Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 26, 1860, Image 3

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    jieto snrtJrrffsemrnts.
\E llllllIIS!
"rvT'Vr/'/J/o'i/ l ;/oT.ff /(■
~*nf£ ix4H a* * iuO—- W 4 V\K& f* A -<
"un i iji.M t.E
, '/tArru i/ i | Hj; }f
7-; ii,
* \ W AO'VYi .<o"*n " R r,i
Shawls! Shawls !
A LARGE Assortment of Ilroche, Ion? anti
square Shawls. Woolen long and square Shawls.—
Just received and offered for sale at a great redwetiou of
price, at the KEYSTUN E BTOKK.
ladies Cloth Cloaks !
TTARIOTJS styles of Ladies Cloth Cloaks,
T all of new and fashionable patterns, now for sale
Dress Goods !
"OLAIN anrUl'rtuted Merinos, Plaids, Dei
I latins. I'aramctta* and a variety of other Dress
Goooffered at a reduction, at the
jEHOa'cS yuiia citi
Bajous Sid Gloves !
\ LL sires, in colors, lllaek and White, of
these celebrated gloves will always lie found at the
Millinery Goods !
BONNETS, Bonnet Velvets. Bonnet Silks.
Ribbons. Flowers, Plumes, It i.-he-. Ac. Ac . wh de I
sale and retail, at the KEYSTONE STORE.
Carpetings and Oil Cloths !
qualities of lee-ruin Carpets, |
T Floor (til Cloths, all widths, and Cotton Druggett- i
as usual much cbe per than elsewhere, at tin-
* I
Cloths, Cassimcres and Vcsticgs !
\ LWAYS on hand a large stock of Black
1 V and Colored Cloths, Black and Fancv Cassimeres,
Tweeds, Satpiietts. Shceps Grey*. Kentucky Jeans, also
a great vaf.etv of Vesting* at tiie
Gents Shawls I
\ FItESII arrival of Gents ShauH and
Travelling Ruga, just received a-t the
I , ' % *
. 'A i
Buffalo Rcbes!
FOUR Bodes Buffalo Robes for sale at the
Domestic .Gccds!
U HKETINGS, BleaHted Goods, Tickings,
i > &Ripc,s, Canton Flannels, Denims. Prints, Ac. Ac .
fully 50 per cent under prices. Always on h ;ni at
Boots and Shoes.
I)OOTS and Shoes will be found at the
) KEYSTONE ST'>RE at the following prices :
Men* Coarse and Kip Roots, $2.7")
Men* liest quality Itohl>ers *1
Eadii* Pegged Enamelled Boots. *1
" " -• with lietls, 1,00
" v " ' Kid '• S.W
" " Kip " 81
Cafr " ....T.f l.Oh
" Rubbers best quality <>2 1
" 2nd •• 50
A full assortment of toadies Gaiter*. Sewed Kid Boots,
Children's and Boys' Bunts equally cheap.
Family Grcccries.
THERE will also be found at nl! times, at
the "KEYSTONE STORE, a complete assortment of
FAMILY GROCERIES, which we arc offering for sale
at the following prices :
Crushed granulated and powdered sugar. 16i cents.
Best quality coffee sugar. n£ "
Superior quality brown du. 8 "
Fair do do 7
Superior do Molasses. ...44 "
Fair . do do 374 "
Superior de V. H. Tea SO
Prime Ilio Coffee 1-4
Fair do 121 "
Babbitt'* Saderatns in 1 lb. papevs 8} "
Soda Saleratns ............ 5 "
Spices of all kinds, Soap*, Ground Mustard, Ac., Ac.
equally cheap.
Humphrey & Wickham
New Fall and Winter Goods,
ID si 7
Hals and Caps, Crockery, Nails and Class,
J too Is 04>J Shfi'' s , St If. and Cpprr leather,
' Calf skins, Morocco, Shot, bindings. .
In short, a general aasoct nient of Xjottda suitable for the
sea sow". Town mill, (ictotier 1. 1*59.
DOOTS ANJ> SHOES Cormtiiinly on liand
l 3 anfl to order, of reliable work and
pmterlhl, and rejiairing done on *hort notice.
f)UVI Cash will IK; paid h>r 04K AND HEMLOCK
BARK, and HIDES AND SKINS, at the highest marlfet
rate, by aug9 HrMI'HREY A WICKH AM.
C r LY6SES MRU CUR has removed hi?
• law Office to tlie Second Story ol bis new building,
on the corner next south of the Ward House. nov.3
"VJ"OTICE is hereby given that au applica-
L* tion wilt be made at the nest session of the legis
lature nf Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank,
to be called the " Bradford County llink j" with banking
privileges of ls*ne, Plsennnt and Deposit: with a capital
of Two hundred Thousand Dollars, with the fight to iu.-
< rc4e the capital stock to Four Hundred Tbousgigl pol-
to be.located in tlf.e borough of To\yanda, iq the
connfy"of Bradford.
' 'Juwanda, June 1" ; 2819,
JhfrclimtWtr, rt.
: ' mwwpw"
T 7 !. S. P.EXRI^TOT.
"jtrOCR aftentioaTs rmaXrcirpUv iwvife<7- to a T.ARGE
which 1 have ji |M:ued in |
Ons door south of Joseph Powell's Ketßtone Stoft l . '
MY STOCK OF QOODS h/t'oiq thy .best tnaniifactur- I
ing establishments in tho City of New York, and of the i
latest approved styles. Having purchased with cash, 1
am enabled tmselLm/ gdr>ds :4 orUflh almost jficfeduiUiii- -J
Iv low. kA- stiijkicohAls id variety of READY
Having secured the services of one of the most skilful I
Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania. I am prepared to man- j
ufacture ty ordim, all landi.. otj-bilJiuig,.. 1 ,wilj wgrrantJ
all garments cut at nic shop tokivejpeiTect satisfuciion.
. ' .J-i. S- BENEDICT.
Towanda, September H.Tlvb
Clothing' at Cost!
To thos-e who have not vet snpplicd themselves with I
A Rare Opportunity is now offered.
ri>"l shall close out flic entir? hafanee of my Winter
! Stock at COST, saving fully 2.T per cent, to ihe purchaser.
