&*fm ttrtfsfwrnts. HftHII! AT TQK KEYSTONE STORE! Shswls! Shawls! A LARGE assortment of Broche, long and •quart- Shaw If. Woolen long and square Shawls.— Just received and offered for sale at a (treat reduction of price, at the KEYSTONE STOKE. ladies Cloth Cloaks! YARIOUS styles of Ladies Cloth Cloaks all of new and fashionable patterns, now for sale at the KEYSTONE STOKE. Ureas Goods! PLAIN and Printed Merinos, Plaids, Dc Laina, Paramettas and a variety of other Duets Goods, now offered at a reduction, at the KEYSTONE STORE. Ba jous Sid Gloves ' ALL sizes, in colors, Black and White, of these celebrated gloves will always be found nt the KEY STONE STORE. BCillißery Goods! BONNES, Bonnet Velvets, Bonnet Silks, Kihbonf. Flowers, Plumes, Ruches, Ac. he . whole- , •ale and retail, at the- KEYSTONE AfTOKE. j Carpetiogs mad Oil Cloths T VARIOUS qualities of Ingrain Carpets, Floor Oil Clpths, all widths, and Cotton Druggetts as usual much cheaper than elsewhere, at the KEYSTONE STOKE. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings! ALWAYS on hsnd a large stock of Black i end Olorqd Cloths. Hlack and Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds. Sattinstts, .Mieeps Greyo, Kentucky Jeans, qlso a great variety ot \ estingg ait the KEYBTONBSTOKE. • Cj I'^iC— •.*-! .J C Gents Shawls! AFRESH arrival qf GQt Shswli and Travelling Rugs, just received at the KEYSTONE STORE. Uvy>Y . o\L > t "I.' i TJft UJ 1 } J < X • i. Boflfclo BiObcs! Buffalo Robes for sale at the I KEYSTONE STOKE. I ** ' ' j ♦ 1 - Damestk Goods! CHEETINGS, Bleached Goods, Tickings, 0 Stripes, Canton Flannels, Denims, Prints, Ac. Ac., fully 20 per cent under usual nriee*. Always on hand at the KEYSTONE STOKE. Boots and Shoes. BOOTS and Shoe* will be found at the KEYSTONE STORE at the following prices : Mens Coarse and Kip I toots, 12,75 Mens best quality Rubbers, 81 Ladies Pegged Enamelled Boots, 81 with heels, l.no " ' " Kid " 1,00 " .9iftf {'iff n si " Calf. " i,oo " Rubbers best quality, 62 44 2nd " 50 A bill assortment of Ladies Gaiters, Sewed Kid Boots, Children's and Boys' Boots equally cheap. Family Groceries. fPHERE will also be found at al! times, at A the KEYSTONE STOKE, a complete assortment of PA MIL Y GROCERIES, which we are offering for sale at the following priced : Crushed granulated and powdered sugar 10$ cents. Bet quality coffee sugar. 9$ " Superior quality brown do 8 " Fair do do 7 " Superior do Molasses., 44 " Fair do do 37$ " Superior do Y. H. Tea 50 '• Prime Rio Coffee. 14 " Fair do -....12$ " Babbitt's fialeratuw in 1 lb. papers 6$ " Soda Saleratus c 5 " Spires of all kinds, Soaps , Ground Mustard, dec., Ac. equally cheap. , NEWBI NEWS! 1 AT THEBAKERY! HAVING made arrangements with the principal News Dealers In New York. T am now prepared to furnish all with the current Rooks, Magazines, Monthlies. Week lies and Pictorial*. The New York Ledger, New York Weekly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Harper's Weekly, Ballon s Pictorial. True Fin*. Am-rican Union, Home Jonntal, New York Clipper, Porter's Spirit of the Time*. Police Gazette, Weekly Novelette, Yankee Notions. Nick Nacks, Ac. Ac. Harper's Magazine. Godey's Lady's Book, Peterson's Magasine, Frank lenlie's Magazine, Great Republic Monthly, ledics' American Magazine, Halloa's Delta- Monthly, Knickerbocker, Littcl's Living Age, Ac., which we wi'll furaish by the year or single copy at publisher's prices. 1 akatl tare On hand, for the coming Holiday*. a splen did asßnrnileriT or GIFT BOGKS AND PICTORIALS. 1 shall also keep ou hand The leading NEW YOU DAILXBE, Furnished to those who wish to take them by the week at 15 cents per week, or 3 cents asingle copy. OXLDZB.S FOB. BOOKS, Received for any Pnhlication in the United States, which will he furnished with despatch. AST Thankful Cor the patronage ef my friends thus far. I hope by carefally consulting their tastes and waaU, and wants, and by slew*attention u> business, to merit a con luiuanre of tfcff name. 'l.-wauda, November 1359. A. F. COWLE6- EXTRACT OF LEMON, ROSE VAN ILLA, and A'mond. at FY)Xtt. CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION ia rraocat ed to an assortment of Carpets and Qi] doth* very <dapa t MERfeU It'll. PFARDWARE—A NEW LOT JTFST A A received t MERCUR'S. Alrto Btrt>mfsramtß. TBS IffEW FOBS TBZBUXfB. Prepare far the Great Political Campaign of 1860.' INDUCEMENT'S TO CLUHS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE TRIBUNE—now more than eighteen years old. and having over a quarter of a million subscribers, or constant purchasers, diffused through every State and Territory of our Union—will continue in essence what it has been—the earnest champion of Liberty, Progress, and ul Jwhatever will conduce to our national growth in Vir tue, Industry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE is printed on a large Imperial sheet, and pnblished every morning and evening (Sundays excepted). It contains. Editorials on the topics of the times, employing a large corps of the best newspapers writers of the day ; Domes tic and Foreign Correspondence ; Proceedings of Con gress ; Reports of lectures ; City News ; Cattle, Horse, and Produce Markets ; Reviews of Books ; Literary In telligence ; Papers on Mechanics and the Arts, Cookery, Ac., Ac. We strive t? make THE TRIBUNE a neieipa per to meet the wants of the public—its Telegraphic news alone costing over $15,000 per annum. TERMS : —THE DAILY' TRIBUNE is mailed to subscri bers at $6 per annum, in advance ; $2 for six months. THE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is published every Tuesday and Friday, and contains all ; the Editorials of the Daily, with the Cattle, Horse, and General Markets, reliably reported expressly for the Tribune; Notices of New Inventions, Foreign and Do . mestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookery ; and during ! the sessions of Congress it contains a summary of Con gressional doings, with the more important speeches.