farmer's gfjartmcut. [From the Paimei ar.d Gardener] Take Care of the Imp'omeata. Ms. EDITOR Ex..ti.i;-a MowingEatliiiu a days since, I observed, painted upu.j a conspicuous part of it, the word*, " Keep x,-.vr knives sharp." The manufacturer had, I pre sume, learned to kuotv that very mm y of the failures on the part of farmers to make their mowing mach tus wotk i>atiefactorily, proceed ed froru & want of attention to the injunction contained in the four words so cons-pcuously painted upon the machine. It seems strange any such admonition should be necessary, but " facts are stubborn things," and it cannot be denied that'oo little attention is given to door out in pitirents.wl ei in use,or when not inure. No nation expends so much money for imple ments as the American, and none so careless of them. In fact, tl e purchase of improved implements is one of the heaviest taxes impos ed upon tss ; but it is tqually clear that we double our taxation in this particular by our abuse of them. The leisure season of the fur trer is at h n', and this the proper time,there fore, to direct their at tent ion to this matter Where shall they begin ? With the first tool or implement they meet after reading this.— It they have done with plowing and harrowing fer the season, let evtry plow.hrrrow, and cul tivator be taken to the implement house, pre suming of course, that every well conducted farm is provided with one of these indispensa bles. Every shovel, hoe, apade, or rake should be similarly cared for, and the first leisure hour, or rainy day, appropriated to putting them in proper order for the use at any mo ment. By this I mean that every part of every tool should be carfully examined ; every nnt and bolt should be seen to ; the adhering dirt should be washed from both iron and wood work ; and this should be done before the bright or polished parts, as mold boards, Ac., begin to rust. Apply a little tallow or oil to these parts ; procure some good oil paint,(the be6t its the cheapest,) and give a coat of it to every part of the wood-work. One coat of paint is worth half a dozen of varnish,at least such vanish sis is usually applied to agricul tural implements. Examine the mowing ma chine knives, file or grind out the nicks, put a good edge on them, and alter oiling them to i prevent rust, lay them carefully aside. Re- i move all the gummed oil from the glaring and journals of your mowers, thrashers, corn shel ters, Ac.; have the blunted harrow teeth taken to the Smith and pointed, and do not forget ! to have the plowshare laid anew, and the cut- j ler of the plow sharpened. In a word, have j every thing in such order that it will be readv j when wanted. This, properly attended tr.wil save to one half of the annual outlay for imple ments. Try it for one season, and my word for it the system will be adopted by every one w ho has any disposition or desire to economise Lis expenditures. ABXER BROOKS. ARE TOR TROCBLED WITH RATS. —What re-I ply do you make to the foregoing query ? I None 1 presume, as none but " human ruts" ' nre ever found about a printing or editor's office, j The fare is to slender for the four-legged de predators. Well, perhaps some of your reader? arc annoyed by them, and are desirous of gel ting rid of the pests. Some years ago I was much troubled with j rats. Every part of my premises was over- | rnn with them. Cats were *' 1,0 whar," dogs , could'nt touch them ; and as forshooting them that was out of the question. The werrv eat ing me up, and some tiling had to lie done,or I | should soon have been nr.,t m inventus. In looking around for some means for their des truction, I came across tiie follow ing method, which I carried out to the letter, end with ! most glorious results ; in fact. I gave themi pills. Pills aud powders, yon know, kiil more , people than almost anything else ; why ! shouldn't they kiil rats? No reason in the world. They are just n? effectual in the one j case us in the other. 11. re is the receipt for 1 making them. "Take equal portions of wheaten flour and ' powdered sugar, intimately mixed with one sixtieth part of that weight of dissolved plio?