p.rUts front all Jlattons. The colored man Copeland, urrcsted for his complicity with the Harper'* Ferry outbreak, has made a full con'essiott of all he knew of the affair He •triplicates inan\ persons heretofore not suspected, and states that a rising was expected about the sane time in Kentucky. A!! the facta are not yet published, and when they are a sensation Is expected. —There are within the limits of the ( ity of f'lma, Ala, fourteen artesian wells, which have an aver age depth of too feet ; several of them throwing v -lnuiee ot Water to the extent of hfcrory Conviction and Sentence of Brown. The trial of Brow a was brought to a close !on the 31st iuft., when the jury after lmlf uu hours deliberation returned a verdict of guilty upon all the Counts in the indictment. Mr. Chilton moved an arrest of judgment, ' both ou account ot errors in the indictment and errors in the verdict. The objection in regard to the indictment has already been stated. The prisoner has been tried for an offence not appearing on the record of the Grand Jurv—the verdict was not on each count separately hut was a general veidict on the whole indictmeiit 1 The prisoner lias also been found guilty of both murder counts for the murder of the same persons. It was manifest he could not ; be guilty of both. These points were argued next morning, by ! the counsel, Brown being present. The Court gave its decision on the motion : for an arrest of judgment, overruling the ob jections made On the objection that treason ' cannot be committed against a State, tho Judge ruled that where allegiance is due trea : son may bo committed. Most of the States 1 have pasted laws against treason. The ob jections as to the form of tho verdict rendered the Court also regarded as insufficient. The Clerk then asked Mr. BROWN- whether he had anythiug to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon him. Mr. BROWN immediately rose, and in a clear, distinct voice said : I have, may it please the Court, a few words io say. In the first place, I deny everything hut what I have all along admitted—viz., a design on my part to free slaves. I intended, certainly, to have made n clean thing of that matter, as I did last Winter when I went into Missouri and there took slaves without the snapping of a gun on either side, moving them through the country, and finally leaving them in Canada. I designed to have done the same thing agaiu on a larger scale. That was ail I intended. I never did intend murder or trea son, or the destruction of property, or to excite or incite slaves to rebellion, or to make insur rection. I have another objection, and that is, it is unjust that I should suffer such a penalty. Had 1 interfered in the maimer which I admit, and which I admit has been fairly proven—for I admire the truthfulness and candor of the greater portion of the wit nesses who have testified in this case—had I so interfered in behalf of tiie rich, 'lie power ful, the intelligent, the so called great, or in behalf of any of their friends, cither father, mother, brother, sister, wife or children, or any of that class, anrl suffered and sacrificed what I have in this interference, it would have been all right ; every man in this Court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward, rather than punishment. This Court ackuowiedges, too, as I suppose, the validity of the law of God. I see a book kissed, which I suppose to be tlic Bible, or at least the New Testament, which teaches me that all things whatsoever I would that man should do to me, I should do even so to them. It teaches me further, to remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them. I endeavor to act np to that in struction. I say I am yet too young to under stand that God is any respecter of persons. I believe that to have interfered as I have done, as I have always freely admitted I have done, , in behalf of His despised poor, no wrong, but 1 right. Mow, if it is d emed necessary that I ' should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends ot justice, and mingle tny blood fur ther with the blood of my children, and with the blood of millions in the slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel and unjust enactments, I say let it be done. Let me say one word further. I feel entirely satisfied with the treatment I have received on my trial. Cous'dering all the circumstances, it has been more generous than I expected. But I feel no consciousness of guilt. I have stated from the first what was my intention and what was not. I never had any design against the liberty of any person, Dor any disposition to commit treason or excite slaves to rebel, or make any general insurrection. I never en couraged any mau to do so, but always dis* couraged any idea of that kind. Let mc say also in regard to the statements made by some of those who were connected with me. I fear it has been stated by some of them that I have induced them to join ine, but the contrary is true. Ido not say this to injure them, but as regretting their weakness. Not one but joined me of his owa accord, and the greater part at their own expense. A number of them I never saw, and never had a word of conversation with till the day they came to me, and that was for the purpose I have stated. Now, I have done. While Mr. BROWN was speaking perfect quietness prevailed, and when he had finished the Judge proceeded to pronounce sentence After a few prefatory remarks, he said that no reasonable doubt could exist of the guilt of the prisoner, and sentenced him to be hung in public on Friday, the 2d of December next. Mr. BROWN received his sentence with com posure. On Friday last, Green, the negro was con victed of iueiting negroes to insurrection and murder in the first degree. The charge of treason was abandoned in his case, he not being a citizen. Copeland, the mulatto was next pnt on trial. BLi?* The counsel of Brown have filed ex ceptions to the decision of the Court in refusing an arrest of judgment, and will carry the case to the Court of Appeals at Richmond. The trial of Shields Green, one of the conspirators, was beguu on Tuesday. It is believed that the prisoner will be sentenced to be hung on the same day. Cook, it is thought, will plead guilty, and make some important revelations. Jtey The discovery of Seneca oil in the eastern part of Crawford County, a few weeks ago, is creating a fever for speculation, which rapidly extends to adjoining conuties. The oil obtained by boring into the ground a dis tance of about 70 feet, or through a certain stratum of sandstone, and from thence is to be pumped with the water—what proportion of the latter we are not informed. A shaft sunk in Crawford County is now producing almost fabulous quantities of Seneca oil, which is worth at least forty cents per gallon in the crude state, or just as it is taken from the ground. Several natural springs from which this kind of oil has been obtained have been known in Warren County. Two companies, composed of men of means, have been formed in this county for the purpose of operating in Crawford, while within our own borders sev eral oil springs have been purchased by persons who think they can discover a vast quantity of tbt pore Warrm (Pa ) Lfdgr |)rabforfr§Uporkr. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA : Thursday Morning, November 10,1859. TtißMH—One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance— Four weeks prcoic us lo the expire Hon at a subscription, notice will be given bu a printed u-rappcr, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. ClXßiilh'G The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at Ihe fot lowing extremely Imp rates : 6 copies for So 00 Jls copies for... .412 00 10 copies fur S 00 | 20 copies for . l5 00 ADVERTISEMENTS— -For a square of ten lines or less, One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-Jive tents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WOHK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Fools Blanks, Hand-bills, Rail tickets, <§-< . Jtejr" The New Y'oik election took place on Tuesday last. We anticipate a Republican victory, although the adoption ot a " half-and half " ticket by the Americans may eudanger that part of the Republican nominees not adopted by them. THE STXTE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. —The State Central Committee of the People's party met at the St. Lawrence Hotel, ut Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening last. There was, as we understand, a fair attendance of the members. A resolution was passed directing the Chair man of the Committee to issue a call for a Stale Convention to be held at Harrisburg to nominate a candidate for Governor aud to choose two Senatorial Delegates to a Natioual Convention to be held for the purpose of nom inating candidates for President and Vice President of the Uuited States. The resolu tion provides, also, that the State Convention shall indicate tho time and manner for the choice of Representative Delegates to the National-Convention, which are to be elected in the respective Congressional Districts of the State. The action of the Committee was ar rived at, as we learn, after a very interesting discussion, which was characterized by the ut most harmony and good feeling. Mr. Kline, the Chairman of the Committee, it is under stood, will fix tho time for the State Conven tion at an early day, so that our friends throughout the State may commence to pre pare for action. FOREIGN NEWS —The America, at Halifax, uot only brings a verification of the statement that a Franco Austrian treaty of peace had been signed at Zurich, but supplies us with the stipulations embraced in the instrument. They respond so entirely to the Villafranca formula as to require no repetition. The gen eral Congress to adjust details will probably assemble at Brussels ; and it is stated semi officially that- while the minor States will, as a principle, be excluded, Piedmont will be con ceded a seat, and, in certain contingencies, the Holy See and the Kingdom of the Two Sicil lies. England, if we are to judge by the unan imous tone of the journals, will not participate in the deliberations. The arrangements at Zurich are received with undisguised aversion in Italy. In answer to the universal protest, the King of Sardinia has reiterated his phrase that he will not conseut to see the independ ence of Italy sacrificed. In the meantime, Naples is strengthening its forces on the Ro man frontier, and is reported to have dis patched a fleet to Ancona. A rumor prevailed at Turin that Piedmont was about to meet this advance by sending a squadron in the same direction. The project of a transatlantic voyage f< r the Great Eastern has been withdrawn, for the present season at least. The Directors, at a meeting held ou the lUth ult., definitely de cided upou that course. The Atlantic cable is again the subject of investigation. A sci entific commission sent tt> examine the Valentia terminus, had expressed itself as hopeful of recovering the useless wire, and as favorable to submerging a new and stronger one. The preparations of Spain for the invasion of Morocco, which has been interrupted by negotiations, have been resumed, and the war finally resolved upon. ACCIPENT ON THE NORTNF.RN CENTRAL RAIL ROAD — On Saturday morniDg, as the 11 o'clock train for Baltimore approached the siding at Weisers lime quarry, three miles below Sun bury, the engineer observed, as ho says, the switch wrong, and before the train could be stopped ran iuto a lot of stone trucks which were on the siding. The engineer jumped from the engine and was considerably bruised, and the firemau remained and was but slightly injured. The baggage-master, Mr. Henry Diffeubaugh, was caught between the platform of the cars, cud was considerably, though not dangerously injured. His right ancle isspraiued and his legs bruised. He was taken with the train, which was detained several hours, to Ilarrisburg, and is now lying at the United States Hotel. No passengers on the train were injured. I&- Researches into the obscure portion of Virginia law which relates to the crime of treason, have brought to light the fact that the pardoning power in the cases of JOHN BP.OWN and of COPPICK, resides not in the Governor, but in the Legislature. As the Legislature only meets in the earlier fortnight of January, as BROWN'S sentence is to be ex ecuted on the 2d of December, and as there is no likelihood of an extra session being sum moned, the fate of the leading insurrectionist may be regarded as sealed. A correspondent of the Boston Traveller, who was in Cbarleß town last week, assures us that BROWN is etv teeorc'led f o that 'ear'al resclt THE FORMES DEVELOPMENTS. —The New York Herald has lately published some '• de velopments," procured, as is alleged, from a certain Col. Forbes, by the Democratic Com mittee. Forbes is a needy Englishman, who eaino to this country in 1848, and imposed so far on certain anti-Slavery men a? to induce them to send him to Kausasin aid of the Free State cause. They contributed, at the same time, S7OO to pay his expenses. He proved of little nse in Kansas, and soou returned to the east, clamorous for more money. After extorting all the funds he conld from the public, on the pretext that he suffered great losses in Kansas, he finally sells out his information to tho Democrats of New York. His letters prove nothing against aynbody, aud we sup pose by this time his Loeofoco paymasters have discovered that they have been compelled to pay a high price for a worthless article. A COSTLY WAR. —The next Congress will bo called upon to pay tho expenses of tho war waged against a few Indians 'n Oregon service without authority of law. The expenses at tending these Indian hunts in the West are be coming sufficiently large to attract public at tention ; and u few rejections by Congress of bills claimed for services will go far towards suppressing them in future. £35"" Superintendent Forney has informed the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of his in tention to leave Salt Lake City on the Bth of November for Washington, bringing with him the two boys who survived the Moanta o Meadow massacre, but who did not return lo the States with the rest of the party in conse quence of being retained to testify in the cone of the supposed murderers. Taere being no prospect of an early trial, it was thought un necessary to retain tho lads longer in Utah.