Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 08, 1859, Image 2

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    Execution of Brown!
His Interview with his Wife!
His Remains taken North !
CUARI.ESTOWN, Friday, Dec. 2, 1859. j
,'ILc iutc i'vlew beiwetn Browu and his wife .
lasted from i o'clock in the afternoon until
near S o'clock in the evening, when Gen. :
Taliaferro informed them that the period al
lowed had elapsed, and that she must prepare
for departure to the Ferry. A carriage was
again brought to the door, the military took
possession of the square, and with an escort i
of twenty mounted men, the cortege moved
off, Capt Moore of the Montgomery Guards
accompanying her. The interview was, I ,
learn, not a very affecting one—rather of a j
practical character, with regard to the future .
of herself ancf children, and the arrangement j
and settlement of business nffa.ii s. They
seemed considerably affected when they first j
met, and Mrs. Brown was, for a few moments,
quite overcome ; but Brown was as firm as a
rock,'and she soon recovered her composure, j
There was an impression that the prisoner
might possibly be furnished with a weapon or .
with strychnine, by his wife, and before the 1
interview her person was searched bv the wife
of the jailor, and a striat watch kept upon
thein during the time they were together. At
the time of separation they both seemed to be ,
fully self possessed, and the parting, especially |
on "his part, exhibited a composure, either
feigned or real, that was truly surprising. 1 .
learn from Captain Moore that she rather re
pelled all attempts on his part to express
sympathy with her under her afflictions.
She resented the idea that Capt. Brown had
done anything to deserve death, or to attaint
his name with dishonor, and declared that the
ignominious character of the punishment that
was about, to be inflicted upon him was as i
cruel as it was unjnst. She regarded him as a
martyr in a righteous cause, and was proud to
be the wife of such a man. The gallows, she
said, hod no terrors for her or for liira.
The character of the interview may be
judged to some extent from this conversation
with Capt. Moore, which took place previous
to it.
She stated that she had not seen him since
last June, about six months ago, and that they
had been srporated with the exception of a
few days for nearly two years. They had,
however, corresponded, and she had always
felt a deep interest in the cause in which lie
was engaged.
I learn from Capt. Avis, the jailer, that the
interview between the prisoner and his wife
was characteristic of the man, and the direc
tion given for the management and distribution
of his property embraced all the minor details
of his last will and testament.
Gen. Taliaferro was also present, and Capt.
Brown urged that his wife be allowed to re
main with him all night. To this the General
refused to assent, allowing them but four
On first meeting, they kissed, and nffec
tionately Embraced, and Mrs. Brown shed a
few tears, but immediately checked her feel
ings. They stood embraced, and she sobbing,
for nearly five minutes, and he was apparently
unable to speak. The prisoner only gave way
for a few moments, and was soon cairn and
collected, and remained firm throughout the
interview. At the close, they shook hands,
but did not embrace, and as they parted, he
said, " God bless you and the children " Mrs
Brown replied, " God have mercy on you,"
and continued calm until she left the room,
when she remained in tears a few moments,
and then prepared to depart. The interview
took place in the parioi of Captain Avis, and
the prisoner was free from manacles of any
Tliey sat sule by side 011 a sofa, and, after
discifssing family matters, proceeded to bus
iness. He stated that he desired his property
to pass entirely into her pose=-ssion, and ap
peared to place full confidence in her ability
to manage it properly for the benefit of his
younger children. He requested her to remain
at North Elba, N. Y., on her farm, where she
now resides, and which belongs to her. He
desired that his younger children should be
educated, and if she could not obtain facilities
for their education at home, to have them sent
to a boarding-school. He then gave directions
and dictated to Sheriff Campbell a will, which
directed that all his property should go to his
wife, with the exception of a few presents and
bequests which he made. To one of his sons
he gave a double sypglass and to another a
watch, while a third was directed to take a
tomb, or monument, that marks the grave of
his father at North Elba, and have his name,
age, and the manner of his death, together
with the cause, for which he had suffered, in
scribed thereon. He directs that it shall re
main at North Elba as long as his family con
tinues to reside there. To each of his chil
dren he bequeathed the sum of SSO, ami to
each of his daughters a Bible, to cost $5, to be
purchased out of money corniug to him from
Ills father's estate. Also, Ire directs that a
Bible, to cost $3, shall be presented to each
of his grandchildren, and that SSO each be
jjaid to three individuals, whom he named, if
they can be found, and if not, to their legal
Dnring the coarse of conversation, Mrs.
