Nelson Luce. Mr. W. was convinced that, these parties had indulged their criminal tastes, but as he emphatically expressed it, al though he "knew it, he could not prove it."— A plan was laid ; Mr. W. pretended to start on a visit to Elrnira, X. Y., to begone a week or two ; Mrs. Whitney being informed that a package containing SI,OOO would be received ut the Express office in Warren.which she rr n-t take out Instead of going to Elmira.Mr W. comes to Warren, where he lias rem lind since Friday last unobserved. Monday afternoon Mrs. W. accompanied by Luce arrived in town stopping at the Carver Ho re. The package of money had not arrived, (and Mr. W. does net expect it,) > and the couple concluded to stop all night. I >y special request of Luce they secured " adjoining rooms "and retired to their apartments quite early. The denouement of it was, that about 1) o'clock Mr. W. with a party of friends, sndd -illy burst into Mrs. W roo n, where the enraged husband hid <. BkTts. Kmj., To- i wanda Borough. J. 1) COODEXOCGH. February 2, IsOO. Agent for Bradford County. Seed Wheat for Sale. THE Subscriber has for sale about sixty' bushels of China Spring Wheat, threshed with a flail, which can lie had at his house tn Burlington town ship. The Wheat is well cleaned and of superior quality. Price $1,50 per bushel. MORGAN WATERS. Burlington, February f>, 1-60. nU N(JARI AX GR ASS SEED—For sale The Old Cash Drug Store. *' - - COIiXE Jl Main and Pine street, FIND DR. PORTER'S N E W MEDICINE STORE. A CHEAP FARM 1N F A 11M1N r ' TO > T . TIO GACo , I SBBK]Pj P- 64 acres, 50 improved. Raised last WTCr year 150 bushels wheat, 200 do oats, besides peas, buckwheat, potatoes, Ac. Soil well adapted to grazing. Will be sold for SIOOO. A Iso good unimproved Farming lannis within 3 to 4 miles of a Rail road. tor from $5 to IS per acre. , _ J. W. TP BBS. | lawrenceville, Tioga County, Pa., Feb. 2, iB6O. DR.S' G. S FECK AND O. CHURCH- i ILL. SI RIiEO.XS AXD MECHANICAL ' DENTISTS, TOW AND A, Pa. * office, No. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's store-entrance fir-t door en Pine st. February 10, 1000. ILYTRACT OF LEMON, ROSE VAN- . j ILLA, and Almond, at FOX'S. I ANNUAL REPORT Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from the Is/ day of January to the 31s/ day of December, 1850, inclusive. XJXP EPTEITURES. Auditors 148 00 Prisoners Support In County Jail - G75 50 Assessors 13G4 79 Prisoners Support in Eastern Penitentiary 354 85 Budge Contracts 1920 04 Conveying Prisoners to Eastern Penniteutiary. 750 00 Bridge Views 83 jx, Public Printing ... 352 10 Bradford Agricultural Society 100 00 Prosecuting Attorney 246 10 James Harris. Crier of Court 84 00 Fencing Public Square 100 00 Constables making returns and attending court 520 32 Justices Inquisitions 49% L. Mcrcur,Counsel to Commissioners 50 00 Repairs upon Public Buildings:.. 218 6'2 Cost in Commonwealth suits 17G5 54 Summoning Jurors... 120 00 L,' s k\ Civil suit 21 07 Ixn-atiiig State Road . Dushore to Wells' Ferry. 81 67 Election Expenses 761 95 Township Line Views. 9 00 Fuel and Lights 122 44 Wild Cat Certigcates 17 55 Grand Jurors 57101 P. H. Buck, Commissioners 360 00 Traverse Jurors 235 789 Daniel Decker, (j° 402 00 Incidental Expenses 23 48 W. A. Thomas, do 48 00 Insurance upon Public Buildings *1.59 25 D. Lilley, late do 290 00 Office Books and Stationary 133 88 E. B. Coolbaugh, Commissioner's Clerk 600 00 Prothonotary ami Clerk ot Quarter Sessions.... 393 31 Rum Total $15265 22 Account with the several Collectors of County Taxes for the County of Bradford. Tmenships -V" Itoro s. Collector's Names. l'er Charged. Received. Exoner'd. Per cent. Relumed. Franklin, J P Burnham 1857 $47 70 S2O 93 5 13 $9 64 Towanda Mortb,' James Elliott, 24 43 26 43 Towanda township, James San tee, 89 58 .. .[ .. 