jUto gwbcrttomnits. t-'&f V ■*" Hffl ®U!I! V • '.:' '• 'lO'l 4 Uil NEW GOODS ! .taimwd * fo* f #;r> l t -VOIJH -net . I T- SiiOTARA'UaS CWA 3fV. i?3fSHT AT TIIS .BKSHA3JO f'HA BT3Hc3KH. KEYSTONE STORE! THIS WEEK . A NEW STOCK II J r1 U O 1 Q H A V t Of WINTER GOODS! WILL BE OPENED! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THE NEW CLOTHING STORE OK E. S. BEJsEIOTCjT. attention is res.ieatfully invited to a LARGE 1 AND WELL SELECTED StOCK OF CLOTHING, which 1 have just opened in NO. 3, BRICK ROW, One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store. MY STOCK OF GOODS is from the best manufactur ing establishments in the City of New York, and of' the latest approved styles. Having purchased with cash, I am enabled to sell my goods at prices almost incredupus !v low. My stock consists in every variety of READY MADE CLOTHING. HATS & CAPS, FURNISHING ROODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Ac. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. Having secured the services of one of the most skillful Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania, I am prepared to man ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing. I will warrant aii garments cut at my shop to give perfect satisfaction. E. A BENEDICT. Towanda, Septembar 14. 1859. NEW FALL GOODS. HS. MERCUH is now receiving one of the most ex • tensive and varied assortment of Goods ever offer ed to the people of Bradford County. The stock consists in part of the following DRY OOODS. Black and colored French and American Cloths, '• " •• •• Cassi meres, " " Satinet ts, Tweeds and Jeans. Plain and Figured French Merino's, " " Coburg'a •' " Wool Delaines, " "- Common DeLaines,- " Plaid Dcbeges, Wool and Union Plaids, Double and -ingle Brocbi Shawls, " " Wool Misses and childrens Wool Shawls, Hosiery of every description, A great variety of Fringes, Trimmings aud Trinkets, Flannels, Ginghams, Prints, And Domestic Goods of Every Kind, CARPETS, WOOL AND COTTON DRUGGET, OIL CLOTHS. HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND INCLUDING SADDLERY AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, HATS AND GAPS,. BOOTS AND SHOES. PAINTS. OTUS AND DYE STUFFS, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, W hi.-h were purchased under very advantageous <-ir cum>uiuce, and will be sold at wholesale or retail, FUR ( ASH, at prices averaging much lower than others. Sept. 27. 1859. Humphrey & Wickham ABB JUST FEcHmXO I New Fall and Winter Goods, IVM AS D "tf ©© @ iS g ' GROCERIES, Rats and Caps, Crpcktry, Nails and Glass, Boots and Shoes, Sole and Upper Ixalher, Calf skins, Moroctm, Shoe Findings. la short, & general assortment of Goods suitable for the Taaon. " " Townnda, October 1,1889. UOOTS AND SHOES Constantly on hand ■Le and manufactured to order, of reliable work and material, and repairing done on short notice. Oct.JU HUMPHREY A WICKHAM WANTED—One Thousand cords Hem- W]L " ARK - HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. DR. PRATT - HAS removed to the comer of Second and Poplar ete., immediately hack of the Ward Hoot*. AH ao- with him over one years standing, must b lm. Mediately settled. JTowanda, Sept. 31, 1859. / lIARDWARE.-A NEW LOT JUST A A rtrc.vetffct CIAUTION. —All persons are hereby cau J tioncd against purchasing a note, purporting to have been signed by the subscriber, dated on, or about the tttb dav of Sept. 1869, for forty dollars, payable four months after date, with interest, either to Philip Oswald, or Isaac Roskmau, as the same was not signed by me nor by my authority, and I shall not pay the same. 'Monroe, Oct. 20. '55, CLARK CUMMIN'S. 7® "ffHIIIJLASa&S. MISS GRIFFIN & PARK, are opening to-day (Wed- large and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY GOODS,consisting of Bouuets, Head-Dresses, Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons. You arc invited to call and observe their variety and rich ness for yourselves, Oct. 19, 1859. FAIL AUTO WINTER © m ® sjk E if © JM. COLLINS, is now receiving nt his • old stand on Maiu Street, next door to Hall's, one of the largest, best selected and cheapest stocks of READY MADE CLOTHXNO, ever brought into this market, to which he Invites the at tention of purchasers. Having had some years' experi ence in the business, be is able to offer inducements, us to the QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICK OF GOODS, not to be met with at any other establishment. HLs stock em braces the usual assortment of OVERCOATS, COATS, VESTS AND PANTALOONS, of every style and prt"ce, to suit the taste and the pockets of customers. To those who prefer ordering garments, he would say that he keeps constantly on hand u large assortment of CLOTHE, CAS SIMERES AND VESTTNGS, which will be made up on short notice, by experienced workmen, and warranted to give satisfaction in every way. Particular attention wiU be given to this class of custom,aud every exertion made to please customers. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Ac. Ac. A large assortment of hats and caps, of all styles and prices. * CUTTING done to order, and warranted if properly dianu the turfed towanda, October 19, 1859. J. M, C C' 1 LASS ANI> SASH.—IOO boxes' Glass, A 1000 lights dash for sale at Oct A3 , 1859. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. WIIEJ£L BARROWS.—3O dirt wheel barrou s for sale at Oct. IS, ladU. . W. A. ROCKWELL S. T>APER [HANGINGS— K)00 yards Pa- J pering—50 do .Bordering—so do Window Papering at 0ct.17. __ _ ROCKWELL'S. r PIN WAKE.—A full assortment of Tin J. Ware jiist ieee'ited and for sale at October 18,1859 W. A. ROCKWELL'S. cIosiYGIJP"! r |"UIE subscriber liavinp: concluded to change J_ his business, will sell his entire stock of Merchandise at from actual cost down to 25 per cent lower than can be bought in New York City. He has jn.st returned from the city with a new stock, consisting in part of Dry Goods of all kinds, A Full Assortment of Groceries, Fish, Suit, Glass, Sash, Dye woods, *F>. 77. Y is Ui gocv t cash p.'lcee pc ' 3 Begat. Q HERIFF'S SALES. virtue of snndry O w.its of Vend. Expo, lasuedout'of the Ccrrt of Com mon Picas bf Bradford Oawtitv, t me diiectaJ and deliv ered. will be exposed to public pole, at the Cm rt ilonse ia the Borough of TUwauda. on THURSDAY, tha Ist day of DECEMBER. 18.09. at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following lot, piece or parvel of load situate ia Wect Burlington tp., bcgicultig at chestnut oak, a corner on the west line of warrant no. 1499 and the south west corner ot lot no. 23, thence sooth 69 0 east 113 6-10 perches to a post and stones on the west line of Chaa.Scoutons lot.thence sc:th 164 1-10 ptr to a po9t and stones the north east corner -it the Geo. BtSl lot. Thence north 69 1-4° west 12? and 10 perches to a post on the weet line of werrant lot no. 1692 nnJ being the u.w. corner of said Geo.Hell and thence by the west line ot warrant lots 1502 a-d 1493 n. 14 cist 154 1-10 per to a place of beginning. Containing one hundred and fifteen acres and 13s 2-10 per being part of warrant lots no. 1499 and 1602 about seventy acres improved one log house, one log barn, and an apple orchnid, and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and token in execution at the suit of H. J- Maddl's use vs. Charles Mead, also A. Morley k Bro's. to the use of H. 11. Brown vs. Charies Meed and Francis C- Mead. ALSO—AII that certain lot piece or parcel of land sit uate in Ridgbury twp. and bounded north by land of John Wallace, south by land of Mrs. John W. Brown east by land of Luther Ames and west by land of Wm. Eastofi.— Containing seven acres, be the same more or less all im proved with an old framed building thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William Eastou to the use of Svlvenus Van Buakirk vs. John Wallace, also Sylveuu9 Van Buskirk vs. John Wallace. ALSO—A lot, piece or parcel ofland situate in Wyaias ing twp. and bounded on the north by land of Augustus Lewis and Wm. Cronk, on the east by ishd of Ualvla Camp and land belonging to the heirs of E. Lewis dee'd, on the south by land of John Elliott and J. Morrow and N. N. Erskiue, on,the west by X. X. £tekjne and IE Buck. Con taining one hundred arid thirty acres, more Jt less, about sixty acres improved, one trained house trained barn and fruit irees tiimcn. < Seized doU taken execution at the suit of Sarah Lane vs. Jackson Lewis. ALSO—Iti following piece or parcel of land situatn in Tuscrirora, and bounded as follows : on the north by land of Lyman Rogers, east by land of H. Hill, south by land of J. iiiii and T. Shaw and west by the public highway. | Containing about ninety acres more or less about twenty- 1 five acies improved, or.e trained house, one framed bain; and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII the following lot piece or parcel of land situate in Tuscarora twp, aud bounded as follows : north by land of Morris Davidson, ea-t bv land of . Warner, south by land of C. Smith, and west by land of Jas Siles bey. Containing twenty-live acres more or less all im proved. one framed house, one framed barn and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Alraon Pickett to the use of Richard Stilwell and Joseph M. Brown partner doing business under the firm of Stilwell < it Brown to the use of Charles J. Steciman assigns of Henry Bookman. Orrille L. Knox and Charles p. J. Rip lev, late co-partners doing business under the firm of Bcekman, Knox A Ripley V 3. B. M. Seivara. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in WelU twp, and bounded as follows : north by laud of Thomas Owe.cs end Wn. Johnson and others on the east by land of J. A. Roy and Wm. S. Ingalls, on the south by the public high way James A. Wilson A L. Wing and on the west by J. A. Roy, 11. Mosher and ThomaS Owens/Containing three hundred and thirty ncres more or lees about one bundled and eighty acres improved two framed houses two framed barns and two young orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. & E. Covell vs. John Brownelt. ALSO—A lot pi etc or parcel of land . ituate ia Sheslie quin and Lome twp. and bounded as follows : iK ith and east by land of E. j'owgseud, south by land of L. Eastman and west by lauuof Jehu Havens. Contain ug sixty-nine acre.-, more or less about five acres improved with a*fram ed house and a saw mill thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Abijah Mead vs. James Randolph. ALSO— A piece or parcel ■ f Inr.d s'tuate in Overton twp. and bounded as follows : beginning at a beech Ihe northeast corner of A. L Cranmer's lot, thence nor:h j 3 east 100 r Ms to a beech, thence north 00° west 100 rods to an old birch the north east corner of a tract in the warrantee name Thomas Palmer, thence south 30 0 west along the line of said tract 100 rods to a hnsswoid corner thence by land of W. A. Park and A. L. Cranmer 160 rods to the place of beginning. C ntaining oue hundred aud six acres be the same more or lean about two acres improv ed and one log house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Allen M'Ki-au vs. Ann M. Deibm and Hannah Deihm. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of laud situate in Wilmot twp. and bounded as follows: beginning at a stono heap the north cast corner ul warrant sum yed in the name of Lord Butler, thence west on said warrant line 169 6-10 per to a stone heap, thence south 100 per to a Lynn comer, thence east 169 6-10 per to a maple corner Hit uce north 100 per to the place of beginning. Contain ing one hundred acres more or less about twenty tire acres improved one framed house one saw mill and oar shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Matthias ft. Welles vs. Abel O. Packard. AIJsQ —The following piece or parcel of land siinnto in Overton twp. and bounded on the north by the public highway on the cast by the public highway and lauds ■ f Mori is Sullivan on the south by lands of CUristiau mid Henry Haveriy, and on fhe west by land of Eli liavtrh. Cont-dning lb 1 : acres more or 1- "toout 66 a- r.'s unmov ed one log house one log barn and a few fruit tiers there on. ALSO—AII that certain lot piece or parcel of land sit uate in Ovciloii twp., bounded :s folio as to wit : on the north by land of Mary Blake, Carl, John Strove aud C Malainey on the cast by land of I)><\ d Jones on th : -oulh by the public highway on the we> bj iaad ot David Ilaverly. Jr. Containing 2.52 acresmoe or less a nut I.' acres improved oue framed house two framed barns aud an orchard thereon. Seized and takeu in execution at the suit of Lewis ZaiH-r vs Jacob Streve and Jacob Haveriy. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Albany tp. and bounded on the north by 1 udof Chas. F. Well.s ra-t by land of David flak> 011 the s rath by land of Joseph Menar.fi aud 011 tlie west by land of Sheffield Wilcox. Containing seventeen acres and 11 half more or less about fifteen acres improved oue log house one framed barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Daniel Chapman now to the use of Dr. Thomas Harris v.s.Zariuck Gilktt A L. X. Varguson. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of laud situate in Albany tp. and bounded on the north by land <•! Simeon Chapman east by land of Ehenezer Rot. rs,-until by land of Itoliei t Eddy and west'o land of Wells Wilcox. Con taining fifty acres more orlt-s about twenty acres improv ed with a lop house and a shanty stable thereon. ALSO—AII that certain pie eor parcel cf land situate, in Monroe bore' and bounded is follows : 1 n the north by land of D. X. Newton, Lanuing A Jared Han, east by L. L. Terwilliger, south by land ot J. L. Eockwell and west by the highway. Containing one fourth of an acre nit rc or less all improved one framed dwelling house store room and wood shed tli reon. ALSO—AiI tLat certain lot piece or par el of land situate in Monroe tp. and bounded a - fol'owa to wit : on the north and easi. by land of John Miago-s on the south by land of W. 11. 11. Brown a. d we-tby Towaudu creek. Containing 12 acres, more or less about nix acres improv ed and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David B. Taylor A Co. to the use of David B. Taylor vs. George Smith A o.l'. I.yon. ALSO—The following lot of land in Albany tp. and bounded north by land of I'. 11. Wijeox and lant'H of Samuel C. Means, cast and south by land of Wells Wilcox and west by the Berwick turnpike. Containing seventy acres more or less about twenty acres thereof improved with a framed grist mill, a new framed dwelling house partly finished three plank houses blacksmith shop a shed and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot piece or parcel of land sit uate in Albany tp. and bounded north by laud of Sheffield Wilcox oouth by land of Welis Wilcox and S. C. Mean and west by tlie south branch of the Towanda creek— Containiug'lOO acres more or less with the privileges thereunto belonging, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Mill ard vs. J. W. & Samuel C Means. ALSO—The following piece or parcel ofland situate in Ridgbery tp. and bounded north by land 01 Jared ffnm niond, east by land of David Burt, south by land of James Mitchell and west bv land of James Steven'. Containing seventy acres more or less about 25 acres thereof improv ed with a framed house a framed barn au apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil son vs. Jacob B. Mitchell. ALSO—The following piece or parcel of land rituate in Smithfield tp. and bounded north by lard of Ems Gal iff, east byland of J. E. Bullock and .las.Gerould south by land of James Geroulds and west by the public square Containing 1£ acres, more or iess, all improved, with a framed dwelling house a framed barn, a corn house and a two story building used us an Odd Fellows Hail. Justices office and School room, Ac... and fruit trees there m. Seized and taker in execution at the st:u of Wlnthrop Y Glines, administrator of John Thompson,dee'd,vs. William E. Barton. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit uate in Ulster tp. and bounded as follows : north by land of Cornelius Plowman, on the east and south by lands belonging to the estate of Wm. Gibson, dee'd and on the west by land of Wm. Howie and land of tlie estate of win. Gibson, dee'd. Containing 99 acres and 1 tl perches.more or less, about 35 acres improved, one framed house one framed barn, and a few fruit trees tberoen. Seized and taken in execution at Ihe suit of William Gibson executors to the use of James Van Dyke vs. James Gebbie. A LSO—The following piece or parcel of land situate in Shesbequin tp. and bounded as follows : on the north and east by land of Add won BeidUman, on the south by lands of C. M. Segar and on the west by the public high way. Containing one and a half acres more or less, all improvod, one framed house one framed barn aud a few frnit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that cerUin lot, piece or parcel ofland sit nateln Sheshaqnin tp., bounded as followa : on the north by land of A. J. Cole, east by land of Guy Tozer. on the south by L- Kingsbury and on the woet by land of Samne! Marshall. Containing 55 acres, more or less, about ten acre* improved ffeLjeo and taken '.a ftpvctlos it the FgltofSitte.-Itt & to tge c? .* >" asms r Gtcrg* It paiitk iLcfiai. ALSO—A certain lot. piecaor parcel of land situate In Qgacvifle tp. bounded aud described as followa : on the north by.land of Edward Ferguson ar.d Geo. Catiin, east by laud'of Wm. Buayon.south by land of Philander Foster and Seth K. Potter ar.d west by Charles Parmerter and M. A. Porter Containing IC2 acres, more or less, abcut 4 acres improved two framed Louses one framed barn and one steam saw mill thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of E. K. Sabin to the use of Moses Elleaberger va. Z. Anaableand Brother. ALSO—The following described lot. pieoe or perce! of land situate in Overton twp. beginning at a m4.plejt.be S. W. corner of Cuhill & Vought, thence U 60 0 w 160 rods to a maple, the S W corner of lot in the warrant name of F_ Robert 9 ; thence south 30 0 east 212 rods to the 3 E * curner of lands claimed by D Cash ; thence 8 60 0 F ICO | rods by Cash's line to the N W corner of Camp's lot; i thence by Camps. Cahlll and Vought, S 30 0 W 212 rods ' to the place of t ginning. Containing 212 acres more or less, auout 15 acres Improved, one log house thereon ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or paicel of land sit uate In Ovtrton twp., beginning at a stake and stones, tuc X E comer of Camp's lot, running thence S 58 0 E 173 per. to a stake, thence S 31 0 W 102 rodz to a corner theure N53 0 W 176 rods to a small birch, thence X 31° east 102 rods to the place ol beginning. Containing 111 acres, more or loss about 15 acres improved, and one log house thereon. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Oveiton twp., bounded on the north by land of Wiliiam A. Park, east by Haythorne. aouth by John Wikey, and west by\Wm. A. Park. Containing 26 acres mcic or less. ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parcel ofland sit uate in Oi erton twp., bounded north by the Barclay Coal lands, east by H. Booth, south by W. A. Park, and" west by H. Booth." Containing 25 acres, more or less about four a-resimproved, and "one small abanty thereon. Seized and taken in execution at 4Jie' suit of Gabriel Davis vs. Wm. E. Campbell. Also at the si lt of Daniel Brink vs. Wm. E Campbell. A LSO—A certain piece or parcel of land situate in North Sowaxida tp., cd bounded as follows : Beginning at the lower end of the stone wall near above the Sugar creek bridge and lower part of Kutty's flats, between the main creek and the =prir.g ma and running south 43 0 | east 12 2 10 per, thence south 20° east 10 per, thence j south 13° east2S 6-10 per, to corner below Rutty's wing I dam, thence north 74° west 50 per. across the hats to a stake for a corner by the stone wall on the north cast ; bank of sprin" run, thence north 29° east 6 C-10 per, thence north 85° cast 2 per. thence north 48° oast 12 per, thence north 46° east 16 per, following the stone 1 wall, thence north 42 s east 7 5-10 per. to the place of be : ginning. Containing 7 acres of land be the same, more or I less, all improved. Seized and taken In execution at two suits of Thomas j Elliot* vs. Stephen A Mills. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ -1 ate in Granville tp., and bounded as follows: north by land of David Coe, east by land of Miner Porter, south by i land of Mareds Ayics, and west by laud cf Joel Packard. Contaii iug about thirty acres.l more or less, about 12 acres improved, one plauk house, a corn house aud a few fruit trees thereon. | Seized and taken in execntfon at the suit of Wbee'er aud Bidden to the use oi D. Burr Wheeler va. Joseph Fen . ton. AL3O-r-The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Monroe bora' bounded on the north east by the Berwick turnpike, south cast by laud of J. McGill, south west by laud of J. Blackman, and north west by laud of L. F. Blackman. Containing one-fourth of an sere, more 1 or less, n 1 improved, with a tramed dwelling house, and a few lruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Ulster twp,. bounded north and east by laud of J. MVarty, south by laud of J. Smith, erxt west by the highway. Containing | an aore, more or less, all" im , proved, with a framed tavern house, aframed barn, and ' a few fruit tree? thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. E. Can ' fielu vs. P. p. Sweet. Al.SO—The following let, piece or parcel of land situ • ate in Albany twp.. luunded north by the nubile high way. east by M. Kellogg, south by land of M. Blake, and j wed by laud of \V. Cainpbe-U. Containing 26 acres .more or less, about 15 thereof improved, 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon, j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. Rine ' bolt, to the use of M. 1-. Post, vs Daniel English. 1 ALSO—The t olio wing lot, piece or parcel of land situ -1 ate in Monroe aud Towanda. twps.. bounded north by land of W. A. Park, oa=t by the public highway, eo-.ta : by J.B.Smith, and J. Hornet, and west Lv Hin niau's lanJ. Containing C 5 acres, more or foss, about 45 improved, 1 framed house, framed bam, and a few fruit ! trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. 11. Phin neyjr. vs. John Hanson. ALSO— The fcil.vring lot, piece or parcel of land Bitu ate in liidgb iry twp. bounded north by land of D. H. , 13art:ham, ea-i. by .and of L. Lames, south b> laud of >V. Ess'-.in, and west by laud of l\ Potter. Containing 105 acres, more or less.' about 7o acres thereof improved,with ! a framed dwelling house, a framed barn, a coru house, | and an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Aholiab , Buck vs. Daniel Dewy. ALi-.J -Tlie fallowing lot. piece or parcel if land situ ate in Lin.LJcid twp. buiinJed Mitk by land of D. Mc- Kinney, east bv land of J. Campbell and T. Mann, south by laud'of E. Keeicr, and wo* I byland of S. Oveii'hirc. Containing 33 acres, more or less. Dcfendi nt's interest being the undivided one half. Seized and taken in execution at the buit of John Jones vs. Thus. S!m3cuL-:iuw ,ng lot, piece or parcel of land situ at ■ in ''"ynbi-ing und i n-uo a twps. bounded north by land of C. Camp, ear) by land oi P. Store, n: d C. B. Snell, south by land of L. Siiumway, W. S bum way, J. Palmer. and J. Ctay, west by l.mUof C. Camp, C 'A*. Camp anu E. Lewis, Containing about fabo acres, more ji k-s, all.ut two hnndre i acres improved, 1 woolen fac tory , 1 miM mill, 1 saw mill, 6 framed dwelling house-, 1 blacksmith .-hep. 4 framed barns, 2.large orchards, and other fruit trees thereon, i Seized and taken iu execution nt the suit of Lather r.ediicid, Jr., to the use of David Wilmot, vs. llarvey B. Ingham. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Siieshequin twp., bouuded north by iamlof J. Hor ton, eu,-£ by land of —Post, south bv land of A. Conklin and J. Waggett, west by land of M". Thuiipson. Con tamiug 53 acres, more or Jess, about 35 acies improved, with a log house, a framed barn, and a tew- fruit trees , thereon. Seized and taken ia exeaution at the suit of A. J. Ross 1 J: Co. v. D. T. Lucas. ALSO—The billowing lot, piece or parcel 1 f land sitn ate 111 Towanda boto 1 bounded north by lands of J. C. Adams east by main stiect, aouth byland of John Fii li.ins, 1 a the e-t by an alley, said lit being abjut 50 feet front, by 130 feet deep, uh improved wUbofew iruit I trees thereon. \I.SO One otlior lot. piece o* parcel of land situate j in Towunda boro' bounded north by laud of E. Rollins A ; John 11. Badger, east yb an ailey, south by land of James ' Kinsman, west by the highu ty. Containing about .50 i feet front, and 120 feet deep, all improved, 1 framed j barn. 1 framed house, and a few fruit tieea thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. B-idle | man now to the uso of John Holmes, vs. Adam Esstu I wine. j ALSO—Tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land -itu i ate in Pike fcwp., bounded a- foil w-• : Beginning at a ; maple the -onth-west corner of lit No. 27, on warrant-lot No. 196. thence north 89° west 41 per. to a p i, thence j north 1". cast 126 per. to a post, 011 the s >uth iiuo of N. Rockwell's lot, thence southso 0 , east~44 per. to a Beet L I .-lump the north-west corner of said lit No. 27, thence snath I°, we-t 126 per. to the beginning. Co:.tail in; .if | a re- and 164 per. nnrc or less. AL.SO—AII that certain "en, piece or parcel of land sit j uatc in Pike twp., bounded as i.dlows: lb zd.ning at a 1 beerii on the ri(fe Tr kirtvh as Forks of Cold creek thence south east 240 per. to a in ml • k. thenci ni'i'.h li°, east 178 jcr.'o a hemlock corner, thence north RSs°.west 162 per to the place of beginning. (' ntain ing 90 ai res and le pet . stiiet measure, more or less. AI„SO—AH that certain lot. pic eor parcel ot land sit uate in Pike twp., bounded as tollows : Beginning at a bee eh south corner of warrant Its No. i"i & 195. theme south 39 dog o , ea=t 121 per. to a|o t, thence -01 t i 50°, west 53 per. to a prißt, thence noith 11°. we.-t 173 per to a po the place of bcginn.ug. Containing 50 acres and 60 per more or lets, about two acre* Improved. Seized and taken in ex- cution at the suit of Geo. C. Atwood vs. Amos Van Anken. AlSO—All that certain lot. piece or paroel of laud si'- iiatu in Ulster twp., bounded as lo'lows : north by ihe highway leading from l ister corners to Smithfield, east by the highway leading from Towanda to Athens, south by land of I". Shaw, west by laud oi John Couklin. Con taining one half acre, more orle.