— We shall, as heretofore, make THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE a Literary, as well as a political newspaper, and we are determined that it shall remain iu the front rank of family papers. TERMS:—One Copy, one year $3; Two Copies, one year $5 ; Five Copies, one year $11,25; Ten Copies one address 120. Any person sending us a clnb of twenty, or over, will be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of forty, we will send the DaHy Tribune'one year. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large right page paper for the country, is published every Saturday, ana contains Editorials on the important topics of tjie times, the news of ,the week, interesting correspondence from all parts of the world, the New York ! Cattle, Horse, and Produce Markets. Interesting and j reliable Politieal. Mechanical, and Agricultural articles, Papers on Ookery, Ac., Ac. We shall, during this year, as hitherto, constantly la bor to improve the quality of the instructive entertain ment afforded by THE WEEKLY' TRIBUNE, which, we intend, shall continue to be the best Family Weekly Newspaper published in the World. We consider the Cattle Market Reports alone richly worth to cattle rais : crs a year's subscription price. ! TERMS :—One copy, one year $2 ; Three copies, one year $5 ; Five copies, one year $8 ; Ten copies, one year sl2 ; Twenty copies, to one address S2O ; Twenty copies J to address of each subscriber $24. Any person sending us a club of Twenty, or more, will Ibe entitled to an extra copy. For a club of Fortv, we will send THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE ; and for a club of Due hundred THE DAILY' TRIBUNE will be scut i gratis. j Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terms al ways cash in advance. All letters to be addressed to j HORACE GREELEY A CO.. Tribune Buildings. Nassau street. New Y'ork. NEW FALL GOODS. HS. MERCUR is now receiving one of the most ox- tensive and varied assortment of Goods ever offer i ed to the people of Bradford County. , The stock consists iu part of the following ! DKYOOOHS. Black and colored Freuch and American Cloths, " 44 44 44 Cassimeres, j " 44 Satinelts, Tweeds and Jeans, j Plain and Figured Frenth Merino's, " 44 Cuburg's •' 44 Wool Delaines, 44 44 Common Del-aines, | 41 44 Plaid Dcbeges, Wool and Union Plaids, Double and single Urochi Sbawls, 44 Wool Misses and children* Wool Shawls, Hosiery of every description, i A great variety of Fringes, Trimmings and Trinkots, Flannels, Ginghams, "rints, And Domestic Good- .f Every Kind, CARPETS, WOOL AND COTTON DRUGGET, Oil. CLOTHS. HARDWARE OF EVERY' KIND INCLUDING SADDLERY AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS, IRON, NAILS. GLASS, WILLOW* AND WOODEN WARE, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, PAINTS, OH-S AND DYE STUFFS, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, Which were purchased under very advantageous cir cumstances, and will be sold at wholesale or retail, Foil CASH, at prices averaging much lower than others. To wand a, Sept. 27,1859. I S3O sswxira MACHINES. RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPROVED DOUBLE THREADED SE WIN G MA CHINE S! Warranted the Best in the World for Family Vie. Price Within the Reach of Every Family. Hand Potrer. S3O ; Hoot Potcer, with half doz. Needle*, fyc., $35 ; Cabinet Case, $. r >o ; Hemmers, $5. THESE unrivalled Machines need no puffing, and only want to he Seen to insure the approbation of every individual ; and although anew applicant for public patronage in this locality, it has attained a popu ; iarity heretofore unsurpassed by any- Machine. After ! one year of constant use in the Western States, they have been pronounced the lest Machine in the world for ' family use and are preferred to the higher priced Ma chines. Those who want further proof have only to pur chase one and give it a fair trial, and if they find they cannot use if, they can return it and have their money refunded. They are warranted as durable as any of the higher priced Machines, and are divested of everything like complicated machinery. Thqy will Stitch. Hem, Tuck, Fell, Gather and Em broider with perfection, and will sew every kind of goods fiom the finest Swiss Muslin to the heaviest and coarsest cloth fabric—even leather. The lollowing reasons are selected from the many, why R.VY'MOND'S Is the best in the Market: 1 Because it is the cheapest. 2ltis by far the simplest. 2 The least liable to get out of order. 4 The easier t managed and understood. 5 it makes the celebrated Double Lock Stitch, which is the most elastic ever made by machinery. 