ilrtu atfocvnscmntts. TIIK f |M1 E history of tlw grape is almost aw old as that of man J growing in it- highest perfection in .Syria and Per sia, its lu' ious fruit anil the unrivalled 1 average which its fenuciili-d juice affords, recommended it to the especial tare of the Patriiuchal tillers of the soil ; and vineyards were planted, long before orchards or col lections of other Iruit lrees were at all common. The gi apes of tlie old world are all varieties of the wine grape, Which, though so long and universally cultivated and naturalized in all the Middle and .Southern portions of Europe, is not a native ol that Continent, hut canic originally from I'er.-i.v From the latter country, as the civilization advanced westward, this plant accompanied it fust to Egypt, then to Greece and Sicily,and gyadu ally to Tta!y, Spain, France, and Britain ; to which tab tor country the Romans curried it- about two hundred \ eats alloc Christ. To America the seeds and plants ol the European varieties w ere brought by numerous i'.oii grants and Colonists, within the first filty years alter its settlement. . . The wild grapes of our own co.-.ntry, are quite distinct aperies from the wine grape of Europe, and arc usually stronger in their growth, with longer aud more entire loikige. and in their native state with a peculiar foxy islour.or flavor, and more or less hardness of pulp ; these traits." how • ver. disappear in process of cultivation ; and we have already obtained from the wild type, new varie ties of high tjunitty, and of superior hardiness and pro ductiveness in this, our Northern climate. The nniversa 1 experience 1n all countries, has estab li-hc 1 the fact that dry, warm soil i< the very l>est for tin* vine. All in this latitude may raise the grape suc cessfully by setting the vine i n a favorable exposure to l e sun.* Thatlate \ pieties that 1 -offerfar sale, are all . .it-Tier th. it the Isabella but one, aud that ripens lull as soon as the TsiiEella There is no fruit grown, in my opinion, in thin world, more beautiful, delicious, or use ful than tlie grape. If a man is not too lazy, he may have round liim ail the varieties of grapes iu a high state of cultivation, and his garden adorned with all the beautiful and social productions of this fair world of ours, utid a mind that lias any stir in it at all, by little enquiry aud practice, may learn to cultivate anything that grows. I consider the following variety of grapes the very best to cultivate for out door culture iu our northern climate, out of the vast variety. BURGUNDY. This tv. client hardy grape, is the true Burgundy grape toh idj v.deed lor wine iu France. The fruit is very sic t and i xcellent, and the hardiness of the vine ren ders it one of the best varieties in tlie open air in this iTmi.'te. r.itneh small, compact,(i.e. berries closely set,) Ferries niidle-sized, roundish oval, black, juice sweet, good, ripens about 20th of Sept. Thompson gives more than forty .-ynouynies to this grape. PI![EE SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. CATAWBA. This excellent native grape, was first introduced to notice by Map Aio.rM. of Georgetown. 1). I'., and was found by"him in .Maryland. It probably ba its name I rum tiie Catawlia river, it us one of the most productive iiiitl excellent of our uatix e sorts. There is is no grape in i portions of the United States, so good lor wine or table use. Beantitul bunches, pule red, rich musky ilavor, and very sweet when ripe. PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. CLINTON. Origin uncertain, said to have originated in Western New York, growth vigorous, hardy, and productive, bran-he- compai t. iierries round, rather In-low inedinm raze. black, coveted with a thick bloom, eatable eight or tendavs let-n- f-ut etla. fiosts make them very good. TRICK. TWENTY-FIVE TENTS. CONCORD. This exeiiiiiiig line. Inirdy native grape, was raised ti msiod l y E. W. Bci.i., Concord. .Mass. It i- very !■- '-by, i .-o ous liabit. itnd very productive, bunch rath . colejiac!, ini a -h nib! -red. almost I' ok, covered with I n. \ ,v •.itis in "it hardy than tlie 1 -aliella,and i JM-II I -beat ten divs earlier, Conwequefttly it is very valuable tor a bubo Northern range. PRICK. ONE DOLLAR. DELAWARE. T! i i i-ecis-c nricrin of tliis is not known, we have the filtovving ai e< i nt of it from A. TIIOM.-OV. or Delaware, <- Jt was bfo bt to Di lav are by a German, its ox eollonor atll-to?. attoiition . and an irionii i as to its lii-l-.ry. Jt u,v- hioi.ghl front New Jersey -ome eighteen ' i ta-irtj ye ti 6gt>- having been obtai'ted train tlie gar ! at the North. It is so Well Unowu it is hardly worth while to describe the beautiful bears. L'RICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. EARLY NORTHERN MUSCANDINE. pp i -el. the Ja.