Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 09, 1860, Image 2

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    Pennington Speaker.
Speeches of Grow and Hickman!
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1160.
The long agony is over. When the House
mot, it was evident the disposition of the Dem
ocratic side was to filibuster, notwithstanding
that agreement yesterday that a vote should
he had without unnecessary delay. Mr. Bur
nett, who had made the proposition, interpos
ed, and temporarily arrested this spirit, and a
ballot proceeded. Various members explain
ed their votes, and others changed for the pur
pose of spenkiug. Mr. liarksdale made a des
perate effort to rally a union on Mr. McOler
tiaud, but Messrs. Mallory and (J ilmer demon
strated that a combined Democratic and [
American vote could not elect. After tedious \
and dilatory progress, the roll was finished, and j
Mr. Briggs, wlio hair voted for Mr. McCler- !
nand, changed to Mr. Peu.ingtou, thus con-;
suramating un election. Mr. Riggs, who!
promised to change, did not. When the re- j
suit was announced, the galleries rang with ;
cheers, but no demonstration was made on the |
Republican side of the floor. They bore the i
triumph becomingly.
At this moment, Mr. Ilindtnan of Arkansas j
rose to speak, and was restrained with much :
difficulty, to allow the Speaker to be sworn in. j
Even after their defeat, the Democracy were |
unwilling to submit, and confusion prevailed in
the hull for several minutes, until Mr. Bocoek
and Sherman escorted Mr. Bennington to the j
chair. Ilis speech produced an excellent iui- j
pression on the House, and, after adopting |
the rules, and after the usual formalities were ;
gone through with, an adjournment till Friday
M us carried.
The Committees will be announced next
week. Mr. Sherman wiii be Chairman of the
Ways and Means, and leader of tho House.—-
Mr. Grow will be at the head of the Territo
ries, and others, who were Members of the
AXXIVtii Congress, wili probably be restor
ed to the positions they then occupied. Noth
iug is determined, however.
After the election of Mr. PENNINGTON, as
Speaker, a serenading party visited Messrs.
liards Hotel, who addressed the crowd. The
party next called upon Mr. Gitow who also
made an address We only have room for
the remarks of Messrs. GROW and HICKMAN.
Mr. Iliekman was next called out, and
said :
GENTLEMEN —I really do not know why yon
should have called me out on this occasion, for
I certainly am regarded here in this city as a
prince of rebels. (t'rie> of "Good" and
cheers.) Your friends vifl stand by you, but
I have never been able to understand exactly
in what my rebellion cot-dsts. It i.- perhaps
owing to the fact that 1 hive declared an un
faltering attachment to the Union of these
States. (Cries of " Good "and cheers for the
i tiloB.) I has d . ared on more than one
oocadon that the Union -hail not be destroyed
—('OHee of " Good " and cheers) —that there
is a feottservativea i ding that will always pre
serve it— orFi •• F .'s so") —and that if
any portion of Hi people shall'attempt at any
to destroy the U' u of these States, there
will I e aI a r ■ in j f y of the people opposed
to tiie defflrfmination w! ich will preserve it.—
v Cries of " Good" and C eers , A remark
<f mine in the H 1.-o! Representatives,
which I assure v a v.* ~0. pa-meditated at
the time, but wiii h upon mature reflection I
would not subtract a single word or syllable
from, 1 jvr- -at- t- • —"That if at any time
hereafter any portion of die people in the
South shall attempt to s vcr the Union which
now exists, and wnicli is con> -rvative and pre
servative of the rights at; 1 liberties of the
whole people, there are eighteen millions of
people in the Northern free States that are
determined to pr serve it. (Cheers, and cries
of" Kverv time.") And I say to you tonight
my fellow citizens, that if it will require the
State of Virginia in arms to take Old John
Brown and seventeen men and one cow—
• cries of " Good'') —it will at least require
more than the fifteen feeble States of the South
to successfully conip 1: with the eighteen
mighty States of the North. (Cheers.) I
preach but one doctrine—i: is the doctrine
that 1 preach at all times, and in all places,
and what I say in Pennsylvania I am not
afraid to declare in the city of Washington—
( cheers) —I say that there is no power in the
combined States of the South, when combined
under the banner of disunion, to compete with
the freeman of the North ; and I say now,
once and for nil, this Union must and shall be
preserved. (Cheers.) We have seen, my fel
low citizens, that the t lection of a black Re
publican, as he is called, to the Speakership
of the House of Representatives at least has
not produced a disruption, and we shall see
hereafter, even if a black Republican Presi
dent shall IV elevated into the White House,
that the Union will still be saved. (Cheers.)