— Gov. Cummings will transact the business of the agency during the übsence of Mr. Forney. {fig?- Fred Douglas has written a letter to the Rochester Democrat , from Canara West, denying ever having met Capt. Cook, or that he has promised any man, living or dead, to be at Harper's Ferry. He intimates that he knows more about the matter than he chooses to tell at present ; aud says that he left Roch ester for the purpose ot avoiding the U. S. officers, who, he is informed, made a protrac ted visit to that place for the sole purpose of having an interview with him. He winds up by saying that he intends to carry out a pre viously formed resolution to make a tour to England. JSteo"" The Maryland Election has resulted in the choice of Wm. 11. I'urnell, American, as Controller, with a Legislature which is Dem ocratic in both branches. The Congressional delegation stands precisely as it did last year —three Democrats and three Opposition. It is stated that the Democratic Na tional Convention at Charleston will probably be held on the 16th of April next. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT BATH.—A telegram in another column briefly announces the occur rence of a large fire at Bath, at a few minutes before five o'clock on Saturday morning. We have since ohtained the following particulars : The fire originated in the rear of Hunter's Dry Good and Grocery store, on Liberty St. and from thence rapidly spread in both direc tions, laying in ruins all within its reach.— Running north, it communicated to Ganse voort's Drug and Liquor store, thence extend ing to the end of the block, burning Abel's Harness shop, the store occupied bj Dudley and Culver, Macßeath's Book-bindery and Underbill's Book store. Running south, it destroyed Alva Brown's Grocery, Farr's Jew elry Store, Harvey Lncas' Barber Shop, Ed. Rudger's Grocery,"and the Eagle Hotel, cor ner of Liberty and Steuben streets—a large wooden structure—with ail the stables, out buildings, &c. From thence it extended east on Steuben street, destroying the Gas Fitting establishment owned by Wines and Fowler, Beekman's Sash and Blind Factory, Harden brook's Foundry, three or four dwellings, and a barn when its further progress was stayed. Although the firemen were promptly on hand, they could obtain scarcely any water, and their efforts were consequently rendered almost powerless. We have nothing at hand from which to estimate the total loss, but it must reach a very high figure. The property was mostly insured. Messrs. Wines A Fowler, of this village, we are informed by one of the firm, were not insured. The amount of their ioss was not known at the time of writing this article. (Saturday evening.) The cause of the fire is unknown—but was probably the work of an incendiary.— Elmira Press. HARP TIMES IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS.—A merchant now traveling through Illinois writes to The Tribune from De Kalb, October 24th, as follows: " There is a tolerable crop of wheat this fall, but the corn crop iu Northern Illinois is worse, if possible, tliau the rumor has made it. Money is decidedly a cash article. There are plenty of good, responsible men in the West, who would be glad to mortgage their farms (wefrth SIO,OOO to $15,000 each) for $3,000 or SI,OOO, at 20 and 24 per cent auuuui, and pay the interest in advance." CONVICTION OF VAN ETTEN.— At the U. S. Conrt, in Session at Albany, Mr. Jas. Van Etten, of this County, was convicted and sen tenced to three years imprisonment in the btate Prison, and fined five hundred dollars, for fraud on the Pension Office, the particulars relation with hiiji, as not only our loss, but as disas trous to the best interests of the common schools of the county. Resolved, That we shall ever hold the people of Wysox in kind remembrance tor the hospitable manner in which they have received us among them, for their attention to sucii things as were calculated to promote our comfort while here, and the social privileges they have extended to us, thus making us feel ourselves at home. Resolved. That we tender oar thanks to the'trustees of the New School Presbyterian Church, of Wysox, for the use oi their Church during our exercises. ResoUed. That we tender onr thanks to O. I)- CHASE A Co., of Hartford Conn, for their kindness in presenting a series of their Outline Maps to Mr. COBUBX, for the use of the Institutes of the county. Resolved. That the proceedings of this Institute be published in the countv papers. L. A. BIDGWAY,Secy. [From the Evening Post.] A New Version of an Old fl-ong. n.i.rs+RXNXO THE GROWTH or PUBLIC SENTIMENT. AIR : " John Rrmen had a little Injun." Old John BrOwn, he had a little nigger. Old John Brown, he hud a little nigger, Old John Brown, he had a little nigger, One little nigger boy. (Chorus by several voices.) DISTRICT-ATTORNEY O ILK— One little, tiro little, SECRETARY Ki,ov&- three little nigger, Messrs MASON AND VALLANJHGHAM— Four little, five little, . . * s, --M --MR. BUCHANAN—aix little nigger, GOVERNOR WlSE— Seven little; eight littte, WASHINGTON CONSTITUTION— nine little nigger, NEW YORK HERALD— ten little nigger boy. DEMOCRATIC PRESS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY (in re citative)— Ten thousand little nigger boys all armed with pitchforks eighteen feet long and commanded by firmly thousand abolitionists. (Interval in which tbe elect ion_hr supposed to have passed.) HERALD .AND CON-TITUTION— Ten little, nine little, - eight little nigger. AUTHORITIES OF VIRGINIA— Seven little, six little, five little nigger. AUTHORITIES AT WASHING'N— Four little./threelittle, two little nigger. PEOPLE OF THE COUNTRY (in accents of surprise at the upshot of the whole).—Onr little nigger hoy I ZVlails Close at Towaada P. O. Waverly Through—Daily M Athens Way—Daily..', 12 M | Canton—Triweekly 12 H Eaton- Semi weekly 8 Pit Montrose—Triweekly ............. ..8 PM . Sbeshequin—Tri weekly 8 PM I Wellsburg -Tri weekly 8 1' M : Dushore—lri weekly. 12 M Tunkhannock—Daily...,. , 12 M Troy—Tri weekly :12 M In Waverly. Nov. 2d,by Rev. BW: Gorhawi. of Reran too, Mr. S. G. It IGGS to Miss MATILDA PERKINS, both 1 of Sinithtield. At Warren Centre, on the 30th ult.. bv Rev. D. D. Grav, Mr. HENRY P. CORBIN, and Miss MARY E. LAKE, both of the above place. In Dnrell on Tuesday-evening Nov. Ist, by the Rev. A. Bart . Mr. CHAS. G. KELT.CM, to Miss IRENE 11, : BlSftop. - ilcbi SttJtarUsrmrnts. NOTICE.—Notice u here -Li by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot GEORGE SPALDING, fate of Twscarora township.dee'd. are hereby requested to make payment without delay r and all pevsou-s having claims against said estate will present them duß authenticated for settlement. C. J. LAfEY,-" November S, 1-A I }. Executor. \ DMINISTRATRTX'S NOTlCE^Notice i -aX is hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to the estate ol JOHN MOGRIS, late of Warren twp., dee d r must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate wiM present them dalv au thenticated for settlement, j ANNA MORRIS, j T^emov^YL. "LYSSES MKRCUR bas removed hi V.. Law Office to the Second Story of his new building, ' ou the corner next soetb of the Ward House. nov.J CLOSING UP OF NAVIGATION. BREAK IN THE CANAL! PvACk MEN WANTED to buy Stoves at the MAM"- e/l'vJ MOTH FOFNDRY, one door east of Mereur's Store. \\ e have jtut received.the largest assortment of >TC\ E.S ever brought to this market, both for Coal and Wood Cooking. Parlor ftoaT and Wood Parlor, Dining room Six-plate and Cyltnilered Stoves. Some of the celebrated Empress Cook Stoves, the beat Coal Stove ever manufactured, afl of which will be sold cheaper than at any other establishment in this count ry. | < A large quantity of Tin Ware, Stove Pipe, Elbows, Coal Hods, Coal Shovels and Coal Sifters, always ou hand, and for sale t Wholesale or Retail. All kinds of | castings and machine,work done to order on short, notice, j Particular attention paid to Roofing, Eve Troughs, Con j doctors, ffntters and ifl'l k.ncls of Jobbing done and war ranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Second Hand Cooking Stoves oil-hard, j which will be sold very cheap. Please give ns a call. Towanda Nov. 1. lfr.Yt. JOHN CARMAN. Knival of the Great Eastern ! LATEST INTELLIGENCE:! IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWANDA AND VICINITY! ME. SOLOMON has jnst refnrned from • the East witii the LARGEST, BEET & CHEAP j EST stock of j,j '■ Fall & Winter Clothing, •ver brought to thin market. I can assure my custo mers that I have studied their iuterest as well as my own by bnyirig the bist mide, and of Fash ionahie Clothiug to be found. My stock consists of Pelia sier, Raglan, Sack, etc, Overcoats; Black and Fancy Cassimere Frock and Sack Coats of all styles and quali ties ; Black Doeskin, Fancy Cassimere and Satinette Pant' ; F.ipcy Silk and Cotton Velvet, Cassimere, Satti net and Plnsli Vests, in fact, a great many styles too num erous to mention, also including a large stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS' You will find it to your advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Come one 1 Cone ail! to the Clothiug Store of M. E. SOLOMON, Towanda Nov. 1,1859. No. 2. Patton's Block. N. B.—Just lIBCBtvKD —A large Stock Of Sloe Leather Upper leather, Kipsfcina, Calf Skius, Lming Skius, which will be sold cheaper than elsewhere in this, market- The highest market price in rash, will be paid for all kinks of Grain. Wool, Hides and Sheep Pelts. Remember the pkee, No. 2, Patton's Block, M. E. 8. XTkA CORDS OF BARK WANTED !- i I'Y'V be paid for OAK AND HEMLOUC i BARK, aud HIDES AND SKIVH. at the highest market '•-.t'e oy K - wpt'P- v <. WWk'aM.