- , phorus—say one quarter of an ounce of phos- ; pliorus to one round of flour and sugar Cold water should be added to make the inuss man ageable, and the pills finely rolled in dry flour and kept secluded front light and air - A couple of pills may be thrown into each rat-hole, or any quantity left on a plate in a datk situation, by which the double object is attained of at tracting the animals by the luiniuousnessof tlie phosphorus, and preserving it from too rapid evaporation. The piils should be replaced as often as eaten, and that without grudging, as although the slain may not lie may be relied on that "every bullet has had its billet." I made the application as directed, and I ! persevered in it until I cleared my premises j entirely of the long-tailed rascals. No domes- j tic animal will eat the pII but fowls. While ! I was applying the pills I lost a fine drake, i which I attributed to bis natural proper sty i for quack nostrums. He took a pill perhaps The foregoing is, in the main, the tion used by those persons who traverse tire country, arid for certain solid considerations pretend to drive out the rats by some hocus pocus or legerdemain. They stay about the prlace infested with rats for a day or two,feed ing them with dainty bits to attract them to a suitable place. They then give the pills, and as these produce intolerable thirst, the rats are ' soon seen running to the water, where they die from excessive drinking. IIOOVE, on HOOVEN*. — Hoove being one of the moss fatal maladies to which cattle are sub i jeet, demands the most prompt attention. It not being at all times convenient for the far mer to have the advice of a Veterinary snr- j geon, he may benefit by that herein given.— Its causes are eating large quantities of clover or other green or unwholesome food, which, fermenting in the stomach, gives off large quantities of hydrogen eras, creating very great flatulence. This is well known to every far mer. An animal thus affected requires immed iate relief, or it dies. The stomach pump is the most effectual ; ir. the absence of which, give choride of lime, four to six drachms ; ui trous either, may also he used with beneficial results, aud is preferable to the knife. tST- An advertisement reads as follows ; , " Stolen, a watch worth ten guineas. If the theif will return it he shall be told where lie j may steal one worth two of it, and no ques tions asked." pjy Talleyrand, when asked by a lady fam ous for her beauty and stupidity how she shoold rid herself of some of her numerous, lovers re plied, " Toa have only to open yctr moatb madam Hmpfrr go- CASH SYSTEM! j mmm & CWEGO, N. V. RET not aiucere thauk* for the very liberal patronage tliey have received since adoptug the CASH BTS TEM in March la?:.' Tbetr customers have Saved from 20 to 30 per cent. And will continue to do so by purchasing at the Em pile Store, as no person that gives credit can compare with the prices at the mm CAM STORE. OWESO, sr. v. We invite the public to call were a Dollar will buy more Goods than any other place in America t We arc now receiving our wjmm mi And will receive from week to week, through the season, the Latest and most desirable styles of DRESS GOODS. RICH SILKS, PLAIN AND PLAID MERINoES, . SOLFERINO PLAIDS,; MAGENTA I'LAIDS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, PARAMETTA3, PRINTS, TICKS, COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS, LINENS, TOWELING, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, XE W STYLES OF CLOAKIXGS j A tine assortment of VELVET B, 13330 ST S, Lower than ever sold before ! He sdl the best HOOP SKIRT at Bj. in Outgo. Also, a splendid assortment, (Purr and higher prices.) ' SHETLAND WOOL, (ail colors.) WOOLEN AND LINEN TAB; E SPREADS, OPERA FLANNELS, HOOPS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEP.ES, j KENTUCKY JEANS, COTTON FLANNELS, TWEEDS, Ac. Ac. j HI 'J I iriTiEIRT © 0 'D'DS | AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Cheaper than be bought in Xcic York in j small quantities. RIBBOXS, BORDERS, BLOXDE, Ac. j i M e have the best assortment of M En R l M AC K P R IN TS In Owcgo, at 10 cents per yard. 1(3 I rds Fine, Fast colored Calico, fcr B.t. S lbs. BA TTIXG, rtiee and clean, for S.v. Carpetings, of all kinds. OIL CLOTHS, of all kinds. y I We shall scoa close our buines? as a firm, and we are de termined to sell through the coining Fall CHEAPER FOR CASH Than any other Firm in Owcgo. \ So come on, all who are in search of (boob (Boobs anb ©rent Darjnius And examine our Stock Which I-s2ust and Will be Sold ! - We shall keep the prices the same on the following goods: Rest extra Sheeting 8 a 12 cents Heavy Sheeting, 8 " 11 fair do c, al6 " Cotton Yarn, 22 al2 " Merriinark Prints, 10 " A splendid quality do 6a 14 " Paper Cambrie 10 •' Kentucky Jeans,.- 2 shillings. Knitting" Cotton 1 cents ChJd eyed Needles 4 " 100 yd. Spool Thread 1 " Coat's Spool, 200 yds., 4 '• Brocha Shawls, ft 50 and upwards, Rubber Circular Combs 1 shilling. Hun do do 10 cents. Skirt Reeds 3 " Ladies Hose, all colors, 10 " Saleratus. 6a 14 " 6 shilling Tea at 4 shilling. Molasses, good at 4 SUGARS, SYRUPS, COFFEES, &C, AT PRICES : THAT WILL PLEASE. STOKE 4k CO., Owcgo, N. IT. XAfin BFSIIF.LS DRIED APPLES, f AA ' (J wanted bv STONE 4- Co.,Owego,in exchange for goods at cash prices. nov.3. r/V\A BUSHELS DRIED APPLES. f/vX'U wanted by STONE A Co., Owego, .V. Y., iu exchange fcr goods at cash prices. not .3. i r U WMI BUSHELS DRIED APrLES, wanted by STONE i Co. Qwego A. Y In I ittCsffllattfous. ; M YEirsjHLLS. TiflC n-.datv'gned Living purchased the above wdi known mills anil attainted to it a Ste in Engine. aud al-o put cvety thing connected with it : : perfect repair, with all the modern improvement* now in we lu fir.t Flouring Mills—weuld resyectfnky solicit the pa ► tronage of the cwr.mnnitv—trusting that the refutation the mill baa heretofore borne may not -.offer in the hand of the new firm. It shall be our" aim. to do all work en trusted to us promptly and in the 1 e-t possible tn nncr. Customers from a distance may rely upon having tlieii , work done at once, so as to make but one trip "to mill.'' Mr. FKOST will continue to give bis own personal at tentio.i to the business at the mill. CASH paid fur all kinds of CHAIN'; also Flour. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MY KB, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYTH J. O. FROST K. T. Fo.V. NORTH TOWANDA, Oct. 6, lfSf. GEO. 11. BU^TIISTG, RESPECTFULLY informs hi- former customers and . the public generally, that he lias removed his TAILOR'S SHOP, To one door south of Tracy A .Moore's -;re and lmnic diately opposite P. C- Hall's Stove and Tin Store Main *L He flatters himself that from hi - long experience in bu siness lie will be able to please all wb > may favor bim with tbeir custom. Ovist to the luio preaswrt in tb< mo ney market, be. will make Coats from ?2 50 to ft 50 each and other work in proportion for HEADY PAY. Country Produce in payment, will not be refused, if 9'ered. Towanda, March 20, lsjd. RE YOU INSURED? Susnnplinnna Muliin! Insurance Co., TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, I*A. IMIIS Company insures apiinst loss or ilntn . age by Fire. Dwelling houses, Furniture Warehou ! ses. Stores and Merchandize, Ac., on the most reasonable i terms. DIRECTOR?. ; HENRY W. TRACY, i JOSEPH POWELL, | HON. D. WILMOT. ij. W. L'A VSON. JOHN A. CODDING, (LEVI P. STALFGRD. I J. D. MONTA.VVK. ISAAC MYEH THOMAS ELLIOTT, (WILLIAM GItIFFIS, | ALLEN' M'KEAN, lOUV TRACY. H. W. TRACY. President. ] ALLEN M'KEAN, Vice President : EDWARD T. EL i LTOTT, Secretary ; LAPORTE, MA,SON A CO., Treas. ( Towamla. May, 11, Kcw Store! New Prices! 11. At'. NOBLE, JVb. 5, Brick lime, Toiramla, . "IT?"HOLES ALE A RETAIL LIQUOR i 1 ¥ DE ALER, tiuw offers to the ablie. a well ,U. t> d • stock of Wines, Liquors. Tobacco, I! iv*na and Domestic j Cigars. C'oii-isting in part of the following: BR AND U.S.—Hennessey. Otard. Cognac, and Pupiiv. (UNA.— Holland. Rose, aiid Scheidam Schnapps. " | RUMS. —Santa Cruz. Jamaica, and New England. i I WHISKEYS.—Bourbon, Scotch, Mouongehala, old ! Crow, and Old Rye. WLNES.—Champaigne, Claret. Sherry. Madeira, Bur- I gundy. Port, Muscat, Malaga, Domestic- French cor- j dials uf ail brands. CIGARS.—La Victoria, Washington. Light Guards. Rio Hondo, Henry Clay. I.a Fontieu, La Isabella, La Flor j d'Oubana. Prineipe, Vara. Principe. TORACf'O—A good ,issiirtment of Cut, Chewing, Smo king and Manufactured Tobacco of various brands, al of i which will be sold at the lowest prices fur Cash, or to I prompt payers. All kinds of produce taken iu exchange ■ for Goods. N. B. A large lot of Jugs, Demijohus, and bottles of all sizes for sale. Towanda. Feb. 22, 13.50. Eiiason, Greener it Co. j Piano Forte 3lamilactnrers. AND MUSIC PUBLISHERS, No. 51, Water-st., Elm i t IN ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSORT X inent of our own manufatuurcd Piano Fortes, which hive now been in n-o for years, and have been pronounc ed by Moris. STRACKOSCH and other eminent Arti-ts, j unsurpassed in touch, tone and durability, we have alaige stock of the world-wide celebr .ted 4 Cinciicring- Cl Sons," Boston: Grand and Square 'Zizno Fortes, who have received thirty fur medals in Europe and Amer ica for the hent Piano Fortes. We have also Raven, Bacon &. Co.'s. Piano Fortes, whi. h are undoubtedly preferable to any other makers in New York. • Being manufacturers oiir-clves, we get the above In struments on the mot favorable terms, enabling us to I sell them to dealers and Seminaries at their regular whok | sale prices. Carhart, ITeeuiram 6l CO.'S. rtlclodcons. I Mr. Carhart being the original inventor I the al ove In-1 I .