Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 01, 1859, Image 2

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    ESCAPED. —Hiram Law, a PERSON convicted
for petit larceny, a prisoner in our county jail,
on Wednesday morning last embraced an op
portunity of escaping trom the court house
cellar, into which he had been sent early in
the morning by Sheriff Jenks, to get >oine
kindling wood." The cellar window was open,
and lie slipped out, and down by the Academy,
and over the bridge, and then up the further
side of the river, and near the Lend he left
the river and took to the hills. In the mean
time Sheriff Jenks was standing, nt the jail
door, key in hand, waiting for his return.
Jei.ks soon began lo think that it was taking
Law longer than common to get his kindling,
and he locked the jail and went down into the
cellar, but the bird was flown. He rushed out
and in great haste began to make enquiries,
and finding that lie had crossed the bridge, he
ran to the stable, and got out his black horse
Catch-Thief, bounded on his hack, and mi the
first spring horse and Jenks were both down
the horse was smooth and the trost hard
Jenks and Catch-Thief were soon 011 their feet
again and off. At the bridge Catch Thief
and Jenks kissed the soil again—cause the
same —still Jenks, faint yet pursuing, hurried
on and towards the bend got a glimpse cf Law
breasting the mountain side in gallant style
and just about to enter the woods. Jenks
tied up his steed and took to his heels, but his
falls and damaged shins did not increase his
speed, while the bounds of Law were like those
of a roe or young hart. Jenks tracked him
through the woods but could not find him.
He was and is gone, and in spite of the fact
that Jenks is a law-abiding man he nmH ac
knowledge that he is now Law-less.— Owe go
THE GRF.AT EASTERN. —It is at last decided
that the new mauimoth steamer is, notwith
standing her great size, by means exempt
from the ills that ordinary ships are heir to.
The directors having decided that the vessel
should go to Southampton, there to receive
the finishing touches necessary to iier eomple
tion, she left Holyhead harbor on the 3d inst
In steering clear of the Welsh coast the Great
Eastern put out far enough tc sea to give
those on board a taste of life on the ocean
wave. It was supposed that the steamer
would ride upon the waves without rolling or
pitching like ordinary vessels, but this antici
pation was doomed to disappointment. On
the 4th lhe chairs and tables began to be un
steady, to reel to and fro like a drunken man,
and be at their wit's ends. Then the crockery
followed, and cups, saucers and dishes, rushed
furiously to desti uction against the pantry
walls, and were dashed to pieces like a pot
ter's vessql. About five o'clock in the after
noon a giant wave came surging on towards
the bows, and struck the Great Eastern with
a loud boom, sending its green water in a
heavy lump clear over the forward bulwarks,
and drenching the men on deck. Thus did
old Neptune baptize the gigantic steamer, ex
actly twj years trom the day on which Mr.
Brunei baptized her on the Thames.
It was also proved by tiiis trial trip that the
Great Eastern will require three hundred tons
of coal a day to make her go at the rate of
fifteen and a half knots an hour. So, on the
whole, it may be questioned whether her gi
gantic size is r.ot, after all, the chief and only
merit of the mummolj) steamer.
The Washington Const itntim advertises the
catalogue of letters which liave accumulated
in the Dead Letter Office since 184*. The cat
alogue embraces coats, hats, socks, drawers,
gloves, scarfs, suspenders, patent.inhaling tube,
gold pens, pencils, and ell kinds of small jew
elry imaginable, under sleeves, fans, handker
chiefs, box of dissecting instruments, pocket
bibles, child reus'dresses, lace collars, books,
buttons, cloth, purses, slippers, chemises, bed
quilts, boots, shirts, gaffs for game fowls, corn
lield hoe, black silk basque, hoods, shawls,
gaiters, cigar cases, snuff' boxes, spectacles,
false teeth, night caps, brogans, aprons panta
lettes, ear trumpet, shoulder braces, silk (lag,
razors, one hundred catechisms, watch crystals
nipple glasses, demi veils, edging, and a thou
sand other things too numerous to mention.—
No pawnbroker's shop ever excelled in variety
the collection of the Dead Letter Office.
GF.N. SCOTT IN OREGON. —The arrival of
Gen. Scott at Portland, Oregon, is announced
by the Overland Mail. His reception was en
thusiastic. Notice of his coming had been
given, the steamer bearing him having touch
ed at a point lower down the coast, from
which word was forwarded. Gen. Harnev,
it is reported, retired from his command with
undisguised disgust arid anger. A dispatch
received from Gen. Scott, at the War De
partment, reports that the proposition he was
instructed to make to Gov. Douglas had heen
presented, and would doubtless be accepted.—-
The uaturc of the proposal is uudivulged.
