Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 24, 1859, Image 3

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last GOUI.D PUIKNEY, of Monroeion committed suicide
bv i-bnoting himself through the head with a pistol. The
deceased was iu Taylor's bar-room, iu company with sev
eral others, and stepping into the hall the report of a pis
tol was heard, and he waS found in the agonies of death.
No reason is known for the commission of the act, and
those whose presence he hud just quitted observed noth
ing unusual in liis appearance or demeanor. It is sup
posed that a feeling of despondency was the cuu-e of the
ra.-h act. Mr. P. was about 35 years of age, and leaves a
wife and four children.
OOWI.ES has removed his Bakery to the north
building recently erected by ULYSSES MKKCCK, Esq.,
which has been fitted np especially for his business. He
has also iu his sale-room, a News Depot where he is pre
pared to furnish all reading matter usually kept in such
establishments, —Bonks, Magazines, Periodicals, 4c.—
Orders will be received, and promptly filled, for any new
SHIPMENTS of Ooal by the Barclay Rail
Road and Coal Company :
Previous Shipments 27.479 tons.
For week ending November 19 683 "
Amount for the season 28,162 tons
F.OROE M'NAIR, late of the Lewisbarg
University, has settled as pastor in Leßov, Bradford Co.,
Pa. &. C. DARE at Canton.
tfaF" The Revival in the Methodist Church
of Waverly, still contiuues in full force, the church being
jammed 10 its fullest capacity about every evening.
BUsT The undersigned take this opportunity
to return to their friends, their most sincere thanks for
the many substantial tokens of regard, which were re
ceived at their house on Wednesday, the 9th inst. We
hope and pray that He who is rich unto all wiJJ abundant
ly repay them.
We would also apologise for the non-appearance of this
card last week. INCRE ASE CHILD,
Isa?- Special dispatch from Washiugtou an
nounces the receipt of'official information of the
ratification of the Chinese Treaty. The Treaty
has been received at Washington. Mr WARD
returned to his quarters on board the Powha
tan on the 17th of August, and reported that
he had received very kind treatment from the
Chinese. Young LA on, who was captured at
the I'ei-ho, was released in deference to Mr.
WARD, by whom he was received and delivered
over to the British Commander. Dispatches
from Com. TATNALL confirm the reports pre
viously received of disturbances at Shanghai,
growing out of the forcible abduction of
Coolies. The frigate Mississippi remained at
Shanghai during the visit of Com. TATNALL to
Japan. Advices from that portion of the
East India Squadron stationed at. Nagasaki,
states that a collision had occurred at that
port between the Japanese and the captain
and crew* of an American merchantman, and
that the frigate Gennanloitn was prepared to
render assistance. The result is not stated.
Com. TATNALL proposed to proceed to Jcddo
to make arrangements for the transportation
of the Japanese Ambassadors to the United
States, but, iu his. dispatch to the Navy De
partment, the Commodore expresses a doubt
whether it is the intention of the Japanese
Government to authorize the departue of the
have received from a source worthy of credit,
a statement of a most melancholy affair. —
Charles Covel Pierce, a young man of about
'22 years of age, respected atid esteemed hy all
w ho knew him, committed suicide on the raorn
of the 11th inst., ly hanging himself with an
ox chain to a hemlock in the Woods near the
residence of Mr. Lewis Griffin. The only
cause assigned is melancholy, arising from a
fe:.r that he might be injured in the estiina
tiou of the community by defending himself
from charges made by a Mr Ward, that he
had slandered his wife and daughter. His
friends tried various ways of cheering him, but
without avail. On Friday morning he arose
early and went out without his coat. This
was the last seen of him alive. Towards noon
he was found hanging to a small hemlock tree
with an ox chain round his ueck.
It appeared he climbed up the tree, and
fastening the chain with a long hitch to the
tree and around his neck, threw himself off,
and the jerk evidently broke his neck. There
was no trace of a struggle though his feet res
ted on the ground.— Ovoego Times.
iltto siMirrttscmrnts.
Manufacturer of
Dealer in Water Lime, Brick, &c.
HAVING made arrangements with the principal News
Dealers in New York. I am now prepared to furnish
nil with the current Books, Magazines, Monthlies. Week
lies and Pictorials. The New Y'ork Ledger, New York
M'e.kly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Harper's Weekly.
Ballon s Pictorial, True Flag, Am riean Union, Hume
Journal. New Y'ork Clipper, Porter's Spirit of the Times,
Police Gazette, Weekly Novelette, Yankee Notions. Nit k
Narks. Arc. Ac. Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's
Rook, Peterson's Magazine, Frank Leslie's Magazine,
Great Republic Monthly, Ladies' American Magazine,
Halloa's Dollar Monthly, Knickerbocker, Littel'a Living
Age, Ac., which we will furnish by the year or single
copy at publisher's prices.
I shall have on hand, for the coming Holidays, a.splen
did assortment of GIFT BOOKS AND PICTORIALS.
1 shall also keep oil hand the leading
Furnished to those who wish to take them by the week
at 15 cents per week, or 3 cents a single copy.
Received for any Publication in the United States, which
will he furnished with despatch.
Mir Thankful for the jwtronare of my friends thus far,
I hope by carefully consulting their taste* and wants, and
wants, and by strict attention to business, to merit a con
tinuance of the same.
i i'wanda. November 18S9. A. F. COW LKS.
/ LYUTJOX.—Whereas, my wife MART,
yJ has left my bed and board without any just cause or
provocation, this is to forbid any jtersyn from trusting or
harboring her on my account, as 1 will pay no debts of
her contracting after this date, unlers compelled by law.