6 It will not rip if a stitch gets broke or every' fourth cut. 7 It makes the neatest and hand somcst stitch. 8 The seams are the strongest. 9 It uses two threads from the ordinary spools as bought frouf the store, without re-winding. 10 They finish their work without fastening the thread at either end ot the seam with the hand needle as Is rrquired by the Shuttle Stitch Machines. 11 It has the least machinery. 12 Its mechan ism is the most perfect. 13 It is the most popular among i the masses. 14 It is the easiest running, and almost I noiseless in its operation. 15 It is an ornament for any parlor. 16 It combines the advantages of both Hand ! and Foot Powers. 17 The price is within the reach of J every family. 18 any person of ordinary intelligence I can learn to use it successfully in one hour's time— : 19 They can do all kinds of work that any high priced i Machine ran, and just as well. 20 Every Machine is J warranted to give satisfaction or the money refuxded. | We, the undersigned, are each one of ns using one of Raymond's Latest Improved Double-Thread Family Sew -1 ing Machines, and we take pleasure in this manner of I confidently recommending it to all persons who want a : gnod Sewing Machine ; for we find it easily managed, very durable and strong, not liable to get out of order, ! and easily- adjusted for all kinds of work, by simply changing tbe needles and spools of thread, and believe the work much stronger, better and more perfect in every respect than that made: by hand. Mr*. Win. lilivtll, iWandn. Pa. Miss Harriet Allqway, North Towanda. Miss Minerva Vosbnrg, Burlington, Pa. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Asylum, Pa, Mrs. J. W. Alexander, Troy. Pa. I Mrs. E. P. Shaw, Sheshequin, Pa. Rev. N. A DePew, Penfield, N. Y. Calvin Carpenter, Esq Elraira, N. Y. Mr E. A. Scott, Elmira, N. Y. Mr. M. Richardson. Elmira. N. Y. Sales Room over Tracy & Moore's store. Stitching done to order for 2 cents per yard. All orders by Mail or Express, with the cash, will re- : ' ceive prompt attention. A liberal discount given to lo : cal and traveling agent*. Address, B. F. SHAW, Pec. 5,1839. Towanda, Pa. j VAT ANTED.—Oou Thousand cords Hem- TT lock Bark. HUMPHREY? h WICKHAM. DR. PRATT TTAB removed to the corneT of Second and Poplar eta., J"1 immediately back of the Ward House. W All ac count* with him over one years standing, must be im mediately settled. T f)W> " da - Sept. 21.1859. PURE CIDER VXNEGAB, AN EXTRA ' X arti.U'at FOX'S, JHrrihiinKfic, fcc. CAUTION. —All persons are hereby caa tinned against purchasing a note, purporting to have been signed by the subscriber, dated on, or about the bth day ot Sept. 1859, for forty dollars, payable four mouths after date, with interest, either to Philip Oswald, or i Isaac Roskmaa. as the sume wag not signed by me nor by my authority, and 1 shall net pay the same. Monroe, Oct. 20. '59. - CLARK CUMMINS. ■J© MSJLMIA&GI. MISS GRIFFIN A PARK, are opening today (Wed- large and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS .consisting of Bonnets, Head-Dresses, Feathers. Flowers and Ribbons. Y'ou are invited to call and observe their variety and rich ness for yourselves, Oct. 19,1859. FALL AND WINTER © &<& SNP LID, JM. COLLINS, is now receiving at his • old stand on Stain Street, next door to Hall's, one of the largest, best selected and cheapest stocks of A22ADY MADE CLOTHING, ever brought into this market, to which he invites the at tention of purchasers. Having had some years' experi ence in the business, he is able tootfor inducements, as to the QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE OF GOODS, not to be met with at auy other establishment. His stock em braces tlie usual assortment of OVERCOATS. COATS, VESTS AND PANTALOONS, of every style and price, to suit the taste and the pockets of customers. To tho-c who prefer ordering garments, he would say that he keeps : constantly on hand a large assortment of CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES AND VESTINGS, which will be made up on j short notice, by experienced workmen, and warranted to give satisfaction in every way. Particular attention will i be given to tlii* class of custom, and every exertion made 1 to please customers. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, . SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ac. A large assortment of bats aud caps, of all styles and price*. CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properly manufactured. Towanda, October 19. 1859. J M. C p.LASS AND SASH —IOO boxes Gluss, * A 1000 lights Sash for sale at Oct. 18. 1659. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. _ WHEEL BARROWS.—3O dirt wheel"- bzrrows for sale at Oct lb, 1859. YV. A. ROCKWELL'S. PAPER ;nANGINGS —IOOO yards Pa pcring—50 do lkirderiug—so do Window Papering at . 0ct.17, ROCKWELL'S. I CLOSING UP ! THE subscriber havitijj concluded to change j his business, will sell his entire stork of Merchandise ' at from actual cost down to 25 net cent lower than can ; be bought in New Y'ork City. He has just returned from the city with a new stock, consisting in part of Dry Goods of all kinds, A Full Assortment of Groceries, l-'ish, Salt, Glass, Sash, Dye woods, S/-c. Ac. i Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Hat*, I Caps. Crockery, Hardware, Tin and Wooden Ware, Y'an- I kee Notions, Carpeting*, Ac. All of which will be sold for Cash at rrorn 10 to 30 per cent less thau can be bought in Towanda. Salt at $1,05 per barrel, Tea from 31 to 50 cents, the j very best Georgia Cut Yarn for $1.05 per bunch, and everything else in proportion. This reduction will be ! made only for cash on delivery of goods. J. HARVEY I'HTNNKY, Jr. Towanda Oct. 12, 1859. No. 3. Patton's IJlock. \\TANTED—Hides and Skii.s, for which | Y T the highest market price will be paid, either in goods or cash. October 1, 1859. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. WANTED. —In exchange Oats, Rye, Wheat, Barley. Buckwheat Ac. Oct. 1. 1659 HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. ! New Fall and Winter Goods. WILLIAM A. ROCKWELL, No. 1, Pattern's Slock, YTTOULD invite the attention of prompt paving buy- | V V ers from all sections of the (iouuty, to his large arid ■ desirable stock of Foreign and Domestic DIX Y GOODS, VELVET RIBBONS, SHETLAND WOOLS, BROCHE SHAWLS, LADIES. CLOAKS, GINGHAMS, ! SHAWLS, FM ftl toflvEß 1 US, MOHAIR CROSSOVERS, GLOV.ES, i POII. DE CHF.VRE, LACES, WOOL PLAIDS. RIBBONS. DRESS SILKS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, DK LA INK ROBES. HOODS AND NUBIAS, ZEPHYR WORSTEDS. TATTING SHUTTLES, COLORW) MARKING COTTON. WHITE AND UOIAiRIvDCROCHET COTTONS, Ac ~ ! CLOTHS A ND CASSIMERES. , STRAW GOODS. THE VERY LATEST STYLES OF HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS. CORSETS. SKIRT SUPPORTERS, HOOP SKIRTS, R Alt ROTE COLLARS, COMBS, BUTTONS. BRUSHES, THREADS AND STATIONERY, BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER, GLASS,CHINA, CROCKERY AND EARTHENWARE, HAKDWAHK AND CUTLERY, THE USUAL VARIETY OF BIRD CAGES. SEEDS. ETC., FISH AND GROCERIES, NAILS, OILS. PAINTS AND PAPER HANGINGS. Those who wish to purchase the bent good* at the lowest posrihle market price*, will commit their own in terest by giving ns a call. Towaiufa Sept. 28, 1859. CASH FOR PELTS, .'T THE Metropolitan Hardware Store, ORWELL, PA. STOVSS, Elevated Oven. SSOVES, Parlor. STOVES, Diving Flue. STOVES, Wood or Coal. IN LARGE STOCK AND VARIETY. IRON, BY THE BAR OR TON. Panning Mills, Corn Shellers, Grindstones, Boring and Drilling Machines, Axles and Springs, Mill 4* X Cut Saws, Steel, Zinr x Copper f Sheet Iron, Tin and Ileai'y Goods, at October 12. ,1859. 8. BRONBO.VB. SELECT SCHOOL For Young Ladies. MISSES CHUBBUCIA respectfully in form the public that the Winter term of their school will commence on Monday, the sth day of December, in the room formerly occupied Uy them. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to Uiem during the past year, Miaeea C. assure their pairona that no pains will be spared to merit a cootinnance of the con fidence of those who may confide pupils to their care. MISS FANNY L. CHUBBUC'K will have entire charge of Music ; and a limited number of acholara only will be taken. j TEUMS, L'EU QUARTER 0* U WEEKS. ! First Clas s—To include the elementry Euglish I Branches ...... $460 ! Second Class—To include the mote advanced English hranchee, with Mathematics and Latiu $6 00 Third Class—To include Matlnematirs, Moral and Mental Philoaopby, Rhetoric, Botany ,&c., with Latin.../.'.t ....j.;.. .Iffoo Music■ —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of meut per quarter, $lO ; French, per term, $3, and Draw ing $3, extra. Each pftpil will be expected to provide herself with a desk and chair. WAuy information in reference to this School may be obtained br applidog to ff. P. Mercur or E- T Fox. h Towanda, December!, 1353. ifcrrtftnnW?r, Set. GRE.iT EXCITEMENT AT THE NEW CLOTHING STORE or E. S. BENEDICT. "VOl'R attention Is respectfoilv invited to a LARGE I AND WELL SELECTED StOOK OK CLOTHING, which I hare just opened in NO. 3, BRICK ROW, One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store. MY STOCK OF GOODS is from the best mannfactur- 1 ing establishments in the City of New York, and of the latest approved styles. Having purchased with cash. 1 | am enabled to sell my goods at prices almost lncreduunc ly low. My stock consists in every variety of READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS X CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RES, Ac. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. Having secured the services of one of the most skilful Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania, I urn prepared to man ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing. I will warrant all garments cut at my shop to give perfect satisfaction. FC. S. BENEDICT, i Towanda, Septemhar 14, L 859. \ TEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, at Al wwsMgra. MEN'S OVERCOATS 4t o ' • EDICT'S MEN'S DRESS COATS at BENEDICTS. MEN'S BUSINESS CO ATS "at | _ _ __ BENEDICTS , I?tAItMEU'S AND MECHANIC'S CASSIMERE CO ATS |X 1 at BENEDICT'S. SATINETTE COATS at _ BENEDICT'S. UNION CASSIMERE COATS at _ BENEDICT'S. ITNION CASSIMERE PANTS ut J_ BENEDICT'S^ BLACK DOESKIN PANTS at BENEDICT'S. i TAANCY CASSIMERE PANTS at I J BENEDICT'S. B' EAVER CLOTH COATS AND PANTS at , BENEDICT'S. HARRIS' CASSIMERE COAT, PANTS AND VEST at BENEDICT'S. 1 DNGLISII STRIPE COATS at !j _ BENEDICT'S. T7LNGLISH STRIPE PANTS at JLj _ BENEDICT'S. ENGLISH STRIPE VESTS at BENEDICT'S. ! OILK VELVET VESTS at , LJ BENEDICT'S. CfOTTON" VELVET VESTS at ( BENEDICT'S. PLAIN