Brown asked him if he ha 1 heard that Gen it
Smith had become insane, and had been sent
to the Asylum at Utica. He replied that he
had read of it in the papers, and was sorry to
hear it, but immediately changed the subject.
The subject of the death of his two sons
was spoken of, and Mrs. Brown remarked that
she had made some efforts while at Harper's
JKerry for the recovery of their bodies, to
which end, she said, Col. Barbour had kindly
consented to give his assistance. Capt. Brown
remarked that he would also like the remains
of the two Thompsons removed if they could
be found, but suggested that it would be best
to take his body with the bodies of his four
sons, and get a pile cf pine logs and barn
them alt together; that it would be much
better and less expensive to thus gather up ail
their ashes together, and take them to their
final resting-place. Sheriff Campbell told him
that this would not be permitted within the
State, and Mrs. Brown objected to the propo
sition altogether.
The prisoner said that he contemplated his
death with composure aud calmness. It
would undoubtedly be pleasant to live longer,
but as it was Hie will of God he should close
his career, he was content. It was doubtless
best that he should be thus legally murdered
for the good of the cause, and be was prepared
to submit to his fate without a murmur. Mrs.
Brown becoming depressed at the remarks, he
bade her choer op, telling her that his spirit
wouid soon bo with her again, aud that they
would be Eeunited iu Heaven.
With regard to his execution, he said that
he desired MO religions ceremonies, cither in
the jail or on the scaffold, from ministers who
consent to approve of the enslavement of their
fellow-creatures; that he wonld prefer rather
to be accompanied to the scaffold by a dozen
slave children and a good old slave mother,
with their appeal to God for blessings on his
soul, than all the eloquence of the whole clergy
of the Commonwealth combined.
During the past week several letters con
taining checks and drafts had been forwarded
to him by his frieuds in different sections of the
country.' These he indorsed, and made pay
able to his wife Mcry A. Brown (one of tbem
was for SIOO and one for 50) and handed them
to her.
On Friday morning the prisoner was brought
out of jail at eleven. Before leaving he bid
adieu to all his fellow prisonere, and was very
affectionate to all except Cook. He charged
Cook with having deceived and misled him in
relation to the support he was to receive from
the slaves ; lie was led to believe they were
rife for insurrection, and had lound that his
representations Were false. Cook denied the
charge, but made little reply.
The prisoner then told the Sheriff that he
was ready. His arms were pinioued, and with
n black slouch hat on, and the same clothes he
wore during the trial, he proceeded to the
door, apparently calm and cheerful. As lie
came out, the six companies of infantry and
one troop of horse, with Gen. Taliaferro and
his entire staff, were deploying in front of the
jail, while an open wagon, with a piue box, in
which was a fine oak coffin, was waiting for
lie looked around and spoke to several per
sons he recognized, and, walking down the
steps, took a seat in the coffin-box, along with
the jailor, .Avis. lie looked with interest on
the fine military display, but made no remark.
The wagon moved 00', flanked by two files of
riflemen in close order. On reaching the field
the military had already full possession. Pick
ets were stationed, and the citizens kept back
at the point of the bayonet from taking any
position but that assigned them.
On his way to the scafl'cld, Mr. Sadler, an
undertaker, who was in the wagon with him,
remarked, " Capt. Brown, you are a game
man." lfe answered, "Yes, I was so trained
np ; it was one of the lessons of my mother—
but it is hard to part from friends, though
newly made." He then remarked, " This is a
beautiful country ; I never bad the pleasure of
seeing it before."
On reaching the field where the gallows was
erected, the prisoner said, " Why nre none but
military allowed in the inclosure ? lam sorry
citizens have been kept out." On reaching
the gallows he observed Mr. Hunter and
Mayor Green standing near, to whom he said,
" Gentlemen, good-bye " his voice not. falter
The prisoner walked up the steps firmly,
and was the first man on the gallows. Avis
and Sheriff Campbell stood by his side, and
after shaking hands and bidding an affection
ate adieu, he thanked them for their kindness,
when the cap was put 011 his face and the rope
around his neck. Avis asked him to step for
ward on the trap, lie replied: "you must
lead me. I cannot see." The rope was adjust
ed, and the military order given, " not ready
yet." The soulders marched, counter-marched
and took position as if an enemy were insight,
and were thus occupied for nearly ten minutes.