89 58 Athens borough, IIJ Fritcher 1858 94 83 94 83 Albany, Clark Sweet, 41 65 41 64 .. .. !! | Asylum, Hiram Morton, 210 30 210 00 30 .. | Burlington township, J Travis, jr. 175 82 150 00 964 1G 18 Burlington borough, Philand. r Long, 32 49 32 49 I Burlington west, Edwin Loontis, 172 15 170 05 2 10 Canton, Edwin Newman, 107 06 65 91 10 29 30 80 Columbia, Edward Young, 71 57 71 57 ' Durell. DI, Staates, 117 61 106 18 .. .. 11 43 Franklin, J P Burnham, 62 36 51 67 ] 71 8 98 I I Herrick, James Beaumont, 75 11 74 67 44 | Litchfield, O K Wolcott, 57 86 57 H j Leßoy, Lcßoy Holcomb, 153 00 153 00 .. ] Monroe tp. M M Conlbangh, 242 70 90 00 .. •• 152 70 I Monroe horo*> M Terwilliger, 18 51 12 00 . .. 6 51 i Orwell, D O Ellsworth, 19 47 19 47 Pike, G W Brink 354 34 317 93 2 95 33 4G 1 Rome, 11 VV Browning, 209 80 209 80 I Ridgbnfy, Jesse Hammond, 128 00 65 00 88 .. 92 12 I South Creek, Ira Crane, 12 25 12 25 I Standing Stone. Jonathan Wood, 99 93 82 78 4 27 12 88 j Sniithfleld, TJ Wheeler, 204 30 204 30 ! Springfield, A G Brown, 68 67 67 97 70 I Sylvania, VV H McCollum, 6 17 6 17 .. .. | Towanda boro', A J Noble, 268 15 223 55 6 94 37 66 Towanda North, A H Kingsbury, 108 83 38 00 .. .. 70 83 J Troy tp., H Spalding 95 43 95 4 J .. .. ..I Tuscarora, D I) Black, 154 81 154 91 Wysox, JB Hinds, 210 44 179 48 6 61 '24 35 Wyalit.-ing, James Lewis, 105 86 105 86 Windham, .1 VV Warner, 218 O'J 21s 09 .. VV'ilinot, X T Morton, 101 56 75 00 .. .. 26 56 Athens boro', HJ Fritcher, 1859 424 25 225 00 .. .. 199 25 Athens tp., P R Ackley, *254 75 895 00 13 27 02 07 284 38 j Armenia, J B Morgan, 7f 77 49 00 .. .. 31 77 | *A -vliiui, D L Staates, 32s 92 150 00 6 05 16 19 156 08 Albany, G M Craniner, 212 91 80 00 .. . .. 132 91 Burlington tp.. It M Pruyne 346 95 102 00 3 70 17 17 224 08 Burlington boro', Philander Ising, 67 07 . .. .. 67 06 | Burlingten west, Jehial McKean, 296 11 100 00 8 18 14 40 173 53 1 Canton, Wheat, 660 49 370 00 91 33 09 256 49 j Columbia, James Bullock, 618 56 586 05 1 06 30 85 j Franklin, J 1' Rurnhum, 193 62 66 44 2 15 9 57 115 46 Granville, David Say lei 373 99 253 69 1 44 18 86 100 00 1 Herrick, P N Coggswell, 219 56 120 00 2 02 12 38 115 16 Litchfield, O F Wolcott, 379 06 235 00 9 84 18 46 115 70 Leßov. W B Wilcox. 258 28 125 00 2 16 12 81 118 31 Monroe tp., j M M Cooibangh, 3,0 40 106 50 20 33 16 51 207 12 Mmiioc boro', J.>seoli Giiggs, 64 54 69 47 89 3 18 Orwell, DC Ellsworth, 493 06 395 00 3 C 9 24 47 69 90 Ov rtou, Jamrs Heverly, *5 67 16 00 6 35 3 97 59 35 Pike, M P. Porter, Cs3 97 450 00 9 45 33 91 190 61 R one, H W Browning, 3-6 44 150 20 77 19 28 216 19 Ridgbtiry, * C O French, 438 07 409 36 716 21 55 j South Creek, Ira Crane, 270 -6 I 210 00 20 54 12 52 27 80 Standing Stone, Jonathan Wood, I 255 n7 200 (Ml 2 22 14 16 68 69 Smithfieid, I J VV Phelps, 0-3 37 335 on 8 52 33 75 3% 10 Springfield, I A F Brown, 572 16 330 00 .. .. 139 16 She-liequin, | John Brink, 625 09 365 00 .. .. 260 09 Sylvania boro', L I. Gregory, 75 48 65 00 .. .. 10 4s Towanda tp., i H H Mace, 294 86 61 25 .. .. 233 61 Towanda boro', | A J No' le, 752 91 511 53 10 39 37 27 193 72 Towanda north, j Fram is Watts, 2()9 13 125 00 37 10 46 73 30 Troy iioro', j Wm Morgan, 249 16 234 49 232 12 35 Troy tp., j 11 Spalding, 6 4 76 345 00 .. .. 339 76 Tiisoaiora, A J Silvara, 914 4 ! 195 00 5 71 15 64 " 99 Os Terry, DS Miller, 198 57 113 74 3 89 9 86 71 08 Ulster, G VV Nichols, 369 98 310 00 3 58 18 31 38 06 Wysox, J B Hinds, 543 79 100 00 .. . 443 79 Wyalusing, James Lewis, 423 w 7 399 15 3 58 21 01 Warren, R S Corbin, ssc 16 . 554 3s 260 29 18 W indham, JVV Warner 462 27 ' 205 10 .. .. 257 27 Wells, I Win Beckwith, 396 47 366 51 11 72 19 24 Wilmot, | Paul Quick, 226 88 137 00 396 11 77 84 15 20.662 53 13.613 98 230 38 788 29 C.029 88 Dr. TJ. 11.I 1 . Shaw, Treasurer in acc'l with the County of Bradford, for 1850, C'r. Due on duplicate* of previous years, $4,043 76 ! Returned uncollected previous to 18.59, $ 452.54 Duplicates lor 1859, 16,473 Hi i " for 1859, 5,599 12 j Ri-.as-i -shunt*. 