CASSIMERE VESTS at BENEDICT'S lEDGEK HATS at _A _ BENEDICT'S. f INKN SHIRTS at | BENEDICT'S. \ I J'UULEN WRAPPERS at >v BKgEDICTB. \I7OOLEN DRAW EUS at > BENCTICTsi ( IRA VATS AND SOCKS at [ vc BENEDICT'S. A Nl>. IN FACT, EVERYTHING FOR GENTLEMEN t to wear, at the NEW CLOTHING AND FURNISH- I ING STORE of i Towanda. September 14, 1959. E. S. BENEDICT- Susqnrljamut Collegiate Institute, TOIVAXDA, DHADFOIW CO., PA. PACCtTY ! i OLIVER S, DEAN. A.B. Principal. Professor of Anoient Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences. ' WM. H.'DftAN, A. 8.. Associate I'rincipal, Profesaof of Mathematics and Natural Science, l'rol. CHARLES R. COBURN, County Superintendent, j General Director of Normal Department. I Mrs. ANN C- KEI.LOG'S. Preceptress. Miss ANNA M. DRAW, Assistant Preceptress. | Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instru. | ihnrtal Mnsie. ' , a I Mr. CANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. The White* Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER 31, aud will contiuue 14 weeks. TriTION, TKR TKKM : {Payable Invariably in advance, or one-half on entering j i the school, and one half at tiie middle of the term-—Mel i and contingencies included.] ( Primary, per term $ 6 OQ ; Preparatory 6 ft® . i Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 t I Higher, Ist aird ttd year. [>er terra S 00 j i Classical, Ist year, per tern}-. T 00 j j Classical, 2d and 3d year, per terra .. k 00 I Col legintc, per terra 10 00 I i N. H. Pupils Will be classed by the most advanced f | branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged tl per term for j fuel and contingents. KXTRA EXCESSKB : I French $ 6 00 j German. .. Bpo Drawing ...... 3 00 f- Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel ! and light 200 1 j Washing, per tfazena .. .1 ..: & *3(j The Collegiataryear is divided inttrthree teruw of II weeks each. The Anniversary exercises will he held at the close of the Spring term. . | No deduction will be made for absence, except in case ! of protracted illness of over twt>yeek. Instrumental Musk will not. a heretofore, he taught In the Institution, but bv special arrangement—a ctass will he taught in a iiall adjoining the grounds of the Institute, by tle Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, ' I and experience lias proved it to he eminently superior to | the plan pursued in former years. Special pain- will be j taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to i take leasees in this branch. Terms will he as heretofore : ' I Tuition on Piano Forte, per, term 110 00 1 j Use of instrument for practice 3 00 : Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow j ds, Ac., and the tabic silver a. their option. It is desira j hie that they also furnish their own bed and bedding | when it is convenient, hut when otherwise, these will he ! I furnished at a alight charge. | It is strongly recommended that students from abroad ' should hoard in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. .Xurmal Department —Special exercises are arranged without extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. ('. It. COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, ha- kindly consented to organiv.e the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjr ts | connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach- j ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. l'rof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not i such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and , Trustees in sustaining the high repnlatatinn the imstitn- j tiou has hitherto enjoyed, and iu rendering it more wor | thy of future patronage and support WILLIAM H. DEAN,) . . . Aim. 9,1869- OLIVER S. DKAN. \ 1 nnci P al "- Humphrey & Wickham ARE JUST RECEIVING NeW Fall and Winter 'Goods, ": ' i • > '• , SUCH AS GROCERIES, Hats and Caps, Crockery, ]Vails and Cl/rss, 800l | and Shoes, Sok aurl I pper leather, Calf skins, Morocco, Shoe Bindings., la short, • general assortment of Goods suitable for the season. Towanda, October 1, 1869. BOOTS AND SHOES Constantly on hand and manufactured to order, of reliable work aud material, and repairing done on short notice. Oet. I. HUMPHREY X tVICKHAM 1 ■■ I ■ IM, ' "St CORDS OF BARE WANTED ! '" TV C%h will be raid for OAK AICD ULttt/Kfc BARK; abd UD.'FS AND SKIN'S, at the higher market rate, by augO Hi?SfrHREY 1 Ureal. AUDITOR'S NOTICE — Morgan Grijjin on. S. 11 JMftcnMtn. In the Comr' efUomnuD Pleas of Bradford County, No. 183, December term , 1867. ALSO— WM* 4" C'Arufw w. S. H. A'nti nan. lu the Court ot Common Plena of Bi-adford Couuty, No. 421, February term, 1863. The uiidersignedj, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by SheriO s sale of real estate of defendant, and to whom the Report made in this caw to December term, 1869, was re-rel'errcd by said Court for a further bearing, will atfentCto the datie- of his appoint ment at his otlft-e iu the Borough Of Towanda. on THURS DAY, the 2Gth day of JANUARY,IB6O,at 2o'clock, P. M„ rrt which time and place all person-Interested are request ed to prevent their claims or else be forever de barred troui i i the said fund. P. D. MORWOW, December 16, 1869. Auditor. | \ uniTOß's Notice —b b. j. w. ! TV AfR/er vs. Jame'D. Go*stine leho turrired Wilham ttitmni. in Court of (Jommoii Pleat of Bradford County, 1 Nh. 174, September Term, 1867. ALSO—lu the matter of the sale of real and personal . profierty of H'U/mm G'kwon, deceased. Iu the Orphans' Court. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed bysnhl Court ( to distribute tunles in the above rat', hereby gives no ticc that lie will attend to the duties of hit upp Jintment at ' | his otl'ce in tlie B'u-ough ol Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 231 day of JANUARY 10. at 1 o'clock. P. M.. at j which time and place all persons interested are requested ' ' to present Their claims or else forever Be "debarred from 1 J the said fund. G. D. MON'TANYE. December 16. l-.MU Anilitor. isJ HI'.Kl 1/F"S A LE.— Hy virluu of u wrii kT of tcud. Expo, issued out of the CouftofCom- t inoii Pleas' of Bradford Ooflnty, to me dlrec'ted'and deliv ered, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House- ' in the Borough of T watida.on FRIDAY, tlie 13th day, of JANUARY 1800, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following { lot, piece or |arcel of land situate in RWgbury township, bounded as follows : North bv land of Jared Hammond. I ea.-t by land ol David ih.it south by iai.d of Jaraes , Mitchell and West by land ol J a me* Stevens. Coutaihtng 70 acres more or less, about 25 acres improved, with a | framed house, a framed barn, au app e orchard and other fruit tree., thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil son vs. Jacob B. Mitchell. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF,Sheriff. ' Sheriff's Office, Dec. Is, 1859. A UMIX JSTRATRIX'S NOTICE.-Notice ak is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- | state of JAM ESC. PARriONS, htfc of Canton twp, dee'd., must Inake immedinic payment, and all persons having demands agaimA *sii estate will present them duly au- I thenticated for settlement IUHRIET A. PARSONS, July 11, is.-,p. Administratrix. | NOTICE. —Notice is here- j by given that al I persons iudebtSd to the estate of BENJAMIN P. fc.N'YDER. dee'd., late of \tbeus tp, must ' make immediate payment.arid all persons havingdemflnds j against said estate, will present them duly authenticated i for settlement. AUG UST A SKYHER, August 29, 1859. J ACOB REEL. C- U.MIEP,Vi:D, 4 Executors. 4 DMIXISTKATOIUS XOTl.'i, X TV. is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the estate of GEORGE G. ADAMS, late of Ulster twp.,de ceased, are hereby.requested to make payment without delay, and all peradiW Waving demands against said estate, i will present them duly authenticated for settlement. LEVI KMBLE. August L IP.tO. Administrator. ) \ DMINISTRATRIX'S XOTK'K.- Xotice ! !TV is hereby gi vert, that all persons indebted to the i estate of JtJHN MORRIS, later of TYanen twp,.dee'd , must Drake immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate wiif preeunt them duly au thenttPktea for settlement? ANNA MORRIS. November 3. T839. Administratrix. , \ DMIMSTRATUK S XUTICi: —Xotice i TV is hereby giv.eu. that, ail iWrvijis indebted to the es tate of J A M F.S OERODLD. lato of SmithßeLd twp.,dee'd. are hereby requested to mafcn uniuediatt payment, and all persons hiving oialnt- agaihst said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement- E. SS': f' -td^fnlstvato^ N'ovenrbtr 14, 186?. SPECIAL CUL UT.—Notice is hereby giv kT en thai a Special Court of Uommoit Pleas will be j held at Towntda, ttir the County erf Bradford on Monday ; the 16th day of January 186(1, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. at which the.ROBERTO WHITE will preside, for the trial ot the following causes to wit: No, 255. December term, iß6o—Lyman Matson vs. Ira and Richard Jcuningsl Ejectment." No. 263, July term. 1866—.ilanaon B. Smith vs. iaml. i Ketlum. ct. al. Ejectment. No. 115, September term, 1856- Israel Smith vs. Sam j uel Kelium and Micliaei Tirotnpson. Trespass. And such other causes as may be certified and ordered | upon the list tor frill at that lime. SubpoeiuM -mode re- | I turnnble at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. . A1.1.8N M'KR.iN. Prothonotrry. Prothonotary's Office, November 16 1,359, NOTICE.—Notice is here-, 1 by tivwi, fli.it all pcrsous indebted ot> the estate of | GEORGE SPALDJNO, late ofTuscarora towii.-liip.dec'd. ! i are hereby requested to make pay mow t without delay ; | aud all persons having claims against said estate will \ present them dtily antlieirtieated tor".-' tMeihcnt. C. J. LACEV, t | November 8, 1850. Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Xotice /* hrmtrv given, th*b. uU persons iiduHD d'to flie festate #>f €H'Aif!#;s AriH.VsAN A.'rte-ofM- imfunn, dee d j I are hereby requested to make payment without delay : , and all persona having elainis against the said estate wifl please presen: them duly authenticated for settlement. H.VUVIvY W*. DUNHAM, i , , . SARAH JOHNSON j Administrators November 14, 1559. A P.MIXIfeTRATOR-S NOTICE.- -Notice | TV is hereby-ariyen. Ui ;,t all persous indebted to tliees- . Uvte qt.Ef >MC BUI FA IftLJill.l^Juteot Ilerrkk twji.,dee'd arehiM-eby raqi*4ted t<-rorfke Iminedinre payment .and all ] persons having claims against said estate wall present J them duly authenticated for settlement. . SfIEPARD M. FAHTMrn.D, November 2. 