If, however, large parties may he divided in
the North by name, there is no division in sen
timents as regards the maintenance of tliecon
ttitution and the Union. (Cries of" Good"
and cheers.) Nor is there a divided South ;
for I tell you, whether parties in that section
be called American or democratic, they all
fight under tiie same banner, and are enlisted
lor tlie maintenance of a >ingle policy. (Cries
of "That's so.") So in the North, when the
time comes, you will find the divisions have
disappeared, and if there be a single man there
who shall descend from the policy which it
will then become our duty to pursue, we will
first hang him as a traitor, and then attend to
the traitors South. (Cheers.) I do not wish
anybody to be deceived with regard to the
state of sentiment there. I know that there
are a few men there whose principles you can
not discover, and others again who profess to
he upon the Southern side, and to join them
in this-cry which is now raised against the
preservation of the Union ; hut I tell you,
when the day of trial comes, these men will
disappear as tho fog before the Northern
blast. (Cheers.) There will be no division
then. I tell yon, my friends, when you go
home to-night, rest securely upon your pillows
under the conviction that there never was n
time in the history of this republic when the
Lnion of these States was more firmly secured
than it is at this present moment ; and if it
shall ever be in danger, I will tell you how it
is then to be preserved—it is by sending up
.o-ie \ united delegation from the North into
t.ic iious'- ot Representatives, and iheu you
wiU see that this cry of " disunion" will die
appear forever. (Cheers.) Gentleman, thank- j
ing you for this compliment, I bid you good '
The serennders then proceeded to the resi
dence of Hon. Mr. Grow, who spoke as fol
FELLOW CITIZENS —I must of coarse regard
this very flattering notice not as a compliment
paid to me as an individual, but to me as a
representative of principles and measures cher
islied by so large a portion of the freeman of
the nation—(cheers)— -those principles that |
were engrafted by our fathers upon the gov- j
ernmerit at its earliest formation, which uuder- j
lie the structure of our free government, and
which gave to it vitality and success. We still
maintain those principles cherished by Wash
ington and Jefferson and the fathers of the re
public, aud which are yet dear to the hearts of
the present generation, uud upon which those
wisest, and greatest of men established in this
New World a government in which all men j
were to be regarded in courts of justice as hu- i
man beings, entitled to the protection of life, |
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Loud j
cheering.) Having to-day closed a long con
flict of more than eight weeks in a strangle to
organize the national Legislature, it is with
faelings of pride common not to us alone, but
millions of freemen in the States of the L T niou
rejoice in the result. The long conflict is to
day closed, so far as organizing the legislature
is concerned ; but this conflict, fellow citizens, j
is not one of sections, as has been represented j
—it is not a conflict between the North and
the South, or between any other sections of
this Union, but it is a conflict as to an element
of political economy and the systems of labor
existing in this country It is a coiiflet wheth
er the unoccupied Territories of the Union
shall be now, and continue to be, the hoinesof
the freemen—whether they shall be dedicated
cud consecrated forever in free homes, for free
men, or whether they shall be occupied by a
population emigrating thence, not only from
your own States, hut brought to this country
from the shores of Africa, by which the Ter
ritories shall be fil'ed up with a black slave
population, instead of being the homes of white
freemen. That is the conflict of to day—
(Cheers) —and not a war of the sections of
this Union. It is a conflict 011 a principle of
political economy, and as to the system ot la
bor that can best develope the raaternd interest
of the country, and foster its great industrial
interests. (Cheers.) The question of the
day is, whether the men who own their own
labor, whose daily toil is the only means they
have of obtaining a livelihood and support for
themselves aud their families, shall be the re
cipients of this great inheritance, bequeathed
by jour fathers—whether those who own their
own labor are to occupy the Territories of this
Union, free ram the degradation that contact
with slavery everywhere brings upon free la
bor, or whether they are to be occupied by
those who own the labor of others, and whose
capital consists in the bones and muscles of
the laborer. This conflict between the labor
that owns itself and the capital that owns it
has caused this long struggle in Congress, and
to day shakes the political elements of the re
public. (Cheers. A voice—" free labor for
ever ; down with democracy.") It is not a
conflict between the States of this Union, or
the people of one section against the people
of another section ; but it is a conflict of these
two elements ; and we a>k that the govci 11-
ment of the country, so far as it has constitu
tional power, shall wield that power in behalf
of the free labor of the North and the South,
and in behalf of the free labor of the world,
and that it shall dedicate the unoccupied Ter
ritories of the Union to freedom, and to free
homes for free men. I am obliged to you,
fellow citizens, for this mark of your kindness
and respect, and receiving it as tendered to
principles of which I am a humble advocate.
I bid yon good night, wishing you ad a long
and happy life.
WASHINGTON, Friday, Feb. 2.
Mr. FORNEY'S election as Clerk of the House
! was effected by the votes of all present who
had voted for Speaker PENIXGTON, together
with those of HORACE F. CLARK and Rtc.cs,
1 and with the exception of Mr. DAVIS, of Mary
Col. FORNEY was serenaded to uigbt. In the
course of his oratorical response he said the
Republican Party had been basely slandered
in being held responsible by the political op
ponents for the Harper's Ferry raid. He had
witnessed with pain the coodnct of Northern
Democrats, in concert with those of the South
in fuithering the views of the Administration
for the perpetualization of Slavery. Our country
has higher and nobler ends. He would guard
and protect every Southern right, and enforce
the Fugitive Slave Law. In conclusion, he
said he was like Muzeppa, when bound to bis
steed, who when sent forth on his perilous
journey from which it was designed he should
never return, shouted back to his persecutors,
" I will return, one day." If the President,
seated in his parlor, "could hear these shouts
he would know that he (FORNEY) was here.