J.I" 7, i-co. ' .ill-hi :: kingsi.eui .
| Great Bargains in Clothing.! j
IYEING de-irioHs of rinsing'ont mr stock of Winter
J Clothing, Overcoats, Ae., I offer the same at prices
A first rate opportunity is offered to those desirous of
; procuring a Cheap Overcoat.
j Towan 'a, Jan. 11, Im>o. J..AI. COLLINS.
r pilE subscriber bavin? withdrawn from the Argus
A building would respectfully inform the public that
he has removed hi* Plain and Fancy Bindery to tun North
Room of the Wa:d House, formerly occupied by the Post
Office, w here lie is now prepared to bind all kinds of
j B mks in the ni i-t approved and workmanlike mague|°r-
Having to share my pro|ii> with no second person I ffal
' tcr my sell that my prices will meet lire cati-Uctiua ul the
Thankful for th,c cpnQdcnce reposed in me and the pub
lie appreciation of my work, tor the last two years. 1 1
shall endeavor in the future to merit the continuance ot
public support.
Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All
| work will be warranted/ Tevms.tCash.
Tnwan 11. Jan. 11, lsti9. Bookbinder and Arti-t.
I > IIOD.M 11 AN I)LICS - Mai.uLiftunera will
I1:i8 a ecnstant supply of liar.dlcs, atlhe :
| lowest price*, at the store of
Tuvalu'i. .1 in. l - fin. 11. S. MERCUR.
Matl'ifa'ct tt*Pr of
Dealer in Water Lime, Brick, kc.
;i THE
'Metropolitan Hardware Store.'
STOVES, Elevated Oven.
STOVES, Parlor.
STOVES, Divin? rirc.
STCV£S, Weed or Coal.
i k\i rvir™ .Mi!/s, Corn S/icllcrs, Ccindstones,
living and Jh ilfivg Mic/iitif, Ax/f.s and
Springs, Mill S' A Cut Savs, Steel,
Zinc, Capper, Sheet Icon. Tin•
and Jleivif Coeds, at
October 12. D",9 S. N. BROX^ON"?.
TT S. MERGER iaii">v rneivir.g one of the most ex I
j 11. t< n-:\' ann v men asshrtmeru or G ?w ever oiler- j
ed to tlie peuj lc of Bradford Count}'.
The .-tgek coA-'f-'t* i" !'*(t ol fbe
DR J (i ()Oi)S.
Blai k and colored French and American Cloths,
j " " •• " Cursimeifs, j
" " Batinetts, j
Tweed* and Jeans,
Plain and Figured Fundi Merino's,
" " fotnirg's
! . •' " Wool DeLaincs,
" "• Comnuin Deljnipes,
" '• Plaid Dsbi^es,
woorlnavnTon rt ibls, G
Double and single Broehi Shawls,
" •• Wool
Misses and chiblrens Wool Bliawls,
Hosiery ol i very description,
A great variety of Fringe:, Trimmings and Trinkets,
Ginghams, Prints,
And Domestic Good* of Everv Kind,
s XDl> f.i:kv U \N* D 'm fit" |
Width were purchased under very advantageous eir
cumsfance*. and will be sold at wholesale t>r retail. FOR
CASH, at prices averaging much lower than others.
I'o wail ill. Sept 27, lo.Vj.
fTHIE snLscriupr hnvinw concluded to chnnwp
.J. liis business, w ill sell his entire stock of Merchandise
at from actual cost down to 27 per cent lower than can
be Isvight in New York City. He ha just returned from
the city w itli a lit w stork, consisting in part of
Dry Goods of all kinds,
A Pull Assortment cf Groceries,
i'f.v/j, Salt, Class, Sash, Ihje -woods, 4* c - |* c -
Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Hats.
Caps. Crockery, Hardware. Tin and Wooden W\ Yan
i kee Notions. Carpeting*. Ac. All of Which will lie sold
for Cash at from into 50 per cent less than can be bought
in Towatnla.
Salt at- $1.0.5 per barrel. Tea from .<1 to 50 cents, the
■ very be>t Georgm Cut Yarn IV r $1.05 per buneh. and |
eve" vtbing el-e in proportion. This eednction will be
made only tiur cash on delivery f good*.
1 Towhnda 0ct.12.1859. Nn. S Patten's Block.
AVr.ANTHI) —11 it It's and Skins, for whivb
TV the higliest market price wiR be paid, either In
. goods or ca*h.
. October 1. 1859. HI'MI'H ItFY A WD KHaM.
t g. P. TRACY, M. Jj.
- T )in si< 1A N and C, ratl
: X uate of the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia
I having returned to the village of Monroeton, where lie
: J intends to permanently lu. 1 ate.would respectiully ofiE-r
j services to tlie citizen* nf the place unit vicinity.
' Having received a thorough extra course on the diseases
of Female* and Children, he is prepared to give special
. ' attention to that subject Office at the store ol Tracy A
1 K'isall. References—Dr, MASON, Towauda, Dr. Nkwtos
Monroeton.' Nov.
W HI! Eli BARROWS.— yo dirt wheel
barrows for sale at
" (M*- 18.1858. IV- A. ROCKIVF.I.I/S.
received at MEBCUJt 8,
C ni-:RIKF"S SALE —Bv virtue of a nrit
1 o£ Yeijtl. iixpa. issued out of lire Court of Common
] Pleas of Bradtprd County, to me directed and delivered,
I will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House In tlie
Borough of Towatiiia.on THURSDAY, February 2,1860,
at 1 o'clock P. Ai., tlie following lot of land situate in
Towanda twp. and bounded on the uorth by lands belong
ing to the heirs of John Fox, deceased, on the east by
J. M. Watts, on the south by the public highway and
land of C. F. Welles, und west by land of IE 1,. Scott.—
Containing 25 acres, more or less, all improved, 1 framed
house. 1 fnimeir barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO All that certain lot of land situate in Towanda
I twp.. and hounded on the north by land of Gordon F.
tin-on, on the east by the Susquehanna river, on the
aouth by land of Miller Fox aud Hiram Fox and west by
fiend of Hiram Fox. Containing 75 acres, more or less,
, ail improved. 1 large brick house. 1 small plafik house,
i I framed barn, 1 framed com house, br.ffk yard Ac.,aud '
an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert S.
; H isbrouek, Stephen C. Lymes, a- d Henry S. Case, trad
ing under the firm of Hasbrouck, Lynes and Case, vs.
Harriet Means.—also. Storm Smith A, Co. vs. Harriet
Means,— also, Cortlandt Palmer and Frederick T. Wul-
I lace v.*. Harriet Means.
ALSO —The lallotjyjpg lot of land situate in Columbia'
' twp. aud bounded on the north by land of Jetsss Edsall, !
