Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 27, 1859, Image 2

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    " La, mother !" exclaimed Augusta, who
considered herself a much more finished arti
cle, in every respect ,tha Miss Uobtajn spite
of that young lady's superior advantages ; but
at there was something in the proposal which!
sounded grand, she made no serious opposition
to it.
Mary silently congratulated herself thatshe
was too old to be and then for the
first time it struck her that her improved eir
cnrostances might have some effect upon her
own prosjiects. Jt was a very pleasant idea ;
and she began to indulge little dreams on her
own account of all that money might do. It
need only be said that she kept them carefully
to herself, or that they would scarcely have
harmouiied with Mrs. Simpson's.
Sam was sent to school, and Mr. Simpson,
after one or two further interviews with the
Messrs. Gri miles, went down, by advice of
those gentlemen, and in company with the
junior of the firm, to Bartun Kod ; not, of
course, as yet to take possession, but from a
very natural wish to renew at once his ac
quaintance with the old place of which he was
soon to be the actual master, and to inform the
the old servants, who had been left in charge
of his cousin's death, and his succession. Mr.
John Simpsou had inherited the estate at hi
uncle's death, about five years back, while he
himself was engaged in his duties abroad, and
it had been a matter of surprise that he had
not at once returned to take possession But
old associations are strong ; and he found
Eastern habits had become agreeable to him.
His agents duly remitted Ids rents. He was
enabled, with the income of his consulship, to
live almost regally, and in a politico of some
little importance, where he was, and perhaps
felt rather shy of returning an illiterate man,
with foreigu tastes and ideas, to risk a super
cilious welcome from the Surrey squires. Ho
he put off his coming home from year to year,
until his friends made up their minds lie would
never come at all ; and then the ship that was
to have brought him, brought instead, the news
of his death. The house had never been dis
turbed since the uncle's death ; his old domes
tics were still in possession, and were never in
terfered with, except by an occasional visit for
a day or two from the Messrs. Grindles, who
managed the estate. Whether Mr. John or
Mr. Joseph Simpson arrived at last to take
possession, made therefore as little difference
to any party, except themselves, as could pos
sibly be conceived.
[From the New York Herald.]
Sketch of Cap. John Brown, the Lead
er of the Harper's Ferry Insurrection.
Captain John Brown emigrated to Kansas
from Cen'ral New York in the fall of 1855,
and settled in the township of 0.-sawattotfaie.
He was accompanied by seven sons, the young
est being old euongh to earn his livelihood.—
The birthplace of Brown is not postitively
known to the writer, but report has it that he
was born in Kentucky. Of medium height,
slim, muscular, and possessing an iron constitu
tion, bine eyes, sharp features, and long gray
hair, wearing a full beard.
In December, 1855, during the " Shannon
war," Brown first made his appearance among
the free State men at Lawrence. llis entrance
into the place at once attracted the attention
of the people towards him. He brought a
wagon load of cavalry sabres, and was accom
panied by twelve men, seven of whom were his
own sons. He first exhibited his (pialities ut
the time the free-State and pro slavery parties
under the lead of Governor Robinson on one
side, and Gov. Shannon on the other, met to
make a treaty of peace. After Gov Robinson
had stated to the people who were gathered
around the hotel the termsof the peace, Brown
took the stand, uninvited, and opposed the
terms of the treaty. lit was in favor of ignor
ing all treaties, and such leading men as Rob
inson, Lane, and Lowry, and proceeding at
once against the border rntfian invaders, drive
them from the soil, or hang them if taken.—
General Lowry, who was chairman of the Com
mittee of Safety and also commander of the
free State troops, ordered Brown under arrest.
The latter made no physical resistance, but it
was soon discovered that he was altogether too
combustible a person to retain as a prisoner,
and a compromise was made with him by the
free-State men and lie was released He was
informed by the leaders of party that his
remarks were intended to undo what they were
trying to accomplish by means of the treaty ;
that he was a stranger in Lawrence and Kan
sas, and ought not, by his rash remarks to com
promise the people of Lawrence until he had
known them longer and knew them better.
One of his sons, who was elected to the Leg
islatnre in February, 1856, and was seized and
taken from Ossuwattomie to Lecompton in
chains, a distance of thirty miles. His feet
and hands were chained together with a large
heavy chain,the size of that used npon ox teams
He was compelled to walk'the whole distance
beneath a burning sun. The irons wore the
flesh from his ankles.; he was attacked with
the brain fever, was neglected, and died in
two or three days. He was the companion of
Governor Robinson, Jenkins, (since shot by
L ine,) and some eight or ten others. Another
son of Captain Brown was shot nt Ossavat
tomie by a marauding party from Missouri.—
After flic death of his first son, occasioned i>y
the tortures and fatigue of his forced maach,
Brown swore vengeance upon the pro-slavery
party, and it was fretpiently observed by the
more prudent of the free-State men that lie
was evidently insane on the subject He was
always considered by them a dangerous man,
was never taken into their councils, and never
consulted by thein with reference either to
their policy or movements.