Bentley'g Creek, Nov. 0, 1*53 JOHN SULIVAN.
uate of the Jefferson Medical COLLEGE A T Philadelphia
having returned to the village of Sfonroeton, where he
intends to permanently locate,would respectfully oiler his
service? to the citizens of the place and vicinity.
Having received a thorough extra course on the diseases
of Females and Children, he is prepared to give special
attention to that subject Office at the store of Tracy &
F'l-ul! References Dr. Ma ON, Towanda, Dr. NEWTON
Nsr.roctcn. Nov. 14. 1P59.
mi iron 3
\ r OUH attention is respectfully invited to a LA ROE
which I have just opened in
One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store.
MY STOCK OF GOODS is from the best manufactur
ing establishments in the City of New York, and of the
latest approved styles. Having purchased with cash, I
am enabled to sell my goods at prices almost increduous
lv low. My stock consists in every variety of READY
Having secured the services of one of the most skillful
Tailor.- in Northern Pennsylvania, I am prepared to man
ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing. I will warrant
all garments cut at my shop to give perfect satisfaction.
To wand a, Septemlwr 14. 1859.
HS. MERCUR is now receiving one of the most ex
• tensive and varied assortment of Goods ever ofter
ed to the people of Bradford County.
The stork consists iu part of the following
1 > U Y c; ( > O 13 s.
Black and Colored French and American Cloths,
** Cassimeres,
" Satinetts,
Tweeds and Jeans.
Plain and Figured French Merino's,
" Cohnrg's
" Wool Delaiines.
" Common PeLainee,
" Plaid Debeges.
Woo! and Union Plaids,
Double aud single Brocbi Shawls,
" Wool
Misses and childrens Wool Shawls,
Hosiery of every description,
.J great variety of Fringes, Trimmings aud Triukets,
Ginghams, Prints,
And Domestic Goods of Every Kind,
Which were purchased under very advantageous cir
cmnstancea, and will be sold at wholesale or retail, FOR
CASH, at prices averaging much lower than others.
Towanda, Sept. 27, H59.
Humphrey & Wickham
New Fall and Winter Goods,
Huts and Caps, Crockery, Nails and Glass,
Boots and Shoes, Sole and Upper leather,
Calf skins, Morocco, Shoe Findings.
In short, a general assortment of Goods suitable for the
season. ToWanda, October 1, 1559.
BOOTS ANI) BIIOK3 Constantly on hand
and manufactured to order, of reliable work and
material, and repairing done on short notice.
WANTED —Ooe Thousand cords Hem
HAS removed to the corner of Second and Poplar sts. p
immediately back of the Ward Hon*. - All ac
counts with him over one years standing, must be mi
mediately settled.
Towanda, Sept. 21,1850.
. received at XT WLT.'S.
jHcrtthgwyfC, St.
C^AUTIOX. —All persons nre hereby cau
) tinned against purchasing n note, purporting to have
been signed by the subscriber, dated on, or about the Gth
day of Sept. 1859, for forty dollars, payable four months
after date, with interest, either to Philip Oswald, or
Isaac Roskman, as the same w as not signed by me nor by
my authority, and I shall not pay the same.
Monroe, Oct. 20. "59. CLARK CUMMINS.
MISS GRIFFIN A PARK, are opening to-day (Wed
nesdnyja large and well selected assortment of
Bonnets, Hend-Dresses, Fe.athers, Flowers and Ribbons.
You r.rc Invited to call and oDscrvc their varlet v and rich
ness for vouraelves, Oct. 19,1859.
JM. COLLINS, is now receiving at his
• old stand on Main Street, next door to Hall's, one
of the largest, best selected and cheapest stocks of
ever brought into this market, to which he invites the at
tention of purchasers. Having had some years' ex]>eri
ence in the business, he iu able to offer inducements, as to
be met with at any other establishment. His stock em
bracts the usual assortment of OVERCOATS, COATS,
VESTS AND PANTALOONS, of every style and price,
to suit the taste and the pockets of customers. To those
who prefer ordering garments, he would sny that he keepa
constantly on hand a large assortmant ol
SIMERES AND VESTINGS, which will be made up on
short notice, by experienced workmen, and warranted to
give satisfaction In every way. Particular attention will
be given to this class of custom, and every exertion made
tc please customers.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
A large assortment of hats and caps, of all styles and
CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properly
Towanda, October 19. 1859. J. M. C
f 1 LASS ANI> SASH.—IOO boxes Glass,
VT 1000 lights Sash for sale at
Oct. 18, 1659. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
WIIKKL HARROWS.—3O dirt wlieel
bsrrowV for sale at
Oct. Mi 1869. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
T>APER 'tIANGINGS. 10 •>0 yards Pa-
I pering—so do Bordering—so do Window Papering
at oct .17, ROCKWELL'S.
r PIN WARE—A full assortment of Tin
Ware just received and for sale at
October 18.1859 W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
rpilE subscriber having concluded to chancre
A his business, will sell his entire stock of Merchandise
at from actual cost down to 25 per cent lower than can
f>e bought in New York City, lie has just returned from
the city with a new stock, consisting in part of
Dry Goods of all kinds,
A Full Assortment of Groceries,
Fish, Salt, Gluts, Sash, Dye woods, S-c. Sfc.
Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Hats,
Caps, Crockery, Hardware, Tin aud Wooden Ware, Yan
kee Notions, Carpetings, Ac. All of which will he sold
for Cash at from 10 to 50 per cent less than can be bought
iu Towanda.