I Austin Ed-all, David Fries and George fahives, on the 1
j east by land of John R. Cole, Geo. Fairbanks and Tho
i mas Gust in, on the soi*h by land of Joseph Beeman and
j DavidXorey, and on tlu; west by land of Ira Webber and j
John D< rby. Onntoimog 4-40 acres, more or less, about 1
■ 250 acres improved, 2 trained houses, 1 framed barn and j
I shed attactied, one wagon house and an orchard of fruit
: treesAiiweoii,
| SeiziJ and taken in execution at the suit of Bigeknv
and Hoagland vs. Joseph H. DeWittaad Sanford Welles,
I late partners Ac.
ALSO— The following lot of land sitnntc in Standing
! Stone twp. tind bounded as follows : beginning at tlie
: south-eafct cortier of lot No. IS, as surveyed by Burton j
Kuigabery. at a.chestnut tree, thence ea-t 160 per. to u j
wiiite pine, thence north 80 per. to a corner, thence west
160 p. to a post tor a corner, thence sonth 80 p. to tiie i
beginning. Containing ISO acres, be the same, more o t
less, about 75 acres improved with a frame,', house a fram
i ed barn, a saw mill, and a few fruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. R. ;
Mycr and J. M. Reed v.*. John Hlnes.
AI.SO—A iiicce of iand situate in South Creek twp. i
and fjounded noitli by land of Samuel Severance, c-ast by
land of Wiiliam Patterson and William Muliood. south by I
laud of William Cornell and west by laud of John Craig !
and Jatue* Burnham. Containing 20 acres be the same j
more or less, all improved, with a framed house a saw ,
mill a stable and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seizeii and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil- 1
9011 r*. G. W. Quick.
AIJBO- The defendants interest in tlie following lot
Of land situate in West Bur ington twp., and bounded on
tlie north by lands of Orrin Westgate, on tlie ea*t and
south by the public highway, and on the west by land of
Carney Yroaiuu. Containing 40 acres, more or less, all
improved, two framed houses, one framed barn aod an
or 'hard of fruit trees thereon.
' Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 3k\V.A
D. F. Pomrroy k Co., vs. H. H. Grace.
A GSO—The following lot of land situate partly in Well*
twp., Bradford County and panly in Jackson twp., Tioga
county, and bounded "on the north by land of W. Gifford
and siabury French, cast by land of Edward D. Roberts
iini John Strong, sonth by lands of Orr Smith and C'ha's
Shiner late Joseph Sturdevant, and west by land of Law
rence L. Ameigh and others. Containing 170 acres.more
or less, about 70 acres improved, a plank house, a tram- !
ed barq and an orchard of fruit trees thereop.
Poized and takin in execution at the suit of Joseph If. i
ingeisoll. John C. Miller and Francis Baring, who sur
\ vived Richard Willing vs. John Serrine.
ALSO—'TI c foltowtng piece or parcel of land situate in
Terry twp.. and bounded not th l>y land of C. F. Welles,
Jr.. ea-t by Samuel Hagertv and Patrick McGuire, south
by la id ot iletendaot, J. VY. Dennison, and west by land
I*t Ni i* i,i Yabilcrpo' 1. Containing leu acre*, more or ,
. less, al„,ut 3' acre- inipr vetl. 1 board house, 1 log house, \
' framed barn anil fruit tice- thc-it-on.
A ESO—The following lot of innil situate in Terry twp.
and bounded north and eu-t ly the public highway,south j
by land of Wililam Terry and! west by land of John M.
! llorton. Conlaiipng oae half acre, more or less, all im
i proved. 1 framed store house end 1 framed dwelling
lr use thereon.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Terry twp. (
' and bounded on .the north by land of S. Hillhouse aud
; Hiram Stone aud John Waning, ea-t b> J. L. Jones, ;
s mtli and we-t Gy laird of Hiram Stone Containing 50
acros, be the same more or less, about 25 acres improved.
; 1 trained house, I framed baru, 2 shops aud au orchard
' of fruit trees ilu rcou.
AI.S —De euilantsinterest in the following lot of land |
situate in Tu ry twp.. and bounded north by land of fiam- ,
uel Hillhouse, ea-t by lljr.iui and J. P. llortou. south ly
J. 1.. Joi:e and west liy llmun Stone and lands in pos
1 session ot David Dibble. Containing 100 acres, more or !
less, about 2 acres improved, 1 small framed house and a j
i few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot of land situate in Terrv twp.and
! bounded north by land of defendant. J. \V. Dennison, east
! by 'and of Albert Strong and Daniel Welles south by i
i land* of Samuel Hillhouse, and west by other iand* of :
J. IV. Lfmnwwt. Containing Jd t acres, more or leas.4
about Soaeie- rtirpvorrd, I log house, 1 framed barn and '
in orclwd of fruit trees thereon,
! A piece of land situate in Terry twp., and >
bounded north by the public highway, east by land of J.
P. II irton, south by land ofef'liester Batiers lieirs, and j
west by land ol Suituel llili!ion-e. Containing 5.7 acres, j
more or less, niiout 25 in-res improved, 2 framed houses. ,
1 framed barn, 1 saw-iaill, a new shop, and fruit trees [
ALSO—A lot of lar.d situate in T< iry twp. aud bound- '
j ed north by land of Nelson Yanderpool and Lewis John
' s n and Samuel Yanderpool. east by lands of J. W. Den
nison, south by John Warring and Sell: Phillips, and
west by iand 6i Joiin Warring. Containing 100 acres:
j more or less.
i AI.SO—A certain lot ni land situate in Terry twp., j
| and bounded north by land of C. L. Ward, east by I
' place, south bv Morgan Morgans, and west by Henry
I Smith. Containing 100 n<ac*. more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry 1
Welles vs. J. YV. Dennison.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in Pike twp., and bound
ed as loli nvs -. beginning at a bee.-li co-ner, being tlie j
i south east corner of a lot of land belonging to Julia C.
] Rogers and running easterly, along land* lormerly owned i
j by Huldali Ihoisb A Julia C lingers to lands of Kiislia lie- \
! Wolf, thenre southerly along lands of said Eli-ha De- i
Wolf to lands of Isaac Nichols, tlieneo westerly along l
| lands of said 1-aac Nichols to lands of Hie-hard J. S. Ro- '
i icrs, thence northeily to tlie place of beginning. Con- j
I taming M) acres, be die same more or less, it being tiie
same land conveyed to Julia C. Brush to Mary B. Bos
! worth by-deed dated April 9. 1852, and recorded in deed
book No. 2* page 6*.about 50 acre* improved two trained
j houses, a framed barn and shop, en apple orchard aud
I other trait ir<-es thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I). St D. M.