Tue destruction of the free State Hotel and
presses at Lawrence, in May, 1856, incited
iiiin anew to action, and he organized a small
company, composed chiefly of men who had
been robbed, or whose relatives had been mur
dered by the pro-slavery party, and at the head
ol this band, armed with Sharp's rifles, bovvie
knives, and Colt's revolvers, he scoured S >uth
crn Kansas, and the name of " Old Brown "
became a terror to all who opnosed his will in
that region. While lie was thus marauding,
live proslnvery men were taken from their
cabins at Pottawattomie creek, in the night
time, and shot dead. The pro slavery party
charged this deed upon old Brown, while the
free State party asserted that they could prove
him in Lawrence, forty miles distant, when it
happened, and that the horrid deed was per
petrated by" Buford's Georgia Ruffians/' sup
posing that the victims were free State men.
The news of this massacre reached West
port, Missouri, the place of rendezvous of tne
" border ruffians," the same evening that the
Kansas Commission sent out by the United
States House of Representatives arrived at
tfiifct place. The exeitment was intense, and
was induced almost as much,by the appearance
of thU Commission as by tlie trews of the mas
sacre. The " ruffians" swore vengeance upon
the members aud officers of the Commission
declaring tli;it their s>loq& should recompense
for the slaughter at PoljUwattonne creek, aud
but for the intercession of Mr. Oliver, tbeprof
shtvi ry member of the Cominjssion, and others
it was believed that the Commission would
have been attaeked It was at this time that
the notorious 11. Clay I'ate organized a band
of meu in the streets of Westport, Mo., with
the avowed purpose of entering the Territory
and capturing " Old Brown.' ITe raised about
thirty men, and went into the Territory about
twilight one evening, and was surprised at sun
rise the next morning by "Old Brown," who
was in command of nine men, armed as stated
above. Rate sent a flag of truce to Brown,
who advanced some rods in front of his com
pany, and ordered the flag-bearer to remain
with hits, and sent one of his own men to in
form Pute to. come himself. Pate obeyed, when
Brown ordered him to lav down his arms.—
Pate refused to give the order to his men, when
Brown, drawing a revolver, iuturmed him that
he must give the order, or be shot on the spot.
Pate immediately surrendered up himself and
men, aud they were disarmed aud marched in
to a ravine near by. and kept until liberated
and sent back to Missouri, by Colonel Sumner
& few days subsequently, who also ordered
" Oid Brown "to disband and go home. The
latter agreed to do so, if the Colonel would
also agree to protect the settlers in that region
of the Territory. This was the celebrated
" Battle of Black Jack Point," made famous
by the " H. C. P." Kansas correspondent of
the St Louis Rrpublican, who was the heroic
commander of the surrendering party. Captain
Brown was not much heard from again until
the notorious Captain Hamilton made his iu
i euisious into Southern Kansas from Missouri
iu 1858, when he raised another company, and
with Captain Montgomery, drove Hamilton
| and his companions back to Missouri,and iuareh
- iug his men into that State, took possession of
I one of the villages, shot one or two men, and
j liberated several slaves. Tfiecourscof Brown
was repudiated by Governor Robinson, and
i the leaders of the free-State party, in and out
lof Kansas, which caused Brown to publish a
I letter explaining his position, in which lie as-
I sumed the entire responsibility of his acts, and
i relieved the free State men from any share
therein. This letter was called the " Two
Parallels, - ' ou account of the peculiar distinc
tion made by the writer.
Captain Brown was a very strong believer
in the doctrines of the Presbyterian Choreh.—
: He was fauatical ou the subject of anti-slavery
i ani semeed to hare the idea that he wascpeci
i aily deputed by the Almighty so liberate slaves
i and kill slaveholders. It was always coneed
| ed to him that he was a eonscienti >os man,very
modest iu his demeanor, apparently inoffensive
until the subject of slavery was introduced,when
he would exhibit a feeling of Indignation un
paralleled. After matters subsided in Kansas
Brown intimated to sume of his anti-slavery
friends that he contemplated organizing an
insurrection amongst tlie slaves iu Kentucky
anil Tennessee. This fact becoming known to
some of the leading anti-slavery men of the
country, they refused him means with which to
go, and disci uraged his proposed undertaking,
lie spent a portion of tlie lastsummer-in visit
ing different Northern cities, and was tendered
stuns of money, with the understanding that
lie wished to secure a little farm upon which
to settle in his old age. It is supposed that he
employed the money thus obtained to hire the
farm near Harper's Ferry, which he used as a
rendezvous for the insurrectionists.
