ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOAV-AJNTIXA.: Thursday Morning, November 17,1859. Jstltdtb THE HUSKERS. ■T JOBS O. WHITTLER. Heap high the farmer's wintry hoard! Heap high the golden corn ! So richer gift has Autumn poured From out her lavish horn. Let other lands exulting glean The apple from the pine. The orange front the glossy green. The cluster from the vine : We better love the hardy gift Our rugged vales bestow ; To cheer us when the storm shall drift Our harvest fields with snow. When spring-time came with flower and bud, And grassy green, and young And merry bob'links, in the wood, I ike mad musicians sung, We dropped the seed o'erhitl and plain, Beneath the sun of May. And frightened from our sprouting grain The robber crows away. Ail through the long bright days of June, Its leaves grew thin and fair. And waves in hot mid-summer's noon Its soft and yellow hair. And now, when Autumn's moonlit eves, Its harvest time has come. We pluck away the frosted leaves, And bear the treasures home. There, richer than the fabled gift Of golden showers of old, Fair hands the broken grain shall sift, And knead its rneai of gold. Let vapid idlers 101 l in silk Around their costly board— Give us the bowl of mush and milk, By hoiuespun beauty poured. Where'er the wide old kitchen hearth Sends up its smoky curls, Who will not thank the kindly earth. And bless our corn-fed girls. l>et earth withhold her goodly root. Let mildew blight the rye. Give to the worm the orchard's fruit, The wheat field to the fly. But let the good old crop adorn The hills our fathers trod : Still let us for His golden corn .-*nd up our thanks to God! [For the Reporter.] " Democratic Thunder." The Democracy have at last got " some thunder." The mountain is laboring, and will bring forth its accustomed mouse, unless there be a re-action and the monse tnrn riut to be a genuine Democratic Border ltuffian. John Brown in his foolish attempt at insurrection, has raised a little cloud for Democracy which it has been wishing for and trying to got up, for a long time. The machine is worked with the usual vigor—show of principle and truth fulness—that characterize the work of the " old feilow " who tends the Democratic en gine. But with all the snorting, puffing, blow ing and usnal Democratic scare-crowing and U uioa saving of his cloven footed tinjcsly, us no go. The cloud is too small to get much thunder out of —with all the steam let on. — The attempt reminds me of an anecdote o: au old fellow, whose great forte in summer tuue, was to have a thunder-shower come up, so he could not work at hay, and thus get a plny spell. lie was therefore intent on watching every thnndcr clond that came np, as ranch as the Democracy of the present day, are intent iu watching every little abolition speck that appears within the horizon of Slavery. One day the old fellow came ont from his dinner, and heart! a slight rumbling sound ike t'mil der, went round the corner of the house, look ed up at the sky, discovered but a small clond, and broke out in the following manner : "\\ a.i', if I could'nt thunder out of a bigger cloud than that, I wouldn't thunder at ail." There is about as much sense ia that, as in the at tempt of the Democratic party to make politi cal capital out of the recent affair at Harper's Ferry. With all of the handling of Brown papers they fail to implicate, in truth, any Republican, in the attempted iusnrrection. — The fact that the Republican party have al ways taken decided grounds against any posi tive interference with slavery in the States where it exists by local law. ought to satisfy every homest man as to their real position.