24 2 s j Exonerations given Collectors, 232'85 ' Miscellaneous receivals, 2us 33 1 Percentage " 788 29 ; Amount in Treasury, January 1,1859, 5,799 83 ■ Orders redeemed in 1859, 15,265 99 j 2 per cent, commission upon same. 304 32 ' 1 " " $13,842 03, 13S 45 , Amount in treasury, January 1, lt>6o, 3.767 25 ! $26,549 81 $26,549 si j j Dr. K I'. Shaw, Treasurer, in acc'l with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, C'r. Due upon duplicates for previous years, $2,899 10! Returned uncollected previous to 1659, $603 55 Duplicates for 1859, 11,961 05 " for 1859, 4.202 78 , Reassessments, 17 44 | Exonerations given Collectors, 171 01 i Miscellaneous receivals-, 3 33 ! Percentage " 577 63 | I 1 per rent, com mission on $9,328 95, 93 29 State Trca-urcr's receipts, G. 123 62 Due Commonwealth, Jan. 1, 1860, 3,112 ot | sl4,v-3 92 14,863 92 j Dr. County Orders in account with the County of Bradford, fur 1859, Cr. Orders issued in 1-59, $15,265 22 ] Orders redeemed in 1859, 15.265 99 Orders outstanding Jan. 1,1859, 172 14 | Orders outstanding Jan. 1,1960, 171 37 15,437 36 I 15,437 36 ,=—BRADFORD COUNTY, SR.- —We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do certify that the 1.. s. above is a trbe and correct statement of the Receivals and Expenditures of said County, from the first day of January to the thirty-first Ua>' of December, (inclusive) 1859. Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this 16th day of Jauuarv, 1860. DAXIEL D.EUKER, 4 P. H. BUCK. ' Commissioners. Attest —E. B. CoobUAtou, Clerk. VV. A. THOMAS, ) EDWIN T. BUTLER & CO. Importers and Jobbers in Jfantn (Soobs &llaulttD Hotions, Pnpi-r Hangings, Jewelry. Trunks, 4c., NO. 316 S&OADWAY, NEW YORK. Combs* Buspcnders, l'ins. Shirts, : Buttons, Cutlery, Needles Whalebone Brushes, Stationary, Hooks 4nd Eyes, Bosoms, Threads. Soaps. Whips, Collars, [ "tewing Silks, Perlumery, Porte Monnaies, Braids, CJ5* AI.BEKT J. SMITH will be happy to see the Mer chulsaf Bradford Caimtj at lliii ilop l>ni i The First Room, Second Floor, PATTON'S BLOCK, IS the place where Gentlemen's and Ladies' . Boots and Shoes are made to order and warranted, at the following prices—French Sewed Boots $.5 ; French Fine Pegged Boots ft ; Best Kip Boots with three out sides s:!.."><) ; Coarse Boots 2.7a ; Ladies Sewed Kid Boots with heels #1,50 : French Calf $1.50, the same pegged #1.25: Slippers Bottomed lor 75 cents. Kcpairing done cheaper than at any other place in town. itgr All work warranted. Towanda, Jan. in. lWliO. THOM AS BOSS. / M Y II w ATKINS, A TTORNE VAI U i.A ir, TOW.VNDA. PA. Office opposite Laporte, Mason ,t Co. eS-Coiiections made and remitted with promptness. Towanda, January 2, lsfiO. WITH BALDWIN, HILL <(■ CO. MANUFACTUREIUS AOKNTS And Wholesale Dealers in I I A K I J WA. R E, No. 220, Pearl street, between Maiden Lane and John st __ NE W YORK. \ WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY BALL 1 A will lie given at the " Exchange Hotel," Ulster, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22d, IsGO. KENDALLS Full Band, will furnish the Music, and every exertion will be nut forth to make the party a pleasant one to nil who may attend. Bill #2,00. JAMES HUNT, Ulster, Jan. 26, I*6o. Proprietor. YYTA.NTED —Hides and Skins, for which T T the highest market price will be paid, either in goods or cash. October 1, 1869. HUMPHREY & WICKHAM. 1 jjgga NEW ATTRACTIONS ! At Geo. H. Wood's G&llery, I a TOWANDA, PA. f \ Yon can procure, at low prices, / \FH©T©6£AM§ 9 JB \Of sizes. up to life size, either plain or re -J touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MELAINOTYPKS and AMBROTYPES. and nl nw-t all other kinds of types. Pictnres in good cases tor 50 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotypes made ih all kinds of weather, (except for children. All work warranted. August 10.1859. BE LECT SCIiOOIy Tor Ladies. MISSES CHUBBUCK respectfully in . form the public that the Winter term of their school will commence on Monday, the sth day of December, in the room formerly occupied by them. Thankful lor the liberal patronage extended to them during the past year. Misses C. assure their patrons that no pains will he spared to merit a continuance of the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. .MISS FANNY L. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge of Music ; and a limited number of scholars Only will he taken. TERMS, L'EK QUARTER OP 14 WEEKS. First Class —To include the Cle moil try English Branches $4 00 Second Ctasa--- To include the more advanced English brunches,with Mathematics and Latin #G 00 Third Class -To include Mathematics, Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ao, with Music —lnstruction on hc Piano, with use of Instru ment per quarter, #lO ; French, per term, SJ, and Draw ing SJ, extra. Each pupil will he expected to provide herself with a and chair. Any information in reference to this School may he obtained by applying to H. S. Mercur or E. T. Fo*. Towanda. Decemlier 1, ISSO. G P. THACY. IYf. D. piIYSICIAN & SURGEON, and Grad- J. uate of the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia having returned to the village of Monroeton, where he intends to pertnanently locate,would respectfully offer his services to the citizens of the place and vicinity. Having received a thorough extra course on the diseases ( of Females and Children, he is prepared to give special attention to that subject Office at the store ot Tracy & Fdsall. References—Dr. MASON, Towanda, Dr. NEWTON Monroeton. Nov. 14, 1*59. j WHEEL HARROWS.—3O dirt wheel"- 1 borrows for sale at ' Oct. IS, 1x59. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. , ARDWARE.—A NEW LOT JUST ! received at MERCUR'S. iirto Sllibrrtfsftttntts. IEW(HODS! At THK , KEYSTONE STORE! Shawls! Shawls! A LARGE assortment of Broche, lohOOTS and Shoes will be found nt the 3 KEYSTONE ST- 'RE at the following prices : i Mens Coarse and Kip Roots,. $2,75 ! Mens best quality Rubbers, si Ladies Pegged Enamelled Boots si " " " with heels > ].oo " " Kid " 1,00 " Kip " 81 " " Calf . " 1,00 " Rubbers lest quality, 02 " " 2nd " " 50 A full assortment of Ladies Gaiters. Sewed Kid Boots, Children's and Boys' Boots equally cheap. Family Groceries. I fTHlfeftE will nlso be found at. nl! time?, at JL the KEYSTONE STORE, a complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, which we are offtnng for sale at the following prices : Crushed granulated and powdered sugar lo| cents. Best quality coffee sugar. !ij " Superior quality brown do 8 " Fair do do 7 " Superior do Molasses 44 " Fair do do 37 J " Superior do_ Y". H. Tea 50 " Prime ltio Coffee 14 " Fair tlo 12$ " Babbitt's Saleratus in 1 lb. papers 0} " Soda Saleratus 5 " Spices of all kinds, Soaps, Ground Mustard, Ac., Ac. equally cheap. . , Humphrey & Wickham ARE JUST RECEIVING New Fall and Winter Goods, SI'CH AS GROCERIES; I fats and Caps, Crockery, No ils and Glass, Boots and Shoes, Sole and l T pper Leather, Calf skins, Morocco, Shoe Findings. In short, a general assortment of Goods suitable for the season. Towanda. October 1,1859. BOOTS AM) SHOES Constantly on hand and manufactured to order, of reliable work and material, and repairing done on short notice. Oct. 1 ■ HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. CORDS OF BARK WANTED ! *AJ\J Cash will be paid for OAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, and HIDES AND SKINS, at the highest market rgte. hy augO HUMPHREY A WICKIIA.M. REMOVAL. TTLYSSES MERCUR has removed his L J Law Office to the Second St->ry of his new building, on the corner next south Of the Ward House. nov.3 NOTICE is hereby ir'ven that an applica tion will be made n't tlffucxt session of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank, to be called the " Bradford County Bank with banking privileges of Issue, Discount and Deposit; with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the right; o in crease the capital stock to Four Hundred Thousand Dol lars, and to le located in the borough of