DF.ATH OF KIT CARSON. —Our advices from
the Overland route announce the death of the
celebrated pioneer and Christopher
Carson, at Taos, New-Mexico, where he had
been residing as Indian Agent. Carson was
a native of Kentucky, having been born in
Madison County, 180*9. Ilis father, shortly
after that period, removed to Missouri, where
Kit, when a lad of 15, was apprenticed to a
saddler —occupying himself at that business
two years, at the end of which lie joined a
trapping expedition and a trapper he remain
ed, until his familiarity with the great far
West rendered hiin invaluable as a guide to
explorers of the Plains For eight years he
noted as hunter at Bent's Fort. When Col.
Fremont engaged in his expeditions Carson ac
companied him, and was over after his stead
fast companion. In 1847 he received the rank
of Lieutencnt in the Ilifle corps, United States
army. His latest and most remarkable exploit
on the Plains, was enacted in 1853, when he
conducted a drove of G,(JOO sheep safely to
tea" On Tuesday morning last, twelve hun
dred cords of wood, belonging to the X. V.
& E. ICR. Co., one mile West of Dunkirk,
were discovered to be on fire. All the avail
able force of Dunkirk, turned out and suc
ceeded in extinguishing the fire, with a loss of
only one hundred curds — JJcrnellstil/r Journal.
tetT" The Administration press are just now
doing more than teuthousand. " Ossawatomie
Brow us" could do, to excite an insurrection
among the Slaves at the South. Only con
vince the Slaves, (as these papers seem de
termined to-do) that all who profess Repub
licanism ure ready to aid such an insurrection,
ami risings, at. a hundred points, may be vcrv
speedily looked lor.— Alb. lice. Jour.'" .
Jirtns from all iiattons.
—Charles Sumner has returned, and con
tempatles entering upon his duties as U. S. Senator .with
the opening of Congress.
—The CattawUsa, Williamsport A' Elraira
Railroad has been taken by the first mortgagers, and its
name changed to Cattawissa Railroad.
A between Muncy and Fruitstown j
was struck by lightning in the storm on Saturday after
noon last, and three persons stunned by the shock. Out- ,
of them, a woman, it is feared will not recover.
William Knox,of Philadelphia was Friday
acquitted at Ilarnsburg of the charge of murder, preferr
ed against him about two months ago, as our readers will
remember, by a colored girl who was a domestic in his
family at the time of the alleged occurrence. The jury j
rendered a verdict without leaving the box.
—The reports from Charlestown, Va., are 1
that all is quiet. Three or four companies of military are
quartered in the town, andGov. Wise has ordered five
hundred additional troops to iie present on the day of ex
ecution. Brown is represented as manifesting sgtne signs
of repentance.
—The physicians of Judge and Mrs. Doug
las have strongly urged upon them the necessity of a trip
to the coast ol Florida, for the restoration of their health.
—Gen. Tom Thumb will be 22 years old in
January next. He reddes in Bridgeport, Conn., where
he owns a line house on the main street, valued at over
$5,000. He drives a pony which he says will travel a
mile in three minutes.
—The dogs killed in Cleveland, Oliio, are
sold to a glove manufactory in Litchfield, Medina county,
where the skins are made up into kid and buckskin.
—lll the Massachusetts Senate an amend
merit to the attachment law has been adopted, exempting
the library of a debtor to the value of S3OO from attach
ment. The present amount is SSO.
—General Twiggs lias ordered a section of
light artillery, four companies of infantry and two of
cavalry, under the command of Major Heintzleiuan, to
march to Fort Morrill on the Neuees, in Texas, there to
await further orders.
—lion. Beverly L. Clark, United States
Minister resident to Honduras and Guatemala, was very
ill at last accounts, and his recovery was not anticipated.
—Within thirty-three days only twenty five
stabbing and twenty shooting affrays, besides any num
ber of destructive fires, have occurred at New Orleans.
—Nine churches are to be sold in Cincin
nati in December, for non-payment of taxes. Religion
must be at a discount in the Queen City.
—lt is stated at the Post Office Department
that it had been discovered that the late Post Master
tVescott, of Philidelphia, is a defaulter to the amount of
nearly twenty thousand dollars.