Salt at $1,05 per barrel. Tea from.H to 50 cents, the
very best Georgia Cut Y'arn for $1.05 per bunch, and
everything else in proportion. This reduction will be
made oulv for cash on delivery of goods.
Towanda Oct. 12.1859. No. 3. l'atton's Block.
4V~ A VTED —Hides and Skins, fbf which
T T the highest market price will be paid, either in
goods or cash.
October 1, 1859. HUMPHREY A WU'KHAM.
\\T ANTED.—In exchange for goods, Oats,
T Rve. Wheat, Barley. Buckwheat Ac.
Oct. 1,1859. _ HUMPHREY A WICK HAM.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
No. 1, Fatton's Block,
TTTOUI.D iuvite the attention of prompt paying btiy
\ \ crs from all sections of the county, to his large and
desirable stock of Foreign and Domestic
Those who wish to purchase the best goods at the
lowest possible market prices, wiil consult their own in
terest by giving us a rail.
Towanda Sept. 28, 1859.
Metropolitan Hardware Store,
STOVSS, Elevated Oven.
STOVES, Parlor.
STOVES, Diving- Fine.
STOVES, Wood or Coal.
Fanning Mills, Corn Siullcrs, Grindstones,
Earing and Drilling Machines, Axles and
Springs, Mill d* X Cut Saws, Steel,
Zinr, Capper, Sheet Iron, Tin
and Heavy Goods, at
October 12. 1-59. S. N. BRONSON'S.
W U I I T TTtK J :S,
Shrubs aud Vines.
TH HE undersigned will be prepared the com-
A ing Fall, to supply the public with a well selec ted
and choice variety of trees, shrubs and vines. All orders
sent or given I will attend to filling and delivering my
self, and hope to imike satisfactory. Trees that shed the
leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late in
the spring. As some people think that nursery men
should replace all trees that, do not live, I would say.
to those buying of me, that I do not agree to do so, hut
I will warrant my trees to he in good order when deliv
ered. 1 will warrant all to live, but in 6ucb a case I will
have an extra price, and attend to setting out myself.
X. B—The following Insurance Companies have ap
pointed mc their Agent, to take risksof all classes where
local agents are not fouud : The Farmer's Union Insur
ance Co., and Great Western, united, now'of Philadelphia,
the Kensington of Philadelphia, the Lycoming County
Mntual Insurance Company, of Mtiney Pa., Anything
in this line promptly attended.
Towandn, Jeiy 26, 1860.
. adverfkerrect of Usance.'tor lands.
OFTERIFF'S S ALES.-—virtue of suudry
writs of Tend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Fleas of Bradford County, to me diie-U'd mid deliv
en d, will is> exposed to public sale, at the Court House
in the Bonmph of T..wanda. on THURSDAY, the let day
of DECEMBER. 1860, at 1 o'clock. P M.. the following
lot, piece or parcel of land sltunte in West Burlington tp.,
beginning at chestnut oak, a corner on the west line of
warrant no 1499 and the south west corner of lot no. 2d.
thence south 89 ° east lid 5-10 perches to a pot and
stones on the west line of Chas.Scontons lot.thenoe sooth
154 1-10 per to a post and stones the north east corner of
the Ceo. Bell lot. Thence north 89 1-4° west 12? and 1 t
percbea to R post on the west line of warrant lot no. 1502
and being the n.w. comer of aald Oeo.Brli, and thence by
the west line ol warrant lots 1602 ar,d 1499 n. 1 • <*Mt 154
1-10 per to a place of beginning. Containing one hundred
and fifteen acres and ldd 2-10 per being part of warrant
lota no. 1499 and 1502 about seventy acres improved one
log house, one log barn, aud an apple orchard, and other
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. J.
M.idill's use vs. Charles Mead, also A. Morlcy A Rro's to i
the use of H. H. Brown vs. Charles Mead and Francis C.
Al-SO—All that certain lot piece or parcel of land sit
uate- in Itidgbury twp. and bounded north by land of John
Wallace, south by land of Mrs. John W. Brown eaat by
laud of Luther Ames and west by land of Win. Eastou.— j
Containing seven acres, lie the same more or less all im
proved with an old framed building thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of William
Raston to the use of Svlvenua Van Buskirk vs. John |
Wallace, also Sylvenua Van Buskirk vs. John Wallace.
ALSO—A lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wyaius
lug twp. and bounded on the north by land of Augustus
Lewis and Wm. Crook, OD the eact by land of Calvin Camp
and land belonging to the heirs oIE. Lewia dee'd, on the I
south by land of John Elliott and J. Morrow and X. X.
Ersktnv, on the west by N. X. Erskiue aud H. Buck. Con
taining one hundred and thirty acres, more or le-w, about
sixty acres improved, one framed house framed barn and
fruit trees thereon. *
Seized and taken execution at the suit of Sarah Lane
vs. Jackson l.ewis.
ALSO—Tne following piece or parcel of land situate in |
Tuscarora, aud bounded as follows : on the north by laud
of Lyman Rogers, east by land of H. Hill, south by land j
of J. llill and T. Shaw and west by the public highway. |
Containing about ninety acres more or less about twenty- .
live acres improved, one framed house, one trained barn
and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII the following lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Tuscarora twp, and bounded as follows : north
by land of Morris Davidson, east by land of Warner,
south by land of C. Smith, and west by laud of .las Silc-s
bey. Containing twenty-five acres more or less ail im
proved, one framed house, one framed barn and few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Almon
l'ickett to the use oi Richard Stilwell aud Joseph M.