l'owanda> in the county of Bradford. Towanda, Junfc 10,3839. JUrrchanMit, &c. GRE.iT EXCITEMENT AT THE NEW CLOTHING STORE OP E. 8. BENEDICT. "t/OUR attention Is respectfully invited to a LARGE 1 AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHING, which I have just opened in .NO. 3, BRICK ROW, One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store. | MY STOCK OF GOODS is from the best manufa< tor- j 11 ing establishments in the City of New York, and of the ! latest approved styles. Having purchased with cash, 1 am enabled to self my goods at prices almost increduous- ( ly low. Mvstock consists in every variety of READY- I . MADE CLOTHING, HATS A CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Ac. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. Having secured the services of one of the most skillful Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania, I a:n prepared to man ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing. I will warrant ali garments cut at my shop to give perfect satisfaction. E. S. BENEDICT. Towanda, September 14.1859. Clothing- at Cost! To those who have not yet supplied themselves with OVERCOATS, &c.&c. * A Rare Opportunity is now offered. j6"B"T shall close out the entire balance of my Winter | Stock at COST, saving fully 25 per cent, to the purchaser. ; .Jan. 3, iB6O. JOSEPH KINGSBURY. Great Bargains in Clothing! BEING delirious of closing out my stock of Winter Clothing, Overcoats, Ac., I offer "the same at prices BELOW COST! A first-rate opportunity is offered to those desirous of procuring a Cheap Overcoat. Towanda, Jan. 11, 1860. J. M. COLLINS. BOOK BINDERY. HTMIE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus _L building wonld respectfully inform the public that he has removed his plain and Fancy Bindery to tire North Room of the Wa:d House, formerly occupied by the Post Office, where he is now prepared to hind all kinds of Books in the most approved-and workmanlike manner.— Having to share my profits with no second person 1 flat ter my sell that my prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub lic appreciation of ray woik, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in the future to merit the continuance of public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. JOHANN F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11. 1860. Bookbinder and Artist. I)RO()M HANDLES.—Manufacturers will i j -13 find a constant supply of Broom Handles, at the j lowest prices, at the store of Towanda, Jan. 1). 1860. H. 8. MERCUR. L. AVE RILL, Manufacturer of WHITE STONE LIME, Dealer in Water Lime, Brick, &c. TOW AN If A. PA. CASH FOR PELTS, AT THE Metropolitan Hardware Store. ORWELL, PA. STOVES, Rlevated OVen. STOVES, Parlor. STOVES, Riving' Flue. STOVES, Wood or Coal. IN LARGE STOCK AND VARIETY. IRON, BY THE BAR OR TON. Fanning Mills, Com Shelters, Grindsloius, Boring and Drilling Machines, Aides and Springs, Mill X Cut Saws, Steel, Zinc, Copper, Sheet Iron, Tin and Heavy Goods, a' October 12. ls-,0. S. N. BBOKSON'B. THE NEW YORK TRIBT72V3. Prepare for the Greet Political Campaign of 1 -'GD INDUCEMENTS" TO CLUBS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. fTMIE TRIBUNE—now more than e'riiteen years old. J and having over a quarter of a million subscribers, or constant purch users, diffused through every State and Territory of oor Union—will continue in essence what it has been -the earnest champion of Liberty, Progress, and ol whatever will conduce to our national growth in Vir tue, Industry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE is printed on a large imperial sheet, and published every morning and evening (Sundays excepted). It contains Editorials on the topics of the times, employing a large corps of the best newspapers writers of the day ; Domes tic and Foreign Correspondence; Proceedings of Con gress ; Reports of Lectures : City News ; Cattle, Horse, and Produce Markets ; Reviews Of Books Literary In telligence : Papers on Mechanics and the Art®. Cookery, Ac., Ac. We strive t> mske THE'IRIBUNE a tietrejia per to meet the wants of the public—its Telegraphic news alone costing over $15,000 per annum. TKIIMS ;—THK DAILY TRIBUNE is muiled to subscri bers at $0 p;r annum, in advance ; $2 for six months. JHE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is published every Tuesday and. Friday, and contains a'l the Editorial.