-t of S--pt., i-> perfectly harily. 'l'm- i.irictfr is i sc. .Ring from the native white grape IAIM-D by PHIBHW'tN STEVEN-. Shaker \ ill lire, New l-eb nie.n. I 'ld'imliia fVi., X. V. itum-li title ami large, light "id i .'dor. aad very h-iici->iis, very highly spoken of, and MTV hardy ami productive. PUD i. ONE DOLLAR. REBECCA. \ new v-irioty. twini-he four inches long, and two and i !i ilf inches in vigorous in its habits as the Isabella or Catawba ; -it hardy a 1 heaittiy. and being exceedingly beuutitui, as . !1 ... e.\.-client, il ..-t lie regarded as a very great acquisition, it i-'so wr'l adapted to the North. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS. UNION VILLAGE. Thi-- very ntt motive grape originated among the Shak ers at Union Village, Ohio, and was intmdii'-ed hy Mr. I.OMIWOKTU, of Ciin innati. it is uudoulitedfy a seed ling oi 1.-ui>eiia, i- very vigorous in growth, and it* fruit "P., inc .rly i-iiii.ilsllie size of the Black Hamburg. It ripens about tlu- time of Isabella. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. The f .Rowing tender variety of grape vines are nil r.iis. 1 frailer class with one exception, the I'hnsxfln*. I ,avc s.jri-1 eded ndmirsildy in out door culture with the vine, it! . -k Hamburg, Red Muscat, White Syrian, Golden Hambunr Ittshofi. White Frontignan. Black Prince. Dlk. Danikak. Goi ien Chaaaelas, may lie found at my garden well i-ioted. 'I lie Isabella. Catnwha an 1 Clinton. iy the 100 or lOfiO II well rooted, to any that wish to set vineyards at ex .-eedinff low rates. I warrant all true to n.nne, any mis i .he or errors -hall be made good. Ido not want some thing I'nr nothing. A legal thief \$ l\ia most despicable. ' I w sii to adv. rtiso a simple fact only—no puffing in pa pcis is wanted. By my own merit I stand or tall, earth 1\ triliuteils cannot ki-cp uu- up or down. All the above gi.ipi- vines can in- lild at the garden of HARRY MIA*. Mr. Jims A. G A si-UK being equally interested, will teavi l through'mt the county and adjoining counties, and will give tii.-tiucti.'Us auimt . ullnre, Ac., nnd ije able to show drawings of some of tin- new varieties of grapes ; !i an- iu gn at demand and very scarce. Towaiiiia, Pa., ltaJ. IT'AIIM IiAM>S FOIL SALE 2. r > MILES 1 it. in Philadelphia by Railroad in tlie State of New I. cy. S ii am utg the bust for Agricultural purposes, . ga c I loam soil, with a . lay bottom. The land is hirgc tra. t, divided into stua.ll taints, and hundreds truu all parts of the country an- now settling and building. — fhe crops prod in ed ace large and can be seen growing, i'ln- di n. u- is delightful, and secure from tj-iwte. Terms rum :la to i'M por a-re, payaUe within four years by -tab lent'. T.i r i-it the place—b.-sve Vine (street iVh.ul at i'iiiad. lphi lal JUilroad for Hani uontoti.oi udik. ssILJ. Byrnes, by letter, Ilainuioutou l'o.-t Ollice, Atlantic Couiity, New Jersey. See full ad vertisf-mi nt in ahdth.-r . ..lumit. I>EHSONS WISHING TO CHANGE I their Uu-bicss to a lapully in. reusing Country, a New S ItlciiH nt wh.-rc 11<11.111< if, are going. W here tlie . liuiali is mild ami delightful. See advertiscmcnt of the I lam mull ton SeUh-uuHit, iu another column. WOOL ! WOOL !! WOOL !I! |( \Jk( 1{ i I.HS WAXT EH !—The hitfli 1' '' f \ ' est market price in Cash will be paid for WOOL at M.K. SOLOMON'S. EXTRA FAMTT.Y FT.OUR, wholesale and retail, for - P.e at low, st cash prices at .M. E. feOLUilOM'lj. iowauda Ma v1 1 1 jj-j. jlcto SUrtjeirMsmncts. THE FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL GOODS, IS NOW BRING QBE NED AT THE KEYSTONE STORE! Which embraces a FULL &. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF D \l Y G 0 0 D S, CARPETS, OIL CLOT HS , BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS &. CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, I'AINTS, OILS, &.C., 61c., 6LC. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFERED AS USUAL, •25 PER CENT. LESS Than Can be Sold Slsewhere ! Towanda, September 10, 1859. GRE.iT EXCITEMENT AT THE NEW CLOTHING STOKE OF E. S. BENEDICT. "IyOI R attention D respectfully invited to a LARGE I AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHING, which I have ju.-t opened in HO. 3, BKICK ROW, One door south of Joseph Powell's Keystone Store. MY STOCK OF GOODS ts from the best manufactur ing establishments in the City of New York, and of the latest approved styles.