1859. " Administrator LWF.d*TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice ishere-j I I.J by given, that all persons indebted to the es- I . tale ot ABRAM I. MILLER, late id' Athens twp. de>Vii. I i are hereby requested to make payment without delay, I and all pervons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ULNR-Y V. MlLUrtf. -t * . . , , iQct, M., \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice! E V is beriAv given. Giat alt pr-vra u dai.ted to the i j estateilf RICHARD SHORES, deceased, late of Wysox | I twp.. aro roijucste.d tu nrake pa;uent without delay ; i ! and those having claims against the->a7d estate w ill please j I present them duly authenticated for settlement. M AKLV't>UORES, 1 ; ALBERT LENT. ( Oct. 12,1989. Administrator*. E EXECUTOR'S XOTICE — Xotice is here- J by given, that all persons indebted to the e-tate of THOMAttAI* I tVi'IJI late of t'otvmbl.t tvp-nxhjp. de- j ! ceased, arenereby requested to made payment without de- i • lay, and all persons having demands against said estate, j ] will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. ('. M'KEAN. LUCY BALDWIN, j September 15, 1859. Ej tcu.tnr*. ; 'Arrival ol' tlie Great Eastern ! LATEST INTELLIGENCE! IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWANDA I A.M) VICINITY! i A T E. SOLQMQN lias just returned from | Ttl • the East with the LARGEST, BEST A CHEAI'- . EST stock of Fall & Winter Clothing, ever brought to this market. T can assure my custo mers that ItiqVe studied their interest as well as my own , by bn|rine the best made,-and most durable stock of Fash ionable Clothing to be found. My stock ooni?ts of Pelis sier, Raglan, Sack, etc , Overcoat* ; Black and Fancy I GoWiraerc ftoi If aad tVtck Uoats of all styles and qnali L tms : fthek: Dnekiix, Fancy Cassiracn' aad Bants; Fancy Silk and Cotton Velvet, Uassimcre, Satti- | net and Plush Vests, in fant, a great tjuwiy styles too num- 1 erous to mention. aisf) including a large stock of ftEWTS riTRNXSHINO j You wilt tfndTt to your advantage to call and examine I my stuck before purehosiug laew here. Gwtn- r ,ne ' Pome all Ito the Clothing Store of M. SOLOMON I Towanda No\p I, IBq'j. >'<f. I*. J'aiLtf'a Dk)f%. ; N. B■ —-fI'ST IjkcEtVß4>—-A, larva Stork of kirt Leather Upper Leather, KtpskiOs, CF;; Li alo g Skins. Jio.. wnich -will he sold cheajie- tka i elsewhere in this market. ! The highest market *,vice in cash, will Be paid for all [ ; kraki of Ggiu.Wsql Hldeiaaj! Sheep the ply e, No A j, fytoa e Block. \ M.L.S. C.VUTIOX. — Whereas, mv wile XIARV . has left iry bed aid, hoard without n,av uiat causa.erf provocation, this is to.forbid uy person ftoi >g l> | 1 harboring her on my a6coont,. I wtll ps .- Vv-dects bf; hr extracting after ibie dale, ualertt rordvdW+V is*- I I Beutley's Creek, Nov. 9,1=53 IHriS.^CLITAN. UKscrllanfOtt?. o. H. wooDßvrr-DBimsT. T>ERM.\ N ENTF,Y IneAtwi h, Tfowunda.— X Office 2io. !f, Brick Row, over 11. W. Nonius' Store.. Entrant-# out door south of Tracy A Mnorto. dec.l.tf • BLACKWOOD'S MAOAKZITS, INI BRITISH REVIEWS. I SCOTT A CO.. NEW YORK oor.tinue to publish j the following leading British i'eriu4M*h, U . i THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Cowernttive). i 2. THE EDINBURGH REYIE* (Whig). TnE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Cfcureb), 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal >- -6. , BLACKWOOD'S EDINIiCftUH MAC.AZIXE (T<rv). These periodicals ably rep#-en thcihrec great pvliti } ca) parties erf Or rat Britain—Whig, T<ifv. ami Radicil— but politics firms only "tie feature rn their abstracter— As Organ* of the mu.-l profound writer* ou Science.Lit eratim;. Morality, ao<l Religion. they stand. us they ever hare stood. unrivalled in the world of tetters, being udii side red inds>|Ktusaljlc to the soholar ami tliv pruJetsiounl j man. while lf> the intelligent leader of every class tLey • furiii-h a more correct (ted "-atisfartort record M the em I real Utenrtuy of the thtv, throughout the world than c" ! be possibly ahbtkied Irotn nuy ulhi'i source; The receipt of A DVANTE SHEETS Loin The British publishers glvtk additional Value to these Rbprint*. inas much a.- tbay nan no* be pise vd ju the hand* of *ubd<fi bers about as-aoon as Xlpi original editions. TERMS; For any of the four Reviews,, 1.., .$3 00 I For any two of the four Reviews, 500 For ato three of three four Reviews,,..,. 7 00 For all R>uj;ot the Rv\ie*w,.„. 8 Cite Fbr Btyrktf(k><rs Magazine ' 3 Oft • For Blackwood aild one Ret ie*r;....... 1...... AOO For 14fieL*voMl and. two Keviewpa, 7 OU For Black wood and three Reviews, a 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews.. 10'Ofl flluney cun titt in the 6>tu!e wheit istued uhU be received at par. Cr.t'Biva. A discount of twenty.five per cent, from the above pni it will be allowed toCluba ordering four or Tuure copied of any one or more of the above wotkA Thus : Four copies of Blackwood, or of oue Review, will be -ent to one address for {'J ; four copies of the four Re- I views and Blaijhwood for S3O ; and so on. Po4TAUE.~ lit all the principal Cities and Towns these works wlfl be delivered FREE OF POSTAGE. When f sent by mail, the Postage toanv part irf the United States !will be hut Twenty-Four Cents a year for '• BU- kwood," and but Fourteen Cents a year £hr cat h of tbe Reviews. JT. It.