Mr. HOFFMAN* also received the votes of the
Republicans and about half the American
vote, and was thus elected Sergeant at-Anns.
Seven Americans, viz ; Messrs. Maynard,
.Moore of Kentcky, Quarles, Stokes, llatton
and Smith of North Carolina, voted for Mr.
to the Democratic votes, received those of
Messrs. Bouiigny, Birstow, Hardeman, Hill,
Leach of North Carolina, ami Vance, who be
long to the Southern Opposition.
A DAY OF HORRORS. —This morning just as
the operatives had arrived at the scene of
their labor, the boiler in a factory in Brook
lyn exploded and five persons, including a part
ner in the firm, were instantly killed, while a
number of others were wouuded. A few
hours later a crowd assembled in the yard of
the Tombs witnessed the execution of Ste
phens, convicted of poisoning his wife. We
beheld in one of the streets of the city about
the same time, a man who had just fallen from
the top of a vessel's mast, boru along 011 a
shutter to the hospital. A few steps further,
and we met another unfortunate, who had
just lost his hand at the wrist by catching it
iu some moving machinery. Yesterday there
was a disastrous explosion in Williamsburg, by
which two men were killed and two wounded.
A still more disastrous calamity occurred
last uight in Elm street, iu this city ; a tene
ment house was bnrned, and eighteen persons
perished in the flames, while a number were
injured. A fire in Lexington a ventre last
night destroyed several costly dwellings. Ac
cording to rumors about towo, Tom Hyer, the
well-known pugilist, was shot by a companion
last night at a drinking saloon.
From Troy we hear of the painful death of
a member of a fire company, whose head was
accidentally crushed between the tongue of
the engine wnd barber's pole.— Ec. Post
Thursday Morning, February 9, 1860.
TUHMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance—
Four 10. el;* previous to the expiration of a subscription,
notice toil! be given by a printed wrapper, mid if not re
newed, the paper will in all eases be stopped.
CLUBBING —The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rales :
l> copies for to (H) [ls copies for.. . .sl2 00
10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r... . 15 00
ADVKRTISEMKNTS— For a square of ten lines or less, Out
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-IYORK — Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Boohs
Blanks, HanJ-bills, Ball tickets, He.
JFET* The office of the REPORTER lias
been removed to the wooden building two
doors west of the former location.
Since onr last issue, Congress has organized
by electing WILLIAM PENNINGTON, of New
Jersey, us Speaker, and J. W. FORNEY Clerk.
The election of the former was brought about
by the vote given to Mr. SHERMAN, with the
addition of Messrs. DAVIS, ADRIAN, and BRIGGS.
While we were anxious for the success of Mr.
SHERMAN, yet we have no less cause to rejoice
in the triumph of the Republicans with Mr. P.
For all practical purposes, the triumph is
equally as valuable-—and with the election of
Messrs. FORNEY and HOFFMAN creates a state
of feeling which must lead to the happiest re
Now that Congress is organized, we trust
that the iniquities of the Administration will
lie probed to the bottom, and its rottenness
fully exposed to light.
The Maryland Legislature received
Friday a series of resolutions from the Legis
lature of South Carolina, proposing to call a
Disunion Convention. Out of respect to a
sovereign State the resolutions were allowed to
be read, but in the debate which followed only
two members sustained them. In a letter to
the Governor of South Carolina, Gov. HICKS
writes that Maryland can see nothing but in
' jury to herself in the establishment ufa foreign
asylum for her fugitive slaves ou the borders of
the State.
The Overland Mail brings news up to
the 2Gth ultimo. It was the general opinion
in Leavenworth. K. T , that the gold mines
would produce from one to two million dollars
per month, as soon as the Spring commenced.
Last season they yielded about two millions
of dollars. Snow bad fallen to the depth of
a foot along the Platte River. The accounts
from Arrapahoe, on the Vasquez River,report
the miners as still busy. Flour is quoted at
$lO per 100 lbs. The Denver City express
brought to Leavenworth $3,000 in gold dust,
and several passengers.
THE NEWS of tlie election of Mr. Pennington
was received with great rejoicing at Newark,
his home. One hundred and eighteen guns
were fired in honor of the event, and the Mer
cury office was brilliantly illuminated in the
evening. Perhaps no public man in the country
is more generally popular at home than Gov.
Fedoinglon. The rejoicings; however, are not
limited to Newark ; they seem to be the order
of the day everywhere in the North where
there are enough Republicans aim Americans
to raise a shout. His election is indeed a sig
nal triumph over the Buchanan disunionists.
FIRE AT OWEGO. —The tannery of SAMUEL
ARCHIBALD, in Owego, on the south side of
the river, was totally destroyed by fire, on
Tuesday morning, about live o'clock. The
Binghatnton Republican states that the tan
nery belonged to Mr. ARCHIBALD, was insured
for $*2,000 and the stock, belonging to SACKET
& ARCHIBALD, was insured for S4OOO. The
total loss was probably about SB,OO0 —leaving
S2OOO not covered by insurance.