— There is, however, a moral in the affair* at Harper a Ferry, the Democratic party might well profit by. If Slavery be so dangerous a machine that it is ready to explode at the slightest touch, and endanger the peace and prosperity of a great country like ours, why seek to perpetuate it ? Why claim the right for it to spread over all our free territory ? Why be continually striving by fair means or foul [and especially the latter) to spread it over every foot of free-soil, that may by pos sibility be made, pecuniarily and politically, available for it ? Why strain every nerve to get Cuba, Mexico, and a!! the available -lave territory adjacent to us, if Slavery be so read iiy aet oo fire and biowu up by every little match of a mad man, who may have sworn vengeance against its many iniquities ? These are grave questions, which the people renuire the Democratic party to answer satisfactorily, | before they will release it from the fearful re ! spoosibility it has tukeu upon itself. The peo ple are determined to know if our government is to become but a mere machine to work out the behests of Slavery. Before the Democ racy make too much noise out of the little thunder cloud at Harper's Ferry, let tliern in quire if it be no crime to conspire against free dom ? Was it no crime to organize Blue i Ledges, with the avowed object of treason, with a Democratic President of the United States Senate at the head, get together an army of ruffians, take possession of the gov erument Arsenal, seize the arms of warfare thereof, march into a free territory, drive peace ful citizens from the polls, seize ballot-boxes and destroy them, mnrder those citizen-, out rage the persous of their wives and daughters, pillage their property, burudown their houses, and all because those citizens loved freedom better than slavery. No Republican ju-tiGes the fool-hardy actiou of John Brown and ids j followers, but while we are condemning him, I let us look a little to the cause of his madness What power was it that caused the murder of his sons, burned down his home, and drove him ; into his acts of madness ? The same power that committed the- great catalogue cf crimes against Kansas, which have blaekeued our national honor for the test five years, and made Democracy a by-word and reproach. The same power (hat gets up filibustering expedi tions, violating our neutrality laws, going through with a luock trial of the effeudtrs and always acquitting them. The same power that advocates the re opening of the African Slave Trade. The same power that strikes dowu an honored Senator in his place in the recnate ! chamber, and murders another Senator on its chosen fitbl of honor. Let the Democracy ponder these things well, before they grind too much noise out of their little thuud r. FORMAV. GLACIERS. —In the preparation of the earth for the occupation of the human family, phys ical cau-es of great energy, and acting during • long periods of time were, donbtless, required; j but it is a problem yet unsolved whether, these periods amounted to the millions of year* required by the geologist, or w t re of much shorter duration, owing to the operations > f laws different from those now iu actiou, or to quicker and more energetic processes thuu those which we now witness. During the 6000 years which have nearly elapsed since the creation ot ruan, the n- ivers i! deluge is the oulv grand event which could have greatly modified the generei surface of the earth ; but since that time j-owerful agents have been in operation, and great change have been effected in different parts of ti. globe. Floods of vast extent, as we !. i i else* here occasion to remark, rushii g from ocean or from the bowe.s of the earth, h. v swept over its surface, carrying with them ti soil and the blocks of stone over which t • v passed, and grinding aud polishing the ro kt which they kid bare. Successions of nighty forests have flouri-hed and decayed on tin same c }>ot. leaving beneath -trota of root- t the fourth and fifth generation. Ti.e ia ! have, in some regions, quitted (heir Dative beds ; and, iu others, invade 1 a J d str -yc J the fields and habitation of man. Ida.. 1- have riet-n and disappeared in tl.e ocean. La quakes hare shaken or overturned the iest U l . ric.s of human wisdom, shattered we; the mountuiu crests, aud dis ocatii g lite >< i. . pavement of the giol>e. The everlasting hiii> have risen above their native level, and litr i up from the ocean the very sea-beach which it has formed. Volcanoes hare buried wh< -ities VKlef their abfs. anl (Vftltd With "... r Lure..tig lava the productive fields within ' it.