® of the pal y, With the Cattle, Horse, and General Markets, reliably reported expressly for the Tribune; Notices of New Inventions, Foreign and Do mestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookery ; and during the sessions of Congress it contain? a summary of Con gressional doings, with the more "important speeches We shall, as heretofore, make THE SEMI-WEEKLY* TRIBUNE a Literary, as well as a political newspaper, and we are determined that it shall remain in the frout rank of family papers. TKKMS One Copy, one year $3; Two Copies, one year $5 ; Five Copies, one year $11,25; Ten Copies, to one address S2O. Any person sending us a club of twenty, or over, will be entitled to an ektra copy. For a club of forty, we will send the Daily Tribune enft year. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large eight page paper for the country, is published every Saturday, and contains Editorials on the important topics of the times, the news of the week, interesting correspondence from .all parts of the world, the New York Cattle, Horse, and Produce Markets. Interesting and reliable Political, Mechanical, and Agricultural articles, Papers on Cookery, Ac.. Ac. We shall, during this year, as hitherto, constantly la bor to improve the quality of the instructive entertain ment afforded by THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, which, we intend, shall continue to be the best Family Weekly ' Newspaper published in the World. We consider the Cattle Market Reports alone richly wortli to cattie rais- ' ers a year's subscription price. TKKMS :—One copy, one year $2 ; Three copies. -one year $5 ; Five copies, one year $8 ; Ten copies, one year sl2 ; Twenty copies, to one address S2O ; Twenty copies j to address of each subscriber $24. Any person sending ns a club of Twenty, or more, will be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of Forty, we , will send THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE ; and I.r a 1 club of One hundred THE DAILY TRIBUNE w ill be sent gratis. I Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms al- I ways cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to I HORACE GREELEY A CO., Tribune Buildings. Nassau street. New T ork. _______ _______ - FIUE INSERAXCE AGENT, at Towan da, Pa., for the following reliable Companies : I Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa < Capital, $ 300,000. 1 Great Western Insula nee. Co. - Philadelphia ! Kensington Fire Insurance Co.,' Philadelphia. Capital, $3 00,00 0. v Towanda, May 30,1859. c CAtJTION. —Whereas, my wife MARY, " has left try bed and board without any just cause of provocation, this is to forbid any person from trusting or 1 7 harboring her on my account, as 1 will pay no debts of ' 1 her contracting after this dale, unless compelled by law. j J Beutley'S Creek, Nov. 0, 1859 THOB SULIVAN * (ORPHANS' COURT SALE —By virtue V/ of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County wili be exposed to public sa'e, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, the 22U of FEBRUARY next, at 2 o'clock, P. SI., the following property, late the estate ot Z Knapp. deceased, to wit i The homestead farm of Z. Knapp, deceased, situate in Wells township. Bradford County, bounded on the east by Wm. C Killgore and E. E. Dilliston, on the north by E.E. Dilliston, M. H, Carr. and Joel Jewell, on the west by D. B. Fries, on the south by H. Swazey.