-- Having purchased with cash, 1 am enabled to aelfmy goods at prices almost increduouo lv low. My stock consists in every variety'of RE ADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS A CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, GLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Ac. MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. Having secured the services of one of the most skillful Tailors in Northern Pennsylvania. 1 am prepared to man ufacture to order, all kinds of clothing, i will warrant all garments cut at my shop to give perfect satisfaction. E.S. BENEDICT. Towanda, Septeinbar 14, 1959. MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, at BENEDICT'S. \ TEN'S OVERCOATS at i\J BENEDICT'S \ TEN'S DRESS COATS at |> 1 BENEDICTS. A TEN S BUSINESS COATS at jVI BENEDICT'S 7 FARMER'S AND MECHANIC'S CASSI MERE COATS T at BENEDICT'S. ct ATI.NETI E COATS at 0 BENEDICTS. UNION CASSLMEKE COATS at BENEDICTS. UNION CASSIMERE PANTS at BENEDICT'S. BLACK DOE SKIN PANTS at BENEDICT'S^ IDANCY CASSIMERE PANTS at 1 BENEDICT'S. TJKAYER CLOTH COATS AND PANTS at J) BENEDICTS. H ARRIS' CASSIMERE COAT, PANTS AND VEST at BENEDICT'S. TANGLISII STRIPE COATS at Jit BENEDICT'S. I7NGLISH STRIPE PANTS at fICLf BENEDICT'S.^ 1 ENGLISH STRIPE VESTS at Li BENEDICT'S. SILK VELVET VESTS at BENEDICT'S. CEFfTON VELVET VESTS at BENEDICT'S. I)!. UN CASSIMBBB VESTS at 1 BENEDICT'S T EDGEU HATS at 1J BENEDICT'S. SILK HATS at BENEDICT'S. r IN EN SHIRTS at I j BENEDICT'S. WOOLEN WRAPPERS at BENEDICT'S. WOOLEN DRAWERS at BENEDICT'S. CIRAVATS AND SOCKS at BENEDICT'S. \ ND.IN FACT. EVERVTHIN'G FOR GENTLEMEN A to wear, at the NEW CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING STORE of Towaiiiki, September 14,1859. E.S.BENEDICT. CANAL CLAIMS. THE undersigned Commissioners of Canal Claims will meet at the Exchange Hotel in Athens, Bradford County, l'a„ ou Tuesday the 27th day of September, A. D., 18*9, at one o'clock P. M., lor the purpose of pcrform ing the several duties of their appoiutmeut in said Coun ty, under the provisions of the Act of General Assembly approved the 12th day ol April. A.I). 18,7' J. And they will so far as practicable investigate claims iu their order ; commencing at the northern boundary 01 said county.— Of which all parties interested will please take notice. C. H. SEYMOUR. j STEPHEN TORREY,V Commissioners. TIKIS. JOHNSON, ) August 12,1859. FLOUR i FLOUR :-k. T. FOX is n®w receiving a large stock of FLOUR of superior quali ty, which will lie sold chcapor than at any other place in town. June 14. PL AS, LEANS ANI> SEEDS. - Field Peas, Rlsckeyed Peas, Marrow Beans, Button Onions, Oujon S'tts, aud 4 c 1)010(1 avlfCtiuil of (Jurdvll Seeds at j April IS. t'UA'S. DR. PORTRRS OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to tie The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA ! WITH Aii established reputation for keeping the best medicine. UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted hy thoroughly competent persons, who devote tho most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use ouly selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned pu lit v, lias bee,line iras ®agsi asms With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHO LPS ALE AND RETAIL, ALI, ARTICLES WAL'.KA.STKU AS KRCLLESKNTED. By recent arrangement* with the Manufacturers, Irupor ters or First Holdens of Goods and Cash I'urcha sea, the prices will always be at the low est point for Crime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this es/ensirc stock will be sold Cheap for Cosh ! PRICES UKn R c K I) , VIE: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, Pocket Knives and Razors, Lamps and Materials for Liijlit. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE, TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin & Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic, Botanic and Homnnpnlhic Medicines. Spices, Itird Seed, IMIIIJI Shade* and Harden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised for the Cash System. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHEXE ! DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTERS BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any iu the Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Tor Family Use, Known us Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted for what they are intended to give satisfaction, vu : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 27$ cents Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation " 2.7 Dr. Porter's Tonic Elixer '• ">0 " Dr Porter's Worm Syrup " 25 " Dr. l'lfnei s Conip. Syr. llypop'^pspliites.. " 100 " Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic " 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 25 " Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle ladion " 57$ " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 117$ '* Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " Medical Advice given gratuitously at llieoflite Charging only for Medicine. $• Thankful for pa.