- reach. Kxter.sive takes have ; ired our their couUnts. and reeoreltd upon Uuiranci -iiore> ttMNfM of the win is aud waves Huge masses of rocks have been transported froui their mountain erases to v*t distances n the p'ain* below J and that element, with whose dnohfihf power We are all Ite seems to hare once ext rted a r re trptu ndvj • i rjrf when it fell In avalanches of sh w ftwn it- mountain home, and ia the far iof ....■ !• r# dt roaded our valleys with slackcuiqg pace but increasing power—grinding the g'tiaic hanks which embraced ii—rTU-blag tlw latest trunks that opposed it — out ery.-t;. hue pinnacles huge biocksot" stone, and carry ing them aioug its glassy viaduct over valleys now smiling with lakes, and luxuriant with vegetation.— -V ->h ftrilish fterteur- Lacoiirrß.—Laughter is as healthful to the body as gladness to tin? mind : and there is not a more beautiful speetacie titan a 5i:,...: g face, when yon know it is a tru n.dex of the son! within. We do not speak of that species of id'oric laughter which is sure to to! w the exhrhirion of an low trick, or the utterance of any course j-:-t ; but that genial outlur-t ti at enlivens the social circle when men, like !r :e philosophers, f rgot their pa.-l cares, a . put off till the morrow allapprtueas.ons rcgaraog ' the future. A r.tivTF.n's FAXO.—A story is : re! of the Dutch pe. uter H.imskcrk, who died about 16-22, that he left by his will a sum of money yearly as a dowry for one young girl cf h.s native village, ou COUutL-m that, ou the uuy before her marriage, she and ii?r.'a;ur; band should da we opou uis grave 1 l'uit ' condiuoa was complied with for several years An ontami red character L- cf vastly more importance tkaa pc-Lsued boots. Iter lienor and v f r?se are the rh.e: aiora aieots of character. - PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'UEARA GOODRICH. MOSS-SIDE. BY I'ROFESSOK WILSON. : Gilbert Ainslie was a poor man ; and he - had been a poor man all the days of his life, . which were not tew, fur his thin hair was now waxing gray. He bad been boru and bred on the small moorland farm which he now occu ' j pied ; and he hoped to die there, as his father ' ' and grandfather had done before him, leaving I a family just above the more bitter wants of the world. Labor, hard aud unremitting, bad been his lot in life ; but though sometimes severely tried, he had never repined; and through all the mist and gloom, and even the ; storms that had assailed him, he had lived on from year to year in that calm and resigned contentment which unconsciously cheers the hearthstone of the blameless poor. With his own hands he had ploughed, reaped, and sowed hi* often scanty harvest, assisted, as they grew i up, by three sons, who, even in boyhood, were happy to work along with their latiier in the field. Out of door or iu. Gilbert Ainslie was j never idle. The spade, the shears, the plough shaft, the sickle, aud the flail, ui! came readily to hands that grasped them well; and not a morsel of food was eaten under his roof, or a garment wore there, that was not honestly, severely, nobly earned. Gilbert Aim-lie was a slave, but it was fur them he loved with a sober and deep aflVetiou. The thraldom nn- ! der which he lived, God had imposed, and it only served to give his character a shade of si lent gravity, but not austere; to make his smiles fewer, Imt more heartfelt ; to claim his sonl at grace before and after meals ; and to kindle it iu the morning and evening prayer. Tuere is no need to tell the character of the j wife of ,-ucha man. Meek and thoughtful, yet gladsome and gay withal, her heaven was in her house ; and the gentler and weaker hands helped to bar the door against want. Ot ten children that had beeu boru to them, they had lost three : and as they had clothed, fed and educated theui respectably, so did they give them who died a respectable funeral. The living did not grudge to give op, for a while, some of their daily comforts for the sake of the dead ; and bought with the little snots which their industry had saved, decent mourn ing, worn on the Sabbath, and then carefully ! laid by. Of the seven that survived, two sons were farm-servants in the neighborhood, while three daughters and two sons remained at hoig?, groyviug up a small, happy, hard working household. Many cottages are there in Scotland i Moss side, and many such humble and virtuous cottagers ns were now beneath its roof of straw. The eye of the pa-sing traveller may m irk them, or mark them not, but they stand peacefully iu thousands over ail the land ; aud most beautiful do they make it, through all its wide valleys and narrow glens—its low holms, encircled by the rocky walls of --ortre noi nv > burn —its gtetu mounts, Hater! with their lit tle crowning groves of plau.-tree-—its yellow com-li' ds —its bare pastoral hdi sides, aud .J! iita.'.i.y motts, on v, ..u-e tack ! *.. ;.i de i shilling, or concealeq, gfades of excessive ver dure. inhabited hv flowers, and v;< : fed oidv bv the far-hying bies. Moss-side not beau tiful to a careless or hasty eye ; but when lock- d ou and surveyed, it secured a pkaseut dwellii g. Its roof, over-grown wit •gi as aud . m >-s. almost as green as the ground out of which i - weather-stained walls apjaenred to grow. The moss behind it was separated • fr in a 1 lie garoec by a narrow atrip of ara ! le ! i the dark color ui' w ..,. h -huwed that it b >1 bteu won from tire- wild by patUui industry, and by path I istry re-tain-d Ii ; required a bright sunny tlcy to make Mo*- i -idc fair : but then it was fair indeed ; ami when itie iitiie browu oiuoriund uir.- were' lhar short song- amung the rashes ! I and the luatlc-r, or a L:k, perhaps, land 1 th'thT f>v some green barley field for i** un dMnrbcd nest, r se singing all WWtltet livei.ed sol.tuoe, me hitie uicuk farm smiled tike luc imnliwsl J-ovcrty, .-au aud affecting ; iu its !>v _• and extrc re .- u| tc'.y. liiel •y --! aad girl- hid u:a-le c plots of flowers I um : the N get.', -i- * t at the l'ttle garden ' supplied for their homely nre u* ; pinks aad | car: viton*. I foug : fr- n wall- 1 par b-ns oi rich men further down in ihe (aiiivattd stralb, grew here with so diminUhcd - it autv iu the m u-i uf u .t m 'C.anu ; and :! *:vc!' cf rs s, m :y 1 well with fhat of the j clover, ti. • bct.n' G.l, fa r el -ver. thnt b>ves t!ie -ail and dH air of SeaaJmd, and gives ibc rich aud balmy aiiik to (he pO'or man's iqi*. In thi.s cotioge, ti ;. s ye-. g> st c.. .-i a girl —l it nine year? I" age, h i nn laying for a vutk in a fev-r. It w.- w re... I\\ erening and the ninth dy of the -; < • <• W;vs she to live or die f 11 reemed as if a very tew hours were between the innocent creature wi.d lit. area. All the sya.i toms were tSi -o of j approaching death. Ipa: ts k;.*.w wt . the go that come over the human face, whether it be in infancy, youth, or prirac. iu-t | leforo the dc;vartnre ! the *i- : rit : and tstl.- v stoo.i together by Margaret's bed. it sectaed ' to tLvlu that the fatal sb-vdow had fatten u|>on | Margaret's feat.- - - T.e .-urgcou of ; . par I-h live-! some n * di-tant, I:*;h y exj •- ted him ROW every n a- d many a wish • f,.' ;.A)k was directo! ov tearful eyes along the m.ior. T e dasghtcr. who was out at ;rvi cam-' anxiously ho s .ic on tiiis ii caf. the o: -• one that could be allowed her. for the poor mast work in their grief, ar.J their servants must dothtir doty to those wlio-c bread tfrrv cat. even when Nature is sick — -JCK at heart Another of the daughters came in from the potato? field bey. ud the bra\ with woat was ! lobe their frugal supper. Ttse caim. nutse less sp.rit of life was in aud around the bouse, while death seemed deal ng w in ooe who. a ! few days ago. was like light ujon tie floor. J and the sound of music that always breathed ; np when nuvt wanted : glad and joyous ic | aumnioa talk—swec - . silvery, or moaruful,when i it joiued ia hyma or psalm. Ou? after the , i oth- r. they continaei goitg up to the bedside, ! ucd toea sbbng or siient, to see I their xerrr litri? ?i*ter. who ased to keep di- " RE-SARDLE3S OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." cing oil day like a butterfly in a meadow, oi like a butterfly with shut wings on a flower trifling for a while in the silence of her joy now tu.s.-ing restlessly on her bed, and scarce !y sensible of the words of endearment whis pered uroiKid her, or the kisses dropt with tears, in spite of themselves, ou her turning forehead. L'tter poverty often kills the affections ; but a deep, constant, and common feeling of this world's hardships, and an equal participation in all those struggles by which they may be i softened, unite husband aud wife, parent and child, brothers and sister, iu thoughtful and ! subdued tenderness, making them happy in deed, while the circle round the fire is unbro ken, and yet preparing them everv dav to bear the separation, when some one or other is taken slowly or suddenly away. Their *ouls are not moved by fits and starts, although Indeed, nature will sometimes wrestle with ne oeity ; and there is a wise moderation both in the jov and the grief of the intelligent poor, which keep lasting trouble away from their arthly lot, and prepares them silently aud unconsciously for Heaven. *' Do you tliyik the child is dying?'" said Gilbert with a calm voice to the surgeon, who on his wearied horse, had just arrived from another sick-bed, over the misty range of hills ; ami had been looking steadfastly for some minutes on the little patient. The hu mane man krtew the family well in the midst of whom he was standing, and replied— " While there is life there is hope ; but mv pretty little Margaret is, I fear, iu the last ex tremity." There was no loud lamentation at these words ; all had before known,though thev would not confess it to themselves, wha. thev now were told ; and though the certainty that was iu the words of the skilful man, made their hearts beat for a while with sicker throb bing?, made their pale faces even paler, and brought out from some eyes a gush of tears : yet death had been before in this house, and iu this ca*e he came, as he always docs, in awe, hot not in terror. There were wander ing, and wavering and dreamy delirious phan tasies in the brain of the innocent child ; but th • few words she indistinctly uttered were affecting, not rendring to the heart, for itwas plain that she thought herself herding her sheep i i the green silent pastures, and sitting wrapped in her plaid upon the lawn and sunny side of the Birk-knowe. J-hewastx) much exhausted —there was too little life —too little breath in her heart, to frame a tune : but MJiue of her wurds seemed to l>e from fa vorite old songs ; and at last her mother wept, und turned aside ler face, \v.heo the child, vv! oce b!u£ eyes were shut, and her lips almost stiil. ! reathed out these lines of the beautiful twenty-third psalm : The L rd's mjr Shepherd. I'll n< t waul, II make- me ii-.. :. Ue In ;>.i-tur< < green : h le-deth me The (iuiet waters by. The child was now left with none but the mot be i* 1 y thebtd.-ide. fori: was oa id to be best o : a: 1 Gilbert and his family sat down room! the ki'chen fire, for sib rce. In about a quarter of an hour they began to ri-ecalmly and to go each to his allotted work. One of the daughters went forth with the pail to im.k e cow, as'J another b g..u to x t out the i. le in the middle . f the f! r for supper, covering it with a whole cloth. Gilbert viewed the usual household arrangements with a solemn and uutroubled eye ; and fhere were almost , the taint light of a grat-ful -mile on hi-ohecek a-be said to the worthy surgeon, "You will partake of our fare after your day's trouble aud toil of humanity.'' In a -h >rt. sdent half hour tli ■ }K)iatoes and cutcakes. butter and milk, , Wc-rc on tne loard ; and Gilbert lifted up Lis t ii-hardeufcil, but manly hand, with a slow j mothm, at which the room was as hushed as ; if it had Wen empty, closed bis eves in rever , enee, and ask- >i a bless ng. There wn a lit tle ctool, on which no one the old mau's s.Je. It Lad Ux-a put titer? unwittingly,when the other seats were all placed in their usual I older : but the g Iden head that was wont to r-e at 'bat |art of the table, wss now tflct i mg. Tuere was - lenct—not a word was said ! —their ureal was before tLtin—Gud had beeu ".Lai kt d, ai d they begau to ea. M I*ii? they ife. am! tarnt i 1- head awav from the ,-p j The rHier. somewhat al.*.rm>.d at the floihed face sf the puwerfnl stripiing, threw d' iiand, casting at the same t.uie, I a lialf-upbraidti.g hx>k on Lis face, th,.: was re- iroir.g to it- f rmere< lor. " I fear-d," -aid •he rcj-h. with a tear in his eye. " I feared : that tli? brute's vo ce, and The tramplingc>f th" norse's feet, would have oisturoed Her " ti 1- o?rt held the letter he.- tatmg.y ia Lis iia.d, • a< if afraid, at the n: inent to read it ; at ! length he *aid aioad t > the surgeon," you ki. v that I am a po r mar. debt, if justly ii--urrr-d *ni puactaaily ps;rt when due. i nodis'jon." r."* Ilfulit hi Land and ires v>ice shock j-ngLiiy as he .-[f .-ve ; i ut Le • peueii ihe letter fr> rei the tewjer and read it iu sileßce. At this moment 1 his wife came from his child's bedside.arni Soolt eg anxtCTjdv at her be*' scd. to d Urn " r*? to mad atfout the money—that DO uian who knew wouli arrest hi.- goods or put hun .mo priooa ; though, dear oic. it is crr."l to l? pal iu .t thus when oar owu baira i- dying, a : wheu, if so be the Lords will she should hive t decent burial. po<--r inroreen*, hke them went before ber* Gilbert coitrurd read ing tae iett T with a lac? onwLicu noemo i.ure COUTU be ut covered, and trieii. .• j up, he gave it to L.s wife ; toil h?r s. e a ght read if if she chose, a:.J then j ..: it iu b - ; -k •n the room, be* ie the jkw. dear bai:r She | took it from hioi wubuut reaaing u. audcrash •ed it into her bo-oui ; for larotng her ear tow&rds her caiid and Uunking she htaru it stir, raa oat hastily to its bedside Another hoar of trial psst. and the ci :f d wa st:'.; swiajjing for its '.ft Tr. c very >r knew there was grief in the house, and lay r, without stirring, as if hiding themselves,below r, i the long table at the window. One sister sat with an unfinished gown on her knees,that she Lad been sewing for the dear child, and still h continued at the bopeiess work, she scarcely L r knew why ; and otten, often, putting tip her hand to wipe away a tear. " What is that?" t said the old man to his eldest daughter, "what s is that you are layiug on the shelf?"' She n could scarcely reply that it was a riband and e an ivory comb she had brought for little Mar j gnret, against the night of the dancing-school ] ball. And, at th"e words, the father could - not restrain a long deep, and bitter groan, at i. which the boy nearest :n age to his dying sister t ooked up weeping in his face, and letting the r tattered book of old ballads, which he had been ■ poring on but not reading, falloutof his bauds , - he rose from his seat, ami, going into his fnth . er's bosom, kissed him, and asked God to bless , him ; for the holy heart of the boy was moved within him ; and the old man as he embraced r him, felt that, in his innocence and simplicity, j he was indeed a comforter. " The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away," said the old tnan ; ] "blessed be the name of the Lord." ) The outer door gently opened, and he,whose , presence had in former years brought peace f and resignation hitln-r, when their hearts bad . been tried, even as they now w. re tried, stood before them. On the night before the Sab- Lath. the minister of Aucliindown never left . Ins Manse, except as now, tu vi-it the sick and . dying bed. Scarcely could Gilbert reply to his first question about bis child, when the sur t gcon came from the bed-room, end said "Mar - graet seems lifted tip by (rod's hand above death r and tire grave ; I think she will recover She j has fallen asleep ; and when she wakes I hojje ,j —I believe—that the danger will be past,and . that your child wiil live." i 1 They were all prepared for death :now thev : were found unprepared for life. One wept i that had till then locked up all her tears with in her heart ; another pave a short palpitating - shriek : and the tender hearted Label,who had - nnrsed the child when it was a baby, fainted away. The youngest brother gave way to 1 1 gladsome smiles : and, calling ont his dog Hector, who used to sport with him and his little sister on the moor, he told the tidings to the dnmb irrational creature, whose eves, it is j certain, sparkled with a sort of jov. The clock, for some days, had been prevented from 1 striking the hours : but the silent finger.- point ; ed to the hoor of nine : and that, in the cot tage of Gilbert Aioselie, was the stated hour ,j of family worship. li;s own honored minister took the book : He waled n portion with judicious rare : .And. let c* worship lod. he w;th solemn air. A chapter was read—a prnver said : and so too, was sung a psalm ; but it was sung low, j and with suppressed voices, lest iie child's I saving sleep might be broken ; and now and r hen the fecial? voices tretnM j d or some one j of them ceased altogether : for there had i>een i | tribulation and anguish, and now hope aad were tried in the joy of thank-giving. The child still slept : and i's sben seemed more sound at. I d ep. It appeared almo-** certain that the cri-is was over, and that the hover was not to fade. "Ch Idreu." said Gil bert, "our happiness is in the love we bear to ' one another : and our doty Is in submitting to I and serving God Gracious, indeed, has IMP been unto ns. Is not the recovery of oar lit tle darling, dancing, singing Margrct. wortu all the gold that ever was mined ? If we Lad I i thousands of i!. usan v lid we not L ive • i tiih-i up her grave with the vorthlmdraß of , ; gold rather than that she should have gone ; <1 'wa there with htr sweet fa■•& and ail her | rosy smilesV Ikere was r.o reply, but a joyful J sobbing all over the room. - I " Never tnind the letter nor the debt, - father,* said the eldest daoghti r "We Lave i j all -nme little things of our own, a few pool ds '<■ ' ,Tl d we shall be aide to rai>e a- mocha- wi'J ! j keep arrest and pr : son at a distance :o if they •• j do take our fun itnre out of thehniie, all i x - ! crt Margaret's bM, who ceres? We ■ 8 I sleep on the floor: and there are no'atces in i the field, cud clear water in the -[.ring—*e need fear nothing, want nothing : ble-:ed l> God foraii his mercies." i Gilbert wem into the sick rvm. and got the letter from hie wife who w* s tting a' . ; need of the lied. ntcUdl with a kltss . od beyond ail buss the aims rid regular r .r - I .rgs of Lor cLiki. " His Inter," s-iu be,auki , It, "is not from a Lard creditor : cor win me while I read it aloud to i r t 1<;. " Ite .etter read #: not. I hop*. brg- em" gto tsr i < - 5 a . Of UIHnC U- tl.:.< CMU-eiVvS .... a . j It wiil do more, far more, thu pot m : ia riv ab ve Ie *• ."id at I LeOv-re taut it:. ; it I uiay boy tiii-s very tarui 00 which my Iturw | ' ithvrs h .v. j. i,<-d. Bat God, whose pr -v.- | (fence Xas rest tins ttr..p -cal hlmuu, iua. he : • ; send us wisdom and prudence how to ne it, | ; -nd huiab.e anu grateful hearts to us all. : • '* iou w:!l be a ie to >< nl me to -cht I aii the year round now. f rS. larrow ti.a.i a:.y of oa ; but bard work fn. ' ytuag siriews ; and you :a y sil now in JJ w •nD-ehtfff by the ;u;le. \oi woi r..t ; i. Ed to rise cow ia tie n.rk. e ,.■,_% , i winter morninjjw, and keep thresliing cora in j • the barn for hoars by candlelight before the • late dawn : g." l There was ;iccce. g!adr->s, r.-d .-orrrw,r.-.d bo* tittle fl'°ep : n Moss sice, b<:twer"i j ; r re r..'w cut in ; tboeaade, e'ear, bright and spark'lrg over the - unclouded sky Tl.owe who had lain down for r an hoar or two :a bed c>id scarcely be said : to have slept : and when a boa t little Margaret awoke an altered creatnre. r>i> 1 iaOgßtd. acd inaole le tarn be.sei: oo L-. .oe-.y brG.Outsta giex~..ngtahere;ree.meory VOL. XX. —No. y4. in her roiud, affection in her heart,and coolness in all her reins, a happy group were watching the first faint smile that broke over her features ; and never did one who stood there forget thc.t Sabbath morning, on which she seemed to look round upon them nil with a gaze of fair and sweet bewilderment, like one half conscious ol having been rescued from the of the grave. Where Old Clothes Go. Th" writer of " Flemish Interiors," has just published a work in London in three volumes. entitled " Realities of Paris Life." As the title indicates, the work relates to matters of fact concerning the manners and institutions of the ear capital. He describes the old dot Aft reef n of Paris more in detail than most writers, and furnishes the following information con cerning the destination of the immense quanti ties of cast off apparel collected in France : Old ecclesiastical vestments are always wel come in Brazil, where uriests are numerous, and richer articles of this description are dis posed of in Peru and Chili. All their old headgear, and heaven knows what must be the quantity, i* forward to St. Domingo ; the blacks are exceedingly proud of a European hat, especially a white one. They wear them with an independence of taste which renders them exceedingly indnlgcnt as to the form they may have acquired. Of French practices they have only retained that of wearing hats, and it is to be regretted that it never occurs to them to make them, as do their former masters a medium for demonstrations of politeness.— Perhaps they may acquire the custom one day. As for shoes and boots, they make the best of their way to California, they are transmit ted by thousands of pairs to those auriferous regions where millionaires, it would seem,have not shoes to their feet, u . iike this hemisphere, w here those who go barefoot are usually any thing but millionaires. Apropos de bottes, we were once told that the difference between the Emperor of and a beggar was, that while the former issues manifestoes, the latter moi. ijf-h tees without his shoes. We recom mend that this ingenious ditiuctioti be com luui cateti to the Caiiforuians with the next cargo. O d shirts, it would seem, remain at tochcf! to the soil, and whenever a solution of continuity t-k s place in their component parts after an neq l ui.tance with the crotchet and the tiotte, 'iiev pass through the mill, to reap pear—rejuv eat. d i.kethe dry bones of (Eson from Medea's caldron—tn the form of those el egant albums wh •. h-corate the boadior-tables of nor belles, or win the guise of a rose-col orcu an! perfumed billet presented to their dainty fingers on a stiver salver. Fortunately i s vnri.; ;s transmigrations are uot revealed to them ! Ladies' cast off garments hare a brisk sale in iiindostan. The fasnions, to be sure, are -eroewhat antiquated : " but pnrmi fes arrurtes .. . I reus f td roief and a cat which appeared four yciirs -.go in Par s, is as elegant wit tii .se who see it for the first time as it was to the Partialis then. Cou-eqnent!y, the wives of a countiess number of petty employees in AT. Ira- ami Calcutta eagerly compete for the first :n finery. After all -:i!y nn exchange : India seoJs to Purls its old Caahrueres ; Paris send* to ludia its old gow us. \Y e are inclined to ask, " Why coaU not each re>t content with its own T* Jamaica and the Phiiip{Mues are insatiable m demand- for old Kronen gloves—cleaned and scented, of course. Wiil it be believed ti. it 6.000,000 pairs are anuailj shipped for these facile customers ? ft ti io.vs.—The whole Xorth American coatment baa only thirty-six mil- Ton-: of inhabit hardly as much as France an Am-'- a. T mwhvleof Centra! and Sooth Aw i 'ms only twenty-three millions ; less, tSen. t' an It ..y European Russia, with its six'y mii lions, has as many inhabitants as Andrea, Austria, and Polynesia together. >1 re tropic lire in London than iu Australia an! P. 'vnes'i. China Pi *.jcr has more inhabi tant* than America, Australia and Africa to •ge her ; end India hue nearly three time; as many inhabitants as the whole of the New I. 1 !i" re-' . i, that our planet bears I,'i"*? •:> '"markir.J, of which nm total .'. J mlltoiH Ivc'i ::g to the MwpiHiß, 3'*f> million? to the C nca enemie- after 1. - .. ;ih, t.,au U/rry* of his friends in lx-t i life (toe. • •* '•r —A .1 -lean who lives by his * " •. ■ • .. . b ... nsaif ut ids wit'a eud* -> jW to live. A llouF. Tm Ti.—C"Oviv;a!ite is not coo voi i v vrf en ;i become? the fo.miat.Gfa f r >f . .eight orgi-s over t.,e bottle. 1 rhrae t agt that never a^rne —two : cars oter one raoasr, two wives in oae boose, 1 teo lover? a'ftr one voang ladv. A HINT foh r -r. B-sr-Bonrs. — Indiscretion ,'- a .' Of- 210 ny everybody, just 1 .6-. jii ktter. feiy !' .re : '"-ocjht to be very little os ; ti a m-. - treat , g well, if he cat uot express • ineauiug; by I'.s acts. "There •* two ways of doiog it," said Pat to t tneeif. a< be sr jod and waiting for a job on the street i 14.060, I re .-t .av op S2OO a year fcr twentv | vears. -w i cac pa* away f2* a rear fir I et-r v * w w;>a ,ray wfiJ Ido it *"*