—The price fn (Treat Britain of tbe ffve Periodi cals above named is iil per antrum. Remittances tor any of tbe above publications should always be addressed. p st-paid. to thy PabTfsheiw, LEONARD SCOTT A CO. Nu. 64 Cold street, New York. 1 piJANGR of TIME!—WINTER All- Vj I!ANOEMENT.—DELAWARE. LAC+iAWANA A i WESTERN KAIL ROAD —On and alter Thursday, De cember 1,1-51', trains will run as follows : The Jfigtrt Express train East ou the New York aud Erie R. It. arrive- at Great Bend at 3 2S A. M-, ami o#n nucts with the Eapieo.- Train leaving Crust Bend for New York and Philadelphia at a 00 A. M. Due at New Mil ford -, • 8 1, " Montrose, : 83b " Hopbottbm,. , 859 " Nicholson. 915 " Factory trUle.C.' . 940 " Abingtou,... v 947 " Scr.iuton,.. ,1. 10 30 " Moscow, .11 if " Toby Ira una,. 11 63 M Stroudi-burg,... 1 12 if. M. Water Hap', .134 M Columbia, 159 " 1 i,awaje. (15 min. to dine) ......... J Otl " IRuie. (PhilAdelphhfconnection) .... 235 " "Fh-iti.evillp,.: 5 4(1 • '• Wnsinigttu, 313 '• Jupc1im,.........- 35U f* New York,. i. v .7 15 Pbilcdeiphia, .........1'. ...T .*8 30 " Passangurd frnin New York, leave Bier Nu. IL North Riv er. at 7 30 A. M. From Philadelphia, leave Walnut st Wharf,. ..6 00 " Leave June tins at 11 10 " Due at Washington 11 3d " BfMgiWtlle 12 01 P. M Hope. (I'ltila.cotmefttfiMi) ...12 05 •' Itelawarfe, (16 m'tr. to dine).. ~,12 20 " Columbia ~W 44 " Wm?r (tap,/ - 101 " Stroodsburg i..... a ... lIJ I' Tobybunna, 246 " Moreow 5,19 fiekantOti, 405 " Abingion t..;...) 4,4(1 " Factoryville 4~59 " Nithoison,. ...... SIJ " Hopbottom,. w% "v..; <■. t.,. *O4 '* flootrose. ...... ...,£22 New- MHfonJ,. ~ ~ C 4<) " | Great iiouit, 640 •' ' °PP c ,tiijg ut Grevt lieud with Night Escpreas ivist 1 46 A, M. Arriijumoii.ition train leave.-, Scranton for I Great Band at 10 36 " F.e buyvilie„. ;.. 11 66 " Nn Tu-1- u. 12 8 P. M. Montre*.- ~. 1 ,10 *• Anivcaat Great Feud, , .9 60 Coiinectiiig with ihe Dunkirk E.\. we.-t, at.. 3 3'J . " And Acemuniodotioh Train West. at....:.. 533 " : Returning hives Great Bend, at 310 " Montrose, 405 J* Nicholson 515 " Factoryville 665 " Due at Scranton 7 15 " i The Aeoonmodatin Train doe not leave Sim#ton un til after the arrival of the Morning li um yutire Laeka -1 wanna aud BU- nisb'urg R. R.,tTu:.- civilig Passenger s from i the Wyoming V alley a direct oomiettion for the West by , tne Morning Train. For the Aecijmmodation of way travel on tbe Southern : Pi\iiion a Pas eneCr Car wi?l be attached to the Expre—, i Freight Train—leaving Scranton. at 4 30 A.M. Duc at Moscow, 000 " Stroinlsburg, . In 30 " Junrtion, i 2 P. >f. Returning, leavoa JunclUm, at 4 -ftft A. M. Ducat Stsoudsburg 7 45 ,•' Mcs,o W .~ 110 P.M. Passengers from New York will change cars at Junc tion. T'o and fropi Philadelphia, r ia B. I). U. R., (gave or take the cars at Hope. Fir Pittston,-Kincetotft and Wilkes Barre. take Lackawanna Bloouisbupg R. K. at Scranton. For Jessup, Arcubald and CarLondale, tgke Stage- at Scranton. i Ticket ■ sedd and baggtigc cheeked through. JOHN BUISBiN. Superintendent. IVit N. JrsKS. General Ticket Agent. P4—itaal Novemiier 21. 1-SH. L. AVLUIL, Manufacturer of WHITE STONE LIME, Dealer iu Water Lime, Brick. &c. WQWANBA; PA. G-. P TRACY, m. D. IJIIVSICIAN aV SURGEON, and Grad | I unte of the JefTt rson Medical College at Philadelphia I having vetnrnutl to tlin village of Mtftkrotfaitv, where he j int'-ud- to permanently locate would vesj.s-tfidly otJer hir ! services to the . iti/ins of tlie place and vicinity. I Havii iit received a thorough extra course on the discas* j of Females and Children, he i- prepared to give Npecn [ ntt utloji to that Buiject tifflce af the store of Tracy ! Edsali References. Dr. M ason, Towarifla, ft- Nkwt ) Monroetiin. Nov. 14, IS9. ]m:M(A;A I I TEYBSES MERGUR Ims removed hia V' Law Office to the S-o*id St-C-y ot hi*new building. jmi the corner next south of the Ward House. nov.3 I it thm will be made aCtlfc next session of the ia-gV i lature of Pennsylvania f'>r the incorporation of a Bauk, ito be called the —Bradford Conntv Bank with li.ip,Viyl privileges of Issue. Dinjfiunt and Deposit; wit*', j wvirffcu j of Tiyt l Hundred Thousand Dollars, v> m .-rrnC tbe enpitaT etotk (A Fonr H-j u dWs Uaauaud VVI i lars and to be lorataid in the of Iwanda, in tha county of Brad fjord. Towanda, June 1 ) —-Thcro^partnerßMphCTte -4 T o1r*- sjtisiing between the- wibaeribera ntnlcr the Lrm 61 yp jet" A JsiHßA*. is this day dissolved by mutual IV books, puvs, pecouuts, arnl o.thec trUica- I Uotie ahd papers itclongltig to said firm, art haw lit tbe I bands pijJEUE t LLP tor settlemsct AD accounts and notes overdu*uh )s4 day af F*f>- rnary Arxt, will be put 10 course or collectiqt without re ; spect t person*. Until that timu Grain,.ftbeep K'hsand Hides will be received in payment.- JLTRY f'f'LP. Towanda. Awguet 1, 1849. J. F. KIRBY. jerry" cxriet • Will kerfwffeer carry oo tbe HaBVKW .A_ND SATMVLF RL'SlN'jEbb. tu nil tmrariona brancber. 41 th old^tmid for (.'nip A. Suby. where be aoiicitij a .cOQtiiaascc a£ tho ta*i "ngc hitlhvto enjoyert. a large sWck oTßuty Made artfoies and materials will be kf a en hand. a-f evbry exertion made to deserve tbe favor of tbe public. TIN" A RTc —~A full hsSOi'tineu* ol Ttu Wire lust received foj sale J Octote. 1". 1?53 W. A ROCK'TgLL'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers