ANNUAL REPORT Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, from the Isi day of January to the 31s/ day of December , 1859, inclusive. EXPENDITURES. , ll(1 : tn f s 148 00 Prisoners Support in County Jail.. . t:;.. 6?3 60 ".* ::;: 1364 79 Prisoners Support in Eastern Penitentidry 354 85 pri,U'. Contracts 1929 04 Conveying Prisoners to Eastern Penniteutiary. 750 00 Hrdee Views 3 33 !'" b,ic Printing 352 10 Bradford Agricultural Society 100 00 Prosecuting Attorney 246 1(1 James Harris, Crier of Court :••• MOO lencing Public Square 100 00 Constables making returns and attending court 520 .12 Justices Inquisitions 49 96 C Merctir,Counsel to Commissioners 50 00 Repairs upon Public Buildings 218 62 Cost in Commonwealth suits *'6s 54 Summoning Jurors 120 00 in Civil suit '1 locating State Road, Dushore to Wells* Ferry. el 67 Kbrn Expenses.'/.". Line View. - 900 Fuel and Lights 122 44 Wild Cat Certigcatea 17 65 I rand Jurors 57101 P. H. Buck, Commissioners 360 00 Tnverse Junwa'' . 235783 I'aniel Decker, do 402 00 Incidental Expenses 23 48 W. A Thomas, do 48 00 Insurance upon Public Buildings 159 25 I). Lilley. late do 290 00 Office Books and Stationary 133 88 E. B. Coolbaugh, Commissioner's Clerk 600 00 Prothonotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessions 393 31 Sum Total 315265 22 A c count with the'.several Colltclors of County Taxes for the County of Bradford. j\tun*hips 4* Boro's. Collector's .Same*. I Per Charged. Rrrtired. Kroner'd. Percent. Relumed. Franklin. J P Burnham 1857 $47 70 $3O 93 6 13 $9 64 . i Towaista Morth, James Elliott, 24 43 26 43 ToVranda township, .lames Santee, 89 58 .. .. 89 58 Athens borough, H J Fritcher 1858 94 83 9f 83 .. .. Übany, Clark Sweet, 41 65 41 64 Asylum, Hiram Horton, 210 30 210 00 30 Burlington township, J Travis, jr. 175 82 150 00 964 16 18 Burlington lioroagh, Philander Long, 32 49 32 49 Burlington west, Edwin Coomis, 172 15 170 0.5 2 10 .. •• Canton, Edwin Newman, ' 107 06 6.5 91 10 29 30 80 •• Columbia, Edward Young, 71 57 71 57 I hire!!. D L SUates. 117 61 106 18 .. .. 11 43 1 Franklin, J.P Burnham. 62 36 51 67 171 898 .. j Merrick, James Beaumont, 75 11 74 67 44 .. •• • I Litcbtield, O F Wolcott, 57 86 57 86 .. . .1 I eltnv ...... Lcßnv Hjbmnh. 133 00 153 00 .. .. I And though you do not find , 1? ?o !S " * 1> " .11. u- ... . 51 12 00 . .. 0 51 All things according to your wish, 47 19 47 Be not disturbed in mind ; 34 317 93 2 95 33 46 The greatest evil that can come ;> J® - ;; 02 l 2 Aie lighter far to bear, * 12 When met by fortitude and strength, 93 82 78 427 12 88 .. ! Instead of doubt and fear. 33 204 30 .. .. .. 67 67 97 70 .. | Always look on the sunny side— 12 6 17 There's hdalth in harmless Jest, ! JJ f 5 634 37 GG 70 83 And much to soothe our worldly carea - • 43 95 43 In hoping for the best. * 91 154 91 .. .. The gloomy path is far too dark, ' 44 0 " l 24 3d For happy feet to tread, 03 2ls 09 / " " And tells of pain and solitude, 56 75 00 .. .. 26 56 Of friends estranged and dead. . 25 JJ] 33 t y„ 02 07 Sm Always look on the sunny side, f 77 g , l61i) £ 77 And never yield to doubt: ; 91 80 00 .. .. 132 91 { The ways of Providence are wise, 95 102 00 3 70 17 17 224 OS j And faith will bear you out. 37 • •• .;• ~7 33 ir .... i ... i .i ■ * II 100 00 8 18 14 40 I.J 5J ir you but make this maxim yours, , 3 - 0 9 j 4.) And in the strength abide, 1 56 586 0.5 1 66 30 85 Believing all is for the best * "2 66 44 2 13 9 5T 115 46 j , , i 99 2)3 GO 1 44 IS 86 100 00 k n tl!t snn "y *'de- , .70 120 00 202 12 39 115 16 - .1 06 23.5 00 9 s4 Is 46 115 76 *ll -i 28 125 00 2 16 12 81 118 31 lilisnllaneaus. ; 4 i jf; s3 2033 ! s;j 207 . 12 -! M 39.5 00 3 69 24 47 69 90 A New York Lady at a Japanese Fes; g Jg £2! .2 S tival and Dinner Party. j 44 1.50 20 77 19 2s 210 19 8 07 409 36 7 16 21 55 [Extract of a letter dated Nagasaki. Oct. 10, 1859.1 3 86 210 00 20 54 12 52 27 80 ur„ „ r . . • ... '-07 200 00 222 14 16 68 69 We were fortunate in arriving | )ere 37 33.7 00 8 52 33 75 3ac 10 asaki) just before their greatest national fee 33000 .. .. 1:19 P. tivtl, which lasted three days, during whieb' 48 mm " . •" *lO 4s work was at a stand still and frolicking th 4 s6 61 K .. 233 61 order of Ihe day. The whole of Tuesday inorh* fj ( { g 10 2 £ 'B2 tng wns devoted to a kind of procession amo 16 234 49 2 32 12 35 theatrical enterta'r.ment performed by chi'drei 4 70 nr. oo .. 339 76 in iht* streets ; there were a great many diflerohs 57 113 74 3 isy 9so 71 ft* *ma!l companies, each one carrying its over' :M 3,3 00 3 58 18 31 3S 2 1 ' singe, scenery and dresses ; and from this foe] ™ J5 }° j* M 2 i 04 44 ?. ? '' you may judge, it wns not very elaborate btH is 5.5438 200 29 is most amusing, and some of the children per 2 fi 235 33 .j'., 257 27 formed extremely well, throwing into then, ss 13; 00 3 :w 11 77 84 15 gestures and looks so much expression tb- •itbongh we could not fanderstaod the ln„* " l 3 ft ' 3 a8 230 3 * 2a ' ; o2a gouge wec*u!d make out the plot by some OLA r> , r a xr J r . lafto C* their antics. We witnessed the C " u Radford, for 1859, Cr from a temporary booth or stand erected foi ,Icturue4 js.s9, $ 452 '* the accomodation of the foreigners, and each Exonerations given Collectors; 232 s., little company came and perftthttcd if. I'' 1 ; < *"?5P t- ?..! ,• n i % , • I I , 4 Ortlers reflecmeu in 18o9 f Jit \ | cct3 • (.•<>!