I Bailey v.-. T raver Bos worth.
ALSO —A piece or parcel of land situate in Tnsearora
ta p., and bounded on tiie noptli by land of Ll'uian Rogers
eist by land of H. Hill, soufh by land of J. Ilii! and T.
Shaw, and ive*t by the public highway. Containing alout
'Jo acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved, 1 trained
j house 1 framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
AI.SO—AII that piece ot land situate in Tnsearora
j twp.. bounded north by land of Morrison Davidson, east
' by land of Orrin Warner, south by land of Charles Smith
| and we*t by land of JamesSilesbey. Containing 25 acres,
j more or less, all improved. 1 framed house 1 trained barn
i and a few fruit tree* thereon.
; Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Aimon
! Pickett to the tt*e of Richard Stilwell and Joseph M
: Brown partners doing business under the tirm.of Slilwell
A Brown to tlie use of Charles J. Stedman assignee of
llenrv Beekraan. Orville L. Knox and Charles P. J. Kip-
Icy, late co-partners doing business under tiie tinn of
Beckman. Knox A Ripley vs. 15. M. Silvara.
ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Franklin
twp.. and bounded uorth by land of Daniel Cokely, John
T. Smith and H. Rockwell, on the west by land of S.
S. Hinman and E. B. Bacon, south by the Towanda Creek
■ aid east by land ol Stern McKee and E. U. Bacon. Con
t lining about 67 acre*, more or less, about 33 acres im
proved. 1 log house, 1 framed barn and a few fruit trees
th croon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. W.
Dodge to tlie use of Francis X. Hornet vs. Nathan L.
A LSO—A piece of land situate in Tnsearora twp., and
bounded on the north by lands of Willis Rogers, east by
land of Chandler Bixhy. south by land of Edward Fair
| child, and west by land of Cyrus bhuraway and Bradley
Wakemarf. Containing W acres with-about 40 improved
with ;) framed house a trained barn and a young orchard
Seized and token in execution at the suit of N". P. Bab
' cock t i the u.-eof A. B. Culver vs. Franklin Babcoek.
A USD—'The following piece or parcel of land situate in
fiprpigtield twp., and bounded north by land of Margaret
Stacy, ea-t and sooth by the highway, and west by hinds
of H W Root and Dennison (fates. Containing lj acres,
more or lcs.-. all improved with a framed tavern house, a
framed bam and a blacksmith shop thereon.
ALSO All that certain lot of land situate yi Spring
field twp . and bounded north by lands of Dennison Gates,
east by land of H. W. Boot, south by tlie highway aud
weHl by iand of Nathan W. Potter: Containing 1J acres,
more <.r less, all improved with a framed store house
I thewon.
i The following lot of iand situate in Springfield
twp , aud bounded to wit : on the north by the highway,
pa-t by land of Nathan L. Yerkes south by land belong
ing to tlie estate of James Mattocks dee'd, and west by
lands ot Byron Guthrie. Containing 1 acre, more or less,
ail improved with a framed house, a framed barn aud a
lew Iruit trees thereon.
AlXO—Tlie following piece or parcel of land situate in
Fpringtiehl twp . and bounded on the north by land of
JiennlSfin Gates, ea-t by land of Byron Guthrie, south by
file highway, and west by the Baptist meeting house lot.
Containing i acres, more or less, ail improved witfe 2 ap
ple trees thereon.
Belzed and taken in execution at the suit of William
W. Chaniflipp vs. Hiram W. Root.
ALSO—The following lot of land sitnate in Asylum A
Towanda twp's. and bounded as follows ; on the north
by land of David Cash and Stephen Shiner, west by land
ot Stephen Shiner and A YY Dipiock. south by land of
A W Diniock and Jofin Mingos and west by land of John
Mingos and David Cash. Containing abont 62 acres,
more or less about 40 acres improved, 1 log house, with
1 oj plank additional framed barn with a shed attached, an
; apple orchard thereon and other fruit trees.
| Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Collins
Sutliff vs. J tunes Santee.
A LSO—The following lot. piece or parrel of land sitn
i ate in Columbia twp., hounded north by the public liigh
i Wy, east and south by hind of James Mot-gun. west by
the public highway. Containing one fourth of an acre,
more or less, all improved, one trained house and a lew
fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Towauda Borough, bounded north by land of M.
C. Mercur, east by Main Street, south by laud belonging
to the estate ot Daniel Yaudercook deceased, and Cor
nelius fJoovc.Wfsl by land of Cornelius Moore. Contain
ing about sixty feet front hy about seventy-live feet deep,
more or less, all improved, one trained hon.-e and the un
divided one of one framed barn thereon.
; Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Franklin
11. Person vs. John Morgan and Hosea Blood.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Well* twp..liomtiled north by land of Henry French
east by land of Alonco C. Noble and Allen Ay res, south
| by land of Jcsac Sliepard. west by land of Catherine
; Ayres. Containing one hundred acres, more or less,
| about seventy acres improved, one old log house with
I board shanty attached, one plank or framed house, a
j framed barn, a stable, and an apple orchard and other
I Iruit trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alvah
i Young to the use of J. C. Welles vs. Henry S. Lucas, ad
• miuistnitor of Uriah Lucas, deceased. .
| ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in South Creek twp., bounded north by land of ira
! Crane and Miles Roberta, east by land of Augustus Hill
man. south by land of William Evans and Martin Lyda,
west by land of Daniel Livens. Containing seventy-five
acres, more or less, about thirty acres improved, with a
Iramed house, a framed barn and a lew fruit trees thereon.
! Seized and taken In execution at the suit of If. T.
Thompson vs. Charles Crane.
I ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
late in Ridgbnry twp., bounded north oy land of I). 11. east by land of L. tames, south by land of
William Eastop, west by land of Charles Potter. Cou
. Mining one hundred aim five acres, more or tss. about
' seventy acres improved, with a framed house, a framed
barn, and a corn house, and au apple orchard thereon,
I and other fruit trees.
Seized nnd taken in execution at the suit of Aholiab
I Buck vs. Daniel Dewey.
' ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- '
I ate in Towanda liovo", bounded north by land of John O 1
Adams, east hy Main Street, south by land of John F. I
j Means, west hy an alley, being about fifty feet front, by
! one hundred and thirty feet deep, all improved, with a
i lew fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in
I Towanda Borough, hounded north hy land fSI Edwin Uol- j
lins and John If. Badger, east by an aliey, south by land j
of James Kinsman, west by the highway, or Second
Street. Containing about fifty feet front, by one hundred '
and thirty feet deep, all improved, one framed barn, one
framed house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John j '
Biedleinan to use of John Holmes vs. Adam Essenw ine.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- ■
ate in Litchfield twp., bounded north bv land James Dot- ,
ton and Jo n Codet.casl by land of William Merrill and '
Hiram Patch, south by land of James Randolph, west liv j ,
land of Ann J. Nciley and Julius Cotton. Containing j
seventy-nine acres, m ire or less, about six acres improved ,
with a saw-mill, an oar-shop, a part of a framed barn and J :
a few fruit frees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James T ;
Button t > the use of Selim Kirby vs. Ann J. Ncily, ad- |
minlstrator of Peter Nelly, deceased, and terre tenants. I
< ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ- j
ate in Litchfield twp., hounded west and north by land (
of Julius Cotton, east by land belonging to tlic estate of I
Peter Xcilcy, deceased,"south by the highway. Contain- '
ing one acre, more or less, all improved, with a framed
hou.-c and a part of a framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at Hie suit of Selim Kir- ' '
: by vs. Ann J. Xeily.
i ALSO—By virtue of a writ of I-ev. Fac., all that ocr- ,
tain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Rome tp. and ,
bou. ded as follows : beginning at the north west corner ;
! of a lot heretofore deeded to Smith Kinner. thence north t
1° eat 50 p. to the north west corner of a lot rnn out j
for (Icrshmn Towner, thence south S'J° east lt>7 p. and I
2-lOths to the soush east corner of the lot run out to G. :
Towner, thence south 1° west 50 p. to the north east j
I corner of the Kenner lot, thence north 89° east le7 p. and j
! 2-10ths to the place of beginning. Containing .id acres |
and 32 p. and the usual allowance, Ac., about 20 acres i
improved, one framed house; log barn and a few fruit 1
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William j
B. Clyiner. assignee of Vincent LeHay DcChaumont v.s
! Clark Baxter.
A LSO—Thejfollowing lot, piece or parcel of'and situ- j
ate in west Burlington tp., beginning at a chestnut oak. a
( corner on the wgst line of warrant No. 1199, and the 1
south west corner of lot No. 29, thence south 99° east :
i lis 310 perches to a post and stones on the west line of j
1 Charles Scoutons lot, thence south 154 1-10 perches to a i
post and stones, the northeast corner "f the Geo. Bell
I lot, thence north S9J west 122 1-10 perches to a post on j
! the west line of warrant 1 t No. 1.502. and being the N. j
IW. corner of said Ge- Bell, thence by the west line of ;
I warrant lots 1502 and 1499, north 1} east 154 1-10 perches j
jto the place of beginning. Containing 115 acres and
I 13s 2-10 perches, being part of warrant lots No. 1499 and |
1502, about 70 acres improved, one log house, one log s
i barn and an orchard of fruit trees tliereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. J. Ma
dill's u.-c vs. Charles Mead.
Sheriff's Office, January 4th, 1869.
Notice to IYrchi-trs. —To prevent misunderstand- ,
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriff's ;
sales will be'recjuired to pay the amount hid at the time <
| the land is solo, it lias become imperatively necessary !
to adopt this rule, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex- j
copt in cases,where the purchaser is a lien creditor and i
is entitled to the fund as pr vided in the Ist section ot j
the act of Assembly, approved April 20, lsiO. which is J
| as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate at >
{Orphans' Court or Sheriffs sale, shall appear from the
j proper record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
j shall te the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
! or other person'making such sale, to receive the receipt
, of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which
| he or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
j to be entitled to receive : Provided that this section shall j
not be so construed as to prevent the right of said Sheriff, j
! administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to dc-
I ntand and receive at the time of sale a sum sufficient to
cover all legal costs entitled to lie paid out of the proceeds
of said sale ; and provided further, that before any pur
chaser or purchasers shall receive the benefit of this sec
tion, he or they shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per
son so making said sale, a duly certified .statement from
the proper records, under the hand and officiai seai of the
proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor,entitled
to receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE Sarah Lone vs.
1 V Jackson /.ctris. In the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County, No. 330, February term. 1859.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of defendants
real estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the j
duties of his appointment, at his office n Towanda boro'
on FRIDAY, the 3d day ot FEBRUARY, i960, at 9
o'clock, A. M., at which time and place all persons in- ,
terested will present their claims or be debarred from
claiming any share of said fund.
January 2, 1860. Auditor.
XJI. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
state of JAMES WILCOX, late of Albany twp, deceased
must make immediate payment , and all persons having
demands against said estate will present them, duly au _
tbenticated for settlement.
January 4, 1860. Administrators.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
state of Wjl, H. MORELL, dechl.. late of F.lmira.N. Y ,
wp., are requested to make payment without delay ;
i and those having claims against the said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement. Claims
to be presented at the Office of John C. Adams, Towanda.
January 4,1860. Administrator.
of an order of thi Orphans' Court of Bradford
County, will be eiposed to public sale on the premises,
on SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, iB6O, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., the following described property, situated in the
township of Springfield, Bradford County, late the es
tate of Wafceman B. Hubbard, dee'd, late'of said
! wit: One lot. piece or parcel of land, bounded on the
j north by R. B. V oung. on the east by Wm. Hubbard, on
1 the south by John Harkness, on the west by R. B. Young
Containing fifty acres, fifteen acres improved.
Terras of sale, $5O on day of sale, and the balance on
confirmation of the sale by the Court.
j January 3, 1860. Administrators.
of an order of the Orphms' Court of Bradford
! County wili be exposed to public sa'e, on the premises,
on WEDNESDAY, the 22d of FEBRUARY next, at 2
o'clock, P. M., the following- property, late the estate ot
Z Knapp. deceased, to wit:—
The homestead farm of Z. Knapp, deceased, situate in
Wells township. Bradford County, bounded on the east
by WW- C Killgore and E. E. Dilliston, on the north by
E E. Dilliston, M. H. Carr. and Joel Jewell, on the west
by D. B. Fries, on the south by H. Swazey. Containing
about one hundred and thirty acres,with a dwelling house
shed, burn, and good apple orchard thereon.
Attendance given and terms made known on day Qf
sale A. W. KNAPP,
Wells, Jan. 24,1861, Executors.
tLea al.