-t liU-ral patronage would respect fully announce to hi- friends aud the public that no pains sliail be spared to satisfy aud merit tlie continuance of their confidence and patronage, at tlie C.ASI LJJ U I C i STOIIK South End of the Ward House, Jnne2o,ll. C. PORTER. M. D. TEACHER'S INSTITUTES. THE INSTITUTES for this County, for the tall of IHSR, will lie held at the following limes and places: Km-the townships of Konth Creek. Wells, Columbia, Troy, Armenia, ( anton, Li-Roy, Granville, Franklin and Overtoil, in LcRoY, comiueiii ing on Monday, Sept. 12th. For Warren, Windham. Li till tie lil, Orwell and Pike, commencing on Monday. Sept. l'Jth, at the free will Rap tist Church, in W \RISEN. For the Burlingtons, North Towauda, Ulster, Athens. Ridgbury. Smitlilield and Siiringlieltl, commeiu ing on Mondav. Sept. 2(lth, at BURLINGTON BOROUGH. For Wyaliising. Tusearora, Merrick, Wilmot, Asylum and Terry, at MEURYALL, couunenciag on Monday, October 3. For Wyaox, Towanda, town and Borough, Monroet-n and Borough, A Ihauy, Standing Stone, Slicshequin and Rome, at WYSON, commencing on Monday, Oct. 12. The fir-t session of each Institute will commence at 2 o'clock. P. M., ami the last session will be held in the forenoon of Saturday following. Teaehers, and persona intending to liecome teachers, are earnestly solicited to attend during the whole time, and bring with them Sander's Fifth Reader. Rrown'a Grammar. Town's Sprfler, Intellectual and Written Arith metic, and the Shawm and Jubilee, if they have them. It is hoped that directors and friends of Education, will speutl as much time at the several Institutes as pos sible. Teachers from the several townships can attend where it will best suit their convenience. All who see this no tice are requested to extend the information to others. CHARLES R. COBURX. Towanda, Aug. 17.1559. County Superintendent. EXAMINATIONS THE Teachers iu the several townships of Bradford will be examined at the following times and places . Franklin, at school house No. 3, October 19. Granville, at Taylor's school house, Oct. 20. Leßoy. at the Corners school house, Oct. 21. Canton Jt Armenia, at the Village school house, Oet. 22 Troy, at the Borough school house Oct. 21. Columbia, at tlie Morgan Hollow school house, Oet. 25. Wells, at the Beekwith school house, Oct. 2tJ. Bo,nth Creek, at the Gillet school house, Oct. 27. Itidgbery, at the Burnhatii school house, Oct. 2S. Smitlifield, at the Academy, Oct. 29. Springfield, at the Centre school house, Oct. 31. Burlington Borough & Township, nt Boro' school house, November 1. Pike, at the Academy, Nov. 5. Warren, at the Brown Hollow school house, Nov. 8. Litchfield, at the Centre school house, Nov, 10. Ulster, at the Milan sellout house. Nov. 14. Shesheqtiiu, at school house No. a, Nov. 15. Standing Stone, at the Stevens school house, Nov. 16. Towanda Township A lloro', at the Boro' school house, Nov. 18. Monroe, at the Borough school hou-c, Nov. 21. Wilmot, at Ingharns school house, Nov. 24. Tusearora, at Blacks school house, Nov. 25. Wysox, at the Myershurg school house, December 2. Rome, at the Academy, l>fc. 3. Herrick, at the Herriekville school house, Dec. 4. Orwell, at the Orwell Hill school house, Dec. 7. Windham, at the Kykendall school house. Dec. 9. Athens, at the Borough school house, Dec. 11. Asylum, at the Freucntown school house, Dec. 17. Albany A Overton, at Browns school honse, Pec. 22. Terry, at McGnyers school house. Dec. 23. Wyalnsing, at the Merryall school house, Dec. 26. The inspections will commence at precisely 10 o'clock. A. M. No person will lie examined who does not come in before eleven, unless tlie delay was unavoidable. All persons iuteniug to tcaoh in the county during the year, will find it for their interns to attend the examina tions, and bring with them, each, a sheet of foolscap pa per, pens, ink, and a copy of Sanders' Fifth Reader. Private examinations arc forbitlden by the State Super intendent, except in extreme cases, those then-lore who neglect to attend the annual inspections, will find it diffi cult to obtain certificates afterwards. The President of the board of Directors is obliged to testify, under oath, that no person has bceu engaged to tea.jt during the year, who had not, at the time, 4 legal certificate'- Di rectors and all interested in the schools are requested to attend. C. R. CORURN. fowauja St'pt. lbo'j. County buperiuttmdeiu. Empire Store, #torgo. Flease Preserve this as a Bill of Refer ence to Prices. A GREAT CRASH In the Price of Goods has commenced awl must continue during the year of our Lord 1859: EMPIRE STORE ! OP Sl'JpPi OWEGO, N. Y. WILL DISSOLVE rAUTSEItSIIU' liy limitation 111 a short time, consequently no more Goods will be sold by tliem except tor It _A_ D Y I>A. Y . We herewith put forth to the public j LIST OF PRICES, As the most convincing argnment In favor of Paying Cash for Goods, The following prices are From 10 to 30 per cent. Less Than Goods have been sold even foi Cash heretofore. No pains will be spared in purchasing The Best and most Fashionable Goods of the Season. OUR AIM IS 10 PLEASE ! We shall bo constantly receiving NEW GOODS. Beat Merrimae Print. 