Brown partner doing business under the firm of Stilwell
A Brown to the use of Charles J. Stedman assigne of
Henry Beckmau. Orville L. Knox and Charles P. J. Rip
ley, late eo partners doing business under the firm of
Beekman, Knox A Ripley vs. R. M. Selvara.
! ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Wells twp,
! and bounded as follows : north by land of Thomas Owens
} and Wn. Johnson and others on the east by laud of J. A.
I Rov and Win. S. Ingalls, on the south by the public high
way James A. Wilson A L. Wing and oh the west by J
t A. Roy. H. Mosher and Thomas Owens.'Containing three
1 hundred and thirty acres more or lees about one hundred
and eighty acres improved two framed houses two framed
barns and two young orchards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. A E.
Covell vs. John Rrowncll.
AI .SO—A lot piece or parcel of land situate in .Sheshe
quin and Rome twp. and bounded as follows : n >rth and
east by land of E. Townsend, south by land of L.Eastman }
and west by land of John Havens. Contain ng sixty-nine
acres more or less about five acres improved with a fram
ed house and a saw mill thereon.
Sei7.ed and taken in execution at the suit of Abijah
Mead vs. James Randolph.
ALSO—A piece or parcel f land situate in Overton
twp. and bounded as follows : beginning at a beech the
northeast corner of A. L Craniner's lot. thence north 30°
east 105 rods to a beech, thence north 50 0 west 150 rods
to an old birch the north ea->t corner of a tract in the
warrantee name Thomas Palmer. thence south 30 0 west
along the fine of said tract 10C rods to a hasnwood corner
thence by land of W. A. Park and A. L. Cranmcr 100 rods
to the place of beginning. Containing one hundred and
six acres be the same more or less about two acres improv
ed and one log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Allen
M'Kean vs. Ann M. Deihm and Hannah Deihm.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in
Wiliiottwp. and bounded as follows: beginning at a
stonu heap the north eu.-t corner of warrant surveyed in
the name ul land Butler, thence west on said warrant
line 1595-10 per to a stone heap, thence south 100 per to
a Lynn corner, thence east 169 5-10 per to a maple corner
thence norjh 100 pen to the place oi beginning. Contain
ing one hundred acres more or less about twenty five a' re
improved one framed house one saw mill and our shop
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Matthias
H. Welles vs. Abel 0. Packard.
A LS C ) — The fed lowing piece or parcel of land siiuate in
Overton twp. aud Imunded on the north by the public
highway on the east by the public highw ay and lands of
Morris Sullivan on the south by lands of Christian and
Henry Haverly, and on the west by land of Eli Haverly.
Containing 166 acres more or less about 6*) acres improv- ;
e-d one log house one log barn and a few fruit trees there
ALSO—AII that certain lot piece or parcel of land sit
uate iu Overton twp., hounded as follows to wit : on the
north by land of Mary Blake, Carl.John Streve and C
Malamey on the east by land of David Jones on the south
by the public highway on the west by land of David
Haverly, Jr. Containing 281 acres more or less about 1
acres improved one framed bouse two framed barns and
ail orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lew is
Zaner vs Jacob Streve and Jacob Haverly.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel ol land situate
in Albany tp. and bounded on the north by land of ( 'has.
1 F. Wells east by land of David Hakes, on the south by
land of Joseph Menardi and on the west by land of
Sheffield Wilcox. Containing seventeen acres and a half
more or less about fifteen acres improved one log house
one framed barn and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Daniel
Chapman now to the use of Dr. Thomas Harris vs. Zadock j
flillett A L. X. Varguson.
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in i
Albany tp. and bounded on ihe north by land of Simeon
Chapman east by land of Ebenczer Borers, south by land ,
of Robert Eddy and west by land of Wells Wilcox. Con
taining fifty acres more or less about twenty acres improv
ed with a log house and a shanty stable thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel" of land situate
in Monroe bom' and bounded as follows : on the north
by land of D. X. Newton, Canning A Jared Hart, east by
L. L. Terwilliger, south by land of J. L. Hock well and
west by the highway. Containing one fourth of an acre
more or less all improved one framed dwelling house store
room and wood shed thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Monroe tp. and bounded as follows to wit : on
the north and east by land of John Mingo.s on the south
by land of W. H. 11. Brown at.d west by Towanda creek.
Containing 12 acres, more or less about six acres improv
ed and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol David R.
Taylor A Co. to the use of David R. Taylor vs. George
Smith A O- P. Lyon.
ALSO—'The following lot of land in Albany tp. and
bounded north by land of P. H. Wilcox and lands of
Samuel O. Means, east aud south by land of Wells Wilcox
and west by the Berwick turnpike. Containing seventy
acres more or less about twenty acres thereof improved
with a framed grist mill, a new framed dwelling house
partly finished three plank houses blacksmith shop a shed
and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that eerlain lot piece or parcel of land sit
uate In Albany tp. and bounded north by land of Sheffield
Wilcox south by land of Wells Wilcox ami S. C. Means
and we=t by the south branch of the Towanda creek
Containing 100 acres more or less with the privileges
thereunto belonging.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofS. A. Mill
ard vs. J. W. A Samuel C Means.
ALSO—Tire following piece or parcel of land situate in
Ridgbery tp. and bounded north by land ol Jared Ham
mond. east by land of David Burt, south by land of James
Mitchell and wet by land ot James Stevens. Containing
seventy acres more or less about 25 acres thereof improv
ed with a framed house a framed barn an apple orchard
and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil
son vs. Jacob B Mitchell.