The prisoner standing all the time. Avis in
quired if he was not tired. Brown said ; " No
not tired, don't keep me waiting longer than
necessary." He was swung off at fifteen min
utes past eleven. A slight grasping of the
hands and twitching of the muscles were seen,
and then all was silent.
The body was several times examined, and
the pulse did not cease until thirty-five min
utes had passed. The body was then cut
down, placed in a coffin, and conveyed under
military escort to the depot, where it was put
in a car to be carried to the Ferry by a special
traiu at d o'clock.
Throughout the Northern States there
were manifold expressions of sympathy during
the day. A large meeting was held in Phila
delphia, at which the last letters of BROWN to
his wife were read, and speeches delivered by
Independent, LUCRETIA MOTT and others. Great
disorder atteuded these proceedings. In Boston
there was a colored council of condolence, out
ward tokens of grief were displayed in the
streets, in both branches of the Massachusetts
Legislature adjournment for the day was pro
posed, and in the evening there was a grand
Abolition rally, at which Messrs. W. L. GAR
RISON and S. L. SEWAIX were the chief orators.
At Manchester, X. 11., great excitement for a
time prevailed by reason of an interference of
the Mayor with the tolling of the State House
hell. There was a dense assemblage of peo
ple in the City Hall, Syracuse,to hear speeches
put forth resolutions, and take moneys for the
relief of BROWN'S family. The City Hall bell
was tolled sixty-three times, in correspondence
with the years of BROWN'S life.
The remains of JOHN BROWN arrived
at Philadelphia at noon on Saturday, in custody
of Mrs. BROWN and Messrs TIXDALE and
Mi KIM, of Philadelphia, and a reception
Oniinuittee, at the head of which was Rev. I)r.
FCRXISS, was in waiting at the depot. A
largo police force was detailed to preserve
order. A considerable crowd, chiefly compos
ed of colored persons, had assembled to wit
ness the arrival of the train. The depot hav
ing been cleared of all except the policemen
and reporters, the body was removed at 2
o'clock to the Walnut street wharf, to await
shipment to New York. A large crowd fol
lowed the wagon in which the corpse was con
veyed from the depot to the wharf. The
evening line for New York brought the remains
to that City, where thev were only detained
until morning, and a departing train carried
them forward to Boston. Mrs BROWN came
on from Philadelphia by the New Jersey Rail
road. Bhe remained over night with friends
and proceeded to Boston with her husband's
SERIOUS ACCIDENT.— A little girl, daughter
of Mr. Lampman, of Tioga, in this County,
aged about 15 years, was accidentally shot by
a young man by the name of Russel, on Sun
day last, while foolishly flourishing a gun,
preparatory to going a huuting on that day.
The shot took effect in the elbow of the girl's
left arm, shattering the fore arm in a terrible
manner. The arm near the shoulder, was am
putated the next day by Dr. Churchill, and
the patient is apparently doing well. Let
this sad accideut be a warning to all, partic
ularly those who profess better things, to be
careful how they break the Lord's day.—Oice
go G&Zittc.
ifUtos from all stations.
Thomas G. Rutherford, late Superinten
dent of the Western House of Refupe, having been con
victed of adultery, was ou Saturday last sentenced at
Pittsburg, by Judge McClure, to pay a tine of $133 33 j.
and the costs of prosecution, and to imprisonment for
one year in the county jail of Allegheny county.
—The controversy among the Democracy
of Kentucky In regard to the instruction ot the delegates
from that State to Charleston in favor of Hon. Jas. Guthrie
is increasing in bitterness, and evidently excites much
—The Board of Revenue Commissiones will
meet at Harrisbnrg next February for the purpose of ad
justing the revenue and equalizing taxation. This board
is constituted by one member from each judicial district,
who is appointed bv the judges of the several Courts of
Quarter Sessions iu this Commonwealth.
—Law is expensive, as well as vexatious
and uncertain. Jn a recent ease in MiHvaukie, it came
out that the income of one lawyer in that city for the
year was $19,000. Not so very uncertain!
—We see it stated that the Michigan Cen
tral Road has been now running thirteen years under its
present management. Iu the time not a single passenger
car has has been broken up by any accideut on the track.
—John Brown's ancestor, Peter Brown,
came over in the May Flower in 1620 ; bis grand father
was a captain in the revolutionary army, his father was a
commissary in the war of 1812, and John Browu himself
took part in that war.
—Senator Seward, at the latest advices,
was at Vienna, having just returned" from the Holy Land.
After a hasty trip to the Barbary Coast, be expected to
return to America ; but his presence at the meeting of
Congress is doubtful.
A little boy named Chase was found dead
in his seat at school in Detroit, a few days since. No
cause could bejdiscovered for the sudden death, but it Is
supposed that he was seized with a fit of apcplcxy.
—The London Tunes editorially pronunces
the " Great Eastern " a failure. The Times says she will
in a heavy sea, roil not a little, and her propelling power
is indequate to the mass which is to be moved.
—The ITtica Observer fays Gerrit Smith
continues to improve. His bodily and mental condition
are hopefully gaining. His appetite is better, and he
sleeps better than when brought to the Asylum.
—Coi. Forney speaks of Judge Black, the
preseut Attorney General of the United States, as " a
person who is patiently waiting for the death of one of
the Judges cf the Supreme Court of the United States
with a view to fill the vacancy."
—Kentucky is going in strong for James
Guthrie for the Charleston nominee for the Presidency—
It seems probable that the State Conreution.which meets
on the Bth of Shnuary, will instruct the Charleston dele
gates to go tor Guthrie.
—The trial of Stephens, old Brown's con
federate, will not come on until the sitting of the U. S.
Circuit Court at Stanton, Va., in May next.
—Fifteen returning Pike's Peak emigrants
arc reported to have been drowned, in attempting to
cross the Platte liver in boats, within a short period.
—The clipper-ship Uncowah, which arrived
at San Francisco on the 25th ult., from New York, re
ports that, on the 9th of August, when about fifty five
miles off Cape Horn, she fell iu with a number of icebergs
the largest of which w as about eight miles long and three
hundred feet high.
—Two married woman met in the streets of
Baltimore. Tuesday, and at once pitched into each other.
A fearful destruction of bonnets and crinoline ensued,and
finally one of the tigresses being knocked down, the
other seized a Hour barrel and broke it upon her. Jealousy
incited the combat.
—Charges have been preferred against Gen.
Ward B- Burnett. Surveyor General of Kansas, of intoxi
cation to an extent incapacitating bini for attention to his
The cannon invented by ex-Senator James,
of Rhode Island, will, it is stated by scientific army
officers, carry a shot with accuracy, six miles and over!
—Advices from Brownsville state that out
of revenge, Cortinas had hung three Americans.
—The Republican National Committee will
meet at the Astor Iluuse in New York Wednesday, Dec,
21, to decide on the time for holding the National Oon
nention of 1860, and to agree on the terms of the call.—
We presume the attendance will he full, and that quite a
number of leading Republicans not members of the Com
mittee will be present on the occasion.
—Advices from New Mexico to the Tth
inst., state that Colonel Fauntlery had arrived at Santa
Fe and assumed command of the department. The In
dians still continued their depredations on the mail and
emigrant trains.
—Major French, ngent of the Treasury
Department for the extension of the Capitol
was arrested, in New York, on Saturday, by a deputy
United SLttes marshal,and taken to Washington.
—A despatch from New York states that
Commodore Vanderbilt has brought out. the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company for $2,000,000.
—A woman hroko into Mrs Gardner's
millinery shop, in Danville, last month, but was caught
and broomsticked before she conld get away with her
" things.''
—On Friday Inst, Mr. Brown of Newberry,
went out to fell a tree on Pine Creek—it was heard to
fall and after some hours, he not returning, search was
made, when lie was found under the fallen tree—killed !
—Lock Haven is said to be fixed upon as
the site for the Machine Shop of the Sunbury A Erie
—Gov. Wise has been greatly hoaxed by
letters. One from Lewisburg Union county says, that a
secret organization in that place, with five hundred mem
bers. intend to drop down, on Virginia suddenly,to rescue
Brown, and this is called a reliable letter.
—The Scarlet Fever rages in Newville, Cum
berland county, and many homes have been desolated.
—The L'pper Missouri and Mississippi are
full of ice, and the boats are delayed. Above Nebraska
City, on the Missouri, there is an ice gorge, full five miles
in length.
—lnformation has been received at Washing
ton which gives every reason to believe that the Liberal
Government of Mexico, the Cabinet of which is united,
will agree to the pending treaty of the United States.
—Resolutions have been offered in the South
Carolina Legislature that that State is ready to enter,with
other Southern States, into the formation of a Southarn
Confederation ; and that official information be given as
to the condition of the State Arsenal, arms, ammunition,
number of men enrolled in the State Militia, the style of
their arms, &c.