—Last week a young lady passed through
Cincinnati en route for St. Louis, whither she had been
forwarded by expr.-ss. She was from Paris, and being
iguorant of our language her friends had placed her in i
charge of an express messenger.
Faul Morphy is enjoying the hospitalities
of Baltimore, visiting the chess clubs, and winning all
the games of course. He is en route to his bme in New
Orleans, and rays he has no idea of locating in New
—lt is now confidently asserted, in high
official quarters, that John A. Dix will be appointed to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. John
Mason, late American minister at the French Court.
—The yellow fever is still prevailing to a
considerable extent in Galveston and other towns of
—A severe shock of an earthquake is re
ported to have been felt in Chili on the sth October,
causing much damage.
lnformation from reliable sources at Pike's
Peak, not designed for publication, states the productive
gold capacity as exceeding anything yet discovered in
the world. Russell. Majors .V Co., army contractors,have
made arrangements for the transportation of eight
thousand passengers, when the season opens.
Gorrit Smith is improving somewhat. Dr.
Gray, of the Asylum, has given Mr. Smith's friends the
assurance that there is now a reasonable hope that lie will
be entirely restored to health, although his condition was
so bad at the time lie entered the Asylum that his life
would have been in great danger bad he remained at
—The Ilornellsville Tribune states that Col.
Ward, of that village, and Samuel Swain liavo leased the
railroad from Hornellsville to Attica.
—The Sportsmen's Convention came off at
Geneva on Tuesday. During the time it was in session
that village looked like a second edition of Harper's Ferry.
—The Ithaca Journal says that Hon. Lyman
Truman and Hon. J. B. Williams, have gone on atrip
down the Seneca River to Mosquito point and Jack's
Reefs, to viev, the progress of the work of excavation.
—George It. Gilmer, twice Governor of
i Georgia, and lor three times between the years IS2I and
• 1535, Member of Congress,, died a few days since. Since
1819, he has been several times a Member of the State
Legislature, and iu 1835 pnblished a historical work call-
I ed the Georgians.
—Jerome Bonaparte, of Baltimore, who re
cently returned home, has, to his honor, refused the dig
nity of senator, which Prince Jerome, his father, tender
: ed in order to retain him in France. He preferred the
i simple title of citizen of the United States.
—An effort, on Wednesday, in the Ilonso
i of Representatives, to let Mr. Burnham out of jail, failed
by a vote of IPJ to 38. Mr. Upham, of Salem, in opposing
the release, said that Mr. Burnham was not only in con
tempt of the Legislature, hut also of the entire comrauni
-Twenty-six Democratic meetings have
iiecn held in Kentucky in as many counties, and fourteen
have instructed the delegates to the State Convention to
i favor Mr. Guthrie's nomination for the Presidency, and
twelve have left their delegates nninstrueted.
—The TI oshington Constitution, drilling the
j Southern Members for the election of a Pro-Slavery
Speaker of the House, says : " The jilurality rule must
note be thought of for a moment by any Member who is
I not one of Seward's coadjutors."
A man from Cincinnati was suspected in
Pulaski County,Ya., last week, of tampering with slaves,
| and was hung up live times by a rope attached to his
neck. A ft' r the last ascension he was let loose, with the
I assurance that if caught in Virginia again he would have
to stay up for a permanency.
—A It-gal controversy, now in progress in
Cincinnati, has developed a banking church. It is the
German Lutheren Church on Kim street, above Twelfth.
Tne deposits reached SBO 000, when the treasurer got his
accounts so mixed up that nobody knows what became
of the money.
—John T. Brown, the Democratic member
of Congress from the fifth Kentucky district, is under
twenty-five years of age. and therefore, under the Consti
tut. in, cannot take his seat at the opening of Congress.—
He lacks a few months ot the required age.
—Mr l'hdps, cf Missouri, will probably be
the candidate of the Democratic party for Speaker of the
! House. At the last election, he was the only opponent
I of Mr. Orr. and withdrew from the contest before the
caucus came to a vote.
—A young lady in Philadelphia, named
Miss Anna Nicholson, died on Wednesday afternoon fiom
the eucoi of morphine, administered through careless
ness, instead of quinine.
—lt if iindorst&o<J that the President's Mcs
-a¥? ',T : li Jbe. brief. ■'
irrahforb ilqiortfr.
Thursday Morning, December 1,1859.
TEKMS — One Dollar prr annum, invariably in advance—
Four lecrlis previous to the expiration oj a subscription,
notice will be given by a printed irrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
CLUBMNI}— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs al the fol
lowing extremelylow rates :
it copies for $.5 Oft jIS copers for sl2 00
10 copies for S 00 1 '2O copies for 15 00
ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines or less, One
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-WORK —Executed u-ith accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with entry facility for doing boohs
blanks, Hand-bills, ball tickets, he.
ifjsf izcns of Pennsylvania, who are opposed to the
principles and measures of the present National Admin
istration, and to the Election of men to office who sustuin
those principles and measures, are requested to meet in
their respective counties, and to elect Delegates equal in
nnmher to their repr#entutives in the General Assembly
to a PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION to be held at
at 12 A. M.. to indicate their choice for the next Presi
dency, nominate a candidate for Governor, form an Elec
toral ticket, appoint Senatorial, ami to designate the
time and mode n( Electing Dlctrlct Delegates to the Na
tional Convention, and to transact such other business as
may he deemed necessary to ensure success at the Gen
eral Election. " LEVI KLINE,
Chairman People's Executive Committee.
The curiously worded call of the Chairman
of the Stale Committee, for n Convention, is
receiving the attention of the press of the
State. The N'orristown JTeruld and Free
Press, speaks out emphatically in rtferenee to
the action of the Convention. That, paper
says " there is evidently more work set out for
this Convention to perform than was design
ted by the Slate Committee under whose au
thority it was called. Under the custom of
the party in this State, no Convention has any
business to indicate a "choice for the Presi
dency," and iu the State Committee it was
clearly understood that the "time and mode
of electing District Delegates," should rest
entirely with the people of the respective Dis
tricts. The only legitimate duty of a State
Convention is to nominate a candidate for
Governor, form an Electoral Ticket and appoint
Senatorial Delegates to the National Conven
tion, aud we agree fully with the Rucks Coun
ty Intelligencer in saying that "whatever is
done more than this, will be prejudicial to the
harmony and efficiency of the party, ami any
attempt to forestall the will of tbe people of
the several Congressional districts in the choice
of delegates or a candidate for the Presidency
should be sternly opposed "
The Republicans of this county aud Con
gressional District (saysthe Free Press,) claim
and will exercise the right of electing their
Delegate to the National Convention, and will
further claim and exercise if they see proper,
the right to instruct him as to their " choice
for the Presidency." This lias been the cus
tom, and in the abseuce of any known necessi
ty for a change, they w ill adhere to it. The
Intelligencer says " the Republicans of Rucks
County " will do the same.
In this section, the people expect to elect
their Delegate to the National Convention,
and they will not permit that right to be tak
en from thcrn by any State Convention. The
idea that the vote of a State should be a unit
in the National Convention will answer when
the wire workers desire to control a State for
mercenary purposes, but to give expression to
the popular voice, the Delegates should be
elected by the people and lie held responsible
to their constituents. It is no time now, for
the Republican party to fall into the cor
rupt methods adopted by the Democracy to
set at defiance the will of the people, and for
one we shall sternly resjst such a dangerous
inmovution, as that proposed.
fiSaF* Congress meets on Monday next. The
qnestion of officers is exciting considerable at
tention. As neither party is clearly iu & ma
jority, various attempts at combinations are
being made, with what success we shall see.
The Tribune's special despatch of Monday
says that " Mr. Douglas has caused his Anti-
Lecompton friends to be informed that he de
sires them to go into the Democratic caucus,
and if objection is entertained to that, to op
pose any combination with Republicans. Mr.
Morris of Illinois is the only member of that
delegation who is uudecided about following
the caucus advice. Mr. Davis of Indiana has
signified distinctly that lie will not support
any Republican for Speaker or other office.—
lie may not enter the Pemocractic caucus, and,
in a possible contingency, may vote for the
plurality rule. He is for Ilaskin for Speaker,
i with whom he has corresponded, but who, like
the Anti Lecompton men of Pennsylvania and
New-Jersey, will decline to engage iu any such
Iteip The excitement in Virginia in regard
to the rescue of JOHN BROWN has become so
absurd as to be a matter of shame to those
who have caused it. Troops have been kept
under arms at Richmond ; troops have been
hastened forward from Alexandria ; munitions
of war have been expedited from the arsenal
at Washington to the arsenal at Harpers
lerry ; the Railroad Company has placed an
armed guard to wait upon the Highness of the
Harper's Ferry bridge, and yet the accounts
from Baltimore, based upon the latast infor
mation advanced from Charlestown, assure
that no enemy lias appeared to withstand these
formidable preparations ; aud that the moving
cause of the extremely violent popular emotion
| was the conflagration of a hay-stack. At
Washington, it is gratifying to observe, the
affair has been rated at its proper value.
ftaF" The 6tate of feeling in Virginia, aftd
especially in Jefferson county, is not snch as
warm admirers of the Old Dominion care most
to see. The population, it is painful to uotiee
has given itself up to tbe vaguest panic terrors.