<; w luiM ir?ivc Us also an op per cent, commission upon MPIP, 30> 32 port unity of seeing n fair sample crowd of 1 " " $13,842 03, 1:8 4.5 Japanese men and woman ; and I don't ki.ow A "° r ' nt in tnnM,r y< Jann "j r IBGW> 3 707 2j whether 1 was more interested in their appear- $26,549 si unce than tlicv were in mine, for they hate not yet seen a .sufficient number of foreign ladies M' r Commonwealth of I'ennsylrania, Cr. for our attraction to hate worn off. On the Returned uncollected previous to 1859, $603 55 afternoon of the same day we took a walk given "mo? til rough t. 1 e city, accompdfiied ly the Cupt&iiA Percentage 44 * r >7 <3 consignees, two very agn t able yonri" Hollan 1 cent.commission on $9,328 95 , 93 29 l i.„ j , State Tri a-mrer's receipts, 6.123 6*4 (itis, but 1 was the cynosure, and collected a Due Commonwealth, Jan. 1, 18G0, 3,112 04 1 crowd wherever I went; the tioys sometime; running ahead and then turning around tc , l 4 KwS 92 } have a good look ; and if we stopped a few t f n ir ) f \<i-a r, ' minutes to examine anything novel we were' Co " f ' V ° f Brnd f ord ' J or 18d9 ' C, ' l soon hemmed in bj a st.rinj audience. m 5 one place, where we made a halt, a voting Japanese girl gave me a throughout scrutiny" 15,437 36 and after examining my skin, hands, fingers' - rinrrc lummAdv i lt .„ A , i, p. •. °. 4 nod, CNiiiiini.Hsinnors of H.iid Cowntr, di < rrtifr that the rings, bracelets, brooch, Ac , gave It as lit and Expenditures of said Founly, from the lirst Bay •opinion that (lie Captain was a lucky man itpciu*ive> i slaving me for a wife ; the hoops puzzled hor,* th d,y of Janna K\Ni3f: DECKER, , stnd had 1 not put a stop to her proceedings I I*. if. lit.'i'K. Cimmissioner*. do not know how minute her forest?<>ation u " A " I might have been ; but 1 must say that, ultho' very curious, they are not rude, and are readi ly checked if too familiar. We had another rare frolic oa Thursday. We were invited in to a merchant's house, where a regular feast was set on. There were also present several Americans ; and here we had an opportunity of seeing the Japanese at home, and moreover the gentlemen informed me that I was proba bly the first foreign lady (for here we must call ourselves foreigners; who had visited a Japanese merchant's house ; for our host is one of the first merchauts in this place, hold ing among his countrymen a position equiva lent to Russell A: Co. iu China. There was a great variety of edibles; some of the dishes were strange ones to our palates ; and as the only implements to work with were chop-sticks, , you may imagine wc had to take a j,j I IS Where Gentlemen's and Ladles B<>ots and Shoes are made to order and warranted, at the following price*—French Sewed Boots #.">; French Fine Pegged Boot* ft ; Best Kip Boots with three out soles ; Coarse Boot* 2,75 : Ladies Sewed Kid I toots with heels $1 ,50 ; French Calf f1,50, the same pegged ♦ 1,25 ; Slippers Bottomed for 75 cents. Repairing done cheaper than at any other place iu town. All work warranted. Towanda, Jan. 1!(, ISfltL THOMAS BOSS. pUY H W ATKINS, ATTORNEY AT U LAW, TOWANDA. PA. Office opposite Laporte, Mason A Co. M-ColhK-tions madend remitted with promptness. Towanda, January 2, IMSO. WITH BALDWIN, HILL d- CO. MAN UFA CTCRE R S A GEN TS And Wholesale Dealers in IT A II D W _A_ It E , No. 220, Pearl street, between Majden Lane and John st SE Vf YOB K . A WASHINGTON BIRTH DAY BALL will be given at tin? " Erehangr Hotel." Ulster on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 22d, Iseo. Kbhdali/s Full Band, will furnish the Music, and erery exertion will be put forth to make the party a pleasant one to all who may attend. Bill *2,00. JAMES HUNT, Ulster, Jan. 26, IWI. Proprietor. WANTED. —Hides and Skins, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in poods or cash. October 1, I%M. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. p;fc, new attractions i fll| A.t Geo. H- Wood's Gallery j 1 TOWANDA, PA. / \ Yon can procure, at low prices, / \RA©TO©KAM§, 'M \of all sixes, up to life si/.e. either plain or re- T — J touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MELATNOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and al iinost all dther kinds of types. Pictures in good cases lor 50 cents, and other sixes and qualities in proportion. [ Mt lainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except f< r (children. All *<itk warranted. August 10.1859. SELECT SCHOOL For Voting Ladies. MISSES CHUBBUCK rwpectfnllj in form the public that the Winter term of their school | (will commence on Monday, the sth day of December, ■ ■ in the nsini formerly occupied by them. Thankful for the litwral patronage extended to t.hcm during the past year. Misses C. assure their patrons that no pains will be spared to merit a continuance of the con tidence of those who may cotilide pupils to tlieir care. MISS FANNY b. CHUBBUCK will have entire charge 5 of Music ; and a limited number of scholars only will be taken. TErtMS. FfiK QVAttTKK OF 14 WEEIfS. First Class —To include the eieinentry English Branches $4 00 Second Class —To include the more advanced English hranches.with Mathematics and Latin $0 00 j Third Class -To include Mathematics, Mora! and Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany. Ac., Willi laitin $7 00 Music. —lnstruction on the Piauo, with use of Instru- j ment per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw- j ing $3, extra. Each pupil will bo expected to provide herself with a desk and chair. *<TAny information in reference to this School may be obtained by applying to lb 8. Mercor or E. T. Fox. Towanda. December 1,1859. G. F. TRACT, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, and Grad uate of the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia having returned to the village of Monroeton. where he intends to permanently locate,would respectfully offer his services to the citizens of the place and vicinity. Having received a thorough extra course on the diseases of Females and C'hildreu, Ik- is prepared to give special attention to that subject Office at the store of Tracy A Edsall. References—Dr. MASON, Towanda, Dr. NEWTON Monroeton. Nov. 14,1859. WHEEL BARROWS.