When Frank Blair was stumping Min
nessotar, at the close of one of his meetings,
the following scene took place : A gentleman
in t'ae audieucc rose and said that it "had been
charged bv the Hunker press that Frank Blair
himself held slaves,'' and if he would not con
sider it an impertinence, the audience would
like to be enlightened. Mr. Blnirreplied that
he was embarrassed to find that the democra
cy would not permit him to " form and regu
late his own domestic institutions in his own
way, subject to the constitution of the United
States."' [Laughter.] But while it was pain
ful to him to be called out upon matters so
entirely personal to biraself there was nothing
in that record which he wished to conceal.—
[Cheers ] He said he inherited slaves from a
kind and merciful father, that he had purchas
ed slaves himself, but only to prevent the sep
aration of families, and ultimately to free them
[Great applause.] That he had emancipated
more slaves than he now owned—[cheersj
and that he now only owned such as he was
forbidden to emancipate by the laws of Mis
souri, they being either too old or too young
to take care of themselves. [Here the audi
ence gave three hearty cheers.] He said that
for four long years he had fought the slave
power upon its own ground, carrying his life
upon his sleeve for any ruffian to pluck off ;
that all his powers were consecrated to the
emancipation of his native South from the
chains of degratiou that bore her down, and
tlmt he expected to live to sec Missouri free
soil, the peaceful and prosperous abode of free
J. 11. Giddiuga publishes a card defend
| iug himself from Brown's insinuation, implied
by his refusal to answer questions in couversa
I tion with Senator MASON and others, as to
whether he had been consulted about the Vir
ginia expedition. He pronounces this attempt
to assail him as dishonorable, am] denies huv-
iug been consulted.
I who gave bis name as YVILI.IAM HARRISON, was
1 arrested an Carlisle, Saturday, Oct. 2d, on a
j charge of being implicated in the recent dis
turbance at Harpe'r's Ferry. He was first sup
posed to be Capt. COOK, as he answered to the
description given of the man seen at Chambers
burg, Thursday, talking with Mrs. COOK.—
When arrested he made a violent resistance
but was overpowered. Three revolvers and
two bowie knives were found on him. He was
partially examined Saturday, and was then re
committed for a farther hearing on Monday,
when be will probably be brought before the
Court on a h thns corpi is to determine whether
I he shall be discharged or retained in enstodv.
SS-sY" William Nevins, aged eighteen years,
son of Thomas Xevins of Geneva, met with a
horrible death at Pine Valley, Chemung Co.,
cu the 2"th inst. lie had, unknown to his
parents, started 011 a trip via canal to Corning.
When the boat had entered a lock at Pine
Valley, Xevins undertook to leap ashore, but
jumping short fed between the boat and the
wall of the ioek. The boat swaying against
the wall at the moment, the poor lad was in
st&ntly crushed to death. His mangled body
was extricated and sent home by steamboat.
Thursday Morning, October 27, 1859.
TERMS — One Dollar per annum, invariably in advanced-
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JOE-WORE — Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
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Blanks, Hand-bills, Ball tickets, 4'c.
The '"nsorrection at Harper's Ferry, ot which
1 an account may he found iu another column,
proves to be the mad scheme of a crazy man—
JOHN BROWS, of Kansas notoriety. This
man, frenzied by wrongs heaped upon him by
the Border Ruffians, seems to have formed
the impracticable and fool-hardy plan of ear
' rying the "war into Africa," and in return for
I the injuries billeted by the slave-holders in
; Kansas, raised up the standard of revolt in
Virginia, trusting that the slave population
would flock to his support. In this silly plot,
he was wofully mistaken, either from the want
of disposition in the colored population, or for
want of understanding. They failed to co op
erate, and BROWX, with li is gang of despera
does, were quickly quieted by the strong arm
of military power.
Fof this foolish and wicked scheme of a
crazy and impracticable man, a portion of the
press is trying to make the Republican party
responsible. The same unscrupulous parti
sans who so pertinaciously insist that the Re
publican party, is an organization of "Aboli
tionists," is attempting to cast the odium of
this exploded plot upon the party of Freedom.