—The tracklayers of the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad have reached Youngsville—nine mile from War
ren. The Warren folks, in their anxiety for a sight of
the iron-horse, imagine they can hear him " snort " that
distance !
—The House in which John Huss, the great
reformer, was born, at Husiuec, in Bohemia was recently
destroyed by fire.
—The Canadian Parliament meets at Que
bec on Wednesday, Dec. 8.
—The women in Minnesota find profitable
employment in farming. It is said that the farm work in
that State 1s now preformed by about half an many
females as males.
—The report that Kit Carson, the famous
mountaineer Is dead, haabeen contradicted by Judge
Watts who is direct from Mexico
Thursday Morning, December 8,1859.
TKHMS—One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
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Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, (fc.
izens of Pennsylvania, who are opposed too tbe
principles and measures of the present National Admin
istration, and to the Election of men to (Wee who sustain
those principles utid measures, are requested to meet in
their respective counties, and to elect Delegates equal in
number to their representatives in the General Asscmhiv
to a PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION to be held at
at 12 A. M., to indicate their choice for the next Presi
dency. nominate a candidate tor Governor, form an Elec
toral ticket, appoint Senatorial, and to designate thr
tiine and mode of Electing Dictrict Delegates to the Na
tional Convention, and to transact such other business as
may be deemed necessary to ensure success at the Gen
eral Election. LEVI KLINE,
Chairman People's Executive Committee.
Onr advices from Congress are that after
balloting on Monday without choosing a
Speaker, an adjournment took place until next
day. We have not received auy statement of
of the vote. The Republicans did not hold a
caucus, but expected to support the person re
ceiving (he largest number of votes upon the
first ballot.
We find a genera! concurrence in our views
in relation to the mode of electing Dlegates ;
to the National Convention. The Pittsburg
Dispatch of the 28th inst, eornplaius of the
phraseology of the call for the State Conven
tion, issued by Mr. KLINE. Mr. Foster, the
editor of the Dispatch, is secretary of the
State Central Committee, of which Mr. Kline
is chairman, and he states that, after a full
discussion bv the committee, at the meeting j
preparatory to the issue of the call, the follow
ing resolution was adopted :
" Resolved, That a State Convention he called to as
semble at Harrisbnrg on a day to hp fixed by the chair
man of this committee, to designate the choice ot Penn
sylvania for the Presidency ; nominate a candidate for
Governor; elect two Senatorial delegates to represent
tiie Statu at large in ihe National Convention ; designate
a time and mode for electing Representative delegates.
in their rrsprctire districts, to the National Convention ;
and to transact such other business as may l> deemed ex
Mr. Foster contends that it was thus dis
tinctly understood the Representative delegates
should be elected in their respective districts,
while the call for the State Convention an
nounces one of its objects to be to " designate
tbe time and mode of electing District Dele
gates." The State Convention cannot without
a gross usurpation of power and outrage upon
the rights of the people assume the duty of
electing Delegates. In this District, the Dele
gate will probably be elected before tbe Con
vention meets at Harrisbnrg—at least onr
County Conventions will al! be held to elect
Delegates to the State Convention, and they
in all probability will appoint Conferees, or
take other action, to select a DElegate to the
the National Convention.
day of last week JOHN CREHHITOX, clerk in the
store of Thos. Johnson, in Linden, Lycoming
county, Pa., was instantly killed by the falling
of a hogshead of molasses upon him. The
Williamsport (Jozttlc states that he was in
the cellar of the store, while a party of men
were endeavoring to let a hogshead of molasses
into the cellar from the outside. He stood
nearly under the hogshead endeavoring to as
sist in getting i.l down. While in this po
sition, one of the ropes attached slipped off,
and the hogshead with all its weight rushed
down upon him, breaking many of the bones
in bis body, which caused instant death. lie
was interred in the old grave yard above
Williamsport, on Saturday, lie has lived in
Linden for about five years, and at the time
of his death was in his twenty-eighth vear.
He leaves a wife and one child.
BOLD BURGLARY. — On last Tuesday night
three men came to the honse of Henry South
ard, Sen., residing in Blooming grove, about 5
miles uortli of Williamsport, and attacked him
on the steps in front of the house, carried him
into the house, threw him on the bed, and then
bound him hand and foot ; after which they
treated his wife in a similar manner. They
then robbed him of some six or seven hundred
dollars in gold and silver. While two of the
vidians were helping themselves to the money,
one stood over the victim with a loaded pis
tol, threatening to kill them if they made a
noise. They also stole a gun and some other
trifling articles. The gold was principally in
S2O, $5, and $2 1-2 pieces. Mr. Soutlrard is
not able to describe the villians, on account of
the darkness of the night. A reward of S2OO
has been offered for the apprehension of the
thieves, and the recovery of the property.