— 3O dirt wheel barrows. for sale at Oct 18, 15.,9. W. A. ROCKWELL S. HARDWARE— A NEW LOT JUST received at MERC'UR'S. iicto 3llibrttfsctncnts. lEW tioiij " . AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! Shawls! Shawls t A LA ft til E assortment of ftroche, long and sqnaif Sb.iwls. Woolen long and square Shawls.— Just received and offered for sale at a great reduction of price, at the KEYSTONE STORE. Ladies Cloth Cloaks! VARIOUS styles of Ladies Cloth Cloaks all of new and fashionable pattern*, now for sale : at the KEYSTONE STORE. Dress Goods ! PLAIN" nnd Printed Merinos, Plaids, I)e i I.ains, l'aramettas and a variety of other Dress Goods, now offered at a redaction, at the KEYSTONE STORE. Bajous Kid Gloves ! \LL sizes, in colors, Black and White, of . these celebrated gloves will always be found at the KKYSTONH STORE. Millinery Goods! BONNETS, Bonnet Velvets, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons. Flowers, Humes, Ruche*. Ac. Ac . whole ' sale and retail, at the KEYSTONE ATOKE. Carpctings ani Oil Cloths ! ArARIOUS qualities of Ingrain Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, and Cotton Druggctts as usual much che.per than elsewhere. at the KEYSTONE.STORE. Cloths, Cassimcres and Vcstings! VLWAYS oil hand a large stock of Black and Colored Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimercs, Tweeds, Sattinetts. Sheeps Greys, Kentucky Jeans, also a great variety of Yestings at the KEYSTONE STORE. Gents Shawls ! arrival of dents Shawls and Travelling Rugs, just received at the KEYSTONE STORE. Srffalo Robes! Bales Buffalo Robes for sale at. the ? KEYSTONE STORE. Domestic .Goods! C TTEKTINC.S, lileached Goods, tickings, kT' Stripes, t'anton Flannels, Denims, Prints, Ac. Ac., fully 20 per cent under usual prices. Always on hand at the KEYSTONE STORE. Boots and Shoes. BOOTS and Shoes will be found at the KEYSTONE STORE at the following prices : i Mens Coarse and Kip Boots, $2,75 | Mens best quality Ruliliers si Ladies Pegged Enamelled Jloots, SI " •' " with heels, 1.(10 " " Kid " 1,00 " " Kip " 81 " " Calf " 1,00 " Rubbers l>est quality, 62 2nd •' 50 A fnll assortment of Ladies Gaiters. Sowed Kid Boots, Children's and Boys' Boots equally cheap. Fahiily Groceries. THERE will also be found at nl! times, at the KEYSTONE STORE, a complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, which tfc ate ollbring for sale ! at the following prices i Crushed granulated and powdered sugar IOA cents. Best quality coffee sugar. " Supfcrior quality brow'n do 8 " Fair do do 7 " Superior do Molasses 44 " Fair do do 37J " Superior do Y. H. Tea 50 '• Prime Rio Coffee 14 " s'air do 124 " B ibbitt's Salcratns in 1 lb. papers 6} " Soda Saleratus 5 " Spices of all kinds, Soaps, Ground Mustard, Ac., Ac. equally cheap. , Humphrey & Wickham ARE JI'ST RECEIVING New Fall and Winter Goods, SCCII A3 ! 111 GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, CrocJ.ery, JVai/s and Glass, Boots and Hhocs, Sole, and Upper Leather, Calf sh ins, Morocco, Shoe Bindings. In short, a general assortment of Goods suitable for the ! season. Towaiula. October 1,1859. BOOTS AND SHOES Constantly on hand : and manufactured to order, of reliable work and j material, and repairing done on short notice. Oct. 1. HI'MPHKEY A WICKHAM. ! \/\/v CORDS OF BARK WANTED!— *)\ J\J Cash will lie paid for OAK AND HEMLOCjjC | BARK, and HIDES AND SKINS, at the highest market rate, by aug9 HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. REMOVAL. TTLYSSES MERCUR has removed his j I J Law Office to the Second Story of his new building, on the corner next south of the Ward House. nov.3 NOTICE is hereby gifren that an applica tion will lie made at the next session of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank, to lie called the'" Bradford County Bank with banking privileges of Issue, Discount and Deposit; with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the righV, o in crease the capital stock to Four Hundred Thousand Dol lars, and to be located in the borough of Towanda, in the county of Bradford. Towanda. June 10,2859.- * i JHerchairtjfte, Src. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE NEW CLOTHING STOIIE OF E. S. BENEDICT. YOUR attention is respectfully invited to n LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHING, which I have just opened in ZtfOt 3, BRICK ROW, One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store. MY STOCK OF GOODS is from the liest manufactur ing establishments in the City of New York, and of the latest approved styles. Having purchased with cash, I am enabled to sell"my goods at prices almost hicreduotis ly low. My stock consists in every variety of READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS k CAPB, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES, Ac. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. Having secured the services of one of the most skillful Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania, 1 am prepared to man ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing. I will warrant all garments cut at my shop to give perfect satisfaction. fc. S- BENEDICT. Towanda, Septcmliar 14, 18.79. Clothing' at Cost! To those who have not yet supplied themselves with OVERCOATS, fec.