10 cents per yard. itueheeo, Mamilton and Lowell Prints, lit " " •• Kirhest ipiality of new style DeLaines.. Same " old " " .15 " " " Good style and good fabric 12.4 " " " Itest make of Paper Cambric 10* " " " Second ipiality do H " " " Kxtra heavy 4-4 Brown Sheetings sj " " " Heavy " " " 8 " " " Fair " " " G " " " Fine " " " 44 " " " NEW STYLES OF PLEA. GOODS, at the same reduced rates. Irish I.inrns for 2s. Cd., which others sell for 2s, per yard 3s. •• •• 3s. Gd. " " " 3s. (5d., " " 4. to ss. 4s. " " ss. to Gs. TABLE DIAPER, TOWELING AND NAPKINS, 2i per cent, than elsetrhere. Black Broadcloths for $2, sold elsewhere for $2 to $3. do do $2,50 to $3, do $4. do do $3, do $5. Cassi meres Bs. do 10s. to 12s. Superlilie do. at 20 to 30 per rent, discount. Kentucky Jeans for 25., sold by others for 2s. fid. do do 2s. Cd., do do 3s. ALL OTHER CLOTHS $ CASSI - ut the same discount. Black Silks for 4s. fid., usually sold for fis. " " 6s. do do Bs. " " Bs. do d> lo*. to 12. **■ " 9s. do do 12s. to 14. RICH PLAID SILKS, of all Styles, at greatly reduced prices. Mohairs at 10c. per yard, sold elsewhere for Is. Alupaca* at two-thirds the usual price. Counterpanes at liis., well worth 20s. do 18s., well worth 21s. Table Spreads at 10s., well worth 12s. to 14s. Pure Uubher Circular Coiubs at Is. Second ipiality Circular Combs, Bc. Puff Side Combs, best kind, 5c to 10c. Skirt Heeds, best quality, 3e. " " second " 2c. Shetland Wool. 'Jc. per ounce. Good Hooped Skirts, Bs. An erf nisi re quantity of DRESS TRIM MINGS, at greatly reduced rates. White and colored "Coates" Thread, Is-st quality. 200 yard spools, at 4c ; second ipiality do, at 2c. 100 yd colored Spools, at le. Gold-eyed Needles, best quality, at 4e a paper. 2d quality do at 2c per paper. Knitting Cotton, best quality, 3c. full skeins. Velvet ltibbous at two-thirds their value. A splendid assortment of Brnrha, Cashmere, Silk and Thibet SUA WLS, at greatly reduced prices. Also, a very large assortment of Too loug to itemize. MHLMEBY ©©©IBS At Wholesale and Retail 10 to 20 per cent Cheaper than formerly. BONNET BLOCKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, BLOND EDGINGS, &c. Always on hand in large quantities Lawns and Beragcs in their Season. The best stock of LOOKING GLASSES, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTHS, Ever oflcred in Owcgo. Carpets at 25., usually sold for 3s. do 35., do do 4s. do 45., do do ss. do 55., do do (is. do (is., do do 7s. Rich 3 Ply and Brussels do Particular attention is called to nttr slock of Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Swiss Muslin. Jaconctt, Barred Muslins, Ac., all of which will be sold 15 to 25 per cent below tlie usual price. Ladies' Hosiery, good assortment, selling at 10c, usually sold tor Is. Is, " " Is. Gd. Ticking, Batting, Summer stuffs, Checks, Srlipes, Flannels, J\-c. i\c., 25 to 30 per rent, less than Formerly! A splendid assortment of MOLASSES at 3s. ; Salaratus at tie; per lb ; best TEA in Owego at 45.. sold usually at ss.,by our neighbors. As to SUGARS, come ami see lor yourselves, and save one to two cents per lb. Wc most cordially invite an examina tion of our extensive stock, and ' hope it may please. STONB A CO., Uwego, N, Y, ELECTION PROCLAMA VJ TlOX—Whereas, by an act of assembly of the Commonwealth, entitled "mi act relating to the elections of this common wealth," it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of such election to lie held, and also the enumeration in such notice what, ottu ers are to l>e elect ed, 1, THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, High Sheriff of the County of Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of said county that & general elec tion will be lieldiu sui-i county, on TUESDAY. the 11 tit day of OCTOBBl;, in fhe several districts in said county, to wit: In Albany, at the snh-district school housoncar Camp- IM-II'S mills. In Asylum, at the school house near Simon Decker's. In Athens i-oru', at the house of K. 4, Matliew-on. In Athens twp., at tho house ol' J. B. Hunt, in Alliens In Armenia, at the house oi John S. Becker. In BurliiigMh