This is the boldest act that has ever come to
our notice.
teS-TBE Evening Pud pays Mr. GROW the
following handsome and well-deserved compli
ment :
Prominent among those who are spoken of as likely to
be snpporteJ for the post of Speaker by the Republican
members of the House of Representatives at Washington
is Mr. Grow of Pennsylvania. He is an able parliamen
tarian, and a man of acknowledged decision and force of
character. He was put forward as a candidate for Speak
er two years ago by a caucus of the Republican members
of tbe House, and this circumstance may lead to his nom
ination a second time, unless some considerations respect
ing the election of a Clerk of the House should stand in
the way, which it ie very possible may be tbe "ase.
We are accustomed to indulge in a great
deal of patriotic hifalotin' about tliis " great
and glorious country " being the " lan# of the
brave and the home of the free," and Fourth
of July orators exhaust all the potfer of the
language in expatiating upon the unlimited
freedom of thought and peeeT enjoyed under
the protection of the American Eagle, and
draw fluttering comparisons with the surveil
lance exercised over both under other govern
Recent events have raised some doubts in
onr mind, whether we are really any more
favored iu that respect than we should be if
we were under the rule of Louis Napoleon.—
We have only to step over the boundary of
Pennsylvania npon the soil of Virginia to find
a worse despptism exercised over the conscience
and the thoughts of men than exists under the
most nrbitrarygovemments of Europe. Gov.
WISE has taken possession of the Old Domin
ion, and he rules like an autocrat. Spies dog
the footsteps of strangers who niny be unfor
tunate enough to be obliged to cross bis do
minions—tbe cars are stopped and citizens ar
rested and held in enstody for the utterance of
their honest convictions —a passport system is
adopted of the most odious kind—the rigor of
martial law enforced upon suspected persons
—and ail the most odious features of the ty
rannical governments have been enforced dur
ing the past week, in a manner to arouse the
indignation of every American citizen.
To advance tbe success of the schemes of
this crazy aspirant for tbe Presidency, the
rights of citizens have been outraged, their
persons subjected to insult, and the worst pas
sious of the Slave holders have been pandered
to. The state of society which would give
occasion for, or countenance such disgraceful
exhibitions, and dangerous assumption of pow
er, proves that beneath the whole fabric there
must be some great radical wrong, obnoxious
to the spirit of onr institution*, and which has
only to be handled by a tyrant like WISE to
be dangerous to their perpetuity.
TIIF. FOREIGN NEWS. —Tbe last foreign news
which is important, may be stated in a few
England, terribly alarmed at the presumed
hostility of NAPOLEON, which, we believe,
does not exist, is prepared for the worst, and
taking measures for increasing her military
and naval means, defensive and offensive.
The King of Sardinia eeems to have tricked
NAPOLEON. The Constituent Assemblies of
Tuscany, Modena, Parma, and Romagna
elected the Prince de CARIO.VAN Regent of
Central Italy. VICTOR EMMANUEL did not al
low the Prince, his relatives, to accept this re
sponsible digirily. The Prince then uamcd
the Chevalier BUONCOMPAGNI as Regent, and
Mr. Good-Company has actually started to as
sume the reins. VICTOR EMMANUEL'S excuse to
NAPOLEON will be that of two evils one mast
choose the least, and that if the Chevalier
with the social patronymic had not been made
Regent, Count C'AVOUR or General GARIBALDI
would have been the man, and more difficult
to manage. The Congress of Italian affairs,
to assemble at Paris, will include the Five
Great Powers (France, England, Prussia.
Russia and Austria,) and also Sardinia, Naples,
Rome, Sweden, Portugal, and Spain. China
is said to have virtually repudiated her newly
ratified Treaty with this country, by refusing
to open the ports of Snanfopl and Taiwan, as
thereby stipulated. We believe, however,
that, by the Treaty itself, the Chinese might
thus refuse, while the dispute with France and
England was still pending.
In all of WISE'S mad pranks at Charlestown
there is but one redeeming feature ; —and that
is, granting permission to Mrs. BROWN to visit
her htisband, giving her charge of his remains,
and allowing the disinterment of her murder
ed sons. But the manner in which she was
received at Charlestown, indicates that the
permission was granted for the purpose of in
sulting and wounding her feelings by the dis
play of military. We fail to appreciate the
delicacy of receiving with a military display
and martial honors a woman whose mission
was to spend a tew minutes with a husband
doomed to the scaffold, and whose hours were
about to close upon this world. Perhaps Gov.
WISE feared that the noble-hearted woman
had designs of a rescue, and the thousands of
military were displayed to show her that the
attempt would be hopeless !
STEAKFR OF THF. SENATE. —It is with plea
sure we notice the prominent position occupied
by the talented young Senator from Lancaster
—Gen. B. A. SHAEFFER —for the Speakership
of the Senate. He is well calculated to make
an efficient and popular presiding officer, and
from present appearances, will be chosen with
great unanimity. His upright and gentleman
ly course in the Senate for the last two years
has attached to him many ardent and true
friends in that body, who will, we doubt not,
with pleasure give him their support. While
we have no desire to prejudice the claims of
other gentlemen aspiring to that position,
we cannot do less than express our opinion as
to the fitness of Gen. S., and onr gratification
that he should be so generally regarded with
96F* We regret to record the sudden death
of John O. Ilockafellow, who, while laboring
ander an attack of dtlirium trtmtns, leaped
from the third story window of the State
Capitol Hotel, at Harrisburg, early on Mon
day morning. Mr. Ilockafellow had acquired
wealth and competence as a contractor, and
but for the demon intemperance, would have
been a useful member of society
A SWINDLER—A well drewed, ojly-tonfcne<J
knave, with Handy hair and bluish eyea, haa been palm,
inghimxeli off for a day or two an D. N. Toucey, „
agent fbr tbc grant periodical and news dealera, ROM \
Toucey, of New York. He takes subscriptions for *
or the magazine*, wnd give* printed receipt*, signed by
himself as the agent of the firm. A dispatch from
Messrs. Ron* & Toucey pronounces him a swindler am]
Tying rascal, who has been gniiing the public ail summer.
We hope lie will he speedily caught, and an end put to
hi* swindling operations. Friends of the Press. pass
hitn around, and put the public ou their guard—Screw
ton Hepublican.
We copy thoaabove, and add that this smoothfaced,
" oily-tongued " scoundrel was in Towanda on the 18th
of November, and received subscriptions, and money for
" Our Musical Friend," giving printed receipts and sing
ing fits name D. N. Toucey, pretending also that he was
a one of the firm. ~ < r *
This scape gallows is genteel in his address and well
calculated to deceive, bilks very rapidly and says a gmt
many thing# with as much assurance as though he be
lieved them. He is rather good looking to strangers, but
would not be considered so by those to whom he sold
music, if they could get a second sight of him. Papers
will confer a favoi - upon the public "by giving the con
temptible villain a Jpeeial netlre, before he collects more
money for the firm of Ross A Toticey.
P 8T OFFICE ROBBERY. —On Thanksgiving
morning, the discovery was made that the Post Office st *
this placefhad been entered tlie preceding evening, by
removing a pane of glass from the back door,and a large
quantity of postage stamps, a small amount of change
and a number of letters taken. About 10 o'clock some
boys accidental y discovered the stamp* fyc., hid under a
board pile on the towing path, in the northern part of
the borough. Amopgst the letters Sc., was a number of
playing cards, which had evidently been accidentally en
cluded in the deposit. These cards were supposed to be
long to OWEN FINLA.N, and of course pointed him out as
being implicated in the robbery. He was arrested, and
a quantity of cards of a similar description, with a large
number of three cent pieces found upon him. After an
examination be'fVre JUSTICE BOCAWT, he was committed
to await his trial Ltfore the U. 8. District Court at Wil
The postage stamps were mostly recovered, bat a num
her of letters are supposed to be missing.
{The above notice was written tor last weeks' paper,
but accidentally omitted.]
ACCIDENT.— On Saturday morning, abont
eight o'clock, while a yoting man named SktVina BAS
FK, a brakesman on the Willinmsport and Elmira Rail
road, was attempting to get on the Philadelphia and Bal
timore Express train, at Canton, he ejipped and fell to
the ground. The train being in motion at the tfnie, one
of the wheels of the car passed OTer his right foot in an
oblique direction, dislocating all the bonea and severely
crushing the foot. He was brought to Elmira Saturday
night, and Dr. H. H. Pcßor sent for, who carefully dress
ed the injured foot. Although still suffering much pain,
he was yet doing as well as could be expected.
series of lectures before the above Association was de
livered Monday evening by Rev. J. G. CARNACMKN. We
understand that these lectures are well attended, and that
the Institute is in a flourishing condition.
tea" See advertisement of " Tioga Point
Agricultural Works," in anothercolumn.