-s. ail improved with a fraificd tavern house a framed dwelling house, a framed barn and out buildings and fruit trees tnereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud sit uate in Burlington twp., beginning at a poplar soirh we=t corner of lot No. 274,n warrant lot No. 4139. thence 1 we t on the south line of said warrant 202 perches to a white maple lor a corner, thence in rth 79 2 10 perches Vo | a p"st, thence cast 202 perches to the west line tjJ said ] lot No, 274, thence south 79 2 10 perches to the begin ning. Containing I cres, strict measure, it being tak j en fr ni the south end o r lots No. 275 aud 276 on said war rant No. 4436, with about 70 acres improved framed | house, a framed barn and small orchard of fruit tieea thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit cf Job P. Kirby vs. Nathan Olmetasd. ALSO—By virtue jf a writ of Fi Fa, all that certain lot, piece or pr el of land situate in I'rankiin twp., | bounded nor' hoy lands of h ®al An ible &J. McDanlel j on the east by laid of H. Wiley, on the south by the Towanda Creek and the pubic Highway, on the wet by H Willey. Containing 95 aens br t e 'same more or less, abunt 3d acres improved, eneb iard house, oneblachsmlib shop, one framed bam and two o chards thTeon. A!-SO —All that 1 ert.un lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Franklin A Burlington tw.i's., bounded north by land formerly In po seesion of Jo iah Haynea and land of John MeDaciel.on the east by land of George I antz, on the south bv lai d- of A. Gay, on the *vetby land of John j Kuykeudsll. Contaiuii g 116 scree more or less, about 8 i acrce improved, one loghouae and a few fruit treaathera . on. Seized sjkl takim in axeoctioa at tit cult cJ Monfeayoa i b 00. vw "Tm. Ik G'.re Y '**CGT RTTF, i'herlif. > fcaerifs £■&:s re- 1. 196? Sxfiai. "D EGISTFR'S NOTICES —Notice i9bcre l t by given, that there has been filed and fettled in ; ' the oEa of ihe P.egLiter cf Wilis, ia and for thccooaty 1 of Br4.lf.rd, accounts of Administration apoaihe fUlow leg estates, viz: Partial account of H. L. A Amy Rockwell, executors of Luther Rockwell. lots of Troy, deceased. Final account of £: : sLa A Jackson Lewis, admiaiatra tors of Ed--via Lewis, late of Tyaiuaing, deceased. Partial recount of George F. Aorton. guardian of Alice, , Ellen, Elizabeth. Scan F. end Louisa L., minor Uiildren of William Smtee, deceased. ' Partial account of I. P. A Anrcha Spalding, executors of KoU-rt Spalding, late of Wysox deceased. ■ L;nal account of Zapber Piatt, executor of Silaa Titos, late of ueniclt, d'ooa.?e. George Fox. In the Court of Common Pleas : of Bradford County, No. 139 May term, 1859. 1 The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to ilistriuute funds raised by Sheriffs ante of defendants real estate, will attend to the duties of hia appointment i at bis office, in the Borough of Towanda.on THURSDAY i the Ist day of DECEMBER, 1869, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. at , which time and place all persons interested are required ■ to present their claims, or else bo forever debarrea from ; said fund. ELH AX AN SMITH, j Kouembcr 2.1559. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notfcie i hereby given, that all persons Indebted to tbeea ; tate of EDWaRD FAIRCHILD.Iateof Herrick twp.,dec'd are hereby requested to make immediate alt ! persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SHEPARD M. FAIRCHILD, ' November 2,1869. Administrator AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— J. E. Goodrich's use. ve. Levi Goddarri. In Court of Common : Pleas of Bradford County, No. 467, May Term, 1867. i The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court ! to distribute fends raised by Sheriffs rale of real estate of i defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, 1! the 2Qth day of November, 1353. at 1 o'clock, P. M.,at which time and place all persons interested are requested i to present their claims orel.se forever lie debarred from j the said fund. G. D. MONTANYE, | October 18.1859. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— No. 85, Feb. Term. IVm. B. Ctymer vt. Timothy S. jtinmer.— In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. The undersigned, nr. Auditor appointed by said' Court, to distribute fund- raised bv Sb.i iff'a sale of defendant's I real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at hi* office in the Borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY the 2".th day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at which tirac'aud piace all persons interested are required to present their claims, or else be forever debarred from ! said fur.d. G. D. MONTANYE, Oct. 16, 1859. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—//. H. Mace vs. Zl J. IV. Spencer,et.al. In the Court of Common Picas of Br. i.* rd County.No. 393, September term, 1859. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to d: tribute f..uds raised by Sheriffs sale of real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of Lis appointment et his office in t' ? for ugh of Towr.nda. on FRIDAY, the 25th day of NOVEMBER. 135?. at 1 o'clock, P. M., at which t ;c and place ail persons interested are requested to t:re icpt tl'.eir clalaw or else be forever debarred from the -aid feeP. D. MORROW, i October 27,1355. Auditor. A C DI TOR'S NOTlCE— Morgan Griffin a* r .£. 11. Ntwman. In the Ooiw of Common Pieas of Bradford County, No. 1 -3, December term, 1857. ALSO—ff 'ells Christie vt. S. H. Newman. In the Court of Common Pleas of R'tidford County, No. 421, i February term. 1359. m- iiiU.gued.au Auiiityr, appointed by aaid Cocrt to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's s.de of real caUlc of defendant, w ill attend to the duties of hie appointment at hi ffi csa the B r ogh rf r wanda. on SA TURDAY the 25th d y or NOVEMBER, D-50, at 2 o'clock, P. M., t at which time ::-d t Act all persons interested are request ed t i present their claims tr tiac' . ""irevei debarred from the sc.id fund. P. D. MORROW, October 27,1863. Auditor. A UI>ITOIR , B NOTfCti \ j-11. Brown aT JL vs. S. C 9. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court | to d. tribute iiiiids ra.sed by SheritFs sale ol defendants I personal propei tv in the above and other suits against i the said defendant, among the several creditors, will at tend to the dutio- of IB a spuobitment at his office in Athens boro" on MONDAY, the 28th day of NOVEMBER It'?, ..t 1 oVloi.k P. lb, at which time and piftce all per i c ms intcrCFtcd will present their claims or be debarred . I from claiming any portion of said luud. If. C. BAIRD, October I". 1-59. Auditor. I A UDITOR'S NUTiriv- 'l'/mmas P.H'ol \ Ti- alt vs tf. Tinrr.send. li Ifa.lltck avd John Hog j ere. In the Court of Common Picas of Bradford County, No. 3ilß, May term, 1859. I Tim undersigned, an Auditor, appointed bv said Court . to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of defendant* • veal estate, among the several creditors, will attend to the duties of IPs appointment. at hi- r,ffi- e j,- Athens boro' on TUESDAY, the if.th day of NOVEMBER, 1859, at 1 ■ o'i;lo"k, P. M., at which time and place nil persona in i terestcd will present their c laim-, or be debarred from | clainiiug anv share ot said fund. H. c. BAinn, f) 'tober 25. 1559. Auditor. rXEC)\"TOR'S NOTtcK—Notice is here -1 tib> given, that ail persons iudeb'ed to the c t te t Ai'.KAM I Mil,\J Kit, I tie of \tlu-t? twrpi deed, are hereby rc-jue-ti 1 to make Dsvnieul without delay, and r.'i i i us having claims against -aid estate, will present them duly authenticated !' r settlement. HENR) \. MILLER, j ... . Get, 25,1359. ALANSON MIins havh.: demands against said estate, I will tbcm duly a itbentic i'ed for scrrlemetit. J. C. M KBAN. LUCY BALDWIN. Ffptrmher IS, 18.59. Frecntorf. "V"OTK'E is hervhy ifiven that an applica ! 1 ' tion will be made at the next session of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania for the tnc'-u-poration ©fa Bank. .to be called the " Bradford County Btuk with hanking I pr.V'.egM of Is :: L . Discount and Deport; with * capital , 1 >f Two Hundred Thousand D.-'G's, with the right to in ! reuse the capital stock to Four Hundred Thousand D"l --; ! ire and f. bs located in the borough of Towaada, in tba j county of Bradford, i Townudn. June 20.1959. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by givou that aii persons indebted to tba estate of \ BLXJASiIN P. SNYDER, dee'd .late of Athens tp, must , moke iramtdiit* pxyraent.ands.il persons bavingdemaods iigainst said t-tate, will present tnera dulv authenticated | for settlement. AUGUST A' SNYDER, ! Angnst 33, 1863. JACOB REEL, C. H. SHEPARD, Exeentdrs. A DMINISTRAtOR'S NOTlCE.—NotiCffi XJL 1B hereby erlven, that all persona indebted to the estate of GEORGE G- ADAMS, late of Ulster twp., (Je 'cased, are hereby reoneeted to make payment wit hoc t i delay, and all persona oaVng demaoda 'ujalnat said Btg