-trumei's. and the same having ;.il the vu km K!o impr, vt meats, it is only jn tto Kay th v are not t> be excelled. • A large assortment of SHI.!, i' MUSIC. One of our firm having bad lung experience in this branch, parties at a distance not able t> vi-it our Ware rooms, may rely on his selections. The best of Italian Strings Violins-. Guitars, etc. Par- j ticulnr attert on i- paid to the selection of BR \SS IN- ' STRUMENTS for Bands. All Piano Fortes bought of tin are WARRANTED for three years. Pianos and Melodcons TO RENT, and sent all over the ! country t extremely low pri e*. Parties wishing to purchase Piano Fortes or any other ' j Musical Merchandize, and save from ten to fifteen per ; cent., will please call, < r add re-- ELI ASON. GREENER & CO. May 10, 13.50. 51 Water Street, Elmira, N. Y. Wm. PiTTßirn. is agent for the fit in at Towanda. | BUY YOUrt COOTS AND SHOES L. C. NELSON ;HP HE subscriber wotiltl rospcctftillv torn r j JL his thanks to his patrons and the public ecu alh "i the very liberal and unex ected amount of tradeglvcii liini for his lir.-t few opening months, and as he h i- !>• come acquainted with the want-of the people, and ti style * worn in this part of the country . Half, i- niin . that lie is now prepared to furnish Boot- and Sh . t i kinds generally called for. such as will better ph a-c tkaa heretofore : and as liis object is to please, he will give his whole time and attention to this one great and import ant branch ol the Mechanical Arts. And as there are -otue of his customers prejudiced against Stitching Ma chine work, he has procured the best nud most expert- ! em ed hand help, where all of his work will be made and i warranted lii -t best. Those gentlemen that arc in the liahit of wearing nice ! French Calf Boots, stewed or pegged, will do well to call and leave their measure, lie has employ, j one of the I best workmen in towa. Ladies Kid, Morocco and Calf I Shoes and Gaiters can he furnished at short notice, anil of the best materials. He also lias in his employ faith- I ful and experienced workmen engaged in making Gents Thick and Hip Boots and Shoes ot all kinds to measure, down to Boys', Youths and Chiidrens. As lie ha-been engaged for some years in the Eastern Boot and Shoe Manufacture, he has thereby become acquainted with j many of the Custom Boot and Slme Manufacturers, can ! buy goods ;dmo-t at cost, whereby liis department of ' Eastern work will be offered at prices that will defy coin petition. And as his whole business life lias b p en devoted to the two branches. Custom ami Sale Boot and shoe Maiinfu - j < tare, feels pn.-ted and conversant with all the rules and principles which enter into the preparation of the stock, i The correct measurment of tiie foot, also a knowledge with the anatomy of the foot, a familiar acquaintance with the angles, lines arid curves, which are involved in the perfect adjustment of part to part, and their relative positions, which is necessary in order to be successful in the profession. Call and examine his winder goods before buying else where, he has a large assortment of the best Thick and Kip Boots, extra long legs and custom made. He wants every man and boy to buy a pair Tor bis as well as their own interest. Propositions cheerfully heard. Repairing of Boots and Shoes of ail kinds, will be faith fully done and at the time promised. Towanda. Sept. 2s, 135' J. L. C. NELSON. IL A Y SC A I iES ! HMTE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW PRE I 1 PARED to construct Hay Scales upon an improved principle, where simplicity, accuracy, and durability are | so combined as to excel in at least simplicity and dura- j bility any of the scales now in use. Also repairing of old ! platform scales done on reasonable terms and with dis- 1 patch. Address G. W. JACKSON, June 6.185!>. Wvalusinsr, Bradford Co.. l'a. I SURV E V I x a. TO LAND HOLDERS AND LAND .I. DEALERS. The subscriber having located perma nently in Herrickville, tenders hia services as Igtud Sur veyor, to ail who may need then-. He professes to be thorough in his profession, and having had ten years practice and being provided with a first class Vernier in strument, by the arrangement of which, he can greatly expedite work and overcome the numerous somcea of er ror so preva'ent in the ordinary practice, and the cause of so mnch litigation in this country. Order* by letter properly attended to. 11. 8L HAXNA. EerrlckvUla, BrnAord y■ Pa— May is lUtsaiLinfous. : D v ' ' A 3 V 1 1 'jiiiT i ; ■ A V# f. /> % /> l? * \ THIS IS TIIE ESTABLISHMENT win-re you can find a verv fine assoitment ot , | WATt HES AND JF'VKLHY of all descriptiuns, al-o a . i good stock ot CUICKS, prices ranging from 10 shilling I up, anil warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, j 1 am al-o agent tor the s.tle-of D. E. I,K\ I S eelelyuti. I Barometers, which every f.inucr should always have, i'ri I ce- from to S2O, according to tini-li REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike mauiier.tnd wai ! runted. UM• A'H AMBEULiN. THE OLD BTA2XTD STILL IN OPERATION! j 'Vww THE su'o-crihcr would announce i .to the public that lie has now on j A" land, and will make to on'ier all jnd(j of caB]NET FURNITURE, I.A riy ■ Tsui'li us Bofa-, I iv.u Lounges, Cen f' A Ire, Ciird . Dining and Ibvukfast Ta- JCjAlit-pi f- -Yt hh'.- Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and | ■ U Ij Cherry Bun aius, Stands of various i v, > kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every dc- -ription, which are, and will be made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, aud which they will sell . for cMsh cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware ' room in the country. READY-MADK i GFFINS. on hand on the most rea ; sonable terms. A gomi HEARSE will tie furnished on : Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. Towanda, January 1.1357. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IRON AM) STOVE STORE.' — FJ D. C. HALL y. Yilmlcsale and Retail Dealer AjTufn' ;~J 1 iiifi: 11 ware and So ves, Iron ji-n - n N 1-, Sash.G'a-.-, Pa int.- ✓X a, Oils, Honse Trimming- f r - —all kind.- of Can iage trimiiiings, 51-cent ( loths and Lace.-, ('arriagc Sulkt y and Si at Springs. Car- Renters' and Joiner.-' Planes, tsaw-. Augers, ( hi.-eis and all ,U1 otlnr Too,- fi Cut, M.ll I " - -=£=• * and ( ;i •■III ir Saws. |!! .. i Tools, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Hammers and Screw Plates, j Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable. ; Log. Trace and I r, Chains, Crow liars, Picks, Shovels | I ami Spades. POCK ET AND TABLE CUTLERY—Shears and Scis- ; sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Brass and Enameled Kettles, ' | Shovel and Tongues. Spoons anil Ladles. Tubs and Pails. I Mops and Washboards, aud all other kinds of house-keep- ! ; ing Implements. In the H ARDWARE line, Brass, Brittania. Jappaned ! and Plain Tin Ware.single or insetts. Bar. Band. Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds, Nail Rod-. Ac. Pumps, ; | Lead Pipe and all the necessary flxtnres for water wonts. I , Patent, Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, [ and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that | ; we are now receiving direct froin the hands of mannfac- 1 | turers andimporters, including the largest assortment ! , aud greatest variety of STOVES i Stores 2d per cnit. less than vsnnl for Cash, or Grain at the hipchest market prices. ; Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Pallor. Dining- Room. Six Plate and ( ylinder.ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York; all of which we are now iin-pared to sell at wholesale or ri tail, at as low rates, ai d oa as gnml TKIIMS a.- can be found this -.Lie ■ 1 New-York, from the fact that all our good.- were bought of first hand-and in full packages and large quantities, i i 'hat gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and i Dry Goods diuilers. that wiil eu il-Ie lis to scil from 5 to j 15 , or -out. le-s linn anv of them, which advantage we ! I shall oik i to any who will favor us with a cailoeloic pur- 1 chasing elsewhere. I ; A large quantity f Tin ware. Stive Pipe an 1 Elbows' alwrys on hand, wholesale and retail. Ail kinds of Job ; Work dune to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD- ■ WARE cheap—one ooor Sonth of Tracy A Moore's, and ! i Powell's new block on Main street, in" the now Wood i Building, !ilfi red al! or#/-. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Brittania 1 ai d Copper. Dried Fruit ot all kinds, Feathers and lice wax wanted for goods. 10.0t.'0 Sheep Pelts wank d, for which the liiglie-t price ' n C A -n will 1 e paid. e'er SI) credit given over four months, ami all hav j ing accounts or notes over due had better call .\:id pay immediately, it'tl ey wish to save oi-t. Towanda", Ortolier 1 L 1 Extraordinary Inducements TO TH ! BEYERS Op FURNITURE AND CHAIRS.' u[ ; . ,J ■ II At ING -.'n-tilv it- -r-. c' my h inter ~ ~ t rtispo-e i tl - e a cuili ui ■ lions rapidly, and with that e-; n oiler a!! articles at unprei ' denied 1 >w price-, for t u.