Richard Realf has been examined by
the Harper's Ferry Special Committee. He
[ stated that Senator Wilson wrote to Dr. Howe
in 1557 or 1858 stating that he had learned
from Forbes that Brown was talking of mak
ing a raid some Southern State, and that
| he (Howe) must withdraw ail means furnished
or intended to be fouruished him for services
in Kansas, if they were to be misapplied in
that manner; and that iri consequence Brown
abandoned his plan for a while, but afterwards
renewed it.
the murderer of his wife, was on Friday morn
ing last, executed ut the City Prison in New
York, lie spent all of Thursday night is de
votional exercises, and bore Himself firmly and
with composure to tire end. lie died assert
ing his innocence, both of the murder, and also
of any plan to escape from prison. He declin
ed to make a speech under the gallows, but
expressed a strong hope that his sins Were for
given, and prcfessed to be ready to die. After
hanging nearly forty minutes, tho body was
delivered to his friends, end in the after
noon it was interred in Greenwood, beside the
grave which hud once contaiued his wife's re
There was not sufficient strength in
the Nebraska Legislature to pass the Slavery
bill over the Governor's veto.
From the Legislature we have nothing
of importance. Our usual Harrisborg letter
has failed, owing probably to a want of mat
ters of intereet tojcommnnicate.
Republican Mass Convention.
In pursuance of a call of the County Com
mittee, the Republicans of Brail ford met in
Mass Convention, at the Court llousc, on
Monday evening, February 6, IS6O. The
meeting was called to Older by JAMES 11. WEBB,
Chairman of the Committee, upon whose mo
tion EDWARD CHAN DAL was elected
President, JAMES B. INGHAM and E. M. FAR
RAR were chosen Secretaries.
On motion of U. MERGER, the President
was authorized to appoint a Committee con
sisting of thirteen persons to recommend to
the Convention Delegates to the Republican
State Convention. Whereupon U. MERCER,
W. A. THOMAS, were appointed said Commit
On motion of E. 0. GOODRICH, a Commit
tee of five was appointed to report resolutions,
consisting of E, 0. GOODRICH, G. I) LONG,
During the absence of the Committees, Col.
EI.HANAN SMITH was called upon and address
ed the meeting, in an able manner.
Mr. MERCER, from the Committee to report
the names of Delegates reported as follows :
Representative Conferees, E. 11. MYER, and
Conferees to nominate the Senatorial Dele
gate, E. (). GOODRICH, J. A. CODDING, 11. W.
CODDING, 11. W. TRACY, B. F. POWEU., J. 11.
The committee also recommended the adop*
tion of the following resolution >
JJcsolrerl, That we recommend the Conven
tion to instruct the Conferees to concur in the
nomination of (.). G. 11 EMP-TKAD, of Susque
hanna County, as Senatorial Delegate to the
llarrisburg Convention.
The report of the Committee was unani
mously adopted
E. O. GOODRICH from the Committee on
resolutions mule the following report, which
was adopted :
Rev ived. That we recognize in the platform
enunciated at Philadelphia, in 1850, a full ex
position of the aim and principles of the Re
publican party; and we reiterate our ad
iierance to those doctiiaes, and our contin
ued belief that their adoption as the settled
policy of the government is necessary for onr
advancement and prosperity as a Nation, and
the peip tu ty of our free Institutions.
Resolved, That the profligacy and extrav
agance of the present National Administra
tion ; its perversion of the powers of the Gov
ernment ; us unblushing pro Motion of pat
ronnge ; its favoritism, whereby the public
treasury is defrauded ; the determination to
re-open the Slave Trade ; the avowed purpose
of enacting a slave code for the Territories ;
decisions by the different branches of the Gov
ernment, setting at defiance precedent and
right, timed at the freedom of speech and tlie
security and value of onr postal arrangements;
the tendency to centralization, and the ab
sorption by the General Government of the
rights of the Slates, end its exercise of powers
unconstitutional and dangerous; ail to strength
eu the institution of Slavery, show "irre
pressible Conflict" between Slavery and Free
dom, and should urgp upon every Republican
renewed exertion for the success of a party
and principles chose triumph would bring
back the Government to its original purity
and confine legislation and the action of tiie
Administration within Constitutional am!
proper channels.
j Resolved, That the recent outrages upon
. the liberty, persons and property of onnflend
j ing citizens, in the Slave-holding States, are
the legitimate fruits of an institution which is
i emphatically a " relic of barbarism." repugnant
; to our mora! instinct- - , and showing its sintiuro
i uism to free institutions, and its incompatibility
| with the full enjoyment of those priceless bles
l sings, to secure which our forefathers pledged
j " their lives, their fortunes and their sacred
I honor."'
Resolved, Tiiat the Disunion sentiments re
-1 cently uttered in Congress, by the Southern
i leaders of tfie Democratic party, applauded
and sanctioned by their Northern adherents,
deserves the reprobation of every patriot, and
should be repudiated by every citizen. That
i the Democratic party is justly entitled to be
| stigmatised as the Disunion party —a party
which threatens the integrity of the confed
racy unless the most outrageous schemes to
perpetuate and strengthen Slavery are allowed
to be consnmmat' d.
Resolved, That our able and efficient mem
ber of Congress, Hon. G. A. Grow, is entitled
lo the renewed expressions of our confidence
; and regard. That he has proved himself an
able legislator, and shown his ability and de-
I termination to protect his constitutional and
personal rights, whenever assailed.
Resolved, That the great interests of Penn
sylvania, are of National importance and de
demand the protecting care of Congress.—
That in providing revenue for the expenses
of the Government, such discrimination should
be made as s ill amply protect the productions
and labor of our country against the depress
ing influence of low wages and cheap markets
abio id.
Resolved, That the people of the respective
Congressional Districts are entitled to the
election of their Delegates to the National
Convention, and that we do not recognize the
authority of the State Convention to deprive
us of that right.
Resolved, That we urge upon the Republi
cans of the County, the importance' of early
organization in each election district. That
the County Committee are hereby requested
to appoint three Republicans in each election
district, whose duty it shall be to call a meet
ing of the Republicans of their respective dis
tricts for the purpose of forming district clubs.
And that the Secretary of said clubs, be re
quested to forward, immediately after their
election, the names of the officers to the chair
man of the County Committee.
Mr. M. C. MERCCR, offered following
resolution :
Resolved, That ALI.K\' MCKEAX and E- O.
GOODRICH, be and are hereby appointed Con
ferees to meet Conferees from Snsqnehanna
and Tioga Counties, for the purpose of ap
pointing two Delegates to represent this Con
gressional District in the Chicago Couveutiou.
Which was discdssed by Messrs. E. It. MY
ER, M. C. M ERCUB, H. W. TRACY, and J. B
INGHAM, and adopted by the Convention.
(Signed by the officers.)
ing is a list of the principal officers elected last month:—
Alhen* boro'— Constable, 11. J. Fritclier ; Assessor, S.
B Hoyt; School Directors, I' W Meeker, Edwin White ;
Judge, E H Perkins; Inspectors, John Suell 2nd, J N
Athens Iv-p— Justice, D L F Clark ; Constables. X F.d
minster, W S Pendleton ; Assessor, Isaac Gregory ;
Road Commissioner, Harris Murray ; School Directors,
Wm Scott Jr., John Watkins Jr. ; Judge, Jacob Keel, In
spectors, Sidney Hay den, E S Matbewson.
Armenia —Constable, John B Morgan ; Assessor, Na
than Sherman ; Road Commissioner, Charles Crandall ;
School Directors, Simeon Williams, Nathan Sherman ;
Judge, Jeralomau ; Inspectors,C N Smith, Samuel
Albany- Justice, Geo W Burdick ; Constable, Geo M
Cranmer ; Assessor, C S Mosher ; Road Commissioner,
Wm Lee ; School Directors, William Lee, Joshua Van
Isiou ; Judge, John Brown ; Inspectors, Thomas Brown,
J P Lewis.
Asylum —Constable, D L States ; Assessor, Henry Oa
mer ; Road Commissioner, B Laportc ; School Directors,
M Eileubergcr, R S Bacon ; Judge, Israel Smith ; In
spectors, Wm II Bowman, L G Arnout.
Burlington —Constable, Robert M Pruyme ; Assessor,
Adolphu.s Slater ; Road Commissioner, D S Luther ;
School Directors, Alexander Lane, Adolphus Slater;
Judge, Lyman Grist; Inspectors, James W Wrisley, Scth
P Gustin.
Burlington boro ' —Justice, tie vote ; Constable, D D
M'Gee ; Assessor, S W Miller; School Directors, S II
Morley, C T Merry ; Judge, N T Dickinson ; Inspectors,
I) A Ross, E A Everett.
Burlington irrst— Justice, Morgan DeWitt; Con-table,
J C DeWitt ; Assessor. Charles Taylor ; Road Commis
sioner, P B Pratt ; School Directors, Enoch Black well,
Alanson Campbell ; Judge, Win Ardway ; Inspectors,
A M Swain, Joseph Hilton.
Canton —Justice, James A Bothivell ; Constables, J S
Adams ; Assessor, C C Wright ; Road Commissioner,
Leonard Lewis ; School Directors, William P Channel,
Robert Lilley ; Judge. R W M'Clelland; Inspectors,
Benjamin London, James Ketcliarn.
Columbia —Justices, James C M'Kean, John Benedict;
Constable, N E Calkins; Assessor, C II Ballard ; Road
Commissioner, E G McClelland; School Directors, C J
Bradford, L E Havens ; Judge. Peter McClelland ; In
spectors, F Newberry, Helon Budd.
Franklin— Constable, James Burnham ; Assessor, A
Gay ; Road Commissioner, Joseph L Adams ; School
Directors, Ezra Spalding,Calvin Varney ; Judge, Charles
E White ; Inspectors, Charles Fairbanks, M M Piatt.