- Containing about one hundred and thirty acres .with a dwelling boesu j shed, barn, and good apple oschard thereon. Attendance given anu terma made known on day of I sale A. W. KNAPP, P. R. KNAPP, Wells, Jan. 21,18(30. Executor*. I\JOTICE. —The Commissioners of Bradford X i County have fixed npon the following days and I dates respectively for holding appeuls, viz : Ulster, Athens boro'., Athens twp.,South Creek, Ridg bery and Wells, upon Monday, February 27. Springfield, Smitbgeld, North Towanda, Columbia, Sylvauia boro , and Towanda boro', upon Tuesday Febru ary 2d. Armenia, Troy twp., Troy boro'. Burlington boro', ; Burlington twp., Burlington Wet and Granville, upon Wednesday, February 29. Canton, Leßoy, Franklin, Monroe boro', Monroe twp., Overton, Albany and Towanda twp., upon Thursday, March 1. Wilmot, Asylum, Tuscarora, Wyalnsing, Litchfield, Warren, Windham and Terry, upon Friday, March 2. Standing Stone, Herrick, Orwell, Pike, Shes.hequin, Rome and Wysox upon Saturday, March 3. Ktj~ The Assessors will be punctual in delivering the Notices to the taxables and in niaking their returns in person on the day designated in their Warrants, at which time and place t lie Board of Revision will attend and 1 hear all au li as think themselves aggrieved by said As j sessment, and make such alterations and deductions aa ! may to them seem just. By order of the C immissioner*. E. B. COOLBAUGH, Clerk. ! February 2.18C0. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford | County, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1860, at 1 o'clock, P. I M., the following described property, situated in ti.o I township of Springfield, Bradford County, late the es tate of Wakeman B. Hubbard, dee'd, late of said tp..to wit: One lot, piece or parcel of laud, bounded on tho north by U. 1!. Young, on the east by Wm. Hubbard, on Cue south by John Harkness, on the west by R. B. Young Containing lifty acres, fifteen acres improved. Terms of sale. S.O on day of sale, and the balance on confirmation of the sale by the Court. WILLIAM HUBBARD. GUERNSEY BLAKIvsLEE. February 2. lsflO. AlhßlabtWtwi. BLACKWOOD'S MAaAZIItfS, AND BRITISH REVIEWS. I SCOTT A CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish J, the following leading British Periodicals, viz .- 1. TIJF. LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). j THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ChurelQ. *. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory), These periodicals ably represent the three great politi | cai parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical— ; but politics forms only one feature of their character— -1 As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Lit -1 craturc. Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever j have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being con sidered indispensable to the scholar and the pr ifeasiflMd I man, while to the intelligent reader of every class tney , furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the cm - rent literature of the day, throughout the world than can be possibly obtained from any other source. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inas much as they can uow be placed in the hands of subscri bers about as soon as the original editions. T ERIfcXS : For any of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of three four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 6 00 For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00 I For Blackwood and one Review, 500 j For Blackwood and two Reviews 700 I For Blackwood and three Reviews, 000 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00 Money cuiTtnt in the State irhert issued tcifl be received at par. Clcbbinq. —A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works— Thus : Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9 ; four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood ftr S3O ; and so on. POST ARB.