-li. tioi d i-.iln- at f I'i to S2O. fine < ane Scat Chairs 75 cts. >ai 11. a ni- e Bed-t' si • r 2't shillings. I ha. < uow ui iM hiu rat ditk lent patterns of Chairs. Bureaus, Desk* for the farmer or merchant. Looking ! '•! t—■ I <-i-I: g'a ; P'ctr-.Portrait and I'icture frame- j ( f ilt. l.'o-ew mml, M.iliog iny and Walnut corner ;20 i I ': ■ • -t i,il : i xti n-i <.ti. dining, tra and work Ta- i . M -itaiiil-, ai: tin tact anything that can be lound '1 v Witn- litiiisp. ■ ,rtin, rof ready-made Cofiins, with a good •Iy. at ntl times. t o il in- -up to find the right plnep, aoutli ! i -pi Ii•• siju ire, uue door ra-t of Montaim s. Ore. 1 i CHESTER WELU3, ; : |i NEW ATTRACTIONS! , Jtr At Geo. U. Wood's Gallery. Hi TOWANDA, PA. You can procure, at low prices, i /|\PiEl'Df©©P 4 AlPH§,|j y>f all sizes, up to life size, cither plain or re- j i -A tout bed, < olored in oil or pastille. Also. MELAIVOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and al- j ' most all other kind- of types. Pictures in good cases lor ' 5(1 rent-, and other -izes and qualities in proportion Melainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (e.fiaqit for | children. All work warranted. August lit. 15.5'5. | McCA B E' S CEXTUAI, MEAT MARKET, 1 Below hingsbeti/s store, Main st. (TRIE subscriber would respectfully tender his sincere I thank- to the public lor the very liberal patronage a extended to him, and solicits a continuance of the same. He begs leave to assure t hat he intends to keep on hand I as heretofore, a choice -election of MEATS of all kinds, t the best the country affords, which he intends to sell for 1 very small profits, either by the side, quarter or pound. \ Sr.\ quantity of first qiiaiit of SALT I'ORK, put up ( by myself, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place within e the corporation. Towanda. Augii-t 12, 1 sft. ,T McC A BE. F RTT3 T T R EE&7 Shrubs aud Vines. tindersipncil will he prepared tlie eom- - J_ ing Kail, to supply the public with a well selected and choice variety of trees, shrubs and vines. All orders sent or given I w ill attend to filling and delivering my- < self, and hope to make satisfactory. Trees that slu d the ti leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late in ; the spring. As some people think that aurserv men should replace all trees that do not live, I would say. i to those buying of me, that Ido nut agree to do so, but i 1 will warrant my trees to be in good order when deliv- 1 < red. I will warrant all to live, but in such a case 1 will i have an extra pri. e, and attend to setting out myself. i N. B—The following Insurance Companies have ap- 1 pointed me their Agent, to take risksofall classes where < lo al agents are not found : The Farmer's Union Insur ai ce Co., and Great Western, united, now of Philadelphia ' the Kensington of Philadelphia, the Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Company, of Muncy Pa., Anything in this line promptly attended. ° <■ DANIEL HARKINS. Towanda. July 25.155 P. T<> ALL WANTING FARMS. SEE J- advertisement of Uammouton Lands. /Jj.RAPE GROWERS CAN CARRY ON VT their business most successfully at Hammonton, free from frosts. Some forty Vineyards set out the pasi t eeason. Bee advertisement of Ilanißiottton Lauds in •mother colomn. t ittfrrUaiwous. | Wo! 4, Patton's Slock, Towanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES, CI IKM ICA I.S. FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on hand PURU WirfES AKD LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, j At the lowest rati ■, and BURXING FLUID, of superior quality, lnanufai tnreil expressly !<>r the fas-jet fluid Lumps. They also keep all the Popular | PA TENT MEDICINES, |of the day. Every article going from this store is war ranted a-> represented, and if any prove ditlerent, they will he cheerfully taken-back, and the in mey refunded. * J. G. I'ATTOX. Towanda, Feh. 1,1859. Dr. E. D. PAYNE. " jc'N- •>• ; i •M • - ? r- c v.. ri ; iii STORIIS & CHATFJELD OWEGO, N. Y., Are agon's for the sale of Wheeler's Patent Railway Chain II O II \Y K I t. WHEELER'S PATEXT < ombincd Thresher nm! Winnower, OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) single or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELER'S CLOVER HULLER, I.AM REXf'E SAW-MILLS, (for sawing wod, Ao.) All the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler, i Mi ,i, k, A ( a, Albany, X*. Y., and are warranted * i ui\ I entire satisbu tion. or" may lie returned at the explrati • | of a reasonable time for t-ia'. S. IIOKTOn & Cc.'s CELEBRATED DOS POWERS, FOR CHURNING, &C. Constantly on hand, i *77" Farmers and others wi-hing to jirocurc any of the above articles, will do well to call upon us before purcbas ing. Jane JR. 1859. TIOGA POINT AGRICULTURAL WORKS' TIOGA POINT IMP'VED RAILWAY I HORSE POWERS. U7E nr? manufm-turi z the above unrivailed Powers fur Otic iiul Two II uwlrr I'nioi v*> Patent, . which an 4 n irraiti' 1 ly - ; t i<>r to the common ;'k and Pinion Power. Our Horse Power in unequal!< cl j for e.. by any other : -1m ;njr atlaj ted t' a jrreat ! variety of use* where poi er i~ needed : >r the reason that it is (]hi ie pc.ireil, and I'u' ends of the main I and counter shafts have conpfftigs all alike, permitting! the • onvrrire gear wheel. pinion and hand-wheel to he ide of the • i'owerat pleasure ; hy whi- h arranirem. nf live diO'eient ; dion obtained without ex|j& &*** . ' • and also, any desirable length end \ 1 > iiy of rank mo- ! t ion for crow nit sawing, puinjtinrr and charging. Tbc*c Powers run e v-iiy. ire strong, well finish* u and made j from good materials. THRESHERS AMP SEPARATORS. These are made of various sizes. They arc superior fo those of any other manufacture, of which tact any per son well acquainted with the heretofore leading nun -bines, i will I>e satisfied upon examintti it. Our FAXXIXG MILLS, which ate the very best in mark* t , are fitted for p over to be run in connection with the Treslier and Sep- j arator. | THRESHERS AND CLEANERS. We have succeeded beyond onr most sanguine expecta tions in inventing and constructing a combined Thresher ! A Cleaner of our own, which, we believe, for two horse power, has not its superior nor equal. // runs r.tsily and threshes and charts J.tst, willt ut wasting the grain, which j is delivered in the measure cleaned lit Ihr market. These \\ innowers are simple, easily managed, and are warrantrd to give entire satisfaction. ita- We arc prepared to furnish at once, or on very I short notice, 1 HIIESHKRS and W IXXtJWERS from any ot the leading Xew York manufactories at the same prices as our own, and no charge for freight. All who : want The Best Horse Power In market to run Threshers and Cleaners of any other j manufacture, should by all means purchase the'r entile i setc of machines from us, or FROM OUR AGKXTS and j thereby save heavy freights front rihtant places, and at I the same time get iikttkk set-; ok m veil inks. to- All kinds nf Hor.-e Powers and Threshers repaird at -hort notice. We maniifart ure.or have on hand for sale very siteriou 1 F\XXIXG MIL! S. FEED (. UTTERS. PORTA RLE CM. : Ct EAR and CROSS-CUTS\W MILES. CLOVER IIUL- 1 LEI'S Si CLEAVERS. FARM GRIST MILES, a:i la gri it j variety ot Improved Agricultural Implements and Ma- | chines. . iii- Before purchasing any other be sure io call aud examine our Machines. WELLES. RI.OOD A CO. Athens, Pa., Sept. 21, ISA!). Patronize a Heme Entcrpiizc ! A Book-Bindery in Towanda! U/T. would respectfully announce to our friends and the public generally, that we have connected with our Printing Office and Book A Stationery Store, a Plain and Fancy 'IIOOK-liIXDEIiY, and earnestly solicit the patronage of all who desire anything in the line. Having secured the services of one of the best hinders ! in the United States, we Hatter ourselves that we can give universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price Therefore we present to the public the strongest assuran ces that we are prepared to hind in a workm iniike man ner, all kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name Bibles, Histories, Music, Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodi- ! cats. Law and School Bonks, to order or p&Ueru in French, [Lilian, German and English style ; in hlrct, Silk, Cloth, Leather e nd Paper. upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay 1 narCive us a trial. - I Particular-attention given to re-binding Books. All work warranted to be properly executed. eg"Plain and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. Jan 1,1358. E. A. PARSONS. BOOKS 8c STATIONERY! ea-The attention of the public is requested to the very general nd excellent assortment always on hand at the Argus Book and Stationery Store, first building north of the M> ard Iloa-e. ('-.,11 and ex.nuine our stock. liusfnrss Car&s. IIR CH AS. M. TUItrXER, Pil YSICI I v 1 Ulf SURGEON,vfcT* Lis professional serv /IV ' the inbabitante of Towaoda and vicinity. Office an,i 1 idence in the dwelling recently occupied hy H \l u C Ssq.. out door north ot the Episcopal Church tt 'v*™' 1 Ktreet. ' air - I K. OVKRTON. JK G. I). MONTANViT / YVERTON ct MONT A NYE, A TTtju I ' NE \S AT LAH'—Utt.'-c in Union Block fam I ( y occupied by Jan. M..< kai::.ank. ~o 1 H.J. MADII.I p. n , VI ADI Lie k M ORIibW, A TTORNj j ±ll. AM) COUNSELORS AT LAW,~ua,'. ! over Mercur s Store.Towanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, 18. n-4htf ) TYR. E. H. MASOjf, A M, l J ' SURGEON,otter* his profes-ional service-1. n people of Towanda and vicinitv. Office at hi- re-iden I on Pine afreet, where he can always be found when m pridc>si-,ual! v ena.igtd. | 1? J>. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT I I-i* LA 11', TROV, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over y I M. A H. E. Long's -tore. Aug- 7, 1' 3 UENRY B. M'KEAX, ATTOnxpy I AT LAM'. TOWAXDA, PA.; will pay attention to business entrusted to liiin. Collection* in,,':, on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. TpLIIAXAN SMITH, having returned to | I J Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mefu-b Store. Dec. 1, 1h57. hr. ir. weston, iTEX TIST, permanently located in Tovr.u. 1 1.1_L- OFFICE one door south of BaileyAXt*">. Towanda, Feb. 19,1859. OR G. S. PECK, SURGEOX AND i MECHANIC 4L DENTIST, TOWAXDA. |' ? l *S"Office. Xo. 1, Brick Row, over E. T. Fox's stor<- - 1 1 j entrance tir-t door cn Pins st. July is, l-, DR. PORTEfI"S OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to lje The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best mel. ne, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus fur compounding and pre i , . . - paring , , MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote ' I the moat careful the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become 'JUS XiliUl; 373Ti2; With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AI.I. ARTICLES WARRANTED A3 REPRESENTED. Bv recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First H lders of Goods ami Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IX Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive strck will be sold Cheap for Cash .' rp.i cE 3 REDUCED, viz: Of Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Pocket Hnivcs and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Id fit. TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE, TOBACCO a SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines. Footh, Skin & Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions. Ecuctic, Jiotanic and If iicrovalhic Medicines. Spim, I-i d Seed, f.amp Shudrs and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised lor the Cash System. DR. POUTER'S CAMPHEXE.! DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURXIXG FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in t Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 27A cent; ; Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •• ?5 " 1 Dr. Porter's Tonic Elixer so Dr Porter's Worm Syrup " 25 Dr. Porter's Comp. Kvr. Hypophosphites.. " ho | Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic " ISO " i Dr. Porter's Ufacklierry Balsam " 25 " ■ Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Props " 25 " I Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snull " 2.7 ! Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " ■ Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 2.7 " 1 Hr. Porter's Tricophlle " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 2,7 | Dr. Porter's HoisC and Cattle Lotion " o.i ' : Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 2.7* ' Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " j Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 2.7 " j Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 37< '' j Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " Medical Advice given graluitomly at tlicofllie Charging only for Medicine. £"■ Hiankful for pa>t liberal patronage would respect fully announce to his friends and the public that no ittiu* | shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance ©! their confidence and patronage, at the C ASH Jm { Cr STO KK South End of the Ward House, June .10, lm. H. C. POUTER, M. P. WOOI CARDING. liave put our machinery in the very ! T T best order, and have engaged the services of two good and experienced workmen. Having abundance of machinery, room and power, shall be able to do work as fast as it comes, and will card loads from a distance as soon as brought. Cloth -dressing, dye ing, Ac., will also be done in its season. 1 shall give the business my personal attention hereafter, and will guar antee all the work well done. U. B. INGHAM. j Camptown, May 10,1859. CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. tilt E.IK IN THE CANAL! ."TflfT MEN W\\TED to buy Stoves at the MAM • /* m I MOTH FOUNDRY, one door east of Mercur s Store. We have Just received the largest assortment of STEVES ever brought to this market, both for Coal and Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining room Six-plate and Cylindered Stoves. Some of the , celebrated Empress Conk Stoves, the best Coal Stove ever ; manufactured, all of which w ill be sold cheaper than at any otheeestablishment in this country. A large quantity of Tin Ware. Stove Pipe, Elbows Coal Hods. Coal Shovels and Coal Sifters, always on | hand, aud for sale at Wholesale or Retail. Ail kinds ot I castings and machine work Cone to order on short notice. Particular attention paid to Roofing, Eve Troughs. Con I doctors, Gutters and all kinds of Jobbing done and war | ranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stoves on hand, which will be sold vei y cluap. Please give us a call. Towanda Nov. 1.1859. JOHN C \RM AV. \ T.L WANTING FARMS IN' A DE x Vlightful climate, nob soil, and scenre from fro.-N. See advert!wni of Haamcmtoa lands iu anot!u r column.