Grantitle —Justices,'Benjamin Saxton, R Bailey ; Con
stable, E S Bailey ; Assessor. S A Rockwell; Road Com
missioner, Harrison R-ss ; School Directors, A Barnes,
M T Shoemaker ; Judge, C II Kenyon ; Inspectors, Vol
ney Taylor, H H Kenyon.
Jterriek —Constable, T A Lee ; Assessor, Ezekiel Carr;
Road Commissioner, Cyrus Fuller ; School Directors,
Solomon Stevens, John Durand, James Beaumont ; Judge
William Duruud ; Inspectors, B W Camp, James Foyle.
Litchfield— J i-tice, B U Keeler; Constable, 0 F Wol
cott; As-c—or, Jainos Rogers; Road Commissioner. J
Campbell ; School Directors, A Carner, A Merrill; Judge
Samuel C Park ; Inspectors, Wm Campbell, A V D Teed
t.i Roy —Justice, tie vote ; Constable, II II Ilickok ;
Assessor, J V Riggs ; Road Commissioner, Robert M'Kee;
School Directors, Jesse Roberts, J I) McKee : Judge, G
H Foss ; Inspectors, Martin Holcomb, James McCraney.
.Monroe Itrp —Justice, Charles Ilollon ; Constable, J L
Coolbaugh ; Assessor, II B Myer ; Road Comnfissioner,
Charles M Brown ; S -hool Directors, 1. A Pratt, Philo
Mingos : Judge, Joseph Ingham ; Inspectors, J W Irvine,
W \V Xorthrup.
Monroe boro' —Justices, William II H Brown, A Mai
lan ; Con-table, James McGill ; Assessor, It H Richards;
School Directors, Samuel Albro, S S Hinman ; Judge,
Wra Douglass ; Inspector, Patrick Duafee, James II
Orwell—-C-U l-table, DC iTlisw'iirfTl ; Assessor, ? II U'il
>n : Road Commissioner, C X Slorey ; School Directors
II Chareplin Jr., C H Upson ; Judge, Robert McKee ;
Inspectors, K C Potter, 15 I, Smith.
Ortrton —Justice, Jacob Hottenstlne ; Cons Sable, Ber
nard McGovern } Assessor, Prtniel O'Xeil; Road Com
missioner, Edward McGovern v School Directors, Brooks
Epley, Jacob Hotteustine r Judge. Henry Sherman ; In
spectors, John Sullivan, James Havcrly.
Pike —J.istice,G \Y Brink ; Constable. Ransford Brink;
Assessor, Sherman Goodwin ; Road Commissioner, K W
Cnolbaugh; School Directors,Tlxnnas Brink,J U Fletcher;
Judge, James M Benhain ; Inspectors, E C Abbott, Ben
jamin Pierce.
Hume— Justice, Freeman Maynard ; Constable, Simon
Russell ; Assessor, Ili raid Woodburn ; Koait Commis
sioner. Geo A very ; He-boot Directors, dairies I, Parker,
Geo W Stone ; Judge, It Gates ; Inspectors, William
Parks. Daniel Stevens.
Jiulgberry —Justice, Stargis Squires ; Constable. C O
French ; Assessor, Anson Webb ; Road Commissioner,
Geo Cooper ; School Directors, Geo GiMine, H Owens;
Judge, J D Hammond; Inspectors, Isaac Baldwin, Ww
O Guusaulus.
South Creek— Constable, Peter 8 Dean : Assessor, Wm
J Evans ; Road Commissioner, Walter Dewey ; School
Directors, Jacob Seafuse, Walter Dewey ; Judge, Theo
dore Compton ; Inspectors, Daniel Livings, Erastus Ilob
Standing Stone —Justices, Alexander Ennls, Ethol
Carpenter ; Constable, Xathanicl Moger ; Assessor, Jared
Hart; Road Commissioner, Henry Fisher; School Direc
tors, Asa Stevens, John Huff; Judge, lleury Fisher;
Inspectors, Sterling Dixon, Guy Brown.
Smithfield —Constable, J O Gerould ; Assessor, C E
Wood ; Road Commissioner, C E Pierce ; School Direc
tors, Merritt Wood, Lark Bird ; Judge, V S Vincent; In
spectors, Jesse Sumner, Edwin Blakslee.
Springfield —Constable, A Westbrook ; Assessor, It K
Adams ; ltoad Commissioner, Joel Adams ; School Di
rectors, John Voorhis, Hiram Horton ; Judge, Joseph
Credeford ; Inspectors, P B McAffee. Homer Brooks.
Shetheqvin—J ustice, . Geo W Blacktnan; Constable,
John Brink ; Assessor, Richard C Horton ; Road Com
missioner, Martin Rogers ; School Directors, Wm I'at
tersou 2nd, Darwin T Gillett; Judge, Lemuel S Kings
bury ; Inspectors, Wm J Delpeuch, Geo Chaffee.
Syh-ania boro' —Constable, It M Ross, Assessor, F II
Burritt; School Directors, James 11 Nash ; Jugc, Silas
Smith ; Inspectors, E G Bailey, D Compton.
Towanda —Justices, II L Scott, W 11 Decker ; Consta
ble, G L Davison ; Assessor, B F Bowman ; ltoad Com
missioner, H L Scott : School Directors, II Scoville, J W
Fox, G II Bull ; Judge, Daniel Swartwood ; Inspectors,
H H Mace, S Shiner.
Towanda bora'— Justice, Wm C Bogart; Constable,
Andrew J Noble; Assessor, Geo E Fox ; School Directoii
Paul 1) Morrow, Isaac Smalley ; Judge, Edward Overton
Jr. ; Inspectors, II J Madill, II L Laiuoreux.
Towanda north— Justice, S A Mills ; Constable, Ches
er Bennett; Assessor, M II Alloway ; Road Commis
ioner, Wm McMoran ; School Directors, Win J Manger,
aniel Kennedy; Judge, Francis. Watts; Inspectors,
David Rutty, Samuel Stratton.
Troy boro I —Constable,"Stephen II Fitch ; Assessor,
11 Bowen ; School Directors, X M Carnochan, D W C
Herrick ; Judge, Wm H. Barto ; Inspectors, John II
Grant, Wm II Peck.
Troy— Justices, Luther E Loomis, Amara Greeno ;
Constable, II X Fish ; Assessor, Allen Taylor ; Road
Commissioner, John O Ward ; Subopl Directors, Xa
tlianiel Kingslcy Howard Spalding ; Judge, 1) Ii Manley;
Inspectors, Reuben Styles, Amos Pierce.
Terry—Constable, Shubel .Bowman; Assessor, Ed
mund Horton ; Road Commissioner, J L Jones ; School
Directors, Dansford Allen, Rcnsslaer Lewis; Judge, Abel
Peckliaui ; Inspectors, N T Miller, D A Crandall.
Tuscaroi-a— Justices, Amon Armstrong, Moses Qnim
by ; Const ible. A J Silvara ; Assessor, S II Overton ;
Road Commissioner, Alfred Ackley ; School Directors,
D Edingcr, Wm Latimore ; Judge, J C Culver ; Inspec
tors, N J Hogs well, Levi Wells.
Uhttr —Justice, E W Russell; Constable, Geo W
Nichols ; Assessor, (J II VanDylt ; Road Commissioner
Cyrus Merrill ; School Directors, Amasa Watkins, B \
Pettcs ; Judge, Guy Tracy; Inspectors, Andrew Gilraour
H J Davidson.
ll'ysox —Justices, William Morgan, Alvah Coolcy j
ConstSble, Johrt fe Hinds ; Assessor, John W Bartlett ;
Road CommisdonSr, M H Banning ; School Directors, K
Rcod M jer, M J Coolbaugh ; Judge, Nathan L Green ;
Inspectors, John Tuttle, Benjamin I)yer.
H'yalusing —Con* table, J litres Lewis ; Assessor, I.
renzo Allen; Road Commissioner, Francis Hornet;
School Directors, John Vaughn, L P Stalford ; Judge,
Jesse T Stalford ; Inspectors, Homer Camp, Hiram El
Warrm—Justice, Miles Prince ; Constable, R S Cor
bin ; Assessors. J P Wheaton, Wm F Cnrbin; Road Com
missioner, C F Tripp ; School Directors, Otis Hamilton
John Beurdslee ; Judge, Win F Beardslee; Inspectors,
R C Bufflngton, H G Corbin.
ll>//—-Constable, tie vote s Assessors, Horace Dun
ning ; Road Commissioner, 8 E Ayres ; School Direc
tors, William R Wilson, Geo It Corey ; Judge, Epbraira
Brewer ; Inspectors. Joseph O Scott, Norman Da.y.
H'inrlham —Justice, tie Vote ; Constable, J W Warner;
Assessor, Daniel Shoemaker ; Road Commissioner, Sam
uel Hartshorn ; School Directors, Jamea Newman, N C
Elsbree ; Judge, E 1* Cheney ; Inspectors, J 4L Warner
James Finch.
IVilmot— Constable. John M Gamble ; Assessor, Wm.
T Grant; It >ad Commissioner, John Cum mi sky ; School
Directors, Paul Quick, C E Burgess ; Judge, T J lugbam;
Inspectors, John Crossan, J B Park.
PAINFUL ACCIDENT.— On Friday, 3d inst,
several Republicans of Pike township, were celebrating
the election of PENNINGTON, as Shaker, at Lcßuysville,
by liriug a cannon. After a few discharges, as Mr. G. W
BRINK, was pouring a charge into the gun (which was in
a perpendicular position) the powder exploded, severely
injuring him, and also, ASA XICIIOI.S, J. R FLETCHER,
and JOHN WOODBUB*. These persons were all badly
burned alwut the face and neck, and entirely blinded,
though it is h >ped, but temporarily. Tbey were imme
diately cured for, and are daing as well as could be ex
pected, and no serious results are anticipated. The iu
jared persons all declare that it the sacrifice had been
necessary to have secured the election, tbey would will
iugly have made the offering.
-W "♦
FIRE. —The house of ELISHA LEWI*, in
Merryall, Wyalusing township, with the wood house,
granary and barn, was desrroyed by fire on Monday
evening, .10th ult. The house was also occupied as a
store-room. Most of the goods were saved. No insurance.
gret to learn that a dwelling house, occupied" by Mr.
SHEPARD NACKETT, in Troy borough, xt'm destroyed by
lire on Saturday morning last, together with all the fur
niture, and that a young man named HENRY MOORE, per
ished in the flumes. The fire was discovered about o'-
clock, but the flames h id made such progress, that all at
tempts to stay them, or remove any of the fuuiture, were
useless. Mr. HACKETT, his wife aud child were sleeping
in a lower room, while young MOORE occupied an upper
room. It is supposed that the fire originated in the up
per part of the house, and that the unfortunate young
man was awakened too late to make his escape, and was
soon suff touted. As soon as the lire couW be sufficiently
extinguished his mangled and lifeless remaius were taken
from'he ruins. Mr. and Mrs. H. barely escapfcil with
their night clothes, and were severely burned 1 .
The building WAS owned by S. W. I'a IN ft. We did nit
K-arn whether it w is insured or lint, hut there no in
ffintnce on the iuniiture. in consequence of his loss, tie
eitizeiu of Troy presented Mr. H. with Ji.SO in
IQT A Courciition of Postmasters aid
Deputy Marshals (in expectancy) was held at the Comf
House 011 Tuesday eveuittg. Some of the Douglas stripe
; mustered' up courage enough to make a stand in the Con
vention, to elect our friend, the Aid to the Governor,as a
Delegate to Heading, but the \Vy#ox autocrat had order
ed otherwise, and Col. J. F. MEANS and F. SMITH were
PR ROUTER'S Old Established Drug House
has been removed to the corner ol Main and Pine streets,
where a building has been fitted up expressly to accom
modate his large trade.
JG-gT- Ht'V. R. J. PARVIV, is expected to
preach at the Episcopal Church in this v.Hagc.on Sunday
HON. HORACE GREF.I.EY, THE printer, edit r
and statttSYian, will lecture at Davis" Ilall, tVaverly, on
TuCschry evening, February 1-fth, ISOb. Subject—"'Great
TIIF. LADIES of the Baptist Church, in Litch
field, Pa., will hold a festival at the bouse of JOHN LAY
TON, on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, Feb.
15th, for the beuelit of (lie Church. Ageneral intitatiou
is given.
A FEW patriotic Repo'IFICARIB of our town
opened a cannowade yesterday morning over the triumph
of PENNINGTON in tlie House. Hound after round belch
ed forth while the gunners scut up their shouts in hoinr
of the Republican Speaker.
SERIOVS ACCIDENT. —A little daughter of
(lev. Mr. Echbart of Snrrthboro", in tlrvs county, while
playing on the ice, as we learn, slipped and sprained her
ankle. Subsequently intlamation came onand a destruc
tion of the bones of the ankle ensued. Amputation of
the foot became necessary, which was performed by Dr.
Cutßciui.t. of Owego, on Tuesday of this week. The
little sufferer is, up to this time, doing apparently well.-
She is now under the eare of l)r. SYLVESTER Kxxrr, Jr.,
who assisted in the operation.
SHOCKING ACCIDENT. —EarIy Tuesday morn
ing the painful intelligence spread through our town that
ALICE STEWART— an interesting daughter of NELSON
STEWART of FactoryrUle, aged about fifteen years—had
been shockingly burned ; and a little later came the an
nouncement of Jier death. The f..cts, as we learn them,
are as follows : Mr. Stewart and his daughter had been
out somewhere until a late hour on Monday evening last,
and on returning home he kindled a fire in the stove and
then laid himself down upon a settee, while Alice seated
herself in a chair near the stove. Botn soon feel a-leep.
Suddenly Alice aroused , all iti flames, and screamed to
her father for assistance, who awoke, caught the burning
girl his arm, and rushed into the street. The poor father
struggled haid to save his daughter, but before the flames
were extinguished the skin of Alice—except around her
face—was burned to a crisp. The unfortunate daughter"
lingered a few hours in intense agony, when death came'
to her relief. Mr. Stewart in attempting to rescue his
daughter was badly burned, though not fatally, but it
feared that he will lose one, or both, of his arms.
The funeral of Alice took place on Wednesday after
noon. and was largely attended, especially by the youth,
among whom she was a favorite.— fl'acrrly Advocate.
from the Owego papers last week.that PAXIEE
L. JENKS, Sheriff of Tioga Comity, lias been
removed by Gov. .MORGAN. The causes alleg
ed for his removal are that prisoners have been
taken out of Jail, on one or two occasions, to*
vote, and he was in the habit ot employing
them to do work upon his farm an i to " chore 1
it" about his house and bum. The Owego
Times (Rep.) gives a long account of the
charges preferred against Sheriff JENKS, ana
approves of the Governor's action in the mat
ter ; while the Gazette (Hern ) denounces the
whole affair as a "high-handed outrage," and
says "such causes would, if made general i
their application, remove every Sheriff we vea
ture to say, in the State of New York."—
Sheriff JENKS is a Democrat, and was elected
Sheriff a year ago last November.