With sensible men such a course will uot be
effectual, but there is a clcss of conservatives,
who tremble in their shoes, at the earnest dis
t (Mission of any question, who may be frighten
ed by their natural timidity into believing that
Slavery should have full sway, with entire lib
erty to consummate all her schemes of aggran
Font U.N NEWS. —The steamship A uglu-&a.n
--01 1, at Quebec, brings trans-Atlantic advices
to Oct. 12. Among other interesting news
thus received, we learn that the Zurich Con
ference had not resulted in that immediate
treaty of peace which previous indications had
led us to expect. Serious misunderstandings
had arisen between the Envoys That of
Austria was understood to have made demands
which were wholly inadmissible. At Paris
the rumor ran that the French Emperor was
disgusted with the tergiversation of the Court
of Vienna, and was once more iucliue'd to
straiten his alliance with England. In regard
to the Italian question, the only fact of impor
tance was embraced in a speech delivered by
NAPOLEON llf, in response to an address from
the citizens of Bordeaux. The Emperor pro
nounced decidedly in favor of a continuance of
temporal authority iu the hands of the Pope ;
while he deplored the course events were likely
to take upon the withdrawal of the French
troops from Rome. The significance of his
remarks was not to be misapprehended. He
pointed clearly to the conclusion, that, if tem
poral authority remained to the Holy See, it
must remain through its hold upon the affec
tions and respect of its temporal subjects, and
no longer through the armed intervention of a
foreign Power.
The Chinese question continued to occupy
public attention in England. It was stated
and currently believed that 9erious dissensions
had occurred in the Cabiuet in regard to it.
The Great Eastern had completed her trial
trip from Portland to Holyhead. Leaviug ou
the Bth instant, the trip had aceupied her
until the 10th, through 48 hours ; the maxi
mum of speed being a trifle less tban IT miles
an hour ; the average about 15 miles. The
vessel yielded in some degree to the effects of
a heavy sea, and a serious ground-swell, but
to no material extent in comparison with small
er craft exposed to the same influences. The
result was regarded as satisfactory. It was
stated, however, that under the directions of
the Board of Trade, the great ship would
have to visit Southampton, in order to have
her boilers thoroughly overhauled. Doubts
were cast upon her departure from England
this Winter.
The Elmira Daily Press of the 13th
says :—Yesterday morning about 3 o'clock,
when the New York Express was about thirty
miles from Dunkirk, an accident occurred, by
which the locomotive, tender and baggagecar
were all thrown off the track. The engineer
and lirenian wero severely scalded, we learn,
hut no other persons were injured on the train.
The locomotive and tender were badly wreck
ek. The passenger cars remained upon the
track and were uninjured. The train was de
taiued by the accident about three hours.
BtaT Seven lives were lost on Friday by the
explosion of the Dupout Powder Mills, at
Wilmington, Delaware. While the workmen
were engaged iu loading a wagon with powder
dust, the press-room, near which they were at
work, blew up. The glazing mill, and two
rolling mills followed in immediate succession.
Two of those killed were thrown into the
Brandvwine, and one into a tree close by.-
Nothing could be found of the other four.
JUtos from all iiatfons.
—The flappers have refused Horace Greeley/
an opportunity to reply In their magazine to Douglaa'S
article on popular sovereignty publi.-bed the rein.
—According to an official rctorn of the Aus
trian Government just published, the total lon of the ai'-,
my in,ltaly, In killed .wounded and piisoners, was 14G1 of
ficers and 40,500 men.
—The Directors of the Erie Railroad have
elected Samuel Marsh, President, and Daniel Drew, Vice-
President of the Company. .
John Arnot of Elmira has been re-elected a Director.
—Flora Temple has just beaten herself, by
trotting one mile—and that the third one, in 2:21 1-2
This is the fastest time on record.
—The " Elmira Pet," the Queen of the
Turf at Elmira, made at the Lycoming County Fair, four
miles in II minutes and 2'J seconds.
—Thursday, November 24th, is the day of
thanksgiving designated in the States of Pennsylvania,
New Hampshire, and New York.
A clergyman in Erie County, Pa, re
cently married a young man who was under age, of which
fact the minister was ignorant. Afterward* the father
of the young man compelled his Reverence to pay s.!">,
on pain of prosecution.
—The Senate of Massachusetts have adopt
tcd the resolution grantingpermission for the erection of
a statue of Horace Mann in the State House-grounds.
Lady Franklin has spent all her fortune
in Arctic researches. She is in the South of France, in
ill health.
—The Albany Argus believes iu total de
pravity. It savs, •' The young men arc naturally demo'
—The Leavenworth Ikrnld tells us of six
pas.-engers arriving by the express, bringiug with tbini
$40,000 iu dust (mm Pike's Peak. Gold hunters are
making from S3O to $42 dollars per week.
—lt is feared the Mexican guerrillas intend
r to burn the town of Brownsville. Their olijeet in inva.