GUARDIAN'S SALE.—By vlrtno of r.n
VA oruet of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County,
will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the 3d
day of FEBRUARY nest, at 1 o'clock. P. M., at the
lions* on parcel No. 1, tho following lota or parcel of
Land dimmed 1:1 Wyxliming townahip, and bounded and
described as follows, to wit:
Parcel iVo. I—Beginning at the north-east comer of
Lewis Biles' land, thence south 4 1-2° east 101 4-10
perches tn tue lot in possession of Jacob Strung, in right
or his wife ; thence north 40 3 cast 56 perches to an oak
corner ; thence south 76° east perches to a corner;
thence north 40° west no perches to a post; thence 50
perches to the place of beginning. Containing twenty
nine acres, about sigteen thereof improved, with a house
and a few fruit tre?s tVti-on.
Parcel -Y O. 2. -Beginning at a post on the west lir.e ct
Benjamin Lewis' land, at the cast comer of land of Mrs.
Jacob Strunk;; thence north 41° west 112 perches to a
corner; thence south 72° west 4-9 perches ; thence south 1
19. west CO perches to the north-east corner of parcel
No. 1 ; thence south 41° east 80 perches ; thence south
76° east 8 perches to tho place of beginning. Containing
' tircntv nine acres,with abont seventeen thereof improved
and a shop thereon. ' 1
To be sold as the property of the minor children and
heirs uf S. W. Biles, deceased. Terms.—One-fourth of the
purchase money upon confirmation of the sale, and the
balance one year thereafter. JANE 811 .ES,
Jantiaty 4." 1860. Omrdttß.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of MILTON M. BOSS, late of Springfield twp.,dee'd i
are hereby requested to make immediate payment,and all j
persons having claims against said estate will present 1
tlieiu duly authenticated for settlement.
January 11, 1860. Administrator ;
LICENSES. —Notice is hereby given that {
the following named persons have filed in the office 1
of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, their peti- j
tions iur license under the existing laws ot this Common- 1
wealth, and their seviaui applications w-iil be beard be- i
tore the Judges of tbe Court ot Quarter Sessions, on j
Monday, the 6th day of February next, at 2 „'clock in
tie atteruoon of '.aid day :
C. B. Swpnzey Jownnui Borough.
Ann Whafon. Wysox.
O.S.Morse Leltciy.
John Wilson . Windham.
Hiram Sherry Windham. I
Jacob Reel Athens township. 1
Theodore Hinea Wyalusing.
John Howard Wvalusing. '
George H. Esteß Towanda Boronrh.
Lemuel T. Noyce . Burlington Borough. 1
O.W. Nortlirup Pike.
S. W. Clark Athens township.
Hugh M. Holcomb, Lc-Rey.
Clark Tiuklium, Columbia.
J. M. Heed, Wye ox.
J. W. Spencer, Ridgebury. j
Mnj. Ilorton, Wilrcot. ,
S. W. Prentice, • lfonrcc Township, i
Itollin Wilcox, Albany, j
G. B. Mills, North Towauda. j ,
merchant nr.ALr.r. 1
Stephen Felton, Towanda Borough.
Mi. line! Walah, Athens Borough.
11. W. Noble. Towanda Borough, j
Thomas L. Woodruff Ridg'mry. 1
Clerk's Office. Jar.. 12,1500.
SHERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of a writ I
of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Com- .
inon Pleas or Bradford County, to me directed nnd deliv
ered, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House- '
in the Borough of Tswanda, on FRIDAY, tbe 13th dav 1
or JANUARY 1860, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following'
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Iltdgbury township, ;
lioinided a follows North by land of .Tared Hammond,
east by land of David Burt, south by land of James ;
Mitchell and west by land of James Steven-. Containing
70 acres more or less, about 25 acres improved, with a 1
Iramed house, a framed barn, an app e orchard and other
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. V.'ll
son vs. Jacob B. Mitchell.
Sheriffs Office, Dec. 18,*1S£3.
2\. is hereby given, that nil persons indebted to the i
ertate of HORATIO B. BO WEN, late of Warren twp., de
ceased, are hereby requested to make payment without 1
delay, and all persons having demands against -aid estate, ;
will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
DeremberTCl. 1853. Administrators. \
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE —Mcrpav Gripn \
i x vt. S. //. In the Conr't! Common l'lear, i
of Bradford County, No. lid, December term, 1t,67.
ALSO— IVtUs Ciiritlit vs. S. 11. AYirman. Ia the I
Court of Common Plca3 of Brdfoid County, No. 421,
February term, 1959.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed hy raid C urt ,
to distribute funds raised by R'aerifrs sale cl' real estate of
defendant, and to whom the Report made in this ease to
December term, 1959, was re-referred by said Court for a
further hearing, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at hi office in the Borough of'Tnwar.da. on THURS
DAY, tlie day of JANUARY,IBGO git 2 o'clock, I>. fl
at which time and place a:! persons intere-tec! are request
ed to present their claims or else be forever debarred Irom
the said fund. I*. D. MORROW,
December 15,1859. Auditor.
NOTICE—Notice is here-
J.J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
BENJAMIN I'. fcNYDEP., dee'd., late of Athens tp, must
make immediate payment, and al! persons having demands
against said estate, will present then duly au'i enticatcd
for settlement. AUGUSTA SNYDER,
August J9, 1633- JACOB REEL.
I?XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. —Notice is here-!
A.J hv given, that all persons indebted to the e?tate |
of Tlli'M AN M. BEACH, late of Rmithfield twp.. dee'd
must make immediate payment, and all persons having :
demands against, said estate will present tuein d.iiy an- !
theutteated for settiemeLt.
January 4, 1860. Executrix.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here-
A-J by given, tiiat ail persons indebted to the estate of
GEORGE SPALDING, late of Tuscarora township,dee'd.
are hereby requested to make pa3"ment without delay;
and all persons having claims against spid estate will
present tliern duly authenticated for settlement.
November 8,1953. Executor.
£ EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here-
J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
THOMAS BALDWIN late of Columbia township, de
ceased. are hereby requested to made payment without de
, lay, and all persons having demands against said estate,
will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
September 15,1859. Bxmiilwi.
; SALES.—By virtue of tt writ
G Vend. Expo, issued out of lire Court of Common
' T-ieas of Bradford County, to rcc directed and delivered,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House 111 the
Borough of Towanda. on FRlDAY,February 10, i960, at
1 o'clock P. M., the following It or land situate in
lington twp. and bounded on the north by land of Vathew
Betts. east by laud of Nancy Nichols an! A. M'Kcan
south by land of J. G. Loval'and, west by land of Jchn
Bloom and Mathew Betts. Containing three acres, tuyre
or less, about two and a half acres improved, one framed
house, one framed barn and a blacksmith shop thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James
Elliott, executor of the estate of William Gibson, dee'd.,
vs. Nancy Arthur.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- •
ate in Tuscarora twp., bounded north by land of John
and Patrick Mahoney, east by land of William Bush,
south by land of Andrew Neiley, west by land of John
Brown. Containing one hundred and sixty acres,more
or less, about eighty acres improved, one framed house,
two framed barns and an orchard thereom
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas E.
Brown vs. Samuel G. Shoemaker.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Tuscarora twp., bounded north by the public high
way, east by the line dividing Susquehanna and Bradford
Counties, south by the public highway and land of S. I*.
Maxfield. west by land of Reuben Mattison, Isaac Dexter,
and Harris Hogmoon and Sylvester Sturdcvant. Con
taining one hundred and eighty acres, more or less,
about forty acres improved,two framed houses,one trained
barn,saw-'ntilland an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Benjamin
Edwards vs. Henry 11. Hall.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Canton twp., bounded north and east by land of C.
S. Sellard, south by land occupied by R. H. Benson, west
by the highway leading-from Canton Village to Sullivan
County. Containing about two hundred square feet,
more or less, all improved, with a two story dwelling
house, outbuildings and fiuit trees th.ereou.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. W.
Colwell to the use of WoodUull & Co., vs. Josiah Fran-
Sheriff's Office. January 17. 1860.
is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the es
tate of SAMUEL C. ROWSE, late of Asylum twp., dee'd
are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
all persons.having claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for aettlernent-
i January 19.1660, Administrator.
T> EGISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is here
t\ by given, that there Mi been filed and titled 1n
the office of the Register of Witts, in and for theconply
of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow
ing estates, viz:
Final account of Alaiira Min'er.formcrlv Almira Onan,
administratrix ot John Onan, late of Athens township,
Final account of P. Forbes, guardian of Horace. John,
Ralph, James and Jacob Struble, minors of Richard
Strdble, deceased.
F;nal account of James Howky, ndminigtrator of
Dennis Pnrccll. lat c- of Illinois, deceased.
Final account of H.B. Grover, administrator ofClar
risFa (".race, late of Springfield, deceased.
Final account of Robert Pray, administrator of Eliza
fcpth J. Toner, late of Athens township, deceased.
Final account of M. AV. Wheelock, administrator of
Samuel Wheelock. l ite of Athens township, deceased.
I Finn! aeconnt of William J. Wigs ten, administrator of
i William VVigsten, late of Springfield, deceased.
And the same will be presented to tiie Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Mopday, the 3th day of Februa
ry next, for confirmation and allowance.
J A Id, US y. WEBB, Register.
Register's OlTrc, Jan. 4, l*i!0.
JLi ARY Term and Sessions, IhCO.
Asylum -Harry Benjamin. Bidgbnry—William 0- Gun-
Albai\y—O. 11. Emery. saiulas.
Burlington west —Win. Bal- Rome—O. F. Young
lard. -she-bequin—E. W. Gillett,
Canton—A. M.Mix, Andrew Williani B. lloiton, Isaac
Crandall. Young.
Granviile—l,on n D Fleming Springfield -Rob't Bardweit
Herrick— Charles l'latt. Towanda l>ro — J F. Means.
Litchfield—Silas B. Farmer Terry—Charles Vial!.
Mr nroe tp—W. W. Irvine. Wysox—Jesse Allen. J. P.
Pike—Abel Moore, Chandler Spalding.
Brink, Simeon Warren— Ira W. Corbin.
11. Weed. I
Athens tp—G W Plummer. [Pike— 11 repper.T Brink.
Albany—Lewis Jones. [Rome—DStevens, G Avery,
Asylum—J M Bishop. Dan i J Chaffee.
ill O Holland, I) L slate r :Springfield—A Bally J, Paul
Burlington west—Fß Furman. H GiMis.
Cantor,—-Sulilvun Hicknl. Sheshequin—G E Lent, Wm
1 Williams. Tv B ithwcii. Ldpeucb.
Columbia— l hilo Bes'ey, FjSmlthfieM-AT Alien, An-
Newbury. j gustos Phelps.
Granville— Wni Buayon. ;Te:ry—J L Junes, J Strong,
Herrick —J Beaumont, AE | U Terry.
Brown. [Troy tp—LT Loom!'.
Leitoy— C Ilurtmr.n. i Warren —Tho's Jones.
Orwell— A Harrow, Uyrox. i Wyalush.g—D C SeoviU.
Beecher. 'AV.iadbam —C Walker.
Athena tp—DS Brown. lOvcrton—C Deifenbacb.
Albany—Alexander English Pike—A 3 Beardsley, tV F
Burlington boio—ll l'uliz. Bobbins.
Burlington tp— K Pruynt. J Come—S Lent. J F.reanback
Campbell. .Ridgbury—ftufue C lloely.
Burlington west—o B West .south Creek—J Dunham.
; : : ringfleld—J L" Grace. Jr.,
Crnton—F G Manlt-y. j II il Howe.
Columbia—J strong". Albion Yowacda boro—Geo E Fox.
Budd, Myron Ballard, Pi " i.oith—L M Nye.
Lille. y. ' iWarren —j D Burhank, John
Frauk'.i f.'.erri M"ec. j Sleeper, I. Anti-dole.
Herrick—PC Angle. jiA'inuham—LTurhush.
T ell v— 111 Pali >.r. tWvnhr-firg—J Stailord, Geo
Mm roe hoi R H Richard.}
Orwell—G CFrisbie. E Ball I Wysox—V.' Lewis E Wood.
of nu order of the Orphans' Court "1 Bradford
County, will be to public sale, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Towanda. on SATURDAY.
February 4th. 1 o'clock I'. M., the billowing da
scribed property, situated in Asylum township, Bradford
County, to v. i : Ail the south half of that certain piece
or parcel of laud, begimpqg at a stake cdVncr of lot No.
4, surveyed to Janus Cuipin'ings, thence west 200 perch
es, tlie-nle south CO p. to a pmit. thence east 2CO p. to a
pot iie;.i a small creek, thence north (10 p. to the piaco
ot beginning. 'i lie said premises containing fifty acres,
more or less, wit hoot improvement, except that about
lour acres has been chopped over. Sold as the property
of Michael Croek Cec'd. Attendance given and terms known on the day of sale by A. J. NOBLE.
Janutirv 10, 1360. Administrator
Trial List for February Term; 1860.
690 Sept. 1950 G Hewitt's use vs. JII& H S Rhinney.
103 Sept. 1348 0 P Bailard vs Treat Shoemaker et al.
355 Dec. 1-55 1 Smith vs. Sam. Keilum et al, Tre°.
179 Feb. 1856 El' Ballard et al. vs s Hay den. Case.
4C3 Dec. " Jl3 Buck vs. I-*aic l'almcr, Appeal.
479 " " r srce vs. same
2113 May 1857 II Owen vs. p. nape man. et al. Tress.
Rfs •' * " S C Means use vs. H Willey et al. Apl.
243 Feb. 1- j3 JessC Spalding vs. O Rickey, Debt.
2': 1 Feb. I*>s6 Fame vs. John Arthur, Case.
4.13 " " GII Vandyke vs. I*. P. Sweet et. a!.
373 May 1553 BF T. yh>r et. al. vs. M Wilcox, Tress.
4CI " " V.'m Woodville Ac. vs. M Bobbins. EJ't.
574 " " F G XJanlcy vs. state MT & fir" 1 ins Co.
('97 •' " Ransom Ada v. JAY Sweet, Appeal.
fiS9 Sept. " II 1 Shoalts vs. B Ostc-rhout. Appeal.
597 " " J B.ittersou Ac. vs. A K Ax!ell. Case.
" • II Owens vs I) Hopewix, et al. Eject.
743 " " HM Monro ACo v-. J AVrlcott, S. F.
572 " " AV A G-.stin vs. W S Dobbins, Appeal.
884 " " PJ! Moore vs. Thoo. Brink 2nd, *"
385 " " A Alger vs. Jos. Seeley t-t. al. Eject.
9-13 " " J L Gorsline et al vs J Granger et ai.
l(iC3 " •' .1 L Gcrsline vs A J Gorsline et al.
143 Pec. " Barclay BRACCo vs S L Fowler.
150 •' " John hurt's use vs A L Smith, Debt.
309 " " Z A unable Ac vs CN T Sbipman Act
353 " " ( has Cliatfee vs Lewis Horton, Tress.
390 " " B F Ripley vs Hiram Spear, Debt.
403 i " " • S& J Tinstall vs M Mey'.ert et al. Debt.
490 " " 11 M Moore ct al. vs A B Smith, Debt.
493 " " M Mcintosh vs B L Knights, Appeal.
GLS " " Jas Simmons vs Wm Gibson Ac App.
146 Feb. 1559 French A Taylor vs WII II Brown Ac.
147 " •' J 'c AY .I Woodward vs same
319 " " W. Bingham Ac vs J Farkncss, Ejct
491 " '• A Ilarvey vb SAY Paine,
471 " " S AVjckliam vs J Gordon. Appeal.
t'3 May " Geo AA' Russel vs Bronghtnn Good sell.
95 " " Mary Sill's use vs Hall A Russell. Tr.
322 " " Wcilcß A Harris vs. Hor. Howie, S- F.
353 " '* T Bossworth ct al vs JKB >swiirth EJ.
375 " " Burton Kingsbury vs 1' Gor-line et 'al.
5 5 2 " " Maria Child vs A*E Child, Tresspass.
551 " " Nat Smith vs Asa A\ r Chadwick Ac Tr.
592 " " John Rindall vs AA'm M'-Carty, Tress
liis Sept. " AVolies A Ackley vs HAY AViicox Ac.
195 " '• J H Phinucy vs state m'l AMa ins Co.
332 " " E AA'ormlcy s use vs D T Marphy, EJ.
3~9 " " The Com'th of Pa vs M Ayrcs et al.
536 " " Jno E Geigc-r vs H A Carey, S. F.
554 " " K B Stone vs AA'm Williams, Debt.
731 " ' Jas C AVest vs Geo I, NichoD.
753 " " Jos Lee vs Samuel Quimby, Tressnaai.
hIS " t " John Lantz vs Joliti H.uisou. Deb;.
! 825 " " John Ingham vs Z Esselstine ot ah
[9. 6 " " M O'Suliivan vs A V Trout, Eje'-tinent
I 947 " " D ivid Barber vs C Harsh. Appeal.
9C.9 " " D R Blgckmaa et al vs E lloiton, Apl.
Bubprnnn's for February Term ,
! If 10, returnable on Monday, February 13th, lsiiO, at 19
o'clock in the forenoon.
ALLEN McKF.AN. Prothonntary.
is horci r giv. n. that all persons indebted to the
estate o: STEPHEN BEE MAN, late of Tuscar >ra, dee'd
are hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and a'.l persons having claims against the said estate will
please present theia dulv authenticated for settlement.
January 2G, 1c59. Administrator.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE— Notice i>lieie
llJ by given, that ell persons indebted to the es
tate ot ORANGE BOSAVOKTR, late of Pike twp. dee'd.
are hereby reque.-ted to make paymetit without delay,
and ail persons having claims against said estate, will
.present than dulv authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 26, DC9 BETSEY BOSAVORTH ( _ __
DISSOLUTION. —T!e co-partnership liere
toforo existing between the subscribers under the
firm of CULP A KiRBY, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The books, notes, accounts, and other obiiga*
tions and papers belonging to said firm, are now in the
hands of JEftE CULP for settlement.
Ail accounts and notes overdue on the Ist day of Feb
ruary next, will be put in course of collection without re
spect to persons. Until that time Grain,. Sheep Pelts and
Hides will be received in payment.
Towanda, August 1,1-59. J. I'. KIRBY.
Will hereafter carry on the HARNESS ANI) SAPDLK
BUSINESS, in ail its various blanches, at the old tand
of Gulp A Kirby. where lie solicits a continuance of the
patronage hitherto enjoyed. A large stock ot Ready Made
articles and materials will lie kept on hand, and every
exertion made to deserve the favor of the public.
PERMANENTLY located in Towanda.-
Office No. 5. Brick Row, over 11. AY. NOXU.ES' Store.
Entrance one door south of Tracy A Moores. dec.l tfi.
/^AUTlOX.—Whereas, my wife ELIZA
\J BETH has left my bed and board without any just
cause or provocation, this Is hereby to caution all per
sons front harboring or trusting ber on my account, aa I
shall pay no debts other contracting.
Terry. Dec. 19,1359. GEO. JOHNSON.
TIT" ANTED.— In exchange fur good*, Outs.
T Y Rye, Wheat, Rarlev. Buckwheat Ac Ac.
Oct. 1,1359. HUMPHREY A wicjchaw.