boro', at the hall of Hem v Voslmrg. In Burliugton twp., at the house at lb*well Luther. In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard- In Canton, nt the house of 4. C. Myers. In Columbia, at the hnuse of James Morgan. In Franklin, at the house of J. M. Martin, now occupied by II M. Southwell. In Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor. In Herrlck. at the school honse near Daniel Durand's. In Litchfield, at the house of Cyrus Blooilgood. lu Leltoy. at the school house in Leßoy. lu Monroe, at tlie honse of H. It. Rockwell. In Monroe boro', at the house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at tlie house of Frances Woodruff. In Overton, at the house of Thivid Waltnian. In I'jku, at the house of Dennis Johnson, lu Home, at the Academy. In the house of Benj. Herman. In Sbeeheqmn, at the Vulley House. In Kmithfield, at the house of .V, J. Geroufd. In Springfield, at the house of Simon Stevens, lu Syivania boro', at the honse of Curtis Merritt. In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gillctt's. In Terry, nt the house of Jacob Frutehey. In Towandaboro'.attlieGrundJuryrooni.inthe Conrt House, in said boro'. In Towutid i the school house,near 11. L.Scott's. In Towanda North, at tlie bouse of S. A. Mills. In Troy, at the Eagle Tavern. In Troy twp., at lire house of V. M. Long, in the boro" of Troy. In 'l'usearora, at the school house near James Black's, in Ulster, at the house ot S. B Ilolcomb. In Warren, at the house Of It. Cooper. In Wells, at the house of L. Seeley. In Wiudham, at the house of Benj. KuykendeH. In Wyalusing, at the house ol S. 11. Black, lu, at the house of A. J. Stone. In Wysox, at the house of James M. Heed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot One person for Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent the ninth Senatorial District, composed ol the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Sullivan, in the State Senate ol l'enii-yl vaiiiu. Two persons to represent the County of Bradford in the House ol Repre-entatives of tlie Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania. One person for District Attorney for the County of Bradford. One person for County Commissioner for the County of Bradford. One person for Treasurer for Treasurer for the County of Bradford. One person for County Auditor for the County of Brad ford. One person for County Surveyor for the County ot Bradford. And in and by said act, lam further directed to give notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace who shall hold any office of profit ami trust under the go vernment of the United States or this State, or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of con gress and of the.State Legislature and tlie select and com mon coun. il of any citv. or commissioners of any incor porated district, i- by law incapable of holding iir exer cising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election ol this Common wealth, and that no inspector or other officer of any such election, shall be then eligblo to any office to lie voted lor. By the 4th section of an act passed the 16th day of April, 1840, it i< provided " that the 13th section of an at passed July 2d. 1830, entitled "An act relating to the elections of this shall not be construed a* to prevent any military officer for serving a* Judge. Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of this Commonwealth. In the Gist, section of the act first above mentioned, it is enacted that every general and special election shall lie opened between S and 10 in the forenoon,and continue without iuterruptou or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall he closed. By the 18th section of the act passed Feb. 3d, 1846, it shall he lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gene ral election which shall lie hearcafter held in the Armenia election district of Bradford County to close the polls of such election district at five o'clock, I*. M. By the 11th section of the act of 18.73, it is provided that the polls of the election district of Tuscarora twp., lie clo.-ed at 5 o'clock. P. M. It is further directed, that the meeting of Judges at the Court House in Towanda, to make out the general return, shall be on the 3d day after the election, which will be on the 1 ttli day of October. It is further directed that the meeting of return Judges for the Senatorial district, shall he held at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda. on the 7th day after the election, which will tie the isfh. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. TowaSTU, Sept. 13, 1859. JOS. KINGSBERY, Wholesale and retail dealer in DRY GOODS; GROCERIES HA HI (WARE. ( R M KERY, BOOTS A SHOES, NAILS, FISH, GI.ABS, SALT, BOOKS A STATIONERY, OILS A PAINTS. II ATS ,V GAPS. IjULL AND WINTER CLOTHING ! place to buy (all and winter CLOTHING, of superior quality and wmkman-hip, i* at J. KINGSHLHY'S. who is now receiving a full supply, also, a largo stock of low priced CLOTHING, together with CLOTHS, CASSI - Ac., at the lowest figures. IXIOKS AND STATIONERY.—IT IS Dliardl vnecessary to mention that JOSEPH KINGS BURY sells ECHO I. A MISCELI.ANF.OUS BOOKS A STATIONERY, at WHOLESALE A RETAIL, on the BEST TERMS that can 1 e obtained by purchasers In this -eel ion of country. triT Schools supplied. Towanda, August '24, lsjfi- tf. PRICE OF SALT REDUCED TO $1 12 .1. PER 15 \I!KEL. The subscriber having fust re. eivetl a cargo of SALT has concluded to red ace the price to $1 12 per barrel, for cash. Au-_oi-t 31,18.79. JOSEPH KINGSBEIIY. Batch eloics hair dye—the best in the world ; the only harmless anil reliable Dye known. Beware of Counterfeits. Also, Lyons' Kathairon, and Barry's Trlcophomns. for lieantilying the hair, for sale by. JOSEPH KINGSBERY. August 31, 1K59. VJWISS SALVE—EVERY FAMILY Oshould have a box of this Salve in their house at all times. For sale by August 31. 18.79. JOSEPH KINGSBERY. JOSEPH KINGSBERY.—HAS JUST *f received some elegant suit- of Clothes, embracing some Coats at prices ranging from $1 .79 up to $29. Towanda. August 31, 1859. rymfc hammonton farmer.- a I newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at on ly 25 cents per anuum. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic Co.. New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest ami mo.-t delightful y given, th:it ;>1! Mr-mis indebted to the es tate ot DEHOR.Of INGHAM, rah- of lAwrytwp. dee d, are hereby reque-ted to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticate* for settlement. UI;!AH TERRY, 1., Ang. I.ISSO. g. LArOBTE, \ Executor*. A DM IN ISTR AToR'S NOTlCE—Notice -OL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of tJwyTfCKfs. O'AMS.fate of I'Utet tifp,de ( hereby rt*, icstod to make payment without delay, aud si! persons in*my (k'mud*ag.diistsaid estate, wilt present them duly autTneiitlcaicd for settlement. LEVI SOULH, August 1, l-.Vi. Ailminislriilnr. \ DM I ATRI \''S NOTICE. Notice J.\. is hereby given. that all persons indebted to the es tate ol J All I.S t .1' A KSI >Nk, late of Canton twp, dee'd., must make i.uuiedwt'- payment, and all persons having demands against said estate will present th'eiu duly an thentieated for setttemeut. HARRIET A. I'A TWIN'S, July 11, Is.", 1. 4 Administratrix. ECETORS NOTlCE—Notice is lien- J by ffiytp that afl persou-i indebted to the estate of .) AM KS If ATTOCRs. Dei 'd. tafe Wftprfh|ffi?fif tp, must make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present Litem duly authenticated for sef'lefnruf. CHARLES MATTOCKS, July 11, 15.v.1. Executor. AD MINI ST K ATOII'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given. that all persons Indebted to the es tate nf NKLKOX JOHNSON', late of Pike twp.. dea d., are hereby rtqeested to make immediate payment stud *ll persons hating claims against said estate will present them dnly authenticated lor settlement. J. it. FLETCHER, Administrator Septemlier 8, KMt. _ ADiM 1 NiSTRATUM'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby frffcii, tliat all persons indebted to the estate of J)ENXIS DRL'MMY. late of Rulgbury, dee'd., are hereby requested (n make payment without delay: and all persons having claims onanist the said eslata will please present them duly authenticated ha' settlement. DENN'fs DBITMMY, |. . . , , C. O. FRENCH, ( Administrators May 5,1859. ADMI \ ISTR ATOE'K NOTlCE.—Notice in hereby given, that all persons indebted to tlie estate of \VII,I.IAM PAIIKY. deceased, late of Athens Boro', are requested to make payment without delay ; and those hating claims apjftnst the said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM H. FRITCHER, I C. AY. CLAVP. f March 22,1889. Administrators. ADMINISTR ATO ICS N OTIC E —Not ice is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the es tate of CHAUNOKY TIKGLKYJatoof Orwell twp.,dee'd., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to W. 1!, PICK ERING, Orwell llill, Rladford County, Fa, W. R. PTCKERTNG, MASON TINGLKY. April 18,18.59. Administrators. pXECUTdfI'S NOTICE - Notic * l3 here- A.J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOSHUA H. ARNOUT, late of .Monroe township,dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARTHA ARNOUT, JAMES AV. 11l VINE, August 2.1. Is-.9. Executors. \ DM TNI ST R A Till X'S NOTICE. Notice ,it is hereby given. that ail persons Indebted to the estate of WILLI AM E.MAYNARD, late of Home dee d., must make immediate payment. and all per-ous having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. NANCY li MAYNAIU), June <1.1829, Administratrix. E EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is hcre- J by given, that all persona indebted to the estate ot THOMAS BALDWIN late of Columbia township, de ceased. are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. j. r. VKEAX. LUCY BALDWIN, Septcin' cr 1">, Is.ih. JCxecutars. "V^" O'I'ICE is hereby piven that an applies -Lx t ion will he made at the next session of the 1-egis laturc of lYiuisyivania for the incorporation of a Hank, to be called (lie " Bradford County Bank with banking privileges of Issue, Hi-count and Deposit : with capital of Two liuiidn-d Thuusaud Dollars, with the right to in | crease the capital .stock to Pour Hundred Thousand Dol lars. and to lie located in the borough of Towauda, in the county of Bradford. Towauda, June 20. 1859. North Branch Canal Company. TsTOTIOE. THE Stockholders of the North Branch Canul Company are hereby notified. I>\a Resolution of the Board ot Managers, an Instalment ol Two and a Half Dollars per share, is required to be paid to the Trea surer or his Assistant, at their office in Wilkesßarre. bv the loth day of September m \t, aud if not paid within thirty day- after that time, the -tuck will be forfeited. GEO Jl. lIoI.LKNBACK, Treasurer, July 21. ls.'B. \V. tl. SI KKI.IM;. A-st. Tca-'r. F K l T 1 T TH K I] S, Shrubs and Vines. TIIE tmdersipued will he prepared the com ing Fall, to supply the public with a well selected and cludee variety 1 I trees,shrubs and vine-. All orders sent or given 1 will attend to tilling and delivering my self, and hope to make satisfactory. Trees that shed the leaf should be transplanted in the fall, evergreens late in the spring. As -nine people think that nursery men should replace all trees that do not live, I would shy. to those buying of me, that I do not agree to do so. but' I will warrant my trees to be in good order when deliv ereil. I will warraut all to live, hut in such a i 1 will have an extra price, and attend to setting out myself. N. B.—The bißowliig Insurance Companies have ap pointed me their Agent, to take rtsksof all classes where local agents a:e not found : The Farmer's Upinn lusiir atwe Co.. and Great Western,nnited,no# ofVlnladelplda, the Kensington of Philadelphia, the ■ tiling County Mutual Insurance Comparfy, of Muuey l'a., Auy thing in this line promptly attended. DANIEL IIARKINP. Toward.', July 25, ISA:). . -;/w \ CORDS OF BARK WANTED!— f M m ' C.isii will be paid for DAK AND HEMLOCK BARK, and HIDES AND SKINS, at the highest, market rate. by_ nngO _ HUMPHREY fc WICKIIAM. A FARM FOR SALE. THE SUUSCRIUEROFKBIId f"r sule a FARM in North Towauda township, iilKuit three miles from the Borough of Tuw anda, and about one half mile from lite road —leadiug from Waverlv to Towauda. This farm coutains about forty-three acres, ol which thiity acres are inqiroved, with a good house and barn and apple or chard thereon. Offering great inducements to purchasers, as the farm will be sold cheap, and terms ot pay meat uindo easy. Inquire of "JOITN HOLMES. Towauda. June 21, ls.Ml. OHOB BUSINESS AND F-ACTORIES LA can lie earned on profitably at llatnmonton. Sec advertisement ol liammonton Iwiids. DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership here tofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm and name ot M< INT A \ Y E.N. is this day, dissolved by mutual consent, the said E. D. A. F. 1). Moutanye having withdrawn. The unsettled business of the said firm will be attended to by J. D. Moutanye. J. D. MONTANYE, K. D. MONTANYE, .1. D. MONTANYE, Jr. June 15.",9. F. D. MoNTANYK. Tlie above co-partnership having been tbis day di-solv ed, the undersigned would repcctfully give u itiee to tho public that tlie same business will be eairk-d on by J. D. Moutanye & Son. J. D. MONT AN YE, J. 1). MONTANYE, Jr. Towanda, June 9, IS"9. OERSONS WISHING TO ESTABLISH I- Manufactories in a new and thriving place where business is good. See advertisement of the Hammontou Settlement. _ _ ARE YOU INSURED? Susquehanna Mutual lusurauru Co., TOW AND \. BR ADFORD COUNTY. FA. f|Dl IS Coiiipany insures ugaiust loss or tlatn- A age by I'ire. Dwelling houses, Furniture Waicliou ses, Stores and Merchandize, Ac., on the mostreasouaUla terms. DIRKcroKS. lIKNUY W. TRACY, I JOSEPH I'D WELL, HON. D. WLL MOT. J. W. F VYSDN. JOHN V CD DIM XG, R.KYI I'.-ST tLFORD, J. D. MONTANYE. IS \ AC MYF.R. TIIDM VS EL I.IOTT, |WII 1.1 \M GRIFFIS, M.I.KN M'KKAN, Wit'Y ti.'ACY 11. M. IRACY. Ficsideut. VI.I.EV M'KKAN. Vice FreMdent ; EDW ARD T. L'f.- I 1.10 l r. Seerr taiv: I.A FORTE, MASON& CO, iieas. Towauda, May |il. 1-Vi/a