' ding Texas Is plunder. There are no military stations kept
) up along the route of their march, and there will tie no
| security to life or property, if they are opposed by the
j few remaining iu tbe vicinity of their depredations,
—The Rev. Samuel Willard IV I), the
t blind preacher, died at Deertleld, Mass., on the ffth inst.,
| aged 83 years. He had been blind for 4(1 years.
Kossuth regrets the Yillafruuca arrange
ment. In a letter to the London Times he states his be
lief that a short delay would have secured the freedom of
| Hungary.
From a spicy letter, written to the New
Vork Times Ly Mr. Burthtt. (Ova-do'* i'atbcr-iu-latv,)
we leuru that Mr. 11., was the editor iu Sail Francis
—A man named Vaughn murdered uuoth
er last week in Pulaski, 111., was taken to jail by the au
thorities, and taken out by the people and hung.
—The triennial parade of the New York
Fire Department an Monday, was a splendid affair, and
the turn out, notwithstanding the threatening weather,
the largest ev>-r witnessed before of a similar kind. The
procession embraced 109 companies, including* few from
other places, and .j? bands of music.
—The Atlantic Monthly has passed into the
bands of Ticknor A Fields.
—The London Times, of the 14th, savs,
" forty total wrecks have been posted during the lu.-t
week on the books at Lloyd's.''
—The eminent nonconformist preacher, J.
.Vngt-11 James, (lied at Birmingham on the Ist.
—The Queen of England has received a
petition, signed by 4fio clergymen of the Established
Church, praying for permission to revise the Liturgy.
—On iht that Thomas Francis Meagher has
accepted the post of ageut, from the hands of President
Mora, who has sent him to Costa Itica.
—One day last week Mr. William W. No
ble of Elmira, called at the Bruinard House,in that place,
and procured a glass of brandy, which he drank and
then took a seat upon a settee near by. He was taken
almost immediately with a lit, and expired in a few min
utes in much agony. Sore afflictions of asthma and con
sumption had left him long since a ghostly wreck, and
to this Is assigned the cause of his sudden death.
—The New York Observer says : " Terry
the murderer of Broderiek, is the man whose anti-Sun
day law decision was hailed with so much satisfaction a
few years ago by the enemies of tbe Sabbath."
Elmira was visited by a fire one night
last week, which broke out in the grocery store of B.
Baker, and communicated to a small building adjoining,
quickly destroying them both.
—The Elmira Press learns that Dana Fox,
jr , son of Rev. Dana Fox of Elmira. was murdered a few
days since in Kansas, while alone in his own house.
—Mexico is still distracted with internal
troubles. Murder is rampant. A conspiracy against the
Miramon government lias- been discovered. The Libcr
erals seem to have every opportunity to possess them
selves of the Ciiy of Mexico, but they are divided among
themselves and appear to, hare no definite objecfin view.
—The steamer Atlantic left New York
Thursday, for Oregon, with a reinforcement for General
—At Nicolaefsk, on the Armoor River, the
Russian Government has erected a foundry and machine
shop. The works, which cost over $300,000, are from
Philadelphia, and all the principal positions in the works
are tilled by a party of Americans. A small steamer has
been launched at Nicolaefsk, by a party of Americans,
who have the sole privielge of navigating the river.
—The British Minister at Washington ex
pects important documents from his Government by tbe
next steamer. Immediately on receipt thereof an express
will be despatched to Oregon and California. Gen. Scott
it said has left for San Juan.
—The yellow fever is increasing at Galves
ton and Houston.
—Fears are entertained that the Indians
have been doing inischier between Santa Fe and Indepen
dence, as the mail due at the latter point had not arrived
on the 20th.
—The Western Tract Association met at
Chicago on Thursday. A resolution empowering a com
mittee to procure and distrihnte anti Slavery tracts, was
adopted—but as an introduction to this, the preceding
resolution reads somewhat after this fashion : " In view
of the lamentable affair at Harper's Ferry, lie it resolved
that this Convention desire the abolition of Slavery by
peaceful means only."
—At Leavenworth, K. T., on the 20th,
property to the amount of $120,000 was destroyed by
fire. Loss partially covered with insurance.
—The cotton crop of Alabama and Tennes
see is said to be in fine condition. A much greater
amount ofc laud is under cultivation this year than last,
and the crop will be a large one. The rice yield will lie
enormous. One planter on the Savannah expects 40,000
bushels from 890 acres -55 bushels to the acre.
—Thirty-four years ago an indicted mur
derer escaped from the Cumberland Md. jail. Thinking
the memory of hia crime ethioed, he visited the. town
week before last, was recognized, arrested and commit
ted to jail.
—No less than one hundred different patents
for crinoline and steel hoops have been registered since
tliif fashion came into favor, in France alone.
—Table Rock, once so conspicuous at Nia
gara Falls, has quite disappeared, and the face of Goat
Island has also much retreated.
SHII 'MBNTS lof Coal by the Bart-la* Jiuil
Road and Coal Com|any :
Previous Shipments
For week ending October 22 1,210
Amount for the geason 25,262 tons.
MB. GOODRICH — Dear Sir : The accompanying reso
lutions were adopted at the Teachers' institute held at
Burlington, but, through an oversight, were not handed
to the Secretary in time to be inserted with the proceed
ings as published in last week's Repot ter. Will you
please publish ami oblige, Yours Respectfully
GEO. P. CASH, Chairman Committee.
Towanda, October 24,1K58.
Resolved, That whatever fears we may have entertain
ed concerning the waning of the Interest in Teachers' In
stitutes, they have tieen entirely dissipated by the aide
manner in which the present one has been conducted by
our able Superintendent, and the renewed and ever in
creasing interest taken in its sessions by the Teachers.
Resolved, That, we, as Teachers, wiif devote more at
tention to the subject of Reading.
Resolved, That our thnnks are due, and therefore are
hereby tendered to those who have instructed lis by their
Essays or Declamations, and to Messrs. PHELPS ana DEAN
for their able and appropriate lectures.
Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Trustees
gf this church for the use of their house ; to Miss MAHV
WILLIAMS, for the use of her Melndeon ; to the choir for
cheering us with their sweet music, and to the citizens of
Burlington lor their kindness to us duriugour stay among
Rtsolred. That we present our thanks to the officers of
the Institute for the faithful maimer in whieb they have
discharged their duties.
Tlie' Pennsylvania School Journal for
October has been received and is creditable number.—
Every schoolteacher in the county—every school director
and every friend of education—ought to take it. Ad
dress T. H. BL KROWS, Lancaster Pa. $1 a year in advance.
Got'F.Y'a LADY'S BOOK for November has AL
ready been icceived, and is a most capital number, With
three line steel engravings, a cloak fashion plate, and 21
pages of emlielishißents. Tlie reading matter is also of a
superior kind, and altogether this number has not been
surpassed by any preceding one, which is the highest
praise wc can bestow upon it.
gotten that" about these days'' people .ire looking to
know the precise day upon which their Thanksgiving
dinner shall be eaten. The following proclamation is
seasonable :
A Ciltzenx s —The blessings
vouchsafed by a kind Providence through the pa-t year, 1
d mand our grateful recognition, and again cafl lor the
sac rifice of tnanksgi\ ing and praise. I nder the protec
tion ot a government tlut secures to all equal rights, we
have pursued, unmolested, the Various evocations of life
with more than usual prosperity. Tlie earth under the
labors of the husbandman, has yielded tier increase. and
>air barns and store houses are crowded with the fruits of
the harvest. We have not only been preserved from tlie
ravages of the pestilence, but 'tie past has been a year
distinguished tor hen!th in tair large cities and through
out a!! our rural districts. Our country has! enpre-erv
ed in poaite. Onr homes have been the abodes of trail
quiiity. and ble-siug innumerable have clustered around
our domestic hearths. Our v. rinus schools and tcniqia
ries of learning are diffusing throughout onr community
a higher inLlligeiice. and imparting to our youth nolle
aspirations. The institutions of our holy religion are
well sustained : and under its pure and genial influence
the spirit of unity and love, tlie earnest of yr{ better
day.-, is most happily developed. TO GDI), TH E GREAT
AND THE GOOD, we are indebted for all, uuc. to bun
let praise be rendered.
\Vitli tiiese sentiments, and with accordance with the
known wishes ot many of my fellow citizens, i. WIL
I.T \M P. PACKER,■Governor ot the Gommbnwealth of hereby appoint Thar*dun. the Tventy-
J'oui tli day of .XovcmJier next, as a day of General thank
giving and Praise tp Almighty God and re* onimci dto
all our people to lay a-ide. on that day, their customary
world y business—asfcenibie in their respective places of
worship, and unite in praising God. tor His excellent
greatness and loving kindness towar t us by seeking
His gracious forgiveness, and the continuance ohhis good
Given under my Hand and the Great SVa! nf tlie Plate, at
Harrislmru. this fourteenth day of October, in the year
of our Lord, one thousand ciirbt hundred and fitty-iiine
and of the Commonwealth the eighty fourth.
By the Governor, WM. P. PACKER.
WM. M. HEISTKR. Secritary Commontocallh.
new church at Liberty Corners, will
be ddieated to the worship of Almighty God, on Wed
nesday next, .November 'ld. The ceremonies will com
mence at 10}, A. M.
GREAT FIRE AT BATH. Between two and
three o'clock Saturday morning, a fire broke out iu the
"Crooks House," Bath. Steuben County. The Hotel was
entirely cou-umed, together with the Court House ad
joining. Beekman's s>h and blind factory was damaged
two or three hundred dollars.
The loss on the Crooks Honse was about SIO,OOO : in
sured tor $.*,000. There is an insurance of $5,000 on tire
Court House. Two men M ere injured by failing from a
building. The fire is supposed to be the work of an in
BENEDICT has replenished his stock of Cl' th
rug, Hats, Caps, 4'c , with a large stock, bought iu New
York, at the lowest cash prices ; to the style and price
of which lie invites public attention.
The Harper's Ferry Plot.
Telegraphic dispatches were received at
New York ou Monday the 17th inst an
nouncing that an insurrection had broken out
at Harper's Ferry, among the slaves—that aid
ed by *' the Abolitionists," they had taken
possession of the United States Armorv, cut
the telegraph-wires, and stopped the trains on
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The Ex
press trains coming east were fired into, and
two hands killed—one of them a negro. Exag
gerated reports wrre soon in circulation repre
senting the plans of insurrection to be widely
spread, and the slaves were extensively in
motion through the neighboring parts of Vir
ginia and Maryland. The number of the in
sm gents was vaguely stated at from 200 to
700 blacks and whites, led by a man named
Anderson. Troops were immediately directed
from Washington, Baltimore and Monroe to
the scene of action. The rioters, after coin
mitting numerous assaults and depredations,
barricaded themselves iu the engine house,with
in the Armory enclosure.
Shortly after seven o'clock, Lieut. J. E. B.
Stuart, of the First Cavalry, who was acting
as aid for Col. Lee, advanced to parley with
the besieged, Samuel Strider, Esq., an old and
respectable citizen, bearing a flag of truce.—
They were received at the door by Capt. Cook.
Lieut. Stuart demanded an unconditional sur
render, only promising them protection from
immediate violence and trial by law, Captaiu
Brown refused all terms, lint those previously
demanded, which were, substantially, that they
should be permitted to march out with their
rneu and arms takiug their prisoucis with theui
that they should proceed uupuisuec' to the se
cond toll-gate, when they would tree their
prisoners. Ihe soldiers would then be per
mitted to pursue them, and they would fight
if they could not escape.
Of course this was retused. and Lieutenant
Stuart pressed upon Brown his desperate posi
tion, and urged a surrender. The expostula
tion, though beyond ear-shot, was evidently
very earnest, and the coolness of the Lieuten
ant, and the courage of his aged tiag-beaier,
won warm praise.
At litis moment the interest of the scene WHS
most intense. Tito volunteers were arranged
all around the building, cutting oil" eseupe in
every direction. The marines, divided iu two
squads, were ready fur a dash at the door-..
Finally Lieutenant Stuart. having e.xliaiis!..] 1
all armament * tli the determined Caj.tai-
Brown walked slowly from the door. I llJrjJe ' 1
diately tbel for attack was iriven, ai.r] 1
the marinesj,|head'd by Colonel Harris an.J 1
Lien tenant recti, advanced in two line, |
eack Side of the door. Two powerful follow
j sprung between the lines,and with heavy >!( (] , e 3
hammers, to bather down tjie doer- 1
The doors swung and swayed, but appeared t 1
be secured wiih a *rpe, tlie Hj/riug of whieb
deitdened the effect of tile blow.
Failing thus to obtain a breach, the marines
were ordered to fall back, and twenty of them
then took hold of a ladder, some forty f m 1
long and udvancing at a run, brought it with 1
' tremendous eflVct against the door. At the
j second blow, otie leaf falling inwards in slant
ing position, the marines immediately advance , ]
to the breach, Major Russell And Lieut Green |
j leading. A murine in the front fell and th
firing from the interior was rapid aei
■ sharp. They fired with deliberate ann, an;
for a moment, the resfstance was serious anq 1
; defperate enough to excite the spectator- t , I
something like a pitch of phrtusy. The next 1
; moment the marines poured in, ttie tiring cm j
j ed and the work was dooe, whilst cheers
from every side, the general feeling beiug that |
the marines had done their part admirably. J
Wheu the insurgents were brought out, sorrj: 3
dead and others wounded, they were gieetti
with execrations, and only the precautions that |
I had been taken saved them from immediate ex |
, ecutiou. The crowd, nearly every man of |
which carried u gun, swayed with tumultuou- 1
, excitement, and cries ot " shoot lliern !" "sho .
them !" raug from every side.
The appearance of the liberated prisoner-, |
all of whom through the steadiness of tl<- I
marines escaped injury, changed the current of '
feeling, and prolonged cheers took the place of ]
, howls and execrations
In the assault, Private Kuffert, of the
marines, received a ball iu the stomach, in , 1
was believed to lie fatally wounded. Anolht.
I received a slight flesh wound.
The lawn in front of the engine house, after
; the assault, presented a dreadful sight. Lying
i on it were two bodies of men, killed the pr
, vious day, and found inside of the house, am] j
I three wounded men are just at the last gai
i of life, and the two others groaning in agon;,
i One of the dead was Brow n's sou Oteway
, the wounded man, his son Watson, whilst ti
father himself lay upon the grass a gory spe.-
tacle, his face and hair clotted with blood, and
a severe bayouet wound in his side.
1 IIAHPSR'.-? FERRY, Oct. 19.—The prisoners
1 have been committed to Charleston jail to
await the notion of the grand jorv, when they indicted and tried in a few days.
The arrangement about the jurisdiction ha
been settled in this war : The local anthoriti
are to try the prisoners for murder, and in v.
meantime the United States authorities vj.
prored on the charge of treason. Goven
Wise said to Mr. Ould, the United States
District Attorney, that lie hud nooftjectio:, t
the General Government proceeding agai:;-"
the prisoners, that is, what will be left of th :u
liy the time the Virginia authorities have dor:.
with them.
Brown is better to day and has made a full":
'■ statement of his operations. He says that h
| rented the farm from Dr. Kennedy six months
'since, and the rent is paid an'il next Mir h
I He never had over twenty-two men at the
farm at any one. time that belonged to the r>r
: ganixAtion, hut that he had good reason to ex
: pectTetnftrrcemefrts from Maryland, Kentuekv,
1 North and South Carolina, and tiic Canada
' He had provided anns sufficient for tiftee:.
'hundred men, including two hundred revolver*.
1 two hundred Sharpe's rifles, and a thousand
1 '--pears, all of which were left at the farm.—
He also had an abundance of powder nr:
fixed ammunition. AH the arms were fr i.
time to time brought from Connecticut am
' other eastern points to Chambersburg, Pa ,
and were directed to./ Smith & Sons, Kenne
'dy Farm, his assumed name. Tbey were
packed in double boxes so as to deceive the
' parties who handled them on their way to the
farm. He says that he made one mistake in
either not detaining the train on Sunday night
! or else permitting it to go on unmolested.
This mistake he seemed to infer exposed his
doings too soon, and prevented his reinforce
merits coming.
'Die names "of all his party at the Ferry, o;i
Sunday night, except three white men, whom
he admits that lie sent away ou an en and, are
as follows, with their proper titles under the
Provisional Government :
Gen. John Brown, commander-in-chief —
wounded, but will recover.
Capt. Oliver Brown—dead.
Capt. Watson Brown—dead.
Capt. John Kagi, of Ohio, raised in Virgin
ia— dead.
Capt. Aaron C. Stevens, of Connecticut
wonnded badly j has throe balls in his body,
and cannot possibly recover.
Lieut. Edward Coppec, of lowa—unhurt.
Lieut. Albert Hazlett, of Pennsylvania
Lieat. Jeremiah Anderson,of Indiana—deal.
Lieut. W. Lcman, of Maine—dead.
Capt. John E. Cook, of Connecticut—es
Privates, Steward Taylor, of Canada—doa
Charles P. Todd, of Maine—dead ; William
Thompson, of New York—dead ; D. Thomp
son, of New York—dead.
The above, with the three whites previous
ly sent oft", make iu all seventeen whites.
Negroes—Dangerfield Newly, of Ohio, rais
ed in Virginia—dead. Emperor of New York,
raised South Carolina—not wounded—a pris
oner. The latter wns elected a member of
Congress of the Provisional Government some
time since. Lewis Leary, of Ohio, raised in
Virginia—dead. Copeland ot Ohio, raised iu
Virginia—not wounded—a prisoner at Charles
Ucu. Brown has nine wounds, but none fa
A bushel of letters were discovered from
all parts of the country. One from Gerrit
Smith informs Brown of money being deposi
ted in a bank in New York to the credit of J
Smith A* Sons, and appears to be one of many
informing him from time to time as money was
KANSAS POTITICS.— The Republican Stale
Convention met at Topekn, Oct 12th, and
nominated a full ticket, headed by CHAKIKS T.
ROBIN sox for Governor, J. F. ROOT for Lieut.
Governor, and B. F. CON WAY B>r Coagres- --
The proceedings of the Convention were har
Mr. ROBINSON, who is also the Governor elect
under the Topeka Constitution, wasuotuiiwL •
on the first ballot.