ALflO—The following piece or parcel of land situate
in Smithfield tp. and bounded north by land of Enos
CalitF, east byland of J. E. Bullock and Jns.Gerould.south
by land of James GerouJds and west by the public square.
Containing acres, more or less, all improved, with a
framed dwelling house a framed barn, a corn house and a
two story building used its an Odd Fellows Hall Justices
office and School room ,Ac., and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Winthrop A'
Glines, administrator of John Thompson,dee'd,vs. William
E. Bartou.
ALSO—The following lot . piece or parcel of land sit
uate it\ Ulster tp. and hounded as follows : north by land
of Cornelius Plowman, on the east, and south bv lands
belonging to the estate of Wm. Gibson, dee'd and on the
west by land of Wm. Howie and land of the estate of win-
Gibson, dee'd. Containing 99 acres and 711 perches,-mote
or less, about 3.5 acres improved, one framed house one
framed barn, and a few fruit trees theroen.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
Gibson executors to the use of James Van Dyke vs. James
Gebbie. .
ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in
Sheshequin tp. and bounded as follows: on the north
and east by laud of Addison Bi-idleman, en tlw south by
lands of C- M. Segar and on the west hy the public high
way. Containing one and ahalf acres more or less, all
improved, one framed house one framed barn and a few
fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of laud sit
nate in Sheshequin tp., bonnded as follows: on the north
by land of A. -J. Cole, cast by land of Guy Timer, on the
south by L. Kingsbury and on the west by land ofSnmnel
Marshall. Co a taming 66 acres, more orh-ss, about ten
acres improved.
Seized aud taken in exeention at the soft of Satterlee ,fc
liiß to t-e ose of J. C Adams vs. George M- Saiith.
ALSO—A ce-talr lot p'eeor pa—el of lrd r'tua's in
Granville tp. bounded and described as follows : on the
north by laud of Ed war* Ferguson and Ge,.. Oaf 1 in, east
by laud of Wm. Bunyon,south by lamtcrphilanderfVsfo i
and fv-tlr K. PorteT and west by Clnrrles Parnn-rter And
M.A.Porter. Containing 162 acrea. mure or less about
4 acres improved two framed houses one framed barn and
one steam saw mil] thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of £. K
Sabm to the use of Moses Eilt-übergcr vs. 7.. Annabie.inJ
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parte! id
laud situate in Overton twp. beginning at a S.
W. corner of Cabill A Vor.ght, theuce'N CO 0 w ICO rods
to a maple, the S W corner of lot hi the warrant name -d
R. Roberts ; thence south 3C J cast 212 rods to the S E
comer of Innds claimed bv D Caeh ; thence S CO ° E ICC
rode by Cash's line, to tf-.c N W corner of Canp'f lot •
(hcr.ce by Camps, Cahili and Vought. S ?9 ° W 'J]2 rods
to the place of beginning. Containing 212 acres more ur
less, about 15 acres improved, one log" house thereon
ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Overton twp., beginning at a stake end stones,
the X E corner of Camp's lot, running tlience S 5S c E
176 j or. to a stake, thence S 31 0 W 702 rods to a corner
thence X 59 ° W 176 rods to a small birch, thence X 31 d IU2 roils to the place ol beginning. Containing 11!
acres, more or less about 15 acres improved, and one l"g
house thereon.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Overton twp., bounded on the north ly
land ot A iliium A. Park, east by liavthorne. south bv
John Willey, aud west byyVm. A. Park. Contain ,ng 25
acres more or less.
ALSO —All that certain lot. piece or parcel ofland sit
uate in Overton twp. hounded north by the Barclay Coal
lands, east by H. Booth, south by W. A. Park, and" west
by H. Booth. Containing 25 acres, more or less about
four acres improved, and one small shanty thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Gabriel
Davis vs. Wm. E. Campbell.
Also at the suit of Daniel Brink vs. Wm. E Campbell.
ALSO—A certain piece or parcel of land situate in
North Sowanda tp.. nd bounded as follows: Begiming
at the lower eud of the stone wall near above the Sugar
creek bridge and lower part of Rutty's flats, between the
main creek and the spring run and running south 43 0
east 12 2-10 per, tlience south 2u° east 10 per. thence
south 13° east 2s C-10 per, to corner below-Ruttv's wing
dam, tlience north 74° west 50 per. across the flats to a
stake for a corner by the atone wall on the north east
bank of spring run, thence north 29° east 5 6-10 per,
tlience north 95 c ' east 2 per, thence north 49- east 12
per, theUce north 40° ea.-t 15 per. following the stone
w ill, thence north 42° east 7 5-10 per. to the place of be
ginning. Containing 7 acres of land he the same, more or
less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at two suits of Thomas
Elliott vs. Stephen A Mills.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ot land situ
ate in Granville tp., and bounded as follows: north by
land oi David Cue, ca.-t by land of Miner Porter, south by
land of Marcus Ayres, and west by laud of Joel Packard.
Containing about thirty acres.l more or less, about 12
acres improved, one plank house, a corn house and a few
l'ruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tlx- suit of Wheeler
and Bidden to the use of D. Burr Wheeler vs. Joseph Fen
ALSO—The following lot, piece or pat-eel of land situ
ate in Monroe bnro' bounded on the north east by the
Berwick turnpike, south-east by land of J. MoG'lL south
west by land of J. Black man, ami north west by land of
L. F. Blackmail. Containing oue-iourth of an acre, more
or less, a 1 improved, with a framed dwelling house, aud
a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Ulster twp,, bounded north aud ea.-t hy land of
J. M (..'arty, south by land of J. Smith, end west by the
highway. Containing I an a ore, more or less, all im
proved, with a framed tavern house, a trained barn, and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. E. Can
field vs. P. P. Sweet.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Albany twp.. bounded north by the public high
way, east by M. Kellogg, south by land of 51. Blake, aud
west hy land of W.Campbell. Containing 25 acres.more
or less, about 15 acres thereof improved. 1 framed house,
1 framed barn, -and a tew lruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. Riue
bolt, to the use of M. 1.. Post, vs Daniel English.
ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Monroe and Towanda twps., hounded north bv
land of W. A. l'urk, east by the pubiic highway, toiilii
by J. B. Smith, and J. Hoinet, and wc-t by S. S. Hin
niau's land. Containing 55 acres, mure or less, 45
improved, 1 framed house, flamed barn, and a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. Jf-.-Pliin
neyjr. vs. John Hanson.
ALSO- The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Itidgbury twp. bounded north byland of D. 11.
Biirnham* east'by land of L Humes, south by land •; W
Huston, and west by land ot C. Potter. Containing loa
..cres, more or less, about 70 acres thereof improved with
a flamed dwelling house, a framed barn, a torn house,
and an apple orchard aud other truit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Aholiab
Buck vs. Daniel Dewy.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Litchfield twp. bounded north by land ot D. Mc*
Kinney, east by land of J. Campbell and T. Miinu, south
by land of K. Kecler. and west byland of S. Ovenshire.
Containing 39 acres, more- or les.-T. Defendant's; interest
being the undivided one half.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Jones
vs. Tlios. Siiisenbaugh.
ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Wyolusing and Tuscarora twps. bounded north by
land of C. Gawp, e bv land of P. Store, and (♦. B.
Shell, south by land of L. Sliuinway, \V. Shumway, J.
Palmer, aud J. Cady, west by land of C. Catup.C. 'A*,
("amp and E. la.-wis. I'untaining about Mill acres, more
or less, about two hundred acres improved, 1 woolen fac
tory, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 5 framed dwelling houses. 1
blacksmith shop. 4 framed barns. 2 .large orchards, and
other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit ot Luther
Rediield, Jr., to the use of David TYilmot. vs. llavvry B.
ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Sheshequin twp.. bounded north hy land of J. Ihr
ton, ea.-t by laud of - -Post, south hy land ot A. Conkiin
and J. WaggCtt, west hy land of M. Thompson. Con
taining 53 acres, more or less, about 35 acies improved,
wilh a log house, a framed barn, aud a lew fruit trees
Seized and taken in excoution at the suit of A. J. Ross
& Co. vs. I). T. Lucas.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Towamla borp' bounded nortli by lands of J. 0.
Adams east by main street, south byland of John Kilt
lians, on the west by an alley, said lot being about 60 feet
front, by 130 (cut deep, ali" improved with a lew frui
trees thereon.
ALSO—One other hit. piercer parcel of lnnd sitnate
in Towanda boro' bounded north by land of K. Rollins &
John 11. Badger, east yb an alley, south hy land of James
Kinsman, west by the highway. Containing about 50
feet front, and 120 feet deep, all improved. 1 framed
barn. 1 framed house, and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. Beidle
man now to the use ot John Holmes, vs. Adam Essen
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Pike twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a
maple the south-west eorner of lot Xo. 27, on warrant lot
Au. liki. theme north H'J° west 44 |>er. to a post, them*
north IJ.1 J . east 12(5 per. to a post, on the south line of X.
Rockwell's Int. thence sonth -if®, cast 44 per to n beech
stump the north-west corner of said lot Xo. 27, theme
south I°, west 126 per. to the beginning. Containing 74
acres and 104 per. inure or less.
ALSO —All that certain lot, piece or pan el of land sit
uate in Pike twp., lioundcd as follows : Beginning at a
beech on the riiiee known as Forks ridge ot t old crcik
theme soutlrS9A°,east 240 per. to a hemlock, thence
north 1 J°. east 178 per. to n hemlock corner, tb nee north
west Ik 2 per. to the place <>f beginning. Contain
ing ifO acres and is per. stiict measure, more or less.
Al>t( > All titat certain kit. piece or parcel of land sit
nate in Pike twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a
beech smith corner of warrant lots Xo. Jit A lbo. thence
smith .'W deg°,-rnst 121 per."to a post, thence tontn Mi°.
west .7.7 per. t~ a post, thence north 41°, west 177 per to
a post warrant corner, thence ss-l 0 , east per. to tie
place of beginning. Containing .in acrr-s and 60 per.more
or h-ss, about two acres improvetl.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Leo. C.
Atwood vs. Amos Van An ken.
Al-S<) -By virtue of a writ of Ft Fa. all that certain
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin twp..
bounded north by lands of Samuel Amiable <V J. McDan'el
on the east by land of H. Willey. on the south by the
Towamla Creek and the public highway, on the wc-t I>\
II WiUev. Containing iis acres be the same more or less,
about SO aeres improved, onelroard house. onebiachsknith
shop, one framed barn and two orchards thereon.
ALSO All that certain lot. piece or }arcef of land sit
uate Lu Franklin A Burlington tap's., bounded north In
land formerly In possession of Jo.-iah a\ne- and land of
John McPaniel, on the exst by land of George Lint/. o-i
the south by lands of A. Cay, on the west by land of John
Kuykendall. Containing lie, hi res nine or less, about s
acres improved, une log house, ami a few fruit tress tb in
Seized and taken in exccutir n at the suit of Montan vs
At Co. vs. Wm. E. Core.
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 1, 1.-7:).
XoTiCK to Ih'KChAsgfts -To prevent misunderstand
ing, notice is hereby given that purchasers at Sheriffs
sales will beVequired to pat the amount- hid at the time
the land is -old. It has become imperatively necessary
to adopt this rule, andjt will be strmUy adhered to, ex
cept in eases, where the purchaser is a lien credPor an-i
is entitled to the fund as pr vided in the Ist sc-tion <>(
the act of Assembly. approved April 20. T®-Jf. which is
as follows : " Whenever the purchasers of real estate it
Orphan* 1 Court or Sheriffs sale. shall appear I'mri tha
proper rhcofd to he entitled. ah a lien creditor, to i-fceive
the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it
shall be the duty of the sheriff, administrator, executor
or other person making m'hwb, to receive the recetpt
of en-h purchaser or purchasers for the aniomit whi ; h
be or they would appear, from the record as aforesaid,
to be entitled to receive: Provided that, this section shrill
n e he so construed as topreventtbc right of siifd Sheriff
administrator, exenutoror other nersorr aforesaid" to de
mand auci receive At the lime of sale s mm sgfCgicat to
| rover ail ire-el .rt vrf-t.Yd bo piij or.fof the proceed.-
of said et'* • trrt pro-idert f;rther, th*t rVors % p.-
cba-er OR PURCHASER* shall receive tl Ixuiefit of this FCC-
Don, ho or they hMI pretluce to the Sheriff, or other i-er
son ho making sai i w|*. a Af certified -tab menf *r
the |/roper record*. under the "hnftd and oftn-int „f tl -
proper officer. showing that he is a Hen creditor errtftl.--]
to : -cive any part of the proceeds of tft.- sale alarm- i
enid "
T 41 . i - . C- J. IV. Af.orir. ID the Court 01 Commsu
Pleuj or Brsdloid County, No. 49. May terra. 136 C
The cndcrsfgnctf, m Auditor, appointed oy said Uo**J
to diaUibutu rii ed i.y ciieriil a sale oi j*eai c'r.te
def'-adrot, will attend to the duties ol hisi ppointmeM >.t
IV' RFH' C Borough O: To~anda. or. FRIDAY.
X] y **:.:' ds, -KM3ER. Ibs. at 2 o'clock. P. M„ n
T :p.? <] jilnce ail jargon* 1 titdre req *c tci
to prevent claim* or eiac be forever debarred iro:;i
the W fund. E. <J\ F.RTON. Jr.
October 2i. 15..9. Auditor.
NOTICK,—Noiice is heic-
XJ by given, that all rmrsoi:* indebted to the estate .1
GEORGE SPALDING, late of Tiwcarora towndhip dc-'d
are hereby retpieated Jo make payment without deUv ;
and all persons having claims against said estate wili
present them dirlv Authenticated for Settlement.
v- j. Capet,
November R. T-f.'.n. Executor.
Admin istrators notice.—Xotic;
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of CHARLES JOHNSON, late of Windham, dee d
are hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
and all persona having claims against the said estate tviil
please present them duly authenticated for settlement
HARVEY W. DUNHAM, ) . , ... ,
SARAH JOHNSON* ) Administrator*
November 14, I*l9.
- es
tate of.l AMES UhkOULD, late ol Smithfleld twrp .de 'd.
arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
all persons having elaiuis against said estate will present
them duly authenticiited lor setllemciit-
J. A. (JEROULD. i . , ...
E.G. DL'RFEY. i Administrator*
November 14, InoJ.
SPECIAL COURT—Notice is lierebv giv
en that a Special Couft of Common Pleas will he
held at Towrnda, for the County of Rradfoid. on Monday
the lGth day of January isiiq." at 2 o'clock. P. if., at
which the Hon. ROBERT G WHITE will preside, lor the
trial of the following cause-- to wit:
No. 21.1, December term, 1850—Lyman Matson vs. Ira
and Richard Jennings. Ejectment."
_N'o. 208. July term. 1858—.Hanson B. Smith vs.Saml.
Helium. et. al. Ejectment.
No. 11 i, September term, 1856- Israel Smith vs."Sam
uel Kellum and Michael Thompson. Trespass.
And such other causes as may be certified and ordered
upon the li-t for trial .it that time. Subpoenas made re
turnable at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office. November 16,1859.
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
of i end. Expo, issued out of the Court ol Common
l'lca®of Rradford County,to me directed and delivered,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the
Borough of Towanaa, on FRIDAY, the 9th day of DE
CEMBER, 1359, at 1 o'clock. P M.. the following lot,
piece "r parcel of land situate in North Towanda twp.,
b3unded as follows : on the north by lairds of John Di
vine and Roderick Granger, east by" the North Branch
Canal and land of Roderick Granger and Jonu Dougherty
south by land of James Finerty. William Monger. .Tuba
Dougherty and John Young, west by land of S. W. Run
delt, Chester Ilennett and William McMornui. Contain
ing about two hundred and seven acres more orle.-*.
about one hundred and twenty acres improved, three
framed houses, two framed barns, twoiioaiu .-h.intien and
three orchards of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. Ca-wv,
administrator of'Jesse Gilbert to the use of Samuel Hill
house vs. Horace Granger and terre tenants.
Sheriff's Office, November 14, 1*59.
Snisqutbauita Colltgiatt fnstitatr,
OLIVER S.DEAN, A.B. Principal.Professor of Ancient
Languages, and Mental ami Mora) Sciences.
WM. If. PF.AN*, A. If.. Associate Principal, Professor
"(' Mathefbdtics and Natural Science.
Prof. CHARLES It. LUBURX, County Superintendent,
General Dire tor pf Normal Department.
Mrs. ANN KKLLcGO. Preceptress.
Mi-s ANNA M. DEAN. A =sitant Preceptress.
Miss MARY 11. ALLEN*. Teacher of Vocal and Instru
mental Music.
'llie Wiutei Term commences WEDNESDAY, NO
VEMBER 31, and will continue 14 weeks.
[Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering
the school, and one-half at the middle of the term—fuel
and contingencies included.]
Primary,per term .... $ K no
Preparatory n... 6 00
Higher, Ist year, per term 7 on
Higher. Ist and 2u year, per term s no
Classical, Ist year, per term 7 IMI
Classical. 2d and 3d year, per term 8 no
| Collegiate, per term 10 on
X. I!. Pupils will lie classed by the most advanced
branch they respectively pursue.
Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for
fuel and co ii tin gents.
French f 5 on
(iertnan 8 on
Drawing 3 no
Board in the Institute, per week, including fuel
and light 2 on
Washing, per lozen 38
The C.illegiati- year is divided into three terms of 11
week-each. The Anniversaiy excrci.-es wilibclield at
tin- dose of the Spring term.
No deduction will lie mdde for absence, except in case
of protracted illness (>f over two weeks.
Instrumental Music niii not, as heretofore, be taught in
the Institution, but bv speoial arrangement—a chins will
be taught in a hall adjoining the grounds of the Institute,
by the Teacher of Vocal Music.
This arrangement has been adopted for the past term,
and experience has proved it to !w eminently superior to
the plan pursued in former yeai-s. Special |urins will be
token to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to
take lessons in this branch. Terms will he uherrtnftwo :
Tuition on Piano Porte, per term $lO 00
Use of instrument for practice 3 00
Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish tla-ir own tow
els, Ac., and tlu- table silver a, their optiou. It is degira
ble that fhey also furnish their own twd and bei,liag
when it is convenient. But wliuii otherwise, these will l?
furnished at a slight charge.
It is strongly recommended tint students from abroad
should board in the In-tituti better opportunities
tor advancement in study are thereby -cctired.
A orm il Fiptii liiitni Sspei ial exorcises are strong- d
without extra eharc-e for thore ureparlng themselv-g
Te*ehers of Cnramon SehoMs. Pr,'f. R CDBI'RX. the
able and welt known Superintendent of Common < -ho.,n
in the county, has kindly consented to organise the Tea
oher si - lass, ami direct the course to lie [ittrsnrd.
He w.,1 also be r.-esent to conihtct its e\tuvises as oftew
as practicable, ami will deliver frequent lectures on tl
I henry and Practice of Teaching, as alsuou other subjects
C -unci-ted with Norma! training.
1 hose per..- ,is, therefore, intending to encage iu tewh
iug tor ti.e winter, will find it greatly to their advantag
to le present during She Fall term.
Prot. c'nhoru's i-rmnesdioii with the institution is not
I >-uch as to in any way Interfere with the discharge of tho
' regular duties of his oflb-e.
No ]>aios will be spared, on the i>art \ 4 the Facility :rnd
Trustees in sUNtaining the high repiilutati'.n the institu
tion has hitlwrto Hi joyed, and in tendering it more wot
thy of future patronage anil support
Wit,l.l A M 11- DEAN.] . . OLIVER S. DfMN. I m 1
Arrival of the Great Eastern !
AXD I Al\ir\ >
lAI Tn. SOLOMON has just rttnrnet) from
: .' • the Last with the LARGEST. BEST A CITE VP
| EST stock ot
Fall & Winter Clothing.
over brought to this market. I can as-uie mv cn-to
mere that I have studied thf - inter-. t a.- well as mv own
by buying the !> tl made, and most durable stock ot fa.*li
ionnhle Clothing to be found. VIS- stock eons! t-- of Polls
sier. li-tjlan. S.o-k. etc. oven-oats; Wit k nnti Fan v
i "assinv-r.- Frock and Ss.-k tio.ats ~r all steles and quali
ties ; Mink Die.kin, Fanny Cas.shr.orw'and Satinnte
| I'huU ; Fan'-y Silk and Gott in Velvet. r-n-Pner.. ,s s t t .
j net iitil Pliistr V cat 5 , in fo t a great nonr vtv!r too num
j eron- to mention, also including a large "stock of
CEBITS nj£l24lSHisvr& GOODS'
You will fcr-d it to your ixlvintage to -all anfi examine
my stock hefo're purchasing e.'.- where. C>nu one Come
. alt! tft the CPthing Store of M. F. SOLOMON,
Towanda N'er 1. l-; 59. No. 2. Fattua's Block
! X. B--JTTT B'Cntvru- A large Stuck of Sloe Lenthe
; Upper leather. Calf Skbs, Lining Sltiu 4c
: which will be -ojd einsaper than elsewhere in tins marltei*
The highest ir.Urket pi i.-ein cash , Ul p. ,^ r u ;i
lunkd af Grain, Wool. Hiduand iliam> Feli.. Iremcm*->e
the No. 2. P itt Block. M y y
1 pOUriDFR TP Ft ; L-\R xrisrsix
• * • icN'S.