SHIPMENTS of Coal by the Barclay Rail
Road and Coal Company :
Previous Shipments., 28 770 tons.
For week ending December 3 SGS "
Amount for the season „ 29,339 tons
Only a few days ago a oitizen from an adjoining town,
who is habitanted to the see of intoxicating drink, came
into this place about one half sober,and in that condition
went to the tavern and drank until he became beaatly
drunk. He went from the tavern acros* the creek, and
was going up the steps leading into Mr. C. F. WKLLFS'
grist-mill when he fell and struck beneath the feet of a
horse and received a blow that fractured his skull.—
Twelve pieces of the skull bone were taken from the
wound, and he bled very freely, He was supposed aa
good as dead, hut now is slowly recovering. This is but
one of the many cases that might be mentioned in which
serious result* have been prodnced in this same town by
selling liquor to drunkards and minors in direct violation
of the law-. The temperance men of Wyalusing began
to think that it wn* high time to take the matter in hand
and see what could be done with offending liquor deaiere.
After considering what could be done, the following no
tice was circulated :
Wc the undersigned unite in calling a public meeting
at the Methodist Church, in Wyalusing, on Saturday
Nov. 2s, at 3 o'clock P. M., to consider measures and
propose sucli action lor the promotion of Temperance and
the preservation of good order in this community as
seem* demanded iu the preseut poslure of affairs.
J K Wehes, ) Philander White,
T J Lacy, Uussel B Carrington,
O A Baldwin, Jeptha Rvder,
P Dcpue, M B Ryder.
A Lewis, Benjamin Ackley,
E R Stone, Nathan Stalford,
G W Jackson, A Fee.
1. Harmony, John Tracy,
D W Brown, J JI Manny,
I> K Brown, Ira Brown,
Joel Stalford, Harrison I amb,
G M Uixby, John Lynch,
A Pegraw, I John P Ely.
The meeting was held upon the appointed day. E. R.
VAUGHN was chosen President, and E. P. WALLING Sec
After the speeches were given a Prosecuting Commit
tee was appointed, who are to take cognizance of all vio
lations of the liquor law in the town, and bring to justice
all who have or may become liable to prosecation.
This Committee consists of K. R. Vaughn, O. M.JBix
by, G. \V. Jackson, Israel Camp, J. R. Welles and D. W.
Also a Vinanee Committee was appointed, comoosetl
of Rev. I>. Cook, Rev. T-S- Dewing,and Harrison Acklej.
Wyalusing, Nov. 30,1359. p.
DONATION VISIT —The friends of Rev. J.
G. NOBI.E, will pay him a Donation Visit, at the Franklin
Hotel, kept by Mrs. J. M. MARTIN, on the afternoon and
evening of Wednesday, 21st iuat. A general invitation
is extended to participate.
A valuable span of horses belonging
to C. L. Waiut, Esq., were drowned by accidentally fall
ing from the narrows opposite this place, into the riveT.
t&r At a regular meeting of Franklin Fire
Company, No. 1. held at Fireman's Hall, oit Satnrday
evening, Dec. 3, the following officers were chosen for
the ensuing year n*.
J'btttnan— JOHN F. MEANS.
Firsi Assistant —J. V. GSIGEK.
Second AistUani— ASA DOUGLAS.
l'tpeman— HENßY I<. ABAMS.
Secretary —J. W, Mix.
Treasurer— ALl.EN M'KKAN.
A notice copied by ns in the Ktporter
of the 24th nit., from the Lewisburg Chronicle, concern
ing the settlement of ministers, contains an error, which
we are requested to correct. 8. C. DARE in settled at
Canton, New Jersey, while Elder Looms is the Settled
pastor at Canton, in this County.
SERIOUS ACCIDENT —On Monday morning,
about tea o'clock, an accident occurred in a saw-mill in
the township of Wells, near the State Liae, and about
niue miles south of F.lmira, to an old man named THOMAS
OWENS, by which h# had his left foot and kg horribly
mutilated, rendering it necessary to amputate the leg
juat before the kuee joint, it seems he had just entered
the mill, and started the machinery to running, when he
'lipped, and hie foot getting caught in the cogs of the