&c. A Rare Opportunity is now offered. 3TI shall close out the entire balance of my Winter Stock at COST, saving fully 2.i per cent, to the purchaser. Jan. 3, IsGO. JOSEPH KIXGSBERY. Great Bargains in Clothing! BEING desirions of closing out my stock of Winter Clothing, Overcoats, Ac., I offer "the same at prices BEZiOW COST! A first-rate opportunity is offered to those desirous of procuring a ("heap Overcoat. Towati'a; Jan. 11, J. M. COLLINS. BOOK BINDERY. fTMIK subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus _l building would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Ward House, formerly occupied by the Post Office, where he is now prepared to bind %U kinds of Books in the m ist approved and workmanlike manner— Having to share my profits with no second person I Hat ter my-cL that my prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub lic appreciation of my work, for the last two years, ! shall endeavor in the future to merit the continuance ol public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. JOHANN F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11. 1860. Bookbinder and Artist. BROOMHANDLES Manufacturers will find a constant supply of Broom Handles, at the lowest prices, at the store of Towanda. Jan. lxqn. 11. S. MEIKTR. I. AVERILL, Manufacturer of WHITE STONE LIME, Dealer in Water Lime, Brick, he. TOWANDA. PA. _____ CASH FOR PELTS, ;T THE Metropolitan Hardware Store,; ORWELL, PA. 7 STOVES, Elevated Oven. STOVES, Parlor. STOVES, Diving Flue. STOVES, Wood or Coal, IX LARGE STOCK AXI) VARIETY. IRON, 15V THE BAR Oil TON. Fanning il Tills, Corn Shelters, Grind stoves, lloritig and Drilling Aln chines, A .rles and Springs, .1 hll A A Cut Saws, Steel, Zinc, Copper, Sheet [eon, Tin anil lie try Goods, at October 12. IV,ft S. X. BROXSOX'S. THE NEW YORK THIBUIVE. Prepare for the Great Political Campaign of 1860.' INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. 'TMIE TRIBUNE— now more than eighteen years old. L and having over a quarter of a million subscribers. <>r constant parch ISCIS, diffused through every State and Territory of our Union will continue in essence what it has been the earnest chaillpiou of Liberty, Progress, and of whatever will conduce to our national growth in Vir tue, Industry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE is printed on a largo imperial sheet, and published every ! morning and evening (Sundays excepted), it contains Editorials on the topics of the times, employing a large i corps of the best newspapers writers of the day ; Domes- I tic and ForcigH Correspondence ; Proceedings of Con- | gross ; Reports of hectares ; City News ; Cattle, Horse, j and Produce Markets: Reviews of Books; Literary In- ; telligence; Papers on Mechanics and the Arts, Cookery, | Ac., Ac. We strive t make THE iRIBUNEa etrsjxi- ; per to meet the wants of flic public—its Telegraphic news j alone costing over $ll .OOO per annum. TEKMS :—THE DAILY TRIBUNE is mailed to suhscri- ; hers at $6 per annum, in advance ; #2 for si* months. IIIE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is published every Tuesday and Friday, and contains a I the Editorials of the Dai y, with the Cattle, Horse, and ; General Markets, reliably reported expressly for the Tribune ; Notices of New Inventions, Foreign and Do-J mestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookery ; and during ) the sessions of Congress it contains a summary of Con- j gressional doings, with the more important speeches—- We shall, as hei'etolore, make THE SEMI-WKHKE\ i TRIBUNE a Literary, as well as a political newspaper, and we are determined that it shall remain in the front i rank of family papers. Tkiims :—One Copy, one year $3; Two C pies, one I year $5 ; Five Copies, one' year $11,2 d; Ten Copies, to j one address $2O. Any person sending us a club of twenty, or over, will j lie entitled to an extra copy. For a club of forty, we j will send the Daily Tribune one year. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large eight page paper for the country, is published | every Saturday, and contains Editorials on the important j topics of the times, the news ol the week, interesting ! correspondence from all parts of the world, tlie New York j Cattle. Horse, arul Produce Markets. Interesting and , reliable Political, Mechanical, and Agricultural articles. Papers on Cookery, Ac., Ac. We shall, during this year, as hitherto, constantly la- j bnr to improve the quality of the instructive entertain ment afforded by TIIE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, which, we intend, shall continue to lie the best Family Weekly J Newspaper published in the World. We consider the I Cattle Market Reports alone richly worth to cattle ruis- j ers a year's subscription price. Tkkms One copy, one year $2 ; Three copies, one j year f.l ; Five copies, one year $8 ; Ten copies, one year $l2 ; Twenty copies, to one address $2O ; Twenty copies I to address of each subscriber $24. Any person sending us a club of Twenty, or more, will i |be entitled to an extra eopv. For a club of Forty, we I will send THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE ; and "for a | club of One hundred THE DAILYTRIBUNE will be sent . gratis. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms al- | ways cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY A CO., Tribune Buildings. I Nassau ft reel. New Yolk. I H. B. M'KEAN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, at Towau da, I'a., for the following reliable Companies : Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $300,000. Great JVestern Insurance Co. - Philadelphia Kensington Fire Insurance Co., - Philadelphia. Capital, $300,000. Towandtf, May 30, (889. /1A UTlON.—Whereas, my wife MARY, \J lias left try lied and board without any just cause or provocation, this is to forbid any person from trusting or harboring her on my account, as 1 will pay no debts of her contracting after this date, nnlcrs compelled by law. Dentley's Creek, Nov. 9,1859 THUS.SULIVAN. fiCflcll. I C HERIFF'S SALK.—T?y virtue of a writ 0 of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court ot Common j Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed and delivered, ■ will be exposed to public snle at the Court House in the ; Borough of Towanda,on THURSDAY, February 2,1860, ' i at 1 o'clock P. M., the following lot ot land situate in Towanda twp.and tsmnd'-d on the north by lands belong ing to the heirs of John Fox, deceased, on the east by J. M. Watts, on the south by the public highway and j land of C. F. Whiles, and west by land of 11. L. Scott— i | Containing 2.1 acres, more or less, all improved, 1 framed j house. 1 framed batn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot of land situate in Towanda ! twp., and hounded on the north by land of Gordon F. | Mason, on the east by the Susquehanna river, on the < south by land of Miller Fox and Hiram Fox and west by I land ot "Hiram Fox. Containing 75 acres, more or less, '< all improved, 1 large brick house. 1 small plank house, 1 trained barn, 1 framed corn house, brick yard Ac.,and an Orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert S. Hasbrntick, Stephen C. Lynes, a id Henry S. Case, trad ing under the tirin of Hasbrouck, Lynes and Case, vs. Harriet Means—also. Storm Smith A Co. vs. Harriet Means,—also, Cnrtiandt Palmer and Frederick T. Wal lace vs. Harriet Means. ALSO -The following lot of land situate In Columbia \ twp. and bounded on tiie north by land of .'esse Ed-all, j Austin Ed sail, David Fries and George Shives, on ihe j east by land of John R. Cole, Geo. Fairbanks and Thb nias Gustiu, on the south by land of Joseph Beeman and David Corey, and on the west by land of Ira Webber and John Derby. Containing 440 acres, more or less, about 2.70 acres improved, 2 framed houses, 1 framed barn and | shed attached, one wagon house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Bigtdow and Iloaglutid vs. Joseph 11. DcWitt and San ford Welles, late partners Ac. ALSO—The following lot of land situatk in Standing Stone twp. and bounded as follows : beginning at tiie south east corner of lot No. IS, as. surveyed by Burton J Kingsbery, at a chestnut tree, thence east IGO per. to a white pine, thence north SO p<r. to a corner, thence west IGO p. to a post for a corner, thence south SO p. to the beginning. Containing 80 acres, be the same, more o less, about 3.7 acres improved with a framed hou.-aa i'rant i ed barn, a saw mill, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. R. Myer ami J. M. Reed vs. John llines. A LSD—A piece of land situate in South Creek twp. ■ and bounded north by land of Samuel Severance, east by land of William Patterson and William Mahood. south by land of William Cornell and west bv land of John Craig and James Buruhum. Containing 30 acres be the same more or less, all improved, with a Darned house a saw mil! a stable and a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized and token in execution at the suit of C. F. \Vil son vs. (J. W. Vuick. ALSO - The defendants interest in the following lit ot land situate in West Bur ington twp., aim bounded oil the north by lands ol Orriu We.-tgatc, on the eo-t and south by the public highway, and on the west by land of Barney Vroman. Containing 40 acres, more or less, all improved, tvto framed houses, one framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. W.A D. F. Pomcrov A Co.. vs. 11. 11. Grace. ALSO—The following lot of land situate partly in Wells twp., Bradford County and partly in Jackson twp., Tioga county, and bounded on the north by land of W. Gifford t and Sea bury French* east by land ot Edward D. Roberts and John Strong, south by land? of Orr Smith and t'ha's Shiner late Joseph Sturdcvant, and west by land of Law rence L. Amcigh and others. Containing 170 acres,more or less, About .70 a res improved, a plank house, a fram ed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph 11. Ingersoll, John C.Miller and Francis Baring, who sur vived Richard Willing vs. John Serrine. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Terry twp., and bounded north by land of C. F. Welles. Jr.. east by Samuel llagerty and Patrick McGuire, south by land of defendant, J. W. Demiison, and west by land of Nelson Vanderpool. Containing HtO acres, more or less, alxmt 30 acres improved, 1 board house, 1 log house, j framed barn and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—'The following lot of land situate in Terry twp. I and bounded north and east by the public highway; south | by land of William Terry and west by land ot John M. ' Morton. Containing one half acre, more or less, all ira ! proved, 1 framed store house and 1 framed dwelling | house thereon. j ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Terry twp. • ! and bounded on the north by land of S. and i llirara Stone and John Warring, east byJ. I- Jones, ( f south and west by laud of lliram Stone Containing 50 ! acres, be the same more or less, about 27 acres improved. ; I framed house, 1 framed barn; 2 shops and an orchard ! of fruit trees thereon. ALS —Dc endauts interest in the following lot of land j situate in Terry twp., and bounded north by land St Sam- j uel Ilillhouse, "east by Hiram and Morton, south by . \ J. L. Jones and west by Hiram Stoue and lands in pos '• session of David Dibble. Containing lot) acres, more or j less, alxmt 2 acres improved, 1 small framed house and a I I few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot of land situate in Terry twp.and | bounded north by land of defendant. J. W. Dl-unison, east by land of Albert Strong and Daniel Welles south by lands of Samuel Hillhou-e, and west by other lands of J. W. Dennison. Containing 100 acres, more or less, j about 30 acres improved, 1 log house, 1 framed barn and 1 an orchard of fruit tries thereon. ALSO—A piece hi lard situate in Terry twp., and bounded north by the public, highway, cast by land of J. i P. Horton, south by land of Chester Butlers heirs, and j west by land of Samuel Hillhonse. Containing *5 acres, I more or less, about 35 acres improved, 2 framed houses, ! 1 framed barn, 1 saw-mill, a new shop, and fruit tries j thereon. ALSO—A lot of land situate in T< try twp. and lxinnd- '' ed north by lahd of Nelson Vanderpool and Lewis John- ' son and Samuel Vanderpool. Cast by lands of J. \V. Den nison. south by John Warring anil Beth Phillips, and west by land of John Warring. Containing 100 acres more or less. ALSO—A certain lot of land situate in Terry twp., and bounded north by land ot C. L. Ward, east by ' place, south by Morgan Morgans, and west by Henry j Smith. Containing 100 act ex, more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry Welles vs. J. W. Dennison. ALSO—A lot of land situate in Pike twp., and hound ed as follows : beginning at a beech comer, being the 1 south east corner of a lot of land belonging to Julia C. \ Rogers and running easterly, along lands formerly owned ; by lluldah Brush A Julia C Rogers to lands of Elisha De vi'olf, thence southerly along lands of said Klisha I>e- ; Wolf to lands of Isaac Nichols, thence westerly along j . iauiis ot said Isaac Nichols to lands of Richard J. S. Ro ! gers, thence northerly to the place of beginning. Con | tabling SO acres, be die same more or less, it being the ' ] same land conveyed to Julia C. Brush to Mary B. Bos- l ! worth by deed dated April 9, 1x52, and recorded in deed | book No. 3s page os.abmit 50 acres improved two trained ! I houses, a framed barn and shop, tn apple orchard and i j other trait trees thereon. ; Si ized and taken in exeVntion at thp ftiit of D. ATV J*. j j Bailey Vs. Travel - Bosworth. ALSO- A piece or parcel of land situate in Ti.scarora , i twp., and bounded on the north by land of Lyman Rogers j ! east by land of 11. Hill, south by land of J. Hill and T. j i Shaw.and west by the public highway. Containing about j j o(i acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved. 1 trained j j house 1 framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. AI~S()—All that piece of land situate in Tuscarora i twp., bounded north by land of Morrison Davidson, east ; by land of Orrin Warner, south by land of Charles Smith j ' and west by land of James Silesbey. Containing 27 acres, [ ; more or less, all improved. 1 framed house 1 framed barn j anu a few fruit trees thereon. I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Almon i ; Pickett to the use ol Richard Stilwcll and Joseph M. i | Brown partners doing business under the linn.of Stilwcll ! I A Brown to the use of Charles J. Stcdmau assignee of ! 1 Henry Beekman, Orville L. Knox and Charles P. J. Rip- I ley, late co-partners doing business under the firm of j Beekman, Knox A Ripley vs. B. M. Silvara. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Franklin j twp.. and bounded north by land of Daniel Cokelv. John ! T. Smith and H. Rockwell, on the west, by laud of S. ! i S. Hinmaii and E. 15. Bacon, south by the Towanda Creek I , and east by land of Stern McKee and E. 11. Bacon. Con ! tabling about 65 acres, more or less, about 33 acres im | proved, 1 log house, 1 framed bain and a few fruit trees j thereon. , i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of rt. W. j Dodge to the use of Francis X. Hornet vs. Nathan 1.. ; Dodge. ALSO—A piece of land situate in Tuscarora twp., and bounded on the north by lauds of Willis Rogers, east by ! laud. of Chandler Rixhy. south by land of Edward Fair | child, an(J West by land of Cyrus Shumway and Bradley i Wakeuian. Containing 80 acres with about 40 improved with a framed house a framed barn and a young orchard I thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. P. Bab- I cock to the use of A. I>. Culver vs. Franklin Babcock. A LSl)—The following piece or parcel of land situate in 1 Springfield twp., and bounded north by land of Margaret Stacy, east and smith by the highway, and west by lands of II W RinK and Dennison Gates. Containing lj acres, j more or less, all improved with a framed tavern house, a ; trained barn and a blacksmith shop thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot of land situate in Spring field tvrp., and bounded north by lands of Dennison Gates, j east by land of H. W. Root, south by the highway and I west by land of Nathan W. Potter. Containing II acres, I more or less, all improved with a framed store house | thereon. Ai-80—The following lot of land situate in Sprinefi* id twp./ and bounded to wit : on the north by the highway, I ! east by land of Nathan L. Yerkes south by land belong ing to the estate ol James Mattocks dee'd, and west by j lauds ot Byron Guthrie. Containing 1 acre, more or less, ' all improved with a framed house, a Iramcd bam and a lew fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield twp., and bounded on the north by land of Dennison Gates, east by land of Byron Guthrie, south by the highway, and west by the Baptist meeting-house lot. Containing 2 acres, more or tess, all improved With 2 ap- 1 pie trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William j W. Champion vs. lliram W. Root. ALSO—The following I >t of land situate in Asylum A Towanda twp's, and bounded as follows ; on the north } by land of David Cash and Stephen Shiner, west by land | ot Stephen Shiner and A W Dimoek, south by land of A W Dimock and John Miugos ami west by land of John : Mingos and David Cash. Containing about 62 acres, j more or less about 10 acres imp ved, 1 log house, with ' I 2.esal. | aplank addition, 1 framed barn with a shed attached, an ; apple orchard thereon and other fruit trees.l Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Collins | Sutliff vs. James Santee. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Columbia twp., bounded north by the public high way, e.c-t and soufli by land of Jumes Morgan, west by the public highway. Containing one fourth ol au acr, more or less, all improved, 011 c I rained house and a lew fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AfTthat certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by land of M. C. Mcrcur, east by Main Street, south by laud belonging to the estate of Daniel Vandercook deceased, and Cor nelius Moore.west by land of Cornelius Moore. Contain ing about sixty feet front by about seventy-five feet deep, more or less, all improved, one framed house and the un divided one ball of uue framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Franklid 11. Person vs. John Morgan and Hosea Blood. ALSO.—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Wells twp.,bounded north by land of Henry French ' east by and of Alonzo ('. Noble and Allen Acres, south by land of Jesse Shepard. west by land or Catherine Ay res. Containing one hundred acres, more or less, about seventy acres improved, oue old log hoysc with j board shanty atta< lied, bnfe plunk or framed house,a ■ trained barn, a stable, and an apple orchard and other ! fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Alvah Young to the use vI'J.C. Welles vs. Henry S. Lucas, ad ministrator of Uriah Lucas, deceased. AI-SO —Tlie following lot, piece of parcel of land situ ate In South Creek twp., bounded north by land of Ira ! Crane and Miles Rola-rts. east by land Of Augustus llill man. south by land of William Brans and Martin Lyda, west by land of Daniel Livens. Containing seventy-five acres, more or le.-s, about thirty acres improved, with a framed house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. T. Thompson Vs. CliarleS Crdtie. AI-SO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Kidgbury twp . bounded nortii by land of I). H. Burn 112111, east bv land ot L. Fames, south by land of William Easton, west by land of Charles Potter. Con taining one hundred and* five acres, mora or tss, about j seventy acres improved, with a framed house, a framed barn, and a corn bouse, and an apple orchard thereoni arid other fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Aholiab j Buck vs. Daniel Dewey. ALSO—'The following lot. piecfe or parcel of land situ ate in Towanda Born', bounded north by land of John (3 Adams, east by Main Street, south by land of John K: Means, we-t by an alley, being about titty feet front, by one hundred and thirty feet deep, ali improved, with it ftew fruit trees therein. ALSO One oilier lot piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by land of Edwin Rol lins and John H. Badger, east by an alley, south by land ot James Kinsman, west by the highway, or Second Stn 11. Containing about filty feet front, by one hundred and thirty feet deep, all improved, one framed barn, one framed house and a few Iruit trees thereon, seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Joint i Bietlleman to use of John Holines vs. Adam Essenwine. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Litchfield twp., bounded north by land James Dut - ton and Jo,.n t'odt-i. ea-t by land of William Merrill and Hiram Patch, south l>y land <d James Kanddlph, vVest by I land of Ann J. Xeiley and Julius Cotton. Containing . seventy-nine acres. n ire or less, about six acres improved with a saw-mill, an oar shop, a part of a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of James T. Dutton t i the use of Selitn Kirhy vs. Anil J. Xeily, ad ministrator of Peter XeilF, deceased, and tern- tenants. ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel ot land situ ' ati- in l.iti T.tield twp., bounded west and north by land of Julius Cotton, east by land belonging to the estate of Peter Xeiley, deceased, south by the highway. Contain ing oue acre, more or less, all improved, with a framed house and a part of a framed barn thereon. Seized arid taken in execution at the suit of Selirn lvir by vs. Ann J. Nelly. ALSO—By \irtne of a writ of Lev. Fac.,all that cer tain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Home tp. and : bom ded as follows : beginning at the north west corner of a lot heretofore deeded to Smith Kiuner. thence north 1® em-t o3 p. to the north west corner of a lot run out for Ger.-liom Towner, thence south SG° east IST p. and '.Moths to the sousii east corner of the lot run out to G. Towner, thence south 1° west 30 p. to the north east • Corner of tlie Kenner lot, thence north s9° east ls7 p. and i MOths to the place of beginning. Containing 3a acres ! and 32 p. and the usual allowance, Ac., about 20 acres improved, oue framed bou.-e, log barn and a few fruit ' trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Williani B. Clyitier, assignee of Vincent Leitay DeChaumont vs. Clark Baxter. ' ALSO—Thcjl'ollowing lot, piece or parcel of land situ - ' ate in we.-t Burlington tp.. beginning at a chestnut oak. a corner on the west line of warrant Xo. 1499, and the south west corner of lot Xo. 2S, thence south 89° east j lls 3 In perches to a post and stones on the west line of Charles Seoutons lot, thence south 134 1-1(1 perches to a ' post and stonts. the north-east corner of the Geo. Bell i lot, thercc north 334 *est 12? 1-10 perches to a post on the west line of warrant 1 t Xo. 1502, and being the X, IW. corner of said Gei Bell, thence by the west line of warrant lots 1502 and 1499, north 1J east 154 110 perches ito tlie place of beginning. Containing 115 acres and 13- 2-10 perches, being part of warrant lots Xo. 149'J and , 1302, about 70 acres improved, one log house, one log barn and an on-hard of fruit trees tbereon. 1 Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. J. Ma dill's we vs. Claries Mead. THOMAS M. tVOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's OR e, January 4th, lsco. XOTICK TO IVBCIIASERS. —To prevent misunderstand ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's sales will be'required to pay the amount bid at tlie time the land is sold. It lias become imperatively necessary to adopt this rule, and >t will be strictly adhered to, ex cept m cases, w here tlie purchaser is a lien creditor and i* entitled to the bind as provided in the Ist section of 1 the act of Assembly, approved April 20 ; 1846. which is jas follows : Whenever the purchasers of real estate at I Orphans' Court or Sheriff', shall appftir from the proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive tlie wlude or anv portion of the proceeds of said sale, it , shall lie the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor or other persoit making such sale, to receive the receipt : of such purchaser or purchasers for (he amount which ; lie or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid, to lie entitled to receive : I'rot-idcd that this section shall not lie so eon.-trucd as to pre Vent the right of said Sheriff"; ! administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to cover all legqj costs entitled to be paid out of the proceeds of said sale : and provided further, that before any pur chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec tion, lie or they shall produce to the Sheriff', or other per son so making said sale, a duly certified statement froni the proper records, under the hand and official seal of the proper officer, showing that lie is a lien creditor,entitled to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa saiil." AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— SarmA Lamer*. il Jacksou Lewis. In the Court of Common Picas of Bradford County. Xo. 330. February term. 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendants real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to tlie duties of his appointment, at his office n Towand> boro' on FRIDAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY, ISGO, at 'J o'clock, A. M.. at which "time and place all persona in terested will present their claims or be debarred front claiming any share ol said fund. E. OVERTON, Jr. January 2, ISGO. Auditor. ORPH ANS' COtIRT SALE.—By virtue! of an order of tlie Orphrns' Court of Bradford 1 Conntv wili be exposed to public sa'c. on tlie premises, on WEDNESDAY, tlie -22 d of FEBRUARY next, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. the following property, late the estate of Z Knapp, deceased, to wit : ( The liomesterff farm of Z. Knapp, deceased, situate in Wells township. Bradford County, bounded on the east by Win. (' Killgore and K. E. Dilliston, on the north by E. E. Dilliston, M. H. t'arr. and Joel Jewell, oi, the west by It. It. Fries, on the south by If. Swazcy. Containing about one hundred and thirty acres,with a dwelling boure shed, barn, and good apple orchard thereon. Attendance given and terms made known on day of sale A. W. KNAPP, P. R. KXAPI\ Wells, .Tan. 24, 1860. Executors. TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. Tcwanda 3&Sarblc Factory. (ZV early Opposite the linptist Church.) The subscribers have opened the TOWAN- Da MARBLE FACTORY, where he will be 'Y 'Broil prepared ( furnish Monuments and Tomb ■ViW I 1 Stones, manufactured from the b*t qualities . -oJL of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and /, 1 jL wrought into such styles and designs as will "dafe suit every variety of taste, a (0 Persons w.shing to make their selections ~ can do so whenever iu Towanda, by calling at this New Establishment. The superior quality of the stock, the artistlcal lieautf of (he work,and the promptness \Vith which orders wil! be filled, wil! offer inducements to visit this nevV shop. F. 11. BALDWIN. MILLS BARKER. Towanda, Jan. 2, 186 ft. Proprietor. KEFEKESCE3. WATERI.T. I TA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, Prof. C. R. Coburn, O. 11. Shepard, Cashier, Itev. Julius Foster, It. O. Crans, Merchant, 11.8 Mercur, Merchant,- Alpin & Doubleday,<lo. iMontanyes, • " Rev. O. Crane. T. M. Woodruff, Sheriff; ! " Wirt. Putnam, |Col. A. M'Kean, Prot y, " D. A. Shepard, jilon. F*. Wilmot, F. Tyler.Pres't. Bank. " J. C. Advms. ctiEMrxo. I " m - Elvvell. G. W. Buck, Esq. IK. A- Parsons. Ed. ArgnS. wYsox. j E. O. Goodrich.Ed.Reporter; I V. K. Piolh-t. Esq. ' DRIED FRUIT. —Dried Peaches, Zanfo Currants, Apples, Blackberries gnd Whortleberries, ' f) ;• sale at dec 12 ROCKWELL'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers