9-- ; V - '=- - EcfloL . r. y.Ct It -'R'3 NOTICES —Notice is here JLt FT {,'.■ en.that'here l:v >"n Vied rcttlulli: , K *c ■ e j!T: Partial accc.nct of B. L. I. lay Roe* veil, cxccutam r- : ■'tF' k- late of Tin*. be: eared ■ •• ; i c Mishn. ,v b ■' on Lev.-., ■".mini: ra jrjof fMa U* l i. late rf *J'I l( ?y ~. Pan:a? r G*wre F. raardwn of A ire en. ritrA.er...Su.-an !'• and LOV#h i~. minor rh.ld.eu r: YY.dhffi fwxlet, dr-cea-cd. i.- iorT.-Lt ot !.•'. A lnlw SpaMin**axmtUwt c Robert bpriair.r '■ te f, ( ~"' x ( * < -'' ' .091 scerant f'Z P* ewsulT f R:fc Tittie, i"t irn'rrie* . f>t,l sernuut' fL" H. CumntcTi so'! J<-hti SSUUJUTJ. ad-naistratoi-a si J. C- Ball, laic ot Troy. d* -ared. Partial account f E A. Murray, executor at Cav.d ri tVfort, late of Athens,deeca'fd, t ra i account o: (Itrrr.c >V \ v-rent, giMidiaSi of .Tare y f (formftlv live Wo'f) '-f h-jKin. Hi -I amount cf G. W. F.ilioff art J-'ne 1> admin , -T r)f .Tjrrc* I j-+ ' 'te t>f Hpfrick. Final account of John Jon*!) Jr., thwiatetrM of Jufcn FTM'ir?, li'c r.f Fifes, de-earcC Ktr-l account of Goul n T:.j! r and 'oho Mur-ny . g.i.iiAtow of Jaiacr Gordo-. late of Fundi ag fctuee, " rinaUceouct sfM. H. Cod Btv? and On in Moore. P den -*■. v r inr.l account of 11.I 1 . U. I! ;ck, ixecutor o. run.o !■> i-. —-• !. = of Pike, aec'J. ~ , ~. .., EJ-.a! acsomit of Eliz'Vtli R rae (mnneHy Kitzancni i:.i.-.rv) adaeiat.tiatr.x of V.. W. Kiuoey, J.o o. I-me d 'd. \nd t!:a nnc will le r'C-cr.ted to t'n- Ciyhari'' Court nf'Sradfovd County, cttfMon !: y. the jib buy of Dm ... ler next, fjr cecfirmatio.i and V'—,.-. J \MUS U. WTBB. TiedAer. Ih lister's OSBse, Nov. 1, l?jO. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Not ten J is herebv Riven that ill persons indebted to the <"• tnte of LDW Ah:> FAlitCHiLU.lateof Ilcrriek t'vp.,dcs'd ore hereby r> nititt 1 to make iraniedtate payuieni/ind ail pcwwM barhu datou aninat said estate will present t-.e-n duh authenticated tor rsttlement. BHEPAP.D M. FAIRCHTI.P, Nrvetnber J. 135f. Ait.Tr,,i.-t.a ur T?XECtTTORi NOTICE —Xntiee Is Itt-re- I J by p iveti, that ail persons indebted to the C.T t.te of .VBKAII I. MILLRII, late cf Athens tvvp. der'd. .re hereby rciuested t> mate psyment without delay, and all persons having cl..im 3 acainst ,jiU r.-.tate, will present them duly antLc.-.t.. a*c.l f> r rrttlonsent. HCNHV A.MILLBR, 1 E ™ ntor! 0ct,3M%59. AL ' NFON" IdH.T.Ei?, j- xe ' KOi '_ \ DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.—Notue A ia hereby given, that nil persona indebted to the fctateaf RICHARD SHORES, deceased. late of Wysox arc requeeted to make payment without delay ; ,-,;: d thire liavtugcUiir.? rgaimt thesnic'. --ta'c will please ..re&ent them duly authenticated for .settlement, MARIA SHORES,} ALBERT LENT, f Oct. 12.1832. Admini-'rat rs. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice ishere- Tj by given, that all pcrcoss indebted to the c-tate of THOMAS BALDWIN" h'c of C bin townnhip, dc ctased, requested to made payment without de lav, and a!! persona baring demands ay.iiast said estate, will present'them duly authenticated fur settlement. J. C. li'KI'AN. LUCV BALDWIN", Feptemher 15, IS >D- Ex teuton. ~Y"DM INISTRATRIX S N OTICE.-Notice ib hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ( >• state of JAMES C. PARSON'S, late of Canton twp, dee'd., r-.st make immediate payment, and all pevs< n.T having demnnds against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement IIAERIET A. PARSONS, July 11,1859. Administratrix. tOXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here i-J by given that ai's persona indebted t.o the estate rl BENJAMIN P. SNYDER, dec";!., late of Athena ip, must nsako immediate payment, andail persona having deraaui!" ..ga.nst sa.d estate, will sreeer.t t ••• t ! a it-nt attd for settlement. ALGCSTA SNYDER, August 29, 1359. JACOB BELL. C. 11. SiiEPAED, Exeeut rs. ; A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.- Notice J A, la hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of GEORGE G. ADAMb, late of I'lsier twp., .ie ■ erred, r.re hereby requested to make pnvment Al.out .y, and all persons having iemar.d ' - . -.id estate, v. present them dnlv authenticated •'. ceiOeowut. LEVI NOBLE, A uguat 1,155 D. -f tf 'i -iter. A DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.-N ,: j. 1 is hereby given, that si. persons indebted ta the e-tcp-of JOliN MORUP : . I'ti ot Wa :.n lap -r n must make immediate pevmer t. and all persons having demands against sai 1 > -• ..o will present tlitm July au thenticated for settlsmc-ct. ANNA MOTtRIF. Ncvomherj o .l°2Q. " Admir.istrrtHx. T IST OF JURORS, drawn for DECEM ! J BER Terra and r.cssiocs, ; *.D. CKivn j- K-; -. _ I Athens be to—A 0 Hart,;Stsnding Stone—Acbatios John Drake. Stevena. Burii-igton v. •:r .1 -'.il-tr;. K V -Jo eph Marsh, II I • . i.l- ;rr ■ P. igh-cy— P D Cuveli. i TK yrx.SE .rrr-R? — rrn?r w rrs. cry—('hn-nc.-;, (""N. • - .• .. •. i, T;. r ,<-*♦ • -rain Wile*.x. I -Mr M . r> K AN is. twp—Tamoa A'cii: f ~ hn i ;n. ■ ine, Robert prvv. ?" h i k- • inliirop l Atbe; horn— C HtuviVer. J (i! ,ee. Diirlingtnn twp—J Nidi i- 1 To wands twp-Geo David- ar.t m—Beujimin linnd.ui • i, !!ir;n G *'. ' Mi.it—lames M ivean Towanda bero—ll A Carry. r: i ' r A B.il'.a I i'• 'avor.t—Hern r Ack!ev. Dureli—Step'ncn •I ! ■>??. 1 fr-y twp- .• ■ W Shattoek. Fr.otkiin—( larUts White,.' ' ' a I.rio.c. LMhmq, |Wym>x— Elliott Whitney. Granville—be'*! 11 P tier. : -r Wi' ;a:r .in' ey jr. ■ .->nroe tp -M M ;'ooibat gi. Windham- .''de.-- ,h H ,i* Orwell—A G Matheas. Imrne, Wjn-am Donne, !' ! e- lam' *W J net. 1 .*- k-eh R -oek. lfi-!.dery -Benjamin D Wu..- E reszo Grinnell. J., oh Richardson. TRAYEFtSE JfU '.S—"EC NX> YYIXK. At'."nhnrr —JO' D?• •• I Vc •: i, V .M' Moo-lr. i'.ie.-Mr Park. J B Keeve Bmith i-*M—Win S >i- v!t: A is twp—Ciisrles Mc-i Harvington Mitchell, E Duff e, I. B Gardner. 1 Wilcox. :• ny—Fefer FWic'r. bl ■ i equ : " Darwin Gille'.t E .igton—R'-well T ■ t'n: Thomas M<*M hon. li ' nztnn west— UN. iami'l'roy tvrp—D R M.ialey. Ardway. rowandatwp—E tire t. ( ant on—James 1.. Rothwel! ru.-carora— Luther Keenev. ' '.umbia—Giles l't %:unn. > Ist■ Anuccw Gilm-.re, It James Wilson. \ Pet. *. Durell—Reuirf-n TVl.onz. Wv- x - Curtis Ferguson, D I raaklin—Calvin Y'a; uy. Si ee. I. h:it Id—Bcej.t i, _w.i i--. : i:# i-un Lamb. Monroe twp—J P I ev is. V-." J a U-nn. Pike- tV'm S Davi-, R V; ■ A' nen- i iwjrd Tripp. Coolhnngh. W I mot—Ha ivy Boiuly. II me Sylvester V ine. J A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE —So tit J~\ i< hereby given th it. rll | rs" • • indehled to the e t'ti- fJ A ME. GEKOri.D, late of F: ueld twp. .iee'd. are hereby requested to make nen-di.iie payment, a J ad persons having elulms against - ii.i estate will present t'.icin dolv authenticated I'.ir - tt'er.-.ent- J. A. CGROI'LP. , , ... , KM. £j L ii.i.'. . Administrator* November 11, lHJ'.'. S, I'ECIAL ( OL R I —Notice IA Imreliy triv k M en that a Special (' eut of Common Pleas will be ).Ad at Ttiwrnd.t, for the C uty of Brail A. ul. on M'utda v t'.a ldtli day oi January at > cVlock, P. M .at whi i the Hon. ROBKRTG Will I'M will pre-ide. lor the i t.a ii of tiie billowing cae.fe ■♦.wit: No. 2l'ecembec term. IsYO--! yman Matson vs. liu r.nd itichard Jetini m r iei tmeut. No. 2bo. July I ■ iin. lead— tlaiison B. Smith vs. Saml Eellum. et. al. Ejectment. N.i. 11J, Sept. al-r tfiiu. Is. j- In--el Smith vs. Sam uci Keiinm nnd 'fivhael T v mpson. Tre And such other ••nse< a-- tnav lie certiiicd and ■ rdcied '• '-n *!.e list for trial at that tine. . .bpumas made re- j t .nub'.eat 2 olciock in the nttgnm n. A!." EN M'KE YN. Pi-olUmioterj. 1 rathoV.otary's OfS •• N ivcnts-r is. is.',9. 4 UPITOR g NOTICE - A ,v II Bm n t ■ Af■o' J- '- 'f.-i i. ! . .to. t --aiiiioi. i I. . of Beta bru C. i' N u 4>, May tgrm, 156 U. a— iraUcroiguC'-t. A.i .... li. .. aiipo.atc.l I y said C* urt t i '.r.j '.tc finds raised ■ Sheriff sn liecf real e?tatc of i h a.t. will ntt-:..d to Iti i u itics of l:Ai ppuiiitmcnt at j ! Li;, i.l :U> r a '.v.. . !.i. o'u FRIDAY ... - 1 ct DHC! Tern ISS?, at 2 O'clock, ib M.at n •ime and pla a i pe: ainte vted ere requested i pre.-cut the.i .iaim. or cl •be fnevo. debarred from . - a.J land. E. OYEBTuA*. Jr. *-r J. l-v.:' Auditor. f. >CRECi If •.R 1 : _jt /i; j.- j p k , ; i r , Hmpfrf 3iovr. cpTOfgn. CASH SYSTEM!; eru'T w> fryer ss-*) .T r\ i teafc *4e bk. t W*' v/' Wj? j i OWEGO, N. Y. Tv F.TX T'N" .• '•rect-e thnnK< for the very libercl pn'ronap > \ . ,ev hve : rjvcJ ititce adopting the CA3II SYS- : TLM .n March last. Their cujlorr.era have Savclfrom 20 io 30 per cent. And 'l! continue to do so hy prrehaeing ct the Em pire Store, aa no peraoa ihat Riven credit i an compare with the prices at t..e nsrsii sMi im QKJ-£,GQ, 17. "L". "A e invite p o public to call were a Do!!..r will buy more Goods than any other place ia America ! We arc now rcceivirfc cur j And will receive from week to week, through the scascn, j the Latest and most desirable styles of DCK?S GOODS, RICH SILKS. PLAIN AND PLAID MERINOES, SOLFKRINO PLAIDS. MAGENTA PLAIDS, i DELAINES, ] MOHAII:.4, PARAMETTAS, PRINTS, TICKS, ' COTTON AND XYOOLEN* * 00ES, LINENS, TOWELING. SIIAWLS, j CLOAKS, I XEIV ST YL J: S O F CI OA KING S ! I A fine assortment of YjilijiJiUm'fiiS. l R I7 R. xi vII T USSSUSJE, Lower than ever sold before ! in scT i.Y best HOOP SKIRT at Ss. in Onego. . I ho, a sf!:iulid assortment, (Iciccr and higher pries.) SHETLAND WOOL, (all colore.) WOOLEN AND LINEN TABLE SPREADS, GPLIIA FLANNELS, HOODS, C.LOTUS, CASSIMEEES, KENTUCKY JEANS, COTTON FLANNELS, TWEEDS, Ac. Ac. Tiiall'irlSißT (GOODS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Cheaper than be bought in Xcic York in 5"? -',' qua ntities. RIB BOX S, BORDERS, IJLOXDE, 1,c.! Wc h- ve the best assortment of M E It R I yi AC K r R I XT s In Owego.at 10 cents per yard, lii hards Fine, Fast colored Calico, for 8j 8 / l BATTING, nice and clean, for Bx. rc i! Irvific? RIKI> APPLES, i g ' v ' wanted t v S I'ON'E 4 Co.,OwegoJu e;. 'aangc ; for goods at ragh prices. nov.3.' KAnft BtrskßLs DRIRP APPLES, tf\ fv M X w intid bj STONE A Co., Oivcgo, N. Y.. iu exchange tor goods at eash price#. tiov.J. r.(w wt i - us n els er i El> A P PLES , t-'UvV' ti-Jel Kj ST'jNF. A Co Cwere N Y it ' sx.-ta:jrgv a" a-t. p... j. - I jafgffKancous. | MfWsiriLLS. TrTE nndcr'igned bavins pcrv' ..*ed the above w.I! known mills and attached to ii a Hcnm Engine, and also pot every tl ; ng tonne tod n -■' in \h rft t repair, with i.U the modern Improvemen . now ;••. •. re s:i ft.-et j class Flouring Milk—would revue- i fully olicit the j:a j ti of ti.o e jr.ici icily—tin •\.\g .. 'be refutation • j -the mfn fc;t3 heretofore bora# may not auSer in the h.tud? j ]of the new firm. It ilnU be our aim 1 J do all work en , trt! to us promptly and in the l**t ;.•■ wibie tn t car. i Customers from a distance may rely uj a having their I I work done at once, so as to incite i it ~z? trip " t • .rill.'' i Mr. FROFT will continue to give Iris civ a j cuontl at- ; teotioa to the business at the null. j CASIi paid fur all kinds of CK-: TN ; also Flour. Meal ; and Feed for Bale at the lowest ir,..ikc , . -■=. MYER, FROFT A CO. Ip \.\c Mvr.R j. o. FHOST :n t. fuy. N'or.t ti Tcwaxpa, Oct. 6. b-.- : . GEO. 11. liUXIIXGV RESPECTFULLY informs his former customers and the public generally.. .at he has removed his TAILirVG 33 OP, To one door si uth of Tracy .V Moore's store and imme dii telv oppoafte 1). C. Half's.-. ;• ve and Lin Store .'.lain *t. He flatters himself that fr :i Lis ing cxpericu -e in bu-, si.-c.-a he will le able to please all who may f.ivor liim with their custom. Owing to the low pre* re in the mo ney market, he will make C. its fr t.i $2 iO to St AO each an l other work in pr~-portion for TIE YPY PAY. Country Produce in paymrtit, will n. t be refused, if: ITered. ' Towanda, March 20, ISofi. RE YOU INSURED? | Siisqnrlianua Mulinil Insurance Co., TOWANDA, BP. IDFORD COUNTY,- PA. * j TIIIS Company insures nirainst loss or dam age bv Fire. Dwelling h m-es, Furniture Warchou ! see. Stores nd Alervkai. line, Ac., on the must reasouable j terms. DIRECTORS. | HENRY V,-. TFtA TY, i JOSEPH -'DWELL, HON. I>. WIL.MoT. | l W. PAYSON, ! JOHN A. GODDING, | i.KVI P. ST ALPORT), J. P. lt< >N rANVE. I ISAAC MYBK, THOMAS ELLIOTT, [WILLIAM OitIFFIS, 1 ALLEN M KEA.N, 1 iUY TRACY. H. W. TRACY. President. ALLEN M'KEAN. VUw President; EDWARD T. EL-! ; 1 LiOT 1", Secretary ; LA PORTE, MASON A CO., Treas. ' Tovv.nda. M ty.'ll. 1-A9. JWeufStora! lit'# Pries:;! ; IT. AV. X (A BT.IH , JVb. 5, Brick Ticic, Tovranda, \T7IIOLESAT..E A RETAIL LIQUOR , i DEALER, now offers to the public a well selected stock of \> ;ues, Liquors, Tuba*- •<>, Havana und Domestic j Cigars. Onsistiu ;in part of the full living: I BR ANDlES.—Hennes.-ey, Otuid. Cognac, and Dupuy. ! GIN'S.— Holland. Rose, and Seheida r, 3 -huapps. j RUMS—Santa Cruz, Jamaica, and New England. | YVHISKKVS. —Bourbon, Scotch, Mouongehala, Old ; Crow and Old Rye. WIN FN—Champaigne, Claret. Sherry, Madeira, Bur- I gundy. I'.ut, Muscat, Malaga, Domestic. French cor- j dial - of :i! 1 brands. CIGARS— La Victoria, Washington. Light Guards, Rio Hondo, Henry Cl.iv, La Fontir.i, La Isabella, La Fior ; d'Cubnna, Prlneipe, Vara, Principe. I 1 TOBACCO.- Vf" c '.--oitmeut of Cut, Chewing, Pmo- : j kine and Manufactured Tuba co of various brands, aL of which will Le sold at the lowest prices for Cash, or to prompt payers. All kinds ol produce taken iu exchange - for Goods. ' N. B. A large lot of Jags, Demijohns, and bottles of all i sizes for sale. Towanda. Feb. 22. 135 9. ! a S.iascn, Greener <2i Co. Piano Forte Munulhctnrers. ' AM) MUSIC FURLISIIERS, Ko. 61, Water-st., Elm i r TN ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSOBT- I ment of our own mannfatenrcd Piano Fortes, which have con been in use for years, and have been pronounc ed by Metis. STJiACKOSCi! and of'• eminent \r: i . nn!irpas?-d in toiu-h. tone amldf.ra illity, we have alar; e nork of the world-wide eelehr.ited 'Chickcring - & Sons," Scstca : G-zaud anl Square I'iano Fortes, i trho have reseived :h:rty-f'-v r.. ■ h.L in Eur. Pc and Am- r ica for the Lest Piano Fo. tea. V,"e have ai-: # i | fcsuVvu, LiftCMi c-. Co.'s, Tiano Fevtes, wl i. h are undoubtedly prsl'erableAo any other makers in N-w Y'oik. Bei g mar. ifa. tiiiers onr c e;ves, we <-ot the above In strunicn'. ■ ou the moat favorable terms, enabling us to ' seil them to dealers auu Seminaries at their regular whole- ; 0 -ale prl Carlinrt, Ucedham <&. Co.'s, PvTclcdeou". \ Mr. t'arhar* being the oririual inventor of the.ibove Iu- 1 strum.'i.i -. ar.d the >.inie having .;i the v iuaijie. imnri.ve ' mem- it i- • inly jti tl u vl .-y :••• n>l t > lie ezeelled. A large a-sort, i.-i.t. t SI.LK.i ML'bi''. On- ol our firm hav lg h 1 long euperienoe in this , i: ' . . ; i! : . at an, an t i visit our V.'arc roo-u.s, ru y n !v on his selections. T el's -'j dan Strings, Violins, r.uitars. etc. I'ar- L-ular .'ten- . . is pi dto the Feieciion of BK \SS IN STRUM UN IS (or Lauds. - Ail PL "F. ruri b tight of as u: WARRANTED for thft eyi nrs. 1 i. s i.d Melodeons Tit It' NT, and int&'.l o-er the cnuutiy t -vi; melv low j r Pa ' wishiii/ to pur. base P'tui Fortes, or anv other Mo-leal Ma: .ndt/.e, ;nd .ve i.-om t-a to iuteea ]t r j ■ till., will pie .e tall. - :• 8-1 . -s EL! A; >N. GREENER fO. Y. V,-r fs ngev* for the firm at . d . BUY' YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES I OF L. O B Td ESO W 5 j | npilE stili.'criber wouM respect fully tnndnr .1. t 's thanks to his patrons and the public generally for the very iii • nil and ur.ex rcted amount of trade given bim for his Erst few o; cniug months, and as he has be j e.j .-- a.-'piaif:'.*-d with the wants of the people, and 11 a style worn in this part of the country. Hatters himself ] ..t lie is nmv prepan dto fi rnish Routs and Shoes of all i kinds generally ea.Ri d for. -u.-h will better please than heretofore; and as his object is to please, he will give hi- whole time and attention to this one great and import- i ant branch of the Mech 1 Arts. And as there arc some "f his , ;str>mer- prejudiced a -fin-: Stit liing Ma chine work, he lias pro;-;, id the he-' and mn.-t vxpvri | on ;cd hand help, where all of his work will be made and j warranted first Lest. j ( Those gentlemen Ihaf are in the liul.it of wearing nice ! Fren-h Calf Boots, sewed or pegged, will do well t call . ' and leave their measure. He 1> ,- employed one of the ' l.e-t w rknnn in t .wn. Lndii- Kid. Morocco and Caff 1 Shoes ami Gaiters can be liirnisl.. d at short notice, and | of the best matt rials. He also has in bis employ faith | f 1 and experienced workn en engaged in making Gents 1 Thick and Kin Boots and Pli >cs of all kinds to measure, i down to Boys', Youths and f'hildrens. As he has been j engaged for some ytars iu the Kastern Boot and Shoo Manilla tare, be lui- thereby become acquainted with I many of the Custom Boot anil Shoe Manilla turers, can buy gonils almost at cost, whtreiiy his rtepaitment of Eastern work will be offered at prices that will defy com- : petition. And ae his whole lmsine-s life has been d voted to the j two bra. lies, Custom and Bale !! . an iSI e Munufi :- ture, fee!-: posted and eonv rsant wiih all the rules and ' . principles which enter into the preparation of the stoi k. 1 The ci rrect measmnient of the font, also a knowledge with the anatomy of the foot, a familiar acquaintance with the angles, line- and curves, which are iuvolvt-.l in the perfect . ilju-tinent of part to part, and their relative positions, which is necessary in order to be successful in ' . the profession. 1 ' '"all and examine his ivin'er goods before buying else where. he has alar. e assortment of the best Thick and Kip B ts. extra long legs and cust mi made. He wants r every man and boy to buy a pair rhU as well as their own iutere-t. I , fto" l'ropo.-itions cheerfully lizard Repairing of Boots and ss!e>cs of all kinds, will be faith- : fully done ami at the time promised. 1 Ti ivauda. Sept. 2s, l-.V.u L. C. NELSON. t 3LA Y SC W LES ! i THIK SUBSCRIBER IS NOW I'RE , ! I FARED to cou.-truct Ilay Scales upon an improved ; principle, wheie slmpiic tv. uccur.v y, and durability arc i so c-mbint o a- to excel iu at least simplicity and dura- ' hility ai yof the scales now in i.-e. Also repairing of ild i p! itf nm -c.;h'3 done on reasonable terms and with dis pa'ch. Address G. U. JAUKSGN, JuneC. 1 "iD. Wyalusiiisr. Bradford Co., Pa. • s\'M \ i: 'v' i \c. rpo LANI) HOLDERS AND LAND 1 J_ DEALERS. The subscriber having located perma- j < rv.-ntly in Herrnkville, tenders his services as Land Sur veyor. to all who may need then. He prolesses to be i tliori n;. i in hi profession, and having had ten years practice ami being provided with a drat class Vernier In- 1 strum cut. by the arrangement of which, he can greatly expedite work uinl ovi i.c the numci iu somcas of er ror so prcv i ent in ti,e u iiury pmctice, and the cause | of so much litigation ia this country. Orders L" letter properly attended to. t D. ?. HANNA ' ' Hmiekville Brailford Cotmty Pt- Miy Id. ; jrlfefrllaitams. /-> fX V - , -f Y > - ' - i /\ J} i- A SPf " --- X where von em find a very tine assortment of • VTCULS AND JEWELRY of ail de-cripti ms. also a good stick of CLOCK.-, piices ranging from 10 sinkings up, and warrtu.ted to give good sutisfa. tion or nosa,c. lam •.!-• agent ft r thetie of D. E. LEVY'S c lebrated L.'iometere, which every farmer shoald always have. Fli ers fr -n %> t> 5-b, ncccrdiug to finish KKF.YIRLN'G d le r.s usnul in a neat and workmanlike ; miner and war ranted. W.M. A ,i<'HAM BERLIN. N*. B. The person that took a Hrea.-t Pin from my shop, July- f.d, 11 show t i his wife, had better call a:yl Fee mo in regard to the matter, perhaps it will save him 3ome cost aud trouble. To.wanda, Nov. 21, IsW. A. C. S2£B Gli'iJ ETAK'D STILL IN OPERATION! 1 liF" 1 "Ici THE subscriber would announce t Ivl to the public that he lias now on - u ' and, and w"l make to order all } i.ds r. CAidNET FURNITURE, | is •- ; 5 such as Scf.s. Divans.Lounges, Ccn -I*4 t. tre, Card, Dining and Rrcaklaet Ta r MaLogacy.WaiM t.M.qdcaud H 6 tU "*y i hcrrv Boreaua, htauds of various ! .3 S.-.i kimls, C hairsand Bedsteadsolevery j description, which are, and will be made of the best ma- ; terial and woikiiiaulike maum r, and which they will sell ! for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other M'aie- j room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most tea- j sonaide tunue. A :r iod lIEAikSE will fie furnished on ; Funeral u.-casE.us. JAMEB MACHINSON. Towanda, January 1. 1857. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IRON AND STOVE STORE. rj D. C. ItALL L, Wlvdearilc and Retail Dealer fcl- Ari- T i u Hardware and Stoves. Iron K-4-w-f p,.-j n '' Nr:ls. - i>h, Glass, Faints yi- A. jL and 0:1.-, 11. ,se Triunnii ga— ——s.— 11 kindsof Caniage tri nminog, r i • ■ w$ Scat i lotl - and Laces, Carriage | .-iitlkey ami Feat Springs. Car ; Angers, Chi tls and all c.thi-r To.-ls Ci ss Cat, Mi'. | ' * and Circular Saws, Blacksmith Tools, Bellowa, Anvils, Vices, J Hammers aud Screw Plates. Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand ILilclic-ta—Cable, Log, Trace and Ilaltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Spades. rOCKETAND TABT.E CFTLERY—Shears and S. is s irs, Edge Tools of all kinds. Brass and En itneled Hetties, Shovt. and Tongues. Spoons and Ladles, Tubs and I'aiL-, Mops rid M'ashboards, and all other kinds of house-keep in? Implements. In the HARDWARE line, Brass. Briltania, .Tappaned and Plain Tin Ware, singlr-or in setts. Bar. Band, Scroll and Hoop iron. St-el of all kind.-. Nail Rods. ,Vc. Pumps, Le ;d IM' and all ti- • <-■•. fixture- f< r water works. Patent, stretched Leather Belting and Gtriag Leather, and 10.0(10 other articles toonnni-ron- to mention, tliat wc are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac turers ai: I mpoiters, including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVES Stores - a rcr cri.l. /etc flan v*7i-tl for Cash, j i r Grain ai ih higkont- market prices. ('• r.l and Wood 0 'king. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining- ' Kmc Mix Plate end i'ylinder.ever brought into Northel'u i Pennsylvania or >ot-ra N-.w I oik ; all of which we, m- ne prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low ] rn s. *ii lon a- rood TERMS as •: tu be found this side nt j Ncv -York. fr**m t e fact th*.t nil our gmds were 1-oueiit •ML* ' L Ms and In * 1 packag - and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over amalb r purchasers an Dry Go: i-dealer--, tl.at wlil "liable us to sell from 5 to I.i pr cent, le-s ilian any of them, which advantage we tl. • i oiler to any who w ill fa\ or us v. ith a call before pur chasir *.• eNcwhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pine an d Elbows a!way- on bund, i '. >!g ale and rt tail. All kind- of Job Work done to order, on abort notice and warranted. P n't me take the place t * buy STOVES and HARD WARE el-'.-aj—one '1 • r South of Tracy A- Moore's, and P will's new I.'■•ok on Main street, i:i the new Wo—.l B —i ■: t. t.'tlrrr i al! ovr. G;. in a.; 1 C . itry Produce, old Ir n, Br.i -, Brittmia •ud t ' —*t .Tn it of all kinds, Featio w aud Bees v. i* \ v, - It • -i. !'• Its wan fed, for which the higlii t price n Cash wiil be paid. -No er* • over four !."•:• '-4. r.ud ill h. v nt- or n : - over due h i i -iter cull :.nd pay : iy, ii : r\,j h t > save ci si. I'-.'.l ail.: . toiler !';. 1' TOMB STONES AND MONUMENTS. L.ATvanaa A-arble Psclory. ( .*>' Cj . th.i Bepti ! ( r; ! :.) T' - . -riber ha< open* ! "u* TfW W- P \ M \III I i'AUTUIIY, w.iet .* i ■ iv iii be 'I pi ; led I* f.ruish Monuraea s an 1 T* mb ill jl St*ncs. mam ..rtured fr-'-m the f e-t qualities .„ of RUTLAND and ITALIAN MARBLE, and ! i, wrougl t into racb -tyles and (ie.ig-m us will ! suit every variety of taste. Per- - w -hie rto make their selections * "** can do s'i whenever in Towanda, by* calling at tl '■* New Kstuhlisliineut. i • superior quality of the stock, the artistic:;! beauty of the work, and the promptness with which orders wiil be filled, wiil offer intlucemcr is to visit this new .-hop. F. H. BALDWIN, Proprietor. Towanda, July 2*5, l Q ih. KBFERrNCES. WAVEUI.V. | TOWANDA, PA. Hon. Nathan Bristol, il'rof. C. R. Unburn, H.Shepard. Uashier, |Rev. Julius Fo-1.-r. if k.( i ins. Merchant, jil.S Mereor, Merchant, Alpin A Donbkday,do. jMontanves, K-v. i). Crane. |T. M. Woodruff. SheriT, " Win. Pciuam, '("ol. A. M'Kean, Prot'y, " I>. .-hepard, jllou. Ib Wil.uot, F. Tyler. Pre-1. Bank. ; " J.C. '..Cm-. CHEMI'NO. I " Will. Flwell, G. W. Buck, Esq. E. A. Parsons, Ed. Argun. wvsnx. lii. (>. Goodi', h,Ed.R*-p *rter. V. R. i'iollct. I'.-*:. r ga NEW ATTRACTIONS! At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery iY TOWANDA, PA. !i\ A'on can procure, at low prices, ||\?xl D'TDtrairiPHS,; _J! Vof ail sizes, up to life size, either p' lin or ri - touched, colured iu oil or pastille. Al.-o. MIT. MNOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and a! most ail other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases lor : —,) ci-nts. and other - zes aud utilities in pr**;)oi-ii ,n. j if* l.iinotypes made iu all kinds of wrath* i, (> \ *pt for i children. All work u irrai. cd. Augu-t Bi. Is.-,p. McCABE'S ( EXTRAL MEAT MARKET,; Bdovc JKivpsbr>y's store, Main st. rpHE subs'-ri! er would re j tfully tender his sincere 1 th inks to the public fir the very liberal patronage extended to him, and solicits a continuance ofWM same. lie begs leave to assure that he intends to keep on hand as heretofore, a choice selection ot MEATS ot all kinds, the lie.-t the country affords, which lie intends to sell fi *r ven small pr fits, either by tiie side, quarter **r pound. Co* A quantity of fir-t qu.ilit ofSAI.T PORK,put up by myself. * heap, by the barrel fir pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place within the corporation. Towanda. August 12, lk.ih. J MrCABE. WAGONS FOR SALE. r.fWWV, THE SUILBCIUHKR has now TS ( .- "ii hand for sale, of his own manufacture a j N— h-i— number of Buggies, Democrat Wngons.with j and without tops, and Lumber Wagons, with pipe luixes. ' These wagons are made of .the very best materials and | equally as good as those made at any other shop, both as j to style and workmanship, aud will be sold cheap, for , cash or approved note*. Tiie subscriber will also do all kinds of Wagon making j and Repairing <>r short notice, and reasonable terms. .Shop on the west side ot Main street, opposite the Capti.-t Church. PHILLIP SEEBICH. Towanda. June 21,1869. —2m CARAFE GROWERS CAN CARRY ON A their business mot succcss.'nilv at liaimunnton, free from fr'sta. Some fnily Viucyar-bj el out too past seaaoa. ? e a-lvrt'r* •u**-:.t of iU am i.ton in! another column. i lUfffllnucous^ PA'N'ON^^^, J?Jo. •§, Patten's Block, Tcwanda, Pa., Have recently added largely to their stock of MM A MEDICINES, CI ! 1-:.M K'A I.K. FAMILY GROCERIES. They also have constantly on baud PUBJE WaSTES a3JSS LIQUORS,) FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. FRESH CAMPHENE, I At the lowest rates, and 1! URN'I NO FLUID, of superior ; quality, uu nufa tared expie.s-ly for the gas-jet fluid j Lamps. They also keep all the Popular P A TENT MED ICINES, of the day. Every article going from this store is war-j j rauti • as repr-cnt< d, and if any prove different, they ' will he cheerfully taken Lack, and"the m ncy refunded. J. O. PATTON. Towtn U, Felt. 1. km Dr. E. 1). PAYNE. *V/>- S ■' I '; I I V,- " ' • I TE A : ■ - IS •' ' •• ?.? • '%'-\ 'a£;uX: ' :L~ F.A STORES & CI IAT FIE LD OWEGO, N, Y, Are agents for the sale of Wheeler's Patent .Railway Chain II O R Si> R O 11. WHEELER'S PATENT Combined Thresher and Winnower, OVERSHOT THRESHER, (With Vibrating Separator,) Stogie or One horse Power and Separator, WHEELERS CLOVER HURLER, LAWRENCE SAW-MII.LS, (for sawing wood, Ac.) All the above machines are manufactured by Wheeler, j Melick, A Co., Albany, N. Y., and arc warranted to give entire satisfa- n. or may he returned at the expiration \ frl a leasouablc time for trial. S. 3£ORTQ3M dt Cc.'s CELEBRATED COD POWER?, FOR CHURNING, &C. Constantly on hand. *J-Farmers an 1 oilier* wishing to procure any of the above ai tides, will do well to call upon us before purchas ing. June 28. 1859. TWGA IPO T I R^^SSFAI^S^SP TIOGA POINT IMPVED RAILWAY HJRSE POWERS. U7 E are n .nufac'uri. g the above unrivalled Powers ! t 1 One and i wo Horses, under Emory's Patent, whi< b are warranted great(v superior to the common | R.H k and l'iniun Ponir. Our Horse Power is unequalled , couvenien-e hv any other : - tag adapted to a great ty of •: whi re power is needed : lor the reason I that it is doit •> geared, and that both ends of the main j ad .our.tcr slit ts have tpiugsall alike, permitting, the converge gear wheel, pinion and hand-wheel to he 1 . pped ti'.-m si '.ft t shaft and from side to side of the | !' .v. rat i leasure ; by wbi< it arrangement live different • degrees of m 'i-.nnr-' obtained without extra gearing; i d iil=o. any de-iral!" length and velocity of crank mo t t.i.i for cross cut sawing, pumping and cluirtiiug. These Powers run easily, are strong, well finished and made from good material". THRESHERS AMD SEPARATORS. These arc ut: •of vat: us sizes. They are superior to those o any oth-r manufacture, of wlr. 'h fart any per s ". v 11 aeriuaiiit. 1 wi'hthe heretofore loading machine", i I" satisfied upon examination. Our FANNING MILLS which air tlie very l.est in market, are fitted f< r pov . to be run in connection with the Trcsher and Sep arator. THRFSHIRS AND CLEANERS. We h tve sncceeded beyond our most sanguine cxpeota ti- ■in inv. nting and constructing a combined Thro-hor A Ch iiier of our own, which, we believe, for two horse t power, lias in-! its superior nor equal. It runs casih/ and , Ihrchet and dean* fast, with nt w idling the gr tin. which j is iivered in the measure cleaned lit tor market. These Winnower-, arc simple, easily managed, and are j react ar.icd tn pice entire satis fa'tion. iin" We are prepared to furnish at onee, or on very j sliuit ii >ti e. THRESHERS auU WINNOW'FIRS from any of the hading New York manufactories at the same i prices as our own, and no charge tor freight. All who | want The Best Horse Power In market to run Threshers and Cleaners of any other maniifa. lure, should hy all rfiPinis purchase the r entire si-. 1 m.u-bines trom us, or FROM OUR AGENTS md thereby -uve heavy freights trom distant places, and at i the -nine time get I KTTF.r SBTS OF MACHINKR. trri" All kinds of Horse Powers and -Threshers repaird 1 at short notice. W • manufacture .or have oA hand for sale vrur SFPFKIOK i F \NX INC. Mil IS. FEED CUTTER-v T'ORTA RLE CI It. j CULARaad CRUSSd b'lsiw MILLS. CLOVER Hl'l.- | I.ERS A ( i.EANERS, E \UM GRIST .MILES, and a great variety of improved Agricultural Implements and Ma- I chines. bis' Before imichasiug any other be sure io call and examine our Machines. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. Athens, Fa.. Sept. 21, 1859. Patronize a Home Enterprize ! A Book-Bindery in Towanda ! W/T! would respectfully announce to our friends and \ \\ tie pablic generally, lhat we have connected with our Printing Office and Book A Stationery Store, a Dlain | and Fancy BOoK-BINL>ERY, and earnestly sotieit the | patronage of all who desire anything in the lino. Having secured the services Of one of the best hinders in the United States, we Hatter ourselves that we can give 1 universal satisfaction both in workmanship and price.— j Therefore we present to the public the strongest assunut- ' ccs that we are prepared to bind in a workmanlike man ner, all kinds of BOOKS, among which we may name i Bibles, Hi.-tories, Music, Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodi cals, Law and School Books, to order or pattern in French, Italian, German and English style • in I elect, Si/k, Cloth, heather and Fa per. ( upon the most reasonable rates, for CASH, or ready pay njriiive us a trial. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work warranted to be properly executed. e.rPtaiu and Fancy Paper Boxes made to order. j Jan 1,1855. E. A. PARSONS. ' BOOKS 3l STATIONERY! *9"The attent ion of the public is requested to the rery' i general i.J exci ili ut . nuv.iv- on Land at the V g sib. k md St tlonerv Sore first building north of the Ward House. Call and examine our stock, | Business (tans. DE CIT VS. M. TURNER, PHYSICIAN 4 - SURG EON, OTTER* Lie nrofmional aervicas to the inhalritaatri of Towanda and vicinity. Office and rc ideuce in the dwelling recently occupied by H. Boom, Bsq., one door north of the Episcopal Church, ©u Maine Etrect. E. OVERTON, JU o. j,. MO7TTANYE OVERTON & MONTANYE, ATTO'R. NE YS A T LA IV— Office in Union Block, former y occupied by Jxn- MACFAKLANB. H. J. MADILL P. D. MORROW. MADILL & MORROW, A TTORNE Y5 AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,- Office .n Pine st. July 18,1-859. DR. PORTER'S OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITU An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED Iu its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become | I LIS &&3U SMJS SLFOM With prices revised to correspond with the market, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS KEFRESENTED. By re rnt arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First H Iders of Good* and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS 8c DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this crtensire stock will be sold Cheap for Cash ! yRICES KEDECED, VIE; Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Pocket Knives and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Light. TRUSSES K SUPPORTERS, W.'NES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE, TOBACCO L. SNUFF. .1// the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin fie Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eel: tie, Botanic and Homoeopathic Medicines. Sptces, RI d Seed. Lamp Shudcs and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Coa-t.tilting the :nn-.t complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced iu Price, and revised lor the Cash System. PR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE! DIL PORTER'S ALCOHOL I DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID '. Are Fresh, daily prepartd. and unrivalled by any in the Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Tor Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz ; Pr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price IT A cents Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •' 25* " Dr. Porter's Tonic Elixer '• 50 " Pr Porter's Worm Syrup " 25 " Pr. Purler's Conip. Syr. Hypophosphites.. " 100 " Pr. Porter's Uterine Tonic •' 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Pr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Pr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff " 25 " Pr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " Pr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Pr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37J " i Pr. Porter's Horpe and Cattle Powder " 25 " Pr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 25 " i Pr. Porter'* Cleaiuiaf Fluid " 37J '' Pr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " : L'r. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " IWedical ADV ice given gratuitously at the oflue Charging only for Medicine. tff Thankful for past liberal patronage wonld respect fully announce to his friends and the public thatno pains shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of their confidence and patronage, at the CAST t DRTTG STORE South End of the Ward House, June 30, 1859. _ H. C. PORTER. M. D. WOOL CARDING. A\7"E have put our machinery in the verr v T best order, and have engaged the services of two good and experienced workmen. , Having abundance of machinery, room and power. shaH he able to do work as fast as it comes, and will card loads from a distance as soon as brought, ("loth-dressing, dyw ing. Ac., will also be done in its season. 1 shall give the business my personal attention hereafter, and will guar antee all the work well done. 11. B. INGHAM. j Camptown, May 10, 1859. CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. BREAK IN THE CANAL I ,"rrv/A MEN WANTED to buy Stoves at the MAM i MOTH FOUNDRY, one door es-.t of Mercur's | Sfore. We have just received the largest assortment of STCVES eret brought to this market, both for Coal and i Wood Cooking. Parlor Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining room Six-plate and Cylindered Stoves. Some of the celebrated Empress Cook Stoves, the best Coal Stove ever ' manufactured', ail of which will be sold cheaper than at ! :uiv other establishment in this country. A large quantity ol Tin Ware, Stove Pipe. Elbow*. Coal Hods. Coal Shovels and Coal Sifters, always on I hand, and for sale at Wholesale or Retail. All kinds ot - castings and uia< hint work done to order on short notice. Particular attention paid to Roofing, Eve Troughs, Con ductors. Gutters and all kinds of Jobbing done and war ranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stoves ou hand, ' which will be sold very chiap. Please give us a call. I Towanda Nov. 1. 1859. JOHN C Urtt >N. \ LL WANTING FARMS IN A DE i -xY'.ightful climate, rich soil, and secure from frosts— I Fee advertisement of Manmmton Lands in another | o!u an.