— In nil the principal Cities and Towns these works will lie delivered FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail.the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-Four Cents a year for " Blackwood," and hut Fourteen Cents a year for each of the Reviews. N. B—The price in Great Britain of the ffve I'eriodi - cals above named is s3l per annum. Remittal! es for any of the above publications should always be addressed, p.st-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street. New York. TCMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Towanda Marble Factory. (Nearly Opposite the Baptist Church.) __ The subscribers have opened the TOV.'AN £V£MI.P.Y MARBLE FACTORY, where he willle I prepared to' furnish Monuments and Tomb : '/?n>Ul Stones, mannfltrtnred from tho best qualities [vjLl I'of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and CJ v wrought into such styles and designs as will '-gf-wfift suit every variety of taste, •i F4 Persons wishing to make their selcctii j 8 IT*' can do so whenever in Towanda, by calling st this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, the artistical beauty of the work and the promptness with which orders will be filled, will oflbr inducements to vis't this new shop. F. H. BALDWIN, MILLS BARKER, Towanda, Jan. 2, 1860-. Proprietor. REFEICKKCES. W.lTKttrTi TOWANDA, rA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, C. H. Shepnrd, Cashier, Rev. Julius Foster. R. G. Crans, Merchant, H. S Mercur, Merchant, Alpin A I>oubleday,do. Montanyes, '• Rev. O. Crane. T. M. Woodruff. Sheriff, •' Win. Putnam, Col. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, " 1). A. Shepard, Hon. I). Wilmot, F. Tyler. Pi-s t. Bank. " J.C. Adams. ctiKMt xo. " Win. Klwell. G. W. Buck, Esq. E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argus. WYSOX. E. O. Goodrich,Ed.Reporter; V. E. riollet, Esq. Piano Forte and Music Store. f TTII.T.IAM DTTTtIICH respectfully informs the pul*- \ v lie that he has opened a depot, in the store former ly occupied by Burton Kingsbury, Main street, for tho sale of PIANO FORTES. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, OP ALL KINDS. MUSIC, A ■ • Persons wishing to procure a I'iapo will do well to give him a call. He believes, that with his Musi :al experience and his acquaintance with the fending manufacturers, he can ensure a better article at a lower price than can Le procured elsewhere. Hp will keep on hand almost every description of Mu- I sical Instruments, and has facilities'for ordering such as may he desired. A large assortment bf Violih and Guitar Strings, and all the Various articles needed by musicians. He has also an assortment of FANCY* GOODS. CAPS, Ac., which will he sold at tho most reasonable rates. PI ANO FORTE TUNING will be attended to, as may be desired. He confidently appeals to his long musical experience, as to his qualification in this branch. SHEET MUSIC,of the latest publtcotioe, will he kept on hand, and any piece desired will be ordered, if neces- J Towanda. Dec. 13.1839. WILLIAM PITTRICH. CLOSING UP! TIIE subscriber having concluded to cbansre his business, will sell his entire stock of Merchandise at from actual cost down to 25 per cent lower than can l>c bought in New York City. He has just relumed from the city with a new stock, consisting iu part of Dry Goods of all kinds, A Full Assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt, Glass, Sash, Dye woods, Spc. Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Hardware, Tin and Wooden Ware, Y'an kec Notions, Carpetings, Ac. All of which will be sold for Cash at from 10 to 50 per cent less than can be bought in Towanda. Salt at $1,05 per barrel. Tea from 31 to 50 cents, the very best Georgia Cut Y'arn for $1,05 per bunch, and eve-ything else in proportion. This reduction will be made only for cash on delivery of goods. J.HARVEY PHINNEY.Jr. Towanda Oct. 12.1859. No. 3. Pattnn's Block. DRIED FRUlT.— Dried readies, Zanta Current*. Apples. Bhekbernea aud Whortleberries, fyr eale at 'del2 ROCKWELL'S.