Not all the strong display of military force
garrisoning Charlestown ; not all the stern
and changeless determination of the people to
stand each by the other, should a conflict be
come inevitable ; not all the evidence of sym
pathy and compassion afforded equally by the
North and by the South, can suffice to allay
the terrors of this tremulous community. To
present a mortifying instance, it was only uight
before last, while the Rtreets of Charlestown
were thronged with sleepless soldiery, a gun,
obvious'y fired at an outpost, was suddenly
heard, and was no sooner heard than the en
tire population of the town was seen to plunge
within doors and fortify itself with al! the re
sources of lock mid bolt. The village rang
with the call to arms, military commands were
given loudly and wildly, and it was only when
every preparation was made to receive the in
vader, that it was found to be a aw, which
had failed to return the countersign to a fright
ened sentinel, and was entering tbe towu by
forced marches. A second false alarm com
pleted the panic, and Charlestown passed a
sleepless night. Gov. WISE has returned to
Richmond, breathing as lie went his determi
nation neither to spare the convicts, nor to
accept foreign aid in vindication of the sov
ereignty of Virginia.
STF.AMEU WRECKED. —The steamer Indian of
the Canadian liue, which left Liverpool on the
9th ult. for Portland, was totally wrecked at
Marie Joseph, a fishing village, about seventy
miles from Halifax Twenty-seven lives were
lost ; the victims being chiefly steerage pas
sengers. All the cabin passengers are saved.
Five of the crew, who had taken refuge in
one of the boats, were picked up by the Brit
ish schooner Ware, and taken into Boston.
Their statements show that the steamer struck
while running at a speed of eight knots per
hour, and that the Captain was deceived by
the soundings, having supposed himself to be
off Cape Sable. The ship filled almost instant
ly, and in the rush for the boats, three were
swamped. The statements of the captain and
purser confirm the story of the seaman in all
essential particulars. The accounts ngree in
stating that the morning was dark and hazy
at the time of the disaster, and that the loss
of life is attributable to the panic which pre
vailed among the steerage passengers. Tiie
Gladiator and Emperor, the vessels which res
cued some of the survivors, succeeded also iD
securing the mail of the Indian, which will be
forwarded to Portland by the 6teainer Admi
SaeF The military occupation of Charles
town ha 6 had the effect of suspending business,
closing the churches, and depopulating the
school-houses ; the latter having been turned
into barracks for the troops. Preparations
are going forward for the execution of BROWN.
A general order, issued by Gen. TAI.IAKERRO,
announces that that oflicer has assumed the
supreme command of the forces quartered in
the town, and pays a compliment to the mili
tary skill of Col DAVIS, byway of compensa
tion for depriving him of his command. La
ter advices announce a rapid and formidable
concentration of troops at Charlestown, to
withstand an attempt at rescue, of which Gov.
WISE and Mr. ANDREW IIINTER profess them
selves to be reliably instructed. The students
of the University of Virginia, eager to uphold
the honor of the Commonwealth, have ten
dered their services to Gov. WISE, in a body ;
but His Excellency has uot yet accepted the
offer. Another suspicious peddler has been
arrested, and another barn has been fired by
the torch of the incendiary. JOHN BROWN has
been visited by the notorious HENRY CLAY
PATE, of Kansas, with whom he had an in
stant quarrel ; and a Methodist clergyman,
Rev. Mr. MARCH, who had called to offer
BROWN religious consolation, became so shocked
at his views on Slavery that he left him with
a denunciation. The Boston Traveller reports
the return of Mr. HOYT, late BROWN'S counsel,
from a trip to Ohio, where he obtaiuod affi
davits to show that insanity is hereditary iu
BROWN'S family.
Moorhead, Esq., President, and Charles Gib
bon, Esq., Solicitor of the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad have sailed for England. Their ob
ject is to negotiate three and a half millions
of five per cent, bonds, which shall be one
half of a mortgage of seven millions on the
road. The other half is in possession of the
State, as a consideration for the canals sold to
the Railroad Company.
Express freight bound west Sunday morning
ran nine cars off the track near the centre of
the Canewacta bridge at Lanesboro. One of
the cats fell on a shoe shop, and smashed one
end of the building in. No one happened to
be in the shop at the time. A brakesman
named Gray went down with the cars. Roth
of his wrists are broken, and his shoulder is
said to be out of joint—be is badly bruised
Tribune of Tuesday states that the holders of
the first mortgage bonds of the New York &
Erie Railroad have applied to the State Comp
troller to advertise and sell the Road for non
payment of interest. The Comptroller has
placed the matter in the hands of the Attor
ney-General, who will proceed at onpc under
the act of 1845.
WST The regular monthly meeting of the
Franklin Fire 1 60.- will beheld at the Engine If ottse on
Saturday evening, Dec. 3d, at fij o'clock, F. M. Aa it la
the meeting for tie annnal election of officers, and the
transaction of important business, It is hoped every
member will hi in attendance.
By order, J. T. GEIGEK, Bet'y.
SOT See advertisement of "Tioga Point
Agricultural Works," in another column.
t&~ All Ladies holding subscription books
of the Mount Vernon Association, will pleaseretrrrwlfcenV
to me by mail or otherwise, with the subtfci'i'pt'ioiin re
ceived, before the first of January next, in ordfcr tfikf the
final report for the year, to the Vice Regent may be com
pleted. MRS. C. I- WARD,
Towanda, Nov. 24,1859. Lady Manager.
FIRES. —On Wednesday forenoon, 23d ult.
sq Hlarm of fire was given, caused by the burning of a
bed in ESTELL'S tavern. When discovered, the l>edding
was entirely consumed. A few pails of water sufficed to
put it out, without the aid of the machines, which were
promptly on hand. Considerable damage was done with
water, and by removing furniture.
On Friday morning, 2.7 th, about 5 o'clock, the unoccu
pied building on the corner of Main and State streets,
was discovered to be on fire. By the time the alarm
could be given, and the fire department got upon the
ground, the building was enveloped in flames. Being of
a very combustible nature, it was soon consumed, and
the fire was communicated to the small building south,
occupied with GOIWRLINE'S meat market and dwelling
which was Tery badly damaged.
The corner building was formerly occnpied by CHESTKU
WELIA' Furniture Ware-rooms. He loses about S6O worth
of machinery, lumber, Ac., which had not been removed.
Both buildings were owned by Dr. D. L. SCOTT, and were
not insured. The tire was evidently the work of an in
cendiary, as the building in which it was discovered had
not been occupied for some time.
December presents a very attractive table of contents.—
In addition to the conclusion of the 4th volume, it con
cludes the " Minister's Wooing," and " The Professor at
the Breakfast Table." Some its other articles are " The
Experience of Samuel Absalom, Filibuster" The
Northern Lights and Stars ;" " Thomas Paine in Eng
land and France ;" " Elkanah Brewster's Temptation
" Magician ;" " Strange Countries for to see " Beauty
at Billiards " Italy, 1859 ;'* " The Aurora Borealis
and the usual very interesting literary notices. Some of
the articles are more than usually entertaining.
PHILLIPS, SAMPSON A Co. of Boston, are now the pub
lishers, and the work under their management shows, if
possible, signs of increasing value.
IgaS" The Baptist Church on the Apalnchiu
Creek, Tioga Co. N. Y.. was totally destroyed by fire on
Saturday night, 19th ult. It was the work of incendiary,
as no fire had been in or near the Chnrch for some days
On Saturday evening, the 19th nit.,
the barn of ALVA BUKNHAM, in Armenia, was totally de
stroyed by fire, with a large amount of hay, grain, farm
ing utensils, and a span of valuable horses.
BVT A Free Lecture will be delivered by
Rev. B. J. DOUGLASS before the Young Men's Christian
Association, at the Court House, on Monday evening
next. The public is invited to attend.
N. Y. A E R. II —A mistake occnrred ic
the Time Table of Waverly Station, and we publish it aa
NEW TIME TABLE. —A new time table went
into effect on the New York and Erie Railroad Inst Mot*-
day, which regulates the running of trains as follows :
Dunkirk Express 5 38 p.M.[*Way, 6 32 p.*
Night Ex. 3 50 A. M.jStock, 4 55 A. M.
•Accomodat'n, 832 v. u.l* Accomodation, 738 A.M.
•Way, 10 33 A. M.l Night Express, 1 23 A. M.
31 Ex. Freight, 658 p. M.j*N. Y. Ex. 11 27 A. M.
Fast Freight, 540A. M. I Fast Freight, 11 05 A.M.
• Except Sundnys.
It Except Mondays.
The Accomodation trains remain over night at Elmira.
The way trains run between Binghamton and Elmira.—
The way Freight trains remain over night at Owego. The
Night Express both ways, the Stock Express, Express
Freight and Fast Freight Trains run every day.
ftaT We are indebted to COWI.ES for favors
In the shape of periodicals. The public will find at his
News Room, at the Bakery, all the latest and best publi
cations of the day, with the New York daily papers, in
advance of the mall.
faT The last Fair of the First Weslyan
Methodist Cfrnteb, will be held in the Engine House, on
Thursday evening, Dec. 6th. With a due remembrance
of past favors, the Colored people of this Rnrongh call,
as they sincerely hope, for the last time on the generous
public of this place for awl in discharging the remaining
liabilities upon their church property. We hate endeav
ored , as best wc might, to boild up and sustain an organ
ization among our Colored people that shonld render
them good citizens and God fearing men. This organi
zation tew in numbers and feeble in means as it is, have
paid by their individual subscription the sum of $368 68,
thus we hope evidencing that while they call for aid, it is
the call of those who have endeavored to help build up
their cause by their own efforts, and by sacrifices little
known to those in better circumstances in life. Trusting
! this last call may find as generous response as those of
| former years, lam your ob't servant, S. COOPER.
Attention is 'particularly directed to
I an abstract from the official department of the " Penn
; sylvania School Journal," found in this paper. Directors
are officially interested, and if through their neglect the
State appropriation is withheld, the people will feel that
they have an interest in the matter. We can see no good
reason why the two documents spoken of, cannot be
made out at the proper time as well as any other, if the
proper officers of the School boards keep their hooka and
papers as directed by law.
! Leonard Scott fc Co. of New York, who republish the four
j great British Reviews and Blackwood's Magazine, deserve
| the gratitude of all friends of sound and sterling litera
: ture in this country. These periodicals have long been
justly celebrated for their elaborate and able criticisms,
! their learned, brilliant, and attractive essays, and their
j chaste and classic style. They represent respectively all
the great parties of England, both in Church and State—
The Ixmdon Quarterly representing the Conservatives,
the Edinburgh Review the Whigs, the Westminister.Re
view the Liberals, Blackwood's magazine the Tories, and
the North British Review the Free Church of Scotland.
But although each is thus the organ of a great party,
none of tliem are illiberal or narrow-minded, or will give
any conntenance to the prejudices and foolish vainglori
ous theories which sometimes find advocates even in the
■ columns of the Timet. The reason is obvious ; their
contributors are, without exception, men of snpcriur ed
! oration—men who are familiar, not only with British
history, but with the history and ethnology of every civ
ilized country. Hence it is that the English newspapers
and the English periodicals are as unlike as possible on
most international questions—nay on most subjects re
lating to England itsejf. The former can seldom see any
faults at home, or aught that is commendable abroad ;
while, as a general thing, the latter are as willing to do
justice to the French or the Germans as to their own
reader*. This cosmopolitan spirit is a striking and noble
feature in tlie periodicals under consideration, especially
in the Review*: and it is one that groatly enhancestheif
talue. If they were merely local in their view* andsym
pathies the/ would not present. a* they do every q ovv i
an epitome of lie literature of Europe and America , 1
need we say that there 1* not a book published in ;
hemisphere that contains aofht that la new or nl®ak
the pith of whfch is not to be found in one or other,
the Quarterliea. Wae it too much, then, for us to k 1
we did at the beginning of this notice, that the gmu
men who furnish us the reprints at Utt than oni J
what the originals cost in England, desenre our Cri , I
tnde ? The four Reviews and Blackwood only coat j,, !
In this conntry, while they cost 13! in England.
The commencement of a new year affords a very fa,,, ]
able time far procwrmg these works. In another col**,
will be found an advertisement with full informal! *,,
to price, Ac.
J6T* Ijttd\e&' florae Magazine, published is 1
T. 8. ARTHUR A Co., at Philadelphia, for two dollar,, |
year in advance, is the best Magazine for the family cirr,
we receive. The December number is already on ht i
with a very choice lot of contents. It is the best nuui)*.
in the present volume. Now is an excellent time to*,,,
scribe. Those in want of a first-class Magazine 6*4 I*.
ter avaff themselves of this opportunity. See to it K :
I®* Tlrt annual meeting of the Bradford
County Agricultu&l' Society wif? be held at the Court
House, in the boro' of Towauda, oh Monday evening,
cemberS, 1859, at which time the annual election, C
officers, will take place.
The Executive Committee of the Sbciatv Wil mtet
the office of W, C. Bogart, in the Iro' of Towandi o;
Sat irday, the 3d December next, at 10 o'clock, A.M. V
the transaction of business preparatory to the aunu,
meeting of the Society.
By order of the President,
W. C. 800 ART, See jr
SHIPMENTS of Coal by the Barclay RJJ)
Road and Coal Company :
Previous Shipments 28.M2 ton,
For week ending November l'J 6 "
A mount tor the season 28,770 tog,
t&- we were chagrined at learning from &
telegraphic dispatch, that Gov. Backer had
tendered to Gov. WISE, of Virginia, the ser
vices of 10,000 men to keep the peace in the
Old Dimiuion. We are happy to learn, how
ever, that the report was totally unfounded,
and that all the military renown to be earned
by fighting shadows and shooting hiirmleq
cows will accrue to the credit of the Virginia
heroes. If Gov. PACKER, or the Governor of
any Northern State, wishes to make himself
snpremely ridiculous and everlastingly infam
ous, such a proceeding as was charged upou
the Executive of Pennsylvania would aetoia
plish it effectually.
t&r N ewg from Brownsville, received !
New-Orleans by the Arizona, states that Cap!
TOBIN, with a company of-one hundred Ran
gers, was encamped half-way between Corpre
Christi and Brownsville, awaiting reinforce
ments. Fifty men of the First Artillery had
arrived at Brazos, and would proceed at once
to Brownsville. The sworn statements pot
forth by one MILLER, which announced the
capture of that town by CORTINAS, prove to
have been utterly false. The force at Browns
ville, numbering some 300 men, was cousfder
ed sufficient to reptl any attack. CORTINA*'
officer had been executed at Brownsville.
Williamsport Press, in noticing an
accident on the Williamsport and Elmira rail
road last week, says : During the running of
the Elmira Express Train on Tuesday evening
last, near McKinney's Station, five miles above
\Y iihamsport, a sad affair occurred by which
a roan named Daniel B. Evans, lost his life.—
From evidence bafore the Coroner's jury it is
supposed the victim was under the influence of
liquor, and unconsciously sat down on the
track and fell ovef, the lower part of his bod;
resting on the rail.
The SLAVE EXODUS. —The Missouri Dm
oerat says, that the shipments of slaves from
St. Louis bate amounted to'h'nndreds per week
for several months past. The negroes are not
only tootiftg to the South by tray of St. Lonis
aDd the Mississippi River, but are carried off
in large droves through southwestern Missouri
into Arkansas, many planters aad drivers pre
ferring this as the safest mode of transit. The
other day one of the wealthiest citizens of
Platte Connty sent a drove of two hundred
slaves through western Missouri into Arkan
sas. A negro trader estimates that if the
slave exodus continues at the present rate for
the next fifteen years, there will not be left a
I thousand negroes in Missonri borders.
MASONIC. —At the regnlar quarterly com
munication of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter
of Pennsylvania, held at the Masonic Hall,
Philadelphia, on Monday evening—2lst ult. tl e
following companions were elected as Grand
Officers for the ensuing Masonic year:—M. E.
Grand High Priest, Benjamin Parke, of Har
risburg; Grand King, Herman Yerkes, of
Philadelphia ; Grand Scribe, J. L. Hutchin
son, of Philadelphia ; Grand Treasurer, John
Thompson, of Philadelphia ; Grand Secretary,
William H. Adams, of Philadelphia.
ISf A Washington despatch says that
Gov. Wise, in recent conversations at that
place, expressed his conviction that there is an
extensive secret oath-bound organization in the
State of Ohio, and elsewhere in the North,
whose object is the rescue of Brown and as
sociates, and revenge upon those who have
been instrumental in bringing them to justice.
This conviction is based upon letters received
from persons in various parts of the country,
in whose statements he places full confidence.
Their names for obvious reasons he will not
Mails Close at Towanda P. O.
Waverly Through—Daily 12 M
Athens Way—Daily 12 M
Canton—Tri weekly .......... 12 M
Eaton- Semi weekly 8 1* M
Mont roue—Tri weekly .. . S 1* M
Sheshequin—Tri weekly s I'M
Wellsburg—Tri weekly 8 I'M
Dusbore—lri weekly 12 H
Tnnkhannock— Daily 1J VI
Troy Tri weekly 13 M