The Extension of the Chenango Canal - Report of the State Engineer & Surveyor. ©ypicn or TIIE STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, ) ALBANY, January 10, 1859. f To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of .\ew York : The undersigned, in the obedience to the Act chapter 88, Laws of 1 requiring of the State Engineer and Surveyor an examina tion, survey, &e., of a line for the extension of the Chenango Canal from Binghainton to the State line near Athens, would respectfully eabmit the following HKPHRI In proceeding under the Act, on the first i day of July last, I appointed Orville W. Childs, Esq., a civil engineer, to the general supervision of the surveys, estimate?, and f" other duties involved. A party was organiz ed aud the surveys were made the past season, ! the estimates have since been completed, and the report of the Engineer is hereunto annex ed, from which it appears that the length of the line, as located, or the new work necessary to complete the extension as contemplated by j the Act is 38 48-100 miles, and its estimated i cost is $829,483,21. The report fully describes the line, and the character and extent of the work, required to be done, to complete the extension, and gives evidence of the care and skill bestowed,as well iu making the surveys, as the estimates of its cost. After crossing the Susquehanna at Bingbam ton, in the pool of a dam, the line is wholly inland through a country generally favorable for the construction of a Canal, except at seme points where high land compelled a location along the shore of the river, rendering protec tion wall nece3sarv. From a personal examination of the ground previous to the survey, and a careful review of the estimates, I am of the opinion that the amount reported as the cost of constructing the Canal is as correct as is practicable, and with no material increase of the price of pro visions, materials and labor above those of the past season, on which the estimates are based it is believed it would proye sufficient to com plete the work on the plans alluded to in the Report, which are substantially the same as those adopted in the orginal construction of the Chenango Canal, and which I consider more practical and economical, having regard to the extent of business, &c., titan any other. In the estimate of the probable increase of business that would result from the construc tion of the extension Canal, a more northern traffic in coal from the Wyoming and Barclay mines, and the transporation of ore and lime stone from the Chenango Valley south, is main ly relied upon. The ability of the proprietors bf these mines to compete successfully in this and other north ern markets with coal from other sources, is fully discussed in the Report, and favorable conclusions arrived at. Return freight of ore to the numerous iron works requiriug it, and limestone for agricultural and other domestic uses, would tend to reduce the cost of transpor tation and increase the freight and thereby add materially to the tonnage of the Canal. From a visit to tiie Barclay Railroad and Coal Company's works, in July last, it appear ed obvious that this company 1J prepared to do a much larger business that they have hith erto done. This Iload appeared substantially built and in good order ; the fixtures at the mines and facilities for mining are quite feet, and sufficiently extensive to enable the Company to forward a large amount of coal, and with great economy. Their coal is seini bitminous, and said to be quite free from sul phur, and other impurities which affect un favorably some other bituminous coais.— Although the operations to any considerable extent are of comparatively recent date, as far as the coal has been tested it is said to sustain a good reputation. Sufficient time, however, has not elapsed to enable the Company to in troduce it as extensively, and to establish for it the reputation to which it is probably just ly entitled. The coal of the Wyoming Valley is anthra cite, and of good quality. The collieries are quite numerous and favorably situated with reference to convenient shipment of coal on on the North Branch Canal. The tables contained in the Report show the quantity of coal shipped frotu the mines on to the State Canals at Elmira, and the quantity that has entered the State at ail the other points, and the per cent of increase from year to year since 1849. They also contain other information relating to the coal trade of this State, and of Pennsylvania, which furnish a fair basis for estimating the probable future increase in the traffic of this article, and the increased amount of ore, limestone, Ac., that would be taken from the former, for use in the latter State. The method adopted, and the calculations employed in estimating the probable increase cf business, are fully stated in the Report, and the deduction, showing that the business of the extension together with the increased busi ness that its construction would furnish to the other State Canals, would be sufficient to pro duce a toll of $40,927,68, appear to be consist ent and judiciously made. The extension of the Chenango Canal would form an important connection of'the Canals of this State, and those of Pennsylvania, as well in facilitating the interchange of the art'cles of coal, Ac , above referred to, as the numer ous other articles for which a demand would be created, and that would, through this chan nel, be supplied. The growing importance of the coal trade is indicated by the annual increase in the quantity, and the gradual diminution in the prices of the coal that has hitherto entered the State ; and with these borne in mind also that this extension Canal would, if constructed, lie in the line, and wouid open a communication, the most direct, between the coal fields of Pennsylvnnia and the markets that will be furnished to a large portion of the eastern and midd'e, and the whole northern New York, —and that a large proportion of the articles of coal and lumber would pay toll on a dis tance over six times greater, and ore and limestone on a distance three times greater than the length of the extension Canal—its capacilities, were it now constructed, of pro ducing tolls, and its future importance, it is believed, would be more fully conceded. VAN R RICHMOND. State Engineer <§- Surveyor. The Democratic Convention of Ken tucky declared against Douglas and his dis tinctive doctrines. Douglas' friends claimed this State for him. It demands security for slavery in the Territories, until they become Slates, by Congressional aid if necessary. The Convention of Alabama was still more ultra, and threatened disunion pretty emphatically. Thos is sectionalism dividing the Democracy. A New Kind of Justice. Considerable prominence is given in some of the political journals to the case of one Cran gale, who was arrested in Georgia upon the charge of uttering incendiary sentiments. — With the political aspect of the case we have nothing to do. We leave that to those who traffic in politics, It is said that the man Craugaie was most illegally and wantonly used j in being arrested, impri. soiied and tried upon j false and baseless testimony. However that j may have been we shall not inquire. But i there was a feature of the case that strikes us as moat ©xtraordiuary, if uot most barbarous. ! Upon bis trial after his incarceration in Jail, j he was acquitted. The proof utterly failed to convict him. Even in the excited state of the i public mind in that locality he was at once acquitted of the charge of having " uttered Abolition sentiments," and thereby tending to excite insurrection or disorder. And yet he was charged the cost and expenses of his ar rest and incarceration, and was made to re main in jail till he paid them This, in this age and country, is the most extraordinary jndgment that we have ever heard given We have heard of the kind of law that the Dutch Justice of the Peace, in Kindeihook, laid down in former years. When a jury found against the plaintiff, and the payment of the Justices' fees was imperilled thereby, that dignitary is said to have made the jury pay his fees, and to have assessed the charges of the jury upon the constable who could have been such a fool as to have summoned such a jury. But this Georgia case eclipses that in originality of device and barbaritf of ex ecution. If such be the law then it is cer tainly time, for the honor of the State and the credit of the age, that it be wiped out. To imprison an innocent man and then, upon his acquittal, make him pay the expenses of his confinement, is certainly a measure of in justice that 110 christian people should be guil ty of, at least in this country.— Albany Times. A VERY BLACK VETO— We have received the Message of Gov. Black of Nebraska, ve toing the bill prohibiting Slavery in that Tei ritory. It is long and elaborate, and attempts a good deal of hard work. One of the small jobs undertaken in it is to review and refute Mr Justice Curtis's argument delivered on the occasion of the Dred Scott 'decision. This, the reader must naturally think, would require considerable space, at leost. That, at least, the Governor gives to it. But we only de sign to call the attention to the main point in the Message. The Governor admits that the organic act allows the people of the Territory to manage their domestic affairs in their own way. But then he says the case turns on the question, " Who are the people of Nebraska?" He denies that their representatives in the Territorial Assembly are the people referred to in the organic act. or that these represen tatives have any power to act for the people in the case. This is the latest form of Popular Sover eignty that we have heard of. Could anybody but the smallest sort of a pettifogging lawer have ever dug up an argument so contemptible as this? The people of a Territory want an acts passed to probil it Slavery. Thtj elect a Legislature to pass it, and the Legislature en act the law. As soon as this is done, the Gov ernor comes down with his veto, and kills the bill on the grouu 1 that it was not the people ■who acted on the subj ct-—it was only their representativi s in the legislature ? He makes no pretense that tiiose representatives are not unanimously backed by their constituents, but aims to shelter himself under the subteifuge i hut the Representatives of the people arc uot the people. On the whole, wc think this is about the most impertinent slap in the face the people have ever received from any of the tricky politicians engendered in the slime of Lecoiup touism.— Tribune.. RECOVERY OK lION. GTRRIT SMITH. —The Boston Traveller publishes the following ex tract of a private letter, received in that city, from Petcrhoro', New York : " You will be happy to learn that Gerrit Smith has returned home ; that his health is fast improving ; that, though weak, he is pLr feetly sane, and taiks freely on all the great events which have transpired ; sleeps well,and has a good appetite ; rides and walks every day, but avoids reading and writing ; does not receive company as yet, because his strength is not great. He is, however, rouod the vill age as nsual, ministering to the wants of the sick and poor. His temporary alienation of mind his physicians declare to have been caus ed solely by physical disease, in which acute dyspepsia was most apparent, and his complete restoration to full vigor of mind and body is considered a certainty. G. P. P." The Albany Evening Journal, in an article in reference to the position of parties in Con gress, remarks as follows : " There is no doubt the Republicans have a score of men in the House competent to fill the Speaker's chair. But only one can occupy it. The majority of the Republican members have selected Mr. Sherman as that one. No other man, of any party, has received nearly as many votes on any ballot. It is not his friends,there fore, who are responsible for the delay in the organization ; but the scattered and fragment ed Democracy—whose only power consists it wasting time by long speeches, and iu scatter ing their votes upon one another." COAL BCRNING LOCOMOTIVES. —There are now seven coal burning engines in use on the New York and New Haven Railroad, and it costs only about half as much to perform the same amount of labor with them now as when they brirnt wood. The Providence and Wor cester Railroad burns nothing but coal, and has materially reduced its fud expenses. Ten years ago the cost of fuel on this road was $47,000 per annum ; last year, using coal ex clusively, the expenditure on this account was but $20,000. Wc understand that coal burn ing engines are now being constructed for the Central Railroad. Notwithstanding all the non-intcrcourse threutenings, the New Yoik corresponnent of the Philad. Ledger says Southern merchauts are coming on just as usual. DEATH OF BISHOP SEVBERT. —The Rev. John Seybcrt, senior Bishop of the Evangelical As sociation, died near Bellevue, Ohio, recently, in the 09th year of his age. JOHN E. FRYE, a member of the Mnssachn setts Senate, is said to be implicated in certain forgeries recently delected, and has resigned his seat. srab(ort ilqjortcr. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA: Thursday Morning, January 26,1860. TERMS — One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice xvill be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be slopped. CLUBBING — The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely loir rates : 6 copies for 45 00 ]l5 copies for... .112 00 10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r.... 15 00 ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines or less, One Dollur for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, ,o4, were presented and ordered to be paid by the Treasurer. Tlie Society then proceeded to receive reports of cases : Dr. ALLEN reported a case of Glanders, contracted from a horse. Also a case of disease of the Modulary Canal of the Fetuor, cared by amputation. Also a case of Abscess of the thigh. Dr. HOLMES, a highly interesting case of fracture of the thigh bone within the Capsular Ligament. This case terminated fatally-at the end of fourteen weeks, from the exaustiug effects of a Carbuncle, aff>rding the doctor an opportunity to exarn'ne the condition of the fracture and proenre the upper half of the femor for exhibition which was examined by the members and pronounced a fracture entirely within the capsule and united in part by ossiflic matter. Dr. HORTON, a singular case of Ferriferousf!) Stricture in a man aged about forty. Dr. HOMKT, a case of Compound Comminuted Fracture of the leg. Dr. MOODY, a case of diseased lung, with absesscs iu the side and discharge of small concretions resembling raspberry seeds, and recovery of the patient. Dr. PARSONS, a case of Stone in the Bladder. Dr. TRACY, a case of Compound Dislocation of the Ancle Joint, andrfcoveiy without amputation. Dr. AI.LEN then read an Essay upon the " Influence of tlie Atmosphere upon disease." The subject of Typhoid Fever was then called up and discussed by Drs. ALI.KN. AXTELL, HOMET, MORTON, MA SON, PARSONS, TRACY and HOLMES. Dr. HOKTON, offered the following resolution : Retoltcd, Tint Hon. D. Ik' I.LOCK he regarded an hon orary member of this Society. • On motion the subject of Rheumatism was selected for discussion at the next meeting. Drs. MADII.L and TRACT were appointed Essayists. The members with their ladies aud other invited guests then responded to the invitation of Dr. ALLEN and Lady and p irt >ok of their h npit ilities in a sumptons and ele gant entertainment, and after a few remarks by Rev. Mr. Conss and Hon. D. BULLOCK, the Society adjourned to meet in Towanda, May 9th, 1860. 0;i Tuesday evening last, we bad the pleasure of listening to a Lecture on tho " Ocean," by Mr. BENTLET of New York State. Mr. B. is a young man of promise and ability, and his effort was highly entertaining and instructive. He was listened to through out with profound attention by his auditors, and uniting the rare qualities above referred to. it was also we'll de livered. We regret the want of space to notice it more particularly and we heartily commend the gentleman to those before whom he my have occasion to appear in future. A RI N OFF AXDSMASH UP. —On Thursday last Mr. PIIILLFS, of the township of Wells Pa., came to Ehnira with two wagon loads of butter, which he disposed of, and had just crossed the Luke Street Bridge on his way home by the river road, when the horses attached to the waggon in the rear became frightened from some cause, and in turn frightened the forward team, when both teams started oft at a furious rate, upsetting he wagons, and throwing out Mr. PHILLIPS and son. Both wagons, we learn, were badly damaged, and Mr. PUIL- Lirs seriously hurt. 4 J9* Strychuine is still doing its work in our county. We hear that an Irishman named JOHN O'DAY, drank a tumbler full of gin at Blossburg a few days ago, and died in a few minutes afterwards. We hear of other instances of death and disaster resulting directly from the use of poisoned liquors ; but not having the particu lars we cannot publish them.— XVtlUboro Agitator. D. L & W. R. R. Co.—We see it stated that this company are now seriously considering the pro jeet of an extension of their road frjiu its present ter minus, at (ireut Bend, to the southern terminus of the Ithaca R. R., at Owcgo. The distance intervening is 3u miles. Jt is thought that if the connection were per fected, the receipts of the road would be materially in creased . MASONIC.—A new Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No. 194, was constituted in this place on the 12th inst., by D. D. G. H. P., E. O. GOODRICH, of To wanda, assisted by several members of the Chapter at that place. Tlje oftjeers instijleij are ROUT. SIMPSON, H P., WM. Brn,Bß, K.; ALOXZO HOWI.AND, S. ; T. B. BRYDF.N, Secietary ; WILLIAM ROBERTS, T. The time ot meeting is Thursday evening on or before the full moon. H'elhboro Agitator. #5?" GODEY S UADY'S Boos for February is on our table. IVhoneyer we open this njodel Magaaine for the ladies, we copfess to a feeling of supppsp at the indefatigable industry, coupled with the youthful taste which ever characterizes it. Godey never tries, but con tinues as in days long agone to make the best periodical of the kind in the country. The fashion plates, the il lustrations, the reading matter, all are of the first order —while " In Time of War,"' with the touch ug story ac companying it, alone aye worth the cast of the uuiobcr. BOROUGH ELECTION — At the election HELD this Borough ou Friday last, the following persons WTRT EWFTED r— *1 Tinm Council-J. M-COLLI SS, B. F. POWELL. Constable —A. J.K'OBLE. High CtnstaUc— G. H. ELTON. School ItirrcloM— P. D. Molt ROW, Is ALL' 3* ALL* v. Oct esters of thePoor — C. K. I*ADO. WILLIAM MIL. Justice of the JVtrv— W. C. 800 ART. Jutfge— EDWARD OVERTON, JR. Inspectors —H. L. LAMEKEUX, 11. J- MAIIILL. Auditor —X. !F. BRM. WE shall publish a complete list of Townsliip Office* ELECTED on Frfclay U-T, soo® AS ft can tie INURED fr-,* the return.?. We find the following jcu d' esprit i n the Evening Post. The author seeins to hate A RRALIIIN, SENSE of the danger to which hi* countrymen are EXPOS when they vtntuwr to tee Tor IhcnweJves the fceautiei of the " peculiar institution."' Tlie experience of CRASOAU and others will add force to the warning : BIDDY O , FLAHERTY , S OPIWION OF THE SOUTH. BV CorISBT. Arran. Paddy, my jcwil. don't go to the Sowth. For an Irishman there dare not open hi* mouth ; IF a word about lingers he'd happen to say. They would lynch him at once, without any delay. If he lacked for a coat, they'd not let him go far, Without giving him one made of feathers and tar ; And they'd give him still more without thinking it wrong, Such as thirty -nine laslie* to he'p bim along. You may talk of this country, the land of the free. But such freedom as that don't exactly snit me ; And sooner much longer this way to lemaiu, 1 would rather go hack to oulJ Ireland again. TOWASDA, Pa., IK6O. We are indebted to a friend in tlie I". S. Mint for specimens of the dime, half dime and cent coined for ISCO. The difference in the two former from the old issue, is the change in tlie figure of Liberty ; the w Tds " United State* of America" are placed around it instead of the thirteen stars in the old coin. On the re verse side is a wreath of corn leave* in bloasom. Thcrt is also a slight change in the wreath upon the cent. The coins present a marked improvement, and show an ad vance in artistic skill. fey Don't fonret the meeting cf the Teach ers' Association at the Ackley SCHOOL house in Tnsrarnra, on Friday, the IMb of Feb, commencing at 10 A.M. Formal notice will appear next week. MASONIC —The R. W. Grand Master has appointed G. 11. BI LL as hi* Deputy for the ICth District, composed of the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wyoming and Sullivan . The M. E. High Priest has appointed E. O. GOODRICI, as hi* Deputy for the Masonic District composed of Brad ford and Lycoming counties. FIRE IN TIOGA. —The OWEJJO Gazelle men tions the burning of a bam, on Pipe Creek, some turn miles from Tioga Center, on Sunday evening last, and the arrest of tlie supposed incendiary, against whom there seems to be quite conclusive evidence. The lam was }he property of Mrs. HANNAH LEONARD, A widow. AGRICULTURAL N OTICE —An adjourned mret ing of the Bradford County Agricultural Society will be held at the offi e of W. €. Bo gait, in the borough of T iwsnda, on Monday, Feb. stli L-BJO, at 3 o'clock I'. M., to complete the unfinished business of the last annual meeting. By order Ac. W. C. BOG ART, Sect'y. Fir.r.—The Methodist Episcopal Pnrsonnpe at T Corners, in Wyoming County , to ok firefrom a stove pipe last Thursday, and was burned down. It was occupied by Itev. P. Holbrook, who lo*t a portion of his furniture. B@u We are indebted to L. M. DEVJOTT, travelling agent, for several numbers of the Illustrated "Life and Times of Washington." We have already spoken of the beauty and value OF this highly interesting book. Tiic typo gr.phical execution Is unsurpassable, while the steel engravings are of the first order. Mr. D. also supplies the other publications of the house of John son, Fry & Cc., New York. AN EQUIVOCAL COMPLIMENT. — We had the pleasure, a few days since, of paying a visit to lII'C.U YOUNG, editor of the Tioga Agitator. He makes the following complimentary (?) allusion to our good look*: BAY We had the pleasure on Friday last, of a VISIT from E. 0. GOODRICH Esq.. editor of the Brad ford Reporter. We had supposed lion to be a gray haired veteran, and were agreeably surprised to find bim to he J not a great deal older, and nearly as good looking as out-self. Success to hint, always. al ii AI J AT the residence of the bride, in Rome, Dcc.lSth.lS.l L, by elder Smith Lent. Mr. A. B. YANCISE, Jr., of SHE shequin, to Miss E. MARSH. AT the residence of the bride, in Windham , Dec. 25th. BY the same, Mr. HIBAM WILSON to Mi** M. E. REY NOLDS. January 1 Oth . at the house of Mr. Harry Bailey, by Rev. GMNair.Mr. OUR I.N' I'. WOOSTF.It, OR LC Roy, to Miss SYBIL BAILEY, of Granville. DIED, In LcTtoy, Jan. 20th, of consumption, LUCY wife of JON RICKEY, aged about 40. EDWIN T. BUTLER & CO. Importers and Jobbers in Jfaitcn ©oobs & Jhnhee potions, Paper Hangings, Jewelry. Trunk*, Ac., PTO 316 BHO AD WAY, NEW YORK. "V C inibs, Suspenders, Fins, Skirt*, Buttons, Cutlery, Needles Whalebone Brushes, Stationary, Hooks and Eyes, B isora*. I'hjeads, Soaps, Whips. _ Collars, Sewing Silks, Periumcry, Forte Monnaies, Braids, AO. *T ALBERT J. SMITH will I; happy to see the Mer chants OL Bradford County at the above house. A WASIIINGTOX BIFvTII DAYBALL l\. will lie given at the " Exchange House." V later on Wednesday, February 2-D. 1860. KENDALL'* Full Band, will furnish the Mu-ic, and everj- exertion will be p it forth to make the party a pleasant one to all who may attend. Bill $2.00. JAMES HUNT, Ulster, Jan. 2l>. Proprietor. The First Room, Second Floor, PATTON'S BLOCK, IS THE place where Gentlemen's and Ladies' . Boots and Shoes are made to order and warranted, at the FOLLOWING prices — French Sewed Boots $.: French Fine Pegged Boots $4 Best Kip Boots witli three out: soles $.'1..">0 ; Coarse Boots 2 1 V5 : Ladies Sewed Kid Boot* with heels $1,50; French Calf $1,50. the same pegged $1.25; Slippers Boftornet} lor ,5 cents. Repairing done cheaper than at any other place in town. GR All work warranted. Towanda, Jan. ID, Is6o, THOM AS ROSS. fM'Y H WATKINS. J TTOIINEYAT VT I.A IV. TOWANDA. PA. Office opposite L-aporte, Mason A Co. Collections made UIIL| REMITTED with promptness. Towanda. January 2.1 SCO. SO Ma WITH BALDWIN,HILL